AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE. 'fmSjfSJPENINO-; win bcjweaiittbd ■)■ i .V r UNGLE TOM-’ 8 CABIN!; UNCLETOM’S CABIN! UNCLE TOM’S CABIN! UNCLE-TOM’S CABIN! UNJpLE,TOM'S CA_BINI_ For Benefit of the Sanitary 5 BRIEN S GREAT SHOW ; And TOM KISG>S EXCELSIOR CIRCUS COMBINED, FROM BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, wm° ■exhibit 'ob RED LION LOT; Pittsburgh, tor one week, J une Oth, 7 th, Bth, 9th, 10th ■ mtd llth; ‘Commencing Moudsy After noon, at !4% o’clook, FOE THE BENEFIT OF L The Eittsburgh Sanitary Fair. of the Olty of Pittsburgh to act a BIiAST PUKNAGES - VJtTRotGH’r xfioai' 4> xvikk s Foi SAretj- ‘ A\ PI'RVES k Sox. mys-lm South atoAPean, Philaiieliil.i* nidbAcco^ r • ■ . I S'Jthdß Leaf Tobrrcco, iiiOi *s‘bovrs “ •«* la tdr Baric by - J f'KrZEK & ARMSTRONG, • " • dorner Market and _S JPAMH.V PXiOUa; 6ft hbla Beins,. ... , ~ 76 ;£omanite Apples, i o «tnt« iind for sßteoy a. ... rATSEBSON * AMMON. .No* £ Wootl bt »LAN Dtt K*VU !^ • Seeds, Union - Setter Buckey*' fJArnett. i hill-PoAch’ abd Sweet-Seetf Potatoes, re vived ami by --• «EOK-H AM-& -UONG, np2Q JiO. 127 Ldherly street*. £ittfibui^iu 4LAJROE,Jfc|Oi'oi’ ’ Baltimore Spun Tobacco, •it •,; « 1 Bright: H . .•* u I^wrSS&? oklocT^ac;cl > : - -.1 , . i/.' u igfPt .*«... .to, 0...) Aiiraiasuy ,«j ' r i jdaru'j r su)ef«u^ s ; 85 ,'. RIYBB._H_ATfBRS.ttH «3~Tirc tine pasaengerßteamer'Rescrve, Capt. Wm. ijteti leave# to-day. foe Cincinnati aud Louisville. This boat has fine accommodations, and is in charge of attentive officers. J'affliiger jktealnar kewJyoAc, I'apt.t.l.irfhteite,, iW E Otn(hiiiifiti and Louisville this day. We take pleasure in recommending thiivboatMourfriends. Our old iriendC’apt.X IJvmieß, the office. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES, - r ' ARRIVED. - - .QJMMuiI, Brownsville. Franklin, Carmac. Brownsville. Jhb. Kees, Irwin, Elizabeth. Bayard, Peebles, MonongaheU City DEPARTED. ' Gallatin, [Clarke, Brownsville, i Franklin* Carmac, Brownsville. Jae. Reese, Irwin. Elizabeth. Bayard, Peetdes, Monongaheia Cit\ Miuervn, Gordon, Wheeling. PiTTHBt ROH SAMTAitr F.Mn,-—The follow ing named steamboats have subscribed to the 'Steamboat Fund of the Pittsburgh Sanitary Fan , all other boats subscribing will have their names added to the list: Little Giant, Rover, Argonaut No. vi, Armenia, Nevada, > Julia, America, Westmoreland, Damsel, New York, Areola, Camelia, Paragon, Vulcan. Rate Robinson, Starlight, Goody Friends, keonidas. .las. R Gilmore, >ilvei Cloud No j Alpha, Mincn a, f ('banner, Alcrcurj, Kenton. Lcnio Leoti. Glide, • iU. S. Mepl.iuu, Reserve. Cherokee, Ontario. Roanoke, ' Ohio Valley. Lizzie Martin, j Jewess, Silver Spray, { Lotus, Empire City, ! Golden Era, Citizen. Maggie Hays, Bertha, j Gallatin, Franklin, i Kate B. Porter, Olive. J Ida Reese, Echo No 3, I Clara Poe. Delaware, Capt. Win. Dean, a new boat Look Gut !; •Capt. Anderson's new boat, not yetjpunched. myi-tjl Wheeling & Parkersburg Packets. FOR WHEELING. r _ h THEREGULAR PA3SEN- Packet MLNEKV A. Capt. Gor don, has resumed her old trade, making regular trips, leaving Pittsburgh every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Having been thoroughly repaired, she well deserves the pa tronage ot the public geneially. J AS. COLLINS A CO., Agts. . • W ht*rf-boat, below Mooongahela bridge. Cincinnati & Louisville Packets. FOR TINCINN Al*l i LOIIS V! IXli. TUESDAY, JUNE'., AT 4 P. M THE SPLENDID PAR r-knlß^ifc^i-senrpr ytearner Wn. jLlot, i»*in in Miidc r, will leave no announced fIIiOVC. j For ireight, or passage, apply on Ui*rd, or to JOHN FLACK, or . j<>7 J. r>. CnM.INiVWOOTI, Apt. FOR CIX< MNNATI & /AMTIS V 1 I.LK- U hDNHSIIAY at 1U A. M aIC!!1j» Till*: FINK PASSE.