ADVIM zritaymk, vaasi ti vrctir Flee insertions— One week One square abv -13 A, 1 Angle robsoriptit Leitrered in tin, cia Ten ,s; Twenty conies, two) Fortm thle Unininte, • • JAS. P. B Editor, tY.:, AIF4 ; ,r• • • • " Oritiipiture cured. tierule. or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia pal Eluptiaripcured. Hera& elated, _ F 62. Hfrala eared ftuPttire br nibliata cured r I S . , ;54 ., 1fs &Aid yure Truss.. Ritter'. Patent Trues Flicli i iiihapporter Truss SiarrApi . UusSlug Truss Dr. Banalag•s Lace Body Brace, for the our of Prolapous Uteri, Piles, Abdominal awl Spinal Weaknesses Dr.*. L Pitch's Silver 1./atrAi Plies Drops, for the support and cure of Mastic Stockings, for weak and vamoose Li I Kuee Cap., for week knee Joints, Atikie Supporters, (or week twee joint.. Suspensory Bandages ' SYrturrwhi fithe every kind uY DN.ACRYSKR , hris alert s Truss within ml adioally cure H•ruta or Rupture. - iIRPORroe at his Ratio &roan ; No. 140 WOOD STREET.; eigr..of the Golden mortar. Persons writing for Trusses should send the number of nobes around the body Immediately over the ragtime. DR. KEYSER will give his personal attention 4 tatheapfleation of Trusses in adults and dhildren -• • and he is gal - la:lea that, with an experience o VkalltriYentir, Will•be enabled to giro mtiatae ton. Syringes. Self-Injecting Syringes. Self-Injecting Syringe*. Self-Injecinag Syringes ()revery kind, ISdid' Int 'KEYSER'S, .13e Wood etre4L-- Suspensory Bandages, Buspeneary Bandages, BuJi!peory, -Bandages, Suspensory Bandages, At DR. KEYSER't4, 140 Wood street. note43l2m' TWENTY YEARS STANDING 1 I CURED. &biotall& found a ter/Laws from the one of , nknti ttepectabla- citizens of Frakkra icnonjhip 11 4PLird. to -.Dr. Sever's Lindsay' Blood searcher. Wict:lir..e'ceru d iat es are within reach, and no • be deceived in regard to his preparations. ins. Geo. B. Kers= :—I became ciliated with Ales Omit, twenty peens egg end every year , fffiey Were Crow in; worse, so as to troubleme ; yety i nmah, f ee much-so to times as to unfit lie Or work. Sometimes I was no bad that I ocvalit 4ifrAy.thitig account of them, thei Caine on ts":::.t:tfltitinenta as large Its a hickory nut. I had tried • .' - logreataleil of medicine for them. I need to buy • 1- arifthalte whatever I could hear of or read of In • : droll= and pamphlets that fell in my way, but I could not get cured, sometimes they would do - We NOM& good for a little while, but afterwar , therwoUld return again es bad as ever. I also applied to two Bottom who_viiited me at my home and gave-me- some medicine but at would • not doi I could not -get : well. Over s year age 'allyertisemeut of your Lindsay'. Blood- Searcher, =Ole by yourself—when you sold it to me you:Coln me one bottle would not cure me, falai my whole system would have to be re ' &Med by the medicine before I got well. I bought one bottle sad took it home with me and • used it eieediding to your directions. I then call ad to tee yon again, when you said I could n ( " l ard Mipsh benefit from hoe bottle.. I bought 'it on, one bUttle at stline, until / ha bottles, After . this quantity had Men need, I Waientiteiy well of the .riles, which had tortur d eta for twenty years: In other respects my • , health is improved, and as well as could be expected, for one Of my age, being sixty years ' vaiti *I hairs been wall now for ail months, and noappeatiume of a'return of the diseasei Dan; do Any kind of farming work now without ;Shifts' coming down and hurting me. I can ottoPifoodi lift. or do any kind of . fliniii;.7ol4o Deface used ht kVA me. When . I °mutant your Blood-Searcher I kept on taking It anti/ /gat entirely welL I consider it my do , lite mY itaaejinewu to the country for the henalit nattier* who may be suffering as I was anddo not know the value ef your medicine. You may publish this if you like—l live in Wilkins 7 bir.skiiandwill be ileasett to satisf y anyone of the truth of tidireertifitatotf they erlith t 6 call P2a. _ a1...41.rue* out Mee name of .88. B.BO.BGA' .8. .4 - (4.3fitr on use cover qf thc bone catifFted over 4f.:44..i4tej?„jor hi* itanvoi: ike Lftifet States . top,of Vir bottle Ao pre be 4 ng ttentistpat . As.A.TES. .. - •A. • - - •• •t 1- ~ i -• ~-. ~..1 i i ~ • rrr.l 4 C -1 ? t -7- F- N0.W.01/47*3-7r0144- i. ;1 ) k i 6 ~ A. . . ..110 n1ia1i.V011101;,..4 • t 0 , 00 ._.?, . .. . .. • 1 - I ::. •,- ~..., • -. • . , . . , ---..........