The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, June 11, 1864, Image 2

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    r.: Sbflailir jDost.
£=g S Svi*'.'S>N
There is no question, but that within
the present week some of the most im
portant movements of the war in Virgin
ia have taken place; and the fact or our
Secretary of WaT not alluding to them,
would lead one to believe that the re
sult of them was anything bat encourag
ing to our cause. When we do gain a
Jioipt, no matter how trifling, it is so
, W-guified by the War Department as to
intake the truth which follows it the less
■ Welcome. If our rulers would but give
us the facts, as they occur and not over
estimate oiir, successes nor diminish our
disasters, the. people would be a thou
.sand times better satisfied. As it is,
they Cannot believe anything relating to
. the wcr, whioh comes as official
from the War .• Department. This is
'most shamefiil and should he noticed by
'Congress. The people who .are bearing I
ithe burdens of taxation, and who are |
•giving up their relatives in their coun
try’s cause, do not desire buncomb dis
patches from the War Department, an
nqpncing immense successes of our
arms, when they have not taken place,
especially when a few dayß brings the
truth that their relatives' have fallen be
fore the murderous rebel fire. The last
. most Important dispatch from St anton,
to (Sen. Dtx, lead us to think that
Grant had : whipped the rebel armv
V£ry seriously; a few days, however,
dissipated oqr hopes, and brought us
Ure sad intelligence of the fall of
some of the most gallant men whom
oiir city sent out to the war. It
is a sad sequel, while rejoicing over
reported victories, to have our joy
changed to unutterable sorrow, by the
announcement of the fall of some of
our most heroic and accomplished offl
. cera and men.
L r ‘ To show how the War Department is
given to silly and grandiloquent dis
patches, needs but reference to one of
itsffirst in regard to Grant's present
campaign, fn order to impress the peo
ple with the idea that Grant was going
right on to Richmond without delay,
Mr. Stanton announced that the rebe
Dittt, after the first heavy engagement
asked time to attend to his wounde
-and to bury his dead. Quant’s reply
according to Stanton was, that, ‘-b
had not time tobnry his own,’’ and pro
posed renewing the contiiet. In yester
day’s paper, however, we have it ofli
eialiy announced that Gbant had sen
of. truce asking time to attend to his
killediand wounded in one of this week’s
engagements. Thus the lie of the Ad
ministration, showing our chief to
rnander to be insensible to the pangs of
lna dying soldiers, is exploded by his
otra conduct; this should admonish lli
Stanton not to indulge in falsehoo.
any.rn.ore, in his official bulletins to Gen,
Due, which are designed for the infor
mation 0/the people. If he wishes to
keep practicing the arts of the pettifo-
ger, let him imitate Howabd and get up
bogus proclamation, This trifling
with'the sensibilities of the people is
shameful, anji Ought to subject him to
the severest, censure of Congress. Be
cause he is destitute of all feeling him
seif ig po reason why he should trifle
with the feelings oi the people.
31 Our staid and highly respectable
neighbor, the Commercial, yesterday re
marking’upon the Baltimore platform
iiccbnintenflediin: this way;
» cis. »general way, to no great ad
,n tto-platforms or other-contrlvau
<res or contentions or oauoußses of anv kind
m Un g ™;S l th " y aro b '“ *ar" nttona,
m language that may mean one thing or an- ,
other, according to circumstances, -Fares in
fact, for that support whioh a clear' out-aneken
declaration would not obtain, and at the same
time hold together the members of the partyaet
tlng up the candidates. 1
To properly appreciate this paragraph
we dire*t the readers attention to the
a the late Baltimore Con
jention; here it is: < I
srU h ?"ffe4J?ha i t weapprore the’position taken I
‘ B * t the I: people or the I
dc . Uxiited StAtes can never. regard ivith inditfer- I
any JJuropmm power to 1
He Pubiican Government I
(proloneed an-1
plause,) and that, thev frill vtewwlth Ltrerne I
jealonsy, as menactn/to the peace an“ l„d,! I
! .'Bc;idence,orihls qnr i country, the efforts ol any I
... for n ,*,?■ I
archival tSoVferuißents BUsraiifet} bv a fortiori I
military roroe In near proximity to the United 1
States. (Long continued applause.) I
Now everypiuld who reads a news. I
.: ... 5 PhR?.r k|j»OWB,jj))tf the position taken by I
the Administration regarding the Mon- ]
jgOE. dpcttine is the very opposite of I
rpgolujapntclaims. A foreign I
_....4nya^mp ; prostrate Re- |
pflfjßtairMeiledafl'd rear upon its ashes I
an Empire. Nay more, instead of our
A J&Overpinjnt gprevpnfaig or- protesting
against it, it winked aiit, ail cl when the
Congress gave expression
, !'igSinat Monarchy upon (tblSgCftfttinent,
our Secretary of State wrote to our Min
at Pranee'to assure that
c the erpreßsion of our CongressYas of
no consequence whatever. This has
-.jactidh of the present Admin
h. U P On tte question Of foreign
. “j tfnMTljffWtf«'uppn Continent, whidh
• ,7CJ isririfttlseted the admiration of the Bal
,popTentij>hs , Andy et that part y
' ‘ s haS thfeaflrontery to ’ask' to be 1 retained
lonprjin ptmesfe r .., .
For tfcePost,
- OAF?*, .H* J JpSTEK, Provost Mat■
that: Sir, onejof yonr officers (by your
orderelj bofrpwd appleture from me re-.
jSresßMfitg tlie; GfraiFe oTthe TJfiion, and
thejyntericmi people, .and has not yet
retuhieS it I wodla ib'b'it respectfully
reqnest tbit ybu sedcl said Picture. Jo.
saJTOTniaeigerßf iof • the Sanltsryri'sjr, td J
. t „«nS*ng *,-Democratic: as.
