The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, June 22, 1864, Image 2

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When the Southern leaders forced
their section into rebellion, every one
maw that 'if they persiate.d in it, it would
evetitilaily put an end to negro slavery.
The Abolition leaders, however, were
not willing to let the institution disap
pear as-our arms advanced into South
ern tetribory. They insisted upon acts
of COngress, and bulls against the com
et t 4 hasten its downfall. When Congress
acted, the fanatics cried out "slavery is
dead;" but it was considered necessary
to constantly kicking the corpse,
in order to prevent it from rising a nd
recovering new life again. These fanat
ics, oven now, after three years of car-
nage and blood, do not seem to hare
learned anything whatever; they are
now just as stupid incorrigible and
bloody, as when they swore ten thou
sand old women, with broom sticks,
could conquer the entire South.
On the 16th inst., in Congrtss the fa--
natics of that body returned to their fa
amusement of killing:slavery by
legislatibn; they had a partizan purpose
also to subserve. They attempted to '
push through an amendment to the Con
stitution, by which slavery was to be
abolished forever in the United States.
Now, this was mere buncombe, because
slavery must be destroyed, if killed at
all,, by hard blows and not by acts of
Congress. Against this absurd amend
ment the conservatives of the House
voted almost in mass, upon which the
New York Tribune sat up the following
howl,which has been echoing ever since
from the smaller Abolition organs
throughout the country. It said:
The Democratic
. party in the House to-day
deliberately strapped the burden of slavery on
Hashoulders for the coming Presidential elec
tion. It voted to maintain human slavery, find
refused to consent wan amendment of the Con
stitution of the United States to abolish it. o
day, in the pinch and crisis of the war waged
by the South against the North in the interest
of slavery, every member of the party except
three voted to sustain the accursed institution
it-ti to retain within the Constitutlom the few
doubtful guarantees of its existence,
According to this madman of the Tri
tune, all who do not favor his crazy and
chimerical vagaries are necessarily ad
. vocates of slavery. The Democrats and
' other conservatives in the House, upon
the occasion refered to, and having some
little regard for their oaths to support
tale ,Constitutidn, could not See the
propriety of. New England A b
legislating to interfere
with- .the rights of the other States,
.py, amending our national constitution.
The Democratic party does not fancy
' Mr. I.4..NCOT.N'Et idea of allowing one-tenth
of the people of a state to constitute the
conunonwealth,neither are they in favor
i-ota Minority in Congress—in the absence
.bf:a,majority—amending the Constitu.
: tton, in. order to interfere with the per
sonal rights of the citizen, and the re
served rights of the States.
t• The following reasons for its rejection
15y wiitibppoted the proposed amend
' inent will 'Strike the reader as being en
: titrely unanswerable; ho said:
.sTh'e proposal of this amendment by the Re
, pulsilealls settles out of doubt their intention
to.proseaute the war for the mete abolition of
'alaVery. It -also ' evinces their consciousness
..ctintalte prOsecution of the war for such. an ob
i'Sqet4ittricotstltutional, They wish to- amend ,
S a a G it e dit a eri e titir al i en events t t. i i i ) (l l o. Cor lf ‘l t . l l :4
tttchitty the atiiendment, they would there•
by, !pew* ancylwatat *dm itastranocus to con
: ' , Antle.ttie,War far,the same purpose lot which
' they Olt& te prosectite it. -
"Thepractittal eireet of such an amendment
• Men:hi minas obligatory on the government to
igg eti . telt w t r e far row.
e the me n n ie t re h Lati an nct o io , n tion oi
tU7thiv Sotatr i Vttottl i a some baek on ow:Acton .
thittaanlaing more should be required of them
taaa itibmissionto the Constitutionas It stands,
- there ti, at present, tie impediment to receiving
. • z therri,exeept tuldtextstain the will of our rulers.
But pass this amendment, let it be ratified, and
war for the extintelon of slavery would become
• a canstftultoned obligalicin. If it required a war
of thirty years po aocOmplish the object, our
rulers would be bound by their oathe of office to
ley upon' our shoulders the mighty burdee. if,
lathe end of five years, or ten years, the revolt
, ed states should be willing to return to their old
place in the Union, with their old rights, the
- .gtivertiment would not even be at liberty to con
,llder thelr - propessii it would be compelled to
subjeetour peopte to grinding taxation to main
, 'sal* fi'lear of mere philanthrophy.
The Abolition press is s ftingularly len
ient, regarding VAIANDIGEWS'I3 defiant
return from banishment. to his home in
9hio; many of those, Who a year ago
Wore for hanging him, now speak of him
as if he were not worth minding. For
Instance the Galitte of this city, alluding
to VALANDIOHAM commenced in this
The Government, we are much gratified to
notice, pays no attention to jALAntDG HAM.
His return home, at the time of the Pfloaoss'
raid into Kentucky, was intended as a tieftanre to
the Government—a challenge to bring on hostil
ities between it and his adherents.
If this statepaent of the Gazette be true
in what a lamentable and despicable po
.aitiou-does it :place our National Ad
ministration? Twelve months since it
was quite valiant with three hundred
armed men; in the dead waste and mid
dle of the night, in the quiet home of
the accused; , to arrest him and hurry
him off to prison. Now, in defiance
of his sentence of banishment he re-
turns to his home in Ohio; and for the
purpose of defying the Administration
to re-arrest him. Nay more, he Caine,
nets alleged, to assist the rebels in ma
king raids into Ohio. And yet the
Gentle is much gratified that the Gov
ernment "pays no attention to VALAN-
Driairku." We scarcely know which to
despise the most, the blustering and
cowardly Administration, or the poor
idependent.spaniel which so obsequious
' and inetinii applauds i s cowardice.
