Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 21, 1842, Image 1

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. .
, .
to dot Safety Gai rdlittea •
fibrilla of the appa
Ared by misrepresent ~
4 , 0212 to he - provided wish
102 rot secured '.amok .
a list of boars suppitea
of PittiMurak—all ex.":
the improved ammeatas
bie for ao explosion Is.:
DU QV ESl 4 lk.
NS. CAT,004,.--•
E, TltinlAlt CO
QUEEN arms:
V tcrittss,
rks PRAY,
• i f P EINI-EL3Pk
O .A. PHAN 811
.1 H. BILLS,
• ..• inn nit y ate respectfully
A choice of a boat4.toreBrfci
t would nal, he to their
, ch - m a SafelilL,Guani ban,.
1, in preference to one alto
—a ad that they w4l) both,
has the unqualified
• huilders--tetrtletuen nine'
he suliect, and whoate.
a tiatuber of rertificalesfi
01 hers—all of which cap
Watcr Fteeet, where it Ikea •
to cilithit my ins „
I ront,:e to call.
comedy.—The estretne
ro - nsaile use, and the freq
inverithras for their
them Co a siate of health
period: of existence.
sliscorefy of the abort
f , rniti a pure tiorinre
-. and is piwsessera lhe
tartar frOUCille,leeth:
.. .11titierresibe
wititeitillFi and, Aft'.
pi - butte. the GiimiAUL i iiillika!t bl
ScU tvey i= , ra duilieti,
na retlies,
ioner inJobit
,:ate_ twen
of this City,
it as an-.ex.-
o 53 Mai ket street, Pittabanos
'l>rugg a ite. at P.0.0.e4.„.V0,
C. C e sumission%,Viftit'atitt;
11 of r y a. "
CO. so
.1.• or.
• istch I live, in %VAT ",
• cal , l'ailltr.2 13oe i,undred
:At of wpieli iS ClC2fed.-and:
• are upon it iliren lOS
:;4; aapp le orelyind
rr.rr-aro spf Taal. The nOlkidi
any upland farm in the
I, on application , lialChe Si'
r. WALL. Plan 4" :001.
type Fr,Afaisfactsieff
,•rfs.scrifk..—,C,4ntass 8
,:trays on band. Looking
to order. gopairing done k
moon paid to recildingaell
u ri" S team .Boais or bOlisa
to call.
Eft:D.—The subscriterS,are.
painters. and otberawba ,
I e Lead made of the bra;
uot Faperior to iity 708%0 4 •
to Dunlap 4- HughesP ll
,- _-cond street, Pittobunb,Will
S.l.HONABLettflpg 1"
o -edeur fro= Old!
r respectintly' itiL t be :
c , ie:nity that 114411 15 :
his own manufaeini ktu r
keep constantly ori Tined 2 -
~11 of ladies. Inissest. 2ol
hf...t , 1 •quatity.lnliielt lent 4
,;rhea He will also -taille
work—sac-1i as w1 111241 ±
raners, and hosklna.r mo r
silk ;alters,
the shortest nottee.llaw al
. 1,1 please Cali and easy/alio -I •
~r•r fcels confident that he,401.011,
iris Hoe they 'luny want—
farzet the place-3 1 hi- 8,, `"" .. .
r r is's intelligence thgt: 6 2 ".
reel. .
1 f • •xvirig:
ES offhoav 4- Iforadvi
and 42 Market "tree.
ruiperout friendrittnit
ry liberal support the!
,n.coaneetion whir Or,
re them that every r " -
linuatOn spar— ne• •
to their atiantlaw _to #
ta he' iitentiviellkofeS, ll-
. ever offered, tielalta -10 "7„,
I.eluoek of the.
atenda ear!fiee: lo : .
. frets confident
It. either la eheaphelrs,
1.3 uslitp.'
ke notitettiatevery ay...-- ,,
• 01-110 W. ally' '..
/rim Wat*NC? - -
ket.04 , 010--;1 0-,
the' 416 1 01 11-
A-NO 10.
with OF WOOD 4. FM= STS.
DoLumts a yar, payable la
copies TWO CENT or sate at the
ce, and by News Boys.
err and Manufacturer
EMILY. at the saute ofce• oo a &sable
, at TWO DOLLARS a year, is ad.
e copies. SIX CENTS
ins of Advertising,
0,50 I one month, $;-',OO
0.75 Two monts,
.5 1,00 Three months, 7.00
1.501 Four months, 8.01 1 3.00 Six months, 10,00
4.00 One year, 15,00
Cli AN 0 14.11 LE .e..T PI NANO Ng.
wore. i Tree Squares.
CR.OO Fir months, $23.00
25.00 1 One year. 35,00
d v erii, ,, ements in prororOon_
our lifieS Sits tioi.i.kas a year.
Orrick Third between Market and Wood
Riddle. Ned master.
ea, Water. ditt door from Wood st. Peter-
Major John Witlock, rolbsclur.
qty, Wood between First and Second
. Bartram, Treasurer.
CRT. Third street, next door to the
n Church—S. B. Johnston, Treasurer.
Fourth, i etween Market and Wood
flay, Ma var.
: A ttar. Fourth, near Market r o.
tween Slarket and Wood ~trees?. on
II street' ,
r F• 11 YI ER S . DE
trerly ~ a cin; Fuud•j Fourth, I.etwten
L et r eel. near Wood
Wa.er otireel, near the Rridtte
L. corner of Penn and Si. Clair.
ref., corner of Third and Rood.
it,. corner of Third and
Smit held,
. corner of Penn .:treet and Canal.
, Liberty 5I reel, near Seventh.
r Liberty Si opoo-iie Nl`aync
sN,los Horst:. Penn Ct. roppet.lle
LLOR AT LAW.—tiftice remit)
offices on Grout -t.. neatly onnooe
,use, unit rooms to John P. Mahon,
s n n 10
LLIOTT, remored to
!reel, teetreen Penn and Leber( y
10 s-,
s 1.
