palm oar hat.hoo* Itie tikera-440ta Itt is no ouitagalta tibua ocsitiotis 4,54 a broads of canat—A Jr, has " giien P. ehhbusta. Jr.' A •c k icikar FurCompityl otority. 'The -4 11aei N , ntierpatett, atilt o)i aced mainly by a law , we hope show% - Loorii IED CANDIr. a c iost'.—cikr, be tad _ oft it 14 -4 eet. AT, rp:holderer. via reel, betwe en Wo od • iintbswwes alway s e a' I seat Den and dot:os itt e x etia. g e .doot Market. 0 ler 798 OPP/ k "1110*0 Beirteother 14 h. .103 OWNED BY I': • ALTH. AT AUCTION oe provision* of tie 4th . y, mooed tihe 27th &lilt provide fot t 4 ordinary. povoleoi of the Interest to °moats for the male of r purpottm" there iwitibe Merchants' Exchange, In t. rdo , Poilay. thP Zhi day of a. at.. the following Stocks, . to ittl: • in Ibe Bask erre:maw Philadelphia Rai.. • e Fairlawn and Ildezhasiee' • rolusibtiqt r ank and ftrikil e e 'Union Canal Compatjr. - e Penalyivi t illa and 41416 F. ue Chesapeake aad in 4 . .eSchlaylk ill Nauleatiffle rirfrtril Strum Towboat (sampan?. ,t, in (be lhoOrtiedl Ihr 'l:2llday of Noortaber olot-k in Ow paugrati - a ii rcod Co mpastv.. r. etlaland Valley Yr - antra" Railroad C , . orrizloortlic.,Yort and Railroad Codorus Naoitaliaa Ca. te Bald Car aridSpria: . rat ion Co. - , monowzpholal4vhatila Wirristiara Rriiiae Co, Nor:TM:inter oriontraaola..Prkm A ttrahrtay ll,Orce Co. ortike.hafTe, Bridia. Co. Lowislsore Bridae Co. Bit flrnor , r Bridge CO. Thinville'Bridier- CO. Negropetk RridreCo. French Creek gridgegi, CoOrnraorll Ort4e,„ - Scriuytkilland Portal. LOyal Hanna Bridge Car al Vino Bridge CO. R clObirown Bridge Ca. T.Aranda Bridge CO- Frarklin and litlethear, Sr-buy/till firldfco l . ' Cmcolny. MI Min.:Tort Britti Co lon foa nl4.- Cifinefessi VITA 11 , e. f , if I and SIO.*, St.,,,own and nr , f,` - wre ana Hu Ili Canibrii "Priv , Waterford. Pr r k innwri and Read" Gap And NPllipnri. WU nrchurg, G rArgt arr. Mor.tantown,eh l l ratio Ln~te Coneaq•AA, I`,Tka nd Elisabeltd IMIECI and tz,,,, 1 9.1:a.ana grad be ,t,.. a a nd OiCrto• irnw - nr,lon. 1.11 r; h. Cetl , e and Kisharataa 50.quelsanna and York Yo r k :5.,4 Getty/Wag N....• holland. tz, n 2 House. N. .• Fe; hern C~cn'a and SCLMllfika F , ,squeiLan na and W • ,anehanna ved 3rd W • rottAwnsti and Neve A Sim Alettanwita and Belennntand Exam,. ✓ sbnrah and Rude. Pl:Pillsbury:and • rntter and IdeTerr. _ ?ife rrrr 2nd *cadet& Aivir Wm: New Haven. • rzh and 'SIM' Ridgy Road. Pei bany and Dingida E.41%0 own and: Montt "ant Pleasant and 5,,r3 ers , t and Bedibri - Hanover and Her:sown and . Proiefonte and Phi' - Pi,itadelphia, Raid London. Beimont and tightin Harrisburg and 51 - bad 0 01 Lewis-town awn - • A rrnidrong and legig a Ciltrord and-Mr. tndiana and f:matiOlt- W2billagloo and W Washington and Lyrondag and f''. oll4l ' 11 iddtesown rind Pei termite, Aavial ol " - ` wanstown. P.a urr and Kittattn l W', M iiesbnrr and Lettstovvm and Ir. Ittoust Pleadidt,, and Tort Haved an d Abingdon and * • - Warren and Lewistara and Somerset and t' Carbondale sad Samaras sad Letwilbarg and • Ligonier and ' Warren and • Titusville andk° At namtron Warren and Firawr f. Fagar Orme*.• 4o '- o ` Brawsksittisw Fla, r finovrabor- and • Laeltaaraze Batter and o Sterling and Lenox and iisrlo r '. O - Pitiable** Bedford and o 4Atilier i b lgr g • Bimini:lwo wolsitivii „Bald Eir-lens e and remains* ad • days albressidiefi l ii r ...l . Witsdamnal *Sr -. . tedWbaitessf-- tiOlW ipeoks nt 111*-, k 41,111 _. ,~. Moru►ut - Y t* London. , says the Paris correspondent of nal Intelligencer, strikesme more radon bills of mortality than the deaths by diseases called infec here is a London plague constant or lurking in the poorer quarters, classes above the