- ' --- • -. :t• -,...--- . - ' " '"*"..:-" --- - '' 1 - • ' - ' • -,••••, '. - ..''''' • • : .....- !," ...1 41,5., 4 , .,.• e•:";:•••_,"*_ . f ...., • ;••••...t .4...*F16› , 4,4 . 1.k..1 ...A41,4,--' i: A 41.7. s,- C,. ~ W-. ~,.7 A , , il ,n: ~ . ~,..- i V t . - , • - 1- ' '-' ' t '''" ' ' '"'' -- . -.. -- -_f - ..:-..': ....A ::-_:,-. ....-f - .- _ 1. , . -'-'s 1 -_-_-_--:-.-_—_- *FWaiiii . , _ ',- `" 1- ' . 2,..,.... . .... T . ..... • . .. .. . , ~•4 4*-,',,----4.:.i.:,.._ ,-....,, •,....",: .:.-:: ' -: --- .- ..:''' . ' • - II . .• . . . ... -......., , . _ . , . • PITTSBURGH, .SEirrEMI3ER 22, 1842• , , TAKE NOTlCE—raft ita the Safely Guard have *ISIOT*Or the aPPlarat eyed by misremelleolic boats to M. provided whit are rot i a secated ageing `a list of Moats supplied iv, . of Piusbargh—va" e the improved apparatus . Me for an E.:wawa/kin .. ''• ' , FOR lIIOSA, ILLINCiIa, ' Dr QUES3m .E. JEW EELS, : IifpNTOOM NS, ~ CADDO. ' liG-E;-- INDIAN QII . \ GALLANT, - R. QUEEN ar Taxi tit DIJEKOF- OHL - /WILLI ANT, ECLIPSF., V ICTRESS, MI"II IGAN, osPREY, PENEL3PS,. BOW INA, AGNMS, • M Es , s'ENGER, I S ‘RATOGA, ORPHAN BO OHIO, CECILIA. 3 H BILLS, GALENA, M ENTuIL o mmenity ale rector:lloli a choice ofai boat, tor - filet:4 would not he to their oci..e a taafely Guard htal, 1. in prefereneyo atm wan —and that they Will twit has the unqualified • hailitere--pintleinen elm( 41 the al:l4cm, and wboare - • a number of certifies:raft of hero-211 of which CU tr. Water Ftzerii, where ii avail rTs * to e inverif iroulile to rail. CA GWALLAGEt BERET TOOTH WAS' •.••• rim edy.—The extreme nsatie 0F4,., and the fad • • ny ineenlians for their •• re them in a state of henna at Irby period,: of eiLleure, t , e disxorery of ihrabare • forms a pore tincture compind s, and is po,-.essed orate m.sl Inner from the tenth, • . poti-he= and prwerrel ibe .- 1.-311 tikc w hitrileso, and, flow pos...,esser. 11:e virlce thin erbulic. the Gurnee-`V* lo "i •r-survey ie 4xradlrlifell Von nr redress is induced. tvt/Ilk .u-I ruactilioner induhitagle' ate_ has Leen examtns ullyehriaos of this Icily. fontmending n as an excel eir. tr% WILLIAM THORN, 53 Mai t•et reet. Plitalnirgt4 tngists, and at Cook's Mut Co.ntis io -Merchant, D earl-it-4n Manufactares, -q., rtushurzh an of 11'd Gzq , Madison FARM FoR SALE--4 iivn. in Wllkins to Poniainn.: one hundred and a 4 of n hirh k cleared. and ; are upon at three lag r. • br 34: an apple orchard of Le, en of can/. The soil fi y upland farm In the • . or, ap pl WO/opin the antsm LLI AM WALLACE e. %VA LL. Flail cad Fowl ~• arre F itilllf4te Kra. • •a burg/I.—Canvass Brasilia, ~-3 . -r on hand. Looking! • 0 order _ ilepairing done ntion paid to re:lading sad p Steam Boats or bones wig - D.—The subscritersaine nall painters. and othern who -Lead made, of Umbel* " o ..uperior to anv offered tri Iltiniars Hughes.dire rood el reel. Piitehargb. will DUNLAP 4 10: -HIOVAitLE SHOE STOE dsorf rens Oa Stasi of N- T miner' luny 'Worms the vicinity that he l a•• t.,= own manufaciare,nt the t-t p . constantly on bawl a of ladies, misses. and i.,st quality. Is hid' Will io , es He will also Wake * work—Each as white •sted, ratters, and buskins. Isaiah = sailers, itc.. ilte• he shortest notice.tead hi t .1 please call and essimiine.* *' feels confident that be is line they may Wald , reel the place—No.E. is's Intelligence O&M& I** reel. -Al DIGBY having taken tits fof un' florzsrasu nd 42 Market street. kliP memos Mewls sod y liYeral support iu connection with Or- 1... j e thew that every tore0 000 ; 4 "0" anatioa of the same- fle their atteotioo bis - 0 0 he iatendssellimirat allettidal cer offered, belagi atl e sleek of ibe isisOrsta lr niio intend:sup co O f 2 l aims ii f ,_ 1 feels issaidartnsr,... 4 7olo k, either Is chrsillori l VMS • fislacetbat eireslSool/10414 • rgb- AO * oftitOW.Airestifisg oor _c 4 Jrdni Wards itICIT :73 ket stralx..- 1 • trie 4hir 101111 _ 4 - - - -5.r. 119 •=•., • , :u•••••••- , 'U104 1 7'17: 4 ' .tt L. 1.-NO 11. PUBLISH ED BY HILLIPS & VV. H. SMITH, &NEI? OF !FOOD 4- FfFiTl STS. FIVE D0L,1...4.R 5 a year. payible in le copies TWO CENTl3—for ease at the office. and by Nears guya. curl. and Manufacturer SVECK LI. at Ilse game office, on a &table t. at Two DOLLARS a year, in ad. rie copies. SIX CENTS erins of Advertising. LACE OF TWELVE Liscs OC LEE: n. 0.50 oar month, $E..00 as, 0.75 I TWO morilF, 6.00 ons. 1.00 j Three months 1.;.0 Four months, 3.1111 SIX months, 4.110 Onet)ear. • EARLY ADVERTISEMENTS' (liI,NGEACLI AT rl EASCRE. Two Squares fHI wiz montt.s 25,00 One yr,. ntivrriiSt me n ee , II prorort•on. f.,ur i. nes r:lx Dol...Laz, a year BLIC OFFICES,&C Orri Third tretwtten M a rkPI and Wood ~Rtddle. Postmaster. onaa, Water.4,ll door from Wood Ft. I eter ,—lriajOr John Wittorn.4:miertor CRY, Wood Fl SemAte A. P.:trt , am. tp t ea,uror S"."V.Y • Tiord 0..11 door to the ran Chut,;l—:= it. I.llnaion,Trea.nrer. • a. Fouri h, t cistrrea Market and K crud r Hay, Ma t or. ICE•KGIC. Fourth. near Ma s , H NKr, het weep Marko and IS and slreet,. on rib stn-rl<. A.NP SI I r R rp.s ' AKD FARAIE2s. DE -11,11,r, I v Fub,! Fourth, bellOrceli I,r; Vs iwd 5 ,, r 1, rear the . I t.~r:r.. IYa 0 i_. tor r,r of r ti ntl r Ili/ rtl r ,, r of tl d 00,1 EM=6l rt.... t,5 %ell', . . Is I IMMINIEI •t TTOrt NEY A D ELIA)11 L W.