PROVIICTUS FOR 1864 t 1.. PITTSITLIIZGiI I'OST. For the increased and iticre`risinf(kiiirpOf; of Prlrsping POST. Wo are desirous retuzaing.aur sok mente to its numerous patrohe. lOtrittg the past year it has Largely increased its Chronlation, Notwithat4ntling - organirert - i.trortd to - ' 1. curtail 11.. ' P-F e °H t , .4'4: 6 . ". 3 4}h44,Pr't the. UPPRESSIfIIi OF THE HEBEtti ON, As our Athninist i rion b . rem4 , o4.y . ptlphise,,l nor have. hoid , in power given any EVIDEiMi OF TiEIR ABILITY .uft kit4lll R. t 7 Fer 44 ft IT. Their prineipall albite hare been devoted i pc4clues fta Continuing Theingelves Power, Thit Fall• they will 'ha 11E,F 011,1 h 'I`IIL-` .E 0 JAY: For trial, and w are dealroue of spatting of theiri,stetvltttlohip to all In A. IN . i L tia A_ 13 S As we earl supply with ottr paper In its Politizal Ohargter, Ai heretotoie the Post will remain an Independent Democratic Joarnall U}VOTED TO TILE Preser vittlion of the Constitution, AND TEIS RESTORATION OF THE UNION; IL will coattoe iteelt to the theoneatoa of VVit.Lic Quif.srrzoris, Anil have rai eonaection whatever with schemes of a Personal or Factional Character It will be nobody's organ, but the taillaul exponent of Sound -Conservative Sentiments, The &ail work before A merican Veople Is the saving of our RWIIB4ICAN SYSTEM; /*alit no partyi in the country au3Cioue to save the.llemoc!ratic ; attain order that it shall f3E IMESEVED THE SUOCESS GI the Democras4 , is aba4)lutely necessary, and I,teat toe, at the Earliest practicable Period. We expect to tie able to meet the expectation. °boar friends in the diganeelon of the nneetietr which will be In4ulved in the apnrce clung PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. OUR NEWS DEPARTM ENT Particular attention will be given tattle News Department of the Post; we shall labor to obtain LATEST BY TELEGRAPH AL TV ;ZD 1141 C AL IXJ ; While equal indUstry will be exercised in our MISCELLANEOUS AND LOCAL DEPARTMENTS Its Ccumnercial Department Will be entrusted to one who is every way gunl Tied for a proper discharge alas duties ; it Wit beiconduated in an 11.CoNE'r MANNER, Intended to inform the public of honest and fair dealing, giving ico countenance or encourage ment to dishonest dealings. Per year. " 'month, week. Tde.teFtrtii• ,pl~e.:. az i~ ,i~e rt' :~roo SATURI 'll r 4 . 01.! er:t• • • t 1.11 . 1.•.• rf t*, ;tarn I 60 '.sthoesutb.. is at' f 14 1 '4 1. Ji 5 j ,ir 17Ti G7l, :a ,IVDA tapz 475,41:1 LIR in0411..,r-ta. R o~)Tgedgi_wfh• 1 10 1 00 STEAIVISHiPa que9)/stowP anti 01190- Hai%warp FIRST-C!..A.561 POW erful Itbn Stsaini3tript oftho Cad lard • Llue, iED.A.R, "' ILEUM, OLYMPUS, Will a:ill from Liverpool every alternate TUE,' b.PLY; Qu • eetiatowo every alternate viliDNEti DAY', and from • Now York every • . Meeting patine.frota New York to Liver i.ool direct - 1 4 -15 Currency, fo New York, Ito Geoid or ,equivalent In Onrreney. -- Paimengers t.irwarded to ]'arse and all Berman porta ett ~rry kW rates. FOr pasnage apply to WILI.IA:I'4. 41) Fulton stiert, New York, or • lf • THUS. ItATTI(}A, :iirritti• • • • N0..17 Siuttirlield iitrerAi.• Sueociiabr 'to Itticol. _ Livtrpool i New York and Philadelphia i .44'.1 - `l , liiMfS.lllll- • Litrik:. NcYrfcl"o., l ftlt; l'uxii:ac. . , . . 4 = _ , •...i...23A.E1LN LSE R SIGNE D having,been appointed-agont for theabure line at SteateferC vice _Mr. , John.. Thompeon,. deceased, 1 i business of the line here, will, hereafter , di emitsedi on at No. ne Smithfield street,...near Viiitelt,.iiliere all. apiiticattonsehould lie made. fne...itiminers of this line are among the moat ,U 7 i.grlfferitt arum!, and inn direct ween Liver vuo.l Allli New York, patting everyiseeek, . The wale& signed is aldo agent for TA.P.SCOTT'S eirthe sled fine of Soiling Vesarts and the X-.l.dine .4 .I.pu.lfka PagiLets, by both of wltleh he 'ls pre i idled to bringt, out passengers at very,toor rates. .Sight /traits Crl any anima on any. part 01 ritrope for Bale. Apply to .1.).0'N.6.1LJ.. Foreign T.i'utlgraiiiin Agepcy, No, e.P.Smitligeld :d reed, Pittsburgh, Pa. . • 303 ,STEM cROM OUtEN§YoNi-ro"tiMiktiL Tel vi BAT -cLitms .Iron. Steathaltipti of the '~NATO•NAL STK.% N A VLG ATteN UIO..IIFAVY, -.llif IN I A, LOUISIANA, PENNSYLVANIA, It II pail from Lit erpool and Queenatowth, y alternate 'ktlEsbAY and XV MINES (' t. : Wow New York to ljueeuatown anti Lt v erotica, ever} alternate S,AT 11 it DAY. Cabin I.lH9Age, payable in I }old or in Ourretwy. From N civ York, 665. To New York, 1,70. Steerage paatage front New :Stork, ia Ourreney. New y ark Csa, payable la Gold orvaiue in 10 dt , teary. Passettgeranforwardeit to Thula and all CI finnan ports at very. low rater. Fox Panatile juvly to WILLIA.Maii & 40 T'ulton St., New York, or THUS. HATTIGAN, N 0.42 Smithfield street, Sucfiesione to Thoa. ktattigan. N. ti. Agent for Steamers to London, also the ,i,l Black Star Lt n cif LiVetpCialYttokep. nul9-17 • Real Estate Savings Institution LITATC:III.ENT OP THE CONDITION 1.779 of the above institution, Satuytay, April 