~ ' “\*vi T-u -,ii^A j;. l ;' i! ; ';••• • ' - PlTl'S ~.■ >. .., L — > '*** rj Hernia or Rapture cured. Hernia o r Rapture cured* Hernia or Rupture cured* HetnlurO t {Rupture cured. Hcrnlao r Rapture cured. \ijLfr {.„• *• -i li' • '.* * > Hernia'or Rupture cured. Hemia-o: ‘ Rupture cured* ‘ Rupture cured. Ripturaor Hernia cured. ® tpfcure or Hernia cured. H'lptureor Hernia cured. J or Hernia cured. Cu )o o 'ftafctxir* dr Henfciacured Rnplur* or. Upm)* uod. Hi ipture or Hernia ciired. Rt pture or Hernia cored l ' Cure Truu^ ;• Bitter’i p:Uent Trass filchl Trau«i SetfvAdjui tlnj? Tran, Dr. Bi£niai^i‘' iice Body Brace, for -of Prolapai,a Hterl, Pile*, Abdominal ; and Spinal Weaknewe*. g. Fitch’* Silver Plated Sap porter; "Pile* Oropi| fpt the support and cure of Elastic Stofctetnjp, for vrt&k sod varicose Elastic Knee Ck pi, for wcnk knee joints. Ankle *, fn r weak knee joint*. Saapciuory Baaln|[eg. SclMnjcctlnp g f'rlinfe*! »l*o every kind of Syringe*. Dr. ItKYSER haß also a Truss which wi fcdicaUy euraHcmiuor Rupture. at his Drug Storb, No. 140 WOOD STREET.; sign of the Ooldea Mortar. PerSbnj writing Tor Trusses siould send the number of nohes 'around the bo- ly 1 immediately over the DB, KEY3ER-will 1 1ve hla personal attention totheapllcation of Trusses in adults and children and.bp li aatleilefl with an experience of be will, : > t(fictile fi om (he on* oj mo*t lespcctabl* citizens of toxonsh\p in regard to Dr. Keyset's Lvpdeay' Blood Searcher, The Ziocior't . certificates are within reach, and no one need be deceived in regard to his preparations. Da. Obo. H. kievsKfe :-j-i became afflotcyhwlth Piles about twenty yeajs ago, and every year ••^?F#^ { fp'o?Ying wprsje, bo as to trouble me very much, so much ao at titffea aa to un/lt me or work. Sometimes I yraa so bad that I ooijld do ot anything account of them, they came on aa large aa a hickory nut. Lhad tried a great deal of medicine lbr them.. I used to buy and take whatever I could .hear of or read of in ciro*liars and pamphlets that fell In my way, but I couldjXWJt cured, sometimes they would do - me some good for a lltti4 while, but afterward they would return again as had. £s ever, si also applied to two Doctors who visited me at my house an>l gave me some inedicine but it would not do, I dboW'nnt “Over a year ag-f not an advertisement of |yowr Lindsay’s Blood. ypurself—jvben you sold it to me you told me one bottle would not cure me, and that my whole system would have to be tfee ■ medicine before I got well. I bought one bottle and too} >k it home with me and used it to. your, [directions., I then call ed to see you again, w hen you said I cofild n expect much benefit fromj if at a tla boWledl L-lifter this qtiftT wii entirely well of tho P rify ‘baa seen 'used, I iles, whioh had tortus d me for twenty years. health if Improved, and I for-jonQ of « put. weltfnc am as well as could be there la noappcarance of 1 can do any kind of farmi the Piles ooming down a: pitch hay, chop wood* work which before used to hurt me. When 1 ound out your-Blood-seai' it until Ijgot eptireiyxweli ty to ma|fe3nj£c4ee k|tow4 benefit of othtf s who may clter I kept on taking and do not know the value * will biß plea e/fy BR, tG&ORQiE B, taprviti LJif/UfWrfci EDH3AL wrmznu j Upwards of a Hundred Physicians use them ex tensively in their practice, and tuey cannot ef fect oures without them. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS Arethe original And only genuine Specific Pilis THEa?™ a ho,t ° f im ‘ utor s—BBVYAHE OF They are adapted for male or Wale, old or aadare the only reliable remedy known for the cure of all diseases arising from YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION. A A l . St ? u,a , Pleeasea, a. Gonorrhea, Stric ture, Gleet, au Pri> lessor ot Physical Training, Anotomy, Physi- Hygienoi ALPHONSE l>, i>A will com mence September Ist. aurt-lm one bottle. I bought until! In other respects my A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP EIOH Needle-workj etabroidered ; CLOTH PIANO COVERS, beipg stety .years six ofontha, ind return of the disease^ Of our importation, including many near 1 and CeVCr *"*> “ JedSLthU country, opened this day at the ug work now without •i humag me. lean it, or dp any kind-^oi NEW . , QARPET STORE I consider it my du* to thfi country for the MTariand, Collins & Co., Nos. 71 and 73. Fifth St. be suffering as I was ' * KAYBER’S / ~ %laeleg Etewiiig Machine*, ltd if tbey"wfrh' to cali M a ar h c» o x), Third edition, fifty 1 Tttttcs- AND.dwj.ages, clou! cdv-era'by , Aoberir E/ Bell, Jt. D., marriage. Sent by mail, postpaid, onreeeiptof ten cents. A. careful perus&boT -this small book has been a boon to the afflicted, and has saved thousands from a life of misery and an untimely grave. It treats on the evils of Youthful Indiscretion, 6elf-Abuse, Seminahweakness, Emissions, Sex ual Diseases, Genital Debility, Loss of Power. Nervousness, Premature' Pedayy J Impotence, io., &aiy which unfit the sufferer from fulfllline the OBLIGATIONS OK MARRIAGE, and illustrates the means df care hfitjhe o*&.oi * DR. BELL’S SPECIFIC .PILLS, and othet treatment necessary in some cases, and whioh never fall* andean be relief ® D - They do not nauseate the stomaoh, or ren der the breath offensive, and they can py USED WlfHbUf' DETECTION, They do not Interfere with business pursuits, and are speedy in action. No change of diet is I?’. F he *’ are warranted in all cases to tefcfffefettial_tn removing and curing themslase. Upwards of two thousand oases are on record c ared by using BELL/3 SPE (-IFIC PILLS, and certificates can be xhOwn Irom many that have used them. Ho Case of Failure ever Occurs. IMPOBTANS* NOTICE, These are Warranted. OUT IVERSITY. lANO COVERS. BUll&H,; • SEPTEMBER 21, I^., DRVGOODS. HOSIERY. Ai mW; CHINTZES, New Alpaccas, /New Poplins, New Balmorals, New Dress Goods, New Style Prints, New Delaines, Alt Domestic Goods less than Eastern pYlcea. HUGUS & HACKE. i,ep2 _ _ _ Corner Market and Fifth sto FOR FALL" TRAT>E, W'K ARK aKcglVUa 1200 lbs. Blue Grey K.Tarn. 500 “ Fine Eastern Yarn, In Drab, Asnrlioe, Humbait, Boariot, Bdlfbrino and otlfer desirable Colors, together with our WELL SELECTED and assorted stock ot DRESS TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS AND SMALL WARBS, Ji uw Mt prteei for at Wholesale an,l Kt ‘ un * MAUKUM h. S-*- s £ : 3 z m'3' SsS^® j o do-' 2 « « «f a B W ,,| STT-gS* • * * ■ «*?S° •; 3 >• 8 gS?S'£^ r/ 2 s jS r ° £ g o Z v si* > £./j£ S&2 i fc. a 5 »f*a3 3 s ■" a H? *2 ■O 'So°~Kj fc s SSa« s 3 jj •2# 3 j g -s' 3 §*>•►**• «s § ‘lfl? £ J-s;ig§ S >3 o - vaar«’3£ssijaSß|!o'i! w sjn 4Sa«^ss^-. bj-k-jj gX d >n • • s^a|s>xy;s £ *!