Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 23, 1842, Image 3

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    . 1111
the eet i os-:
BUN 44 1 = st
burgh wy,
keep comitititt
Scala On wino** , to
do 'de '
dodo dti I
do rto
levers ER addition of g 3
,cs far the are of War
. me prices as shrive.
..Patent Counter 'Etas's. lath
and a variety of ember
11 eon for from 8 so 814
snanofisaare Stearn Engines
115.gais Works.. 41c,. dad*
hes,foot and other 'alines for
',swim. chairs, planin
ing g
Ines. tralrs patent. horse
machines, a superior „
achioeS for lami ng rain..
nisi' description.. else for
rior ankle; governors for
dies.toffee milli , bedstead •
for making the some, ants*
r repaired; printiug prey pia
•espes repaired. • •
', Agent : ' .
ie. Indiana county, will he
'mighty God. under the in,
jod € , on Sunday. the 3d s
.ry Elev. Doe?. O'Coint•r.V.ts
cation sermon by the Rev.
mmence at '0 o'clock, 4. jr ,
Id to the arrommodatina
•Yo may rr=ire•to wirnera (ha
U ILLIAM satin,
J OFIX irl-800H1,1X,
.tend theftfollowinE nentut
a etonplicatioo of atEtcttotoit
.. Ilramiretit Nita. It
la Nature which have da l
and Brandret le.' Pitts amok
riv aced. Take the medieiw
of Pembroke, Wmahinalon .
,ro, says, that he was taken e"
ifs since. The pains in his
Ind :nsten hein_ so had that
."41. and was taken into the
vof 1-lo, , toti. That after bei
rr g. Doctor 0 , k4 said he did
• motet with "hint, and that
nor could he pres.critia . -aat
ef. , re, wan conveyed from the •
retreat ors Staten Islant
token witli all sorts of tnediciat
rit hs, suffering all the time the
• ._ That. hesid, his aflealloa
ed much whit a disease of the
=oil a quart of phlam inibe
had a had Diarrhea*. weld(
ea I in! from the cotontearetnent
at lours dreaded a stool w
11 , :rderi 11 , ...,11.. that het= Collrl ,
.1 - knives ansaking'
r than &Mb at •
s -Oes. Tflard.lhe d0c101'. 1 014114
1,0 to ilitn .hat zurCA
Oc - vradcpaireringibP 'hate*
I re so tender tie couldnat heta•_,
dhow or lipon the knee, that
that a, tip Doctor said he
'nine be determined ro pristine
Pule. which he did, (rutin
hat.lie commenced withfive
the 1105 e to eight. The fire
nefned him.-- that the doctor,
lIS Sn id ; .now. Shaw. yet
imvrove in this way, yes
t re f.Aird every do.e °fib* ;
first they corm] him of the "
next cored the dial chant, sail
to hone.;—That the medicine •.
biro every day. He told the
trwtant. that he felt himself
d hi. recovery In Brandreike
,at lie had taken the mediate
I' .1 the doctor told him libelist
tr , _ that medicine. he should ad
the hon=e. He considers h
~ r statement for the benefit of
l they may know where le fi
them. JOB.
pin ? . by me duly caltarn fhb
4.4 riepo. , e and iiair ilia t the fa' .
J WIIEELER.Commi. , •
- DS ETA PILLS are cold at
I nffi , e. 241. BROAD rrAr.
n yl Wire. 50.93 Wood wed
.-!CE in Piitsburgh where the
; ()PER TY —Will ' , ie exclratiaei
t ,in 30 miles of Pittabnrah,a
in the 51h Ward. cornering
in the A Ilezheny river. *V'
I.e troll a frame house atta •-,
• t nre-zent as a tiavernaml boar
1 3200 per wand*: entirely f
,nd title nnexceivisanahle.
. 1..
4- M. DollenTr inform their
: Ir that they have eamotesisti
Ihf 1 they have now ready
4. I-therty street. Wi r e" 141
.!ment of the very hest Hats,
490 KP or on the dumped awl
,r etork consist of the VC'
Neel ria. CaStera.attoit
U. Han..
.Prey are hoth regular bred
r,..ive experience as Jeanie
- in the country; tneir Hats so
" in,Tectioo, and they toot
or the very hest articles
• wilt he offerrd for mte.
- _
oftrie late Rev, Ckarlar.1 60 "
at of Dtekineon Colieger_ k al r •
12mo. with a han. - sogoe
•-• Buchanan, D. D.. 810
fr..;'m the 9trt
.41. HONEY from Nerritoe.'..
•servai Pone on the nature , "
• •At iniroGured to public aid°
I , A. M.. Loudon ed• S. °
A. M.
Lls— or the Individual °hitt
saws from death; an Vol
‘meriran. from the stint 1.01,""
re bereavements in a mi
EY.ifor/R—or the Good
Miss Catherine
[LE YOU LiFE—tonta llON
„. Race. Life a Conelet. lolll
for eternit v, by tne Rev. T:
LorE--er the duty ol
!tate conversion of the intrit •
AffEl EFFladler di r
If coward makow.rfesula utim
-Za edition 18 ma
I afluenee„ Dancers an*
diel--hy John Todd. 18,01
and duty of being spltititlin
tcally improved, by JA O 4 : 10 ,
op THE 0R5.12 RSO
century In Geratatty. 8
D'Aublane, Presided I" '7v
era. 1t... in 3 12 •
London edition.
V VIOL 1it0r.6400,-
.thelarg - the liiA , rk
OM 'Moue
, 1 „ 1 . 1
' mat-
MBER 23, 1842
mete says that if we are sincere
fessions, we should condemn the
the leaders of the democracy in
tinst the late Tariff Bill. If the
why does it not tell its readers
Q. .'dame and Mr. Speaker
Noted a gainst the late Tariff—
'it not hold them up to pub
.: ' , f ,` tinn.
that Dr. Joseph Polka: has been
the Democrats of Beaver for assem
eof S. P. Fetterman, who declined
"11. Cur neighbors of Beaver have
e.cell-nt selection , and we expect a
t horn them on th e 2nd Tuesday of
y Papers are springing up in ev
e musquitcci hav'fit hid any con
• veral nights. Cause —unfavurable
. R. 11. JOHNSON.
ng of the Committee of Arrangement
ousT of Cot.. Tia.rottLt,o. on WeGneg-
Inst. Lhe following tesotutions was
• at the sec , ral volootee , companie .
d vLclnlty a,e r.gde,ted to 1 , 1 01)-
7" anon of tnillt:re and cone pro
t tile Herd nitric T , ;:ttnes to the
; the m ;rnm,r o! the '27th inst. at
e tie will be re , •eived by the gldri-
Ste, in the W,
Ived Ilia' the H.,n. W. t% be
ntldres.; C;•1 J‘dit,./to on b; half of
Pitisbut ttrdi hij ininp county 011
at It, Exch.mtle Hotel,
2tit!;, N. tt
hat the l'tt,zerts nf I he City and
•ohevy, distinction n 1• Par
ioviti•it to aitelid, to partici
fleet - trill - I,: tor ti.e reception of the
EI0 , ( , Cnat.man
lit2G“ Toska.
Of i3itistattO.
lEUT , kTLR IM Tflk riI4,NEI
ston. Noe, \V h , ee 1111
Ivan. Burrs, B-aver,
a. Allen. Br-wn•;.v I.e.