indigent, and , , sojourners never see. ankee in New HamFeihire as in" other perpetual motion machine ing but an old w ooden clock! ceps greased with oil extracted fe's tang,uf! lie says it outruns urtion Friday the 23d .Ic,ory of Lari.nceville ;.IVeaver, the fohosi. ing pr w operty: In commence at 2 u'tO . k. ,evonstore s:ll3Velf,fieished and neuniAed; racist! do.; shears, vices, frc fl r , I and iron ME= =ME Spade =kc; it ;e; . . A ...Cf divided Intent C.ztep, In the Morcan I E: L. E N E PH I PORTA 13 Boor 1,1 ra•Fp„,,,„„ rn ,Vrt, ror.:., LI II d Bob onh in ;he , fh,rte.-f d ary,o [dr,. r •n:rpo , ed of 1.1 in Clot F44-11C.,=. Pnr rzlrat,..• , d , . and , •11. r of 1w , 0! .1 11.1111•G•rI1 41 frorv, al ,0 ..'.lo,liiof ;I 'Pr . ltall! oft!a (IT MIM= 1118111111:E1 7114(i 11, tilllo . o cn' I'a I hr , f'S rr,nzhi, , nrot and rvv,l , nl _ ~111.1~ II:. 01 S on flip MEM=II 11,...• fot, s 11) rate lar . % r P •"-.1 I, re, 11111 r 11: Ihe I.)n , r.f"V ni wror:li!on Li-e iron 0 0 10' Pp' • rts. dP ay a, Ml= . Are•d 75 { ?EN 1PG1"... C.-C. T. ..X.1.1 S. V c r I,ar. . have 11 I hp', aff,,c I, I 11-siti( n , C UT IL S L '. Tr, " S:110 sep f: F.3 ,- ; TV F , JR •••Fireel. 20 5 ,• 41, f nv- rood roo4l, nt kio-1,o; lio• 120 Coo to 1: 11.11 , , , -, and , tr. .r • t Oil a r: he ,A.,en ror Igrtn , and n r pr o;' IS'S I.YTELLI 1; I:.I"C'E oFricr. N. 4,:r IMESEIII r~. c:;kr! 1~~-y rat hu.~nr .1 M ,f 1 I 'la tfa , rt, rly 17.T.14! r:::drncr No. 71 . 1 - Thol . .h 51rri,ffe door L i NE o r Pn. ,, ,,,zer at eani Pack 4-I:-Lt draurtviFlrYm r:fln 1,1,7 rezu'ar Lilt teat, rin ton ‘Vf.-t may rviv ur ,, l Itl SOT “:1 - : ttni c rt of ro:tirglon Flca , .of t cfibe tan-s ellartrd rel,Pl of 10,01. and that :dodo trturi has apprdnied the 4:11 loher for the heartng o no and our eredl ;v1 If, rou :d. When nine at It you mink proper, and ' , how u ha ems, why w. 5110 U Id ho: tw d:s - { hn rE'ed T. FRIEND, P111.:101re1•, (';, , „eel Maker acw, Butcher. La Irl'eflt. Vlll€. 10\ OF P.lll I.\ El:Still' lof /..1• I etof,re ,ttprtitt: ad 4- dal( mU:a !, and oft if atitliortzPid to Sr: Ihe •t0.0...- , s oft he 1 account-s thus: hp . t. J .11. E, 'I N IJ, 11. W11.. , 11N. ALL P 8.1 3 EMS. r s tesnect‘toly call the attention al s and the their pre. Of Paper Rarer:tee. which coniain, a ye variety of tat!erns ttt.• f o ik,„.i -GU upon inspection is ill be found lc lrt ly a nd tapers, 01 at!,, (cr pa e vering t Z 5 cent.. per pteee. ere, neat and handome patterns, for nd emric at 37i cents. Papc,., of melt own manufaeinre, fot and cl,ler styles for parlors and - fine satin grounds. Der,Dretloa and Fresco patterns, in colore,go/d cnd slicer papa... at ion Baru., ere, in sells, for plperine„ hotels, halls • nts. at reduced prices ats, Statacr. Orartratitts, ap,, plain acd figured, or different ea- and others ore re , :pectrully invited neltWa cock and prices, off which lasi ;rill >x pren fai, cash. lent.: in the usirt., they are able to • TS' in a sotterlor manner, and as They n o tor character their papers sooraouni, they hope to continue to re giment ktthertono iiherauy evended . BOLDSHIP d BROW Ng_ o 49, Market street, between 3d and pt. .19. 1842—iln art,' is's Intelligence Office. loon teachers can he tarnished to school coontry. A good female teacher, well with the ad vantamts of experience. WiShit! /ft-pee. table private family, sew wit! lake •is reboot. Planes wooled fee several • ntectranks- waiters. ehaaterniabbtigido • laboring men. All .kirids of business for strangers and others visitiagr the needing oft agent to nary thiag, will dad deuce and a *borough harridedge of boil= OFFICE. 