Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, September 10, 1842, Image 2

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f , - -
414. -1 ...„ . „,.,.. , ' .. ,- ~.._- 4. orkate' A. 1 11, 01 . 413 1, • a
. N . :*.. ' . i r ,,,,, tii . 'Scott tr:
: 0 41. r k ar li t % 94 e i n gi'i n S e p. ,
-I.Pue , , Th e an cient 1
IV4l:bYt'"' beittafit
iol4l . itt . -;,. 4 even Pow
# _ „ „ all' " w i n di e fily be
e a ' - fhis, i; ittllV3ct' (hawing
n• X., - .. 6 ho ldi n tr ic,xeelt,
t ,,
*IPI I V I VIL 6se , I I, n ~,,,,7w i ti take ~ip Ye ,
brn's* c c.i 7 . 4- '" /- '''' and Ducbesg, et
' h the Duke
el:at-wt . h paicce.
_.• f
~ -
_,, h iit Innikelt , 41 , 3 Earl t
''.g' ", . f Ilzineere., - , an 3
~,_.,,': -.EUrt e,,
..,. hf )3, r eadelbt tie,
ft,:' to"4.ll 4'''' .3. - Will als4)'have
...; :rria, t o 4 .:. ''
% ' reßuY Tian
- 8 tivrti the Q ue en:-
,-- - rliOrlit "31 r i,,, u4 . part 6 of Scut
Mahe i i e r into ‘
' '
f irr qwn accompa
Lt . Dakeo e
visit t
'‘iiF3o4oreign, it being hi 4 firm
Peet is alto expected, and :nu
4 l i ie iyaraham, if public dtities
;Lord Ste W3l d, JAM a Dbutnbeilain
ut het 'great ot'ict. , ra of State will
h the'Queon. -It is now exactly 20,
% 47 , t, la vv rssincie. George - IV, ted -Scotland.'
.. 1.1 - I,..lattiburgli great ill s aro be.
epat at:, It
I“r'tuado al re ady.
eAlb '5 not to return with the
flueen,, but go to the I
°it 1 l• `• moots
1 ,
e ritace of Wales, and Princess
a g t will accompany theil),ueen..
visit `would have Tirsl,
t• 3 Yie
lot; d but Earl de Grey, cie Vlcerily, is ab
the Continent farbenelit of his
6.altli. Had 'l4liaisters are
' 2 in en co
r esolve not to
unwell a 11:1 , ,u1et—a 'title to
' at the
Of a Royal
h as lord M a Y ( '', la b e cud.-
visit, Ile `N( .110
'tinee Albert's, brother elnl his wife
,ain at Windsor Castle. They t cum
.he 'continent before the Quecni visits
'he-Kual state livories ore about being
-3 , I'm - t , e , ocont set have lasted
.1.521, %Alp George .1 - 1
le,. _Truth compels me to say that the
liveries are greatly the worse -for the
Ir. The cloth is threadbare and the
id . lace tarnished, as any nue can ber
re: It will take about $15,000 to re'--
iv them.
Rabbit .Shooting in Witidsur Park. is
itice Albert's daily ciecopation. Vo'j
tr judge how plenty they ace, and how
1 prescrld, when the Prince, whit is
a vety good shot, has killed - ..1) in about
hours. .
- DlsT,cricernt.
Til..s newspapers say i! i- .10;1 e Tfi.a. (I , :s , , r ,, ,,
paillionnir€-s of llgew York grivo.a dinner the
the to ti; ti•:.VE) 1...) . att: f: nrn 1.,!.n. ,
ollcr day to Lord -Ashburton. The accounts of
tby railway. Scone say it ..i a mode of .
it prove it to Itavehoen, to any one with a spark
veyance to i unsafe for ti . Queen, and
at - A rnfAican teeling, one of the most disgraceful
iers maintain that it is agal. st court t. - tt! , . , .
told nuarthatinr. osseniblage , , that ever was held
efts for the Sovin . eit;ll t i i: . avel at the . , ~ , . .., „ . ,
IL.' in the tinned States. Ihe great rag-baron was
to (440 miles an lie:or!
. .. to:7sted and stuffed to the gorge with such adula-
ViNNY ESSLER AND TRE CtSEYSLIEIt VD:i ',ion us an Indian, despot. might receive !rem his
6147.-74 i lhta party I elt-LY' d anot her abject siaves; republicans should blush for usiil
. i.W..coilerstition with INletternich, reiative
it towards any litunan 'being. Ile wos virtually
F:r:rin old and comtn 11. fr:end of ours;
ritstal. , ,ed for hawing vouchsafed us peace with Eng:s
.lrs, fm• the country and the w, - irid now tto _
1 1:n4: and he ir. , as placed oa the roll of fame side'
ere, I. mean the eelebrate.l Chcval l ier
iiy side with A lexander the Great; This, however,
'.. on Getiz. No one who has turned al.
the least Shameful p . art..ot the setae. At such
:..tentiott to thp poiitical Sttito nr FlurOpt
0.0.,emr, . _. .
d i.ible iatsrrang pipoll nn upstart i
",.1. the litsiliweroy }'ear,,, cr r, be ii7nurant of c
„ 1 we e-e 1 smile in d.isiort. But there was anntli,
''. l " ) gre'll• 644 0 . :i6 ' i'"CrilS (Mi'l'ler a") deeperr. in , ult offered to the peoolc of tli•,•
...titer has played it; the allied ..oligreilses C r '7 . , '
:.•,d itr„the counejls of the nl - :!:1•.1.5. Ele-v- United States in the conturrellous manner in which
4: , veers ambassador at Vienit 1 i ad ma 'e their President was treated by these flatterers of a
e,..intimaiely acquainted with la , singular foreign money-e'tanger. When the President's
:. , ilities; and Metternich. repeatee to me health was proposed,says the ,N.e..v York Stin,“not
airs; what I had often, heard 11101 say be- "a sound of applat.se broke the grave, li ,detest
`e titratlns never knew a mai l , a nd believ- i "but when "The, Queen of the 'Unite Kingdom
....l none evetexisted, win) posses. ell such i "of Great Britain and Ireland" was proposed, the
i-itejlectual /lowers and such felicity in giv- "wboio c,rnpany rose simultaneously, and the
- ...
":•4 1 4. npreSt:ioilii to them. It hi not, then i ..b,„ q „ et i ng b a ll rung w i t h rounds of acciama.