‘ig in, 13 )iei, Bearer
Cockhorn Brows.sv.lle
MeNitilan, New Ca.... '2
tg mere, Grepg. Citric:moan
seille, Duval, Nla-ica
•rt preparing to depart
ft. Clayton, L'iice, All. ghAny,
penr lOU ltit+.
" "
RS RF: RD.—Wag Ftolen from
.jeer, in front of tirwnrt'< Hotel. in
the siaze Was nging) on the ni21.1
costa in in: many pain rs vulu
the followin: papers only is reco'lect
.0 I, llls of Wm. G Alexander: one of
.or $3OO.
to nu. order for 8150; no arrenlnnre
i.‘on 01 .5 . .4.900. and mon her of $501),
nd against 10:: Barlow of New Carole,
siichrizt for S.ifjP: anoiller of C. 11
' the a bov e 'tapers rernllerted. A decd
st relation to properly hought by me
t of New rame, lit.
lers addres-ted to me by Engineers and
•nern, and a larze numltet or Hills. Re
.and ',twig that I had relative
sion and Maumee Cana 1., nd many nth.
anioria whir, were some in relation
Telegraph. which I now own. Any
Pare, 'o me at Pitt•bur,h • or to
rrer. Pi.. or var mfortnatinn to
yle ohin ned. vrll be ento led In •he
emher 22. 1842—i f.
E. ( , nrcegFor to I. M'Clo,ke) Fain
out Moicer. Liberty st.. 2d door Iron.
sult•tcrilter respecitolly informs the
clunutcnred the ahoy' , MiQiness in the
curtii.rl hi. Mr. Henry Ml:loAkey.
prepared to attend to all orders iII Ili?
h des . patch and on the mast reasonable
e x'.rietire in the manufacture of
he fe•ei> confident that all articles
meet ulll 2ive satisfaction to his pa
ohllC pattonay. 1 , respectfully solicit •
sep to
' , ls of ororothoz F,uit. S:lade nod
ree:. or Shrnhherk front Phrladel
refpiezi ef i In make aprotrat ton a:
Drul and Seed Store of the .Ith
had ratalo7,oe., ....vatoooolov, of the
F. 1.. SNOWDEN'.
IR4. Liberty weer, head of Wood
odepenthitt Tranoportatiox Lint to
'wed Bolt/more. For Transporting
from Pittsburgh, ria Tide Water
ne consists of the first eass Spring
d New Decked Tide Water Boats.
and experienced Ca plains.
Line are enabled to have limit
and with as much J. spatch,as
ne Boat Trim leave daily from the
ailßead on the Delaware, in Tow
• ti is kept expressly fur that pur.
II give their • hole aitention, and
• estern Merchants to give them a
. It mach to their advantage.
ned Williams Beihsar . 4- Co. coact.
and Raritan Canal, will be reeeiv.
Soot of Willow street Rail Road,
goods can be pat directly from the
without additional handling or ex.
ILMAN ¢ co,
olidayshor g .
hto ralishorth. j
4. CO., Canal Basin, Liberty street,
Willow street wharf, 1 •
t Philadelphia,
• • ELME., Baltimore,l. Artois
• flolidaystrorgb, fr
• gernerally throstboot tbe city.
Bank of PiMbar! h. par litatmilon,
Merril. 4. Man. bk. par Sandusky.
P.:chance bank, par Craura.
Bk. of Germantown " Norwalk.
Easton !ant, " ienta,
Lancaster bank, die 2 Dayton,
Bank of Ch ea ter Co. par Scioto,
Farmers' bk Bncks Co. " Post notes.
Doylc4own bk do " Chillicothe.
Bk of N America Phil. " Fran. Mt Columbus
Bk of Northern Lihertiea, " La..ol4ter,
Commercial bk. of Pa. " Hamilton,
Far. k Mechanics bk
Kemzington I,li.
Philadelphia bk.
Schuylkill bk.
Fouthw3rk bk. • INDIANA
IV,stern hk.:lState bk.* Branches, 3
Bk. of Pennsylvania, 9 State Scrip. 50
Bk of Non TI. par KENTUCKY..
Man. fi - Mechanics bk. 18 All banks. 2
At e•lianics lik. par ILLINOIS.
Moyamensing bk. 13 State IA .4. Branches, • 65
Girard ba.,k, 47 Shawneetown , 65
U. States hank. 551 VIRGINIA.
Lumbermen.:', Warren, 75 Rank of Virginia,
Frank. hk Washington, par do Valley,
Miners Mt of Pot isvite, 7 Far. bk. of Virginia,
Bk of Montvtmery Co. par Eschamze bank,
Mon. bk Brownsville, 2N. West. hank
Erie Rank. 5 Mei . . 4- Mer. do.
Flarrisburln k. t k. 6i; MARYLAND.
Fir bk Lattra.ler, 21Raltimore Ranks,
Ilk t. f Alldielown, 6} Country Ranks.
Bk. of CliattMersburgh, 61 DEL A MARE.
Cl'':,tt hank. 5} All Banks,
Ilk of Northumberland, 6; NEW JERSEY
Columbia bk 4. Pri.l2e co. ft All Banks. par and 1
Bk Smittebantm Cu- 9 NEW %ORR.
1 Rk of Delaware Co. par tai'? B.‘hkg, par
Lebanon I.k, 6} C.untry banks,
Col sloargli bk. 61.- ( =7.kt , fund )
York hank, 6} Bed Back, i to 1
Far. 4- Drovers hk. of NEW ENGLAND.
NV 0 y nesliti r 211, 8 1 11osion Banks, NT
•• •, efi, re [lcy n01m... 8 Country . ..
..ohe,dal,.. 2 LOUISIANA.
IV,orotn2 hank, 12; Orleans Ranks.
Fd , sl.'2ll State Scrip. 5 NORTH . CAROLINA
Country do do 6to 14 Bank, 4
Rerks Co. hank, 60( SOUTH CAROLINA
Lewmown. 101anks., 21
Towanda.—l PIS. COLUMBIA
Banks. 2
ontideAgaio 1,1;
Far. 1 111: ofStru.
i..-ort 2
Belmont I.k (ISt. Clatrs.
, 2
Marietta bk. Demand
(10 . CII r ren , v rifles, t
Columloana 1.: . New Lis
bon Delon nil. 2
do Post rwr. 3
ink brihkF.
Mech . . k I•raM•rs hk of
Chi iuu Ilk of C o ' umbq
Demand note:.
Circivcii~P. H. Lawrence
Zanesyllie 1.1(
ti rtion Saito.
I FR'S SA will e&Ji. on Friday the 2:3d
1 , ..J at roe Fartory of E. E.:cp. Esti in Lawrenceville
try order of B. Weaver. Esq.. the following property:
n-Sale to commence at 2..' , •10ck.
19 &iv.. Devonshire shovels, finished and nnfiniAed;
74 do canal do:
I lot tools, anvils, shear., vices, 4-c ;
3 staves:
1 small lot steel and iroirk , ---
1 lot lumber;
1 earl;
1 lot Ftavec;
Tar and vinegar;
I lot ran':
1.1,,,,F.e1i01d furniture;
Br fa;
1 Lot
I Loki, mac. ;
1, dozen ('I airs;
1 ,lant'r Clock;
1 Tahr,
1 Fender:
1 lot Rag Carpet
1 nu::
i n r z e lot Spade Da odles;
Cirrid S ones yr ;
leonpper Kft , lt; R. A. BA US.AI AN,
Sep , It -1 or Ana',
.I:so. , he undivided interest of Ephraim E-lep, in the
Urut ofE,Pil 4- Moreau
JJT. STEWART, Upholsterer and raper Hancer,
• Nn 49. r.ei. between Wood and Smithfield
cf.. Husk at.ttStraw .ttattras , es always op hand Alt
or,l , trs xecotell with neatness and despatch, on accornino
nalin;: Fep 20 1 y
WILLIAM LtRIMER, la Josun 11. Mt t,
LAHIMER & CO., grchange Brokers, Fnorin
surer. t i tr.! ,Loor beloo• Market. sen 20—I v
Mount St Mary's College.