Qr . this backing do n, this utter
aving in, this exhibition of the white
• feather upon the part of the Adminis
traticin, :the country is indebted to the
tcariCss position assumed by PRE
MONT and his Cleveland convention.
Their open, defiant and determined de
. 'liunciEitions lor arbitrary arrests,' have
made "honest A.tint" and his parasites
r joinble, 'and'
. hence their_ 4.lsßoOtion to
17.410Ltinfoilefet. 11,19ne. .Whak* lame
/gaud :Impotent pooh - Lou 'for our. s
. ,
meat ici'orebuip,Pt •
A year ag. , —eyen thoe, like ourself,
win) never 'y L 1 with VALANDIG
-11:01', pt:CUVI Ir.,..Aotiuns regarding the
war—were der(dnbleet b Abolitiofu:sts
as sympathizeniTwith treilirtm, lieehuse
we contended foihia right - to utter his
sentiments; noNsr the -irery papers, like
the Guzette, tlititAtovricd for hid blood,
are advising the Administration not to
mind him although he derides and de-
~`~'~. ,
z-pi,es it , powcr.
The craven conduct or the i!minis
tration in our foreign relations was bad
enum2.ll, but its quailing before the
thrusts of a returned convict renders it
simply contemptible. We are indebted
to FRENLONT for thus bringing the rail.
splitting mountebank to his knees.
Although the Pittsburgh Gazette for
three years insisted that slavery was
the cause of the war and that hostilities
must continue until the institution is
utterly exterminated—even if it takes
"the last dollar and the last man," it
yesterday made the following evasion,
, •r hat party altlin to preserve the Union 111
crushing out treason. ;n.l, in striving to accom
plish that result, it I ecognizes the fact that sla
very Is in the roan.':
But the trouble with the thick skull
ed person who penned this is, thathe and
his brother fanatics can not see any
thing but slavery that is in the way of
crushing the rebellion. They are not
willing to put down the rebelllon with
out the absolute destruction of slavery
being insured; theY, therefore, regard
the death of slavery as being the princi
ple of the war and the lite of the Union
as a mere principle.
This gallant and meritorious soldier
has been assigned the command of the
10th corps in place of Gao. GlimonE.
It was thought by the patriotic WIL
LIAMS, M. C. that he was not loyal
enough to maintain command ,:f the
apartment of the Mononeahela. He was
a Copperhead.
Thurlow Weed on Republican
The Evening Post Overhilled—Marip3sa
Redivivus--Opdyke, Ketchum and
Field Fingering Fremont's Funds--
The Money that made the Wooly
Horse Go--About Greeley, Cal
lieott, Camp and Cotton
Inside View of Radical Roguery
[From tne Albany Eve°tar, Journal June
The Ere n ng Post attempts to reverse
our positions, making itself the assailed,
instead of the assailing party. That jour
nal went out of its way to stigmatize me
asa "fellow of whourthe President should
"keep clear." rif the "(oarSeneto: 01 this
gratuitous assault, compared with the
teams of my reply, I shall leave others to
judge, It will be found that the
was more disturbed by the exposure id
its meditated treachery than by Any
question of "temper or manners.' . The
Post, however, only indulges its 'meth
"generalities" as :in army throws for.
ward its skirmishers preliminarily to an
engagement. Whenever the Post, its
neighbor the Tribune, or Mayor t)pdyke,
get into a "riuht place," they resort to
the "steamer Cataiine " ln n nll emer
gencies they play that earl. The alleg.
ed "frauds" in the "charter" of the
"Cataline" hate cov( rid -up arid shield
ed rascalities and corruptions enough to
sink a nation. Under the auspiera
the Van \Vyck Investigating Committee
(wle , se chairman sought to avenge him.
self upon me because I had declined to
demand from the Board of State Can
vassers a certificate of his election to
Congress without regard to the question
of whether he was or was not legally
chosen), stimulated by the Tribune,
prominent members of the "1:11i013 De
fense Committee," Collector Barney and
Mr.'Optlyke, singled out the `•Catahne
character' . as fraudulent, though bun-
deeds of steamers, (whore and since, had
1 and have been chartered at much higher
rates. It was not that too much was
paid for the Cat aline, but that my en
emies ( gentlemen whose hostility bears
even date with sonic disappointed aspi
ration) supposed that 1 was connected
with that charter. This supposition, and
the accusations founded upon it, arc
wholly untrue and unjust, working the
double wrong of injuring the parties who
were concerned in the charter of the Car -
aline, and of traducing me, who was
not in any way or manner, directly or
indirectly, so concerned.
The Putt, atter a dissertation on
"temper and manners," proving, in its
own way, that its free epithets of "fel
low" and "burglar — are not "course,"
Yet we cannot congratulate Mr. Weed
on playing very well the part he has
been forced to take. There is enough
of his abuse, such as it is; but it is so
coarse as to be nauseous. He is much
more at home in his well-known capaci
ty of father of the lobby at Albany. lle
is much more ingenious and successful
in manouvering a gridiron railway
through the New York Legislature•
His dexerity in chartering the steamer
Cataline for the use of the government
in the beginning of the war, was the ad
miration of all Wall street. Mr. Dawes,
on the floor of the House of Representa
tives at Washington, it may be remem
bered, paid a handsome tribute to his
financial ability, when be spoke of the
liberal percentage secured by him on
contracts given out at the opening of
our civil war. Here his genius shines
almost without a peet. "These,', as
Virgil said of another person in Dry
den's translation—
"fhese are imperial arts and worthy thee "
Let Mr, Weed. then, confine himself
to these.