• Sew Goods! . New' Goods New Goads New Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods K § si'. New Goods New Goods New' Goods 1 ; New Goods ? febta. . f tSfeftiHSW -Kh BESTS PIBST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTHBtJKOH, . ; Ctniag or H mi- WaihlngtonClty, , A'atr,«th; 1863 t'l o£; j Pennsylvaniahas been duly, under] , BMjMoording to the reoulrerhenti orthtAct of Oongrere, entitled “an Act to provldd a National ■ ffito •siaJ&ct reaulroa; rto :bt; complied with; before 1 bu*faH**of banking hhdei 1 - the' A«t AfortsfeAitL lnite*ti|Bon7 <-fw£9ret>f< Ayi bjAil < fc4 fith I;jSS j Go&ptfctifar the fibst ffiiom. bahx . of Brrrfflflj . f , 'Late Pittsburgh Trust Company. Capital *so»,od<> paid In Wi& pHvll •*• to Increa&Tto Sl,a3osK>& . V* Pittsburgh Truat Company bavin*. organ tied undbr the aet toprovtte aNatfonal OUlror.. P*? er 014 aUe ortho FIRST bfAMONAL. i the country, ■: r * 'S° oe “ wh,ch h “ attended tKe’Pfttsbnrvh iincc lu la (Bto, wrtil wobciißyeho s«tifflcl£htguArant«that bull r^pro&X‘,*»,# WW ~ _HavinJLU ikJDTaLt, uuiuer. . jv? . 4jjg£4&w# V ratsT BAnomiSANK or* i*it*i rnrn«ti. Pittsburgh Trust Cjfcpjiany. 1 U aathorltril to rwht •itf.&rliifloiij Iti *he THRU «AflS &) THft£f:-iTf§fIHS NOTES, ■' du.... with intrreat onoj on*. attached anni niinualij in currency Thow Notts arc jiayahlt* ntrantn.ltr In Wtflenilcf, or e&ttSiftbft. ». th« wmon «f4hi' intoFtaUlt’CAriihr io -6 j>crc«ai Bon4»> • rt i ALLEfIEffiNY INSUIUNGEToO, ’ amount ol the jtiincl;>nJ. W«r«, Wo. 3t KWh Street, Bank Black Theummi «™nfl..ion allowe* M BAnk* not '■ . • Banker. JOHN D. aW l J.V, I i^Si&*g r Au AHIST AI a. kis DB pp I* 9 -'** . , _ "*--'• ite«w.w s l PEfMRGH CiOArajj&Xlft'! f ; t ’ ai,lt,a i 3000 Shares at i f ItJKEC'ruJUi XKI'STF.ES ! '_■• ' '"~ ~ ~~ --_ —“ ! DAY Wm. H«e«lfy, Oh»B. \V, mokaunn, John Watt, Wm. Phillip.., tttuaies ThU. company holds the fee simple of H*.7 I acres of l>e*t quality t.'oal «.jiu*tovo the , Monougahela rtiu. Tho cost of said land *ll6 per acre amounts to *t?2,7b6. The fematn ing •£7,395 of the capital stock will be need [a building a abort railroad, erecting Coal Tipples aud otbor uci'CHaar)' Improve menu, to develops the mineral of the company The Pittance from the nrer bank to Che coal already opened la but tUty feet, alow stageo! lh« tlver there are 20 feet water at the CotuptiUeaOoeJ Mine*. From thotee facts the Trorfee* and Tifrectois have no doubt that with proper cuenfy the stock of the company can wryecwui be made highly remunerative. 3u per ceiit. on euWfipttone will be called In, pay&Wopn or before the Wth of September, ik&i; lialance ofinsraltuents hi mev boonieredby tb? Tr-uetoeaand lnrecture. aud ae the company require. Book* of subscription are opened at the fi-t> lowing places : Ww- Jfagalcv's, No 27 Wood gt., Pittsburgh. Wilier & Klcketfton’s. Noe. Ml 4 ‘JSS Mbertyih Joshua Bhodes fc. Uo.'a, Duquesne Wav. near Irwin street. Pebbles Insurance Company, corner of Fifth and Wood streets. Pittsburgh, August 30th, 1861. au3l-2wd (tOCOA NUTti- J 6000 Fresh Cocoa Nuts, ust received add for tale by ■ ttfcTMRR ft iUBOS., _«yU 136 and 128 Wood at CAVALRY' BOOTS. CAVALRY BOtffS, CAVALRY BOOTS. MARCH mb