9. FI, ST2l.lfritgigr painted palestina& bekrailo',il door: • BASK SOTS. AND WiIOII6II.IHAICL cowor tm.Diji,r. ET ALLICI/ 111241111:1,1pFcliplIWZ "A X!. PENNSYLVANIA.. Bank of Pittsbureb: Par ercb. 4 Man. bk. par Exitance bank. war Bk. of Gerinantown Easton Cant, Lancaster bank, dia 2 Bank of Chester Co. par Partners' bk Bucks Co, Doylmaolvo bk do Bk of N America:Phil. Bk of Northern LihertiM Commercial bk. of Pa. Far. 4. Mechanics bk. Keni , ingloa Pitifadtlphia tdc - 6can3lkill bk. Southwark bk Wi-slern bk. Rk. of,Pennsy Iva ilia, Rk of Pena Ti. , par Man. 4 - Mechanics bk 18 Me.:banics bk. par Movamensing bk. 13 Girard ba..k., 47 U. Stales hank. 551 Lurnbermete.', Warren. 75. Frank. bk Washincton, par Miners bk of Poi IsVile, Rk of Monizornery Co. par Mon. lik,Bronnsville, 2 Erie Rank. 5 hr k. 61 1 iik Lancavier, RK of idd lei 6; Rk. of Chainiersior;h, gi Carlisle bank. S. Rk of Neu; i.imrland, Eil Columbia bk k Pride CO. S, Co. Rk of lb.taw are Co Lebanon bk. i C.c.% , -, 1.0r,211 hk \ cr I, I.l[l. F .V• oV'r Its. of nes , Ati f^ h, 8;r.0 , 10,, t - -.n re vr) o•>'e I , ry •- MIE=1:1 iV 12f 1,31ik Scale Strip. L.:di/ ry (141 do 6to 14 Berk-co. Nank, 60 LPVVISIC.VP, 12' Towanda. Vb nt.t nlrlPa nl I,k, Fa.. ‘l,cl, I+l, or situ 11P1morit LA of st ("airs Marleila Lk. (Inn and do Cti rrenr v New Lis flO ,pccx pay Merl/. ' k Tr%ders ilk of . ... -........ %Ve.lerll EXChallge. (7ri,roon I. “i (',,lnrnlw.:. iciarianaii. par Den , n 1' 4 ” 4 . ', F.• :2!Loui.svit.r. par Cirri. \ : ik. : H Lan rence revelaraJ. 1 Ca-it der: 2 N kyr; i T.9_. par _ • 7, 'le.:l,lb. I. k 2 it; OLP 4111 S 1 I.V FR . par :amount St. Mary's College. MOUNT ST. l'ilkftV'S COLLEGE_ nosy: Esaneffs• bnrgh. .21foryland.—i4tuateri in 1 h.! most roin-nt:r par , of Fri-fiend: rountr, MiarOanii. }leant fit. Vary', '0 Ilezr is far WitUdrawn from t h . distractions and omral of a coy. Its tor:Pion nuricalled in point of s v. and apar I' ialertf,...4. I=l EMEEZIEI CoUr e ira-s iscorparated god empowered le Coo p, de,,t, and otter literary kosors by the Legislature rif Yarn( 'rd.,: the month of Febroory 1530,. r of ztudez , is cornprehemnve, embracing all the art, ..r.cieeer, nod languazes umally taught in long estah!r.llrd a t.d rondo-Ird c ollt-. , /e.. l:c Lei , ran i= .r.ter 7: and everrsi7e_: Its !leading. Poom to the 1.c.F4 liir rary and f. , i2 , l l ifi' per/OdiCa'F: f a; I':,tlo r lo the whale wypleni. or indisestloa. that tormentor of our ewe. finds in this medicine" ts greaten cutler. A enorap of then. pills will completely cure I bea=nreterate case of chronic Dyspepsia, and when Only in its earlier storm a few dolma will etheiteade it, awl liethish all its symptom.; the palpitation of the bitzet, giddiness. , dimness of sight„eructation. wind in tile bowels, oestrous irritation, oppression at the stontscli, restiveness which afflict the uaforltmele suirerer.i Disorders of the morons membrane, like those drastic pors,,ativets known by the waste of 'patent pips.' Cast rilie and emir -Mae affections are cored in a sheet time by a proper use of this braltmideMredirine. It can set the pores of the skin to be °pealed, !reatoire4 excieses ces, ankippels incipient disease by Traducing a natural tins of Olitcpiration. The Dicbetes and WI other dine: es . r.f• the at lean , oc eans will he cared he the mie of thin medicine withont any noxious effechi. in the disem , -esofehildren they will he highly beneficil, wtow•ialle daring tlm time they are eel tine feetX:lx which time MfOnts cafe* , the meat, not aln.