ADVERTISING RATES. _ „ «•**» P« 4quera (40 woidt,) t'’SS'SSS“?-«~*-c !se !* r 'kM« week) 6,00 ssflaass*-- ••*?>> fl »oQUi »7,60 ♦ « l|6o two months*.,.... 11,26 • -l«M lliiee month*.;... i 5.75 M 3 °? l * l ‘S?j*4pW e *p il ft;kl pdar. 630,00. ■angleratMaiptiou • ... aj,oo Hto oopies, each .................Xu * lOfc. to getter up,) 1,26 n'Hundred “ .' iSSs JAS. p. BARR, Op Editor and f^opriet&cSsj | | EjtSIA OB RUPTURE, Cfe'raia or Rupture cured. - Uer ?‘® or .Rupture cured, d /li l*wl«f|ft«ptoe eured. tlaruiA or Ituptnre cured , i/1 U'lH Of f£ If”* 1 * «rJU»p4n*e ektHL e or Rupture cured or Rupture cured. ox Rapture cured. Rupture or Hernia cured r'VK > 1 ’ \ Rupture o* Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or jHersUa cured. Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured • J* -• • 'a Nanh’i Radical Cure Tniit, V l Patent Traga, Pitch’. Supporter True.. M4-AdJu*tlng Trues. i Z F r ' f*?T nIT ' K ’f z * e 9 Body Brace, for -tWMrafe- Of Prolapsus Uteri, Pile*, Abdominal And Spinal Weaknesses. Or. Sr S. Pltch'. Sllrer Plated Sup. porter. I Hilg" "H?!’ for Ik?; support: iad’ottre Of •iffliitt, Blockings, lor weak and variooto veins. 1... QfuiWfW}*? 5 ? 1 ?*?® C *P*’ forwoskjtoee joint., 9i*pportex-e, for weak knee joint., an.pen.ory Bandage.. f SiiriTn|ei4hjSif Syringes, a!.o every kind cf Syringes.- - Dr. KETBER has also a Trass which wIL adioally euro Hernia or Ruptnre. -•J Office at his Drug Store, l4O WOOD the GFoMbn Kortar. Persons ZtJßitins,£ot Trusses ihould send the number of BHiO. Mound the body Immediately-oyer the rnptnre. - ! : ‘ PR. KEYSEK will glye hii personal attention ? ru,lBea 111 adults and children : he will be enabled to give satisfac tion. Self-Injectlnu Self-Injecting 'Syringes. • ; tWftlnJe*ttou Sjrrittges. Syringes. Sold at Mfc KEYSETS, 149 FVbod Btrset Banff age*, >j Bondages, . v -->j»W«ory Bandages, „ A dozen different A dozen different A dozen different kinds A dozen different kinds At'DK. KBisEH’S, 140 Wood afreet WWrdfcw paBS OF liUn YEARS STANDING C U R'E D . tom be fovnd a cerUJu ah- from the one c motl rijfeend of lim in, towmhip in "regard taDr,Eey,cr‘e Linde eg' Blood Searcher The Boctfc’g'jcertifaalea are within reach, and no one need be deceived in regard to hn preparation ». Da. Geo. H. Kbtskb I became sffleted with ™°* .twenty je»r« ago, and every year tbey bo 'in' to trouble me ot wo&’. 'Sometime! I was so bad that 1 could do ot anything amount of them, they came o out on me as large as a hickory nut. 1 had tried a great deal oi medicine for them. I used to buy and take fyhatuvbt 1 could hear dr or Wid of in elnulan and pamphlets that fell In my way, but 1 could not get cured, sometimes, they would do me tome good for a little whUe, hut a/terwar they would return again as bad as ever. I also applied to two jl(q IMPORTANT