Park': 0.1 2 41W4-,....,ti: .ass Seifert; - •" . . , NOTICE—That eh ' fety Guard have , their .f the apparatua.....e • ndi e by sularepresentartiOlta at be provided with the a secured boats supplied with tint matter:h.—all except the proved apparatus with or an explosion to Dear:. FORMOSA; DF QUESNE, JEWESS, IIIONTGOMERte CADIX), INDIAN QUEEN, GALLANT. QUEEN airrintSo MILE OF ORLEAIN BIiTUAANT, - twPar, V ictszss. AfinfilOAN, tiaPR PENELOPE, ROWINA, AGNES. M ESSENGER, SARATOGA. ORPHAN BO' 03110, CECILIA, J H. BILLS, GALENA, MENTOR. A ate respectfully nip of a boat, to reflect a not be to their - a ' ,r, ty Guard boat, belt : : , ronce to one noted they trill bear I. unqualified approbation —gentlemen urbane rt. and whoareenth67 ••• I of reriificaZett from ;Mot which cart be secs I, where it would g lilt it avy intent= to u call. LitV ALLADEE EVA TOOTH WASH-1 —The extreme brainy/0 o•=e, and the frequency of ..'nlidlan for their p - - In a slate of health as • • o-1 , of existence, was ,very of the above • are tinciure composed of d of the tat* irorn the teeth, MINIM nnd pre:VA - Vell the scud and, f its 11. e v 'rule et G,Arn.citso Qhareiit •is eradirated Creel induced„ which r- indoldlatdc evitetl. ha: twen cramined and oans of this city. who d n. it as an excellegt ILL! 111 THORN, Apot t t..ei street, Pittsburgtrjor - t.. and at Cook's Medics! A • IF, r ion Mem/mat, Dealer if n _Van sir act res, MEuil-on 1.1. 1 1: eat e:- 1 Dili er6 in Witkins toiraiddisi one hundred and rirnTed, and 11* ha upon it three log dwel . .in apple orchard of cine Are of caul. The aphis be • • fares is tbe ion In the submit*: 4 4.L1 AM WA LIACE. I. inain and Fang? F' , Gme Jthrunfacturer, Xo. —Canvass Brushe, V 2 ea hand. Looking Masse& er. Repairing done nt tbe io regildiul, and joiddirt m Roatz or houses will 60 set sul.critere are noir and of hero who - veisb w made of the best esaleria :- , rior to any offered totbe, • , t 1 ntap nughftt,cated B, Fitt.hure,h, will be " DU'S LA P 1313 G• ABLE snoe svolig, • Staled of X. " • tloi•iy intorms the i.y that he has main • ma nu facture. n at the Ilhol t osaantly on band t good rnisTes, and Milking , '" -lality, which will be anit 4 will also make• In ueh a%'wbite and Wet' -. and hutfkins, ait ers, e., 4-c. All icst notice. and in the WA calf anti examine tert Vent that be can lucy may want. J,C.111.1 111 t place—N,'o.&& FiftbSitc.' teiligence Office. and. &. Y havin,e taken tbs . „ '11111 1." car fr Hortrscrax., earn.. Market greet, beta friends and enstellia l !" - a I support tiney WO Lag ection with' . Mt. fl Pe 1 hal every erection shanks nof the same. deltoid& attention to ills prelate eo ds Pei ing alio:ten We cced, 'brine &virago oil of the tat firm as 4 6141- io confine blinself to !II confident no est • e . t hacevery article leddr.* IIIIMEnnimm""""" W, Ma,ufacturer aiLM: 'ere, XS. 17 Itirtk• Prep °dist *Wee. .to ciana . /10 1011 P W, . sda wsideosie: . _ dive ilinsitsre..elait".'..,.. -,: ,;~,. , L. I._NO 5. PUBLISHED BY . PHILLIPS a; W. SMITH , CORNER OF oven 4.• FIFTH STS. i.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in Wore copies MO CENTI3--for rate at Om the office, and by Sews Boys. ercury and 3,llanufactnrer WEEKLY, at the same office, on a d a tabl street, at TWO-DOLLARS a rear, i ad, Stacie copies.SlX CENTS. Te_ms of A,dvertising. QE ACE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: rtion, "()%50 1 One month, *5.00 Lions, 0.75 Two monis, 6.00 •rtions,, 1 . 00 Three months, 7.00 1.50 Four monibs, 11,00 .3,00 Six months, 10,00 4.00 One sear. 15.00 YEA TILY A OVERTIRE!' ENTS. cIILICCIELELE er PlZAdOlti. I c Sqsart. 7}r° Squares. tar, CIS,OO its months, $23.00 r, 25,00 One year, 35,00 mer adveriis.ements in prorortion. 1 Sor four lines Six Dotaaasta year. ÜBLIC OFFICES,&C. Fast Orrtcs Third between Market and Wood R. M. Riddle. Pogakaster. it Myelin, Water.4th door from Wood at. Peter -Malor John. Willock,Coheczor. Ttza.a ukt ie ldfood between First and Second James A. - la/tram, Treasurer. Tasiesewv, Third street. next door to the byterian Church—S. ft. Johnston, Treasurer. Orrick, Fourth. between Market and tVoml "'ander Ilay, Ma ror. 7 . 5 Exciteenne. Fourth, near Market S t. BANKS. Son, between Market and Wood streets, on Fourth streets. errs' inn /4.l.•%,l,,CTritlrES' AND F•11.10ERIS . De li. (formerly Saying Fund.) Fourth, between Market stteeirs. or, Fifth street. near Wood. HOT rt..z. came Hoist, Water street, rear the Bridsie. rte 110 rel.. corner of Penn and St. Cln,r, sst - rs' HOTEL, corner of Third atid•Wood. as HOIEL,COrrier 01 Third and Smithfield. STATE , rorner of Pell. =trees and Canal. EnGLY, Liberty Ore.,. nea r See enth. s of ,ii,S Horse, I.oerir Si opposite Wayne FT 11,1"- , e:. Penn St OpPOS.IP Canal. ItT WOODS, .:tTTORN EY AND UNSELIAiII AT L IVI - • —(. , ffire r mo eweit's offices on C,ant st., neatly opposite our+ !loose, Dext rooms to John D. t non, mil. 10 . 11. ELLIOTT, M. I).- (Toe rernored to CiGir strcer, between Penn and Ltberty $l,-, P 10 (:001)S.—Preston 4- Mackey, wili.,!esile and ail deal , r4 in rii2,lFll, Ft , tl. 1,, ai a 110111Ps;ie \n 'l. Marliei YiDLE._ 4 4S & ) rcLurtr, A , torney , and ,uasellors at Law. (,ffv e . the Diamond. hack Court Heuer'. P 111, u reh. spp 10 oy Morrow„Mtlerman; office north e of FIILb st,, bcm,en IVcod and Sniiihfield " s'l, 211rDEVITT, Grocur Sedif.ine Her, And tearer in Prnilune and Pitisburei trek(' Articles, No. 224 L, Ger y Scree:, .P 1 r. • .sep 10 B. & DIT.WORTII.