Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 22, 1842, Image 3

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    — . -- 7-------.
inn of Iniggiiiti o --e - ,
, k,_._, -- -..
the box9rad ary, aild'll4=-MM1....L.: - ... .
BANK NOTE AND ALCM ANGIE EMIT. - 1 Dt• A- W. rAtTrFtßiqOATt. o6ke OP Sttliehltad sOete. 4.
:rred to dui M il '''''l' . g wommilse TDOW. . . near Slith. .- ' ,
CORSI:LIDO DAILY, SY ALUM KILAJOUL, irirauses isajmoa. 1 ------------ - -- - ' -
-.EPTEM.BER 22, 1.842. PENNSYLVANIA. Wooster, • 2
____ ___ _____ 2
1 0
.0,.,.. i -"'' ----- - Bank of Pittsburgh. par ilansilon.
March. 4- Man. bk. pax Sandusky, 2
= . the --""maiisi Exchange bank, Par Gellaga,
onte elitairef.
l ethanitheri, - . Pk. of Germantown - Norwalk. 2
• Bho p , `lllithilelit 11 l
llloh,d 'mu . • ; y all the Mills, Factorie
• 5 &C., in and Easton tank, . Xenia, ~ 2
- -doors t ead . c f or ; Lancaster bank, dts 2 Haying, 2
a ..2. ,
'• : - b 1. 4 1 11 1. lik' ' - " Bank of Chester Co. par Scioto, 2
• . keep eonetaellihey iis city are making
Farmers' bk Bucks Co. “ Post notes.. 2
. start. The many workmen who
preparati on.
Doylestown bk do " Chillicothe, 10
hare been out of ell - inlay - air of N America Fran. Mt Columbus,
Bk of Northern Liberties." La..caster, 121
/ r le summer,
•, ~ .
, .
11 now resume their old pla , Commercial bk. of Pa. ° Hamilton, 40
Par. 4- Mechanics bk. " Granville. SO
Ken.inglon bk. " Con[. bk. Lake Erie, 40
~.-t- r :, 4' , , / - - :," -. ages l
sd Will o f _
bee ctSe°rdirlae:Chtlaotrlll°lllWger-gives Philadelphia bk. ••Far. bk: of Canton, 50
Schuylkill bk. " Urbana 70
•"'W. • .., '".. , i . f..,.' --' Southwark bk. INDIANA.
.jrig l i st of Iron Works which are
Wes!ern bk. , Slate bk. 4- Branches, I 3
_ ,
osliilrioar tIiN,TI
w be ne in d o b p ) ar L a y tt n o t n i
Bk. of Pennsylvania, 9 Stale Scrip, 50
, S hor b Bk of Penn Ts.
. / Man. 4-
.Mechanics bk. IS All banks, 2
Iform Seale* . . .
' "I" O ef irib ..
Mechanics bk. par ILLINOIS.
Ili d ) do do by Shoenberger ,„,
~.oyamensing bk. 13 State bk iik Branches, 65
Girard lia.,k, 47 Shawneelown, 65 1
o• '' -.- do, di' ii - o
°BERT PORTER, fittorney at Lass.—Office
10 do U. States kink. 55 VIRGINIA. Jilt on the corner of 'Forth and Smithfield sts. sep 10
do 'wnsville" Iron Works, by Edward
Luniberniet,', Warren, 75 Rank of Virginia, I
..- , do
Frank. bk Washington, par do V a lley, I -
ing lev ' ers an ;
de, Rolling Mill. by C. F. Spang & Co. Miners bk of Poi invite, 7 Far. bk. of Virginia, 1
6 CMIes p m . u additionalft,.
the 42 .)e of w a - Ingham Rolling M ill, owned by Bk of Montgomery Co. par Exchan g e I•ank, 1
'''''te Pciceu as abc , e Mon. I.k Brownsville, 2N. Wes!. bank 2 .t.... •._ _ _
Caunter s ca lr- ie. .: .
is Palen t. F,tlWarti , & Cri. Erie Bank, ih 5 !do - . 4. - rl er. do. 2 MON XV rALTH, AT A tit , I r..,...
ts. and, a hen}' Illr ri.liiirgh le ii k . 611 MARYLAND.
tll sell for Pro Vari ety
g cl i f . t b r. et . R0i110.; :klill, by Bissell , Sem- •
Far. irk Lancaster, 2113altintore Ranks, har IN pursuance of the provisions of the 4th section of an
Manufaerp m - - '",'-, 0 ; Bk of Middletown, 61 Country Banks. 310 6 Act of Assembly, passed the 27111 day of July last. I
Vill. 8 . , r C St eam Evitr'' entitled,- A n act to provide for the ordinary expenses of
It Works, 4 - ' - - ?dolor Hol'incr Mill , owned by Ilk. of Chainters'.urgh, 111 DEL II ,VA RE.
.: e A na es.firot and other-tat chi{ i- C irlisle hank, 61, All Mint., JJ the Government -payment
n, Giiriliill & (70.; par Debt-receiving proposals for the, sale of the Public
7 min. chairs Pk of Northilmt , Cand, 6.1. NEW JERSEY.
kiitell. Ettlf's ' Pia rim y '
~en" ,R,rli ,g NIIII, by Turbet, Roy- ~,,„,,,,,,a Irk 4 , r ,. , , , , ,,, ,,.. 3 All Barks,
par and 1 Works. and for other piirpor,s." there will he exposed to
thing inaehin Pal"t
Bk Sietoneliiint.ri Cr i 9 NEW YORK. public sale. at the Merchants' Exchange, in the city ef .
- ee ,ll silPeritir o.; Phillidelphia, on Wednesday. the 2.3 ii day of November
' , matinee for *status ID sv i vin i a R ‘ ,lli ag NI - 1 1 , OW net i l ir ,Pk of I), laware Co. par 11,1 8.0tt v. par
Isofaitte se —,..._111 --• next.at 10 o'clock, A . st.2the following Stocks, owned by
i Lebanon l.k. 61 Cvutitty kinks,
raptiorm hem ha- the Commonwealth, to Wit;
iloerior article; .ns . . SterloiLr &Co ; I cot ‘strorm bk. 51 (,:,f,•iv fiii.d )
• nit dies. co(r • ''
13750 shares of sleek in the Rank of Pennsylvania.
ee mills, haw,
ry for making the same. ar7 -SI Ivania R Xing Nitlis, by ',Milieu- ; York I.alik, 6i Red Rack. 3to 1
F,ir. B. iir,ver ,. i,k. of NEW I NGLASD. 5 - ." - 13 do in the Philadelphia Bank.
l& Brown. 1 , 1703 do in ti e Farmers and Mechanics' Rank.
eor repaired; printin i- viikini-nn,liiiii_iii. B,Bost no Bank.,,, ti; r
Pri-SgeS ftertai T ed. , - pies-, ,: 111C0t1" N•ol F,Ardlory, by
Icing, , •• .. rit•re,,c!. i,OO-=., 8 Country t. Will do in the Columbia Bank and Bridge Company/
A T , Agent. 1;,f1e...i;,1,-, , 2500 do in lire Union Canal Comrany.
. Co. ; ... LOUISIAN .1. . 1500 do in the Pennsylvania and Ohio 'Canal Cotn•
YOUNe. 4.4 _-- . - 1 tv,,,,,,,, two:. 121 Ortea ns Banks, - parry.