% FKK NtlW Yt»KK .1. H. I.ipl < ummnnner. will leave Ho Hun-mnce»l tiler, Rhovc. For freight, nr jmfiaHge, appfr 6n hoard, or to JUIIN j 7 J. l>. COLLINaWonn, Agte. Pittsburgh Sanitary Pair —Steam- STEAMBOATS ARE RE- lo inclqae their buhtwrti*- tmuo lo Ujf .->iertmt>nnt Fund ot Pittsburgh San itary Fair to either of fhe (-ninmittee, l*»fore the Ut On) •>! .lane, ne the colors will be award ed on that il.nj r«> the Ininjl returning the largest 6uh»cripUoti. / H.t’.iiivAi, TEUTONIA my*2o rh.tiianan Steamboat rum. NOTICE TO_SHIPPERS. Philadelphia & New York EXPRESS STEAMBOAT CO. Daily lprei{flit l Am*. CIONSIUNMRNTS TO K I T II K U / Agent forwarded to any point Last or West free ot corainia&iuu anil with dispatch. WAI. F. ('LYI>K, Agent, No. 11 .S. Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. J/UlK.s HANH, Agent, No. 117 Wall street, New York, WiLAD llll.lJdN, Ft toddeut. mhl4-3iml HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, &C. SA\TA.GB IIiOTJSE, NO. 330 LISBRTT STREET, Hext to PeunsyWaiiia Passenger Depot,' JOHN SAVAGE, ■ PROPRIETOR, HA\ l.\u TAKEN AND PITTED i:P, with .ill the modern nnprovemeut. this uhir resoi t, the subscriber is prepared to accom modate Jus oldcustbmem and the public gener ally, with the best the market affords. Oysters Will b* served up in every variety of style during the season. His Wine®, Liquors and Ales he feels coutident in recommending them to the pub lic tor their excellence. Can, Bucket And Shell Oysters received daily, aod sold wholesale and retail. my'2o-iyd OUR HO USE, * NO. 22 DIAMOND ALLEY, SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES Jl to the public that he is in daily receipt ot FRESH SHELL and CAN OYSTERS, CAME, &C., and is prepared to accommodate the jwtrons of this old ana well known house with ever}- tiling in the eating and drinking Une at the short est notice. JOHN SilALKli, Janll-iyd Proprietor. YOUNG’S EATING SALOON, Comer of Virgin Alley aud Smith field Streets, Where OYSTEBS and ail the delicacies of the schsou will be served up in the most palatable styles. ELi YOl'.ViJ, OcU corner Virgin Alley and SunthtieUl st. Apollo hall billiardsaloon^- CHARLES O-AltllNEß would remind his old friends and customers that he is still to be found at his old stand, APOLLO HALL, en trance on Fourth street. He hasaiwmys on hand the best quality of Lager Beer, nod in connection with the hall, a well appointed billiard saloon, with good tables, bails and cue*,. Remember the place, Apollo Hall, Fourth st, Ofi&r Wood, entrance Irom Fourth. lylfMy ; -i?, . .; .f:; fPiVt,’ - ' v--” u * Koathea.Anls, Motliain Furs, 4>etl llugß, Woolens, vVc , Insects on Plants,' Am mala. Fowls, \c, Put up in ui»c, bl>e, and $l,OO Boxes, Bottles, and Masks. ICand*;, bur-b fui Hotels, Public institutions, \e. “Only infallible re .nodies known.” “Free Jroiu Poisons.'• “Not dangerous to the Human Family ” “Hats come out ot their holes to die.” 4S~Sold Wholesale in all large cities. by all Tirngyisbi nml Retailers every where. 40-n»rn;w.utiiH*ol all worthier imitations, that “Costa iPa” name is on each Box, Bottle and .Flask bi-lore jou buy. 6tf*Addr«£B iIENIIV K.CORTAK. ■ft£“Prtiicip.ii :i)cput. 4tri BtoaUw ay, N. tt-iTSota hy B. L. **r AHTTKSTOCK & CO., R. K. > KLIHUvii MjJO.,whplcaale and retail agents, Pit t -.burgh, Pa , and Ki 1E A. KELLY, Al ••ghvny ritv. Pa, iuh 14-tiiiuk\.