Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 20, 1842, Image 1

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    Wiry' -,rt
Mr the Safety Goat/ how
atirtre of the appa - •
ed by
, ore pot ti -
$1 of boats"'
rt -of Pittsburgh—au
e the Improved apparatits
for an explosion to
pu QU„ESA ,
E. 1N MAN 40
R, QUEEN anal
mi. 4- 111GAS,
R 0 W
i, 01110,
- 1% EXTOL
oromunii atCrespetsfelty
'a lila boat. tophro
it stocad not Abe to their
once a Safety Guard Wok
t, in preference to one net
—and that they wilt hest
rl has the uncinatified
_builders—gentlemen w
- i
.he subject, wad yaw are .
a number of egelificalesE
rt i hers—all of wit** eas
Water street, wheie it
.t.rs 'ley h 3
trouble to ran.
•steriy.—The ;extreme
ramble use, Red the t
4 •any inveirliates for their
rye theta in a atataar beatib
s' periods of ,;exiatetue.
-discovery of the store
.rms a pure Oho :ire COID
. and in possrased of the inlet
tairuar from the teeth, -
polishes and prattle, the
a,l Pike whiteneiß, and, hoe
rns6..enne.4 I Ile virtue efgrehq
rbctte. the 11 umaal+Ottti
urrey erudirateil
el redress is indneee. rribleb
• ICI prat - lit loner huh , hil ableT•
ate. it has been examind
physicians of this city,
ocniriendisra it as an exed -
. eic.
53 Market street, Pinakett*
rur.r,,is - ts,and al Cook's M
Cflis s; -Mere;haat, DMITIP
D an XarAcjact urea, At
;P.M FOR SALE:--1. will
I live., in ‘Vilkins 10
c. , olaintrz one hundred isd
or which is cleared. aid I
1 here are upon it three k4e .
by 34; an apple orchard ;
ts acres or coal. The aOIt
ny apla 14 farm Ia the
11 On a pp: iviliets to the 'NAM
. ti A LL, Vain tad Fincr
wee irritate diemarfactsriri
beer, l.—Canvass Omsk%
-avs on hand. LOokin G •
o order.
,Repairing done
ion paid to regilding amid
Steam Boats or twomll will
i.—The suhectiLers are ea'
painters. and otters who
ad made of the hest leateie
-operior to any offered lads
.to Dontao fin'helorar e
ad street, Pittgestur,h, wifl be
..,,,rfroix Old Stand of N.
-pecitony informs' the
'filly. that -he has
own manafactnre, ttre•
p conslantly on-bard • gesi
ladies, rnizses. and chi
Qaalily. which will be '
lie will also taste
—snr-h as white
era, and buskin:l. lllo. M
:•tte-ra, 4c.
shortest 1:-.Cire, sad ill
• ease call and eramine.fee -
f Is confident that tilerNkiaLtrial
me they may wan t. '
J. C.l(l_
et the phteeL-No. 8. f r-
Intelligence Office. mid
643 Y having taken tint
Mawr 4. Herawaaa. Chf 1/I "
42 Marian Aire. bega "
roes friends semi tsar s
nera I support: 081 lurV e
annection with 'err .
in that every exertiel l =o
ma of the same. mhe=,, - i
,r twenties la big 1""""1 400 0
Intends with* a goo.F. b
& A
offered; Wan hem of
°e-k be Um"
di tiftemittelaside r ."
feels cosfidesi ao ad
'bar is Oesporesh '' •
ice/hat everrirliCie
R.OW, Nesegjeznwer
Mrs Strbets.—* •
istaalsimi • 41 11 11
• .
L• L_NO,_:9.
—FIVE DOLI•ARS a year, payeble In
ng!e conic, TWO•CENTE,—for sate at (be
office, and by Nevi's Boys.
rcury and ilffau - afactairer
WEEKLY% al the-same afire, on a doable
.ert, at TWO Dria.,L -IRS a year, ia ad.
nfle copies. SIX CENTS.
erms of Advertising.
0,50 1 One month, 00
11.75 I Two moms, 1j4)0
1,00 Three months, 7.00
1.50 Four 111011.11.5, g.,00
3.(0) I Six months, 10,00
4.00 f One year, 15.00
YCA 11,1-1 - ADV Ell TISEM ENT'S
tk 121 , 0 months,
lane year,
Pr a=j v 1 io-Pthr !: in prorort ion
of four DOLIA.P.S a yen).
,rr Th!rd o - ,•en Market and Wood
M. Cidaie. Poslnnt,ter
. -
HOt".l,E,ler. 4th door from Wood st. Peter
n_=—Major !oho Willock. , otleor,:or.
T.Astp.T. Wood t,ottcoen fir+t nod Second
, es A. Bartram. Trea,uror .
IWrP.T. Tiord door to 11,e
• er , ao church —S. It Tirarrorr-r.
.ICE. YOU! 'envier Mar tort :pie! It (rod
der Ilay. %laror.
EVEIANGE. Fuu,c li. near M a rk , t
tv"rn I,3rkr.! and Il'uod r.tr , r , s. on
(frtfillerly Fou betwten
itet . or:1r Wood
rear the Pr'dl7.r
t I 110,-,.
Mort,.. rorirer or - Perin and S‘
HOTLL, r••rnr r Tit: rrl %Vcrorri
noTtr.. can :••r rrr Third ii
or r Pr - anti Cana;
61.1 i. Liberty riirtr•". near Severit;i,
Li , Fir, Sicip;Wisiie
1 i Si np•w_ne Cana
LIA 1111 Al' LA .—t)ifice rrum
315 Othres n Gra:.l. -1 . nP3Ily 0,1fr0,311e
HOU,P, Hell I'oooll. l o Jc.hT
.Pp 10
. ELLIOTT, M. D.- , rr.rrr'd
r .t - e<:, PeArfell Prn n cn 6Liberty 5,,•
c p (I
0' .10 n o•
(ira ler - zz. .1.
s z , • 1. V.. -Z . 11' S.l
F'' ti Uom •, =nr
LESS A z YECEERE. A:t , )rney, and
~pe Diamond. ' , ark
sep 10
Vorr. 0., ..:fore north
11 . .nni and run , hf.!d
srp iij
Fr r• r
.And r
Ankh', .1 s!rte'.