, ; 1 iesl , "gi. Slate Srrio. 5 NORTH CAROLINA
' .CE..9 .8..1V D BOWEL et) ER—Very coi l -,—per are put
. Conn; ri• do do 6to 1-1 Lank-. 4 500 do in the Chmtpeake and Delaware Canal
ilaranitig and distressing , • , , . . e.,,,,,,,,any.
eir nvercoat,.. We ha•i hre in Berk , I'o bank, 601 SOUTH CAROLINA
. F. , elual remedy in the me 1 Leivi,rirovn. 13 Ranks. 21
i Vcpt abie S p.m. p I ve , gterday for the first time Oils ,•1•„„„„,i„. - Pis. coLumurA
.•-• of sak ~ - .• •
Al. AGENT - It, 86 Foul% 01110. Banks. 9.
ni Cf. s • 1: rained % esterday pretty hard ' „,,„,.,,,,„ , ,
..., rli i•k r ;.. Al, '1 fl. MA Also, at the Slate House. in .... -
burg. on Monday. the 28tli day of November next, at in'
i far. A- Medi tit, of Sten. Good Banks. -
• an 1,,,,1r.
iT 1 0 Ar.-Tlie new -either 11. evi le, TENNESSEE. -'-'- -'
—____ _ _____— -I
-vole, Indiana coulatp. will hB
.ON SHIP. —I ii our nolire Cl tills , I.3 ' ' '''` " I• 17 (.1 ' '•-•7 (.711 " - On Bank.
Almighty God, ender Mei vi ,ri MICHIGAN.I
ind Jude. ott Sunday, 'hod 5 ~ , ,, , ,1,, e t5 I LI) mile ', wh it haS ht. ' Mariiiia I,k ftenin rid Ilk, of Sr. Clair, 6 ...... ,a ll ey Railroad Com
. ',any.
- very Rev. Doe. O'Haßaw,p.llo,,,. 9 Do. do. JA- 11. Smith 6
Stat. , ' !. l i lt' it iv „ , .. throu rli the af'• 1 d „ (•„,,,., . 2000 do Franklin Railroad Company.
ieation sermon by the Rey., - k note.:. 6 I'INADA.
1 ,1, New Lis :wort bank -
I enef IV ,•1 VV. W Irwin th'it its. 1 (-"'"'"''''' - •=. sto 12,1 400 An
Wrightsville, To - k and Get ysburg
rrtmmente at 10 o'clock, , , , I irfi. , f n :II: ltd. 2 Ett , ! ern F.v cha tige. Railroad Co.
;,..11,1 to the accomtundaion inn was st•enreil t•i tor= Hari , . We Ido r... 1 ;•.•:- . 2. t rilli.tdelpilia, 1 6OO do Corlorn. Navigation Co.
who may desire to witness , ‘7•rit r., , al, sn,cie pay. ' New York, I 995 do Bald Eagle and Spring Creek Nat - I-
I - AN. Itt i'l-ll.'e In NI r. 1., P .Ic, ~,„ ..„ 1, gallon Co.
WIL LIA Jit .V..9hlj _ 2 Ba iimore, I t, ... , ---o , ...sanA.
.1).9.V1EL H. RAI, • ~t , ,,, ~,,, I . . 1 Mer ir A- 'l•i.i.l , rs bk or fimtiiii
1 , ,i , . i) 111 ,ir, i , ii'l elc'el• ; , 1 Morionteliela Navigation Co. ~ ..i•kil _ —____.st, \':
JOHN .ar . LA-Ma i . . i li.r ' , ln. 11, :3, .tve‘tern Exchange. I' irrisiiiirr P ridge Co. •'-- -- .- - - , r'''', -. ~.,- . ---- e - r? -
JOHNS. iv:tnE . , , r, • I'll ,, more I.iiii,lrl!! 01 thi- ' c , intoi.'.t. ,r C.ourro , •l , . Irinrinwiti,
, Par ‘,"nrilitimlicrland Bridge Co.
De :int in , -. 2 Louisvic.a 2160 do Ittnnon2aliela Bridge co. ir - T S. NIA IL 1.1
GEORGE 31/1.11. 1 , t. par 2"'125.1-1-11i00° drdro'n
1....) . Ms from Ci
1800 do t In - iglo - iv Bride... co,
Ylt Baitditt 1 a B`n l ll in atte r I' :, 11 Paren wit' , I' e i (-;,,;., ,•;.-. 11.1. a, rence 1,-1,,,,,;.i. 4 Tim new,splendi
11. will nice CI Pi;t-Hr,L2ll rn-clidn• 1 '''""-`' 2.1w;,,,i,•, , , par 550 do Wilke...n:l. - re Rrid ,, e CO. l'ael.el9 Wen In,
II! ANDRE l'H PILLS, zr,,•••, , •, ik. 2,GOLD AND SILVER, par 400 do Lewistiorg Flridve Co.
Parkr.t., from Cote
porltinity to prove t' rtr =kill Ina 1
slid- read the following acr,. 600 do Danville ft:;l4 - i7. , • Co . einnati and St. Lot
of a complication a MILO' . ( Illi.:IIIe- , . - ,klliclithe li,re ',Wier- 'a tt rtion •• Saito. IRO do Ne.copeck Bridge Co. o'clock.
..-... o i Brandreth Pills, It I Passengers from
2.'10 (JO French Creek Bridge Co.
.. , ',F in nature which hare ' prr.).1;111,-,1 fr•••n en z . 1•2•;:;.: In. And • _ their starriva nowt
I ' , if RIFF'S s 9LE I will call, or, F r iday th e 2.35, 100 do Coneinati..ll Ftrid.e Ca.
- - ,-e. and Brandrelles Pingo:a - ---
• Irin• exceldol in the Ot'ler 04111ir3e15. IS ' ”. '' .-60 do Schuylkill and Pottstown Bridge Co.
onvinced. Take teemed • 1. :,1 lire FarlOry of E. E-rep, F.sq ,in Lawrenceville, 1(10 do Loyal Hanna Bridge Co.
dri : —) fo e r n l t tit h o D e Et e t li i :le i el o n lC r e:fi o , t‘ Ri a r o St n r o d T i f i
fiItD.IN.IRY CURE OPR' '- work V. hich III , ". - Ia ve tille d I.r he C r i' er --'l. K. Weart'r. Esti.. the r
&lowing properly: 92 do
R M o e h l 71 o ß i.: i n dg it ' r i C rl 7 re Cu. n y
Bridge Co
.t. 5. AND AFFECTION OF i!- - •:-: - .I,Ii.. 141 COMMellre at 2 Wenn k.
T y. o r 7 k u n d n a
a ll n i d iti; t e lel cu lu. .
ernment, there ran be little doubt 1:4 :••-•.,Drwonsture shovels, finished and unfirti.died; 171 du
I N . '
r n:: d a a t v
the o f
~ .of Ptlinbroke, Washit.das .200 do
vorn, sdytt, that tut was takes -
do canal do ;
Schnylkill Bridge,(at Matson's ford)
iron ship will In• the means of se- 1250 do
oohs since. The pains in his 1 ;oi ' , d. , . anvils , shear , . vices. 4 - r ; 'and where you ma ,
120 do
, and instep bring .1.1%14 1 . . , item Ole 1 .11111..1111J of lit lilt' mote .of 3 '-'''''••••• Coronary . i .
ri ,, e'f, and was taken into 1$ 1 -.nail lot steel and iron; cause, if any you h;
-ilv. of Boston. That cart e tleserifitnin. -'''..- 11 , 1 lumber; 300 do Witnninspoit Bridge CO., Washing. I
lon county. ROBERT T.
__ _ 1 ='021.. 1 ROBERT - SHAD
PeW lile n lint. Or •14,eril I ,l'• ']l 1 . , • ,O eru- I ~. A ko, mock in the fdlowing Turnpike Road Compa- I yeti 17-31
. .
flies. to wit:
•cl Ins loose on ?• n'/ 11 , I‘ : -tr , cid 7 1.e.. 1 .... -in ~ I sta.. P.: ,
• 2124 .bares . in I ; ylkit;;;OLUTi 0 ,
. T.,, :tort vinegar,
cnti'd art. p' rlorni an inciessiH'i .. :Y e l " n, i .1.1 ship hereto
e him an U' cis ... I ,:e no', rite; . Ile 71 , y 11 ••• , •••• 1 ••••to laralolo l
a human lr'in g, hit lie did not act like 1 , 5.. , 'I-'; ,
: i Wilson pie this dai
I James M'Clettand i
1 firni to whom all I
1 ~ni ..areel ; 1 •
•.; 1 L ei nkin.: Glati,.; ' red for settlement.
