4.;... T . kj~ ~ ' - 1. , " -- ,;'. - -ili.i_77;:it:,.. -,, ,:.. -, : I -.-:--,-:._...`;-..:•-...,:e:: g A BOilera, .~ ' ~>t • . y hay% their alt lie appatet tt.s- 7 .; and hes illareprtsent talons_ pi Ovid evt . tfle.)4l tek-uied- iima it in caplet'. su,pplled with atm% tirg h —tall except the t ed, apparptus w it lt la • fiplottl„. eeta °cowl- FOR NI Ci§,N., I LLINOIS "- DV a FAY F:SS, _ VIONTGOM k.act N DIAN QUEEN * T., « ••• . MEN PAMR" 1) - VRE oF oft tAAis I‘ , RILLIANT. - F.f: LI PSF, : • VICTRES, nir',lllGAN, :'S PREY, PENELOPE i: NV I N tt i?.SSENGER, ‘V.ATOG:A, )rt PHAN 13.01 AITO, : 1311.4..9, • , LENA,: :He reiptc.tfutty botle. to renew. a tit 9 to their advo Gaard boat.; both', e to one nor so goer: Hwy will bear in in , qualified approttatio • nr tenten whose . aud iv Ito are entirety . er liticalekrfroni vi lot It Ran be seen re it would give ~t invention to 0. ; LL t nue Evktiff ,()T RFl.l—.B Nr N.l rem° baulY and ttte freiltienry s for their preserta - of health= an pt ti ence, wpeen • • ot" the above juv r it , gompa* of itelpit,., reptcFes • r ••-• the-a: ,t. frooll-14:' cinua i' g`~.~n~ Arlfe in itsl( ed from flit, F,l. HI offers 4 , - r oat, evident( , , mined anti us* .- 41 I vv,tio.hu • its CECrnent 11 Tliott.N•, Aperth f . n . Pit ,bu II; fOr,i4lE ;') Nlt-tlical Eepl' Dealer ,111.diw ex , MEM= I r xv N sea • v. tr, toeizt4'hip, aril arveol. • L • Hen vie!, lid the 84,11 ;,(...41 it tinge,l9g -3L ,-;,!( r: hard of .4 Tile soil is belly. farm It' Vloti 1011 , e subset lUet E. - : 1.01 NV ALI AC fyit . _ P . an and. Full cy Pot • ~ 1 ! aIV leturcr, tqustves , VDT Lote‘ing 0110.0,1 i. ,;one Lt the , rt. , j;'cattg and jobbingo. JAIS ctr I . c.uses will find ire now ros t.r.cl t F :!ers who WWII the hest materials , ,o offerrd tothe p 1 if ughep,care orS. beftr' . • DUNLAP Mim,' 11,E snot STaftg, A ! * . ore.'Btcnqd of N. ArgeklP':' ~, f or ma the 15 66 :at tie has cornote_,.. -. ilifacture, at the of,:: . `.' •10y,pn hand aleid, an thlidteis4 ....*.hich Win* o • also snake os ' t elw.. white and Pinek ,; husk ills, Naga, taissei •—. 4-c., 4- c . O, SV.. in the_ties t examine-fret ikon : , .71( that, he call:VA -URN , - Pm: realit. J. C, 8, Pi ()IS nce O ffice, and /lilt taken Hie Vriti)l • e HavEsigt.l„ carried street, begs 1 9 0 0 •hls and eustonteroil!(l. ,1.00. they have. AtrYt. t ".. I,lr. y exertlaa yb4ll 0- .110 , ne same. He W.oulttar` .Hory to his pteiteat felling at notch lowr' betng ti,.airnum 2(0 • . I,e .Patefirm2o 0014° 0 a fine hiraself etident no atfilitisti • cheapness, darabiliti,!, ever Y u sala",-11* cf .iff-mcctacrar , o - Arkm 11-IVO,I ,A 4 11%J awn#o. calt_sad 441,0040 40 000 W ' OL. I.___NO 4. PUBLLSHBD BY . PHILLIPS & SMITIT, . CORNER OF FVOOD FIRM' STS. S.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payeble In Single copies TWO CENTi3—for •ale at the ' the office, and by News Boys. ercury and Illanufakurer d WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. Single copies, SIX CENTS.• dvertising. LVE LINES OIL LESS: One month,ss.oo Two m0m5,6,00 Three months, 7,00 Four months, 0,00 Six months; , 10,00 One year, 15,00 Terms of QUAKE OF TW rtion, 0,50 0,75 1,00 1,50 3,00 4.00 =EI YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS, CIA NOE ABLE AT PIALASOII4, s-- 0 ne Square. Two' Squares. ths, . $13,00 Six months, $23,00 r, 25,00 One year, 35,00 rgrr advertisements In prorortlon. t S of four lines Six DOLLARS a year. ÜBLIC OFFICE S, &C. POSY Ovries. Third between Market and Wood R. M. Riddle, Postmaster. ote llocsa, Water, 4th door from Wood st. - Peler ilding3—Major John Willock, Collector. Tay•sonq, Wood between First and Second James A. Bartram, Treasurer. TREASURY, Third street, next door to the -byterban Church—S. R. Johnqbon, Treasurer. Orrice, Fourth, between Market and Wood 'exander Hay, Mayor. TIT ' S nal-LANGE, Fourthinear Market Si. BANKS. :Ron, between Market and Wood streets, on Fourth street , :. Nrs' AND MANeFAcTritEns . AND FAR mens' DE' x, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between d Market streets. am, Firth street. near Wood. HOTELS. °sluts tiocsx, Water street, near the /fridge. .• GE corner of Penn anti Sr. Clair. ANIS . Il ore r., corner of Third and Wood. AN tinier—corner or Third and Smithfield. STATE 4. corner of Penn , treet and Canal. • Esor.e.., liberty street, near Seventh. RT WOO OS, ATTORNEY AND UNSE LLOR AT L . —Office remo well's offices on Grant st., neatly 'oppeAte , urt [louse, next rooms to John D. ahon, t floor. srp M 10 • H. ELLIOTT, M. D.—office rernored to Clair street, betwcea Pcnn and Liberty 10 St,-, p GOODS.—Preston k !Mackey, whulesnle and it dealers in English. French., aril Domestic a, No. V.l, Market at , Putslnirch. se e p 10 NDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and ounseitors nt. Law: Office in the Diamond, back . Court House, Pittsburgh. srp 10 OVAL.— R. Morrow, Alderman; offi a north e of Filth st,, between Wood and Smithfield iurch, seri 10 n'I)EVITT, Wholesale Grncur RectifOng And Dea , er In Produce and l'llishurgli lured Articles, Xo. 224 Liberty Street, Pitt, Sep 10 left. DI !MIR LI A 3IS & LIV ORT esa lc too , . produce o Coin Pittsburgh Manufactured *rifule„ , , No. 29, sop 10 (rif . 