/S. —Pre,tol %I at- v, wh.,14-/ale a nil
ter; In En:r:sh, Prezir h. at 4 Domestic
$ll, 11:1040 .t 10
ESS & _WC Lli It E., Attorneys and
or at Law: flair, in 'tie Diamond. bark
Douse. Pit ts!,urgh. Sri, 10
-11. Morrow. Alderman; oliiee north
between IVtiod and Smithfield
VITT, Wholps.iie Cr!
n 4 Flen!er in Prodt,r. and Pills!turgh
icier, - 224 Stscrt. Pitts.
sep 10
C & DiLwoRTH.--Wholesair
rnrturc nil ti,mnltSSloll Nl:n - o,lllls, and
.urgli Manufactured article,, No. 29,
' , ell 10
' ROBINSON, kitorner ai I.a
tie tiori h side lie Din mond
top 10
At , orney at La ++: tender.
utl Aery ices 10 lb,. public. Office 00-
rket Streets, above D. Lloy.! k Co',
srp 10
KEAN, Manufariurrri: of Copper
Iron 14aro.No U. From st , Pale
Ming and Sicamhoat work prompily
OUNO a:CO.,Furmtore Wart
m-r of flauA ,t. Exchange A uer
purcha Furniture. will find it to
ive ne a call, hein? fully Sal :stied that
o quality and prire. s4 . P 10
AMS.—Just rere•ved lalchoice Mut
wcil cured and lor sa e cheap by 1 - ir• do
N 0.9. Filth at
rt lz • s Fo•sh Rt.
d othel nt V.1r14-I;P9 of Turnip
31:d 1.1, 1.31 C id EED“ En PRICES 01 i‘e
ore of F L.. SNMVDE'C,
No. 134 Liberty st re. t. head 01 Wood.
'SKY'S Boot and Shoe Nia;;of;cto
- Fourth St., next dm, to h.- C. States
unella, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n
I. ana by the newest French p.itlerits.
RCS NIULTICALLUS. In lots to suit
rcliasers; to 1-e of by
W. 1.. S.I.:IIIVDEN,
'a. 134 I.ll.erty !zt feet, head of Wood.
TS. Flow er: and rower F,ed. of ev
ion, ran alnayg he 11:1(1 al It, Nu:
1:1-I Liberty , treet. hear! of Wood.
Ant+uni Niammo , C.) , :tott Seed. for
rug aid of
1M Liherly street, head of Wcoa
test received by
No. 184, Merl y head of Wood st
consist ing of Hoes, Pa ney Spades
Trowels, Eddinr Took, Budding
Ives, raining Shears, etc., ins' re-
g.t Liberty street, head of Wood
Hams.--Just received a small sap
dire cured Venison Hauls, on retail
eat marker.
and Com. Merchant
Clover Seed. Orchard Graze and
tae Grass, always on hand and for
.IR4 Liberty street, head or Wood.
ANAN, Ariarneys at Law, office
e Diamond, to -Attorney'', Row,"
Area, between Market and Wood
Sep 10
: , BLANKS. for proceedinrs iy At.
r tka late law, for sate at this Office-
.tn on theNarth East corner of Coal
h street. Apply to
DARLINGTON, Market, neaa{th it
reties French sugar Beet etted.jtua
aid for sale at the Drug , and seed
184 Gibes ty street, beadArWousi.
heretofore aslitiete Isetween
r :. EN/ AIIIN fhaPEWN.GAitiNtiolior
e!voseot. wiltiu Dighyleasthttethed
of the Ere to Immo( oitstht. bestow
• - • . - . ' .
, _
, 4> ,
• ':-..- , .;flrl _ , i. .....
, 7 7 .'•: -: '. ' - ':-
4 .'
• -jg: , X-k :•,... - '
''', , " -.:, '.: ••.: -.--.
Dmaz.anaufem, D jsS ', Ofesisssiea
field, istosts Seared sad Third Sis.,
sep 10 Peresseness.
JOHNSTON It STOCKTON. liktotseners.Priiitentan4
Papef Manufactorerp. No. 37. Ilatket to mop 10-1
JOHN ASDERSON. Satitllo4 Fouttdre, .Water at
e) near thelitrittoegabrla Flaase s tlttaLarett,
.jeep 10-1 T
LEONARD S. .110LINSidagerlra.. mMt.Clair mreetom
mod door from Uwe!. 10—ly
DR-13.'191.41E5, Mere ja Second street: Steal door
to M °teeny Co's GLIM Warehouse Pep 1Q -1y
IcklittUNlC FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law. Fourthst,,
t.. 7 near the Mayor's Office, Pftisbor, , b. rep:lo-1y
THOS. HAM ILTON, Artarnev at Law. Fitt h t between
Wood and Smithfield sm.. Pitishon2h. sep 110-1 y
HUGH TON ER. A not nev at Law. North Eat corner
of Smithfield and Four+ h sweets. sep 10—ly
URNIVEJT.I.'S raper Warehouse. No.
In 4, Wood st., where may Ite had affeneral saintly
of ceri!inz wrapping. printing. wall paper, blank books.
school hooks, kc, kc. POP /0-1 y
ip C. TOWNSEND d• CO., Wire Workers and
1 1 1 k, Xattufacturers, N 0.23 Market street. between 2d
and 3d streets. sep 11)-1 y
EXCHANGE HOTEL. Corner of Penn and Ft. Clair
sl reels, by McKIBBIS 4 SMITH.
1G SI ETA L.--77 torts soft Pi. 7. Mrial for sale by
No. 12 Water !greet
3 000 LBS. B ICON HAMS. 16.000 ths...flacon
t Shoulders, for sa e by
.1. G. 4- A..GaR DON . .
sep 13 No. 12 Wedgy street,
I A. PATTERSON, Jr.. Birminzham, near Pitisbargh,
Pa.. 51 nufarturrr of Locks. Ilinees and Roils; To
karen. Pirver, Mill and Timber Screws; Hausen St-rem , * for
noring 4c. seri Ifi--ly
I 01IN 11 , CLOSIt_L
- ry.Tai!,tr and 11(Ibier, Lther.y
slleet. lertweel,..9ll - 0 ana Virgin alley, South side.
sap 10
TW BUR I- .S• CO., Wholcsaic _Grocers and
Cow rrmssion 'PdcrchanlF--- S..cond strret, between
Wood and Sink htield sty, Piltid•urgh: sep JO— 1 Y
I C. 4- GOr: NON - . (.7.iitn!niszsinn and Forwarding
al • Merchar,l4, lVater at.. Piltsbaryh. ,-1.1) 10-1 y
casks barns. a ;111011 nrtiele, rereiverl per S
B Corsair, a4:ii for sale b .1. G. - A. GOR DON.
cwp 10 No. 12. ‘vaier street
SI;GA ft Er 'OW, >S 4 zFS.--40 lauls %'w Orleans Su
i•his Sew Orkans for rile by
gep 10 J. G . 4. GfIftDON.
Q.CC A 11.-7 lock print. N. 0. Sd..:ftr, recelvett twr S.
R Maine. and for sate by J.G. A. GORDON.
ser> 10 • Nn. 12, Water street
50 BACON CASKS,in order. on 11:1111fi and for ale_
sep 10 J. 6. 4- A. GORDON. No. 12, Water st
SUGAR AND NI (*AS S ES.-13 libds and 4b' b. N. 0.
