--X PROSP|#ife|^lB64. ,j*aTA'4BT H'uua KG ri3 ft V? •***.» falx' n3's t iisi ti ?> i -L-i t>u»- ■ .:-:S pwrs'B HS . i £' .-'J For tHfrifl«re.n*itafi iM £ r. *MjjO *» fi 1 ! pimsk mentp to ita numeroi .u:" .i'c/ '■ past fear it has Laj^e|j|tiloreaBt iNotwithßtftnilirift ; ’JO Yu.£i&ifl -l-.oii ,i»tc I V.'a4 m'- ' UPP-RESSttHJG iuit- Aa'our or nor havejjho^ EyHJprGE-Of r J/hr-a ’t t"> > *• -■ ' [iR D^iEE Tfceiir 1 sfa6lpal pffoi ■ ache v • Vjl .•'■■ .1 j £...!*’ -1/ V •*• Ootitimnng ■ TKei -ialfi .'J .yUMsdEaH aaq-J aiGc-’I ' i- 8 ' <|f{ pf, * a ilWri.*^wWMutwi* -. •*-•-»'. MAN ,Y: :'j • .hi > , a -w ,i!KI!SIC ili Ab we CAt^jßupi ■{ tJh-TiyiS :[ J. v I p ii.a. r : • m J|| IffllftJendent ,D iJpyot Preferratlob o l OO BEBTbRAIHOK It wiilj&nfine He PtT'BXiIOQ rAn4^Vef'nifeon Personal or Fai ; TiH >: v-.Vji i » 1 1. It will be nob ody’a - . exi» J.-V ..., • s%>• Sound jf3onse|7/ OJi - ParUeulArattentlOQ DepAt-fthisht of the Pos IISESTEY A-.W D While equal industry ti.tl . t _ - t qj tf;\ )Viii jgs: LO. CAIQUE asute'tf l>iu> .g IV Ui« ii U : r»df J* rfit?? :*ii a-ii c*ji? Its Gommerc tooi figjyor vftopeciUscti J?jo«v a iu «oiN«:sa? lat£&3eti to Inform the no coi -toJiis'-Xi f«* r.*,.. : to deal •fc{ j’jiijcv*jssfii ***!»•: M'h ri :t t D /M I ii Per y e*p.'pasjsut7. it “ week; SftTURDAYWI 'Single Sttbaerlptleiu. InjOluilSJCf-iiTO™-. “ *• *; “ jqkhk no u« t -KSY’, " 3 iif sfciao aiit ie *W» Jya> «CLABS FOW erful Iron Steamships of-the Co#- Lbe, . t '-> « i-*tofd or equivalent in Currency. Passengers forwarded to Paris and all German ports at very low rates. ' For passage apply to WILLIAMS 2t GUTON, 40 Fulton street. New York, or THOS. KATTIGAN, Agent. No. 47 Smithfteld street. aul9-tf ' Successor to Thos. Ratttgan. ■j> 1 1-. ••• 1 ■ ; - 1 ' a-*** * iiasr-wsc ■, >. J. • 1 v i deceased, the bpataessof the line-hero, wiHj • 1 hereafter be carried on at No. 66 stiiithfielihpBtrcet( near Fourth,.where all Applications should he made. The Steamers of this line arc among the most magnificent afloat, and run direct between Liver pool and New York, sailingevery week. > The undersigned la also agent forTAPSCUI*T’S. celebrated Line of Sailing Vessels and the X. Line of London Packets, by t>oth of which lie is pre pared totfrinf' oul passengers at very low rates. Sight Drafts for any amout on any part ot Europefor sale. Apply to 1). O'N KILL, Foreign .Emigration Agency, No. 66 Smithtteld street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jeA steam .-frontQueenstown lif Liverpool tiftiiiig our acktfowledgr b patrons. During' the i its Circulation,. trginiz&l efforts'to " ffISUSIVi O 71 -V J£, i FTHjE REBELLION i THE FIRST-CLASS POW erful Iron Steamships of the National Strath Navigation Company, .i • j ; l -• ' " .go frequently promispd p THEIR IBIIITY ...... VIRGINIA, LOUISIANA, ERIN, PENNSYLVANIA, Will E£jl' from Lh'erpool and Queenstown, every alternate TUESDAY anil WEDNES DAY fipni New York to Queenstown taml Liverpool, every alternate SATURDAY. Cabin passage, rwyatolc in Gold or in’ Currency. From New Y ork, ,$66. To New York, $7O. Steerage Kaagage from New York, $45 in Currency. To 'eW York $3O, payable in Gold,or value in Cur rency- Passengers forwarded to Paris aud all German ports at very low rates. For Passage apply to WILLIAMS & GUION, 40 Pulton St., New York, or - THOS. RATTIGAN, Agt* # • No.4i Smithheld street, TO’ S 'CRUSH IT, i Ji&ve been devoted to tea for ' \ ’ ' ” ‘ selves in'' Power. tfaesr-wiu***""-' a . .. ,S'v.J . I- -• 9 .. Successor to‘Thos. Eaftigau. TV. B* Aeeal for