3urh, 1864: Amount of De4untits *100.170 03 Amount interest due de poeitore May let Amount GontingentFuml, ASSETS. First Llenson Real Est'tell 00,323 87 (I• s. 5-20 Bonds at par.. 51,400 00 S. Debt t ,er. and Notes 16,309 le. Accrued Interest not col• letted • 'tithe Furniture Cash on 'hand '1 he undersigned Auditing t_totrimittee have examined the books of the Institution, the bonds and securities, and counted the sash, and have fond the chore statement to be aorrecd. H. atill.D.S N. VOLOWiLY. W. B. (XItrELANIJ. rittsourgh, May 2d, 1164. received DAILY . and El' EH 1 - .AII 7 IIDA.YI4VEN/111.3. latereot paid et SIX I 'ENT. ver Antol m. AI. Howe, Hail. J. K. Moorhe&J I%' m. 14. Smith, I U. O. Hussey, \Vu, 13. seob Painter 114rvey Childs, Nicholas Yovghtl9. • Office 63 Fourth Street. A. A. 'CARRIER, Treasurer, 113= tRPRIPTON & CO., 367 LIBERTY E.BT, sole proprietors and ni anuitict r era for Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and klissouri. Also manufacturers of a superior article of PALM, GERMAN, OLIVE and lit is I N SOAPS, and various Toilet and Fancy Soaps. Of our Silver Pearl Soap which contl,lo..tly r tequitniniud t t ethernet' for general use then any other before eptiblle, should ic inind has neither Potash, Nail, I.lllte 1:toitIll, or any other substance in its man ut tare which,can shriek or injure the/West, labels Plannela 6,111.1.W00i11aa can be wasl.-ellth Atm rapidity of (button or Linen. Illothes washed with the Silver Pearl soap do not require boil ing or half the robbing, which of course sales the wear and tear. Silver Pearl Snap removes reese, Dirt, Tobaeco Stains, Printers' Ink. smoke and the wares Bilge Water Stains Instant ly, by applying It with a moist sponge, thus pro. Meting i windows carpet. and furniture from sudsowl.slope. timparts.a brilliancy Ato;.Plate, Jewelry, illnasivare, ,Knatueled Paintings and Patent ,Loather Immediately, and for eleitnix,t Marble sad Floor Tiles It has no Cq#4... For Idle bath and particularly for ehainpoo , ning, - lbe SIT: ter Pearl Soap is a perlect lusney. in a word all who have trteit its superior qualities ac• knowledge it the greatest duvet cry of the age This ihnupany respegtfully. ask a trial from all who are interinded, and in every case will refund the, Wee Pri'lle /Rune 5h04 177 110.1 tnaccourptiah what we claim fot . it„ , Sold 'et- five rents t4rpoicoxl fift y 'pound boxes.. Delivered to the ears, boats, In Alleghe ny, Birmingham and city reeidences Tree of charge. Directions for tine on all packages. . Liberal discount tp the trade. • Merchants* from abroad will do well to glue 13141 , 141fT( tir. call, 307 Liberty sheet, opposite Penna. Railroad Baasenger Depot. OW-Beware of all imilationa. None genuinr unless bearing oar trade mark, Silver ?rani :shrli. as secured by the inventor by National copyright OILUIf.IN FROM ,TNOTN, &C.,- 460 boxes Oranges, piirde, . 11SO do Lemons, 100 trails llica Almonds, 10 bales lior. Almonds, to hags 'Tarragona Almonds 50 do Sicily Almonds, 76 boxes Shelled Almonds, Sti hags English Walnuts, 26 do Brazil Nuts, 30 do Filberts, WI) do Pea Nuts, 6000 Cocoa Nuts, In store and landing, and for sale by BEYMER is. RHOS., mhl. 1.28 and 128 Woods's Black Diamond Steel Works, PITTSBURGH, Pit. luaruirAorauidy!:cw • Best Quality of.Refizied Mutt Meal, . Square, Flit and Oatitimiibt Warranted equal to any Imported or manufac tured in this country. 011170 D AHD WARDRODSHi L 49 as 101 Pliat and IMO dfaild2 @armed atsi. fehld-lyd PITTSBURGH. sArk 11U t; Lc SEEM/ 11UCKV11,11LEAT, 11Uir It [Ails. Ifried Api)lea.• 1005 hush. Ear Corn, 1500 bush. Oats. 00. tibiB (19TAIille Flour, In store and for sale by PATTERSON k AP4.140,N - je.lo - No, B,Wood:P*l Cf - t1:11.1G.111TiFITR1134411 VstiCkyill Iferf. 11 1 0 ) bblaPotaloes, :dIUOO htisiethsb., , . 200 blib3 Family Flour, in store and for sale by PATTERSON de AMASON, .f t ly r y,Bo, I 0.•:M•C311101i77 . I C IO .IPTEEMT3itaai , • Mk. .14.A.291C510 • • Az. Mil.Pol ll 114:1 1 44 tiSsQ4uely, awk cur, iam JA k t.los gy194,1, 54ailes; Sfratnt Otiod . endip for cash. Call angiate at 41.1 J: NOR'S.; - godtarice.t stritfttipMwelack Firth and Dismopil, . „ 11 • •: WAN WED* . L ): 11:40 . 1M2 4 1 1 *=' I t a t tiqViiZ4 l4 or nyttunettiatitiiiPtindeb4ii*iltilm tor irrifkthit pn'perpktfr "w2rtels etwhiglitst: War' Will be piiid 4.t. our.. P.iitur , -spd, ANC IW.aleit9Wits.:o o .l 4$ Vb • eWlrnd - tk, MAIM , TO toil)toilGHT operlok " 4 mpaLte' aka Philidelphis. WE lei : D I T 1 , 0 N, P(1 Uet - tit - int kotwifir dARDsti tflat l i s igtv i rnasite I t4 e triitt a tA!t t l eived and for sale by . I :..1 1 . BECKY - AM & ap2o . No. WI Liberty street, Pittsburgh. INWPOST, .; :T L irau _ . a k tyB.-- ao B s t i ILAIEL P an .by ALM ge tN I ZERWA V Vie d a ti, , : jeld 1103terellsrlret. d:First etc. fr..VitrT OW ble choice While Beans, JustrttairetF*Affifigliftp , FETZER & ARMSTRONG, ocfragralgesaarntil eats:" ran 07001 q Esaixog.t. ltb-dtpa / Fl Isii1141,„11 . 