‘e in thciediseaies anmttbeir cniallve no. Pert irii nitkrerful. hut many wheys 14"ilii wielded in th-ir f. ireim e eery -me y. colds. conimaiptlon, diarrmah. lomnorrailacre. OpitPrKV. parn•y•bi. hr.jdaeUe , nieorky. of t he j m pecinm, vert inn-thy cencrial or French diwaime. and pains in the hack and limps, are all radically cured by a coome of this medicine. Bat in those cornritaials which are incident to females. • pante:thirty at the turn of fife, thts pills porters their erwietrl ,4irjalivepcnover; Flour alhos;„ or the:sehltmenot- most& or the green sitkoe;. , „ ototruetilOu of the mippper, sleet. Fick headache, hysterical affeci:ions. and "alllite rt ;onssevere pains, which enter women at the, and the wancea and disagreeable sensations aceempa ny ins pregnarv. will be totally dispelled by this medicine_ 19 there :Inc thing so beautiful as !a clear toraplesion: plowing with all the hiws of health. iand onthjoriming the ruse? no ladies desire the poeseuthtn of his treasure? Then tot them tmr„ and nee ocetiFionally Dr. relies tot they are one (tribe beta entmelic , ., or beautifi. ers in F.Tic.Pnr . P. They purify tile blood remove all wimples, ernpt inn. and blotches front the skin, drive the bile frnm the r.r.tem. and thus render the complexion Near, rich. and transearent! tr fair. in the o4e ofthis medicine. no attention need he paid to diet. nor should there be any dread of expo s ure to the weather_ Every thing can be emelt with benefit, and with pe•fect impunity. The rotice of the publish! particillarly called to one thine, that unlike the commen purgatives, and patent pips c.fenTi,-ic:F : they produce little 41- no pain. The syt lem is nitrified, the lone of the stom*Ch mvtortii, and the varionaore-.ans bronchi again to a state of heatthf I aril silty. without any of the sickness and nripine. attendant nn the nee of commott remedies. The internal ronerins. whirh extends from the Linnet to the anus, into° frimrient ly inja red , If not entire destroyed Ity;strons drastic no rea• lives. Bat this is not so with these pith.. for they . are Ai Gentle in their operation that they link themselves with nature and only lend bee an military hand. Tezfiarovials of the beat Hod pin atidoeptl, if neces wary. to prove Dr. Felifs skill. his:lone study, his ereat experience, and his eminort summit in practice. Num. hers of gentlemen of restweialtillty and talent hare •nsad his pills, and all unite in renderint praise to this safe, powerful, and 'wonderful,' For eeri ificates see my handbill... These nillsarre prepared by pr. Canvas }sett:. at VIIT/V1144NW111.We5t2130111.21,4 County; brit they ran he had in all patio from his aecretlired nears. areompanied with directions fortheir Frain the Ito Won Daily Tines. - - ---: Weir , . it's latlian regetaila Pius. - ' Of all the peas asitvertised medicines of the day! We know ermine that we can more safety reetunmengine the . ill• that flesh is heir to, than the pills that eresolit at ti 4 -.... depot of the North American C.diege of Beaks: 1d0... - 1113 Tremont street. Poston, .Several instatirc. srejraser of -,_ where they are used in'fiallies totrirtheb elw sasfoiv..., Don; and no Poorer sect than MatlMlldaY we breed an cal' neat physwian of the city recommend them in lifetimes. . • There needle he la the ectotunnity a Mat rermenititee ter' the use or miaek medicines. as 1 hey are adrimibistrieeknOtte- • . • ly termed. but IT was mainly owing to 'lbtlitlis.rtft all" • - ' stantly derma - near them. They are, however. tectgabliat 1 more liberal in this respect, arta-the tonwspienee : le tlaillila vegetable medicines are now more exteerivikly used the - _ formerly. - • . . Extract -en Fetter/nen Peter Ckiist, 17oissfeetat. Car. .