NOTICE, BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS tegHM SSjaSsSKSij’S These are Warranted. ■ Aro . a^a f° r Dißiaor female, old or young, and are the only reliable remedy known for the cure of all diseases arising from youthful nrorscßimoN. I Sexual Diseases, Ag GonorrheA. Stric pY>fA^?lCCt> 111 all Urinar ? and Kidney eom- Th.ey Act lake a Charm! and^fmm h' * single box ; cure. 1 m ** mr t 0 fiiX “ oxea generally effect a gonpralir. *in boxes con- P l^B * W pr Bixbo!*c3,*s } also in boxes, containing four of the small, price ne edthe Book, or the Pill*, cut out this advertitement ior reference; and if Von cannot proeu«rthcm of your do not be im posed upon by any Other remedy, but enclose the money In a letter to the proprietor, M PE. X BRYAff, BuX 6079, - ODSOfratio “. »r For sale at JOSEPH FLEMING’S. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GEa'eraLL , A^ J ' LOBiCKRNRu.- ni« f * certain ola3s of relf-important peo* * l>«uUar leeilng of contempt attach physicians, that adi ertisc ana treat the thl l card ’ (Ru’VAva,] A they uor uo one iisbean tuL ..V.... > V noUawarc that all physicians treat ,ii» ‘ SY Cry denomination, in laet solicit jus »o obnoxious to these very renned parties. T suppose they wouJi not th 2£ that hit do “ftkeirheneht; hfcadcc h'c'adverti « £^ h v. f t ’ a - d thelr family phyaician says ho ia ”° be . c .? n the case. Often he ha* fduparty of hio Ufe. Hetoomea !’ llya J oi “ n *>l=l adverttseo-how else the ? not aware that Str Ricortl ’dßvoted years in the treatment ci these diaeaaes I Thesemen are held U P aa shining llghtsin themedldSl vrorld; X don’t assert that al’ men arc worthy that.pniiliHi?stiii - theroKo a great nnmhvrbfttrcm devoted myself to the study and tresJmeSt of Private Diseases upwards of 40 yeara, and without egotism can say 1 have saved hundre oesj: But my lotij residence In this cjty is raß) . P,F°9f without, adding more. Spermatorrhea and all atocases anslngTrom it axe cured in a much shorter time thanherctofore. It Behooves -every young man and woman to hecarcfnlin so leSfcng a physician. The diflerent advertisement 1 nch.S C SiiS ur papers are of no worth, and no benefit will arise from Answers rhap onlv los* of health and mpney. Hundreds are cured annu ally by my new remedka.-* ‘Addrc*#BoX 600. jan-iyd Ptttcburgh fostoSie o Of every ALBUMS, ALBUSIS, ALAIJMS, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS CARD PHOTOGRAPHS CARD PHOTOGRAPHS FOLIOS, INKS &, STATIONISy, FOLIOS,jNKS & STATION€fIY„ FOLIOS, INKS & STATIONERY. lfagazine3, :'Booki ajidCPapers, Magazines, Fooks aiicLPaper3. Magazines, Books alnffcTapeis. DIARIES FOB. Was, 1 DIARIES FOB. ISGS, DIAttIES FOR 1860. AT PITTOCK’Sj OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. Ordert leit for Flags promptly attended to. '■ob l’Fi u rnßn t ’. oßY r ?