MOUNT ST. M Ft 'S COLLEGE. sear Emmet's
.l.Yl. burgh, Mary/an. ,—.Fitnateft in the most romantic
purl of Frederic k rnu , ttr, t.lar land. Mount St. Mary's
l'oArz” is rar Wrt hdra I •rtl the rarlions and moral
d r.f a (Ty. It= 10,1. am in unrivalled in point of
I,raltn. I,ao;y, and apprnp.iatene s.
Th., College was Incorporated and empowered to con
fer degrees and other lit tram honors by the Legislato're
of _Vary ,nd, in the month of February !830.
11 , 1 - 11,, of sl nnte= j= comprelren.lue, ernhrnrin. , alt
Ike arts. , Menges. and langna:w= u.ually taught in long
esiat.lkhed and well enndto - led rollege=.
1': L. ,,, rary is select and ex , ensi=e: lis Reading , Room
afford:lc-res., to the hest Literary and s , ientifle periodicals:
It has an excellent Philosophical Apparatus Chemical
Lahora 4-c. &c.
The Mosses of Ftench.Sinnish. German. and Rook.
keeping are kept either tin..., or four limes a week, the
lecture. , nn Rh, tnrir rind Moral r'ilosophy are given
four tilt,,n week; the lectures nn Chemistry and Natt.ral
Phi osnpi.v, three limes a seek: those on Hisinry, on
M , nera'ngv. and Geotozv twice a week; and all the other
Cl:l , 3es a re kept live times a week, during the forty-five
weeks of the Sr ic vea r.
T. e chart,' for hoard and 10' ion, includina the enlire
r lascic and crionlific course Ihe modern lananages and
all 01 het-4 , ranches- (cxcept 111115tif and drawing) also wash.
Inv, mendirz, hed and heddina and Doctor's salary, in
SIR 2 or, annum. rayahlr• half yearly in advance. Mit
s.r and drawing (the only exira charges) are each $4O
per .1 n nil M.
annual commencement is held on the last Wed—
nesday of June. The a essind s:udies begins about the
t6thof A urnst
This , ollege distant from Baltimore fifty miles:, from
Fre•lerirk„ Maryland, eighteen, and Iron Gptysburgh,Pl.
t vt.e're
F►rrtTY or roe Cota.r.at.
Revd. Jo"ln MeC.,lrry, A. M. Pres dent, Professor of
moral Pitilomphy and Rhesorip,
Rev, John MeLosky. A. M. Vice preat., prof. of His
Rev, Park. Corry. A. M. Pref. ct of Studies, prof, of
Greek and Latin, and I n.tructor in A tgehra.
Rev. Philip Borgna, D.D, prof. of Theology and of
Sacred Scrip.ure.
Rev. floooratus Xaupi. A. M. prof: of French and
Rev. Thomas McCaffrey, A. M. Prefect of Discipline,
adjunct prof. of Latin and Instrncter in Geottraphy,
Casper J. Releke. A, M,. Professor of Grammar and
Instructor in Creek and Latin.
Janum Clarke. A. %1., Graduate of the 11. S. Military
A rademr, at West Point, Proftwor of Idathimatics and
Natural Philosophy.
Francis P. Giraud, Graduate of the.Heole centrate des
Arts et Manufactures' of Paris ; P'rnfessor of, Chemistry
and Genivay. and Instructor in French.
Taint* in Greek, Latin, Enerish. Arithmel iCand other
Branches: Rev'd Wm. Elder,A. M.,
Franca C. la'Farland, al.,Wm. Holland, late of Mewl
John Hackett,. t College. En;land, -
Patrick Murphy, Michael . G. Marlin,
Young, Thomas O'Neil,
John C. Brady, Henry uroe,
John O'Donnett, ' lA'rn. Andre. Prof. of Mask
James Dickey, Professor of Drawing and Wriling.
Prefect. •1'
Rev'd Thomas.bl'eairrity.. John Hsekelt.
Park' Morphs,. John -o'DoMtell,;
.Yount St. 4 1 / 4 Ty'a College. Beet. 9th, 1842. ee
B .
ROWIi3VT . LOC 81.1 1 11ATA : 'RON 1i.V014.13 t -,lii.'
graft liviiiioo.'.lfamitiotinfer of 1041..40EVN010..,
Phtwarjb, -:loo.o'.'c
Coin. bk. Lake Erie,
Far. bk: of Canton,
1 Urbana
%11 Bank., 8
Rk. of Si. Clair, 6
Do. do. J 11. 3mit6 6
Conti bank.. sto 121
Eastern Exchange.
NPVII fork, 1
WeQtern Exchanze.
Loaisvp,e. par
(7ltveland, •
r, , par
D i. A. W. PATTERSON. Office um gaiii-pgat
iIION AND COM M !SENOR IlliatiNlA NTS.—•*. Nei
-1 •
ler would m.speetfully inform his old eustomersa - id
friends.that lie.ha. this day amocimed with him A. Me
) hirable, under thearin of 8. teller t Co.. and resumed
his former hominess ofdealer in Iron and Nalis,rat his old
stand, N 0.53. Front IL. between Wood and Marked' eta.
A renewal of his old custom, and the patronage of the
public generally, is respectfully requested.
Pittsburgh. ANN 8, 1842. !MINIM!, SELLER.
sep 10 ALema IId'ILWAINE.
ROBERT PORTER, Attorney et Lem.—Office
on the corner of Forth sod Smithfield sic se; 10
rialuilipipmteff. September 14•b.1842-i
IN pursuance of the provisions of Vie 4th seetiOn of an
Act of Assembly, passed the 27th day of July Win,
entitled,..An act to provide for th. ordinary expenses. of
the Government—pat went of the Interest on the Stale
'Debt—receiving proposals for the sale of the Public
Works. and for other purposes," there will , be exposed to
pnblic sale, at the Merchants' Exchange, in the city of
Thillidelphia, on Wednesday,the 23d day of November
next. at 10 n'eMeic, L. K.. the following Stocks, owned by
the Commonwealth, to wit;
3750 shares of suck in the Bank of Pennsylvania.
5233 do to ibe Philadelphia Bank.
1709 do in ti e Farmers and Mechanics' Bank .
900 do In the Columbia Bank and Bridge company,
2500 do to the Union Canal Company.
\lap do in the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal Com
500 . do in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
1000 do in the Schnytk 111 Navigation Company
320. do in the Bristol Steam Towboat and Trans
portalton Company.
A WI. at the State Rouse. in the borough of Barri,.
bore. on Monday. the 23th day of November next, at 10
o'clock. •. X.
2905 shares of stock in the Danvide and Pottsville
Railroad Company
2000 do in the Citmhertand Valley Railroad Com-
2000 do Franklin Railroad Comnany.
400 do Wrightsville. Yo-k and Get ysburg
Railroad Co.
800 do Codorus Nasigat inn Co.