1) I I, l 4
Prti.to" k•na 4•4 I r• it:: 3:1 , ,
M t NO 29.
IrtAitOt33 s iS( l N. 'lornev al
I, urt,C.cr
to !'l4 ptthl, . Cut
Market S!rt . l.'lF. 1). I,loy ! Co'.
, Pa.
& IN, 1h - Coat.,
1.04 , 11 r VV:irw. , 1'
Yft.)t - Ni.; & CO— I'o,ll.llre N'ar.
in, 6( Cletiange
•.2 until find it la
In zicii 3. 3 cal.. tmr, II hilly iiiitisfied I hat
sttp 10
ff AMS.—Just re , ,ved 164lchatre. !dui
cured and lor Sa v Laeap hy .he do
No 9. I'm et
AG \ Prue, R
, ot,l t • ill V arl,-1.(-, 01 t ut
Vrt bait at ELI,' Ka PRO KS al ILe
z.z•ure of F 1.. SN , ,VI DEN,
No. I t 4 I,:kerly lif:art at I,Vood.
LosEr,s th.oc, and Situ+. Nla,ll,
8J Fourio St., 11041 woo. to tit- rzt,l..s
kid and Faun Shor, wane .o
nn•sr, aria Ur the newest rrel. ro.ALICt
)1 (AU: , Vi - LTICACLLS. in Juts to suit
pli IC t/az.ers; to le at t5.t.0.,,1 ot Lc
o. Ig4 Ltitvrt bead co . 11* ttod
001 . S. Flow-r' r't F;(34% ott - Se.d , 01 es'.
rapt ion, ca n I.• tin4l :ti Ilru2
of 1 . . L. SNOWDEN.
Eitwri head of Wood.
"nuts A nttn;;! 70,1,,0,n. 0-lurt , t-t:1, for
the Drug at.d
F. L :- , NOWDEN I
Li!o=rty mrepl, brad of Wood
; just received by
No. 184. LiLerzy head of IVonct
OLS. cads Ist in!: of Hoes. rancy Spades
'wt..: Eddiagr Toots. P.udd:o•
Pruptt,2 Sitears, etc., ju re-
le hv, F. L.SNOIVDEN
18.1 y street, head of Wood
..n Hams.--Just received a small sup
thoice cured Venison Hams, on retail
COrtent /Done I-
ISAAC fl ‘IIIIIS. Agent,
and Cow. Merchant
ch Clover Seed, On-hard Grass and
y Blue Grass, always on hand and for
E0.1:14 Liberty street, bead of Wood.
CIiAN AN, Attorneys al Law, office
uk the ti , atnund, to - , Attorney' Row,"
street, t.etween Mat kei and Wood
sep 10
S'BLANKS, for proceedings la 4t.
oder the late law, for sate at this Office.
Lois on the North East corner of Coal
High sjeet. Apply to
• DAELINGTON, Market, near 4th wt.
Landret French Caviar Beet Seed.iart
• ed and Car sale at the Drug and Seed
184 Liberty street, Watt of Woad.
ijp heretOrate t brillltaell-Wiir
I consem. Wiliam Dishy jiaumminmes
re of the firm in seutiagmilithelgudoess
DR. E. watgrrr, DENTIST, o,llce SRitk
...faid.; betimes SCCII2/1 laid
pep 10, . ' Prrnstreap.
TofjNsToN 4- ISTOOKTON, Bookteilercrrintersiadd
PAtier Mattufacmier#, Ni. 37, Startit wt. Pep 110-ly
JORN ANDERSON; Southfield Foundry, Water at
near the Motion ahrla noose, Pittslorp.h. snit 10-1 y
LEONARD 8. JOHNS. A tdertnao,St. Gbh .. - .Aloe!, se
cond door from Liberty. sep 10-4 y
DR. S. IL HOLMES, Officein Seca street, next door
to Metunny k Co's Ohm Warehouse sep 10-17
SHUNS 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth st..,
near the Mayor's Office. Pittsburgh. aep 10-ly
THIX 4 '. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law. Filth, between
Wood and SmitLifield sta.. Pitita , nreb. stp 10,-1y
11UGH TONER. Attorney at Law. North EaA. corner
or Soli, hfietd and Fourth streets. sap 10-19
TTIONPFOIf - ........... .. J•111ES TCRINISCI
HANN A 4- TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No.
104, Wood st., where may he had a general supply
04 wrPing printing. wall paper, blank books.
school hooks, gcc, 4-c. • scp lO—ly
C. TOWS.;END 4- CO.. Wire Warkcrs told
r ers , No. 2.3 Market street. between 2d
and 3d streets. sep 10-1 y
EXCii 4,ICGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair
:.ep 10-1 y
IL, IG METAL —77 lone .4oft Mil Moat for sole by
No. 12 Water Ftreet
.fp 13
LBS B WO"; 11 MS. 16.000 1113. arcou
1 01 N-PUrt, Shoulders. for sa:e by
J. G. tr ArQOQDON.
13 No. It_ rater street,
TP A I TE r:F4l.s. Jr.. Birmingham. near Pittsburgh,
i Pa., Nanufa , turer of Locks. Hinges and Boils; To
'arc,. Fri iler. MP! and Tim Lei SC rews; Hansen Screws for
Rolling Milk,. - c. sep• 10—ly .
OHN .M9CLCSKEY. Ta onr and CUtitter. Liher.y
sheet, betwt-eu ana Vtr:in aney, South side.
se p IO
el W 11. P (I' I lb; I:: CO.. Grocers and
Cowl:, is ion Mere ha n LA— S.f-CDII 57 reef, bet ween
Wood :,n,l Srnit s., Poi 51 , urgh. sep 10— y
G A. • . GOV; POS. Comoo.,ion and Forwarding
.51 rc Li,. Waier St. POlo9.*li. Fp 1(1--1 y
A m s cases hams. a rood article, eersbreti per S.