°- 2 -’! “Simmons," •‘con- CORO, an.i other celebrated.- .developed Gol i fS 1 l o* - deiMmd os- TBS ii§ 55/SY-- t-3T f-. TSBITRGH, T DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, &C SAT.E OF DK V GO Op S, Beftnni&g on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14tt. -Axkti. Continuing; through tH© holidays. 47 Pieces'. Dress Goods at 81 cents; former price 44 cent*. 21 Pieces Scotch Plaids hi 60‘ cents? lormer price 75 cents. One Case Coburg Cloths at 62)4 cents; former price $1,25. French Merinos at $1,60; former price 2,25. All Wool Plaids, at 75 cents; reduced from $1,26. Beaver Cloth Cloaks, at $lO,OO and 12/ o Heavy Woolen Shawls, Irom 4,00 to 12,00. Woolen Blankets Balmoral Skirts, St 3,50. Best Kid Gloves Great Baplains Will bQ.giycn to those who call GARDNER 4 SCHIEITER’S, PS Market Street. del3 gASDSOME PRESENTS ' FOE THE HOLIDAYS, Can be sccur at MACRUM &: GLY'DE’B, 78 Markat Street, Wlio lave liow open and yet receive daily cuc» preesly, for Holiday Sales, a Urge and beautiful assortment of Goods, both useful ahd .orna mental, comprising Breast-Pins, Eat Drops, Fancy Tack and Side OomM £gQg, StpeI r Jet «awl^Hl*«eK v «nelefW;"Scl?B and BAlt lilbbons Cashmere and Silk Scarfs, Head Dresses ard Nets, Lace Veils, Lace and Embroidered Col lars and Handkerchiefs. forked Slippers and Onshions, ‘ WORK BOXES, LADIES’ COMPANIONS, PORTE-MONNAIES, ' SATCHELS, And a very fine assortment of PHOTOGRAPH AiBCMS, Beeidea our tmußl full stock of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS nnd SMALL WAItEy, At Lotrest (;a‘»b JPrlecia- pOR THE H Oli IDA Y S . NEW, SHAWLS, ofThose* “ 0W rece,vln < “ hdary atock \ Extra Fine Loag ShawlB,j Which we will Bell at a Great Kedp^ion On former prices, IVe-w Cloalts, Cloths, and Dress Goods. HUGHS & HACEE, Corner-Market &- Fifth. 9 CO £ . i is »■ i £ eo o “ „ MJ o % t oc 5 f 5 =8 ! o oo „ C £ g .S 0 JaJ O « | * s 55 § 5 « LU O » ae oa i g • 06 <- H «/3 (Ij fc-'S At. S', i. O >r - S.-S.:- - x - ■ s .- •! pWB U»U "T. DEC’EMII INSURANCE rroiaomj AGMtsa' loss ~ r | FIRE ISHUKASCB tea'^^asgisr SH)?;SI3 ‘“"m* cort * preßeilt *89,667 73, j No(o« and Buii'B&eft Tn« only pwifiti'lwi have “® trom rtak ‘ *Moli deocrlption ol Prop erty, inTow^i l tad'Crtuttry, rates as lotp&k am oOMlntent wltldManrSi- “ WU "* «„ period of .thirty ' ’ lFire, to an amount » exceeding of dollars, tterfebv af promjrtn^aVS^^ so^oo *° meetwlUl paid darinctt*c»rlBsß, fca.isg H. ... _ v „ - BIEECfroH.S. Toaw o a ur^i'^y' OK ? :B 4 fi .f9PP«OAI. H. Jban - . 