993 do Bald Eng!nand Spring Creek Navi.
ration Co.
2300 do Afonnngehela Naviention Co.
4500 do Harrisburg Bridge Co.
2400 do Northumberland Bridge Co.
21611 do Monongahela Bridge Co.
1600 do Allegheny Bridge Co.
560 do Wilkesharre Bridge Co.
400 do Lewisburg Bridge Co.
600 do Big Beaver Bridge Co
600 do Danville Bridge Co.
19() do Nesroperk Briti , !e CO.
ftsil do Frenrh Creek Bridge CO.
100 do Conetnaugh Bridge CO.
60 do Schuylkill and Pottstown Bridge Co
100 di' Loyal Hanna Bridge Co.
92 do Milton Bridge Co.
171 do Robbstown Bridge Co.
200 do Towanda Bridge Co.
1250 do Franklin and Allegheny Bridge Co.
120 do Srhnvlkio Bridge.(at Matson's ford)
300 do Willlamspott Bridge Co., Washing.
ton coon' v.
Also,sinek in the f Mowing Turnpike Road Compa
nies. In wit:
2124 harps in the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Cliambera.
Cii.Mherslotrf and Bedford
Redford and Stoystown.
Stnysiovrn and Greensburg.
Greensburo and Pittsburgh.
Huntingdon. Cambria and Indiana.
Erie and Waterford.
Perk inuren and P eading.
Han and Newport.
Waynesburg, Greencastle and Mer
Itlory.aniown,Churthlown and Bine
Little Conestoga.
Berk. and Dauphin.
Lancaaer, Elizabethtown and Mid
Easton nun! Wiikesharre.
Stisquellanna and Lehigh.
Milford and Owegn.
Downingion, Ephrata and Harris
Centre and Kisharnquillas.
Susquehanna and York borough.
York and Gettysburg.
New Holland.
Stu rig House. Northampton and
Cayuga and Susquehanna.
Susquehanna and Waterford. •
Susnueliannn and Tiara.
Bridgewater and Wilkesharre.
Pittsburgh and New Alexandria.
New A leNandria and Conetnaugh.
Belmont and Easton.
Pittsburgh and Boller.
Phi , insitturg and Susquehanna.
Butler and ‘lerrer.
Mercer and Meadville.
Anderson's F,rry, Waterford and
New Haven.
520 do Pittsburgh and Steubenville.
500 do Ridge Road.
280 do Bethany and Dingman's Choice.
300 do Robbst own and Mount Pleas.ini.
660 do Mount Ffea,ant and Somerset.
672 do Somerset and Bedford
-100 do Hanover and Carlisle.
717 do Millerstowi, and Lewistown.
779 do Beilefonte and Philipsburg.
500 do Philadelphia, Brandywine and
100 do Belmont and Ogliquaga.
860 do Harrisburg and kliherstown.
256 do Phil .delphia and Great Bend.
9811 do Lewistown and Huntingdon.
360 do Armstrong and Indiana.
.134 do Clifford and Wilkeaba•re.
560 do Indiana and Ebensburg.
329 do Washinoion and Williamsport.
855 do Washington and Piiishurgh.
400 do Lyconong and Potter.
280 do Middletown and Harrisburg.
1160 do Wenelome, Aartmsburg and Young
200 do Butler and Kittanning.
1610 do Prtilburg and Stnethport.
204 do
Derrsiown and Youngmanstown,
240 do Mount Pleasant and Potsburgli
408 do York HaVt.? , and Harrisburg bridge.
200 do Abingdon and 'Waterford.
280 do Warren and Ridgway.'
96 do Lewisburg and Youngmanstown.
360 do Somerset and Conenmugh.
24 do Carbondale and Lackawana.
320 do Somerset and Cumnerlaad.
12R do Lewisburg and Jersey Shore.
160 do Ligonier and Johnstown.
40 dog, Warren and New York State Line.
96 do Titusville and Union Mills.
224 do AI mstrong and E , earfieid.
160 do Warren and Franklin.
80 do Sugar Grove and Union.
80 do Brownington. Harrisvltleand Frank
200 do Snowshoe and Fackersville.
453 do , Lackawazen.
200 do Realer and Freeport.
64 do Sterling and Newfoundland.
96 do Lenox and Harmony.
224 do Pittsburgh Farmers and Mechanics•.
160 do Bedford and Hollidaysburg.
160 do Luthershurg and Punzatawnev:
!60 do Birminehnin and Elizabethtown.
64 do Bald Ealle and Nittany Valley.
The terms and complions of raid sales will he made
known on the days aforesaid, or by an appliestion.at any
time. to this office. Stale stock will he remitted in par
went at par, or rertlfirates of credit, which have •heen
ruler& on the books of the Auditor General, in Onnyu -
MD7I or a resolution oft he General Assembly, parsed 0 *
the 7th day of April. 1E142.
By order oftbe Governor.
Inis ji n; a W re Eg" retnati NsS ahly r eood efet n :in ile enn. tra ir tr a i ona nd - i di rst a ""l inda in 7a:ri ti 1
wale PolaSloilds. cams of Conti .
Stomach. fleadAehe and Dizainenn- . .
NW` hem Nita in Onnit&
Th e 'affable Pro Pert IFS of ahem - ' that
bead and stomach from the lOW lostrouro
kn ,
inn ,
molest pain in the bead alui raMl4 well
1,1,11 1 , eproMoMmtett;pattiettlit'T in Inn : 747 ,re r
r 0 1.„..
ient Cold loin settled In !be h ' P . ail t- e5 ",,..,"7 z , n '':40.... , ..Z
fad atititheOtb.. they arses "'"' ' -;:i 4 s . 1 1.!
—-. thnotab the ,:. --, ‘ - i. e 'ahem hteed l l4l,
'OLlta flifetif AND ROTEL. COMF`LAINT.---Tufge . firm the mit Vkiferit CIWILI
ire _ . 4, 1 , 0. il k,* i .
mast stiontlng- Ai droreiring enspisialswill flatl toork.drawhfx
isOvervideflr4eniii mom, ft th e Inn al", Whitlii jrAtilkpeirs - 47 ,rn4 l )!,4,lor7Fid-r-r-• ir" ,----
6 ' ll entriged - refgeek Sri?. For sate onif - ai ? Oj i, : .400 10 i , .._,
.. r.s.. -
....., 1a .,: , .es Givestiir.iift*"
swA X
"4,614, ,Asinfor.,B6.lMisurth =wok, -Irr-- - ' - i - ;z7w - - . . - - 7- ' .-- iftt gistu t 7,;:' ,-
c r r memit
4 A 4 ,-,, -.. A ,- :: : :4:„,v.,,....._... - 4,--:1,4,1 , ,1.:;4_ , -k;10.4,-- ..,:ii.je.e4re, k . ,
Secretary or the Ooennon'lth
sep 20—ths
JOAN BUTTERWORTH. arceisassr aid emu.
riaa Areivainet, Lontieritte. KY., will attend lo it*
site a leo &tato ; Dry Grendri,G.oraeriest. Fernittire, kg-
Oa. neentarttates e►e.y Tuesday, Thursday. and Fri
day ',enviers:al 10 (Meek, A. M. Cash advaneed made
netzwrmae!fle- - aE 10
latAltil FOR SALE.Ttte -undersigned oilers for sale
.1 kW farm, tying in Roes Tasroehip-44 Wien from the
city'of Pittsburgh. containing 114_netra *Mild lf Which
SO me etearrd and ander fence, "froull s iu 20'4"2es of
tnivulow. 2 grad Orchards of Awaits, a rew Peat! aid
Cherrytrees—the improvements are a larre Cram , town
" alai " , in rams 0 001farnished,olicattatel fora 'Pa
van or private thwellinr o s frame Hera VI by ftstone
blinenneut. lad smaller, She& a nl other out sail
far good aspdoes surrounded ,
ennwnt and it Well of ,ervetlent vrater, with a
pomp in at the front door. Is relation to the ?inshore!
and Aitezherty market, there is so place now offered for
sate with moreindatertent to those wishing to pnrchaw
sear Pittsburgh. the terms will be made moderate. for
further portleollintipply to I be proprietor at his Clothing
gibre, Liberty street, Corner of Virgin Alley.
