- • ADVERTISING RATES. Sart day t One ineeition $ 74'011e month. 11 7 ,E. 0 a Two Ineerkone..... 1, ._ 0nthe...,)1,2.5 Three inale 1,6 C Wttntmtha,„ • • !V6 Four ins° 4 AMY 3nobthe4.» • • PAO Flee hue - '2,20 ten MOnPut:..... 14,00 One week tr. t .2MlStxmontha e „ ?.. ,20,16. Two weeks " ' 4,35;0a tar 21,00 Three weeks 6,00! *me square changeable one* a week 1 year. $30;00 DAILY POST, Single cubeariptbms by mail, $8,90r year. • Deliverediin ' t) - city, at IEO CI 0 apt pe per week. r_Ar Pb6 T. Single subscriptions 61,60 Five copies, each 1,40 Ten copies, each 1,30 Thirty ,6 .6 1,10 JAS. P. BARR .E,dttor and Proprietor NhAD NEWS FOR THE UNFOR TUNATB THE LONG * SOUGHT FOR ,COV .A.'r LAST'. 0 K KROKTE REMEDY , A CHERI:WEE' N IN JECTION Compounded from Roots, }larks and LeAVCB. C'lll.. litt t:1: E .1! I', the Arent Indian Diuret ic, cut - es all diSt.f3 of th.c urinary organ.., such as incontlinenee of the Leine_, infianuntnion at the Insdder, btilentwail/on of the A ointss, Stone in The Bladder tit, relu rr, heave!. Gkrt, Gonctrehtza, and is especially reruntt.unded in (hose races of Fluor Albutt (or 14 hitn in females) where all the OM non enus utt hsmrfa Usti. _ - is prepare.l in a highly concentrated form, the dose Only being trom one to two tea spoonfuls-three ttitU s A day.. Ctar . ',tia IGMietic and aPernative in it. , i purifying and cleam.lret the Mood, cam. ,t flow in all it, ormin tl Purity,nd t Igor; thus It - - moving . from the ti,• stem all rerlllllollB causes have unhiged disease. IN.) EcTION fa intended an ally or aseetant to the Cherokee Hem • d y, amt should he used in conjunctson with at medicine In al ea ,es rn Ciatserhr/ra, Weer, um'Albus or 11 hilt, Its effects arc healing oothin!, and iftral ent; removing all scalding, heat, cimr.!, e p. 1.11. illSteell .4 the burning and almost on. m!!,ral.le 1,01111 1101 to experienced With near] e all C'io,:p quark livecison*. the use ut tie (lierolcee Remedy and CA.:rot:ec t ~jetthou—the two medicines at the sonic tint—^,L,' is proper ‘l,eharges are removed, am! I. e ,kt organs are speedily restored t, Lnl &ir - I- . Pr 'nil prt nit 611 F,e I our pamphlet from any drug store lit It, e.oun ,Cr write to us and we utill „mail tree to any address, rf full treatise. /11 - Priee C ilerdIECC Remedy, r. per bottle breo bottles for s. - • • .*Z - -Pric.• Chi rol.ce injurt ton, 4 , 2 ptr bot tlo, or ttore eEa to any address on receipt .11 everywhere. Dr. V/, IL 10 cr vin & Co., 1 . 1,(.17:1E1( No. Liberty et, ee, New York. Sold ly (ID). H. 1:11:Y: , 1:11, No. Ire Wood stn. '. inhls-eotl,l&.w T lfE GREA - I' 1 fi . 6l.tirti MEDICINE, t "ntltel:nt.tl frvitt CO .-'IC = C:CI =l. rs• rrl Cds) . C-3 - C 11 .1 - 1:1?. 0 If C 1U 11.11:: Elnt,tenx, un.h a.'! a1,1011...3 :LlAd 4; C. Lott ^rorYi ry: ari the link. Dimnen , of I . r.ri.,n, P., , i 1.4 11 ea). At r , dicul y tt - trkrfutocre, L'riprions on tte Lic„ Inmm_ Iy, Condump (tun, rt.; cirryir.torrirs, 0ra.^.,1 ;rum 01, Air 1 tan 1111 , 11,:.• , • an I, eilople vegetable ex tract, and oiie all can rely, as It has been u.e,l ir, mar in . t 1 :, tar many years, and with thousands 7 101.1.. ', 1: h.-in not. failed Ina Ins! :a,.• powers have been sufficient t./1 cr the most stubborn ease, gv-To thore %%hr.r••• • e Avail their con lion, uutkl th. chink Intunselvee beyond the reach of ine•lmal ~, would Bay, Despot,' net! the will restore you to health an 1 jor, an .l alt , r all quack doctor, have faile... 13.4? - 1. , • ; ..; ;••v: s••t a eiieular from any drug slots .• tut. • • I •• r rite too Proprie tors, w'... • ••••• ,:• .• ~; nay one dekortug the Rattle, a !l;; ti••••;:••• ...n;'hlet form. 44-PI lee, •••• . ;-ot le, or three bottles for $4, and forwarded E.Xprt3lEl to all pasta 01 the wotl.l. Sold by al; respectable rtruggiete everywhere. R. Mervvin & Co., Pm) 1.;:,..rt tareet New York. Fuld ty It .1"..E.1"r,1:11, No. 110 Woo,l street. m hl5-eod-d&w ir•SURANL;E INDEIttINIIIY AGAINST LOSS 11 , 11 I. rlllll-: VI R. IN'SUH.ANCE. •q...PANY , f• ()1 , - VICE No. 4-37, .k,l -3:37 CHESTNUT ST., Lictir PIO r JAN. hit, 166.1. &it AI of Assembly, tw- Firet M..rf1.711g0, u,l, y eveu re.l 11,693,393 31 nii,e /103,313 ttl,j Catti Inpontiy Lonna tot topple Uolltst tend ~ecuritte..i Stocks, (prem.. vs:tte ~06t Notes srtkt Bins iteseivnble Cant The oaiy runts from premiums which this company ~n ‘l, , arc from ri.k e which here been I. Insurances or: t.