TSOH OKIWHofi! had a capitaltime of it since you and. George tiSv£girls won’t 3gp ft I gone. “Whf not,J father ?Ujsaid .* Fanny, | speaking qulcklyr-wth flushed face. “Ah.yOU know best, Fanny P' replied her father, smiling, “Tis pleasant to halve company, isn't it; Fanny?’ 1 he ad;- .ded. U “Oh, y6a, ’tlStjieaBant to have compaf- ; -djs?’ ahe=replied ; “bqt do i_ withoutit. jou know.” ! “Teß. Mlsl'Fahiy can ‘ I know,” re | plied the y done'man."‘“She prefers sol- i . ituds:" • • r ' “Oh; ni>; -yon art mistaken J* said her 1 mother, “Fandy is fond of society ; 1 arid’tia doll enough for young folki ’ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, iB6i. here ttuthe doUhtiy;” '..u i , _ “Whfere is Ueofge ?” aakedTom, to 1 . The President’s Message. ' ulitokethe'cdhvireßtioil,-which he: saw r ' i;” • did-fldt ptefiSe 'Fanltf..'* J ’ ! The-message of President Lincoln, “Hertventoht witb Alice some time 1 published yesterday in the city papers, aihce,” ’repliedthe farmer's wife. . ;is a! common place document, mild Fanny! ' in term 9 regaYdmg 11,6 elec will you not help me seek the truants?” , 110n i but most exacting upon the main “Nb; I’ih! very tired. ■ Pray excuse i points in controversy; not only between me,” sherCplled curtly. I the Government and the rebels, but Bnd went OBt , also wet n the Demociacy and the : “Why Fanny, girl, *hy dote’* you go ! P art y in P ower - The President adheres With the yoUu'g man ? l finquired her to all his previous acts regarding slave father, looking Sharply St her, and sar- ry, and he calls upon Congress to im P r |f®J ut'her attßwer. ’' - 1 •' mediately abolish the institution by con “Ob, I am UredVand'Oty head aches,” . _ f Bhe replifed'turning her faceto the win- i stitntional amendment. He makes no dbw'as dhe 'apbke. ” ‘ suggestion as to the manner in .which . “I thotfrtrt-ytM haven’t seemed well slavery ought io be got rid of; he says herb tea, and you had'Wtter go to bed. j. emancipation; so, we infer that he has Pll bring the tea up to you.?’ ■' {advanced in Abolitionism to suit even “No, no, mother. It isn’t bo bad as the most Radical of his party. He is in •'* •* *•» *« - eight o’clock. I couldn't go to Bleep if- once **• possible—give freedom to three I retired. I will Wait for Alice.”; > or four millions, 'ome of whom will Ahhottrlatdr - Tom Vincent came jostle white labor in its course. while 1 back to Hie house, and through the win ~,hrjri, hrjri „„„ • dovv hd'aaw thatthe farmer and hls wife ' oLb£la '{ Wl ' l -O* c / am ° ur numerous lAd retired, and that Fanny was alone, 1 |J° or ;'h°ij BB S I a P“ ( J B ?* 8 -.’ Whenever, ' With her hekd'bOwed upon’ her hand, as therefore, the Southern people adopt If in deep thought: Mr. Lincoln’s ideas regarding slavery tm»d upon her‘botfad; head, ‘Fanny \ Wl ‘ down then aims. If Jeff. Davis What iS this?- ■b) dears?" 1 < t were-to offer similar terms and ask peo- Shn started, upland■ flinging his hand ; p) e 0 f the North to adopt bis notions off, exclaimed'i&ngrilyy‘‘This 48 uugen j a- tlemanly, to steal 1 upon me unawares I Sbothern customs ana institutions, it and surprise'me l l hue;" would he about as reasonable as is Mr. t “I did aot think to surprise you, Fan-, Lincoln’s proposition. According to n l r - are’ ungenerous in your lan- j this the war is not for the restoration of guagCi” he saidy clasping her hand in TT „ ; „„ K „. ~ ...... , , his strong grasp; “‘But Fanny, I must 1 ' 16 mon bot ,be abolition of sla * and will know why you sbuu men so— very; the salvation of the Union is but Why my presence is so distasteful to an incident of the contest, while the S’ 11 * y° u^ ell ma ' > ’ 110 asked i and negro question looms up as