, ZI E .... E=MM tOttititgCaL MANCLU - Pillennit.t • tittlll b. MA tt K. T. ; gar. 4 £1 lisecaliVOisidtter o l9, .113 8 4. 1 BU crdESS yesterday presented but few changes. The receipts of Produce are on the increase, and on tiotne articles an increase has demanded. The weather was pleasant. Groceries was in better demand, and holders were inclined , tts iiilAiiiTight'utivance to certain descriptions. Oni - riers re Cain low, so that freights to the variousßo ils were as in:E.. E.. Mow wi.l be found li_AtiedgeOttat came under our notice: 'APPLES—Were dull. The supply exceeds the demand. S.,iec 100 bbls at 2 .0,13,00 per bbl. CiIESTN UTS— I ' rices ante lord, with smatbasles at 4.0,34 an per bushol CORN MEAL— Was Wee ive, sales 2 bush at el 4ds3l So. SUUAR—Was steady. Orleans ranges from 224 . 025;„ 0tugh,..1.1., Powdered and er i nutafed,lsWN , ,,c, sN.trev, 'Ale; and 13 do, 1 . t . ,1,X1 4 011P,.., The market was dull, with a limited itc to some extent Jet, 11 ..IPr.trai,landlil,oo,afrd Extra Family, t , lO Cat .V 175 :. r,000.11.8 Roll, 40c; is kegs ...pOreti nu 36e. r „ _ ,v1.013 , 4Via irtOtive; sales 0 bags Rangoon §A:LT—titailfet • ateady Sales led bids .No. I ..at $ll '9;41 • 0/Lales..NO 1 Lard Oil at t,ao; No '2 do, 9.147,3 f Lutkia, itt 70'21"5. Oka :LSE—Sates 49 has W li, 224,323 c. Mr -Prices tend downward. Sales 12 , , 4ic: - MOLASSES— Orleans ranges from $1 24 to ,Sorups vary irons 41 ID to 41 40 ' - ' 7 1)04 . • an. ' • •IN ...u.N-'-the market was dull. There v, ere transact-king. Prico3 were nominal. From wagoh the rates for, -Wheat. Were : Red. bt 74; *LBS. per bush. Barley was dull and t.fs.:t-.14,0P14 4 -hotwecimautiul over -ill tell tats— Were plenty; we mote Sales to the extent of 250 bush at 80ghtEc. 06ru—The last sale reported was at 10 dd. ra l fgka4 l eaolVt t y ' s r d ee e l s iti a ed V ° ,11. -3 7r. Highwities 'told 4.t if 70 "i;? SOPS—Theuisrker was quiet; sales Spring at 6sit6se. BRUM BEEF—Small Jules at 24),;c, for Can ....•ITAlftn:- - Dtaminef at 13c. SEEDS—Timothy $ti,SU; ()lover 113,50014,00; Flax, 8 00(a3 20. POTATOES--Sales Neshanocks at Itli?,t !Sales iB. bCls Jersey Sweet du, iMG6 24. BACON—The utarki t u an ston•ly, but nut very aptive. The sales were In a smelt way for local purposes.% Prices were unchanged. **I:EY 211.A.LT—Thevnarket was inactive. F We Quote nomituttly , at ,* 25. ..r..4(15---Abeut hold their own; with small Vales at 220. 4 PITTSM3II.OII 011. TRADE. ovizu.s OP T 1 DA Poor, WEDNESDAY, October 19, 1864. k BUSINESS—Was not ac.ive. The heavy les.olr 'he previous day seems to have Satisfied buyers. The receipts since our :eat amounted to 162 bbls. This waa sold to arrive. The Echo No. 8 was due last night, but she had no • arrived when we had left the landing. The Eastern dispatches in regard to geld are eon fipting. The Only sales reported were as tot 10We ORUDE--Sauce 260 hbla, 