Steamers the Old ftIS'CK StarLlrie of Liverpool Packets, huiy-ti «I^EO^*XiE Real Estate Savings Institution tITAtBMENT er Annum. * TitrsTKiest ISAAC JONES, President, the CaustltutlAn, DiS j I f’. r \ ' : OF THE UNION; Hon. Thos. AI. Howe-, Wm. H. Smith, \V in. H. Copeland, Harrifty Ohlldß, - Office, 63 Fourth Street. A. A. CARRIER, Treasurer. ;lf to ttVodißcueiion or •Ji ! ‘! u . • fUEfiTIONS , Atlon with ' SILVER PEARL SOAP. CmUMPTON «. CO., 36 T CIBKKTV ; STREET, sole proprietors and manufapotur era for western Pennsylvania,’Ohio. Indiana, iltinola and Missouri. Also manufactarcta ot a superior article of PALM, GERMAN, OLIVE ; and ROSIN' SOAPS, and various Toilet and : Fiancy Soaps. Of pur Silver Pearl Soap which weoonhdeutly recomnuJDd aa better for general ulrtT than any other before the public, should t*e ; borne lu mind haaneither Potash, Sait, Lime ] or Rosin, or any other substance in Us xuanufac- < turc which can&hfink or liynro the finest fabric. ' Flannels and Woolens can be washed with the rapithty of Cotton or Linen. Clothes washed inth the Silver Pearl Soap do not require boil- i lag or half the rubbing, which of course saves ' the wear and tear. Silver Pearl Soap removes Greese, -Dirt, Tobacco Stains, Printers’ Ink, Smoke and the worst Bilge. Water Staimi instant ly, by applying it vith a moist sponge, thus pro tecting windows, carpets and furniture from suda and slops. It imparts » brilliancy to Plate Jewelry, Glassware. Enameled Pointings and PMeht Leather immediately, End for cleaning , Marble and Floor Tiles it has no equal. For tb®-| bath and particularly for shamjk>oning, the SU- I ver Pearl Soap is a perfect luxury. In a word ’ all who have triea Its superior qualities ao- i knowledge it the greateat discovery of the age. This Company respectfully ask a trial from ail who aW interested, aod In every case will refund the price of thd same should it fall to accomplish what w$ clran'for it. mee of a itional Character. Wi f til organ, but faithful LtiViC . Sentiments. A merttari'People u the LN SYSTEM; e cdfiJirjf anx diia to saVe r and’rh order that it shall THESUCCESS absolutely -necessary, and 100, at the .Sold at HVe cents per pound In fifty pound boxeß. Delivered to the ears, boats, In Alleghe ny, Birmingham and city residences lrec of charge, Directions for use on all packages. .Liberal disco ant to the trade. itieabie Period. Merchants from abroad will do well to-give CUIJMPTON & GO., a call, 36T Liberty street, Laliroad Passenger Depot. 49rBeware ol all imitations. None genuine unless bearing cor trade mark. Silver Vtvrl Shell. an secured by the inventor by National copyright. mh2-tf to meet.the expectation* eoonion of the questions in the approaching FBOIS ,TNCfTB, 4tC„- 1 CAMPAIGN. 3AO boxes Oranges, prime, 100 0b • Lemons, 100 frails Ivica Almonds, 10 bales Bor. Almonds, 60 bags Tarragona Almonds, 60 do Sicily Almonds, 76 boxes Shelled Almonds, 30 bags English Walnuts, 26 do Brazil Nuts, 30 do FUbdrts, 280 do Pea Nutt, 5000 Cocoa Nuts, Instore and landing, and for sale by REYMER & BROS., - ml\4 126 and 128 Wood fit Black Diamond Steel, Worksj . fitrsfitJKO-Hi paj - ' ogi*ln&v'i£ I DEPARTMENT. i Wtll be given to the News Ve Bhall labor to obtain TELEGRAPH AIL? Beat Quality of Refilled Cast Steel; .1 be exercised in our Square, Flat and Octagon, of all sizes. Warranted equal to any Imported or manufac tured in this country. OFFICE AfID'WA&HBOtrBa, * • 140 Jb 151 First and 130 Jt 133 Second sis,. feMOdyrt PITTSBURGH. &A BUSiI/sKK BBVV It WHR A T, 15 bids. Dried Apples, lopo bush. Ear Corn, 7?