\v Black Diamond Steel .Works, PARK, BROTHER & CO, JaAMirAl-UIUtUa <■¥ Best Quality of Refined. Cast SteuL, SijUMtf, 1, iMt nsi.i i mtagoii ingmade to the equipment bf tliis excellent double track and express route, and every possi ble care will be exercised for the comfort of pas sengers and rapid movement of freight. Trains wfll leave the depot in Pittsburgh as follows: THROUGH ACCOMMODATION daily, (ex copt Sunday,) at GOO a. m., stopping at all sta tions between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. FAST M AIL every morning, (except Sunday,) at a uo a. in., stopping only at principal Stations, and making direct connections at Hiirribburg for Baltimore and Washington, and for New York via Philadelphia. THROUGH EXPRESS daily, at 435 p. m., stopping only at principal Stations, making 41- reot connections at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington, and for New York via Philadelphia. FAST LINE dally, (except Sunday,) at 8 46 p. m . stopping only at principal Stations, connect ing at Harnabun; for Baltimore and Washington, and for New York via Allentown, without change of cars; also at Philadelphia for New York. JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at;3 iO p. in., stop ping at all Stations, and running as far as Cone inaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall’s Station! leaveadaily, (except Sunday,) atflSO SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's Station, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 11 15 a. m. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's Station leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4 (X) p. ni. F(>T T RTH ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall’s Station leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 6 lQp. m. THE CHURCH TRAIN leaves Wail's Station, every Sunday at 905 a. m.; returning leaves Pittsburgh at it! 46 p. m. KKTI : K NINO TRAINS ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH AS FOLLOWS Baltimore Express 12 30 p. n.- Philadelphia Express 1 ou p. m Fast Line 1 00 a. tu< Through Mail Train 12 30 a. m Johnstown Accommodation 10 15a.m. Ist \\ all’s Station Accommodation.... 6 So a. a). Sd Wall’s Station Accommodation 8 46 a. cv 3d Wall’s Station Accommodation. ... 2 05p. m. 4th Wall’s Station Accommodation 6 06 p. n». Baltimore Express will arrive with Philadelphia Express at l (Up. in. on Mondays. TRAINS FOR BLAIRS VIE LE and INDI ANA connect at BlairaviHe Intersection with Through Accommodation, Johnstown Accommo (Utionnnd Express Train East, and with Balti more Express and Johnstown Accommodation West. TRAINS F' iR KBLNSHI’KO connect atUres soa with Express'l rains and Mail Train Weal, and with Through Accommodation and Express Train East. F A ll K 1 TO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE LANCASTER... UAh.KI.\BI Ho ... ALTOONA Baggage Checked to all Mutmoh mi the Ivni.- tylum.t Krtil:i*id, nil.l i>> Philadelphia, Haiti more and New York Fassengera puicLnaiin; tickets in curs will l»e charged an acoess acC' to diut-uice traveled 11; addition to the station i.nt. s, cxccj-t tiom Sta tions where the 1 ‘ompany har no Acvnt. N« < 1 D ' E In case o| job*. the Company ivlll hold tnem.-eiv rs rcap.uusihlc lor personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding slo*l N.8.