- , . ~., i . . 9 . - 11,45 OD :7.1 7,00 - ...t. Mc cOn. Ingiiik ~. 11.25 ~\ k— % 1 ' 4 ,„ 0../ i • I.W Thies months-- 13,75 , .. 1 1 ....5ummii.,.,,,.. ?, 1411 ihav ri i • IL 0 ," -, ' " --iv • 2,20 Six months • 20,76 -.74-'' 's•-t . ,. , s '. "-:•?.el . :: ' - f! -, ' i 0 1 "; i': ' .--..1,. 4. 6° ?Pe year ... .•. v.- aingsabie °nat& 'pm* 1 year. 230,00 : • •••,..N. , or • , . - ' 5,3 - ST`s \' ' ' ''• c,:,0 , ,a , 1... le P 0 IS l l' . i . ~ . -•-• '---: P,-fr , _-----=' -:-'" --1 , --... -- i ns by mall, 28,00 pee y . . ' he city, at 20 omits petearw.eek. . .-=_,.....,-.. - 14. " ' Tur T -= ',o.^ .- - ','", ''- ---.M-2_,-__'.. . 1 ~ • 44, ,e,,r_..._„-__,..,.. .-=.,,,,.... z.44'.' . .2 ; i' : :: . 1 - a , ..5 , .;. - t"..1.,-t2,0i. ~,-__-,"7,, , ,,,,, -_,-- -'- ---- L , -. ._ .- r___- ~.,_--I, . - .. . 1 . • / ' 'AO • ' ih • • .74 . 1.4 . , ..... 4 .... 4...1400 - - -.. -- , - - -, t-z• , --_ , .•:.-- ,, ,rEr.: - .- - .:,..,r se n - =-7 ---- --..iilli -- _ --- --..,-,-/ s. rff --- , s- --, • - • , 1,76 f 1010 ' ! I , soh, (and one to 'latter up,) 1,26 . . '1 - -• . • MO . \-, 1 ~kr: . _. .• : _ 11, . ' 1,00 . _-- _-_______--..-_--„...,_ . A:C ........ _ !I a or Rupture Cured. or Rupture cured. , , or Riptui4 Cured Ruptture or Hernia cut ad Rupture or Eferula cured Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured. RupturfloT ;Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured A dozen different kinds, dozen different kinds, A dozen different kinds, A dozen different kinds, SILK. FLAGS, MUSLIN FL All Sizes All 04flidates Fiforti 5 -inches to 50 s :Feet. At Pittsburgh Flag 'Mania factury, at PIT TUCK'S New■ Deoot, opposite the Postollice seplo E-4 PI . CA -rz: Cf ; 4 C.F . 9 6 g i-I-i ° .....-( 0 wj C w W a- 14 M - ' 4,, S 0 al 1.•••■ q w *ll di Je 1.,, • g , J. G. WELDON JNO. EELLT • WELDON & KELLY, MA.NIIPACTURERR OP LAMP AND LAMP GOODS , AND DEALERS RP OAltiON OILS, BENZINE, & - c. 184 Wood Street, near Sixth, prrTsßußa4, PA. -- - FIVE ACRES OF GROUND IN THE BOROUGH OF DIALNCRES -11. :rEB., now occupied aa a market garden, and in a high state of outtivation, is 6lrered for sale very low. This property hi certain to beemne very, 'Valuable for building lots, being in a guar- Ipt,ffhere the demand for houses is nom very great, It-ivor begrade s effallatdth every , foot in yingl t, for that purpose,letra.l 4ply ' • • S. 74firArii - Broker and, ipsuriUlcv Ag4nt,4k.V.ifrth MEDICAL __— MAE AL IV Xi CA p FICIEMD EDITION, FIFTY Thous. I. AND, 06 pages, cloth covers, by Robert E. Bell, M. D., Member of the roya College of Surgeons, Lon don, addressed to youth, the married and those CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE. Sent by.maLl, post paid, on receipf of ten cents. A careful perusal of this small book has been a boon to the afftioted, and has saved thousands from attic of misery and an untimely grave. I t treats on the evils of Youthful Indiscretion, Self-Abuse, Seminal weakness, Emtssione, Sex ual Diseases, Genital Debility, Less of Power, Nervousness, Premature Decay, Impotence, As., Ac., which unfit the sufferer from fulfilling the OBLIGATIONS 01. MARRIAGE, and illustrates the means of cure by the use of DR. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, and other treatment necessary in some oases, and which never fails to cure, and can be roiled on. They donut nauseate the stomach, or ren der the breath offensive, and they can be USED WITHOUT DETECTION, They do not interfere with busineee pursuits, and are speedy in action. No change of filet is necessary. They are warranted in all cases to be effectual in removing and curing the disease. Upwards of two thousand cases are on record that have been cured by using BELL'S SP CIFIO PILLS, and certificates can be Mown from many that have used them. No Case of Failure Occurs. Upwards of a Hundred Physicians use them ex tensively in their practise, and tney cannot of fecteures without them. IMPORTANT NOTICE, BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS A Th re er t e h ewer iagi h na s l t only a g tor u — i nßEWc A if ß icPiollFTHEM imi s These are. Warranted. They are adapted for male or female, old or young, and are the only reliable remedy known for the cure of all diseases arising from YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION. In all sexual Diseases, as Gonorrhea, Stric ture, Sleet, and in all Urinary and Kidney com plaints, They Act Like a Charm: Kellen, experienced by taking a single box ; and from four to six boxes.generally effect a cure. Sold by Druggists generally, in boxes con tainingslx pills, price Si or six boxes, Se; also in • large boxes, containing four of the small, price If you need the Book, or the Pills, cut out this advertisement :or reference; and if you cannot procure them of your druggist, do not be im posed upon by any other remedy, but edcloae the money in a letter to the proprietor, DR. J. BRYAN, .Li..X 5079, Street, who will take all risk if 76 property directed, and will send the Pills, secured from observatilu, by return mail, post Paid. SOLD BY DRUGGISYS GENERALLY. Nol-lev. TO ALL CIONtiIaICIS le la v a D— . a certain CIELBB of self-important peo ple there peculiar feeling of contempt tittael.- ed to all physicians that advertise and treat the diseases named in this card, (PuivaT FL NS Aeses,) why this should be, they nor no nue else can tell. Are they not aware that all physicians treat dis eases every denomination, in fact solicit Just the very of diseases that are so obnoxious li to these very refined parties. I suppose they would not let one of their family go to a party that has do oted years for their benefit, because be adverti ses the fact, and theirfamily physician says be is a humbug so lie can get the calm. Often he has almost deprived the party of his life. Re comes ; at last to the physician that advertises—now else kno Are they not awarethat Sir liatttrnjr: known Are rttr uharles. ; Ball and X. Paul Rimini devoted years in the treatment of these diseases 1 These men are held up as shining lights In the medical world ; I don't assert that all men are worthy that publish, still there are agreat number of them that are. I have I devoted myself to the study and treatment oi' ' PEMVATB DISPASIIS upwards 01 40 years, and without egotism can say I have saved hundreds from years of misery and untimely death. my ; treatment is confined to the vegetable altos - eiher, as I thinkit hi the be-at and moat certain. "It isnil my power to bring hundreds of oertincates if I thought it necessary to certify to my general coo- . seas : but my long residence in tide city ID suffi cient proof without adding more. spc rmatorriles and all diseases arising from it are cured in a much shorter time than heretofore. It behooves every young man and woman to be careful to se- • lecting a physician. The diffkrent advertisements that are seen in our papers are of no worth, and no benefit will arise from answers than only loss of health and money. Hundreds are cured anti- , ally by my new remodiea Address MAX 600. jaa-lyd Pittsburgh Poste it co. RUN CYCI'T our Flag. BUNTING FLAGS, BALES T n store and for sate by . EfZEBIr..IB3MBZEWN6 I 6 Iltiticetagultilkst PITTSBURGH, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, &C. ARE NOW OPENING A. Large and well assorted Stock of DRY GOODS,' purchased since the late decline in prices, which enables us to afford advantages to purchasers NOT TO BE OBTAINED IN ANY OTHER HOUSE. New Poplins, plain and figured New Ohintzes, striped and figured New Alpacas, brocade and plain, New Balmorals, new,and beautiful styles New Merinos, in every color New Oloaks and Shawls, In addition to a full line of DOMESTIC- GOODS. HIIGUS & HACKE, septa Corner Market and Flkll R G7A 11f GOODS BOUGHT AT PRESENT PANIO PRIQES. XACRUM & GLYDE, 7S Market Street-, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in TRIMMINGS ! Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, RIBBONS, It UCIII S. Furnishing Goods and Notions Balmoral and Hoop :ikirts, Saratoga, Beaver avd Turban Hata, Blue and Grey Knitting Yarn, Breakfast Shawls, Nublas, Bontags, Waists, Sleeve; setta, cothrs, Linen, Lawn and Embroidered liandkereldele, Head Dreasee, Nets, Sta.el. ani Jet Reit-Buckles, Lirces Trim taln4s aurl Ornaments, Corsets, he , ate coffer the above ant rainy other artiCle., / in our line, at very tncairrate pileelt, and wa Wholesale Purchnsera to exarnine be tuund large And attractive FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. French Merinos Poplins Coburgs Delaines Woolen Plaids Alapaccas Shawls & Cloaks CHEAP FOR CASH