The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, December 20, 1864, Image 3

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    5; be gaUg post.
Messrs. S. M. PETTENQILL, A CO., No. 3T
Park How, Nets’Ydtk city, and No. 6 State
attest, Boston; and L. P. FONTAINE A 00.,
No. 68 Nassau street, New York city, are an
thoriied to take Advertisements and Subscrip.
-ns fpr usat onr lowest rates.
49*We will Cornish the Dau.y Post to agent,
the rate or 62,00 per hundred ooplea.
Oo ’Change.
There was a fair attendance at the People’s
Stock Exchange last evening. The following
•ales took place: *
100 Ritchie
100 Tarr, Story and Oheny Run
12$ Tarr, story and Cherry Run [.I x
600 Tarr, Story and Cherry Run. iSo
. 260 Whitley creek ........1,26
The following offerings, which we extract
from the general list, wiil prove of Interest to
<s. those who wish to ascertain the ruling market
T prlo e:
■A.* Valley
Bergen ... 400
Blood Farm & Ohio Petroleum .... 2 00
Central Basin 110
Cherry Run Central. 2 00
Cherry Run and Blood Farm 1 10 i oc
Cherry Run & Pittsburgh l oo
Cherry Bun fc Pitt Hole 90 85
Culbertson's Bun 200
Dalzell* 900 866
El Dorado 220
Fleming & Blood
liemania, of Pittsburgh.,
Merchants 1
rncAboy Cherry Bun.
Monongahela Pioneer w
National 1 $0
0*>*oV»llBy 185 i'io
Oil Basin. ,t 1000
Oil City and Plttlaburgh 200
Oil Creek k Cherry Hun 360 336
Phillips 6 60
Pittsburgh and Great Western 190 140
Pittsburgh & Philadelphia 130 i 25
Shirk’s Farm 98
Tack Petioleum ol N. V 8 60
Union Lubric l 00
West Virginia, Pittsburgh 2 oo
®*or tba Holidays.— A splecilid stock of
Boots, Shoes and (iums has just been received
at McClelland's Auction Boonu, No. 65 Fifth
street- This new assortment is unsurpassed in
9 Quality, style and variety, and embraces Boots
and Shoes of all kinds and sizes, all of which
will bi disposed of co th 9 public during the pres
ent nonchat reduced prices. The entire stock
Is of the best Quality', and in this r. sptet cannot
be surpassed in any house in thin ci y. He has
alsQ3 magnificent stock of Dry i foods, embra
cing a 1 irge variety of .Shawia, B 4m.)rat skirts,
Hooaiery, Qlotcb, Ikmestic Qool’s, he. This
unequalled stock of Winter Lfoods fs now being
sold at the lowest possible prices, and conse
quently purchasers are numerous. The Auction
Booms are crowded during the entire day with
numerous customers, anxious to make the best
of the extraordinary bargains which are now
being offered. Mr. MoOielland offers superior
inducements to his numerous customers, and we
see no reason why the public generally should
not partake of the many advantages which he
is conferring upon all, during thepresent month
especially. Those who have not as yet found
an opportunity to examine his new stock of
goods, would do well to call upon him immedi
ately, and we can assure them that they will
find it much to their advantage. Besides saving
a considerable sum of money by pa'roniring
his establishment for a season, they will also be
ftble to procure superior articles, which for beau
ty and durability defy competition. This is an
inducement which people thoroughly appeciate
during these times.
Oil la West Virginia.—The Morgantown
(West Virginia) Post, gives a brilliant description
of the “Jonathan Taylor Farm,” situated on the
west tide of the river, about one mile and a half
from Morgantown. The farm is adjoining lands
of John Hess and other*, and contains abont 93
acres, which is mostly bottom land, bordering
the Monongahela—the whole of it good boring
laud. Burning gas has been found on this farm
In many places. By making a hoiea few inches
deep in the ground, gas has issued foith in such
vast volumes, that the application of a lighted
match has caused dames to ascend two feet from
the ground. It says that this tract of land has
the best indications of oil presented in any part
of the country, and that oil cannot but exist in
large quantities. The land is finely situated, easy
of access, and presents the finest inducements
to capitalists. We understand that the farm
has been leased by son*e gentlemen from Phila
delphia, who, it is thought, will make a big
thing oat of this valuable land. Qfefrations
have not, aa yet, comißff- jRt san
guine expectations of future success enter
tained. Other Harms have also given indicatibhs
of oil, and the people in that section of the coun.
try are already gloating over the prospects of
increased wealth andprosperlty.
F-Xchange of Officers —The following of
fice. belonging to Pennsylvania regiments, and
who were confined in prison In Georgia, have
been recently exchanged, and are now on their
way home:
Captain John Morris, 2d artillery;
Lieut 00l J B Conningham. 62d;
Captain W A Bobinson, 77th;
Captain George Erwller, 67th;
Lieut Oscar Rohn, 18th;
Lieut Wm C Beck, 32d;
Lieut C F Barclay, 149th;
Captain G B Donahay, vthieserve Corps;
Lieut W H Bricker, 3d Cafltj;
Lieut H C Potter, 18lh Cavalry;
Lieut F B Eastman, 2d Cavalry;
Lieut CM Hart, 45 th;
Lieut ED C Lond, 2d Artillery;
Lieut H S Horton, XOlst;
Lieut J MaGorern, 73d;
Lieut A A Sweatland, 2d Cavalry;
Captain O W Nowlan, Tth Cavalry;
Lieut Myron Fellows, 148th;
00l Pennock Huey, Bth Oavalry;
Lieut W G Dutton, 62d;
Captain J T Plggott, Bth Oavalry:
Lieut W A Dailey, 9th Cavalry.