--‘Vltolesatc roexr,-. Produr , and l'nna,n,f,,ton rnhanl:‘, and n 1,urgh Manufaciured No. 21,1, eet. ern 10 0 7 11 A ROBINSON, Ntiorney at Las; ffre on Inc mde of the Diautood.betwt en d 13eion siret is. tip stairs sep 10_ ÜBBORA.W., Atrorney at Law; ietider. pitll . .ortat Kry ices to the pantie. Office cor and Market Streets. above D. Ltoyd 4- Co'. ••• rgh, Pa. ser , 10 FF & KEAN, M inaf..ernrers of Copper. -rid S;-eit Iron Ware, No ai Front st , Fiu=- use and Ste;,nd , oat work p - omfoly sep • "B. YOUNG & CO., rurtuture Wore Corricr of Hand st. ¢ r-xchange Ales. istung to purchase Furnintiv. will find it to lase to give tr.-a call. heintr fully satisfied that se as to qua': y and price. sep 10 I ON 11.-131. S.—Just roc•red 160chnice Mut !lams, ocu cured and for sate cheart by :hr. dr) _ . _ BM.; X.—A supp'y of Landreth's Fresh Ed. 3n, and whel d:ifert rt varleiles of Turnip icce,ftd and (nr sate at zeor cYD ?RR es 01 11. e Seed Sure oC F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 11.14 Liberty head 01 \\*nod. B CLOSEY r S Bm4 and shoe MannLtto y,.tio. 83 Fourth St— next m).n . to :itakes" •dies , Prnnedla. Kid and •i."atin Shoes made .n tmanngr,anoby ILIC newest French o.atetns. O NI ORUS MI LTIC9I7I.CS. to Tut to suil purtlia.rts; 10 I.e dk-pn,ed of SSHWDEN, No. IE4 I.ll,er+y ss recs. head of Vood. IA ,110(ITS. Flower:: and Hower Seed= of ev dr...-rtni ion, ran ;Oa ) IM had at inn Iltug F. L. SNOV:I)FN.. 134 Lil - erls IVood.. I 11;nois Amin:it Nanlitic.;!: n ,11 41, for al the Drug a u d e t d or , 0.1 FA Liberty street, ticad of Wood :S.NEw JERscr sWEET POTATOES, or Eeed;jtal. -receives by L. SNOWDEN, No. IS-I, Liberty of Rood TOOLS, consist in , . of C^^ Fancy SOr , :let , soluniing Trowels. C,iding Taois, ning K owes. Pruning Shears, ric., just re for sale by P. L. SNOWDEN. 134 LiheriF street, head of Wood E Venison Ha 4115.--Just received a small sup ra very choire cured Venison Haws, on retail OLS for cervent moury. I: 4 AAC II kERIS. Agent, and Com. Merchant E Dutch Clover Sred.Orchard GA-ass and eutucky -Blue Grass, always on hand and for F. 1....51i0V8DEN. No. 11141..tbert y street, head of Wood. au CH AN AN .91 t o rite y :re at Lint. orrice •ved from the [ Unmoral, 113 A ttorney'lLow," of Yellf lif street, between Merkel and Wond Pep 10 ligEW ROTEL.—The sulocrlissr respectfully in- I. forms his old friends and tile public that he has opened a Temperance Dote!, in filth Street, near - the Ex change Bask, and in 'be house lately oecapied hi Mat thew Patrick, bid bas !touted an P 1.011 8 4 0. -The Iron City Dotel," where be will be very happy to lICCOIIIIIIO- - - --- date all whq may please to all ao him. His table LBS. Landreth's Preach Sugar Beet See_d.lnst l shall be provoted with the teat fare, and !v er y . possible received and for sale at the Drag and Seed accommodation to town and country costomets and P. L. SNOWDEN, traiteiem„ 1 i 1 I iti Liberty street, bead of Wood. A few boarders whO wish to ledge in their Mares or triL 1 fices, can he taken. and gentlemen arise live rt of tows to 1 LIVICM 0 • A: ' 54. z: :to ' .-- • can base their dinners daily. nattip heretofore existing between Mir i He haslarge and good stables, slid thea t t flay and 7 mut BY and BENJAMIN Emptimmu.istidsday zOlts,rul a good Hostler, roil will occom e traycLual consent. Witiim Dishy isauthoritsed era and gentlemen who have bonieri ,imii , E .L....L tare of the firm in walla; up tie basihseil ' Souders take* IT tila &Y. week of t • i' '''''' ll " . aria. WILLIAM_ __ 'BlOinr.... inottp_iriidafte 4m at amix iTspectildtiesiA 111 ,41 ke- any. Tt+ l ..WrigNiia. ' 4.- 1410 1 1 ;" 111 ilitlfir* • SATEA'BLANKS.ter_proceedi n p in Ai. steal Under the late law, for sale at ibis Office. ALE.—Lott °Dille -North East corner of Coat e and fligh street. Apply to . BENJ. DA ELI NaTON, Market, near 4th at lk. B. BEERRIETT D:4 . ate ' AL/ ,Jl4/41, *emu Stasi and nail dad., tea i 0 I LANK a irCrnes, Nat 40- 1 9 _ll-10 o Bankruptcy pracd4Ofga, p good paper,a forms approved byfbeecon at the Office - of the Mercury and. Democrat. WM. HUBBARD, Ladies' fast:knob* boot aid shoe idaoufseturer,No. 101, Thiril erect, between Med and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh smolo BIICILMASTERI ATROIC ATI LAW, bas removed his °dice to the owner, o Fourth street and Cherry Alley, between Smltsfleld a d Grant streets, Pittsburg h. ; feP 10 FOR RWT.—Thedwelling and tbt containing 4 acres, in Allegheny, near . the Beaver Road,tately occupiedhy Mr. Samuel Church. Apply It Merchants and Manufacturers' Bank, to W. H. DENNY. sep 10 Cashier. ' - AVID SANDS, TY ATCII az CLOCK 7NAKEK, No. 9.5., IldarkeLtarret..Pituri burgh, between Firth and Liberty DEALER IX WATCHES, CLOCKK,!BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, CONES, sea 10 UNDRETIVS GARDEN SEEDS.— A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds, airways on band, and (or sale at lusageney, the Dru 4 store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty strett, head of Wood, ----- DR. DAVID WARD ha= his office and ridence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second dvrellins from Rossstreet. He Will faithfully attend all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the basement. sep F,sloVAL—Matthew Jones, Barger and Itair.Dress- L er, has removed to Fano!) street, opposnet4e May ors office, where lie will he happy to;wakt upon permanent or transient customers. Ile suiicitsa share of public oat rOisar.t% rep 10 _11) 1.11p3V 4 L.