• roll cc., JAI ...Ver. 171 k... 1938.. giir:. .A lent two months atm./ had hosinisis in Rai- . --_ - fimore --- r, and dined at your Mare and hcinalif a few loxes. of the Indian Vegetable pilhe and 'anon tryie• teem .1 . fonuAthent to he far gaper** to pille,ar any nth- • : ,Cr medfciee I have ever wed. I had been mihjeet to a . .. -, D R. JOHN W PzTON'S Indian :Spre.ifia. - A - -certain emelh - filt five "a" P") a" Arial! Mal Iliac IlLiElakeb - . a variety of medirines without any relief. until I not. She cure for Desentery. Moods Fter„Chotera Martins. r a dian Veretahle Pills. and by raking Tony dotes 'Min Sin/miter Crtmelaint.aad all disorder of the lin ly.„ Per- for-mine a perfeet enre in one or / I wo days. Millio - c" thow irh u , ho t 7,: d t o o o l e el e o ve ; j 4 7 2 ; m a m ad w a . enr A I r e w nit 7e m b4 e nialr a Tha m iN"liii it - w ilk hare died with the dysentery , Sun4 - er Complaint.. and bee valnahle medkinit. I immediately sent 10 Dallimone other diorite-= of the bows a. from the seisms treatme nt far a large sunray. I have ireceived en much. Waal in we and improper medicines made al by Micah-Me.. and wing the hulks Vegetable Pills. that I Minuet help hit _ others in at tempi ior in cure. efi rst ieles this me.ietee recommend them to emery inystid ketse'...mod think so welk - is comp. - wed of. were used in the place among the of the medicine that I have sent iiiredealeo boxes to my. • Indian.. and has never failed in a Pincle instanee. in of trivalid friends. in the &ateof hbliglia ' feeling aen re for any disorder of the bowel.. in vonntr-nr . .. St/tred. - PETER MIR/ST: old. As it exceed. any thing ever diseovered. every - Fees G. C.. Mad, Nair reek. - mother should have if eon-menthe by her, and should ex- - tend the knowledge of it as.far ere tarp in her power. and AP- Wm. Wei:kr—Deer Sic—Ton wilt phase t e r., he this ~,,,,,n , twee the live, of t h ootwoo ,„ . who would Ward as soon as pomade, some of the Indian Vegetable, . otherwise die if they knew not of this medicine. PIM - , Mr We ate aimed oat of the article sad they Ippon. _ ... ,to he !elfin', into renal trie here. We . have bad a Vela I i is a pas hive cure for any die - ea/or of the bowels even in the youneest child it is ner(fet iv pare. cost very pleasant 4 rah for the medicine at present and those that items writ and never rails in curio! the Chntkra f fi r,,,,,,, or Sinn. i them,s,cak very- hiehly of them- Onementlesignattribatem mer Complaint, which carries off so many children in 1 his being cured off/rangy tense We of them, sat another infancy. has been cured of Thispepsea, solely by the nee a . .. r aw. .. reertelcVnts or frItES.-4113 , 3.. Ann Patterson, n. 251 I V* 1 Indian Veretalite Mils. and 23 grilling yen s€ , estld. eablist. Whiteland Chester Co.. rot a bottle of the Indian SI i_ ISW raft if yon think proper. . 02C. BLACK - „ . ..fic for her yonneest child, that had +uttered severely with - - 11 No.l Chatham Square: N.Y. ...- • a complaint in its bowels for nearly a year, II common. , E. *fa letter "me afr. .1. Lerrhares. rirst. .• - ~ i• .- red when the child was only two' weeks nl4. and tiller Dr• tf rir kt — Dsmr Sir—tlan*a.** llo-- tmloallie .r . d that its stools were always had. 14inr very ranch eriped "t":nim'4 excellent e°f "' " ,. nd ___.,„ lndi2n Va1te121 "....... 1PM14 ,.........., 284 . and slimy until it was nearly a year old; all the medicines i not k now i ng how to Vet a .",.... s upply . my "..2.,.....2 - . they made um of, did the child no gond unlit they rot the I, Viearty exhausted and wbirine to alwaya have the. la me Specific, and 4 his cured her in a very short time, brineing i family, I lake this method to °Pe*Www i r 14 'W" array several aortas. ; - I you. The pills Minded to are welftbet of litre and we. ]one Warple, West Town, usesi lir. I Wesson's I tali. .f y much wanted. I wish to make a:rattremetta with jaw' - ai - W,,. - r•lpeeific an two Of her