>on bush. Oats. SOO bids. Oatt'Mills Flour. In store and for sale by PATTERSON fc AMMON jei6 No. 6-Wood ata. itf PIRKiVs PKEU SS FttßSn bt : ¥ 10Q.bbls Potatoes. lOOtr bUBh Oats, , 200 bbls Family Flour, Iu store and for sale dv PATTERSON & AMMON, jfiySfl ‘ _ No. 6 Wood at. iDTOW OMS3WEX). fWIHE LATEST STYLES OF SILK JL and cloth Mantillas, Sacqncs, Talmas, Cir culars, ate. Also, Cloaking Cloths of all shades, Shawls and. Dress Goods.- Selling cheap for cash. Call and see, at H. J, LYNCH’S, *h> Market street, between Fifth and Diamond. jetB EOUS AND ARTMENTS .} • • ' . liai department. Oi.i l»1 • • ii Jjo re wti wteu ih Sir* MANNEKi public of honest And thif intehance or encourage- -g /kfk TONS OLD .BOOKS WITH hacks removed, old newspapers or anything that has once been writing or printing paper, for which the highest ‘price will be. paid' at our Paper and Rag Warehouse, No. S 3 SMITHFIELD STREET. jpl6-lmd • c L P. QLARKLE A 00. 0 >I T 10 N, TO BI.ABT FURNACES. WROrOHT IRON TWVKRB, Fox sale by * mli «U#V» / -T&. myb-lm t9i L£ksSk*iii^i»- \omtmporn Thl * SON’S .GAIUIEKI ■XarSeedii, Galon feetta, Buckeye GauStfe UhiltPeaphjKlpw; potatoes, ca? fi6r v gale i; by_. ; _\V ' - - t j ymrMafr A I tvv TRAINS. through acuo-rmodatlon train leaves the jmasetfger StAticm-daily, (except Sod* day,) at 6 50 a. m., stopping at all Btatione be tween IMttkburgh and Philadelphia, and making direct connection lor ( New Yorknt Philadelphia. THE THROUGH MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenger Station every morning,'(except' Sunday,; at 2 60 a. m., stopping only afprincipal Stations, and making direct connections at Har risburg for Baltimore mill Washington, and for New York via Phlladelplila', THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN-leavesdaUy, at 426 p. m., stopping only at principal Sta tions, making direct connection at Harrisburg 1 for Baltimore and Washington, and foi; Now York via Allentown Route aud Philadelphia!' ' THE FAST LINK lcavfca the Station daily, (except Sunday,) at-i 35 p. m;, stopping only at principal Stations, connecting at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington, and at Philadelphia for New York. JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRIAN leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 3 00 p. m., stop ping at all Stations, and running as far as Cone maugh. FIBsTAQCOMMODATION.TRAINfbrWaII’a Station, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 620 a.ra. SECONi) ACCOM MUD ATiON TRAIN for Wall’s Statiou, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at il 40 a. m. THIRD. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's Station leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 3 30 p. io.- FOURTH ACCOMMODATION TRiUN f(»r Wali’a Station leaves daily, (except Sunday,) a! 6 ooj>. m. THE CHURCH TRAIN leaves Wall's Station', every Sundav at 906 a, m.; returning leaves Pittsburgli at 12 46 p. m. HETUIiNiNG TRAINS ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH AS FOLLOWS. Baltimore Express... 12 20 p. m Philadelphia Express 1 26 p. in Fast Line 12 50 a. m Through Mail Train 12 20 a. m Johnstown Accommodation 06 a. m Ist Wall’s Station Accommodation.... 6 16 a. m 2d Wall’s Station Accommodation 8 36 a. m 3d Wall’s Station Accomuxodatiou 1 65p, m 4t.h Wall’s Station Accommodation 6 65 p. m Baltimore Express will arrive with Philadelphia. Express-al i 2.