% y description of Prop erty, in "l'o and 'ountry, at rates as low as are consistent with bet:Wily. ttince their inco: pora: ion, a period of thirty Sears, they have;,Aid lod, ht. uy Fun, to on amount exceethm; }our illionr of Doliara, thereby af tordou; nwitter.ne. themlwannwea on Insurance, as well a 3 the hbillt} am: disposition to meet with prornpmel.tall ate, Lossea 1,:(a dui 1114 I i/t . year 11431),0124,1.5E3 36. Mit cURS. thzterri.i.r.n NY. 13AN<3.Kk, illuallE:AL H. Lou T0131..t, h‘vlD SAMUEL ( tr , (l, .1 Acun 5,111.11 i, LI-•‘. I.!. Dei.m, W. R.JcuAr.r,A, l'.s LEN, CHAS. r:. Vice P.ebitlent. Whi. U. S.tot , i, , • , •rotnry pru tern. .1. 14... 1 DEN EH )I . 'FIN ' Agent. mylB 11 cor. 11rd nod Wood s 1 - - - PHILADELPHIA FIREAND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Ho CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the Custom House Capital.. 5119,10 u. Anitetc. $3047943. D OF 1W ~UHANt:I:, either e l t N u S o r !Yd .' on every description 01 Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of premium. HURT. E. KIN(}, President. Al. W. BA I, i 11.iir ITC, Vice President, DIALECTORS. I.'ll2,Ru:a BATEP, E. R. Cope, E. (31...01WE W. BROWN, P. 11. SAYERS, ,To:EPH S. PAUL, C. SHERMAN, JOSEPH CISYTOWS • . _ b. .1. AlAtiA ROE, E. Wir.xn, F. lir..aussuarr, Secretary, I. eirFFIN, Agent. jy4:ly Corner Third and Wood streets Western Insurance Company of Pittsburgh. R. MILLER, Jr. Preedcnt. F. Al. Gedutua, :Secretary. tient. H. D. Oucuicaa, Oen'l Agent. No. 1.P4 Water street, (Spezia te Clo's Warehouse, op stairs,' Pittsbuigh. ki L ut Pill ' I L E au .IAZItItiNNI A LL 1' KS. A. Home lnatitution managed by Directors who are well known ui the community, and who are determined, by promptuese and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, otterlivr ' the best protection to those who de sire to be marred. DIRECTO/Xt.—R. Milirr, .)r., James M'Auley Nathaniel Holmes, Alexander Nltniek, George Darsie, Campbell ilerron, Chas. NV. Rickel ton, Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, I/avid M. Long Rees J. Thomas, Ben/. Bakewell, John M'Cune. . jet ALLEGHENY INSUIUNCE Co., OF 1' I. "I"TH 1.3 CRC, 11. Office, No. 31,1 0 11 th Street, Bank Block. INSURES AGAINKT ALL KINDS OF FIRE AND MAUI:NE ILLSKS. ISA Au JUNES, President JOHN D. Mt. CURD Vice President I). ..DOOR, Secretary; Capt. WM. aI.:AN, General Agent. Di IiECTOEIS—Isaac Jones, C. 0. Hussey, Har vey Childs Capt. R. C. Gray, John A. Wilson, B. L. Fahriestock, John D. McCord, Capt. Adam Jacobs, It. P. Sterling, Capt. W. Dean, Robert L. I'd'Grew, Robt. H. Darla. nO2B GGS. 17 Ws. Fresh Eggs, just receteved by oOr Ex- FETZER ARMSTRONG, zier Market and First streets, k .e: I.M.PORtANTTO LADIES, " Great American 1tenn.434 5 ? Harvey's Chrono Thermal AYE NE VER YET FAILED(WHEN the directions have been strictly followed,' In removing dillieulties arising from 01 1 STRE - OTIOES," OE STOPPAGE OF Urin restoring the system I, perfect health when out!, ring from Spinal daectione, Prolapsus, the Whites nr other Is eakneuses of the Utet 'fie Organs, The Pine areperfeetly harmless Cu the constllntion, , and may be takenqey the mien , delicate feem:les bout causing distresa , at the same time TIIEY Al " ( AS A Cfl Alt AI, By etrengthenioc.l,,‘ if;o1 ou•,, and restoring the ey stem to o hftllthy condition, and by hinging on•the monthly per. 1 41 ,. . i. 6 11,111..nty, N o ter }tom u Chlibr iii : it'll may ',Jibe. They should, borer Cr. Nit r to lotion ito first three or tour muntloi of pregonner, though safe et Pay other time, Y.EI nds,,,,trutge would be the result.: hox onnt“.tho Go cilia. ONE DOLI AR. - DR. 11A11.1.' ET'S TD.E.ATISIE on )(brewlea or Females. Pregnancy, Mlsoor, Ban enness, Sterility, nod Al.useb of Nature,surni (priphalical!} th e I. 11i1 ES' PHI VA l'E 111E1110.1E Ain.11 8 1•1,, a pnmphlet 01 le pagr 8, sent free to any address. etude requir ed to pay postage. 99 i• - *n' Vise pile and L' .oh will be sect by marl, conn.lentially, i.l.er; Seen nod, u, anti ore-paid on 71'0CW( nt woaey I.y .1431:YAN, ill. 11., r I ere, of Agent, No. 'Hi ( . ..18. Ne,.. Yolk. 01,..r.rosepla Fleming, 1 rrlig-uo, comer or the titamond and Mal ket street, ::Fret for burgh. re 0-en. ia.o. NO'lleti - TO Al.l. l'oNcEl2lEo. .1111011,gi cei loin class u! In I rua peo ple I here is a peculiar reeling of cootempt attach ed t, all physicians that atriertise and treat the Mae tees named tnthte earl, Pitt 1, ATi, 1),, lm' thin ghoul, be, they nor no one else can tell. Are they not /llVArt' that all physicians trent dies east.; or every denomination, 111 fact aoliclt lust the very (diseases that are so obnoxious to these very relined parties. I suppose they tcould not let rle of their fatally go to n that tots de vot.l years for their benefit, becanee he adv.:rt.: • sea tie fact, and their lastly prtyniclau say ahe in a humbug 1,0 he can get the en lnlrn be 11... a 11.111,..5t deprivc-.1 the pa:ly of itio Ilfr. He comes at I .at to the phl 0/Cilin toot no ertorra—liOn' else I are - hey to know I Ate they uot aware that Sir , AB' fey Cooper, Sir Benj.