PR£S2£GT.US jSjIT i, <4*i'S K.»W !»*■ * <■•«• . wits*'?* »i»33. [ft !'•»,.<•' •- *• - w ! --.- ii ■ ;v: ‘ : • - .eUs'ivii-iisii osii.x :*•_ PITTMp^ffILWSX. ‘.■ : ; * ’ J ! ‘ \ ti’i-?/ r>-* V’? mv. i lreaaiog prosperity of t. : / For the increased Anil, fifmsm We are - V £*3 vf» i/ . OR DESIRE lave beeri devoted to Their prlnoipal efforts Continuing Themsi This Fall th« BEFOBK, TH JiiJl... *H"« ■* • For trial, and we tare di .their steward M'ANY^ As tfe can supply’ lif its! Politic; As heretofore the Independent Dei t sri.-J: DEVOTE Preservation of KESTOEATIOSi It will coniine Use! PUBLIC! QI BSTIONS, And have no connection whatever with 'Schema of a Pepsonaf or Factional Character. It w»U be nobody’s organ, but the faithful ' - ' exponent of ' Sound Conservative Sentiments. ttd .'I-* H The great•w'brfrbeTort American People U the saving ofont ' REPUBbfCAt Earliest Pract We expect to be aU< of our friendtfitf'ttfeM!* bei^vo'ljed! PRESIDENTS OUR NEWS Partloul&r attention Department of the Post the • ’ ' ' • • LATEST M jst xrb, While equal industry:’; MISOE^I Its Comntercl Will be entrusted to on< fled for a proper discha HONEST Intended to inform the. dealing, giving, no,cot ment to-dlehoneefc deali TP-ajS’ji PA l Lfl •^S4T > ' TJ - ' yew. -. •' i( month... per hundred SATURDAYS Single Subscriptions. In Clubs of five.,.. « u «'ten.™ ' V r .' *• - = ■ ■ ;rv FOR 1864. Steam from Queenstown and Liyefrpbm. „ » THEjaHtST-CX-ASSPpW, erfutlron of tbeCita "sfelnDoj^, IIEULA, f Will sail from Liverpool every alternate TUES-. i*AYf from Q.ueentJtbtftt every alternate WjtEDNEs 1/AY, find Xro'iu., New York eyery ilfernaw WEDNESDAY! Steering paa»age ; from' New'York to Liver .-pool. direct $45 Currency, to New York, S3Q tfoty or- equivalent in Currency. ‘lbtwarded to Paris and till German porta at, Vfcl'y'low rates. . . : Tor passage apply to WIIiLIAMSit GFCION* 40 Fultbn stieet-, New York, or THOS. ftATTIGAN, Agent. - N 6.47 Smlthfield street. Successor to Thoa. Dattigan. Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia (T w HAM) STEAMSHIP LINE. HrPO§T‘. MO nCE to.the public. jg tpheuudbrsiobibd iASfcwjSi® haying been appointed agent for ilieabove line of Steamer* vice 'jgjlSgCuwgika Air. John Thompson, deceased, the business of the line here, will, hereafter ho cariied onat-Mo. 66 Smithfield street, near Fourth, whece all applications should be made, rhe Steamers of this line are among the most magnificent afloat, ami run direct.between Liver pool and New York, sailing every week. The undersigned is also agent forTAP&OOIT S eelebrai erf Line of Sa illng Veasels and the X Line of London Packets, by both of which he is pre pared to bring out passengers at very low rates. Sight Drafts for anv amout on any part of Kurort* for sale. Apply to D.O’NKILL, Foreign Emigration Swithfleld utreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. jea irnffoui the its Circulation. p -with it, not’ the rHYßtMtim^ 7>». V' I i- •• /’> ' ‘ pro alined >ower given any .STIAM 'FROM QUEENSTOWN TO 'UVERPOOL i i I'HE FIRST-CLASS POW erful. Iron Steamships of the National Stbam Navigation VIRGINIA, JfipUISIANA, EKIN, 'PENNSYLVANIA, Will sail from Liverpool and Q.neenstown, every alternate TUESDAY and WEDNES DAY ; fioai New York to. Queenstown and Liverpool, every alternate SATURDAY. Cabin Passage, payable in Ooldorin Currency. .Prom* New York, $65. To New York, $7O. Steerage passage from New York, $46 in Currency. To New York $3O, payable in Cold or value in Cur rency. • Passengers forwarded to Paris and all German ports at very low rates. For Passage apply to WILLIAMS fit GUION, 40 Fulton St., New York, or THOS. RATTIGAN, Agt, No. 47 Smithfielu street, ability e!v63 in Power. >y- will "’he Successor to Thos. RatUgan. N* b. Agent for Steamers to London, also the Old. Black Stkr Line of Liverpool Packets. E PEOPLE itrohs of speaking of ihip to as' Beal Estate Savings Institution ntATKMENT OP THB CONDITION oi the above institution, Saturday, April 30th, 1664 : AufUunt of Deposits SJSO,S7B 63 Amount interest due de- with pur paper positors May Ist.. 8,674 08 Amount