' sap 10
1 -
Doctor 01.i.cso id he
rna lieu milk • War,and lL
r 1 , 1311. MI! r ,tl,l be pte4F!ite,
•orni - P
C F.11.10r., r Stamen 1:
I , lly-id ken wlllt all 90rti,61 .
.n-nnihs, ffPring all ittetiow,..;
r fiat, beside:
nnbled much with a distaae
at 4111 al cid‘rt gnarl ofphleeto
ale re had a had Diarrhfra.
;'rd rim ft out the tollllfle
rimes he dreaded a sled .
Ve i,re:,lett fienlh; that hernia
holf -ave. that of knivcs . pa,
A Fll,Foritlf wore tharrilea'
?rat iFliefttitTEllll:lo4oi4
of •,o u.e to birn . that
he was .suffering the*Te2lei
Iv re Fr , lender In- could - not
+ne rl!‘nw nr npoe the koTe,t.
IT !Le linetbr sad
determined to
Pii ,stoch he did. nvil
tini•••• to eiglih The
r ect him. that Ibe
5 - 1141, .110W,811.811.
l im. , foVe n t,hiS WAS,
• hP fu t evr.rv—d-0..e
tirtt rurrd him of
red the ilia:the*,
1 0 , ~ =:—That the teeeliefee
t, , rn rrery d a y. Pet:yid cf!t
I tn , .snt. that ire felt hite , sel ,
ii is rexmeery to
' • "a! he had eakom the to
:he dottnr toed him if be
.1, 1 : t hat medicine. lie should
the house. umeiders'
.‘4 r st al rment for thebenefil
they may knoW where in
r I hem. J 1
‘‘: Leing by me drily sWorll
:2. Aid depoop and fciv the the
.....?.YDRETH PILLS are ado
t.; , ,A l ntlire. 24 I . BROADW ,
ri,... 1 %.1 carp, N 0.93 Wood
,L.:FCE in Pittsburr,h where
Hain 30 titiles4 Pittattimit ,
, in the sth . Ward.cor
to the Allexbeny river.**
"t, wit ti a frame tiouce a •
ntarezent ai a tavern alai
...N)0 per annum: eatirrl,
wid title unexcephonable•
des/rotr& of prOagfing ..a... ol !
• TreeA, •or Shrtninou',
are reqoeged to or
at th , Oro! anti See
eau be had ratalognec '4 4
KED W.lXTF.D.—Wil l “ ed _-,
r goo&, a qua ni it y OC FhttliTM
;:nds or Country prOdetet
,00dg a? IJARRIS * SiIIie n
CotriniiSsinn Ware
• i - TTER WORTH. RectirritO
Icrclickni, Louisville, Kr-
17.:tare, Dry Goods,Grooe r*
arSale, every TueadaY ,
at ID o'clock,
me.4s. •
. W ESTONIS re:aside
are remarkably food hall
P . .ittl a. cases of Vont Isreareolli
i cad_Aeitc and Mashy** .
ahie properties of dew*
f..nmarh - frona the fold POP'
-,•in the head and face.
men4ed. particularly : 110
'VA settled in thr beadso :. l;4
, face and teetb.kbei ne cc " , • '•
most violent 'rate",
v incitare been .tried raid . •
IlL'e and will not poem* tlnt
te at -John Thonahnonss s
door to the..Titiee Big
4 No, 141 , LbOril
1e analt-getait -Groettl
GloOLiod Ca0t_ ,... ..,141.'
and-Ole lastOriO 4llll li'''!"'`. 3 00_
sEnrlr toot-rwootos.7_ „ A fro
of Ofvogiill,oloo4l.-'
amble 4
rte t , i.-a 1 e r , is tic inrome 11x
T. etr amv.al
11. ll' ,
NI, ker. t'oor l-crn
rlpn,‘ Arri"-k`"
Iv ilretiro,d
t v rt, :11111,11 ho run , l ie•a=of,tl;'F
• .1,1 101
—Fianna 4.
r t urers , 11 ,, in, t:lke I his ~pp,ir
kien L,to.,t In I lie I,11:' , lial They Live
• r warrh“ii, 101 Wond CI.,
ice drun i soot h of Fin I, Si.. 'or tie or
where they n 111 keep ion,: a v or, lin rid. a
ply of pa pf r. ron-icl ink of c, ri? I 'I . :. sera poi oz.
11,r, ten 8”(1 veal! 11:1per, , and !son TV
will 61,p a lull
an o CH., Warp
Will 1. , cold low for or ex.-I,..rrzegi
In loeln at 0 , In l
tibtvrt.ii, 11. K Rry Inr nI V
y (If rla 11,r. he nrnrari% allcn,!rd
•nold, to f,tltt vnlnnwrrr-d In cn,kr edflii
the maitazement of iheir hu,nes:
J NI E• 4 TUrtNP.I'LL.
V. Si. DOHERTY Ili(Oriti I her, 1, leads and
uhh , that they have cnnirvene,d rnanni.ciu
and I tif.l Ihey have now ready for at
143 Lltwrr vat reel • het weer, Mar k.! and Ehh
ntin‘v,tl of Ilse very heal hwh Ihev
to It ,- Lo, nine tile rite:l;w, Anti iirr-r con
Their slor•k rondo or the erne hey kinds
Oiler; Neu! tja, Ca•lnrs short Na: ped. Rv,
Silt; Hats.
oltPrt y are olh !ert,tar bred natter:. thPV
n,tar experience a. Jr urns Merl 111 I he I,sl
in the COUrit ry,ii.eir att cot UP
n thr:heetion, and they amore the tethlie
he very 1,4 Relicles,orn the flint r ea .
will he offered for emit.. veh 111
Todepondent Transportation Live. to
ttphia and Balt, wore. For Tran.qportirg
to and fram Platbursh, ria Tide Water
rania Cana
Ibis Um , ronslst, of tlw firit c'ass. , Spring
; oocs, and Sew Decked Tide-Water Boats.
sober and experienced Captains.
ity this Line are enabled to Itave their
as cheat,, and with as much d. sea It. ii. as
lne. one Boat will leave daily from the
street fttoilloa,4 on the Delaware. in Tow
• • I. which tn kept esirretwly for that pur
ors will give their v hole :mention, and
vile We,tern Merchants to ;ice them a
will find it much to their advohtage.
conslicued Witham Bellow, 4 co. coach
Delaware and ea than Canal. „ % i ibe rece;.v.
'arehouse.fooi at Willow street R a il R oa d ,
, where goods can be put doecily from the
he Boats without additional handling or ex.
AM HEILMAN 4- 00, )
ilad. to flotidriyOuirg.. 1. propri.etors.
iaay,hur, I
A r 2.
3 .
icK EV k Co., Catiai Basin, Liberty street
K tete, street wharf.)
ti..leware,at Philadelphia,
'Jtwern E. Et.otat, Paliimore, .4911 mis
ERSON, Holidaysbargb,
!ROOF, Johninoven,
merchants generally thrtinaallt the lily.
1 'll:lt.i'e
1 T.
1 1.4.-o,r,
:,-zo :F:pade fla?,d!r.:
(;!., t > ores ,Vr
K 4 1,14
S':' 1 -1 w
,11,1 , vhled iniern.;l of Ephraim EM.ep, in lb
1., E-tf. I , A. 'll ort, n
I T. STEW %. T, 1'i,1101,101,T a. II Paper ilanfpr,
co, ..V), i)11- , Ir•••1. ta•llve.ol WOod aita F4mitt,fle!.i
,straw always on hand
d rem fIP , 'S and desTratcP. on 2rorn non.
. . 2 Isn sep :20— 1 v
;i LARIMt_R. Jo-cru H. 1111 t.
14. RIMER & CO., Ei-11.1o;ze Brokers. F our i,
s:rta-1. It ;tat tiJOr below Market. sOtt 20-1 v
Mount St. Iblary's College.