—W m. A. Ward. Dentist. has removed IL to McCu'ioutflei R. three doors below arty in vreet, one square above the Exchange Hotel. Hours of business, from 9 J.. Utili .5 r. , after which 'hour he will at. tend in no one except in cases of urinal nensliy. fl e would further inrorm those who may think proper to employ him. that be expects immediate payment. witho u t the in.-c.c.5...i11y on his part of sending in bilis. rep 10 OH' FARL ICND, Uphelstrrer and Ceibinet rr. Third at. barceeri itrc-ed 4. Afartet streets, respectful I'd - Ims his friends and the puhlie that he is prepa,ed to execute all alders for Sofas, Sideboards, Elu reilu,,,Cht,iirs, Tables, fietiStealtS, Stands. Hair and Spring rtisses. Co. tains. Carpets. all sorts of Upholstering wort:, whit It he will warrant equal .o any 'wade in i lie rtir, :led on rcasonalle terms. eep 10 COMMERC/ L AUCTION ROOMS, No. Hu Word Street, Pit tsb arg h.—R. A. Bailsman, kuclioneer and Co.stati=rcioo Merchant, is now prepared 2 receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandize, at Lis tare and capacious t OpME, o. 110, North East Corner or Wood and F,nt, stree!P. Fiml•urgh. flegu'arsales.of Dry Goods, rarnlicre. Groceries and other ari ides, op Mondays and Thursday of each week. llardlA arC. Cutlery, Dry Goods, and tancy articles, on Tue,..4 - iay. Wednesday, and 'Thursday evenings. Books, 4-c., every Saturday ev enivg Liberal advances made,tin Consignments when wanted RgrEassc - rs. Me=.r;. John D. Darts, Esq_, • •• Ba.f...aley 4- smith, •• Hampton. smith, 4- co.. •• F. Lorenz k Co.. J. W. Burbridee 4. co.. I F. Ild•Lee 4 co. Jamrs SrGarcill, rittsimrgh •• C.:Ppm-901, C-q. - loazt )1-.Tlrhlen • Lor,l ft Kennedy. .“ J. K. Moorhead 4- co. •• Jas. P. r: tnart. CFA. Kobert Galway, Er.- - q. Slay, • McVay. Hanna, 4 Co. IV rein ro •• S.C. Hrnry, •• SrOlill. E.lgatey o p LOIIN B. GUTLIRIE, Auclioneor and Commis sion Me rtita nt. No. lii. corner of Iftiod 4- Fifth sta. Pitts b.rg o : Haulms beet, appointed one of [lie Auction enrg fa i the City of PiViliorgh. tenders,ltigr-ervic • - •5 to jot* lira, manufacturers and dealer=- who may he di posed to make trial of this market- prepai ed to make -Advancer.' on consivint-tus of all saleable commortilies, and to gati-ty corrrgpondeuts by quick sites, and gpeedy 'and lavoralde return,. JEs. N. KEEN FR A NcIS 1.. YOUNG That the varn us interests which may 1-e confided to hi m , s halt be adequa•ely protected. he kings to the ahi of his own experience in hasinesr and acquaintance with merchandize generally, tine serviced of Mr. SsitrEz FAuKr.s-rocE; hcretafore advantageously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent rn:agement made. REFER TO lile..srs. M. Tiernan. P,e.s . t.o,"m. 4- M. Bank. • • Intrlin•ton 4- Peehlm • ••• Rohe,: Galtlay, James %l. Cooper, James. May, R. M. Riddle, Pittsburgh Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres't • of Exchange Rank. •• Hampton, Smith, 4- co., John D. Davis, Samuel Church, 1 " J. ti. Moorhead. " Jas. %V. Brown 4- co. • John H. Brown. 4- co. Smith 4- 11 sisley. •• Yarctty 4- is r rrera, Philadera. John S- 111.1.11 e, John DaLeit, 1 rep 10 ISAAC I L C N 0.3, Filth st. 111 ERIC AN lIOTEL.—Co , Or of SmiT bfietd a lid 1 s Third Streelg, Coy of Pittsbu tgh, ra. gra S CLA E.E., (formerly of the Reed Bonse, Erie,) The interior of this I ortse iL•T entirely new, together with the Furniture The lloustattitS large and C 01111110• difti; hest rooms and parlours are j leasantly situated, tear tight and airy. frontins , on two' streets, which is a desirable ollett to those that nut op •at a Hotel This House is situated in the midst of the business part of the city, within two squar e s of the regular Steatnimat Land •t2. lid in the sloe Block' of the Office of itbe dif- G rent Lines of Stases. Passensets putting up at the above caned liotet.and wishing tot take pasvage in el , t her of the a torelint s, by making their intentions known. can hurt . thrir seats secured without any trouble or in ronvet.tence to them. Likewise ill who arevoing by tr. Canal Steamboat can be convey with their baggage ifree of expensc,l o any of their places:of departure. E'er- ECM@ travello7 in carriages, or private conveyance, can at alttimes find good Stabling at the above named Hotel. 1 This house is situated ro very clone to the nem .Court House, that those 1129ing business anemia, will - find it 2 pleasant stoppin.,! place. From the tubr•criber's lone ex ' perienee as a landlord, and from his fritt determination to keep a quiet and well conducted tote, he fondly trusts he wi' I stake the sojourn of hiu goes* pleasant and agree 1 able; and believing in bis old tootto.:which has generally been favorable as an attentive landlord, and wake rea so-rattle bills—he most respect fully asks a share of public patronage. - . l "Bearders taken day, Week, month or year. sep 10 '; ~: .:.. ~ j ~.': ~~`~` . , S I F C g ~: . _ .~. ~.:::4:y::. ~~ 1n µms::;;_ ~ stss- '..•:, ,, '..:- - , : :.A - 'W'•'''''"'' . Ell .Wheeling Troprionr -. • EMI PIIITSBURGH, 1 1. ritt . .., alai* aii. Beer taw. araWrgaiditliii SANIL. - 11-tilltPllll2., muter, inrAs eognitencettier regular trim asal will me &at. 11.1 ly (ftwatalraemtisted.) Leaves leaver at 13 (I' 09ek A- lif- , learVl. Plitabargh at 3 - o'clock P; 11. coa -1 meets at Beaver with the . . &C.