Captain H K Kelley, 118th;
Captain J Krouse, 8d Artillery.
Mmn Stabbed —a man named O’Rourke,
who keeps a tavern on Grant street, received
several stabs on Saturday night, which may
prove fatal. It appears that during the evening
a party of three entered his house and ordered
oysters, which wore prepared for the party, and
were heing placed upon the table, when another
party of three entered and took possession ol
what was previously ordered by the other men,
O'Rourke remonstrated, and stated that If they
would only wait a few minutes they would be
attended to. It appears that this mode of Inter
ference was highly offensive to the party, who
at once pounoed upob O'fiourke, and in the
souffle which ensued the latter received several
stabs of a serious, if not fa,al, nature- The
party-then managed to fiiake their escape from
the premises, bpt subsequently a man named
Paddy Ryan, who is a desperate character, and
pptuphnpwn to fame, was arrested on a charge
of stabbing O’Bourkc. He was committed to
Accident on the Steamer Petrolla
On Friday evening last, as the steamer Petrolla
was leaving the wharf at Parker’s Landing, on
the Allegheny river, an oar projecting from an
ou boat, ran through the side of the vessel, de
mollshing-two state rooms aed injuring one or
two passengers who were sleeplrginthem at the
time. A young man named George MeCandless
was an occupant of fine uf the births, and had
his ha«4pmihe<l in a terrible manner. He nar
rowly escaped death, the stem grating hU
checkocAnother had the coat tom off his back.
The accident is attributed to carelessness.
T^*^ V “ ther -— The weather still contin
ues highly disagreeable, although not cold. The
WUh ,og aod * moke > **’'*»* 1« a
{float dismal appearance. Eyen our oldest in
flabitan ts do not remember of having met with
Sflch a continued and unvaried period of dlea
gfeeahlp weather as we have teen the
/ ctulrtma*,— Piepnwtiqm. for Christmas
this season are as brisk as ever, and the shop
keepers Msjloliigwgoctt business-da the way of
holiday presents, Ac. They.’are now making
the best possible display of their goods, and the
windpw* in every part of the city are adorned
with the most faseinaa'liig kinds of goods, such
as those who wish to mtke a holiday present
cannot fail to notice, it has ever beeaa custom
lathis celebrate the Christmas, holidays
with all due solemnity and we are glad to see
that in this respect we have not. departed from
the customs of our forefathers Christmas will
be observed thla year as .well as In former years,
I and the community are already making the nee
easary preparations for that purpose. The
stores of dealers In fancy goods, books, jewelry,
he., are more patronized now than
during any part of the year, and sales are being
nmde In a manner that justifies the belief of a
huay season. We hope that everything will
pass as joyfully as In former years.
Ice Gorge in the Yoaghioghmy. A
gorge of ice in the Y r ughiogheny river, of
rather a serious nature, oturred in the bend near
Guffy’s Station, about fifteen m ilea above Mc-
Keesport. The water above the gorge rose rap
idly and fearfully, gaining an altitude of twenty
feet In about half an hour. The river bottoms
were overflowed in a short Ume, doing great
dimage to houses, barns, fences, and other mov
able property. Some coal boats tied up la the
vicinity suffered severely, and one or two were
sunk. Several lives are reported to have been
lost, among others, that of Mr. Jenkins, a prom
inent coal merchant living in that neighborhood.
After the gorge broke, the water rushed down
the river with great violence, causing an im
mense loss of property all the way to McKees
port. We did not learn what amount of dam
age wis done at the latter place, but have a ru‘
mot that considerable coal was sunk in that vi‘
Asked. Bid
.14 00
Au Appeal to the Charitable—The
straightened circumstances of the St. Paul’s
Orphan Asylum compel the managers to ask
donations from a charitable public.
No charity calls louder for aid than tho case
of these destitute and homeless orphans.
Having between 200 and 300 orphan children
at present in the Asylums, and dally increasing,
and being supported 'entirely by voluntary con
tributions, the funds are necessarily limited
Any donation of cash, groceries or provisions
left at the following places will be properly ap
plied and duly acknowledged :
1 60 10C
3 76
6 00
* 60 62
Geo. Quigley, Grant St., Pittsburgh.
Ountngham A Co.’s, 109 Water St., Pittsburgh.
W. J. McGinn, Federal St., Allegheny City.
Female Asylum, Webster St., Pittsburgh.
Male Asylum, Birmingham.
Man Drowned.- A man named .William
Allinder was drowned on -Saturday morning in
the Uonongahela river, while attempting t->
cross over in a skiff. The deceased, in company
With three others, started from the Birmingham
side in the skiff, but, unfortunately, they struck
a large piece of ics which rendered the skiff un
manageable, and they were carried over the
dam. The skiff was capsized and Its oc.-upants
were thrown Into the river. All except Allinder
were saved through the exertioos of those on
shore. The Utter Boated for a abort distance
down the stream, but afterwards sunk 10 rise no
more. Deceased was about thirty yeaia of age,
»nd aad but recently returned lion the army. He
leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss
At no time within the last year has there
been an opportunity to buy Goods at anything
like low prices, compared to what Is now offered
at McClelland's Auction, 6S Filth street. In
structions have been received from several con
signors to close out their goods, and in order to
do this effectually, and In the shortest possible
time, the eutire stock has been marked down to
prices that cannot fall to be regarded as great
1 he Goods are all seasonable, and were select
ed especially tor retaU trade-embracing a large
\ariety of Boots and Shoes, of superior manu
la.;iure, Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hosiery
Gloves, &c.