N. 0. If not sold before the Ist of -October nkt. It
will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lota tomtit percha-
Sera. rep 10
Hai ris's Intelligence Office
V.EVER.IIL good teachers can he Tarnished-to schools
in town or country. A gool female teacher. well
recommended. with She advantages of experience. whales
a place in some respectable private family, ens will lake
charge or a public retool. Places wanted for sevgral .
clerks and boys. mechanics. waiters, eloarnfermaids, Orb;
thrill work and laboring men. Al! kinds of btolness
done at this office for strangers and others visiting the
city. .Pereo• s needing an agent in any thing. will find .
here long experieneennd a thorough knowledge of Masi-
-ri. B. A tall painted pole stands before the door
TBE sulisc- titers respectfully call the attention of
their friend s and the public eenerally, to their pre.
sent assortment-of -Paper Hastings. which contains a
large and extenalep variety of patterns of the followi.nt
descriptions, which upon inspection will he found to be
of superior quality and finish.
Unglazed Wall Papery, of al! descripttons, fer paxring
rooms and entries, at 25 cents per piece.
Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for
papsringrooms and entries. at 37{ cents.
American Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for
halls; Fresco and other styles for parlors and
chambers, on fine sal in glazed grounds.
Frs./irk WoU Papers, Decoration and Fresco patterns, in
plain and rich colors, gold and surer paper.
P'elset sad /Imitation Borders.
Landscape Papers, in setts, for papering hotels, halls
and dining rooms, at reduced prices.
fire Board prints, Statues, Ornaments, c.
If indow Bliad Paper, plain and figured, of different ca
Western merchants and others a re respectfully invited
to call and examine their stock and pilfer, off which last
a Wienl discount will he given for cash.
From long ex mirienre in the t urine=:. they are able to
manufacture papers in a superior manner, and as they
are determined to keep ui the character their papers
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re
ceive theencouravement hit hem, PO liherpilv extended.
N. 49. Market street, between 3d and 4th
PittchnrEh, Sep.. 19. R42—taro t
r i rt k kis
At A IL LINE of Splendid Pas.enger Steam rack
U. we fromCinrrnnalitoSi. Louis
new,splendid, last running, er light draught stesni
Pat Sm., West Wind and Arosplreil, will run as re2tilar
rackm., from elnrinnaii in Si. Innis. Will leas, f`in•
ciiinati and St. Louis every %Wednesday morning, at 10
o'etnr k .
Paten+er! from the 13.14 and IV,-.t may rPly upon
I Item startiuz pmvtualiv ag rtif , ed. Fep 10
CIIEdi TORS TAKE: NOTICE that we have applied
to the Court of Common Pleas of A heeheuy County
for the benefit of the taws enacted for the relief of I nsol.
vent Debtor , , and that said Court has appointed the 4th
Monday of October for the hearth! o us and our eredi
tors, at the Court 110111FP, in the county aforesa id. When
and where you may attend if you think proper, anti show
tease, if any you have, why we should not he discharged.
ROBERT T. FRI END, r ittstto reh, Cahi net Maker
*ensure Susw, Butcher, Lawrenceville.
sep 17-3 t
M.AGRAW kHAMIL'I•ON, Attorneys at Lam. have
removed I keir Offiee to the residcnrc of H.: 4 . Ma.
vim, on FautrO 54, two doors above Srnitk6.4d. sep 10
For the Transportation of .41erckandize to and from
Pittsburgh. Baltimore, Philadelphia, Nett , York,and Bos
ton. ritough in the skartest time.
THE United States Portal.le Boat Line, is comprised of
Boats built in four sections, each section capable of
containing seven tons. and susceptible of heine separate
or detached and transferred from Canal to Rail Road;
thin, as it were, forming a complete train of Cars. or
presentine the, towel appearance or a Boat sailing on land
and thereby avoiding the great delay occasioned by re
shipping at the. several jections and terrid natio-F. of Ca'
nalsand Rail Roads, the expense of transhipment and
the damage Ihe Foods • Uglai n by Ireq omit handling; and
rendering it impossible to , enarate tots of goat's on the
to the inient.ar construction of the Boat
having foar separate apartments in which goods are sio
red, renders them tem liable to (Linnet! mods ny water or
otherwise titan by any other made of transportation.
The system of Traniporlatinn. as recommended by the
Canal Commissioners and lately adopted by the State,
refers particularly to this citt,s of linat.s. The Boole of
this Line tie owned by responsible captains that run
then.. anti is site only Line now in operation free from
monopolies or combination.
Goods consigned to the undersigned agents will he re
ceived free of commis-fion and shipped wi ;bout delay at
the lowest rates. All charges paid and every instruction
promptly attended to. C. A. M'SULTY Cn. 1 vs.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh,
F. F. POPE. Agent. 75 Rowly'S Wharf. Bail more.
THOS BORBRIDGE. yep 16 —if
Clair greet.
Litres and Ribbons,
Wide and narrow erns,
Lace and Muslin collar:.
Infants' frock waists,
Ladies, French Kid, Mohair.
Lisle Thread. and Cotton Clovis.
Black Mohair nets for Veils—very cheap
A large assortnient of Ertglt , h Straw Bonne's.
Also, a variety of Straw. plain and fancy Tuscan braid.
of the latest fashinn. 2nn at exceedin,zlv low rates.
These goods are now selling off at prices to suit the
t Ist : tea.
Ladies are respectfully invited to call and purchase.
seri 16—lf
LOTS FOR S LE.—Four Lots in illanrlieder. One
and a fourth Acres of Laid on Wont*? Hill. Lois
ors. 41, a. 52. 53. 54,181, 182 and 184. In Cook's plan
of Lots. on Holme'4 Hill Also. Lois nos. 26 and 27. in
Cook's plan of Lots on High street. near the cww Court
House. For terror apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
get , 10
Fili f lll:street. olio door from the old stood of N.
BackwootecThe subsceber respeeifnity informs the
Ladies of Pitiolvirsh and vicinity that he iR now mann
factoring a splendid atwortmeni of all kinds of Ladies'
Mises . , and ChildrensFall and Winter Bhoce, which will
be raid et
Be wilfalso make to order any kind of Fancy work that
may be wanted; which will be made in the most approved
style, and shortest police.
