AOTEBStBSSB RA7B& Ratting imßw'jb xipm-b (48 woidai D -A ILT POST, ‘SSgßE^wnrjrSei, p ° B* : FortjT V E”* l (»®d one lo getter up,) 1,26 n« Hundred ■• u ‘„ '•*•■, agriSfli j A g, ; p fi . Editor and Proprietor, [S'i'Qjtl MEDICAta ; ,J 3 RatlA OB RPPTD^Ji. .eaooD «imla or Rapture cur^d Hernia or Rupture oared. < Horttla ®f Rupture cured ernia or Rupture cured, Radical Con True*. Ritter 9 * Patent True* *•* *■' '"’• 4 ' Wtcb’» Support.,- Trauii, Self-Adjusting Truss. i “• FUcl1 ’* BUTir pia f° d Bup ' u‘!-i£t«£H“.' Dro P*.- tie support and cure oi ■ ■■tSUSt.. ■ " •!•• .aft s Stt«Us Stocicingo; for weak sad varicose TSISSt Kuca Caj ta f for weak imee joist*. for week j olntli Stupeiuos-p Bandage*, flyxiagsaj »;*, ofSynjigs*, . ■ K ‘ K * rSi;K issaiio k truss whiao WUJ - *®e*U-F;Oure Hernlo or Rupture. at hi. Dana Stobb, No. uo wood STEEETl?»fenof the Golden Mortar. Person. 6W Ipjne. ahotUd sand the number of «a»»-6i-.-Ueyter' 3 Lindtci' ' BOOS Searcher ;ISefloctor'.i certtficaies are’ within reach, aid no one need be deceived in regard to his preparations, Dfatixoi a. KerensJ-bdoame a dieted with . *£fe about treaty years ago, apd... o very year T W f^ liTowta » "“*>«> aa to trouble me yoj much, bo much >0 at time, aa to unfit me or jrorJt-: .Sometime. I was «o bad that I could doot anything account of then., they oame o °° to^ ln ®-“ rl^f K e M » hickory nut. I had tried t : agreatdealof medicine for them. lu.edtobuy and take whatever I could hear of or read of la eliwilanand pamphlet, that feu in my way, but Td&ild hot get cured, sometime. they would do i frfU ‘W tor, lit tie while, but afferwai* thay would return again as bad a. ever, r al.o £ applied ,to who visited me at my some medicine but it would fiW'e suffering ai l anddooot know the value ef your medicine. y ou '|lhy jn6uih;thls If you Uke^-I, Uye In Wilkin, •» Pl*a*ed to gattafy any one || ~J »r . -t ; ‘X a or Rupture cured. " Rupture cured. op Rapture cured. or HtriilScu„d Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rapture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture orjlernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured on r«nt j »o£p. Box 6070 11R ' ' I,B RIAN, General Agent, from observation, byT*rt ß n?mii Securel ' Eeo,e 0 ? would not bfiS'SfAMt »«,the fact, and thelrfamlly Dhvsioi&n a Umbug ao he out gaftt* o££ tomtit SSflff sass^ateffiSßS ®^«sssswHSS3 Tl“Sv^ 4 v°e/SsJ 1 ttotot tt neoenary to certify Mcgtjrat my long residence la thin dtv S/iS* assiig sssiss t s;“ . WHOLE NUMBER SHARES 190,000, PAB'-J|lo. t.o„i 8 K ge p “ rtlon of tte Stock has already b-en taken by private sabacrlption. Books aS now OFFICE OF THE COMPAR, No. 69 Beaver Streep New York, S^p" ,ed nnmber of Biare, can taob ttoSSSSSSSS 1 ” be obtained at A.nd be Convinced fcAMxnrs exibaoe buohu. Soht by att Dronttita; at Qua Hnii.» ' ' no2s . ‘ " • GtIAQKS —B A 8,, .]|l£ g. She ®* roR ” s ** f , n&yroatftmit] mmm EPICAL TWpobta^' tss, :ss asfssf, HARVEY, .puoiiahed forthe benefit of. the Bex. aTr^pVft? wtthtfut°deMv ,Ve, ?i!!!*» a £?, u ,! J a-copy' havei l read f eenp&hed^n t ,;°Sy?fe^ MROfr) IfIERMAI peseale pjla^g £S r IS^ n ° df l Uf^4?