— inted on ,der ate p 10 Femur,itbsta mud Ohib Line of Freight and Packet Canal boats between deaver,ind Cleveland Ohio, and dieenviiles Pennsylvania. Leases Beaver daily at fitecjOek P. M. This firmacemssecta 'OP two daily fines on the Pencrylvania canal to Philudel pbia, a nil with ins Nesir Qrk add - Ohio Thiene sir Nt4e usual,: and New York, and -Ohio line and. Ohio "canti,td. lo with amps freight 'and pasiume boats, brigs *id schooners, Oki the lakes. The posprletors of this Will knows line wiltbepeepareskim the. °Pettit tof nutrigx lion to transport nserehandize to , any of theAnteripedit ate ports on the - Pennsylvania and Ohio, and 'Obit cm -nag Litany port on Ulm Brie, ant the Uprier 14iteinto and from New York City and Philadelphia. , McClure 4. Dieliey, Weaver; Pa-, Cobb Wormer 4 , CO., Cleveland, 0-, • Heel 4- Taylor. Warren, O. Proprietors. JAMBS A. VEAZY. Agent, No.Bo.lPider . , __street, Pittsburgh. prretAlNl 4. -CLEVELAND Llltg. STEAM PACKET AMMAN, - • W. BOIES, Xsoter. RUNS dairy (rra' ar s excepted,) tbeXween PITTS. BEECH 4- BEAVER; leavinx_Beaver at SA.. N. and Pittsbursh at 2 P. M. provi44 . 4olk Evan?* ~Sofir. ty Guard to preceat Explosion of Biros. This splendid aad fast runaink Stearn Boat Irasjwit Deem completed expressly kw this trade, and runs In onnem ion with CLARKE 4- ces Pittsburg./ and Cfreetami Line of FBEIGHTAXII PASSAGE BOATS, daily to Copeland. Olio. Or down the Ohio canal to Mas=ilon, 4e. and Erie Ex tenei.'3l2 Line to Greenviite. The Canal Pants of this Line are towed to.arid from Pittsburgh direct, and the hat - lows conducted on the most prompt and feu: ferniest system- Saving AV-MTV:A:. lion with 'he Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel phia and Saittrnore r and Steamboats running down the Ohio river; also, through our Agents at Cleveland, with C . N. fte,,f,3 SieamboalS and 9CVeral Lake Vwsels, and theTroyan'l Michigan and Buffalo Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, we are prepared fur the transportation o. Freight round from all points on the canal, the lakes and the Moz r, or the Eastern cities. at prices as tow as any other line. Apply to 0... W. Barton, No. SS Water at, or at Steam. boat Michigan's Laming. Pittsburgh. Clark. 4- Co. Beaver. //ebb. ard lY wool herbee, Warren. Wheeler 4- CO. Akron: Thomas R.:ski:mond 4- co. Cleveland. J. R. Wick 4- Co., Greenville! W. C. 111alen, Sharon, T. W. Cunainghani. New Castle, John K irk, Youngstown, John Campbell, Newton Falls; Camphelt k Miller, Camphelletown; Babcock * Mcßride, Ravenn C. 4- D. Rhodes Franklin; H. A. Miller 4-, Co.. Cuyahoga Falb; Wellman 4- Whitehead. MaSSininte:: Gordon Williams, et Co.. K lune, Davis 4- Cu.. Buffalo; - Conine., Richmond. Williams Q Co.,liew York. sPo 10 ' ltrEW LIGIITSI.- The Time LettrateLasspal Highly fat. L Fro-toot to the Fublie--The Sel4tetibete, Agents for Cetre'e Patent Lamps for titerniniAkelaT 40 or o th er fatty substances. have just received ta . lo4,llflXtbe Lamps. to which they would respectivelytlitiation of the public. They arc peculiarly a ffirdivirtkritrie present, bard times. wit-becomes all parts of tlieerilliimunity to &mai; mite in a Utilities; and in o.rering their Lamps to the pub 't, the subscribers feet folly satisfied, and are ready to atis,fy tee most incrc ln , lous that in using their 'Latfips there is a ieJl saving of at tea=t 50 per cent. over any oth er Lamp now in use, and - a tertainty of having a light equa I. f not snperior, to that obtained from the best Sperm Oil, and, unlike the Cam phiite, there is no danger of ex plosion; and the consti action is so simple, that it requires little or no _experience to keep them always in order. We would most particularly call theof people living in the country to e Nainire ilrese., as we fee; sat i-fied that there scarce a caniitiribaidOeli not annti- Oily waste Lad and grease enr-ogit to keep them constant ly with the best light, if applied to these Lames, whereby the whole expense of oil arid candles would he saved. We wolthl invite all to come and examine for themselves that they may be satisfied that there is, nor can he. no deception, as it is our of jest that every one ,iionid be Atha convinced of their utility and superiority r all other lamps now in am, as well as in ;regard to the superioctight they give, as to the great s.aving.; as we do positively assert that forty cents worth of lard will turn 7 S tong and give equally as good.if not better light, than one ?anon of the best Sperm Opt. which will co=t $1.50: farther. Ito-re is no smoke or disagreeable smell arising from the burning of lard, which cannot he said of Oil, or that ahorninable and dangerous stuff calved Cam phine Oil. Or Spirit Gas. Most oil iatiwaow in Use am be altetul •as lb barb lard, which alteration the subscribers will make eta tea aonahle price. They wilt also., purchase second-band lamps, or eichangethe lard lamps for thein. BROWN 4 , RA Y'SIOND, Third Street, sep 10 neatly opposite Post Office, Pittsburgh. B B - crtin.o l o N n d e si r ; e a and d f l " a pe k r r Fp a u ie r z s , P. W s. a . rceonron: prepared Da W ral ood i a p n x d . P. • mute all kinds of Pookbinding and ra per Ronne witk neatn es s and despettCh. C* , -ftlank bean rated and Wand to any gtven pattern at tisk shorter 4 notice. N- 0- All work done al. the above is warranted. (-wp 10 %VIM. BIDDLE, Snrgco■ Dentist,hark returned to his old sumi, No. 11.07, , Smitidietd Sued, where he can be 'consulted any hour during the cloy, on his profession.! , sen 10 REMOVAL.