—.4 ll I mi m1.1.n Line han km employ isl to convey PautMiageru and BuggAge to and troin the Depot, Ht a charge not to exceed ‘JS cei.tu lor each passenger and baggage. J sJ EWART, Agent, At the P. K. K. Passengei Station, on Liberty and Grant streets. . my‘22 THE PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY, Cleveland and Pittsburgh Kailroad. SUMMEB ABHANGEMENT, ON AND AFTER MAY 15tb, IMI4, trains run as follows, vL Leave’ Fittab'g. ForOhi’go. ForCievM. ForWheel’g. Expcoui 1.00 a. ni. 1.00 a.m. l.Oua. m. Express 1.10 p.m. 1.10 p.m. I.lop. m. M all 6.30 a.m. 6.10 a.m. bt-ll K-MIM I A i rive i'irtßt-urgh i\, KW. * U-Jl'y iu . . .Vf |> in i- A l* h h in %. m., .4.611 j. iu . *1 06 p. u -0 ft. in., 3 *’U j>. ni , V<>o j». A< OJ.MM.tU>A'.nON IKA Leave Allegheny For Ailianee. torN.ii. F <«r rx.«*. lorsteu't. ‘i to pi m.. £.16 a. m. b to a. in. Pi 00 11. 3oir|i u, 3.60 p.iu. 1.40 p. Hi. 6.50 RKTT'KNI.N Allegheny, k* ■ F- VV. (: ii ' y* 7 vfl a m, u */i' \ m,'i■ -* j Ul., 4 Oil li |,i. «\ .\ i J K i; « -io a. tu CLC. FAliJvi-N, Ageut. fiil -D Passenger Mnliou, PiUabuigh, Pa. A. Q < MSM-! LBLK KV , A gent Allegheny City. I. H. AJ.'fc LB;>, i>eh. iickct Agent, Pittsburgh ,& Connellsville R. R. Su mro e v Arrange nient. OWiAWD AFTER MONDAY, MAY 2D, 1M63, Prams will leave the Depot, corner of Koss and. Water street*, aafoilows: • „ Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Malt to and from Uptown, l 6ft a. m. 6 00 p. m, Express “ •' 3 4U p. m. 0 30 a. m. Ist M’Keesport Acc'dn. n uu a. m. 0 60 a. in. 2d *' “ b Id a. m. 2 05 p. m. Ut Port Ferry •• ? ou a. in. 8 30 a m Braddockfc “ 4 15 p. in. 6 40 p. m. Sunday Church Train to and from M’keesport. 1 00 p. m. 10 00 a m Tor tickets apply to UEO. BCULTuN, Art. W. B. STOUT, Su]it. ap3o * SILVER PEARL SOAP. CIRUMPTON CO., 367 LIBERTY ) BIHEEI', sole proprietor* and manufactur ers for Western Peunaylvama, uhio, Indiana illinoia and Missouri. Also inanulacturera ol a superior article of PALM. UEK.ViAN, OLIVE and ROSIN SOAPS, and various Toilet and Pancy Soaps. Of our Sliver Pearl Soap which we confidently recommend as better for genera] use thau any other before the publio, should be borne in tuiud has neither Potash, Salt, Lime or Rosin, or any other substance in its manufac ture which can shrink or Injure the finest fabric. Klannels and Woolens can be washed with the rapidity ol Cotton or Linen. Clothes washed with the Silver Pearl Soap do not require boil ing or hail the rubbing, which of course eaves the wear and tear. Silver Pearl Soap removes Greese, Dirt, Tobacco Stains, Printers’ Ink, Smoke and the worstßilge WaterStainsinstant ly, by applying it with a moist sponge, thus pro tecting windows, carets and furniture from suds and slops, it imparts a brilliancy to Plate, Jewelry, Glassware, Enameled Paintings and Patent Leather immediately, and for cleaning* Marble and Floor Tiles it lias no equal. For the batli and particularly for sharupooning, the Sil ver Pearl Soap is a perfect luxury. In a word all who have tried its superior qualities ac knowledge it the greatest discovery of the age. This Company respectfully ask a trial lrom all who are interested, and iu every case will retuud the price of the same should U fait to accomplish what we claim (or it. Sold at five cents per pound in tilty pound boxes. Delivered to the cars, boats, in Allegii**- ny, Birmingham and city residences iree of charge. Directions foi use on all packages, LitH-Mal discount to the trade. Merchants from abroad will do well to give (.Kl .MP 1 • i.N* 7 V, gallon and quail Pickles, 3u do mill Pickles, 2u do English Pickles, assorted, 2(H) fin Tomato Ketchup, quails and piuu, 2do do jvppm ;-.ftoce, 20 do ('uiubei'laud Baucv, id do Woioes(eshfre Sauce, 6 do Walnut KetcTntp; » do Aiuahroon Ketchup, do- iiqported French Mustard, 66 do Imitation do do J ust received and lor sale by REYHER it BEOS., feb29 136 and 128 Wood st. Raisins, prunes astd cur. KANTS— -I,ooopkgs. Bunch and Layer Raisins, In whole, half and quarter boxes, . . 