Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 12, 1842, Image 2

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    • ,
i.,,e1101?-y; yw~
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';.l*ll4444i.. l ;ieiten from a tipsy hawbuck
tims—oto ~receive such a err
Ar• ifibm...alintiemarit She., who from her
bad neverbeen addressed with love
.h.onsftse;^!even by the baker or hisjour ,
- - ,Heyman, to receive• a tacit declaration of
tbeßession from her
. own master! The
1101•04-tbere would be of nowbarn Vat ity
• 010'112ml1U of awakenecitiope! In short
I,4ent on ,na my own Ili eatny 1,% - ay, spec
:..,-.liltfting,en the_ revolution in poor Sally's
0414,-the sudden change that might be
*Angle her old sentiments and feel
by_eucti an exit aot•dinary occurrence.
.sillibatty other Man the foolish whim
voulairavn fussed away, harmless, with
tbe tuittr, Oat gave rise to it; but it is ,t. 4
riniafoitime - to be cursed with t ri torr4),
• ' .104141Daggnerteotypes e.vogrifriage, and
.-ster4)Aypete .eTery ipypotiiesis, however'
.tread vague , or idle that it once enter
' Asine4, Y—Fiomthat day forwatd the girl
WitiUseciated with that confountiezi spec
• ulatiou, and the idea of that ridiculous
nanettal experiment came up as regularly
as my dinner. There she was, b e fore me
her plain unloveable face—and if she
, f laced. a dish or changed thy plate—there
• .was The red, scrubby hand—suppose I
• . 'were to kiss it!'
tßal tfa! )
'Yee you -may laugh; but you do not
know, the misery of such besetting fancy.
To be ;eased for hours by a haunting tune,
or a nonsense verse is bad enough; but to
be bored by low own thoughts for
weeks, anti months is intolerable. - In
fact, but the constant recurrence of the
hissitia notion, the mere sight of the
coarse, red hand begot , a mechanical im
pulse that had to be tesmted like a-tempta
tion, I have felt my lips, as if were, ma
.4ing themselves up for the act—and the
wonder is that I have never done it. invol
antarily; as, to a certainty. I must some ,
day have done it deliberately to get rid of
the torment of suggestion. There was no
alternative, therefore, but to banish the oh
ject; and actording'y ender the pret erite
orteducing my estabf,s'ene,nt, p. ~,r Sally,
• with an excellent character far moral beau
ty, has been transferred to my sister in the
.CO - Untry, '
`Yes, and as a provision against any
such temptations in future, you have wise
: lyengavd a new maid, as lovely an I love
able as Perdita, !and as 'neat handed'
_ - •
One; of the popular legends of the Web
marches, is that of Morgan Jones and the
Devil. Morgan teli , his own story in his.
wp ay:
thtin,. he-, you must know
that I had not seen his holor for I,ng time,
_ mid it was about tw - i months ft oen this
that I. went ono evening along the brook
Shnoting'Villd fowl. and as I was going.
ikhistleing„along whom should I spy mil
-1 f-,ing . the Devil hiroselfl But you
moist know he was dressed mighty fine
Like any grand gentleman, lough I knew
the old one well by the bit Of his tail which
hung out at the bottom of his ttowsers.—
Well, he came up, rod says he, 'lgorgan, I
beware ye aed says 1, touching my hat,
'pretty n 44, your`hunor, I thank ye.' And
then says,,rk'; what an> you look
'ater, and what's that long thing ye' re
carrying with ye`!' Aoa says I, 'l'm only
a.valkingouthy the brook this fine evening,
and carrying my tacky-pipe with me to
smoke." .Well, yo,u . ali know the rich fel
low is mighty fond cif the tacky, so says hel
'Morgan let's have a smoke, and I'll thank
ye.. And says Lyou are mighty welcome.
So I gave him the gun, and he put the
muzzle in his mouth to smoke, and thinks'
1. have you now, old boy,' cause you
pee, t wanted to quarrel with him; so I pul
led the trigger, and off went the gun bang
in his mouth. 'Puff,' says he, wlnan he
pulled it out of his mouth, and he stopped
a minute to think about it, and says he,
`Curs'd strong picky Morgan!' Then he
gave me the gun, and looked I , l .q t: A an d
'walked off, and solo, enough - I've never
seenihim since. And that's the way I got
abet of the old gen Ocruan, my boy!
The neat CrOr Notwithstanding
the low price that :tur farmers have re
ceived for wheat the past two years. and
-the poOr prospect for a better market this
year, there is, it is believed, 'at least one
third more wheat raised this season in this
'-sipulty than ar. : • year previous. Hard
minnot cbeck the industry ;if the
=rli,:~~.) -iepulxdzca ra .
An .Eagle ,Sr i ,; y,—The Cr, S. (13xette
relates the fdliJwing 'pleasant occurrence,'
nine of the of the llte recep-
line gray eagle, -Jovb's own bird,'
&she down from lit. 3 mountain eyiie, and
sailed magnificently among the assembled
3 -
~ a
~; ~~<
The Merrimac Journal, in noticing a
speeth oflkir. Adams, in which he. says,
'"The have appealed to the. God of
battles,' makes read God or bottle.;
while another makes it God of bar inch ,
Th 6 Inuit have been drinking hard
Attetrt * at -Suicide or Murder by Col Ed.
- • ward..