11_ B Corsntr, and for sale by 1. 0.4- A. GORDON,
sep to No. 12, aier street_
1-G A R Mu!, ES —4O !Olds New Orleans Su
ea t, .:0 New Orleans Nlolas , e,r, Or sale by
p IU J. G. it. 1 GO 11El0144:
QI:G 4 prim,. K. 0. Sozar, rererved per
H 1t Maine. and for sate by J G. 4- A. coßnox.
set. 10 No. 12, W..ter street
50 p,A4_•o:s' CASKS ,in order. on Land and ;or Fa le by
_ yep 10 J. G. 4- A.GOIIDON. ti-o. 12, 'Saler st
SC. - GAR AND OL ASS.E.S.-13 hhtis ;and 4b'lsN. 0.
Fuzar. . 32 Ithis N. 0. Motass, received per Slearnboat
I 4/. port, r. and for sate by 3. G. k A. GORDON,
L A 111.) 011.., for sa`.e by
corner of 6th and Wood sis.
P PERS Germ,rtorrn Lamp Mark for tale
IL 1, -; U 7 _a_t y B. A. FA VI ESTOCK ¢ Co..
sep turner of B. It and Wood at=.
400Llf8 1' rvpatue. C:uAilr, fur Pa , e by
rep It) corner ofl. aba Wooo,tts
SUG It AND MOLAS_SES.-6u I.ilds. N. r). Surar,
td,ls. du. do.. 100 do. Plant: - .4iun Mulas:. for
sale 1 v
ser 13
in 13a ukruptry proceedin;•s, printed on
food p ,:,e'f..and ill t'ier.rros approved by I be COl7 rijOr iaie
'lie ( iffirr of (be M,rcury nod Democrat. sep 10
1.11 . HL:BBA.RD, fasnkooable bowl and
• ,no, Manufhethrer.No. I ttl , Third (.0 reel, betweeo
'Vt,od 4:,:t Smarmed(' strert,, Pat , nor7ti sep 11
N. Ni.A
p 10
na- ochre 10 the rrwrner of Fourth
,trret Alley, between Zzlnithfreld and Graot
sep ltl
FOR RENT.—'n.edweiling and lot col-taininit 4
acres, in Allezheny, near Beaver Road, die , y
ocrupiroluir Mr. Samuel Church. April,' at the Ilerchsitits
asd Mai.ulucturers . B.,nk, to DENNY.
-: /t I- , MAKER, :s; 4. 93, Market street, Pitts
',.t.7 bn eel]. b an.i
between fifth Liberty streets,
D F:. , 11, 17 R I.Ar ir.,i TC HES, CLOCKS, BREASTPINS
Fl.rG ER RINGS, C . ..91...V5, .6 EFS, COMBS, ..t:c.
se I, RI
.11i.i‘iy el Latdteih's Carden Seeds, always on
ttntl for aie at los agebry, the Druf. si ore of
te: 10 184 Liberty stre,i,isood of Wood.
R. DAVID WARD hat his otrutild residence
J-1 on Foorth Street, nearly south of the Court House,
sf-cond dwelhng from Cossstreet. He will faiihfiilly iend
all rails pertaining to his pro f•ston. Night calls should Le
made al the door above the basement. ovitlo
111 ov.A L —Matthew mOopf., Barber act! e Oats*.
it 'IL rr, has removed to Fourth Si!Vel . 01. (WS , ' e the !IV. -
ors ogre, st here he will he happy Lola - ail upon peratht
or !ra nsicnt customers. Be solleitsa share of pubtotqtat-
Bep 10
F-1101" A I.— W m, A. tr aid, Dentin. has removed
neCgOtiatir 101 f, R. three doors heiow Irwin street.
one square shove the Exchange Hotel, Hours of business ,
from 9 s. M.. until 5 r. x:, after which hour he will at.
lend no one except in cases of artnat....oecesnly. H e
wou+o. further 'atom those Iris° may think proper to
ern ph, y b tut, ?tat he experts payment., witho u t
the e , ressity on fits part of sending in bins. sep 10
0111 N M'FARL % !VD, Uphasterer end Cabinet
UP irer, Third at. between Wood ..itferket streets,
rrsr,r_iful i nfarrui his friends and the Oldie that be is
nrr;.ared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Bu
reaus, Chairs. Tables, Bedsteads. Stands, Hair and Spring
Ni at r asses, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering
' Wen:, whicb he will warrant equal any made in the
;city. and on reasonable terms. Pep 10
110. Wocd Street, Pittabargl.—E. A. Hausman.
Anti loaner and Co.nuission Merchant, is now prepared
to receive.and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandise,
at his Large and capacious tooass, No. 110. North East
Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. Pittsburgh.
Regular safes of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and
oth e r articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware. Cutlery. Dry Goods, and Fanc7 . articles, on
Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday eves**.
Books, every Saturday evening_
Liberal advances made on Cons4„nntents when wanted.
Messrs. John D. Davis, Esq.., 1
Basaiey 4- Smitti. i
‘,. Damp:ton. Emizb, 4 co.. 1
- F. Lorenz 41 Co.„ 1
J. W. . Burbridge at co., I
" S. Arlin it co., I
" Capt.' laisa*DlPMargill. Pittsburgh
" C. Ib.
- 'Euq- - , t
" Joann
.111Mi4dm Esq. . 1
•• Logaw*:feiriledy._ - ' 1 ,
~ . Moorbead - it Co. '...