50 mats Seedlesß Raisini, > 26 kegs do do 30 cpska prime Zante Currants, 60 keg* > reach Prunes and Plum*. k r 2o boxes do do JWt received *od lor sale by . • ! ITEYMEB A BROS., to™ 126 and 128 Wood it u - srobif Office In j ones’ Building, over “Internal Rev- I enue rooms,” between M. AM. ami Mechanics 1 Banka, , ; •• _ ; ~,j J ' Nd. tfT PbtfRTH STREET, PAPER MANUFACTURERS. ! S. B. & 0. P. MARKLE, Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOK, CAP, LETTER, And all kinds of Wrapping Paper, Have Removed PROM SO. 0T WOOD STREET, TO No. 88 Smithfleld Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. paid (or HAGS. ap3 LAMPS, OIL, &C. LUCENT OIL ITOEKB. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO., MANBFACTUBKABO7 PURE WHITE REFINED OA.RRON’ OI Ij B , Office, 391 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBUKGH, PA myft-6md HOUSE CARPENTERS. OUKTIS 0. STEDTMETZ, House Carpenter and Jobber, SHOP, VIRGIN ALLKV, Between Wood and Liberty streets. PITTSBURGH, PA. A*~Orders solicited and promptly attended to ALDERMEN. PRANK KELLY, Alderman and Attorney at Law, NO. HI FIFTH STREET ♦•“ Collection ol accounts and ail legal busi ness promptly attended to. setMyd LOAN OFFICES. loan OLi rc i:, HENRY W. CIMIOTTE, NO. 100 SHITHFIKI.D ST. Near the corner ot 6th, Money in large and small quantities loaned on Gold and Silver, Dia monds, Jewelrv, Gold and Stiver Watches, and all kinds ol valuable articles, for any length ot time agreed nn. The goods cannot be delivered without the T icket. ♦•'•office Hours from 7 A. M. to 1U F. M. jo3o ENGINE BUILDERS. WM. M. FABER & CO," STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Fouml^rN, Gt-ueral Machinists aud Boiler Makera, n ka a run P«una. H. R., Patigeuger Statlou. PITTSBURGH, FA. Manufacturer all kinds ok steam Engines, ranging from three to one hundred and fifty horse power, and suited (ot Gnst Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces, Facto ries, etc. Cue particular attention to’the construction ni Engines and Machinery for grist luil'.o, and tin Uprights, tnulay and circular saw nnlJs Have also on hand, finished and ready lor ship ment at short notice. Engines and BuiJeio ol every description. Also,furnish Boilers ondßheet Iron seperately Wrought Iron .Shafting, Hangers and Pulliea in every variety, and continue the manufacture ol Woolen Machinery and Machine Cards. e()u r prices are low, our machinery manufactur- Id of the host quality 01 materials, ami warranted n all cases to glv e satisfaction. «r*Ordeis (mm all parts of the count ry solici ted and promptly tilled. fell-daw CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C Piano Covers, Pine Embroidered Cloth, Embossed Cloth, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Jubt ruined at Uil-N'cw Carpel Store .>i MTarland, Oollins & Co. Venetian Blind Trimmings, An entirely new and complete assortment just received at the NKW CAKPEI’ S'l'Oi; 1: H'FAKLAXU, COLLINS *, CO n.hi TAILORS DAUB A CAPPEL, MERCHANT TAILORS, Arrives at ISO SMWHFIEID STJIKBT, WK HAVE JEST RECEIVED A l&rge and well selected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Cloths, Cosiimerea, Vestings, Ac. Also, a large Block of GENT’S FUBNISHING GOODS, Including Lockwood’s Cloth Lined PAPER COLORS, NECK TILS and every thing usually kept by first-class Furnishing Stores, orders promptly executed. mhs-iyd PORK PACKERS. 