-troll - 1 Brolly, sir Charles Balt and M. Paul B leoor .let otel } ears In the treatment or these diseas.-s 1 l.err men are held up as binning lights in the Ir v, orld ; I don't abbert that nil ti nn are w •;:!. ',10.t publish, sill! the: e aro a great number or t hat are. 1 tare devoted ni,} self to the et and treatment of Ps: P , VATS 1)1,0 5011, , /lo to years, and without egotism inn any 1 loc., en, el hundre.is from years of misery an.l ur niery death. My treatment 10 confined to the .hie all ogeiher sell think it La the bval loom (minim it is in niy to bring Nindr. .•1 rertulivies it I xi tho !pit It Ledes.ury to :„ silo- lY e w yeas but my long reaide', e. m thrb city is anal der proof sit Mo.! addine snermittorrhen and all (I:Beases nribing trot, I. are Lured in ,Un. shorter time than :au - . hooves 11ew every youne c..in anti "11011,1, se lecting a ph - yaiman. The ihrterimi mlrertraernents !hal are 01 - `OLI in 1:11r naps ,a .of 110 wrath, Kmd no benent trlG Ctrs iron, 31,4, titan lose .if I •mlth anal w„ t.' }. II I, bi q1 . 17 . ..1011Z.,1 ally by my new • a , . rsK I', t' •• .Yesiource jUIaY 4TH ISti.i FLAGS! FLAGS! FLAGS! SUMMER FROM 3 INCFLES TO 50 FEET, MUSLIN, BUNTING AND SILK, , . ‘1:11()L1 7 . 5i tt F.TA Small l'iinted Hags en Sticks G:eatest Baryjns Ever Offered Pittsburgh Flag Manufactury 'Er.X Fr C:11 , C.) • lEl' I , PPoNITI: TILL l'i.-.1-‘,1171c; BARGAIN b. GOODS AT OLD PRICES ICY 2. qvll 20 mAcrum & GLYDE'S, 7iS Markatt WHOLESALE ANL RETAIL In' Avix (4 BOUGHT OUR GOODS jug. before ',the recent hes vy ailve.rices e offer at prices considerably I,sd than e ho bought any where in the Efist, n large find welt assorted stock of seasonable HOSIERY AND GLOVES Of- the befit f. reign and domestic want:Do:Dire. A great variety of dress trin,ll3ing4, and Bugle (limps, Silk Tassels, Ornainenta, Veils, Rill,nns, Magic and Lace Ruffling, Jet, Silk and I Bugle Dress Buttons, a very good assort tucrit of RICH GUIPURE LACES, Embroidelies, Edgings, Parasols, Rain and, Sun Umbrellas, rtentliimenic Furnishing, bonds, and the largest and best Si•Jch of Fancy Gooda, Notions tad Small WArt.s to be found in the City. iorCALL SOON-GA ~, .z; cigZo 5 , 7 :7. - 2 ,L•,. _- p, cp CD g 7 J ,I' ''.7 - iA ' t: 1,,'4g0 j 1-,, , _ , K Pq E.!:-,-=gr. ~ • '4 'qE5.2--A' -,Ci - ;: 2- .. F.. :.f., riI4CD z-.....,2 ~ Of 2 ;z=,-2›.. ` e ms .4 - 4 J: E• 4 i t ~,,,,,,q „:1 0,,,,,„„ .4 .....•.,...:...,, .. _ • t, zt,tP,,n2N.E- c.J .t 6 E Cl) t - - irvi , lET. !., 1,.1..-.8.!..„, GIRARD HOUSE, OUESTNIIT, BELOW N I NTH ST., CLOSING OUT BALE OF SUMMER 13( riiT§', SHOES, GAITERS and BAL w. MORALS, AT BORLAND'S, PROPRIETOR. 1 jyB 98 Market street, 24 door from nab st. PHILADELPHIA, PA. • ''.,-,-,, , . - ,' i• ~ . • 40 „6.8 „.. • • r,.' ." - ; -- .:g •, i ; • , I, , ~,,. i•. - , • .4- .• , ,' r t , ' e:: 1N.,711 7 / / : / /:„.• . 5 .0404 7 1 4 . , or .. i i !iibv i --- . 4 • / - l '' . 1. ' - yr , .'" . 7,7 7- "*"•---- 7 - ",e , I e ts, ~ I, '$ g t.,.1 . ,Al.-..,; ' - 1 \ - 71, . •,11::,;#7-"7 1.'4:1'49' -'3' 7 _ i 'll 4l*lll.B ....... ' _ 0 , 0 : - -,, .%:- . ,',: ffir , t 4• /-"% 'r.. . - - - .',"„ ... •". _- - • .. ~ , imagism? •:. . r C 1, d •., li.-ft It --- , ::/ -.1.1..- _-- ;"•,...... -': -,0" I.II L ‘ 2.-. ., m .7:;!. _i" - ..:''21" - - • Jael 1, _,,.. -4 ..-...: . .-..- -,,E - -,-..- , --,----'_"—:_:::--.-- _,.. , - 7 -" - t-= - - -- 2 - _wri • •- ..r..,_ - . 7--- =--• +‘ I - IZEBIZE LL 1Z I.S NEWS DEPOT, PITTSBURGH. WEDNES DAY, JULY 13, 1864. DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, &C CLOSING OUT. HUGUS & HACKE Are now offering their i NEW AND SUPERB STOCK SUMMER‘ DRESS GOODS, t'omplete in every branch, at greatly REDUCED PRICES GENADINES, ORGANDINES, BERAGES ll= CLOAKS AND 2( per Cent. Ltga Than JP' New Goods New Goods New Goode New Goode New Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods DRESS GOODS TILAN L. IZ. I (.7 14.1 , 13 3-1. 25, 31 AND 37 1-2 CTS 14 . t :••,“ C; ef GARDNER & SCKLEITER'S 9 4 2 MARKET STREET. Sun Umberellas Cheap. Hoop Skirts Cheap . . . ''• ' - , t:.-..,.:: • - --4,::::•; ;.. - L. - . • N ,' t.': , • e.AO c:.• 0 WAMELINK & BARR, ru. 12, Bissell's Block, St. Clair street +OLI•: AGENTS FOR THE CELE -079 131tATEI) Biadbury, Schomacker & (AL's o°l,l nnt; Blurt Vri7e. PIANOS, Cheaper and will stand in tuns longer than any oti.er PIANOS made. Also, Smith's liarmonl uu.n arid Melodeons and I unical (locals generally a; 'lie lowest Eastern cash prices. Pianos to let. T o.ting and reparins; done s! the shortest notice. .'et Music bound is Ith neatness and dispatch. J,.'