Contingent Fund 6,628 t»6—5100,681 67 ASSETS. First Liens on ileal Est'te* 00,328 87 U'S. ft-2o Bonds at par.. 61,400 00 I', fc*. Debt < ’<*i . and Notes 15,400 16 Accrued interest not col lected -v...; 1,559 67 Office Furniture 16ft Oft Cash on hand 2*2,500 27—5100,631 67 al Character, The undersigned Auditing Committee have examined the books ,of the Institution, the bonds and securities, and counted the cash, and have found the above statement to be correct. H. GHUaDS, N. voeqhtly. W. B. OOPfcLAND. Pittsburgh, May 2d, 1864. )sf will remain an locratic Joiirnal, TO TTTK AS-Deposits received DAILY' and EVERY SATURDAY' E V ENING, Interest paid at SIX PER CENT, per annum. he Cou.tUiitioU| Uotu Thus. M. Howe, Hon.J. K. Moorhead, Wto.'H. Smith, C. (1. Hussey, V/in. It. ilopeland, Jacob Painter, Haney Fluids, Nicholas Y'oeghtly. iF-mEtr^lO-N; Office, 63 Fourth Street. A. A. CARRIER, Treasurer. to the diecueaion of my7-dfcf&3tw SILVER PEARL SOAP. CRUMPTON A CO., 30T LIBERTY STREET, sole proprietors and manufactur er* for Western Pennsylvania, <’hio. Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. Also manufacturers of a superior* article ol PAIJU. GERMAN, OUN E and IIoMN SOAPS,, aud various Toilet and Fancy Soaps. Of our Silver Pearl Soap which we confidently recommend as better for general use than ;oiy other before the public, should be borne in mind has neither Potash, Salt, Lime or Rosin, or any other substance in its manufac ture which can shrink or injure the finest fabric. Flannel* and Woolens can be washed with the rapidity of Cotton or Linen. Clothes washed with the Silver Bear! Soap d* Beware oi all imitations. None genuine unless bearing oar trade mark. Silver Pearl Shell. as secured by the inventor by National copyright. mh2-tf • moot the expectations jußfiion of the questions n approaching . fc'UUlS ,XJiI)TS, *C.,— CAMPAIGN. 200 boxes Oranges, prime, 100 do Lemons, )00 frails Irithi Almonds, 10 bales Bor. Almonds, 60 bags Tarragona.Almonds, 60 do Sicily-Almonds, .76 boxes Shelled Almonds, to bags English Walnuts, 25 do Brazil Nuts, 80 do Filberts, 200 do Bea Nuts, 6000 ('ocoa Nuts, In store and landing, and for sale by KEYAIER k BHOS., mh4- 126 and 128 Wood st iEPARTMENT rjii be given to the News we shall to obtain Black Diamond Steel Works, TELEGRAPH $L4Ujk sb|** dir. Bedt Quality of Beflned Cast Steel, ~ Square, Flat and Octagon, of all size#, ’ '-Warranted equal to any imported or manufac tured in this country. A'B'T M EJf'T'S'f istr ; /->- .■ • -c. - - • OFFIOB XKtJ WABSHOITO, lla* 151 First and UO * U)9 Second ata,. feblfrlyd : - PITTSBURGH. tA BCSH. SEED BUCKWHEAT, OxJ ?& bbls. Dried Apples. 1000 bush.. Ear Corn, . 1000 bush. Oats. 300 bbls. Gaff Mills Flour. 1q store and for sale by PATTEBSONA AMMON Jets No. 6 Wood >ts. |0 FlAkufs PamE PRESH BUT 10o\)bls Potatoes, * 1000 bush Oats, f 200 bbls Family Flour, In store and for sale by PATTERSON & AMMON, niySO No. 8 Wood st. ' wroW opened. . i.ATKST BTVCBB OF BII.S and cloth Mantillas, Sacques, Talmas, Cir culars, &o. Also, (Jlo&king.Qlothsof all shades, Shawl* and Dress'-Goods.. Selling cheap for cash. Call and see, at H. .1. LYN»er and JEtag .Warehouse,; No. 83 ; >MITHFU.Ln STREET. . “jelAlmer O. PtIWaRKEE A GO. & ? /1 irm o tsi WRODQHV IRQ» ' Foi ..., ....,;: W -• • * ; A. PUBVBS fc.SON. . tnyWm; < South ami Piping, SOWS.GAMUTS ♦ 'SBedßj Umpa JSjCita, . GAfnett, t6tAfoe2 tfi’ ;, i ' ie : ORIWifciPQST, a nr. sxf.t- tat-J-ii f * i-» T *si.A'J- , ‘ **i ..*2 00 £ftV*?