the great ~=~his voice grew low arid tender. ‘Ab, itl \ f F s “ Fanny;’ he added;’’lf,you fkuew how I 189 ® e I>9e ' lovfed you; but how hopelessly, you The tone or the message regarding would pity qeyaiid nottreat me so un- j the war is exceedingly objectionable k^h I r^n°' y S I t l,^ me, / ail, l y? ’’ iu I -no plaoe-doea it breathe an anxiety The yonng’knn did not reply. She 1 « „ ... turned her face owayV and: the little i *” r P eftce » col *trary, it inti bande which were in Tom’s no longer j mates that we are to have devastating struggled to he-free, bnt lay quiet and and lasting war; and Mr. Lincoln seems Pffi™; an J the young man felt that to think this desirable, because our his case-was not so hopelessiafter all. «... * “PannyJ—Fanny Randall*—you do not P ( *PUiHtion 18 greater than it was when hate me,andyoudolove mei Will you hostilities began. Speaking upon this • bemy vrife?’ ho asked in tender accents., point he says: She turned her face towards him “The important iwt demonstrated th.t we now, and a jlgbt was in her beautiful J jave more men now than we had when the war eye* which Toto understood full well, not . ln pr ?* for he clasped her4o his heart In a first • and long embrace. •• ! *ieflnitely. Thus as to men and material re -Boon> and Alice came in. are “ow more coniptete and an,’ their countenance alsotold a sto£ u^fhaS similar to that which was-wntten on the happy faces of Tom and Fanny. Bu.t are all these resources to be sac „^? W ,9^ rge ' V V a ß ainat «ficed in lasting and bloody war? Bup you,” said Tom, aa his- friend returned. v -■‘you’ve been filling this ybung - lady’s 1’ 0B “S OBT popnlation greater now,than head with information concerning your it was four years ago, we are not cer htunbloservant—to wit, that hb ia a per- tainly indebted to Mr. Lincoln and his aH l ,Mt y *>>• d. But even if our popula that'pertams tothe country, ei ceura tt v O/ j ; « , . v cetera. I’llbe;ervenwithycuyet, friend ,' 10u hadincreased as much again as it ■George!” ”f' - 1 . has—it cohld Dot supply the places of “So, ho! somethingcometo.pass.J sup -those who have gone to their long « ‘“■J » tight!' Than to me, Tom, you lucky fel- fwldows . and orphans to mourn their ' low; for by the very means l took you untimely ehds.i, haveirion your case. ■lt pays to come During, the late political camnaien Bnfvnn B ”‘7 4? Mr ‘ Lineol “ made aeveral speeches, in But you, Fan,” he said, pointing to her, t , o'*?»h«’toiit'ofibaitl«ave’.you»eem hsiugl. h^,n * Jfefre‘rie|Br Xi'adcfgi. Moh tgo m «y cdih#;' fftck- Skated Upon - yctigibui’ and/ seiif for a' ' 'cf>h»e 13 his S32S Hw'w- Whir whnt; and 1 ,SSIH?P shttt by ! «de •■■-Ifr-f’Bft .sWfSwl* 3fflh immediate-- ,1y ,W» ' knd , dflttuKelifeaa 1 ' defdhdine gMNMfetiSe A,pi-re kod.'tie hew ‘‘incendi ary. shelf 1 of'ifr. r prnfey; bflGreek fire notoriety, was tried ftome : batlSry near tiepergl' Bntler’B'' headquarters. One haodred-pouhd'sheils were ,f Sried under H. H. Phircb .of the lßt O.mneticut artilery. Fiyeframe houses. distance near a mile’, were suc=-°l bftrned totheiriouna: The ‘cettarof Pne Oftheae hftdf, it aphear ttteda,aiarti6f toa*iz®j as shills exploded extensiyely tftrlitir cbfcHegyafldiE. • • •' " ' - ' 4 ‘AKOtkfcK RKBEt is irepdrted J tMt B new. ram of ■ rebel ' 'irianuraetnre hsibeeii built and -finished on* the Nenserttfer In 7 Norlfc 'Oarotfna. She fs Wotfiito.iWj&TxeiraiiSheavierthah thfe’ -•>•• «. ..... AlbemaiH& 6S Sfie<‘ffiBy r to i; • ! -"Va v~ 1 ■■■!.■ i ;i - -JJJ-ii■ ;L ... „ pay our gunboats a visit at any day. The city of New Haven has voted an but Admiral Porter has everything in extra bounty of $BOO to recrnits, and has readiness to give her a fitting reception, appropriated $300,000 for the purpose. THE POST—PUTS BURGH, THXJJSftSjr MfßNlfe’G, DECEMDEKB, 1864 PITTBBCKGHi r : ‘ : i ?