Seriously injured. —A man named Wil
11am Barry, a laborer on thy Steubenville Rail
road, met with a accident yesterday
morning. It apperrs that Barry, with others,
was at work on a deep cut. being made by that
road, on the south side of tho Monongahela,
wheo a piece of rock, becoming detached from
the side of the cut, tell his head, crushing
his skull In a shocking manner. The wounded
man was conveyed to his residence, in a court
off Webster street, near Tunnel, and a physician
summoned to examine his injuries, who gave
it as his opinion that Barry would not likely
Jioltdny- ‘Gifts, in great variety, can be
at the establlahment of My era, Schoyer
UCo., No. 89 Fifth street. Gold Pena, for of
fice and counting-house, as well aa the finer and
mere delicate arUclea suited for ladies' use.
Ladies’ velvet purses, cabas, fcc Gentlemen’s
wallets and note books. Card cases, portfolios,
pioperling pencils, Jtc., Sic. Also, one of the
finest assortments of photograph albums in the
city, In velvet, Turkey and French Morocco,
gutta percha, an! other atylis. Give them a
call, No. 39 Fifth street.
Trial of Twenty-Inch Gnn.— We under
stand that orders have been received by the
Ordnance Bureau In this city, to test the twenty
inch navy cannon at the proving grounds In this
vicinity. The first test will be with a charge of
fifiy pounds of powder and solid shot; the second
with eighty pounds of powder and solid shot,
and the third test with one hundred pounds oi
powder and solid shot: The trial wUI take;,lice
in a few days.-
AeknoTViedgment.—The Treaanrer of St.
Paul’s It. C. Orphan Asylum acknowledges the
receipt of the following- donations:
Mrs Henry Phillips,* bushels potatoes.
Mrs. Robert Wallace, Birmingham, cash..slo 00
■ — *;s
Mr.o.w. Smith t oo
Mr. TKothas Bailey j oo
Anonymous 20*00
Locked up for a Hearlng.-Luke O'-
Brien was yesterday arrested by the Mayor’s
police on charge or malicious mischief, preferred
by Mr. Kennedy, who keeps a jewelry aland on
Fifth street. O’Brien was intoxicated, and
made an attack on Kennedy's stand, breaking a
globe and damaging several other artloles. He
was locked up for a hearing.
Photographs—We would direct the atten
tion ol oqr readers to the new and spleudldcs now attracting the atten
tion of alf those who pass along St. Clair street,
in this establishment all kinds of photographing
is done at the shortest notice, and in the mort
exquisite style. The pictures, for grace, and
beauty, and coloring, are unsurpassed, and for
this reason are worthy the attention, not only
of the public, generally, but slbo of the iilellanfi
In the art. For what reason, we cannot deter
mine, but certain It Is, , that the photographs
coming lrom this celebrated gallery are move
plain, distinct, and reoognliable than anything
that f ver came under our notice in the same
line. Those of our readers who should desire
10 procueafipa lot of pictures oral bums suit
able lor holiday presents, should repair without
delay to the above establishment, Where they
will find a splendid assortment of these articles
especially intended tor holiday gifts. Don’t
forget—B. L. H. Dabbs, ,No. 49 at. Clair street.
Boots—lt ts now a question of tnuph tmpor
foiVifi coo ‘ l<le fjr , g the enormous prices of io’e
leather and oali skins, to know wnat is true
economy, and where ts the beat place to go in
order to obtain value received ; and under tMs
head we wouidoaU the attentiou of omTrSdSs
»f the most elegant Calf Boom for ge£
tlemen we have ever seen in the citv We im.
derstandthat some Frenchmen Worebrouehton
from a Broadway petabltthment in N™w S Yo?k
City, especially to m*ke this beautiful and su
penor work, and we can certainly congratulate
'be establishment upon the beauty aod stylo of
finish. We are assured that they are mad/f*hm
selected French Calf, and we trould
in Sowtior BooU to go and seethem
&t ?°- 08 Fifth street. Ladies
and Children can be equally wen pleased'with
anytWttg ilTthe fcoot a©4 SJiQe Unp, “
Theatre.—“ Waiting for the Verdict” was
produced last night for the first time at tbethe
atre, with unparalleiied success. The house
was crowded, and they were not disappointed
in their expectations of a splendid performance.
The play itself is such that it cannot fail to
touch the heart, evenor the most careless spec
tator. and it was rendered til a manner highly
creditable to the splendid stock company now
performing at this favorite place of amusement.
The same programme will be produced again to
Y ShaW -The National Combination
wm B*re Aierfes ot amuse?
mehts, commencing on next Thursday ievwnißf.
kt Muonic H.II. This is an entertalnmentwor^
It also adds: Shall wo prolong th c
war, aacriflee our children and destroy
onr country for the sake of the negroes
&c. It concludes thus: We hate, dc’
test nud despise the enemy far more
than we love slavery.