'We eV !ha- ttni N. 1, Iferaid, that on Son
ttday morning tut, Mr. Depot: , -It ett.2cr llamas, on
I.l,ii•tknt which contained the :neat
. *ll7.o4>l.„Et.tvirards, tile- expert financier and forger
dilicyttatoti r small box neatly . enveloped with blue
Paget erd `-containing de a N;olet 'Tooth
roWilor ifte - titol: it up, holied at it, and think
that it !night hold something , age,
kattre4;af trete Lita - the'siale, evident:came a f. 1 1 ,41.
tity - k r.4o4l4,retinpd; g.tatad pieta/ pr.c.4e.tp, that
BoAtio„pt wAs ei:_rittoyerl to for u des;.9-
• .
tatV:purpotth , .
liii*artis was rinsiatioqed about,: it, b - ut derkiPd
1 41 isgiottledge.- m
Jones imediatply or& rerl
i bi,,:plaood ¢ft a: , To'itiloti that inching
firsq i for g 104%
04 1114.1 ea t c r IV IL4' ait.fid . Fti *ely eamrd a ei
‘r)A - Orit,h-hiTikla4 l et4, Sut ra pit un ticgaYt•
g" n dia lire. `he
and : it, his. f rats
ontitchg fabf
4 1 ;;14*4iik:
L: ....kl'thPL j'' 1 - 0' . ...-** 4l4k# mi.y T!'f t
ste 0 •
i;t3r.gaii r kaiur,
-,4 fi
-rms..v:fortatww, w '
clomtelliis To.ear's outsidpi .
" •
"The Wind." The ' l old Boy.
r.ncarnpment Accidents,
We are extremely sorry to ,bo , obltgatt
to chronicle some painful' aitialthlfs among'
the incidents attending lilts late eirettnip,-;,,
ment., -1 5n Friday -evening, Mr. Samuel
Bnowdetri eiteemetiVitizen, was thrown
from li.ixburiy,near the camp, and was
very much bruised and hurt; howetter,,we .l
are happy to say he is rapidly-mending , .. 1
llir. wanes Porter, fon of Tudge=4"orte r r
, f &this city, an .amiable and exernPary
yrmog man, and a member done -of our
city companies, in a tussel with one °flail,
fellow soldiers, was accidentally thrown,
and the cap of one his knees dislocated.
A naember of the Cannonsburg corps,
was run evil by a horse, and his head and
face were seriously cut and bruised. Ev
ery attention was raid to him that he could
have received at home, and his recovery is
progressing as fast as the nature of his in
juries will allow.
. These accidents are greatly to be la
mented, but they--are-inseparable from as
semblages such as that Where they occur
t etl. It is only surprising that they were
so few at the recent muster.
The authorities of Ffamburgh, which
was L. few months since nearly de
stroyed by fire, have succeeded in nego
tiating a loan of thirty-two millions of
crowns fin• the put pose of rebuil-ding the
city; while, at the same time, the govern
ment of our glorious union, with its vast
resources, and enterprising and honest,
people, have been trying in vain for the
last twelve months to obtain a loan of only
twelve millions at 6 per cent.
Alas! what a contrast is here between
the credit of an obscure European city
and the United States of America!
The Beaver Grays.
AM:nlg the many companies at the en
campment, the Deaver Grays, from their
numbers, and tha.neatness of their uniform,
attracted much attention. It is but little
mote than three weeks since the company
was fully'organized, and yet the vet y re
• I
speCtable number of 35 appeared in um- "A little wrong done.-to .another.is .serious
©wing to the baste in which the jury to ourselves." This-is true; but nuttrerieral- I
company was 'get op, they were unable ly known.
to _procure muskets in time for this parade, ! The land fuad would yield to each indi xidual
quently they had no time nor the-1 U
' cited States, if equally dividid, : about.
and conse
half cent a piece , . What a tremendous.punt tei,
means- •
to perfect themselves in the man- one
make a fuss about! s.
ual. But the spitited manner in which
gives evi- 1 A man without money is poor, but a man with
they have thus far proceeded,
Bence that they will e're long take rank nothing but money is poorer still.
among the most active ; as they are now ladiana•
among the finest looking volunteer corn- Every ono knows the exact result of the elec.
Pennsylvania. They Ilion in Indiana except: a-few - federal
parties in 'Western
land they sly that the matter is still wrapped in
have been very fortunate in their selection
mystery. They will most probably find out the
of officers. Their captain is an old sal' true state of the case about the time the Hoosiers
titer, who has seen hard service, and he is I elect a democratic Senator to Congress.
seconded by men who only lack experi
unce to make them valuable and useful
in the military art. A medal is, to be s`tot
f or in October, in this city by three men
picked from each company present at the
late encampment. One of their members
assures us that the Grays intend to win it.
\Ve shall see the upshsst of the matter
when they come up to shoot.
- q , .tsv'Zy;
pZi 9 4l.
Menominee Tragedy.
A Menominee Indian, near Three Riv
ers, in a drunken frolic last week, killed
his wife and brother in law. When he be
came sober and saw what he had done, he
wrapped hirpself up is his blanket and laid
down beside his wife. While in this sit
uation leis wife's-brother'eanieOp and :blew
his brains out. The thilig - to.regret about
this matter is that the man that sold the
whiskey to the Indian was not killed with
There is a Man in Strafford,N. H. whose
expenses for the last 14 years, have amoun
ted only to 12 dollars. He's the fellow
for haid times.
The Congestive fever is prevalent in
some parts of i‘lissisippi.
The old one wont do.
A new life of Henry Clay shortly be
Living in the Kentucky Mammoth Cave
is a certain ewe for consumption, to they
say. The Boston Post advi'aes the whigs
to move into it.
L, --4 ' l •Vo,are sorry to letern that wtAdom itE highly
esl,e,eineid by Many good looking men and comely
ladies reliding is several. European natieuris..—[Ex•
change, paper .