4 P Ara > s - Bsoww, ■ lUi.b, w« u a^ k °s^^t;r,i > I r ,dea ’- i LIFE insurawoe’lcompan y, 149 OHgg’JMf STREET, nmt KABB All. KOTOS OF IX- W SUfiA or LlmitSt on every deaoiipUoAofPttpeity or Merchandise! at re asonatdc rategor rrr erf, m m. HOBT. P. : iiirfdW-reatifcnt. M, w. Frcaident, OHABt-ttB Battbs," '■ '"s.'H.UOPB. E. R. i:m«lish, - Ghohou W. JBbowji, •-■'-■ Johbeh S. Pint, S' S®*®***. -jnrv losbph Olattob. S. J. MAOAB9B, •'-‘-E.WH.HB. F. BiAorarßw, Secretary,’ * i w«!,'!l^Ii 0 u s T il - Jamea M'Auley SSiS« a» too, Andrgjv AcWey, Aiexaider Speer, David M. * ’ rh,,n “'*r hfrnj.: Baheweil, John A]£laHfcsfs‘iNioMNOE (s*. ■ OF.prrr^Bt?RoH. Oittce, fry 3 f Fifth fanh BXoeM. WRlhViaoftcfeieri^f^djtWKfsMreto? tfBSBMBSEMS STltBUft £ g HOtIDAY GIFTS, Ju MBROIDEH ED PIANO COVERS, The Finest Imported MOSAIC RUGS. A very Urge variely r i VELVET REGS, Now in Store. “Fourth Sti’eet. Et tatOiX.® iii d THC del*?' " EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS DRV ROODS, BOOTS Sc 9fi:o£s, M’CLEL LAND’S AUCTION HOUSE, •"i> Viflli Street. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, > Op.YIC , Bpf , tCOKrTBO r LLKIIOr UCBBB3T-OY, f Washington, December, 1864. ) '■jll BIRJE A s, by Batia €«ctory evitlenoe presented to the un.ier -Bigned,ii appear that the “Citi zens’ Natural itenk, of Pittsburgh,” in the city of Pittsburgh, In county ol Allegheny anil State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under and seconding .‘o the requirements -of the Act of CongreEfi- entith’d “An Act to prodde alOnrreucy Beciix’cdny a pledge of United States Bundsj and to pro vTae for the elrcrrlation and redemption thereoi'* 11 appravedJJune 3.» t 1864, and has complied iyltlx nil U|e provisions pf said Act,' reqhired tit be complied with' before commencing the tmitfuesß- of- Banking under said Act. Now, therefore. I, .HUGH MoOULLQUGH, Comptroller of tlue Currency, do hereby certify* that the “Citizens’’Natlonai Bank” of Pittsburgh, in the city of Pittsburgh, in tie county of 'AI -4egheny;tmdt}t«ite oi ia authoriz ed to commence the- Business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. ‘ In testimony witness tny .hand and peal.of oiflep, this ofX>eceinher.JH6l? .. • [1.5.1 HUU^i.McOULI-QUGH, ‘CoaurtfoHgroftfie ’Currency, Boots, shoes, gaiters bait morals AND GOMS.-The Wfflt, best-seteeted-and cheapest stock in the city,‘-at Borland's. W Market street. Look atthe pricisi Men's Brogans $1,60; Men’s Boots si,6o;Ladies' Boots 1,00; Ladies’ Balmorals 1,60’ Boy's .Boots 1,75; Youth's Boots 1,25; Children's Boo** 1,00; and everything else in proportion, Oums of ail styles and sizes, A fine assortment ot Fancy Slippers- and Boots, suitable for Clfristmaa presents, Country ftlebchanfs supplied'at New York and Beaton prices. Also. Agent for Bart lett’s Blaoking, at factory prices. Be sure you call before purchasing fcisowhere, as you \yili ■Avd-miofley. Remember the rlent place, at AS Market street, 2d door from Fifth, • Cmzasß Bass, ) . PITTS3ORGH tj No*. IS64. ■£,,,, T^TOTICE—THE iSIRECTOBS o!f .1/1. • THIS -BANK, fe-’ hoeordanee- with the second section oLan Acfeof s th!a Commonwealth entitled M An