—geor:e Armor, Merchant Tailor, respectfully announces to his friends and pa trons, that he has removed his e s tablishment from his old stand, in Third street, to the outer of Front and Smithileld. in the: basement story of the Monongahela Rouse; where be intends keeping on hand a sreneral as. sortment of Fabionable Goods, suitable for Gen tlemen's wear. Be hopes, by close application, to merit a share of tbe business so liberally extended Whim at -his old stand. N. B Having made arrangements in New York:and Philadelphia, will] the most Fashionable Tailors, for the reception of Faris and London Fashions, customers may rely on baring their orders executed according to the latest style. ; GEWICE All3lOB. stilt 10 PITTSBURGII CIRCULATING AND REFERENCE LIBRARY cillteligions . .HistorlcaVolltkatand ortlarteona Work - t 4 will be open every day. Salotratb et. mole& "row 7 o'clock. A. id., until 9, P. M., to ,tbe Ex change Bailding,corner of &jetzt'. atteetand Etchange alley. *bete punctual attendance will begiven by Pep 10 I. CREAM. WASHINGTON HAMA—The subscriber has opened the late residence of James Adaios, Esq„ deceased. for the reception of nisitori slid hoarders: the house is very pleasantly situated on the hank of the Olio, 2 miles from the city—possessiny, all the delight fat accompaniments of a country residence; without being too far tintant for persona dolor. business in the city. Visitors will be furnished with every delicacy of the season. An Omnibus runs rnalaely every hour from the Atte gheny end of the ;Bridge. N. IL—No Alcohone beverages kept. lep 10 WM. C. HEMN. IP"IrTSBEL: eIThriVERV, and Sagginti stillmuntaiumeacterY.—The Subscriber mauulfac. tam mai keepal tossreauy au land. every rieveriptiva of Callers. saryievi Sad beetat ors• Hil t, Dreasemuiri Batters. Tama Ohm% areillregicook. kr- An Soper ousi*ficuared olt,the bed isteriahr. AusiVise °r4.7llll " ded l ci r i nkge,itteateadul las A illitthett pry r 41111 4 7110 0 011111 * WOW. catjt.r. rrt. - - '. C 3.: tt " ? • 2•47- ' , ',C7. , ....4:Z.,..:,7 • -,...*3„.:,..i!;:;.k. i ., 7 • " r = 7 ..!....-la:;'.. -. - -, f , '. ::f- '.1!) ~„.....„1.,,,-,„-,--,•,,,, , .,-,: Elt 151 PM. `NI7 - CiTi:C3 I. CLIMBER, sesiding at 66 Mow greet. ibia irolik.-sal adiditid witirsia in its most tillitf lo 3 . 4itinit - Tlia symptom were violent. head- Mite„ debility, rider, coativet*M, cough, beart imilvit.Apin the cheat and donates always alter main. Imre petite, nevivalow -of Wok ing al, th e sicarach, , riimoit - i itauww.dith fre4sent *oini kiatir. 4 Thiz iliess Mantiniaeht and rewlemnm- Village Mot comma' up_ Wand of.* twelvemonth, ;viten. on ammo* rt r oirgi. emit - than street:' and aninaildint id hisiviiir mad art-rabic Mode of timetaiest, the moles: win ' ely - reattiral to health in the iliort 'imam of .... ailta sate montijind_gratelitt larthoutelicabilde *sett delft ell, stadifeanie foiMard mai vole ateetta the aboirestate For se* Wboleiale and lison 44 - - . .:', . . . t. B. ISELLIMEI. Agent. lifo:2o,Vir'ood strict, bald* Second. sep le - . . .. ... ... --- .4 .:--lilnitrair lifonda. of the Shy Of Allk. atitabirgir,inrerelint, baring,ortnetittrottrania ry' ~ tied to tbeanbreriders ins asstament of an his West esnat,and ndsed. hi Irerrearr theberrefd it alseredjlip*.with certain antimatter tliereiestad ntrast alalf.aire nebeneltt at ienain of Ms -creditors whit z i ar elsiltop! ' before the liStibilarotiiintit eta, at tt ce teklek labrezerAte sato bin, Ind for big nse, a re train-lir all Chian *elan hint. . ' . Nolleitil link! Oren, Ant said ..deed of.mstareseut and Are restage Weathered la ri; an left' it the °See of*: Toner. int.; hit the rfiarnond, where the same may be seen and inented by. all persons interestah --.1. MICH TONER. • i ' A wieners. JERMIJAH DUNIAVY. FOR .r- X2O M.centuck.r._ enzm 80 woollen knees itaserted Mies. ' 200 405414-19.1101.4 - 10.14 window sash. 30 Reamtref letter„and wrapping PaPet -100 plecesgaperbasigivica. 'border, 4e. $OO koanalwafeni. 20 kegs white lend. • 30 boles and - lbs. of Cotton Ball. 30 hazes 2d and 3d iinalitypf Raisins. doz thigh:its and .orb blvonis. 60 packages family medicines assorted. All of whieb will he sold on acconimodaline terms for cash, tarthiliice, and fill mai, Ohio, Pen trey 'sank), and alumni all enearrent hank notes taken in payment on the best passable terms. ISAAC HARRIS. Agent elides:admission Merchant, NO 9 - , Filth ~t,rri J. FOX ALDEN Attorrey sad Cana'safor at • Limit. Cffers his prole tonal services lo the cit. izens .of Pittstrarsh and hopes for a share of public pat rrmale. tie win executes' , kinds of writing with neat nests and dispatch. Cases in bankruptcy attended to on reasonable terms.—Office in Smithfield slice, at the house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refers. sep 10 T. L. FOX ALOrN . DAVID CLARK, .tig't. Askioaable Boot Atater,— Iles removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where be svou:d be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispc._ ed to patronize him. Re uses nothing but firkt rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his constant personal attention to bovines.. he trusts that he will deserve and receive a lair shire of patronage. sep 10 Fautys, ICE CREAM, 4 CONFECTIONARY.