However, if he chooses to indite
another silly article of the same sort for
the Evening Jourrutl, he has our free
I avail myself of the courtesy of the
Post "to indite another Silly article," re
matking, by the way, that the services
of the reputed "father of the lobby," may
be dispensed with while an editor of the
Erening Post remaThs a prominent mem
ber of that body, passing his winters in
Albany, using the columns of that con
venient journal to support or oppose bills
in which he is interested. With this
representative in the "lobby at Albany,"
and another of his associates with his
arts shoulder deep, as navy agent, into
the'federal treasury, the Poet's censor
ship of legislative purity is modest and
bepoming! If by invithg "another silly
article,"• some of the glass windows of
the Post get broken, it must remember
who.threw the first stone! But I return
to tbp'steamer Cateline, in relation to
Whijie charter accusations and aapersions
have TO_llowed me,, from my own coun
' • to WOO, for mOr,ethan three years.
allegation or abuse in Conaesa, in
journals, while I was eitrelY
General Brooks
nected with the, claraater of that steam
er,i4o,,indeed, as ignorant of the fact
uf:tke charter as any man, woman or
chi 14 in tfi, state. The letters mhieh
folkiw—one from Mr. Develiu, who p,kr
elniEed the Cataline; another from Mr.
Davidson, who became interested in the
purchase, and another from Captain
Copstock, who chartered her to Colonel
Tompkins, for the government—are
submitted in answer to the false charge
of the Erehir,:i Pot, viz., (hat my "(lex
wit ch,loering banter
far Hie se , of the q , . , reehrnr it at the bey2h
! hihy..r the tear ,C,1.4 the '7llllll.nd IV ' all
tis:w Yonk, .lone 16, 141 , 1
l• r Weed, Esq.
DEM SIR! Your note requesting me
to state your oonnection with the pur
chase and charter to the United States
Government of the steamer Cantaline is
After this• boat had been verbally
chartered by the agent here of the Cloy
eminent, she was °tiered for sale, and I
advanced to the purehaser the money to
}ray for her. The amount of the pur
chase money was obtained by me from
one of our banks on a discount of cer
tain notes. As I had done with you be
fore, so on the occasion of borrowing
this sum, I, without explaining to you
in any way the object for which I de
sired to raise the money, asked you to
put your name on two notes, which at
the same time I presented to you in your
room for your signature. You sined
them without inquiry or remark. Be
yond this simple and remote proceeding,
I am not aware that you ever had any
connection with the purchase or chatter
of the boat. And as you had been atoent
from the city for some days, and arrived
only a few hours before you signed the
notes, I feel certain that you could not
have known anything of the pun-base,
which was arranged some two—or of the
charter which had been verbally made,
some fear—days previously.
Truly yours. „TWIN E. Dar Ki IN.
.tune 17,
DEAR Sin In reply to your request of
this morning, I have to say that in April,
was requested to take an interest
in the steamboat Cataline, which vessels
had been previously chartered t the
government. I imeepte(l the proposi-
Con, and went with Mr. Develin to your
room, where, at his request, you signed
the notes given in payment for the
steamer. We did not explain tie n the
object lid• which y,a,r 11 RIM' was olmilu
ed, and I am sure you ha J nn kni , w ledge
ot the transaction until niter the C,italine
had Lceu chictere , l l'ohsl,l Thomp.
loins fni the iliiivernment Snle , equiitly,
when I deemed it in) ditty to
proe.a line. atrainid the partie- interest
ed in the trio-Settee inc , r nn ail
Vallee I bait made, un counsel intormed
nu ttIM iis ymir name appeared on the
notes, it must, to make the leral preceed
ing ineluiled in the eomplamt.
But I have never- and do not no: now
(insider yen otherwise than t, h.ds a
defendant i 4 the Snit; nut el, IFccri
asserted by wspapers and individuals,
has anything occurred be! weenui to dis
, tart) or weaken the feellug of close friend
ship which has existed for thine year:
'fours, most truly,
(;ILIIKRT C; June 1;
-;in I hpre Iftvor ~ r 1 tli• nlor•
nincr in t uir n 1‘1,,u1 :hr
Tht• (.'at.olo , • ary
I . roin wll , •ii.l , y the burning of tit ,
britl;:ei near land cotittniihi
tin!) with Was ititcriurt. , l,
Find lii it ill ,
lrfwith and 'rho
ellattcr Wa'i ft IRA!,
a, I shimld
iunal COMMiltre hail •1,
1 lo izos
~~~~~~.,rt •;E~itp
rt.r iL
thin , :lif•y p,).11,4
1,1( 1 tor steamr, (II the
I ma . with Tonipkini, aloni• r...
spunsilile for ti turop i i 1 that r
1 shall tal i :, a proper ia catiion to Yu
ate my own action in the matter; ciin
tentini.; the lin:sent hp •aunt
that thi• yi.o with th,
~tt-aillbo Ca!a!lti.
lor tlic goo . . limit 1,1 nr,
untrue. I bad n•a
with viii in relation to that
rhaati,2l, I v. ataa tl.en cligate.eal with you in
chartering culler steatutars for the govern
anent, fur which na itlier or tia , F ca la eal
eaamprnsali at from the paver !uncial, or
front the pattia • ownlni! the stein., ras
Our reivalal has been in l'aanzra!a-aiaa
anal newspaper ulatliae, of It It ch yaau
(being a polit.a lan, anti I only at sai!aar
haat e anonopoliia,.l — the lint share '
Tru'y t-oura, I ,1: Caasi 4 T , soh
ThliTiOW W
Having borne, quite long enough, Ow
repronch onsciptent upon these e dun)
nies, I take leave to unmask som of my
assailants. In the distribution of In.•rn.