_ t & 5 3 The Steffee Firm on Company. We callthe-attention to the advertize hißnt of this company found in another column. The property Is situated on the Allegheny River about four miles ibelow. Franklin and is the richest dis trict ip that region on either sides of the tyTy- , The property is between the Hmith Farm and the Ho over well The 'Franklin' citizen in noticing the new jfreU, struck in the vicinity of lite Steffed Tfarm says: “One by Dale & borrow, oan October 12, on the Oocbrane Farm, two miles below Franklin, which yieldetf*4o bar rels.hi'the first forty-eight hours, pump ing, is, considered good for 100 barrels John Lee has also obtained a flowing 'wellj onttbe Martin Farm, just above l hie ' Hoover, and nearly opposite the Cochrane; which iiOws over 50 barrel per day. Also, Mr, Hubs,. who owns a lease on the Smith Farm, who has been pumping 4 barrels per day at 408 feet deep, stink Ida, well 424 feet, and struck .a well giving-40 barrels per day. All these strikes have been within ten. days, and thq prospect 1 of a number more iu a short .time. ” This company of which Charles W. Rickers ton is; President and John M. Tleirnhii .Secrttary,/liaVe a perpetual lease of acres, ,on the river with a well about .ODQ.feet deeftjrom, which.has boendipped hundreds of barrels of oil— it hah never been phmped, there is a good engine on the ground two horse power; The well will be pumped in a few weeks and itia confidently reported will yield twenty five barfelsdaily. The company also own two acres in fee Sim ple on oil creek with a well five hundred ’feeyieep said to have sufficient oil to pdinp. This stock is ottered at one dol a?are Wd will we think prove a ditndeniLpaying company at once. We are informed 1 but a limited number of shares will be sold, for the present not over pne tenth of the capital stock. Messrs Steel&Baily kale are the agents. '" ... ln Georgia, TheMiws is, as nsua] m|ggre; the New York pa mta of Tdeaday : -''contaiD some extracts (min Richmond papers, which go to Mv that, they, are not at all alarmed the cohciitfonbf things in Georgia. For instance the Richmond Examiner of Saturday remarks that “the Yankees who landed at Port Royal, and moved nto the interior with.the expectation of meeting Sherman?s iafivancfe,Tefalounter ed a body of Confederate troops ri Grahamsville. The enemy were badly beaten and driven from the field , leaving theii dead on the ground. The telegram conveying this information does not state the directien in which the enemy were “driven,” but we presume they were driven back toward Beaufort. The Richmond Dispatch discourses upon the situation in this manner; it say 8: "All the news from Georgia ie extreme ly encouraging. A few days ago, when the Yankees were reported to have reached Millen, there was reason to be lieve they would reach the coast easily. But the report was ill founded; they were whipped before Miilen, and the column of relief has also been completely beaten. The aspect of affairs is much changed. If Sherman gets through now, which i 9 doubtful, he will do so with the loss of half his army. By the following from the Richmond Inquirer it will be seen that an immense fleet has arrived at Hilton Head, sup posed to beintended to relieve Sherman- the Inquirer says: "Persons from Charleston state that a report lias reached that city to the effect that a fleet of two hundred vessels had arrived at Hilton Head, believed to be the supply fleet for Sherman, who hasn't got there yet. Literary Notices American Monthly Knickerbocker We take pleasure in