14, tssing strange-, that this profound genius, , qi,,„p ,
~.-:.: is Fuhtiel)Olitician, this pho , rox of litera- Late accounts of the dinner rmy tbal one maw
r,zre and edinposition, should have died PreBerve6' Fiell, Esq., got up anti left the assembly
f.i i•r?na an overwheimingexcess of the passion folitl rzfler this most diegracetni see n , .! Ile de
twei? and this:, too, at an age wkan na- t, selves etedi't for his nr!nly and patriOtic conduct.
tools down the passions and bids them ' What a fearful eaten is this for the peratarten-
Ude; for he was.r,lear four score: yet so
cy of republicanisin in our Country; A Pritish
:d a se st a nds. He imbibed a mad len : •
lord is feasted, his sovcr,ign, the, mainstoy of
'g - .ti • a O u ' enl. , t° Fanny Eisler, 1 ; 11° Vl' n i
, unarehy, in the old •.vocld, i.. 3 crithusiastirtilly
14 , tiall$Pfse, ',men more pai'mny Known, i .,
toasted, and the tithe of the President of the
of late conspicuous both in Eogiand and ...,-„
_,',„„ , head r theonlyf
V141.£10 iztil.t.t: , , the Q.
ieliCa, , 1. -- I,er early channel Fan; fascina- • . . .
Ni.tettlet. the philosopher's broil. llis the earth, is passed over wiili silence and cost
its. of , business wholly I again have to
i ft).* neW. roteh abservini
lifriirmi this change,
:his f9rofa,ex - ctise, ''s> that ,
. . , ~A-,,, 1 --------- -r ,
Orr prettble • _.„
, way I, y . 3 ~ i, n
____,..,n r, ,,,,.. p.„ whig — Le - c - tur - er i11:0, 4 ,, eb:tugtzst:
„ Blood, b i
ts too ,t i p , p / e ef r o a • r. " ce — .r. in /4 1, ':T sv ra y g a i r c it. A , t e m : l ,o 7 .
a a l o n...
nfote should tie allowed 10 vote,
~ '"'..a'lt'rol'Y / Pnursday afternoon there arrived at r hill- .
I..teti to t mboat explosions, 6...,e We commend it to
the mu: unpo li ria Lo nt
b e e :: horrible murders,
' lA ye. g one through a certain course of liiera!y ed.
a in e g a
' • 11 1 1 ' ' ‘ ^ ' boa ts, the Hon. Daniel oration. We o cold be better satisfied with this 1
tt i,, t .. tau pita, in zr [rat dte
.."4.iun Webster by himself, Messrs. Stanley, Fill- if they would also require them to be posE, ,, ss od o f il)-11''-'`:'° of
- - tine,. ugh
a nervous temperaretent—d should be
o'l more % Tailturadge, and sotPe half dozen oth- alt nrittortry sitar eof-comni'm sense.
N., et' ultra Wtti;i Corrgeseinen, in a body. -
a r .le wht t f voters *auld be scarce. 1 t
. t , 1 1 cad j ust be,ore go_ . _ ... t _ _
• _ ' Constable R o bbi i n a s e le u f s t to t ,, i7 c a ll? ,,, y;: e S c t i t o r f da r y ol : - :i n th a
' - '4Nir W Fad curnr. O'L far as Wit IntrI71" 1 1 in &no le. —A y :Jog man named Door..r.y. c,,e.lnit., . I. ‘ ll l7.o.l o) 4 a,,m eat i. te o rs f , f) . L n izonier. A ' '
- 1
i s now futeertained tit at this PrOcrt.4,l ,will'
4:4f.( 4 l eir :or'npotly, but . aPt that pla , :e they look led qiiei le at Galeria 111 on the - 24th alt Cute
lti ' t Iw-int and i .- .
Tiled in le t bit)
vl boat sent espressiv fat theca by their
t 1
not Ti . ,,1.A t.
time '' . 'ne''''' . g . "' e Pr nmi ' n 111 7 111 one of the wincipe t l yaroo.-as - ---
er 'C'e $ ret of wrimate.ly 1 _ ? . 1 . 4 . , c (74 "- L ' , 1
41 g
, - )hiladelOia part - Bah., arld Mr. W., no , —t ' lble n . ' en '... l3 " 61 : t 1 .-, i r4, 12 ,4 1)w ; ). ',,,,,, I , ~ , ,,,,,t ) 1. Mr rileni's s tor ‘ e , in . this tut,
ti d r a lt: ,, r c' it fl w g io;
tuned an J, t macy wit 1 , •
~ "racy , opened tru, iron safe y ("Xi) .) ~,
f ; slim bflOreli wait :in trilitation to proceedi eau) , - '1 I fru rotva”
win iw rm. hid fallen, I l'" (ler.
led lino Ilona vtce to Ince, ant; his , 1
?-I.with thrift, he ctitttidned no with the regu- fr , lsogs ;. t the (ff•g - raded state to e , ,
t - -•,"' lar I inc. •-
it , Oil' t 1,14 arrivil oftiuence
hecam,.. nnsuppnrtabic, and dro..e 111111 to the fe-arJll I Will
the booth at phil a d e i. ac, Of 514rde,trUC . 110ri.
atiltp; () hi e , t h e e oll i eolneen were !net et the 1 1 . The e i tnl , atb h is unfortunate man ie. another warn- l out.done
--,'-, _, 'at... i y e ., ' - . imgto t :a L.° ig tless young to shoo tine alluren•erts
41-*W-..w 4 .7. 114 ' dwk. by rbonsaltds e , bliZZalng P 44ll Sails• iif „11 asaCSatio(ls. I c.
'.,, , e.1.1' , -Vairt M. it. V- .
—__—______---- of ree,
- ' ' - - I with bonnet's, and tryn.tc, tin all , rn a—l 4i , :no .--Thomis -taith by birth an Engli , ,liman ;
14 A'iYi l ed ,*•'' PrA" ° l ' '" ' • i A t ' - .•, 1- er in, vuodel just "T)
.ttl ge' - gm 4 - c,. t ritice Met= demonstrations of joy and g Ory. groatand fat 5e ,,,, 1 y „,,,,,, t „,,.,, r „ ,eep
lir Chi for
ti - r 414444 IiTA ) • 1 41t 11 //' •lic t midi his prneessiou v., us form ed ,'A triti'mphal ruareh I Pbiai t:ant•r.itted s del le on Thursday by cutting his I . Me oat Jambi:sr.—Tit , y have "Real Ashland
. 7 - "'„s- - - ,- '''A. _I, t.... 1 I: I-'i ' t -` -- '. ' ' • •tt de foiled a t 'al ei two ago' and and h as h l d i c ares ,' c ut from the Farm of tie y Clay,
4: l*-- #., / , 14 ",, r ,. 5 a 13e19 , '''',14F,'13112!dA1".,115 4040ted`tbrougltithe streets, and tree reitn- 1 '"'`'• • - • s It . t i .„, e , i „ akin . rittla d c i p t i k a .