Ladies would do well to call and try a pair of our shoes
as the subscriber feels confident that he can furnish them
with an article superior to anything now manufactured
No 8 Fifth street, next door to Harries Intelligence
°Scatted two doors from Market street.
sep 15-3 t tc
.., • - , . . . ,
Da. oil:Oast relax% JorseillApniriimi Pal*. 7 -14- A SAWS AIL IREMIKOT safe* to istrildhlritoto
IYettlintleeland county.; sad' cerpetaitt to tii tart of Avery apiabi r ,
would won nttheri f iinv,h , thme t o e to oth,„ that he bee Dieseesorsiii eo foment ts wft Mgr* nringlesoit.
mo d e on e - of th e Ntml importani ¢iseosvrirsis isedieltte RTAIBLE. PILLS. ef tie Mirth „thlutri s e e Cerr e,o „ 4
ever kaomn. 'erldh !pill he orgatdel beret( el' at j Haehh.l-These , estreololl ary Pille are eampik e s of
formiat an, W* le theart of isrelied. •
• Pleat which Crewe eletellonoledy eft men and
After an anima application of year*, aseheed bY the lore theraftwe better adaiptee eimetiiition lose
- hem medical arritere.arid therthettts of espesience• d r a w n sielthettlh eestreetlef free , fetelite Ortere:letlater. er "Mel
from widely weeded pact kejut 4.. haitinveateda PO l * , they 'PIT be ellwiliteledtilkiiitiell
14 . r e'
easy in - operatlen. yet so powerful in Mftet.sti safe in We.. elablatilts are Istraied tow . - she itessetpo e ti e r' tem he.
and yet so thorosely therapetuttek lumistlity, that it will j wits body is Is teeth MAIL ottkriiit eau ilistinscohe r e r .
radically carp nearly all holm dbeesee witteh'inimant. rapt homers . mo d to ot i ota inediethe
cuss this „ rime
ty is heir. The medicine is so nicely Proporttotseill—tut arrNatmeal Priseiplits is me ee se ir i p ur v s i v tat
romponent ingretilmeete aretio accurately edjosted. that Day. it will he manifest that tribe eoemitstioe, ant
it operates upon the corsairs. Far% and newels of the eye- ; entirety exhamited—a:perssmerene e th e o r me . otein ,, t
tent with powerful drone!. to direetinnais abisohnety amain ddve aware &sea,*
In hillionsdisorders its effect wrinderfirt. It reITIOVeg of every name - from Ibe body
.he vitiated end acid Idles. promotes* healthy mrretinn, When we whet to restore a Swamp or,lllorsse to g.t.
and soon restores that all important vtseus to a nators l Mite. we' Orel" hof the Perbrna bouffant nt:?!...sq in like
memo'', and whoireome activity. Ineor<pteint,,'ttlm! manner If we wish restore the body to, health we MU,
stomach, it is pertinently valuable. iI chantey it of all t cleanne ballast:fluty. -
morbid and pernicious matter, increases the appetite. and 1 Ws l l ll. * feta* reversius Pill, will be Hand arm
throne) the stomach. gives tone and vigor to the whole I the hem. if not the very best Medicine in the worm fit
yyslem. •Cla•eting oat the Gond Po rifyier prteripts. heroine
D ee p eo ,,i o . or indieestion. that ternielflee Or Mir rare. they exT*l from the hely aft morbid hansom the esese,
fiorts in Ills me,lirion inn gyrates , ' melts. A course of 1 disease. in an easy and Mound Ato m , : Ite d_moik tee?
these pills wilt completely core the mom Inveterme (so. I everyday Or111•11$41 lid Pisatrant, disease of every mine
of throttle Dyspepsia, end when the diem', flintily in Its is driven from tIN body,
earlier glace.. a few doses will eradicate it. and banish
all its symptoms; the oalpitatirtn of the heart, eithlineee,
dimitela of slain, eructation. wind in thd howets, noevrol4
irritatinn, apprension at the stomach; costiveness fi•e-.
which afflict the unfortunate sufferer. DitiOtrders of the
mucous membrane, like three drastic iturgatives known
by the name of 4patent Dills.' •
17 act dile and rulienlar %Rev ion% ore " cured in a short
time by a proper nse of this invatitable friedieine. Tt mo
ver the pores of the skin to he opened. IreMIWPA exrreaen-
res. anJ dispels incipient disease by producing a natural
flow of nrezpiration.
The Diehples and a't rattler diseases of the urinary or
gans Will hP Cured by thP nee nfthls medicine without any
noxious effects.. In the diseacesofchildren they wit, he
highly henefiei^l. especially during the lime they,are get
ting teeth. at which time infants stiffer the moat.
But not alone in iheae diseases are •their curative pin.
(1141i.S powerful. hut many others have yielded to their
forcible effiracv. Coughs. colds. ennsumptinn.ilitarnealo,
bremnrrallage. epilepsy. paralysis. heminehe. rdedrisy.
Ramat ions n(1 he Intestines. vertigo. the veeterial nr French
dinease. and peina in the hark and limbs. are alt radically
cnred by a "nurse nf this medicine.
But in those complaints which PUMP incident le females.
particularly at the iron of life. these Pine nitrites" lb.',
greatest sanative power: r ethos, nr t hp whltm... rho I
Ornsis. the green otostxnetion of 'he menses.
sleet, sack headache. hrstericat affections. and all the vi.
Inns severe pains, which afflict women erne clirnarte.tes_
and t he nausea and disagreeable sensations yin!
preen:ley. will hr totally dhcoettert by this medicine.
Tether. any thin. .n beautiful as la Oen' , nmny."xinn.
Glowing with all the hneY of health. and onihlnnming the
poste? Do ladle. desire the pneeesinn bfthi. treaPnre7
Then tat sham I - nv, and flea nerayinnially Dr. Feliv'p
Pill.. for thav are nap nfillp heat ,rnemPtie., nr hPantifi.
r•rz in rxic , •no•. Thev parifv U ► Itlikod remove nll
rn Mpg, priinflon. and hlotthen from the skin. drive the
bile from the ovetem, and fhna render the complexion
Haar, rich. and tran•rtarrntly fair
In the tire nfthia metiirine, no attention need he pa Id t o
diet, nor should there he an♦ dread of Pinata' re to the
Every thing ran be eaten with benefit, and
with pert rt Imrmnity.
The rot ice of the ntlttlic is nßrtienintiy raped In one
that finlike the :eilmmrin purvatives, and mittent
pill. , nfrmnirirc, they prolittre little or no ruin. The crs•
IPM is Purified, the lone of the tttomath rec[tnrpd. prod the
varinnenrTans hrnltTltt again top tante of health(' 1 amt.
v , tv. withnnt any of the sieknetta nrd eripints attendant
on 'he nco nfrnmmnn remetlie.. The infernnl enverin.
which ortenos from the !fillet to the :tone. tato(' frequent
1% injured, if not entire destroyed by F rtromz . erne. te omen
live.. Ent thIF iF not tin with I he.. nips, for I boy :urn an
!IP ntIP in their operation that thpv link themselves with
nnTnre and only Irnd her nn anxilnry ham
Tegtinto7 , iale et' tie be,' kivuf ran he aAdneed• if nem..
miry, to nrove Trir. Fehr'. skill. hi. !noel:two y. hit great
ernerionee, a nd hip eminprt I.I , CO`ItP in praet•ee. Knm.
her. of eenilemanr•f repom9gbilitv and talent have
his pill.•and all finite in rendering enlist to this rare.
powerful, and .r•nnderfnl rat holiran.
For rertifirate.: gee my ha ndMitl:•
Thyfy pills Are nreparnd only by Dr. CIVIRCIIt nr
Won neyrown Wyctmoreland ynnnty. hot t Nisi ran he hair
in nil Raft. rrnin htri rirrrydPed asPnte. aecompenied with
niryerinnn far their nay.