— A Ranker rerpeetflilly *forms fits friends and the public that they can always find the b e st quality of Ice effittOS. toeether with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits. in their mama, at his establishment—No. 11. Fifth street, between Wood and Market. N. R.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice. with cakes. or anything in his line. Also fa:fillies furnished With Bread.. sep 10 D' GOODIPS Celebrated Female Pills. These Fillsarestrongly recommended to the notice of the ladies as a see and efficient remedy in removing those complaints-peculiar to their sex, from grata of ex ercise. or general debility of the system. They obviate eteatveneta, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous The e Pills hare gained the sanction and approbation of'- thentord-,etrolnent the lifnV ted States, 'thf - it:any Mothers. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by R. E SELLERS, Agent, Sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second. MGRY—.74. 121. Career of Wood gad Pro.t . Street', Pittshurgli, has on band a complete as sortmentof Glricrnsware suited to the city or country trade. Also, a choice selection of pure while and gold band DINING ANDTEAWARP..In large or small sets, or separate pieces to suit purchasers. A cask of 46, 60. or 84 pi n e&se t s,superbly painted and gilt-English China Teaware, at very low Prices. Toy Teaware. plain, and rich painted and gilt, from LAO to $5,00 per set - -Children's Mills of every dm•tription. White China Shaving Blues. Granite Dining at d Tea Services, in white and with splendid American scenery printed in hive and Mack. A large society of'3rearni,eal Dining an d Greakfml Sets, imported , o match. complete. Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the DerhyFhire Potteries. Flint and Green Glass, In all their Varieties. Window Glass, of every Aze. Patent Buckets, Tubs and Keeters. Stone Pipe Mead., kc. kc. Ail of which are respectfully offered to the rah. tic °tithe most favorable terms. Jan 26,.1842-1v %%rm. Boos a nd Shoe Maker, Liberty St.' opposite the head of Smithfield et.. Pittooorgh. The subscriber barin. bought out the stock of the late titotnit Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business io the old stand of Mr. ft . ., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, in the hest manner and on the shortest notice. He keeps corstantly on hand a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and of the best frothy. Be the patronage of the nab licrand of kite craft. WM. AbAlft. Pep JO prvirastrRGnMANIUFACTORY.,--Springs arid Ades for eartter t - Os at Edurdern Prices: the dathscr.Dteta manufactnre and keeps Constantly on hand Coach,C and Eliptic Sprlns (warranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and . plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lunt's, Three fold Fteps, Malleable Iron; Door Handles and Hinges. li-e.„4-e d• COLEMAN. St. Clair dr:. near Astealieny Dridae. LARD OlL:—Thu Sahqcriber would most respectfully inform the public. lb genera that. be has an artier of aLrd Oil of a superior (straitly, manufactured at the Ci n- Will Oil Manufactory,by 11. W-Lee f co.mhich is warran ted to be equal to the best Sperm_ Oil, both for Light and Alacbinzry. This Oil 3 . .. entirety free from any glutinous matter...mote, or unpleasant odor, hnd it is as clear and whi , e de,ritring orate 4. Hot a particle of crust is left on the wick. Ties _ fight is pure and brilliant, and will tail as long. If not longer, than that from an equal quantity of Sperm- Oil. The subscrihei , Informs the public that be has taken a place nearly opposite the Post Office, where be will tilht up seyeral diffierent lamps every evening. and he would rezpectftylly invite the in habitants of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and their vicinity, to call and. judge (Or themselves. He feels coafideat they will be conv.inced that the above statement jki perfectly cornet. Ora ortrto bemired individuals wlsff have tried the OiLthere has not been a single fault &and with it- The Lard Oil cosh one third less than Sperm_ Be would respectfully solicit the early attention of Dealers and Ma chinists to he obove. follow' • Churches are sow tunny Lip Lard Oil: The following - &mud PrattYlechul Church, Pi11.:1;•,,,h, , trine, nor could he bring himselfto believe I --- ; --- of „... , New Celeberiewl Eireth"erian Cbereh '' Z il ' that it would be cared out - iigito prac- from 13. e. L IFI e I ,,, d tile r a r ' ',°° ° .ll l 4l l K-- .. Flan Prestraletion Choral*, All,beny City, i Anonebse Rd.'s.' cu re s, do. tine. It moat not be.. The pe4tle never t'f'ffe°. of awl- . AllAke hands ate branded IL IV. LEE 4 , - Co.,Cincin- would toleratesuch an idea fora moment. C t n which twitioP Vic I. earetilbei4e o . ' nail, Ohio. . M. C. EDEY, AgenL He (Mr. I.) was diefixged to look at mat- end ea3r - ----, ~ ,- - . --: -_-.: ~ tens with composure, and to do the - best he Yr. Botts ihoititithilt tbegothitt** could for the country, in view of the facts adjourn..