r ~, ,
tintritttkin,4 ,, , , oo , o „, c ,, ,prov , ewt . 1 . , :., , it p
till. late
with I no regt o a , steady employment stut,e, el at , 1 1
....*......................„..................... ,
07: . ''' j",r 4 , it t ,' ta'ti*ijirttlTQ' ti 4 -11 , ;ik'
, Ce4rea ti d- , i t , 4 -. ! ` - i g t ;' ) 1::::
w e lt l i l e t i : mvan ' tia vi, „
1 11.3 .1 , :pi f li t tei , J , , tr o w. , ..,;;g 03 t: d l ifll ie, e d e isag Hty i t n ee g cl ett n inLii;e rre ta : r i t e ig d 1 The
nhounetexreaera ‘Eivio,44o "„l inhgtanootilkirreee d heupar eliniri cer g
I : , I .."11i..4fri,#4-114 ... 0014 tevt rtilet . .s!. ( e -,,, -,...-
.. t. • ~
~..... 10 3 • t' '• ^ . , d i i they do no IV
/ - s''' 4,` ' Irtr '''' '``rill' j tl 'rtarit reettnt.r' 'tir e s deftrtortg et tilt 401 RE af,W*74 PaSSece/ o "4"'' ' viuto Ms *ire alsatutretigious matters, and treats ter
Der day.
S' -=', , COl ; i1.t,,04P--- :' ,°) , - !- -1-4 ~,,_ , - . kl• 'k"
• n anti it is'aiat ht tad ,
-,;>l l o'. t ii ';,t4:40.012 t ~ t i witid d'oturge4,ioP" :r ec tykyvitg4 ille - cfawsi,` tfe WO :s l l4te „.titr beti. , tit %INA I!. ,4a Ing r an g „,.... n ' „, n .
~.. hit a orittertattetn .anutftet pe.
14,4j,,,,tv -:.-ao ~, , .. m .--,,, . i nir G 'in "4'. ..-.- ',. 4- - -r t .11 re' - '4
ihirif rit9lo retuatty tirutar_ ruanie-ts.patu. '', I ,a-i' tr. IT• "Li‘"4, • Iv, ... ii,,t en
t ovii,
NO t e o-• ''
'' ' .i. lt11131111‘ Y : ' " ‘l4l' ' ' t eo t, Oe t ts 4ol o .ll : (l44rag ‘ - '41114 s.3 n -31' 'ki ' , ' ' --'r.*'-''
' (1 1 014rita foal 11 4 id lit walk fill netts r
. 'i . -" :., kii:i i 5'A .,,,,t, 4;,.:1:4 i iii , , P-14 . 1 . o:r i a: i t it ati t. t .
c -i t i oa ,... r.; * tt . , z." A ,
~,` .„ „., • -,,:,,, :: ,1- ~t,1 a t. ...,a s i . atneff.H . at . ..t a Vils:a to iFem ni be lt r , r e ca ri be asi i: l : y rt uou , _
.l bra;. „_ ; :
' ‘.•=i , t•bul(liir".. fi'MZ. ft , ".; '' . .-;,-, ' - •
-- a- :au:lv , ' 'Ad i „j l ' iiii.liffesarom On' th l9 -1 " -d ge .. L. 4
16 re '''Th ' ./' ' ' 1.... 4. t' t ' ‘ . ' Ditty " 1 " - r `-•
' `.44,040004. ~,., wf' ,6 * ! r!, , , J - 4, .'. ~ ' V, J,,, c ,, ~6 4 % , . . , i ,,,,,,„_-.-. ! , ,,.
~. ,' ith iiii4Ett.:*-Vt-ft . 4 1 °1° 14 44W, 44 k!'", tak ”' ":! :' v .`: '' l ' ..,,,. ''' itt*; 4 port-$44:4)41 , 6:4 7
401144104 k : ' * l -#. 3 44: A* . ' 4 4 - VirM i r,- 1 1,1!,1 49 j:45:!kir . ,:r - ", t .71! itiOn'clt i ,*;4*(4l , TtiaLVEl4,,,, blitt ' 'IP/ ,' V4C'ell'44 'iut' ' ,:,,, r ,.. flu t t iviW i ' 44V: •,, '''; ,, Ut - ,14 4 4;' , '
•_, i
-4t ; >,,,''': ; 4 =f,,,..i*.4 1 (1tite i r;,-M , : . ''.4 , 3*, , Ato l itoo4*Ag t i1 i01t0,.."4 ~t e 'i.„_, , t- rt - ..,'N''ct:Fs4 '''
''-'' : 4 'l ' ' ''',
, 4 ‘ 4 "rft 4 F,.... 5 . 4- r t hie ' - it Vii ' i ) r. .1'
, r , . iv - 0 4 :Att. , i:.,;,tat. 1 I . ' -*% , ,,,V0 ..... "lc-A t *o .o' - :". ,2 '+`..,' ','',. L' lA;i4e-Ai . ,,,,;;,% -''',t' , ,-, : - '
•,., , Mkt , fltpv,4lllt
„,.... 4 ., >, Ifg ,
' ~q ` • i cdtfkr.:U. 1 ' t L'f, •- , " „myte itatekt ~. -- , r - , ,,A t - 4 , pi ,',..„ 44k 10111-44 '614 001 , 10.1 .1, lilt l e '°- • 1 .,7 - - ' w f= : tr4ioot'
. - , -• ,,, -.0 1 4_,.• . ~, _ NZ,Z ,4;04 , 1, , ,Y:`, „ ,' ' ';`4•*`'','''''''' ' - f P LitikkgiWitit*k .I)* ;. * - `'''
;,..i .. ...:z:i. , :4. - t
'.' ' S4' , ?
t _. .
7.-2,,. ';SPV .:7:-,77,--, ''B . - .. i :40
Ja ‘ , *lA , .
k l
ConteMs aY To;lsoyls
On First Part...- I"Thireitynx 1 "Thireitynx 0 9
dotes - or flericr it I 33141,0;"- II - X
We Inas t U ottr.pstrou and the public
the heat nrimlrer thentYaig It •rairt,g Post.-'--
Of eouree'etir arran
,gents are. ,ot Parfectegt,and
it will 'like us a ft* ys. to -getbur raw harness
. .
to work ‘irith ease and od‘gifurt.-. We-hope then to
issue a paper that , cannot linut.. , ne la--furnishing
tarly news, or in any other 'l,espeet. neautiine
we hesposk Cie indulgence and r•espectfully et:air:it
• ,
the patronage of the public. • Too ' rl party friends
we !gentian a paper that will - faith, liy maintain
the rincip!es and measures of th 6 'de cieraey,—
our opponents may depend on hav,ing ti. krierteid
treated of with respect and conitasy,atid till'
rors dwelt upon with etterily.--tlio tuerchant ~,
meelmnie will find their interests attended t-; ari\
the g eneral news.monger may rost assured tkat
the ...Morning Peat." will quit his views ealetly
1 he Eneampineni.
