Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 19, 1842, Image 4

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    > T ~n x , `
ADAM/ WILSOSI3, Tsmis, Dotte, unt.
11111 . i-Ifiyaipapie PlLlB, ie,ijmed purtirly for ,
ths sfek IfsaiNdske,Dysjarpois,CoUttratia l s of thditow
' 441 . 4 4 '
CAsosinition. Penns...Although• sentimentally oppo
sed to the whole system Of-:rarer nostrums and Patent
Medicines, yet we have for 'Several year put recom
mended Dr. R. A. Wilion's Pitts to number of students
f Jefferson College. and other Individuals and families
It .tuntllevon Catimetis Medicine,' and having a lc nowl.
'edge. , of ikeir composition, and believing that they will,
it most uses answer the indications iriiiineed by the
Proprietor, and knowing that they are prepared by a
reiptlarly educated and intelligent Physician, we shall
stowage ctieufsilly to recommend them in all appropri•
oCaneesborgh, July 8. 1840.
. •
- . A GARD.—We,the subscrolie • Ministers of the Cos.
Paitand members of the Pittsburgh Annual Conference
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, having each and all
of us, during the past few years, had frequent opportuni
'this of learning abd trying the character of Dr. R. A.
Wilson's Tonic Cathartic and Anti Dyspeptic Prils,are
prepared to,and noxi - state with p:easure in this comma.
nication; that les boots them to be an excellent medicine,
and as trued, recommend their use to our friends and az•
quaintances, not only as a speclfie for Sick head ache,
atid Dyspepsia, for which they are recommended, but as
a safe and efficient family remedy among children, and
for the prevention and removal of bilious attacks, etc., etc.
Rev. James°. Sansom, Rev. Wesly Browning,
" Wm. D. Lemon, " Hosea Bl'Cali,
" Jno. L. Williams, " .1 B. Reed,
" Thomas Baker, ti E. Hays,
4.- Francis FL Reed, ti B. F. Sedwlck,
" Harvey Bradshaw, " G. Martin,
" Wesley Smith, " Thos. M'G rail),
" Moses Tichenell, " J. M. Reger.
" A. Jackson, " Wm: Smith,
0 Cornelius Jackson, " S. R. Brockunler,
N. Callender., " C. D. Batelle,
" John West, " Wm. Tipton,
" C. Hodgson, " John Murray,
" S. B. Dunlop, " Dr. A. A. Jemison,
J lll 9 23,1389.
. From the Corresponding Conference of the Methodist
Protestant Church, signing the same.*
Rev. Geo. Brown, Rev. Wm. Ross,
" John Beatty, " Robert Simonton,
" Ceo. Wishes, " John Clarke,
" Joel Dolby, Jr., " Jas. M, Piper,
" Z. Rogan, " John Burns,
Jer !frowning, " Dan. G. Ostron.
"Mv experience is not as extensive as the expression
In the above cerilliiolite, hut as far as my onortu idly of
te;iing the virtues of Dr. Wikon's Pills has7)ecurred , I
cheerfully. endorse the sentimen of their Fll prrior value.
WILLI All RF.P.VE.,,."
Nora.—A respectable number of names of Rev. gentle
men of the Erie Conference, attached to the above card
lists been lost. We attach such as have been since sup
plied—Rev. Caleb Brown, Rev. Ahab Keller, Rev. Jas.
R. Lock, te., all concurring lo t he above.
So great a body of constriehilous men, frankly capres.
sing themselves as they do in the above, requires no coin•
meut from us us to the character of the medicine we re
spectfully submit to the public.
COL.PORTER, front whom we received the following,
is one of the President Judges of this Commonwealth,
and brother of our present Chief Magistrate.
EASTON, P• , July 16.1839•
Deer Sin—Having been in the habit of using, as a
family medicine, your Pills, I can with great cheerfulness
testify to their value, in attacks of Sten HEAD Acne. and
other complaints, arising from disorganization of the
Mon . :tab; and shall not at any time willingly be without
them in my house. I should not, originally, have used
them, had t not known and appreciated your character
and capacity as a -egularly educated physician. They
have uniformly given relief, operating ass gentle cathar.
tic, in affections of the stomach and head, to which I have
been alood deal subject; and they have been used by
Other Weighers of my family with like success.
Very truly yours, J. M. POSTER.
Dr. Robert Adams Wilson.
Prepared solely by the Proprietor, and for sale whole
sale and retail, at his dwelling In Penn street. below
*We hope it may be noted here with the strictest pro.
ptlety, that this Conference as a body, had an official act
of favorable expression towards the proprietor and his
.medicine! Though made matter of record, and to be
found at any time In their journal. not having a copy, we
Are net prepared to give its language. sup 10
Estate of Catherine McLaughlin.
ETTERS'of Administration upon the Estate of the
'ALA above In estate, late of Allegheny City, deceased,
.having been granted to the undcrsigned— AII persons in
debted to said Estate are hereby required to pay the
amounts due, and all having claims against it to make
known therame without delat to the subseriber or his At.
homey , James S. Craft Esq., No. 35 Market street, Pitts
August 3 1842.-6 t. Administrator
3 .SC, two doors from the U. S. Bank. Wm Tro-
Uadertaker, respectfully informs the public that he
has removed his ready made coffin warehouse to the
saailding recently occupied by Mr. R. G. Berford,ffirectly
opposite his old stand, where he is always prepared to at
tend promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict at
.tentlon to all the details of the business of an Undertaker
to. hopes to mertt public confidence. lie will be prepared
at sa.vaocrits to provide Hearses, Biers, Carriages and
every reentsite on the most liberal let me. Calls from the
country will be promptly attended to.
His residence Is in the same building with his ware
.house, where those who need his services may find him
at any time. REFERENCES:
0041 vuLtatuata,
BOOKS, o .