_3 X ° CD , icrxivrasx tarz_ra_mm.r. NEW STYLES WINDOW SHADES, Received THIS DAY. NEW SPRING STOOK OF imi!CA__RPETS! 43 Well seasoned . cLomi-I, E l AT McCALLUM'S. C7ll-11RL.IPMP EiPIVCZ)3EI-IE3. • NO. 87 FOURTR STREET. Jlls. . xi (3 :VI C.) INT SUUCESSOH TO JOHN THOMPSON, No. 7 Hand street, Pittsburgh, Penn's.. __,... CHEAP PASSAGE TO OR 1121d-'—''. from the OW Country. Persons traveling to the Old Country, or wishing to bring out their friends con secure their Passage Tickets either by the “Inman" line of steam ships, or by first class Packet Ships, by calling nt the Old Eu ropean Agency, established by the late John Thompson, deed. Also, Sight Drafts on Europe always on hands. The old friends of this agen cy may rest assured that I am prepared to trans act their business on as good terms as any Agent iu the City, and will find it to their advan tage to give me a call before buying Drafts or Tickets elsewhere. MRS. E. THOMPSON. Referencesin Pittsburgh , James Marshall, Pres. Farmers' l'emmit Bank ;1. R. McCune, I'res. Union Banking 'Company ; hleKnight & Co., Water street ; J. Kirkpatrick & Bro., Liberty et ; Arbuthnot, Shannon & Co., Wood st.; McCandless, Jamison & Co., Wood et.; Rev. Col. J. B. Clarke, Allegheny. jelstl FIRST NATIONAL BANK 4DF Pl'r'rsnUli4 n. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 017TIOR OF CoutrTROLLER of THECURIENC Washington City, Aug. bth, I WHEREAS, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to app ear that the FIRST NATIONAL BA NICOE PITTS BURGH, in the County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania has been duly organized utile, and according to the requirements of the .A..et of Congress, entitled "an Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United - States Stocks, and to provide for the circulation arlit re demption thereof." appro% ed February gbtli, 1861, and has complied with all the provisiogs of said Act required to be complied with tit fore commencing the business of Banking. New THEREFOR E, I, Hu g h McCulloch, COmr troller oi the t turre,ncv, do hereby certify that the said FIRST r; A TltiN A L BANK OF PITTS BURGH, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylt ante, is authorized to commence the tusiness of banking under the Act aforesaid, In testimony ether iof wit uCces 'my band and seal of odic; this nth day of H August, Ibb3. I L HM. I'l' LOCTI, tS Comptroller of the Currency. TEE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Late Pittsburgh Trust Company. Capital $llOO,OOO paid in with privil ege to lliet Ca4B CO 61,0011,000. The Pittsburgh Trust Company having ,organ (zed under the net to provide a , National Unrren cy, under the title or the lI,ST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSI3 Will, would respectfully offer its services for the cellection of Notes, fr•rafts htllts of Exchange, ac., receive money on df•poidi and buy and tell Exchange on all parts of the ci unity. The success which has attended the Pittsburgh Trust Company since its organization in 1852, will we believol,C a int Ilicient guarantee that busi ness entrusted to the new organization will re ceive the same prompt attention. Having a very extensive correspondence with Banks and Bankers, throughout the country, we belle% e we can otter unusual facilities to those who do !matrices with us. SHAWLS, Former Pricem ! New Goods New Goode. l'be business wW be conducted by the same officers and directors. JAMMN LAVIIFLIN WM. K. NIMICIC RODEUT ALEXANDvAt SP;t6E., TdOMA-1 Fan Nets BAILEY, W•osrmik.24, At.rx. RECALL/CT, SAMILUL RICA. New Go , -1,, New Goods 1 JAME>) LAUGHLIN', Prealdtnt Jwis 1). SCULLY, ()mallet. SECOND NATIONAL DANK New Goods New Goods TERI\ SI EY I'EPART/111.NY, OrrlC.: or ',en i'Tt:rl Lrli OV Tnr nthington 'it). h lath. 1884. w Et:Rx, By s presented to the hoe, rggn LA, It hnr 14 ell lit mile to Appear that the SE1•1 0 N11 N ATI( 'NAL PANE tit' to the County of Allegheny, amt st Jr 1 1 / 1 b) It nnet. has neva dui) ("01, 121 . 1 to the tc . initrthlOrnti., f the At' of t onyrrnn, Trattl..l" A. Art to pro- Pte n Nnt on nl l 'urrenc y, etTeliri .1 by A pledge of oral to pros oh! (00 ttle o.ltatlOn mud ".rprovetl Fo rt., y '2:5! h. 1.553. 86(1 htto eotnplrted will, All the pn 'Mors at ba:d Art to qtttred to too cottaioled ;,,te tr.otsctoict [tie business of Bank- Ire; ' New Goods 1.; w Gcr•d New Cloot' s Now Gooth, Now, therefore, I, Hro I% . l , (!rd_Looti, Corny— (;l the 'drresicy, do lwreby certify that the en.,l SECOND NA 11( )NAI. HANX ; 11,1'nerty Of A Ileghen} 4 1ntltitnte or Peto,y nor, to enee the hOhities..l IcvnWue udJ , f 11,“ AAA I:1 ta,111111.1,) lwreof a ititerrcru) lo.nd s and teal of ,Itbee, tilts IVA hry, ('H, ColoyfroLler of r TEE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OP PITTSILUIAGII, PA., Formerly .N CITY TIaST COMPANY.) Are prepnred from the netts, principle of his eel ht ehre.l fuge. They Fir, pill up in anice S3OOXOO/ with prirtlegeto inereaee to and pnlaldule furor, to butt the table of those Si.uou,boo. ;.0 tnke the_ Verniihige. 