«7^fv unfaUta| B uSl?iS“^“ 8 “A>“»e. wuS TlONjoß&^iS^^^STß&tV • tectual i™^rtortng a to“he i ia'a'u S *l!d h' < »r taklngTthera for ttey are el£pln!?r ’ jeCl ;to Prepared by an Experienced Chemist, JPrlee on© Dollar. AT PITTOGK’S, OPPOSITEJHE POST OFFICE. TRUSTEES I trail 09 TUB SUPERIOR EFFICACY •****s§• -• 03^. pby goods, hosiery' &C iQ.RBA’CF SALE OF ‘' DRY GOODS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th. Aaa conttomJtoa-jiatroturii the holidays' 47 Pieces Bros, Goods / 21 Pieces Scotch Plaids One Case Coburg Cloths French Merinos All Wool Plaids, Beaver Cloth Cloaks, Heavy Woolen Shawls, Woolen Blankets Balmoral Skirts, Best Jtid Gloves Win be given to those who call GARDNER i SCHLEITERS, Of£ Slarket Street. del 3 j|Aj)l|}gOKE PRESENTS FOE THE HOLIDAYS, MACBUM Ac OLYDE'S, Who hare now dpen. and jet receive dally eji- Pfeeaty lor Holiday Salea, a iarj e and beautiful iwortment of Qooda, both uaeful and orna imental, oomprlaln* Breaat-Ploe, Bar Dropi, Fancy Tuck and Side Oomba, Pearl, Steel, Jet and Out Belt Bncklea, Belti and Belt JUbbona Caahmere and Silk Soarfa, Head Dreaaea and Neta, Baca Vella, Lace and Embroidered Col lari and Handkerchiefs, Worked 81ipp“rs and Onaliionfl, WOBK BOXES, * RADIES’ COWPAWIONS, for te-monnaies, And a vary Bne airortmant or SA TOHERS, PHOTOGRAPH albums, Bctldei out uaual fuU stock of hosikht, btOTES, TRtMMIJUSS, SOTIOW9 and SMAUU WAH.RB, At Lowest Cash 2»rioes. JjtOß TH3 holidays. NEW SHAWLS, oMhose* DOW Kceivia £ a beAvy stock Extra Fine Long Shawls, Which we will tell at a Great Bednotion New Oloalcsp Cloths, ana Dress Goods. HEADS & HAOKE, ■ Comer Market & Fifth. oo ■ § £ v I 5. CO O a *£ © I ? «- * S o jo B og p g * UJ g 4 i g' g < 1i I - ' 2® S w I. S ? ► 52 tt ■£ < r ~-• ..5 . * delt-lmd .JSWK 'APPfc* CHKBSK. _. BKXBEB £ BBQSa PITTSBURG Bsglnaiog on at Bl cents; former price 44 cent* at 60 cents: former price 75 cents. at G2J£ cents; former price $1,36. at $1,60; former price 2,25, at 76 cents; reduced from s},ss, at $lO,OO and 12,c0 from 4,00 to 12,00. Great Can be secured it 78 Mark, at Street, On former prices. 3 ? KT DAY, BY gXBE. OF mttsbukqh EWf?safe,-g f w&sasßw-ijj,»«».. assSESS^^ssfs *““ BSlSSSa^siasS ~» .^iSs^SK *rr ,,as,s **== tes BuaaS£&MiSl^mait "jjssa SSSBm^SStisef BS-SWarßa' fflS;SS”»~«»2s: yK&sSsS^ii 'aS£@ttF&£B l~i -staatei THE rasT mtiosai bam bS! 3aerrzr '.*- •ssssss^. SKJS.’&SS?* 'Oavio te,,^2.U"MS2> M iB »** J»‘vu. Jacob™', W.OOO.OOiT^ -sa!w,sssa&ag^^te: SHSSSI^^S “«£„ witeh “*“*•“ *‘ W * * INSURANOEjjCOMPANY n ?-?SSiSS3 opjs^srskssa!!. DspitAl. OTM4OO. •asat®'?-*- * *. “ * fssfiij* , ' : |3§MiBSs». fm-T- tesSar T TS^“” va,4"-S"^ -WL CWn&^Eiflßa. ¥ ' - estera lasumace ofFfctnWl, « j t. tflhegirfont- ° F. M. Qobdot, SmSay wpiferr;;: VV klndß of FIBE vtd MAMmE RM&? aaoaged by Directors who S^(*w«w=a?s SIIS^^SVS jgr»^aspa^ Allegheny l&sobance oo _ Of 1 Pmtßß OBGH, Offle. 1 *0.3T B, mk BI(MJu ■S^fe ww °* < B°p t ?^ , .f olm^) - &«<^!Aptis£a FOURTH BTHHHT. g! HOLIDAY GIFTS. EMBROIDERED PIANO COVERS o ol MOSAIC RUGe. The Finest Imported A very Urge variety ol VELVET RUQB, Now In Store. 0 @7' Fourth Street. 