**4 which were staring them in - the face . *NO [Loud cries of 'hearse - it ,- ..,-141Dittil - kne -- consideration. no argument, ito fact, could good and till,' !ie..) - _-.3; .L:14.,,„1,, , be urged for adjourning now, without ma— , Mr . W. W- irwia _ - tI te,seae and king a prOper Wilt and proVidiag the ear; 00- the Mon, which tiere'erdeted ways rnent. " thet d mealn reigin to egt. cani witl n. P the recise Gf°l 3 rveni t be- 7: 1tti1i a ...... -1" " 44'44e04in. - ralil lig .'' Olvse - - t allk: wo e same force 44 PrePrieli, be ,ergea - -12eXti„', , ~:mr: q _W-;;%!;.. f ~r.!iriu;glel,ll4#o tf02,3, session," ilik-I-441ar, and the Ifej 110 4 r-if 16 r i r l Akt - - . ihi-1 4 #.7 - itomidant in 'Coniftirio 4 3 l 4 00„ ,::, , o.i!ik`tie - aoliojitit-' r If**Sist 1.3 0 1 ** 0 ; 4 1 : -..5 ' , e .. ' , • * ;'''' - . 4* — Will i ---164"7-I*----.. 1- 4 1 iseciv4 - 'cue oia,boithimiai : ,i- ..tx.i\- - . -- - 1 We, IbesrudvFigaig, tapiaiis of the lEspress Line of Pada'loatiallhe Fanaryfrania Canal, have tried and are as ankle of Lard Oil Introduced here by Matthew ' C. Mu... and manufactured by R. %V. Lee t Co., at the Oil Factory. We feel confidaut la amain that the alvve is equal to theiWit Spero, Oil; that it is entirely: free from smote or ally Miter (bulimia miner whatever; the tight is per nutty tai*elearand briniaat,aud will fast as laugilf sot loolletlkol.Plo-61/11. as equal quantity_ of Sperm Oil, Wniagelbct bevOtaiMil Ficnisuammuliam kw our rrieSo - **l.l.4lr.ileaptilliN 11104301- Adaml. Wil—PLlWßlA*,glll.4talp.--Pielin.JobaffiarbUk. ""s R E~~`+a~ u-c ~ X z N :~~riiy~:~~Q U=E= Pittextrgh, June 215t.1843 i-, ,7." , ,- ~ ,.."4, - - - * v. ~i, - %4' 4- -, - 1 - ''' --$. - t -2 - ' , ,- ~..- .4 ' ' . 41 ' ,_ ~ z - 14 ~ ~<._.., It ~,, _ ....,, ~,,-__, , ti _ , _ ~ __ , 1 . tliSTlakir OF firE PASSAGE OE Tll4;plFt BILL pis" rise itsithimitui.j I run extremely grateful for the terms of ceirtionenditiOn with yikich,iii the_Madiso mats ofthis morning. you rifle+ to the fact that, on- - the 15th of ' moved to amend the Reventie bill 14 striking there from the, 25th! (afterwards the nth) sec-1 Lion, and thus separating the' question of disuibution from that of tariff: my reasons for which motion were pedithSlied soon. , aftertioirds, and wen Tully justified by the etoseticeil:vacthm of the HonMs our , -the- sob. ject- 'Boulliet - e i 11 1 3 0thel, WOREI I OO O whom4,lo the ers44l/ftli , *l.l Pre!`: posing, atter the ,ltevenue liiti - Taareturn7, l ed to'the Howie with die objections Of the 1 President, , to pass it mum, with diatritiu lion struck..uut, andorob stir ad tea free ctduw, as the bill finally pasfitid Howie. I mean W!). Irwi n of Penn- On the - Other August, it a time Then conspicuous opponents of the' Admiais- - tration were urging Congress-to adjourn,l and leave the country, without a TatifC l because the President had refused his as sent to the Kepeal' of the Distribution stet, Mi.irwha , Wdressed the House on the duty of•Congmes at. that COII jUIICittre. t , extract from his rimed speech the following passagesi _ ' Mr- 'lrwin rose and referred to - the re= marks of the chairman of 'the Committee of Wa and Means (Mr. Fillmore) in the discussion of yesterday. He sincerely regretted the tone of des• poadency in which the gentleman had permitted himself to indulge, as to the , ' , prospect of any measures being passed this session for the relief of the country, and to the general character of his obser rations, which were calculated to create the impression that all chance for a tariffl was at an end; The gentleman bad shown a lamentable readiness to abandon all hope and all effort on the subject. ,klow stood the question? The Presidentluad' thought proper to withhold his executive sanction from the bill, which had been sent to him by Congress cm Saturday last, to provide revenue from duties on imports, &c. Ho had assigned his objections, and it was now clear that no bill could receive his sanction which violated the eomirliox ton tained irs-the land distribution act Otille extra session. A grave,aua • most soleitin question must suggest itself to the shied of every member of both Houses of Con gress. What shatild we do under the cir cumstances? What does -ran emberaised and suffering people demand of us? In a word, what is our duty now Abandon in despair the ship to the breakers! Go home. 1 without a struggle, when the TreasurYis bankrupt; the engagements of the Govern ment violated and dishonored; our affairs rushing headlong to ruin; and the people distracted? And why? Because the President had done what the_ Constitution, which he is sworn to support and which each one of us is sworn to sup port. permitted him, in -the exemise of his executive discretion: to do—returned a bill with his objection's, to the House in which that bill originated! He had given its, what we all expected, s vrro! And was it so, as had been stated by the gentleman from Massachusetts, (Mr. Adams.) that the Exe cutive could not recede from his ground, and the House could not recede from its ground, without dishonor and open disgrace? Then, in the name of GO, where were . 