For standing matter per square, (40 words,) . e_ r 14 7,0V..,;_ , . _ . _ 3 ./13111(1335#15311 -- 15 - 75,0ne month. %MO r illt f o s 0b t:4 . 1 .. f1 ,26 ! TutO,Ornsdka, ; _ mg, • mere ma... I,oCiTitre% Motrihs..... 13,75 Follsinsertions.... 1.00 Four months..... 13,00 Five - insertions..:. 2,20' Five months__ 14,00 One week 2,5015 ix months 20,15 Two weeks 4,36 One year 32,00 Three weeks 6,001 t ,ne square changeable ones a week 1 year 530,00 13 A. I . - fingle subecriptione by mall, $B,OO per year. Delivered' in the city, at 18 cents per week. W .-:'. EIC 1 . -4 IC I. 0 S 'l'. 410160,1PU0P, $2,00 P$0141$11; eitehi./ 1,76 en copies, each 1,00 Twenty copiea, each, (and one to getter up,) 14'5 Forty " " 1,10 ,One AuTireil " " " 1,00 1 --' , ; SAS: P. BARB, . ' Editor and Proprietor MEDICAL H ERNIA Ott RUPTURE litte‘la or nupturo ourtd. Hernia or Rupture cured Ilera Rupture cured Hernia or Rupture cured Hernia or Rupture eared Herula or H upture cared Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured Rupture or Hernia cured. kLukt,ure or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured null/ arc or Hernia cured. It It la tiro or Bernie Cu eI. iiiopture or Ilernin cured tt pt tire or floral* I. ut'elt t;are or Hernia cured Iludical Cure 'Prue■ Ratter's Patent Truss Oitchis gzappotter trrolis Self-Adjusting Trani Dr. Banning's Lace Body Brace, for otr of P . mlapaus 12tcr1,, Piles, Akion.inhl and Spinal Weaknesses. -Dr. S. 'll. Pllver Plated Sap Piles larops, for the support end cure of Elastic Stocklugs,. for weak and varielii 46;/aliti,t; Kuen 4 spa, for wenlr kooe joints. Ankqe.S4pportero, for creak' Kuee lotras Suspensory Bandages Self-Injecting !ay. - Wares; aka every 11110 01 'Syringe:4 Ur. KEltiliAl haa hiao a Trues Wllch wil edically cure Hernia or Hopi ore Altirt.Mice at Ws 1111.Vo :;.ruse, No. 140 W(..101. STREET.; sign of the Golden Mortar. Persons writing .for 'Crusses should Bend the oumber of nottee erouDd the body Imuledlately or er the VR. KEYSER will give hie personal attention to the aplication of Trusses to adults and clilldt*li and he isi-satiafled that, with an experience, ol twenty years, he will he enabled to give satlefac Sett-Injecting Syringes Aelfitnjectliig Syringes Self.lnjecting Nyringes Self-Lujertiug, Syriugne Sold et UH. KEYS! ' 4 , 1 W oo.i street Suspensory Bandages, Snapensory Bandages Suspensory Baud ages Suspensory Uandages, A / dozen different klnar, A dozen different kinds, A dozen different kinds, A dozen different kindN At DR. KEYSER'S, 140 Wood street. nolo-Iydkw 539 ( • ' TWENTY YEARS STANDING CURED. Below will be found a certificate from one of the most respectable citizens of Wdkins township in regard to Dr. Reyeer's Lindsay' Lil.ood Searcher l'hel)oetar's eert(firates are traihin reach, and no one need be deceived in regard to his preparation Da. ihr.u. H. 3ixferu : 1 tvcame attleted • ith Piles about twenty years ago, and every year they were growing wor.e. ao as to trouble me very much, so rouch,so At times as to unfit me or work. , Sometimes I was so bad that I could not . do anything on account of them, they canto out on me as large as a hickory nut. I had tried a great deal of medicine for them. 1 used to buy and take whatever I could hear of or read of In elnrgata and pamphlets that fell In my way, but I could not get cured,nometlmee they mould do me some good fore. little while, but afterwards they would return:again eebad as ever. I also applied to two Doctors. who visited me at my house and gave nter.ecune medicine but It would not do, 1 could not get . well. Over a year ag got an advertisement of your Lindsay's Blood Searcher, made by yotrraelf--wheti you sold It to me you told me one bottle would not cur e me, and that my whole ayetetn would have to be re ■ewed by the medicine before 1 got well. , bought one bottle and took It home with we and used It according to your directions. I then call ed to nee you agitin, When you said I could n expect much beneut trom one bottle. I bought It on, one bottle nt n time, until 1 had used Hy bottles. Atter this quantity hail neen used, 1 was entirely well of the Piles, which had tortur ed me for twenty years. In other respects my health le Improved, and I am aa well as could be espected fOr one of my age, being sixty years past. I have been well now f6r six months, and t here is noappearance of a return of the disease• can do any land of farming work now without the Piles coming down and hurting me. I can pitch hay, chop wood, lilt, or do arty kind 01 work which before used to hurt we. When l „Xonnd .91.11 FpF litoourstareber 1 kept on taking It nntll i got entirety well. i consider It toy du ty to nuke bzy case-known to the country tor the benefit of others who way be buttering se I was and do not know the value of your ineitieie. You -fIUsY publish- Ws if you like-1 live in' Wilkins .7*mi/tip, kiid will, be pleased to satisfy any one of the truth 'of this certificate if they wish to