8.674 OS 03,023 06-4190,081 81 I,M 5T 160 00 '2'2,800 27-4190,1191 61" iito writ: Ks IS A AO 3i) }S, President, SILVER. PEARL SOAP. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Wik-ita&W; 188 5 WINTER An It Al NAU Fal ENT. krai -AiPrett NOVIMBInt Pentmylyania Optral Railroad WINES IDA 1 - 11 7 :ir 1"1"11A1N,43.- .44...L.:t./.11.:A11../49T101Q leaVes the piabeneer Station daily, (ascent Sun• -day,) at-520 a, in., stopping at alt stations be ;tween Pittsburgh and Phillidelphia l and making /Rivet conoection inc..l . la/K york /0 4 eßiladelphia. 'TU,ROThrior, AIATX." TRA,IN leaves ctibe , Pasmeliger 'Station ever* -tnbrning Nieept Ointabty,/ at. 2 51) te.-m q stopping only-at indnalpal tations, sad tanking direct is:go/potions at Liar rhibiirg rm• flaltlinore and Washington, and for New York via Philadelphia. •- ' TRAIN learnt! daily, .pt 42 S • P.-4,. stOPP2 , I4 co , Onli.A. PrDtrked hulking nnection arrisburg foe Balttnuire and Weakling - ton, anti for New York via Al lento we Route and Phibuielphla. 4 .1 11.*-1:'.45T.44P1.11:, 'paves the ,§tatips 41011', (oacepi S'unday,l 35 p. m., stopping only at 'aril/Sip a.E.ltiificina, connecting at Haeidattnrg for .Baltituogo and Washington, and Hi Philo/tit/his !or New 'York. NAI 0111 111 I I VATION V( lAN I a 10, 44 ,5.ept . ,siropyi)A0 P' üb, lag aT a f min running aa ar an I A (..k.:( )s.k.ra ATIUN TEA IN for W Slatioa, leaven 4.1 a ily, ( acept :- , .111.1..(y,) at t(2,1 SE(3()N1) (111001117V1( )1 IAT lON TRAIN for WalPa tzikatiou,.leaves ,lativ, (except z:unday,) at rL 1q a. w. IHIRII Acornivou.vrir.N 'I'l( AIN lid Vrall'a Nisi ion leaven dirty, (except Sunday,) IIL Ft./U.4TH.[11,41.(11.1A'1 . 1.4.!N Vt'alN Stntion lenvea (except Suatitty,) ht p. m. THF:I'III'l If T ILA IN ie41 . 05 W.EdCII Station, 4vefiy n.ln v. at 91.15 , a: lit.; -returning 'Nivea l'lttateugh nt 1), itIiTURNINO TRAINS klAltl4mre Expiega .....................12 20 p. u. Chcpreis 1 p. to Faat Mae 12 50 s. tO 'Clrough.Pitsil Train rt 211 a. LI Johgatuwu Aucounusabatiuu lu u 5 a. w tat Vs arra Station Aceoluinoslat . c 15 A. so lit Walla Sta'7lon A cersauritaintisas..... 6 "a's a. is Wall'a6tation Ac..1.111111t11.16.1:i011.6... 1 55p. L. -Ills all'a tita two A cuulil suudatiou.... V:x . preas will artierwith Plsitsdulphia Ka . rras At I p. ut. s.n Aloadaye. , ICA L.Nta. 1.11.A.1.1Z5V11.L.14 and INDI- A A unntseet t Ltlsuraville leteracctinn with Through Acootartaxialloa,.l , ol.natiotvu As'euusaso datio4 and Express tall, .k.ast, suit Wi th bait,. mbre Y..aptea 'and .15104atowd Aounatinodation Wait. cozuarat at tlfea sOO With Expreas Tralaa and Mail Trsin Weal, and With Through Accommodation and Express Praia Ilairt. The IrtaVeling public uilt Mill it greatly to their interval. ui going En at or W eat, to hayed by the Yennaylvaups tieliroad, os the accomoao dationa now otre,ell,lll‘ol be IPA le,sod cm any other route. The t oak: it hnllasn•A with atone, -and is entirely line irons dust, we eon promme Dainty, speed and cowl./ I to an who buoy tac os this road WIT tt their patronage H A itt TO NEV.? Yoil.N. stv eu 10 Z.O BALTIMORE 1010 LANCASTER A 96 7 tiS Baggage Ultihoked to all StAtlol23 ou the Penn i), IVailla .43/11 - 4.54. and to Yhtladeliddli, ilnitl wore and New Yolk. Paiteengers pureltading itekela to data will At charged an bce.ii according to &stance liar eat I ad•.lltlnn lit the Slalom rat ea, earept Bunt '•ta lions Where the I lountany hat no Agent. nit/Tit/L-1n ease of leas, the liompany hold thetawl;sa reapunadrie for perlKMAi baggage only, and tot an autOtant not exceedn4 , coin. N. li.—Au t , IIIIIIt , LIN Low hwe Aeon einployoi to ecuavey Y.eskeagers and lispoote to and trout ttrt nepot, at a eilarge not to ta044,1?..h casotrh for eraab pasioname and tsagorxge. Fur Tteltete n 11.1 ). to ' ' " J. ;ST/krelliT, Ap SI ilia P. K. R. Ph.reas,ta Station, oil I.ltwrt) Sad litnut ott**ls. A." i 864. 1864. TS E PITTSBURGW, F T. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY, Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad SUICK.KIL ARBANCIEBIEbTT ON AND A tik:l•l' V.;:th, 1564 ll trions ruu eta i011.r., t ti Yittedg, e*.nri 'lO go. t It: t let J. enrW heel'g Expreas 1.00 A 51. I .4. ot m I 110 h. m F.:v. 1.4,4. I 10 1. 01 i 10 1, tn. 1.10 p. En :Vlst I 6 B 0 0. 11.:. 6.10 et.. For New Finstie -Awl Erw, . In K ECt•~:NI A rrlve l• , I'. ki`j 7 4.. s. n 1 ,vtO p L.] , • . , 7./10 I- m. & P. R. H. ;1.10 a. al., 9 GO p m.. SAOS A00051;14 WA114•1•4 1.c04 04 .111inu00 40 - N.ll. F.n N. L •. for / Lb, t. 7:0 14. V!00 n k . • 401. m, 5.101.. 01, 2.3..p.1, , A in", d.ll4,gheny, F., V. W. & C. tCy 7 10 a. m, 0.13 is. c. , 31 m., t.l.i p. m. U, R. 9.30 e. M. ULU. l'A Rh IN, Agf..l • pup", Passenger :titttuon, Pittsburgh, Pe. CAiiitiWildi V, Agent, Allegheny t nue F. R. MY EitS, (len. Ticket Ageni. •_ Pittsburgh & Gonneßsvine R. R P.;111111111er ./Lxrit.nacoirtion t IV A NI) A topttit 1lt)1111D A I', MAY :411, rdn2, Treirud Will lest e the Ilepot, sorrier 01 E.,,es and Water strettta, Its follows; Lesv es PlltsMulch. Vitt-81111mb Paul to and from 1'at....1a . ii. 1 66 a. to. 4 W 1... la Express " 3 40 p. at. 9 30 a. In lot l'il'lt.eesportitoo'iln. 11 00 a. m, 0 40 a. m 2,1 8 15 a. in. 1. a. 5 p. in tat Port Perry '• 1 o 0 a. to. 8 30 a. in gralkineles '• 4 In p. in. 6 40 p. m Sunday Uhtli Oil 'tram to and ?roil, r‘l'keesport i 1. 