273;03, pkgs relurne,t; 150 do, to arrive, ,Bc. This seemed to be the rul -1113 price. TAIL—We hole a sale of 60 bids at tie 25. REFINED - Wo did not learn of stogie sale. r ljus wwere nominal. klestaZOLE—The only sale reported for _ some me past was 260 bbli,in bond at ado. Oil Receipts Per Allegheny River 0 OBriniqt'• MATTERS. &ROA VELLA AND DEPART URE s Gail Min, Olarke, Brow izsville. Franklin, Varmae, Brownsville. ltees,.lrwin, Elizabeth. Bayard,reetaes. Motionsahela,pity Minerira,orilon, Wheeling. DEPARTEL. Gatlatla, Uiarke, Brownsville. Franklin, Unman, Brownsville. las. Reese, Torwin. Elizabeth. Itti.Xtirtk_Peebles, Monongahela (lily Sarasi'Donaldion, St. Louts. .Emma Graham, Stull, Zanesville. -TEpa slPBB.—Last evening at twilight there wete 8 feet in the channel, and falling slowly The weather was pleasitat. AlEirThe fire steamer Guidon No 3 is having Itheablu'*ittenoed and being fitted up as a first clans pabeenger steamer. Capt. Audereon grad uatedin the Pittsburgh and Cincinnati packet line, and knows exattuy what it takes to make a first 'Ones /boat. li-Thetlnepanket New York, Capt. Lightner, is the mail packet for Cincinnati She hui au parlor accomincidationa, ant im in charge of care ful a n 4 popular officers. 4 live her a call. %Jai . Thelnvorite packet Kate B Porter. Qapt. Joseph 11. Porter, Is announced for Cincinnati • title will load - in-turn after the New York. SiirTkie fist stearnetLerilLeoti Capt Shepard to' leave 'fbt. Nash vII ie boat has tbo. best of accomodatiuns fur pas uengera asittla in charge of careful and attentive officers: '" STEAMBOATS. FOR WHEELIE . 0, MARIETTA AND .11E4;10NR. • !PEE REGULAR PA sSi EN er Packet AIINER VA., Capt.tlor. tiarti aliggenleed her old trade, making regular trips, leaving Pittsburgh every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Having been horoughly repaired, she well deserves the pa rotttge of the publio genehally. JAS. EXILLINS & CO., Agta. 1 41=f -boat; below Monongahefs bridge. • 11' B NASHVILLE. " `THIS DAY, Oct. 19. TILE FINE PASSENGER steamer LENI LEO rl, Captain eparo leave as announced above. Err frei ght , or 'pase, apply on board, or to , JOHN FLACK, or J 1) CUL.LINGWOOD, Agts WA — 0 • F 01EN1CATI & LODI VILLE, 'WEDNESDAY.'k ; ci OCT. 20 AT 4 P. M. THE FINE PA SMENGER steamer NEW YORK. Lightner onunanuer, will leave as announced above. JIQi trgight or p_assa,ge, ap p l y on board, or to D_ . ILL •NG OUD, or JOHN FLACK. Agents. FOR OISORINA.Tt AND LOFISV I.DLE• TatraSl4Y, OCTOBER 21st, 4 1 1rlillfNF P MF N II K a, I 8 . /E/ PE # .0 g iunancer,rill leave as announce atiOV For freight, or_passag_,e_apply_on board, or to -, f -.WWI FLAO.K. or J. D. COLLING WOOD, Agts. .LEDGEit S, MEMORANDUMS, DA V BOOKS, ' i'g BOOKS, ~ iz 741,. JOURNALS., C111.E33* 3BCDCAMCI9, BILL BOOKS, &c. MOR„TGAGES, 13illtir of Lading, 1•_. • ; • D E z .D S ARTICLES OF AGREEMF NT ARNOLD'S INK, ;..