call .Detembe.r,g4th, 1863. dtrirW gut the azkine of DR. GEORGE LI. , Avirsia oh.the rover of the battle and pasted over t; ll4 iA; also Jot his itasvp,aa: the United States :rtypOrg!ttis: tap of pie to pisventbe(tz? impos dupla a spurious antek which i4r brae market. ,A=e,..,41,...a • , • - IMPORTANT TO LADIES. "Great American Remedy." Harvey's Chrono Thermal FF.DIALJ PILI.E3 nAVENEVER VET PAILED(W II EN the directions have been strictly followed, ) in removing . dittculties arising from OBSTRUCTIONS, OR STOPPAGE OP NATURE. Or tn restoring the system to perfect health when suffering from Spinal Affections, Prolapsus, Med, the Whites, or other weaknesses of the Utvrine Organs. The Pills are perfectly harmless on the constitution, and may IN' taken by the ilelicate females without causing distress at the same time THEY ACT AS A tiIAILM, By strengtnerdng, invigorating, and restoring the system to a healthy condition, and by bringing on the monthly period with regularity. No mat ter from what cause the obstruction may arise. They should, however, NUT be taken the first three or four igiontlas of pregnancy, though safe la any other time, as miscarriage would be the result. Each box contains 60 Pills. "'RICE, UNI. DOLLAR. DR. HARVEY'S TREATISE on Diseases of Females, Pregnancy, 111iscarrlage, Barrenness, Sterility, Reprodustion, end Abuses of Nature, and emphatically the LADIES' PIZ I VATE MEDICAL AD V I,SER, a pamphlet of , pages, sent free to any address. Nix cents requir es to pay postage. 414 - The pills and Boon will be sent by mail, conildentially, when desired, see tuteur I' a &Lao, am! pre-paid on receipt ot money by .1. RUYAN, IQ 11., ttenerol Agent, Nn. lti l'e.lar street, New N ork. • aii - Joseph Fleming, I Irtiggt et, Cruller 01 the Diamond nod Minket street, agent for Pitts burgh. ,ionwholhyv .. IV OTIC TO ALL Conit' ERN F. D.— Among a ceilidh elites of self-important per, pie there in a peculiar feeling of contempt attach ed I 0 all 1.1111111,11.1.11 l Lot ail, and treat the dhwases named ut than rind, (Piny/di, 1i, , . it &tlw nth y Mar alloold le, they nor uu Otle rite :an tell, At they nut nit ate Iltht all phySicinne LI t• -it the. eaten ut elan' denomination, In tact solimt Just the 'Very diaenees that are so obnoxious to thane very relined patties. 1 IttippOlie they would not Let one of their family no to a party that has d..• voted yenta for Men brae:it, la:rause he adi sea the tact, and their faintly pity Strum eat', he in ahi Wiling nu lire:tit get the cane. t Irian Lis alcuost tirptt red the party ot loa tile. Ile at last to the physic itnn that mit ertise —lthu tier are they to know I Are they hut au are that at Astley t!ooper. Sir liarjxw,n Brodie, Sir Cliai hen ball and hicrod dry artist yearn to the treatment of these thee:tn., firm' thet n,P held up an chiming lights to the medical e.ur lit I .:•ai't Pia6ert that all men are worthy that p01d0.:,, al,ll there are agreet number of thew that rue I hare ,let ntett m yeti! to the it tidy and treat mint 01 PuttinTH DitUtARE:9 up% artist 01 46 left,, alit] without egotism eau any C have eared I,,,ndre,ls from rears of misery find untimely death. My treatment is confined to the vegetable an oveirsi, as f think It in the hest and most rtertalu. It is to my power to bring hundreds of certificates it I thought it 10 ,;.et III) 1,/ ill)* treai - cai suc ceno : but my long reahtence in I lila city to so rh drill ill 001 %I' hOul suit sit dear nriaing „,,. mud, shorter time thin heretmote It la hooves ry young man and W.. 1114.1. li, I.e i . srctill Ili sr. le, I lug 10.3 5101411 'll.r.liftrit.l4l a.Lr rtaz,../il.•lifil Itl4l ere oven ID out I H., of hi. 1% ~111 i, and no henent it itt arise from answers than only loss of health and money. liundrta!ft n, a cured nun all,' by Loy new remedies, Adder-45150X a , a) jam-ltd PlltnhnigL Postunl ee. KINGS, QUEENS & KNAVES NO LONGER IV A TIONALITIi E it 1 T U I N .4.11 Foreigi. Etubl,rnt is. ;f every kind Onr N ational Emblems, Eagies,Shields,Stars& Stripes, Designate the iiults in the AMERICAN CARD COMPANVS UNION PLAYING CARDS. CoI.ONEL INNTEA I) or A KI:'.11 ' 0-01,DESS OF LIBERTY INSTEAD (II A QUEEN ! MA. at INSTEAD OF UNION CARDS are put np in a nest Fox. JOHN W. PITTOCK'S .I\T VP 317EPco T. jell) OPPOSITE THE POST( )Fll4 BARGAINS. GOODS AT OLD PRICES MACRUM & (CLYDE'S, Pick. 78 Market street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL lIAVING IROUGIIT OUR GOODS before the recent heavy advances we otter at prices considerably leas than can be bought any where to the East, n large and well assorted stock of seasonable HOSIERY AND GLOVES of the best foreign and domestic manufacture. A great variety of dress trimmings, Silk and Bugle (limps, Silk Tassels, Ornaments, Veils, )bbona, Magic and Lace RuHting , .7 et, Silk and Bugle Dress Buttons,a vcrygood assc.rtment of RICH GUIPURE LACES, Embroideries, litlkintts, Eat ammo Ix, t at n an :inn Jimbreiltrao lentletrien'a Fur Welling t i Othiso and the largrat - . arta beet Stock of Ettlie'y' I hods, Nntiuns and Small Wares to be initud to the city. je 27 1 0 .