"■ iiartiS
off# ml ms'
; 7 “
01 Temperance rilie.
A' f] . I
The offensive picture to which we al
luded in yesterday’s 'Post exhibited in
the Sanitary Fair, luu^otj;we r belie ve•
! been removed. We|protest here anil
| now, against a repetM&jl ofshl3 Outrage
upon the persons of Democrats as repre
si-nted in this caricature. If age, repu
tation or utlliction are not sufficient to
shieid estimable gentlemen of this com
munity from ridicule at the hand of the
managers of the-Sanitary Fair, the pub
lic should know it. The picture is offen
sive and how it should lie considered in
any other sense is not clear to us. That
sucli things may be tolerated during the
heat and fervor of a political campaign
we can understand, but for the purpose
of raising money to staunch the blood of
sons and brothers we shall contribute in
money and witli ourpresence,and to have
presented for our special admiration a
charicature of a Democratic proces
sion, to which respectable gentlemen of
this city are made to figure as drunken
loafers, and that this establishment and
those connected with it made the subject
of the sneets and jibes of the thousands
who visit the Art Gallery of the great
Sanitary Fair, we cannot understand.
If the pictuiSe be not removed we have
lost confidence in the fairness and hon
est intentions of the managers of this
Since writing the above, we have read
a letter from Felix H. Brunot, chief
officer of the Sanitnry Fair, addressed to
the lady having in charge the McClel cloak and a portion of the Fast
Liberty Booth, requesting the removal
ofa very handsome imperial photograph
of Gen. McClellan from the table.
Another superb photograph, life size, ol
the General had been removed without
any note or warning some days previous,
and has not since been heard of, the
return of which would much oldige the
owner. All this looks like premeditated
intolerance, which we are most unwil
ling to believe, and without further com
ment at present most respectfully a>k
for some explanation.
The Military Situation,
We renew our extracts from the
Philadelphia Age, upon the subject of
the situation and progress of events in
Virginia. These articles are so lucid
that much time is saved to the reader in
gathering detached facts fiom long tel
The contest on Friday last caused se
ven; Federal losses. They were almost
equally distributed throughout the entire
line. The result of the battle was as we
stated yesterday. The northern Federal
flank retreated to Bethesda Church; the
southern flank maintained its position
below Coal Harbor. In all jiortious,
however, the line was greatly weakened.
It was too week for attacks, and almost
too weak to cover and delend a position
six miles long. The contest showed that
the Confederate works at Coal Harbor
were very strong; and the last hope I
going to Richmond by the Mechanics.
viHe route was given up. That part of
the campaign was ended. The Confe.l
erutes claim Friday’s battle as a victory,
atul say they captured two thousund
On Saturday nothing was On
Sunday, Grant began making new dis
positions. The northern Hank had been
composed of Warren's corps at Bethesda
Church, and Burnside's corps'uoith ol the
I Church, with cavalry beyond. The cav
I airy was called in on Sunday. The Hank
I was concentrated. Hanover Town and
New Castle were given up, Tire road
running from those places to Mechanics
I ville and the Chicknhotniny were no long
er picketed. The entire country above
Bethesda Church was uhandoned, and
Burnside made the place the north end
ol the Federal line. Warren was with
drawn from the front, so that Burn sub
joined Smith. Warren went to the
| rear, and marched southward to the
\ southern Hank. He became the reserve
of that flank, and the various divisions
of the corps, which had been in reserve,
went forward to the front and strength
ened the line. f>n Sunday night the cn
emy made various recounoissances to
diseovor Lite Federal position. On SI
I day nothing was done, and on Monday
I night some skirmishes occurred. The
I picket lines of the two armies are very
I close to each other. Sharpshooters are
I continually tiring, and the Federal Uim-
I es from this, even when no conflict or
I curs, are estimated at four hundred a
[day. During Monday General Grant
j sent n flag of truce to General ,Hee
asking a cessation of hostilities to
bury r ihe dead on part of the
line. No result is yet reported. On
Tuesday morniug Burnside held the
northern flank at Bethesda Church, and
was on the road to New Bridge. Smith
was -south of Burnside; Wright south o
Smith, and Hancock south ot Wrieht
The southern flank was near the rail
[ road, with cavalry pickets extending to
the road. Warren was in reserve. One
week before the Federal Southern flank
had been on the New Bridge road; now
lha northern flank is upon it. Hancock,
Warren and Wright are supplied by the
White House Railroad, which has been
reconstructed to Dispatch Station ten
mile? from White House. Smith’ and
Burnside are supplied by wagon trains
sent from White House by road to Be-
thesda'Oburt'b. These trains are always
strongly guarded, ps even in the short
they go they are frequently al
tacked by guerrilles. Our latest intellj
gence from the Army of the Potomac is
to Tuesday afternoon, when no change
had taken place. No fighting had oc-
There has been a Federal victory in
the Shenandoah Valley. Staunton, is a
-own in the valley, forty miles west of
Orange Court house, and twenty-five
west-northwest of Charlotlesville.Twelve
miies north of Staunton, is Mount Craw
ford. General Hunter met the Confed
erate, forces at Mount Crawford and
* their commander General W. E. Tlje Herald is mfomed from London
jfcmes. They then retreated through that General George B. McClellan has a
Staunton, , followed by the Federal fair ohance of being declared heir to the
trooj*. 'Hunter occupied the town, and n Bir Goli n
-i t. u Campbell (Lord Clyde),, the great war
l&tl ■between rior who, it may be said, won Uxeempire
ancf vie,; .flf India to England. family hfc
•torjy f ieyojtdtthKßewi*toßH(LiO)eonpiedr : dWmSS&fflt' i«®P of
McClellan's Military Capacity Vin
dicatedfroman-Abolition Source
—Spades again Trumps—Too lit
tle brag tD be thoroughly “loy-
i al -”
! The genius of McClellan hasi been so
Completely acknowledged by General
Grant, in his steady advance t.> the po
sitions occupied by the former, before
Richmond, when the AdminUtratihn at
Washington refused or neglected to
make his success sure by requisite rein
forcements, that no comment is neces
sary. Grant, like McClellan, knows
exactly bow to improve advantages;
and though the Administration and its
paid presses have multiplied their sneers
at the “strategy of 9pades,” they are
now r forced to eat dirt and to praise in
Grant what they 60 unjustly and ma
lignantly condemned in TUcClellan,
As indicative of the crawfishing opera
tions now rendered necessary to Lin
coln’s satellites, we quote some para
graphs from the specials of the Gazette,
from its army correspondent:
“Our progress toward Richmond is
slow, hut no doubt is entertained in our
army as to the final result.