calling the atten- tion of the readers of the Post to this old and well known Periodical, which is now devoted to the new work of dis seminating conservative political princi ples, as well as to such lighter literature as peculiarly belongs to the provision of a Magazine. We commend it to all conservative citizens as a periodical pe culiarly fitted to be introduced into their families, as placing upon their highest ground the broad and generous princi ples of our system of Government, as containing a remarkably chaste and ele- gant style ofgcnoral literature, as being entirely free from the cant and false sentiment of the times, as being pecu liarly fitted to do the work of political education and reservation, which is nec essary to be performhd before we can return to the eujoyments of peace and prosperity. The December number is unusually •interesting, “State Rights” is a thrwoegttjr nnalized article in th* potiti cal relations existing between the State and Federal Governments, and the ba sis of reason upon which those relations are founded. “Tuft Presidential Election op 04” is a clear analysis of the elements entering into the political contest jdst past, and displays briefly our present position and future prospects. "Number, FHve" of “Current the ories in Science" is an excellent, ex position pf the origin of metiorltes, evi dently composed by one who is well acquainted with the subject: and “Ob sEitvATtoNs on Horseback” is nn inter esting account of a horseback ’journey through Tennessee and several of the other Southern States. Besides these we have the usual in stallment of the pithy moral “Sbbmonb by a Non Resident” a number of ex cellant taste, and other interesting arti cles—such as united make the Decem ber number an unusually interesting one. Again we advise our readers to pat ronize this Magazine, as being the only and best popular means of obtaining a clear exposition of the faith which isto them. NBWS PABA&MPHS; The debt of the city of Philadelphia is $11,052,957. The salary of the Mayor of Boston has been raised to $5,000. Beth B6yden, of Newark, celebrated bis golden wedding last wees. It is proposed to establish a public dispensary and hospital at Yonkera New York. ’ The Washingtonian Home in Boston was received two hundred and twenty two patients this year. The merchants of New HdVen have just sent to the soldiers of their state three hundred and fifty pairs of gloves and oneTinndred pairs of mittens., The ploughmakers of the Northwest had a convention at Chicago last week' at Which it was resolved to; advance’the price of ploughs twenty per dent - Thebe are two hundred and twenty six boys at the Reform School in Meri den, Ct.; the largest number at any one time since tho opening of the Institution,! Dr. Mary E. Waxkeb has receive® the appointment of Acting Surgeon in the army, and has assumed .duty as sur geon in the female military prison in Louisville. A popclab music teacher in East Boston has eloped with a beautiful girl of seventeen, both members'of the same church choir. The man has left behind a wife and child. It has been‘enstptnary to pardon a convict in the Massachusetts States Prison every Thanksgiving; but this year a procurnnee. of the. governor’s council could not be obtained for the purpose. A pabty of] circus managers ate about leasing the old National Theatre estate in Boston, with the intention of erecting a vast amphitheatre, in which to give'first class circus entertainments. Thb charitable Fuel Society of Provi dence, Rhode , Island, relieved eight hundred and seventy-five lamiliejj mid distributed $2,223 worth of coabljast year, and (be expenses of* the society were onlyvsl4 25. A Sunday school in Bangor, Maine, has been stimulating its pupils to com mit verses of Scripture to memory, and one little girl of ten years has received a Bible tor leamihg nearly 1,400 verses in six months: : Thb l Philadelphia Ledger says that 'when It was started, in 1886, the" United' editions ;of nil the daily newspapers of- Philadelphia were between 7,000 and 8,-' 000 copies a day. Now the wl.ole number is about 175,000. ft ■ ■ • ■ jf.; p j}V gy ■■ —— • %■ General Hagleo conskssioss and kjc-J “ riiW£te-i*s. .' SUFff.