A telegram to the Richmond Whig
from Lynchburg, 14th, a body of Yan
kees returning towards Beau's Station
encountered our forces at Zollicoff'
er Station, on the Eaat Tennessee road
nine miles from Bristol where a fight
was said to bo progressing at last ac
The Richmond Sentinel of Ihe 16th
says: Foster is quiet under his failure
on the Savannah railroad, and Sherman
has seemingly despaired of opening
communication with the sea at Beau
D. Johnson, Treasurer.
Thecaplure of Fori McAlister is an
nounced; the liability ofits capture his
been well understood. Sherman will
now be able to get supplies by way of
Ossabow Sound. Should he capture
Savannah, he will have exchanged a
city in the interior fora cily on the
coast, which has been completely closed
to commerce since the loss at Fort Pu-
An Important Order from the
War Department.
WASHiNOTQN.Dec. 19,-The following
Order has just been issued:
War Departments Adjutant Gen
EBAL’S GFFiCEjjec. 19,-GWaf Order
~ 301 r \ Every offlcer and ca
pable of duty is wanted in the field, and
if not on duty they are ordered to their
respective organizations. All Provost
Marshals’ and Boards of Enrollment
are instructed to employ the most dilli
gent exertions in forwarding soldiers to
the front, and in arresting deserters
shirkers and all fit for duty, and who
are absent without proper authority
Surgeons in charge of hospitals are di
rected to send forward all who are fit
fpr service, taking care however to
not to expose any who are unfit. 'Re
cruiting officers are enjoined to dili
gence and those found guilty of neglect
or are useless, the Adjutant General is
directed to rccatl-dhem immediativ and
send them to their commands. Every
e %rt must be pqt forth to fill np the
ranks, strengthen oar armies and aid
the patriate and gallant troops now
jmiUng the enemy with victorious
IS?*® - orde f of tsie of
. (Signed, j
• ~ . i.E- D- Townsend,
Assistant Adj. General.
Washington, Dec. 19.— House— Mr.
Davis, of Md., offered the resolution re
ported by h'ihi on Thursday, and which
the House then tabled, declaring that
Congress has the constitutional right to
an authorative voice in declaring and
.prescribing the foreign policy of the
United States, and that it is the duty of
the Executive Department to exercise
that voice. &c.
Mr. Farnsworth, ef Illinois, moved to
lay the resolution on the table, which
was disagreed to: nays, 73; yeas, 49.
Senate— Mr. Wilson presented a pe
tition from the officers of colored troops
sailing an increase of pay, &c. which
was referred to the Military Commit-
Mr. Grimes presented a petition from
the citizens of lowa, asking for the re
peal of the Reciprocity Treaty, which
was referred to the Committee on For
eign Relations.
Mr. Trumbull presented a petition
trom the citizens of Cook county, lilin
ois, asking the passage of a bankrupt
law, which was referred to the Judiciary
Committee. 1
Mr. Hendricks presented a petition
trom the citizens of California m rela
tion to pre-emption claims in that State
whieh was referred to the Committee on
rnblic Lands.
Mr. Doolittle asked to have his reso
lution authorizing the President to ex
pend ten millions of dollars for the de
fenoe of the frontier referred to the Com
mittee on Naval Affairs.
Mr Sumner suggested that it be re
ferred to the Committee on Foreign Re
lations 6
Mr. Doolittle had no objections to
such a reference.
Mr. Sumner said the question involved
was already before the Committee on
Foreign Relations.
Mr. Sherman— The reference to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs would be
the best that could be made. He hoped
that the Committee would report speed
ily upon the question of the general de
fence of the borders. There was a great
deal of anxiety upon the subject of bor
der defence, and he hoped it would be
acted upon promptly.
Mr. Howard—l concur with the Sen
ator from Ohio in the belief that the
committee to whom this bill should be
referred will make as early report ns
practicable, tor, as has been briefly ob
served by the Senator from Ohio, there
is great anxiety along the frontiers
We are hourly in danger oi repetitious
ot these raids and outrages which have
been so frequently committed. I think
it is high lime there should be au ex - •
pression on the part ot the Congress of ,
the United States, at least, by way of re
monstrance against these raids and out- :
tages to which I have referred. We i
must, in order to keep peace on the bor I
Jer, show power. The lion must show :
his teeth on this side of the water and '
show to these men who have been liar- '
boimg these rebel visitors in their bo' 1
soms that eveu Canada, with its [.resent I
neutrality, cauuot be permitted to bo a
place ot refuge for such characters I
desire to say this much on this occasion 1
when another like occurrence shall
present itsell to the consideration
ol this body. ;
Mr. Johnston said it was immaterial
as to what committee the resolution
was referred to. Either of the commit. :
tees named could not consider the sub i
ject properly. If tbese raids were re 1
pealed there was no doubt that under I
the laws of nations the parties could be i
arrested within the limits of the United i
States or pursued into adjoining territo ;
Fight at Bermuda Hundred.
Th 9 Capture of Fort M’Allister.
New Yobe, Dec. 19 —The Herald's
correspondent, writine from Butler's
headquarters on the 17th, says- Last
evening about six o'clock the lines ~f
Brevet Major General Ferrero, com
mantling at Bermuda Hundred were at
tacked by the rebels. The firing which
was both heavy and incessant for an
hour, was mostly confined to the pickets
though there was sufficient artillery
used on our side to repel five rebel gnu
boats and two rams. The Virginia and
Kti-bmond were distinctly observed lv
ing under the guns of Fort Darling yes- 1
terday towards evening They are
doubtless there fora purpose. t
The Richmond Enquirer of the loth
has a semi-official editorial in favor of
arming the slaves, and says General
Lee is in favor of the proposition. The
Enquirer says; ’’When we supplicate
European nations for help, we must be
prepared to receive it on their own con
ditions, which will be the abolition ol ,
Letter From Admiral Dahlgren.