This is the last. - day of the :4411;a. encamp.
mc n'. It has been a splendid ratTair , and "the
primp and circumstance of glriripus war,'.' has
given eir.citv an uir of atairittititm which la quite
cbcdring in these dull times. There are from 10
to 15 compatilta from ahrt ad onlloty, numbefing '
about fiQO men, exclusive of the Volunteers of the.
two cities. T;tere iirettompan icts , here fro MA;
ler, Deaver, Weatatorehatti, Nz)ttiiinguyn and Fay
ette counties in• this state—trum'jeff.:rsen county
Oliio,--and from Wheeling in Virginia.. 'l'he
appearance of all is surpassingly -fino,tied though
snuie corm excel in drill and the, performance:of
militcry evolutions, yet when all dotolwell, it
would be invidious to make distinctions. ' Major. I
Dennu is invested with the cornmand, and Arlsj , ,t ,
Jahn A tic7eregz ~f the German Datallion'll'Olds the
sect nd post in the encampment.
01\ Thorsday,the, bqie force thatched .hr,eugh
the c..ty - tram
Allegheny city. Yesterday they tater.: eftlerriri r rc.'
ed in harld,o no style by their commander at his
lioue. hear Lawrenceville.
Tlr; troops will leave for their respective homes
this evening, and cur city will a6.ln resume its
peaceful aspect. We tender to4ll, our hearty
fishes for their-sa:o return to the 4 dwelling
ces, and hop:: that none will recur to l the days they
spent at"Carop Fayette," with other than pleasu
relk feelings.
... ; 4 - a,•si.t:,..;:•':fY•:'': -.- rv: l ; .f, r .
,~. k{.
nth yl;tdr Ati'ditifeit hart 68.0
'‘hb;c:#ll*lit94:4os ' ll /IP 0 0,14 -g - fi r ` , l W,
tri„Stie4 l oi init4irlio
13611 p*senf ,I4vp`bein
sod tot thpir firAmitio opt ositig fite bill
oo the ottl
galng tor
. -
r A, lee:
It affords both wonder and amusernent•to:vßttelt
the doublings andtwistings of the ultra fedirithW
inthcir politiiital progress. ; The unexpected t.,'
their affaira hive taken; hits,- it would imen4:: -
I stroyed allkhe discretion they ever peasesitt.46 , : '
\ -
1 finer promises or professions are uniteeoed e a t for."
I gotten; and they dash no in their career :Ufa man
ner as de . 4141 of prudenCeas it is of sound Oa*
ple. We have conversed with many of the ultra
whige. who are delighted wl wasp of the nnsylvania and Buchanan.—We observe thn•
sac irk it most salutary at all the county meetingl,tield throughout tho state
Tariff Bill, who
a this
sed . tisri for the purpose of nominating county Tickets i ttrong
results rolthe country in ger resolotions have been adopted in favor of the nbinina.
of it in particular, and yet express filo mat un
usin of.lllr Buchanan for she Presidency in 1844.
qualified , approval of the coarse of John Q., •
The efforts of the enemies of democracy to malign
Adams and his Ultra compeers, who resisted its
the fivolite • son of Pennsylvania, but serve to
asy .c.-, gel : They maintain with a gravity whicl
arouse the enthusiasm of her honest yeomanry in
not hnt provoke a smile, that the whigs Who
defence of his merits and the clairris of their good
for the bill did right, and that the wbi g s \old state. "Pennr,yleania and Buchanan is now ern
who v te against the hill, did right also. 1 phafeady 'the sentiment of the democracy of the
In ill tration of the ludicrous ineonaisten . I ,„,, stone.
cics to wilt the whigs are driven, we give an
ex'ract fr:na the history of a jubilee recently
• 1 Philadelphia. They appoint
scant the ultra Whig members
elpbia; when they arrived,
4ohn Sergeant, who - was
lfr. Ni'lienuan,',on the
it is said inihe its
\1 44
v te'
`I tn.
` , i
4 ; -.. 1 . , L
got up by . them
ed a committee to .
of Congress to l'hi
they sure addressed b . N
responded to by the Hon. \
part of the members. Mr. ee,
port of the proceedings "slid it
the proceedings of Congress, any
which the-whips have endured free
power." He gam a history of the pi
Tariff gill, in which he named Messrs.
Thothpson, of la. r eand :Stal/ey, of Nertit ..
as having distinguished themselves by their Duels i a New Orleans.
"That man," (said he, 'speaking of Startle) 'Mc Oreeeent City of the 29th ult., says, a duel
"was restrained from voting ie faaor of the bit I, was naught. the day before near -NewM Orl unson eans,
iest presented, by the feelings, an ... dahnost direct reaeen L. .Collins, Esq ,and
,insireetionseaf his conseitnents. tee did not Vote 1 Thi"iatacce chosen - .q.
nn was 20 paces—the parties to
• • .
eete all.; *lot , when he eaw that the , veto. of the. • \ ,
"eerpezeretei.eiere:telettheliill„ hd, foot tlii himself, have two pistols, and to advance and fire between
hie priYate "Views, his seeliinia-tetaleiedinOset , the swot one and:, .Mr: Collins fired and
remembered only his, play and the enratiOn, and i ~,,i,,,' d h i s \ r , tq ,.„ o4 i t He '. L . , • ,
ail l i C. ,T he ball truck cupeteletbe null,,
gave his vote, and thusisatred the bill. -
1 Mr. M'li. then remarked that the whips had
recoiled on their bannOr e sound currency, pre, ' tievand and cam threingh• on the Ittiliolt. hle.44e
teetien La national industry; and the distributiori Mr. flans fell. 'he wound Was 661.'tlartgerett
of the prome.ds of the politic lands. "With • that The meceing vvat%ecasiened by an article,
hann4," said he, "we must :emceed, and Henry 1
which appeared in the dverttser, of which Mr.
Clay will bear it aloft."
Collins is at present edit 4.