Sugar. 32 bbls N. 0. Molasses . , received per Peamboat
lu. porter, and fur sale by J. G. k A. GOT: DON.
,rp 10 No. 12. Water. mreet
■' BLS. LARD OIL. for sa , e by
sep 10 corner of 6th and Wood sis..
1631. P I A .v rERS Ger ß ni .V°F w A n tl i ; l E n S .P TO Pl C '' K '4 B( lc' CO.. ie
rear 10 rorner o(6• Ii and Woad sig.
91NJI10 LIS Preparvd Chalk, for by
ewi 11. A. FA 11N ES POCK 4. CO ,
e-0 10 corr., of 6111 and Wnod st,
SG R AND VIOL NSSES.—GD lihds. N. 0. &liar,
25 obis. do. do.. 100 do. Platit,ii ion for
sale I.‘,
se: -, I ,
n Lr temd in Babkrunmy proceedongs, printed on
cuod pa ner,and in the forms approved by the Court for gate
it the Ofbre of ill,. Memory aid Democrat. sep 10
107 M. IlliBBA RD, Ladies' fashionable boot and
V shoe Nianufacl iirer. No. 101. Third s. reel, between
Wood and Smithfield streei.s. Pep 10
na= r.• -d tot , othce In Ihe turner of Fourth
' , tree; ned t' l orry Alley, between Smithfield and . Grant
a. eels. Filishurell. sep 141
FOR RENT.—Therlw clling and lot cottlainin! 4
orrezt, in Allegheny, near the Beaver Road, .ntety
ocyttpieditv Mr_ Snatue! Church. Apply at the Meretrims
tid Matturactureys . Rank, to W. IL DENNY.
sep 10 Cristoer.
a 15 _MA KER, Nn. 93, Market streei. hits
... !lurch, beiwren Fifth and Liherty Ft rfsetg.
f''.e., c l
st ! .. p 10
supply of Landieth'A Gar.ten t 4 eeds, always on
!wild. and for sale at his avney, the Dru+ More of •
seP 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
DR. DAVID WARD his office and residence
utt Fmrth Street, nearly south of the Court House.
second d tng from ftortsst reel. lie will faithfully attend
all rails pertaining to his profetwion. Night calls should be
made at the door above the basement. sep
REMOVAL—Matthew Jones, Barl , er and flair Dreto
r, has removed to Fourtn reni , op pas If. the May
or 6 , '(Tice, where he will be happy to:wait upon permanent
or ralk,ient custotner. He solicits a share of public oat-
Pep 10
REMO V A L.— %%. m, A. Ward. Dentist. has remover,
to Mrcrelouzlr's R. three doors helots Irwin street.
one square shore the atelianere Hotel. Hours of business.
from 9 it. M., until 5 e. r . after which boar he• will st
tend lo no one erreet in ea,sa of actual acres- . He
Would further inform those who may think proper to
,employ him, that he experts immediate payment, without
!the necessity on his part of sendin: in bills. tep 10
OFIN 31"FARL %ND, Upholsterer cad Cotrivet
.011-ker„ Third et. between Woad Market streets,
respPrt Cul informs his friends and the public that he' is
prepared to esecute all orders for Sofas, Sideboard.. Bu
reaus, ch a i rs , Tables, Bedsteads,Stands„ flair and Priam!
Matt rasses„ Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Ophoisterin
work, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. aep 10
110 Woed Street, Pittsburgit.-11, A. Bailsman.
A act ioneer and Comniiwion M PTC bant, is now prepared
to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandise,
at his large and capaeicstM looms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood said Fifth Streets, FitiOursh.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture. Groceries and
oilier art ides, on sndays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware. Cittleryttlfty Goods; and. Fancy articles, on
Ttkel42y. Wednesday. and Thursday evenin:s.
Books. 4-c., every Saturday evening.
Liberal advances wade on Cons*outentswhen wanted.
Messrs. John D. Davits. DK, I
" I *slider 4 Stolth„ {
" Hoinroon.Dmith, * CO.,
" F. Loren* * Co., 1
J. W. „Rutledge* Co., I
u S. brkee 4- 00. 1
Copt. James blVarglll, } Pittsburgh.
C. 'hoses,. Eau. ,
•• loos Sl'Frolibra Elms.
• u
• Lopi * Kesseedy. ,1 .1. K. Moorhead( 4- Co.. I •
Jas. P. Stuart, lu ' -' ' I - -
-". Robert Caluray,lte , _ - -, I
u Coro. Jos. Misyi ' ---'
j:" '" alt oll l4 - hamoli. 4. cc , .7.. : - , f . --..
.... . Winos area% • r 1 ' ..-. - WINNOW
" S. Wain*: . - 1 X4l l O l l _tine
- 4*
! alit ilt 11.0 ft ' t P i '
' - -
Ptittviorwer - and, Heftier Feast.
- -
HAS tameless:ea her regular trips, anerwilf rerr dial.
ty (Sandays exec...fedi.) Leaves Beaver at 8 91'
clock A. leave! Pittsburgh at' 2 _o'clock P. caw
alias at Bearier with the
Pennalivalita and 0/WO Line
of Freight aed Packet Canal boats between Beaver, and
Cleveland Ohio, and Greenville, Pennsylvania. Leave/PI
Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. M. This tine connects with.
two daily titles on the Pentaylvania Canal to Philadet.,
phia, and with trieldew York and Ohio line on the Erie
canal, and New York and Ohio line and Ohio canal, al.
so with steam freight and passage boats, brigs sad :
schooners, on the Lakes. The proprietors of thistrell
known line will be prepared on the • opening 01 naviga
tion to transport merchandise to any -of the intermedi
ate portson the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio Ca
lmly; to any port on Lake Erie, and the Upper Lakes;to
and from New York City and Philadelphia.
McClure le Dickey. Beaver, Pa.,
Cabb' Wormer it Co., Cleveland, 0.,
Rees* Taylor. Warren, 0.,
No. 12 Water street
~~"$= ~::
l'riZ7V' ,l- ;!V•4.:' ,. :':,
1 8 4,2 .
N 0.60 Water street, Pittsburgh,
W. B. BOLES. Master.
RUNS daily (Stindai s excepted.) between PITTS.
BURGH 4- BEAVER. leonine Bearer at 8 A. NI.
and Pittsburgh at 2 P. M. providii with Evans's Safe
ty Guard to gravest Et plosion of Boilers. •
This sp!endidand fast minims Steam Boit has jest
men contofe.ed expressly for this trade, and tuns in
CIARKE 4- co-, Pittsbecrglt and Cleveland Line of
Cleveland. Ohio.