Spades to the front has again become
the order, and Slow but surely, we are
digging up to the rebel capital,
i since the firßt of this month we have
been digging almost continually. At
some places we have thus worked up to
within a hundred yards of the rebel
works, against which our column dash
ed in vain last Friday.
1 lie two hostile armies are now' qtnet
ly eyeing each other, and the least mo\ e
meiH on the one side is suit* to be fol- j
lowed by a similar one ou the other, I
both ready, hut neither willing to make !
an assault. The men keep low in their !
ditches, aud sbaritsliootei s on both sides j
art 1 ever on the alert, and no chance for I
a shot allowed to escape.
Ihe troops at the immediate front
Where they depend entirely on their
breastworks for protection, suffer much
less than those farther in the rear, who
depend on distance fot safety. Every
ruoveuu-Ht nt men through :m open apart
is accompanied by ihr 'inevitable mu-i.
of Millie halls. The lsih corps, whhh
was moving yesterday, Lotjl between fifty
and a hundred aliien by this m, a its, anil
that too within a very short distance ol lip:
headquarter*. This is repeated almost
every day. Our own sharpshooters eon.
ceal themselves in trees and ravines, and
by various devices draw their rifles into
range, and 1 think our hoys keep the ae.
count about even.
10-d.iy has Imen much more quiet
titan usual, owing to the fact that both
airnies, hy common consent, were bury
ing their dead, with It for almost a week,
have been lung between the two lines!
Their bodies were becoming very offen
sive, and the duty of burying them was
not only sail, hut very disagreeable.
Among the bodies found was that of
Colonel McMahon, who commanded
the noted 1 1 is!, brigade of the second
corps He was killed on Friday while
valiantly meetingu rebel charge. Many
bullies were also buried last night.
To day we have had some latllloU.
ding, enough to prove to us that the n I. t.e« lalterii
wlticli would play on both exit, nie- o;
our lines. Those on our right are hraw
gi.tis, ami are s'einingly planted in the
neighborhood oi Summer's Bridge, on
Ihe (.‘hit kalioni iny. Those ~n if,,.’ hit
drop their stulls disagreeably el set..
Hie lstl. corps heailquarti'n- Two
horses belonging to (leu. Smith's st„,j
otHerrs were tilled hy these to day casualties in Baldy Smith's r,,rp
force the first ot June, amount- to an
aggregalo ol J, .‘.',lt
A I’i.A.N h 1.K1.S I’l I I K.Jlt.u An All'll
iti.'U pup-isay... "Wc w.uiM like Mi.
(■five tit the hiilnl.i itl In,. B illimurc cull
vent lull u plnnkl.-t,-, {iliitluiin, carpi 1,- I
wilk I lie Aiiirrican liii; r , and -uriiioiint
oil lly tin- presence ~| Alirnlnun 1. n
onln.” To this the Cliii iign Tunei i,
joins "Tlic writer ol the above ,\i
.Icntly uu.liTstnmU Lii.o.ln, an.l know >
that it is usd. a- to i. strain him wiii.
anything like a plallorni oi prim-ipi. .
A i’rcsi.ient who .m rri.les tin- . i.nsij.
tutinn, an.l who ins not tin' slightest
regard for anything save tin: dictates ol
Ilia own partisan feelings, would sear,,
ly be expected to pay much attention
to a platform of principles.
It i. also eminently proper to put down
the American ting and put Idneoln on
it, lie lias been standing on it lor the
last three years anil a hall, and we sup
pose eminently proper that he should
keep it under his Pet il lie should hap
pen to lie re-elected.
Ah to having Old Abe stand on a
“plankless platform,” we think that also
exactly wdial is needed. A great many
individuals have thus "stood” and done
humanity great service. The best thing
ever done by Lincoln s prototype, John
Brown, was his final net, at which time
he occupied a “plaukless platfoim” in
Virginia. By all means let Lincoln
have a "piankiess platform;” it benefit
ted the country through John Brown
and it would confer equal benefit in tile'
ease of Lincoln.”
ariny correspondent of the Herald aavs:
“The predictions many have made, that
Grunt would discard the shovel and the
pick, prove to he as fallacious as they
were unmllitary. An enemy may he
driven from a line of rifle pits by „
charge, or a lunette or redoubt may be
taken by assault; but it would be a wan
ton waste of life to fight an enemy
nearly it not equal to ourselves in
numbers, who was strongly lorlified
while we have no protection but the non'
resisting air. The fact has been fully
aud frequently demonstrated, that to he
successful, we must meet the enemy on
nearly as equal a footing as possible if
we eannot meet him at an advantage.