\-- f • '
“ Jas. P. Stuart, Es 1 -
.. Robert Galway, EN: 1 "\
' '
m - CaPt- ha. Way. _ i ':\
" McVay, Hausa, 4 co„ ' .N
.. Willits Symms, - W .' • - ''' • '
.. S.O. Henry, ,- •.• gamili
' " ea d a4 "Pk" i Co . ' - "Iflit• -. ',
1 S 4 - 4
Pitts kir/A ..tom Paar—st
- •
• Atcr"
H AS or comaten yie ced her regulartrips ys_; and
clock A. M., leaves Pittsburgh *3 st kefivelt P. JR. coa
netts at Beaver with the
• Poruandetartia and Ohio Line
of Freight and Packet Canal boats bet cceen cleaver, and ,
Cleveland Ohio, and Creenviile, Pennsylvania. Leav y
Beaver daily at 6 o'clock P. M. This line CGS nectsiWith
two daily tines on the Pennsylvania canal to rbitadei.
phia, and with the New York and Ohio line on the Erie
canal, and New York ant Ohio...line and Ohio canal, al.
to with stem freight and passage , boats, brigs and
ochoonerc z , on the Lakes. The • proprietors of this well
known line will be prepared on the opening of navie.
lion to transport merchanelize to any of the intermedi
ate ports on the Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Ohio ca
nals; to any pore on Lake Erie, and the Upper Lakes; to
and front New York City and Philadelphia.
McClure 4- Dickey, Beaver, Pa.,
Caleb Wormer Q Co., Cleveland, 0.,
Rees 4- Taylor. Warren, 0.,
The Canal Boats of t his Line are toyed to and from
Pittsburgh direct, and the busitre,.s conducted on the
mo=t prompt and economical syster.,,, Having neon.nee:
non with the Pennsylvania Canal Li nes 10 phi la d e i.
nhiaand Baltimore, and Stezar,noats running del.-r, the
Ohio river; a 150,4 lirout.rh our Agents at Cleveland, with
C. M. Reed's Sleamboa . 4and several Lake Ve=ml.7., and
the Trey and 11;a1 an t r a ,„, Late boat lines na
the Erie canal, we are 'erepared fur the t:anspmtation
of Freieht to ant) from all points on the canal, IN; lakes
and the River, or Eastern cities, at 7r.mci as ..ow as
any other
Apply to G. M. Horton, No. 55 Water st, or at Steam.
boat 'Air nizan's Landing.. Pitt,..l..urgh.
CLorke k Co. Beaver.
Bab and Y Frnakertiee, Warren.
Wheeler k CO. Akron:
Thomas Richmond 4- Co. Cleveland.
J. R Wick 4- Co.. Greenville;
W. C. Ma len, Sharon,
R. W. Curmin.hum. Nett' Castle,
John Kirk, Youngstown.,
Julie Campbell Newton Falls:
Campbell 4- Miller, Carnpbellstown;
Babcock k Mcßride, Ravenna;
C. 4' D. Rhodes. Franklin;
H. A. Mitirr 4- Co.. Ctivr.hoea Falls;
Welisman & Whitehead, Mas.siticn;
Gurdon Williams. 4- Detroit;
K lune, Davis Pa 0, - alo;
Covvine,Riclittiond, Williams 4- co—New Yorkw—
sep 10
No. 12. Water Si reel
No, 12 Water steel
JAM al A. VEAZY, &veto,
N 0.60 Water street, Pittsburgh.
W. B. BOIBS, *Ester.
Rum: daily ( - :tanda s exceate4,) between PITTS.
BURG 41- 13EAVER. leavin2 Beaver at '8 A. M.
and Phi:t.nrati at 2 P. M. procid,d 110 Rh - Evan-es Safe
tyr Gstard to pretest Eiplosion of Boilers.
This fp!endid and fast roaninz Steam Boat bag tapt
oeen cocaple; ed eapreasly for this trade, and to g a In,
Donee.; ion witti
C.L4KIKE 4- Co's Pittsburgh esti aleveload Lire o f
Clovelaad, Ohio_
tr.ia.Erie Ex
Or down the Ohio canal to Stag4ilon,
tension Line to Greenvi..le
Lr. Corner of IVeciland Fi•ont
Streets, nc..g on hand P. complete as
gortinentof Qu.-opgvar^ suited to ;ha city C: catvatry
wide. Aign. a choi-v .select:,art r.; pare wh'.7e and gold
hand DINING AND TEA INA It.E. in lora?. or Zara!! StAZ,
Or Fepa rate pierc.g to snit rarrhasar=. '
A cask of 4e, titt, or 34 v:CiL ,sciperbiy-Painted
and _lit nuzlhdi ..ery low prices-
Toy Teaware. and rieti !minted and gilt, from
1,00 to 6:5.00 par se;
Children's Mil 25 of cc description.
While China F-Invine
Granite Dinin2 d Tea Services, in white and with
splendid American scenery printed in blue and black.
A tar=e variety ofStearoboat Diningand Breakfa=t Sets,
imported to match. complete,
Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the
Derbyshire Potteries.
Flint and Green Glass. ln all their varieties.
Window Class, of every size_
Paten , fiuckets. Tcbs and Keelers.
Slone Pipe lieads.4t. etc. kc-
All of whirlt are vesper t fully offered to the pub.
lic on the atom L. rorahte Jan 26, 18 42-1
M A , J. FOX A I,IIF-N Attornf.3 , and COUPS ellor a t
• Lan-. C ffr r his nrofe. F .-.sional services t o the cit
izens of Pittsburgh and hones for a share of pohlit par
ronav , . He will executeall kinds of writing with neat
ness and dispatch. Cases in t.ankraptcy att ended to on
reasonable terms.—Office is t4rtiithfield sr reel , at the
Itoure or Mr. T hornas O'Neil, to whom he re
sep 10 T. J. P . tX.. A LDEN
Vlll CI. Ag't. iairhionabl_e 'Soot hf,skre,—
Has removed to No, :14 Market .street. between
Second and Third streets, where lye )tronattai4 be happy
to see his old eumomers. and ail ot'.ters isellefeel MR- Km
ed to patronize him. He uses ball'ilrst rate
stock. and employs the best of wo rkrnen; and as he aives
Ins constant personal attention t 0 business, he i r n.i f tri, a t
he will dserre and receive a fs.ir ishyre of pairo n a.ee.
sett 10
A Hanker rlectfailr informs his friends and the
pubnc that they can always find the hest qualit) of Ice
Creams. to*ether with ail kinds or confectionary and
fruits_ in their season. at iris establishment—No. 11.
Fifth street, between Wood and Tdar%et.
N. B.—Parties supplied 0.14 the shortest notice. with
=llx. or am thing in his line. Also f am ili es f,rnisb e d
with B pep if.)