OT - Nl' ST. M ARV 'S COI.I.Er:E. near Emmetts
rgh, Alaryland.—Situaled in I ho most 10171,1.111 1e
T,ri of Fr-dern k founip, Maryland. Mount St. Mar y 's
lwzr 14 111 r iv. , ll:rawn from 1111" C1i41 , 111 - 11011.41 and moral
Inralion is unrivalled in point of
A 14i:a r,l)
lir, WI, l'PlW,...nnd nni , rdprinieries - s.
This CsiVr.t.ss rcirs i•icorpecated and emporered On
other literary honors ty the Legislature
the month of F. b*uary 1830.
1 ,, course orsiiiiilies is coniurchenzice, enihracin_ ni l
sicictires.nnd lanena2es usually taught in lone
and urell conducted 4.0111.2 M
I 5. I,inrary i , Fell"( I ;Ind exiensi7e: Its Reading Room
aCCeS. , in the hest literary and soi.entifie periodicals:
II bas an eicellrnt. Philos'nploral Apparatus Chemical
Liil , nratory.ke
The ctn...., of F",ench, Spanish. German. and Book.
kri—iiin.l ate kept either three or lour till:VS a uTek, the
iii es on Rh, lori , end Moral I ilosophy air s.icen
tire , a week; the lertureS on Chemist t y and Nkt., rat
s ophy. three time , a neek;thoso on fli,itory. on
!liiieralo.y. and Geolomy twice a week; and all the other
are kepi live tiines a werk, during the forty-five
w•.,k, of . he Sr Lola-tie tear.
The rhar7e Gn hoard and tui•ion, includina the cnlire
and scieidific course + r.e modern languages and
au other branches (exrepl intlsir and drawing) also wash.
bed and bedding. and Ihictor's Salary, is
$lll2 per annum. payable half yearly in advance.
and drawing (Ihe only exira charges) are each $4O
p.r annum.
The anneal commencement if held on the list Wed—
The s_es•tion of's: wiles begins shout the
,cdn v of JllOO.
161 h r.f Au not
Th, n' (flirt:int from Bottimoie fifty mires, from
Frt.; 1, i r,rk, Nia:)tand, eighteen, and fron Gettysburgh,P•i.
F A , F1.1 - Y OF TOE CO L I.FLO Z.
P . r 1 ..1 0 ‘.n Mr l., fir Y . A. M. Pres xlent, Professor of
moral rtwito<nnhy and Rhelorir.
Rev, John 711r1.0..A y. A. M. Vire prest., prof. of Flis-
Rev. r'n , k. Corry. A. M Pref ct of Studies, prof, of
Creek and Latin, and liktrurtor is Algebra.
Rev. Pltitip Rorgna, D. I), prof. of Theology and of
Sacred Sc, :pi ut e.
Rev. iIOI.IOfaLUS Xaupi. A. M. prof: of French and
Rev. Threnas McCaffrey. A. M. Prefect of Discipline,
adjunct prof. of Latin and instrncier in Geography,
Casper J. Releke, A, M. Professor of Grammar and
Instructor in Greek and Latin.
!aloft Clarke. A. M., Graduate of the U. Military
Academy. at %Vest Point, Professor of Mathematics and
Natural Philasnahy.
Francis P. Giraud. Graduate of the ..E.eole centrale des
Arts et Manufactures' of Paris, Professor of Chemistry
and Geolozy, and Instructor in Frenr.h.
Tutota in Greek, Latin, Enelish, A rithmei is and other
Branches: Rey'd Wm. Etcler,A.
Francs C. kll'Farland, A. ta.,Wro. Holland, late of Ascott
John Hackett, College, England,
Patrick Murphy, Michael G. Martin,
Edward Young, Thotuall O'Neil,
John C. Brady, H enry
John O'Donnell, Wm. Andre, Prof.; of Musk.
James Dirkey, Professor of Drawing and Writing.
Prefect. of Disci "tine
Rev'd Thomas M'Catirey, Jahrs Hackett.
Pat'k Murphy, John O'Donnell,
Nongl St. Mary's College,Sept. 9th, 1842. taut. 17-3rr-
X. ward [lathes, !lams toyer of Iron gig •
Warehouse, N 0.25, Wood at., Prusharsh. 10-17
A FOS MALS.--..Thestodettatgised iitrerarorsite
As farm, tiring Itlitisis Totes/111p - 41 miles from tbe
sat Pittsburgh, contaisain 114 acres ofland of which
LEASING OF :WATER POWER.-;-tqatice lir re -4 4 te.nleared-lthd under fhttee„ Rota 15 to 20 acres of
g iren,lbat at Ottawa, La SalleCouttty, Illiards.tt meadow. 2 grad Orchards of Apples, a few leach and
Wednesday the 21st day .of September next,' tit Ore * 1 1 cherrYlrtant---tbe Improveurehts area large (ratite douse
zr :i
be publicly sold or teemed, for a term sot exasedieg rte- containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for a Ta
ty-nine years. for yearly reat„one or two Lout . . said I cern or private Dw elling ;
..._ a frame Barn 28 by co , lLstone
an d th e use of a suitable quanlity th o e f
cu able rra f n o t r bui a te t r eg me an n d t!--- a 2 w g e omi ll .
of Ga ex rd ce ens lie
town of Ottawa, !aid off and properly situated, mane- 1 hin'ena" , nt: and Mottling, sheds tnd other out bodges soft
f a a . I ' : o e
water i t n o g proper purposes
machinery on the said Lot or Lots, M lat. r wa mu te n
said sale being made under the provisions and, Regain- I Pomp lb at the front door. In relation to the Patsiturgh
lions ofthe Law of this State, upon the subject. : i and Altezheny market; there is no place now offered for
By orderer the Board oi Commissioners of the Illito is ii
s m neaume le r w : i iL t t h isbaibe m n o rg re ybs i , od trteethe noe : m er: e r n ns t ewr to tolfi th ir ose ßbelsiErtgNima w noef is sAd h oelmle i c n Entl g oTode.be t c o nim p EL o nt rc ee:L li t a.. f..o w irt
and *pipe Canal. .1. MANNING, Secretary,.
serito Canal Office, Lockport, July 14.10 e. , further particulars apply to the proprietor at hiselothing
N. B. If not sold before . theIRON AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. --...t. get,
'tied into 10 and 20 acre lots 10.4110. pnrcha
ter would respectfollY inform nil old customers a - td i
win be am .
friends. that he has this day associated with him A . Me- i
Dwaine. under the firm of S. ketier-t Co and resumed, Ser2. rep 10 umed 1
his former business of dealer in Iron and Nails, at his did _
EVERS", good teachers can be furnished to schools
stand, No. a 3. Front st., between Wood and Market is, 1 Hatris's Intelligence Office.
A renewal of his old custom, and the patronage of the . Q.
()tittle generally, is respectfully requested. i..7/ in town or country. A cool female teacher• well
place in some respectable private family; sne will lake
Pittsburgh, A /nil 8, 184 ) SAMUEL KELLER. I recommended, with the advantages of experience, wishes
sep 10 ALEX'S III'ILWAINE. i a
charge of a public gehool. Places wanted for several
clerks and boys. mechanics. waiters, chambermaids, girls
for alt work and laboring men. Ail kinds of business
done at this once for strangers anti others visiting the
city. Perso s needing an agent in any thing,ivall find
SECRETARY'S OFFICE., • here long experience and a thorough knowledge of busl
OAR.RISELCIII3I3. September 14'6,1842. I ____
SALE CF STOCKS OWN ED BY THE COIL- i N. B. A tall painted pole stands before the door .
THE SCOW.:iher s respectfully call the attention of
their friends and the public generally, to their pre. pursuance of the provisions of the 4th section of an , WALL PAPER'S.
Act of Assembly, passed the 27th day of July last. l
entitled,' A n act to provide for the ordinary expenses of ,
, sent assortment of Paper Hangings, which contains a
the Government—payment
Debt—receiving proposals for the, sale of the Public large and
of th e
Works. and for other purposes." there will he exposed to descriptions, which upon inspection will be found to be
public sale. at the Merchants' Exchange. in the city of
of superior quality and finish.