If he entrenches, we must entrench, anti
drive him from his position with can
non and mortars, rather than by sacri
ficing the lives of soldiers in thousands
by throwing them into the jaws of
almost certain death.” Of course when
the fact becomes known to the Lincoln
ites, a solemn protest will be offered up
against this “uumilitary McClellan
method of taking Richmond. ” They
won’t allow it by any means.
Avom Taxation^ of the
stern virtues of the Romans in the days
of the younger Scipio Africanus, Cicero
says that one General madt over to the
State all the treasure taken from the
Maceddnians, leaving to his family noth
ing bat the renown of his name. He
further says that so great was the sum
thus realized by the Commonwealth
that there was no need for taxation for
some time afterwards. Here is an ex
ample for those who are now attempt
ing to manage the affajrsof this country.
Let them make all our Generals who
have become suddenly rich, disgorge
their booty, for the benefit of this heav
ily taxed people. Then the public debt
will be greatly diminished, perhaps will
disappear altogether. Thus we will im
itate the stern virtue of the ancient Ro
mans, and besides act on the Napoleonic
maxim of making the war support it
self. — Calholic.
j. jl 1 ? mor e “contrabands’’ ar
n',^a* Washington from the peninsula
is j ®?? ®jd were sent to the par
adisical farniat Arltngton.
lsland regiment has
ten ® of service having ex-
Ji,„„ ■ 1“ 18 regiment had over two
fn the field, and returns
Ui only about two honored and fifty.
Johk Morgan, with a f orce f> f 2500
men, is making a stir in Kentucky, at
tacking railroad trains on the Kentucky
ti-HIV* bUr T in g bridges, tenting up
rack &c, and has taken possession of
Mount Sterling and Cynth^ami.
Mormons, saj-e the Ilarrishurg /’alnn/
■ ( /iienr—A large number of Mormons
male and female—passed through this
y. c . s t er ? a y on their way from Europe
tn salt Lake. They seemed to be gay
and happy. h J
Exemption Clause.— The N. Y
Times says that President Lincoln aet
ln/“nder the advice of the Secretary
of War and the Provost Marshal Qener
at, has transmitted a message to Con
gress recommending that the three hum
dred dollar exemption fee be struck ou l
ot the Conscription Act. It is likely to
he done, and a draft soon ordered for a
very large number of men, probably
tor an indefinite period of service.
Fremont a Copperhead. —How as
siduously the Linconites are laboring
to convince the people that Fremontnn.i
his supporters are copperheads. The
JNew r ork Times most feelingly denoun
ces the pathfinder as a virulent copper
head Our own city papers- are on the
same line of labor,altlioueh. as admitted
by one ol them, the present Administra
tion is mainly indebted h. p r ,. mont tor
its : ueee- 3 in the eh-, tion ..1 ]m;u.
(*N to JiiCH.MoNie- -Taking radial t> i
straight hne dislaiiei s. us slu-wine rutei
accurately th- precise lads ot Grant's ad-
Value, we have these results At his
headquarters, (Culpepper Court-house, i
giant was precisely seventy two miles
lion, liiehoo.nd. At the ’Winchester
I uvent lie has advanced sixteen miles
1 ho tii "lance of each pit nut ion wap as fol
>'Ul|» l p.
\Y iiilcnir«B T.-ivorr
Spulih) lv Hi ,i i l.'nmi-hMi,
' iuun-a -iti«>n
N'Ttli Ann ", : U-n, 8u.1.-r
Hanovcrton. (I’amunky km i
H»n im. m lt
_ SoMK'VIIAT Tlti:A«ON\|:l.|; —*rhr N
Y. on rrespondrnt o| the Boston
iicitinull/y (an tililo radical sh. ct) M | V ,
in allusion to the nut iliat Mr. I.iiuoln
'lni not reply to tin- s , ;il Jiinir letter o|
Mamnn Marhlein tin- IIYW,/ iavis I .a|, f r
i'll tlir I'r, ,i,lent iniv list as in,,l
that there will In- some 'linos that will
not till to him in pleasant plan's. [].
an,l hi- raliinri an,l all undi r his author
it.V from the White lions,- to the ( 11-
tom Honsc, will ho punisheil in tin
" orhl' 10 conn'. Thi- is H J m ,.sie hor
tiering on treason, ami at least savors
< onsitlurahl v ~| /haisy.i,’,',,
The Richmond Sentin>;. of the :;,1
inst., mentions the arrival at
I’iison of tight hun,lr, ,1 an,l lil'tv Ymi
k, e prisoners, as it styles th, in, ' an mi
i ultivaltil and barbarous mass It S!lv ,
that on Friday, in nil the a-saults made
hylhn. Brant ,n the,r In wa- r .-
pulsed will, urtal sljucht, l lh,t 11. . a
lost no around on tin- light, gain, d
largely on tlj r* iHt and ruptured nenrh
two thou-and p:,s,,n, ilt , ~i,-i,i,
the day to have been al, ,ppy on, t,»i
th, in, hut a dark one tm Grant and
thunks God that their loss li been' \,-,,
-lielit It states that Grant 5|,,., w:i ,
l, 11111 eis'lit t l , t, l, thousand .in that dav
| Nnw Voli rilK List l.sGi.ll.
I lie rise in gold i« a matter ni g r ,. : ,,
discussion and among other them
1 i,,J '» cxplanati.ui ol its o'ud.h-n nppnrn
Hull is in , tfcct as f<,Uw ~ li is all, e,
- -I that the French government, IhmuJ.
lie ag‘ Ills, Inis In i-u a pun hliSer ill 111.