children4hat bad a severe at- ! for a ronssant supply, as I think a very great qsantfty 'lVA of the Dysentery. when this eamplaint was ravine at. I, could he sold in this section I f the ennetry. West Town, (so much so that the Scholars bad to leave i Ext. afa bet-M.lms S. Griffith. Stmeertreart, Yard Cm the institution) it eared her children immediately; atsn ; ty Ps- another child in the farm house heiringine to the school.. I .11 ,. . Wit- wrifilf-44rer Sir—l am M inn ! - the 10014 with a mamberefortrers, both adults and children around - : We:viable Pills by the dollar's smith, andel thatratetbe the nelehhorbood. , mock of piths left. by your traveling nest, will man Mtn 'inc yontreml child was born with the dymnterr. bay.. oat. Inc the complaint from its mother who was attacked - 1 3121 pleased to find they are sorb ready vate„—Thogn with the complaint a short time before cnndnement.(but ' who bare Toed I hem's:Peak in the bpi Mann drama. rea l :cured in one d a y by t a eler the s pecific) it passed a . litany have loan* ereat relief Pose Ikeit WC Visit 113111323• I -rte quantity of slime and brood. hod was violently eri. , the tures are finally effected. I shaft you the justice to. - twilLai two days old we commenced and rave it the spa : infer® von of t.tesainee. . ~. . • •cioc whir' cored it in a very few days..--I• Wes-non. i Est. et; tetisrliget Jrsukisartert City. •• • •.• ,- . ' Wiliam Denies yonnemts child was atehted is its i -Er. Ifs. freight —pro Sir—Yoe will bave - theland.• bowels until it was ;Last six tnonthooldVitestools were al- i flew to fa-ward pressrun , ' 20-Pootalie. two 4 , ,ibtlleinaml - • waysrreen like paint, then it took Mad with a violent at. !, of the Indian Verelabie Pills_ Theta:LW have far thetatr - - - tack of the dysentery. raspier lat; d quant Ries of blood, ; three months increased raltidill th eme , gillielonl;Neyeranir" • 1 I..ry became very mach alarmed it the epee-nit: in i remarkine „ . that they are the bent dills iher.tameteVeg .. the eVestine. and lave it accordir* : to directions mill! 15 i used:anfi my oPintort is they grin **AIM Iiillielall: -- 1 o'ci r tek at nhebt. then the specide Painied dining. , itslinsr. i percede all oaten In this eity. SOIIIIIITPA*IIIIIAI II , - -' : :7 1 ets and it rot seen 2130052. immediately and has been well i liVastitafloo• City, 11.e...`: -,- ever Mee. - • 1 , RI - trees of a letter frilt Lyesottforg Ca. Pa- A young man Orbit with Town Send Cache... Goshen... l Ab. w w .. D 5ir.....01, being ippoinuit ...• .... , Chester ro., was so bad with the drentary that he thal. I be would certainly die, all the medicine he . utade age of 1 a ... es:lb:for tine ... sale rre of Writr.7ht's indite" iferrattle Nan hii -.. j. wes. i this place, we only took sae gr o ss on Irbil:bat II would made him worse. he was immediately mired by have been better if we had takes a, daces gram -Daa a, ton's Indian Specific. I 'a/ that they have far cieeeile.d our Most saturable e.s. We could mention a thousand other eaSeS bat we deem •,* r 1 pectatktng.--4n fact. VS finch, that we Write be en *laved it unmceamtry. . I to vend to Kr . Zimmerman at Larteaater. -wore Ilion s . - Prepared only by l . k. John Weiioa.on the Canestotta i .....„ , ...,„_:„• ~.e for thtte „, b at owe w rit turnpike. East Whiteland. Clisitel Co., Pa... ;Ad may he 1 '""'"`-'-- -- "7. 0 ...-- . last hats verv, rt lUse the way we are had at John Thomason's Grocer/v. No. 1.. Liberty st i very • - • • . .' since - they have been fairly leafed. In the &so plase.d, - _ . I next deice to the ~Three Siff DostrW" - sep le 1 ..ave same toots Phyfdr.Ustao WOW Willt° 4 " lacte - I *A* ,- : :, ' I boy have purchased a nester of boxes. 