M. MENTZER, 94 Market street 1 eplb.lind SPECIALITIES DRY GOODS ()REAPER THAN EVER EXTRA QUALITY BALMORAL SKIRTS .t 80,610- DARR STRIPE CEIINTZES AT 50 Cents per Yard. GOOD BLEACH MUSLIN 31 Oenta per Yard Best Kid Gloves, Warranted, $1,75 per PAIL MI Goods in Proportion GARDNER & SCHLEITER'S, 92 Market Street. New Goode New Goods Now Goods E; : Z R ti l W Z Z : New Goods New Goods Now Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods Row Goods tem o ' 7 " . " 1 " rfAiry2hlfe,4a . .41-2,107 li;p• Z'77 T BEANO-FM _IIiBPARTIVIENT. Girton or Oottersortaii or TEM 0111tItENOY Washington Oily, ug.kt. WEIHEULAI4, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the FIRST NA T,IONAL BANK OF PITTS BURGH, in the County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania haetbeen duly Organized under and according to the resllillements of the Act of Congress ' entitled "en Act ttiprovide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Stocks, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof.", atipinved February 25th, 1922, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act - required to ho complied with before commencing the business toff B Now TITE2.P.PORE; A h h i t i glioch, thurip. troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the said FIRST NATIONAL BANE OF PITTS BURGH, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, is atithonzed to commence the business of banking a the At aforesaid. In testimony whatnotnde r witnese n e my hand and seal Of office, this stkffity of Au cr gust t 8 3 3. _ Z--- ' tillefini ffi i 2 c? oofo , refiew of the Ottrre l2 ney 4:.-- TEE FIRST NATIONAI, BANK or PTIIISBURGIL PA., 4:4 4 isi, Late Pittabur h 'Trust Company. Capital 5500,0 . . paid in with. privil ege to ine to 91,000,000. -..---- Tne Pittsburgh T et Conra,ray having organ (Led under the act t roylde a National Curren cy. under the title , the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTS URGII, would respectfully oder Ite services f .th e collection of Notes, Dratta Bills of Exo e, Re., receive money on drmoait and buy and ell Each:rage on all parts of the country. t i t SU The success whieh attended the Pittsburgh Trust eon:warty a s its organization in 166-, 0 will we believe be a dent guarantee that Mal t nose entrusted to t new organization will re ceive the same pro ,t attention. Having a very e Ve correspondence with Reinke and Danko '4ffitoughout the country, we believe eye can unueual facilities to those who do business wl us. The business will be conducted by the same officers and direct° JAMES .L.1.1313HLiN Wu. N awn, NOB 6:R.T S. HASS, A LI T. SPEB.I3, Tacos AB Enid., Fu.tweis BAILET, NOS, WunrrlLLN, ALYX. BRADLIT, Sess.stn. Her.. JAIITES LAUGHLIN, President. don?' D. SCULLS, Cashier. augS-tiadvtl ~li 111 hi I. ANT ST_TCC'Etg THE BRADBURY PIANO FORTE RIIORTVED SEVEN FIRST PREMIUMS Iwo, in Fblir Weeks, Including Two Gold Medals and one Silver STRONG Medal RSEMENT _ The most eminent of the musical profession of ALLEGHENY INSURANCE 00. New York city, ,after frequent and thorough O.F' IPTT"rerlEttllte3lll. trials of toy New Scale Piano Fortes, have given me the most emphatic and unqualified testuni.. Orldee, No. 37 Fifth Street, Bank Mock, vials. The following is a specimen of the vol. _____ and Retailuntary testimony lam constantly receiving ;INSURES AGAINST ALL RINDS OP ' from gentlemen entirely disinterested, and as all 11, FIRE AND MARINE RISKS. will acknowledge post thoroughly qualified to ISAAC .TONES President ; BORN D. Mo. our stork, which will • 3ndgerot .the sieltrelegif a Piano karts,. CORD Vice President; D. M. BOOR, Secretary; "We have examined wilt meek rare. Air. WM Capt. WM. DEAN, General Agent. fr" TIRA DEUR Y'S NEW SCALE I'l AS( t ilt I:ROTORS—Isaac Jones, C. G.. Hussey, Bar- FORT Es. and it is our opinion that, in power, icy Childs, Capt. R. C. Gray, John A. Wilson, purity, richness, quality of tone, and ripirougat B. L. Pahnestock, John D. McCord, Capt. Adam - eie , teignaltip dlr. litadbury's instruments excel. , lacotss, B. P. Sterling, Capt. W. Dean, Robert '•We lint great brillianey and a beautiful slur- 1.. hi 'Grew, Hatt. li. Darla. 