New York, Dec. 19.—A letter wss
received trom Admiral Dahlgren by
Secretary Welies on the., 17th, say it, g
thht he was then (14th) id the presence
of General Sherman, he having' come
around to Warsaw Sonnd with General
Foster to meet Admiral Dahlgren. The
Admiral was bnsily buoying the Sa
vannah river for an attack on Savan
nah by water and was about to proceed
to Ossabow Point in the hope of commu
nicating, with Sherman, when that
General, aa the Admiral says, “walked
over Fort McAllister, and came aboard
the flag ship."
Federal Defeat in North Carolina.
The Richmond Sentinel has a dispatch
dated Kinston, 12th inst., saying that
the Union force had been repulsed on
the Neuse road, two miles from Kinston
and driven across Southwest Branch’
which they deserted, ’
Dixon’s Aromatic
the only safe and sure cure. It contains no
opium or deleterious drugs, «o mineral or other
injurious compounds common to remedies gen
eraliy sold for this class of disease. It is os
efficacious that Physicians very generally use
In their practice in all chronic and dangerous
T.'se no Cholera mixtures or doubtful compo
sitions, (many of which undermine and ruin the
constitution,) when you can obtain an unfailing
remedy as simple and safe as Blackberries
MINATIYE, and s.-c- that the proprietor’s
avme is written on the outside wrapper of each
Prepared only by
*■ or Bale *>y all respectable druggists
Price, (old style 35 cents,) 25 cents, 60 cents
and *1 per Bottle.
O l i SACK OF V AH -
ABLE HEAL. E>TAI L —£Jv \ irtue of ad
: °* the Orphans’ Court ol Allegheny Couu
-1 ty, the undersigned will expose to sale bylpublic
vendue premises lothe Borough
of l.xwrenoenlfe. UN SATURDAY THE urAl
< I>AY OR JANUARY, A n 18,16, at ’“o’clock
I i Aw, 1 , I '' following described Heal Estate oi
l.e.vv IN (.. j, N(I H 1.!., late ol Allegheny
l.ouuly, deceased, situated In Ihe Borough Jt
E.vvrenccvllle, Allegheny Uouuty, Pa . to wit
. ''nose lour certain loin of ground lying .nd
Ja ,l “ d , Hr,roa f h . marked anilnum
['"*! 4 U 43 ’ 43 “ Dd Min the plan of lots laid out
s.Hi^!i 0 K rUug i‘’ °oorge A. Bayard, Oct. lsr,
ISsfl, and bounded by Clay street on tie trout
.trawberry Alley in the rear land onoe of
A. Bayard, |or Mill Slreet contlnucdiou
tne west, and by lot number 16, the proDei-tv
now„rlaleor;<Vm. A. Catheart on Ces!!.
And having together oo said Clay Street of 2la
ept sv incher, more rr lew, and on .aid Straw
AUey oi 219 ft.2iuc , more or lees,depth ot
100 ft.,more or less.through Trom Clav Street tr, i
Mrawberry Alley. Being the
ch v,“ o ',TVY o : r s ow o'' y mb
l&>3, Heoorded in the Recorder's nffleeof AUe- 1
H <^lsU o j n Nnßfe rin 'rM “ n<l o ° nVe >' eJ 10 »*W ’
LjewisL. J. Nopie. This property m very eliai-
‘ “Perlor Hdra '‘ >or j
Terms. One third of the purchased mouev
on conttrmatloa of sale !>>* the Court anT the
i ?*t^°* eqUAl annual instalments from i
mortage ,otu ‘ <:d by hood ;
c. . O.L. B. FETTER MAN’
° f L ° WIS C - •' N,;hie ’
vec 16, 1*64 drt7.luw.3w
j no Water and 104 First Streets,
M A !S,f ACTI! W«8 OF PL I'M
uuoiw, OIL WELL TUBING ol all kind,
slvea, Rod a, Clamps, Tonsa. it'
of ah kinds,
CfiSTiNuej for Machinists, Aumbere. and
• team fitters, Brass and Iron Globe v’alvea
t 'Y} 1 * 11 **’ a ° ng BeU *' Steam, Water and
i kind! „“ “**•*’ • ,Sle ' la, and "as Cocks, aud ail
° FINISHED brass works,
Hatihettand Anti-Attrition Metals, dealers in, Worthington, and other Steam
Ptitnin. A general assortment oi Pumps always
hum's 1 " 1 ' i,,enUon P“> “ repairing Steam
Steam, Gas Filling and Plumbing,
I",I p H r r,»' Public Buildings
a.sii rrnate Dwelllugu.
Nos ltu Water, and 10* Ftral Street
thTLii^Kdteg' orgoo,la Baliab:e ,or
FLOWER stands,
igE “i? h ,msU ’ of various patterns and newest
For Aquaria tornish?n® UHES ’ ic -
Imported Birds
cfndfrfg 18 °° S W " 1 mo,t beautlfut plumage, in
rosella parrots,
OAQES of ail kinds, with furnltore
<jros”ac LL aT' <nowm) WREA ™S.