***“ *.sfc .getter up... 1 26 " THE POST —PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 17 1864. STEAMSHIPS *•* « •t«J - * t KJEDAR, OLYMPUS, > TRUSTERS: ISAAC JUNES, President, PITTSBURGH, PA, PARK, BROTHER & CO., MAKCPAOUBBRB OF TO BLAST eubsaces. • aQmB A RBHCS^ corner Market anrcYnsgK£rc! t* .sO3 ~aaf fc«to j i» ,* »w «« ' 1864. Pennsylvania Oea^a^Baiiroeui NIIVJS 3UAII-.Y TBAINB. through'' Af?i ’OMMOt> Atign, tSain leaves thepassenger station dailyy(excepfc Sum hay,) at 6M s. m., .topping •*. Ml-tation* bo. tween Pittsburgh And PhUftaelphia, anAmsking. direct connection for New York at PMlailfilpnia. > THE TIUUM’OH. T(IAll. TRAIN leaves the Passedger Station every morning, (exoept Sunday,) at 2 60s. m,, stopping onlyaf principal- Station., and making, direct cotmemlona at liar rlshurg for Baltimore and. Washington, And for NewSork via Philadelphia. THROUGH EXPRESSTRAIN»Ieaves dally, at 425 p- m., stopping only at principal Sta tions, making direct- connection at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Waahington, and for New York-via Allentown Route and Philadelphia. THE FAST: LINE leaves the Station daily, (except Sunday,) ats 86 p. m., stopping oniyjit principal Stations, connecting* at Harrisburg Ibr Baltimore and Washington, and at Philadelphia for New York. ‘ 4 ' JOHNSTOWN AOOOMMOBATION TRIAN leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 3 00 p. m., ping at all stations, and -running aa far as Oone maugh. i - „ FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's Station, leavcsdaily, (except Sunday,) at62o k.m. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall’s Station, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at U 40 a. m. „ THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall 1 * Station leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 3.50 p. m. FOURTH ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall’s Station leaves dally, (except Sunday,) at 6 OOp. m. 1 •.< . • V : ..■ , : THE OHUKOITTKAIN leaves Wall’sSiation, every Sunday at 905 a. m.; returning leaves Pittsburgh at 1246 p.-m. RETURNING TRAINS ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH AS FOLLOWS : Baltimore Express 12 20 p. m Philadelphia Express . 1 25 p. m Fast Line 12 60 a. m Through Mall Train 12 20 a. m Johnstown Accommodation 10 06 a. m Ist Wall’s Station Accommodation.,., S 16 a. n\ 2d Wall’s Station Accommodation..... 8.36 a. hi Bd Wall’s Station Accommodation..... l 66 p. in 4th Wall's Station Accommodation-... 6 65p. m Baltimore Express will arrive with Philadelphia Express at 1 26 p. m. on Mondays. TRAINS FOR BLAIRSVILLE and INDI ANA connect at Hlairsville Intersection with Through Accommodation, Johnstown Aocommo* ilation and Express Traiu East, and with Balti more Express and Johnstown Accommodation West. TRAINS FOR EDENS BURG connect at Gres son with Express Trains and Mall Train West, and with Through Accommodation and Express Train Bast. The Traveling public ill find it greatly to their interest, in going East or West, to travel by the PennsyD auia Railroad, ar the accommo dations no w ottered cannot bo surpassed * on - any other route. The roadie ballasted with stone, and Is entirely free from dust, we cau promise safety, speed and comlort to all who may favor this road with their patronage. FAU k i TO NEW YUfiK. PHIIiAJDEIJMUA BADTIAIOH.K laANCASTKK HARRISBURG... Baggage Cheeked to all Stations on the Penn* sylvani* KAilrondt and to Philadelphia, BaltF more ami New York. Passengers purchasing tickets In cart will he ohargeU an acceus acconlmg to distance traveled in addition to the Station rates, except from Sta tions where the Oominuy has no Agent. NOTIt’E. — In case ot loss, the Company will hold themselves responsible lor personal baggage only, and lor an amount not exceeding Uoo. N. B.—An Omuibus l.ine has been employed to oouvey Passengers and Baggage Vo and from the Depot, at a charge not to exceed 2$ ceuts (or each passenger and baggage. For Tickets apply to J. STKWAKT, Agent, At the P. K. K. Passenger Station, on Idbertf and Grant streets. JJ"W 1864. fig«BMg 1864. THE PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY, Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. BUMMEB ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER A HU. l.t, H 64, traini run as totlows, viz - Leftre PitUb'g. VorObPgo. For Glov'd. ForWheel'g Express l.