Boots Shoes and Gaiters, which will be sold Vff7 cheap*. J.H. BOEBMJJD, rTokSS Market 2d door from 6th at New floods New floods r r I TER^s T “by rt'tthal consent. AH - hkvifig : claims' ‘again at the'Mid Arm will present them immediately for settle ment. Each member will sign.in liquidation '• .rAOOB J'AIWTEIt. •Or •*.: ’ , B, H. PAINTER, a u. 2uu. Plttf/bnrg-h, August “3d,* 1864 i ’ " * New floods New floods The UKsy&iiziGßiEjy have Fo fl f 55 FIFTH STHEET, PITTSBURGH. . E .PAINTER, ! • •b.'-h.-taikter,'- ' - " ■’*«*. W,.HJU3JHteR. f ; ■ ; . au4 . PTOEMNITT'A! nxx JL OMtPAiNT; !OK: * “ d wl») COBt. . ..... r+rw 102 006 20 Temporary Loans od ample , ™ **o> gg.^sfia^saj;™^ air ‘ f _ ! i i The only' proff-tg prenludn^^Sii^tLS 1 ffitSSSSf ** orJ?*? ,^? l!es m"y , Ooroar Wood Sc. Westers lusnraneeOcunpany of Pitta bur eh R. iHItLEBJr.-PreSdeat. u, „ -.jP i i M.hik>b, Secretary. , _ B|» «talre,)-I»lttiht>Mtt.: * W},* - , 1 * WJtUJ*® AaljKflfr> AirX Sd&s M W* r * Jr " .M.'Auler ■on, Andrew Ackley, Alcuniie* Speeiy David m. shn Alanumturen and Dealen In SADDLEHY, HARNESS COAGH HARDWARES 68 WOOD STREET, M*n of the llolden Stltrup, PITTSIIL'HUII, PA., \lr 0,, l‘ D nKSPKCTPOItY n.r.r .Tt n„ , 01 -Saddlera, Uo.illi-M.keT> and DcAiers In general, to their Large and Well Seleoted Btoolt Consisting in p*rt for Oarrlaffe Mnnulhoturen, Patent and Kuameled Ltatheitij finam< •Jed Cloth*, Damasks, Broad Cloths, Laota, Prjagti, Bandar Sin-lugs, Axles,' Bolts, Felloes, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, et«., et©^ AH o( wtiloh hare beeh POBOHABED WITH GBEAT PARE KapecUliy >h« WOpD WOKK, be found of the quality, Well Sea.onerf *nd Dry, Saddlers and Harness Makers, "Will find a full and oonaplete aifcwk 61 Harness Mathers, Saddle Trtea. Haihts, Webs, full Measure Slraltiihf or ail Number*, Bit*, Buvklea, Stirrup*, spur*, Thread*, etc., etc*, et©., All of which will he aoldatthe lowest IMS prices, .ml perfect aatiafaction guaranteed. TO THE SADDLEBS; ■ A-—We dp not deal lp paddle* .nd Bridle* liut liars thobfe (?(It)DS for our custotnere to nuake and aell, as they properly belong *o that branch. . ~ my2B-tr / DAY dfc MAYDIEV. h. d. Brecht &' go*,. - 4'Ji u p a c t r r k r £'■; »:b- Looking Blasses, ' Retard IfraMes, Dealers inOatfaolio PiptOTeß. ; No. 123 Smithfield street, between* Fifth and SUth »freet» r , j ß je LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MINES AND ... I* Smelting: Works. PABK, COi MANirFACTTIRERSOF SHEitTH, Braziers *nd Belt Copper, Pressed er Bottoms, Raised SUU Bottoms, Speyer,sod- Also, Importers And dealers in Metals in Piato, Sheet Iron. iFlfvAc: T ®“- nand. Tihmonß* IB®l&sfflgls>fessC¥lP- 130 orders oi Copper cut to any desired Pattern. , , , , ,/ -. .f^iyjaw; : ; J '- wAßt^Ep'. ;i 2t i/ea'sk of'a satApEt' -rm. Dwelling Boom or a Boom. pUajSntlv iit- Uatktn Pittaburgh, Affleghenyor-Birmingham. r •• •'o£fifeSgg3lL4|. n"in .-.• jjjjMwdf mnmaeit. i i ■■ ui HUL and Slipper*, at M’J i-rii'l :®te||aik ; oM grjw.; V) :tff' .v j *' 'SEBiSife::**! ‘ />¥*. ifcj Tfifee months.,,.,. , iSiacnfthttUk 1 ■“'" "OHSSSSJSnSSfiSroiiffifS?^ £s£*&. AU toTger * ivertl - ra ““ 1 month. 