-New York market of gold to a | ar ,.,
union,n, lor the ~i paying ~h
tin- r rem h iruup- in Mrvi.u, iu'il,e sci
vice of Maximilian No less than I?"',
000. out), il is slated, have I,ecu qlllcih
reiuoye.l timntlie v.uilisol Inrcivn hank
,1-ui New York, within the past i.-u
w , cks, am! conveyed tin n, c by Firm I,
ships of war II is a notorious fact that
tin- french troops in Mexico arc paid in
American gold; and Ncw-York. Iwine a
port most convenient tor tin- uses of the
French Kmpcior, certain lmnkers in
tliatcily liuvc liceome lioldt-rs in tin
Mexican loan to the amount above stai
Fkmai.k Soi.dikrs.-A Washington
corresjiondcnt says the oiln-ial r. cords
ol the tnililaiy authorities in that city
show that upwards of one hundred anil
fifty female recruits have been discover
ed and made to resume the garments ol
their sex. it is supposed Unit nearly 1 1
of these wire in collusion w ith men who
were examined by the surgeons and in
cepted, alter which the lair ones suhsli
tuted themselves and went to the war
Curiously enough, over seventy of thes,
martial demoiselles, when their aex was
discovered, were toting as officers’ ser- ;
vants. In line regiment there were sev
enteen officer’s servants, in blue blouses ,
and pants, who had to lie clothed in cal' ;
ico and crinoline. Even a General, who j
had won many laurels in the war, had a
handsome, fresh looking “detailed man" '
ucting as hia cleik, rvkose real name I
turned out to in- Mary Jane U- , and I
who has parents in Trenton who are es :
tiuiahle members of socic-tj. She said I
that to seethe world.” !
ggTA FACT. • • •' *
I* It a Dye.
• • •
.. J| i the year ISAS Mr. Mathews mat preiiarat
he VENETIAN HAW lit h l since that tune
it bna been uaral by tboußanda, anil In no instance
naa it railed to glre entire eatlafactlnn..
.f tNtTLAN DYK is Mu* cheapi-st in the
world. Its price is only Fifty cents, and each
dottle contains double the ijurumu uj .|»u in
thoae usually sold for 41. 1
• * ETIAN hYfl. warranted not to in*
th « hMr or scalp in the slightest degree.
Ihe \ EN ETIAN T>YH works with rapidity ,
anti certainty, the hair requiring no preparation
Ihe VENETIAN DYE produces amt .shade
that may be desired—one that will notiile,crock
or wash out—onethatiaaa penn&nent aathehair
itaeli. Vor sale by aii druggists. Price 60 cents
. Generaffcgent, 12 Gold at. N. Y.
Also manufacturer of iUathkwb’AhtooaHair
Globb, the beat Hair dressing in use. Price vs
cent> -... janlS-iy d
the rules of Taste aud Beauty in their
color or in the loss of their color, may be chanscu
in a few momenta to any BEAUTIFUL SHADE
by a single applteatlop of
The rapidity of its operation, perfect safety
permanent healthful,-eflbct, and the e*eeedlmr
depth and richness of the hues it impart*; dis
tinguish tins preparation from all other lives In
use in this country or in Europe. •
Crlstadoro'a Huir Preservative,
A valuable adjunct to the Dye, in dressing an>l
promoting the growth an I perfect health of th,.
hair, and of itself, when used alone, a safeguard
that protects the libres from decay under all cir
cumstances and under aii climes.
Manufactured by J. OKISTADOfiO. No k
Astor House, New York. Sold by aU Drur
ffiats. Applied by all Hair Dressers. ®
WKNT has given mm-eraal satisfaction
during the lourteen years 11 lias keen introduced
utto the United .States. Alter being tried l ;v
milhona it has been proclaimed the 6 pain de« J
L 0 . 7er 7 ,he woria - bo where this
liniment ts applied. If used asdireoted itoannot
and never has failed in a single lnatanceMW
iv°n Ug b?’ “Ms and influenza, it oan't be head
“ font bottle will cure all the above hc!
B j d os being useful in every family for siS 7'
cidentß, such as burns, eufe, soalds, insect stinea'
11 k p l r,ect, s’ innocent to take iuternafiv
and can be given to the oldest Dersnn 4 f
phiW. PriSl 26 and « centsV f
Uortlandt street, New York. - • oti
SoJd by TapS. EEDPaTH, Pittsh,.«a „
, Kgpwfeble tßroggbM. ■ Jnyi;i^’ w “ d
Oor. of the Diamond and Markrt *
K^“ h KB» ,a or HUPTXJRBi CURED.
~ We are prepared to treat .luccesafully
>Sll Jakes of rupture in young most cases
W|niddle aged, and in some cases cf Did persons
having fitted up an extensive establishment for
-•.-Improved Trasses and Siqij^i-terJ":'
In peculiar cases or where persa|£pliedire;:&hy
atj'le of truss not on hand we
to order. Having the largest sftipn theciiyTall
persons requiring ti übses will Hud it to their ad
vantage to call.
Dr. AL’U ARK will attend personally%to the ap-
plication of, Truaaea, Supporters, &.e. t &,<*.
Besides our own manufacture we have a large
stock of ' *
Bitter & Penfield's Celebrated j Trasses, T HK NKW
Dr. s. S. Pitch's Celebrated Trusses,
Marsh & Co.'s Celebrated Trusses,
KlaHtic Stockluga, Bandages, Ac
At the Pittbburgh Drug House,
°°Be hj-J y Ul lW ftUd Mttrket street*, Pittsburgh
SdST'FXf*;*;' I'* 1 '* OF irrkoujlaui.