Or down the Ohio canal to ataa•rilon, 4-e. and Erie Ex
tension Line 10 Greenville
Tke Canal goats of this Line are towed to and from
Pittsburgh direct, and the hu...-itre-s conducted r.n the
mo-t prompt and economical system. Having • connec.
lion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel
phia and Baltimore, and Stani.cials running Crown the
Ohio river; also, through our Agents at Cleveland, with
C. M. Reed's Stead avid several Lake Vessels, and
the T roy and M tchigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on
the Brie ranat, we a.e prepared fu: the transportation
of Fr, : ight to and from all points on the canal, the lakes
and the r, or the Eastern cities, al prices as !Ow as
any other line.
Apply 10 0- X. Marton, N 0.55 Water st,or at Steam.
beat' Michigan's Landing. Pittsturgli.
Clark. co. Beaver.
Babbard g Weatkerbee, Warren.
Wheeler k Co. Akron:
Thomas Ricknioad 4- co. Cleveland.
J. 11. Wick 4- Co.. Greenville;
W. C. Ataten.Sharon,
R. W. Cunaingharn. New Castle,
John K irk, Youngstown,
John Campbell Newton Pails;
rarni.bell 4- Miller, Campletlsiown;
Bahrock d- Mcßride, Ravenna;
C. 4- D. Rhodes. Franklin;
H. A. Miller 4. Co.. Cuyahoga
Wellsmran 4' Whitehead, Maarditon;
Gordon k Co.. Detroit;
Kinne,,Davis Q Co., Buffalo:
Cowing, Richmond, iNtiliarnS 4- Co.. New York.
sep 10
HIGBY,--Jes. 121. Cartier of lfrood tiled Frost
11.1. Streets, Pirjabs.rek, has on band a complete as
cortn,entof Querti , ware sailed to the city or country
trade. Also. a rhniee selection of pore while smd gold
band DINING AND TEA WAKE. in large or small sets,
or separate pierce to sal: purchasers.
A cask of 46.-60. or P 3 piece sets. superbly painted
and ells English. Chills Teaware. at very low price_:.
Toy Traware. plain, and rich painted and gilt, from
1.00 to $5.00 per set •
Children's litugs of eves v desci iPt ion .
White China Shavins. Mugs-
Granite Dining a. d Tea ricrvireg, in white and whit
splendid American scenery printsul in blue and hlack.
A large valid' , of Steamboat Dining and Breakfast Sets,
'imported to match. complete.
Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishmt, from the
Derbyshire Potteries.
Flint and Green Glass. In all their varieties.
Window Glass. of every size.
Patent thickets, Tubs and Kreters.
Stone Pipe Heads, 4.c. c.
Alt of whirl, are respectfully offered tri the pub.
tic on Ihe most favorable terms. ' Jan 26. 1842-1 y
TJ. FOX ALDEN Attervey .Pd Cons senor a t
• Law. CIL rs his profes.sional services to the eft
iz , ns of PitiQhnrgh and hopes for a share of pnbliepat
rona:e. He will ecerui e all kinds of writing with neat
ness and di:spa' ch. Cases in bankruptcy attended to on
reasonable terms.—Offtee ir. Smithfield street, at the
house of Mr. T 'minas O'Neil, to whom he refers.
pep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN.
%VIII CLARK. _let. gi'ashiosable Boot Mat er,—
ilaF. removed to No, 3-1 Market street. between
Second and Third street, where lie wou d tie happy
to seo his old customers. and all others who feel dispos_
ed to patronize him. He ures notions hut first rate
stork, and employs the hest of workmen; and as he elves
Ins con‘latit personal attention to business. he trust...that
he wilt 'deserve and receive a fair share of patronate.
sort 10
A hunker e.rpert hilly informs his friends and the
public that they ran always grid the hest (panty of lee
Creams. toerther with al: kinds of confectionary and
fruits. in their season, at his establishmeht—No. 71,
Fifth street, between Wood and Market.
N. B.—Parile,t onpolied.l on the shoreed notice, with
eake.., or a nailling In his line. Also families furniched
wit h Bread. ■lp 10
JOHN B. GUT lIRIE, Aucti o neer and Commis
sin. merchant. NO. 106, corner of Wood .5- Fifth at,.
Pittsburgh: Ilaviv.¢ been appointed oae of the Auction
eers fh, the City of Pitshurgh . tenders his. services to jos
bers, manufacturers and dealers. who may he dispcc:e• d
to make trial of this market- lie is prepared to make
advances ou consignments of nil tqtleable commoditim..
and trusts to sati-ly correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy 'and favorable returns.
That the various interests which may he confided to
him, shall be adequately protected. he brings to the aid
of his own experience in business and acquaintance with
merel' ndive generally, the services of Mr. SAIIIVIL
Fausitstocir, heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement is made.
Messrs. M. Tiernan;Pres'l. of M. 4. M. 1
.4 Darlington 4- Peebles,
n Robert Galway,
t. James Al. Cooper,
tt James May,
R. 14. Riddle, Pittaborgl!
Wm R. 91111115011. Jr. Pres%
of Exchange Rank.
n • Hamploir;Smith, 4- Co.,
• John D. Davie,
• Samuel Church,
tt - J. IC. Moorhead,
u Jas. W. Brown 4- co.
• John H. Blown. 4. Co.
et Smith 4- It
• Yardly 4- is suers,
n John B. Riddle,
• John Datuell,
12A HAM CLIME'', residing at 66 Mott street.
New York was afilicied with Dyspepsia in ha most
apravated Dirm.. -The symptoms were - a
- Wiest, head
ache. great debility. feVer, coativenesa, cositi, beast.
burn, Wu in tbechen and atoniaeh s w ays Oleic - loin.
impaired appetite, imagines_ of sinkhar at tbeiscetach.'
6 nied louvre, allowa, with inerprint iroashisign, dilkshirise
towards night sad tewietters. • Theme had eadatidaedap.
ward atm twelvemonth.. whew. on-erinanitiogg
Evatia,lol)4ltatharn street,, sod sohenhtiog to ht. ever.
sweeesofolartdagreeable spode of terairiteitt.lbe ;Wind
was'eaiabriely restored to health 'vibe short spice of .
Oneworak kid grateful tor the iirealestabietimedit dirfir:
akoiiiociiirollirwarAirad iraissiediediti ahOrriltale,.
For saii,Wboilevaleaiiitlhontif iy
ill .11.X.8111WMIONlifi,
Nei,lo. l oriaid Meat; Ws* Biala&
, -
^ : i "
:: - '2'.4.. , _ , :7-. - -
IIIR:GOODIPSI Celebrated bbatnia Pills. These _ , PROSPECTUS
Rine onotlienalY teeeloolelldett to the notice of Ibe - yesigiraliaz a Imo Deify PaPsei Its decays/ puss.
the ladles as a safe and effteiciii remedy in removi* - - -. , g i iii,g,. ii, ii fa si t t e d tu
those complaint* peculiar io Their nee. front 'wins of ee- yk ATL y. IioRNING , toff
...._....._ 4 . ..