1 1 RA ROBINSON, Attorney al Law Ura - . on the nort side of the Diamond.betwee nd Union st re. L.:, up stairs sep 10 DURBORAW, Attorney at Lan; tender s proies , iooal sere ices to the public,. Office cor •it and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd 4- ...I.ur2h, Pa. sep 10 • 'RIFF JAS. N. KEAN IFF & KEAN, Manufacturers of Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, No 80. Front st louse Spouting and Si caitiboai work pr e omptly Ep 10 II YOUR • Fit ANCIS 1.. YOUNG . B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture War. , outs, Corner of Hand st. Exchange Alley. • fishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to • tage to give us a call, being Cully satisfied that • ase as to quail* and price. sep 10 ON LIAMS.—Just received 160choic , Mot • Hams, well cured and for sale cheap by ihedo tall, by ISAAC HARRIS, N 0.9, Filth st A RAG A.— sopp'y of Landreth's FreFh Rft• Baga, and whet differ, nt varieties of Tur,ol , t received and for sale at REDUCED PRICES at the d Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 134 Liberty street, head of Wood. B CLOSEY,S . Boot and Shoe Manufacto ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States adies Prnnella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in -t mantirr, and by the newestPrench patterns. OMORUS MULTICAULUS. in lots to sui purchasers; to be disposed of by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 134 Ltberly street, head of Wood IA ROOTS, Flowers and Flower seeds of ev description, can always be had at the store jif P. L. SNOW DEN. 181 Liberty street, head of Wood .111lnois Annual litauiniolli Onion Peed, for e at the Drug and Seell :don , . of F. SNOWDEN, IR4 Liberty 'etreel, head of Wood. BS. NEW JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, For seed; just received by F. L. SNOW DEN, No. 184, Liberty head of Wood v t !sl TOOLS, consisting bf Hoes. Fancy Spades nsplaining Trowels, Edding TOOlB, Budd:fly, using Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., just re- for sale by P. L. SNOWDEN 184 Liberty street, head of Wood E Venison Hams.--Just received a small sup. of very choice cured Venison Dams, on retail k i w i for current money. ISAAC fl %RBIS. Agent, and Corn. Morcliaid. E Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and eutucky Blue Grass, always on hand and for F. L.SNOWDEN, I No. va4 Liberty street, head of Wood.. been favorable as an attentive landlord, and make rem ' : IMICiI AN AV, Attorneys at Law, office scmable bills—be most re, pectfully Oaks a share ofputlic 4- ~. . I . .ved from tbe tbaroond, to “Attorney's How ,„ - " p atronn.m of Fourth street, belween Market and Wond , j-Boarders taken by the day, week, month or year. seplo seplo • i STRATESTLANKS, for proceedings in At. NEW ITOTEL.—The subscriber respectfully in forms his old friends and the public that he has latent under the late law, for sate at this oiris e * openea a Temperance Hotel,in filth Street,- near the Ex. TALE.—Lots on the North East corner or Coal change Bank, and In the house lately occupied by Mat te and 11141) street. Apply to thew Patrick, and has botsted an Iron Sign,The Iron REND. DA RLI NG TON, Market. w, 4u, st. City Hotel," w here he will he very happy to tIICCOOOTOO date all who may please to call on MM. His - table shall be provided with the best fare, and every possible evcommodation to town and country customers and travelers. i LBS. Landreth's French Sugar Beet Seed,lust received and for sate at the Drug and seed F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty si reel. head of wood• 1 A few boarders who wish to lodge in their stbres or of. 1 lON , flee., can he taken. and gentlemen who live out of town ' 0 A' N Siff can their dinners artnersinp heretofore existing l between WIT, I Hehave has large and good daily. stables. and the heal day and BY and BENJAMIN HOPEWELL Is this day Oats, and a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. y mutual consent. William Digby is authorised ers arutuentlemen who have horses. ignature of the firm in settling up the business Boarders taken by the day, iveett ,or year. Charges, firm. WILLIAM - 1318DY, more moderate than at any re.speetable Elate! in the ellY• BONI, T.HOPEWELL. 1 sap JO ' ) JOON HMO. it, , .... . .. , , , 2 ,r , _....,,, , , -.1,- -,, —2- -,.1 ' , <- • s. : - ,i _. i.. .„.. „ i --., - .:, -'-' i : . ... '... , L ' ' • - -- k MERRITT,..6ENTIST, Office; Satitk DV, fie id, between Seemul an& TAird Sta 4 s 10 P BLANK PETITIOXIS I NOT/C.P6 e . 1.3 7o be used. i Bankfuptcy proceedings:. prtoted on gOottpatter,and in The fortas approved by theCoori,ffireale at, the Office of the Mercury:and Demociat. • elepi 0 WM. Hit_TBBARD,' Lid i es' 'rash lo riable boot and shoe Manufacturer,N-o. 101, Third st reet; between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh nap 10 BITCHMASTE.R, ATRNEY AT LAW, N• has removed his office to the corner oil Fourth street and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant streets, Pittsburgh. Op 10 FOR RENT.—Thedwelling and lot containing 4 acres, in Allegheny, near the Beaver Road,Jately occupledby Mr. Samuel Church. Apply at the Sterciiants and Manufacturers' Bank, to W. H. DENNY. sep 10 Cashier. n AVID SANDS, Iv ATCH & CLOCK 4 1 ). A-0 MAKER, No. 95, Market street, Piue burgh, between Fifth and Liberty streets, DEAL ER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS, 4,e. sep 10 LANDRE'rIPS GARDEN SEEDS.