1-011 N B. GIUTVIBIE, Auctioneer and Cm:mis
sloe etchant. 106. coevec IVood Fift4 rte.
Pittelierrh: Havi,' been appointed one of the Auction
eers fn. the City .t.:f Pit-shun:A. tenders his services to job
bers, .pplkottfact orris and dealers. who may be disposed
to make of this market- He is prepared to make
advances on' consittnmenfi of ail is Wattle tiboatoadiates,
and trusts to sati,ly correspondents by quick sales,-and
weely land favorable returns.,
That the various intereas which may 'be confided to
him, shall be adequately protected. he brings to the aid
of his own ezpertence in basinesi and acquaintance whit
menchandize een.eratir, the services of Mr. rat
FAIMSTOCX; beretrifore advantierbusly known. as an
tmpoe'er and dealer in, Hardware and Cutlery - , with
whom a peiiiiament engasement is made..
M. Tiernan. Pres'l. of M. 4- M. 1
46 Bank.
• Darlingron 4- Peebles, 1
" Robert Galway,
.4 James M. Cooper,
" James May,
" R. M. Riddle, } Pittsburgh
.4 Win Robinson, Jr. PrWl.
of Exchange Bank.
-4 Hamel on,Sarilli,S Co.,
• John D. Davis, '
" Samuel Church,
" J. K. Moorhead.
u Jas. W. Brown 4. co.
• John B. Blown. It CO.
• Smith 4- !)toile*,
• Verdi". 4. Wiwers,
4. John S. Blitd.fe,
44 John
HAM J. CLEWEE, tesiding at 66 lion sweet,
New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its toast
aaravated Corm_ The aympteen were via* heed
ache, great debility, fever, costiveness,corgi_lteart.
horn, pain la the chest and stomach always eating,
impaired appetite, sersation of licking at taistossich,l
fatted tonne, nausea, with frequent voinitings, dtssitAttis
towards night and restiesess, - , These bad cautioned up ,
ward of a twelvemonth, when, se eonsultiug Dr Wet. I
ymana.loo Chatham scree;; aselisalunitriny, to Ads ever
sucassfal aid agreeable mode of trisauseed, the patient
was isompletely restored - to hisaftlf in the short spade of I
onegiontb, awl graters/ for the toesiculablebeneirit derhe.
ad, gladly tame Oswald and selsateerairthi likarestine
For sat% lfilkatbardeasdlletalir by
. - I 14 111 11elti
le . -
R. 20, 1842. ;
OMEN -CSleSvostod..--Feacie Pins. These
sagotronxig- reenentnended to she notice of
'ate tidies as-• safe and enictent nerneily in re:snowing
•Shose coaaphdeispeenliae,to thaw — set, from -want of ex
, Ova*, or genecatiNSWity; of..the sescasi. . They obviate
'costirarta and counteract sat ilytuerical - and Nervous
attIAWSSIC These PRte have gained the sanction and
la giiesiettotomilhe most eminent Passictans to the Uni
ted States,*_h
. Ifis3Pllllcriiters. For mde Witolle and
WARM be ! IL. E. F.ELLEWES, Agent, •
sap 10 No. 21), Weal Streetatekre SecourL
paatle tir" Bee t
Sk. Prid ll i
t f4ker t.,
Ttontilmeriber having bought out the stock of the late
iliarerty, deceased, has commenced bushman
in the old „nand of Air. IL, and is prepared to ere.• • _ate
all descriptions of work in his line, in the hest manner
and on the shortest notice. Be Seeps corstatuAy on band
a Mtge ansorlinent r ofshoe - finding's of ali descriptions and
of Ile -hest gattlity. Be solicits the patron age of the nab.
lic oral of the 'craft. WM. ADAM.
rep 10
and ..Wes far Carriages at Fasters Prices.
The subsexiberd manufacture an d keen - d constantly on
hand Coach, C and Etiptic - dpringe (earraided,) icmiata.
iron Axles, Silver and BrasF, plated Dash Prairies, Brain
and plated Flub Rand,., Stuinp Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver turd Brass 1 , - - Anmg,.. Three fold Reps, Malleable
lion, Door Handy and Binges,
. ---.•. _ _
TO /..P.T.,—..i well trashed and eomforiahls. two rag
,- „;ry insure, togetherwirth hark huildines,mable, car
-41.-Ts:llloUse. ke: Passeasion given immestiateiy. 1
Thin . ;noway i 1 . ,.. flinZied ;view the Penitentiary, away
thei eaideneetiflllr. Wrm Bagaley. and ieriaiery dftlrahle
tesidere. ,for ternm inquire of 4, K. Moorhead, or thw
tubatriher. C. W. BATS Union Factory.
OTICE TO CIIEDITORS. = Tate Notice that
- have applied to the Judri4 of the Court of Com
mon P.lmta of Venanan run lily, for the. benefit of the I•twi -,
made far tae relief of Ir.tolyeut Debtors; add that they
have appointed - 1 he fourth Mondarof November for the
hfice of me and tuy creditors, at the Court llone, in
the IB.Jrozlzh of Franklin—when and where you may at
tend; is you think p: - -oper, and stow cause, if an) you
have. why I should not be discharrrd.