Together with every description of Letter Press Print
lag; furnished with neatness and despatch, and on mode
rate ttratia, at office of the Daily Morning Post.
iiep 10 •
IFFIC LAeucen, Jt
AittmEß k CO., Ezehauge Brokers, Fourth
.1.3 Street, third door from Market street, Pittsburgh;
}have opened an Exchange Office, for the pnrchase and
'vale Of Bank notes. Cold and Silver.
Bills and Notes, payable In the principal cities In the
United. Stales, collected.
Interest paid on Tam DZPOSITES of specie, par
__ funds,
and matfett bank notes.
Thenitlienegenerally, Pittsburgh. C. D. inailliers. W.
.It..ThotiipsOn 4s- Co., Philadelphia. Carpenter 4. Ver•
ta. Stone,pew York. Johnston 4. Lee,Jantes
— tWil!ton, Onitlmore. Rowland Ellis, J. S Goodman 4-
:;4:*;:ciritrAttpail. J. E, Tyler, Masao! I f Cu., Lousisille.
. _
CARP:—Theenbacriber, grateful ibr the very liberal
. , patronage which his school has hitherto received,
beg leave ttrinforat - his friends and the public. (that he
has made arrangements for the tecommodation of a few
more pupils, at 'Assoc% on sth street, near Wood sl.
t • TO-persons dolmas of having their sons prepared for
;Invineer,iiiul . who= prefer necessary and substantial In
.. - stosesion to s coarse calculated merely to make their
tins appear learned :without -having acquired any thing
-, useful in_tbeevecy day transactions of the &liner, the
./docifolle,,Or the Merchant, his Sehooi offers a favorable
opportunity. - '
, ...Vittione or gaudiest!' entrusting their boys to his care
.may restassured that *very exertion will be used to yen •
- stiskiOneraluattafaction.
..stilool*llietiouneileiton Monday the Ifith lest
' -.:•;: -i--4100- WILLIAM MOODY.
. , . .
A 410121 HOWARD Alt, - CO.. Xareatsturtrii 4arf Wail
. A,m. i r y... Xs; 48; Irad'Aittreet. -Pitttiourik, Pa.—
..,„.„. , 7 vs on _ band as osiels . assortment of Satin
sad pain PAYSIt..MIGINGS. Velvet and
;`-•, :. ,odidisosiiilsodess; GUAM ' latem.style and handsome
• .14issomli4m•papertne halts, palms and chambers.
• ' tar a 'Antha st ail isnes-E
, ,looflefte re "a lai I t s I .
,4 4
.Wilting.-Letter • and Palter Bon
4 - 14 W - OsiDers' Boards -.a il ,of rlPMetrllkei offertory:ft
ArlibiesigmitseeMiliNgittlig fires; :sod to MiDels 'they
.**PlfirOlUgUsd los at wenaliktill And piliers: = :•• -. - 7- ••
Misditi**.f*Oe4slWiktd!MP.Paisrmild" lOU% maim..
-.S;lk` .Magatidt; '. . . ,lien la Whinge.
- ~.. ,r , - z • -
i t '-. - :: . : z :. ' ' - .1•!-;''''' i - -,... -~.. *
= ;?•.-t-' , .-,-.i.: = • 1 -;. - 'Y
.. ': ii -' -; '- ' '_ . . ''''''': '''' :
' : T 2 op vptotorac—Alie - ' wittreem ion of
,_. - Itttkm irin• oestistenalt oe the Ist day of
Oeteheei mid rmisatepe:W4ttriit Ally-following. The
dehilOit of the utilleritity;t ISM their respective Proles.
, I.'AnclentlLltiguigee;—Th.. Gasser Harrison.
2. Modern iLanguagisa.—Dr.Vhaltles Krattsir.
3. Mathemties.-114r; Edward H. amnesty.
4. Naturalrtilosophy.— Ml. Wm. B. Rogers.
5. Civil En ;nearing—the subjects of which are di
vided hetweethe Professors of Mathematics and Natu
ral Pitilbsoph
6. Chemistry and Materia Medica.—Dr. John P. Em
7. bledicine.—Dr. Henry Hower
8. A natomY and Surgery.—Dr. James L. Cabeil.
9. , M0ral PhilOsophy.—Mr. George Tucker.
10. Law.—Judge Henry St. Geo. Tucker.
In both Schools of Languages are also taught the Mer
-1 entre of the respective languages. and Ancient and
Modern History; in the School. of Mathematics Is ine:u.
ded mixed Mathematics; in that of Engineering. Mineral°
gy and Geology, in that of Moral Philosophy, Belles Let
trea, Logic and Political Economy, and in that of Law,
besides muncipal Law in all its branches, the Law of Na
ture and of N4krns, the Eclence of Government and Con.
stituthinal Law.
To he admitted into this institution the applicant must
be sixteen years of age; but the Faculty may dispense with
this requisition in favor of one whose brother is a stn
Every student is free to attend the schools of his
choice; Gut if he be under twenty one years of age, he
shall attend at least three, unless authorized by his pa
rent or guardian, in writing, or by the Faculty, for good
cause, to attend a less number.
All students under the age of twenty-one years are re
quired to hoard within the precincts.
By a resolution Of the Faculty, Ministers of the Gospel,
and young men preparing for the Ministry, may attend
any of the schools of the University without the pay vent
of fees to the Professors.
The enactments which lately required students to wear
a prescribed uniform have been suspended.
Every student resident within the precincts must, on
matriculation, deposite with the Patron all the money,
bills,drafts,es - c., under his control, intended to defray
his expenses while at the University, oron his return
thence to his home: and the amount so deposited must be
sufficient to pay his fees to professors, dormitory rent, for
use of public rooms, three months board, a contingent fee
to cover fines-and assessments, and to purchase the text
hooks, he May want at the commencement. All
fundesuirsequently received by him trust be deposited
with airrati on; who has charl.e of his disbursements;
and upon all deposites a charge of two per centum coin.
mission is authorized.