( 11 , 1!1:1#4111114404 Tirtetr of 9 merloan Inks, DEPOSITION P 1 kpER, IS~tTEti ;P~'BE&, NOTE PAPER, OAP PAP ER, LP/MAPPER, ILVFXLS, SCUOYFAR, & Co., Puck ~ Or* Lubricating ..oil. Oh HAND AND WILL refularly in receipt of a imuine article of • 7, 13131L1C.A.T.ENG IEIIXL,,c JAS. BOYD, 287 Liberty street. is warrantol pure." 5ue54141 .1".117S BURGH. I'OST. &a, &e. NO. 39 Fifth street - • THE rio T--- PROSPECTUS, FOR 1864 eor the Intettsted mid Inerielog-proepetity of PITIZBURGH 'POST. de are desirous of returning our acknowledg ments to its numerous patrons. During the at year it has Largely Increased itB Circulation, Notwithstanding organized tithes to MIME! present year brings with it, not the OPPRESSION OF THE REBELLION, s our Administration so frequently promised nor have thoae in power given any SITIDENCE OF THEM ABILITY OR 'DESIRE TO CRUSH IT [ben* principal efforts have been devoted 14, schemes for Continuing Themselves in. Power This Felt they will 'be OFLU. 7"1.1.30. P 1 OPL I: Fur trisi and we are desirous of speaking of their stewardship to as :Ur_ 4_ NY IM A. ID V. It P 4 Aa we eau supply alai our paper In its Politzal Character, Ae heretofore the Post will rowan en Independent Democratic Joarnal, DEVOTED TU THE Preservation of the Constitu lion, DIEM RESTORATION OF THE UNION; It will confine Itself to the aiscaeclon of IS I, I. t 2 bi:sr, i4LiiiVO:*.Wiftocu v icaineev saNNA.,...nwing. ‘,4cr j ou Ina latitalloVernneDjskftconyptiko , olocl and Wen °timbal. lit to " My' * z it:, 4to • otOgia tell,numailo thi '`DO a n d l 44Pl Laklideod of It!A 'Wee a year, in June and Deceiving:A terest boa been deelared-aend•annually, in'June and Eh MAIM A L MAte a Pank WafrOOMigAdijit theist ats: lOet' RIAU: drawn _ Ir e X 44 Interest U not dou As . _ to th aliwA P"it inio t W e gtvat i virkr th otleilkodDc antiwar, isdr*OONTtng Miles Llregt*..4rlthou Scouldl4s dokositot to call Or.O.V'So. _ en Wis..plit!klooSOk• tthls 110010**301-4411k1e w* - 00 1 'froL You% • 4., MAI: en BOokieontalninoll4_ hily-i..aW% Bale and:llegulatitua,S=l44ad mitt° - Llitil,B.C . ':` n . 404 4 104 H. ShooaMors .14.-mouislAss Tinna.Herd2nan, Oda A. Malaita, - James Shl4lo,lv J,Andenien. John B. AV A. M. Pollock, AL D. John Galvin Ada =4 rave J .3cduk C. Bindles% Johu George Black, 'W hlatikal, Hlll.Burgwin, John - Ore Alonzo.A. Carrier, Bobeyt Stob=o.l. Mattes A. Colton. • Heat y_l4. abliP l 4l l l John }..vans, . _ . SalUtoßta,—. Benj. L. Pakneitock, Alexander John T. Gillespie, A oda; Wm.. S. Raven, , Wm P etc Petit H. Minket, Isaac whittlipt,i Richard Kays, Wm. P. W" James James D. Kelly, Gliriarian Yeardi. SZO - BSTABY 4.lflkT. l2 llflep_n% OKA.Ba OCILTRFA , ' PiILADELPHIA-G +" . &O V W n i'OW D / 14 "qqr+ -- • . • . •••4 (O .4ft.ISIIP°P: atAZGOKE , 4Sic . # 6 4tdrtos**9. l eisik- , ;- ,, .cLefilS, - CAOSIMERES,SONITTS rz„o, gas MA Vit L *l'X' igrIVSEMI „cpc29-41 'PEiIiaItELPELIA. " itaytii=isiA",4 - ; 00111 I ORMIaIeIDINI - No. is , South Vatlielit: PHILADELPHIA. SirLibinal :tadveuesa-anade When - Iny-17d aititzlex s, Blantllactiger . ", • WEI • OLiiiAI.BAND • In every desarl,ptiptro..."