We are sorry to aey that it is pretty much the
same way about "these Biggins,"
‘ t .
The ,13arre Gazette se . ye,first rat things'oe.ee-.
Alimony. Here's. Sample:
Why. are every lady's pentaloonp.top abort?--
° Bete* their legs etiek through thea:iliffrZPF.o ss
.two '
SrXcis SN MONLi 9 -45 Pbf"V!lit pre
. .
wytir.:49x-Itio firifigoi
1 4 1 4 441 Algin
;', 4 ::,'1i.::: . ....,.1. - ..7.i.: • ! jf;,T..74 , .;,.1,:i0.:::, , ,,-f-Vi:3:E - ':". ii-;
. :.' l _, --- ...t'. ,- .;..-j:.`•! .- i - . 7 ,'7f...;; , : ,. : 7 , :t.'7 . :: - ;!:; - - , ::.--t..;' , .'!.':---' , - ''.:',-
___................_,....----o------. , ~•-• -. fr - —."•.:;.:-. ---77 7r0 1 :Too‘r t , , -_,', --114"•'''' ../ . *littler' triiiinitA
`fo: .°: Alefuta# ol .` , ''',.''.l-. :,L;74 .... 41 1t0',`..' ",:' ',.,, 0 '0k0 = ll - '... ' - • : o
friiii - hitctilii 4 rCtlint , *we le o Oeolltott.APl 1V4110.40t-W..* #6: were ; - u nable 44504 I
~ innocent , s _ . o .
~ _.,. ,
_, 7. „
.. .
_, o • . , , -•- . . . ,
.ifithis' iniiiithOf adulgell, toOnadi o . 4 0 * 0 '::::' . "e',.' aye i,' c*ltte."* 4 til Put , !hem !ffw4 l !
theAtertoto ariettlii 'V "re,#! , .... • We are 7 , I: . .litritteintoressrlima may, Ifereifter' we will have
10itve dal; report an unototiirocal . d" ,-:. c-o • nano re.Suslestimate fifths popularity of the Pot 04,
Viheree : ,liftentkm , it his feltovevir4o,46od and work off a - *efficient -number; IntMtutfY ail de.•
ikectli'm 'yto the officeo-if Register,: tOdelltato hie monde. , ,
*Monet ottenfiScrtelbe discharge ch I t ! actutP-* 1' ; Afore of the- insurt.-President Tylieroletter to
_o ialte adios/di - be sufficient to eilente the If ath
e Ashburtitirlinner in' New York was suppress
pe4to•Whieto has been put in circa tut .the
fitiinoae of injuring the popu.arity of.one.of the , 00. L,_ rf . ,
trioatt r- deserving candidates now before - the PO'ples 1: At..°°-vr-4Waytlaind of
, tne Brown tdliirtY ,
- • ----------------'----• , , o has written, 3. pamphlet against oo epresentotte
Illospherttosts.- i , ..
-.4 • - system in the United States:
it al er t the Fedexal Conventloa.-al.u t tik ' - --:...-------------------":-- '
i l itl ail a t ?4. w ar k ' Ohi o d ec l ar ed .to w oro oai s a f it ts said that there are 70 clergymen preac -
. Doubtful. '
3 ) * * 4 if' eh while deseribingthaadvenee of Argo t ug ---mtlierisat
gelli o*YO,,not (Men the '"great ePerit above ctituid i A negro girl was recently bnrnt to death in
not *Pt progreat," and-the blesphemens *Spies:4,
~• Ri c h mon d.
Sion Weireceived with tremeudous - rot:tads ocitor''' -------'----
- -.Seitam BOAT SuNK.--The Waverly lately snag- .
- Pionati -- r; ' ged and sunk about two miles above Memphis.
'What tin 'the moral and religious portion ofthc• •
She was full of freight on which there was ins*.
oreople.otothe party whose rulers thus defy Iferi o i
• ranee but the Boat will be a total loan.
"ninetieth them in their coreer. of political pro. ' . '
filgacy, and - who•send forth demoniac' yells of alto Tote Ileouc:on.-W.e learn that the toll on the
probation When the speakers bid defionce to. the Portland Canal will be hereafter, for boats ascend
"great Spirit above." oi.:- j ing to pay,-40 cents per ton (tneasurement), and
If 040, tho.se same Ohio whiga who, in 18111, descending boats 30 cents per ton. Boats that
made a intlekcry.of one attic most sacred institu- pass up over the Falls are, however;tobe chair - .
Lions of Christianity, by administering bard cider ged the old rate of 60 cents, per ton, if they pass
land pone breed at their political gatherings after through the Canal'on their - demon - aid trip.
;the forms of the Loreto last Supper. , This is good news "for the steam boat men, as
1 . the present rates of toll are veil . oppressive
The Gazette tidnks that masonry had something
where the low prices of freight are considered.
IC do with Pheasants scheme to abduct Mr. - 0 . 411
This course is a complete monopoly, and the,
Borer, in 1840. Perhaps the Gazette's surmise is
Corn oany have it in their power to charge what•
right, but if it had been necessary fur the soceess
ever prices they please during certain seasons of
of their schemes to have carried nut the infamous
plot, we have no doubt but antimasonry would the Y ear '
hav'e justified the outrage as readily as the Lodge. , The Spirit of Liberty has hard tagging to get
-Their conduct during the "Buckshot War," is its sobserito rt. to pay up ft has a dun about eve.
sufficient evidence that no consideration of I t w ry week. We have not donoa touch at dunning,
or justice, will deter them from attempting t o , but we too have dimmed in Vain. Is'at that well
trample on the dearest right- of the peoolewheoo done?