(K»a. m. i.OOa.m. 1.00a.m. Express ‘ |<. ru. 1.10 p. eu. l.lOp. in. Mall train . onuetta a I New Brighton with train or New t.’natle and Erie. KETUKNINO. Arrive Pittsburgh, p., F.W. C. 11’y..3.20 a. w., i.M p. ui., 3.00 P oi., 1.60 p. ui. t». a. P. K. K-. .3.t0 a. m., 3.60 p.m., 6.U6 p. oi AI'OOMiUODATION TKAINH. Leave Allegheny For Alliance. ForN. B. ForN.U. ForSteu’e 3.10 p. m. 9.16 a. m. 1-2.00 m. 4.40 p. m 640 p. m. RETURNING. Arrive Allegheny, P., F. W. &. O. 8’y.7.1Q a. m., 9.20 a. m., 2.36 p. m,, 4.00 p. ru. O.iiP.K. H B.SO a. ax. GEO. P ABB IN, Agent. •Union Passenger Station, Pittsburgh, Pa A. Q.OASSEUJfcKEY, A^ent. Allegheny OHy. auB F. K. MY KBS, Gen. Ticket Agent, Pittsburgh & ConriellsvlHe R. R. guimmor Arrangement, ONjANO AFTER MONDAY, KAY »I>, is#a. Trains wiU leave the Depot, oorner oi Kou and Water streets, aaioUoivs: Leaves Arrives at Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, mall to and from IPntown. ”7 60 a. in. 600 p. m. Express “ “ 8 40 p. m. 9 so a. m, IstmlteejportAco’dn. 11 oo a. m. 660 a. m. 2d “ “ 6 16 a. m. 3 06 p. m. Ist Port Perry Braddock^s Sunday Uhurch Train to . sod from M’koeaport, l 00 p. m. 10 00 a. m, For tiokets apply to BOULTON, Agt. W. B. rsTOUf, Supt. ap3o PITTSfipBOH, PA. LARGEST. CHEAPEST, AND ■ moit aacoe*«ful BUSINESS MAN'S COL LEGE Id the United States. 49*Students oan enter and review at any time* CIRCULARS containing fall information sent vrbb of charge to .any address on application to the Principals. jenkins * smith. de7-law4£y Pittsburgh, Pa THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE. Invented 18*5. Perfected 18W». Received tribute from all other Sewing Machines, attbe World's Fair. 1S&2; while the Singer Sewing Machine received 1 an honorable mention on its merits; and Wheel er A Wilson's a medal for its devictualled ‘“Cir cular Hook." The Howe Sowing Machine, was awarded a premium (to an English Exhibitor,) .as the best /or all purposes on exhibition. Our lightest Machine guaranteed to make perfect work op .the lightest and heaviest fabrics. Sold and rented at Nos. 12 & 14 St. Clair street* A.M. MoGRBOOBi Agent. my3o-d*taw-ly pIoKLEH, KETCHUP AND SAU*»E— 100 doz K gallon and quart Plokles, so do ulut Pickle*, * 30 do English Pickles, assorted, 300 do Tomato Ketchup, quarts and pint*, 300 do Pepper Sauce* . -20 jdo Uirmberland Sauce, 'lO do Worceateahlre Sauce, 6- do Walnut Ketchup; 5-_dO Mushroon Ketchup,. 30 dp Imported French Mustard, ' MP'dtT'lmitation do . do Just received and for safety 4 ' V * -7 KEYMER 4. BHOS n 136 and 138 Wood st. ftWfl Raisins, prunes and cue- RANTS— I ,OQft pkgs. Btujch and Layer Raisins. in whole . . haifanil quarter boxe§, AO mate Seedless Raisin*, _ 35 hega do v . SO.casksprime Zaaie 3ttff»flts, 50 kegs French Prunes and Plums, 25. boxes do • do JXfrt and lor sale by ' >; j REYMEE k BROS., i u i 136 and 128 Wood ft. ;rp%H!Befi M)T OF ‘ 3 m»’ ! ' c Coagres* 6's Tobacoo, .. *i _. Baltimore Spun Tobacco. '* V ‘7 SSvy Pounoia *«a w‘‘if *]»**< i« 4 n \tlcM jia^i^gnTiyp^TbtacpQ,.. Shots ~ * Bt. CAsrDAy, - NQTL ; STOCK, mm BOND jANDrMQfImGE,! ESTATE AND MERCHANDISE BROKER, Oficß in Jones’ Building, over “Internal itev- PAPER MAW A e¥ORI^: S. B. & C. I*. MABKLE, Manufacturers and Dealers In i 5 ’ And all kinds of Wrapping Paper, Have Bemored FROM NO. 37 WOOD STREET, TO No. 3? ,§outhflelcL Stoat, Pittsbuegh; pa. ■ paid for E AGS. apJ X.TJIMOIXT OIL. •WORKS. DUNCAN, DtJNLAP GO:, HANTjrACTUKBRS OT PURE WHITK B^FUUCD o a. xi'aa c> wr o i x. s’, Office, aoi LIBERTY'STREET, mS'Mmd . ; , .J>IXPSByEGHi PA. HOUSE CARPENTERS. House Carpenter and" Jobber, Between Wood and Liberty street!. PITTSBURGH, PA. J9*Orders Solicited and promptly attended to. PRANK KELLY, Alderman and 1 Attorney at Law, NO. 81 FIFTH STREET. • of account! and all legs? bud nett promptly attended to. se^lyd LOAN OFFICE, HENRY W. CIMIOTTE, NO. 100 SMITH FIKLD ST., Near the corner of 6tb,. PITTSBURGH. mf ONEY IN LARGE AND SMALL IT! quantities loaned on Gold and Silver, Dia monds, Jewelry, Goki and Sliver Watch!!, and aU kinds of valuable articles, for any length of time agreed 00. The good! can not be delivered without the Tiokct. from T A. hi. to 10 P. M. jaao . ENGINE BUILDERS. .»12 80. . 10 60 . 10 oo . 8 SO . 7 66 WM. M. FABER &, CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Fiinthtors, General Machinists and Boiler Makers, MSIB TBS Penns. 