-* p. m. on .Mondays. TRAINS I’oß HLAIILSYILLE and INDI ANA couuect at Blaircvilie Intersection with Through Accommodation, Johnstown Aocdmmo- aud Express Train Bact, and with Battt hiore FtXjirosi and Johnstown Accommodation West. TRAINS bt»R EHKNfeßl'ROconnectat Crea son with Express Traiua - anil Ale.il Traih West, aud u uh Tiiiough Acoo:nni2 1864. 1864. THE PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY, OlavelanJand Pittsburgh Railroad. SUMMER AREANOEMEKT, OS A\n A hTF.It AUG. Ist, IKA4, UaniD run as lullnws, \ i: ■ - l. m. .1:. r. k. u AtVn.UIUOI>A riMN TRAINS. I.t-Ave A lle^ht'uy l-'ur AihuucL-. iorN.i*. KnrN.C. SwuV 2. [n ji. iQ. 9.L6 a. in l .M«» m. •1.10 ji. in 5.60 i». m Arrive Allegheny, • P., F. W. at C. J-Cy.'i.lii ». ux., b. 20 a. m., JJ6p. ill., 4>SO p. m. C. it P. U. K 9.20 a. m. GKG. PARKIN, Agent. Union Passenger Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. ~ A. AgeiJl/ ' Allegheny Uiry. auB !•. K. MY EKS, Gen. Ticket Agent, Pittsburgh & Connellsvilie R. R. EiJ.OUID tejummor A-vratiarciiiont. ONjANUAFTKR MONDAY, MAY 2D, ist>3, Trains will leave the Depot, oorncr ot Kosa ami Water streets, as loilowe: Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Mail to apdtrom C’ntown. 7 66 a. n>. S 00 p. m. Kxprew “ 14 3 40 p. m. 9 30 a. m, lit Bl’lfeCßportAcc’dn. lj 00 8, m. « 6o a. m. j'l “ " ti 16 a. m. 2 05 p. m. Ist Port Pen ry 4 ' 7 Ui) a. m. 8 30 a. ra, Braddeeb's *• 4 Id p. m, 6 40 p. xn, Sunday ttnurch Train to and Jrom M’keesport. l 00 p. m. 10 00 a. m, For tickets apply to GEO. BOULTON, AgU W. B. 2»TOm\ Supt. / AJI3U . v PITTSES BGH t PA. CHEAPBS!r r ASD ■; most BiicceBsluTHUSiNESS LEGE in the United Statei. 4&r-Student» can enter.and review at any .time* OIKCUI.AIte'J containing luflinlumatigji sent, pnttk of Charge to any aodreseon. application W the Principals. JENKINS U SxYIITH. do7-law SAl’fl®—' IQO'al'oz i'gaiiQD and quart Piaides, 30 ‘do'-pint Pickles* '• 20 Pickles; assorted, ? - 200 do Tomato Eetclmp, quarts and pint*, 200 40. Pejjyer Sauce.... 20 *do Cumbedand Sance, • to : flo ; WrwSesießhiise'Saii oe, fi xto Walnut: Ketchup; .> •? ■ k . do ** 3t» ctw&Bjmm Ss Woodit. A LARGE LOT OK -rtongreeß Ssi Tbba&Ov - Baltintotfe'Stfti&.-TbfcaeeOi : NavTPo&fi®^^ c} ‘ JjrujTj Bright 44 44 r. Out and Dry Sffidfcidg Tbbacoo, Solace Pine Qut “ - -Stony ; '-»«*- 1 '>* ■ t'-v-'* Sweet Oliver ‘ti .ur- >*• At ; 73 . -J ; los wood Kl-: I’l 1 KNi Nil 2ina.m., a.Ni ji. m., Siioj* m Kh TURNING. Arrives at «TOCK -BROKERS. . -J • H. CASIDAY,. s _ NOTllstgKjißASrl b6nß ffEft E?UTt tflfi iIERCfIANdtSf BROKER, Dffloe In Jones 1 Budding, over “Internal Rev enue rooms,” between M. M. and Mechanic*! Banks, -M iO-4 Mts % So. 67 PODHTII STRF.KT, PITTSBURGH. ; PAPER MANUFACTURERS, j S. B. feC. P. MAKKLE, ’ Manufacturers and Dealers in IbOOK, CAP, LI3TTKH, i And all kinds of Wrapping Paper, Have Removed ’FROM NO. a? 7 iWOpL STREBT, TO; , No. *33 Smjthfleld Street, I _ PITTSBURGH, PA. • paid fpcRAGS. apj } LAMPS, OIL, &C. ’ 'ricc.riatvT'OTnri,' wioitre^. r ''' jDUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO., . MANFFAOyUBSES OX Plilfe Wlitl-K RKFISKD |OA®LBOSr OIIjS, • - Offlc.,. am LIBERTY aTREBT. [ PITTSBURGH, PA. ! HOUSE CARPENTERS. _ | OUKTIS 0. 6TELNMBTZ, If.- ’ r BEJRSII • • House Carpenter and Jobber, SHOP, VIIUUN A.I-I.EY, Between Wodil and Lmerty streets. T PITTSBURGH, PA. ■j promptly oltcruled to, • ALDERMEN. PRANK KELLY, ’ jAlderman and Attorney at Law, ! 280. 81 PIKTH STREET, i -sSF*OoUectioii of acoounts and all legal busi- B*as promptlj attcuded to. atcMyd ! LOAN OFFICES. ' • EOAIN OJP’I’KJIi, • , HENRY W. CIMIOTTE, l; 9ro. iuu>snTHFU2t.t> s-r., the corner, of 6th, PITTSBURGH. i|a.