- 1 pekienuk Ui' AN INVALID.-iff The’iollfrffine. ia a portion of a cor-^Wi??.^® 1 beaeat, and •„ a cautioi# '.JB3aaSk\, _ L„ _ „ . T TO YOUNU MEN and other., who sulftr front? reapondenCßhgtweell. -Ell k. Price, J. Nervous Debility. Prematdte.Decay of,Mao® W. inaer-fl.3B?tjlaLed thapJas ter cast ofthe placem in the State Jabinet at Albany by Charles F. Wadsvorth, son or the late Wadsworh. It is a life-size copy" of the specinen in the British Mnseum.’ d Thebeis a school district in the west era part cf York county,'Maine,'con sisting nffprty families,-of whom three are too pair to be taxed at all,' kfrd'thir ty-three .f the remainder are only ‘tax ed a poll ipiece, and fbftt has to belat ed each-yar. * Rev. lat.vin Faibbank9, liamsburi, Muss., who was recently re leased fnm an imprisionfnent of 'fkjtlvo. years ant a half in Kentucky, announ ces his rillingncss to lecture on bigim prisonmeit, his sufferings and his Wo nderful 'esape. Mrs. fkRAH Thompson, one of* the loyal who,.caused the rebel John Mirgan to be'surprised hh'd killed by,a icflt of federal soldiers, has arriv ed in Cneinnati. She is a widow with two cliidren, and is represented to be homeles and penniless^' SAiKtis about to add one mb —ire to the at of ities in Massachusetts which have, pnvided themselves with an am pltfßupily of water. Worcester and ■ Gharlesown celebrated such an event' last Itfsn, Spripgfielji 2few Bed ford atseugftged -uponr’sinjilat enter prise. ■ £ tfhelittnidre«L yepse is Snovp ip Boston? harbjjr', and' more t are Jnow jtfftitheir from ireaparts pf.-iliß mostly la- yalpakiT Btetght dietant Pacific ports j* large as those 6f1804 have not been retdved there for many years. » OOHBDHPTIVEB.—O ON .* = * S ’ StMPTIVE BUFFEEEHS-WUJ receive * valimbl preaotlptton Tor the cure''of Onn- Biuaption l ABthma, Bronohltlß,an4 *ll throat wul (free of charge.) by bend ing jour ridrcsß to 1 ' - ■ Joy. EDWARD A. WtLSON. WilUamabnrgh, Klnga (50., N. Y. . ‘WpaoaidAw |^* > V{t4USt t BSjRB FOB. THE ARMY leave tHe city untttsupplied wfthHovLowA-Y»s PIL.LBAKD Oint ment. !or Sores, Scurry, Wounds, Small pox, Edvrs and Bowel Oomplalnta,'thbae medi cines ftre te ben lit the world; T3vorytf?rench - soldier u»» thein. If the Header of canpot get* box of Pills 6r Olntmetit from the drdgitoron hll place, let him write to me, 80 Maideo tine, enclosing the amount, and 1 will mail a bmtfree of -expanse. Many dealers will not,keep ty medicines on hand beoaua'e they oan notmatevs njucb profit ar on-other peisona’ mate- 85 cuts, 88 cents, and <1,40 per box or pot. EiT BIANDRETH’S PIU-8. -the 7EAK, the Consumptive, Rhemnatiu, Costive. ttUotu gm) Delicate, after tofee days’ uae, will fad renewed strength and Dfe pervade every orgn of their frames. Every dee makea:the blood purer. Theoerves the arteries end- terminate in the vein*. Ties*pilla,MA’£Mt«#tat, act upon the arterial hood. Increasing- the circulation, by which inpuittea are deposited In the veins, and they throv off sueh collections into the bowels, ftyafflrrllay e&pel them from the syste n°.