'sep "I:3—fit WILLIAM KEARNS
iF D.SELI.E;IS..Si. D., °ince and dwelling tn Fourth
ncir F:•rry s . tref-t svp 13-1 y
STOLEN. from the shop DC the sat: - scribe. in Third
street, some time inst itek, a . pair of Shears, for'
Bair-cubing. They ate nearly. cr qo rte a Mot lor.z. and
very slim. it is raposcd Ms thief...old them somewhere
in the cii y: I will pay the purchase• ; any reasonable price
if be wi:l bring 'them to me. ONES.
sep 3-3 t. ,
niTION.—On Saturdzy,l7:!l instant., at 3 o'clock, P.,
4.1. I will sea, by order uf the AFsiguee, on the oreinkes,
the fult.wine dei - criberl prop erty. viz A tot of Ground
32 feet front ty about 100 f et dee*, with a c - ..11-tantial
frame Isci/cl:ng on it, used now kg 'Zt - ina chine shop, eGo
taiiting a good Si ern Ennis e and Georings, Tv - o Circular
Saws ard Tartzias,situale in A Ileghetjy City. I:.tl.yeed the
Canal aid Cite Cowman= , and adjoining the
Citurcat--focnicrly oacapied as a looking elan; factory,
by T. A. Hither 4' Co. . Terms at pale-
J. E. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer.
1 NKY. LEAP TOBACCO, instore and
40 1 4. i. far sa:r..y J. G. 4 A GORDON.
szp 13 ; 1:2.1 - Vaier Lime_
CIWN -- CfN, SHOl',Vf.,a : 4HELLS.—Breicsr or Ouut
--I r., 11, - , - 1,- - - c ANr• Mx JAM:MA.IIIi. 31 Se?te.mbc,, ,1342.
Seated Pr • - . - 0-05'.. 1, - - W ilthe received at this Fiiireaci until 3
eciLc..l>, P. M .of th e. 1,51:o ric; oher next. for furnishiug
nth:9vering , in I , re propori!on-, and at toe places .here
1. aate'.l. the fol:owin7 r!.-abr r and det.trip . ron for
Cn - b , .li hot an ,j ~ ....,:ln.- ; or the "saps; Service of ih.
t i e
L'nitext_Sto tes, It is: 'll , triy.eqfht .u , .. ?nixhan cuz.s. o: .
atoUVES Cwt. each. S,recor: I!.!riy i.O roto.dor,ons of
41 cwt. t nd imn4rds, tai: 7,...,:5= u-er..lu or each to 1.,e dc.
termite J l' e.reatier. Five r,un.ired eight inch shells:
hur.dd eight ;nrh solid oho' and Seven thou,and
I T li i i 7l4 : re
.te e ponder snot. Deli ,, eraSis ca folics,s:
' 1 0 ei'ait in. Palphan go ;•:, ' DL-liveral.le a:
200 eight in. _"11ellr: I I ., azteti's Bar
. 1 1 ,41eittlit in. solid Fitin her, N- r.. on
20 thirty tv•, pott nder ;nos lor before the
2.500 I h.'. r; y./WCllptrlnder-.sbot j 15th May next
10 eignt in. Ppi:hen r,unts. .- ) netiveraide at
I`Bo et:lt in. shot's I Suffelo K. T.,
4 .140 eight in. salA shot }on or before
'5,....111tr:v two kauntier sons I the 13th PjnY
2,sooth!rty-two pounder shot 3 next.- -
10 eight in. Paixhan suns 1 Deliveraltte at
15,0 eiy.ht in. shops " ! Erie Penna.
100 eight in. solid shot ;on or 4,4",,r.
all thi rty two pounder uu ns I the 1.5t0 May
2.411.10 thirty two rounder shot j next.
The proposals must state di_; inctly the rate per ton (of
I treldy-...70 bind red and font pounds). for the guns, and
the rate per pound far tt-e shot and shells. deliverable as
a'..nve.r.ll TO lon soh jest irl..ond undergo such prone and in
soet-tk.n.ac t:11 - , gllf,ll/ mot deem proper Go an , itorize:
and eon - : wilt 1., paid for that shall not pars sucli in .
;Teri ion as mar he nut irely satisfactory.
llonds.ra it h two approved maret ir-s, win be required in
I ,OIOC third t lii , . estimated a monnt of the contract, and len
- I f-er rentem ofthe animal of all hills will be retained as
eptiat.erzo, security for the faithful performance tb , reof.
which Will he paid only on the satisfactory campletioa of
the tytntract; and ninety per renuom of all deliveries wilt
be pip on bilisproperiy authr-nticated, according to the
provisions oft he contract, within thirty days after - their
prp,...0t0 Minn to the Navy A eent.
The offers must rate at what agency the contractor
-I may desire payment to Ir.p. made.
Drawings of t'_,e flint will ne furnished from this Bo
recta, and they most be cast and finished to conform to
them in every respect.
i No hot blast 'petal is to he used, and the shot moot he
cast in sand moulds. sop 12
$llO THE WISE.—TI is now wen understood how
moth disorders of the mind depend for their cure
noon a due attention to the body. It in now understood
how valuable is that medicine which wilt remove morbid
accumulations without weakeninz the bodily power. it is
now understood that there opla reciprocal influence - be.
(we-ea the mind and the hodv?lt is now understood that
purging with the Brandretb Pilts witl remove a melan
choly, and even insaidly is cured by perseveringly usihy,
them. It is now understood how much domestic hanni
ness upon the higattby condition of the digestive
fi know well known that the Brandreth ?ills have
cared thousand= of hope!ega and helpless persons, even
when the first physicians had pronounced them beyond
all human means of rehef. it is now not only well
known that the Brandreth Pilisno cure., but it is also un
derstood how they cure; Iltaciels by their pa rifyingedeet
on the blood that they rer. [seethe body to health.
The veneer the medicine ithecoming store and more
nranifest,it is rootimmetOed daily family to family.
The Brandreth Pills remove in an almost imperceptible
manner all noxious accumulations and purify and:nvigo
rate the biood.and their good erects are loot counterhalan
eed by any inconeenizatesc being composed entniely of
vevtahles they do` act expose those who use tam to
danger; and thrived - eon are as certain as they are sato
tary; they are daily and :safely adtniniatertdio infancy,
youth, manhood, and tid are. and to woitteif to• the most
critical and delnadeelreumstances. They berdre dkaorb
or shock the /MEW functions, hat restore their order
and establish their health.
Eold at Dr. Brzgdretb's OSee, No. 93. -Wood street.
Pittsburgh. Prim 35 gents per box. with full directions.
MA C. lt—The'only plate in Pittsburgh wherethe getter ,
ins Pills can be obliSitted, is the T.oetor'S own aim NO.