'fij lio ‘ LS isc JHVO CO Cif g 03 • g O Sg O o n o w 3 rt W Sr- | _ Oe§ | d § fcj. Sag £ | H ffg ? f 5 fe a §3 4 ■ E 3 m g go t ij p a R u- O* h S §in fi.cfl « w *9 10, • _ * . a «2 3* § §§ o § § a * TREASURY DEPARTMENT, i OFFICE OF COMPTKOLLEH OF CttHBEKCY ( Washington, December 10th, 1801 ( h JjW?i toT J evidence'presented to the under has been made to apoear that the “CMti. I r^ loa^, Bank ’ n*bu«v“to&eMV ?{ in county ot Allegheny and Stat* of Pennsylvaiuai bw bf ?a duly organized under auid accordlng to the requirements of the Act nf CongSee’ entitled “An 4 Act to provide .Nluonf nS!i maO J “ curei i, b 7 « pledge of United State) Bonds, and to provide lor the eirculatton and redemption thereof,” approved June ji. laai. an , a „ ha; compiled with all the provfiionilo} laid Act, required to be complied wltlvbefore commencing the business of Banking under ■aid Act Now, therefore, I, HTTG-H MoCTJM.'itTQH Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify thatthe “Cltizens’Natlonalßauk" ofFlttsburvlu to the city of Pittsburgh, In The coiStTo'rlT. legheny and State of Pennsylvania, Is authortt ed to commence the Bualnesa of Banking' under the Act aforesaid. * In testimony whereof, witness mv hand and nal of Office, this BecS&ctVBS64 rt, 6.] HUOH McOTJLBOU’oh, ‘ del»Bm Co nptroUer of the Currency. TJOOTS, SHOES, QAJTEB.S Bit- M 3 MORAX.S AND GUMS.-The Imait Mt (elected and cheapest stock in the dfrai Borland’s, S 3 Market street/ took atthe ortcesi Men’sßrogans gi,SO: Men’s Boots gvso; ifadles’ Boots i,o°:Ladles’ Balmorals 1,60; Boy’sßoots ». • Boot* 1,25 1 Children** Booii 1,00 and everything else lnpropdrtltnJ Gams of all styles and sizes. A fine assortment of Fancy NUppers and Boots, suitable for Christmas presents. Country Merchants supplied at New xork and Boston prices. Alio, Agent for Bart lett’s Blacking, at factory prices? Be sure you call before purchasing elsewhere, as vou will Bave money. Remember the right place, at OB Imriet street, xddoorfrom Fifth _ sSto S A SBCOarD-HADfDßgflum,Tieo.Mm, ,pltom? t S^l l^? I S*SEJff A repair,7taihcylinder,3B,lnch rtrolce,Vi£ ; Mower.SdaSifcHSß gggjife»»cffi°fo f«M pump, fly-wheel, Uieiy Valve andplpet «ml AialenteSfmirSiaCT-gg BIWWi alt read/to attach to boiler, which am «£Ki3 Uoda. "WdgfflHgfjjta low. Enoulreof A.FULTON,SONST - _ ' ■■" * ),IU ‘ L So..9U«t atreet, and TO 2i*t_ f’ttabutxh.Ja. ' *l^l»LSSEfe, Oraddreil J. O. ANDERSON VeSter dS'^nfSSPS 2 ??’^^ P S»r W “ tmo " , “ aGOUntJr - P “- SuffcJ S^y^* Oil Engine for! Sale.' JjOßßl’V'g' hermetical barrel > ALK!,TritS>B FaßiaHT, Ei PJUM ATOI A A. TATX• (Robbia's patent) Battel tlon of ihu oask showsit to b* evaporation or before It-waai w2Lrsbf*aZ?£Z3P <>7« lnrplco trere la fair order °{ **i® evaporated two *aHo« «Vh ul recommend the HernSeSiT»UfJ?^J :, g®£ fu i*r »*d Shipper* of £525.Z “"f* 1 *° «ean. M _tremhlev, phi* eps a 00. A. A. TAYLOR^Actuary Oot ° b «**«>. 1804. Mth onnSiEi *t£2* Depot; Jeriey^ teShg*. l> The" ouu ot nUlamt dry °?fee b»r ontheroiS* * b ? Te * u o*«™*» jdwe they t»sl '£“** Md.ipo.ure to.un HSESaasgcSg ssssSfi j'SSS^^ claitmdfor it, a a HERMJTrria r n. h o°f^X^ko Ee XK‘p; £s?sssk sssr^S 2 "^ ££@s*s#£s| whkh o«n°be * ee via ' : Sfo. 184 »ir.t Strest, PITTSBUHaH. tanceMciimd day, the 3d November. On\ 6 bif e !