- , e r-uu , othres -IHlty fjou-r, it 10,1, lu up It. !V1111.4,11, ELLIOTT. M. D. u,ire ref nor , d rn ktrrcf Prnr and LI bcrt )1)S. L. le I'm?, :s! L, r ,, 'l, at d lan inns ~r en 111 1. VAIL, .P r LESS S 11*C1.1:11E. A torn-y; aad !i“rs ai I w. u:in .e rl P. , • u.:lt. S'l, 111 , Aid. r Off,e .arch iti. h ,'„ I ‘V ,1.1 1 of', id np Eyrrf. r ,f, And I • r I'l P$11:011) r ff h 224 r , tt , ep 10 I=l ITEM DT EAVORTII.- bolt "!e I' rnd n•r at 1.5•0 n VFrr ha to., and RA IZOBV.SSON. %,,o,ocv 11, ;og A:1,11._, al 11, , C v 10 I It. pU!.;Ir. I Iff,r, ru arkct S.trtos. D. I,loy . a se p lu 6.• 2hE.IY, M oico.4t.pr rvl 6.t 120,, lII= YOUNG A: CO.. Furii W.irc r ,t 1:1,11:1/iae Ai ek. IJ IMr(!,e-, In Ili tiled IT lir ru qua, , y ;1,1 ;,r -1u:: II I.l`i ured and ;or •.; i heap hy d. 'l(' H F.r. 111111111IM d and (nr salt. P.En' [l:\ No. 1.:4 OSEY.S Boot ‘1 ( g.) Four! t, RI., treit ‘1 , 1., to I!, 121!11 , r,an6 U, I;1^ /less tr•l ri-co/ 0111::= NIVLTIC9rI,I'S to,u,t MIENII=III F I. sN , IkVIDF. , :, No, 134 I.,lwr'y :Irrel. head ...of Wood Finn v pion. raft :t: 1,, Drug F SNOVi I)F.N. 1 g 4 Lt s .PrlN ti V n‘q.l If Ins:tr y , 1 1an,i1 . 10,11 o,lt,ts ,rod, for Drug and F. L OW DES. 183 Liher,y flrept, head or Wood V JERSEY SWEET POTATOES just received by F. L. SNO n No. 13.4. Llherf y brad of Wood rr.,‘,Blltoz of Hoes, Fancy Spade! Trowels, Ending! Tool, Furlrtinz live-, Proton!! Shears, etc., just re• by F. L SNOWDEN 184 Liberty street. head of Wood n Hams.—Just received a small sup. Unice cured Venison Hants, un retail rrent money ISAAC Fl tRRIS. Arent, and Ccin. Merchant Clover Seed. Orchard Grass and lue Grass, always on hand and fur F. L. SNOWDEN. -134 I.oserty street, head of Wood. t. AN AN. Attorneys at Late. care tbe o.autond, to -•Attorney'-How,^ street, between tlarket and Wood seplo .'BLANKS, for procecoolzr. to Att. the late la or, for nle at tins Ware- is intik North East corset of Coal gh street. Apply to DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th sL drelles French ft, r Beet eeed.jast and for sale at the Dreg and. Seed P. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty greet, bead of Wood. N OF PARTNERSHIP.—The p berme-tore - exiiting between WIL BENI AMIN HOPEWELL istldsday consent. !Salaam Digity is authorized of the firm in seUti erg up the business WILLIAM MGM BENJ. T.ROPEWELL DR. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, ojtee in smith. field, between Secand and Third Sur., sep 10 PrrrituaGEl. 1 . 011 NSTON 4- STOCKTON. Book_eenere.Priaterf. and Paper Manufacturers. No. 37. Market gt. sep 10-Iv JTOLLS AIiDEBSON, Strnthfiekl Foundry, Water st_ near the Mononrahela Rouse, Pittslurr.b. sep 11)-1y LEONA ft r) S. JOHNS. Alderman, St, Clair street, se cond door from Liberty. sep 10--1 y DR. S. R. HOLM ES, Office in Second street, next door to Sialvany ¢ CO'S Glass Warehouse sell 10—ly SHUNK 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth st., near the Mayor's Office, Phtshoireh. sep 10-1 y TH". HAMILTON. A ttarnev at Law. Fifth. bet wern Wood and Smithfield sig.. Pittplaireli. pet 10-1 7, 7.00 R.Ol 10.00 15.00 HE - Gll T!)SER. Aitof nes. al Lao-. North Ea..t corner of SmOhfield and Founh rneif. sep 10--1 y IrT.ANN Er • r 1711NR171.1.'S Paper Warehmiee. No. 1 1(4, xvood where mar he had a general ,uprly • - of wri' , ea cr:ppi.•_. printit.g, wall paper, blank bookA. ,3chool hooks, kc. Pcp 10--ly T , IPSVN.. 4 F.Nr) 6- CO.. Wire Workers and ,IPimurcourers, No. 'I; Markel sireet. lu 7 wren 2d awl 10—ly CI Xl'll E HOTEL. Corner of Fenn and st. Clair eelF , ,b; cKI gEI N ,t SMITH. -, "P 10-1 v 1(: Ni ETA L —77 loos €.Oll. Pit! Mct al for ate hr J. G 6( A . GORD N. 12 Water Street e) n LBS. B HAMS. 16.000 Hrs. Bacon ShogGders, for sa e by J. G. 4- A. GORDON, So. 12 IVater y reef, 4 P 4 TT EPSON. Jr.. R,ratin.Thatn, hear Po shureh, LIP Ataouia turer of L00t... Hinges and Rot h , ; To. harm. Fuller. Mid and Titul.er Screws; Housen St'-t vv.. , for and t'lmhier. I Oil N EY sti eel. I..tiwerii ana Vir;in alley, South side. srp J w Br: I DI; E 4 CO., tv , Groeers and s;.r4-.1 t, l,el wenn IVni-n1 So,ll!,neld tirt , .h. cep 10- 1 y C 4 GI) r. ill N. C.41J11111.-Itm ai,,l Fury% a•C ,, .; Ni, r , t.l-, -.1.. sep 10--ly SIESEEI I A Al S.- -4 h f.i s am?, article, received ner I S Cor,,ir. and for liy J ti• A. GOR Sr, No. 12. 11 aier s:reet s t i; p, ---411 N•ve 0, , ea.,s Su "r : ,0 Nev Orlenn, - ii,das-r—: for f;3 1,.. by ill J.r. Doti. ntidz pr nne N. U. rld.lar.. received ner S. 1.7 ft and fir sale by J.G. gr A. CORDON. set, 10 No. 12. Water el reet g d o.• hand and for ak, „Ho I. G. dr A. GUI:II9N. No. 1 Water td i; .. 11 "C 4 R 4ND SIG!. ((lids and 4b' le N. 0. Sil e.l r. 32 N. 0. ‘lOl4.AsPs, ,eceired per Sleansbnat I(epc(,(er,«nd for sale by J. G. k A. GOT: Dr+N, 111 Nn. 12.. Water -a refit "'BULB LARD 01 I , y E. A. F IIP ES"I'OCK 4- CO.. ror net of 6th and tVood sts. 1631 FA PERS Gel ok..niao o Lamp Polack for ale I FA II ESTOCK d r co.. it) rorner of and Wood SIP. LUZ' Chalk, Fa , e 4 00 E. A. FA I: rorK k CO . corner Wood .., 10 CG R AND !ti( }I. —6O !lds. N. r). Suzar, 1, ;7_5 2, - , bid s . du . d,.. 100 do. Plai.tdliou Nioh.crs, f u r .I.G 4- A. GOR Dos. No. 12 %% r ater streei. 131,A Nls: PETITIONS, NOTICES, A:C.— 1., in 8.1 k u y prit , led On p . ;: , r.avtl in I f,rn. , a; ; ,, ,etl be the Coori,lor .za ^t I it , ) 15 , , of it, NI. nun rd I.lemorrht. :se', 1U IV M. II U BBA R fagmoo;,:de boa! and V.4l,lli“eitirPr. Third s'rert.r.f . t,.-€.ll Wood tot 111,41 strft-t,,. I a 11, I'4ll cep lU 7‘ . 