— , A fall supply of Lando oh's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at his agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. VAR. DAVID WARD hat his office and residence 25 on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, second dwelling from Ross street. He will faithfully attend all calls pertaining to his profession. Night cane should he made at the door above the basement. sep If) EmovAL —Mail hew Jones, Barber and Hair Dress er, has removed to Fourth street, oppositethe May• ors office, where he will be happy to:wait upon permanent or transient customers. He solicits a share of public nat- Sep 10 REMOV A L.—W m. A. Ward, Dentist. has removed to FilcCii'lougle.i R, three doors below Irwin street, one square above the Exchange Hotel, Hours of business from 9 A. M., unti 15 P. HI., after which hour he will at . . tend to no one except in cases of actual necessity. H e would further inrorm those who may think proper to ein ploy hint, that he expects immediate payment, w it boo Die necessity on his part of sending in bills. eep 10 oiri m , FAILL AND, Upholsterer and Cabinet Third at. between Wood 4- Aferket streets, respectful informs his friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Bu reaus, Cha!rs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, I lair and Spring Matt rasses, Curtains, Carpels, all sorts of Upholstering work, which lie will warrant equal .o ally made in the City, and on reasonable terms. per 1 0 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, No. 110 Word Street, Pittsburgh.-12. A. Bailsman. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandlze, at his large and capacious looms, No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and F,fth Streets, Fittsburch. Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Books, kc.. every Saturday evening. Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted REFERENCES. Messrs. John D. Davis, Esq., • Tlagaley k Smith, liampion. Smith, 4. Co., ‘, F. Lorenz 4. Co., o J. W. Burhridge k Co., S. 51'f, ee co. Capt. James M`Gargill, Pittsburgh. C. I hmsen, Esq. o Joon M 'Fadden Esq. Logan 4- Kennedy. J. K. Moorhead k Co. ,• Jas P. Stuart. Esq. Robert Galway, Esq. • Cant. Jas. May, tt McVay. Hanna, k Co. tt Wiliam Symms, Wheeling o S.C. Henry, }. Louisville Smith, Bagaley k Co. Phila. sf. p 10 TOHN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis J sion Me reliant, No. 106, corner of Wood Sr Fifth sta. Pitts bitr7 h: flaying been appointed one of the Auction eers fax the City of PitslttirT,h. tenders his services to job bers, manufacturers and dealers. who may he disposed io make trial of this market• He is prepared to make Advances on consignments of all saleable commodities. and trusts to satisly correspondents by quick sales, and +needy 'and favorable returns. That the varicus interests which may i:e confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he l•rings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintance with rnerchaudize generally, the services of Mr. SAlscra, FAnszs . rocx; heretofore advantageously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent r rigagement Is made. REFER TO Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pres't. of M. 4- M. Bank. •• Darlington 4. Peebles, Robert Ctalway, James U. Cooper, • Jaynes May, R. M. Riddle, Pittsburgh 11,ohinson, Jr. Pres't of Exchange Bank. Barnition,Sniith, 4- Co., • • John D. Davis, Samuel Church, J. K. Moorhead, •• Jas. W. Brown 4• Co. John H. Mown. 4. Co. Smith 4- Yardly 4- 13 ~urn, Philadera John S. Biddle, I o John I fep 10 AMERICAN HOTEL.—CoI ner of Smithfield and Third Streets, City of Pilislmigh, Pa. JA.31118 S CLARK, (formerly of the Reed House, Erie,) Proprietor. The Interior of this Rouse is entirely new, together with the Furniture The House is large and contmo ditms; beJ rooms and parlours are 1 leasantly ,situated, being light and airy, fronting on two streets, which is a desirable object to those that put up at a HOlft.l. This muse is situated in the midst of the business part of the city, within two squares of the regular Steamboat Land• ing,and in the same Block of the Singe Office of ithe dir• ferent Lines of Stages. Passengers putting up at the above tamed Hotel. and wishing to take passage in ei• titer oft be at•ovelint s, by making their intentionst known. can have thr ir seats secured without any •trouble or in convenience to them. Likewise those wno are going by Canal or Steamboat can be conveyed with their baggage free of expense,to any of their places of departuie. Per. I sone traveling iti carriages, or private conveyaince, can at all times find good Stabling at the above named Hotel. This house is situated so very close to the new Court House, that those having' business at court, will find il a pleasant slopping place. From tile subscriber' long ex perience as a landlord, and from his full determnation to keep a quiet and well conducted rouse, he fon ly trusts ; he will make the sojourn able guests pleasant and agree able; and believing in his old motto, which has generally PITTSBURGH, 1. S 4 2 . Pitt:ear/A cad. Sesser. 14414 . . -- .1 coat cr i ca.ziAim . -.- -_- ----,e.-- -.