8 months jtt h “ *na " ; -,!i I* **'* F- r'roin the \Vx>rld. ! "Wlib wilf £revent tfra Ihdepehd anoe ofi the > Coifederaoy V • Xhe Xwes, with less candor than the .gfc 1 .strives to oonrohna with a “ces sation of hostilities,” having in tie Wan ultimate convention- land' peitctf; ■ bnt .peaceiQn 9>b indispensable abasia of. the an^Sre^®' out accuracy or truth: “He theconsplrators an awnistloiji*' hasia £p Ms. a .of the ilamage „ns pf jOpep^d ; j pojrta, a sti.speeded Mocfcadc, and the' import into the Confederacy 'of ibn- PH«“8. 'i \ , XhijM. snpßqsUiafM advantages to the rehclMroaid not .Callow, upon, even, an armistice*” rinichlesa Wotifd they fol , ,rnk ’ upon a '■•cessation of- hostilities on htha aniidbisis of. Innon.” Even au*ar- I leajf%V>ML«tet««ffSo undis lurped , And 'll ' nofbe 1 olmeulHo sbow-that'by ari armistice on - tUe hasia.of Ui.e *faifls qva&e an advantage far greater than the B&gla the same issue : ortfae ?%nW;i ‘'What do Wei want-anarmisticei for? Is it that Grauprnay hayc leisure ,ta ire eontTot *tb e> elects on s Withtn h\s dothln it that themes* levy a .! “ l J l,on ma y be thoroughly drscipdned txtfpre it be brought into thn field and thereby he'the better suited’to' hispur posh of tramplfng-oat'the 'fife dPOdHiij i erties? Is it that new iron-olado may bb . built, ?«W W 8 Of destruction, be in-, vented, new arms be imported fromthe ; arsenals of Europe? Is itthat aftfce fend of the tena,,we>; may liftod ourselves s 6 t | ai f° aat M>d try. bayonet**o. hloctadei. ,by fleets so beset ; m ,eveiy~ 4 oor country, thttt We ran no longer offer i 1 evi n the show of resistance? "tye ’can see noolher.result than..this, .for it.doe# not seem that the fleets and. armies are to be withdrawn.” ’ i 'Hut' theebmmittee 'on resolutions olf the Chicago ■ Convention, anxious to have no doubt in themind of, any loyal man that it would be the toed, deteHnii nation of a Democratic administration to reap all the-benefits of bur'%anV victories by land and. sea,” whioba Rei pubbcan administration has failed, and will forever fail, to reap, avoided til] recommendation of an armistice: and recoin ended, Instead, merely‘ Vtat'“efl forto should,be mada-foT a Cessation Of hostilities,” to the one single ,end; .of lf *f ful °bject of hostili ltles, and for (he sake of peace, which ii avowed could be- restored 1 only oh u tbe t basis of the federal Union;” The radii . effohs should be hostilities. »■ 1 This 1 ! 8 dalcM ted expression.. r.Why -‘.‘feffoftsf’uuDe otftorata, as well #8 abglUipnists, toftfl government of that,nation can bring about a cessation of liostijifles at any moment, without ! kny ; efibt¥ at-fill it is onlyeenatug, upon their-part, from hosUlitifcg upon ,us,, and all, hostilities tbe instaut. But the,frameiso VP* 4 *fnftn” take pare fo mtimitfe uia thrs is dot whart they mean—ihh *'Ck>ss'a tion of. hostilities” which they seekifi C,l ■hflevpressJj.. 1 'with.a yjetyto the ultimati cpnyeution of all Uiq States, ox othet peaceable means, to the end’ thai at Tb« earliest practicable 'moment peace he restored:on the oasis of the federa Dnian of Atfe .state?’rnpaujug union o the coofederatCjWnh the federal states Ir acesSiUiphofhostitttTe s 'is to be Mb posed, even wini this‘'yipw,” weeanno fedora gOvWfihierit.' COuld,*af any time/storTthi . warn and,.invite m, dOnyenTuJnii of wha .thpy.ptf aiyhe ,-W of-lbc-word “"effon’t ntnvi a t hatth( ffisstttfon "tif h o S l ll (i i eis’ fem nbi t, •*»' tMrtJpnljWWtfc' «MB. Vie wf thah-thß Con iederaUi Siatea agreeto cpme -into,the , hpmtd S/t or id other iffeaMttK Way pface tteinl ■seivcii dpetfritoi-c ,”r>nr'tbe : bahff of thJ i federal JD nionj V i. to -bnsg- about a cessatfoir oC.hostilkics upon these coudi] Uons may, certainly require an effort,and the Word lsP'orniihrilAned. ,v ' ] The platfrinri, then;' dOes not pledge the new administration; if it coma into •jPftWfl* to,stop the,way, wr so ; mwdf.,as to suspend hostilities for a a Ingle moment iltlt ofity ter -miike efforts to indtlpe tb. Confederate States to come into'coii vCn tion Cor tffSTestoration ofthe “Dnion"— that ls, to sbbmit; as' ; R coddftiotfof Avei ail arxidaiide. t •■. i -o: :.,: , : ■ And, now-ihear jchril as 4< , who, W. 6 tbCienepries of ■S^SSUBSW«i!fSi®i rebel'speakers., that AtirabaSrildiKoli fi ~)•?/ l ,: :i f< K- /' '!o ir^l h.\ a ! « - 43-= »• 2 60 <' l; I3s 113 i; JiiSSi >4B® -M A iTtfiO f ’ i. i , „ = ] 8 time* 2 timtj 1 tSe I. wee>.jiA WHfefaiweek »»“ 1 *;?¥?' sMW-ajM'oo IT SO 11 4fi 8 60, 600 -24i00 <: IB OO ’ 10 60 .n7ral ™ « be acc^ed'.lt^^^a^^^eto oo situation would be IraaardedkvS; _ 00 toVeW^ S tSM»S3KfIKH^ em - |t ° Qov? ■■ emment; they may address themselves SsaiSiSlStti by commerdalAnusactions and private' indiyidualaiOi the erf • son of used to create . £?sFtoo®n&Ti2s and divide troublesome 1 ' tlcal JraeftfeaSrCfcno doubt Q e . hou ' d . s%t3ffCft@tnikW election, and should McClellan ,be. the new .dent, and - for slH>(lUjgh7it should a . real - genuine cessation of hostlli ties by sea and of con federateiudepentoM’flßouM.ttien begin ' to have a newklnil of perils to encoun ter, and wo«dl»ve W%»eet them bva new effort no honest, loyal man, eaH'''ai«Saip B g^^ 1 ,. federate chieftains wish. If-^^l8 J it for Oeneral^lcGleiianitfifitt^sayitlftfreb. ela fbemsMVes, -eohfedergcy "has new penlstdencoUnteK-" ‘ ■■ bhoi«-,UniOH4ieh F*¥dte y°“ TOte for BiSttHMti. VmeforHcGlellanf,»Mid.JotrivtiYte folrthe be possible. <’ -■> ••• pew u. Brmra«si»v- ; -‘-i rate flf eeven iml percent, pmjk oum, principle Md lnterert both to be paid to lawful money. of the holder at iKto etx per cent, goto ttwjjjflve nor more than twenty yearalrom their date, u the ' - Ooverniaentmay efeot-ii 'EhayYwtlLbe tcnfed in .deaomtnattpMpl #^l<)o Ti |fi»,|Wl»anit«LMp, • Aathe ndteedra#'«\ere»ih-ea^Attgi4t : Cltk ' ParftWdeWii&ii'tW^ayS'So^Sa . lara-ahd ■Willjipirtl(fflBß4 » CTBlilidilfaiat t&faeanfim* 7^; ; 'A HaTi.ajiai, Sarabs atiitn?, k &clAt 1 ' - r ■ j; • v/s? ?iu i ''''Batffe s«^Bra!SfF noteaioe jf4p%l» nnnx, for the current rate for A-m fam,?. j. jo, ,'ft than nine per i the Vixr the premtotji J 'op g j irtoolunraa' overWenty-per JcWtU fttitetniafe - v yMSfttliat the.actpiiproflt on thtoifeapcKtthe ' - ittiUH'ift'itSe ehnumerstea, napifotaliiwtiti* (SdagiieisejtoWiti - all #f^i»eaaury ; po>t£*6p* M>< a aoagiawewftwwy- • ■ , induce^epf'a‘t^;Wdmi , a.&dS ?; • ipvtMmSk.- p '■ neßa, ihafala, off ability of „ tfWiWPMfajdffl, ' tm&smzmatmz all the obligattona of the UaMs , iHim r -‘Sl3!j , *J-jS^ i Sotocriptioia hrthaTreJW ’ ! fitow ijmmi , ; gpurtoKatlanaUßaak oCFaunpy^tpfffYtfffYgtf ASTDKU ESBHtjUCiatfT.V TOSOKBIt •’W^ia^r^ 4 ‘ w *; ■' l • «>. gm »Mt»aoyiep gnWw.w I OBQBH)HaariSl»g^alSgS&MMl ' r poor • /Jrinting TO