-,t7 - _GEMS' FIIIINISIONG ',06 01*. .8101.CFLEATZTUV, - • .• .41, ICdittrlP.l OP . : 1! , BAs FIXTURES AND obilAMD,Nicimu • . Patera Div** j, • 4 -„,4 kibriAmiu• Attn : Rapia7 . l, ;PARAGON COAL Oil - a r ia, tainps,4l:thaniutiairto. - - -IMARBBOOMB, Aq: ' .srt 0=44; - tiniabia. : mm,,fictarytzp...,krara i - , _ wrrli -LONGOOPE E staiiniact-iiii. if AgNS , - - 'FURY'S.OOIII .AND ; s. . No. 10 Soutlt.lfot IRV* ty atyl-lyd Pler.4l:=4"l/A.. r. laingiNTON, Ali gi:xKu s• ArDlEsi- BRAND (ta mach, soutproprietor'444;! ) , ° l OT D: Winateil 51 €;. 5 North leiVii*et;tl' mhl4-Iya FIESTAUR 40 , 49 , ..17:13•:/n ". - 1631 N. NO* '350 LIBERTY 161q*Pjf j p_ l'aaggnfaepo JOHN Sift6f, , PROPtEIIe _ cijAvriiro, TAKEN armitivasco tra ' 1111 r trillion . the foodern Itopiosemo3.lhis po nlar resort, fiat aubeetilw t hwiptasib' se")smot '.thodatellti" old ceistomets, les , publka gene *allvt, *Alt the best the visrke ,elllords;poy , ste .4.beksefsegl , _Apiaomytottotsr4titturi , `the. ausNinek wAttigra - Ales I feel , "Wow- =l . eittke pa nct fix Wire _ - • ,mlra Vskai._lttieliet.tted..Sheit:Oystees , heeleted doll d Sold whiklessle ao4 retaU. ,vsintetyd , Olt 12 ,- .,11 - 017J4" ‘, 4 NO. 22 DIAMONDALIdp - Y PEMB. l3l o44._ tl ___" A-47 • ItiltAt i rdircallnil ve;Asurouffos to dali reaciAt_ FRIZEI S 1 113 4 0 A42. GAM. ikeitzuf lir pt•ed •• •••••• • • " pun] ar tk. old 04 wellita%7; ‘• ever thingis the'eating wad ' erraotizet. , L-110114711 YOUNG'S • S' • •ti Ilarteer VlrVELAlleratuillateh. .„ • . • tieure Xtreeteri:i, W • here OYSTERS BTika-tisti• • t 1 'seasotewi4. , be staved tiurpt . tab tityles. .t: :BuLa.. oete • • I • and Smlthd POLlttl : ifs. -‘ • FEED : TOWitralud,'3 b Aga 1 041 frlenat i - and — - customer* thitt, - ha tea= to 1 round at *Weld stand, APOLLO a trance okrourth !treat:, fl.fattek , ' the best; iT u g ili ityof %agar Reet;Mid bu lM ku ithlbe ' as welkappolotett` `Wahl - 0W tab bal4 i aculiMeo t s- -Remember the _o - :RN:dr° - go bairVbed. -mbile JEllittitft -1' -- lio • tutT a ft • Etioli t niiinonTgiiii rkt t.„, . : prfrssuscat i .F.AiL.,,p ...'• PARK;' BROTHEItiret) .. , •- - - immAcnniiii-o*' , 3 ~ z 41egt, Quality alteitrietikhud Ate°. .. . swig wit ~. octiginqortrix - Witrzen eirma .•• 7:loirgt# IA tared in t ooll.loro ' ' =net AID • v •i s 4 l , , 440-11p101 Illzaiiicit* c• 4 ,.: * sta fitle-li , : 4 ::.'..,, -'., ..,:1:1::",',, 4v ;I:.tr• cR. - - - - - 54 tuen. ...„ , * 10 , 44 r • r...7=t;'w541,11 - wlg 1500 b . Astißtis.l3... qtrfloolutalor • •v " • enTrtjoll), 414-10 k -4ZAairiki4 tarathge- X.oyrer el* 2 -•;.:;,; OrFloE—ifeit °fiat= ihibi* , C lo4 ‘ 4 " l 40 0 14 44 1 4 • 11 04 111 Wk " '