2 ClZfi k. - 11-IR. ATI{ N UV AT LAW, erl I. I Tier of Fou , iii rro iithurry A I Lrluecn Slrrl I,,liCd arid f,llt-buren. p 111 KLAN FOR R v. (1,11, 1 !ot ,6,1 a in, rt.,: 4 a , rt . - , I ..ear lie DrhVer R Of ^111.,,i v rilurcii. A 1:1,Iv at !het 'Opt(' Ir :tad t,, lo W. H. VEN V. sect ;t 1 Co,ltter. I 1 A VI II SANDS, %% ATCH & CLOCK n.,... K-F _MAKER, N”. 9,, Aia,ket str,v, P,1,,. v o L,..- I, tu,.. I, e , Wren Fit': h aud I.4lerly ci ra,pl,,, .1.1.V.i 'LFR IX W.ITCI - 117S.CLO' - K. , . ER EA STPIX.S. I I.VG ER f: IXG S. C.' , .SIXS. KJ. 1 S. C0..1185..r. ,e 0 1 4 t L, 1 ur I A I)RET/J''Sll7.D E",". sE , I y . e: Gareru Sera-. 1111111111 E! DR. DAVID WART) har 1..5 offx, cort lt•trrl lo Street, neat I) soulit of ihr roar House. s-t-ond from En-s-treet. He will fau'oto , ly n , end r,,1 t o lo' vrofes-iuu, rc tail. , should he "ti !h, 414,r al•ove the 1,-.."rettl. ,C,l ifl Etif iv AL _M a li hew Jour,:, Barber awl Hair DIP - SE r , ha, r,ll.lllred 10 For /1111 , 1 ret 1, 0 p pusrie fie May. •urs - ..itTire.... tierr he will be happy Idwait upon permanent riii4 timers. He golirils a share of public mt. eia se p 10 DEMON A L.-14 in. A. Ward, ()enlist. lids removed to Mrifit'lnutt R.three doors helow Irwin strert, one squwre above the Est luotee Hotel, Hours of business, Irony ). N., unit I 5 r. tt . after which hour he will al. lend to tto one except. in case) of actual neres.o y. H e would further inform those woo may think proper i n employ hint. that he expects Untried:ale payment, without the ner.esity on It, pail of sending in Lillie. sep 10 • 1 CHIN RL %ND, rpkelsterer and Cabinet • ..11../.er. Third at . betters-a Wood 4- Market streets. Incwars 114 friends and the public that be is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Bn rentiF,Chairs, Tables., Beilereads.Stangkilair and Sprit?. Nat , Curtains, Carpels, all -ores of upholine e i n: wore, wirirh he %111 warrant equal 40 any wade in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, No 110 Werd St riot, Pitts burg k R. A. Bailsman, Auctioneer and CO.lll/.l,Aoti Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandise. at his large and rapaeions 10411U8, No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and Filth Streets, Pittsburgh. Regular sales of Dry Goods. Furniture. Groceries and ot I:er articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on Tuesday. Wednesday. and Thursday evenings. Books. every Saturday evening. Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted.. Remitsca:s. Messrs. John D. Davis, Esq., 1 " Rosales 4- Smith, i " Hampton, Smith, 4. co.. " P. Lorena 4. Co., i .1. W. Burbridge ,t Co„ 1 **` S. M'kee ti. Co. 1 " Capt. James M'Gargill, Pittsburgh. " C. Ihmsen, EN. I Dona WPadden Ent. I .• Logan 4- Kennedy. 1 .. J. K. Moorhead 4- Co. I . Jas. P. Stuart, Esq. 1 “ Robert Cklwaf, Erg- i " Capt. Jas. May, 1 McVay. Hansa, 4. CO, .. Wialaal Symms. - ": , Wheeling. “ 5.0. Hoary, 11:outia•Wc,.. . 4 &atilt, Bagaky it Co. ~ , . rbiLs: asp 10 : _ t,i r Pt F. 1.. SNOW i•EN I'4i.• t.rad l\ont Parsiorrei and Beaver par_ba. - Steamboat CLEVELAND . SAAPL. LIE.UPOILL, Master, HASHAS coalmen • her rrcitar trips, atewill run dai ly (Sundays exceoted.> Leaves Beaver at 80' clock A. W. leaies Pittsburgh at 3 o'clock P. M. coo facets mt Beaver with the Perinsy/vania and Ohio Line of Freight and Packet Canal boats between cleaver. and Cleveland Ohio, and Greenville, Pennsylvania. Leaves Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. M. This line conner_ts with two di ity lines on the Pennsylvania canal to Philadel_ phia, and with tee New York and Ohio line on the Erie canal, and New York and Ohio line and Ohio canal, al so with ste.. in freight and passage boats, brigs and schooners, on the Lakes. The proprietors of this well known line will he prepared on the opening of naviga tion to tran.pon merrhan , tize to any of the intermedi ate ports on the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio ea• oats; to any port on Lake Erie, and the Upper Lakes; to and Iron New York City and Philadelphia. McClure 4- Dickey, Beaver, Pa., I",r+M Wormer et CO., Cleveland, 0., Rees 4- Taylor. Warren, 0., En= PITTSBURGH ¢ CLEVELAND LINE.• STEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, ny=J W. B. BOIER, Mester. RUNS daily (ilitridai s excepted,) between PUTTS. BURGH 4. BE %VER. leavinE Beaver at 8 A. M. and Piii , buroti at 2 P. M. proridtd with. Erases Safe ty Gutted to prevent Et),lost°. of Boilers. This gpiendid and fast 'turnip! Steam Boat bas just teen eotnple:ed espretaly for thiA trade, acid runs in onoert ion with CLARKE 4- Co's Pittsburgh. cad Cleveland Li.e of FBEIGHT.tIND PASSAGE BOATS, daily to Clevelas.d, Ohio. Or down the Ohio canal to blan-ilon. 4-e. and Erie Ex tension Line to Greenville. Ti e Canal Boats of t is Line are towed to and from Pittsburgh direct, and the business conducted on the mo-t prompt and economical system. Having a connec tvon the PenrisOvania Canal Lines to Phtladel• Nita and Balimorc, and Stitnlioats running down the Ohio river; a ;so, through oo.r Agents at Cleveland, with C. N. Reed's St. ictioats and several Lake Vessels, and he T rny Irt.izan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, we are: prepared lot the transom lal ion n( Fri iebt 10 and from all points on the canal, the lakes and the Rivr r, or the Eastern cil tes. at prices as !ow as any oiner line. A pnly to 0 _AI. Hartes, No. 55 Water st, or at Stearn. twat Michigan's Landing. Pittaturgh. Clark. 