•• C. . PI ....;[.. • . Z co • a) `- • ii) :+z'_' 04 .0 rn .:t 1:1 0.4'. . • , 1; 4 4 , -.. t) . 0 .. •-• .. CD lid a> li • 0 ;••.• o - I c.,'a .htl ... 0 ;.3 3 Ai M :-, z c 7 , n 0 v c.. ''' '-' O.A Q o CD t VV: —t• - . o rk .c - c . -] V ,' ~-,-. ...- .2 • -- . - .2, -- - .c.= . 3 '' a F; - '. . 6 . ..t . v, ,:t °'m g. ,_ E - : - , ..e ct, E . : : - g. ''' 2.;, - , • . K, 2 lilg ' 2 7-.5.4 a1 - , ' .lt QP. 0 0 MO i. 76 t i:.. ti t' Z ' t PI .7. , :=.4c=.2,?., .1- 1 ;=. 2: ~] .14 -,• i ;--. "z . - _?. -q E A -, .5,„,,, C.? DI &•.4 . , ,, ' Ci:4 4 ' = . .-, ~., = .°..Egg . A .7;P: 7 , 044 " 0 CZ:ii< - 42 , z° , t• V - 6:•:. - 5. -- :. ;Do Yi co _4O ~, f) o.E" t t Z, v F; C+ s t: >.., ! = e a i al ,C ... . Z . IP A r i GIRARD HOUSE, CSIEWTNITT,' BILLOW ffINTR ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. - g. inia•ibn raoPlutrisßl MEDICAL LeI:ALL ;`,4 IN :114 PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY. JULY .28, 1864. DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, &C. C I_, ()SING OUT. % r THE (;FEAT hun 6f., mc.dr in the pro-c, olir Ylimr7l(7 Ihr I , n.ntn ti t manl, put, In, ,ci "la - I an grtlirg a v guod a sr lecrion as. at nny earlier I'll I i'3 of till' trnf to 0111 roprft, slunk ol' French Poplins, Flew: and Bra, be Gr.-n(1,4,5. Un ages and . 4 / 1 •17("Cilq, cN nru., and nl IA fa ,l/Perl . s ir/1110thal011. Il our tirT art meal par la , : may ly 110 y vIPI all (dm,. 0 I'd .11 M . :to 11. ti JO., In, 11/.,! tlf ~./fWgr .&1 HUGUS & HACKE Corner Marko' and I- lull New Goods 712 Goo Goo s New Uood2 4 11 W New Goode r 4 New if( Alp,J psi ei Nev Good F 3 I S New G0n,1.- Pw Goods New Goods [Jew Goods New Good I, 1 :"' Now Goof4p New Goods frblO SUMMER DRESS GOODS 1.1.- 1H.%7N A L. 1' 1' It I ( 1S 2-4, 25, 31 AND 37 1-2 CTS 1,,1 1,.1111 M E it SHAWLS .0,111t4 At leg , e, rr I•eloIs Greatest Bargains Ever Offered GARDNER & SCEILEIfER'S 9 2 MARKET STREET, Sun Umberellas Cheap. Hoop Skirts Cheap 012 C IIIICICKRINI: PIANO, s-,1.1(;, I l'A'l,l 11.,131A.C;r1:1) F,r Sale $5O Less than Rev, - ulr nice lie subeentier 1134 nu }rand q splendid ing N4llllllll tr,crwror,l crr.,.at 10111,11i1- Borne unxrlding3, mond Ir.nt nut hick turners, eat veil music drak. he. Tone deep Anil lull. Thu. iloortinient was slight') ,Innineeo rrii the lAse In IN•iisportation, which tirleets lii nppiotrfinee hut little, while Ihe lone or interiot In lint IlijUred to r lie least. 1V 111 be bolo 3t $5O Lees than the Regular Price CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD STREET V.. 'l' I I INT 1 . to.1()N stIeCESSOR TO J( 'fliompsoN, No. 7 Baud street, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. CHEAP PASSAGE TO Ott • from the Old Country. Persons traveling to the Old Country, or Wishing to bring out their friends can secure their Passage Tickets either by the man" line of steam ships, or by first class Packet Ships," by calling at the Old Eu ropean Agency, Petabliehed by the late John peon, itee'd, Also, Sight Drafts on Europe Moats on hands. The old triends of this agen cy may rest assured that I Atli prepared to trails itcl their business on as good terms as any Agent in the City, and will lind it to their advtui tote to give toe a call before but ing Itralts or Tiokets elsewhere. hi RS. E. psopf. belerencenin Pittsburgh James Marshall, Pi Va. Partners' Deposit Bank ; I. 1!. 141t:thine, PrCa. Union flanking . Company ; McKnight ec Co , Water street ; J. Kirkpatrick b. Bro bitterly et.; Arbuthnot, Shannon a Co., W ooa at.; .%IcCandless, Jamison ai Co., Wood et.; Rev. Col. J. 11. Clarke, Allegheny. SMITH, PARK & CO., NINTH WARI4 FOUNDRY, PlTTsßliNcili Warehouse, No. 143 First and 120 Second etc. anufncturers of all sizes and descriptions of Coal Oil Hetorts,andSlllls,Oas and Water pipes, Sad I sons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, :seal Moulds,Pulliev, Hangers and c,tiplings. Also,Jobbing and machinery 01 every desert!, tins made to order. Haying a complete machine shop attached to the foundry, all necessary tilting will be caret oily attended to. 021-4 dx WELDON & KELLY, Lead Burners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters 5113 164 Wood Ed., near Sixth K NABE'S PIANOS ARE TEE Hest 'Pianos Made. Sold only by °HA RT..