I seplo
98 Woi:*iimA•
ALEARBI.e. MANUFAIirCICY.—Patrick Cawfieidi re
speetfully atalittaires his friends and the peddle gen
erally, that bebssnonantineedibe Marble hentnewat - the
corner of Filltrend Liberty sets-,where will be ennstataly
on hand. tontbateies. mantdl plena-% etonoreents, head
and fool atones, table eats thhinet. Wire, and crag
article to the tartness. Bewfli warmlyt his
work babe well done, and his charges will he tooderstre.
Be respedtrallikasks *share nublie psdixerage. -sep.lo:
VANES VEAZEY, *meriting smi
ft," Jterclest. , Steambitlkv Oevelallpft
reassOvania amiOhio2lase. thairiwg teste•
baste ferawbi:peLigrig#)ll,.. wrolostna•
waterstivectitiimit — vmpkalligoad*Kiii
ittekkiv , ' AinAriteic****l4lll l : lll ,rthe
MilM110100111114: • • •
• "'VP" -t4;1.7.;,t;
tzl,iCtlfir IIL near •! e A tleeheey Bruin,
::- ., - , _ ,,,, ,t,
- - Illrapiateezes Waft".
IlL' ENE AT irosrptantaso.
pPaha" r 4
n was conVeng.*lth Joseph-.
i wiken one .of his officers entered. and
announced a young woman from Lyons.—
"What is her business with met" “Sotno
petition," answered De blervilte, the offi
"Show her into oar presence," said he.
The officer soon reappeared, with a la
dy leaning upon his ann, whose face, as
=deb as could 'be sainted through the
thick folds of a veil, was very beautiful At.
She trembled as she approached the door.
"Mademoiselle," whispered her guide,
kindly pressing her hand. "take courage,
but answer promptly whatever question
the emperor proposes. He detests hesi
tation." Then ushering her into the spa
cious apartment. he bowed and retired.
The trembling girl, perceiving Napole
on, on whom her fondest hopes depended,
fistgot herself, & her timidity; sthe thought
only of another. Throwing herself at the
feet of Napoleon, sEe exclaimed, in a voice
choked with emotion, "Mercy! Sire, I sue
far mercy and pardon." She could artic
ulate no more.
Josephine stepped froni her partial con
cealment, and approaching the ground,
contributed more by her sympathizing
words of encouragement to restore the
courage °t i the young petitioner, :loan even
the emperor, by the graciousness of his
manner as he bade her arise. -
'Your petition, Mademoiselle,' said he.
Henriette Armand (for that vitas her
name,) looked imploringly at the einperer,
and exclaimed. 'Ah. sire, I ask pardon for
Louis Delamarre, who is condemned to
be shot on to-morrow! Oh! grail: him
your royal pardon!'
A cloud gathered on the brow of Napo
leon, as he interupted her with—'Adeser.
ter, Mademoiselle; he has twice deserted.
NJ; be must be made an example for the
remainder of the regiment.'
'But, the cause of his desertion?' cried
Henriette, in agony; he was compelled to
join the army against his will.' ,
•What were the causes of his desertion?'
interrupzed Napoleon.
.I*,vio weekssince,' answered Henriette,
'he received news that an only remaining
parent, his mother, sire, was on her death
bed, and longed day and night to behold
I her spa again. Louis knew that relief or
lelease from his post wasimpossible. His.
1 mind was filled with one thought, ,that she
' mighty.lose her eyes forever, ere they rest
ed on a son she loved so fetidly." -
'Did she die?' asked the empress; with
'No madame,' replied Henriette; 'she at
last recovered. Bat hardly bad Louis re
ceived her blessing, been folded io ber
arms. ere he was torn from her grasp by
the officers of justice, and dragged hither.
Oh! must he die? Mercy, sire, I beseech
'Mademoiselle,' said Napoleon. appa
rently softened, 'this was the second of
fence: name the first; you omitted That?
-It was.' said flenriette, bestitatinct, and
coloring—it was—that he - heard that I
was to marry Conrad Ferrant. whom I
detest as much as he does;' added Henri
ette, with naivelle.
'Are you his sister, that he feels so great
an inte►est in your fate!' asked the emper-
'Oh! no, sire!' said Henriette, her lovely
,cheek assuming still deeper thtibue of
the rose; I am on I y his cousin.'
`Ah; only his coar.sih;' repeated Napoleon,
glancing at Josephine, with a half sup
pressed smile,
Oh! sire"?' cried Henriette, 'recollect 1
the anguish of his widowed mother, when
she reflects that the affection of her son
for her is the cause of his death. 'What,'
she continued, 'can I do to save him?' and
the poor girl, forgetting the presence of
royalty, burst into tears. The kind heart
ed Josephine glanced at the emperor, with
eyes 'expressive of pity and sympathy; she
noticed the workings of his face, and felt
at once that it was very uncertain whether
Louis Delamarre was to be shot the next
MOT ning.
Napoleon approached the - weeping
(girl,g she hastily looked up and dried her
a.r a
tears. 'Mademoiselle" 'd he, 'wouldt
you give your life for -'I Would you
die could Louis Delam ebe restored to
1 life, liberty, and his mother?'
Henrietta started back; deadly pale,
looked fixed at the emperor for a mo
ment, then turning away' she buried her
face in her hands. 'After a silence of some
moments, Henriette, loolied up„ an air of
fixed determination rested upon her face;
'1 am willing,' she said, in a very low,
cairn voice.
Napoleon _.ed at beri in surprise;
if he had not anticipated se ready an 'au.
swer to his proposal. qt will see you
again said he, 'in the Meantime accept
such apartments for yout accommoda
tion as I shalt direct.' r
, ,
As soon as the door clostd upon,the fair
petitioner, Napoleon walked to the win—
dow against which Josephine was leaning;
and said--• 1 see how -_,it is; Louis . Deft
mai re lathe lover a dais yosfeg - giri, True :
to- woman , a nature ahe. has. braved difra- I
cult) , and danger to lilig fOr hisredisitieC
'How Strong mast t dieloiairst kii**
tot re hi said the -ran*** --- ' ;2 : 4
4 Aahr .nsterne4 -he, - 4 , bitvei"..n. :mind;
subject tttil'lWPallove.V) ,neveter
Mu9k k 41agts_*040asek -*o l 4o4o,lfeF
..'s!.,' 4 ., -. ' ; .01,4501E4 : witS.liiilideOP
41, 4 tp
Orliii : ' ,- ,;: r'' , 4 ,Ao tei k ' ' • ' A.