'the ,N I'll 1I!. I / I'ANN hav- Chiull en will tyke them ivi!hout trouble. They Ing otot:ilr.,l r the N,tttourl t• ii. Lir Act Fire it, elleetire u(ii":1/ 1.1.-strt.) er, arid may he glv un el, IN arrt iCre If I life t u,i..,rt,1” e 1 dense eeto Li , e akilcme ditid al Hanhirg en. I , rn!le 3luue) terett tql t.n Deposit, Fit.l Coltettlona Lunde on all rnr!s Fit the country JAt PAINTRR, .1 kg!, lltc L, W:4 int , 0 E. WA lINF.II, Erest.lcut •. E. PArri - .l(St , N, Cashier. fietr23—lahl TEN-FORTY LOAN OF U. S. I3IRST AATIONAI. Li A N PITTSBVIO/H, Designated Depcsitory and Fi nancial Agent of :ho 1:5 authority ul the Treasury Department this liat.lt 5.1.1 r.•c. , i..1. , 111 , 1101.,1, ,I the Tun }urty E I,u cum. ,;,•16-1,. atu,g 1; , m•. A commission u Ili he alto,.rd 1 0 l inks , Bank era and Broken, .1 Alslls LAI ((MAIN, I Uclers fur Presul, nt. I'ltl.lulsll. stpulloll., 15t4. sp:T BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, JP" 3Ft a: -, 6:7 - .. a. 'l.'''..lU f...L 4 9.. 1"... 10 , h lean than regular paces, at M'CLELLAND'S AUCTION, 55 FIFTH STREET N. B.—No oonneetion with ouy other hounti Look tor Name find Number nbove door. NEW "DREAMING OF HOME." NiIiEACTIFUL WORDS AND TAKING iq uelc. Ite popuiality will be unbounded. PRICE, 25 CENTS °oplee mnfled on receipt of price. 11)3 2.6(1&w H. D. BRECHT & CO., mANUFACTURERS OF Looking Glasses, Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings, Portrait and Picture Frames, Dealers in Catholic Pictures. No. 12S hmithileld street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. jele BISSELL'S BLOCK.. W. Ti. M' GEE, No. 10 St. Clair St., WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of buyers to his stook of Goods, which has been selected with greet o nee and contains all the newest styles of Gcod3 to be foundin tirst.class houses. Gent's wishing a suit of clothes made to order will please call and exam ine our goods and prices. Also, a full and com plete stock of FURNISHING GOODS. W. H. MoGEE, Merchant Taira; No. St. Clair street, mrit Pittsburgh, Ps. NATIONAL BANKS of PITTSBURGH, PA., PITTSIsT•IIGIi MEE= It nulqolq, V. 71•.1.1 United States 0". rrp tiC6V rip' lon, ni SUNG. CHAS. C. MELLOR, wutm STREET MEDICAL Dr. B. it. Wilson's Pills WILL CURE 4 :0ra...! , 0 4* LOOK ON THIS PICTURE, And if suffering from Headache, go at once and buy a box. TC TIIF. knr FFIFFitt Y I Of lIVED. 111E1" 1111,1. l'Ell ri/11 II A SPEEDY AND PERMANENT CURE, P4LVA,Mn BY B. L. FAHNESTOOK & CO SOLE PROPRiETE,RS NVECOLE.SALE DIWUGISTS, Ind Ilanafarturers of White LL'ad, Red Lead, Litharge, Putty, dx. 1; fi7B Wood 81., Pittfdorrgh, Pa. 3 , 0 R A I_,V, 1.:rur , . , 2:3ts and Patent Medicine Dealers Everr%hore B. L Fahnestock's ATERINITFUGE. thEAH Slit.—WE TAKE HU CH yM p.enrure to MMlsurilig you that there !Lino Vermliuge nine In use that we think equals your, as a WORM 1 1 12FiTROYER. We have bold it largely at retail, and with uniform sue eoa. We ate Drui:giets And Phyatciana, have prescribed it for our liatients, and have been trail satistle4 uThh its effects. SATION h 8113/304. Mica, N. Y. B. L. FiIINESTOCR'S WORM CONFECTIONS PIiEPARY.I , AIN) SoI.LI HT B. L FAHNESTOCK & CO., r.il , Ropi?Tt.T( 'N 76 u ua 7 K W00(1 Ulla 91 Fourth St.., Prrrsnrrou, PA Sold by Druggleta and 'Medicine Ilealen, &Goer apl3-lAwdtitg Allegheny Bank, Exchange Bank, Citizens Bank. Mechanics' Bank, Merchants' and Manufacturers' Farmers Deposit Balking Co., Bank of Pittsburgh, 11011 City Bail, Ist, 2d and 3d National Banks. CHECK BOOKS on all the above fur sale at MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., No. :1,4) Fifth St. A follnasoftmeo t of Statnittary constuttiy on pLAIVEIt. ilz KAYSER'S Noiseles Patent Sewing Machines, These Sewing Machines are known asthe very best in the I; nit 4 N.l States. They are WARRANT ED, and sold s, t the LOWEST PRICES. Call and examine t, em before buying elsewhere. Re pairing of Se wing Machines of every kind promptly atte ruled to. EJ {NEST AXTHELM Agent, No. 103 Third stree t,Pittsburgh, a. W ANTED. mhltl-13,3 A 10 314901 NITHS LEASE OF A SMALL Dwehut T House or 3 Rooms pleasantly sit uate in Piltal Jurgh, 1111.1egheny or Birmingham. Call on 3. H. CASIDA.Y, Real Estate Broker, No. el Fourth st. srriama rroorria HAY A :SID GRAIN RAKES, Wlti ",.NT,L I3 sTATEEffingrawnd WHEELBAI CROWS. Manufactured and for Bale by C. COLEMAN, Near the Penitentiary, rnhl7 Allegheny City, Pa. RtalSia THE FAIR MEN'S, BOY'S and Nora the Gaiters and lialmorala, Ladles' ea and el Lildren's Balmorala, Gaiters and Boots at the lowest price, at BORLAND'S, jell td3 Market it. flolfrAfi BER COUPONS, BotiGairr4 AT K TAF t i T Ii ef: l i p 1 . 