And et, alter all this praise heaped upon Mr.i
Stanley, it is questionable whet ezr that gentlemen -I Another was feught tetreeNaorning, on the Me
! tarie track. One of the partien \ wag dangerously
has taken a course which will please the man
who is to bear the whig banner "aloft." 0 _,,,,,,,,,, , \ wounded. Di antes not known. N
that he is commended for saving, the bill, tettinst Another ,vas to come MT on the .2.Xl ‘ e—ereapects
titles, at thirty paces. 'e,
the vote of Mr. Speaker White, who had detei)liel
The yellow fiver has not been as fate u: New
tied to "kill-the bill." And eho is Mr. Speaker i
1 Orleans this stetson :is formerly; but if 'k'xellow
White, from whose sanguinary enmity Stanley
saved the Tariffßill, arid is thus glorified for the Jack has Sli''?"" .l e' l his ravages, the Pe4e aPir
act? Why be ta the sworn adherent, the trusty
henehrean of thi same Henry Clay, the political by butchering each ether, according to the cede
chief for elms benefit and atitancoment this! of honora ble me'clu r •
i {determined
great meeting was held! eWe look. in vain for i
any denuneiatiati of Speaker ,Wbiter. In fact, it 1
is probable thathe formed-one of-the Cougriessionet
al party who were feted, and was present on the I
occesiim. and if he had been present, and they I
had beer. te-rked, ho retold unquestionably leave bad
three cheers from the same neisy titivate, who
t :antstaabte
44::;?;.N.V. , 0; •*:.,,,,,,
made Cie welkin ring at the name of Stanley.—
.As we did not closely follow ti eonr:•e of those
le.tser.lights who are gompliri.::.ted, (Thompson
and Filrrort) we cannot say Wilixt they did de
varying of Mr. M:Kennan's special panegyric.—
But we do know that Mr. Thompscin voted against
Mliennan's motion to take -14 the Tariff• without
Distriouticu and the Tea and Coffee clauses; and
we believe that Mr. Fillmore voted against a sim
ilar motion made by himself! Inconsistencies so
glaring and ridiculous as these ; cannot advance
any party. They must terminate in the con iti•
sion of those who are guilty of tbmo, and mast
awaken the contain-: of sii reiieextg men.
Dr. Joseph Pollock, of Beaver e , ltinty, hag been
appointed a member of the Board of A'ppraiserA of
Dion.tTes. This appointment is a gno,t,one; Mr.
is a worthy and competent man anewill dis
chatgu the datii:s of his dice faithfully.
Mclatte.l44rly AtTatr:
The reception of the Whig Cun
gres in Philadel.plaia.
LC - The \Vhi , s of Sy Katrig.e aontrt . 7ute•
5 cents each to vresmitlkeniy Clay with ti, few
harr as of salt w o're i. s *ye ru. -The lieni•
ceratg will pepper in it
•} • I fit t sukt • -
If '.:'_P~ ...
43 • iiiiierofqther
ct to.
be, tatogeperz
celibra#?/11 •
* A ir
EtYROPW.,;;4I:-Keenao "'European-Avner has
setoroed. if OM the South to this city, and, wilt - aye
1-1 e R short tiole,.for:Eprotte. P'emoo ro
atif rao o itey toi l lteir - friends ,4;tr ha to g-debts le.aoies
or ciabnotociklittit. I,,rope, wilt re
ralt**itn• igrOztAiWtratlibi .ofri•,?o mer.
Ncr ;-,Thetletnoratte of the Empire state,
are along great vreparatiows for the fall ;election.
They are in fiasiipirits, and have uo doubt 'hut they
,t4Oll give theyiper a Waterloo dereat. Mr Bonk
will be.the democratic candidate for Governor.
The \inninees of the Whig Politicians,—The
Boston Post says that J. 1.1. Pleasunteof Virginia,
the fountler\and for a 'Mona time editor of the
Richmond publisßes a letter in that papei•
of Thursday, in answer to ekvcry on the subject
addressed to him—detailing a - plan : formed by
himself and two others in 1840, so/tent-4re was
a probability that Air : Van Buren would be sleet
ed President, for abduOting that gentleman, p re
vious to his inauguration,carrying him away into
the typer disc icts of North Ca, olina, and then is
suing au address to the American people, cal:lila
fur a now election!
to an account o f
the thwartiugs
the orie;mcn
sage of lire
.rhoyi.nl4delphia Enquirer of the 3.1., says that
several dtatories that city Which have 14:mg
been closed, t immediately comincrice opera
tions. Among 11.. am the Globe'illiits, Lennings ,
Chemical and Dr. Bergen's Glass
We learn also that Cie Lt.bigh Company has been
applied to int. 1% ter power to be applied to some
new Iron Works, These aro indeed cheering
sins of the :Imes. i\lay 1,1 my increase and tuttl.
We understand that the farmers, mechanics and
manufacturers of our county and cA.y, intend to
give this gentleman a pabhe dinner en nis return
home. Although a pAtical opponent:, we must
Fay that Mr. I. richly Mrservol this compliment fur
his zealous efforts in advtfeating measures cialcm
to benefit and advance the interests of his
_ .
ill7 - A funuy little Democratic pepeF says, with
ruth, the .t rn.leera wht;gcry u; as holitow as the
i bills it used to roll through the ..4:rec.ts, and .as
Now , as ate cider it used to get
The) TB ctler Times are Coming.
11011. W. W. Irwin.
.I.77rhere are. Go Six daily papers puLlielied
Pi tsburgb,Mrce - of which ay: cutt4ucted uti the
cash priiiciple, v Post, Do.n3cratlb; Ch - runiele,
tit:ninth Sun, dry; Advocate, Whig.; 6azette,
Anti mi..son,. American, do,
In addition to this we lean that a Clay daily
will make its appearance soon, it is to be called
the Bulletin, conducted on the cash principle,
and to go it for-tbe "virervbelfer." Go ahead.
tame says that two wornen
ban four men; but Clipt: Pratt, matitUl:4
. 645 six and a half men. Good fur AIM
et: s pa -tjnite obinniun,in rittsbeirgli
specc4c, and ettnge.,
~. ~~'
. - .