4 - Co. Beaver. firraiLcrbee, Warren. Acelec 4- Co. Akron: Thomas Richwd 4- Co. Cleveland. REFER TO J Wick 4- Co . Greenville; W. C. Maten. Sharon, R. W. Cunainghani. New Castle, • John R irk, Youngstown, Jalin Campbell Nekr..ton Falls; Miller,Campliellstown; Babcock Mcßride, Ravenna; C. 4- 1) Rhodes, Franklin; 11. A. Miller 4- cc....:cuyhhon Falls; Wellsman k Whitehead, Mas,islon; Gurdon 4' Co., Detroit; Kin of., Da vis 4- CO.. Buffalo; Cowing, Richmond, Williams 4- Co., New York. sep 10 rep 10—ly • 111GBV—N ,, . 121, Corner of Wood and Frsat Streets', PirrsO,rjrk, has on hand a complete as sortneentof QUI•11 - 1,-% are suited to the city or country Oath!. Al-n. a choice selection of pore white and gold hand DINING AND TEA WARE. in large or small sets. or separate me's'a to suit purchasers. A cask of 46. 60, or l 4 piece sets, superbly painted and Mil China Tsaware, at very low prices. Toy Tenware. Main, and rich painted and gilt, from 1.00 n, $5,00 per so Children's Muss of every desci ipt ion. While China Shaving Mugs. Craiiile Dinh', a. d Tea services, in white and with splendid American sermery printed in bine and black- A la rse variety of Stearrihriat Dining and Breakfast Etta, imported 10 match. complete, Fire Proof stone ti.ihing plates and dishes, from the Drrl , rshire Poner vs Flint and Green In all their cariel les. ‘V...dow Glas., of evr ry cite. P r oem Purkets. Tuts and Keelers. S'oro- P,pr- Wads, d - c. All of arnl, are respectrudy offered in Om pith. l.c on the 00,1 facorahte t, nun, Jan ?6. 1812-1 y rcix A i.nr.s .Rttorneor and Connnellor a t _FL • Lan% rs mofe..-sionnl services to the izrr~s u( Piii-hur:iit and boor for a share of public pat roness. p;prui” arrk mdf. , f written with neat /IPCZa r• d ra.,c it. t hankrnplry attei , ded In on tern._.—fiffire in Sty it rifield .1,0, at the hOl,, of wham he refers. sep 10 T. J. FOX ALDES. AVM r1.,1R.K. .9 ff't . "shionable Root Maker,— !la. removed to No, :34 Market street, het wren Second and Third sireet,, where he wou d he happy to see his old Cllntritneqn. and all IXII4 - XfPel di9runA. ed to tiairohize him. lie nzes nOtIMIT but first rate , tork. ana en , fdn r= the t•esi of workmen: and as be rive , itprconal attention to huntress. be trU , I , I bat ve and rlepive a f.ir share of uatronaize. I t. 5,s on 111 ICE CREAM, 4- i'oNFEcTioNARS - . ' A S i it „k,inform. Its friends. and Ihe :Own F IT44i 111 P hest quality of Ice Cr -, lof:rthcr with al: kinds of confectionary, and frtd, to I Let, ..,ason, at his estatilis . hutetit—NO. 11. Fifth duet, het wesn Wood and Market. N. B —Patties annolied on the aborthln notice. with cakes. or:ini thing in his hoe. A !so families furnishi-d %vitt. B.s.ad. lien 10 'OHS R. GUTHRIE, oc.v,ucer and Crimmis el 81011 Metr ut. 11_6, corner of Woad 4- Fifth at, Pittsburgh: been appointed one of [he A nction eers fo. the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to jo!.- hers. manufacturers and dealers. uho may be di.posed to make Ina! of t his rket• He i< prepared to make advance= on coral :Dew s of all imitable commodities, and trusts to saii-iy corr. - spondents by quick sales, and speedy 'and favorable rkttras. That the various interests which may he ennfided to him, shalt be adequately protected. be brines to the aid of his own experience in - hrtsirre,.. , and acquaintance with niercha ndize generally, the s e rvices of Mr. SAtarst. FAHNESIOCE4 Iscreizifore advaidatrously known.. as an Importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent ,ngagement is mad, EFEB. TO Messrs. N. Tiernan. Pres'i. of M. 4. M. 1 Rank. o Darlington 4. Peebles, o Robert Ga/4.% ay, o James M. Cooper, ••• James May, R. M. Riddle, ). Pittsburgh Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres't I of Exchange Bank. " Hampion,Smillt, 4- Co., John D. Davis, " Samuel Church, - J. K. Moorhead. o Jas. W. Brown 4. CO. J o John H. Blown. 4- Co. • Smith 4- It %alley. Yardly 4- II ,Arers, Philadel'a. o John S. Biddle, o John step 10 EI 4 V A NSIS CAMOMILE PILL L S .—A BRA- N' HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Mott street. New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most aggravated form. The irymptoms . were violent head ache, great debilii.. fever. costiveness, cough, bowl burn, pain in the chest and stomach always aileedisting, impaired appetite, striation of sinking at the womaeta, fumed longue. nausea, with frequent vomitings, disclaims towards night and realeness. These had condened up. ward of a twelvemonth, when. on consultiag Dr. Wm. Evacm.loo Chatham street;• and submitting co his ever aniceraful antlagneeaMe mode of treatment. the patient was compidelly restored to health in the short space of one weedy and gratend teethe ineticulable benefit deriv ed. gladly tame fierward and volunteered OM tbevestate For sale,Wholesalemadltstahr by It. R. MILLZItS, Agent, geP IQ N 0.20, Wood Arai. below Sccard. RMI IS4 2 . Proprietors JAMES A. VEAZY, Agent, N 0.60 Water street, Pitishurgh vt. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These sue strongly reennissiended to the notice - of 'es I ask amf efficient remedy in removing "nts peculiar to their::, from want of ex .. 'Ariefat t — Thor general debility of the nano. They obviate ,Satistilegu. Sta„_ aml counteract all Hysterical and Nervous aMectiost! 4.• These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the Uni ted Slates, and many Mothe.rs. Formic Wholesale and Retail: by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, hetet. Second. W!ADAIR, Bost mad Shoe .Maker. Liberty St, pposite the head of Smithfield el., PittsSangk.