1 . , z E , 8 T rates; at. *_ Bankero. je294w No. 178 Wood at. paitg From the Washington Union. Profanation of the President's Grounds by a Negro Pic-Nis. - The 4th ofrJuly, 1864, witnessed what no other day in the urinals of our country ever saw. On that day the negroes of Washington pity assembled in large num bers on the g!ounds sonthof the • Presi dent's House, and there, beneath the very eaves of the building ertcted by white men for the residence of the Chief Magistrate of white men, made a nation's park the chosen scene of their feast;' ing and revelries, under the kanetion of that nation's. President. The incident bears a terrible signifi cance from the circumstances connected with it, and the horrible condition -into which the country has been placed. Here in the Capital of the country, on the banks of the Potomac—within the `grounds surrounding the mansion of the Country's. Chief Magistrate, assembled a vast herd of negroes to enjoy them selves in the gayeties of a pic-nic. The warm July sun beaming in a cloudless f• 1E y shone upon them protected from the fierceness of its rays by the leafy branch es of the thickly clustering trees. The. breezes front the Potomac cooled their dusky brows. The fountains sparklid in the glittering suffshille - fdr theit'de r . light. Their hearts were cheered by the gayeties of the occasion, and joyously excited by the thought that in front of them was his house who,-to bestow upon them such pleasures, had steeped,,the country to the very dregs of the bitterest cup of woe ever held to a nation's lips. And but a few miles away front them, beneath the hot glare of Virginia suns, and in the stifling atmosphere of Virgi nia swamps, rendered still more horri ble by the.decaying comes of thousands of their comrades. toiled and fought the noblest of the land. No trees to shelter 114)n—no cool river breezes to refresh them—no fountains splppling' music on the cir for them. PaMhed with heat and worn with toil—their hearts sadden ed by recollections Of their noble com rades whose • dead bodies filled every utile of that terrible march from the Rap idan to the Appumattox—visions of happy Fourths of July stealing over their minds—this noble army of white men—the very flower of the lad—were hurling themselves fruitlessly u n t al most impregnable fortifications the commands of a head-long and unrAtlect ing leader, for what? That the negro should have the privilege of enjoying himself socially and pleasurably on the 4th of July in the public grounds of the Nation's Capital The question may be pertinently asked, for what are we now fighting, and to what are we tending, when such. disgraceful scenes may be witnessed as the legitimate - result of the efforts of those intrusted with the management of the wet? We see the country torn and rent, tears in every mother's eye, agony at every father's heart; the proud prest ige of the great Republic perhaps for ever gone; constitutional 'liberty and law ruthlessly immolated upon their, own altars, and contemptuously tram pled in the dust; the last and the bright est hope of humanity withered in the grasp of cowardly tyranny, like a flow er in the frost of an autumn blast, law, order, and security beneath the iron heel of a foully corrupt despotism; with the insane cry still going up for the continuance of this infernal dance of death; and as compensation for all these, we have the proud elevation to social anti political equality with American freemen of a race indelibly stamped by the hands of the Creator with the mark of degradation—of a race whose finest instincts are a coarse brutality, and whose highest aspirations are a beastly sensuality. Great God! is this a com pensation for the ineffable horrors of the sacrifices the groaning country has made for the past three memorial years? Is this the restored and happy Union the Republican party itmnised us should merge front the fiery furnace of this unholy war? (Jr is it but an experi nwnt on the part of these blood-thirsty and visionary fanatics to overrun the immutable laws of physical nature, and by destroying all that is dear to man, attempt an improvement on the work of the Almighty? tt is well that the people should pon der these things. It is well that they should think deeply upon the fact of ne- gro enjoyment of the delights of life purchased at the expense of thousands of lives and countless millions of mo ney. IL is well they should ask them selves