..i.4. 0, ocaerai debility _of ( be . .nrelem. They obviate if
ansiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous I
ant/Winn - These l'ilhtliaver gained the meal* and yistiEStibseitheirsi li.as made Orsat to merge
approbation of the most eminent rbysiciann inalimpol.
.11 the American Sfuniditeutier aid tliblesigh Platen.
ted States, and many- or sale-Wholesale ' cad gzpoloyeape4ogrand - i.lanreinsesedadedr - 30-pplettelap- daily
Retail. by . _SELVISIVH. Aged.,, • paper with the line of tbie Thrig.Sfeerafat4'est. .
rep 1.11 tic. !
2 °.V° 611 i34r e et •he l mir SeF (l 4. , - Theleadin , thigat of tnituriwri e 'arm *The Abliatits•
' 4 lot li tr biAi defel"e tillthilled the tlythe'Ed aat Prkorlacilu!littelha:ll4lumikive'lleft-hre
papers. and their bestelftwto le/4 ftltht- 4 tiejigid 11004
ativancemeat andsateins of theme decitineM. _ .. .
Although, in politick, the Pailser wilt We` thereutibff
-democratic, yet the Editor* hope. hygivteg estLeonlest,
candid history of'' posies' PolilVet eatteM, voi*a
and Domestic hfiellismobt.ited bOtilsetbMs or , all Best:'{
tern and occeriences that:cos* property ert=ttlhete 1
Ora-Public Journal, to, mate , Hie* *Per . * 4' iiii I
eventing to entitle it to the patronage eiltbe 14 11 0ci , Ar ,
respective of patty considerations. i ..c. ,
In /midi' ion to t hopediticil anikgeweiNfisewa that *fill
be foond in the ..VIPTSINi Peat,. the Editors. will lake
pai* to' Dandle the *shims. ' Sosituntally - With I
the latent and must battening, goaatabout. .leletal• 1
ewe from ill partsof the etnintry; and lo"ltave prena.'l
red sorb neeountv or the Mattel. -inultbeiStlite of 'Trade
as will be ndVantageons to oar Iderchatiti and . .gosiness
alert in their several vaiDeiga. - • . __' ;.-• -
Minn—The Peer will be published eni large imperi.
2 1 - Sheet of Sue paPer: (slseeifilMused esiii:MbillY for this
Journal] at. Ihe unusually, Joie rain of FIVE-DOLLARS
por nn nu m, parable In aJvanet: It wilt also . be sold by i
news.noy4 at :he low rate of TWO CENTS a eeilr•
Advertiseaseata will he in -vetted at - the- letatat rates,
charged by the other daily papers or the sily. 1
Try-TWENTY active lads are wanted le sell the Post,
who will he engateil oh the most - liberal terms
W.H. FallTli.
AVM& MAIR, Am it AitifSkt:• - .ll;thr. L i %len; St,
oppitioirktai head *flak Afield sr., Piitseurgik,—
The stdmestherltairine health& in the stock -of the lite
Thomas Rafferty, *ceased, has.commenced tandem
in the old stand of Dr. R. and is prepared to &Tatum.
altdmerimionl-nt Mort in his line, in the hest manner,
and on the shorreateotke. Elea-ems eorstantly on band
a fame aseitiestarrofstme 'findings of all dex.riptions and
of theltentquality. Se solleite the palmate of the pub
lic and of the ors' t. W ADAIR.
prTzmat ..42,w 49, f li er 7 6 4. 407iii NfiTtACTO at
E ltlr t A--Spr pr Lys..
The AntorirDWra nittalitiiiinre and keeps constantly on
head Voach,C and BLOM I:llititsp (warranted.) Juniata
Iron Axles,. Siligeir and B.raso plated Dash Frames, Brass
Plated Mild; Bands, Stirrip Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver tad Brava LOOITIC. 'Mere fold "Pteps, Malleable
Iron, Door !handles and Hinges, 4-e.,44e. "
/1 1 10 LET.—A well finished anti tomfortabh. iwo go
ry huvse, fritether with hack hatirlined.,stable, car
riarel hour*, 4-es pos--eagon 7iveri Immediately.
This Tr oyert* is s.lttlated below itte' Penitentiary. trar
she renitence- of Mr. Wm. Easaleircand is a very - .oenrahle
renitence. For terms inquire of I. L. Moorhead, or the
ruhscriber. G. W. BARNES Union FaclOry.
sep 10---20, •
have applied to the Judges of the Court of Corn.
mon Pima of Venango county. for the benefit.of the laws
made forties relief of insolvent Debtors; ant: that they
have aNtnicited the fourth Monday of November for the
hearing ofn,e aril my rt ., ditors, at the Court House, in
the Borough of Franklin—when and where you may at.
tend, if you think proper, and show-rause, if any you
have. why I should not he discharged.
asp 11-3 t WILLIAM KEARN'?.
jJD. SELLERS, M. D.,calte Ond dwellone, in Fourth,
. near Ferry sileet. , F.p 13-1 y
QTOLEIIif, from the shop of the subsrribet . in Third
street, some time last week, n pair of Shears, -for
haircutting. They are nearly ; or quite., loot lore. and
very slim. It is suppo,rd lite thief sold them somewhere
in the city: I will pay the pureint,xr any reasonable price
if he will bring them to me. M JONES.
sep 13-31.
I TION.—On Saturday,l7llt instant. at 3 o'clock. P.,
M. 1 will sell, by order of the AsAarree, on the premi=es,
the foliowing described PrarellY- viz , A Ins of Gmund
3 - 2 feet' front' by about 101) feet deep, will, a substanliat
frame buddine on it. n-cid now r a a machine shop, c...-
taining a good Stein Engine and Clearings, Two Circular
saws nail DrlßMß,Ctiftlale in Allegheny City. between . the
Canal and the Commons, and adjoining the lileihodist
Clitirch--tirmerly ormnpied as.alooking glass factory,
by T. A. Ankles it Co. Terms:lr rale.
Sep I. B. GUTHRIE, Anctroneer.
100 li f fi e trE r
~,;I),C.- byL
3. :A 4 CC A o i , „O in ß sior n e and
seri 1N
No 12, Water street.
CANNON, SHOT A hi,D,,SRELLS.-11.uns.te OF Oaut
DEVIL ADD lii , DIOEREPHIN 3d Septeutbe*, 1842.