— The snlsserlherhasing bought oat the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, decea...qed, has commenced business in the old stand of Mr. R, and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Be keeps constantly on hand a lame assortment ofsboe findings of all descriptions and of the best quality. He solicits the patronage of the pub lic and of the croft. WM. ADAIR. sep 10 prrrssuitcn MANILTFACTORY.—Spriites Arad Axles for Carriages at Easters Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps eons:until, on band Coacb, C mod /Mimic Springs (Warranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Bub Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamp". Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Bandies and hinges, k ,¢e. JONES F COLEMAN. fa- Clam 51.. near tl e rilteeheay itruhre TO Len s—A well finihed and comfortabi. twt:ato ry house. roger her with back hurldines, stable, car- Halm., house, ¢c powewnon given intweniately. This p• °perry is situated below the Penitentiary. near the residence of Mr. Wm. Bagaley. and in a very d es irable residence. For terms Inquire of J. K. Moorhead. or the subscriber. G. W. BARNES Union Factory. pep NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—Take Notice that I have arMied to the Judges of the Court of Corn. mon Pleas of Venango county, for the benefit of the laws made for the relief of Insolvent Debtors; and that they have anointed the fourth Monday of November for the hearing of me ani my , reditont, at the Court House, in the Borough of Franklin—when and where ru may at. tend, if you think proper, and show rause, if aoy you have. why I should not be discharged. FWD 12,-31 WILLIAM KF.ARNtz. D. SEL L E RS, M. D. office and d welling in Feint, h • near Fert v gi,pPl. Vll 13—/9 STOLEN, from the shop of ;be subs.rribei. in Third street. some time last week. a pair of Shears, for hair.cutting. Trier are near ly. or quite a loot lore. and very slim. It is .w..appow. d the t hief sold them somewhere in the sits: I wi I pay the purchaser any reasonable nrice if he will bring them to Die. M. JONES. rep 13-31. SSICNEES' s ALeoF REAL. ESTATE. AT ACC. Saturday, 17th instant, at 3 o'clock, P., M. I will sell, by order of the A&zignee, on the premises, the fol'owing described properly. viz.: A lot of Ground 32 feet front by about 100 feet deep, with a substantial frame huildine on it, used now , s a machine shop. con taining a gond Stem Engine and Gearings, Two Circular Saws and Drums, situate In Allegheny City. between the Canal and the Commons. and adjoining, the Methodist l'hurrh--fornterty nocupied as a looking glass factory, by T. A. Milner 4. Co. Terms at sale. pep 11-7 t 7. B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer. 100 HFI DS. BY. LEAF TOBACCO. in store and for sale hp . G. 4^ A GORDON. .er. 13 No 172, Water sireet. CANNON. SHOT AND SHELLS. —Brazxr 07 ORDI NANCE AND IifYDROCRAPHY, 3d September, 1842. Sealed Proposals wilt he received at this Bureau until 3 o'clock, P. M..oftbe 15th October next, for furnishing and delivering, in the Proportion=, and at the phlces here in designated, the following nomber and description for Cannon. Shot and Shells.for the Naval Service of the United States, viz: Thirty eight inch Paixhan guns, of about 63 owl. each. Severity thirty-two pounderr.ons of 41 cwt. and upwards, the precise weight of each to he de. ;ermined hereafter. Five hundred eight loth Three hundred eight inch solid shot and Seven thousand thirty-two tionndrr snot. Deli.trable as fellows: 10 eieht in. Paixhan gnus Deliverable at 200 eight in. shells I Sacker's liar -100 eight in. solid shot }bor, N- Y., on 2.11 thirty two pounder guns fnr before the 2.500 thirty-two pounder shot I 1 sth May next 10 eight in. Paixhan guns Ik-liyerable at 1,50 eight in. shells Buffalo N. Y.. loft eight in. solid tonal On or before 2.',thir.v two pounder guns I the 15th May 2..,..7/IH,Altirty-two pounder shot .) next. 10 Pia t in. Paixhan guns De!iverab'e at 1511 richt in. shells ! Erie Penna. 100 eight in. solid shot on or before 2t) ihirty•two nounder ?nits I the Bin May 2.01)0 tinily two pounder shot next. The pronos-ols most stove distinctly the rate per ton (of I went r-t wo hundred and forty pounds). for the aurs, and the rate nor pound for the shot and dehverable as above. auto ho to-and undergo snrh proof and in =tier tinti .as this 1111,a13.Maa deem proper to anitiorize; and non e witt he paid ft, that shall not pan , such in. sDeel ion on may be entirely satisfactory. Bonds. with two approved sureties, will he required in one 'Wirt the es' imatprl amount of the contract. and ten per rennin, ofthe amount of all MO,: will he retained as et - Water - PI security for the faithful nerformanee ih• renf. which will he paid only on the satisfactory rompletion of the contract: and ninety per reninm of alt deliveries will he mini no hi , lQDl•o7e,ky alltlientWaled, according In the provi-ions of the contract, within 'turfy days after their p•e-,nlation to the Navy Arent. The ofrers mu , s'ate at what agency the contender mar d e sire payment In he made, Drawings of the suns will ne furnished from this Bn. rent], and they most he east and finished to conform to them in every respect. No hot blast metal is to be used, and the shot must he cast in sand monlds. sop 12 TO THE WISE. -It to now well understood how much disorders of the mind depend for their cure noon a due