11011. 1 41 1 14.1,,*; , . 1 prove them. A few days aye. there was a hady.:Mriff. r : 1 30 miles to get a boa of the pill'. Ow at the thse.sespWC. Iry IoW, and unable - to tern fiesrelf *the bed. babe pits , , ----' 1 ilayn, my infommal Faye_ vlie wallah* Wildfithepidr..., , ~ „ t Ward 111203121342524, sake cia..l l .o4l l tsed:-. - .. - .... , _ . . . . .. _ _ -, . ... ~. tem • t this Ars litafarootd r osealikpiart ..;•,_ ..1, ; Oft,. waters Wiest apprtatelaing arhedtille*-10atitliorma , - 1131113 d for liVrighillitilibili iire33310:.:1:104.33.10410.001*,.i... Met a supply of the soodicins, ww.ooo4'heill i assets which whit he of instirelL.. Odi_ritaitsolearkesslriar;.--„ .•, the N. Amerienst Coker! Of Ofithirrhest iette.:l l e*gsts---.....;„1,, , .: 1 eraily. Phase let US know 'year views ea 144 0111100414-4 !say - direetiairs relative to. the amine still be proolllolo4ki - A - ;,: leaded laby - - - . ~- .. - - , Very .rieoperially year AriPadsi..." - „,•: ..... 1 . .:'*.1 - - - • :. i t -Wo eeaserigitVoir;:• -• .`•61 1 • , : - -Jerre* 'Oki* LyeesskiPi r g , Angora fot•rheet ale of the alarm - aaritsd IspwrVratio - rams Priza-.- - .:1 - : _•-• '• -" • -- -.-. - --•_. - -••• :—.:::.:!.:•-. Joint Thoimatilif, Ciret#r.; 153_ -Lihersfita. F i llsil l / 4 ,..:.'". ltsrarksiTanicemix. wilkiasherthi- • .- --• ' - ••'• ••••••'-'- ' P. oarfiresate,llCast Liserw,;: . -_, •- . . ,-- • . • •. - :,:,..•.-„ -.; Ciaciisst iltasint;Sharatilhaeyilip-:: - •:- - :.. . - r•:' , ,t;r- , ;; -• i -, • , - -,-.. ~ r. N. W.. rarariustr.,- -...•-: . . ;•-•_. :- ._:,.-_:::. i,...- • ........- fissimirl-Totessitel4-•:,:.:7,.i -'-...i.-.-.:_•,,..,..,.-, -:. t ,uilitrij-5:t .: 2;g 7 ;. -2 . -- :* -3 . • Pout Dimirr.4* - .. They can he of Mr. 5e41,425, rtrn4for jrgt No. 20 1 - Woad street , below second. my soleissent foi the City o ePniF for (1 , 0 ISo r:*2 50 Per dozen_ My Etixir of Lone i.ffo willmono tw tornuebt before the GEORGE FEI;TX. 11_D. sep 10 A WIGNEWSNOTICIi —The Ocpuffs fi rceingens ?mug Sf Aitegfieng eirhtY, itivitte appointed the under signed ARSignee of DaTit: Jewell- an issohrest debtor, all Smoot" ihdeMed to :ate said insolvent, or hoidiste proper. IV heletWing to :tom are request ed iinusedistelyto par and deliver oven all rock sums Of mossy and properly to the A—.siltitt'S. Ait creditors of the isishivent. are alto rciPleill ed to present their respective , ameilots or demands. sep 10 /MIN Ai. WILIA. Activism S. AUSTIN, Attorney * Low, Pittsburgh. Po = Mee in di M sweet, enlosiite Barkell Wrtusit E. Aunt's', EM.. twin Os his attention tones unfinished huskier. and I ressinisead him to the patron nee of my friends. • WAILTEIt EOIIWAtt+D uP 11)—Iy A TTENT ii IC! ATTENTIOS4—AiI persons in swim , . tbit ui 111- Mon of any arms; artiluitresMnts, Atolors or other Ififilary properly bettering to Cossionwearlit with. in limbos'& of fist istitrigade aiSiien Penn. Vol unteers, and Militia are hereirs _ . ified to ' return said properly to me en or before Use of Oeltillim nem; the tit section of tee Ifitlitia Latte sr he Onforced agattun all perimnsvellasbug CO cosody w the ilibiree melee. A - # WctOrlq. repl6--dtw ,f - . . . . D ~:_kz=j, AIM IL ' ll- CIMIL Ls. • MiklTlFers, . Iliessfi,_,..._ drimity w- _ vogr..W , _ mild ig k os ir row, , - li 4 =- A #losolliZi ologi skiliwig4c, . 4 , —77 ' tee MI : 110$04r " - ':' ' ' I q , ''Y AtuatOritAtie—riaii.„. _ lusekodet!ige4amieg - a1.4. 