00 p. in. 10 Ott a. n. t , ' or tickets apply to I Et". But' LTt IN, Ast. W. li. ;ti'r( l T'T, S'opt. alto /4 4 , . VirrSll:_At(3ll,.PA fy\FiE LA lit tkt.ilti ST, AND 11 most mvaceniul etll.- LEGE'in the United States. sir Students can enterand review at any time` elfltiir LA its containing full inlormation bent PUKE pi charge to any address on application to the Principals. ' JENKINS & s Max, del.lawdtcy Pittsburgh, Pa THE HOW E SEWINGJ;IACHLNE. Invented 1648. Perfected 1863. BP.,OIEIVED TRIBUTE imolai AEI, other Sewing Alaehines, at the World`s Fait , 1-A2, while the Singer Sewing Machine received an honorable mention on'lts merits; and Wheel er k. Wilson's a medal for its device, called "Olt miler Hook." The liowe Sewing A lachine , was awarded a prenntun (to an English es,the best for all purpoaes on exhibition. Our lightest Machine guaranteed to make perfect work on the 14: West and heaviest fabrics. Soh' and rerited'at Not 11 fit3.St. ()lair street . A. my2o-03tsw-ly Agent. pioKLEs, KETCHUP AND sAvolu- 100 dot gallon and quart Pickles, . 20' do pint Pickles, 20 dp Engllo Pickles, assorted, 200 do TOrnato Ketphiv, quarts and pints, 200 do Pepper Sande, 20 do Cumberbuid•Sauce, 10 do Worcesttehtre Sabha, 6 do 3V.61414 li,etchpig; 6. do AnislirWo KettMlA 20 do Imported French Mustard, 60 do Imitation do do Just received and for sale by .11.14yAigit feb29 . Upland 128 Wood it. 41116, ALSIIII6I, PRUNES 'AND Cult- ALL RANTS--, 1,000-pkgs. Hunch and ',Ayer Raisins, in mho!, halfttml.quarter boxes, 60 mats Seedless Raisins, 25r .do do_ , p-"*.sh afts i t e rinie Zgitt,s...luirants,2 • 60 cgs nal PYttn'es a d Plums, 26 1/02.P.s do do .Just received and for sale by 1 101 2 412 8 Wood 04. lALARGE LOT OF LiOolcesow6*Toboooo, • Beipt.putre Spun Tobacco, . • NikerOnhdt• " • " " Out and-DU Sin°;r°b4c°°' '• r sabtAe+ - I.6evai •suimv side ilii4il44; • " -'" " iA t • APCIPLI,ASMI - 8t . toitaa ", • ' • 106 Wag& trtreer. ' BMs.}..BIIOES. AND GAIIPER.S AT 3Eastara prises, et - BORLANEPSi ; ".4. cP a -CI /1411*Atig, t isstie booW 881 STOCK BROKERS z . 7AS 1313 A-Y, • NOTE, STOCK, DRAFT, BOND AND MORTOkLE, REAL ESTAIE ANS NIERFHANDISE• BROKER,i -o ffiei id 3 Jdricie 11101,11,, over"lnterntil Rev •,.nue rooms," M. and Mechanise Hanka, No.i 1 , 01.211.Tii STREET, prrTsßußuti. PAPER MANUFACTURERS. S. B. & C. Y. Manufacturers and Dealers In , r);(1. IC; A , And all kinds of Wrapping Paper, , . rtelllON7Ctl FROMi NO. .22 WOOD STREET, TO No. 33 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. paid forlfAGS, A.P3 LAMPS, OIL, &C. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO., MANPVAOTITRILRS OW !PULtth. RICRINRD CI 11. I=ll. 3 CDP C:10 Xla , Office, '2Ol LIBKR TY . tery3-Srad PA. 'RANK KELLY, Alderman and Attorney at Law, Air( !. li,,dum of ALeniliila 41161 xl.l legal uno.t oasx jo•Ot pity {headed to. sw2l-4 d HENRY W NO. 100 SkIII , IIIOIIELD ST., Near the corner of Gth, PII`TSBUIIO.II. 9°NEIL' IN .LAILDR. AND SMALL. euantitlet loaned on I ; rid and Silver, Dia monds, Jewelry, (}old and Silver Watcher', and all kinds of valuable articles, for any length of time agreed on. The Kumla cannot be delivered without the Ticket. A 161.1 )Nee Hour' from I A. M. to 10 P. M. jaw . . _ ENGINE BUILDERS. WM. M. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, Ereut Erminderp4, General Machinists and Boiler Makers, 1414111. TDB Penna.. U. R." Pa.astenoter Stallou t PlTThatlltoH, P•A. ANUFACTUII.E.R. AI.L RANDS 131 , Steam Pateidies, ranging trout three to one hundred sod tiny honepower . , and suited for trist Saw Mills, as Mills, Blt Furnacee, Facto. vies, eto. (live particular attention to - the construction of Engines and Machinery for grist mills, and for uprights, tutday and CII'CUISIkW 011114. flare also on ttand,tlltitdied and ready for meat at short notice. nes and Boilers of ery description. A lan, furnish Butlers and Sheet Iron eeperately, N"tought lrou Shatt.owg. liangera and Pulliam in every variety, and continue the manufacture of Woolen Al actaue r ry and Machine rants. eOu r pricer arc low, our nowtiincry ulanu.Lactur til of the hem quality of Material', and warranted u all crimes to give astiklactiver. kirtlrders front ell pert,' of the country solid taut and promptly tined. let-dku c-t ORMSBY IRON WORKS ) MERCHANT TAILORS,I Wharton Brothers Sc Co., 1..5 S.!! ITif 1.1 EL') IiTRKET, WIC A NOW PHAPAILED' !!'t.) liA .: i k: , ‘E i t j m, R ,,, i, „ c 4e k tly k u A arc orders from the trade for all aizea Lpf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, auiaa,lloop, Balid&RoikieShoell'on Clothe, Casalmcres, Veatlug•, A. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, !noluititig Luetestrood's Cloth Lined PAYER 'K nint everything utinally kept by ilnit-elsgs Furnishing More.. nrdere ti I !rh L.' 4 I I_, 0 (..; W. 11. M . G No. 10 St. Clair St., 011.13 CALL Till.: ATTENTION ot buyers 14, hi. 31(.011 at I lonbda. bla 14.