11. R., Psevenscr SUtloi, PITTSBURGH, PA- MABIIKACTURKK AJ.L KINDB OF It|| Steam Engine*, ranging from three to one hundred And tilty horse power, and suited for Grist W ills, Sara M Ills, Blast Furnaces,, Fsc to ri em, etc. Give particular attention to soastruotion of Engines ami Machinery lor grist mill!, and lor uprights, mulay and circular saw mills. Have also on hand, finished and ready for ship ment at abort uotlot. Engiues and Boilers of •Very description. Also, furnish Boiler* anil Sheet Iron seperately, W rought I run Simi ting, Haugen and Bullies in every variety, aud coal mue the manufacture of Women MacMuery'aiul Machine t lards. eOur prices arc low, our machinery manufactory id of tne best quality of nmiei ials, and warranted n all cartel to give satialaction. Jan inters from all parts ol the country solid led and promptly filled; fcSl-d&w CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C Piano Covers, Fine Embroidered Cloth, Embossed Cloth, A new and SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Just received at the Netr Carpet Store of MTarland, Collins. & Co. tall Venetian Blind Trimmings, An entirely new and complete assortment just received at the N'EM r CARPET STORE OP 2 3.M p. m. M FARLANO, COUJHS * 00. mhi DAUB & CAUPEIy. i MEROHANT TAILORS, ' 185 SMITHPIBtD ITttBKT, WE HAVK Jt'ST HKCEIVBfD A l&tge iu>d well wlsoted itpaif of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS', iCoDslsting of Ololhi, Oaaalmmtf Vutinga, 4Mi ' Also, a large stock of OBTTPS FTONISHINQ GpODS, Including Lockwood’s Cloth Lined PAPER COLORS, NECK TIES and everything usually kept by first-class Furnishing Stores. Orders' promptly executed. mhMyd 7 00 a, m. 8 30 a. ra, 4 16 p. m. 640 p. m, OHABLES L. CALDWELL, (Successors to Jas. Holme* 5t00.,) PORK PACKER, Dealer in Bacon, Lard, Sugar-Cured Hama, Smoked Beef, to. CORNER MARKET AND FIRBT STS., UeelLlyd JASIEB M’LAUGHUN OYSTERS, RUTTER, GAME, aeo libebtv street, dei-dtf Downstairs. Wall Papers from 8c to 13 p't roll; Window Shades from 100 to $6; Oil Cloths from too to •1,60 per yard; Fancy Good in all varieties, at the Haw Wall Paper & Fanoy Goods House Of " I'OEKSST-KR-jfc, SCHWAHZ, s _febl* • ’ |»|stnflhljihl .tfreet- * Drihdfhuit— -16 bush Dried Peaches, halves, 25 “ “ Apples, Just received end for sale by J-’ETZEK & ARMSTRONG, oorner ol Market auii t irat bU. Jc7 . P‘ OTATOEB - . SOO do .^dQ'< ■ •' 5-; 100 do di PlnkTEyesi Just received And for e&le by FETZE R &. ARMSTRONG. mine corner Market a d Fir .stats H pfrrarED sugars— t t l»bbU “A” iwiil “P" Oo’fffeVsqgirpl 30 4o Oruatjed, Granulated, And j Powdered Su^ar—Mow in afore anil for sale bf .. REVMEK & BROS* US and *BB Woofl ; |fr fjpOllftT SOAP -100 boxes F*ncy, 3foitefc.*nd: : Soap, In store and for **ic by - ..?i • . ’ BEYMEK A BROS., • 1 ‘ink* 128 and 128 Wood ft BAS K *®SB I WJ*■ '-A »® tf,-. ~ d iWOaici SpartdiMrM>«eUAul «o-gi-“ Alton uitforlairEy y>wj»Kii b« t: i'jg.-,i ; l Mlftl^HfcePGgEßaaOW PITTSBURGH. LAMPS, OIL, &C: • OUBTIS 0. STEHMETZ, OBKIBAL SHOP, VIRGIN ALLEY, ALDERMEN. LOAN OFFICES Victoria, TAILORS. PORK PACKERS. PITTSBURGH, PA. OYSTERS, GAME. &C. DHiXBB IV POULTBY AND EGGS, WALL/ RjfVPERi&Cj u i t JOaEPH U. OMMSEP * IrFpraign-And-Bomestitr'Dntn, Medicine*, gU fc^ftgtaft=! NO. rmiDfißAti. BTBBET.., STEAMBOAT TOBetNG/r^P^ AKDBEW KLQILUf.....,J THOKA* SlUtlI.'BEl 1 > jaraßT;pHtPf>6,.Jß.n ... , Special Partner. Geeeral^PaiiDen. 1 , ’ r .- ] mow cisY forge, , K LOMAN & P&IPPS, ' NINTH WAKD, TrrTSBtTROH.’ MANUPAtTIIHE BAJK mOW, GBSjT.' era! Baliway and Steamboat Fotgingsj • Freight and Locomotive Axles, Ac. GAS PLUMBERS & FITTERS! Al> I»\r &. EWESS, PLUMBERS AND OAS FITTERS, j NO. 165 WOOD BTREET, Opposite First Church, Pittsburgh, and NO. 41 OHIO Sf ALLKGHKNT, ;< ;() ‘KKAJR TH» MATCH’S OTOICS. PUMPS, HTDBANTS, SHEBT LEAI>, Lead Pipe, Pig 1 and Bar Lead, and Plumb* er’e Material In general. Oil Befineries fitted up Inthe moit approved manner. Tanka lined with Lead or Copper. Houses fitted with Water and Gas Fixture. . 