,r,l,7rWg = 4;rri l ' - ' --- 4 - , • :--•,-,,,fzf4V -- 3_ , , . 1
. 1 Titolia f A r: TlWA o4l4 . 644.l ** *ls4l4. l
nfratitilk - , ..' ilitt : PieC e ii * M t at -111 "4 1 4 43tin* :* *Cr"
11114 iirittat what4erweleXpiatilletltitY
Oacet, .4 . i Abs,,ieuti.:iftiet 14,0441544.6.411/" --oi4'
massacre of the American prisoners by the British
*t Dattnmor prism during the tart War* -TO 611.
itorshas s faithfully cherished iii, a tai,..Ayiterican
keliniii, tout he embraces evccr rppledditi to
eeinee hi et mile devotion -to foreign inedlinge, ••
and Inc detestution (ex the kee ineittat?2 , 4 _ 4 . of-hie , ,
... ,
own country, ' , 1- 1 ''' , Artnitlttn IX
r ,. ri: - hush - toss commences il ,
:tt:r e c:ts ,, , o a tis nii ,, ti r ti a t c pa t t '‘ i . . 4 : t v ?- e i ; z. ,,, ri :
i t ° llllder Y - " 4)11 , I `l i4l*r " ' lr ni k I,„„Ti p our tivlchallts,3iatiskei. r r 4:
Tl:e„LiVerPool ocirrtriP°Eit*/*44114 New
43----- 4 ' Zell bees settle in ' t it
' 4'l ''
Union says,i‘The nets% by this%)oo, oo n 13 enttfirry , i thank* n et
well seler.3l:ta„kitidita
ed, by the Acadia, ` that &Ito AOl 4lllOO land the,.
ti euenonii2ss3
Maine And INias 7 xbus - 1,14 _. 8 1 °f. 11 " :-.; demand—and the sloe' ° 1-":*1 1 1
it , e t tr . ,e.l:tf_elllCl7
Consmissioners from
had agrced upon term , . er adjustment, D. 13 g iv e n c d u .
great satisfaction here. AB we want ib the Metals ft e , r , ":„.,,,,, . 4e .d
of clmnrunication -from one tar r shurgt, Ma k +
tof our Walsh' no' in * ll th e al , I t 1i tilt
- .34. produce, •at und bt 4 4
North American colonies to the other, sod you
.„ • ou -e crc,.. t- i ~,
~ isd
gteaseldrand profited/
ati - 1 ' t refue , u-= that. i , _ ... . .
#tiettree y • , _ w our Navigation is in ex ,i ;, '
"'Lord Ashburton is expected home in -u le ~.
f fe t ' thechannel a • ' " r
.. 0 _.„.. eln an.. r , ~,
days. I hope and trust that he has taco a ble v .-
, 6- ''' d epart i ng daily, freights uo, I'
'nfl ,
settle the aluestion, and close it at oncn aci d du , e . : very low
charr.es. ,11.
~,_ i ' ' .1 .
' i ' `,
ever. If' he has dona this he merits public pe
Flour, lies wagon and 0,,,,,.,
it will render America and Americana Ver.
3,25 a $3,50 per blO.
ular with us. Do a ne, ing chosen so successo ~... ,
, 'aitalX--Wheat .50 P ~, ^ ; 1-
gotiator will be a. feather in Peel's cap -., , , •:- o , :; Jet ' , 0-,i
- 1 ~.„,t)
-ter bushel.
, . - 05 . .
A Warn' Slit Miler BeVOOge•
Gen Dannett7,,ifllipeo.killg Of RIC' Sill:011, says: .1330311—L, 1 ., ,F lutillt; .1( ~ ~
'lit the. face cifillel Maven, he hasp erpetrated 1 Sal's• ,9 • 3 Wills; l'holi& ri ~,,d i ,,,,,,.
the blaCkesit. deeds of felony, add in the curlingl Co'.tuu—Salcs '27 Li..l.:s '..,,,,,,,, . '.
flames of kelt shall drink ilie dreg; of the cul- I par 'none
, ..
1 is'---Sinall F. - , , ~..-, ~ :--;
—.--------77.-------- 1 Osocir.at.s.s—Cln-„•., ~t.,,cts,_
Whitt we T.it. , :i to ee.
..., • .
At the c ootT al o f 20,..pii Dads command, at t° ,1. -he trade 101 t ,, 111, ain; T is T •ii
.. o. ~i.-.....,
St. Augidstine, the ~...relr cas, or serinon, was deli;. 121.t0'131. pr. lb.
Six,or—Sales in Illois„ inia•lnTa s r,i ~.,,,,
cited ',s r .:Roman Catholic, tit:: burial service read I
br art Episcopalian, 11116 Cie concluding prilyer g''''''` l "" d ' Prim e f - ; •- ! a 6 ...• 111. , •1 -
, lb.
wed made by a l'restiyh - thin,
Molasses—cairn 1,1 Libls. to , • .
. ,
' the Country 32i.
Tobacco—Sales of infir 1..•,.S ::: :•
A Itencontre.at Li. '
m ton cents per lb. 7 , '
On Thureday last, a defamatory articl :, over i
Cavendish4...t. a 5 Virgioia Il',cl.ii
the s it.uie of B. D. St (1.1181.7 v rir,apprarnd i.. 1 the !
Clirolikle, directed og,aiiisi Rol: rt ll'ibiania, a i P „r iug , , 7r ' S Lath " " 1!
farmer of Upper St. Clair to Amsliiii. I t deti,:a tided 1 ';°°'—' kan an 1 ""' ll ' vast" ' ''' ''' ''-
1 blood 20, i: lil.•od .22, 1 blood ZI.
in a grandiloquent. tout, reparation for isinne alle
ged insult, and branded M. W. with moTy vile \ fut e l b1°91:1 2S: prune 30::
~ ,
ithets. The same day 1‘.1 . r. Williams came into i -etsc— ' a nn " / Pie''lY.' few ''''''':.- a ' ''' ' `..-!,
per lb, tor good Ohio.
)1,114, after he entered it the paper 1
; . I Powd:- --Pa.l:s:. ui I V. , • T
g 1--- • Lii.ion.s ..• •
- ..tahr id, to him. He hr -16 4 3 e
prit's cu
just 644. .
approached on borielmek. Vir/ftnk'
•moved towards him and when ‘val,iin 1..
feet, Stansberry erew a pifitot-7Wiltiains rushed cash 1;25 aSI .314 4 „.
up, grasped it, and turned it aside just as it was
tu per bush: .
Etre,l. Ile then seized Stansberry and pulled himAsLea— po.. s a
down from his !torte, when the b)standers interfe. stsleta
ptr lb.
red a.tri prevented further damage. Wiliiams was
Leatl—p4 eta White Lead ''' , 3 - 2a1.2.,1•2.
held to bail by ;Md. flerid..rsna, in the sum of
Iron--4uniata Ilb -.Axis $.54 per
and Stansbarry in e.,-).)o I'ig metal has advanced arid sells
We losrn from a friend of Mr. ‘Vill'aros, that es a Tt ,„, to „ tripe. ,
Mr. Staesberry has been on imisoate terms itt the I
F:1111 , 3111% - ; FIIOM riJILDELPFIr.i. V- 1 3T:
110t:Fe A . the former, e here be has spent weet.s I hardware, Qui..eesa arc, (40C0C:CI?
ether as a visitor, i-bout a le.,r since a I
ni; tnir,rstanding occurred bet otteri the two,which
Willi ms thought was forgotten, as. Stansberry
availed inaself c,f his hospitaht3 as futinerly. it
aopears, ft waver, that S. was still unsatibiled and.
boasted on sl , ctral OCCrlBl , 3fls that he world tiog
I,l'lllnitus. A . 5K. - v days s. mce, limxvver, notwith
sii.nding these ti., Le.: want 1..., it u tr.
alien he was til,l by W., to aiivse ears his tli - le;its
hid rune, that if su.ti .wer a his feeli: , ,v lie bad
better leava his (W.'d) ''"
folloWe,aad the
_ _
Allegheny County '3 em pent oA
Yesterday the &J. gates from the .