No. SO Fifth Street
General Foreign Agency,
Passage from or to livbr^
Passage to CalUbrnia.
Liverpool, hambcbr, c
prankport, ddbujv, ’breS:
*•«., *<k, Ac.
Packages forward. to part , of the Wt rI(L
Collections made and commission, executed.
Apply tq WM. BINOHAM, Jr.,
Adams' Express Office,
—— PltMbuigy 1
*ac rutflcii w® be eontiaoed' urflm ni><- i.ih
After an experience of many years in private
practice now often it to the afflicted in a highly
concentrated form.
What Is Pareira Brava?-1688
It has been recommended by the talept of the
Medical Profession for nearly two centuries
The Fluid Extract of
Is now offered to an fafflicted world in a shape
For all diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys,
Oravel or Swelling, Dropsical no medtoine in
vented can cope with this-co mpound in Its power
to Uterally
AJJ bad properties in the drug are removed by
he process of its compounding In the shape oi
fluid, leaving it*
Young men who may be suffering from- the
many ills consequent upon early indescretion or
abuse, should try one bottle and be relieved. The
symptom* are
■>ole .Froprictor,
By not arresting these signs, which as
|J- point as the needle to the pole, to Impotency
Epileptic Fits, Pie mature Decay and Death, a
crime against nature is committed—a practical
although protracted SUICIDE is being commit
All medical authorities agree that were the
effects oi
Bemoved, that there would be far less use for
A* the record* of these huuaoe institutions
prove that a very large proportion oi their pa
tlenls owe their reception and detention wiithin
them to early habit* oi indiscretion.
For all unpleasant and dangerous diseases
Gilson’s Extract of Pareira Braira
Absolutely cure ssecret diseases, of no matter
what length of standing.
No Change of diet u required, no cessation
from business. '
Soldiers Home upon Purlouyb
And who may perhaps have unlortu nately con
traded disease, will Bnd the Extract of HA R 1:1-
KA H HAVA the sped do for their ills.
By lt« peculiar action upon the Kidneys, It
cause* a frequent desire to urinate, thereby re
moving obstructions, and securing the suffer*
against all foar of stricture of the Urethra.
Beware of the numberless quacks to be firatid ic
U Urge citle s. Many of them kaow
Notbiuj of the Praotice of Mtdkine,
And yet they are allowed to deceive and decor -s
Until oftentimes after a lifetime of mUoi y, death
kindly ends their suffering.
Gilson’s Chlorine Water,
In connection with the Extract, ;is a specific for
the Gonnorhea, or protracted OHeet.
Syphilitic patients, especially eases of old
standing, would do well to try
A Medicine that has STOOD THE TEST OF
TEARS, and! in connection with the use of th
Will effectually eradicate any case, no matter of
how long standing.
■I - M . F.V LTON,
Dispatch Bntldlag, Fifth 8 creet,
ir I purchased from. J. M. LINDSAY,
of Ho’didaysburg, the right to manufacture
Lindsay's ImprovedßloodSearcher,
and have been it since that date.
This right 1 Intend to maintain, and give notice
to the public that upon every bottle the name of
J. Mi FULTON should appear, ah others are
ipnrioM. .And t p deaim. I give notice that
every Uftsettonof ay tra&wnai* will to pros
ecuted to the extent of the law.
No. Fiftfc street, Pittsburgh, Fa,
SotaAMt to,.Fhp-jap order* mnrt beil-.
dressed One thousand dozen on *«*** fo r
•ale to the trade, at lower Irani thananv other
honae in.the city. oetSß
The inventor of the extract of
It has, since 1688, specific for
LEOCOBBHCEA, and all diseettes of
Insane Asylums,
aMctlon SALES.,
T. A ss^, C #f,YBTa I kKT. CTIOSBKa '
*SO,Opo SEGARS A r be
be seen on morning of sale..-i ',■)
34 St. Mark’s Place, New York,
A.d can be Consulted
1 —fin— -
Discharges from the Ear, Noises
in the Head, and all the
Various Acute an d
Chronic Diseases
of the
nES.:,J'£ WITI^ lIj F wUI rc-vlstt PITTS
BURGH at regular intervals, according to the
requirement!) of the patientß under MS charge.
The business in New York does not suffer any
interruption from this visit, as one of the firm
ts there in constant attendance.
PiTTSBUBOH, November 6, ISd.
This will certify that I have been under ihe
care of Dr. Lighthill, for the cure of Catarrh,
and that, although he has attended me a little
over one week, ifeel that a permanent cure is
to be effected, and am bo much better in all re
spect* aa to warrant me in giving publicity to
these fact* and recommending Dr. Liehthlli ti,
any One afflicted with Catarrh. **
Jacob Forsythe,
Forsythe, Bros. & Uo., *74 Watei street.
From H<yn. D. H. Cole, Senator from, the Tvxnty-
Ninth District.
Albant, Jan. 25th, 1564.
Mr Dear Ha. Liqhthill It i* with great
satisfaction that I communicate to you the
effects of the medicines you gave me, on my ap
plication to you, for defective hearing. I fol
lowed your directions, and am happy to state
thAt lam now ao far recovered after the first
few application* a* to feel quite confident that I
am well and shall not need to proceed further
Be assured, my dear sir. ir necessity should
require, I should not hesitate to place mysell
under your magic-hands. Yours with respect,
Albion, Orleans county, N. Y.