49»N. 3,—Aii order* promptly attended to* •* Aps-iyd watches and jewelry JEWELRY. rInHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST IM. Opened a very large anddealrablfe atopk of ■i ITNE GOLD JEWELEI, GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, . Poi Ladies’ sbd Weavi fine Bronze Clocks, ;Fancy Goods, gILvKR-PLATED WARE, Berth as Castors, Oalie and Fruit . Goblets, Card Cases, Tfca Sett*, eteJ 1 - BKINEMAN, MEYRAN A h'EIRLE, 4p90- 49 Fifth*street.,' BREWERS AND MALSTERS. SPENCER & M’KAY, BREWEES & MALSTERS, PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY. WE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A superior article of Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, Arul will continue to make it our aim togive nttafftc-tlon to all of our customers. Mri Roht. Watson, of Liberty street, wiii have the manage of our business, with full control in the Brewery. Address ail orders to SPENCER A M’KA Y, Pheonix Bre weryv Pittsburgh, Pa, ' JOS. SPENCER, JAS.U’KAY. Butterlield Sc Go., Malsters and Hop Dealers, WATER STREET, WKEEI4NO, VA- Bdeci-lyd IRON WORKS. ORMSBY IRON WORKS, Wharton Brothers & Co., Aeub now prepared to hr cdrc orders from the trade for all sizes of Guide, Hoop, Stake, Band & Horse Shoe Iron OK THE BEST CIVAUTY. Pittsburgh. Jan. 7, ISO. ATTORNEYS-AT; LA W. VAUK6 U. HrtFttlN© TUOMAB C. LAZAAR Ilopkina & Lazear, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 10. 103 FIFTH STREET, riTTSBTTRQH, PA, , OqUeattons anil other legal business attended, to'ln Allegheny, Washington, Greene, and ad joining countlea. jan2s-2md HOUSEFURNISHING. UPHOLSTERY. 'sb. 85 Fourth Street, Sear Wood. r|,HE SUBSCRIBERS MASI'PAC JL T IjlE and keep constantly on hand every srticld In their line, viz: Cornices, Ornaments, Oqrtain tioods, Comforts; Feather Beds, Mat tresses of ail kind*; also, the -celebrated Patent Spring. Beds. All kinds of Shades, Blinds and iEiactorcs. . . attention govern to sQ orders for tit*, ting and laying down Carpets, Oil Cloths, flee, octn-lyd ROBERTS * ROENICK. CRACKERS & PILOT BREAD. SUPERIOR CRACKERS, 64 Fourth streat. LIME MANUFACTURERS. To BuUders aiul Contractors. WE ARK NOW MANUFACTURING a superior article ol t . , LIME, Which we are prepared to deliver from our COAL YARD, 509 LIBERTY STREET* BHfi'f QUALITY 0» • , FAMIIjTT OO^Xi, Always on hand my 19 DICKSON, STEWARTA 00. ' PLANING MILLS. JAMES MILLING ABU MONONGAHK LA PLANING MlLL.tWoold respectfully inform the public that he 1 «£ rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged Mb establishment. and filled it wi th the newest ;&nd mott approved in a> ehinery,li now prepared Ao furoiih flooring “and planting > jarda, scroll sawing and re-sawing, aoors. sash and shutters, kiln dried frames, mouldings, box making, Ac. Soirru PITTBBDBOH, Sept. 1,1857. Ja9o ST. FRANCIS’ COLLEGE, Under Oare of the Franciscan Brothers, mHIS INSTITUTION, SITUATED IN A Loretta, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, - about four miles from ('reason Station, on the gUfeet rddtfe between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, was chartered in 1859, with privileges to confer the usual Oollogiate Honors and Degrees. The locatloh bfthe College is one of the moat Healthy in Pennsylvania—.this portion of the Allegheny mountains being proverbial for its pure water, bracing air, And picturesque scenery. The Scholastic year commences on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER of each year, and ehS on theFIRST ©F JULY, following. Itiadivided .Intq two Sessions. Students cannot return home "betyeehthe Sessions. All the Apparatus neqes aary ta Land Surveying. Engineering, Ac-SiL will be furnished Dp the institution to the Students. . 1 Instrumental an \ Vocal Music forms no extra charge. Students will be admitted from eight years to the agesof manhood. ' - * Teems— Board and Tuition, payable half yearly in advance.... 16. Betiding and Washing, per 5e55i0n.,....,... JO.* > £ untying and use of instruments, per' ah- Clasical and Modern I.y>(pu^pa 1 grtm.-,,, 10 Students spending Yacatlonat theOoJUege.. 