>,.. 1 1 E> A VOIDED.— Too much eating and
dniikiftt, new habit* and modes of .-life oftco
in the bowels and generai
health ot the system. Hut HnAM>uit'rM’a Pills
will boon cure, the fctumarh regain its strength
and h healthy action ot the system will be re
tuM a. Wo medicines are i-QUal in UH4>fiilnDaa *<-.
plhp’ 1 /?,, "“y^n^he
Pirn.f *‘ ad a t,ox of Hfandreth’s
Pills, a l>ox of f mversal Salve, and ad Allcock's
1 orous flasier jmt in ibeir knapsack free ol ex
pense. And to this fact may be. attributed the
£u»pu„7' REGIMENT from the
EVElfl SOLDIER should have a box of
PmU r’l'l" ufs * ,re . "dd'a piece of
Mten ‘“' y nre * UJ<i: to
sold by TiiuMAS KKDPATH
dealeru iu
iri'in I;i* lim.-.ntl
J kahuhl kuuu
Silver and Brass Plateirs.
bi, ii'tii-i,,ni lJ
Saddlery &. Carriage Hardware,
*vO. • M. t Uir atiect, and Duqueane Wav
(near the Bridge,) *'
2_r. m'. 11 I NDUED VO DC N-
I LEI.' Ml h JN tIAAIK-iYouog
llli’i l"iu V\‘. ‘"i'.!'/ 11 ,’’ •' u l’l ,i i J'Pursell with
t,r 'si.r, 1 ' ?‘' ! 'w ’* ,l ’ Cur< “ ~lU Worst CHBC3
t omi.l'vini- ' M AUd liowol
oiii|i.vuu« II the Hader ol thig ‘notice’
.muotget abov of Pills or Ointment from
h ‘‘ p , 1,1,!e ' let write to mo.
U ,ii r, I , *j euclo “ in K 'he amount, and I
il r.Md" Ixix liet* ol expense. Many dealers
. .1 nui keep 111) medicines on hand because ther
m, ke ‘■‘.TV.'*? I ' rutll a » other persons*
mate, on Cents, bs ceote. and *1.40 per box or
’ . je^lwc
fcPvT' ~ ., | !F, .‘.V>e FKSS, °- VS AND ei.
- 1 hhlKM.Enf AN INVALID.—Pub-
C i{T-i*“ cll V '“L‘ l a * * <'ACTION TO
' A" , ' EE and Others, who sutft-r from
il; '-us In bin), Picm-iture Decaj of Man
,l" “d'l’i) mg at the same time Th » M kams
‘'■/‘■’a '“ K Ky °? C "as cured'himself
” ' . considerable quackrri .
It) a posti.ail addressed envelone
b.s.ifi. ci.j'U Mi,n> bf hndoi thb author 1 '
f h." - , NA ‘ » 1AN r iKl* MAVKAiK, itsq..
fi h .'.ndiw Bedlor.l. Kings co.. iV. V.
£rS'-" 'i' K ~AVK lk.vrskd not to
U- astiim.i,,-,! at anything. Years of ex
)'*-ru-t:a‘ and acorrespomleru'e extending through
■■..t all ttie natumalltled •11 the habitable glut*
hate tun,ed their theories into f„ c „ amUsta).-
liel.e.l a l.aen limn a k:,-h w e need not err. We
lie 1.01 «ur| iHe.l at such tacts as the tollbwtng—
although 110- j.i ■ aho write them are. We
know the pe.M.n. and ci,e,.metmces. hence led
it 1.1. li, to indorse their statements :
i .Null iiKLironn. Mass., Nov. ‘li, isn3.
lieau MH;—l hate Iwen altlicted many j ears
, will, ae, ere prostrating crau,|,« in my lunhs. cold
' leet amt h inds, and a general disordered system.
1 I'hjsoiaiis and me,Heines tailed toreljele n.e
tt lute Uaitins some Irtends New York u Ik, were
, u.rng t'l.ant al inn llmersthe, ,uei ailed, upon me
tolry them. 1 commenced with a small wlue
, glassful alter dinner, r eeling letter by drgreea
, a. a lew dais 1 wrna aslonmhed to n. 1,1 ,i„! cold
nes. a„ l .'lamps had entirely left me, and 1 could
! "‘(flit through, which Iliad not done
lorjeais. 1 leel like anotlisWbemg. My. appe
ia.' am. strength hat e also gu-atly Improved l.y
!“<• use i*l ti,e Plautati..u Hitters.
syectlully, .IUUITH llua.Ui..
.... ,;Kl * u,i "t nv, Win., Sept. 16, llsci.
r rr . , * »‘*w- U‘fu ju the army ha»i>ital
a'. An v 8 ' -““1 ndarlyßead
non inti, . 1 s ’V, e mc ,»'»'tle°r Pjanta
el,i' ~ « three bottles reatorld n,y
cui cd ini. • . C. A. i LAuJn." 1
The lultow tag Is non. the Manager cif the
Home achm.l Im.the violin
hAVfcWEVKU MaJiHIOK, 67th .SU )
uh . v l ‘ w Vurk ’ Au e- -♦ iws,.; ’!
Hit ter- have ' OUr " I,n herlul Plantation
et.iVi h „ ? U ' l ‘'“ *" in to some of our little
cMldre" Iron, weakness and weakluii
UKI most happy erlect. line little girl in liar!
licular war, pains In her head, los. Sr amletne
and dally wasting consumption, on whom all
taelvl 1 h " , l. l "‘ ca e*haustei, has been en
tatij a .loud u c commenced with but a tea
cpinml ul ol Hitters a day. Her appetite amt
Strength rapidly Increased, and she Is now Well
Respectfully, bias. o. Mi Davo:,.”
~ owe much to you. for 1 verilt Ke_
“ i h at P ‘w't,' 1 w ßft,Cr * “» vc “k'U
list. Vf 11. Wauoomkb, Madrid, N.Y.”
~, Thou v/llt send me two bottles more
ol Hit 1 lautatlnn Hitters, lily wife has been
greatly benefited bv their use. Xr,j friend
Aei 1-usbik, Philadelphia,
Pfau'tau"' p'reachSlo s°“
Plantation Htttera have cured me. ° ’.