attention milt.. body. It is row understood bow valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid accumulations without weakenin, the bodily power. It is now understood that there is a reciprocal influence he. tweets the mind and time body. It is now understood that porsins with the Brandreth Pills will remove a melan choly, and even insanity is cured by ocrseverinsly a=loe them: it is now understood how much domestic hanoi nese depends upon the healthy condition of the digestive organs. It is now well known that the Brandreth Pills have cured thon.and= of hopeless and helpless persons, even when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond all human means of relief. It is now not only well known that the Brandreth Pills so core, but it W also un derstood how they core; that it is by their purifying eflem on the blood thrt they restore the body to health. The value of the medicine is becoming more and more nifest. it Is recommewled daily front family to family. The Brandreth Pills remove in an almost imperceptible manner all no.tious accumulations and purify and trivim: rate the biood,and their good effectsare not counterhalan red by any inconveniences; being composed entirely of vegctahlestbey do not exprue those who use them to danger; and their effects are as certain as they are salu tary; they are daily and safety administered to Infancy. youth. manhood, and old am. and to women in the most critical and dellicate circumstances. They do not disturb or shock the animal functions, but restore their order and establish their health. Sold at Dr, Etrandreth's Office, No. 93. Wood itr&t. Pittsbureb. Price 25 cents per box, with fall directions. MARK—The only plate in Pittsbar7h where the genu ine Pills can be obtained, is the Loctor's own office, No. 98 Wood street_ sep 10 MARBLE MA NUFACTiIit V.— Eatriek Ca wfield re spectra ily acquaints his friends and the public gen erally, that he hascommeneed the Marble business at the corner of Fifth and Liberty sts., where will be constantly on hand. tomb stones, mantel pierm, monuments, head and foot stones, table stabs for cabinet Ware; and every articteappertainlng to the business. He will warrant his stork to be well done, and his charges will be moderate He respect fully asks asbare ofaaldie patronage. -413 TAMES A. VEAZEY, "malarial% mini Cesiti gil alernhast, Agent for Stellalboat Cleveland and Penneylemma and Ohio Lbw. Harter rented the terire. a red bowie formerly intevaled le' Itirallil,_ l _ lll ._ .. l it . 0) p - 410 Waterlituost. lorwees W00d.,, 13111 to , to receive and Eirtraird gottalkite - serport Or 1 1)0 or ilibilakel dim 04 ruswalairige.s. aeP 1. . - -. . - PROSPECTUS For ?situ/nag a new Daily Payee , in tie City of Pitts lurgA, le be entitind tie DAILY MORNING POST. /Tun Subscribers haviatienade arrangemests to menu the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry into one Journal, have concluded to pobllA a daily paper with the title of the Daily Jlimming Pest. The teadinc, object of Ilse ..Porr" will be t be dissemina tion and defence of the political priaciples that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their resp..ctive papers, and their best effrorts will still be devoted to the advancement and SUCCeall of those dOrtrines. Althmagit, in politics, the paper will be thorouehly democratic, yet the Editors hope. by giving, an honest, candid history of passing Polities! events. Fornizo and Domestic Intelligence, and brier notices of all mat ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere of a Public Journal, to make their piper eufficheatty in. efestiog to entitle it to the patroante of the public, it respective of party coitAtieratlons. In addition to the political and Teaeral news that will be found in the ...Morning past," Hie Editors will take pains to furnish the businftwas community with the latest and most Interesting Csissitsecist Irretu csact from all parts of the country, and to have prepa red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as will be advantageous to our IllerOsants and Easiness Men in their several callings. Terms.—The Pour will be onblielied on a large imperi al sheet of fine paper, pnannfactarect especially for this Joornil) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum, payable in aJvance. It. will also be sold by news_hoys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. -advertisements will be in se rted at the lowest rates charred by the other daily papers of the city. -T W E NTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, Augnsi 31, 1841 VII. H. SMITH. OLD ESTABLISHED EMIGRANT OFFICE, NO. 61 SOUTH STREET, NEW YORK. New For-kneel Liverpool Corninerrial Line of Packets. Sniheg W eekly.— The Subscriber would respectfully inform such perrons reciflinz in this country as are desirous for sendin_ for their friends to come out from the old country, that he continues as usual to make eneagements by which pas tr•r,,,rers are brought oat an very moderate terms, in First Ships, satin): front Liverpool weekly, and would assure persons d e sirous of coming by the above Line, that ar. arentS of first respectability are engaged at Li verpool, there will be no detention whatever at that point. He is also prepared at all times so fornish Sigbt Drafts for any amount to assist in preparing passengmE for the voyage. payable throughout the United King.dorn, ard in case the parties agreed for should decline coming out, the passage money shall be refunded without reduction. For further particulars apply it by letter to JOHN HERDMAN. No. 61. South street. New York_ Or to JOSEPH KIHRPA7'RICK. At the Warehouse DA.Lzirt.J. 4- FLEMING. SeP 10 N 0.24 Water street, Pittsburgh. Pa. GREAT SALROF PENNSYLVANIA LANDS, BY A CCTION.