1 they interfere with the wicked schemes of the lea- I Go it toonies.
I der iof the "blessed spirit." i 1 The Whigs have put another story in c i , cula-
Evidence of poldieal drrangewni.-Federal lea. 1 tion about Sensour Tappan. It is tins that he
dot's in Pennsylvania seeking a nomination fcr ; said, in a speech recently delivered in St. Claus-
Governor without once considering the impossi. ! vale that "if the Whigs were victorious this fall
' , Oily ,if persuading a ma,;oril o y of the people to • in that state (Ohio) the only recourse left was to
vote for them. t the sword, gun and bayonet, and he did not care
i how qu ick it was done."
Any of our solocribers , Who may be neglected I
1 Of (worse, Ike all oilier fabricatiouo, emanating
this morning, will please leave word al the publi- from
t the same source, there is not a word of truth
cation office, F i fth street. in it.
Ono hundred ` and thirty four delegotes at' ended
M'Leo -7-7-- d..k!nie ,, that ho was mobbed on a recent
the Temperance Convention that met ii) tilts el- riz•ir t• - :• Ilyfelo
ty on last Friday'.
Mrs. Sigeurney
,says our sons hohl.themselves
erect without busk or corset, or frame tie4k, or
whalet,one. Why should not our daughters?—
Did not God make them all upright? . Yes—hut
they have sought out many inventions.,
The State Convention for tho nomination of
Governor and Lieutepant Governor, met at Syra4
! ewe on the ith inst.
The State, Convention of New Jemiy met at
Trenton on the 7th inst
The Express, a Tyler paper published in Phila
delphia administers the following dose to Botts of
"Jalip M. Bolts presents us with the character
of another Leader of °the House, who substitutes
scurrility for elor;•uance.and the brute f;ree of I.lhy
sliest declamation thr the clear and cutting weap
ons of intellect end logic. Mr. Botts is a famous
hero of the 'ring.' A man-worshipper of the
most intense ferocity of idelatrous passion. Ills
god is Henr) Chu, his devil John Tyler.
I Passengers are pow conveyed regularly
sinain boats between London and Rotterdam in
twenty two hours.
This would no doubt he tvery aatoniphing if ev
ery body knew the exact distance between L o w.
don and Rotterdam.
An Auctioneer of the name of Doolittle in Phil
adelphia, has lat , ly absconded and cheated his
customers to a considerable amount.
The Question Settled.
The question os to who will be the successful
candidate at the next Presidential election is al
ready settled, and we, regret to say that it is quite
contrary to what we desired. The "univeral
whig party" lately met on board a western atrial
boat and took, a vote on the Presidency, which re• 4
salted in giving the eulogist of the "virgin heifer" A glorlous place for the' Girls.
a largo majority over all competitors. The whole 1
vote for Clay amounted to twenty Ins, Including ' it is said (rand or COursS it 's true) that .
Abe maiden who drinks three`gl - asses of the
two cabin boys, the cook and chambermaid This
vote settles the matter; Buchanan, va.,„ Buren,be led tothe altar of
water of Vincent Spring (qloucester,
Calhoun and others may as well withdrew at• once i Mass,) will, ere long,
as this steam boat vote shows that the farmer of ,
'Ashland will distance all compeditors. -
,i ilYriEt) by i the men of her choice;.
i 'Nore Gold -Mina.— We understand 1
Ciey Men attend.—'rbere is to be a: great 803 , (says the Highland S. C. Sentinel) that,
of Durham, cattle at Philadelphia on Thursday,:tf . . era
gold,has been discovered in :several pla- ,
river Seneca and 'Tugalo
,•• •
ibere ,are any nice Young heilets among thenr,to 1 y e a
between the
Clay party should pUrehase then for the Pres!. ;
1 i
d e ntiet ca m paign of 1844: n this diatrct. A mine has been
. : - l' 1 . .
tl" i petted ori 'he plantation of Samue l Brow n,
Hanesf--The Newark Daily Arivertiser? a Whill it 10 •• Villiell 'rinalises well.. OptratiZ4
print, calls mina Mt. Pleasant& 1.0. jive lire ;r i-- ,7 - ,c-, .• ' ' ' z.' - ' k l'
, . , ,•
~ . , - ~ : .-- •' • ~ —2• T wee k% andal.
Own: :-Pthis *.9n164414, an the f"lAii l 119 r 41 34. 0 . 11 300 1 'it i ,.„,.‘+. .f t i l I , ~ ..,.,1 ' - a anti;
4 ,,,,
. , ,, , ,„,,,,,„,, , , „,..„. k., ":, -,- , i '• , %1" = , !"- ,- - 4- ,jr* L - in , ' t4!ataut4 Pre inexperience d * a
* O -g. i et i• iitii .` .7 7,* . - - '.:,'- - ..,. .:-,., ~.. A , ~.;,.%-e.:- c ka +7,..; -.-'1 .- ~. ---, i• ' they ' lun g it, ..A% . " '' . P
- - "'" - . - • ' l', `- ' '='''' i ' ',W. -I:4Kerraretif we learn in Fe .