Sealed Propowt Is will be Tr , eised at-this Rureao until 3
o'clock. 11,114..0f the 15th Ortiihrr nest. for fornishine
and delii;lins., in the proportions. and at the places here
in dpsis.nited,thet following Tinmber anti description for
Ponnon.hihot and Bitelht.fht.the Naval Servim of the
United Slates, viz: Thirty eislit inch Paixtmo aims, of
about 63 evit.eaels: , Seventy thirty two Pounder t'Uns of
41 cwt. at d upWartio,,the precisa we'slo of each to he ile
terminen.'i.h.weafte-. Five hundred eisht inch shells;
Thr,Tdmitaidiredreistig..i.sib solid shot nod Ferdn3lloll7 , o rid
thirtv-tWn ponntler snot. De/inn-able /V follows:
10 eielhin. Pahban snns Dent-matte at
200 elfin in. shells I Sackett's Dar
1110Pieht in. solid shot S bor, N- Y., on
21) thirty two pounder suns lor before the
2.soo'thirty-two pounder shot J 15th May next
10 eight in. Pailban guns ' Detiveral-le at
!Weight in, shells I Buffalo N. 1 - ..•
100 pleb, in_ solid shot ,
on or before
25thirty two pounder suns 1 the 15th May
6 /.3ooth!rty•two pounder shot J nett.
10 eight in. Paixhan guns ) Deliverable at
150 eight in. shells Brie Penna.
100 Edell in.solld shot on or heihre
20 thirty-two poundersons I the 15th May
2.0100 thirty two pounder shot J next.
The proposals must stare distinctly the rate per lon (of
twentv.two hondretland forty pounds). for the sonn.and
the rale per pound for the shot and shells, deliverable a• - .:
above, all to he subieet to, and ntiderso such prour nod 41-
st - ter:Ann.:is thi. Bureau may deem proper to authorize:
and none will he woe for that shall not pass such in.
spec[ ion as mar he entirely sat isfnctorv.
• Bowls. with two approved sureties, will be required in
rune third the estimated Dumont of the contract, and ten'
ner centnninf the ;mono of all hills will he retained as
collateral sorority for the faithfnl +performance th •reof.
which wilt he paid only on the satisfactory completion of
the contract; and itinel v per rendism of all deliveries will
he Fluidal . ; hillsnroperiv anthenticuied, necordin ff in the
provi=ionsoftherootrart,withinthirly days after Iheir
presentation tothe Navy A:en!.
1 The otters must state al what agency the contracter
may desire payment to he made.
Prawinss of the sunStwill ne furnished frontiers 80.
mean, and they most lie vast and finished to conform to
them in every respect.
No hot Mast metal is to he used, and the :hot mwt he
cast in rand moulds. rep 12
TO THE WISE. -11 is now well understood how
nyuch disurders of the mind depend for their cure
tenon a due attention to the body. It is row nuderstood
how valuable is that medicine which will trnmete morbid
accumulations without weakeninz the bodily power. It is
now understood that there is a reciprocal influence he.
tween the wind and the body. it is wive understood that
pursing with the Rrandreth Pills wiz! remove a melan
choly, and even insanity is cured by perSeverinsdirrsins,
them: It is now understood how much domestic happi
ness depends upon the healthy eondilton Of the iiiiezA ire
it tsnow well known that the Brhndretb Pins have
cured thrinsinit. nf.hopelew and hrlpre.s persons. even
when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond
all human means of relief. It is now not only welt
known that the Rrandrctli Pills so cure. hot ii is also no
deratood how they en re; that it 1 . 4
by their purifying elect
on the, blood that they restoretbe body to health.
The value of the medicine is becoming moreand more
=oiliest, it Is rec.'s:nu - ten 'ed dairy from rainy tic ramify.
The Brandreth Pills remove in an almost imperceptible
manner &Incisions accumulations and purify - and mean.
ratetbehiood,and their good effect, are not con oterharan
ced by any inconveniences; berm composed entirely of
verlOableistheir do not:: expose those Who nse them to
da eget ; and their effects are as certain as they are =art
tary; they are daily and - safely, , adminir.lersil to infancy.
youth. manhood, and old as.e...and hiscomen in the most
critical and delicate circumstances. They do not disturb
or shock the animal-functions, but vestoretbeir order
and errahijsh their heniih. . • ,
Sigerat .Dr. IttaidreihNsljiSee. leio. S 3, Merl street.
Pittsburgh. Prirats cents - per-flax, with fall directions.
' MARK.--The only Mare in Pittsburgh wjiere the genu
inn Pills can he oblaineitArttitrLocior's own office, No.
sep 10 '
1611AREIPS11. A1..70 T..--Pat rick car/field re.
ifieeffillyairlpinte his friends nod t he puhlie gen
ernity;lttat be haul• the Mirhie tombless:it the
tatter of Fifth
_wed . iberly sts, where will be conataiattg'
:pH blilidAefith 4 2ollfil; ttieees. tiohnumente., l- beta
`aad : footstooes: tette siabe for athirst: ware, anthever.r,
ippertniolog to the business. He wilt warrant his
onarktoliewell ;done, Out his eitir*e wit/ he ittelerete_
He respoetfoiii mato ashore of nubile rot rottap. 4ilep 1O
TAMES A. 'VEAZEY. iiiiirg ssut , Cai.iniits 1
0 - 4111*ekelit. I Attest Am. Mealtbeif•VlOefatif.tatar
reeitayirtort_Vidpido Liss• Bs tS I- r !"1110 1 WxgritlE , 1
„no t
boiled fmaiftlf iiiiitiiiiii
_Stirstinkbier)t A55...:04:“
tovesetraMeMSNlMMloo 6 / 1 10 swirls PCO. i ltiltior
Si _oloo6olll4o4llriiiiiiiii , ‘- - % =': 1 ?- 2 : 1
se!' ' ' kg: 4 1 2 .4.a , - ......,,„ ~ .-.ty,;`-'., , ~ ; i rw, " :'.3.k; ,P,, , ,4 kOr
• -
Clitr st near i! e A nceietty PriAirp
`Angus! 31, 1842.
OLP mit r
Liverpoot Coszsgtrci.V Lia of Packets. .941.5 x: If eerk itc--
The Sub rriLer would respectfully inform such percoas
resadin.s -in this- touristy as are &straits-Ow Sending - for
their friends to co re out from the old cortry. that he
COtitifIIIPS as innin I to make engag e ments y which pas
sengers are tirp-ight oaten verytauderateleiins, in First
liars Ships, sailing tram Liverpool weekly, and would
assure iter=rins desirous of coming by the above bine,
that :IF:agents or first respectability are engaged at Li
verpool, there will be-no detention whgtever at that
point. . .