—WiII be sold by "'oldie Auction, without reserve. for cash. to close the concern, at the Hall of the Marlborough Chapel, in Boston, on Tuesday. the fauns. day or October next, commencing at nine of the clock. in the forenoon. Ali the property of ihe United States Land Company con=fin in. of about 140.000 Acres organic' and well centered Farming. and Grazing and very valuable Timber Land, lying in Jeffer. son. McKean and Clearfield counties. in the State of Pennsylvania—on parts orwhich there is abundance of Coal, Lime end Iron Ore, and many Al ill seat=; And of Claims against sundry IWTI.OII/3 for land sold lying in said counties. that are con=idered good. And or Stock and Tools on n Farm in the inwnshin of Bradford, in the cowry of McKean,- in said Stale of Pennsylvania The land will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, con. taming from about 12010 5000 acre.. Further particulars will he made known at the on inquiry of the snb‘teriber, at No. 12 Long Wharf— of Fibers and Baldwin, Merchants' Row in Boston—or of nit her of the Truntees of the said United S ate,: Land Company. R GRIGGS. Presidpn! of the Coifed State, Land Co Boston, Angugt 20.18-10- (.5 , 1) 10) ALDMINIST II ROES' NOTlCE.—Letters of adminis. tration of the Estate of the late Mary H. Stewart, Lnwreneeville,4lleEheny County, Penn'a, having is ,ued to the subscribers, aif persons indebted to or having claims attai test said estate are requested to rail for see; le ment, on GEO. P. HAMILTON. ALES. S. HAM' LION. Aftstivi'rr. sen 11) 4sh st above Smithfield, Pittzbursh. Br Morrison 4- Co. London. for sale only by S. N. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is vole agent foroWestern Penns) iV!11:11.11. sep 10 FARM FOR SALE.—The ‘ undersigned offers rev gale a tract of land situated 4 mile= from Freepoo, In the direction of Kittanning. Buffalo *township, Armstrong county. containing 100 acres. 65 cleared and under good fence: 10 of whim are in meadow— a rood square toy dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple otcliard of 80 tearing trees—and a spring or cirellent water concsnient to the house. FOR TMI MS apply to the subscribers residing at the Saltworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 nafle above Free port. asp 10 WM.¢ FFIII.IF BAKER. DR. J. WESTON'S Vegetable Expectorant Srrup,an infailihte rare for whooping cough. The. disease is mostly confined to children, and is attended with a suffocating conrh, and a deep shrill sound, called a whoop; it comes on with difficult breathing. thirst. hoarseness and cough. with difficult expectoration.. The violent exer tions in coughing bloat the fare. which turns purple, and the eyes swell and become prominent. Consumption often dates its Miff ill from this di=ease, which has hitherto baffled the skill pith. most ante phy sicians. but now by this simple vegetable medicine this distressing and frequently destructive disorder cats he cu red in a few days. Thousands have given it a trial and in no cue where used according to the direction bas it failed. 17. - tantog the viscid matter and making it easily expectorated without such violent straining as is invaria bly experienced by little sufferers by every mode of treat ment that has been recommended. Coughs. colds, cortsumption, asthma. oc. cured by Dr. Weston's Indian Cough Medicine- maws eases of manse me. lions. some in 1.1,e advanced stages aed given up as inrnra ide bv physicians. have been curled by this medicine with his pills and plaster. $1 large betties, small 50 cts. Pills 25 cents. plaster a cis. His Strengthening Plaster is the best in the world for weak hacks, Psi* in the side. 4 , r- 4 , r • Jr. ). Weston's Eve Water cares all disorders of the eyes when all other means fail. Price'. 25 cents. His Corn Salve is Sold at 12 eta. per bog, containing enough to mire 20 rents or more. He has'aiso a perfectly safe and highly valuable medkine for were--price 25 cents per bottle. HlsEssences ariesaperior to ail ethics, being at least 6 times the strength of any that earl be purchased at any of the druggists, such as peppermint. spearmint, cinnamon, lemon. ckarree-, lavender, cloves, fennel, almond. berm , - mot, rosemary, earraway, e, oe. Price 121 toms per bottle, or 50 es per rase containing 4 bottles, GC 75 CIS for hoses containing 6 bottles. Pori:ale at John Thompson's Grimm' 153 Liberty st next door to the -Three Big DOOM." sap D 6 , J. B. TIBBITT * I3. Retweetfutly inform the chi :ens of Pittsburgh and vicinity; that he linutievurn ed to the city. He hopes to share the confulenite of his former patrons and the pettik generatly; and solicits a renewal of s portion of their pationar. In osnwesioli he wasid-obsesee. that the operatinw of lotbotilty; tor breaking the stone in the bladder, and. P AIDOWillg lila pets of with the urine,) is every where eosiontatftne the 4lWwp eskiateseeL - fie hopes to extend the Itkitedt ofthis bretwil of his profession to the *Aided. Stoares. Nano o- of the Itladderlied Midi/eye.-- witiOlt terslati *lbw, will Nowise roods. augsfloo. t - ':.- -:::.': :,-1 ,, .... ''' Thom fops- a illiouwee - 1.10 1 1 1 . 