- _,--- $.8.111'1.: IlEill'irnift. filies*. i. , IMAS commenced !lir regular trips, and will run dal. 4 1 1 ii.. 1p (Bundaye exE pled.) Leaves Beaver US !Ili' clock A. M ^ leaves r !burgh at 3 o'clock P. M. Arm nects at Beaver with t e Pennsylvania and Ohio Line of 'Freight aad Packet Canal boats between aeaver,and Cteveland^Ohle;, and *mashie, Pennsylvania. Lining. Beaver daily at R•o'elock P. M. This line contreetsiOth two daily lines on th Pentsyfirania canal tePhiladeL phis, abd with the Netv York and Ohio Bacon the Eftle: canal, and New York ond Ohlo line and Ohio eanal,ll. so with steam freight and passage boats, brigs and. sehooners,on the Lakes. The proprietors of this . Wen; known lino will be prepared on the opening or glutei.' lion to transport merettandiae to tiny - or tile intermedt: ate ports on -the Pennsylvania and Ohio, end Ohio ea• oats; to any port , on Lake Erie, and the Upper Lakestto and from New Yotk City and Philadelphia. McClure Cl:rickey, Beaver, Pa., Cobb 'Wormer Co., Cleveland, 0., Rees,, Taylor, Warren, 0., Proprietors. JAMES A. VEAVI: Agebt, N 0.60 Water street. Pittsburlh. 'ITTSBUFIGH :ctiEvATAND LINE. STEAM PACKET MICHIGAN, it W. B. BOIEC - Alattier: , • RUNS daily (Sunda+, s excepted,) between. PITTS, BURGH Sr BEAVER. leaving Beaver at 8 A. M. and Pittsburgh at 2 P. M. provided with Evans's Safe ty Guard to prevent E7plosion of Boilers. This splendid and fast running Steam Bort has jest neen Complel ed exprvisly for this trade, and runs In onnemion with CLARKE ¢ Cos Pittsburg% , and Cleveland Lies of • FBEIGHTAND• • PASSAGE BOATS, daily to Cleveland. Ohio. Or down the Ohio canal to Mas=ilon, Ae. and Erie Ex. tension: Line to Greenville Tile Canal Boats of this Line are towed to and from Pittsburgh direct, and the business conducted on the most prompt and economical system., Having connec tion with the Pennsylvania Canal Lines to Philadel• phia and Baltimore, and Steamboats running down the Ohio river; also, through our Agents at Cleveland, with C. M. Reed's Steamboats and several Lake Vessels, and the T roy and NI lc higan and Butraio Lake boat lines on the Erie canal, we are prepared Cur the transom tation of Freight to and from all points on the canal, the lakes and the Rivc r, or the Eastern cities, at prices as !ow as any other line. A only to 0. Jtf. Harrow, No. 55 Water st, or at Steam. boat Michigan's Landing. Pittsburgh. Clarke 4. Co. Beaver. Bubb and Fj Weather/tee, Wa*n. Wheeler k CO. Akron: Thomas Rirasiond 4- Co. Cleveland. REFER TO J. R. Wick 4 Co t , Greenville; W. C. Malen, Sharon, R. W. Cunningham. New Castle, John Kirk. Youngstown, John Campbell. Newton Falls; Campbell 4- Miller, Campliellstown; Babcock; k Mcßride, Ravenna; C. 4- D. Rhodes, Franklin; 11. A . Miller 4. Co.. Cuyah4gll . Wells= n 4. W h ite bead, iftlikio9o:: • Gordon Williams, kt . etllloi" !thine, Davis 4- tat*: • Cowing, Richmond, Wit.lloo 4 Crr. - vNely York. sep 10 . N EW LIGHTS:— The Home Learstratiqu / portant to the Frarlis.—TheStilernribers. Agents for Carr's Pater! Lamps fOr ;turning ROrett Lard or other fatty substances. have Just received a quantity of the Lamps, to which they would respectively call the attention of the public. They are perttliarly alapted WAIN: present hard. limes, as it becomes all' parts of the community to econo mise in all things; and in °Meting their Lamps to the pub ic, the suhsrribers feel fully' satisfied, and are ready to satisfy tile most incredulous that in using their Lamps there is a real saving of ar least 50 per cent. over any oth er Lamp now in use, and a certainly of having a light equal, if not superior, to that obtained from the best Sperm Oil, and, unlike the Carnphine, there is no danger of ex plosion; and the consti eiction is so simple, ail it equires little or no experience to keep them always in order. We would most particularly call the attention of people living in the country to examine these Lamps, as we ftel satisfied that there is scarce a family that does not annu ally waste lard and grease enengh to keep them constant ly with the best light, if applied to these Lamps, whereby the whole expense- of oil and candles would be saved. We would invite all to conic anti examine for themselves that they may he satisfied that there is. nor can he, no deception, as it is our &Jeri that every one should he fully convinced of their utility and superiority , ser all other lamps now in use. as well as In regard to the superior light they give, as to the great saving; as we do positively assert that forty cents worth of lard will burn s long and give equally as good, if not better light, than one gallon of the best Spertn Oil. which will cost 31,50; farther, there is no smoke or disagreeable smell arising from the burning of lard, which cannot be said of Oil, or that abominable and dangerous stuff called Corn phine Oil, or Spirit Gas. "-Most oil lams noVir in use can be altered as to burn lard, which alteration the subscribers will make at a rea gonable price. They will also purchase second-hand lamps, or exchange the lard lamps for them. BROWN 4- RAYMOND, Third Street, sep 10 nearly opposite Post Office, Pittsburgh. 11DVOKBINDING.—svcandw$14 - n,.., JIJ , Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper _ ------' i Rulers. S. W. corner of Wood and --: ....-2 Feurt4 streets,are now prepared to a:• c ----_ -7F..-. ecutt all kinds of Bookbinding rind Pa. , - _ per Ruling with neatness and despatch. ""...