De is also prepared at alt limes so tarnish Sight Drafts
for any amount to assist in preparing pax:en:o4s for the .
voyage, payable throughout the United gthgdom , and in
ra.e the parties agreed forshould decline .4orning out, the
Pa .5.12.7. V money shall be refunded without reduction.
For further particularsapply it by letter *0
No. 61. &Kati strict, New Irak
At the Warelmnie nitzet.t.:d• Ft.suuso.
sep 10 N 0.24 Water street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
BY AUCTION.--Will be sold by !While Auction,
wit bout reserve, for cash. to closelhe concern, at the
Hatt ottbe Marlborough Chapel, in Dituon, on' Tuesday.
the room day of Ortofier nest, -commending at sloe of
tlie Clock in the forention, •
AD's he property, on he United States Land Com pan 7
coricie ing or about
i 40.000 Acres or good and well watered Fermin! and
Gry'3Zinff and se.ry valuable Timber hand, lying in Jefffr.
son, McKean and Clearfield comities, In 'the State of
Pennialsatia—oh pattsofwhieh there abumlanee :of
Coal.Linie and iron Ore, and mane Id ithswits.;
And of Claims againit -sundry personi for land sold
iyins in said exmonea, that ate considered Good.
And or Stock and Tools no a Fdrm i 8 the townhip
of Bradford. in the coun , y of McKean; in said State of
The land will be surd in lots to snit plireliitsers, con_
taintog from ahnot 120 to 5000 acre.. i
Farther part terrlars trift he madeknown the irafe.,:or
on korriry of the *nh.-rriher, at tin. .12 Lonz Wharf.—
of Fi,hers and Baldwin, Merchants' Row: in Boston—or
of either of the Truiteesofthe aid United Sates Land
Company. D. RGRAGGS.
President of the United Aatcs Land Co
Boston, August 20.1840. beep 70)
A DMINISTR ARGUS, NOTlCE.—Letters of adminis
ts_ 'ration of the Estate of the late Mary U. 'Strwari,
'C Lateretteeville,Allegheny Courtin, Peniett, havine
-ued ho the subserihers.ali persons indehteil to or basins:
claims asainst said estate are requested to, call for sestle.
ment, on GEO. P. HAMILTON. ;
Pen 10 4th-st above Stu ithfietd, Pittstairsh.
gY Sictcrison Co. London. for saie,only
Wickersham, comas of Wood street and Virgin
alley Pitishorzli Pa. and R. Harwood, Egatrer Pa.
sole accai for Western Penntilvania.: sep 10
FARM FOR S ALR.—Tbe undersigned offers for '-ale
tract of land situated frongd 7 reEport,in the
direction of Kittanning, Buffalo 'township, Armstrong
enuntr. containing 100 acres, 65 etrared and ander good
fence; 10 of whien are in meadow—a prod armee tog
dwelling bon...nand cabin barn erected thrreon—so apple
orchard of 80 hearing trees—and a spring of excellent
tearer convenient lathe house.
FOR TERMS nopiy to the ruhserihert residing at the
Santvorks on the Pennsylvania Canal, I iliac above Free.
sep 10 WM.4. Pl-1111.17 RAKER.
Jr. I. wesro:vs Vegetable Erpeciorant Syrup, a n
infallible cure for whooping multi. This dierm.w
is mostly confined to children, and is attended with a
suffocating comah. -led a deep shrill sound'. called a whoop;
it comes on with difficult breathing. thirst, hoarseness and
rough. with difficult expectoration. Tke violent eser
lions in coughing bloat the face, whiehiarns purple,and
the eyes swell' and become ritorninnl. :
Consumption often dates its origin fnont this disease.
which has hitherto balled the skill pf the 4 most able phy
sicians. but l iner by this simply vegetable medicine this
dist/Cosine and frequently denructrov disorder can be cu
red in a few days. Thousands have given it a trial and
in no case where need Retarding, to the direction bas it
failed. I:..tung the viscid matter and inaking if easily
exnectoraled without such violent straining as is invaria
bly ex nerieneed by little sufferers by ever* mode of 1 reat
men t that has been recommended. ..,
Conslis colds, ronsurnotion;aithma, 4e. cured by Dr.
Weston's Indian Cough Maffei ne. man v Mums of eosin inn
tions. some in [Le adraneed tragerar.d given up as incura
ble hp physicians. have - been eared by this melfeirie with
his pills and Master_ $1 large bottles,surtall 50 cgs. Pills
25 cents. plaster 25 ets. Sic Strengthening Plaster is the ,
b e at i n the w orld for %M A' haeks.pain iniheside. 4 e.a.c.
Jr. J. Wv.ion's Bye Water cores all disorders of the
eyes when all other meant fait. Price ti re - n i si. Hi e eon,
Salve is sold at 1211--ets.,-per-ber, , containine enough to
cure 20 maresmc-more. -fie, has aim a.pirrfally sae and
highly valuable medicine for woremr÷ptlee 25 testa per
Ills Essences are surnevWl ill ot treiregtat. least 6
times the strenethiiif any - A.i - tt Can be pulthased at any of
1 the driaggishi. such its, peppermint. alwanmint.niinatraton.
temon.orange, lavender. cloves, feline, 1,0 almond, berMe...,
-1104vreselnary, eartitrap. ace. - tc. Pttareelrits . fier
bottle. Or 50 ets per,.e.T.•• tontafit . On, .41: jesoor 75 eta.
for boles cont ii oirj - 6 boatel.l
„Persailetti /nits Tlnnonsoll'aGtoeeryl 1 Libettireltw
next door to the ..Ttusee. „ Irlig.7toons.". ii . , , asp JlO ,
. . . . .
v .
nil. ;•• R. %IBM". rS, Sillrallf 11000 - tiat
.11-1 sensor Iltlaburgh and alEinilly • he MB return
ed to the day:: , Iftt*PeSto Awe the of b
Palro. a nd Abs POW , gefolfal • sil.setts*
eneirii ort r ufkingiT Melt patio. , - To imolexion
ha sandd obserre,tbat thoopessrfs. , '44Vbeitifftitio OP
breakinehe stone la the tdaddo anal , . ins it to pass
otwith the sdlancyNVlVer~' *Ng thedeep.„
eattlWaltt,,,PSOWOlikerlose, _ tqakfille
- - !tile*. stCle
• _..,
-~; ~~::;
-~ ~
, ; . :....z;=j: , •- - '::.''''_.. ,
..::1.',..--,!-f-,N-it . ,?, : ,,•:,.z- . 4 ,, , 1 ;,.
j' - f - •.''':'., 1 ',7:!';::'...5. : ;i'.:..:::',
]-f........ '.!_;:l.i.',zi,;:..i'''.--:.-.,.