(j WI. 01t.,1 a. th grult ante np.l col6r,:te all the ail les of to Lrit•clwe, 11 ,, 11,11 71•1,e'i: I,,slling alit ul Cloths junta t.. aide, tt.lll isle3we call mu: as am ine t.ilr i,141. Also, n lull Nll.l cilia.. Nl-111\t/ 111/Ups. W. 11 11101E1., Mei Nu. 10 St. atiwt, FM10.111714 Pa. W I'r Ut{ARLES L. CAIDW ELL, (Suocuasors to .1 tia. 11 ultwo4. A. ) YO R li 1' A(:' I-1 it 1 0/11/81' in Moon, Lard, , •ttgnr H Ann, COIL N belt 1“ Alt K - CT A IVIi STS ,16.111 1 y.I OYSTERS, GAME &C. NU ILA 1 N MEM OYSTERS, BD rrER, GAME, POULTRY AND EOGR, 16l) 1 .I. 111.11ter 1.4'1'11 I: I.l' _ ,) /;;1 PA P1. 0 ,R14, OIL. CLOTIIa, WINDOW :SHADES, FANCY (Molts Wall Papers from tic to 43rer 3011 ; WI/WOW St a4oa from Die to 46; Oil (Moths tiont 'Toe to 4 1 1,60 lan yard; Fanoy Good lu all varieties, at the , - 1 -- (__,.. New Wall Paper & Faucy Goods House of roEitsTva h SCHW ARZ, (0,13 164 Smithfield street W HAND AND FOAL drain Drills, Older Mills, Fanning Mills, Threshing mactdnes, Washing Machines, Clothes Wringers, Dog Powers, Oh ut Fruit Jare, Coin Shellers, Mumma, Climax and Eureka Cutting Doges, BECKHAM dr. Li/NU, Wholesale and Wall dealers in Agricultural apd Farming implements of all kinds. au/.7. in Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. 2OLDIJEIL9 AND VOLUNTE IC AS ATTENTION ! You are hereby nollted to call at the Variety and Fancy Goode Headquarters. and receive lour articles neceshary for camp life, very cheap and good, of FOERSTER & SCHWARZ, aerS 164 Smithfield street oho , . e Sixth. • D " az" FPcf 16 bush Drie Peaches, halves, 20 " " Apples, Just received and for ante by FETZER & Anrus . rnobiti, Je 7 oorner of Market and First eta. _ POTATOES -60 bushels choice Neshanneeks, 200 do do Peach Blows 100 40 do Pink Eyes, Just received and for sale by FETZER Si ARMSTRONG, whit! corner Market a elFirst ate REFINED SUGARS- 160 bbls "A" and "B" Coffee Sugars 20 go Crushed, Granulated and Powdered Sugar—Now in store and for sale by BLYRIPX. & BROS, tebtt 128 and 128 Woo,l ToLLEIT SOAP -100 boxes Fancy, Toilet and Soap, In store and for sale by - - REYMER 0c BROS., mb4 126 and 12d Wood it. garIBASKETS, "PINTS AND WI" spurts," Heidztak's Otrempsgthe, Iri II store an Doses Spark'tog Mose ll e. d fot Sal€ &DIALER & IDOKERTSON .MNLQIIR L O V it jr barrels received and for sale by ETzEr: v. Ail3fBTB °NG, earner Market and First Os tikekril)Elts, nAhruKEßClangcs, an 4 hosiery at AVOLEL LAMY:3 66 riftb Ivektrit, * ' 1313 IFaCK3IIIESTER. mita nanPFIAto coo p. T, r l6 ' -1:134"le bsiiatS'Bowri, : 1 421,1; . ~ • . ISO Weal stmt. • ALDERMEN LOAN OFFICES. A_,) AN 11. , ' 014..1111, CIMIOTTE, TAILORS Coaaletns A lso, a Large al ocli of PORK PACKERS :smoked Hoof, km !' fl'f n!!l'Hujl, I'.l Ei=32113 WALL PAPER, &C DRUGGISTS. d (Ts - Ea -, Aut Z' -N, BUCC*62BOII TO . , • jABIMS P? •-• u . Cr. Gr s 13,' WHOL MLP, ANIL RETAIL -DEALER In Foreign and Dieinestle Drege, Mattleinels, Paints, OilsDye-Stutt's ti.*/ ter tenteryi NO. 77 FEDF,,RA:L SlVAttilktiAY 1.4.22-17:1 A.L.;..y.4.14F45T Y . P 4.! STEAMBOAT:: FORtnsiO,i ALC. AN DRAW 111,C1MAN TEOIII,A4 .glLpsll, a Ittt 121* PErfrPFI, an. Special Pi Chef• General Partnala.:: • IRON CITY KIA)MAN "& P . . ... NINTH WA_RD, Pl'.l"T.S.l3URfkli.. , .3,1 AIVITFACTURE BAR, 1.8.010 i, vigpt. • Cray railway and Steal:lllmM Forpngs, F'aeaenger, irelgbt and Locomotive Axles, ktr acid-ti , GAS PLUMBERS &.:FITTERS. 113 170 Sf" EAV N - PLUMBERS AND GASTITTERS„ NO. 165 rWOOD STREET,''`- Oppmute First lihurca, Pitiahttr#ll, and NO- 41 OHIO STRIjET; AttlEig.G.HleNT, taHax 1111 MaYon'a dava" , e; sit I Pit PS. WIC DRANICS, SHERT LRA D Lead Pipe, Pig and Bar Load, and Plumb.. er's Material in general Uil Radar-hap littedoill In the moat approved Manner. 7'l%i:llu lined with Lead or Copper. Houses tatted-*ith Waterxmi ilea Fixtuces. B.—AU orders prompt yattesndied ap3-1 yd WATCHES AND JEWELRY. .J J 4 W IFI rt, "sr . ' • . 111111 SUBSCRIBRIIR 11A VE .11 1 ST: 11. opened a very large and desirable stock of PINE GOLD JEWELRY, GOLD & SILVER WATCHES , • For 'Aviles' and Gentleranne,,tvear ; fine Bronze Clocks, Fanoy (foods, Snoh ss thistors, ()Ake and fl giblets, Us,r4 WIIPP ‘ Ton Setts, Mo. HEINEMAN, hIEYRAN ik SEIlit"E; dew; .42'Fltth street BREWERS AND MALSTERS SPENCER & MiAY, BREWERS & D&a=t.Sl PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY. ivvE RAVE ALWAYS I.l* RAND A superior article of Ale, Porter and Browli Stott, And will continue to make it our aim lOgive asilsfaotion to all of our customers. Air. - Bobt. Watson of Liberty street, will have the menage of our business, with full control ltl the Brewery. Address all orders to SPENCER ik Pheonle Brewery, Pittsburet sPENCEIL, 3AS. Itt'EAY.. Hotter field .9ir, Co., Halslers and Hop Dealers, WATER STUE.E4, WITE44NG, Ve bdcoi-lyd IRON WORKS ( , 1-• YIL F. Itt:ST 1../I'AILTI 18,13 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. I