( tTTE BLITIttE, 43 Fifth street, 2d door above Wood st Jyl2 COCOA NUT S -6080 Fresh COCO% Nuts, net 'received and for sale by • RET AI ER & e• *YU • 128 and $2B &f PO FIRST NATIONAL BANK TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Washington City, Aug. Gth, thel WrignEAß, Hy satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the b LUST NATION'AL BAN KuF PITTTS HI in the Cqunty of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania hAt been duly organised under and according to the requirements of the Act of t:ohgtess, entitled 'Mu Act to provide a National Cu riency, secured by a pledge of United States Stocks, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof.l' approved February `25111, 1661, and has emptied si ith all the provisions of said Act required to be complied with before commencing the onsiness of Ranking. Now THEREF6Rit, 1, Hugh McCulloch, Comp oiler 01 the Currency, do hereby ceitfly that the said FIRST NATIONA BA (IF PITTS HTIRIIH, county of Allegheny and State of Penns-, Ivania, is anthorired to commence the busineso oi banking under the Act aforesaid. In teetunony whert-of witnepse toy hnntl and teal of office, thin bth day of A linnet, inn:3. HI (111 t;lo,i,ocif, (comptroller of the Currency. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBUR(III, PA., Late Pittsburgh Trust Company. Capital 6500,000 paid In With privil ege to Werewolf to 411,000,000. 'I he l'itttluirgh Trost Company having organ ized under tee act ti provide a National L'orien y, under the title of the 1.11x,1• NATiiINAL A (IP would o:lbr ita Lem icCe tier Vie collection of Uc.l la n Itllla t.l Exobtirfe, movie e looney on deplait and lnly find neli Exchange WI all p:dta of the cntl at ry. he mic ree whkli lOas attended the Pittsbnigh runt corupeuy idrice Its ore,nir.ohuu in 1:72, Tcli; I.t•llet cid. A P.•ittioll.lll gul:.( ~” lee ILO tnist ness entrusted to the DI, 0111 rc• ccive the RAMC prompt attention. lint tug a Sery e S tai n e corresponilcuce with Ranks and ilaiikeni, throughout 12 , c country, e 14 4 tece we can edict unusual facilities to those who do business with us. New (1-c,o(113 The buinnelis will be conducted by tlae guile officeri &nd directors. DIILS , Tr.RA .IAIII/ili /.ACOEII WM. K.. iIMI(R New Gore, iIIThELT J. HAIa, A 1.1./AN DMZ , 1 . e.101, TuolcAt. IIRLL, ;. B 4 1 7ioliTh! , ,ti .1 LA Preßwebt I) tic t'LLY, tf she ( U .D :I.:VI - It/NAL 'LANK I h EAS 1 ' Y 1.1" A 1: '1 . ;41 1:1`; r, Y°l 'I: r I,v T,, 0:11, I. ) 4411 n 1.!1.11, , 1. tbe 1.rt,i11,41, it 1.1/14 ttl 411 , 1•!14 'tit' ;\ 1 , •.% .Xl. h. Wl' I 1 . .1 nnd :Alll w. 143114-en .1441; .agnr , - 1:110e1 441.11 ,UrEilliC :i tie rlOjll44ru~rnla ~1 A,t L;fl,l, llititst - Au A4l to 1.“ - . Nfoir , r),, ( - 1,1,1,cy, 41.11.1,1.1,1 141141141 v IrJr till II itqvut itttoti I Itt, titti , t,, I.• t, MI„ ts.t, c,•41111,1 It ttli It.. 1 , —..1,11•MP 1 , 1 !MI.: Art I •••-; t/) reit to 14. ow:1410d ,tt'lll tote ctuntues,ctriv. t I•tt.111.. 1,1 kittui.:- New G& N 1/./ I, 11/ sill M. 14. 4 . ..mi.- .•1 t ././/1 .F-I.l' , :\t, NAI 111:".1,/ //I F . / 1 . 1::•1:1 1,. I'F - u///q 1:0 1,11 ..Ie the inlitVl.lll rI ii s!.kaig 11114,1 I hi . A,/, r In trollrwsw.y WI er• It t.”.:11) I Al.l I lU^ I'll wl , „ 1,1. Hl • ;II i'HE SECOND NATIONAL FANK Yormetir Ihi )N l ITV 'flit I l'i.lll A N &Pita!, 11304),000. M . 1% lift, It. 114,1 11.1.4. The IRON f •I Thr - - I' 0! I 'j hnr tne regleifle..l 'Alder the 'nth, ntleeey .N et 0: " .1 . 1 - 11 Its /Wl'll[oll.l if11.1310.11 , Pri , •1 iirt.,ll4; Of ant. $. , ,1 I Nlemey rr, en NI nn le•vocit, I .1 . 4,ti,•111/ •11 totrto 01 The Cc.ll[lll I . Jec,!n PtIKTISI JAKIL litt.r , t' kL , •rrcx, V. M. (%...,ve., JN/ I. F. PA ri (•, k .1,1,., letal-tmt: TEN-FORTY LOAN OF U. S NATIONA 1. li tli I{ 11F' 11: PITT:AO Designated Depository and PI y M1n;t11,,;11y of tr,e 1 reasoty I tet , 6lltoont t/.16116x,k 61111 I 1% I. liF li,l ll,'lell Forty 6 pet cent. I t4,1.1-tx-tittle Hondo. A C1 , 11111111•6111h aril i t fl/10K tr. 1r..: I.AI :111.) N. I irdr rn err rllllCitrti. Pi ll.L.L.rgit, A pi 1., G REAT BARGAINS IN G A 1 'l' E S lor )llenee n :1.1 CI, thiren. Alnn, u% ry BOOTS AND SiOES, A very I,tri;e vatiet y ul Citlldr run At McCL . ELLA ND'S, 44 - Look for name. nd No. on U.c wimlo's,..aa, .0'23 NEW S( . "DREAMING OF HOME." I. BEA WORDS AND TAKING Lluef c. Itr populnlity will be 1111bOlintled. Copies mailed on receipt of price. CHAS. C. MELLOR, mp:.A.lhw 81 WOUII STREET H. D. BRECHT & CO., m ANUPACTI , III7.I3.% F Looking Glasses, Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings, Portrait and Picture Frames, Dealers in Catholic Pictures, No. 12.9 Smithfield street, between Fifth Mad Sixth streets. jelci IE3I t-3 S L :3 13L,C_)C li. W. H. MULE , No. 10 St. Clair St., WOULD CALL THE ATTENTioII of boyeie to his stock of Goods, which has been selected with great care and contains all the newest styles 'of Goods to be found In first-glass heuses. Gent's wishing a suit of clothes made to order will please call and exam ine our goods aricea. Also, a full and cop., plete stook of FI IuLp NISHTNO GOO AS. MeGEE, Merchant Tailor, 'No. 10 St. Clair street, uty27 Pittsbnukh, NATIONAL BANKS ()I±' PI rT£-+i ujti li. A Lftr. MIME i•I PflTslit ===E=Ml 11. r lit l'lrr:l,l,r PPl"l'Stil ILL:11, PA sl.uou. uno I r. I V. 4 ) . 'A FIN nanetal Agent of the United states l'e9ctiptioll of No. RS Virt h re PRICE, 25 CENTS INSURANCE INDEMNITY AGATNST LOSS 11" Y FTILIE. 