41:=0-,-, , lieok r4ilint°r# - ' 4l . l °..*ao 64 4 l tO ri4 l tt •Aklr' 7:..'''' - - ..'' 4f - Willie - a -.'-' ittn 4'
g . .. -I '-' vt.s„. - - it' 'ygii Iv ,•,. > i i iV i c '--: '.'':' *4O , ;:" ,0 - ;,„ gar: per as , ,nk: a 1 af!otrt r : ,,
- 77 1 ?; ,-. .;:, ~ „ , . ., ,,r ,,.......::,..., ,t f,..2, ,. - ,,-,,,, v - ~ ,,, , ,3 4 1 : 014 foo tixt , th- i a 4 ,1 1. 1 0 014: 1, .,- , , , ,,..*:,
4 ,, ,3 ., ........: ,kiiimyt., , * ~., „ , . ..10,..: *4,W . , •.t. 4 -Ai , E x3- .-:;-i=n;': 77 1 1- ft; - 4, 3 q..;ilk., A. F -4
,_' ,2 z.. - ~ "I.=ti,‘ •,..,• , ,•• ,1; ' t...k l ' ~.:, ':- t ' r: ' ,', :4' '''-: ' l le --- r;kk ,'-
good Reasoninz. r.
Now York.
New Jersey.
A Hot Shot.
We saw an engine at the fire yesterday morning
called the Uric/e Sam_ "Oh, Thar did ye come
Ford's' majority in lilinois is BODO! That will
The St. Louts Organ recointhentits the forma•
oflan Anti Bustle Associatiott.
Theo., Fisk is about to rain., frotn the editorial
department of the the OH Dominion. Melra Gard.
ear suceeed.i ti:m.
Ad,,lpb, from Franey.," iF in L4c\cport
tolling f)rtimPs, 3:4 USLI
BOA , says "the tribe of vulgar politiejans IS
the lowest of 0117 • " t rue.
deciincs the nomi
the Liberty Per
ty gave him. lie is a candidate on tile Whig
Assembly tiebet.
nation f , ir }tee,
'Yankee Clocks in England.
A manufacturer of Yankee Clocks in
. York, named Sperry, sailed on the lat
inst. for England, with six hundred Yan
kee wooden clocks, with which to astonish
the English. The duty on this article is
only 25. per cent., which is the highest du
ty on any manufactured article. So that
he will probablyi make money out of the
clocks, and eve!" Englishman can play—
'Here she goe6 anil there she goes.'
Business Prospect s ill the best.
We. like the tone of the Milwaukie Cour.
iei. it gives a cheering account of the
business prospects of that place for the
coming season. It says the amount , of
business now being dose and the rate at,
which it is increasing is truly surprising.
The merchants are laying in a heavy stock
a goods and intend. doing a cash business.
This is right . There is not a vacant house
in the towni and were then not enough of
store rooms. Within thirty days over one
hundred lots were bought for the purpose
of building upon them.
Hurrah for Wisconsint .
Another Wife murdered.
A man named Gray-son, living in St:
Louis, cut his wife's throat on the 31st ult.
He was drunk at the time, and had been
0 o for several days. The woman was ta
ken to the hospital ; . but no.hopes are ente
tained of recovery. • •
, • 4
v ewtslagerfw it
gFißiv -- -
Mlslll4"4l,4oaryakteir 3
~ ?-, c , .
.in AM of the-Meretiets *Si ' -
dpct er4dajOirbar iteiters,'tuitiag ottes ~..„.... - 2 "wr 4 kAtiriets•
not. far Bouiliii,l o , Wood great. ialtentfing - their ~:- ' "`",1 1-114 Melil—Theadoteisamme e,
order toßrethren of semi Kidney in Philat,,lll7.2Fl, Pin !thin at 14,870004 y, I t , tot ;'' . 2i ,
delphiaittiluy large qbantittieit et the ReThtf issue t I TP LS I . , 111114 ne41101.4.15a0t , m itt ' Ft. 111.,
afthe Broken Sankt of thio chy t at a diumunt of, "al' done yesterday ,
, owing to 1 , , rt i , •
'l5 per cnt. for the_ perposeysf -disposing of the "'Si. and In" amount :Asa % • - ,,,Z ;g l- t
same here a s currenc ao Imilit en they may think "laced an Indisposition to sell at tlp 1,; ( :,.'"
it profitable ta ',relief!), its ciyuttleter, or until they among ork„ lit sales there were al-0,.. • l ' - t '''
think they have made iso Oenty, by eoirupting Vglltrlon to itery good brandy rour, , ,;.,.:,,
our already miserably d ipree*ed 6m:dation, thati°hwl, for shipment mostly to the hro, ~'' ,- 1 4 .
they wrap with propriety iikess it with or below 1',„,.t $4,7544.87,1; 300 Kentuekr, 6, : - 7 ' ~1 r , ILt
Erie, Barks, Towanda, Sr„e., rad then buy it in at ~z ',";'„CAY.,ll4llnng,
e m . ad
j e c f r r s o c n y , niez)we s iot T,' .: 7 4 ::.
a heavy /06 1 . le the owner, then to be sea home, I"o4i4teltit Michigan and Ohio iniz,,,,'lt
and perhaps *gain thus to be reproduced hare— $ 4 , 68 1a 4 r 15 i and Costalia Mills, $..; ~.. I `,: t li
woold it not be advisable for TradeeMen and li r W ki 'l k cha
workingmen to re f use receiving such' trash in. slitala in hhis• are a trifle lower. t',,,, s i t "
payment for their labor as money, and thus letlt 4100tcd-$3,25e3,3,37i, and the Lt, e ,- $2 : l- '
,b, '
r emei`e in the hands of the unfeeling shaver., or 4rain---Tho sales oF WI eO. , , I. , r , t ''''
more contemptible employer who would thus - Mihail, at 90 cents; 1500 t eu, • ,3: I , 5 4
~ 1
I grind the poor, fearless of c o nsequences, that they. GL4tracte, 105; an d 2400 16 tCrior TIP .. \ '
'by such eonsamate meanness end sordid- aratica iina, 75 : alivaPht and fat hk illip e ' ' Ur" ' (.-
may add to their wealth. Iron—The market la very firm , 1
,''' , ~
erally have an upward tender , v ''
', ,' :
, Russia O'd Settle has bee : a bol4 c ,. :
50, 8 111 u5...--Plorning 1 ) (,.1. ' ' " 4.