*ONKY IN IV HGK A N II SHALL iVM qimntitieß ioauci! on ifolU anil Silver, Dia tnoutla, Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches, and >6ll kinds of valuable articles, for any length of time agreed FIRST STS., PtransßPpaH, pa declb-lyd - OYSTERS, GAME. iC. ' JAMJS M’LATOIfILIN DBALEB IK OYSTERS, BUTTER, GAME, POULTRY AWD EGGS, 300 STREET, dol-dtf Dows stairs. WALL PAPER, &C, WAJ-L PAPERS, .pAL dOTHB, WINDOW SRA DE.VFaNI'Y rtOOllff Wall Papei* (roni 8c ioJB' per roll-, Window Shades from 10c to £6; Oil .(Roths from too to $1,60 per yard;Fanby Goodin-aU varieties,** the Kow Wall Paper & Fancy Goods House of FOEKiSTFK & SCHWARZ, , feb!3 • • IttJ fttnithtteld street QJV Band anßfors.ai/^ drain Drills, Cider Mills, Fanning Mills, Threshing Machines, Washing ‘Machines, - Clothes Wringers, Dog Powers, Churns, Frutt Jars, <3om BhelleTS^ Munupa, Climax ami Eureka Cutting Boxes* ‘ BECKHAM & LONG, ”«olsaal© andKetatl dealers. InAgricultural and Farming implements of all Rinds. _aul2 UT Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Dried '' ~ ‘ 16 hush Drfed Ponchos, halves, r - __ Apples, Just received and for sale by 4 FET2ER. it AKMSTHojva, J g 7 corner oi Market and First gts. POTATOES— ' 50 bushels choldeNeshatmocks, 200 do do Peach Blows 100 do do ' • Pink Eyes, .lust received and for a&le by . FISTZER A ARMSTRONG. oArner Market a ri First n« Eb ” '7 "7“ iso bbla “A” end *4»»< Cofftee Sugar*, so do Oruahed, Granulated, and Powdered Sugar—Now in store and for aaleby * \ - i ££¥£&s£ A'HftOS* feb27 and 128 Wood rt» i too boxes Fancy. Toilet »n 4 Soap. Inetoye ftpdlorßAle ljy r ' r * ! - KEYMEB & BROS., ntftf apd 123 Wood st. ’•> ’•«- y ■■!»f 7 i.,' ii TJflqjfegßi* BtogH^tabw. .■ ra&OKB! K> JL 1 barrels received anil lor Bale bv.„ r l„, . fETZEI-Jr AKHSTROWbT ,i:z! ;n tWT trß ® t .(dasgc A baa iLniglMytt JOSEPH B. MILdLISEN, f.Kri • IsIfICODBMOB TO <• te4>iT¥ JAMES P, FLEMING, - .. WHOLESALE ■ MD? EETAIL < DEALER InFore&pUnd DpmesticDrugE, Mcdicioua, . s . pilsyDyoStuffs apd . so. ?* 'FJiwteßjir. ” '■ V ‘ AX.I.BQHENT Ortfi'l PA,'7 STEAMBO AT" fhl^N&j£C. ATtuauwktoMaw.;thomap w‘. wtxlbr, BSNBV pnipps, ju. a Special Partner. General-Partners* . ' .. •IRON CITY FORGKE, KLOMAN & PHIPPS, NINTH -WARD, PITTSBURGH, MANnPACTIiit® BAR GK- Ner&I Railway And Steamboat Forging*; Passenger, Freight and Locomotive Axles, to, > reio-tf GAS PLUMBERS FITTERS. •A.X) x> y &”'sel WEIV @,~~ PLUMBEKS AND GAS FITTERS, NO. 165 WOOS STREET, Opposite First Churah, Pittsburgh, and NO. 4? OHIO STRHBT, ALIiEGHKN Y, -KHAR THB MAYOR'S OyVIOB, Pumps, hydrants, sheet leap, Lead ripe, Pig and Bar Load, and Plumb* er’e Material in general. Oil Refineries' fittedup In the most approved manner. Tanka lined witn- Lead or Copper. Houa^aTitled with Water and Gas Fixtures. 4SPN. B.—All orders promptly attended to; • ap&lyd , WATCHES AMD. JEWELRY. .J I ’. W E L ; The subscribers have just opeaefl & very Urge and desirable Etoclt of FTNE GOLD JEWELRY, GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, For Ladies' and Gentlemens' wear ; fine Bronze Clocks, Fancy Goode, SI'L.VEIM'LATKD WARE, SUoh as Castor*, Cake and Fruit Baskets, Goblets, Card Oases, Tea Setts, etc; i: F.IN KM AN, M EYRAN A KEIRLE; deW • 1 42 Fifth street. BREWERS AND MALSTERS. & M’KAY, BREWERS & MALSTERS, PHOENIX STFAM BBEWEfIY. WE nAVK ALWAYS ON HAND A superior article of ■ Porter and Brown StOfet, And will continue to make it out aini to give satUfasion to ail of our customers. Mr. Hobt. Watson pi Liberty