tful . KIN4 Trl.OlllON 0. L A.Z.11.1.4t lloplatu4 & lAtzear, ATT 0 RNEYS-AT-LAW, No. 10.1 kelt."l.ll Pi rrsrninoii, P 1. ottonlC4 i tominime attentioa ' to an (ire. Etti!, Fttid ir , illll.g Cool jstr26-2uol . HOUSEFURNISHING. UPHOLSTERY, No. 85 Fourth Street, .Near Wth3d. INIIIE St BSC R ILIERS ANUSA T I U K mind keep owlet nn tly•on hand every article w their line, 1 1 iirmees, 11rnouirirtis ruithin bode, Cougovta, heather Bodo, Mat. 01 01l lu,, ta, ,tors, the oelebraled Pstent 111,is. AU kinds of Shades, Blinds and Fottt;ftui. 4141 - I'rotopt it 1 tention given to all orders for fit. Bug mini 1e ,1,,,,.0 I'm pets, ( 1 11 Cloths, ta. 0(1114yd IZIABEILTS n IZOKNICAt: CRACKERS & PILOTMk/it). MARVIN'S SUPERIOR CRACKERS, 64 Fourth stroot: LIME MANUFACTURERS. To Builders and Contractors. .WSC ARE NOW AIANUPAOTEITIING a superior article of 31 Which we are prepared to deliver from out 11VAll. YARD, SOO LIBERTV STREET. BPST QUALITY OP .IP-41L. WE I MeV CD CIO _EL A lwAya on hand as 1.11111111. my le DICKSON, STEWART & PLANING MILLS. AMES Mll,l.ING.‘lt, •JP LA YLA N would respeetfully inform the public that he .I , ii.,:rebuilt since the lire, and having enlarged littflidtablishtnent end tilled it with the newest end most appeolniertert chineryli now prepared to f uruish noosing not planing . .srds, scroll sawing anti re-saw ins, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried frame, mouldings, box ma:ring, we. SOUTH PITT, B Elll, Sept. 7, 1851. lays _ _ ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, Under Oare of the Fratioiscau Brothers. foIHIS INSTITUTION, SITI , A1.11:11 IN Loretto, Cambria County, Penneyli - eient, shout tour miles from Cresson ! . .qatioti, on the direct route bet worn Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, was chartered In 1659, with pm tlegee to eonlet the usual Collegiate Homirs and Degrees, The location of the College la one ofdhe must, tielalthy in Pennsylvania—this portion 61 . t Allegheny mountains being proverbial for its pure water, bracing air, and picturesque scenery. The Scholastic year commences on gm FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER of each year; and end's on the FIRST OF' JULY, following. It le divided into two Sessions. Students cannot return home between the Seeeions. All the Apparatus nectar nary to Land Surveying, Engineering, & 0., No., will be furnished by the Institution to the Students. , Instrumental an i Vosal Muttla for , mai ; no mars charge. Student's will be admitted from eight years to the age of manhood. • Twits—Board and Tuition, payabli , irsifieariT in advance ~$ 78. Bedding and Washing, per session , to Surveying and use of instrumenta, per an num 21 ()lacteal and Modern Languages, extra.... to Studente spendingyalintionot rite Uolloger_ "z i Reference can be mottle Mite . Rl-1 Bet:" Digh4 mri Doees. lit. Rev. Blithe') Wood, Philadelphia; Rev. T. S. Reynolds, Lorretto ;.Rev. Dr.:(.o.lBlatia, Philadelphia ; Rev. Beaty Jelphia ; Rev. Pierce Mahar, Harrisburg., N. R.—A hack rune daily to Lorrettt• trot& °reason. se2 Rev. E. A. RUSH.; 'Sliti.e;elOr• BLINN'S PATENT LAM p iptippw Y ULEANEti.--No - tiortiiihituttenyr trehken tn cleaning. It aleana a chimney without wash ing and is the only article ln-thermarket that cleans a chltnuey , prc . )PktrlY, eV i g i lle i prinatpat Lair t totetold t Y 'a Store of • • IVELDON - ir. KELLY, mh23 Agents for the Manutruiturera. Ark A.TS-,600. $U.f l , 'DRAM' 1 i 7 - Tuat received and for aale by ••ZEES z.tai, de itaidSTRATOTG, mye. __Dorner, Market and First stA ik , FLIIIIIL.;•:•2001i8L6. EX tr ---7- Rk -* , • Flour just received and for eaie FETZERfx,A.F..WIQL . NG $ l . 3 :1.1 It.l3sj COMMISSI HN midetv t ION_ CHA4T , _ POll TH F e lt kirk ' laths TA:141,47:f4 E.,76 IliolorwyJawrigoiti : /PATTSAUktgIfrt ~I -uki xtit, W. vivitztraciao*. rt.; t. ~41a . P.OPfillbe.t. lnto], .r..-id '. plAwrzusing • di-Nutt' 047 ‘, ''' ll C o m. ml*a s ler* , NIL% Vtilli iVriceli Flour and Grain and Gkenerel Produoe Deal . , 0 111 3, 4 0-I*Wood - AtaftriniShr: P rittatturov-o Wa taligge. it oulea.:_ V ign in t• -. th w . ... . . 1,44 eft,1,410 Is i 1 p...ff. • 9^ 7 n ist figideas d 3 tit rf : : ' caitait T! I: r ant. - ffove_. •0.,..u..7.. d eraciMM.Wooltaa Er *I ?Al Late at Miller & Rieketsoa's,:,, ' , REYMER & 13RIYM [Nuoseuers ti? Reimer_ is _ waoTatelliibiLuorasurstr , Foreign Fruits Nuts, Conte S ;VI! . 4 MlCib NOZ,. 126 AND 128 WOOD STIIEET: 6 . • - ,,,, Ptrir.ssviidit. c": 4•1 BRASS,E-OUNDEBSI • -.•'r uquesne I,,int , 7 , 1 51. OADkatie • I "1 CRAWFORD/ Alc ~VAAN-.3lfrialod6 la&natatauka auit icaal r ir r uitan47 Mk sand MO F0%1181 . 4E0. Aitc0111.(1.1 in A OASTINCI§ i Or" • - tress ,mado•to ostler, •, I Fir Aid SQ.& T IiTORK. AN b lot Weh l :trrr i gn a u t =i t a °- f 4 t U" o the, , Je*le ij Al A 12.Fell'S SYPllurr PUMP; ith"tatideell'a mere vement. attached : • ; • Filetifto & 11r§ n rKE I N 13 It'ASB- FOIENIU'II4, GA ;l&D - ALk /9103,_ OP .r 1, .