28 Reference can be made to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Domenec. Rt. Revr Bishop Wood. Philadelphia: Rev. T. S. ReynoldfljLQrretto:} Rev.J>r. O’Hara, 1 Philadelphia-, Rev. Henry fil’Laughlin,, Phila delphia ; Rev. Pierce Mahar, Harrisburg. N % 8.-3 A hack runs daily to Lortatto ftdin * _**2 Rev, B.A. BUSH, Superb, . iENUINN’S PATENT CHIMNEY NIB CLEANER.—No more Chimneys broken! It cleans a ehiinnfey Without wash* ingand is the onJy>article .in*he'market that' ; .pieaw. Achimney ' properly.. Eor «*l£ *1 the. principalLanp Stores, add at'theTlamiuuad Oil Store of j jv£7&y*oo B»SH JPBIUB OMsI, my, f?&§rr iwwa H*s ! « gdiiiifes , « , SirosaS!u .z*. HSins ' 1 <&is-s?G£ isil?’ >«*} »as*Jß±il vanity) qi-J ° 1 ,lO.<4oWmiB.ST4 Wltaf Mm**u*i* ■ -jji ~< ,(EEraaBTJ®aHlS2 uvitswior» 5> S&f&V** Bj FA'rriESOjr ~, PATSPEftSOW W'aOinlttyiY <" v ■ 1 ~ar*( atovw'Wooa ,! Bt. ) •« Eittji)Ui*hjElau*e* ; Zb* fit; W|6gmSB r , OpHPlSro S%d/j».'H?J»ek ! A. Off r, .k Bent aB. . i’.vi.; W. mtaa* REYMEfc & BBsr£EßB,-‘ :' j isueceuori'to'Btoyiner •** ’ ’ FirotMi iHatof Onafieetloiurjrf Sugars, Fire Works, 4c., 126 A^m^OOD ' riTTSBUBqH. | ‘ .ar. iDixitf 3Cifi'*riP‘ l r 1 ‘ ; . --- ,ii;o. 4pi a aro'wr jp^ 1 -• , Pittsburgh; iiL !;‘i,’V' < myaa-iydfcw . ~ . i BRASS FOUNDERS, ;•. !a 9. 0 ADJCAM ............. O^iwTOßD.' ' Gadmaa &> GrarWlordy -' tureand keep : eon*t»aW on handover* . , .nhety.of . . • i. ir.- FINISHED BRASS WORK. .f .-j BBASS CASTINGS ot| rtperlornoooa* .i f naa«.lß*dj.lt9ors>R U/: i'-.: r.-ii '-ri? STEAMBOAT WOH.K AND REFAIBr ldg pn>mptlr*ttenilod'to.'!Alaojrolol*&tt« 1 iot' Western PEixn*ylvaiilß; .fol' op PUMPjt'wiWCaiijlwlP* -Improvement attached/ 1 ■ •- :i ' VfeblO- :i .. j. & jL-arsTEEir, BEARS FOfHDKBS, , GAS ACSTD STEAM EITTEBS, i axiiscntt>soy v. BRASS ANB Albo, Brass Castings of all 3EQndB, : MjMleatthe sliorictnotioo.' Particular attention paid to fitting apsndre*> pairing of ptf* BHEmkEIES, •* 31 4 34 Water Street, near Liberty TBE MEUBERS OF THISFraU BE lag practical mGchanlfcßAtfTO&arfyc&ih 7 ex- : oeriecce lathe business Will eraurfe w giye sitf-. lSfaetion in every eespeet. ‘We are ; aho agfejit«' for Guild, Garrison k Go. 3 *, Steam Pomps-Mr: water and oil. ' . 1 'Sffiffil ’' STEEL WORKS. TBAAfT JTUJBS.-JOHN L. BOTp. ,TU. JC’CpJ LQlieH.^ Pittsburgh Steel Wto^ JONES,- - BOT 1) & ■ 001,- MAKOFAOTnHSEB Or , Cast Steetf clip, Spring, Plow and A B Steel Springe and Axle*, Comer of Koaa and First Streets, ’ nofZk-l? ' PrPTSIIIJEGH, GLASS WORKS; w. ourTNiNanAK..p: {nmrr/BotfiM.. ifenSESj aOPJOfI NOHAM... i f.'. /.. .6.' ‘' UfSSINGHAMS 4 C tM-PilT T S *UKGH CITY GLASS WCmKS—Ware house U 9 Water street, MffttnSE Firtrt tm%“ Pittsburgh, Pa., ; three doors belonr; toe Rlora** gaheli House, manufacturers of Pittsburgh' City. Window Glass. Brugglsta’ Glaßa'Ware and'AipeK clean ConvejfGlass, lorParldrXVlinftiwbjCJfiuKih-.' os and publicbuilding*. i! , 71 * ' * l: apt “ jads-emd WINES* LIQUORS, &G. E. T. MIDDEETiON, . . ■ IMPOBTBB 09 WIRES, BMSE&I &C^ Also, sole proprietor of the i ' t * : 1 -fittzi ii tn-idr OLD WHEAT WHISKY, No* 5 Norifi Front St*, mhl+dyd T^HTLAPELPHTAj ", JACOB Importer and wholesaledeAlhriff FOREIGN WINES AND TIQUORS. ; . 1 160 SMITHFIEXa* STREETj', Three doors above lv E*4 fACOR KKhLER : W(»tfM) ESYlffiK 1 tJP particular attention to Ms stock of lQecmhn' Wines ahd French Brandies, WtifMfnas• been re- 11 looted ahd imported by himself. Families and •Gbjnfahe* could ticpenn on .obtaining tablishment Dm bert.andpuiestofWmea. /Pure . Edquors of ali kinds, I rnaai to any in thecityv'aK Ways on hand. Also, Pure Old Rye Whisky and the befet RectifiedMonongahela v . t>f oqap i; HEITBY W. BEAUMONT & CO, D 1 h T.BBfl XH Eoreign Brandies, Wines and Outs* ALSO, Blaafcberry, Raspberry, Wild Cherry, ancLQin-; , get Hiandles, Old nlonongahela, Rye, and . her Whiskies, Jamaica Rum, Ac., PTO. S 3 LIBERTY BTREETy Opposite Fourth street, ' r - ' ~i •«. . PITTSBDSOHiPA,, jr» TTjftels, Taverns Mid Families luppHed a moderate profits for Cosh. my2Wyd B. L. H. DABBS, PHOTOGRAPHIC 46 and 48 BL Clair Street, ' PITTSBURGH.