street, will have the manago of our business, with full control in the Brewery. Address all orders to SPKNGEIi &'M’KAY, Pheonix Brewery, Pittsburgh. Pa. JOS. SPENCER, set 6-1 yd JAS. M’KAY. Butterfield &. Co., Mahlers aiul Hop Dealers, * WATER STREET, Sited*!yd WHEELTNG, VA. IRON WQRKS^ ORMSBY IRON WORKS, Wharton Brothers & Go., Are now prepared to ,rk oeive orders from the trade for all sizes of Guide, Hoop, Stake, Band dcHorseShoe Iron OF THK BUST QUALITY. PiUsbyrgh, Jan. 7, 1863. . jadS-Grad ATTORNEYS-ATf AW. JAM US H. HOPKINS THOMAS O. LAZBAH Hopldns & Ijizoar, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, NO. 103 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH', PA. Collection* and other legal businesß attended to In Allegheny, Washington, Greene, and ad* joining counties. jnu26-2md HOUSEFURNISHING. UPHOLSTERY". Ho. 85 Fourth Street, Near Wood. ITOK SUBSCRIBERS M A Nl> F A'C . TURK and keep constantly on hand every article in their line, viz: Cornices, Ornaments, Curtain Goods, Comforts, L eather Beds; Mat tresses of ail kinds; also, celebrated Patent Spring Beds. Ail kinds of Shades, Blinds and Fixtures. XSTPrompt attention given fo all order*for fit*' ting and laying down Carpets, Oil Clothe, Ate. octl7-l yd - ■ - RIIBERTS fc ROENIOK. CRACKERS & PILOT BREAD. SUPERIOR CRACKERS, 64 Fourth, street. LIME MANUFACTURERS.? ' To Builders and Contractors, WBT ARK NO W’M A ITU F ACTURINd a superior article of Lr'M E , ' Which \yc (ire prepared to deliver froth our COAL TARI), 509 LIBERTV’SI'It&ET. rrsr iittvlity oy FAMILY COa Ij , Alwaya;oh hand as hbuiU. ; myH DICKSON, STEWART A 00. /PLANING MILLS. infor«:Jhs.pMg “flfatKKr nre; aoirhaving enlarged Mb ett&tJiahrSmlsitiral filled Ifc'Wl Pi the.'ncivcat and mnotTnipiSfaJlha. cliincry.a-hoe-Brenared mnirniiihonnvlfitf ,rwC Under Oare of the Fraaolscan Brothers'. This institution, situated in Xioretto, OHmhria t’ounty, Pennsylvania, about four miles from Orrason Station,-oil the direct route bet ween Philadelphia and Pittsburgh ' : was chartered in id&P, with privileges to confer the usual Oollogmte Honors and Degrees. The location Ofthe College is oneof the most fteAlthy in Pennsylvania—this portion of the Allegheny mountains being proverbial for* its pure miter/ bracing air, and picturesque scenery. The-Scholastic year commences on the FIRST DA.Y eaon year, and ends on the 1-1 U.VT fijF JULY. following. It is divided iPfO two sessionß.- Students cannot return home between the Sessions. All the Apparatus neces* Students. i , • Zi Instrumental au 1 Vocal ATqcte Conns noertra ofearge. Students will be admitted from eight: years toffee age of manhood. . B and payable half yearly Bedding and Washing, per session./.. .7? ~10 Surveying and use ot instruments, per an* num...... so Clatdcal and Modern Languages, extra.... to Students spending Vacation at the College.. 3S Reference can be made to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Domenec. Bt. Rev. BUfeop Wood. Pfeiiadelpfeiat. Bev. T. Si Reynolds* Ldrretto f Eev.lTr. O’HarS Philadelphia; Rev. Henry M’JUaugbliiL Pfeil&r delphia-j Rev. pierce Mahar, Harrisburg. .J; ' . N. H.—A back runs dally to Lpaetto ftdm. Oressod, , , • •rt Rev. E. A, Bt3SH,;sup^ift» # 7, UuumpateiVt pchimtWrsy Jj < .Oy»KANjBR,-rNo more tip tfleiraingT; Tt eje Antfa, chimney wlt3&sVftgwsftj iiiganif onlr*articl6 ln.&e .iatoi&i32Sp olpai&ra chimney prpperbg. 