Workingmen's : Conception.
The Convention of Delegates of the Working
men of the county of Allegheny assembled at the
Court House on Saturday hat at o'clock A. 41 - .1
N.b.mt twenty-five delegates took seats in the Con
votition. The Convention teas organir.l' by dp
pointing the following °Meets; D. W ERTZ, Preat.
!if incox Fox, Vice Prest. and 13urt, a . .nd
Young, Secretarial' ,
The Convention they proceeded td mark for
candidates for tha different County officers, which
resulted in the selection of the fdlowing:
A .S , F.MBLY.
J. H. WELTIF,:' , :NY, of Jct . . THOS BAR
NETT, or All. city, DAVID DUFF, Of 01 io,
JOHN SCOTT, of Fitt. •
cr.s.Rx cr Ceuars.
B. L. SPAHR, o' Peebles.
BEc.. 0 Ti ma.
Wlli. McJUN KA N., Phan.
J. M. :WO ILL, NV ii}tins.
FIRE: Six Houses Burnt.
Yesterday morning about 1.2 o'clock a Ere broke
out in a bittek of frame buildings in Market, be.
tween 3d and 4th !,trey Ls. By the m.qtions of
the firemen the flumes were soon extinguished;
but about six o'clock it was iiisc,:vcred to be on
fire again. The whole block, containing Fit frame
buildings,* totally destroyed.
It is believed to he the work or en incendiary
A. Fight:
There was a gb'riousTight on Union greet last
Saturday aftcrueoft betwien twocelebrated tough
pugilistg. They fought for ah3nt an hour, whet,
they were ?arts i by the by-slanders. No pallet
ItSvpc„.-pc.4:1}4,,L.!t, as usual on such eleasionti.
•-• •
Contrac:s for Canons; invite the OA
tuition ur icon Fowl:ler:3 to the adviuti , einent
viting propip al, to furnish Canons, Saot, &c., at
Buffalo, Erie, and other places. The vary
sive circulation of our paper will spread the roti,:r•
far and wide, and doubtless induce many -propo
sals from this section.
News from Ifhode
The. Algerims delegate election, Says the Prov
idence Herald, as far as we can learn, was a slim
affair—very slim. The rE , P:.I. were at the clao4
Bake, and the election ought to have been post
poned, as we recommended. In Providence, not
withstanding the new-trade voters, there were
wards of 200 IeSA votes polled than at the Harrison
election, and upwards of two thousand,three bun
dyed trtss than at the rejection of the I...andholders?
Constitution. In Coventry but about tsventy vote
were polled. In Warwick 135 only. In tires:
Greenwich, as we learn, thirteen only. Odle:
towns we have i.etra from with about the same
illore Arrests unfle•• the Algerim Law.—Charges
A. Slocum and Clovis H . . Bowen, E -qrs., were ar
rested, under the Algerinc law, on Wednesday
hist, They were examined and required to give
hail in the sum of $2,000 each which was given
on the spot. Mr. Siocu'n was molerator of the
town meeting, and Mr. Bowen was clerk, at the
people's election in April last. Nelson Saunders,
of Foster, has arrested and r.opeurttpt pr son
on Th.l r the Kovisiona of the "pater
nal" Algerine
111//ilanista alias "Lars and Orde;' "—We I. am
from the Providence Journal that as liume of the
crowds of citizens. females and childreu, on their
return from the Clam Bake, were passing. some
of the law and order cliques who congregate near
the Post-office, and the vicinity of Gov. King's
head-quarters, and the College street press, ass-tit
ed Uhem with missiles of various kinds, a icing
their garments, aid initetiog porf:one.l injuries.
One most estimable eitizee, Mr. Janathan Green,
came near loosing an eye:':. Such scoundrels should
be ferreted out, and if screened 11•4 int punishment
- hrthelitsv and order tribunals, should be subject•
ed to the tender mercies of the cowhide.
Breach of Promise
Not of inarriage,but of, 'roast beef and
two dollars er clay." A Whiff ou a
legal friend of o.3rs ti!e other day to know I
of him whether h 3 could i nt recover in. .a 1
suit against t heWhig Central State Coin
mittee of Maryland,! for 'bread yi pro
raise' The Locofoce Attorney asked " -
—breach or promise of wha.d marriage"—
‘f,Nol" said the Wiggy,---`breach of pro
mise of two dollars s t day & roast beef."—
That's ;0-tat they pmmised, and I haven't
ad "two dollars" since. Old Tip was elee
ted and "roast beer is a thing i'd..rather
see than hear tell of. 'The Attorney told
him he corild do nothing for him, but re
commended him to write to Mr. (nay.
who, ho told him, was a great hand at ma
king a "Compromise," and perhaps he
could make a compromise with the Whig
Committee for him', and, by giving up the
two dollars a day" g et him the "roast beef?!
"Egad,' said theliViggy, "I'd jump at that:
but they'd viorate this little Compromise
with me, before I ,:ould get a taste of the
"roast beef." The Attorney, seeing the
clay party had Violated the big Sompro
raise, .couldbut admit the pro , : tty,
Nibj - of,
what the whig , iverky said. "WonMitad
he i "l see these alma chaps are odifastio,
`calling on ail traie lo contel#,:the'
rescue and support henry ditty, aiit . t,
kung:gt vskpronusett tor.
ors,if we'll him Prifeldekv,o l 4 - hq
'don'ttqa this dad
- '
0 :44.4Le - 2:c A:. 21
At Phi . tadelphiSrflOb,3o'
5 per cent. loan of the Auttlrte tri Lc: 'oar, . ; .