1#11004:11100C 0:A0p
:C, 2- ' --- •;'_ - - - " : -:".ii r - A - - ':- 1: ,_" , : - "ZI '
,~~ _-, ;
Napaleap thew lwr -nearer We Wiadoirt,
and eonveraelia a to* voice.
• • 111 * aIV it
lleoriette stood alone in tip
apartment. Hours passed waohisweed,ao
intensely was she absorbed in tevirk. A.
small folded paper was tightly grasped
one small hand: On it were traced these
words: =A deserter is condeMated by the
laws of-the army to suffer' death. if you
wish Louis Dehunarre restored as liberty,
the-means are in your power. Ere d'ay
dawns he .may be ow hie way ja-jaht his
mother; whom heap mach town.'
matiturtrediaieriotte, Nio 'nett Tema
him. too?' - Pressing her haidi upoa her
heart, as if to stilt itsammuhuotis
she paced the apartment. The dixtr von ,
ed. and Chevalier de hlerville entered. :Ha
I paused ere he articulated.
•I am ready,' replied. Renriette; •my
eision is made.'
De Merville appeared to comptcheadtbe
import of her-words. He looked upodirer
in reverence as well as admiration, *O4 -
stood with the high resolve impressed:Ott
her beautiful brow. •Followoie, madentot , ._
Belle,' said he. They traversedloat cm*.
dory and numerous suites of superb .apart
ments, and descending a staircase, quiLegv
reached an outer court c-sumMnicating ath
the guardhouse. Entering this, Itehriette- :
was ushered by her guide into a small riPalW
menu where shames soon leftsto
On a chair was thing a uniform of the‘ritgi
went to which-Louis belonged. - Ot a lA
btu lay a bkrge pia med cap. 4enriette Cora
. prehended all in - a moment. Quickly bib
ing herself in the uniform, she istoodttekire
the mirror, and gathering pp her-beautiful
brown tresses-in a knot, placed the tap nyA
on,her. head: She almost•uttered a cry of
joy at the success of hertransformation.— ..
She knew that she was to be led to *fa
tal ground at the morning's dawn. !;-The
bullet which would have struck Lord" , to
the heart, would pierce her heart, but she
shrunk nolhack. Love triumphedoverthe
timid woman's nature. 'Attie mother with:
bless me in her heart, she whispered. Lou
is himself will never forget met Aft, Often
has he sworn that he loved me better than
all things else beside. Drawirg clock of,
raven hair from her bosom, she pressed it
to her lips, then breathed a prayer to her
Morning dawned. The eon' nd of foot•
stepi aroused Hentiette. She started up,
grasped the band of hair,"awaiting the new
mons. The door opened, and two soldiers
entered, repeating the name of Louis De
lamarre; they suddenly led her forth to die
tlie.so Wier% whose fillets weie intended
to pie rce
, the heart of Louis, had taken their
stand, and only , awaited the word °fetter
wand from the emperor, who was station
id at the window commanding a vigor et the
whole scene.
'Oh!' cried Josephine,who stood by hint,
but concealed by the window drapery kern
the view of those below, 'Oh, sire, I Can
endure it no longer; it -stems toe. meth
like a dreadful reality. Mark the tlevotiii
girl- No shrinizinithaek. See, she simies
calmly waiting thefatal inoment..'
'Stop,' cried the etr - peror hem the win=
dew, 'Louis Delainarre is pardoned.. !re
voke his sentence.' - -
A loud burst of applause from the lam:of
the soldiers followed -this announcement. --
Not one of them but loved and respected
ther comrade. The next c mouient, ere they
Could press around to congratulate , the sup...
Louis,.. Loctis, De Merville had eigstly•
drawn the bewildered Henrieue thmagh
the crowd, back to the cell . frow which she
had emerged but a few moments before.—
'Resume your dress . . Mademoiselle.'
hurriedly whisperedic 'Lose, no time.—
The emperor wishes to see you, Lwill sa
-1 turn soon.
Henriette was like one in 2 dream, but a
gleam ugtie4Fions hope thrilled hes , soul;
she felt theilawningi of happittes!break
upon her heart. Soon again renaming her
pretty 'rustic habiliments, De IMlrmlle
aeitearea, and once again she trod the ati,
dienee room of the emperors. Lifting biw
eyes (pm the ground, as the lofty daft' ''
swum open, she beheld. Louis! ka
mation of joy burst fiom the lips of hetisc.-
as regardless of the presence of otl~heyr
rushed into each other's arms.
Napoleon stepp'd,forwardlfLogis
marre,' said he. .you have just beard trout . -
my lips the tale of this lovely girl's -deoo•,
tion and courage. Do you love her tfenbe- - -
, .
deserves?' . .
.1 could die for her,' answered . .4 4 441:16 -
.Well, well,' cried the -emperor. this; se-"`
vereteitiefthe love of owe will sutftim. lie
dutiftit eeon. so faithfura lover, will dank...
less Make the bel l of hirebandv.... - w itPlh,t,
. .
Lieutenant Louis De anlan 1 1 1 e. sre. l 44o l _llP , =.
ed from your regiment. Return to jt,t . i . ltr, ,
native valley, waft Eleuriette, it ; Vitae, ---
.._ - - --..,..
.1 - fere‘irillithe benevolent
emerginefrom the remittal Willtdolvvlierik- ---`.
are one hundred lonia d'orr as the a e i. v . :,..-
dowry:of iteitriettei'
A churning - blush tc/fused the eheek,l4._
the beatttiful girl. as-she ye mbrid the i n ii, ,
from the hand of the empress., _ _ . ~..'--_
'Long live 'la ktioir - '• ' : '' ,Aieues..- -
._ -- --.
au with a heart tow filti Of trikr...
for funher utteranie. 40 td
Be *,-kva.4-4!.w--.--
. iiii