--- Mi-Biank hooks ruled and bound to any given pattern at the shortest notice. N.B. All work done at the above is warranted. (.ep 10 a tebi l WM. BIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist, has returned to his old stand. No. 107, Smithfield Street, where lie can be consulted any hour during the day, on his profession. tam 10 REMOVAL.—George Armor, Merchant Tailor, respectfully ahnounces to his friends and pa trons, that he has retnoved his establishment fronr . hitt old stand, in Third street, to the corner of Front and Smithfield, in the basement story of the Monongahela noose; where he tweeds keeping on hand a aenernt as. sortment of Pashiopable Goods, suitable for Gen tlemen's wear. He 'hopes. by elOse a paliration, to merita share of the Business so liberally gxtended to him at his old stand. N. Et Flaying, madearrangcments in New York and Philadelphia, wilh the most Fashionable Tailors, for the reception of Paris and London Fashions, customers may rely on having their orders executed according to he latest slyle wept 10 PITTSBURGH (lit CI:MATING AND REFERENCE I.IBR ARV of Religious, Historlca',Poll , Iceland Mis cellaneous Works, will be open every day, Sabbath ex. cepted, "rom '7 o'clocdt, A. M., until 9, P. M. In the Ex change Building,corner of St Flair street and Exchange alley. where punctual attendance will be given by • sep 10 J. GEMEIL. WASHINGTON HALL.—The subscriber has opened the late residence of James Adams, Esq., deceased, for the r4ceptlon of visitors' and hoarders; the house is very pleasantly situated on the hank of the Ohio, 2 miles from the city—possessing all the delight. ful accompnnimentsi of a country yesidence, t,vithititst being too far distant for persons doing business In the city. Visitors will ie furnished with every delicacy of the season. An Omnibus runs i'egularly every hour from the Alle gheny end of the , 8.--No Alcohotic beverages kept. FLrSBILTRGEL CUTLERY, and Surgical Th. ittrunient Manttractory.—The Subscriber manatee. tares. and keeps colstantly on hand, every description of Cuttery;Surglced nd Dental instruments; Tailors.tialr. Dressers, end 'Hatters' Patent Shears, Saddlers'AtiolttAc...' o,All goods manufatitured of the beet materiels, and nil orders attendidto tit the greatest despatek s at tlM i low; _est Cash prices. , - • , Jobbing in gen e and warrante d to 7. CARTIVARAHT ::* . i.p . ;,... - •1] - 4, - v3'4 . *_ CAMOMILE PILL L 8 .—ABR A. ..; . + 4 • 411 t CLEMBIL, residing at 66 Mott street. Prel!„ *94 was *filleted - with WilnePsia in U. neon Amp. - -The symptoms were violent bad , irellintU t reveir , 'CO I ItiVInWaS, cough, baprt. bur lathe Idler eating* seirentirm atdiking at the stewed!, forria*Vjgne, MIMI, with frequent vomltings, dizziness tout night. and maleness, These had continued hp. unifirof a twelvemonth, when.• oh consulting Dr. Wat. ZWlLlVlltrithani street; and submitting to hi. ever fiarid agreeable mode of treatment, the patient WastiOnapietely restored to health In the shunt space of oneWienth, and grateful for the incalculable benefit dui,. ed. gladly- came forward end volunteered the above state Fair -salts'Wholesale and Retail by • R. E. BlILLER,l4.4gent, N 0.20, Wood street, beim" Seeond. LINIGNIMirrr--William Moody, of the eltrof ritlxburgis, merchant, having, on thelsth of 411101111 P jrailit e e' canted to the snbscribers an assignment of all his estate4Cal,personal,and mixed, in Trust for the tweediest hiseicilitonswith certain preferences therein specifiedmnd n ttaisaifor the benefit of certain °fhb credlfors who shat webefore the 115th day of April next, at 12 o'- telbetinerldian,execute unto him, and for his use, a re teasifin fall of all claims against him. itihemstiy given, that said deed of assignment an release mentioned twit, are left at the make of 0. Tiieti Esq.; in the Diamond, where the same may be setillitnd eseeited - brall persons interested. HUGH TONER, JEREMIAH DUNLAVY. Amlieneel' Fen SALE.-40 M Kentucky &gars, 80 `wooden howls assorted sisal). 200 dozen 8.10, 10 12, 10.14 window sash. 30 Beams of Writing, letter, and wrapping paper. 11)0 pieces paper hangings, bonier, kc. 5004oass wafers, 2044 , 11 white lead. 30,1tottes and lbs. of Cotton Ball. 30 bores 2d and 3d quality of Raisins. 20 dos chip hats and corn brooms. 60 packages family medicines assorted. All of which will he sold on accommodating terms for cash, produce, and Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and almost all ancurrent bank notes taken in payment on the best possible terms. • ISAAC BARRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant, No 9, Fifth street TJ. FOX ALDEN Attorpey and Counsellor at °, Law. Cars his professional services to the r.it izens. : of Pittsburgh and hopes for n share of public pat ronage. Ile will execute all kinds of writing with neat ness ana dispatch. Cases In bankruptcy attended to on reasonable terms.—Office in Smithfield street, at the house of Mr. Thomas O'Neil, to whom he refers. pep 10 T. J. FOX ALDEN. DAVID CLARK, Ashionablo Boot Maker,— Has removed to No, 34 Market street, between Seiond . and Third streets, Where be would be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dining. ed to patronize him. He uses clothing but first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives Ins constant personal attention to business, he trusts that he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. Ben 10 FRUITS, ICE CREAM, CONFECTIONARY.