Live ollicea at ‘Va-diingt , in, claim iame
Atlilrotn the K en,nj PoR( tine of Ps
proprietors t Mr. Henderson) asked for
and received the office of navy tigent,
Even in times of peace, Hirt in:)•
cording to the Fog t, enjoyed an uni nvi•
able notoriety connected with "unclean
drippings. — 'rile Eveniny PO4l incum
bent, it is alleged, has suelied these
"drippings — enormously. Soule weeks
since, its neighbor, the r,oraitierin . ,/ Ad
rertelver, submitted the follewing c barges
against the_navy agency:
The Navy Agenelew
It appears that since the present Ail.
ministration came int() power, U. W.
Schofield A. Co., f New "York, have
been paid $1,172,11:1 99. A. porti , n 01
this was for articles contracted for, but
the larger part of their deliveries were
made upon what are called "open pur
chases"—that is to say, an order from
the navy agent at New York, directing
them to procure certain articles and to
deliver them to the naval storekeeper at
the Brooklyn navy yard. Ostensibly in
the hardware business, they hare, in
this way supplied the Brooklyn navy
yard with firewood, lumber, lime, hair,
plaster, iron, nails, hardware, paints,
glass, ship chandlery, charcoal, oils,
belting staves, packing, leather, hose,
stoves, cooking utensils, tin and copper.
The navy agent does not appear to have
paid the least attention to the quality or
the cost of the articles supplied by Ids
general- purchasing agents, Schofield
& Co.
The members of the firm, detected at
last, and now being tried by cmirt-mar
tial, kept a systematic set of books, from
which Senator Grimes was permitted to
make some extracts to incorporate into
his recent speech. I copy a few items
as a sample of the manner in which "pen
purchases"have_ been made at New York.
The first column contains the cost Mike
of the articles named, and the second
colomn shows what the government paid
for the same articles—the navy agent ap
proving the bills
Charged to
May 26, 11163 Cost to Govern
-329, 339, fix. C. W. S. Sr. Co. meat at
240 pair brass hinge stationary
pins, 3,i; in., 90e 517,32 $210,00
370 pair brass hinge stationary
pins, 3 in., 70c 49,43 • 202,00
400 pair brass hinges stationary
pins, 9.i.4 in., 4Le 16,45 109,00
1,000 gross brans screws assort
ed at $4 781,30 4,000,00
1,500 gross iron screws assort
ed at $1.40 5E6,85 2,100,00
August 15, 1863.
20 bbla turpentine, 863,‘,; gals.,
nt 83.50 81,189,40 44,108,60
2 bbls copal varnish, 112 gals,
at 85,50 267,20 616,0) l
2 bbls apari varnish, 86 gals.,
at 84,50 115,80 887,00
September 7 1863.
I C (Xl ltd black bTtr ( hid bUl ety at $l6
November '2, 163.
17tui (bill)
C. N. R. C. IC P. Caulker, .;o
bbla pitch at V.),r)
Cartage, 3 loads at $1,50....
It is rumored, and I am inclined to
'oelieve the rumor, that another account
hook, kept by Messrs. Schofield Lk: - Com
pany, shows to whom they had to pay
a goodly percentage of these enormous
Profits. 50 , (3 Terrons.
. _
I Ex-Mayor Opdyke was active in get
ting up the "Calaline' and li.,
assailed me in the newTaii, r. and at
Washington. This usait ha; made unir,
money by secret partnership in army
cloth, blankets, clothing, and gun (-On
tracts, than any fitly' sharpers, Jew or
Gentile, in the city of New York. Pass
; ing his operations in the names of Car
hart and others, I shall brietly
the history and result of one financial
dodge. During the riots in New York
a gun factory was ilu4troyeli. G. NV.
Farley, Opdyke's son-in-law, a
el.drn up,m the supervi , or , for daina:re=
sustained in the destruction of gum, it ,
the process of manufacture under a : , :m
tract with the government. M-i or
Opdyke was, by 'virtue of his ollice,
tut tither of the committee before which
this claim was allowed. Opilykt
claimed any personal interest in the
gun claim. Farley denied, in the jour
nals, that Opdyke was interested, and
make an affidavit, which was submdted
to the committee, swearing that he was
I the sole owner of the gun contract. TENTIONI—
therefore, sat in the commit t ,
investigatincz the claim of his
P T' Ell ti AND `i
son-in•l is and at an early day re.
colmc 1t0 . .. , anti suit
ceived a check for $190,0 0 0 It is able g 04 4,16
'nclr toe`
thato.lreceived foon the • ctill, , ,et Pill- or hi,tment loon
ernment on the contra,t, fe,ryrite h.) the am:,unt, and I
Making lip the again-t the citi b '
. still mat it tiu, c . xperoe. Ninny deniers
llttl thyugh the city pail hantinotimiy utoMmi oil band becetusothot'
cannot make na much 1 , 1 , 011 ou other iwrcouo'
pronn,tly , "!)Illy
contd. rn yenta. r. per box Or
came "to grief." lie rt•lthitia to divide jekt-lwit
profits fairly, and Mr. McNeil, member
of the present legisiatute, comma nl , ll a ;q4. - 'A FA( T. • • • •
suit against George tliidyke for a sixth
Is it n Dye.