Act Enabling the Banks of the Commonwealth to Become Associations for the Purpose hf Bhnhfng under the Laws of 'the Cnilcd States*”; approved • the. 22di DAY. >OE‘ AUIfCST, A. D„ having prQcured tbe au thority* of tfcs owners or more trail twS-fhirdg M the OapitaFStock to make .tboeOTilfiijate re- the Laws.9i.tbc United Stoteglherebyf give notice that the proper-steps, willbe taken ~sx> convert this Bank into 8 N atlohit Aisoda- FIBST DAY OFJ&ffU &£O. T. TAN DOREN, anMffna.. . ... :• Qmitfiai i S ;u . .1 ■ • ' ... ■ FIRST NATIONAL bank OI'PITTSBIIBQH. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Onion o» OoayißcuißßOTTßiiOoaßTOcrr. ; ® , 3®SSS^S^SSS mide ” i g it hM Men made fo aonfear Sfinr 1 w I T E i? BANK OP PjfficsL 3^jKG , H i in the County of Allegheny and State ©r Pennsylvania has been duly orsranized r>r»w SawgSwpaS&ffis ggtasgw'sssraf.aissa^ •sld Act required to be complied with before commencing Uiebuslneea of fflj™ t>efore B^ ,OES ' r > Oomp mfx 0 BITEOH, county of' Allegheny and State of Peancylvwda, la authorized to oommence the b'ujneae of banking undeethe Act aforesaid. ! .ojuf “ d PfpjjTOUar of the Ourrancy, THE FIEST SmW&L 3W& 83,786,68 1,821 00 27,919-88 fete...,**'/. OF PITTSBURGH, PA., Late Pittsburgh Trust Company. Capital 5500,000 patd ln vrlUi prlvtl. •Sato laereaaa to •1,000,1)00. SSt?Buw*^ r » the ““wtton^TmSh?. -S^*sasa&«att3- ndaa entremSTd re a * uffloicnt guarantee that buat «ore rt e irf *° tlle Hew organization will ro «dveth**ame prompt attention. having* very Cxtemtve correspondence with wShSieS?^.®" 1 * ttfObgAoutthe country! wL te dobu^“witt r a i DU ' U * 1 * otho “ * tto "»• Dranwniuc Jajsbs ItAUQHtm I Wm. K. Nnrinw 4SS R^f Ya > I Alrxa»?kb Sms, tHM/wScnua, IfiSlSSjgSr l Sakbfl Rut . qi , Johh D. Pfe * ldeD ‘- 1 augfrd&wtf jpßfliis' VaLEVTISEN FHEIGHT. EXFHSBS AUDI THaopoH tiokbt orviog, 163 Broadway, cor Dey at, (Oil Repot,) .T. 0., ' WiSH* \oujc, November 2S,JBS4. f A. A. TAYLOR, Actuary. 16S Broadway. lV*e at our Yard at Penborn City New Jersey, an invoice of Kctlned Peirn leum. from 'ntusville.. Pa , Hoe of the oi xae ‘ Hormelical Batrel j;® • (Bobbin s patent ) A’ careful axuninc' tlonof -hia cask shows It to he inperiect order n'r7 evaporation-or leakage, and the wood as d™ J « twfore IL waMlilvd. iV.c other barrel" o7the were in fair order, but (taj leaked, or et aporated twn gallons each. We cheermllv reoouiotend'he Hermetieel Barrel to Re libera and Sluf-per, . I Petroleum. 7- S er *. trembley. pulkpsa 0 0 . a. A TAYT.O l 'i;Vre“f;,, UCtol,er2 “ ,, ‘’ *** 163 Broadway. at our Depot. Jersey Oitv nrttHo rSn Tl!7 C,a ' , !l :r l^3t| “ tav otco oOPetTolenm Tro.n Titusi; rile, Pa., of which were four barrels having the brand oftbe 'HERMETICAT ra w KBE COMPANY, ROBBINS™PATENT “ , cx * a,to »tiPn af these barrets aitowa liSS’iJ perfect order.. No evaporationot ■ ory aa before raw flftirf nn l iS5 I li t S e Ab ? Ve three week* i! wfta transhipped three• times Blnoe They hareijeen at-our Di-pot. They i?v2 Men miitct to considerable rooeh' treafflnt S?