— ..A Ranker respectfully informs his friends and the public-that they can always find the best quality of Ice Cretriks. together with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their season. at his establishment—No.. 11. Fifth street, het ween Wood and Market. N. o.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with caltes. , Cor anything In his line. Also families furnished with. Bread. ' sep 10 DGOODVIS Celebrated Female Pills. These 5. Pills arestrongly recommended to the notice of the 10Ies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their eel, from want of ex ercise, or general debility of the system.. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affectianE These Pills have gained the sanction and apprikatise-of themost mottleat -Physicians tir,t . tivethd ted 'Slates and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and 'Retail. by R. E. S'ELLERS, Agent', s ep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second. inGBY—No. 121, Corner of Wood and Front KA • Streets, Pittsburgh, has on hand a complete as• sortmentof Queensw are suited to the city or country trade. Also, a choice selection of pure white and gold hand DINING AND TEA WARE, in large or small sets, or separate pieces to suit purchasers. A cask of 46, 60,..0r 84 piece sets, superbly painted and gilt English China Teaware, at very low prices. Toy Teaware. plain, and rich painted and gilt, from 1,00 to $5,00 per set. Children's Muss of every description. White Chinn Shaving Mugs. Granite Dining at d Tea !Services, In white and with splendid American scenery printed in blue and black. A large variety of Steamboat Dining and Breaking Sets, imported to match. complete, , Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green Glass, In all their varieties. Window Glass, of every sine. Patent Buckets, Tubs and Reefers. Stone Pipe Heads, kc. ttc, kc. All of which are respectfully offered to the pob. tic on the most favorable terms. Jan 26, 1842-1 Y W 7 . Arum, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., opposite the head of Smithfield at., Pittsburgh.— 'Me subscriber having bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute ail descriptions of work in his line, in the hest manner and on the shortest notice. lie keeps corstantly on hand a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and of the hest quality. De solicits the patronage of the pub lic and of the craft. W Dd. ADAIR. sep 10 PITTSBURGH MANUFACTORY .—springs and Axles for Carriages at Eastern Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand CoatP,C and Eliptic Springs (warranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leathe•, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Poor Handles and Dingell, 4.e., 4-e. JONES R COLEMAN. St. Clair si... near 'l e ,ttlegheny Bridge. LAlt 'olL,—Tha Subscriber would most respectfully Inform the public in genera that he has an article of aLrd Oil ofa superior quality,manufactu red at the Cincin nati Oil Manufactory,by R.W.Lee Co,,which is warran ted tO be equal to the best Sperm. Oil, both for Light and Machinery. This Oil is entirely free from any glutinous matter, smoke, or unpleasant odor, ttakit is as clear and as white as spring water. Nnt a particle .of crust is left On the wick. The light is pure and brit:hint, and will last as long, If not longer, titan that from an equal quantity of Sperm. Oil. The , autiscriber informs the publiethat he has taken a place nearly opposite the Post Office, where he will light-up several different lamps eve:y evening, and he would respectfully invite the in • habitants of Pittsburgh, A Ilegheny,and their vicinity, to call, and judge for themselves. fie feels confident, they will he convinced that the above statement , Is perfectly correct. Out uftwo hundredimilviduals who have tried the Oil,there has not been a single fault found with It• OEURCE ARMOR The Lard 011 costs one third less than Sperm. Be would respectfully solicit the early at of Dealers and Ma. eitinistirto the ;above. The following Wrches are now man the Lard Oil: Second Prishiitirian Church, Pitt.burgh; New Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Pltisbutgh, First Presbyterian Church, Allegheny City, Associate Reformed Church, do. All Ihe barrels ail , branded R. W. LEE tt Co., Cincin nati, Ohio We, the undeaigned, Captains cf the Ewe's Line of Packets, bn the Pennsylvania Canal, have tried and are using an article of Lard Oil introduced here by Matthew C. Edey, and manufactured by R. W. Lee it , Co., at tit Cincinnati., Oil Factory. We feel confident in asserting tlea;t he eove is egnal to the best Stierm Oil; that it is entitely free from smoke or any other glutinous matter whatever; the light is inks , . fectly pare, clear and brilliant. and' will last as iougl If not longer than that from an renal 'quantity of , SPerol.: o l4 We have no hestitation In recommending ill* onrSriends and 1 0 theeeTsehirt use Oil: nigKititlfurrinr, - Captain, Packet:Jolla O: 140 . 