'Fnr*.lai[g^ B y JT hr ,s;sa:a s IISiSIZEBIByLRMJSTEONa, j Ittkini'! -.ur: tatntt Hvlutiiu) Flat Mjfp* COMMISSION:'MEBC.KWffj,! JOHN MOORHEAD, sil; vjl tv77xTTT u*. ££ uoxnatcaoe ;; .iS«i£3HSK lO.J4.WATER ST^bdoiTiMlrklt!;'' /v* 1 . PIIISBUBOHi-n * ' -a^.o W. D. PATTBH6OH. ■ i»A*TKRsroW * ! AMMO!ir,i •••' Commlesioti MTeirohaiitej Flour and Qrain sntldeneral ProdtlcfT iloal- *r«,.Noi&Wood iky'FJttibOrjghfF*^■]? .»** Wo take pleasure imreferrlng tothefOUowl Painter, A. Bradley, E. Edmunason h Go,, R, Jl* Davis, J. P. WoodweU, Jas. Al’OuUy & Cb;j \JV W. Spencer, 0.. H. tt JUk &v Co c ■ ■> .. • ui'.i Iv kidtndf.il GRQ; .'~3 t 4~•:Lu P. BBvif&R. ktritfei'.V.*.l.''MTfKIS% ' : ' Lite iFMillef ’’. REYMER' & BROTHER^ tSueeesdorsfo KiSytiier'Si Anderson*! ' L \ .VmOLWBJtLR.V&AIXBB ja ' ■■ ■ f". k * ■*'• : 1 Cbikfe«jflon«ry," - Sugarl,Fir« Wotiu> • < ::*■■{. N 05126 AITI)128 f ; : , , , X PITTSBUKGH." " BRASS* FOUNDERS. Duquesiie Brass Works. ; a. oiDiras... ........... ;.w.\ tmAwibiti^ Cadiuau & cirawfoi-U,! * Maonfaoture and keep cqaatantlyon hand ovary*- varied of . FINISHED BRASS WORK. BRASS CASTINGS tir auperlbY WnoOtfi nessmade.to-orde■■-■< STEAHBBAT WORK AND RBPAIRw • in S promptly attended to. Alep, sole agents ior western Pennsylvania, lor the saTe.of mABsmr’SYPHON pbm’p; wits ttoafeii’* 2 improvement attached. ' - - - . feblfr ' J; & Mr “ BRASS FOMDERS, ■ GAS AKD STEAM TjTrEES,.;, ; .; Axt Biros'qf', ' brass; and iron cocks wade;to mii' ; Also, Brass Castings of all Binds, • Madeat theahortcat notice. . . Particular attention paid to Ititiiur up and re pairing ofoir. Repiner'ies. ' 31 & 34 Water Street,' near liberty,. The sembeks op +his firm be tug 1 practical mechanics,* bf many* years* ex** benenee in- the business will ensure to gtvo'a&t*- Ififaction in every respect, We are alsq agenia. for Guild, Garrison it'Co.’s, Steam Pumps for water and oil. > ... ■ seMyd* ‘ STEEL WORKS. IfiAA.O WJn.MlOOfit)D&R. Httsburgh.Steel Works,. JONES, BOV 1> *, GO., i mahetyaotoubbsov - Cast Steeli alscrSprlng, Ploiv end A B Stecl.Sprlngs and Axles,: Comer of ; Rost and First Streets, . , no2My . IUTTSDURGH, PA.. GLASS WORKS. W. OFNHrKOHA'M/.D. CUNNIN6B.AM.. D. IRMBEN v- ouninriftHAM ..;....c. tiUNNINCrBAHS/A. CU.-PITTJU / BCRGH'CIiG JL. A-£?S \V(>R. bouse 119 Water street, and iW'First street* Pitteburvh, Pa., three doorabelr/w Ilie Wbrion gahela liouse, mAnnfaottfrnrs otPiitthurgiLUity Window Glass, Druggiala’.Glass and Amp. fican <}onve7t G ISfis; for Parlor jVjrulowßj Church* e e and public Imfldings; "* ' : ' fr :r Spl ur WINES, LIQUORS, &C. E. P. MIDDLETON, mp Oa'2RßrOJ L WINES, BRANDIES, &G n tale'proprietor oX the . OLD WHEAT 'WHISKY, 1 *io*s SiorUi *>out St„, ..-..jjuji ' . mhl4-lyd JACOB IC Importer and wholesale dealer ini FOREIGN- WINES AND HQUSHS, 160 SMITIIFIEr.D STREK't’,' ' 'f' • Three donra'atKH-c GtRSt,— r " J ' |fjr Jacob rbuojbr, WQiiWJ^lsyi*® rf&rticular attention to hia.ateck at German wins* and'-FrefiMi BraisfieeHvfirch hSii2- leoted and imnortßdby.hlmaelf. Families Mia 1 coufedeiMndjPa obtaining athLs.ea. tablißoment the heal and Purest of Wines. Pure. Liquors of ail kinds,''teqtisl to RTh*'lh i fKe , cfty i i KK wayaoahantL Wfifi&yana" the beat Kectiflgd,., to ; HENBY W. BEAUMONT >00;, 1 ' lit Foreign Brandies, Winfiaaiid (feis. '• -• :510 -.Jfl.'v U7-.-5* ' •••: 1 Blackberry, £t&en y sand-Gin-< pr flnmqn^^^.a^Kvy,. >mi e NO. 83 IiiBERTY Opposite Fourttr’street ’ {v ‘ 1 •’ * rxnsmma%sL i * Ja-Hotela, Tavern* aradiFamUletiifu'ppliia <» ! moderate prudts tor Cash. : ujymrlytl ■ JOS.-S. RYTJK WHISKY. . JOS. 8. KUiOII, .... A ; :rjt (Successor to Tboa.