*! WATER COLOR ■ Life Size Photogtatihs in, JJraypft Oil, India Ink, eto. Photograpps Landscape and Fancy Background!. v lyprrmrpes. Photo* gTapic Albums, Q-ilt Frames, 'euadFapoy Articles adapted to the Photograpic business, % my 2! S. S. BR¥ A:N, „ NOTARY PfflLlC, 69 FOUJBTH SUBSET, 49~Otfice hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p, m. myStt • ■ r - • .V..!&-&iHAY»BIf. DAY & HAYDEN, , to J. F..i)njy' Co. TAWAmrFACTURERS, Importers and Deal XjJbt in-Saddlery. Coach ,and,Trunk,-Hard ware, ana Carriage Trimmings . No; b 8 Wood street, Siga of the (Jeldenjgtirrnp^/Pittsburgh. I SIEGE OP VICKSBUBO.. u , FicTijßiAt, BJiftf' resenting this famout . ... " ■ = R MW^4«j,rl Tobacco— ; . ' 3 hhda'Leaf TobaocOi ehoies'V”. .;*a iui« In/Btorfrandfar Sdeny . ■ f . FErmlk Armstrong. > mydo corner Market and-Ftrst-sts ■* TBESOH PAPEE HANeBfSs” Mam ir EKSIONB, UGDALUONB Mitses and children’s Balmorals, (Jailers and Boots at the lowest price, r ” Jell «k* Butter- . ~ “ StoKM from Bon Bijrtet, ' ‘ SO keg. FrpabjpackedrSutter, and (orßaH^bjr-— ~7~ .. /FETISH * i-BUSfHOSOf 1 - jel4 i movEitdlfi ootjoiianOTi ' l ,t*i. f& xmxoq*stftbTi ! —* "‘ nv ,is- i; _ I jig* tHAsaxja .sao MERCHANTS. GROCERS. BANKS AND BANKERS. >{ H*glng organized minier the HatumirCo' wwwwata <> > I',!“.A^d^SiiwrttoMg^^^^OT *b-«d4» jts.,-7| part of ttß country. V- Ottde for the preemytuntlrtfagcqmplatlqat, , HieJietyiß«BMagjiAJtt REINEMA •' .7 fl.O. tem.\ jaM-amd,,.. h: /.li iiTKfV HOJLMKB, A SMSB,!BAS«£.*«» iuruh • »nd TEionange Broken »naDeile*,ln ffoKi,:Dttltif 'AcSpytfdei/ObS ‘ Sileefiril ««■"<* ...KmißtngM imu^hoJgMtMrtiiariM'• Western pitiesconstiequif tar«la< u *!r.t. sr,».j ■ .’it , iOoUebttonrnliaa in nil tie cities Unowhoirt, thePntteatstateii u . . or cturrent napcrJ Ntx.&7 'Matltet xtxeowfeetsceslS' ; ;, .e TfaWandlfonttn^tteeti,-k ~i r. sidi.n ivc ntnrcoserf .iindfibmiKo^; JKkyi l«t,fto»j» tot 11 '-s p^S%^S f ' i ’' !i! 94 twice-e yetrvitt- June slid i ■December.' 'lntereito - - - 11 '• ■’ ,; ma wen declared teTrit-annuaUr, In 3une-*adt>e- y; iffioflSTßSi tmoigMfced,,«tSanto.....,,„. ‘ofM* percent‘i-yeer.' larToao * ,lr " ■ plieed tto'tta i“di ■mredltof taeflepoeltgr MJKMtoU, .> i tuw •srteinterMtfiMntSeflrßt dSJ»of Jimeandl)*. ictmbct, comppundlߣ' : twfei -& *y@iF ß tHtliow ' u aooti)liiKtt»d«poab-tt nfanyi ’XjhutfSL^i^nfiocfcj• ■Peter A. Mad airy ■ JFameeSliMte,;: «;* ‘■SKfejM^asw- O -..ifcea. »V> -1" M IaOBTJKS. * OelrinAjtemfc, Henry iJEiynoH, B®* - “«Btetar. rewiscj ' 1 ; -« ••> JolUi I ©#' : ' u *- }I,,i ' lf * A. OarrlWj. vi.. BoJbectfiotd),. i; i Fahneatofckji . ,- ~1 Al&tainf&'Spe&Y - 1 ?oM7e Gillespie, Alexander Tindle* §! 3j WHuSanklik* ; 7; {VtitktJL- Hunker, . ,Isaac, WMtticr,- . .. ‘fircSlramW- 1 1 Titoe-TD. safo i * .*»”<•«» *>■ • ,pHiLAQEt#HiA cards.: - C;?;: ttOSIUB UIUKS. . ... ....I.OHASi 01 • 8 WOP*." 01 ‘ a.gee &■ >' 11 l ve»Aau* ll'iiKj iT’IU _Pjrt6Bti2xapto9ed- ? i .. --.i >fi.m P3I»SB^:AOT&PAfI?iaSTv, n B^MO^n-ramm ~ Handieolumns,&o.«- • ■■■■-■><■ *>■■'■ : ««»»>** \ !-i-t u- , i „,J, ■m»; «ppnW ;(!(I#BS, " ■SjiOTS^"'JS m7l->ra • HOTELS.RESTAUBANTS, &C. sua-V-a-o-OQ Ecotras, ■ • " V' ,u ;Wl>. 36tt UaßßTTS’rftbß'P.-' 1 i;i itexi to. PeEnsylvaniA'PflHseager I Depot, ; ..,,,,john 1 Havik cr i^fD { EU'’riup.up* , with aH-Ufembdera ‘ „ ‘uiair;r«&ort, thestibttrfbariapreparedto'SbeoaH - 1 :Xj££ Ha juiaAleshe feels confidentiQreeommendiinrthfim’tathe bub*’ lie ffflrthiyir ayaftHanuft- »:•?•■!•»jsfTiit i .t iuV : > '-:»r & hhasola t myflP-tjit; , l IHA-MONDALLBY, ' • - it (•'> '• S> ’"‘l rnra, 1 ; subscbim; assovscbl - a< that j)e .tiladsLteiMatot of i-v...; rf •ortttilß"-oM»ad~HeUihlin»ra ' ! ' ■ Jafrn-iyd gropdiSor. YOUNG’S EATING SALOON;; WheM «Bd att ! ortfir ! ' asMOo wtU be ,thm mort«l»l»Ubl* ! ’ v **ric^^ : ’"'. ’ l idjMustomtetlatheUwtm -„- irtfi«tre£t. H6TiMrfWagij>«htTiil „„ M 8 pen quality's/ fa rt ■tflonir; ‘ 1 * fcoa Fourth * fliltywfl, patranoefrom Fourth; , lyltHy iiM zt *h*« reM rije«jQio W o.n- • *> “FreeftomTottoM,” .. . ' „ w •> ■>», “Notd&ng&wmirtiffta'ltfrrn '' i i out of their holes to d|eX larsoid Whnl m >» In,«U-Uw>M+W ■ -r.. * -<*■' «-l a«gTTAjeMmat«B!WgrtMM|> 4ttttAak 3 ' 311 iaSlwppla " roK ’’ ■•-ejjMSiWbr B. U B. issisSS%^»