13...2 In quality of tone moat happily blended W,. • - - - ----- ---- • hale rarely seen a square Piano Parte eontlonlnti Smith's Wheeling' Brewery for so many of these qualities essential to a per/„t ins:rument." Signed. Bale. , S B Mille, John Zuptlel, Organist 1 , DESIROUS OF BETIUING 11 arry Sanderson, at II h i Beecher's. HI EING: Fico:II ACTIVE BUSINESS, I have de- Charlea Fradel, Cleo W Morgan, Robert Heller, .10bn N I loon, trrmined to dispose of my old established Chas Weis, Charles Grotto, . Wheeling Brewery" and hialthig Establiah- A it: spoil, John H. Inkier, . ment, now in successful operation, together it t; Titura a ith the stook on hand, which is sufficient to William :Cason,, F L Ritter enable a purchaser to proceed with-the business ,It E Matthews, • alas Maretzek, Theodore Thomas, without interruption, consisting in part of , W Berge, Clare W Beanies, ' ' Ales, Malt Hops, Barrels, Cooper's Stuff, Theo l(agen, Ed. N Y Robert Strove!, "Musical Review." Straltrowli, Teams and Fixtures, Cart A naehutz, Theo ;Mooning, Gulden. B Eckhardt, I H Nash. Everything lu complete order and capable of WAMELINK & BARR, brewing twenty thousand bare;; of ale :and No: It Bisset's Block, Si. Clair street, malting f- rty I housend ousliele of barley per sep .2 Sole Agents. season. The buildings comprise the large brick ~. . Brewery, with the cellar and vaults complete, IF ri, CONSEIL', 'ENCE OP TIIE .Ind Malt Rouse, brick Cooper's Shop, eapable • I of turning out one hundred barrels per week, seven dwelling. tor employers, realising an an nual rent of five hundred dollars,. large stable, I DECIANE .1.. N Gt)1,1), tog room, wash house and office, all lighted with gee manufactured on the premises: The old established reputation of my Ales and Malt to the East, West and South] and the reit u!ar cash customers for all I have been able to ' manufacture, with the increasing demand for • melt liquors, makes it one of the most desirable opportunities that cou'il be offered - to a reliable party to engage in the business with a certain prospect of realizing a fortune in alfew Team. l TioRMS Or SALE—As to real iesta.., one fourth crush, the balance to one, two and three years, with interest secured by mortgage on the premiere. As to personal property, one-fourth cash, the balance in three, six and tine months. If not disposed of at private sale before the twentteth Of October, of which due notice will ho given in the papen containing this advertise. meet, I will then on that day otter the same at public auction. octietlett! GEO. W. SMITH. PITTaIIITR.OII, FT. WAYNE Ec 0. R. R. Co. OFFICIC fir THE SECRETARY, kITT3BCOOU, Oct. 6th, 3864. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDEP.S.—Isma . agreement modifying the I irst had Second Mortgages of this Company has been executed by the President, and the Trusteee under the Deed of Trust, and the evidence of Such agree ment to he attached to each bond is now ready. Bondholders may present their hot* at this office,or at the Companys Tranrfer Agency,Whup low. Lanier ik. Co, No fel Wall Weer, New York, antlhave the agreement attabbed there to, or they may send to etTher of the stove named places a full description and the number of their bonds, when the agreement will be sent to the bondholder to be by him affix ed to the bonds. W. IL BA6NES, oc7-ImdSeeretary, - -- -" , wr....--- - NEW pirmuirraci IoTORE. MISS ALICE 310*113E.X , 1 8L Her ANNOUNCES TO Her mends and the public; generally, that she has taken the store-rosm, ' CARPETS, I And general stock of goods, on the principle of giving our customers all the attventagoa the markets will afford. M'FARLAND, COLLINS & CO., T. C. JENKINS, COMMISSION MERCHANT & PURCHASING AGENT Flour, lineo.u, Cheeele, Urled and Green Fruits, and all Form Prod tactil Orders filled for all merchandise, Pittsburgh manufactures and Relined 011 s, at dealers and manufacturers rates, No. 239 LIBERTY STREET, (opposite Wood street,) Pittsburgh, Advances made and prompt attention given to all consignments and correspondence. Pittsburgh References & Speer, Lloyd S. Black, N m. McCully & Co., McDonald a. Ar buckle, John 1. House & John Hall & Co., 1.3. A. Fahnestock's, Son & Cu, o. cep2l,4l&ve VETERINARY SURGE ON, New Goods Between First Street, Smithfield cud Grant Streets, New Goode FISTULA, POLE EVIL, ROME SPA VIN, BING BONE, and all other Diseases of Horses and Cattle cured. Terms moderate. octe:lwd NeW (}crib - - -- - PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE &. CHICAGO