Kxv. I s. C'ATHoaj., Hochcster, N. YL."
~ , . , (i W. I). ANDREWS,:.
Superintendent Soldier’s Hunt, i’i n ., op’
i. . . . The p lantKtJon Blttcra h i
I'm, V"' which 1 was laid’up
pi mutate, and had to abtadou my business. 1 V
H. H. KtlresLkv, Cleveland,Oi!”
iikl'a charm n ‘ e £<•»
No. 264 Broadway, 9 ’
*•' c -> sc., he, \
The Plantation Bitters make the weaketrohg
the languid brilliant, and are exhaused natnS
great restorei. They are comppsed of the cile
brated Oalisaya Bark, WtntergVeen,,
Hoots, Herbs, ixc., all preserved In perfectly pure
Croix Rum. v
S. T —lB6o—±. ;
Persons or sedentary habits, troubled with
weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart
laqkiof appetite, dmtress after eating, torpid liv
er, constipation, &c., deserve to suffer If they
will not try them. '
They are recommended by the highest medi
cal authorities, and are warranted to produce yn
ininii'diate beneficial effect. They are exceeding
„ly agreeable, perfectly pure and harmless.
Nm’li’rt.—Any person pretending’to sell Plan
tation Bitters in bulk or by the gallon is a swind
ler and Imposter. It is put up only In our ltig
»Hn {bottle. Beware of hottfles refilled .wltjh
imitation deleterious stutii forwhich several Iwr
sons jug already in priapn., See that every bot
tle haa"our United States stamp over the cotk
Mnmutilaleit, and our signature on steel-plate sidje
•label.j by. respectable dealers throughoilt
(tie lu»bit«blqg)oße. r/} jjt , t
’ .P- H. DRAKE *. co. i
Aii • 1 B&Way, N. Y. ’
ili eor. Smltbfield and 4th s
leb97BmiUiw-eod "
And manuiactureiß of
to J. V. ttay & Co.
MiANUFA€TPTOEira f ! lmportei-6>An(J 3)eai
d ef tn Saddlery. Coach and Trunic Hard,
ware and Carriage Trimmings. No 68 Wood
street, Sign ofthq golden-Stirrup, Pittsburgh.
jEla store aßdTpriajfby
•Jr 5
mpO corner Market and First its.
MAGNESIA.—I have on hand n very
Dry state. Fora
T nl '^a" v ' ! 'rihere is no article now
: \SiM?b2£? l *'M£ ~y a0 ' *<*■> Congress, Empire
IBS* Those wishing any of
■ l®fhelr,pttrltv. can be certain of
A ftfo v c °rner of the
l»ifSt?aSrf^y hflrta a T?ry BUper ‘° r srti
lu^ne'piut,PsiaTutpl £ ntUl and
s for ’lowers, ami other
variety 8 h %ldKerchief in the greatest
and To!l'm XeB , k “,‘ l ‘ S,><!het p «wder, Palm
eitv Tooth °tv P u the A la T r P st assortment in the
criplions o f ? lr brushes of all dee
tvfAr t. , ■ ’ Pure and Hlquors for
S al purposes. Genuine Havana lAgars
All the valuable-patent Medicines of the d»v «t
the lowest,trices JOSEPH PLEMLNo’’ B '
je6 Corner of the Diamond aud Alaiktsi.
X. l T BIAS’
Oiling-, X>i*eeysing
It softens and oils the Hair, and gives It a
permanent glosß which It retains for
daya after ueing it.
For Beautifying and Promoting
Lubin’s Cocoanut Cream
Cannot be Surpassed.
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp,
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp
It .Soothes the Irritated Scalp
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp
It Prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair,
It Prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair,
It Prevents Baldness and Lose of Hab
it prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair'
It is an Elegant Perfume,
It is an Elegant Perfume,
It id an Elegant Perfume,
it is an Elegant Perfume,
Oocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruli!
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruli'
I Produces the Richest Luster.
Jt Produces the Richest Luster
it Produces the Richest Luster
It Produces the Richest Luster
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance
It gives the Hair an otiy Appearance
It gives the Hair an Oily ApSSJaice.’
It gives the Hair an t lily Appearance,
For Oiling Whiskers it has no Equal
For Oiling Whiskers it has no Equal’
For Oiling Whiskers it has no Equal’
For UUing Whiskers it has no Equal’
And it retains all its Beautifying Effects
a'e’l w re ! a } na a JJ 1,8 Reautifying Effects
And it retains all its Beautifying Eltects
And it retains all Its Beautifying Effect'
Por days after using it, •
For days after using it,
For days after using k,
For days after using k,
For Dreßsiog and Oiling the Mustache,
1- or Pressing and Oiling the Mustache
1 or Dressing and Oiling the Mustache
1 or Dreasing and Oiling the Mustache.
It Prevents Gray Hairs,
It Prevents Gray Hairs.
It Prevents Gray Hairs,
If Prevents Gray Hairs,
It Pievents Hair from Turning Gray,
I pie c° S S Slr from luruiul Gray ,
It Pre\ i nts H»iir liom Turning Grav
# lt I revents Hair frup TnrafngGrs)!
No Hair preparation pos
sesses the peculiar prop
ertieswhich bo essontiAiiy
Buita the human Hair ag
tne Cocoanut Cream.
It Promotes the Growth 01 the Had
PrA««tw the (irowth of the M«ir
It Promotes the Growth of thf Han!
It I romotes the Growth of the Hair.