- of Copper Distilled'Pttrfe'fiye : . J .i Nos. 189, lp], tB. and 195,.,Fiist,street, pitti burgh. BeoUUnt > . •• • -• •: ; «. L. H. ' PHOTOG42LPffi3Cf ; Ait^ir ? 46 and 48 St. Clair Street, ' ■ '■ 'i' e-’j HfATBR COLOR MINIATURES, Ufe Site Photographs in Orayofi.tJll, India Ink*. eto.> Ptintopraph. until ! Landscape Fancy, naokarpanda ~l.Y ’ :*»c: > u f ; FBTZm A iqy3o j^lrat FfiEHQH iPAPEE" HAHSEfQS K^JE«s-fflsaa?gg«: frhm Paris; for sate by; f -;;.r.-V .r 'f n s’*hU(taeiiir Baimorais. O&iters and WPV^tbeioneitphoe, 4ts ;^v ; ; * BORLANIPSj * Lrf»tk+' aa principal, andbeacathft sable Interest from the ftrst days of June aiui dV ,oeniberi 'compounding l twice "a year 'wiraSu? troubling the depositor to. call or . Heed*. ■lulu) Ji Slioenbeijer, Wm. Bougla.,. .Tam«E Herjliurji, , Isaac M. Benaock. , Peter A. Maa«i», .lames Shiaie, ■Wm. .1. Anderson. John B. HlUbs -J , A. M. EoDock, M.J). John ’.'i s-aoßTsac. . Osh lu Adams,. Henry j; tynslhir John Ch Bindley, , . John ' tleorgc Black,,. ~ .Walter P. Itoralai, Hill BuretmJi,.. ; John Orr ,i . , i ';",, Alonzo A. uarHerv .< Bobort Kobb, ’ .i -i Charles A. Colfon. Henry L. Blimwali • JohnLvanß, V Win.«: ijehmertz. Banj. UcFaiisetdocU,.* Alexander SpeeKJ- John J. Gillespie,': ; -* AlexanderTJntOfe, 1 -i* Wm. S. Haven,: j Wm. . : u WhUticft, . '., , . Richard Hayif, Wm.P .femi ' JimesDiEnltyr ■: i ChHshaiiYSag^ l -' - n * v - :u.i BjttORBTA&T JL2iblfißnA9Uߣl&' p ’ „. , CHABUHS^ArOOBTON. OHAS. kiflits. pVngE j. SoDteAjrftiQtfe. „** j. l ; A‘... '.oiTAs. oi 'ttmefr ' ' fmpcfetcra and ifealeri jn A ‘ s CL6tfiS < £SSSlMElttS l sAH . i, . ; ; . .ManufartureiAnd W U OLE9AI.K AND RETAIL-DEALER' 1 , t 'ln every deaorpptton of '-'’"’i (JESTS' FUMISHJKQ. mDS, eip pHESsjffijT, jajraStoi'ee-. “yl-lrfl; ; eo'.. ,f ,; .. CrA. YAN 8381 & 00., l4 .j. ..- o* . , , . o AS. CjHANJD*aA®IIB.! i •;■'! a ,ir ...'. ■ :^*p^Q^«T^ipiV’4ffl),-7iP4.r£H3^- j. r'ise^-jrr FAMiJM COAL OIL BURNERS. i. O.fnao - { is, fio. 517:.-Aioii Street, Philadelphia,-'*- 3 .... , Manufactory ,-Frankfold, Phlla; n o r :v eL wrd llgopda waiTtated. . ; . lyMyd's- 1 • •Ci HABSt BRIAN,™;’ LONGCOPE & PEAEbMt .. Ihumlbotiiffenr and! haport«r»>ef fU s k' MMSf* • FFRiMSHIAe dOODS, i.O iANJO XAIfcOES TBEttMnfQS;..; :* in: 8.iiD, JIJI with all the modern improvement, this not* - ular resort, the aubaorib^rlapi'eparSf to modate hii 1 old enatomera irenor with fche best the. marked v will be. sensed up in every variety ofetyle duzins the eeaaou. ldquor'ff aou Ajle , K§ feels icon tulentin reodmmtmiliiigthefm' td 41ib%uV> PITTSBnjttQH, . o cyasaosdi I fBSCKI 11 a ANNOUSiCK* tbal he. i;iiluai]y ieceiDt Of,. FEESH-SHtriJ.'arid’OAN' r 1 1 ife ft Am v~ j ' to- anfl ispreiiaredrto aeuAmnlodate fliortSNjaSo :kmu»«WtatSSplSM Janlhlyd- -.: ■■■- . J i’-Prtiirßftife>vt vpis-MMol: * .1. ... -fj -- - . :; - T t WhMg-OfSTEBS 'andjdi -the deliJmder of‘ aS?' seasoiFvrill -he Eerved tjjrin the "most pidatibl* I ''- •tylet.., ; ,.r,. u . t i; *.•.,. • •..*.-JemmraWCHonhs ■ 9» I ‘*| corner; yiTgin Alley.and. Smtthlielil at,y old Wends and cnefbtahrt'ttJvhe if WfftipS 14 fouodi at.hu obl atand, AFOLIjO the berit, quality and rnc^nnM«rm :■ T::o M jßftllfaii dyittk> r FotßMtMjpte, Bosohet, Is 1 ’ For* u Bed Buga, Wooleaa.fco., IniecU os mala, towlfl, tc, k „ *** n£n»'2Se; ; s6o, vvJ T »l',M f" 1 : EtoOtt' *34ad.*&«lre» for BotiSji TOMS' 1 .... , ,77/ jfj V»*™ “Not dangerous to the Homan *** oukalt&elr hole* to die***? W’SMiF&jfSB Drugtirti w^mSSeft.eVefti 1 ' where. cs?9'rAHt-'T K. SELLERS k 00..wholewle sod retail agesSr" PUtatnoisFk!, taul OBOES E m KKl.xi? Ails ■*WiyOT^w_wiB