it the Union is to be irretrievably ruined—themselves crushed into hope less poverty by the unendurable weight of public debt—their sons dragged off by the conscription like sheep to the shambles—their recollections of past glory and their hopes of future greatness alike buried in the inextricable ruin to which all things are tending, merely to increase the pleasures of an inferior race which a true and immutable instinct of our nature has pronounced unfit for any relations with white men but those of a servile type. And it is especially well that the people should ponder these things when this party whose policy in augurated the existing horrible condi tion of affairs—in whose treacherous em brute Union and Constitution have per ished; and whO, in the name of Free dom, assassinat•vl Liberty at the very foot of her altars—who pulled down the temples of constitutional devotion, and dedicated groves to the worship of the falsest and foulest heresies that ever dis graced the political religion of a nation —who have proved most terribly to the country the truth of the old Roman max im of "whom tihe Gods wish to destroy they first make inad"—when this party, we say, come before the peeiple, and gravely demand the p..!ople's 'support, because the count' y's salvation rests solely with them, it is well that they should deeply Meditate this glaring in consistency—Ws worse than suicidal policy—this horrible but legitimate 're sult of Black Republican teachings. It cannot be that the people !will sup port therm God, in His justice, has another and a more merciful destiny for America. The ',people of the country.are" too intelligent MI the deceived longer by Abolition sophistries—too earnest to: pay them any heed-r-too patriotic to hesitate a moment in their attempts to kill this dynasty out of power. With the Divine, blessing surely upon our holy enterprise' we shall raise the standard of - Union - and Constitution, sQ•dear, -to all, patriotic hearts, and in 17ov - ember neitauttOrince to the bleeding, and disievered Republic the joyful tidings of peaCe, happiness and restored Union under the just 'And ben eficent way of time hopored and time cherished Democratic principle. If an Abolitionikt be elected to the PreaidenCy next November,.the White Nouse ought to be painted black. , ME=E9 Bakkling-PrAOOO2l6----,,, - IitPLAIN AND 'MET-408 PR ita . . Zxectited liiiii; beet ;;;;;:: :7:1:77 r SPEOLIL ATVENTiOIT PAW , RAILROAD,., MERCANTILE Ati LEGAL PRINTIN • Our fattli=ftitOthir-, ' = Roosters, For Exhibitions and OcknoFfiiiiiipiii bs • The Newest Artlifteiels l 4Bl4% .( P Within the past year-some-,verLfina - inutationsof upon that Yorlf4iii#Witt" ettrt, 411444"/ passing in alidl44eff .• et-the best pastes forinellYt.499g.rk4kcr( the public,, under, imatiollti.!t ,narries. The.: new imitations, tket,:.1:,..y".., old ones, purport to be a - species cdPbeelt-i. .`alamonda''. from -the geld prodeCillg , !.., l : , countries of the world i .bot th e „, a pp e n a! , dons are purely fanciful,, - for._they • are only superior articles of paste. „some , dealers claim them to be a kind Orli/ant; ' but that is true only to thea:e.rteat,,,iltat., pulverized quartz enters into their corn- position, mixed with borax,, ahtmins &eine, arsenic, oxide of :tin, or ntluo,:„. , ingredients. They are not-cut from solid quartz; which is less brilliant the commorrpastes..' Thee-rid-) - pftweett , c` , - -, ?.`• of making these .sttacessittlimt..l.".W tations is knoisn' only to .the JrnartuftW3 - .!-, tigers, (ire Paris "Or,ltleurnanyi.;,.foT4 -nor. one is made in this coaxal*, att - tar known,) and is of course jealously,„ guarded by them. ' - No respectable jeweler attempts pass off pastes as diamonds.;- , .-Bwindi,, lers may sometimes buy Ilne:spetirrieite from the dealers , aint trade. themaway.'...,:ua at the regular dui' mond:pricei but cases must be rare r for:any - person ;of ; the least common sense, who thought of purchasing a diamond ilaro-an uril not lathe tiade;',*elliffi.be:Otiietoktlez--,' consult a jeweler or Other expert Precious stones, By whom the fraud would be detected:ln an Anstait,: paste can stand, tall., the tests .. of; r--; the diamond. Itif the touch, its "retentitih — tnMelettxre;' the ease with whichat , inseratched"bl' agate or topaz; =• the rainutettir which a microscope diseavers in its depths, all prove it to-be But the skillful eye can tOkthe,..reitl dia mond from the, false at a Tice former hese hardnesil'of glitter of refiabtedlight,Vvhich the pastes just miss.r.-Norte butiltellaostirt experienced judges, q4tirP•JaJP-V_lliP44?/7,1-zattla of the icy larebency,or aclamanturespien t dor of the genuine 'gem, _ always apply It as latest. -1 4..OrdiriarY1 judges will be deceived by:therimprtoredd.