, Phillidelphia, on Wednesday. the 23d day of November Unglazed Wall Papers, of al! descriptions, fcr paiering
n o'clock, A .. ts.2the following Stocks, owned b.
rooms° and entries, at 25 cents per piece.
' " .•a n
Glazed Wall Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for
3750 shares of `seek in the Rank of Pennsylvania. papering rooms and entries. at 371 cents.
5 - . - 3.3 do in the Philadelphia Rank.
thea t ) I :Km wealt It, to wit;
American Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for
1703 do in tie Farmers and Mechanics' Rank . halls; Fresco and other styles fur parlors and
900 do in the Columbia Bank and Bridge Com pa ny/ chambers.on fine satin glazed grounds.
2500 do it the Union Canal Company. Frenrk Wall Papers, Decoration and Fresco patterns, in
1500 do in the Pennsylvania and Ohio 'Canal Com. plain and rich rotors, gold and silver paper.
puny. t Peleet and imitation Borders.
500 do in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Landscape Papers, in setts, for papering hotels, halls
Company. i and dining rooms, at reduced prices.
1000 do in the Scituylk ill Navigation Company- i Fire Board Prints, Statues, arrantevild, 4-C
-4 320 do in the Bristol Steam Towboat and Trans W indow Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different co
portal ion Company.
At.n, at the Stale House. in the borough of hagg i s merchants and others are respectfully invited
burg. on Monday. the 28th day of November next, at 10 to call and examine their stock and pt ices. off which last
o'clock. A. M. a liberal discount will he given for rash.
2905 shares of stork in the Danvitle and Pottsville From long experience in the I usiness. they are able to
Railroad Company. manufacture papers in a superior manner, and as they
2000 do itt the Cumberland Valley Railroad Com- are determined to keep nit , lie character their papers
have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re
ceive the encouragement liii heimso liberally extended.
No 49, Market scree'. between '3d and 410
Piti=lmrgh, Scpt. 19.1842—i1aw if
2 64
17 , 0
,h 0
. USA,
11 . 1
12 40
1 I 6
200 do Snowshoe and Packersville.
452 do Lackawasen.
200 do Puller and Freeport.
64 do Sterling and Newfoundland.
96 do Lenox and Harmony.
-224 do Pittsburgh Farmers and Mechanics`
160 do Bed ford and Hollidaysburg.
160 do Lntherslitirg and runialawnef:
160 do Birmingham and Elizabethtown.
64 do Bald Eallesind Nittany
The terms and roedVions of said sales will be made
known on the days a forowid, or hymn applicatinn.ataay
tinte.to this office. State stock, wilt be received in pay
went at par, or certificates of credit, which 'have been
entered on the hooks of the Auditor General, in woo
ante of a emolotion of the General Assembly. peemill on
. the 7th day of April, jale.
By- order elf the Governor. -
• '- •- A. V.PAW*1145 . ,"
20—ther Seeestaryof th e Coollolntlat
he Harrisbutg, Carlisle and Chambers
Cilambersbure and Redford
Bedford and Stoyntown.
Ftnps+ow•n and Greenshnrg.
Cr,en.hnrz acrd Pittshar.h.
Cambria and Indiana.
Erie and Walerford.
Perkion,en and Reading.
G:in and Newport.
waynestairg, Greencastle and hler
Atitq'tgantown, Churebtown and Blue
Liiile Conet.loga.
Berk: and Dauphin.
Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Mid
Easton and Wiikesharre.
Suarpiel:anna and Lehigh.
Milford and Owego.
Pownington, Ephrata and Harris
Centre and Ki,ha , nquillas.
Susquehanna and York borough.
York -ind Ceitststturg.
New Holland.
Sot n± House, Northampton and
Carnira and Susquehanna.
Susquehanna and Waterford.
Susquehanna and Tioga.
Rrideewater anti Wilker.harre.
Piti,brir.li and New Alexandria.
New Alexandria and Conemaugh.
Belmont and Easton.
Plrlchurah and Butler.
rhi . inF`atrz and Susquehanna.
Butler and "terser.
Alerrer and Alnadwitle.
Anderritn's F,rry, Waterford and
New !Liven.
Pdtslturgh and Steubenville.
Rid;. , Road.
Bethany and Din man's Choke.
Rnhitsiown and Mount Pleas.ini.
Mount Plea-tint and S'onnerset.
Sninerset and Ridlord•
Hanover and Carlisle.
ii and L.n istoo a.
Ilinlectinir and Philipsburg.
Phil:Wel ph la. Brandywine and
Belmont and Oaliglinaa•
Harrisburg and Mitlerstown.
Phil detollia and Great Bend.
Lewistown and Huntingdon.
A tmFtrong and Indiana.
Clifford and Wilkestta•re.
I ndiana and Ens tisitu rg.
Washingien and Williamsport.
‘VaQhingtori and ritistturgh.
Li coining and ['niter.
Middletown and Itrirvishurg.
reflect:trite, Aarcinsiturg and Young
aid Pstown.
ituilrr and Kittanning.
Inile , burg and Smethport.
I/errs+ on a and Yrinstwansiourn.
Mount ani and l'ntstni rah
York tlavrn and Ilarrishurg bridge-
A till - Won and Waterford.
Warren and Ridgway.
Lewklltra and Youngmanstown.
Somers , ' and Conemaugh.
'arbondaie and Lackawana.
Somerset and Cumberland.
Lewisburg and Jersey Shore.
Ligonier and Johnstown.
Warren and New York Slate Line.
Titusville and Union Mills.
Armstrong and Clearfield.
Warren and Franklin.
Sugar Grove and Union.
BlOWllington, [far risv Hie a nd Frank
US. MAIL LINE of Splendid Passenger Sieatu Pack
e , s from Cincinnati to St. Louis.
The new, splendid, fast running. e; drauzlit steam
Pacl.ets West Wind and Nonpareil, will run as regular
Parkntc, from Cinctn nal iln St. Louis. Will leave Cin
cinnati and St. Louis evei y Wednesday morning, at 10
Passengers from the East and West may rely upon
their staniug pumtually as adveiti.ed. sep 10
CREOITORS TAKE NOTICE that we have applied
to the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County
for the benefit of the taws enacted for the relief of Instil.
vent Debtors, and that said Court has appointed the 4th
Monday of October for the heart ng o • us and our credi
tors, at the Court House, in the county aforesaid. When
and where you may attend if you think proper, and show
cause, if any you have, why we should not be discharged,
ROBERT T. FRIEND, Pittsburgh, Cabinet Maker
ROBERT SnAw, Butcher, Lawrenceville.
sep 17-3 t
ship heretofore ezi.ting between M Cleßand
Wilson ie this day dissolved by mutual consent. and
James M'Clettand is authorized to settle the ionginpFe; O ft he
firm.to whom all accounts must he paid and Bills presen
ted for settlement. JAMES M'CLELL A ND,
sep 10 3E.-_;SE D. WILSON
MAGRAW 4-BA MILTON, Atiornegs at Law. have
removed their ( - Mee to the reOrlenrc of H.S. Ma.
paw, on Fourt!lm. Iwo doors. above Smithfield sep 111
ERICA CA RD —Vcrt. M. WHIGTIT, M. n. wit haul
immediately refinquishirr, his present hu.ineas.
has determined to resume the practice or his profession.
He will eive his attention to the several hranche. of Med.
rine and Surgery, in all or which he was regularly grad
Offirr and mddenee No. 71 Fourth strept.one door
atmve Wood
For the Transportation of Jtlerchandi:e to and from
Pittsburgh, Boirimore, Philadelphia, New rark,and .Bos•
ton. Ts, (tug hin the shortest !ime.
TH portalite Root Line, is composed of
Boat.: in it in four srflictis, each sect ion capable UI
containing seven tons. and susceptible of being separate
or detached anal Iransferrrd front l'a' al to Rail Road;
thus, as it were, forming a complete train of Cass, or
presenting the novel appearance of a Boat sailing on land
and 'hereby voiditng the great delay occasioned by tr .
shipping at the several juctions and terminations of Ca'
nals and Rail Roads. the expen. - e of transhipment and"
the damages be goods ,ustain by Iregnent handling; and
rendering it impossible to separate lois - of goon S on the
way—A - twin! trl the peculiar construction of the Boa'
having fear separate apartments in which goods are stn
led, renders them less liable to &image goods by water or
otherwise than by any other mode of transportation.