* e S J?fp^e,o s unwi4 »to- Afew dil^lSo rm^iTf 1 ! 6 au^ed ttn< l found to contain all the Oil that was originally mit in th*m 1 e Of Petroleum tween here and to *rom five g"SU£“-r I ” 3*Bs troleum when on storage. ■ : •B H. VALENTINE, w .... Superintendent.. 11 h y ire P? rctl to » start turn, to furnish ff S™.? e loiT rcl Manufacturer* and Dealer, Ssm P l,B of HarreW prepared by Si i SPy process, w hlch wlll demonstrate to all Interestea that this Barrel is aU Sat 1, claimed Tor It, a a HEKMETIUAL BABBVr that It Will hold Crude. Oil, Keflned Oil, Nap tha, spirits of Turpentine, Ac., without leakage fnth«' l fu r SV 0 / f"n>7 BOBBINS-method is vefy fim pic RniJ than most! otJicr -DrdceßsM 'in 2“. ApnlicnioM^?2SS 8 M no-vr l^ u*r P^^ s3B 'thfough X.lPPlN nhlets ’ if Particulars see pam phleta, wWch can be had at our oflloe,- , . , UPPItf COTT, FBY & CO, Wo- Street, dec23:inia FOR THE HOLIDAYS! PIANOS, JCST BBCBtViD, A CHOICE AS. SORTfITFNT of the raperioi BRADBURY, York, aurf SUIIbjFAC KKR dt CO. Phllartpiphjg^ Americin Organs and Melodeona, These initrumentj- are (tcknowledeed hv KP7- a ,.!!., be 5f! e ,« K $T IN XHfcfatAß »id will be Bol(T at froth TWENTY FIVE to bEYENTY-£\iyE EOEEAUS. EJJSS tfun factory prices, ■ *•<-. ***#*» ; -All warranted for Fire Years, « Person* during tomake a Randsome Christ. toflß i£i l T e *^? arBl>reBen{ ar © particularly re queetedto ban and examine oiif stock. JJaecriptivs Circular? furnished on cpplica- WAHELINK & BAB R, BfOi IS BUsell’s Block, St. Clair Street Cherry Bun and Pitt Hole Petroleum Uo NOTICE OF ELECTION, SUBSCRIBERS TO THE STOCK OF THEUJHERBY iiUN ANI> PITT HOLE f ETROLEUAff COMPANY are hereby notified to attend a meeting: of the Stockholder* of »iad Company, which will be held oni MONDAY; DECEMBER 19th, at 8 o’clock, P. M., for the 'mrpoie of organization. election *r President, Jirectors, and other officers, Ac,, at the office of Capt. J, T. fcstoetdale, No. 2 Duquesne Wr,' ! H: MOKELVYi ‘ pro . tent .'Kiisaeß Moirer and'BriKieiv^uckeircfMfUMr' .ffap»P*. tiuiker aSKTiMH^e,;^^ Wabu; •cumwiT.—A’ ; -'Pi!»ii J «Vj • i - 1- ; : 1864. NATIONAL BANKS. hermetical barrel. Aiceeican organs, and MHtiol>£ibN4 PIANOS, AT PRICES PROM 1 AT FROM 8188 to g4BO, iteJlltpsi. x'oat. ■ j ... ' TJICKINSOIV. J •' All hail, fair Anna ! Shoddy's biggest enJ r Op'oratla'a PiHaijl gloriMja DloßnKfn'. ' " * start* 6100016 thoaiioacmAi Snd ' l ■ ' u ' .sfi}? ld *^ e CQm ??> destruetton’sAeryritarj a> : BeUona 'roused/a thhhderbnlfof mVii ' curtT 108 Wl>h ' corß,Qt '< , ‘«»t®d- elid”j And And tsuletsmdtapMKy dhnadSr hurts;" i - < ,|be bl»S£ p£S?