The art of the Legislature; prohibiting merchants and
others, under severe penalues, from crediting students,
will be strictly enforced. The license to contract debts,
which the Chairman of the Faculty is authorized to
erant, is confined (except where the parent or guardian
shall otherwise. in writing, request), to cases of urgent
necessity; and these, it is hoped, that parents and guar.
titans will, as far as possible, prevent from arising, by the
timely supply of the requisite funds.
Religious services are performed at the University ev
ery Sunday by tile Chaplain, who is appointed in turn
from lite f o ur principal denominations of the State.
The expenses of tire session of nine months are as fol
Board, washing, lodging and attendance, SIIB
[tent of Dormitory, SC; for half, if occupied by two,
Use of public rootns and matriculation fee, 15
Fuel and candles, estimated at
Fees, if only one Professor he attended, $5O; if two,
to each professor $3O; if more than two, to each
$25, say
Total exclusive of ctothes,hooks and picket money, $228
In the School of Law there is an extra fee of 20, pay
able by students attending the senior class.
The allowance for clothes is limited by the enactments
to 8100, and for pocket money to $45.
W I LLIS H IJOODLEY, Proctor and Patron U. ofVa.
sep 10
what will destroy Life, and you are a great man.
.4 Discover what will prolong Life, and the world will
call you Impostor."
There are faculties, bodily and jntelleetual, within no,
ioiih which certain herbs have affinity, and over which
they have power."
Dr. B. Brandrelh's External Remedy, or Liniment.
which, by its extraordinary. powers, abstracts Pain or'
Soreness; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinews, While Swellingii,
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Jolt:eta,
Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Thihai,
Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en
largements, Tender Beet, and every description Wf In
jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Frathe, are
cured or greatly relieved, by his never-to be solfficiently
extolled remedy.
CERTIFICATE --The following letter from Major Gen
eras Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Renie
dy, speaks volumes
Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with arrother bottle of
your excellent Liniment? It its certainty the best of the
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's
knee, about which I was so uneasy, arid I have found it
productive of Immediate relief in seieral cases of exter
nal injury in my family. A few evenings since, my
youngest child wasseized with a violent attack of Croup,
which was entirely removed In twenty minutes, by rub
bing her chest and throat freely Av it It the External Rem,
edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Liniment
for general use, instead of conSaing the use of it, as you
have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances.
Yours truly, C. W. SANDI'ORD.
DR. B. BRANDRETH.24I Broadway, N. Y.
J'For sale at 241 Brbadway, New York, and at his
office ,No. 98 Wood street,Pittshurgh. PRICE-50 cents
per bottle with directiogns. sep 10
The subscriber offers for sale, at the present redu
ced rates, the greater part of his real estate, situate in
the cities of Pittifburgh and Allegheny, viz: 'three of his
Brick WarehouSes, nearly new, a, isubstantially
situate on Market street, between Second and Ftont, em
bracing a front of about 54 feet by 60 deep. For sale en
tire, or sepatately to suit purchasers, and upon long ere('
Also, tyselect buildinn" lot in Allegheny city, 64 feet In
breadth, i by upward of 350 feet in depth, having two
froots,,kine on the Pennsylvania canal old the other on
Washington street.
Also, the lot adjoining the above, 100 feet in breadth
by pearly 350 feet in depth, including the large and ele
gant mansion house which 1 now occupy and outbuild
Also, a lot with two two story brick storehouses, situ
ale on the corner or Market andrront streets, subject to
a moderate ground rent, and now occupied by Mr. Hoyt
as a groeery. ALEX. BRACKENRIDGE.
sep 10
These Pills are composed of herbs, which exert
a specific action upon the heart, give impulse .or,
strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened
and equalized In its circulation through all the vessels,
whether of the skin, the parts situated Internally, or the
extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are
drawn from the blood, there Is a consequent increase of
every secretion, and a quidkened action - Of the absorbent•
and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Atiy morbid action
which may have taken place is corrected, all obstrut..-
tions are removed, the blood /5 purified. and the body
resumes a healthful state. For Sale Wholesale and Re
tail by R. E.BELLERS, Agent,
sep 10 No. 20 Wood at. below Second.
class of individuals is very numerous. They are those
who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers. work
men in feather stores, stone cutters, "bakers, white lead
manufacturers, are all more or less subject to disease ac
cording to the strength of their constitution. The only
method to' prevent disease, is the occasional use of a
medicine Which abstracts from the circulation all delete
rious humors, and expel*, them by the bowels. Tonics
in any form are Injurious, as they only off the evil
day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandret Pills
willtnsurei health, because they take all impure matter
out of the blood; and the body Is not weakened but
strengthened by their operation; for these valuable Pills
do not forie, but they assist nature, and are not opposed.
but harmonize with her+
Sold at• Dr. Braodreth's Office, No. 93 Wood Street,
pitisbeestu Priee2s,nents per box, with full directions.
lIIARIE,i-The only place in Pittsburgh where the
GENUINE Pills ran beobtained,is the Doctor's own Of
nee, N 0.90 Wood street. see 10
Thlvoinfallltle remedy has preserved hundreds
Mb" thought pest recovery. from etmvalsions. As soon
as the tublied 00 the gums, the - child will reef v.
This preparation is so Inotteettloto efficacious, and so
litiesant, that no child wfll refuse to let Its gums be rub
betl:wlth It. -When Infantsare at the age of four months.
004400 no appeamnee of teeth, vita bottle. of the
fly - reP stiohlatie cued to open the. pores. Parents should
sever he vitholitthe syrup in the nursery wherethere
-0 , 0 young children, for if *child Orates In the night *Rh
"On in the gums, the.-**l? tinFteillOtelY gives earthy
tpoPsOrel. indFiallet!h4WW.Atielebi pre t
14cauvti.stols, fiisti,,*e. Mar thile-Wholetal;i:sid
•sep e lQ ,'" tmo.