From the Home Journal, June 4.
In every business or profession, indeed, in
every department of science or skill, there is
always some acknowledged head—some oqevvho
stands out in bold relief among his fellows, as a
sort ot leader. lathe study and. treatment ol
deafness and catarrh, as special diseases, Dr. £.
B. LIGtiTHILL, of this city, occupies just the
position above described. He has devoted years
of lAbortothis ppuial’ty, and is now reaping
the reward ef hi* h-diratry. The editorial col
umns of the Tribuiu’, of a recent date, near wit
ness to the Doctor’* success in this department
of medicine. We quote the paragraph:
“Uuna ok a Dua-K Mute.— Louis Loewing
stein. a lad fourteen years of age, born in
Germany, come to this city wheD he waaab-'ut
two years old. Soon after hfs arrival here'be
was taken sick and lost his hearing. By A grees
he became first deaf and thendumo For nearly
iwi years be was a mute, unable to hear the
loudest voice or,to articulate a word. Abuu*
oik' year ago he was placed by hU parents in tho
hands oi Dr. LighthiU, whohaaeofarsucceeded
in re storing to him his lost power* of hearing
sod utterance that he can converse with those
who hp£*K to him distinctly and deiibe»ately.
During the past four or five month* he has been
under the tuition of Mr. Benoedhe,.i.ahd. has
made considerable progress in readlne'andarifh
Having been supplied with the Jad’s address,
we further investigated the matter, and discov
errd that previous to calling on Dr. LighthiU,
the yooth s case wu hopeless, arid
he was for two years ao ir.miio of a Deaf and
Dumb Asylum. Thu Kev. John Nott, D. £).,
Professor In Union College. Schenectady, in a
published letter, tender* hfs gratitude ~h) Dr.
.LighthiU lor treating successfully hisCaßO of
Hev. Fred. S Jewell, Professor of
t be State Normal School at Albany, also testifies
to have been cured or catarrh. Dr. LighthiU
possesses other testimonials and tributes to his
tataat from some of the wealthiest and most
prominent and respected citizens, which may be
seen -on application, It would be difficult to
speak ku any but terms of praise of his treat
ment. in the face of these many proofs aqd facta
testifying<to hfs success. x-: I
Remarkable Cure of Deafness.
From the Rrt. Joseph M, ('iarke, Rector of St.
Janet* Church.
SmioosK, FebruarVloth, JS64.
1 have been deaf in one ear since I was in Col
lege, some tweoty years ago. By the skill of
Dc. LlgbthUL its hearing was entirely restored,
so t&at now 1 hear alike with both my ears, anti
j 1 tlo4 that 1 oan use my roioe with much ; faore
1 ease afic 1 comfort than befere.
oct3l»<r«kf d&w
ihom BtriunisrctS,
No, 37 Filth Street.
JL ol ihie splendid eat&bHihnfipnt open
throughout the uemjoQ. Persona In
business during the day can complete tbs full
ol study in the
i'orapr<hendiug DuiTs standard system of
Mercautile Book-Keeping,
Bauk Bsok Keeplng,
flailroad Book-Keeping
Steamboat Book-Keeping,
Bualucaa Penmanship,
OrunmcuUt Peumauablp,
Commercial Compulation,
Detecting Counterfeit Bank Notes.
DaiT's System* of Book-Keeping are taught
under the immediate direction ot the author,
with ihe able superintendence of Mr. THOdiAb
H. Sflk ITH, ob experienced practical business
accouatan , and formerly clerk of a Mississippi
steamer, with the assistance of Mr. JOHN jv.
STEWART, Jate Priaaipol OfitlW Wheeling
Coin mere la! College, with 'a ftul' staff of other
to business in the College.
Call for out new circular.
P, DUFF <fc SOS, Principals,
del4:itd&*r PITTSBURGH, PA
( Oil Spring Petroleum pompany,
springs ran,”
Incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania.
Capita.! Stock *500,000,
100,000 Shares, at $6,00 pei; Share,
Full Paid.
Working Capital Reserved for Development,
26,000 Shares. The subscription price for which
is $3,00 per share, not liable to further assess
ment * , ~
Pres, G. W. C ASS..Sea ATrea. E. T. LEECH Jr
G. W. UASS, Pres. P., F. W. & O. Hi.W. Go.
The Company offers 10,00) SHARES of the
above-reserved Stock for sale-in thismarket. k *
Books of Subscription are now open st the-
Office of
8. S. BR YA N,
Burke’s Building, Fourth Street,
Between Wood and Market sfeee**.
Where Prospectus and Slap of the Company’s
property ton be seen. dea.dtf'
Boots and shoes fob young
and old, at McClelland I *. ot!s
■i StfiQtly- Pupo . Artk.l6B.:
•- ■'ill i s r ?
f (■■£ .T/.-Cflgg'T
iti;} •.? V.-nn vi' s,'i»A $ 'A' — / ;
f/i*. '’ • 11
• «,f -J Hi* 7i#o «»!.»■:: •-•a;;..-
_ . . » oou. c X3}fH —ji J Ji -_i i
Vi / I:/,; t>i/ '7?i ;<5
: .