‘ When firit&sed,4he-Pills may occasion griping, and even sake the patient feeitgone. jhiTTs anrWcftTitrt jtojc afd o&wfe win Jtofeeat-gbod ls oftenthieved wUhofttafne tiojibteindu attainment, and this rule applie to the rt&ovefy of health Sold by THOMAS KEiiPATH, Pittsbuvb ad by all respectable dealers in medicines. noi4-lydtwc TOBIAS' V r E N£T I A N LINIMENT.—A certain cure for Paine in Limbß and Back Sore Throat, Croup, Kheu* matlsm, Colic, 4ic. A perfect family medicine, and never fails. Bead Bead! 1 Bead 111 . .Livonia, Wayne Co , Mich., June Iff, 1863. < to certify that my wife was taken with Quinßey Sore Throat; it commenced to swell, sorelhatahacould not swallowHUid coughed violently. I used your Liniment, and f in on* Verier J flksflyrbe lievc that buf for the Llhitfifent fiherwotildTnSve loßt hei life.* JOHN H. HABLAN. Priced and 60 cents. , Sold by all Drdmrist*. Uffioe 68 Cortlandt street, New York. .Sold by THUS. KEBPATH, Pittsburgh. nol2-lyd£t\ve FACT.” • - U ft « Dyr« •*•.•**• • • i >* In theyear 13&5 fifr. UUthaws first prepared !fie tEKmls HXIR DYE; ilnce that time tt has been used by thousands, and Inno instance has it failed to give entire satisfaction. The VENETIAN DYE is the cheapest in the K-orld. Itß price is .only fifty, cents, and each bo«ie contains double the quantity of dye in those usually sold for $l. Th &y jpjfelAjttfiifE pot to in jure nie hair or ecaltsih tiStlichtestaevree. T he VENETIAN]DTE works with rapidity the hair requiring no preparation The VENETIAN DYE produces any shR/fo chat may ta that will net fade, crock' ■' r out— one that is as permanent as the hair itself. For salfc by all druggists. Price 60 cents, A. I. MATHEWS, ; (General Agent, 13 Goldst NT Y. Also manufaci urer of Mathbwb’ Aewioa Hams ♦ fatroa, the beat hair dressing in use. Price 26 •r^T 8 - janlS-lyd lNtf ROOM! by the almost unani mous action of the parties interested. CRISTA DORCS HAIR DTK Has replaced the old worn-ojit invention, for coloring the hair, which the better experience of year* had proved to be defective and deleterious Unlike the compounds that MAKE WAR upon the health ot the hair, and dry. up and consume the juices which sustain it, this mild, genial and pertect dje is found to be a vitalizing as well as a coloring agent. Chrl.tadntfo’s Hnlr Preservative, A valuable ad junct to the Dye, In dressing and promoting toe growth and perfeci healthof the hair, and of itself, when used alone—a safeguard th st prutc-cls The.Obr.d Irooj decay under .all cir* cufr»Blab(fe»anV riven, Steam V hlstlea, dons: Hells, Steatn, Water ahd Vacuum Quages, Steam and Craa Cocks, and alt kinds of FnjlSHt; D' BE ASS' WOBKS, Babbett aod Anti-Attrition Metals, dealers m Woodward, Worthington, and other Steam Bumps. A general assortment o/Pumnsalway* Bumps'* Attention paid to repairing Steam- 1 Steam, Gat Fitting tmapitunrilug, For Eefineries, Steamboats, Public Buildinra and Private Dwellings. * DAVIS & PHILLIPS, Nos. no Wftter, anil .10-4 First Street * no29:lmd M. j. OPEinVBLL * Jttroiu, Silver and Brasß Platers" And manufaoturen of Saddlery "Carriage Hardware, Nu •) St. Clair street, and Bnqiiesne W»v. i (near the Bridge,) ]US-17<1 PITTSBURGH. JEWING! MACHINES BEST AND t?,r>V,?,P APEST *“ t,ie United State*. THE EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE, the rnoßt ‘ T?lfvi? Uab fP Earollv Machine F*t introduced. Price #2O. AiadTHE LITTLE GIANT, price #lB. Needs only to be seen to be appreciated. Every Machine warranted. S. B. BARNES. Agent. Noi 113 Third atreet, opposite St. Charles Hotel. © Great l’uritier ! no2l:lydfcw HEM AP AN AKA. Hemapanaka cares Scrofula, Hemapanats cures Cancer, Hemnpanaka cures Rheumatism, Hem apanaka cures Bolkj, i Hemapanaka cures Intemperance, ; *. Hemapauaka cures Old Sores, Hemapanaka cures Dyspepsia, Hemapanaka