11 44111,7 2 „ cruieowartimitykid, 1 •4-s4044eritem *CA* _ A Coal %rammed' Mal aril. hotalaw, Thai 0011,110, Brit bewail low he absill. •Nrin -6•Aubeivimilbr-idtp Propeny,or amain lira a gloat thaaLia War-laana, lantialra M *Ck*L aer 10 Ito. 104.604*--4- ,A . NATURAL - "SWUM testes re , as elitarktvw 1 ill Ansi otiepttists tier Carle MOM- oarallibs ' Diseastost r a is fosse is witmars motor rte. ATABLE PILLS. ef the Matt amerde Cellits . Beath.,—Tikete ettraidiniaarf ?Ills are witoposeit 'et Oast. which glvilirs sailleasesaely as war eriti ion WWI ant fliieelbre leiter /Opted to oar esateltrutlea. rhea teedleise eallearred from Greeks time bolter*, pelt hey way he comentedod. and, as Wrlabrit Ws. Nalde Pille are forneird upon the prleolyie fiat 'llllli be. man kelp is is swath &Apra ti let es* Diessertmlicesir rapt hatnata.ited that raid smedicise taws thbitibetatt on Nampa, Prim:Wes h r ; muse., 'Sad AMAIN, : Olt Body, it will be rettaltwe tlbst if the tatithatitat be net - eat i rely exhausted—airtersevereace IA their rnestesselleAk. to libertines is alealarety certain to drive away , °fryer" raise (now ;be body. - - When we wish to restore a Etwainp or Musa, to *sr. 1 110 4. we drain it of the superabundant water% to Sur - manner it we wish ranore the body to health we -wear ' cleanse itof itepuray. . Wllifit's hulks regatsfile Pale will he *IMO olle Or tha best. if not the vary l aledicine in the world Re ea-rying net. the Grand t fiturtif 'Saw-, Prisaids. btu they expel hole the body all morbid bunters the eau:met j dime...L..ln an easy and Jelialseiti Jfissosr: wad widie petty t every dsy Gros ease mad Piestrare„dhease *revery wawa ' is driven from tin body. , The above named /.lira Pegetsble Pills. hinnelitea three yearsbefore the Asnesirati eutdie..and weraa Mite my without a fear of rontradiction. that of all the wart our medicines which have herresfoin been poputar. not one has - riven each Unit/erne SallarietiOn. Or obilltillsdl such a hold anon the affeetiom of theweeptr. Not mis ty do one it invariably esorsi , ore relief. and leentniesswl :tin the st ronprst terats:but it has effected stme of the mot astonish:retraces ever performed by twfdlicittn. - hitherto very few of the numerous tistinliWitis whWir ' have been received in favor of thisertrair knerilim r have been pohlished,as the Medicine , ohlaitied itaprimple meat celebrity wore be its owe intrinat miodwees Ilifa roma ealemtre atlisortisine. lthas hoes. deemed ooker however to offer the followittaopinions of AS poldiepemsa ! h ,leel her with* few extracts fr -- m betterself. 4 4Wallt-wWeAlf --- to show that thr fame of the Indian Tmetable Pills% mit - - confined to anyone Yeetion. bit la rapidly Weeding it self to every part of the Union. Prow the Philadelphia Saturday Evening' least. , _ Weigie's radian. Veregatts Pills—Writhrs ladies ' Veyerab!* Pills are attaialamereat eslettrhy is Newitnit .' land as well as other parts of the United BOWL - The at tempt of personal° defraud rise patine by thewite of-oett rious articles ntate - e- - with general reprobation. :hr. Wright is an- indefalimble twainess tean.and shows art - array of [meshy the mediehme which warranted Mtn& , dente in the virtues of his I Minn Vertabiefitg. - .. From the Phil tdelphia Si irit of theTimeht.- ' 4.- Trri z gat's laidu rit Veretalle Pill..—People are meaty well I:sanded by this time t hat tUtome', aniffhe nine ibou • sand and one mineral preparations of thesttopvare. hettei adapted as a eenerat rule to kil, rather than care the lit- . 1 .. tiro% as a matter ofteurse, vet:guide tnedMiane are ROMA- .‘ fore in Treat re4114.441.' 'There are . very may ha however, among the latter, anti we would ;Moe all M l t itov who have the least retard for their heattitio try i ' ..' 'v diem Vegetable Pills of tie Nirrek Ascii - ant Cofferit ej .: Hegira, mad at 19S Race safest Phitadelptda; asthey, 4 the preparation of one'tatimatety aapadatel - lititV' Mt ' healing art- . - .7f,,*....,