NEW Your, Fen. 9, 1842
ttyßi Y:
_ ammoilturimmg €lla.s. - •
rgellikveget:ahleinil frilkint:atelifeltie, Pon
ems Thia 11.01:41;1, anitinimedW, y : stays farther PRO
alum meonsiti the bodlaref theta mbesse pdwers of
life are not alregdy - .esbannied. Where human means
can avail, theieweleely is any complaint,or form of
sickneas, that the Pinta do not r e lie v e - and
generally corm , ' Although these pills produce* snows
erracr,that effectm Dot to
,prostrate the body. as with
other medicines, bat the frame Is invigorated by the re
moval of the canislieif weakniss, the morbid, the vitiated
humors trued tbehlOod.
Harmless in thlitaitchvel, they merely
Assurr PLertats
To throw of to occasien of sickneai from the body,
and they require no alWation in the diet or clothing.
In fact. thierAgirman body !abetter able to sustain with.
out injury, thAiilemency of the weather, while under
the influence of this infection destroying,disease eradiea
ling Medicine than at atry other time.
The iMportance of Biandreth's Pills for seamen and
travelers is, therefore, self evident.
By the timely use of thls Medicine how much anxiety
and sickness, might we not prevent. Coif!, Billions of
fections, Typhus, Scarlet and fevers of all kinds, would
be unknown! But where sickness does exist, let no
time he lost, let the BRA N [METH'S PILLS be at once
sent for, that the Remedy may be app led, without fur
tber loss of time.—To ss RXMILMBIERED--
That Brandreth's Pills have stood a seven years' test
in the United Stales.
- _
That they area vegetable and innocent medicine, yet
all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic
recent; infectious or other w Ise.
That they puffy the blood, and stay tire further pro
gress of disease in the human body.
That, In many cases, where the dreadful ravages of
ulceration had laid hare ligament - and bone, and where,
to all appearance, no human means could save life, have
patients by the use of these pills, been restored to good
health; the devouring disease having been completely
That each of the genuine has upon II THREE COPYRIGHT
That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin
Brandreth upon it.
That there must be upon each box three signatures,
And three signatures, thus:—
"All acute fevers ever require some evacuation to bring
them to a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by
stools, which must be promoted by art when nature
does not do the business itself. On this A ccount, an
ill timed scrupulousaessabout the weakness of the body
is of bad consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly
to make evacuations necessary, which 'ature attempts
after tne humors are fit to be expelled , b t is not able to
accomplish for the most part in these d'...eases; and I can
affirm, that I have given a purge whe the pulse has been
so low that it could hardly lie felt , nd the debility ex.
creme, yet both one and the c tiler Atave been restored by
it." The good effect to b 6 der c ii/d from the Brandreth
Pills have to be experienced t be fully believed. By
their timely use neither the sc rlet, the typhus fever or
small pox would ever assume heir malignant form.
To appreciate to : he full tent ,the incalculable bene
fits of BRA NDRETI-FS PIX,LS. they must be used when
the First Symptoms of sease present themselves. One
dose then, and their goo effects will be felt throughout
tile attack—Pr IS T4KI TEEM IN TIME that is the great
secret in the cure of 11 appearances of disease arising
from had blood, and . presume there are few at the pres.
ent day, will say a ything of those diseases which affect
the body when t blood is pure. Such diseases I have
yet to see.
Hoping that nn - e
who read this may be benefit ted by so
doing. / lam respectfully,
the public's s ervant.
/ B. BRANDRETH, 111. D.
241 Bro dway, New York:
The pu, lie wit please observe that no Brandreth Pills
are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it,
ec/h containing a fac sitnilie signature of my hand
riling thus—B. Brandreth. These labels art engra
iSed on steel,beautifully designed, and done at an ex
/Tense of several thousand dollars. Retnemberl the lop
—the side—and the bottom.
Ent red according to act of Congress, in the year 1841,
by Bet )amin Brandreth, in the Clerk's Office in the Dis
tjict Court of the Sot them District of New York.
Dr. B. Brandreth's own office, No. 98, Wood Street,
Pittsburgh. Only place in Pittsburgh where the genuine
Pills can be obtained. Each Agent who sell- , the true
Erandreth Pill, has an engraved certificate of Agency
renewed every twelve months, and has entered into bonds
of 46500 to sell none other Pills than those received from
Dr. B. or his special General. Agent. Mark, the certifi
cate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is
in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate
there Is an exact copy of the three labels on each box en
graved thereon. Purchaser, see that the engraving of
the labels on the certificate correspond with those on the
The following are Dr. Renjatnin Brandreth's Agents
for the sale of his Vegetable Universal Pills, in Alleghe
ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled
Price 25 cents with directions.
Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Si reel, Pittsbur
Allegheny, Mr. Jour; CLess.
!McKeesport, H. ROW LA ND.
Noblest own, JOHN JOHNSON.
Stewarts Town. CHESSMAN 4- SP•OLDINO
REWARD TElONlFSON,WilkinsbuTgll.
Elizabethtown, C. F. DISTIL.
East Liberty, DANIEL Nxotirv.
WEI. 0. III:NIER Allen's Mill. pep 10
PILES cured by the tse of Dr. Harlieh's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills
Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Agency from you for the sale of your medicine. I
formed an acqnaintance a lady of this place, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or- ten
years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks,
and her physician considered her case so complicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through
my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was
perfectly cured. Yours, Src. J AMES R. KIRBY
October 3, 1840. Chambershug,, Pa.
- •
_ .
IrrOffice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. sep 10
INTERESTING CURE performed byDr.Swayne's
Compound Syrup of Prunus Virgin iana, or Wild Cher
ry. Raving made use of this invaluable Sytup in my family,
which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,
attended with coustant cough, spasms, convulsions, 4-c,
of which I had given up all hopes of its recovery until I
was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and Icon
cluding to make the same trial upon myself, which en
tirely relieved me ofa cough that I was afflicted with for
many years. Any person wishing to see me ran call at
my house in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington.