^' ing'esleeijin ’ £2 W.^ ■Mmm tie and “he " badf spaing off the sofe on. which to, fclltd toFlfe cm wfo knotfw 0 h *e matter, but received no *r! ESSWfcaaa^ igS&£Sft£»j iS flftt tile blpwOT th ? n ran toward the d4bfc returtaed to the : deck ■ ! !W , =S , taaS saaaafeStSfSt “S knT 3l c'l fC b““- Tb h? ? 6 'P^Wftitaia^o'lSSwS “ VaS - ■ A ! 'Be;arch teas J y » - low from '{““Vf little way front thecarben foF/the mate r si“ »1? n b n ‘ ft o ** l Mr tv-ear, and who .2£s&£2r cbffimittfed but a ■^sr®ss'ssa& m»-ofa*wa;.‘ttd Captain MUomwent to thh foreeastte, iidd find* awsgHsass l‘£fr? ‘°!Er fhey Sttrt.*^ 6 tl ™ Frenchmen inside armed with heavy hammers. After a brief hnt *•<*«« Msaa, % here-. On thddecond day of theifcom" JS - , oh Mtering: the forecastles found, both his prisoner! 'iShnf/ nW^; *"ff -was ; ftactnref, : an? Clement presented the appearance ofiairfiig dieff frthi taking polsojip It U said that Frands hirbself dashfed out! hi* bramabyßtnkinghis head»-againat ° f ‘he ~ forecastle.; Thei^el ly watched,the movements of the Bpanr- H*** BflSPected as theTac- of the twpJrenchmepia their Attempt to murder’the captain' and crew ’ a S Be ,‘ posaesaion'dfthe vSiel- Opthe arrival of the Alciope vihthe hirbor,' the 99B tal % S»»e on shew sad lodgedsn in,' tlo tlr BetUng forth,thefacts detailed above. Warrants were granted against aa well as the captain Umsejf, wore taken into custo dy:, They were brought before a magis- Twate on MbndSy night and remanded Th®? w * re again brought dp at die Queenstown petty-aesslons on Tuesday.. the ptesicUng .magistrates be. Th g a C n&fe ;Mr. Scot*' rne prisoners having Tieen dtit Captain Seymbdr said that fo a caseof auch importance the Ueuoh had deter s^ 4 ( W®i 18D l7 !l8 ‘ he Prisoners for °H el ‘hat the castle atf “‘Kht be communicated 1 with ' B ie . n . 60licit0r .‘ ‘ who appeared, «>* captain, contended that Mb cli- no srime, and that petng the case there were .not sufficient grounds for hi* being ddmt' in >IfT« ; «& ! that, although: against coM n^p^d- 1 ° f survivor! Al =l vil- I •ahowshow tt C e l -i jcoi! nntiSrir 1 ®" aa .ftpm.tibe ljaDdp, NmsjiteL|i I ' ia e ' ll '' '3 sWm na . t tt I Aeeomplteb; ~:3 Jif f“ J§ ’ lt: .tepfcjwresiewt tistt for. ...§ Bat even if faHeioccsbeWroa toUtf db fhhtbt! ‘ fh^^ edby “ ; feaeqo«#fdtM-«which there is no reason to ,expect rwmbbv fonni in them., And. fimlTw they are aKe ject easeandrapidlty; by!ihetliij^^tb%3i fonfwMcrjfiOoawi^S in the field chhldjffe ?eS 'timin'™!, from effecting. Yet the dferl s iseV; a»es- notx «enSfi¥eSer orrfdnction g rofuthose ..““SJplWMnay,; or.anpplieafail' basstlmmfuff! ■eeed without ha®% com® 0 ?^ - «t this extremitysbfsKs ? jddrtffeiNhw &f£* B K« eßwa * mm awawwfthT •can'lie- and stores’ tierUnaefrm M ™-Jf oT * newline ?* o karto tonySiiAaandgeßitheieraMic .too.strfjig to, he Raptured withsatcfur &er prf|»r 4 tio Q , 'aSkiicTy“ >»rswsthdl purposes otyrar SS a lfSs*eM Snofi' 64l^, 6 ', larmy inaalforthl , viction, that the holdinoye feral general ia dfet exposed to the whichci4ifcb?dfßarv-ll ipzsd&gsssM to tb%Jfel4ntte ireS dnchon of the chief towns