~ WMSy.:'*
qnora, Tobacco ancL Qjetfjta**'
; Painta,
TmseS, aq^por^V' Vi-tfeVr j
■ Jnaees, , Proprletd^y■ “
■ ■ MedidneB,r: I. /'.V-
*'*'*“'* , .lira;.: i it.f ituop
\ 'ss?' *
■ - j ,
. ?. r oi! --i • •-•
DR. Mo(»AS»KttcaiU MrtOßiiy 'tb
•-•••■ 4 -3« l; ni
•rl tit.:)
•:-i -*;i 1- H-Hli
fij* -i
lxl shiree of
“aiwwdrt at .
•••:• «- . il't ti-kiifiiJS.tJ'lrfj-s.
I’urc Cream of Tartan'.'- ' 1 ' •
SMlUhfiskihgSods' n . ....
KnglHh i ... .1
Qriun and Powdered CSlovea, Pttfe. -
J ... Fgpp‘ :*■
Hoot- > « 35o|e?‘' « ' '■" :a '
Hark;...... “ . • Oinnattoik" '
Jawego Uora yt&rch, . . -..;j ; . .
Price 8 u-ljrcer(ne, ,
' He«ker>» : Pafiiiij. : - * L, ‘-' ‘T A ■ •
Pure Wine»fOTOobkßigirar«br ’
Anise Seed. o-t, h
flori&ader Seed: -w.j i.t
, JaseeaadJeutuen, •
, . >£ftltvat|u,v:j ,i
Pearl Aah,
i; ; y
, AHffllcyjßSL
*Jon*entr»ted tye, i "Pire^o&i?,
I*l Jiod*, Alim, '
HiiverSan* BatH'&jctf,' 1
Tripoli, fco. 1 _
Heap SeedV-Oaniry Seed, Bape 'sml!
£iab Boos, &c. f t > ~-.r
Pittsburgh Agency t
-a a,, it ...»
For all reliable Proprietary Medicines, viz •
Dr. O, JATBfE’B ErpectorAlrt.
“ AUeratlve, '
“ Hair Tonle Srkali-'JtJye," '
“ Sanative Plll»V;"‘ , i "“*' ‘
Dr. J. o. Al£R*s Cherry Pectoral,
“r Oathwtlo Pill*.. la»‘.' p i
, Sarmapartila.
, ,-AmSpTß.y ...U .-JSS
me(Uet£o ~ ,
' a# B?® w, “*&y
Dr. C. W. Blood
:: ...;
iCHEMCK’S Paimanloi u. m- ■■ t # <•' *...r .
" Sea- Weea Tohia.. f*i ~i- r '
M j *ci \ ...
• i! l ui>Qt £ L-ilc- if {'l ...
»-:»>-r> .liqi i iitiss uuC'cri
WEIOHt’S Celebrated {mjjaj^
. -i :
Rrandreth'j Pllla ‘ • .... ; .
gr. E. A. WUaon'a Pllli. .fen. ,
Hoatetter’s Celebrated Stomach *
Drake’s Plantation Bitter*. ... •
Cutter's Nervine Engllsbluttei*,‘~
An Antidote lor Intemperance, 1 • ' J
Aad till thd Vetlable parent medlolnei of th
Uft J • ■ . . <: _ . „ ■> 1 ..i ft- • ■
8 rashes, Putty, Qpia WS^T
We have facilities foe faxntfchtng these article*
at manufao'urers prioes. ~ “T* -
Our rtock Of Dmg.anfi
wM great oare 1 y ;
pharmecvitlrt an.i phydotan, and we goa, ,^ee
8 * * n<l cell pure and u najul-
AE ourA menoan Oheridnala-webudftomthe
MAN* 8 * 1 ' ° U “ 0< POWEEs 4 WEIGOTV
...f' ‘“ q “‘7 °, f . s , P ur J»»iy.EtW«lnUn wm cat-.-
my you as to their purity. . ij;f .., ,
Dye. & Dye Stnfli
Oyr lmporUoß! W« guarantee ffeah ud
tear, Extrast Loreood, FuirSo In- '‘ '
digo, Las Dve, v ’- ' ‘
•3cr, Ntc Wood L flba *'
S'lotiy SttnuK Tntßerto* 1 ’
Blue Vitro!, *O., *O.
' < ; . . ni.U* Y, titm k i ei
DtaM, lcOd»iObirt3te; > ! ******
Fine old Kocheile Brandy- ? t-.
Pure Juice of Vine. >! •' • :v< >-•
Pure old Sherry ■>?.. . •■<>
Pure old Maderia Wiffl, - J ;
Pure Holland Gin. - * i -iw
Jamaica mod StJcGrots Bitmjk i**i
Imparted ■ l
Qur stock embrace someofthe finest brandi
of Havana cigars, vUri '• i
Cabanas fPrensados I . ~r-:
Imperialea I Brit&nicakl' -
JUoudres I Hgarosl i, n. s-.a
Regattas I Bella Creolesji
And n variety hf ■ 1 tw
Our stuck ofOlgariiwsa inbchaseMifinlmi'-',
vane* Over our prices befote the
purchased In quantities of mu,
W&TOB. w “**“ “*TT.
’ We. ofitrtjUije ahitjesrfail; Selected stoehdt
Vf. AlDnfft Do’s Teeth, **' **
s*®*- >■* *
DenWl Ohai frorcepfc Ping
y-:*i on J.u: r. <-. • • - • *
1 St.
i iUA -i V; • -;.\. '
Cor, Fourth «fc Market««»,
■ ft 1- *
I %rM