{prance S)eieties of All-Sy - ha anity met
At. Temperance Hall for the purpose ofkct i rriog,
courtly organization . It had not a 0 jou me „when
, lur paper went to press, and wa are thetelure
compeiied to 'po.tpone th pal;ticatiqa 01 its pro
ceedings un!il ,y.
The following are 'the t.ffint.rs:-
Prt.-1 dent, Gun. ,Vv" in. MA
nce Vresident3, b.lat Sampson, Dr James Car
others. lion. Wm. Potter, 'rhos Pattcrson,, oP M
flip, John Hannon, Ee , i.
Srcrc aries, J. F. John
Robt \V ils-on, S. Clark.
'rho Convention ivas hinge and leiTeetable, and
ha nunitheril evinced a trO. W a ,hingtOniati spirit.
The details of its proceedings wilt he interesting;
Among the many plming incidents of tho. Mir- ,
dary Encampment, the most amusing that we
witnessed was the ..aiyajfe Parade 1" oi . the Fay
ette, -county volunteers on Thursday evening.—
They had a most excellent ,"couuter fe it present
ment"' of a full grown Giraffe, it ltiell ,hy means of
machinery or witchcraft, acted its ;cart almost, as
well as the “gcnuir.t., critter;' and ti , the music of
a fiddle, but liitl3 inferior to the performance of
"tld liance,",ll parackd through the streets lo the
area:, ti m use etie i; 1, of the 7pcetatots . . Ail the rnem•
sitersg-safthasocusosztv , earr 441: Ildo/ Et;.4 „ it 1i4,-_,lfy erp.
1 dressed in the most grotesque manner,n. hiehmith
their singelar intiverucnts, odd remarks, and the
strange appearance of the print'ipaljetrinre ofthe
parade, Made it a eight more etkriona than any,
tbut,has ever be'n wituoiscri in our city,atid gave
it* state idea of the humorous dis:position of our
1 k 6 ayette county neig,hbors,
We tike - these Fayette county folks; tiny are.
the , •right land of boys in every thing they take
Us:ld-Lot; and partievlarly in defending and; mains
taiiiiiiti_. Opioaatio principles they are able 'to
"cone itiiiikraffe over all opposition. .
ettv Nctoo.
, Isa. Vac, Cla d in the
Ellt:0-11111111C Fao.
Off j
ix of the mericao--: r cpt: . .; , '
i, ~i-
CA' rLE.—Tflo tillferirkeet il lt i, ~i-
Sea 1113 this morning itonbrate . s, fa
13U were taken by 4Neulaiont r • N , t
,t r'
keis and newly -all et the: balance 1 ,
t . , , t
' ranting - trim ti'. .• :.
butchers. at, pricmx s i,„ ~3 tt ,
100 Yoe, on the, boaf.,wiaieb.is egos... , , t
The oreleeo shew a decline on inst ." ;
1:1.01112.---There to Very litj
~rc: :
Tio•ivard street Flour, and the store ' : , 1,,..F'.,
a lign and
6% . liCs errn, ''5,0,...,.. _ 1)-
i have been made to-day td a ninMr.lte.
' $4,50, and some hekiersafe effeilag; v 1
; same price now. These .is nts ..setLi•
1 ..We beer of n ' o'salcs ofei ty 11.14 s b r•
t lu t. :
i linkers ate willing to sell at $4 hat
. .
- '-'
. Mar k et 1-3 aartost ...r.: ft. 0
I :rifTt!r l C .
mail sales l at. lik_ 55 1 7-__ ! t. : :
1 6R A / N.'""4 l le BUPPV of IV 11 ' l -
n is o, l l a i r triT ai o, ly bo il t u t o be te re g ar ood e , ri ta o p o rt i xt w e•
80 o 20 (:£:111.S. Sales of i,irdisler i ._
.t 75 cts, Prices exbitfit ratifieri
~ -',
,tleney. .No Pennsylvania
?: at,Tr
i../O'W'IL. I. "I°hasuk".
i several clays. -Sates of 34/111* , qfVjp :a •
i ..,
• .
n 4 white uhaZO a 41 (4 *;; 0 jT sT ,-;- -. t .:5
A 1 , ing.• of the c i t i attls was Wm at tartrao ! reas,, ; ,iv .
ania -
,yr4 ___ iuw,ait: 0 4..taw ,.
... v. ,
1 :6 : 3 . 81 1 : ti 'e 4 413 - s i o ,, ma is a p - a a ' t u e l dsy inn 1;::: r , t ‘ g , , x l: Tf ywa a t 51'
xatifv. ... r.„ -..t, a37 14 0 :% : ? ..r it i5r, - O at : : : ,r,
.. ‘ .:
, al 44 4 0
, a b t ra .s ng ex el s :l ec eri te te d. l. l ) 44s fi
It e .r ;i i V v 3 e CO(. inti 1 r 5, ,, e r ty.. : 02 7
0, iwesse.r.,,hbAmte4s.a
.rstatv 0
t.tioina of
.. 1 :
' tlq"
9 l '
this ditoosittov 'At ,-_ _
oa r
. 0...
H"141". te s tify theiret3,oodt tO r '
amon ecor eitizu!so t r
Maryl .- Ber. . {
hero etibe Tharr.e for the valuab l e: 4 " .
liti:rentle;e4 . 011 f eAnntry ill tke - dii,e 4 teht 17 - 7
vites ''•'-- - 1/1 -- ibere arc bl4,' few l''AFil=w•
b om . o t triza,. As a . 8 9 1 4 r-` •
„,‘ 4 . _ : .
'-'- country wi l e 'hold itroP.PreilmqA -.' '1
4t, ilitv.tat• vt ' r,
men :I r ck 0 14 , -,, ' - 1: 2 46**0.-• ' ' ' , c It" a n D , :
tlle '1140411/11:40. :0!4 4 ,l4 efi"!'` 1 , 441 c ' , '''.' l l2 ,' _
_;,4 l 34art ,;:r 1 ,0 1 ,,, *ir w ,
..,—, • - v ` • h r trli eat - fetirnirt• L•sra, -- ` - -44fite, OP
" . 1.