111 HE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE 1 COMPANY UP PHILADELPHIA, OF FICP, No. 435 and 437 CHESTNUT ST., near Fifth. tiTATEAIENT of ASSETS, JAN. Ist, 1883. Publialted Agreeably to an Act of Assembly, be ing First 111,rtgage, amply secured If 1,993,393 82 Real Estate (present value 6103,313 61,) coat 102,996 20 Temporary Loans on milirle lJollat- , tend Seenritles 89,136 Stocks, (present value 680,661 720 coat $9,786 SS Notes and Bills Receivable - 1,621 00 Cash 21,919 33 62,208,031 GS The only profits from premiums which this la can divide by law, arc from risks which hat e been I teterm fined. Insurances made on every description of Prop erty, in Town and I oun try, at rates as low as are consistent with security. Since their incorporation, a period of thirty years, they have . aid losses by Fire, to an artiount exceeding Four Millions of Dollars, thereby af lording' evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability anditispositionto meet with promptness all liatti:t ties. Dos.tcs paid kturir the year 1850, $132,15S 38. URARLER W. 13ANCEER, INIORDECIAL h. Lou: TWIIAR WARNER, DAVID S. litariwtr, SAIRURIL (.IRATIT, ISAAC) LEA, .1 ACM; SMITE, EDWARD U. DALR, ,Rt4E W. 14... WHARFS,. (.120ROR FALBA, ()HAS. 13ANOKEIC, President. t:olArAiti) O. DALE, Vice President. Wai. U. Steel, Secretarypro tern. OA.RDENIiiR COFFIN, Agent. NortheAst car. Third and Wood ate PHILADELPHIA FIREAND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 149 CIIESTINIPT STREET, Oppokito iho (_7aR4Olll House. umAt4l. *219,300. Amts.. *304,94 J. TILL NI A KR. ALL KINDS 0.1 0 IN- V :..UR A N either Perpetual or Limited, I on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable Nitta of premium. 1:01IT. P. KIWI President. M. W. BA LI /WIN, Nice President. 11l H LiCTU.S.S. 111.1. k it1.1O: BATHS, Corr., 11. Georto if W. Baowx, I'. It. svitur, .10,41tria S. PAUL, : , HENNA', JOESNPLI CLATTON, .1. E. WILE]; HLAC6hIIiIH, Secretary, I. O. COFFIN, Agent. iy Corner Third and Wood streets Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh jr. President. I..M.ciouuon, Secretary. :apt. It. D. Coen IiAN o Gent Agent. No. Viz Water street, iSpang Co l a NV &reticular, np stairs ) Pittsburgh. k i : 1 1 1 1{1 1 : - E a l A S A Houle Institution to Aiiaged by Dircztors who are a ell known in the community, and who are .1e:ert:.,1”..1, by procny'lless and ilhersility, to nieuitmin the elm miter which they have aiisurned, the hest protection to those who lIII,IIT 041. 11,1,escIons. , —R. Miller , jr., .Tamer At'Anley NAttinn:el Hnl nice Alex tinier Niumk,.(ieorre H. Herron, Chita. W. }ticket. nmi, Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, David Iteca J. ThouLta, Benj. atkewell, John Je4 . . ALLEGHENY INSURANCE 00,1 Office, No. 37 Flfth Street, Bank Block. N,l KR ADAINST ALI, KINDS 0k r,ht. ; ..1( 'UN U. 111 t, lII', V , Prem.ient ;I. NI. Agvnt. Di 1.1.. ',OWN—I:t..] 1' 11. Ilussey, Her. rrt I ',AI.!, (• Lvt, ; I nV, .1”lan A. Nt'ilson, It. 1. /*.tl,:irstork, .Inhn . 4 .1c1 'Ol,l, Capt. Adam V. I W. !wean, Robefl 03%. DAY & _HAYDEN, inlll . ll turere lint) I , esier2 In SADDLERY, HARNESS AND COACH HARDWARES 58 WOOD STREET, ,n 10l !en !,litrup, Pll - 11.0{1 . lit 711, PA., ot I. II It F.SPECTFU LI. V CALI, V V the et tenll,l Poach Makers au,l tiers in general, to their Largo and Well Selected Stock rnnetating In pnrt for c'arrla ;co M anu.litot nrors. Patent and huumeled I... , athero, Hamm- clod Clot ha, Damasks, Broad Cloths, Lures, Fringes, Hands, Springs, Az les, Bolts, Felloes, Spokes, flubs, Shafts, etc., etc., All 01 which have been PURCHASED WITH •GREAT CARE' Especially the WI lOD WORK, which will be foun4 or the Eleot Quality, Nell Sen..oued and Dry Saddlers and Harness Makers, Will timl a full and complete stock of flornexm Leather., Saddle Trees, flames, %Vet's, full 711rasura Straining Webs, or II II Nutraberm, Illls, Buckles, Stirrups, Spurs, Threads, etc., etc., etc., All 01 which will be sold st the lowest CA prices, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. rrl. I .IE. t7i A. II 1.).1-32.u.s. I'. S.—We do not deal in Saddles and Bridles, but leave those Cl/1/S for our custonsere to make and bell, as they properly belong to that branch. my I DAY & HAT DEN. IRON FOUNDRY FOR 'SALE. rgoIIF:WOUNDERY MACHINE SIIi)P I.and TWO DWELLINGS, Corner of Buller and Carson streets, in the 9th Ward, on the A„, V. k. li. This valuable pro perty, fronting nu feet on Butler at., and 100 feet on Carson,. be sold on favorably terms, and 1.1,5Q.1011 Oven upon. t. or pnrticulnin apply to S. S. BRYAN, Broker & insurance Agent, je3o 09 Fourth nt., But ke's Buildings. pLA NKR At ICAYSEWS Noiseles Patent sewing Machines. These Sewing Machines are known 'Lathe veil , hest ilk the United States. They are WA - ED, and sold at the LOWESP PRICES. Call and examine them before buying el s ewh er e. Re pairing of Sewing Machines of every kind Promptly attended to. ERNEST A xl'llEl.ll, Agent, No. 103 'Mirk! ntreet, .Pittaburell, W A. N T 3E. 1.) . AIS hIONTIIS LEASE OF A SIK ALL Dwelling liouse-or 3 11001118 pielißarri ly nate In Pittebunsh, Allegheny at, kitaningh4ra. pall un J. IL tIASJ.DAY, . . ' Eta 4tate .my 23 • • • .Nh. 6t Fourth st:t N 0 V :E-M BIER ':CO FON . OUGIIT~ AT Mal gr421.!1: . . Je2P-Iw 013 ,W 4.. !it, ''~ ' - t , . post Schedule of Advertising Rates. STANDING MATTER. 