Tine system of Transportation, as cecomnienderl by the
Canal Commissioners and lately adn.lied by the Stale,
refers particularly to this class of Bolus, The Boats of
this Line are owned by responsible captains that run
them, anal is the only Line now in operation free from
monopolies or combination.
Cnods consigned to the undersigned agents will be re
, ceived free of commission and shipped without delay at
the lowest rates. All charges paid and every instruction
promptly attended to. C. A. Ilt-CNULTY 4- Co. kers.
l'Anal Rani n, Pittshnrgh.
F. F. POPE. Agent. 75 Rowly's Wharf, Baltimore.
TIROS BORBRIDGE, AgentPhila. eft 16 —I f
Laces and rt itthonF
Wide and narrow eels.
lace and Muslin roPar=
Infant6' frock wait=.
Lanieg, French Kid, Mohair
Lisle Thread. and Cotton Glovca,
Black Mohair nets for Veils--very cheap
A large assortment of Engltsh Straw Boone P.
Also, a variety of Straw, plain and fancy Tuscan braid
of he talra4 fashion, and at exceedingly low rates.
These goods are now selling uff at prices to Mit the
Ladles arc respectfully invited to call and purchase.
sap 16--tf
TOTS FOR S .- XL E.—Pon r Lots in Manelm.ter. One
.. and a fourth Ames of Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots
nos. 41,42,52.53.54 181,122 and 184. in lieok's plan
of Lots, on Holme's Hill Also, Lois not. 26 and 27. in
Cook's plan of Lots on High streei. near the new Court
House. For terms apply to Z. W. REMLNGTON.
sep 10
ILA Fifikstreet, one doer from tke old stand of N.
Backiaaster —Tim subscriber respect hilly informs the
Ladies of Pittsburgh and vicinity that he is now ffl2l3O
facturing a splendid assortment of alt kinds of Ladies'
Min's, and Ebildrens Fail and Winter Shoes, which will
be acid at
He will also make to wider a: - ,y kind of Panty work-that
May be wanted; Which will he made in Memos/ approved
sly le, And short esbototicis.
tiadln would do and' to call and try a pair, or our
iW 11w autMeithir kelp eirtfident that tie can furnish them
with an aniTiewaperiar to aP7tbinB now, manufactured
-INTolBcirrr, _ _
• 4408 . ritoksoist.401 door - 1111 0. 4 PW'
04111iMi*d iirodavne imas iktarika stint;
- -
. - - -
titoito r jiii;4l4; AM FO R LE .
SA—The' ollanettor teak reumla.
eitimig e ted C owry . ij !LA lame tract of Mini, kratiesabove Marimba;;{ amiss
llelltahltnewenlapeolfaily laoa* tii4o r ahik , mar h e h as Lof the Ohio river. and ta a goadeeelloa of the emmtry.
made mme t- 'maw important di Komor , i n me di c i ne A Good Warrantee Deed will beeves. This property,
ever „ low . , • vied width wilt : be ; regarded „neater as t will beaold tow for cask, or will - be embaseed city
forming an eyes*► in the art of healing. I property, or a small farm a abort -distance met of town.
After an ardoms application of years. asalstnd hp the ',Nuke of
best medics' it writers.and the lightamf experteoce. drawn, seplo No 149 lAberty st.
from a widely extended practice, he has invented a pill so
easy 1 4 operation, yet so Powerful ht effect, an Intel* rare.
and yet so thorously therapetutiek in quality, that it will
radically cure nearly alit hew dire Mer to which hareaui.
ty isbeir. The medicine is so nicely proportioned—lts
component logrediseesta are so separately adjusted. that
it operates upon Itheorsa, res. parts,and vessels of the sys
tem with powerful efficacy
billions disorders its street h wonderful. It removes
'be vitiated and acid blips, promotes, healthy mew ion.
and voon restores that all important amni a la a Tha l am i
condition, and wholesome activity. In complaint aof
stomach, it is particu'airly valuable. It cleanses it of all
morbid and pernicious matter. Inermweli the appetite, and
through the stomach, gives tone and vigor to the whole
Dyspepsia. Or indigestion. thattormentor of our rare.
buds in this medicine its greatest enemy. A course of
these pills will completely core the most inveterate cave. ;
of chronic Dyspepsia; and when the disease (semis in Its.
earlier stages, a few doses will eradicate It. eel banish ;
all its symptoms; the palpitation of the heart, giddine.re.:
dimming ofsight„eructation. wind in the,..borvels, nervous:
irritation, oppression at the stomach. eostiveness kcH
which afflict the unfortunate sufferer. Disorders of the ;
mucous membrane. like those drastic pnrptivea known:
by the name of 'patent pills.'
Gam ritic and cuticular affeelloes are cured in a short'
time by a proper use or this invaluable medicine. It eau- ,
ses the pores of the skin to be opened. removes exeresen.
cos, and dispels incipient disease by producing a natural
flow of nre.piration.
The Dielw4es and all other disease , of the urinary or
vans will he cured by the use nr 1 liis medicine without any:
noxious effects. In the diseases of ehildron they will he'
highly henefielel. especially during l isp lime they ore get ,
tins teeth, at which time infant. suffer the most.
But not alone in these diseases are their ruralise run- ,
nerttes powerful. but many. others have yielded to their
f.reible effiracs. Cousha. colds, consuntption.dtarrtra h.
bremorraitare, opilerotv. paratyvirt. headache. oledrive, in
fla mat ionv of the infect inev, verlllo.the venerial nr Prenrh
disease, and pains in the hack and hoar., are all radically
cured by a course of this medirins.
But in those complaints+ which are incident to fetnnles,
partienlarly at the turn of life, - these pills possess their
greatest sanative power; Floor alhus, or the whites, ehni.
ornsig, or the green sickness, obstruction of the menses,
sleet, sick headache. hysteriral affections, and all the ya.
inns severe pains, which afiliet women at the climarteries,
and the nausea and disagreeable sensations aeeompanving
pregnacy. will he totally dispelled by this medicine.
is there any thing so heatuiftil as a clear complexion,
glowing with all the hues of health. a nd oothloorning the
rose? Do ladies desire the possession oft his treasure?
Then let them Inv. and use occasionally Dv
Pills, for they are one of the best cosmetics, or beautiß
era in exisienre. They purify ti e Mood remove all
pimples. eruptions and blotches from the skin, drive the
bile from the system, and thus render the complexion
clear, rich. and transparently fair.
In the nee eft hie m.dicine, no attention need he paid to
diet. nor ..hr.” Ili there be any dread of eyposnre to the
weather. - Every thing can he eaten with benefit, and
with ne•f'rt nit y.
The retire of th e htthTiC is narticnlarly railed to one
thin!. !hat hnlikts the ennlMOn pnrvalives. anti patent
Pitts nrcmniric., they produce tittle or no pain. The Pet,
tem is pariqed. the tone of the stomach restored, and the
various organe hronglit again to a state of heallhf •1 acti
vity. without any of the sickness and griping attendant
tan the tine of eommon remedies. The Internal rnverine.
which evten•ls from the pullet to the anus, is too frequent
ly injured. if not entire destroyed by strong drastic pnrga•l.
tires. Pitt this in not no with these pills. for they are so
ge n I r in their operation that they link themselves with
natn re and only tend tier an anvilary hand.
Testimonials of the best kind ran he adduced, if nerem
-I,nry. to ("MVP Dr. Fell eti chill, hie long study, hie great
eanerienee• and his eminent illefeen in ornet:ee. Num.
hers of gentlemen of reenemability and talent have need
his pille..and all unite in rendering praise to this sa fe,
powerful, and wonderful catholican.
For certificates enemy handbills.