-1 IS 2,11 CRASS AND, IRON COCKS, MADE TO ORDER.,,, Also, Brass Castings of all Kinds, Made at the slimiest nothce. "Camp:liar etteuticsk,paid to. fitting npazad re• p4iring of U14134F.D1.114.1.F..5. 1 . . . 31 & 34 Water Street, near TAbecty. /I Oil?. lII.E3.IIIRItS O TH15,f4,1444j,g -jk iiractical meehanica, Of Many years . ex perienoe in the .business ensure-to-gifieviit isfaction in every reaped. We are also agents for Guild, Garrison & Co.'s, Steam kppkivirjAr teeter and 61.11 " ibeG-lx# STEEL 'WORKS. SEILAU JONES—J.OEN it. BOYD. Orli:11:011FLOUCIEt. • - • - Pittsburgh ,Steel. Workis, JONES, - .BO'f D Zit" C 0 ItAirtrrAcvihmtai or, - Cast Steeit air Sin'i - ng:',Pla, eiii(l' Steel li:riugirsd - Mass, - - • Corner of How 'Firat Street.; tux2l-ly RlTTSBlltialio GLASS WORKS. W. tJUNNIN II AU.. D. CMCN.llielliaL.D. P. CM:2I MO 11 .1.11 6;Dulteklt, UNNIN 4441 AII &....V 0 1 7 4. 7 1 - - kl U.1 , ,r V. c.k.iaS:i -Ware. house 119 Wafer street, and 15§kkl At,ltrce,t, Pittsburgh, P. three -dodistiltm-"thelVldho guhelsi Rouse., nutnafticturers Pittshiltgh-Clty W ludo r li Liss, Druggist& titatti ts.n e 4.11 i, tuvh „ smt public buildings. • apt WINES, .Y9YOgS; &C- P. 111.1DIDLEV" o Mu] WINES, BRANDIES, &O •&4 0 7 "a proprietor at. A4O • . 2. GILT) Wlrfilst '3O 8i0..f. North kboontAt., - Importer itn4NitolOsaleiletiler FOREIGN -- WINES AND 41,011011Z,'. it° Three doors above 6Lh at,' : . W.A.COD ALELL.USIX WOULD ' aivv-prift or yarn Risztdiele•ef.K.iedinan , Wines add French Brandies, whieb has *VA Rem leoted and imported by himself : " slid Ohurcbes could depen d• on obtaining tablistunent the twat and we I-Ignore of all kimis,' equal to Itni*in. the city, Al ways on hand. A Ino, Flue Old Rye Whisky and the beat Rectified Monongahela; • CICSD - HENRY 10. REALE - MONT & 67:07„ Foreign Brancliesy Winne and Gins; Blackberry; Raspberry, ; WildiJheerr, - and Aln . ger btmanes .4)14.- Irronmagahela, Rye, mid . her, Wfuskies, Jamaica Rum, am, . O. S 3 LIIMIItrY Upportte Fourth street, ftia - Hotele, raverps and lan/inns in . 2111104A. rpoderate profits fdYUa li. my2l-lx4 - - 1r F.'. NV 11 S Jos, s. FINCH, (suseessor to Thos. Dioora,) uthxrufseturer of Copper Distiled Pure Bye Whisky. . Nos. Ib9, WI, 1.93 all.l 1.9.5 ijist.l3llVet, burgh. sep14:1;11, 13. L. H. 1)A.13135, PHOTOGRAPHIC - ARTisT, 419 eutd 48 St. alith , ,Street i PITTSBURGH. WATER COLOR ATINTATURES, Life Size Pantographs in Crayon, Oil, India Ink„ etc._ Pantographs .mith,,ll , 2niteape and 'Fatter Et Mgronioln. ItOrytipea. „Phatn grapioAlhumsi (.411t4'reznea, rind Amy Aitibtdg adapted Ao the Plntlograpir irty2t:•; — S. S. .131 It le' AL Ni '''' NOTARY PUELIC, 59 FOlllll 4 /I•EITEEpT, Octi use from 9a. in. t 9 6 • • S. 'V. DAY ~ ....T. L ILAYD.E3.4',. DAY & ITAVDEN , Sweetest:lora to J. in Way* ANUFACTURERS; Impoitere and Dep`l M des iu Saddieryrtketete and Trunk; Her& watv and Cattiae Trimmings.. N0..6a. Wood! Street, Sign of.the aolden.Siircup Pitteburg4e r.ifip '', iik , to ?.s9:4;;;TiM Presenting 1 •;7;: ;- , i NOTEnlle&s.. tits InivsiA tt e u gat t y, 87 woodirt.' uIY2B 11p0BAcCO— . ••• a taids Leg Tvbacoo, • ,•• • •••k• I. More end for sale b.Qyy• • , flg2All..ic ikhumioriG, t 3 o r neT,AfAritalt•mi rEttiat taint - viLmt Ev4.l#ASute=aticegrit&s -friull Faro, for &ale kle'„ xjirklikuNcp"- And TitieLiPAt ue*EMADV_,,:-tr_, outhetladekb fitidßlkip .I"rttflr7 Wadi at. ttwltlweet*icei'af.'" ~' • . . -- • • a ••• 'I36I{VIVNIPS, r . 1. .1. 1.10 , Mtrketr-It. tlieriCßcc. . T Buttari , Arl'reltik en/VI . 1 4 1 34Y 3 rt. Jutt redtsPv lauflur dais • roman*. PERMS4IIO244;- 1 J° 43 • fornevAttowketainit aro slat I Aprovxmairarasoftprets +=i2Wtr.' +A. , SP:oiSeskAtoxstalbatistdst ,avattei stir of z. - . 1 K 4 4111 ' 1 24..« #TAIRMA itefiabieitidr, sebona floor soove rut i n," jets. PORTING RILIJIMEdgg. ird pmr, iy ~ e bterfileke 'at% FMAIWIfir z, VI latilMagortll:N; - VJ CSai ^4/kVii9PISIISOI4, Effghill ll- p,,a at az t azi iTA prat:m:l,mo ti r reSE. has :r ita ,uv ri z i a t : ji I .beLascixs , u3r vgbill - asa),lar.l *di Utxt=sl, ./XPOSTIOI 07 THIRD NATIONAL BANK wdo ttgi the a qtrefikAg bnivTrepirrocr -- General Banking Bupinpot, Tit:3o eft TA ETKI .r. Dopotits received, Exchange, on the prinetpa eitiea of the East and West BOUGHT 01¢LIZI, And lleations made in every accessible part of the country. Office for the present, (until the completion the New Banking Houstt_hairtutr of Wood street and Virgin alley,) in the Banking Boom of the DINE SAVINGS , INSTITUTION, No. 110 sEPrialtistiiiii6l:2. Opposite the (Justen House. DITMOTORE). Wm. E. Suhmertz, A. Hnriti A. S. Bell, Alex. Ho stein, S. 11. Hartman, Henry Gervrig, L. Morganetern, B. Geer ADAII RElNtEletiCt-N : rPrest. R. SUUMeOTZ, Cash. pro tem. mh7-2rad HOLMES k. SONS, BANKERS mid Exchange . BroketA and Oeales in Notes, Drafts, Acieelitaniesi 3 Ookli Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Depositifieceivedinpar funds or current paper. No. 67' Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. DOLLAR &MINOS BANK 65 FOURTH STREET. CHARTERED IN 1855. IPEN DA tikkl", PROM TO - 510 1 ..C1.01.7 „also, on Wlsdnesday and Satur,.ay evenings, (tom May let to November tat, from 7 to 9 o'clock and from November let to May let, from tl to 8 o'clock. 