! part of the $190,00(.1. In presenting tin:,
claim to the supers isorS, Opllylie duller- j In the ycitr InNfi art pee Oared
ed, and his son in-law, Flirty, made oath disc N LILA ILI llr l>l t:; rc, %mit tube
that the forum' had no t , h; .
it hoc IN ell nines i,g
~ r. l itc ‘ i ill Luce
',cc:unary inter
est in it. In answering Slr. McNt ii - Ti, L the the
complaint t tptlyke tknies that Me Neil take to oalr S itry "Writ I cacti
thus interested, and avows himself us t " . "" t3
owner of the share claimed by the plain- ' TI. , tI•Fr I 1N I , l' t: not to In
' And this anewer to MI
plaint is sw-rn )pdyk This, ce . ‘"'.
Ilse ;nit requirmg no reliant iOri
Gore, in .N 1 ,cur Up , i tko ' n positlnu uh,tcv, .
Iri tittalhy hllna it t rier itiipartt.ili ,. and t \ N I ,, Aticce are s h ade
' for II, lax l'aYt N N' w '' ,l -• • o i rsl 3 .
I Ll e ttf!' ° lll. C. l k t
“Montt , tliSchii.gininter- itself. For h - sic Price hi) cent.
1,1,1 in the gun claim, an 1 t 111.0 .I I+- A. 1. 31 ot ti •••.
tit nerti.l t -tibt hl. N Y
taint , r son in it" . ad.k •tflid , t , ,:itr
Theclairs and paid. .1, partnt r, blur drirteing iu atm - pricie
idler calling' the ex mayor a L jante-tyd
pn , serutes fur a Share of the prt
in iris deien , e, Opdyke made oath tii.t ,
h e owns the ; zest .lucre or the c• t
betore the claim was paid,ln h
r, puyliated' I might thin
Pali 'ut ` i tired. - but ~ n e!!, MI
h e ti, , lit M: , re tli.,n
a year tigo, Slay o: othe!s
remind , d General Fremont that
was u candidate for Pr. ,-0!1
1 . 4 - il ' l he an; Woiti(cM . .l he perunisry
umhia • hn•l that, is I.P.frt ,
Liltniell to }t i n hint it is b.
toe to 1.111 his atriir , Int a t,,
, duti - w. The General itNAlnle,l , !fir itt , i
Nit,..TS il„d_y K etch, ills al ,
1 1 . 11. Field a solo •Itt!•• vi'
TL , „' i.dit It rint d the e-
M,irip. : sa Mining notrtg
the mute" for tote no'hoo h. ,!
thousan l doll arts, it ill tat , . • t!-
trout w hit h all Ow 1 r •lehte yctrt•
tu b.• 1,11 Pint doll, tai , •T'aru,c, why,
WeVe 1", Wert ad,ju,leai by the
by General Fr, .nt, .
~ r ut Imelred ttion , au , ;
po-astu/k,in Messr , hr. 1;.• t, him;
and 11 , wy, unit u r hur,,•
thi , • 1'
turnt,u. qlk 1 •
111 t:lat Ifl II tt,..
t. CVO t .1 .{ grwi c iy ltP l „,,
t' .. 11.
it t , t• t”t I /pt;.,
1 , -'1 •hr... 12 \\
HRH, , trt -- t5 'll l It.
1.4'114 Hiertt kin, ..r nt r V. 111 IH
!'l , .!l' ' 11,,11011
11 , 1 hunt f 4,
U! it, }dirk 7 , L,,"
I,t, n 1i. , -;a11(•1 (.01111,nk!vd. p. I
atDi 11 . 1t,hin.!*-1.
corrt-ApomlA nt,, 1,4 r tie,,riy
years. They A-sisted nianufaclui •
hILI tare the itit•Nt ( .
‘N ti
WI:, !.4r
CIJUI:,1" , .11thIllIS \Veit' Iiit•IIIF•I'IWI•fi m shit. '
111 y ~ut of '-
,lust now, next to supplying thri enemy
thiough the Kew York cu,bon house the
w,,rst ,orruptions exists in t h1”11 sp, e
carried on , I HUI p 'hied an n
in, , rtitied In being e, , nsitained to admit,
wider the -P. rinds" ~f the Treasury
partment, if n ,, t by Treasury agents,
and certainii if there be many such
agents as rallieot and Cutup, the form , r
a Teil, , ,st p otege—the liater a Trt!,,,,,,
associate. It is alleged that ?dr Get el,
obtained CullicoCs a ppoi n i ni , li t, an d
shares profits with him. Of this I know
nothing more t that a et nt 'Liman high
in po , ition informed 01 that dratts had
mine from Callicot to Mr. Greely. lint
Camp, whom evt rybody knows as trad
ing upon his conn , ,ition with the Tl,'-
bune, and who is now south getting tot•
ton from the snemy, and sending them
supplies in return, avows his connection
with Mr. Greeley in cotton speculations.
"King Cotton," in more ways than one
works evil to our country. It ti'r , t caus
ed rebellion and war. It now. present
ing strong temptations to avarice, is fur
nishing our enemies with the mean , or
subsistence. The valley of the Mississip
pi is represented as reeking with cotton
corruptions, in which agents of the treas
ury and officers of the • army are impli
cated. Indeed, the recent disastrous de
feat of Genaral Banks is represented to
have been a cotton expedition! Messrs.
Allen and Filbrick, of Rhode Island,
partners or agents of Senator Sprague,
are said to have enjoyed peculiar facili
ties for obtaining cheap cotton. Before
secession culminated in rebellion, I fore
saw, more clearly than others, its cer
tainty, and its formidable character.
For endeavoring to prepare the Govern
ment and people for a coufiict which
would severely try the strength of the
Union, I was denounced by the Erening
Post New York Tribune, and other ultra
journals. Denunciations were soon fol
lowed with false accusations, designed
to impair my supposed influence with
the Administration. But I labored on,
however, earnestly, faithfully, unselfish
ly, but with no effect. I say unselfishly,
for I had only the safity and welfare of
my country at heart. The President;
each member of his cabinet, and the offi
cers of the Government, know that I
have asked nothing personal, either of
place, patronage, or profit for myself.