It is the Cheapest Hair Dressing in the World
5 111 H {}-“*■ ln the wSr“;
It j» the Cheapest Hair Dm ssing in the World
It is the Cheapest Hair Dressing in the World!
p w f!x- UHI qoists,
-A-ALi. li\ A Lis liIiUGUISTS
Dispatch Building, Fifth Street
STATIONERY, &c, & c .
Myers, Schoyer & Co.,
. No. 30 fifth Street. Post Building.
Diarrhoea and Dysentery.!.
by all respectable DrugglataP
B^^t^oS^wtl^u^Sd 0
Copies mailed on receipt of price.
my2Bdhw 81 WOOD STREET. I
Siyjnv t
Lag forth H']thoot'rcir of contraiUctJod,
greatest t* be found In thu t>ity ( 4n
BOOTS and SHOES, la at OoncW rfaV,
Shoe Stobe, 63 Fifth Street.
Why ? Because they sell the best goodsm
the World, herring them aU made to-order in
Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and New
York, expressly for retail trade, and every pair
la warranted, riveted in the shank free ; ani if
tliey ever Kip, or In any way come apart, or
prove unsatisfactory, are repaired for nothing,
an allowance made, w a new pair furnished ;
ami wilh HU these peculiar advantages, this un-
equaled work, these superior attractions and
reasons for purchasing at this celebratedhouad,
we offer one more, as a final clinching argu
ment.- We sell thi, extra quality of Goods fbr leu
money than you can buy rubbith f„ tn other
side going up Fifth Street, be
tween Wood and Smithfleld Streeta, No. ffl.
next door to the Expreas Office.
Is painted on the window.
Plain Black Silira
Plain Colored Sttirn
Figured Silks,
Chine Silks,
Checked Silks,
For sale by *
nuMTv, ostn 4* co
No. 25 Fifth Street,
,V r Boots ana Shoes advancing evew* . dsv
«n'i h 0 1? can , tm 3' w hat Boots, Shoes, Gaiters'
tern nrli.l?a 0ra I“ 3 ° Mm '* y want at less than eS
tcru prices, at BURLA wn’*
w Market st., one door from Fifth at..
««rße sure and call. jell
ami 1 oaths Gaiters and {jalinorais. Ladled
i !uin \t U u cb , U ‘ irci ‘ ,s Balmorals,
xwsote. at the loneat price, at
iPII Borland’s, ‘
J U _ fa Market sf.
a olci a, aud accompanied by the Germanu
Uj cheat ra of Philadelphia. * uermaiUA
The Solos will be sung by
Miss Alexander.
Mies M ’CaliTi-y.
iUr. Briscoe
Mr. Taylor
Conductor »
0^ 0011 ’ ° rStor '° t 0
tht* Aoot\ '° l ’ e U '“ d at the Musio Stores, »t
lH>nTefet;ha“ e!reqUeSted ,0
JA Miis M DONNiILD offers for sale the
good will aru] furniture of the most IIFmTtA
?ui. E S. T ft^- STA y*>~:
f* e, .? t Oreelc, three miles dis
tant from the city. The House is ooe of the
best stands upon that road, and is a large and
commodious building, having eight roonm, and
competed with it a large stable, an ice house
and a tai ora stand disconnected from the main
building Three acrea of ground well cultiFftfed
houap ltU rt< d vegetables, kc- surround the
I h house is known as Groadh*d Post
, HaetB f Qn given immediately and the apply tS' '©iM# ja'Ul&V For
r,™“ U a . ec ?^ ruc , er S’ No - inUiamoniL or ml the
to Mrs, J as. M’Donneld.
„.N- *?■ The good will of the Btand may be pur
chased without the furniture.
h| window shades,
1 Received THIS DAY.
Well seasoned"
| mblB
as cents to the Bazaar.
25 cents to the Picture Gallery,
as cents to the Old Curiosity Shoo
25 cents to the Mechanics’ Hall
*25 cents to the Monitor Hall
OO he L ‘' “ S,ock ' « «»• °f the
50 cents to Floral Hall
60 cen " ,0 Utniog Hall, including dlnher. Estkrtainsumts at Auditorium.
Monday, 6th— Meerestrand German SI on
?v u „ e i da ij "th —Grand Juvenile (Wt M ot,
B,h_Prof. Wamellnk^io^?;
.&&£££ wSf 6 ,l TEAMBR B^AKD
To Sanitary Fair at Pittsburgh,
Ami return, at*half the usuol fare. Fare com-
mcncca Wcdneseay, June let.
ruined beyond redemption by not cailinr
uu ur. Brown at first.. He has for 22 year coS
rtnctl hiH atteutiou to tUoeaacs of 4 certain class
in which he has cured no less than fifty -
and cases. His remedies are mild: ami -nn-in
btiLe Ptl l>r aiJ l' lied the early
SSoTSUrf - , I,r - »«2S5i »«w
larges modera
Elegant designs, medallions
Hnd other Wall Ornaments, Just received
from Paris, for by
87 Wood street.
-4*3 Kl> to sell Sewing Machines. We wili •
give 21 commission on all machines soltLor etc*
j»ioy agents who wiU work for the above wacea
an.l all expenses paid Address, I>, B llSn
kinton At Uo., Detroit. Mich. jet<Mw
Dwelling House or 3 Rooms pleasantly sit
uate in Pittsburgh, Allegheny or Birmingham
Call on J. H. CASIDAY,
Real Kstate Broker,
No. 67 Fourth st.
. Fox sale by
Sooth and Penn, Philadelphia.
20 bbls choice White
J uet received ami /or sale by. 5
M. 1 * f fibda Leaf Tobacco.
* 5 taxes »< ii..L
In store amAlor sale by
‘ ‘ m h ARUSTWHKk
m; 80 ooroar Market anti Ftnt m.
Con trait a.
. Lenos.-
Mr. Oarl Sentz