111IDEfiltlatiff, Captaitti, - Tagli* Jorttinsarocir , dr? do Jells Madison . BF* - TilMithl4i,d4 do=lllloaßwliK - - ' • f, WM. C. BERN M. C. EDEY, Agent Pittebureb, June 210,1.842 3.,- , . -, :•741::i•. - .:;-.: , c .i_,:..,i._.: THE LITERARY -POST. - IrheOld Man's Song. Thine haii Bowe swiftly And marked me with ears; H. has wrinkled my brew'and-Nnted my hair; 110 ha* bent el lookg 4otku that Mimi tinned to the sky; He'll soon finish my coutmtifolyears rapidly ay . N'or PIM T alone—he' has linlitect-all than. My friends are all marked =he has -spamdione One by one we will drop tb.the cold silent van; Time nevbilonte—he's 'no pity to sum. Then watch yon. my brothi►r, tie'ready to Meet This fell. ruthless monster, eithose enures it so fleet; That when he shall call and summon you home, You'll be wolfing the warning and ready to come. " N. Y. 961edard. Fro% thit New Haven Pithid Odd Fellows. The following Ode, written los thi occielen, by Dr. Percival, was sung by Mr. Pixebirs, at the re cent celebration at; New , Haven, with admirable effect: . Als--Brave old4aak. Odd Fellows we are, in this cold iron world, Fcr our hearts glow with charity bright;, Odd Fellows in deed, for to help those in - need Is our first and'our chiefest delight. The mourner we comfort, the sick we attend, We lift up the poor and down trod; Every brother shall find, in his brother, a friend, And isn't that, too, very odd. CHORUS. Then a health to Odd Fellows! long life to Odd Fellows! Our order forever shall stand; A health to Odd Fellows! long life to Odd Fellows! Gie's a clasp of a brotherly hand. The Odd Fellow watches the bed of his friend, When he lingere in sickness and pain, Nor ever is weary his pillow to tend, 'Till health shall renew him again. But if in the cold grave his friend shall be laid, Ile visits the children of sorrow; By the Odd Fellow's kindness, the orphan is made To forget the dark fears of to-morrow. Then a heapb, &c. Then just fo/a moment look into our school, Where ttlittO, Odd Fellows are learning; You must mac.e than odd if you than can keep cool, When each Odd Fellow'. bosom is yearning: We are all of us add enough then to allow That the sight can extract trorn us tears; Indeed it is odd, and we cannot tell how, But that sight, though it saddens us, cheers. Then a health, &c. We can say when three of us together . are met, We are odd, and yet we three agree; And when two by two we togethe: are set, Though even, odd fellows are we. Then let us rejoice in the name ofOdd Fellow! You can't find a worthier name; Wherever 'tie spoken, the hard heart grows mel low, And charity lights up her flame. Then - a• heath; `&c. Notes fur a Tourist. 'Madam,' said a free-spoken, warmheart ed, enthusiastic and quizzical son of old Kentucky, while paying his devoirs to one of the famous lady tourists of America, 'Madam, you should have been born in America; the greatest cuuntry in the known world; nature has clustered all her stupen dous and dazzling works upon this land, and you should be among them! We have got the greatest men, the finest wo— men, the longest rivers, the broadest lakes, the tallest trees, the widest prairies, the highest waterfalls, and the biggest hearts in all creation. 'Madam, go and see the Falls of Niaga ra. May the Lord take a liking to you, my dear ma'am, if I didn't think I'd waked right up in futurity when I seed that big slantendicular puddle! (Slantenaicular it an alge-bra word, ma'am, you,., mayn't know it.) Why, madam, I could tell you something about them falls-but you mus'nt put it in your book, 'cos nobody 'II believe it. The people that live about there all lose their speech, and never hear each oth er speak for years, with the noise of the cataract! Fact, ma'am, as true as that's a pencil and note-book you're taking ont of your pocket. Why, there was a man liv -1 ed there ten years, and be got so deft' he never knew a man was speaking to him, till a pail of water was poured down the hack of his neck! When you go to see the falls, ma'am, you must do all the talking , you want to before you get within tsenty, five miles - of them; for after that not a word of any kind can be heard! 'Then, ma'am, you should go and see the great cave in Kentucky; where bats hi hernaculate in countless millions. There is not such another hole in the ground to he fonnd upon the face of the , eatth.— Ma'am, if you go back to England whir out seeing our mammoth cave, you'll-bit your f lot in it; no, beg pardon, exciirie me that's quite unpossible; but you'll leave a pretty big hole in the book you are going to write. - There is no end known to kits twenty five miles broad. One of the roftris is called the 'Antipodean Chamber,' from the unpronouncable fact that a man can walk just as easy ttpott the ceiling as upon the floor; and in the same apartment thete is a fountain of bure brandy! `You baint been South yet have you, ma'am?—yeu haint seen the Mississip pi river and the city of New Orleans?. Well, 'ma'am, New Orleans is s_htmdred and twenty-five feet below the levet of the: sea, an the Missiritippi rnmAlwough cant bridge right over the city! The inhabl-, tants are chiefly alligators and screech-ovvhi (the last word-has been vulgarly perverted into Creole.). Their food is chiefly, gum, Priicured froM trees in the swamp, and WhiitifreY _call - gm 'Mira. - There if a - pli pm. published thevk i s eAlted,the Picareim, the name tfiing welt 'llloliiii as, signAcaili of ili professed) :11f 0 4-065: upon * Kant's phi. -Y: * o6 #4l";ftfiron 'oeillrOh. theTifigro!* W 4l 1 $ 7O B _ Joe' Ithilitli 'OOO . Vt a* . k -'',l4o* -10146* lieWiiitailit *.T.F.-:.;', ;';',.1 7 ; --- -.;:" '4,•': '.:AK7':,` - ,, ,:',4.,f'."- ; '.7,,-;."