I have had offers and opportunities, fre
quent and liberal, to make money out of
the Government, but they were declin
rd. It is well that they were, fur such is
the vigilance of public censors that I am
not even allowed the privilege of en
gaging in ordinaty business. When,
some months since, it was alleged that I
had purchased whisky on speculation,
that was held by the Tribune to be a
suitable occasion for sharp reproof.
$1,428,76 $8,748,00
DAUGHErITY.—On June 19th from wounds
received at Taylor's Bridge, Virginia, Slim 23d
Capt. De sum DAUGHERTY, Company tuki
Pennsylyania Volunteers.
.iiis funeral will take place front Lis late rest
lexica, Ormsby's Bill, on Thursday the 38d bast ,
at 10 o'clock, a. m. The friends of the - family
and members of the regiment, whethec Oisgherg
ed or otherwise, are invited to attend, -
4 , 1,552,40 4,4,111,60
$6.26,00 $1,601,23
RNING, JITNE 722, 1864.
lie , , was , sw.tx
!Iv \ want rd. . lfeGttcnt.W anted ,
Fur cash will be pfild,
Wit," 1 110 ctshl,rirewilllie pNd,
For t Li h atelati will be mid,
eiMh price will he piiid,
At er 1 , 1,-,,ing•ri Drug Slog!e,
At Dtug Si utC,
At Dru.z Store,
Corr., of tho Strv,
1).-,114 , 11 , !,e ~ ;;AC,;.•I ~tteet
Piti,buritti, Pittsburgh.
S N(.1'..1.F.; iitl X Or .134 A
Dffl;7lt'S contains more I-e6e
t:l.6le extniet/ e n.atter than twenty boxes of
any pills in orh! t‘ehtes ; nfiy-tlve
rni,`thrroin their practice to.the
ev•lt.sion of ofter put,r_:atives. 'rho first letter
of their a”al isye; ‘rcei aptweciatell. When
;het >re I•etter ]anf,lei] ,teath awl gen
ii]; :el , .11 I e ei Lhe pOS'. Let those
a he know theta epe]li rieht out in their faTor.
It is a .li‘to which will 8.V.0 Vile.
.ar ;, ; !, liiretan - y of \United
I' la kl,:1•II•t,a µH it
pr. , I Illn .ittiltri an
tti,t; tn. Kt' Tel&
0e.,5i•,n,1 u pit, thit tiolit ore
,V 1 wit, , hen In stittiewat
ittitinit ; it ii ti • witr In tlit. ,
P.,•y b•• 1, c0:1,p1 tint, ayspl.pSitt,loBB
01 r.ppeillr r puuin tho mend, helrt turn, paln
In !ht . mplc01111iVe•
I.y TH I OIAI- 1 REDPATII, Plttebthrgh,
rind by ntl In Enethotnes.
- -T.. 1,1 I 111 A , iI. I I nllllllili and
• ,xe 10 11,..
.1 , 11
I. • e.. 1• I 11.1310, It , ol/1 1
I:gA, In titles
1 ' l ' . %
• ••• • , iti••11•1 ,(40 lIA t/1
..S1,0:: It it wit 110: gi.'e re-
It r h.,; lb iteik
lr,g 1U Inc ditec,
• .1 i !..tverise l ) Our V.-, ~; L ., , 1.. r n bundwr of
'Jr 10. I.l•St ftrt/Cit . lur
it IN re; , .1 tluxt I travo over use 1.
, k. • : ; 4111,11 it.
:mg It tt,r nil
1 loin A. 11 for
•1 !.
/J. ,1•141.1
'1 FR I: ILI.: NI 1'1..0 It INEN-
I H - • • .• ~;
I ti! I Arri !%0 6
.1 Nit 1 , : t1,;- A•••,!:111•.!1,) 1i6.f1,tt.a.6,6.
a V. "Ulti 1.1,,kt .1-s% •
I; , r••r,
I.lNiNll.:\ 3tl'
( r it' 1 , ,....c,; and 'I tarltrtt
\ l• Ari ta }1
...r) 11:g , •it••sl., • rr LI, Pilate
k ,:. 1. kl..t• 51gni
:tnd tn.,k1111)114
ntl maul
mi. , . is now
%rt. 1„i pr.- rr
tln ;•111115.11 t. 7 1' ime
1.1.1 : .71,1
g-t‘C LI Ong" :C: , . 101111KIIIICII
I r1:1.11
A r. y I,ty rt., u... ho vAl..le” x I , Pauttful
~t ! Übe :.111.1.altell. it
I.:.114 1
etslll3al. odd.
1•1 nII I'veiA.l I Ahie th, F.
11AR N & CO,
' HAIR Ni)l . A lIYE,
but restei es grty hair TO its ori;tii,tl Color, by
etippl) log the rapilbiry tubes teltli natural Nee-
I tnitem...l Icy ,tre d a iv 51011-
famous d!,,a are etiolpneed Al Iwurr COL Stir, tle&-
the vitalli y t,int beauty tit the hair, tied
alt trl ,4 then,el,e. Ito Iletiontreet's
Inoutt:tbli• t ownuu not only ievtt,res hair to its
tint urs.l even' by ally easy prooebs, but gin en the
hair u
Promot ea its gross th, pet, enla its falling olf;
ermlwat es dandt tor, and Impart, health and
antuese to she head. It has stood the test of
tone, In ing the so gtnnl Bair Colorin, and le
comt antly Increasin4 111 13, (Jr. I . 6eti t , 3' both
gentlemen and buttes, It Is sold by all respecta
ble deals) a, or eta be procured by tbetb of the
commercial agents, 1). S. 11A.11N ES h Cll., 202
Broadway, New York. 'ran sizeß. 60e. and 41.
This ts the most riche ht fill and efitraordh
nary article ever discovered. It changes the sun
burnt five and h,‘,,,ts ton pearly satin texture of
ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of
youth and the diitanytte appearauce so Inviting,
in the city belle of fashion. It removes tau,
I reckles, pimples and roughness from the %kin,
Icnt Ina* the Cu mplexion fresh, transparent and
smooth. It contains nut material injurious to the
skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Sin
gers. It is what every lady should have. Sold
everywhere. Prepared by
.E. AG AN, Troy, N. Y.
Address all orders to
ler"ftl EX:ll' AN 111 U N 0 1,1 NI 1-
MEN r.—'l he parties in St. Louts and
Cincinnati who have been counterfeiting the
Mustang Liniment under pretence of proprietor
ship have been thof oughly estopcd by the Courts.
To guard against the further impositiori, I have
procured fromthe United States treasury, s. pri
vate steel-plate revenue stamp, which is placed
over the top of each bottle. Each stamp bears
the fac-rimile of my signature, and without which
the article is a counterfeit, dangerous and worth
less imitation. Examine every bottle. This Lin
fins . ..t has been in use and growing in favor for
many years. There hardly exists a hamlet on
the habitable globe that does not contain evi
dence of Its wonderful effects. It is the best
emolient in the world. 'With its present im
proved ingredients, its effects upon man and
beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are hens
ed, pains relieved, lives saved, valuable animal,
made useful, and untold ills assuaged. tor cuts,
bruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites,
caked breasts, strained horses,. &c., it is a Sever
ei:gia remedy that should never be dispensed
with. It should be, in every family. Sold, by
all druggists, •
. D. S. BARNES, New York.
cot. Smithfield and Fourth sta.
11..riztm NI Ft
•:„ „ •
.• ..• a. '2.< a.nbtl Ftalo.l.
I it ITT ❑ult Ti %in //VI.:
MI 11111==11
i• n
II ••.•1 .44 31: , Ivicht..
I! li.t• halt I,llllg and
ui , `n 1 ` ,1 • 1 "a' '`'`
Lfixlnut Beauty,
New York
' '
. .
C - ' " - i
' ' ( - ' \ ) I
1, 1 ~ IT
3rS4e only by the
Sewing Machine Company.
..Purchasers can exchange for either, if
not suited with their that choice.
.1' JM X C, JO ,
$55 E,4 CH.
• rt., h . ga..l
• ) ii..o c
HI /11l 2,1 , 8 bSI
1111 1111 NV( 4 , 1
lilt 1 1111
till !111 8
I y-;•rit
1. -I), ENI Ff
13ARNI "‘ELF-` , l-:\V ER"
!",i . i 11: Mriihllll. - 0. 't tchtne com
pirt, it
11 PRI...SKR 1 li E B.S. A VOWS BEND
Arwl g - r - eltly I ~httates the work Price fi .54;
sent ey letter free
V I LLE--The Pittsburgh Ladles who
have the Cumberlain Hospital in charge at
Nash% rile, intend to give the Soldiers in this
Itosfufal and camp, !son.. f.ooonuhet,) an
extra dinner en lth of JULY. t ru hey ask their
friends in Pittsburgh to aseist them In prepare
lug the dinner. Flo: following articles will be
rrep • aMe and can be sent to the Christian Com
mission Rooms. No. 76 Smithfield street, any
day this week Peaches and Tomatoes in rails,
Chreae, Rutter, Eggs and flinger Cakes
by the barrel. many. articles will have to be
purchased at Nashville, contributions of cash
will be acceptable. 1-etsons sending contribu
tion' are requested to send them beiore Satur
day, nrich day they will be shipped.
the Ladies of the Subsistence Committee In
tend to giro a Fourth of July fib:titer to the
,-ioldiers in the hospital, at Camp Reynolds, and
flit and House, in our city, notice of which
will be given newt week. jegg
punide SALE AT TOE
The entire contents of the Ladies` Bazaar and
Dining Hall will be Bold by auction
rl" IX X .51; a AL, St .
c.numencing at 2 o'clock. There are Hats, Caps,
straw Goods, Boots, Slippers, Sewing_Silir,
Chlkiren's Hats sad Clothing, (.:ushlOWa, TIOYa,
Infants Dresses, Dress Goods, Aprons, Bed
it tints, Crib htuilts, Oil , Lamps, Books, Pictures,
Music, "aces, Furniture, Baby Houses, Con
lee t I ovary, Statuettes, Flowers, Zephry articles,
Letter, Cap and Note Paper, Toys, Baskets.
(lames, Bird O,ges Violins, t*uttara, sten-
Lulders. Umbrellas, Soaps, Iron Stone China in
sets, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Pitchers, Table
u lery, Tinware, &c.
A. LEUGATE, Auctioneer.
For sale at reduced prleas by
WHITE, 012 R & CO.
No. 25 Fifth Street.
Vic` ,
, .
Hundreds of young men are ruLned%beyond
redemption by not calling on Dr. Brown at
first. He has far twenty-two year confin
ed his attention to diseases of a certain class,
in which he has cured no less than fifty thous
and cases. Ills remedies are mild, and no in
terruption of business if applied to in the early
stare. Dr. Brown is In constant attendance at
Isis office, No. 50 Smithfield street, from 8 in the
morning until 9 at night. Dr. Drown is an old
resident of Pittsburgh and needs no references.
Charges moderate. 3522-It
_MOO 111.111 Matched Mares-for sale. Will be sold
for want of use, a FAMILY .13fiRROLIORE,
one SY'R/NO WAGON,.• alio; a PMR OF
niATCRED BAY MARES. Enquire at
m 3 6,3 m
E Liza rarr triams,isTarnami' ONlil
from P n ari:, far er sale a gr ° , ri Th 2vee' T ed
87 Wood ertreet.
&vim than first 'coat.;" '.23ORIANWrOI
edgy - and sec tretbeirgaltnwi c 4 '"
9S •
fela Market at. .
..~y =;s,.»n
IT. W. icanagra.,,
Elegant and Beautiful Article
ever seen In this cnuntry Entirely new article
In the Weat, rai only to betot:nd at
5S Xar icso ,
iNext door to the Eipresa lOice
OilSn , 1)-ressi
It sOftens and oils the Aair, and gives It a
permanent glom which it retains for
Soya after using it.
For Beautifying • and Promoting
Lubin's Cocoanut Cream
Cannot be Surpassed
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp,
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp,
It Soothes the Imtmed
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp,
It Prevents Tialdneas and Loss of Hair,
It Prevents Bahlheas and Lose of Hair,
I t Prevents Baldness and LOBS of Hair,
It presents Ilaldnesa and Loss of Hair,
It is an Elegant Perfume,
It ifs an Elegant Perfume,
It Li an Elegant Perfume,
It lu an Elegant Perfume,
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff,
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff,
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff,
(*ramannt Cream Removes Dandruff,
Produces the Richest Luster,
Produces the hichest Luster,
Produces the Rickert Luster,
Produces the Richest Luster.
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance
It gives the hair au Vity Appearance
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance'
For Oiling Whiskers it has no Equal,
For I 'Lung Whiskers it has no Equal,
Fur Oiling Whiskery it has no Equal,
For Whiskers it has no Equal,
A ud it retains all Its Beautifying Effects
J 'tisii It retains all its Beautifying Effects
And it retains all its Beautifying Eltreets
And it retains all its Beautitymg Effects
For after using it
atter using it
Fdr days atter using it,
For daps after using it,
For Dressing and Oiling the Mustache,
or Dressing and Oiling the Mustache,
For Dres,il4 and Oiling the Mustache,
For Dressing and Oiling the Mustache.
It Prevents Gray Hairs•
It Prevents Gray
It Prevents (t ray li.trs,
It Prevents CI rny Hairs,
It Pi events Hair from Turning Gray,
It Prevents Hair from Turning Gray,
tt Prevents hair Irvin Turning IGray,
It Prevents. Hair from Turaingriray,
No Hair preparation pos.
seides tile peculiar prop
attics which so essentially
suite the human Unit. ns
the Cocoanut Cream. • • .*
It PramoteF the Growth of the Hnir,
It Promotes the t irowth of the Hair,
It Promotes the tirowth of the Hair,
It Paernotee the Growth of the/lair.
It 16 the Cheapest Uair Dressing inlthe World,
It is the Cheapest Hair Dressing in the World,
It is the Cheapest fish - Dressing in the World,
It is the L.neapest Hair Dressing in the World.
J. At. 7E"I.II_,'TO N'S,
Dispatch Building, Fifth Street
FAIR BLI.L.DING-6.—Sealed proposal s for
the purchase of Bazaar, Dining Room, Floral
Hall, Auditorium, Mechanies Hall, Monitoi
Hall and 'Live Stock Building. or either of them,
at ao much per thousand feet, board measure,
for the lumber centained therein, willberecpiv7
ed untiI•ATLYRDAY EVENING, June . 26th,
at 7,ki o'clock. •
The buildings to be taken down by thepur
chaser as soon as required to do so by. the 'Ex
ecutive Committee or the city councils.
The bids for the joists, post and boards to be
separate. Bids will also be received for roof
paper on the sever al buildings, to be taken otf
by - the purchaser immediately. after the buil
dings are sold.
Bids may be addressed to Oapt. 0: W.
BATCHELOR, Chairman of the Building Com
mittee, marked "Pnor , os.u.s," or to the under
Bids also received for the beautiful Pag_oda
lathe Dining Hall, and for the Children* Play
House in the Ladies' Bazaar. A bid of $3OO is
already offered for the Children's Play House
with Its furniture. FELIX.. R. BRAJNOT,
Je2l Chairman.
H. D. BR.ECHT & CO. l
Looking Glasses,.
Gilt and 'Rosewood liouldiugs,
Purti ait and Picture Frames,
Dealers in Catholic Pictures.
No. 128 Smithfield street, between Fifth and
Sixth streets._
B E . C ATi TTPU e.
it. L por 'Oß t pl y S wi tA bl l un T t ; r A l!
Copies mailed on receipt of price,
mr2.Bd&-w 81 WOOD STREET.
of Fancy articles will be held at the 'Ladies'
Bazaar, on WEDNESDAY Afternoon ,at 2
o'eldek: Also an extensive assortment of
Quhensware, Glaasware hardware
Inning Hall. At Mechanics' Hail, Agricultural
Instruments, Iron, Steel* Harness,.. Trunk„,
Furniture, Hardware and such other articles
as shall be unsold at that time.
jell FELL): R. BRlMOT,Chaixmap.
eurfe:co; together with the improvement*.
liallAta =Mk Lartmer's. Atatlon 9 -miles
West of Greenabutgli, awl within 2g rums
, Oritde•eam title rood and rtealow.
3.14. 41
Real Estate Broker, Re. et Fourth id, O si tts.