R. Co. OFFICE OP THE SECRETARY, Pirranonon, PA., September 26th, 1,64. DIVIDEND. -111" ORDER OF TRIO BOARD OR DIRECTORS, the President of this Company baa this day declared a divi dend of 236 per cent, on the capital stock for the third quarter, ending the 80th nut, payable (free of Uovernment tax) on and after the 17th ni October proximo, at the office of the Com pany in this City, and at the Transfer Agency, Winslow, Lannier Is Co., No. 62 Wall street, New 'York to the stockholders as registered at the respective offices. The Transfer books of the Company will close at 2 P. M., on the let day of October, and remain closed until the 16th. W. IL BARNES, aep2Etawd Secretary. N tprs, New Goode New Goods New Goods New Uoude New Goods 200 Baga African Pea Nuts. 100 Irica Almonds. 50 ' Provence " 10 Bales Boroeaux " 100 Boxes Shelled 500 Filberts. Bags English Walnuts. 3 " so " Brazil Nuts.. 20 " Oncost Nuts. Now in store and Tor sale by n'EYSIER & 81308.. .. Nos. Oil& 128 Wood street. New Goode Ne 4 Goods .and - foriiM F * • AJAXOIO r - • 4164 Waal it. EN - OSIERN NOE 1 1 / I .DIEN, GENTS sind - Oblldziaa, cheiti It M' It auction Hope, 4 „ 6 Pll/3 ES DAY. OCT NATIONAL BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or , prrorsillunGmr. (.... . 7:e ~...4:" ''.' 1 ' 7 f • t • a ill 4 I Of the Meet. Eminent Pleulats, We have reduced the prtces of our OIL CLOTIIS, WINDOW SHA DES 71 ct. 73 fraftl. Street, Next Houen to Post Office, acconff floor =IEEE (From Louisville, Ky.) NATIONAL STABLE, PITTSBURGH, PA ER 19. 1864. INSURANCE INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS I VERM. rinnw FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, OF FIOE No. 433 'and 437 9HERSTNILIT ST., near Fiftn. STATEMENT of ASSEI, JAN. tat, 1881. P ug ublished Agreeably to an Act of Aisembly, be First kl,..rtgage, amply semi; d 1 114893,288 2'l Real Estate (present valuw U 03412 61,) coat 102,883 28 Temporary Loans on ample Collat. teral Securities 89,118 Stocks, (present value 388,687 72,) coat _ Notes and Bills Recetrable Oaah $2,208,5ei se The only profits from premituns which this company can divide by law, are from risks which have been determined. Laureates made on every description of Prop erty, in Town and Country, at rates as lowan aro consistent with security. 11 Since their incorporation, a ,period of thirty years, they have paid looses b .l Fire, to an amount exceeding litur Millions of oilers, thereby af. fording evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and dispieition to meet with promess all liabil Losses ptn paid duringities. the year i 13.50, 162,158 36 DIRECTORS. I,IIIARLER W. DANOILR, MOkDBOAL H. Lot; 'DIMAS WAGNER, DAlilD S. BROWN, tie/117EL GRANT, ISAAC Lae, R. SanTa, EDWARD DALR, GEORGE W. SJOBARDS, OW:QUM FALBA, BANOVER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. Wm. U. Steel, Secretaryproltem. J. OAR DENEIEOOFFIN, Agent. Northeast cot. Third and Wood sts - PHILADELPIELA F/REASD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 149 CHESTNUT Sit.REET, Opposite the CostOhl House CapHal-$.919,100. Air5et5..1304,943. -- ,: =TILL MAKE ALL lir.INDS OP IN ' V'' V S URANCE, either Parpettud or Limited, n every description of Property or Ifferehandtse, et reasonable rates of premlnnq ROBT. P. REV_ ,G k reaMent. M. W. BALDWIN, Vibe President. DIREUTORSI OKA/ILE/3 BAYS'S, E. R. Cora, E. R. Enottea, (}songs W. Buoys, I'. B. SAVIERY, JOOSPii S. PAUL, SaI:RYAN, JOREPt (JLATTON ; ~,. J. P.I.AGIAIIEIB, an, F. BLAOICEIIIIIN, SeOretilla, ' L COFFIN, Agent. )yLly Corner Third and Wood streets. Western Insurance Company, of Pittsburgh. R. HILLER, jr. President. F. M. Gannon, Secretary: Uapt, It. D. Wonsan, Gen'l Agent. No. 02 Water street, (SF l an! asilo2 Warehouse, mg rx r. t. i %A.zt tt Atturs m ALL VIV kinds FIBS and MARINE RISKS. A Rome La tutlon managed bi Directors who ere well wn In the community, and who are 1 , -termined, by promptness and liberality; to i i Lb AlltAiLl the character which-they have Assumed Al catering the beet protection to' those who de.. : sire to he insured. DiarreTorse--R. Miller, jr., James EPAuley Sathaniel Holmes, Alexander Nimiok, George nmsle, Uampbell It Herron, Chas. W. Ricket. son, Andrew Ackley, Alexaner Speer, David M. Long Rees J. Thomas, Benj. Bakewell, John .