3 times ti Once k . I Daily.l week, week,. 1 Sqr. 1 Sqr. 1 Sqr. One time $ 5 ; $ $ Two times 1 26 i Three times.. 1 60 Four timei I 190 Five time 2 20 One Week 1 I 260 l• 170 85 Two weeks 4 361 260 146 Three weeks 6 - 00 4 00 2 00 One rnonthl. 7 6 ,' . 5 00 2 60 Two months II . . 760 370 . . ^ 76 - Three months Six montha... Niue months.. One year..t 2125 EA - ALE AIDrEILTISEEIHNTS. For one square, changeable one time each week, con an ed to the immediate business of the advertiser. All larger advertisements in exact proportion' 1 i 3 times I 2 times ' 1 Daily. a week 1 a week I. p3cuith...lis, 1$ 9 351 $ 6 001 $ 4 791 $ 3 00 3 months ..:., 17 20 1 1 11 45 BCO 41 00' 6 monthk ..i.. 21 00 19 00 15 76 10 60 1 year ' 40 . 00 28 00 24 50 14 00 ..18.1—Fist iotices double the above rates. • Death notices each insertion 60 cents • Marriage! •notices, each insertion... 75 " Steambuitativertisements, per trip.B2 00 I:xcentorle and Administrator's no.. t Lees.— • 2 '75 _ - Extracts from the Speech of the Hon: john Law, of Indiana, and Delivered in the House of Rep resentatives, July Ist, 1884. Connedted with this subject I have been treating Kentucky and her loyalty as a StatO , within the Union, I wish to any a few! words in reference to a charge made by :11. J. Raymond; esq., one of the editnis of the "New York Times," in a work; recently republished by him, enquedin „ resident with Admini rs tration," n which, with a view of aiding Mr. Lidcoln, and damaging General, McClellan, he makes in a few lines in the appendix to his work, these covert rentaiks 7 --noticed liereatter--wholly un called for„: and in my judgthent wholly untrue. E have the slightest acquain tance, sir; with General McClellan.. I doubt whdther 1 should know him were Ito meethim on the - avenue. His father, Dr, George McClellan, of Phila delphia, add myself were educated to gether at tale, we were bosom friends, until the city of his death. We started in life professionally at the same time. Ile was a surgeon and physician, I a lawyer. We went to Philadelphia to gether in the fall of 1872; he remained there to practice his profession, in which he became! pre-eminent, while I follow ed the "Star of Empire', west. It is due' to his memory dead, as it is to his son living, whip appears to inherit the best qualities of his ancestor, that I should endeavor to show the accusation made against General McClellan false in every particular. What is the charge? I give it as it is written in the book. "Gen eral McClellan, while in command of the Department of the Ohio, had entered into an agreement with General Buck ner, by w Lich the substantial neutrality of that State was reeognizedarect respect ed." Buckner, in June, 1861, professed to be a loyal man, his letter in refer ence to General McClellan's propo sition was addressed to the Governor of Kentucky, June 10EL, 1861, Buckner now. is a traitor, as lie probably was in 1861, a hypocrite-false to his State which trusted and honored him, as to his coun try which he betrayed. He does not profess to show a scrap of memorandum or writing entered into with General McClellan on this most important ar rangement by which the "substantial neutrality" of Kentucky was to be "re cognized and respected;" while on the other hand, General McClellan in a let ter which was addressed to a naval officer in Cincinnati, dated June 26, 1! , 0l, (published in the Cincinnati papers, and which Mr. Raymond must Lave seen at the time he penned the re marks alluded to), expressly and empha tically denies the charge made by Buck ner. Which of them should we believe? A man who is the "soul of honor," whose character for truth and veracity never has been impeached, or the double-dyed traitor who made the charge. I leave it to every honorable member of the House to say. Sir, without refea. euce to General McClellan's political opinions, or. the position which his f lends in several states of the Union have thought proper to place him, with regard to the presidential election in November, but simply as a military man, I think great injustice has been done him. The battles of "Malvern Hills," "South Mountain," and "Antietam" prove his conduct and courage as a com mander beyond all question. Never was there a greater truth' expressed than at the close of his campaign when superse ded he said, speaking:of the conductiof his troops, "no man can. justly charge upon any portion of that army from the com mending general to the private, any lack of devotion to the service ot the United States government. and the cause of the Constitution and the tiditin. They have proved their fealty in much sorrow suffering, danger ' and through the very shadow of death. Their' Com rades