£ft,$ e mwil’mb**', evi J yoUßOlttOch «doph)re, * Ojt niMriftj, and yoU’il fiarp on that no more- At we’ve heard' some thVffty Hdtiet’Wiv^ Theht ceasdlteOT'iaborß'im-e A ilr tfvds awai. And ra l aQ s rmi detgnitoJhlL^* your dread cards*! . kUMsjEsop’fl'iioDen tfiit wedtfce Arthur \ . Ytm ®®y bring fatal honors to Jiiahouße.* • ■ 5 He’fAhulk^m* ” f ponr* n«»th Xi UgacaZe voir, .. beneath tie ndae i ‘ c •. GfßenailcluaeahivdHtfg tomdoe/'°^ W ' ' i 0,1 wight 4 '^ ?ia)cll ” detain. tii^i4uckleaa, ‘ vSon'i’iS m ° meDt ' 'ongpj-eßcrlbed, kt’nlfchtu You H labor then, and. vea t Jour turgenr bilUi ■ Bellrering lertuf-es-taihe ehrulnltWe ' hnger yet, weretnean—■ ! " I And* - S°.? n n d :: Uncehope of freedom; addlbe-prideofmeri' Thy sons who. oncfi aec6trts fruhjr • Now cheer the clatter tomrue^-,j - Thy Senate—ere IBSe fiteraioaVH \vfjjfri2ij J4 * Sftgg** SSSL; We named with prfde, with reverence and love «™ o £m hate’s tead2flngp..from 7 o;ir And he Who flrttif'rtrtie iWri-id\h’6 i ufd 'stand‘obs‘cure* retreat Aniljlßubtful mnddMoa JaokgiShUiseaS; - I ; |^“«m^a?^away uOreat girl! yoa ara beyond hif n9fiire«B laws! - A better man than e’er your daddy was • AbAteach-nut Abraih' “• titmtSt,”- "Wise'>- an ,i (With sotneinxfilyjVrc trust 1 ' * ' a Ithougo you autyhts swset proeeirtrees be,-' 1 , Th“ l !!fi l h ' y ' Ami sayesour country—ao t ulta -- . Ma.oigßaioUreecb isMihanchmanoeViariEdii , . Ateservyd lUeir ordit Boteianjok?^ But m this age of seience„it is true ' o “f '’ rios ■'* rhfbugh: •a&rtdd?® ; ‘ k ; • Bymptwnstnnd.withjiraiitibda 4Kj Explores the pulses of tne Northern heart ‘Then Plioeher treAttnbnb, IheitimifarptS— 'SheknoWs theW.Ue antidote ihe£?e’s Anhonri. ehß t ttematlent^ 6 *' t. Cjf old. Aochiaet, ep ignobly r^donc^ i b hMWtr a4l,osBt atai??s^rt“ r u'-' ; When men, strong mem and lovelv Jm mm Q t* Benenthifhc Bursting of Wit ifWhyTvl?* 60 Fl *'' ’ H v^ •?h.t°!f er liorr °r though tbosom fhrUia void o* woman’S IdatihS ttulw- 1 ’ ! i ' v P u ,e BcsleLuonn in [,nr love, . 1' OonfoundlOg nWfirei-elaajifted jbme i " M^ctm^tteaaHahlMiMLOqsi: $ h P,» 8 rTi'.“4t' ‘"- OA -^ U ' fcrjm.VAlUha Year Bd*n6i* -f J: '■ b#fc’'riw* to aevtotoa! ■ psn^sats^&sss other-reHeaHtirtlleU held sfel&S There’ • a 're amt terfibßS&fetfc'trrdif* completely.dgmousftßUngr’to. jttfbyeit slon of the royalty .which -had. endured, so long, 'tbau‘the decree of the conyen tion of the 6th Of- Angnst, 1792, ar months after the execution of Louis^ne ! >s&ich sent the rabid popu ]ace of Paris, trooping to §t, . i; JDenis;tO obliterate fee recolegtion of: th§. kings mf Fritnce, b? fleftrajstjg'.tofe' I yeiyi ■tombs hno burying tnejr remaisa ■common fosse. ~ In the topihs -of hoi—" .10-wed. stone ,bf flic earlier- n--- yery (ittlfe WOitß noticej-was that Of Kmjg'Pepiii.'dhßre -quantity otgcild wifie, nothi each.soffln'-bo.te. the