cures Tetter, Hemapanaka cures Pimples on the Face, Hemapanaka cures Erysipelas, . Hemapanaka cures Liver Complaint, > Hemapanaka cures All Diseases of’the Skin. It is the most perfect and agreeable Tonio ever offered to the public. £3old by „ SIMON JOHNSON. Corner Smithfield and Fourth at a _decl:lydfcw T levied tinder the lut call of the President All periods deafring to avaU themselves of the du count, will call on the undersigned, cm or before the ut jiroz., and settle their taxes „„„ W M. OOKMLY, Treasurer. noiB:6td sm Liberty street. fo-iHgH I $ f&*€ -m. is ftf-j^ II FOEp>HWTLIOTH)I ! I "^l' .ft® ; s» GJ||ssroN , *e --■-ssgjjfc Pi REIRA'BRAVA, After an experience of many yean In prlyate practUe pin? offer* it to tli afflicted id k'iMtr concentrated form. What is Pareira Bma?-1988 CALCULOUS AFFECTIONS; ’ INFLAMMATION 6?'THE BOWELS 5 INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS L£OCORRH : ", ' V ..i ' : Many Styles of BOOTS AND/ SHOES . ! - J ■ > - f i. ■.. POSITIVELY SEIXIHO AT SAiiFi PRICE, " -jskiW ' Hall Shoe Store, h > 'i, \ siaBET, i > 'ph ' . v _ ;j, t-AboveWood Street, West Side. *' ••• ■ ;r. •jht. Quality Seel Gams. 0,15 i S.H6ES>QR 10 CTSANDUPWAftfIS. de? i: li O-i |V t WHITE, ORR & CO. No. 25 Fifth Street. . Offer for sale «large atoclt of CLOTH, SILK, AND ‘ VELVET CLOAKS, low Pnibsiß. desata ’ WSHFIS* SAiiiß OP RBAE F S ~- if#h*»T^T£«r la s?P o js "***<*• provicione will of Nathan 'Eftep, cownsjtp, Waihixurtoa county, rn., the undenigned will offin* AtotihHn imH e c.°£i Wl H? h lB tr *°ten Fr n m L Ten * ll, House end BtSds y'l?A.Other »sc*s»*jjrout-buildings: rruitoi all kinds In abundance. The nnnnfiM “ r ® S ll opderlaid with Cosl Sud IdSSoJ^ A^^\ T ““ JOS^ a :^?S, I’i nysSK.v'iMWES Jsiot'icK.— sotiob is yg&imbyjtitof that llttSra tM“a£*ntaJv on m,w “ p MABT FOQEL, Execnfrix, Pine township. IIjiBHWI ,SO. so sMithfibld Merearlal Diseases, Seminal Weakness? Piles Rheumatism Female Weakness, Mdhthta SiS C2ff!?pik “eases of the Joints, Nenrous !& ,^, n 9 hi the Back and la>ins, Irritation of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully tarn “ ed. Cure guaranteed. ieffcit AMEMOKAJfIWM BOOK, CON TAINING PAPEfiS of much Value to .the owner only, A suitable reward will be paid by leaving it at 48 Irwin Btreet. eS ‘ DANIEL M’OAFFEBTY. THE STEFFEE FARM OIL eO. H CAPITAL. SHAKES. Par Value One Dollar. Working Capital $20,000. c - W. niOKBTSOB, PruMrat. J OHJf M. TIERNAN, Secretary. The Property of this Company lywee, of THIRT y -FOLK ACBES, On the Allegheny Elver, in Venango County andia hell) under a PERPETUAL •abject to &> royalty of Only One-Twentieth Partof the Oil, Delivered in the Tajik, RICHEST TERRITORY On the Biver, above or below. Oil Greek! There on this, ipri,lory % well ,about GOO feet in depth, full of oil A good engine and boiler also The well was sunk .three years ego, and suspedded at r f£at time in consequence of the low price of oU. It is in the vicinity of the celebrated Hoover well, and adjoining the Pope ,& Smith 'Farm', where there areVhumber of flowing and large pumping wellt. ' Arrangements have, been made by the manage raent to * \ j Prosecute the Work Immediately. And IMS confidently expected that a ban. «ome dividend will soon bC obtained The Company alao have tn, fee simple TWO ACRES OILCBEEE, ON WHICH THERE IS A WELL 500 FEET IN DEPTH, EXCELLENT SHOW OP OIL, Which has never been tubed, and was susponded when oil was at a non-paying point. ' ' *' Books tor tubseription to the Stock of this Company will be opened at the office df STEEL & BAILEY, Willring Hull, '-WEDNESDAY MORNING, Kfc&Js s . :r;|, MlO OHHoek, A SI. it .i ??>■ 08T. •160,000 • 0100*000 AND IS THE ■With, an