'5.741 ' ' .'
'• -'
t' '''
1 4 iii) -''''' ' -'4lrieitONl'o4%ael , ---
iieivif -. '' ' 'libiokelOw'lktt:- t '-.'!'l b ). -, ,t.r° ~ ---, i k ' ',i. - . ,
j . i ., . , i , -,,,,. ..,.--, ~, z ,., . ....-.:11 601,,
A1k4410 3 .2",.0 61t- ',..., ~..,,,.. ~.. ,,,7,- ' 77'.."-,....,..; '4 - 7 il,l , -: ~- .. ,_tte c . ' "`- % I r t- , ~;:,t--1 5 , --'-i ,
;, *eli*C a S:" , 4.. ; '? - :.:' - !It - 1 4 : 1. .: 12 ' , i7tlfl; - ' /... '_ ngAt-fii:', ',
, t. -
, t
,V.,Q , ','•,:0 I,'. , , ~...... - ; .., .:4-... 2 t ,,• 4 ., • : ~.t. , : , , ,4 1 . ~,,,, , - . . A.'.i4,7.041 .- ;. -- -A '
Allegittny apptzt.. 4
• ' it
14 Cent 316-111
I .
INC.; s w.t.
Drug 3
Dry Gandy
rmr , DUIR:II csmr.nmyt•TV`
ASLIES—Since nur h L alay.!_tt
were t aken at $5,37 1.2, and a few a, s.:. I
at t 3.5,73 a $5,37 1-2-
COT TOti--..Sales yectsday or
1000 bales.
FLOUR All) GR AI N et:n , ,se , ! N d
12.1 " Ur no,V- bet ng the same pt ;C,
requcst ru= shipping_ t I.;f,
nnda. Soutl,era 13 . Aeehl zavA •
dten in nlae. , , cr it is, tl.rtre.i:
:61.:J1 !tiOt.! * ..l: - ..1 . , ,' was tile
licrc rit Tf:ni_.
banks of tha' Cana! as rici,t.
of us Lit le :valuz, is 'TO raC , O , 3
1 there iS an ovident Meat al
I dencg• begitvi to iocre.goo, partico4y '44
nitinuractiarer•ii Trn
he setitecu
with Groat Britain and the passar,-_ , o f
IN are ealrfahittal to gift. eotifitfeitc:.•
spire.o belief thi,t wi,ll bo rarl, - -
.al.. 4.
a! X r
'o'.a •
8- 1 4_ !so
iß;itorAlSc IF. Alt; MAIM:
tvo companies of t'
.ites troops,*it:l
a ris, arrived
3tt Atrgest front
sr LAC; IS.
par %dill Genesee; and we quote bo'l
No Mchigan in Market. Southern ,e,
at 5 a 8512.1, an ell at $5:37, 3 / 4 . 11 , !;
615 cones. Corn is deli at al , cents fr;e:
The Cala:s (Ile.) Advertiser
erops%in that Feet:un or the Stair,
4ptiim Jlav, ike.re never -iritira.
hay thorn is not more. titan a titi:d
ZIPdeIIIiIICHIAS SW a 12 per ton,, cL;11,
The crop of hay in other pasta
ruUy an average one.
The Torii:lloldt
tlecnta frinn New, innt,l4
to the preseniAftne wore _than
had been efesed, are to be spec %s
theirou regions the ore whiei,
jot a Of*
4 t 4
?" 1 ,-)7,
. ATikitil4Utitig'fikir •
• - ik. - notice *Er rtinitile; A
Attantif uthes the tbllott' •
biEittlons ware .•
- 41:4 Steubenville, It;
'Ake question. wbzt
'VP I an.twared
trlbution of the 1 1 4 , 1 1 ,
i e -340-
Amilatia vileivarb
tug At r ----- s tlit
2Thlkt. -Ip these
1.1 _ 0 " sa t that there
isttAiart ison'a e
: visisrikee introit
elttr tarying
larlialre-'vi produces a
part marked by uv,v
fin'it INTERPOLd
Ilea letter were written
rittibusgb. and d
trite reading of the let*
.1y opinion/ were fatty
-,iu, cud at Steubenville.
- rept)? to the question,
lattiiir w4l l •
eigtatte views; I wit: 'pl.
.aria -watt Mr. Clay
Ahem existed a proop -'e
Seeson's' eketion, that
lOW be intaoduczd, ir.stea
nar systetu.' •
this tellers! ..light taf
reel in favor of the eon:
in.fivor of the dirtribi
auough don*,
of tho letter, by tuaki
i ' 1 1: ~t ~)Ui 6f?~1:
%Olen Ito arras clutAtiti
Vhit wilt the peep ', t.
r.ik or a man eatin.
• ime!'said a Ke,.tuoky
the Washingtonian';
• 'lowing Hue redinittit 1;
it;r a nxdith, and 'I a
d ha's, snar, saw,yerP,
fiat Duals, and never
labarna Legillattire.
:That thy' Bevy 1. , -eist - a
" - st)WP:— 111 th” Sent •
-•—•-•alajorgy,,9-111 1.1
liiiga.--41,3j11.itY • IC--
o 5,a11.1 i,
.111 T
yet: attains a fettet I
rtt" ti , n Limp,
(icy - Carle
u*CioCk, itt.night,
;ming titeat hu
e tying ttirortrt•their
were lett, tit
wattnitect.; one •
iter arRI afterwax •
, and their clrief
he St. Atlonsikke
ee being broke t
hite . men ott ;ill tit.
h d St. Ntigitsjit;
terefore, - at this
wide ben'
it lt►ee unpleas.at
rhtm.r Illtimuracttster.i.
Amur Mayot's CifEc
VG , II ::Pal` Ett,iit so
• of'itinilltiltdd and to
„+ Xottifnetarera, Nu
ortett. ;
C.El.tr- 4 .t
1.1 Aril) gFIRJSr
r the lialm.:44llela
co 641 door front tAbert
R:;HOLM J. Offi
Mialvany k 4%4 G
03. it - AAI4I,TUN, At t
'A.V.1,4 A *
lig; WRO4 63,, who
hind i iit
"1 - took4ctc, lj c-
stspos t iky
V4vi .71s— skAs r..
' Starefociafer of
• Potter, Mill attil
It 14*,
bepargeu Stith
tam WM CK:F.
204 Sinlikael4sts,
4, A .1(,,I - OailON,
111,,44.4044- hams,
10 -
• AC 4 Wf..ACIS-E..-:
- Cti;',Fat Nexl,te r
.•• • •
4ititrittigt sa
A'S - fit littlEitio
+:;S 14 N.. O. st
Itr, - 3a4 Ur said tv
o orc
At -t.