simplgl -its inmfLte,on .leaden pi| 4agg|*i& I*S stances, pemly meglMm.,.ll however Were, not wapte&ihr, ramarkable object dj^vei ! . - .. . ■ ...;■ diV PIAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINT/ KiecuUiTln lb. bat itjrU, iitmcjK- PAID TO tJtE AND LEGAL PRINTIN Ac., foy./fijffi&Kioniand Concert* cannot fc* «nrp*j»ed in the dty; but found its way to the manicitnl to the cabinet of antiquities-bf-the Na- MPUai (nofu tha ;- I Library. froitf Yaritfus'-fcaushs, "Wsßended from August UH Octoberhbut 'da me 12th 9f fpst month it waso-eshmed-iaxid with ' • The 1 firstbofflVihfef one Biml&ffi for btj,earance„lmjl there: been anyfortfearinc ■ 1 trf preservation ■ aria>h« f !fta.pot bis.(ape, that facesiwhieb* had ; JSSWWfi in-dris-lif e..tll»S, was npWj.htepkans.dnfcisJSTo'this 'SosBs*><>A',ita4 i it comeiat es- * ;, fife tally, ftfthe GraDdaDaspbin^-ob du- .! &««*fisSPfff Theheartssofisofiieibfi the • P,!7. n f?§ f -Were under; tte farfßn. fpfipseft in lead j.iwjth enametecfi.iliBcriD’- ; fMfifef leadfWaaearetoUytehatfSttay - : the withered -.hearts- L-were-tosbediwith howlB aiid execrationaiuto- the common JakePjSU !rfcu larly interred in the royahvuinft ifhe-den redators came.: attheihrtberVmdJin „„ otti e r Jr fcoffin, irmedin the; tbicknSsßS WiSd Hjyall ia question fijaceihim. dmihißjipstaiSeelE#^^^- ■s Qpemr daytifeere - SSKW'S BourbDßaia.fhe the Wfeenth was , Ragged: .fromothe crypt to the trerich J hntf ffiere o™nßd > The body tafcOinFdtithf ease JifasaKpmmftiyVl ■'apdfeed Jjl’-teß; Soodwps^ijyatioitpbntetfiestfn te«aSsa*w®»[*«: • . snrroqttdingii U&£«P g i&igb t psofligaietthtol peroictousaxi-oabrt'h'tft h#pfdglht“‘'fled | ol 9 MdtejUsmaysiiiaitfen&ai, ih!= iffit ;i tMi laeobis^iitfidy-^natcherg : b urategte f-gun ££ wdeyWphWlpt he mr ihttd when the lunrigafibS‘-' JSSNaltlia j JfiPS ea pghit thfe Macfeaned firifenMais . - xthafc frcto WiUfßlwand quids# cdiiCealdd - tsicoooos ,&itiismod To fs A. GOUQH-lffO'MOaj* 11 J-'VV -J dawgslG 3W .USSnfWfi . ■: i IS OtiUi*sd c3us;:r . JOUGH /!!., • i ;.. . - iijW turn ,do.i PIAEKBMSA.,.,,: ! hlro^^’ i '‘ re ° tlft ;inlei i „^i a £»y®ni«#ni<£ r 'yi n^kl i).is,v«iSl J ; 4 * Cinpicaatltfllilcwiii ;£S* r «.Sfe t /i£;i‘ 4 u; r- ■ ‘‘liifr?* .... >M-i*Vi Of *>D5 p^*:XX«*a. ...Sfe-spaat aaaairgfiji £&s3sbcmp i '&■ gLflrtgS?* ! feMJoftnirth Streep ; . lilOtill ..' 'lru li-iriy? ,>5^a«91193il ; iMiuka ■ • f> jtuiiiigKOi' dvue. lo taw 30408054m5»>, tt l ffi^UiSSPSi^^Sm^ le | For jtenrolrf» genifr&jiju Py WiuilciattAejutaj HW® 9 ‘ t? tiOTtmt&w -... • " L 9 Lid rjys dswSej'i.S I The largest assortment of ‘ * ** l £j 1 '■*‘^ |.fl* AJfGiS? -iiica*jr»sg?^n-»'^,--)j i iitiidw iSSD lit eidJ a« I t-iii/-. VlEmj3l3*ll iJ anij, fi •■ «4*Bet«a»>tt =iij amsssd sd fcia; » J ‘ pOBES’PSEB S «f siS^W'^g’tf 1 ai: ‘ b * |ert9«wq h-'ii-fiucl f -Si ». {,^M| ■- el ■•]