These pills are prepared onto by Dr. Grortne PET.TX. at
Younestown • Westmoreland county, het they ran he had
in all part. from his accredited agents. accompanied with
directions for their use.
llThey can hellnli of Fetters. Druggist, No, 201.
W oo d street,betots second. my sole agent for the City
Pitrshursit. •
25 eenta for n' &ix: s 2 srtner 11 ,, Z .11 •
My EN i i r of Long LiG,viit coon he hroneht Itefore the
pottlir. GEORGE rEr,tx, sep 10
DR. JOHN WF;STON'S Indian Sperific. A certain
cure for ilysventery. Moody ritx,Cholera Mori's.
Summer Com plaint, and a disorders of the howels. Per
formine. a nerfert cure In one or tyro drays. Millions
have died with the rlysenterv. Snmmer Complaints, and
other disorders of the howe . s. from the wrong treatment
And isnproner medicines made ace of by Physicians and
ratters in attemptin=to rule. The nil irles this me 'icinr
is composed of. were used•in ,the first place anions the
Indians. and has never failed in a Riegle instance. in of
f. el ins a cure for any disorder of the h0017P1., in soon? nr
old. An it exceeds any thine ever discovered. every
mother shrintd have it constantly by her, and shortld er
tend the knowledge of it as far an lays in liar power, nod
by this means cave the lives of thousands, who' would
otherwise tile If they knew not of this medirine.
It is a positive rare for any rlicnciler of the howets even
in the slonneest child it is perfectly safe. and very nlensant
and never r„ ;iv in rtirine the Pholern Toran.tirn or
mer Complaint. which carries off FO many children in
sep —2w
rEavirtrAvas or rt - ItErt.---Mrv. Ann raitercon.
fl'he.ter 2nt a brittle of the Indian Qtmci
fie f or her vrinnu:smt child, that had ciorerpa severely with
,s emnninint in h. bowel+ for nearly a year. it crivatneo
rect when the child ma. only two week.; old. and Anil ,
that Oa innols were aIcVnYY httri. lieinf Very much eriped
and .limy until it was nearly it year nia: all the medicinec
they made one of,riVi the rhild no mind untilihey crit the
Specific, and t hi. cured her inn very short time, hriattins
away several wormy.
Jane Warpie. Went nsvn. used Dr. J Wectemss Indi
an Specific nn two of berchittlym that had a neVene 31
trek of the Dysentery. when this complaint was raring at
Weal Town, (so much so that the scholars had to leave
the inctirmion) it co-ed her. chiltir,m imme&rileiy: also
annther child in the farm lion. , belonging, to the school.
with a number °Cottle's, both aduhs a ad children around
the neitshliorhorid.
Our younseat child Araa horn with the dysentery. hay
ing the complaint from its mother who wan alinct eft .
With the complaitii.a short time before cnnfinentent,(hat
wan cured in one day by inking the sperifi , ) it pagr-ed . a ,
1 quantity of slime and blood, and was violently atri- t
pad, at two days old we commenced and gave it the spe
cific which cured it in a very few days.—J
William Dents's ymingesa thild 31111. ;Mit led in its
bowels until it was past six mom hs old, its stools were al
wn VS green like pain , . t lir n it took bad with a yialent
tack of the dysentery,passing large qnn mitts , : of blond,
l'`ev became very notch alarmed and vat th..ericrific , in
Ike evening, and gave it arrOrtiiof to direllinnn , nniil.l2
n'estork at night. then the specific passed through ilc bow.
els and it got well almost riAmediaiely and has been Well
ever ' , tree.
A voting man Hain!! with Townsend Eache.s. Cochtn.
Chester en.. was co had With the dy , eniary that he tho'l
he wrinid certainly die. alt the medicine lie made use. of
made him worse, he was immediately cured by J. Wes.
lon's Indian Specific.
We could mention a thousand other Vises hnt we deem
it nonel•es. , ary.
Prenared only by Dr. Jolts Weoon. on the Conestoza
rnrnpike. Eao Whiteland. ehe.ter Co., Pa., and may
had at John Thomngon'e Grorery, No. 13 Liberty lc,
next door to the .-Three Rif noorn."
new 10
ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE —The Court ofComnion Pleas
of Allmzheny county, Ravine appointed the under. j
signed Assignee of David Jewell. an insolvent dehtor.all
persons indebted to the said Insolvent. or tioldin_ proper
ty belonging to him, are regraatted immediately to pay and
deliver over all such sums of money and properly to the
Assignee. All credit ors of tie insolvent. are also reguea.
ed t o present their respective aceounts or demands.
Fyn 10 JOHN A. WILLS. Assignee. -
Wit. E. AUSTIN. Ai torney -st. Lass..Plttshursh. Pa.
Mire in 4th styme4opposlte Rurke's Build*.
Wa.r..tioa E. Antra %E will give his attention tosuy
nafinished business, and I recommend him to the puttee.-
age of my friends.• WALTER FORWARD.
sop 10-1 v . .
. . .
ATTE7.4TION! ATTENTION.—AII persons in peones
pion of any orate. ateriottemettlP, nolots or other
litilitarp property , hotortginglio the Controtinirmlth with.
in the hounds of the 141 litritsde 15th division Penn. 'Tot
nnteers; and Militia are Itrpebv • ninifted to retain Maid
Twerp/91y to , ese on or herrn* the Ist of Orkiber next; ,}tbe
Mti section of the Militia r, a . is will he eriforced staajoga
. , . ...._ s. _ _„- ._,,... i
ail persons refusing wow& trun in. Z"." .7 4
•., • ~ - T • TUOMAS OVViti '
wopl6--dfar • • 1 ' rri^lo l ^ 1, . o 1
riA3rict. M. crate.. - ; i.....,:i.
.I. ntgr ,P.7oti
PoA‘sai.Balkall, califtent ' .
, is litiiOtrolempli§mia itti,A,rif*eft
.o Eltoo k , .Paitgallm'Allettli=k l -
. 10,1141*?* 1 1004 ,, 4*- a i ti - ..4 tit if.it', thilea : ' the
1.11.111r1- : .: ; . ...1 . -• :: , 'ls., -r. #1
- - : ..; * .!*‘ - e R.. --•• i! ..-' - "1 - . - - c _?,-.03.- . ---.,----,..._:,: remr:',.
A- NATURAL REIIFDY inniterta ear Csastitabises
ami eserpersat is !hit can of awry evo*Re
Disasse,wili ea Ansi wftroffra nvlstior VEG.
Er.esEß - Pir-LI4 if lINLJAort_ ell'nqt* of
Asalri.—These ettresistrary' mow esopt,oked it a
bleat which grtnrs spostaneoesey, tstetseil cud
are therefore better adapted to ea etmot:titteltes, tight
medicine coneneted from *steles thrt see4l
they may he compoanded. and, as illfrielint hales Veg.
etable PfN. are (bunted mien the principle that The be. if:,
maa body Is in truth Stripa to int mut Disatailt.vhcrer.
rapt humors. and that said medicine rams this ahem
on Aeataral Pristipies is alortoios toot Est tia
Body. it will be manifest that if the constitetiols be mat: ,, - :,
entirely exhausted—niPersererenee is theft use eceonigtig
to directions Is absolutely certain to drive irony dhow*
°revery name from the body.
When we wish to restore a Swamp tar Morale to der.
nifty. we drain It of the superabundant arat•ric is like
manner if we wish restore the body to beat* We Inv&
cleanse hof impunty.
Wright's &limn Filet aide Pith, will be Anted one d
the bent, if not the very htet bledieine is the arorht
tarrying out the Grchtil Pateifyists - PAt. bemuse
they expel from the body all morbid • Moms the era. Of
disease, in an easy and Nears, Xernor: and teitile thee
every day arse ease cad Fleasars.dimmits arena, let=
is driven from thr body.
The above named fettfan Vegeta&la Pill,. have been
three years before the American sad'wie ram now
my wit boot a fear of eontradletion, that oral, the nod.
ons medicine: , which hare heretofore been popular. net
one has given sneh universal 1421 tirAttion t at obtained
such a hold neon the affeetions of the people. Not on
ly do use it invariably experteoee relief. and teeommend
it i n the strongest terms, but it haa effected some of the
mob astonish's'' , cures ever performed by toetheine.