dead on all the • fields where they fought, have scarcely more chant to the honor of a nations reverence than their survivors to the jrtsdre of a 71ation'! gra Heade." Sir, I ask, but ask in vain,ivhy has not that ju stice been awarded them% Fac tion, fanaticism, folly, seem to have ruled the Administration, and simple justice, all that was asked for, was de nied to these brave men and their leader. When his military 'qualifications were called in question, General McClellan !night answer his accusers in the lan guage Which Shakespeare; in the play of "Troilus and Crrsseda," put in the mouth of Ulysses, in r. ply to Nestor at the siege of Troy, who informs !him that Ajar "grown self will'd," ails all his (Ulysses)' mode of carrying on the war, "bold as an oracle," and Ther sites,"a slave. whose gall coins slartdere like a raint,"'joins in the abuse of him, Might not Genbral McClellan make. the same reply to these modern"Thersitesc" . hounded as they' are by their masters "to coin slanders like a mint" against him, as Ulysses does—. "They tax ourmolicy,.. and call it cowardice! Count wisdom as no member of the war; Foreetall preaciehee,and esteem no act • Ittit that of hand! the stilt and mental parts That do contrive, how many, hands shall strike When litalesa calls them oat and know try measure Of their observant toll tho- enemy's weight, Why, this.l s titp ttngerM nignitY 1 They t, mappery, closet *or, 'to that,the that ,birtters down the wail For WO pettetaxilig riridvutteness of hts poise' T , hoyiplrilie-teloriMe4moil‘Wint Imola yr ` I Or' t l it i t ttiJif yhtti ine finenMsrof their !oat; " 1 %11 1 theke 11 4stdi -ctittiolation; 1 g the Etsetit'Admittitititithift Aci him cairig I mid' ,r • .rui DAT di.; a 9rtin ---- IffaRNING — POST Steam Printing Establish - Mont, BARape potrfiam ■VIBT DISORIPTION ON • PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING U 111! -belt dill*. ATFEritiorr PAID TO _ . RAILROAIWAVIRIMpLE AND LEurtr-rignuti---' Posters, Pi‘oirrammeal. Ake.. skillin • the . campaign,im-vire 'a in 1862, his con , tr., 'Tor more true That 'ear with a senate at his heels .n. • * * * S;r : Lhaire'beaxd the cry . here and .elsewhere, from ,tim,iptllgertw on of the government, frOm the llshod dy • contractors," from who are making Fortunes out of thiii , inteittecine `-f -4 contest, that the Democratic Regtx were • disloyal to the government, „sylppathiz- 1 - ers with the rebels, and other 'opProbri- .;• oua phrasea too low and Vigar for repe tition. But.let me ask, air , . if this la so, what chance have you of subduing the ~ South ? The eleetitutOldtgilribOW-8 that _ there were a million and ahalfofDemo cratic votes giver' in the';Fno' ~.-JElliztes in that year —a pretty gtxidjinegitiitjp ral ly around in 1864-Take the Democratic young men who are'fighting the battles .; of the country out t 1.44 " r and how large an army would7ou,havo,iin it ? Your defeat vcould liens . 4 Certain' fate. Hurke said, and vi1t14 . 1F44 •tittlic.r You cannot -draw an indictment Against a ; wholp,peqpie." •• I eire'n?it what' Is said here or elsewheire,.hiatory; • past and • present, teaches the fack-thatthe Demo cratic party iibto,. us at Ali, thnea,, have been loyaV: . ti) ~the-:.'govatimentgof the country. They wiil . , • awl ttieWight 111. do, argue the questiOn r wiheiteMe-war,‘ might not have been invienled_ Clement upon terms' thiranilvisodgraida to bOth,PattlestbeforeiticonithhiffeMent: • They may, anti they . will, argue the question Whether the policy of the ad ministrationhas been right or wronitin _ carrying it on. It is right- and proper, they should do so ;.none hut a ,despot would prevout it. 13 75 , 915 455 20 75' 13 85 fl 90 71 0018 00 900 I 32 00 2l 83 ' 10 70 Sir, it is said, by way of, sneering at the loyalty of the Democratic . party, by those who never '"pint foot ifi L ttte tented field," and neVeiiiieltil ttitt.Shing ae they can cheatthe governMent out of money enough ,to, procure a suinnitnte, ithat the Democratic party is the "peace party'! . 'of the cOuntry, while' they Wilt "spend th•last •'imerifice the hitit'man, pie An the last ditch;" Ateptitxdown this "accursed rebellion."' They,are,for war, "war- . to. the knife s -the knife a the hilt."- , When Ciao callecle,his little - senate to gether at Utica, at a time when Cfesar was marching Upon the city,: the fiery Semphroditis proclaimed •• in . Terotions and.indignant eloquence,, Such:as frequently hear in this hail; "My voice to still for war! , Gods! can a Roman- `Sereare long debate, Which.of the two tiatorg. or death I No, let us rise at'once, gird on our mirth, And at the head of nut ten:WM/kg traapa Attack, the r foe, break through the, thick ar ray Or Ills thronged legions, and chine, home Lipton him rersana scinte arm more 'potent than the rest, May Strike his heart, and ftgO the World [Wm bondage." The conservative Lucius replied, "my thoughts I must confess, are:turned on peace." This counsel of Lucille was the especial object of the warriOr`a indigna tion. The "total" . Setriphrottius;' who scorned fo , submit , to mediationr and could not brookthe idea af:peacei.rwhis pered. in Cato',, car, ~`l b swerft , pf,,144c . 