J. WlLcox.
We call the attention of the public to the numerous
certificates which have been iti circulation in our paper
and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr.
9WAYNE . B Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have
seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they
come from truly grateful hearts, expressive of the benefits
which they have received from tl.at valuable compound.
We have acquaintances who have frequently used the
above medicine, who can speak with confidence of its
virtues.—Saturday Chronicle.
Fst.t.ow Crrtzens:—With sincerity I would advise
you, one and all, both sick and well, always to have a
bottle of Dr Swarms'sCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry
in your house—lt is invaluable in cases of emergency,
such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent
Coughing, which is often the cause of spitting of Moon,
Violent Nervous Affectlons,, which occasionally come
from fright, and :various other causes, producing great
alarm, sudden colds• from improper exposure, which
are often let run to ail alarming extent, for want of
means being ready at hand;—and as 1 have used Dr.
Sw►rae'S Compodid Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly
in my family, and always with marked success—l can
recommend It with confidence, as being one of the best
family medicinal which ,has ever been offered to the
publln.—Saturday CAronide.
Sold by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale 4- Befall, only agent
for PiUsburgh. NW& Itarket Street. sep 10
WILLIAM REED. Xert,%mit Tailor ,- Respectfully
his friends and the public im genera!
tbsi be best _ ommeneed business at No. II Market street,
second door from the corner of Front, wbere be beret' by
strict egettion to, business, io ansritlinbare Of pbbila
Petro° t
M. B 4 ThislMß,lbehlette regslarly nmeivedlAbe
ihr sayd - iiii •bavl4 their vroritinuitattet sceording
to_the hda L igtre. 1 - solo
_ I
fact nrerr of Tin, Cepper,and Sheet Iron Ware, and
Dealer in Japaned Ware.
No. 26, Market Street; (Sign of the Coffee Pot).
Also keeps on hand Portable Tepid Baths; Slipper and
Shower do.; Bright or Planished Coliee and Tea Urns
Coffee Filters; PlaieWarmers, kc. itc; Russia iron Square
Slade Fender's, plain and beautifully ornamented, which
he will sell on reasonable terms, wholesale and retail. •
The public are respectfully requested to call and exam
ine his stock of ware.
[U'llighest price paid far old metals.
Pep 10 JOHN DUNLAP i-.
Street, Between Wood and Smithfield sta.
Two doors from the corner of Wood street. Con.
scantly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made
j'OFFINS, of every size and:description; covered
. Frones, with Cloth: Mahogany, . Cherry, Black
Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins.
A LSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages
furni , hed; Graves procured; and all servjces rendertd
that friends may requite.
A credit given in ail cases, either of coffins or carriages,
requested. HENRY BEA RES, Undertaker.
sep 10
175 GALS. Vt . HITE LIME, a superior article, for
sale by J. G. froA.GcIaDON,
sep 13 No. 12 Water street.
VA AIBTY.— Just received from New York, 3000
Temperance Almanacs for 1843; 5000 copies of the
Journal of he Americas Temperance Union and Youth's
Temperance Advocate for September. Also, 2000 Chris
tian Almanacs, and a good assortment of Loomis's Maga
zine and Pittsbujgh,and,the Franklin Magazine and Com
mon Almanacs for 14413; by the gross, dozen or single;
250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu
siness Dirctory and Strangers Guide, for 6; scents. Also,
Cottage, Family, School and Pocket Bibles and Tema.
meats, David's Psalms; Methodist and Temperance Hymn
Books; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction .to Sacred
Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ.
Harp, and almost all kinds of School Books; Gun 's Do
mestic Iledicine; Day Books and Ledgers; Writing, Let
ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the
gross, dozen, or hotly; steel pens, quills, slates, pencils and
wafers; Cyclopedia of History, Western Pilot, and a con.
siderable variet v of Books and Station e ry, for sale on ac
commodating terms for cash or country pr-duce,
ISA AC II A RIDS, Agent and Commission Merchant,
sep No 9 Fifth street.
UNION COTTON FACTORY, A Ileghe , y City, it the
end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having
commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking
Yarn, Colton Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting,
4-c., and are prepared te fill orders at the shortest notice.
Having selected the latest and ma t . improved machi
nery, and employed the manager who has attended to the
HOPE FACTORY for the last five years, they are manufactu
ring a superior article.
Cotton Warps made to order,
Orders through the Pittsburgh Past Office, or left at the
store of J j• C. Painter 4. Co., Liberty street; or Logan
4- Kennedy, Wood street; will meet with prompt alien.
tion. Address—J. K. MOORHEAD 4- CO.
sep 12—IY
F•EM A LES.—The e is a large class of Females in
this City who from their continued sitting, to which
their occupations oblige I hem;are affected with costiveness
which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the
attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the bow•
els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up
stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at
once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills The occa.
sional use of this medicine would gave a deal of trouble
and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandreth Pills Just before dinner, are of en found
highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously In
this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper contlition,enliven the spirits, impart clear
ness to the complexion, purify the blood, and promote a
general feeling of heal) It and happiness.
Sold at Dr. B-audreth's Office. No. 98 Wood street,
Pittsburgh—Price 25 cena; per box, with full directions.
111 ARK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of
fice. No 98 Wood street. sep 10
srßum ENTSI— T. McCarthy, Cutler and Furgieal
Instrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittsburgh
Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in•
struinents rnadehy the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand.
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. B. Allarticles warranted of the best quality. and
jobbing done as usual. sep 10
LIVER COMPLAINT.—'Phis disease often terml
natcsin another of a more serious nature, if pro.
per remedies are not resiorted to In time. In all forms
of this disease, Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening
and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure
—first. by cleansing the stomaeh and bowels, thus remo
ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the Ger.
man Aperient Pills, after whirl] the Compound Strength
ening Pills are taken to give strength and lone to those
tender organs which require such treatment only to effect
a permanent cure. These Pills are neatly put up in
small packages, with full directions. For sale at No. 19
North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Also, for sale by Sam
uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sts-, Pittsburgh Pa.
scp 10
ALLEN KRAMEEt , Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor
ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.—
Gold, Silver, add Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts,
notes and hills, collected.