Hitherto very few of the numerous testimonials whtch
have been received in favor of h extrnordinaey inedlctwa
have been published , as the medicine obtained Its present
great celebrity more by its own intrinsic goodness than
fmm extenYive advertising. It has been deemed proper
however to offer the f tltorri n g opin ions of I he public peens
togei her with a few extract. fr • m letters of - Agents merely
to show that the ram: of the Indian Vest..taidePillts IR not
contsned to any one section. but is rapidly extending It-
self to every part of the Union.
From the Philadelphia Saturday EVPllifig Poet.
WI-lakes fedia. Ferdable Pills--VrdihVo Indian
Vegetable Pills are attainineerent in New Eng
land as well as other parts of the tinted Stem Thant
tempt of persons to defraud the pohlie be the sok. of apt_
emus articles meats with general reiTiOtlatklit, MT.
Wright is an indefatigable tonsinemi man,anditansirs an
array of cur e s by the niedirine which warranted cont•
deuce In the trt rum , . of hi' Indian Vertihterilhi.
From the Philadelphia S I irk of the Times.
Wright's ladiaTt Vegetable Pills.—People see pretty
well sat isfkai by this time that Calomel, and theone thee
sand and one mineral preparations of the shops ate better
adapted as a general yule to kit, rather than tare the pa
tient! as a matter of course, vegetable medicinetarethere
fore in great request. There are eery 'natty humbugs.
however, amnng the latter. nod we would advise aUthese
who liner The least regard for their henitli to try the 1a
dian Vegetable Pills of Ike North American Collets of
Health, sold at 196 Race street Philadelphia; ilthri , are
the preparation cf one intimately acquainted with the
healing art.
From the Boston Daily Time,.
Wright's Irdiax Vegetable Pity.
Of all the public advertised medicines of , ttie• day we
know of none that we can more safely revonarnetsdpor the
ills that flesh is heir tn. than the pitis thatmce mold al the
depot nfthe North American C..tles.e of fleaNA. N 0.1911
Tremont street, Boston Several instance■ we know of
where they are used in families with the highret vatisfrm
[ton; and no Muster atm than yesterday we hiard an emi
nent physician of the city recommend them in bleb terms.
There need to be in the commtinity a !rent ornornanon to
the nee of quack medicines. as theyare all indieeriaidnale
ly termed, litit it tens mainly °wine to the 14. D's con
stantly denntineine them. Thee are, however, Feminine
more liberal in this respect. and the conacqnenee Is that
ve.zet able medicines re nom more extensively used than
Extract of a refer from Peter Christ, finitniora. Car
roll co.. Md ...Yon. 17th. IRSB
Dear Sir: About two months a.o. I had business in hal
timore. and called at your office and be.u2ht a few loxes
of the Indian -Veselahle Pitts; and upon Ifyine theta I
found them to he far superior to —.— pillrow any oth
er medirine I have ever used. I bad betn 8000 to a
couch for five rears past and dnrin• that time haietatreo
a variety of medicines without any relief. until I ;Tot
Indian Vevuable Pills, and by taklns four dose" the
cough began to leave me: and now I enjoy better health
than I have done for years past. - After I found them to
he a valuable medirine. I immediately sent In . nalliplare
far a large rn nply. I have received so much benefit la
usiny the Indian Vegetable Pills, that I cannot help hot
recommend them to every invalid I see.and think PO well
of the medicinethal I have sent two dozen boxesto my
invalid friends. in the State of Indiana.
PETER cgaisar
From d. C.. Block, Now York.
rea. Writelet—Dear Sir—You will please to for
ward as RAOl'lllll possible, Poole of the Indian Ve.etahle
Pills; as we are almost out of the article and the! appear
to he sett ins into ceneral I:archers.. We have had it area'
call for the medicine :it present and the, that have aqui
thetnonteak very lite.htv of ; hem. Oarigentiewattattril uses
his hei:es cured f nropsv to theory. Of it.enf, nod another
h a , hers co red of IIvgIWPAVIII, solely by the nee of your
Indian Vegetable. Pitts. and U von ettoutd publish
1113 rase if you think proper. G. (. BLACK
tsro. 1 Chatham Futiare. N. V.
rre. of a letter from .tic. A. Lareiwere,
Dr. Weir Dear Sir -- av:ng .nm e k now k.d it , o r
'our most excellent romprUnd Indian Veyetaltie Pnts,nod
not knowinf how to yet a fresh ntilltiv•altrallteit
nearly PIC hanged and wiShiny to nlwapitave them in my
family. I take this method to open a rorreenorntence with
von. The oinF nlturied to ore well tho'l or here rind ve
t v rnneh wanted. I wish to make n :raer.e.vin to with you
(or a ronslant supply. as I think a very great quantity
could he Fold in this section 4 r the country.
Ext. of a letter from S. Griffith. Stewarttorm, York Coin
ry Pa.
.Mr. War. Wright—Dear Sir—l am mains the Indian
Vezetable Pi it. , hr the tit,lta r's worth, and at that rate the
stock of pills left by your traveling agent, will amee ram
I am Weased to find they are ruck ready sale = Those
who have used them. speak in the 1:1•Ihmt hmine of them.
tlaay have found great relief from their lye and when
the cures are final's . effected. II shalt do you', the Justice to
inform you of the same.
F zt. of a letter from Washington, City.
..41r. Wm. Wright—Dear Sir—You wit have the klrid•
nee s to forward me as sone as prersitde. two or thrsesnws
of the Indian Vesetable Pitts. Thesalrs have forthe last
three months increased rapidly:those who tuy.generativ
retriarkine. that flier are the hest pill, they. base eve.
used: and me opinion is that they "riff in a shod lime Int
pereede all others in this city. ROBET PA ItHIVAIN,
Washin ß gton City, D.C.
Fxtre.a of a letter from Lreseme;eg C.. Pa.
.Nr. VFW. Wright—Dear Sir—On Wag appointed
agent for the ale of Wright's Indian Vmtetab'e. Pills be
this place. we Orti9 took one Cross nit trial; bat it - vroald
have been better if we had taken a dozen ;mac Oa.a
fair trial they have far exceeded our most sanguine es
pect ations.-1 n fart. so r uch,‘that we have been obliged
to send ro Mr. Zimmerman at Lancaster. more than a
hundred miles from here. for ten dozen, but them Mid
last nut a very short 'line the way we are gains them
since they have been fairly Vaned- In the felt pkisee.l
gave some t o our physicians-to make lila! •r, sfleasirWeb,
they have purchased a number of boxes. *ad bielety.ata
prove them. A few days ago, there was a hely meat
30 miles loam a hot of the MIK she at the thlue wais ve
ry low, and unable to turn herself in the bed. Mello two
days. my 'aroma ntsays the was able to belp beettett,
We could mention many otheremen. but tkeas Kamm
emsary at this time; hut would merely ear . aute. au tin
season is fast approaching when there will ilwatitteet, de
mand for Wright's Indian Vegetable Matti ild it wetsoly
ge t a supply of the medicine. we -Coaid tinitsildibla weber
agents which would he orimmease advents:eve only to
the N. Amirleall 611 ere of Health, bait to the public Vll
,auy. please lot as know' your views on tbwisolibeti
any directions relative to the same will ire.. promptly.-at
to by .
Very respectfully year Sriettda. '
trormarnalt Elia:
Jersey Shore. I;yearideirro Pa-
A morn for - Melia* of the above named ittatiar MAE
TkELIC rit437 . -
Jima 1 . 9191,v0nk", fLye^fr, 15:1 Ll4erty
Cslta.K4 ItAvric.Sham•bargb.
S. 37. earromir. - Faimicor.
isatis..ElMToll4.l l t rt .
3ninkTzuroxiik...lll.o -
isiltikiNvilscraOpam 111404 =
uirclnit b9. liali#4 I ;f7. ' T
seine •