1u5, he is a traitor." he very next: night, Sem phronius deserted Cato, Ittniljbined email?, while 'Aldus,- tie •ladvocate of peace, remaineU, and bravely, fought for the liberties et' Rome. • There is a moral in this, "that the wayfaring - man, though a fobl, cannot . misunderstand." Instead of being the "enemiesiofi their government," as their' enemiea charge, they are its truest and ,betit.fri t ends. Errors may, and will be avonTe&LAyhere reason is left . •fiee to 'Conked' ilibm." The worst and most violent enemies of the government, are those, who blindly and willfully "throw up their, caps, and cry, long live King Richard,"` blindly and'willfullryield 1:6 'the' "sic volo, sie Jame," of presidents or kings. Sir, I know full.well.theeffcfst ofpow er and patronage.wielded ,as„ in a government like ours, I lia l ve seen its - effects, they are apparent' in those who "crook the pregnantilOgetkoftthelmee' that. :thrift: inigt&ityditaynaing." Sir, no party ths t t . 4o4 ,4 ;tonkci. n but the L . Democratic Partr brie re- 2 • t 2„ creancy and red eg l iiiii st,i(iflhelififfen- to whom they "isia r *WhlitW*!„ and wealth, who are rioo,theanAtiWA:ene mies, and most bitter We need not go out of theletTnillelf,,sibare which makes this District, t 4:; fenish more than one example. AJOINT RESOLUTION ,_,,P•cipoB - CERTAIN' ' A - SMWDMENTE TO THE CONSTITUTION. Be_ a by the Senate and House of ireyretentativet of the Common wealth of , PeonsylvtOnsa fn , GenlyaLdivetably met, That the following amendments be .Pppotted to the Constitutltin of thtt - eloritnicindsealtlOn ac cordance wAth the provitdor t ia o 4 the 'WO Offal There shall be an !additional:section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designa ted as section' four, as•folldive : • 1,, • 7 "Sacrion 4. Whenever axiy. ..the qualifie d &lectors of this Commbnwealth &hall be in any ea tual military • service, • underettie. 'requlsition from the President of the United . States, or by the authority of this-Commonwealth, Kith e'en :ors may...exercise the right, of suflrage,in al elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are, or shall be, preacribotbylaw i lubitOY as If they were preaent at theirusiuil place Of elec. tion.q • ••-• ' • SECTION 2. There shalt* two addational sec tions to the eleventh 'aitieleorthe constitution, to be designated ferseottons eight athtmtne, as follows "SECTION Nobill afialllie ;matted by the 1... ft.• lalature, containing more than ;one eubjent r which stall be clearly_ expieased'in - the title,: eieept ap propriation bUia.".,- : , t "sacrien 9. No bill shall be paireeii by the Legiebituiregrentinehnpvinveriiiereges, n any case where the authority , to grant [lnch powers, or prtvilegea, hat been, or - v ay hereof ' ter be conferred 49043,:tar ZI grta 01114 COMMOD- Y O. - JuNSON, wealth." Speaker.ofWz 7 iirnizeop.leiresenbahves- JUIOT -PENNEY, Speaker' of Me Sthate, °prier. inr-iiin --- - . 1 Kutner& et Or irse , flowhionw,e.egern, Harriebuiq.Ateil 26th, 1664. PENNSYLVAIIA,E,&. 2 ‘ , ...1 ~. ..,.., 1 i 1 410 hereby certify that thy. froing i '"---...... 1 / it Wrath bile" dinfeliteeet &op . b the -'-'• '''• i oenginaljeigt lieirolgtlenfit, .eGen --.-..... eral Resetahly entitled "A Soint Item. lutioo pinikeing certain AuteziOlente•do the eare4Utul44lV: as ,the anal teyelne on. tlle in thle Wilde. .- - 2 ' • •-• ' %,-• ,4•., lx Teeriworry whereof f l have hereunto set - • iny hand and caused the seal 01 the Secretary's othee to affixed; the bey' insd'iiiitiSteve writ ten.- F4+ l, -S4WER , • I '• Sec+ellrily Id, ainsmoNtwe The! aboye Itesolutiorohaviogteea to by a majority'of the s e w ,membersoiraalHiV at guest-Kind 661111011flatheatiletidaStertably of this Uomnionwealth, the proposed amend paeans trill Voenbrilit .W to the . peopletfor their tpe 4'lA TIVODAY OF AUClinsT,. in year orohr T ord one thous aadeight turd talubillst344ur,Mr en:ardency wit, potypious. of the tooth agile he of the Conalstrilicid hettOntitled "Aft Act pre .scrilidg&thp, me, anti amines; of submitting to the petple for that' iipproval and iatitleittlon or rejectiedo theiproposed ansqltdsleliteto, the thin .approved this =4ril, day ot Aprtl, one, thuitsand AM' abstys '4lur' -1-Veid`4ll:f" myzi.; awts2 OR SALE.-. aurf a ue,3to p t i l . e fT.Tre#lllMoX9raenta s pituakt user hartmt a . tatkon, lune& Weirs of .Oriematotithitli alettWAltag mile* P. It-'l%'' qr":2 " 11 g'"1"- 9A3 4 a.2Y "". .RirM.RsatiltnAlklikfferiliCYßN4kAltPithi* burgh. , Jai SW l ‘fal i tATti4l B == flwx. -- penzut-cuimi. - - -Just received iuid far 4aleWtrf • fUSYMIKEt. & BROS» -_ . t ' ar i t i o voila in Wood st r'v 4141 tyiti . , • - 2 ;:i11.13 for doing e. For Exhibitions and Concert scannot be • LIFFNMIOO, in thl} sty. secfeterryVL - •-r=tri