Pittsbutwh,Pa, Wm. Bell h Co., John D. Davis, F
Lorenz, J. Painter 4- Co., JosepltWoodwell, James May
Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson 4. CO., John H. Brown
4. co. cir,o.ozoot,y, 0., James M'Candless. St. Louis,
Aro., J. R. M'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, Esq.
Pres't Bank Ky. yelp DI
REiIIOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to inform
the public, that he has removed from his old stand,
to the corn{ r of Penn and St. Clair Isis., opposite the Ex
change Hotel, w here he has fitted up a large Pubto FORTE
WARE Room, and now offers for sale the most . Splendid
assortment of Pi• Nos ever offered in this market.
Hit plo nos consist of different patterns, of superior.
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished end mo
deled, and constructed throughout of the very be.t ma
teriais, w Melt, for durability, and quality of tone,.as well
as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made arrange.
mews to supply the increasing demand for this instru.
went, he respectfully requests those intending to par.
chatse to call and, xamine his assortment before purcha„
sing elsewhere, at, he is determined to sell Lowart, for
cash,thnn any other establishment east or west of the
mountains. F. BLUME,
Corner of Penn and 4 Clair streets,
sep 10 Opposite the Exchange flag, PUtsburgh, Pa
Evans's Camomile Pills.
clunTuttcATEs.—Lei ter from the icon. Ab'h'm
lan,Sullivan County, East Tennessee, btemberof Cling sees
WISHINGTON, July 3d, 1838.
Sir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satis
faction, and believe it to be a mast valuable remedy. One
of my zonsti tuents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county.
Tenneesee. wrote to me lo send him some, which I did,
and be has mptoyed it very successfully in his practice.
and says It is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this place, thinks you would probably like an agent in
Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Cardeh, as
a proper person 13 officiate (or the sale of your celebiated
medicine. Should you commission him he is willing, to
act for you. You can send the medicine by water to the
care of Robert King 4. Sons, Knoxville county. Tennes.
see, or by land to Graham 4. Houston, Tazewell, East
Tennessee- I have no doubt but if you had apenin
several counties in East Tennessee,a great deal of edi
eine would _be sold. lam going to take some of itDome
for my own use. and that of, my friends, and s onld
likedo hear from you whether you would like an gent
at Bluntvilln,iffisitivan County: Hatt Tinnessi4; I. en get
some of the merchant( to act for you est 115e...t ere.
YGlifli respectfully. - , •..
4,4nAm ..11TX.ELLiitt,cor T I .
Forsais WhOtesatetuutgetall, by.'
' ' ,l• R;V.- 1 51:411afttArili.:: 1
Ife.2o;Wiithritreetokeirtaf Stalnlti.
t OA* "04 1 , Oil fftflk at
• • -""
Pittsburgh, June "Ift, 1 :
Mr. loan DZKNING:—/fietar Sir--Having been pr
yesterday, at the experiment which you were plea
make, in the presence of a number of mu business
of the safety of dour IRON enEsTs, in case of fir
gives me pleasure to say, that so far as I was capabt
Judging, the test was fair, and the result exceeded
The Chest was a small one, about 30 inches high, b
about 18 or 20 inches In breadth and depth, and was pia ,
ced on a black of wood about a foot in thickness, so as
to elevate it about that height from the ground; several
books and newspapers were deposited inside of it, in the
manner in which Merchants and others would usually
place them—a large quantity of light pine wood [slabs
from an adjoining Saw Mill,] was then placed around
and above it, and the fire kindled on the windward side,
so as to drive the flame against the back part of the chest.
The firAvas kept up about three quarters of an hour,
until you had gone amotg the spectators and received
from them their universal answer that the test was
sufficient. The chest was then drawn out of the fire,
and cooled, and opened, and examined. The contents
were all safe, and the only injury done was to the hack
of one hook which appeared to be a little cuarred. Front
what I witnessed, I think that these chests are desery
ing of confidence, as affording, perhaps, the hest security
to Merchants for their books and papers, which they can
have without huildiug large, thick, and expensive vaults.
I would consider them a better secarity thap many vaults
which I have seen bulb. Your friend,
We concur in the above statement, having been pres
sent when the chest was tested.
W. Al. Cooper, J. f Shoenberger,
J. laughlin, J. Painter,
R. Miller, Jr. C. L. Armstrong',
Thomas Craig, S. OD. Howard,
Extract of a Letter from Pugh 4- Alvord, dated Cin
einv au, 29th Mar.: h, 1842.
J. Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa: Respected Friend: We
have the satisfaction to state as the test recommendat ion
we can give of the utility of your Iron Safes, t hat we
hava one of them which was in an exposed situation In
our counting room, at the time of the fire, on the morn
ing of the 10t.h inst. which consumed our Pot k Route to.
gether with a large portion of the meat, lard, 4c, which
it contained; —and that our hooks and papers which were
in the Safe, were entirely uninjated, and were taken
from it after the fire; without ever tieing discolored.
Yours, 4-c. PUGEI 4- AL VORD.
Extract of a Letter from Slater 4 Holbrook, dated St.
Louis, Feb. 24th, 1341.
Ma. Dewaiso, Dear Sir: One of your second size chests
was burned a few days ago, in a leather store—lt pre•
served its contents. Respect fully yours,
LIVER COM PLAINT cured by the nse of Dr. liar.
ilch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills.
Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa., entifely cured of
the ahove distressing disease. His symptoms were pain
and weight in the left side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid
eructations, a distension of the stomach, sick head-ache,
furred tongue,_ countenance changed to a citron color, diffi
culty of breaihing, disturbed rest, attended x 1111 a cough,
great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards
had the advice of several physicians, but received no
relief, until using Dr. Harlich's Medicine, which !ermine.
ted in effecting a peqect cure.
Principal Office, 19 North Eight it Sired!. Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of Lther
ty and Wood streets. sep 10
Cincinnati, February 15, 1840
Dr. SWANNE—Dear Sir:— Permit me to take the liberty
of writing to you at this time to express my approbation,
and to recommend to the attention of heads pc families
and others your invaluable medicine—the 'Compound
Syrup of Prunus Virginiana, or Wild Cherry Bark. In
my travels of late I have seen in a great many instances
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chil
dren of very obstinate Complaints, such as Coughing,
Wheezing, Choakiug of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, Jrc.
4-c. I should not have written this letter, however, at
present, although I have felt it my duty to add my tesii•
mony to It for some lime. had it not been for a late in
stance where the medicine above alluded to was insl ru•
mental In restoring to perfect health an "only child,"
whose case was almost hopeless, in a family of my ac...
quaintance. "I thank Heaven," said the doatins, moth.
, r, "my child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 how I
feared the relentless ravager! But my child is safe! is
Beyond all doubt „Dr. Swayne's. Compound Syrup of
Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any
other country. lam certain I `.ave witnessed more than
nne hundred cases where it has been attended %vitt corn.
piece success. I am using it myself in an obstinate at.
tack of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual in a as.
ceedlngly snort time, considering the severity of the case.
I can recomend it in the fullest confidence of its superior
virtues; I would aArise that no family should be without
it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth
double and often ten limes its price. The public are as.
sured there is no quackery about it. R. JACKSON, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church,
'N. Y.
Sold by Will. THORN, wholesale 4. retail, only agent
for Pittsburgh. Nn. 53, Market street. sep 10
WU PA RTM ENT.—The plan of instruction in this de.
pa rtment of the Univesitylpresents peculiarities not to be
found in no other School of Medicine in thelUnion. The
Lectures commence on the first of October, and termi
nate on the 4th of July ensuing.
Owing to the length of the session, which embraces a
period of nine months, three Professors are enabled to
perform all the duties which in other meilical institutions
are usually assigned to six; and the students are seldom
' required to attend morethan two lectures on the same
day. By this arrangement, the students have an oppor
tunity of being well grount'ed in Anatomy, Physiology,
and other elementary branches of Medical Science, be
fore they investigate th:ir applications in connection
with the study of the practice of Medicine and Surgery
Immediately before each lecture, the students are sub
to a full and and rigid examination on the prece•
ceding lecture,or on portions of approved textbooks. It
leappiarent, that the plan, of which the outlines have
been briefly stated, is one all ws the student to
commence an well as to complete his dical studies in the
institution; and presents a happy corn nation of the ad
vantages of the system of instruction/by private paint
-1 age and that of public lectures.
Any person of approved moral conduct may offer OS a
candidate, and receive the degree of M. D., without ref
erence to the time he has been engaged in the study of
I medicine, or of joining the school, provided he undergoes
in a satisfactory manner the various examinations pre
scribed by the enactinetr.s.
The Professors are:
John P. Emmet, M.D., Professor of Chemistry, Phar
macy and Materia Med ice.
Henry Howard, M. D., Professor of Pathology and
Practice of Medicine, Obstetricsand Medical Jurlspru
James i.. Callen, M. D.. Professor of Anatomy, P hysi.
oiogy and Surgery. W ILLIS H. WOODLEY, Proctor.
Sep 10
Harrishurgh, Assist 24th . 1842.
L0:46 INC , TO THE STATE.--Notice is hereby gi
ven that in pursuance of the seventeenth, eighteenth,
nineteenth and twentieth Sections of the Act of Assembly
pastmd the 27th day of July, 1842, proposals writ he reeel
ved at the State Department until the Issrday of Novem
ber next, for the sale of all and each of the Canals and
Rail Roads belonging to the Commonwealth, for which
Btate l Stock,at par value, will received in payment. '
Each individual or Comliany is required, specifically, to
state, the particular_ line of Canal or Road which
they desireto purghase„ the amount of their tespective •
bids therefor, the given and surnames of a 0 eoneerned in
the Iffer, together with their Mace or pita-mot residence.
In or i der that the Ram may be laid before the nut
The proposslo.ninMbesilnied tip and directed to the
Secretary. of Commonwealth witliintendomenient on the
same: - 1 4Provesahr fir' tits - -patsies.* of Of Pones
Wariks." By order of the awarder.
' " • : :
- • Secretary 011ie Chesemeste4ffir
- - -
ad - fry i i , , VANS' PATEdg i r
ars= . 4andipaid ALt ma Zspiariaa of &ova Bigot,
.1. provided w h the Safety Guard ban
bills printed with a figure of the apparalt
fel you are not deceived by misrep .--
ntsstating their boats to be provided trig
uard, when they are rot t. i secured s,'
• The following is a list of boats auptilleg •.
Guard at the Port of Pittsburgh—all
t on the list have the Improved apparalle
a . . rates it is Impossible for en explosion It
AG N Es,
Robe Bell,
A. Cordell,
A. H. Hoge,
J. W. Hoyt..
The traveling community are reypettUar
before they make a choice of a boat, to rffiv
Mid see whether it would not he to their
and security to choose a safely Guard
passage and freight, in preference tanners
against explosion—and that they will ..
that this invention has the unqualified
fifty steam engine huilders—gentlemen
it is to understand the subject, and WilUitt,
interested—besides a number of rertificatet
tc gentler' en and others—all of which en
my office, To. 10. Water -trees, where it
pleasure at all times to exhibit my fee .;
who will lake the trouble to call.