- ' Pastes' and any iedlvr,'Avho 4 1 104Pe-es•.- r 4 ,: 144 ', 4 , petted from the richness of her,,tatireter, ' wear diamonds,"' dirty swing 'out' the • pastes from her ears, or display thenvtirtn ,- ;.:=,:<.. her fingers without fear Of detection - li* the brightness; of thq i imitation lies de patted; for it goes sooner or later, with the most caretni Usage. The Permanent- lustre of erystalized :etirbeir is: its .onao'7 , ! precious wholly inimitable qatailY. Th7is z , yr.IC permanence. of stability„ It pray be ;re marked, characterizes the precioris. things of nature,- gold,' siliket,' - lvoiyand. every one of 'the gems. " ,, Itelfatibia• which are almoattpeefectl-ixt.' other xes-,-, ' pects, fall in that. It is nature's ittatlin passable barrier against art: - `. So far with the paste Maxitakettirers.' A more interesting branchthesub-: ject is the chemical, or strictly sal exttifici.:_ , `, , , production of dine:wrists frere their natigP, _ material, carbon. Some .of 64 best chemists in the world haVedeViatedlyeari L' of toil to this task, withoutsuceeia • Mi- - 2 croscopic diamonds have been inade•or :'; are reported to have been. Becquerel l o French chemist, produced minute cm- , , tallirations having the hardness Of die- . moods, by the slow action-of electricity on boxwood charcoal (a very pure form of carbon,) but they were: nearly black. Another Frenchman last year claimed to- have made diamonds, by the reaction of phosphorus, on sulphide of carbon, both ; being under water. ' • The sulphide of - carbon dissolved theiPhesfillerns,and the latter, it was said, slowly combined wish the sulphur, freeing the carbon which chrystallized out. NohOdY•eVersaW the diamonds--but • the - maker. Many ex-: :. perimeutabave been matie.with • this re-., markable fluid (stilktltida of carbon,) and from it, if from any souree'the artificial - '- diamond must come. It consists of pure . 1 7 7 sulphur and pure carbon, in the propor- • tions of about five of the former to one of the latter. The carbon Ingredient is in" fact fact diamonda' in a state of fluidity; pos- ' sessing the wonderful refractive power , ••• of the real gems. The exceeding •brit- ; Haney of the sulphide of carbon adapts. it peculiarly for use in prisms, for -spect ral analysis—that new department of - modern science by which sr me of the most extraordinary , discoveries of thh age have been made. Now, if it were possible to isolate the carbon and let it crystalize out, diamonds could be made. Ordinary at tempts ~ to decompose the fluidqiy" elec tricity give a deposit of sulplarr an one pole, and of black charcoal, In small grains, on the other. Silver has a pow- - erful affinity for sulphur; and an Eng lish chemist tried the effect of immers-- ing that metal in the fluid, hoping to separate the carbon in that way, but ;- nothing came of it. after ten years' ex perimenting. A French chemist has brought out, during the present year, an' entirely new process of - making diamonds • directly from charcoal, by the action of borax, which he claims. dissolves . -the . _ carbon at a high , heat; yitilding one '' pound of brilliants of 'the fifst water per bushel of charcoall ' It is further .said that a patent for this process haabeen taken out by the inventor for the. United, States, as well as for all Other countries where "sparklers". are in request! Such are the extraordinary "yarns"•to which scientific journals sometimes give cur rency, probably for the fan of the thing, since the editors must know that noth ing can be more absurd than the alleged • - discovery. It is not quite safe to predict what sci ence will net do; but this much may be said, that the prospect of making die- mends artificially from carbon; "except - in Nature's secret and awful laboratory of the ages, is about as flattering.as , of the discovery of the "philosopher's. stone."-,--Journal 'of Commerce. 120 N FOUNDRY FOR.' SALE. 'LI' TEr44.POIINDER^P MACHINE lINIOP-;:-' iiz TWO 'DWELLINGS, Corner of Butler and Carson street', 111 the - oth Ward, on therA., V. IL A. Vita valuable , : Derry, froannefin fgel!on. BPlier lad lari ' toot on Oarlunlo glia4: ol, Afq* Y. t e rm a' —' 5 0 4 Possesaign..,.. , Oren`gaL, • • Tor ,appirick 43.4 2 tattAlt,-: Baikeilf Ifigdiuiee A k . jean Rl3l3oo.lflt,ThAlPea IrUE oc6P- fore-42.14We= ee't•A OC ?DINED by Ismwm Co .:1 - authorized to use the name ,e,f. -0e _ " settlement of the btutir vir , st the old sew& - TpuiToN::, T BOGVE N . ' • ••••'• • Nat!more, July 1, 1354 E:4B-15Filiainkill:4atibit moo, JwitroodyeAtand4co ZEIC, , ,ii:IILIDESTEONCh • •14 soma blarlast statio 0,4; I=ll aimusomvpow ---- • • ~;~~:~'