%.4.!une. PM No. 32 Fourth Street, near Ferry St., And will open on Iit".EDNESDAX the I2th INST., a large assortment of TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, EMBROIDERIES, to., fie. , &c., Oct iiklwrl - - - THREE ACRES OF LAN' D, 0 N Whlen there l a fine' two-story stone house, containlng f.ur room. hall milli Walton. A young orchard of lee bearing fruit trees ; all the neeemary ontebull hum and a good well of Lure water at the cool.. Nltuated on ;the Wa.h ington turnpike, s miles from Yittabwgh, t mile front Nan/Meld and g mile fro n the Plankread For particulars, enquire on the premises of the owner, OfiRiSTOPIiER }WYE. 4 1 34 s at 0 , 0. 4 Diamond, of J. DUN "Y, Jr. oot,:3wdaw F OR itiAL.B.--A GOOD GM* MILL situated in the Borough oCiFreedom, Beaver county, together with a donvenient dwelling house, good stabling and out,buildinax, on the line of thee., Ft. IV. & O. Railroad. The machinery is in excellent order,end the mill has an extensive custom. The preprietto, on no account, would be induced to dispose of his property, were it not that he has been recently so much indisposed that he is rendered incapable of answering the ,demands of hi• nusterous pa trons in a desirable manner. AppliCants can call on 0. lIALLER, of the above place, for further Infortustion. ootlq l•..d&Mw ARTIFICIAL - LIMBS. , FOYLE BEET PATENT ARTIVICIAL JI. LEO In the United States, and the:ONl4' ONE in Pittsburgh. Crooked or der straightened without cutting - and-with a s', phi NO OURE—NO P 44. crutchiai or 44. p. T Lions constantly on band ' and ma de- ci Wei% u„ Tbbte desiring iseliftsieblimbio - Cit i... mftt would do well to can and uptight AMA,' sates ar.d-testisuuthibL xt , , ~ s n;t0411.0 .•, • ittilptekillpeetition., ,t: ...: , ....... 7 „ ... ~..:0 • ..,4. 4. 4 ,0... - r...;,', t lih :ii it 4 #l5 atOdule, of Advertising Rates STAirDING One time Two times... Three times.. Four times..... Five times.. One week Two weeks... Three weeks.. One month.... Two months_ Three months Six months—. Nine Months.. One year 29,7136 68 1,821 00 21,919 33 OH A N EA BLIP. A DVIIIITIB.MICSIVII3. For one square, changeable one time each week, confined to the immediate busineas of tho advertiser. latgeradvestiaementa in exact proportion. I times I 2 times I 1 time I Daily. 1 a week I a week I a week '42851 - 96 01 - 11 - 4701 $BOO 17 20 11 46 860 600 04 00 19 00 16 16 1060 An OO 28 00 25 60 14 00 1 month.... gm:torahs .... 6 months.,.. Ty ear Aft- - Death notices, each Insertion 50 cents Marriage notices, each insertion... 76 Steamboat advertisements, per trip. f 2 00 Executors , sad Administrator's no tioea A STINGI N G ufDlaTmEiir President Lincoln at the Ear-Vietes of Judge Waterbury. A distinguished citizen - of New York, Judge Waterbury, has just. written a public letter from which we take the tbilowing: By Abraham Lincoln hundreds of clerks iu the departments at Washing ton have been employed for weeks, to the neglect of their official duties, in ad dressing partisan documents and per forming other partisan labor. • In consequence, the widows and or-- phans of deceased soldiers suffer want and misery, because the pitiful pittance awarded to them in recompense for their slain husbands and fathers, is withheld, while the pension clerks work to perper uate the power of the man who sacrificed those in whom they had a natural and a sure reliance: 80, also, the soldier waits for his,pay, the inventor for his patent, and all who have business with the Government for their dues. By Abraham Lincoln the immense horde of office-holders and contractors depend ant upon his will have been taxed, ar most beyond endurance, to re-elect him to a position he has used to bring wide- I spread misery upon the land, and which he cannot possibly retain by the unbias ed action of the people. By Abraham Lincoln officers and men who have per. tied their lives for the Union, have been dismissed from the army, or otherwise punished, for expressing Democratic sentiments or voting a Democratic tick-- et, or for the other heinous offence of loving, with a soldier's warmth and a soldier's pride, the young General who had led them through danger, and led them to victory. By Abraham Lincoln the malls have been loaded down with abolition papers and documents, and by him Democratic newspapers have been suppressed, and documents in favor of the glorious old Union of Our fathers