Invaluable Remedy. —The extreme
Teeth ; their indispensable use, and the free. .
decay, has led to many invenilans for theft
yet how to pre• serve them in a state of bola
beauty, to the latest periods of ealstenre,
unknown until the discovery of the ikon
preparation. It forms a pure tinrture con
etahle ingredients, and is possessed of the me
odor. It eradicates tartar from the trek
of incipient decay, polishes and pre;erroitt.
which It gives a pearl•like whiteness , ,tottn:4
fee ng propert ies, possesses the vi rt tiedimit;
to the breath.
As an Anti Scorbutic, the Gums aiscoNank
cedent powers; Scurvey is eradicated ‘r*
heathy action and redress Is Induced. wttb
notice of the medicl praditioner Induhitatk
their healthful slate. It has been ei2mined'
several of the best physicians of this city, '
hestitation in recommending It as an excel!
the Teeth, Gun3s,etc.
Prepared only by WILLIAM THORN,
and Chemist, No. 53 Market street, Piitshant
all the principal Druggists, and at Cook's M
86 Fourth Stree t.
JOHN HART. Commission Merchant, D ,
duce and American Xanxfactures, .41
Jno. Grier, Esq., Pittsburgh;
Aaron Hart,
James Cochran of It'd.
Jno. D. Davis,
M'Vay k Hanna,
Avery, Ogden !¢• co.
Jno. Woodbourne, Esq., Madison
Farm on which 1 live, in Wilkins io•
Braddnasfield, containing one hundred and.
acres; about 70 acres of which is cleared, and
We I I timbered. There are upon It Orestes
and a barn 63 feet by 34; an apple orchids? ,
Also, abuttt seventy acres of coal. The oil is
be equal to that of any upland farm in the
Terms made known on applicationto the team'
in the premises. WILLIAM WALLACE
WILLIAM C. WALL, Plain aid Faml
and Picture Frame Nanufaceire,
Fourth Street Pittsburgh. —Canvass Brushes
4c.,for Artists, always on hand. Looking C
promptly framed to order. Repairing done .t'
est notice.
Particular attention paid to melding and
cry description.
Persons fitting up Steam Boats or houses trill
theiradvantage to call.
WHITE LEAD.—The subscril ers are nor
to furnish painters. and others who tr ,
chase pure White Lead made of the hest mat
ranted equal, if not superior to any offered le
All older , : addressed to Dunlap /1- Hughm,carti l
4- Co N. 0.110 Second street, Pittshurzh , will be
attended to. DUNLAP fi p
sept 10
Fifth St., one door from Old Stand of N• •
The Subscriber respectfully informs the
Pittsburgh and vicinity ,that -he has com.
tailing Shoes of his own manufacture, at the'
where he will keep constantly on band a
merit of all kinds of ladies, misses, and child
and shoes, oft he best quality. which will be
aos to suit the times Be will at:io make a
kinds or fancy work—such as white and
slippers, colored goiters, and buskins, Win,
children's ellslers. silk niters, 4. C , Ail
will be made at the shortest twice, and in tat
ner. Ladies will please call and eramine
as the subscriber feels confident that bevha at
any article in his line they may want.
sep I 0
P. S. Don't forget the place—No-B , Fa lk "
door from Barris's Intelligence Office, and
from Market Street.
WILLIAM DIGBV having taken the
business of DI6DY 4- Horevratz , co w
Liberty street and 42 Market street, begs .
thaoks to the numerous friends and custereels
firm, for the very liberal support they hal e
tended to him, in connection with Mr. Ho
wishes to assure them that every exer tion go o
merit the continuation of the same. lie
pectfully invite their attention to his fur` - ';
Clothing, which he int emt%log at mach
than has been ever offer , &strops sf.
the whole of the stock of the tele firm as
able; atd es he intends bfeonfine himselfl o •
cash -business, he feels confident no esIL ~
imitate hiletoek, either io cheapness , dor /
Dont of workmanship..
Please to takenettlee t hat every article
turgid in. Pittsburgh'
QA MORROW', Xdowiectorer ft
K 7 4. Sksa fro* Wire. ro. 77 pipit
"rood sod ArouloorStrettd.-16 prepared t 441
01 '
in his _llse afthe ilhorteokootice. Couiol
and others are solkitod to oaifood engage
of wand/. Welded' wilbolott.wholodole of
lionsOtpatitilig mai sten (Unwire ProalPi
JVER or Woo'
Y 6. ROI
zoom TWOS
e, and bY k.
ry and
SKLY. at the
copies, RIX OE
of Aft , -
0,50 I One
to:51 Two
1,00 inir
LSO ',Pour
3,00 Six
4.00 One
Pe. '
s is..oo gm
25,00 One
verlisemeotein or
our lines Fqx. Doti
0 FF
Orrice. Third het w
c, Water. 9th doo
...Major John WIII(
— 4y, Wood betwr
. Bartram, Trees
OAT, Third sir
• C'hureh—S. R
Fourth, hetwe
:ay, Mayor.
ANOZ. Fourth,
ern Market a
,erly Saving Fu
street, near W.
; over, WulPr at
L. corner of Pen
et, corner of T
,corner of Thi
7 corner of Penn
Liberty street, n
r.rt Liber
'r• on HOCBE. P
Oo DS, A
~,c es on Gro
next roon
et, between. .P
—Presion k
8 - in•. English,
Market Pt , Pi
-Wet ,
s at. law: Ofli
—ft. Morrow,
11. h et., between
Dealer Ili
Xs. 224
*duo. mud-Cp4u
urgh blaiitifur
the north side
RAW, A ,
• et -Streets,
Iron Ware .
u►lng and Si
nor of Hand
purchase F
113 a catl,
equality And
:It cured and
- —A eupp'y
*ether ditre
atid fur sale a
re or
Fourth St.,
iteila, Kid a
,*tta by the
Chasers; to It
I*. 184 Giber
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184 Libe
Annual NI
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184 Me
• receiv
es, Trot]
• amz.—J
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• 4 s Fre
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