>:~~~ =;~
v; :.~_~ .
~. 4 .~r ~i
~.' }~.'~ i 1';
~ ~~
V ~ +~
Ar c ,
4. w
' •-iVZtI Plirklit
- A:fritied; who has slimaitaWW
over mall papem, 4 ,1 * I !* %,-
upon ma"tiariPt letter
s erf gds.
wiiich= we give below : :Ids' satans
ing at this time, as it tefers to the flee
potted its Nevi Otierani atmet General itige
150 h, a remission of which imalabeiit
asked from Congress.. The lattsaisAck:
dressed to MlS...Elizabeth Trist i thetvnotVp
er of the. late Canso' at Havana.— >
POPLAR FOREST, (V4O June 1;1815.
Dcati ,I!tikems:—.l duly. , received
your letter; the 'date of which I caattos - -
3uote, because I have.it pot with me; but I 's
join you sincerely in the joy =pressed -7
on the transactions at New . th-leans. They :
were to me , infinhely pleasing, because
they proved that the people there were
faithful to the Union, that. the place could ,
he defended, And that Kentucky and ten—
nesse& would Ay to its defence., Of the
rnanceuvres . you, suggests() for surrounding ,f
the place, I had not before heard, but they
are a key to General.dacksim's energe*-
cal measures. Nobody is more zealods
than myself for the supremacy of the law, , ,
under circumstances which admit aprmik,
to it, and where its dilatory prsiceedingv"
may be relied on alone for the publieBol-,
ty. but in the presence if an enemy, to pi
pose to take men out of tht ranks, =lt,:
even the General from the head of thine
by a habeas `corpus, is to use . the kutinot
or the softly, but for the destruction ofthe
nation,, and nteri,ly as a cloak for deliver;
ing it up to an enemy. However, all has
ended gloriously,, all should now make
frieeds. r confetti that this whotra.-with_
which we closed the war, doubled my rail! .
ish for the peace—but what Is nexti
naparte returned,received with open wens.
the Bourbons expelled, and the other pow- -
ers preparing to take from France.the right
of self government, and to prescribe 'rules
to them.
i am certainly no friend to Bonapirte; he
was an usurper; but if he become.. 4 thethoiee..
of the people, a regard . for our own rights..
dictates respect for theirs, and a wish
their success. Our maxim, however, should -
tif .,L oot to intermeddle in the affairs of - Et t o t.!'
rope: to consider ourselves as belonging
an American system, distinct, from- the E' =•.
ropean in its interests and objects; contour .Z.l
ten with their commerce, but not with their -
quarrels. - But whether England wilt per.
mit us to be clear of their wars is the-doubt:
Governed by common sense, the woulddo
it; but governed by her merchants, the ;is
terests of the Nation will be sarrificeducr
theirs. I shall not wonder therefore. to;see
the Orders of Council renewed, .Trapre)or.' .
ments resumed, and war, of coup!e t ...-fuse,
upon us. They will force us. as thertave -
France. to become a nation of soldiers. and
themselves will become victims ordieknight. -
here, as of that they provoked in France: 6J
would rather it should be otherwise; that_ -
we should remain iit peace,,. and they entt4.,
tinue to be an unit among the balancing
powers of Europe. But_ Wats not sul*et
to our will; we most submit to the deatiniee,
and without anticipating evils which _per
haps may never happen, lea us turn from'.
politics to our neighbors. Your friends, M. •
and Mrs. Civers, are in as good health
usual. I dined with them on pease the
-29:h of April. Here our first pease wept
the 29 h of May, which shows the inattett; . -
lion here to the cheapest,, pleasantesc,, and
most wholeseme part of comfortable lino&
The family at Monticello is all well, and
cherish your friendship with affeetionit
is increased be Jefferson's marriage.
had a deep affliction in the loss of Pe*
Cart; he was a kind of circulaiing cement
to our neighborhood, and has left a void
which can hardly be filled up. Be as food
as to present me to Mr. and Mrs, Gilmer,
and to be assured of any con.tqnt and after...
tionate friendship. TEL JEFFERSON.
The "Virgin Heifer."—A friend, who is in the
habit of reaaing the clas , icA. stods 114 the Daily_
ing extract from the fi th Ode of the S:ceond Boidi
of Horace, wrtt the translations of Frani:4' sell
Creech. It is doubtless that portion of cda 10
lore which Mr. ,Cloy had in 'view when he.sisekti
of the pirgist heifer at the greaLbarirecie lately
given hint in Kentockyt--
-Nondurn subaeta ferre juguin vide*
Cervier, pendent muititeomparis
Aeqoare, nee land ritentis
In venerem telerarn4 miles -
Circsi-virentcs est animus lose
Cameos juvencaee, nanc fiovis vassal 4
Solantis savtuin, nuncio ode
Ludero can vi 6lis emliete-
Progestientis. Tolle ea pidinent
Insuritis nine.
to thy beirges yet unbroko
Ti the labors or the yoke,
Nor bath ittrengib enough to profs
Such impetuous weight or lose.
Round the -fields her f anc y srrays ,
O'er the mead-she sportive Ple!%: -
p er..
Now bet the sultry heals
Cools her i - -paisalig gresuut-7'
No ^:tingsteerlings plant,
- - S '' waltowgioses among. '-' • - 1- .
Behmiti.rtmle , - - --- :--.-' i
gr - . • -., ~.- , , -4: •t"” - '1 - 14
1 -- Tkie iv geed; *home is itt 411PPilieelertitit
not ionsistin homely* stutit to stoloy,,.:se iikAii '
Acuity to - citjoy a twit -lie - whe-milieettielife*/ 164. - -- - -- ,
py. without taking great mine, will sleny + *nt? s :i.
bus pains greatsr.tharrk*ltappiii*, ,Wier44elitli*":;-
(Rut thought iii" Addison's, that 46.Mettr,0*.:' -..
tak 4 more plitiseri le theeoitMtreftetw':#:*".l -:-.'
fine erste.*** Elether deeli iii i iher ll . l -''
Tim:* met-- limiest _Aiwa*
e!",#•-'withnut:;.betut; 11100.00,310,0054* -k:.
-pieeiee:. imt. the Slaw bekrtkeitr4. Wilk - - the - ..- 44. f . 2
.- • ~, ton. deri,itteltaaw4Wl6oo•4/1";.VM; -t„. , ~=.
Tile - ewe fitehteesAwsetir ,' . -.' 4 516 ;, - 4,,,,,...4. , r ,
.' aoheigookiikikikaii*- 4 % , .
- - ,
....w ~i~4:`_
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