Company payable in Landon, redcultab:c n
Will 'be sold -on Saturday
The bill, ttuthar&ing ttr.. bsac of Tree - -,
Notes in lieu of the tv,-ehe uni6r,
al:daunt of six. tnillionq has t).'.L ., 11.4:1:4/..:. (i
R ots also flat some 0 . th,•:;,,1r•
t h em •p a r. Sec. 3, !3.1.; !•!•1:1 n
so construed as to acth,r 11112 cell!
cats of stock, for t„.20;,, to
by the Unitid a
a tons fide-loan to tin G icAro,l—.l, ac.
the criginal ;;;
SEp. 8.
Tel 10.1 7
The. Picayune cg . A 5;,.;
ertronit Is) ov that
caves of fever tovariabff r
and a trport of
week, is by no !Leans 1
cause for &arm is shit - h.
!lover passed over the
ainary a) so pso,ns apsiaLrs; , 10 , 1
no snore srvere at this et .1-
often been before at this
noater 1)(..f!! ,0 -t
The N. V. lierabi
explusion tau phte 10 , 'o** , st ,
one r.isgracidul •1' t' , •
hate 1 , o:2:woe S 9 alar.ni:lg!yireq
ert,e it rurricred 19 Ilsat of - l'•
ier of the Imusa
vators, far excellence, "or Coe f
of Illinois."
'lt appears that, like cc( b,Liy i:,,,1-
rison has been s,pretil s' och, d
tom:to thau his ernpl_iyers, kit , ‘‘.
use of fur,ds rot h,s cv.ri to th,
ilt1:09. Toe tmitt - er kvas ri .y
ditions in the cash boik, givit•g at ,
ance in the Bank when really Wine
'lt was -dise:,verud by t' r
chaps' Bank infcralinz Mr. .N•.% , •1
count was overeraw rt. 11 rem u-';
must be some mistake, as be )me
000. This led to inveatigdtion, an!' ther
eame out. i _ , •
al,. w F 1 r_
sho•,l ref, a n I'l -
which they rcc ,:!ou many — ,
pals engagml. u they aro urtscictA
caire their operators ace It held, ht,
capital at eJminami. l'ite-vrhtAts papef
as coctlitaed of late . yeurs, suit.t.hc rot.
Fever in e Nevoir Orleans.
The ysilew lever io New - Orleans srn
on Cie increase. Sorry to hear lc.
Bee the 30th, wo iopy tte - annt s d
l'he report of the Board ar IL
week, shows that 1 res. es 'of
admitted ieto the Charity He-rite!, r;
out of the 17 prored
We are pained to add, tLe t tb3re ?5 ,
erPence to prove that the '
as an epedetnic. On Son+ty, -
missi me into the t;harity - „ir
were of rift's ,- fever. and 4 death-.
were of that disnreer. Yesterday
6 then; werethcr 22 'adfni,sinc , '. ;:
were yellow five:, and 5 deaths, I
aI tlio earn disca_s - e. • In additien,to Chi,
that several cases were adnAtc_d• •
11030411, bz.:Sl.:jCi: a few others ; ;;;;',l
Tne runthcr icAths yelifttrt
ed to the 130 , :rd rif Hea:th,. for thir t4l
on Satorda', was 13.
A ppointments by the. rietilA
Lewis W arrinaton, to be
of N ivy Yards and Docks;
be Chief' of the Bureau or.Ordn..
gespby. Win. P. C. to 6e (Ai , :
Bureau of Medicine god Surgery. 04ifi '
!.0 be chief of the Bateau of C o nst r o,,H,'
merit apt P.epatri. ('Herren -fir. .1;
he. chief of che bureau of rrovisio4s.
• •
SE! F-RLSPECT or n...RPORTER,stit .
corded in the New York,. Stantinl,
~ .,unfirtite.ci by the Commetcjal A.F, , or
thlt, for,causes other t a
n Ole i(t,i.ii :0
Pre4ideut ial 4ice of t N,21,i0- , '',.l.
frponer , z present, left. dial Oint,- '1.,,
ilie Ashburton dinnii-) iu a bott,P , '. l = -
the delivery of the a - pearla of r , ' ~z,rt
ton and til responseut Sginat ,- _::,,l;
Maine:', The muse, We leas, T .1
other source, was an offer t,) nIN 1. , e'
a Side•tal4and Teed tfi . en . t , mt "1. ,,, . - v1 ,
tuals," the,terntlants of the lca- , •
of by the pyse-proudzor
siclered thernsetuvi:'` - ,
tt , istrete'sAlt.y propeft . d tot
ing boner, indignaritlikrefused
crumbs that fell from the ri cli 1
and withdrew from - are.' unpalrit,tic
anti-republicar. synap*in.
'My wife is very attattive to tt, e
said a gentleman the , ottter day, in O , P r:
ence of several ladies. ' 'That acci
her attachment to yritti!, l evet 1 ,
the fair ilateit*s. Ftvi,ty sharp 1 .
country editor sayA be rare'
the folluviitigJt"itep, pap '' r ,
• beatTilet"l., !b* ' -I{.o :_::
ke.: ,-,
ever ycw paper l'gr- , .1 I
death of eomeindivid4d Ivvas a, , I.: ."
with,but ‘r
ift .'' '
u got y a„ slag e,-
ialthiug-alsout.has c hvb*(l4 :iii Y)U
1 ',please:novo.mr.,nave.i.Oatie„d,,,
.1:1C - MoogEts.to. , t,.. - Pc AV', it ..... "J , -:".