7. if • . Deposits received of all hot lees than uaa DOLLAR, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interests has been declared semi-annually., in Ju n tftand Uo °ember since the Rank wai'drgaraked, at.therste of six per cent, a year. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of Junemnd De cember, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or evc., to present ha pass book. At this rate money will double in lees than twelve years. Books containing the Charter, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on application to the othoe. PSSAIDBPT. E 0110 E AL BE ET,. V FELKSIDSNTS. James McAuley, James B. D. ?deeds 4404,1*.i4ppahArge4,- Wm. Douglas, JamesliClTlMall, Ilase M. Pennuok, Peter A. Madeira, James, Wm. J. Anderam,:' -' ' :rota R. kui.,uiden, A. M. Pollock, M. L. John G. Bsekoien, - - - • - - TRUSTEES. Wit i Vl4il i . :. H l34l . r l ia C ! 4 f' ' 'George milt, 14 alter P. Marshal, Hill ltnrguin, John Urr Alonzo A. Varner, Robert Robb, Charles A. Colton. ~„ - Henry L. Rlngwalt, John Evans, Wm. E. Schmertz, Benj. L. lahnestook, Alexander Speer, John J. Gillespie, Alexander 'finale. AiOd r agw..:, ti . , i... - Wm. Vankirkg .2' ~,, ere ~., • -Haas Whittler', ' Pilottard Hays Win. P. Woyman, James D. Kelly, Christian Yeager. SILDRETARY AND TREASURER. i ' CHARLF,S A, COLTON. .. . . PHILADELPHIA CARDS Dula: ialienon J. 11.0DMAN HlOBB OHAB. 0. SWOPZ, 31 - t3GrFnigi 13414-ter,e and 0,13,141?5,in CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, S ATINETTSI Vesting*, Tailors' Trimmings, NO. ckinanEr - x-saartiAF-r, 0.294 PULLADELPIIIA. E & 0 a - Produ - c f proymoiL commrstr - oNmme - HANT No. 15 South Water at., '= PIIrLADLLPs2k. AGI - Liberal .14 varace: made on g. - •nsigaments when requiletl. . GrF:OI2,G IFi Idanufaoturer and WHOLESALE AN!) RETAIZ DEALER. In every description of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 610 CHESTNUT PIIILADELPIIIA • A. VAN KIRK & 00.; I=l GAS Vt 1 Tt , ft tcs AzaX.3 ciimamLlEßS, Patent Improved EXCELSIOR AliD PATENT PARAOStOutiumumERS, „ # 44 o.Apl nv i t car., am. • • BALICSROOMS, 1101:.; 511 ' bxbli .Street, Philadelphia,. Menuttulta4,TrEtraffard, 119PAliglii?ds_wfitranted:' jyldr! C.. BARRY xtlix.A.z4, '' wren [LONG - COPE 'az PEARCE iktmailfaetarers Mad. Importer" of 'HENS'. NODS' 1.4.1 , 19) TAI:140BSI TRINEMENOS, South 'Fourth Street, myt Iyd PRILAULLI• 11A. - !HOT,ELS,_FIESTAIMANTS, &O. 1ME43311, 61(b's V1:',51914*•*;„..-.; I eirt,k' -=-Tgaisig@r.--7Depot. . Amu, PROPRIE3IIk4z 2 * Flixsrus viEr, s ' nbsodern lugggvenikut;iltlispop- TMt subsellhertiMPared MlY******, Tv - Olitt_ . 4 • • I 1 N - etlitfords., 0 0 .IpLEit --luny-varietyl:4l4le Alen he s no ~ cYritresi• Tam& o And Alen he eels conlid • trineonauending then? to the pub olor,tnete.excellence. Can, llueket and Shell Oysters renewed duly, d sold wholesalauld retail. my2O-lyd - • (310' It II , C) S , :Xtp. 22 DIAMOND ALLEY, PITTBI3i , RGE.. . • Sr ) useatt.l4 AN.NOusicar. s. g public that he is in daily receipt, of and CAN d to prepared to atCOmmodate the patrons • cnd weu kilt. w n house with every 'the-eating and di inking line at the ahort • t notice. - JOHN BIiALER, Proprietor, ::EATING SALOON, Lo per nt Virgin Alley and Smith field Stieeta, erel:s4StEliS and all the delicacies of the Da nerved" "In - thomoit _palatehla yleiu ZLI-11011h1131-, " atatmerVbltin Alley and Smithfield it., !POLT, IititIigHIL.LLALRDECA4,OOIII. , xn - ,fm: SAVPRS would remind. Me . lo'ffiet de add 'tato a that he is still : be, .untl IkAtin',6l/ .stand, . awe car Ftairth istieet. Ile hail alwakalki `• e hecegrlality of Lager Beer, and naconneo 6 ith thatitactepuointe4l, hativAnaloon, L •th g • land meta -i . - , I Remember the place, Apollo Hall, Fourth at. .. ''' wood, en ts — c - aLL7'!rtottrth; , A IY/NIV ii!- 4 Aii.A -. : 45.;7 1 if - •• • ), • - ••, „L/-. r9F/frhaill ' Hee,./toarbr;s, Azar, Mothain Faun, , a f 4 r 5f e r , 4,._w.0 .... ......, in...t. on Plants,lusi-- Put up i7•l , LZ, , ,a r i; nd Flasks. and - $l,OO Unkeisillottles, 43 and ta sizes for Hotels ; Public y infalliblezeinedies known." • "Free from PoisonsY • -: tf, Nntemunumato His Human Family . :i i _Aakr name out of:their boles to die. " . , • .•. , Ikidi Who*. ale in all larmaities. - • Altirktisdd Iris* /*quirts and Betallara 4i/11111534 - nirillelail worthless- , -,itatitsisc otr.nithatittloteran'stlnarneis onaultHo24 t e and Flask before you.bny.- -• ; ~-. -, 1• Sic - Address lIEBM.Y R. COSTAR. airalixteUtal.Depot; )482:13.roadway14. ilk', . • ...: * nt..X. I.a...E.AUEENW.TOOKA- , ock s im i. 5. . Airazas fr I:lo.orlmiesale amiretitlinuate s , ' f ttbilZWPa.ounifiEQHGE A. KR134, 1 A1. . ... L. . . jea, k _ „ „ . mthitAttillatar- •-' il(.cyr 17: Er • 111ORTMENT ,ROL • he — ta iii4ckfilfretvAßl4,lloaltteas;• 'Mratelforali,llsWErftevedrir ' JOSEPH R. Requiatti* • itazditutt. 20 • ftfulkiikri BANK":II,_