1 we standing? No.revenue in possession—' ' nonaprovided—no means of plug public creditors, or keilift* the' Government in motion; and yet-he was told that the House mist stand' upon the point- of honor--mn.t give tip both Government and pifsple upon punctilio! -- lie must be permitted to say that this was not the course which their duty as statesmen and legislators requited. Gen tlemen might milky all the honor which such a course might promise for them in certain quarters; but would it fulfil tieir duty to the countryl - The President Jif f, ed fr • Coo- on one subject,which Lured troth Congress . Jje, had been presented to him in connexion with another subject, on Which there ex isted no difference fatal to its !receiving such action as the state of the country de. manded: that difference of opinion was guaranteed to him by the Constitution-- It *as, then, the Constitution on which gentlemen were making war, when they resolved not to yield the point of honor. It was the personal dignity of members of that House which must be preserved at the sacrifice of all theintmests of the country and the Government. For this the tree , bury was to be left w'i'thout a dollar of re venue, and the whole business of the peo ple, their trade, matufacturea,labor, to be left to stagnate and to parish. .Por one, Mr. I. wuuld never consent to such doc- ^-er rw, 't' MEI - 1 1 .. • :go_ :CT! .:I ; ` 4, 1 , ,v 4 '4' ' ,4 1 4 : -P r r- V --- ..'*-- s ~,...• .4k i-U'rki`figo PRICE TWO and AS ortg , *bile. whit IA to 11e implored-:gentle - oio*: this, and to vier whit **beet truly - He - mi. ta tea tui e t ed to heat the idea as to the danger of a , • of this conflict of opir giehittite, and the 'lre. anticipated by the fiatn~ nay, 8-talorized that matchless inatrut deedl Why, Mr. CUi this country Will. Steil They will not suffer the ' , aorta, like a' Would sweep fro* earthh - tile irreteb whi the standard of chi, hither- such thoughts. 1t - Wicked . eklr* 4 1 60, ; -.-; Mr, I. fully reciprOcated. the hanesteek4,- tiniebt. of teprohation expressed 14.• the venerable patriot • from 111Digacky.:(14 Pope,) at the idea of invekittgai to the-Godhe'4.lo *finch an eu Invoke, die-God of battles! Ifittiec,, ter, would it become -: to .all . the . _ God of Mercy and Of !0**L 4 40i10.46,, sent his only son into thin.oll43oand remorseless world, 1 4 P l l O Ol :0 11 , 1 1k-• and good Will axnongat mo; that ifitafikktt.. infuse a little-of the .titittU of 3G and of wisdom into: their tom, : tats strengthen and enable- Sinirn.-4**Atio:-• - do their duty,,,tinir whole detl***4ol- fering ,CountrY. He hoped no *Ste language would be heard .in * • • ii And Were the manufaclereis4 gaixopt,, try, its mechanics,-al) its lahoringpciiiiiatimi to be abivadoned to-suspense 'and rein- -jig-, 1845, or till the deatocracy.aboo ll4- eOOll . „.*: like a flood, iweefting.all, Aerate. the and this, too, because the !President -4411#14? es to adhere tb the condition .which he egi, and which y . ou,:the riles alibis k. - gres4 imposed upon-hint at the **lra* sloth. in the Land bill,- tiamely: that. Wll l l.O e!. ever the 'tariff shwa be milted -above 2040- . , cent, distribution ehould besuspeededi Mr. 1. thank Heaven, :never .0011114÷ any_ such eefiditionihat.poiti : the did; yoti. ak.sed the President twtikt_...ihnhtlt, with tlpt condition, He di; lid. says he will not violate. it. 0411014.1Z himielf bound by it, riaitieglarlf : when : ; Treasury is bankrupt,and we folio tilt* abroad to- borrow money. Therefore, - t"*_ have got the veto. He, Mr. 1., sincerely; from the bottom of bid plored- this _state of the. Bp!, we ,itutt - not, he repeated, fie off and **dolt lbir country-on a-point of efitiuette. 1 • • . I. would never consent to it. , Itel; said to the Whig . party. Toti have [ltdf majority in toth-noulMil_ o R , teas you can, if you please. give the people at betel all the benefits a tarlff will secure tetbettr;r , by simply striking ftom this. bill the diatii!r2. bution clause} jA voices will. he - • thee . ] Would the President ttigtt 003-11# On that piiiht getitlensen bad the ea r n! means of judging thattW,Oiil4- • that gentleman say .that the tioidel not sign the Will ,_- Mr. I..wheld--alf, - to the gentleman, 'try lite try him; put it to him; and see inn won't. . . •Mr. I. said be should, at the moment, ask leaVe so borodiaceiheAS. - without the land clause... had•beett:4o4 discussed in both Houses. and it lititrZ ed both. Let it be passed witblibt• - '- clause; and this could be, done in tlitreift* . -_, four hours. fA voice, -1 ),S0. 1 1 eitit...yeak,_.• it cantle carried through 'both _Ertitiossat - rid • • '1,.0b. twenty-four heart. ve vtamin but that will be the keg; you„ know? -Well f . be it the gag; be would go or the gag it -- this easel. he would past' the billand_Setlit:l it to the Presiden 2 t. Put it to hinv . claimed Mr. I. Thus it is seen thaf, - on the l2th of Attij: gust, Mr. Irwin not oily advocated -Oft , course ; ; but actiially gaie notice of hie tention, at the earliest moment, to intron;•'-. duce the Revenue bill, amended„ by king out distribution. - _ it ‘- of the execution of the notice Ant given Mr. Irwin, siter remitted previous, cze - a iti to obtain the floor, at length 84/C - ' moving the bill in -that form on the Pa of. August. The proceedinganierePirt4 in the bitelflgencer of the pth Mr. W. W. Irwin, ot-Piiiii*t;tinti and moved that the rules of the. WOO 1 1, 0 susrlided, for the purpose of imalifint hint introduce a bill entitled. "A bill 1# plie; -. vide revenue from "irt peSti. and tothatilte , ,and modify iiiposiegdadet on imports, end for or purposes. [This bill is substantially the 80:000: ai that returned by the ZIL objecticeri, straiingthst Lbe 27th which repealed the Winds° in the-ittild die.; tribution law of milting tea importea ArneerY2B4., MEIER ISESIC[ - ditill -°' IRTII