111NON.C9TTOW F.i.9gtarr:lkneglie yi.:4Y..;4
.1 - eed ct the uppr!i'ltr44:' .311. e labe,:r , t - t.s '7l
Camthe.nce,..fitile 0,11111-ract;3lq#4ottott Y:trA f,,f, :
-YlarrA,VOl49o3.ltvinej.c.. ',.t 10, Carpe. 0 ,,ir,, is-:
4"**o4"rti'lo,o*(to,-*7:4..: it grx tte L=i;.4te , l G ;;
440114**00.0tiV* := ..: '*, , Inc4-k , pze 11•1 1 .. , :
19ra till11104,1rO• th 6: ,: .: * 40;i114.3: Ic. f
I :Fi 4 '4 9 !IT - f. °r At** : 0 4 -I'' ' - :/ '' .;0 B re. ° ''''''
-tjtstATll4mr_jq-4krW.kl , ei: - if:.--•:' - -
7 , .. .9* - - 1 ''' ''',4 ',-**• " - - - .4. : 1 . : 1 g 4
...,i , , , i.• ;' , . :. ' . .' , . 4.it.,: - . --, '
0. , ..... s. .:-;„,_=,...,;„,..
. i
A ttex4We.
' . k.. ili,•• tee ,
*-4-Ittptrt derir
41-17 t alk4l‘
t' 4-I,'N•oqhY•clock* :Y0
- A 2 ° ilfd ' :
1 2 11 4`
• 4.; RI " ;,-
r- -
-On Suttardef.:: -
•:. bp' oribtr,
p vig deliertAna
.t t* -40401,0:
6'44%4440 0
11:1111116 4 10 I"
ania 4 gitalh
4/04:49 1 i 4 ...
A l scis Aare Prortooa A r
PrPrOtA will be te4 ,
.r. filk. of tho 15111
fivertng,ltt the proport ,
igtiated, the following I.
Shot and Shells.for
tares, viz Thirly:eig
3 cwt. each. Sf`rcilly.
and uPwar4a, the itrec
1 hereafter. rive lilt
iuted,oightl4:ll o
,ponaticr shot.' De
"es. rot Ova slang
its; Isiiedie
solld shot
-111 tWavolAntter p!!!.•
rely-two pactsider
,at in. ritiKtisrt guns
In. shells
in. solid shot
pounder IT* n 9
-"Or tyti.• portuder th
ht in.nlSlian gang
ht. In. lailetts
1- 1, .m t3 H 4 - t 4:44 V ir 1 7 i0 9-'3O : -rgen : :::
we Itermif wta
ileeiMWHlf"-:G•c eta
yie he istrie64- I °l . -114-
n'ortltiirfhlrese fd
rut tto pald for • 1 1
tt4 tTillY Ise ettitt*Y,at
w Alt two Weft-I'ot,, 51
cd tbeeillimated uholn,
lout tire arrtrTro . orn .
..4„1 oecaritY Oft fai
'43.4c1:.1t1 tivr ee
01)111. lironw y acirtir
ns or the rowe;tc.i, 1.
lion ro t Navy g.'r
erl in Rs! sta4 vat w
n pnnmcni 10 I , r , tti;a4
a tf the zun. will r
tbev 'must Lc ca..it
ery roped.
*Arm elvt2ric lOW
t 4 rnanifiSt.
Just receive
.niperanca Atainnucs
. lin A inerk.an , T o n ,
• re A•tvo-tte for Scu
tuncs, and a lao.l
uurt the
rrarcirs f0r . ]4 1 )7
IN: of Craut'e
:rctc.ry tux! Stranger ,
Shunt avid
e ibrufulirs of
dinn'g Harp tvC,U rot:
I atnio‘c ali kind') of
licjue; I) 0 , Boulifi
-.non hhti IP: - .lee Pe
ifelopedirc of limier v
vatietr of Bookoond
tintle/Ms for 401 i
tI ARM, Agent 4.
;RIO --Prinirrs
gainit the sttiverthi
inn.) and they will
fah,3: it, r
cenrral, irelativetti
:try roe me to have
teal tires ttr a llttlp
1 In a Bye , emale. lard,
•r(J,.4. i-:Tocvrt.
p.7r Ma Du .
ANI)ER?fN, Smit
the Ilvitnog:thr.l.lll.l
in, s.IOIINS, A
' - ncl door fiom
8. ripi..mels. OfII ,
34 , 15tn09 4: Co's G'
r the Nth qttt's 411Thre
13.4.314,T0N, A tt
nod and•Slnithfl,tid
/I TONER, A tt,),
Smithfield and Fon
a A
4: Wood 14.; wlseie
wrapping, prinlit
kc; 4-e.
r. TO Villg..4EN n
andfacturtre, No. 2
;_9, G 49 tiOTEL, C
re.el, by
, y
biramorkeitrer of
.01x, 41-e • .
t, tt.ttArceu Sixth r.
Smith - 110d P,
altar, Water at.,
,=-Ic - stiat bums, a
mat fay tat
- 44 m u t;4 "
44 tIt
'Wilde Nei'
-;:Laid4 *line
*ma to sate
fevieng A ,4 4 -43
N D. Mr..ge
32 hhtsti.O.gil
/LA to at r., 10/
, • : 1 ? A. A
... .s'~'=...
a 3 :`~~Y`.i•,~ 4 v .