--., , 7- • , K y: , * - _ E.,, nd-140# kpor„ raliAeht vain t0*440)4 arkS ab i ag.; :this - ",.,.;' I:7 W puz si-tibabelice_OrAhpsi 7 the * genus rate. One *eh seee.tUtyt ' 14 :2 citizen who brutally nown creature, but was lei ;; 7, 1 1 d sentenced to be hung, for •lott wilt heir, i'lattath, ii . gt.,,. bout Abe *al* PoPtifitb*.4l, leairi,Pa phrase which tOli,i4 when I tellyou that the I,* yekr•tnder mundatiOuTroj IA You ahluli have tea - , liT ltial Oa aroi tl/1 . „,. ~.. you may *wilily aid; lento al consolation for ye ti' The compliniefit nit 'flifilitkos -- - lap ads was not tont airine.Oltatietlllllf,* ~ , , low heie difuiltoOklititci iiiiitsi if - gjaftil li Kv, female eopartnet in dootaetteridurt.: on receiving receiving this attention from theioaltesc..: Iron Band,' the old Cello* , appetite* delivened himself as follows Old. Felloties (othottro Adiiisi, . '; :,-, "Most potent, grave, and cailons ,youngrzemlem - , My most unworthy, aninifirrived good thajdapv, That I have teen away an old man's datighltati It is most true, true I havelmariiell her; -- ' --,'-' • Tharver Tf bead and foot of my offendint-: * Hatkthrs extent, or more. Rude do you .ateres*. l . 4 `. And little.seem you. blesaed with phrase of peneat ~.. For since some seven hours ego to-night: , Till now sante enpaila mo l ted; you hairs tiled_ Your noisy action trr Cenfoieded fashion; And little do I wish you now to squeak More titan a dulcet notice of firewell. So little, therefore, cnn'you grace my cane In serenading me. Yet by your music I will a sourid; driharrielsed tale deliter - - Of my whole course of love; what hugsi !thee harms, , ~. What magnetism animal and Id forth. • (For such proceeding and I charged withal,} I won the lady with.-- - , Her father did his - irides with = us whe n . business used tnbe darned sight better than it is now. He used to ask me, to hii house, and ask size about Old fir olic& of mine, the battles, sprees, watt...le-hot:um I had seen- ' I told him all , particularly bee, , cause I f ound his daughter tised to , run away from the washtub to hear what I wail saying. One day i asked her what thee deuce she wanted, and she said I was kid young to be a bachelor, and if rd tell some pretty girl my story,_maybe I'd get a sritl, Well, I just out with it at once, and to! her all about my disinclinatidn to being -single. , . Illy ate ry being done, She talked a deal of old shin.plastet notes; She swore that they Were atniage=and pat e dran g ,- ; . - Quife pitiful, most wondrous pitiful; f '- She wished.she had n't got cith etn t yet she wished that she had a great Many more, provided they were all good; Upon this hint I spoke: She loved me for the money I could pawl; And I loved her that she was juvenile;-- This only is the witchcratt.l have used." - The hand gave three cheers, the 6 . 14 fellow gave several hundred death, mid so the concert ended, highly to the tiatid faction of all parties. Extracti front the 6itseeti as t Red.?? A wotthy merchant is the eir of ad venture whose hopes hang much iiiioithe wind; upon a wciOdiin liOrsii bb fides through the world, and in .ii Merry; gilif makes a path through the sea; he is a dhi-. coverer of countries, and a finder out or commodities, resolute in his attairipti; end' ' royal in his expenses; lie is the life of trat:.. fic and the maintainer of trade, the sailor's master and the soldier's friend; he is the:" exercise of the eichanger the b.Cotiof of credit, the observation of time, and .tio derstartding of thrift; his study is numbef; ihis case , his accounts hie conifqthirceli- science, and his wealth Ins good name; tie fears no Scylla, arid sails - close by Clia9tti- ' dis, and having beaten out a storm, mid -.,, at rest in a harbor; by his sea gain he ' makes his discoveries, and from blagiVi: observation brings the models: or eichiat-: tare; he plants the earth with foreign - fruits, and knows at home what is goat abroad; he is neat in apparel, , modest in demeanor, dainty -in diet, twid civil is hie carriages In sum, bola, a pillar of , a asp.: _ i y ht the enricher of a country; th funßahaf of a crest, and the worthy se of a king; As ttmiuiet. Woman. - ' n unclaiet.isti• - - - • mai id-the misery of titan, ose demeati.: or is not to be described tiut In extreetteif 4 ties;her voice is the pricking of an aril; :6- ' eye ihe poison of a cockatrice, her halleg- 14 ' the-claw of a cross Bile, and her heart's catthiet of horror; she is the grief 0ft0 , 4-1" tisii;•tbe wound (if wit, the trouble °riot -804: „ :: :itif• abuse of time; her pride ti to:ebic; -, her anger unquenchable, her: j.. wtOtatiabie and her malice Ummttellt;- -. - ble T 4rhe -fea rs no colors, she cares for ii--° coeferelilit( spares • no :petsona. nor ra- s pieliczue* - '; ..:; her • eemmand is Siciiik. heCt - ilier resolution sheik= nits -, heir:,,, - - ~,:j . - so; she looks at a:nd' - - - . 7 . ..- , , ~ lord; admits no,_;, -- Rod key no goed order; ohs': -- 1 - ',f s- ,, but not of Christ; and: word - ,I.Pr'''f grace; a creature„,but not of ,*, , arservaut, -.bet not of 'ooa.- to. - inr . ii the seed of (fouble. - ' - -. ' ; . • the ,taste of bitterness, auk 40 of death. , • . .. ..,.. --;."-i;=" ,%1 2. -,A-.-z? (. ~ - 1 - -.-, - 7 . . “colburnc: New s - rn,iist"eontalgo-74**0 r:eas late atlmptio un the fill:.0 Engraft& Tines traiters, Oar 1106 atisoe# the,, end May ait , • . ' • . : - ilOWs - liq ' ' rxiltr s -, zkifs;" k'~ `. F 74 . r, ,