have been delayed or smothered in the post-office, and en tirely withheld from the soldiers. By Abraham Lincoln military officers, whose services are sorely needed in front of the enemy, are detached from duty; and others, who are of no military use, are kept at the public expense and sent round the country to labor, by stump speeches and otherwise for his re-elee lion L would Buffer oven death rather than knowingly do any act. to prolong the power of a man who proclaiming before his election that "the Union could not exist half slave and half free," has la bored, since he has been in office to make the traitorous avowal an historical truth who, after his election, could see noth ing but a partisan platform for his guid ance, and who refused to utter a single word of conciliation to avert or lessen the gathering storm which has since burst upon the land with a terrible de luge of blood and misery : who; after he became President, wasted his days and nights for many precious weeks in dis tributing paltry offices among his parti sans, while a wicked rebellion was al lowed, without efforts for its suppres sion, to gain the force of a civil war ; who then precipitated the country into war without making the preparations manifestly necessary to its successful prosecution ; who wantonly failed to protect the Union men of the South and withhold from them the means of main taining and vindicating their , loyalty ; who raised a band of guilty rebels to the dignity of belligerents, in order that he might push his abolition schemes by a usurpation of "war powers," and under the pretence of "military necessity;" who, with the same object, has prolong ed through four years a war that might have been successfully ended in one ; who has sacrificed hundreds of thou sands of precious lives in trying to ac complish his own crude and worthless military "plans;" who has removed ca pable and faithful Generals from com mand because he was envious of their popularity and success-, who.has direc ted the Lieutenant-General to, peril the success of our arms by retaining incom petent officers "until after the next elec tion;" who has violated the Constitn tion he has sworn to support, although while he thus viotates it • himself, .he falsely pretends that he is prosecuting the war against the rebels to compel them to subinit to it; who has deceived and be trayed the people, and broke his solemn pledge that the war should be solely for the Union and the Constitution, by ma king it, in reality, a war for negro eman cipation, who has wasted the generous offerings of the people, contributed with out distinction of party, for the mainte nance of the Union; and used them as additional means for the prosecution of his own miserable schemes; who has ground down the noble loyal men of the border States beneath the ungrateful iron heel of military power notwith sta: aiding their patriotic and saving ser vice at the doubtful, trying time when he rushed the countxy, into a war for which it was unprepared; who has set at naught in every State the rights and lib erties guaranteed by theCartitution, and held the person and property of, every citizen subject to hia owniarbitta-- ry will and the unbridled-license of- his minions; who to:accoMplish the freedom of the negro, law practiCally enslaved . the white man;ivho has made abolition:: ism;., and not 'the Union, the basis and condition of peace; who has avowed ' , that he seeks four years more. of power, itoeompletathe work of abolitionism,' andfathois . ilowdidrsthendlitary forces ;4*.orthentition , and Ikm:dap/money drawn, ' muirif ordeitilfereetlpr feont.,:thaf public- 1 1 -, treastiryi campat arVorriipt the' pectin' nine-tatithc iiVadhanek eats and I R.LI is , NOW 112 ST. "..OHAELEV/i014114 sY .813001031/3/TULLT Tal/Mirlit EAFNESS, OATiREK, EAR, . . - PA el 111. aol9-10k1 distrust him, to mibbsit`ttitldirirtnotlint of the "four y e areiltilt?' l 3l - 13 - lcitiold - - that it should ever ifo •: upt*'.ititi - :;(16*- '' science that I hailVdone "attr:itet_'ldding : to prolong such a despettiamArtils46...i,--) yond its existing tenh; ''''.-c.-11li'51- be ,--,7---;.' In other days . I used to.:findcor 41iMir'": scenes' in other countries. witkpehorowt.: and j opens . thought thity.rmuld„nesi-c= -- er be re-enacted iti' ll thlilhanTiramt Aar : haPPyJfind. Bat we t