They ran he had of Mr. R. R. Bolters, nrnetriet, moo. Tor
World street. below second. my vote ayent for the City o
21 rent. for r•,• tInT: *2 50 ',Pr &nen.? -
v Elixir of Loner T.;f annn h• hrneleht bernre the
tontine. GEORGE FELIX. M.D. Rep In
DR. JOHN WESTON'S Indian Sperific. A certain
cure for DreenterV. RlMuly Fintr,Chritera Morhos.
Simmer Complaint.a art all dis Orders of the hnw►la. Per
forminn a nerfert mire in one nr two davit. Million.
have died with the dvsenterv.Snnimer Complaints. and
other disorders of the Move a. from the Warm! t reat t reatment
and improper medicines made nce of by Physicians and
ot hers in attempting to rule. The art irtec thin me 'Seine
is rnmpowd of. were ua►d to the first place anion! the
Indians. and has never fatted in a ninety inOtince, in of
forting a cure for any dicorder ofthp howelft. in vnnn! or
old. A• it exceed= any thin! Peer diprovered every
mother should have it constantly by her. and abnutif . T
tend the knowlefive of It as far a• tare in her power. and
by this: means cave the lives of thnnwand•, who Would
of hero:Me file if they knew not of thin medicine.
It is a positive enre for tiny disorder of the hnwele /wen
in the rettincest child it m perfectly Aare. and Very nteiwartt
and never tails in ruder the Chn.era tufan.tim
mar C.omplaint, which carries off PO many children In
reitywur ear ('rats.—Mrs. Ann Pattprartn. Fast
Whiteland Chester vot a bottle of the Indian peel
lic for her yonneest child, that had ',uttered severely with
comntaint in its howela for nearly a year. it enmrnen
red when the child was only two weelta old, and sif.er
that its stools were always had. being , very mach critted
and slime until it was nearly a year old: alt the medicines
they made Iwo nf, dtd the child no .and until they eat the
Specific. and Ibis cored her in a very nhort time. brineine
away several worms.
Jane vvarple, Wet 'Town, nand Tyr. I Weatrin*. Indi
an Specific nn twn of her children that had PI PPVPro , at
lack of the Dywmterv. when thia complaint WA rniny at
West Town, (no mach no that the whole,. hid In leave
the in‘libitionj it rued her children
annther child in the farm home helnneintr to the erhool.
with a number nf °there, both adoltg and children around
the nelehhorhond.
our ynuneest child was horn with the dysentery. hay•
ine the complaint from its mother who wait aitarkevt
with the enmplaint a short time hefore ennfinement,(hot
was rured in one day by takine. the npeeifk) it paewal a
I Free quantity of c lime and blood. and areit violently f ri•
r./.4, at two days old we rnmmenced and gave It the spe.
cifie which cured it in a very few days.--1 WZSTON.
Brilliant Danis': rrolltlPSl child was afilirled in its
towels' until it wn. rnial Six MOnih. aid. it. ninnik wereal
wacsgreen IMP pain - , then it took had with a vi lent at
tack of the dvveiverv. oavaine laree quantities of blood.
l'ey became very notch alarmed and ent the snecifie
the evening. ;tod gave it according to directions 'lntl' 12
o'clock at oieht. then the specific paiwd thrnneh ite bnw
els and it .zOt well almo4 immediately and has been well
ever since.
A volute man livint , with Townrend Eache , t, Coahen.
Cheater en_ was an had with the tit...enfant that he Ihn't
he would certainly die. all tic medicine be made nee of
made him wearer!, he wan immediately cored by J. Wee
ton'? Indian Specific.
We could mention a thou: and outer eases but we deem
it Ilflnecesntry.
Prepared only by Dr. John Wealon.om the Conestrees
turnpike. E ai Whileland, Cheater en., Pa.. and may he
had at Jnhn Thomp.On'ff Grocery. No. 153 Liberty at.,
next door in t he i•Threcafile Doom" IMP 10
SSIC: !CIE E'S NOTICE —The Court oirCommon Pin..
of A Iler:henv enuniy, having appoiMed the under
Amami Assignee of David Jewell. an insolvent debtor.all
nertmns indebted to the said Insolvent, or holdine proper
ty heloneine to him. are requested immedEately to pay and
detiverover all such fllns of money antfpromsrtv to the
Assignee. All creditors of the insalvent. are alma request
ed t o present their respective account'
cell 10 JCIIIN A. WILLS. AtAtuten:
Wht:E. AUSTIN, Attorney nti.asr.Tiiiihareir. Pa_
Office In 4iti ettiet.nprioshe linrhe's Etnitdirm.
- WILLI'S! E. A rms. Eli., will ehre his lineation In eny
unfinished husineit, and t rer - rnrnenend him in thensteon
age of me friends. WALTER, pORWAR D.
<pp 10-1 v • .
ATTENTIOVATTEPITION —All pekoontritt now ,.
fun of sow linng.sitentrtMeseittg f lo.oto or Mike,
MltHan properli , boinntintt In fl'n ent , +trfal'll
In tho %roods of the lot BritootoiSlh dtvlidno Poop. 'rot
notoof.; find -14ittlfa'are h. r4or Orient nio
_ pPrto to Ao. ow or (dart itto lot otOelethe - east; tfi.
• It ~flan Of I Ivo Witilag Lair wig tot vororrott offrei,.st
all portoostentlittg to ebtoply soOtt thete retire:
rtit.Odo- tooooKor
............-imv NV O
"ia lt ir l ig7 - ' — 'ilmfr.uoreip.4.9ftterir
1-halan: 1.
' :4•4 101000 „,,,.. 74 -- ). -" eipr ; spOelltilar
• - tikewooltly ,...... „_
~_..........., , „it,ve,51,,,,,
The above earned Indira O'er:tall* Pills. have broil
three yeershefore the Miseries,' *idle. and versa now
tYr without a fair of restradletiorr. that of all the earl
one medicines which hare hews/ere teen llopltiar, not
one has riven tomb universal sallstaerion.or ohlahtmd
such n hold upon the affeetimet of the people. Not nat
ty do one it invariably experienc e rend; and teeemnr►nd
it in the st renters terms. but Is him effected" some , of lb.
most est oalshtre sures ever perthreuitt by Inedkine.
IFfithcson very few onlye anmerrms testimonial* whteh
have been received In favor of thhestraordinary Medicine
have been pubfiethed, as the medicine obtained Its Meseta
great eelehrhy more by its own ititthwilc roodner than
from e,ttenstre adverrislnr. it has been deeauni groper
however to offer the following opinions of the public press
together with a few extracts fr m lettersofAyents mtvely
t o c h ow that the famy of the bulbul Vegetable Pills!, got
confined to any one section. hnt Is rapidly egteothelvit•
self to every part of the Union.
From the Philadelphia Saturday Evenlite Ppsl
Wright's radian Pagetshis Pills -- -Wriltbrs Indian
Vegetable Pills are attaininy yreat Celebrity in flew Eng
land as wenn% other part. of the Valet' Stales. The at
tempt of eel-sons to defraud the nubile by the snit of situ.
glum articles meets with general reprohiflOn. Mr t
Wright is an indrfatisable basin. Inas, and shows an
array of - cures by the medicine which warranted confi
dence in the strums (Kills i idiots Vegetable Pills.
P•rtm the Philadelphia Eh irit of the Times.