11 1 0 4 , ' Ntirioniratioi id* apply tersowilir or by Ilai!er. -. -,7 , - as bes - - - vit bilf4Pangisui. , a -_ .. tr• tot TIM, bets hlo* P.M :_.. y --', iggile :.._ ;, ';,.;', , i': ' ::'4 . 4'• ~,, ,r , ::'?'.±... _,:,.. - • •,•-`4A2.z..."'"*- -6-,,, v.-7C" RICKTIVO CENTS. THE LITEUVIIT IPOIM 'EXCELSIOR. sr 11. Ir. 1021LUTZLLOW The shades of nisht were falling fast, As through so Alpine village passed A yowl, who bore, 'mid snow and lee % A banner with the strange device, Excelsior His brow was sad; his eye beneath, Flashed like afah:hien from its sheath And like a eilver clarion rung The accents of that unknown tongue, Excelsior ! In happy homes he saw the light Of household fires gleam warm and bright. Above, the spectral glaciers shone. And from his lips escaped a groan, Excelsior "Try not the pass!" the old man said; "Dark lowers the tempest overhead The roaring torrent's deep and wide !" And loud that clarion voice replied Excelsior "0 stay." the maiden said, "and rest Thy weary bead upon this breast !" A tear stood in his soft bine eye, But still he answered with a sigh, Excelsior! "Beware the pine-tree% withered branch! Beware the awful avalanche!" This was the peasant's lead good eight—. A voice replied far up the height, Ezeeliaor, At break of day. as heavenward 'The pious ruooks of Saint Bernard Uttered the eh-repeated prayer, A voice cried through the startled air—. Excelsior ! A traveller, by the faithful, hound, Half buried in the snow was found, Still grasping in hie hand of ice The 13..nner with the strange devica— Excelsior There, in the twiliett cold and gray. Lifeless, but beautiful, he lay, And from the sky, serene and far, A voice fell, like a falling star ! Excelsior'. Peculiarities of Poets. What is a poet? That is the queettion, oh, benevolent reader, to which the an swer varies every ten years! A few dee cades ago, in the day of Hayley, a poet was a very precise, rather old-maidish sort of a gentleman, who carried manu. script epics about with him it: his pocket when he was invited to tea, and read to the admiring spinsters, who had been ask ed to meet him, twelve cantos of his poems, land refreshed himself with a clip between each. Wonder in those days were divi. ded between the powers of his body and mind; and although the aforesaid spinsters affected to be astonished at his intellect, the chief °Eject of their admiration was, in reality, his unequalled capacity of drink. ingislops. When Hayley was Apollo, idon wos a teapot. Shortly after that time, a poet was a young gentleman of highly philanthropic principles, who was so deeply touched with love for his species in general, that he disdained the mean-souled wretches who cared a farthing for any individual of it in particular; a patriot who tossed up his greasy cap in honor of Robespierre; who talked of the 'red vintage' of the French Revolution, and thought our old English Constitution, in comparison; was the smallest of all possible small beer, where, with a lusty hatred of all aristocra tic institutions, he declared that all the froth was at the top, not perceiving that a fine glittering coronet of froth is the surest sign of the soundness of the beverage be, low; and though some of the nobler spirits, who had been deluded by the fire - of the great volcano, and thought it •light from heaven,' turned away in loathibg and dia. gust. still the poet of that period was a being such as we have described—believ-- itig in the per fectability of mere and ad , vocating the very converse of the great Tory maxim, which undoutitedly has at first sight a touch of honesty and common sense to recommend it, ohat a man can do as he likes with his own'— viz: that a man has no right to do what he likes with his own, as that is an abuse of the rights of property; but has an undoubted right to do what he likes with his neighbors, as in ' &Mausl ownership is against the great lair of nature, and the indefeasible equality o man. . . In a few years after that:a poet waa a being of a very different order—fly there were giants in those days. It was no long er thought that a sign of genius, or a proof that a man was fit to write poems, that he was fit lot tiodiiiig else. A poet was a thorough gentleman, was a good hand at cudgel.playing, a dauntless horseman. and;- a devil among the grouse. He was also„ we are bound to add, a Tory of the first water—or rather of no water at all, hut e ' Tory considerably above proof. A slight" alteration in , the definition then ensued, A poet was slightly affected, talked about imaginary woes; made himself outto be* -- monster of iniquity, and a proiligiotra in- • erne otthe force of irresistibleris . a sou; , Avbereas, in reality, the feting suiterwaw rf ..-, very feeble stamina, anirshout awfulaiiais: . instance of the farce of ungoverardAs rut sibn. as a sentimental -ox, arricise t ~ • -.,:'--- lowings and amatory gambols ' 1'.. - 1r ---. airtiation andastonishment4aneag the' ti4nded descendants a it,. But with and another little failiti•ortwo, deducte.4 „ trete his last its. he war It4wrari of great : z fi_AZe; with only this draWbatiitroni his val,:4 - -. that halelt helilitnitinTiiisao lut #0 34 44e 4 * ( 104 .0 ri ,7 _ ,= . - [._,.*:=cdoii ly he iiiarektiot-44:ed*s": ► ~,;__:, :. hallgenerilnna , ' 404:115u an lariNglifillf‘— - ?: , 7, - -!'i .., . ~...„ . s ~ : - .5 :1 ...:-._ :: ,.....„-7 - • ~_:-.. ;:;• --' `-' ,l -4 4 45 41-, A---'- •-• ..t.v.-_, - ex - ,-' , ,*L_ic,—::-4, , ..'i-; KHMER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers