®jU‘ Dittlj) soBt. advertising agencies. Messrs. s. 2tl. PET rENGILL A CO. No- V PhA Row, New city, and No. 6 State ■treet, Boston; and 1.,. P. FONTAINE A Co., No. 83 Nassau street, New York city, are au thorized to take Advertisements and Subscript tl for ub at lowest rates. will lurnisli the Daily Pobt, to agents at the rat< k of W,OO per hundred copies. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1864. Draft lu Allegheny City.— The office ol Provost Marshal Kirker was very thronged yesterday with applicants who desired to be exempt for cause. Capt. Kirker’s district em braces Armstrong, Butler, and Allegheny county west of the river. One sub-district is called up ,each day. and there Is a general scrambling for who gets exempte.l first. The best of order, however, is preserved in the office, And Capt Kirker seems to be prompted by a desire to do strict justice, without shirking in the least from duty and responsibility, in fact we consider Mr. Kirker admirably adapted in disposition And temperament for the* very responsible posi tion he fills. It will requite several days to get through examining the conscripts in the entire District. Those only who have no money to buy themselves out of the draft feel badly about it. Some laugh at their luck, but many look quite soriow-3trickea. „ Items from the Catholic —The Rt. Rev on last Sunday visited St. Peiers Church Allegheny At;the first Mass he gave First Communion, after which he confirmed about 40 persons. At the late Mass he preached to a very large congregation. In the afternoon the Bishop visited the Chapel attached to st. Michael’s Seminary. Pontifical Vespers were sung, at the conclusion oi which the Bishop addressed the candidates for Confirmation, after which he confirmed about thirty persons. The cere monies were concluded by the Solemn Bene diction of the Blessed Sacrament The conclud “P? Examinations lor the scholastic year will be held at Jit. Michael's Seminary on Thursday, the -»d Inst. I iu* exercises in the Preparatory I)e -partmeut u ill commence at 9 o’clock a. m.; those In theTheologic.il Dcparimeut at 2p. m The Annual Exhibition ami Distribution of Premi ums at St. Francis College, Eoretto, will take I place on the 23fh inst., commencing at 9 o’clock a. m. The parents and guardians of the pupils are reepcctluily invited to attend The an nual Exhibition at st. Xaviers Academy for young ladies, near Latrobe, will take place on June 30th, commencing at 9 o’clock Important Decision.—We clip the follow ing decision relating to drafts and drafted men from an exchange paper. It will be of interest In this locality as well as other places: * r Th ® following decisions from the Provost Marshal a Bureau, at Washington, have been jUrnished for the information and guidance of District Provost Marshals: First—All credits lor enlistments ot date prior to actual begin ning of draft will be credited on present draft „. 1 corresponding number of men last drawn will be discharged. SeeomJ—in case a drafted man falls to report for examination, he is held to be a deserter. His name will not be nut in the wheel again, but he wHI be counted upon the deficiency occasioned by exemptions, to be d ™ w “ b >' * supplementary draft. Third—Sub ,«it i U l eB wi be aBai G Ded to regiments by the Adjutant Generals after arrival at rendezvous. We are also advised that the Provost Marshal will, apqa the word of a responsible citizen. ar £f B J v ne very Urge room is appropri ated for Post office purposes The doors are just being put ou and counters and boxes being placed within. The Post Office will be moved to that building in a few days. The location is. beautiful and in the central portion of the mty. This office and the other city buildings, together with the market, will make that point a place I of business amt attraction. When the Fair j buildings are taken down there will Ample: loom for the throng that will hereafter congre- j gate there. Draft Continued.—Yesterday the- dratt t.u the Sixth Ward took place and resulted fol lows, selecting seventeen more men, chiefly r. c chADICB as before. Still this cannot possibly be helped. The majority of the citizens living m this ward are employees of public w orks and it could not be expected that they could escape. Many of them no doubt will be able to procure substitutes, or pay the three hundred dollars. :iv ru wubd. Jas P Leslie Jas Sloan John Gallagher Andrew Getty llobert Flli» Henry KichanL 1 ico Morris John Schiller Hugh Gallagher Jos Simms i<'ol, B F Melveevu Hearv Ergan Wni II SfurgO'-n W Q McOartneN Richard Duncan Geo Tanner M W Conley Great Mortality.-\\> Hip the following ’ from a Nashville, Tennessee. paper, a city of! only twenty or thirty thousand inhabitant?, j showing the noulalityin one month, which, compared with that of our city, Is immense: ! Tha report of T 11 Mcßride. Sexton oi the, l-Hy.Cemetary, was presouted, which allows! the following ii.t rinents during the mouth ot may: Citizens i Refugees Contrabands The-proportion of soldiers is large, numbering almost ont-hulf of the eutire numbered deaths. McClellan'* Morning- Gown —The beau tiful velvet gown that a lady of Easr Liberty, presented to Gen. McClellan, lias already brought in the snug sun: of nine hundred dol lars, aithotjgh it was known that the General would get It without a single vote. Two ladies of this vicinity each voted fifty dollars towards this brave General's present. The Democracy.- though slighted and even Intuited, have given not less than o:u-th;r 1 oi the entire proceeds of the Fair, which considering the country and i - s political,complexion, is more than the =hoddv partygave Death of Dr. George W \Vtyimin -The community will be pained to learn of the sudden decease ot Dr George w Weyman, druggist and operative chemist of this city. He died y this morning, at six o'clock, at the residence of his father on Smithtlc-M ?tro- t lie in : been i., for a few days p.-.st. bu: i. . k- 1; s n,'n entertain ed of a serious ter util, at inn until a short time before hl« death, Which was caused u, c-mge,- tton of the brain A Dangerous Kuu 1 lie Kxprc&a train on the Pennsylvania Railroad made a narrow es cape from utter 'destruction, a few days ago, near Pack Saddle Gap, below Johnstown. An axle of the water tank broke accidentally, and had it not been for the skill of the engineer in stopping the train all on board would have been hurled into the water, a hundred feet below. So much for having trusty and skillful men in employ. City Mortality.—Dr. George L. BteOook, Phyalclan to the Board of Health reportfrthe fol lowing deaths for the period commencing June 3d and ending June 9th, 1864: I | White.. .6 j Colored. Of the dieases there were: Consumption*A*- piDtherla, 1; Croup, 1} Still Born lj Dlpth&iEfe; 1; Inflamatory Croup, 1 of Brain, 1. Darge Scales.—A pair of scales has been made in Cleveland, for the Fort Pitt Works Jof this city, for the purpose of weighing the ster twenty-inch guns made here. The beam is thirty feet in length and yet half a pound will turn the scale. One hall pound weight on the beam weighs one ton on the scales The pro prietors talk of moving to this city. Fuueral.—The funeral of Corperal .1 «.‘in H Mackin, will take place from the residence of his father, No. *l6l Penn street, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Soldiers, friends and relatives will no doubt attend and do honor to one who has served his country since August, 1862 to the present time. Flremau’s Horn.—The final vote for the Horn is as follows, by which it will be seen that the Hope was the successful competitor. Hope, 3516; Vigilant, US01; Allegheny, 2550 r ere were other scattering votes for other en fflaes, but those are the three highest, two of which get Hornes. J Advertisements oi M, Market ist. in another column. N. Holmes, Treasurer Sanitary Fair, acknowl edges the receipt of the following additional contributions : From Employees in Penn street oiit.'oi, and depot Cleveland and Pittsburgh H K Wm Stewart, H H Niebamn, .los K Dole, .1 p Dorrlngton, M D MoUimpauab. C IhosJMay, I, H Adanik. K K.dsmeypv. H U Anderson, W H Shatter, Mcl* Duff. iD* eiJ McClurg, W M Thomson. i'mi Mr*uh. h Mont eornery, John Boil. H l.riekort, .Umes Hell, Thos P Oaro».bor», Geo WpMiwh, t.d, n s White, George H Speer, 1' H Mi. hrl, .tom-ph Mon las Farley, Jacob l rml, .1 no strinbAusli *r>; r»o‘ I !? r ?. ss Presbyterian churvli .* &> m ' M Mon tv, UrocnfW'ld, F«. r, ikj i !t fuii , es St - Jphu’n church, ciu« ago. . a:i do i t.jnnloyeea >aU’» TAinuT). I rv\ <>t Io 2u ek) I « r Irwin, Collector, Larimer * sint'n 10 00 Employees H O Unit* & C<> .. 26 : Umea Murphy, Totmcuoui.it (,o oo McKenna k Co •• 2<» oo Employees Adama &,(’o’a i} lass Work# U 2 uj lioot And Shop Committee, balance . :»74 oo Hrady’B Bend Iron Co oou oo Proceeds balp ufati Afghan, donated bythe Pitta, pupils At Alina Care) 'a school Phil. ii>o uu Citizen's PHSseugfir Haihvaj 600 00 Additional from OatholU Churches, per Hiahop Doraenic From Birmingham Public Sehouls High School Exhibition £is Medium School r> lij lioy’a Primary School y 55 £‘ rl ’ s “ “ 10 25 -U 36 Lmployees Allegheny Araennl. «dd ji From Irving Literary Associate. West ern Lnlversity, proceeds entertaln ™ent - Si? 60 Member* 2500 105 50 Mnth day's receipts 7 "IT 78 Tenth day's receipts 4O Previously reported T,^S? rllB Bunions.—Dr. Randall, So 2d fifth street, above the Ten store, is in posses sion of a secret hy which lie can cure the most painful and obstinate corns, bunions and soie nails. Corns are a most painful nms meo and no person, who is afflicted, will cruder any money to have the cause of the Hilliormn re moved. We have lull faith in Dr. HanJall’s ability to remove them, and, ;•> remove them without pain. We do not iudievr that a reasonable person would sutler with corns one minute, when he has a knowledge ut the tact that they can be cured cheaply and easily. Dr ](» n . 1 dall has certirlcates which can he seen, pro\ in* I beyond a doubt that his operations iu other places have been successful. The entrance into jus rooms is on Fifth street, and he occupies the back rooms up stairs, at No 20. h ifth street. ‘‘Flare I'p.*'— Great excitement m the East' troodfl advanced 20 to .to per e. nt.: Prints 32 1 cents; Muslim 5 to If. cents per yard and up" 1 and an immense stock of Domestic floods in ; Pittsburgh, at McClelland's Auction House, 56 i-ifth street, which are being retailed at leas i than present eastern cost. In bade part of store 1 will be found a large and superior stock of I £!* oes AuJ Waiters for Ladies', Gents’ I and ( hildren's wear, which are sold at private sale during the day or evening, l.ook for name •ui''. number above the door D< ath of a —U ,• regiet to, H-aiu the death of Captain J. K. Piddle, brother I of George K. Riddle, of thin city. Deceased! had once been in service iu British Columbia, J and In many other parts of the world. He died March 7th. after a protracted illness * Dead Body Found.— The body o! an uu- ! known man, in a decayed condition, \va> found in Coulter’s Woods, near Greetisburg, Wor. ' moreiand county, on last Sunday. The body rq>- I peared to be quite an ol I man but had no maik* ! by which he conld be recognized or identified. i Accident— A man named Charles Gregg an* employee on the Allegheny Valley Railroad.! was badly injured yesterday when attempting ! to.oouple the cars. An Itod pan rau through' his thigh. Dr. Hammond dres.-ed Jus wounds and he is now slowly reoov erinc A Boy L,o*t.— A boy nan.,-1 .l.xiucd Hudger, left the Orphan Assvlum. Allechmy city, a few days ago. He was about hov*':i a/e had on a blown roundabout and dark gray pantl when he left the place, but w.v» witlnju? ~1 shoes. Murdock Found.-Tne body of the man,drowned ucar Manchester.and w *,l. h w«- ni.- t;eed the other day, was found and an incurs; hel let: a:. . ] •« ertisement at this otUce wanting a'pnrtr.w u ith luuO or 2000 dollars, to do business in a .*crtai., vii\. please call at this office t« -N\ Soldier’s Homo.—a bout three i.tir. Ire.l ; thirty wounded J'ennsy h ania .-nldierß hue been entertained at the Soldier’s Homo, di.nn- the present week Dress Goods —1 be best stock. n« west \ H ■- anil lowest pikt-s in summer good- > an be at Gardner .'■whleiters,' 92 .Market street. >um mer shawls, grcundine, silk ainl mohair; at prices as low as years ago. Hla.-k eiiks jelling at old pi ices, kid gloves \ erv best ilbopei j.m; Hooper* P>isUl<* tor the si i; Morgans White IVlf Bunion Plasters .Moustache comb?, luUnt, Nail ai. l Hair Hiu-h’ es. Guerlaln's Ambrosial Khaiiim < ictin w just received at Kmkln'a Drue sboe -c Market •St. bet 4th Dr. King, lornu-rly ol the Pr.-w-gt I. Fourth street, can tie consulted at .Vo .‘>4 Kirin * street, between Market and Kerry Address Postolflce Box 1239. Substitute Wanted.-A ppi-, i. . Hanson. Love Co.. 74 &7b Mai ke: -r J'J'EPB MKV HU JOSEPH MEYER A SOY, VLAJTIN jV IN I> I'ArtCY FINITURE AND CHAIRS 153 SMITIIFIEI.D, AND 4-1 *4 PE.VN Sts liefween uli. s ; . «mj Yirsrjn :di, y |£AUUER, 80l til ET, GI.V( FRINK Omnibus, Thriduoe. Palm. P.-ncinc, Bwwn Windsor Honey, Deuiuleerit. White (’awtile, Mottled I’aatilr. .1 i.o dl'Gnlie, Jockey Glut* M \ ernon, Mo*b, }avon, DcYov age Soaps. The manufacturers ot LuerUin, "Winters, Lubin, Soeieti, Hygenique, Bazin, Mianni, Hunel, Taylor, Glenn, Wright. Hull and Low, just received at RANKIN'S DRUG STORE, jel4 63 Market street, below Fourth. Counterfeits!! Coumerfeitsl! LOOK OUT ! ! LOOK OUT ! •! Humbugers are About!!! GENUINE PEBBLE Russian Spectacles IMPORTANT NOTICE.—IMPROVE fc>- mI.H YOUR SlGHT.—Having opened my new Slace of business, and have received direct from [Uftftta. a tine and most brilliant genuine Dia mond Russian Pebble Spectacles, warranted to feeswre, strengthen and improve the sight. urchasera are entitled to Spectacles free of charge if the first should fall. Also, received °?SL?-t*k e finest stocks ever brought to this city of Philosophical. Mathematical and Optical in struments, which I will sell to suit the times, and respectfully lnviteall in want of thearticle. t i A' Practical optician Look out for No. 51, 51, 5i Fifth street ap4 i j Toui H IAR>I FOR SALK. —I OKI KK h’OH JF sale my fnrra in Ohio tiAnisi.ip voutm'- ing 37 acres ; 6 miJea from the Allt*,:hen) doi.or, , irvwi vi -r beautifully situate on the hank of the Ohio »* river. The facilities lor getting to and from the city are frequent, having a station thereof where the trains of theP.,F. W. & u. ami Cleve^ land roads stop four or five times daily,with the , advantage of communication by the Alleeheuv , , w and New Brighton turnpike. The place is weft " j6 * 3m I'ROFNIWTUR. watered, and subdivided into eight parts, the OCHESTER AAD'BCFFALO COOP back part of one of the subdivisions is well 1 er Tools. For sale b"y adapted for the cultivation of grapes, having an JAMES BO CVN eastern and southern exposure. If not sold at ,n F- 1 136 Wood private sale on or before the 14th of July. I will _ ' sell at public outcry, all or parts thereof, on I B “ A ? D RBTH s 1 MhH ER MAN! : FAI’fI HERS i>K » Akt.UuLst PlT'i >HI;R»iU E POST—PITT! 4MUNKMPTS. jggp’PiTTSßrnen tiiKArnro, [ keeape and Minna pi .. W H KffmtßftoK, | Trpunurpr II UrpwiNrrrow ! ' l3p»npfll of tv Aofm ami Pun i tommlst. Mr. EPWIN JII.AMIUAIin, ] VHIR FVKN )*U,nUI liejupaentpil Tur: or iiomiv, or tii k uoo I nr M » , j To >'i>ncluAp with | TilK UOKAIV lIKIUi DYSENTEEY I)iMrrh«;a. DIXON’S AIiOMATIC Blackberry CARMINATIVE *17,607 04 *252,068 46 <5269.675 50 Is the only safe and sure cure. It con tains no opium or deleterious drags, no min eral or other injurious compounds common to remedies generally sold for this class of disease. It is so efficacious that Physicians very generally use it in their practice in all chronic and dangerous cases. BSF* Use no Cholera mixtures or doubt ful compositions, (many of which under mine and ruin the constitution,) when you ean obtain an unfailing remedy as simple and safe-as Blackberries themselves. Ask far Dixon’s Blackbkrry Carmuta- TtvE, and see that the proprietor's name is written on the outside wrapper of each bot tle. Prepared only by SoU Proprietor, CINCINNA Tl. For sole by all respectable dragglsta. Price, (old stylo, 35 cts.) 26c tl, per Bottle BLANK BOOKS POCKET BOOKS INVOICE BOOKS, LETTER BOOKS, COPYING BOOKS NOTE BOOKS. DRAFT BOOKS DAY BOOKS ALBUMS STATIONERY. ]<-;t* assort:;.»n' Hinlt li * * Coh-ln-ated HARMONIUMS, MELODEONS Anri Musical Goods G*-ncT'illy. the superiority ni the 1:KA1H; 1 UY liA.Mt it 1. In ■, !j cat il.Oslu- 1. I !he t-1 o.n ~| p, u"n. ? c.r so m., u; , wi \„: n ir-f lU'.Nm s., u . Full 1. ..a f rH.r.r, ( tret *tr unit Kish mho 1 i rtuul Action J iHno tune, rat.uulttctur.il liv Wat. II Kr-i.l! u ;v. SCH.OIAOKKIi PI AN US loivlnt; IlfCii BO loiiß unO ißt.oai.ly katuvn lu that ami other cuualriea nee.) no iuiilu-r .nuonent. All Gunrnntre.l for I-'I , y,,,,. WAMELINK & BARE, sole A rents for Plttstuirr-h ant Western P». No. 1-J JiisseU's l!lo l. st. cl.iir st £is~tjootl Necoml-Haritl Pianos tor rent. Tun- i’oxjuth street B WINDOW SHADES, a . AIU MONTHS LKASK 1,1,, j„ pr..feeling Cl. uient 1. VaSk.ndielmm mid her lib/cns under tin- . nu.-Mitiiti.in ' and laws From General Hunter’s Depart- Federal Cavalry Reported w vsmsdTti.s, June I,'iih.- Tlic Huh liiunil h luh: tier, of June l'-hli. has the following, dated Hcrolouartrrs, Moun tain Top, June <• Henerals (hooks ami A vcrill joined Hunter today at St.iun i- 1 >otumo- 1 ron A. portion of !hoir turn* is ea-t, on the Granville and Middlehronk r.»ad. five hundred <:.vairy mad-- demonsira ti"H on \V;tyensbero, and \\ ere repulsed hy Imhoden. Tin- enemy retreated to Staunton. burning the Fishervilie depot. (Ti-n. Pope, with 4,b00 men is moving down the valley to reintorce Hunter. The enemy have no supplies, butsubsisl ou the country Our troops are in spir- ils and un advance I, niitieipaled to. morrow Mo INTA! N 1 OP. .1 u lie 0. i i ic eneli i\ 1 advanced again lo day with cavalry and , w .-re driven luck by Imbodeii ' Important from Western Virginia. | New I oUK, dune HI. A special totlie ' Her.lid from Beverly, ( . 11., Va., dalcd : the loth, says- One of our surgeons left ; by f!en. Crooks at Cloud Mountain, in charge of the wounded, lias arrived. He : left there ten days ago, ami reports that the rebels were repairing the New river i bridge, which he presumes is completed hv this time. This is important in the : matter of feeding Gen. I.cr’s army. The j torces ot Col. Harris, commanding tiie post, are active in pursuing small bands oi guerrillas General Hunter is all j right. Grants Army Crossing J ames Biv er.—Generals in Consultation. Fortress Mqkboe, June id. —A steamer from Bermuda Hundred arrived to day. Two army Corps crossed to the isouth side of the James last night. Other portions of the army arc also cross ing at various points. There was fight ing this morning in the direction of Pe tersburg, the result of which is unknown. Generals Grant and Butler were in'con sultation yesterday. General Gilmore lias not been relieved as was reported. O U> t" 1 Federal Wounded in the “ Wilder- New Yoke, June l*i.—Tin- H'er/dri Washington special says: It has just ietirn ed that a large number of our wounded arc yet in the Wilderness sutfering terri bly. A few days since a few hobbled in on rude crutches—sixty (six?) miles and reported the case. A force with ambulances was sent, but found the reb els had been there, and taken off about 200, leaving the worst cases. Some of these died on the way in. AIN'T 11 ST., New York, June 10.—A Tribune Washington special says; General Steele’s army is at Little Rock, Pine Bluffs, Fort Smith and Duvall’s Bluffs. Little Rock and Pine Bluffs are strongly defended. The rebel army in Arkansas are much scattered. LATEST 15 Y TELEGRAPH, FOR THE POST. Tlii‘ Situation at Ihp Front. Another Decisive Battle Must Be Fought. GEM. LEE IN A BAD POSITION, Doleful Accounts from Richmdnd i'iKw \ uitK, June l(i.-Tne Wurld'a Washington special says The best mil itary critics say that General Lee wili be compelled to tight a battle at once, or retreat fiom Richmond. It is not be | lievod here th.it the defences on the South side cun be carried by a <-nup de main. With the surrounding roads cut, a large army in a large city cannot exist: therefore, Lee must either fall on Grant with his whole force belorc he has his entrenchments, nr evacuate Richmond, or moving defences, fall leu k to Lynch burg; koep open lib communications ami hung on the llank of Grant’s army, j It is rumored here that Lee would at- | tempt to i rush Hunter and menace j Washington, but there is no fear that I lie will expose himself to Grant in li’.sj rear. There is a hopeful f,-i ling in nil! eircles here, and it is thought that j ’’Aelnllc's heel' 1 lias bis n reached at I last, and that the rebel capital ami its j main army is in a worse tix than ever since the withdrawal of Met ’U-llan from Harrison’s Landing. Electorial Ticket Nominated. Chicago, June Id.—The Illinois Defeated ness.” The Situation in Arkansas I ® Uppl i ea f ° r the Rebels at Nass- I sau—American Consulate Closed. | New York, June 10. —The Herald Nassau correspondence says:—lmmense | quantities of arms, ammunition, cloth ; ing, beef, pork and breadstuffs, contin ue to be received ft-Qm New York, Phil adelphia and Portland, and are sent i successfully to the rebels, who laugh at j our blockade. Sixty thousand dollars ; wer <’ received here from Frazer A Co., j Charleston, which was given to the British officials who seized the pirate Florida and went through a mock trial, when she was receiving her armament. Ihe American Consul has been compel led to close the consulate,- as Seecsli sympathizers refuse to let him have of fice room. I Details of Murmnduke’s D.-feat. New Yoke, June Iti, -;The litmUV* ! correspondent with A. .1. Hmith’s corps, | gives battle of llayou Fish, | resulting from the pursuit of Marma ! duke, with the object of driving him from the banks of the Mississippi. The fight was on tiie. tith, ami lasted two hours. Murmaduke's forces numbered six thousand mounted infantry und e.iv alry, besides three batteries. The labels I were completely routed, tl.it- opening tlic Mississippi to navigation, for a time. Our forces bciing infantry could not pursue, and rc-cmbarked mi the Tih for Memphis. A Successfal Federal Expedition, New York, June 10.—The Herald's Key West correspondence says A do tachment of Cnion troops marched from Flyers to Fort Meade, ninety miles, to meet guerrillas, who fled on sight. W'e captured 23 horses, herded over one hun dred head of cattle, and drove them all into our lines Much provisions and for nee were also released, and seventy wn- tneii and rhildi en, nearly starved, res rued. 'I he expedition Mas absent four teen days, and marched over two hun dred miles. Three small vessels' of various cargoes, M ere aiso raptured Another Report About Fort Dar ling. New York, June 11!.— h'lic . World i says Passengers Mho arrived by the I Baltimore train, last night, report a ru-j uior was current in that chy when they 1 ieft, that Grunt, by a grand assault had i carried Fort Darling and captured the i entire garrison, sustaining but compara- ! lively a slight loss. It is also rumored that our gunboats had, by of the dcvil> with which the monitors were provided, removed the torpedoes in the \ river, and were ascending tlm stream to 1 encounter tho rebel iron-clads. * Another dull week in the Cattle trade has just closed. The heavy decline in all the leading markets Last aud West has been felt here buyers have, as a general thing, withdrawn t.’attie were fully one dollar per hundred lower What Gen, Sheridan IS to do. j thao the previous week. The receipts were not NhW \ ORK, .Tune IC.—The Tnbuiu\n afi i most drovers preferred forwarding Washington Sporial Says it isunderstooii 1 L,iSt ’ Hnd tatlin S the chances of those markets, j IIHTf that Sheri,lan's lirst work will be herc h ' ve “* »<>*•«»* «>•»* viu uc , pru..6have not yet touched bottom, hold oil’, | b) destroy as much as possible the roads : "'<* ba\e little to record, as our business ' between Rirhmond and Frcderii-ksburg, ! ,0 r »-port sales, not make them We give the! (lordonsvillv, an,l destroy diverging , ,he !u -' count of receipts are as mails, it was supposed Sheiiilan would, ttaiiie 3.:« head ; ltog, 6.a»- shoe,, a ass- i join. Avcri!!. Lee's cuvalrv disappeared llur “'“ -‘U7; -Mules 32.-,. u„ Friday, probably in pumui! \,f Sher- ; noni™ miTTe'l i'luil. h, !i,V r - H1,(1 w **iv not actiw, even at tiit* de- ! -*»**- f| l m ’,' , * i: .V lllarlit *t will prububh rally before ! a r . .nr i • . . l!ntl ' °l «>ur next issue. A Large Mai! contract. .'[sere .* u r „. bought :tuu i,r,,u„ totaw io@s 25 ■ N\ AUiiMiTos, .Tune IT The highest (Ythw\mMii Sl’!* 1 00 hcMl ’ r V HII 7 u - • d Uthej small sales were made ar the same ran^e eontru.-t rvi-r known was awarded to 01 >' rK ;** a i -luyby Pus.-master brnrr;,! Blair, , 0 i T tar who',- scrvirit irmn At. hi.,on, , Kansas, via >alt Lake tn FaNoni city, ,k ! J ) ,hin k like a correct quotation. Oililonm. tn John A. Lei-taml. Pan- : 10/ii'i.nniV'Kt V-i'oo (,ead.° , 'i I |T’i’» u'wnaiy ' . aster. Pa., at fT'.o.dttu per annum, this '“tTu IT-V'T c t!"? - ll h' ler our * «rDeposits received XIAILT and EVERY !'"r letter mail nnlw between the \iian- ctursdul not seem t.V be on ham/uot-T EVENING- Interest paid at SIX and P-u-itie roe’s, IlthT'I'*'' 1 '*'' we "' l ' 1 ' d '' Uul! I he rat™. that i, ! PERCENT, per annum. an ' ‘ C,M ’ r were an, rates, werec,,ns,arrabl.-lo.ver-' TRDSTKEB. The Democratic^Convention. ! Hon. .it It.tNb dune lb. -It is now quite d trot, tbe Market was the dulteeMhat ever Caine 1 tSmit.h, U. G-. Husaev, * .... , , , , .. . , under our notice. - A ni. B. Copeland, Jacob Painter toubtlul whi-tlirr tile Autionnl Demo - Harrey Cthlids, Nicholas Voeghtly ci'iii. foilvi-niion t.ilk-d to meet at ai.i.egiiexy stock market. ' RQ «*_ , u,k„*o. Jm. • 4, u. will he pn S ,pene,i. rh , . ; “face, 63 Fourth Street. Ti.o ~i.c - sti.,n win he de.-i.iiM o„ or he- brill 1 A- A,: CARBIER, Treasurer. lore M< .nduy next. - I*3 Ihe "Morgan House" was well tilled, aud ue in.tie. >,l h u u in her ol drovers sirtiug around a 1 w,nr:n fire, and .ill seemed to enjoy ttieuiselves, •dr Hlake was attending to matters aud oo per son knows how to do l»e tier. All parties were The Return of Vallandigham .Nhw ouk, .liinc 10. — Tin- return of \-tilaiuliifljum will not is belierrd be in terlernl with by the Government, espec ially if be eonduets himself with pro priety. rn\llK GREATEST XEHVINE, TONIC & AM) HLOOII ri’KIKIKK. O r . Cutters’ MNGLISII BITTEItS. A sure cure lor Intemperance. Dr. J. C Ayers' Family Medicines i>K. I>. .1 A \ NES <2b SON’S, FAMU.V MEDICINES. Dr. Scbenck’s Pulmonic, Tonic and Pills. 11 E M BOLD’S Celebrated Buchu & Sarsaparilla, And all other Family Mediclnes can he found genuine at the PITTSBURGH DRUG HOUSE, Torrence & M’Garr, I Corner of Market street and Fourth. In ugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery-, Paiuts, ! oils, Lead, Varnishes, Brushes, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder.Braces^ Ami nil articles usually found InDrug Store# of Urat quality, lor sale iow, TORRENCE & M’OABH, No. 70 Market street, corner of Fourth. PIANOS AND MELODEONS. Knabe’s Unrivaled Pianos, FOR EIGHT YEARS HAINES BROS. EXCELSIOR PIANOS, and cheap Pianos made by Grovesteen at Co.. New York. Also, PRINCE’S MELODEONS and SCHOOL OKOANS, beyond » doubt the best reed instru ment made. A. M ACNI TT'S richly carved IVlelodeona, at same prices as other plain instruments of In terior make. All Melodeons warrantedtir* years. CHARLOTTE BLUME, 43 FIFTH STRE^tf, Second door at-ove Wood. fts»Sole Agent for all the above instruments. je4 B. L. H. DABBS, PHOTOGRAPHIC AJtTIST, 46 and 48 St. Clair St reet, PITTSBURGH. Water color iuh iatcres, Life Size Photographs Id Crayon, Oil, India Ink, etc. Photographs wit] i Landscape and Fancy Backgrounds. Ivory ty pcs. Photo graplc Albums, (lilt Frames, and F. inoy Articles adapted to the Photograpio business t. . niydl HAI-40 BALES TIMOTEitr- In store and tor sale By' FETZEE A ARMS'riIONU, myBo corner Market ena' v First its. COMMERCIAL & FINANCIAL. MONEY MARKET. 00 wi? CT * D DA,LV 'OR THE MOKNINO POST, BP w«T“i£££ TZ * S,EETZ| BBOEBBB > BO - 118 j thß buyin S ratea . Gold ; Silver ** ! Demand Notes j Ooupons ... Krchanirc Sterling per pound ... s Prussian Florins Pittsburgh produce markrt OVVICIK OV THE DaIU p OHT Friday, Juno 17, ujkg I f 1 MK ENS—Yesterday was inactive. The sales made being i„ * Bma ll way for local pur poses. We are In the midst of the dull season, sales forf some time wilt be restricted. The weather continues pleasant ; our rivers are fall ing steadily, with four feet six inches water by the metal marks. Freights to all points are plenty, at good llgure., Boats, however, can only carrj light tretghts on the present water. Among the sales we note as follows . ASHES—Prices have lurther advanced Hold- Pp,rf Ve ff UemanJin f for Potash. Pearls, the receipts have Increased. We note Sm^’ 1 ,aS6I3C - - SO,la Ash prices range s oiall lots at *1 57. Lard Oil gallon^ 0 ' laf ** ~ 2; No ~ at 1 P er FLuUH—The market was firm, with a good local demaiid. The stock on hand is not large, whilst the receipts were by no means extensive, lhe current rates were ior JExtra $7 20@7 30 ; 8 25, *8 per quality; some 206 bbls changed hands at those figures. IiAUUJN—Was firm with a gdod demand for home purposes. *aiea T,500 lbs Shoulders at l,* c l o^ es, , 3 . ,00 ° 140 for and Is«s 17c ; SO Hams 3,600 lbs ’ l! l i^Tv.? E -£r S * les 6 bbls 432 00 V barrel, lit i lhe market was unchanged. The 5 D n b . e i!‘ g fuliy up “ the supply d,t 00 bbls Koll at 2uc; Sales 1,200 Packed 18c but rS—Sales 9 bbls at 2uc dozen ™, h ,. e . Bt WBS quiet al at 5 1 , 60 for Hod, aud 41,(0 for White. Com—dull, with more sell ers tl.su buyers, at 4! ,2 6 @1,31 from llrst hands. ’ . ' ll ffber. Buyers took hold very sparingly nr *><£"*; other descriptions are unchanged ijA Kl)—i'ealers are asking 15c. « • J;V'7 rh, * ,nArkel I,reaented uo change both K \t r^ rifi,,not - s Jtll ' l demand. HHiMvl —lhe market was we ! “O'o aaleao, c,,j rectitu-d at 41.30. ° ’ ' T n h.lviLi> Ihe demand was restricted to i rouT!i;:r 8 ’ l,u, ' as - «■-•£££ PITTSBURGH OIL TRADK. UflflCß OF THE Uau.t PnpT, I I'rioav. .lune n. idfri. ( Bl MM.S.-j—Yesterday was nut very active the market was tirm. with a large inquiry. The amount on hand was small an.l was held at an advance ot ei previous rates. The receipts by the Allegheny river during the past two days amounted to l.SSvbbls. Tin. was readily taken at full prices. Among the sales we note the lot lowing: ‘ lit I>E—ih«* market was wry lirm and prices ut-re n shade higher. The stock on hand u ill only Admi tof dmn.il operations. Sales u6u L>hjs,deli v ered in cans, packages includ ed’ 35c J ° ' 40C ’ 33 " li °’ ° D wiiarf< return- ln SOod demand. The principal sales of y ree Oil were 200 bids, on the spot, Tor,- •Wo do, ,0c; ICR) do, up river oil, light straw, 69c. ponded was held at C3S&LE— was dull, with more sellers than buyers: we note a sale of 150 bids deodvrized at PKNNA. CENTRA!, STOCK YARDS Eaht I,mjSRTY, June 10, 1604. in a good humor. iIATTLU—The market was well attended. . alt-B were made to a fair extent at a decline in figures. sai.eo ug cattle tlk ■ ,v-j. U H Üboq sold 32 head at (5.00&8,(Xf E W liittlesey sold 18 head at 6.W6£7 6o Root sold 35 l.e’ul at 7,00. C D Hmlson sold 17 head at 4,00&5.*5. .1 W Clark sold 29 head at 8,00 C Thayer sold 20 head at 6.60. < Jreenwald & Kahn Bold 113 head at 4.75®9 00 Merrick & Good sold 146 head at 3,50<^9!00.’ • ( ’ Fmcrick 6c Co sold 18 head at 4,00<&6,00 R b L ampbell sold 13 head at 6,85 Myers A Bro sold 60 head at 7 oo@9 00 .1 Morgan sold 18 head at 7,00. , sold 55 head at 3,55. Ihe market was better supplied than at any time during the past year. Prices would have been much lower had not the Government buv e-rsAev purchased a large number of cattle, r I 1?, u . Ihe ofleriQ g B were very small. Sales 1 k ? 4 were made at <8,75 for sheared; HO f head sulci at $5,30 ewt. A Btu«p Shearlug A public sheep shearing came off at Oastalia, Krie county, Ohio, on the Ist Inst., with the fol lowing result: hwe, 3 years old, weight 75 lbs, dn ffeece 10 lbs ewe, a years old, weight 58 His, do fleece IIK lbs ewe, 3 years old, weight 69 lbs. do fleece 1515 lbs ewe, 2 years old, weight 70>,' lbs, do fleece 1614 ’■ ewe, 1 year o.d, weight 47 lbs, do fleece 914 lbs’ ewe, 1 year old. weight 48 lbs. do fleece 12 lbs ram, 1 year old, weight 871,' lbs, do fleece 11 lbs 1 ram, 2 years old, weight 9914 lbs, do fleece 20>r’ ram, 1 year old, weight 8814 lbs, do fleece 15 lbs : ram, I year old, weight 8614 lbs do fleece 14X lbs’ ram, 2 years old, weight 109 lbs do fleece 17V- lbs’ Sew Orleans Market. New Orlsass, June 6—Cotton—With rainy weather and a very limited supply offering, the sales today were confined to 110 bales, taken bv one buyer, at about previous rates. We oon tl»D sfi,ii aUOte 1( ? W ord l“ ar y *t 76@79c; ordinary at 82@Mc igood ordinary at 86©87c: low mid ditng at 69@90c and middling at 92e. Sugar and Molasses—Owing to the river blockade, the limited demand for the West is now altogether suspended, and we have not a sale to report, although there id a very fair quantity of sugar and various lots of molasses offering. St. Louis Tobacco fif&rket. Tobacco tlrm, with an advance on lugs. .Sales larger than any preceding day, reaching 238 hhds, as follows; 4 hhds scraps at $2 2o to 2 80; 16 green lugß at 4 70 to 7 90 ; 40 factory do, 7 70 to h 30; 55 planter’s do, at 9 60 to 14 70 ; 48common ohipptng leaf at 13 80 to 2d 70; 62 medium do at 23 75 to 30 75; 14 good do at 30 26 to 39 76; 9 com mon manufacturing leaf at 30 to 38 50 ; 2 good do at 43 26 to 45 5o ; 2 tine do at 50 10 100 W 100 fl,«j Bids on 34 hhds were rejected. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY’—MRS JA.Mhb M’DONNJELD offers for sale the good will and furniture of the most DESIRA BLE OF lA\ ERN STANDS, on the Steuben* viiie Pike, at Charters Creek, three miles X tant from the city. The House is one of the best stands udou that road, and is a large and commodious building, having eight rooms, and has connected with it a large stable, an ice house * t*vero stand disconnected Irom the main building. Three acres of ground well cultivated and planted with vegetables, Ac.. surround the i 1 ™* 86 - I he house la known as Broadhead Post Office. Possession given immediately and the premises leased lor any length of time For particulars apply to ROBERT M’HRAW Brownlee’s grocery No. lfl Diamond, or on the premises to Mrs; Jas. M’Donneld, N. B. Ihegodd will of the stand may be pur chased without the furniture. jeio The democratic county com- MITTEB of Correspondence are requested DAY, June 18th, at 11 m CRASSHALER, D. H. Hal£Kß, Sec. Chairman. T&E TEAVELEB’S guide. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS’ Jemurlruuit Central, ' Sro^tau m^n ' 2 ; S* m g^ttnowßclMOpni s JSK“£ii—Ks:£ Ist WallStatfi*iß:3o a m Lt wSlls&a *« I £ 2d 4do 11:40 am 2d do !s*;s M do 3:50 pm 3d do iSSS 4th do 6:oopm 4th do tdign TheChurc-h troln leavei Wall’* Station (on Sunday) at 9:05 a m; returns at 12:45 p m Buying Selling 1 93 1 82 I 93 1 H 3 Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne “ i .The Sundfty Train to and from M*Raa«Si*» leaves at 1:00 pm, and arrives at 10:00 a Allegheny Valley. Depart*. Arrive*. 5* 11 i 7.-00 am I MaU. » „....jao D m 4:30 am I ExpreaT.... oS £ S Accomniodat’nA.-oo p m | a m j Cleveland and PUtkbwgh. Departs. Arritt*. M*U. S 6:10 a m I Mail *:» D m Cincinnati 1:46 am | Cin. Express.. B:o6 p a l:46pm Ido do 2:10 am heetyng 6:20 am] Stenlearilte Steubenville Ac- [ Aocommo* commodation | dat10n...., leaves ALle'gy3:so pm Clevelknd 1:46 am do 1:46 p m £®~The Excelsior Oi Omnibuses and Carrij seugers arriving in trj West Movements of Euxoptifcn Steeplers. raoH amekica. Asia.. June 8. Teutonia June 11. Australasian June 16 Bremen. Juue 18. Naxonia June 26. lUnsap; luly 2. liomasltv July 9. America July 16. Germania Julv 23. New York Jm’y3o. Bremen Aug 13. Hnnsa Aug 27. America Sep 10. New York *Sep2-§. Bremen Oct 9. Hanaa Oct 22. Nov 6. New York Nov 19. Bremeni. Dec 3. Hanaa.; Dec 17. Way 26. .Southampton.. New York Luropar May 23.. Liverpool .Boston May 31. .Southampton. .New York Scotia.7,—June 4.. Liverpool New York-, Hansa. June B.. Southampton. .New York Borusaia—June 14. .Southampton.. New York America... ..June22..Southampton..New York Germania.. .June 28. .Southampton. .New York New York... July 6..Southampton..New York Bremen. July 20..Southampton..New York Hansa. A.... Aug 3..Southampton..New York America Aug 17.. Southampton.. New York Ne w Y ork... Aug 31.. Southampton.. New York Bremen,- Sept 14.. Southampton. .New York Hanaa..; Sept 28.. Southampton. .New York America 1 . Oct 12. .Southampton. .New York New York....Oct26..Southampton..New York Bsmien / Nov 9..Southampton..New York Hanaa. Nov 23.. Southampton. .New York Dec 21.. Southampton.. Ne w York Real Estate Savings Institution STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION of Tho above institution, Saturday, April 3*l! h, : Amount pfDeposits $180,878 63 Amount interest due de- positors May Ist 8,674 08 AmountContingentFund 6,629 96—5190,681 67 ASSETS. First Liens on Real Est’tcs 99,328 67 !'• S. 6-20 Bonds atpar.. 61,400 00 U. S. Debt Cer. and Notes 16,409 16 Accrued -interest not col- lected.. Office Furniture. Cash on hand.... The undersigned Auditing Committee have ei-&mined the bookß of the Institution, the bopdi l and securities, and counted tho cash, anil have feuiod the above statement to be correct. H. CHILDS, N. VOEGHTLY, W\ B. COPELAND. Pittsburgh. May 2d, 1864. my7-dtf&3tw EALLY, BOYS, FOE 100 DAYS! AND VICTORY e . KNAP’S BATTALION IS NEARLY FULL and the LAST OILANOE to go In a Pittsburgh organization la in company i>, CAPT. ARTHUR STUART. ES’-Recrnits will be received, olothed and eqniped at WILKINS HALL, Fourth ARTHUR STUART,. je( Late of Ninth Reserves, Commanding. NEW SONG. "DREAMING OF HOME." TBEAUTIFUL WORDS AND TAKING A) Music. Its populality will be unbounded. PRICE, 25 CENTS. Copies mailed on receipt of price. CHAB. C. MELLOK, my2Bd&w A GOOD ’INVESTMENT.—A NEW J a l^, ble mMh i I »«,capableofnetting *ii^i £l *7 * b F ye . eap™«e*T ha* Just been oom- Thc P ll tent-right f. the ill I’* 1 ’* °/ Fennsylvanla witnone or more me. chtoea is now offered for sale on favorable term*. t* a . fare, chance tor investment. From (2,000 to (3,000 capital required. Address ' box vka Pittsburgh!; p a . $lO ■to $2O A PAT. AUENTS WAJSTED to sell the improved iLittle Giant Shewing Maoffine. tne best cheap Machine in the United States W e are giving a commission hy which the above wages can be made, or we will employ Agents at (73 a month and expenses paid. For particu lars and terms, address, with-^t&mp, T. S. Agent, f.- Toledo, O. EBCtr > XiO'7MZiSrr #75 Id to «ell Sewing Machtoea^V^^ii who pS above wanl ami ah cxpencea; paid. A«Mre», d r RiNTgm A Co., Detroit. MicA ’ D ‘ THEPAIH MEN’S. BcrV'i IBU ‘ BORLAND®, —— : 68 Market »t- smith's Sharp’s and ariousv ° t a£f lndß » for b y JAMES BOWN, —I ;130 Wood street CfPORTIKG RQ,UrPMRNTS. TUB Sp only complete assortment in tfcii, 04 *** Foraaie by JAMES W>WN, jt‘4 136 Wood sweet- •KhOQam Ibus Company have in waiting lor pas from both East and • Boston Liverpool. .New York. Southampton • New York Liverpool .New York. Southampton • New York-Southamptoa .New York. Southampton ■New York.Southamptoa .New York. Southampton .New York. Southampton • New Y ork. Southampton • New York. Southampton .New York. Southampton • New York. Southampton . New York. Southampton . New Y ork. Southampton . New York. Southampton • New York. Southampton . New York. Southampton .New York. Southampton • New Y* ork. Southampton PEOM EtTBOPE. 1,589 6T 160 00 22,809 27—1100,681 67 81 WOOD STREET.