Wrieit's India. rereads Pubt.—Peopte are pretty'
well satisfied by this time I bat Calomel, and tkenne thou
sand and one mineral preparations of the shop. are better
adapted as a seneral tme In kil. rather than cure the pa.
tient; as a matter of course, veletahle medicines a+e there
fore in veal request. There are very many hrtmhprn.
however, Ronne?. Ike latter. and We Would 20164, !MINIM*
who have the Least reearrl for their health to try thelb-
Bien Vegetable Pills of the Nora 'Mariam College of
Health., itnl(l at 19R Rnep ctreer PhilndP!nhia: nsthev are
'hr preparation Lf one intimately acquainted with the
healing art
From the ltontnn fixity Times.
Orrifkes fedien Pqrstabfe
Of all the onhlir advertised mrottri now of the diy we
know of mile that we ran more vafely reeommmilitot the
that flesh In heir tn. than the pills that are sold at the
&Trot of the 'truth American C.ltetoe of fleohn. Igo-19R
Tremont timer. Boron geverat instartren we kooky of
where they are awd in families with the hieheM entbeae.
lion; and no looter aeo than verterdoy we heard en end
nest PhYgleia nor the city recommend them In hfr.h ?rune.
There need to he in the rommnnity a treat rerwenitee to
the nap of quack medicines. an they are all indhwriminore
ly termed. hnt It wan mainly °wine to the 111. D's con-
Finny ly denouncine them. They are. however. hernoslat
more liberal in thin respect. and the eonneqaenee is that
yeeetatile medicine, are now more extensively used than ,
Extract of a r ener from Peter Christ, Mfrs/mt. Car.
roll co.. .114 . Nov. 171 k. 1 RIR
Dear Sir: A Isom Iwo mnnt afn. I find hanincini in Itnl-
Oman.. and railed at your nifiee and hrtt.to a Gew hire*
of the Indian Vetielalile Pills; and upon tryine them. I
found them In he far imperinr to - pllterw any nth
r mettleine I have ever need 1 had been wpet to , a
enneh for years mist and dttrtn« that time hp re taken
a variety of meilirinea *Rhein , 2ny relief . notti 1 rot the
Indian Veertalite Pills. and by taitin! four doses the
roovh henna to iolloa m.•; and now I enpv bitter health
than I have done the years pew. After t Gland them to
tea - wen:Me medlrtne, I Inuniiilholetv sent to filth imore
far a lafve snarly. I have received en mach %meth in
urine the Wilts Peretable rills. that 1 emoted help but
recommend them to ever, invalid I *re. and think. Pe welt
of the medicine that I have sent (ton down holes to my
n valid friends. In the State of Indiana.
Signed. PETER
From O. C. Meet. "elm r.rk
Mr. Frri.ritt— Dear Sir—Vas will eheame I , n for.
ward OF soon al. preeitile. porne of the Indian Verona},lie
Pins; at. sve are almn.t nor of the artiA. and they ipopar
In he eetrine into to.ineral Oar here. We have had a !rear
rail for lb. medicine ar present and ihntie that have aced
I hem.s , ,eak ve•y hiel.ll - nrtlieto. One eantli.man attritive,
hi. hetrtz cured of noway in the h. , at it em; and arnt her
lion Keen rored of Ilvatienays. Palely he the n•e of toter
Indian Vezetaille Pin. and is "inn tnottitt engitieh,
his rime if you think ptorr. G r. RT.' (*IC
No. 1 Chntliam Pqnkre. N. Y.
Ert. of a letter from Mr. JI. /1,74;.r.,
Dr. Wri —llav'ne •nine L nowlerls , P
, -our most errallcni compound Indian V.getahlr
not knowin_ how to :eta fresh moldy. my =loch M ithr
nearly exhausted and wighine to always halts. them In My
family. I lake this method to open a rorregoondenre with
you. The plug alluded to are well tho't of here and yr.
y mueh wanted. I nigh to make a:ranzeMet tt with your
for a constsnt simply. as I think a very :rear quantity
could he Pold In I hig section I r the country.
Ezr. of a letter frolit S. Griffitk. Stemarttrient, York Coca
ty Pa.
Air. W. Wright—Dear Siv—l am senior , the Whin
Ver.etattle hit the dollar's worth, and at that rate Ins
stock of pills left by your traveling agent, will soon ran
I am pleased to find ihnv are such ready gite,—Thnse
who have used them. speak in the tdahesi !elms of than.
Many have found areal relief from their we and when
the rural are finalls effected. !shall du you the justice to
inform you of the tame.
Fri. of a letter from Washistotou City.
W. wright —Dear Sir—Y.o w II have the kind
ness ro forward me as noon as possible, two dl three errs
of Pre Indian Vegetable Fitla. The sale, have fin. thelast
three months increased rapidly:those who ho.Y.Reoetoll! ,
remarking. that they are the hest pills they have 'vet
used:and my opinion is that they will in a Ann time mi
percede all others In this city. ROBERT FA*NRAM.
Washington City. D. C
Extract of a later frost Lgeollidif CI. Pa.
Mr. Wet. Wrifkt--Dear Sir—On heiag appointed
ant far the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetates , Pills in
this friary, we only took one gross on trial; bat ii yeah!
have been better if we had mien a dozen grew. On
fair trial they have far emeeded our most sanseine ez
pectations.—ln Pict. so retch, that we have been obtted
to send to Mr. Zimmerman at Lancaster. more than a
hundred miles from here for ten dozen, but these will
last tmt a very short time the way we are militia them
since they have been fairly tested. in the first plate. I
gave inane to our physicians.to make trial of. sing* . whigh,
they have purchased a number of hones. and highly sp•
prom them. A few days ag.o. there was a lady vent
30 miles meet a hot of the pins. she at the time was ve
ry low, and muerte to turn hermit in the bed. but to two
days. my Infa-mant sacs rbe wettable to help herself.
We eculd mention many other =MI. but deem it uane
eecetry at this time; bet would merely saw that as the
season is fast anproaehing when there will be a peat
nand for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills; and if we naly
get a supply of the medicine. we mule establish, ether
a!P.' which would he of immense advantftru not tWily
the N. American College offfealth. hut to the paMdegsem
erally. Please let us know your views ea the sui+}ee g
any direetions relative to the same will be progrptiy.eg.
tended to by
Very respectfully your friend,.
Jenny Shore, Lyenerieerrr• re-
Acerre for the lode of the *bore aimed lamas Viet
•rastic PILLS-
/nee Teoursow , Grocer. 132 Liberty tlt. Piusborgh.
rota aaa Toosrataa. wfuttnabutik,
P. Itarant.os. East Melly.
Cr zza ftitax.Shaaaablaagh.
air. W. Piestrze.frai-vierr.
i3IIIIIM FrIITOS, TArtimptay
Ns AP ALX WatinVaNNgirleklivrille.,
leing Train* tw. Ilf fie i;Poei.
rtrricz AND et.c+►z 4407, tor. the :use cf Wareurf*?..
Inrynat VEGeTsSLZ
Whnle.nte and ri.tai!, 169, sTreft, thinger!'
11,1 row wc4titn.:—AvA. U ...i.r 3t If. s4:tasi#.
v inaarierift tdiniistatte 4.444.4.
He wiity4ht ictrytitattkw-woiromit.i4tmew , o 36- 4.
Tt,l,l4.oeNtittYp l tAttn* *-1 04 ; 41 % 901,43,
W-110 1 0111444 = -