0H ABLE SL OALHWELL, (>Suoceasor* fy Jaa. Holmtia A^o..) POBK PACKER, Dealer In Bacon, Lard, Sugar-Cured Hamo, Smoked Beef, 6tc. CORNER MARKET AND FIRST STS., deol 1-lyd OYSTERS, GAME.! &C. •TAMES M , Ii.AT"dIII.IiS OYSTEBS, BUTTER, GAME, PODLTHY AND EGGS, aeo iauEitTY WALL PAPER, AC. Wall papers, oil ci.oths, WINDOW SHAOKij. FANCY GOODS ell Papera from 8c to A 3 per roll. Window Shades Irum toe to M ; (ill'Cloths from 10c to id,fa) per yard; Fancy Goodin all vanetiea, at tile Hew Wall Paper & Faulty Goods House of FOERSTFif a SCHWARZ, * el ’ l3 164 Bmithheld street JJKLP FOR THE SOLDIERS. Y\ e, the undersigned, hereby- give the Wa g c *t ol* one day, or tin Him** ict, op|to silt to anr uantes, to the PliUbuigh Maultary Fair, for the Slekaud WoimiT e<* Soldterw. [tjire addthe narneofthiTestabinii mejit, mine . profession or trade, and the bcatUy.\ Let the Proprietor, Manager. Boss, or any pa triotic man, paste or copy The above on white paper; get it signed by ail the men of thciuill, mine, furnace, shop; boat j ArU* store, trade or occupation to which he belongs. transmit the aanouiit to Na i u AMtx Holmr*. jr., Treanurei ot thv I'air, Pitlebuigh. ; ' J he rt-yeiptjii tiie money yelUtnr duly acknow 'h-dt'eilTiy letter and the Qewsjwtpers. 1 tie-sound of the hatne ‘ r the groans of our brothers. memory of the riori ons dead,- and 1 tmr hopes of Huftdess In the’ atr'ug & tl on U 9 t 0 beprontpt and generous. May Qod put It Inttrthe heart Chris tinn and,patriot to [respond with'hi* mite or hi* treasure. Kor the ExecutiW Committee. myie-tf • .r.h. BFTJNOT,Chairman. ClO-PARTSKRSMXP SO-ffip.-TiUC J undersigned have, fanned‘ir at Mahoning Furnace, M.ahoHtag.£Qlintr, Ohio, under the name of AI’UBPEKY, EAJJLBy a purpose of mAktag fRON, MINING , ioHN-4. DH.WOKTH, - a cu." myltWHr ■ . ■ '■ PITTSBURGH. 6SNIIEAL riTTSBIRGH V ictona, A he»> aud Consisting of PITTSBDHftH, PA DEALERTN STREET, Down stair*. • ■ftaiijfb-.i vi: i ‘ DRUGGIS mwep* ‘’k! ■' M±£x,iiti3sji.! ' >?i TO " arAMES P. FLEMING, - "JJ,' XJ Cr dr ’ X *§ ~ r Tp ' ‘ i FHOIE&AIE AUD EETAIL IiDALER Iq Foreign and JJnmeatic Drugs* Medicines, Palirtfc; Oils, JDye-Stiiffa' and .perfumery, ’ So. -it FEuirkAr. sthekt, . my22-lyil ALT.'KC.HENY'CITY, PA. STEAMBOAT FORGING, &C. ANDREW KLOMAH HKNRY PRIMPS, JU., General Partners. ISON CITY FOBGE, KLOMAN & PHIPPS, NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. *" T%|ANtiPACTt’HE BAR IRON, GEN ITI eral Railway and Steamboat Forgings, Passenger, Freight and Looomotive Axles. Ac. seio-tf GAS PLUMBERS & FITTERS. ,V I> I> V «ii to all of our customers. .Mr Kobt. V\ ateiiri <>i Libert) stii'Ct, will have the inanagc of our tmmnesß. with full control m the Hretvery. Address all orders lu.sPl-.M'KK & :WKAV, Pheomx Brewer), Pittsburgh. Ph. .fOS. SPENTEB, JAS. iI’KAY. Uuttrrlield *.V Co., Malsters ami Hop Healers, WATER STKKKT, SdPtl-lyd WHEKLINO, YA IRON! WORKS. ORMSBY IRON WORKS, Wharton Brotliora & Co., Akk mmv fkkparku to re. cent- .-rdcrb from the tr*uU* iornW mzes of GuiJe, Hoop, Stake, Band i&HorseShoeLron ''K 1H I. Jil->T o I a i.r 1"1 Jrtu ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAM I-..- K. :i . O'Ki N il<*-l>lkins *S»_ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, NO lud FIFTH STItEET, ML T> Hi'lMH, Pa. I'vu.'OUona and oth< r legsl Imtuiecs Mtended ' 1:1 A iiia'li* :.. . A -.j.i.iiij'tmj. i i rcene. anil ad o»*ni»tjanJS’ind HOUSEFURNISHING UPHOLSTERY No, 85 Fuurth Street, Near Wood, >fc-UiK M BS< RIDERS M a IV t' KAC oI. 'll II K .-uid Loop constantly on hand every »r licit- in linv, vir: U >mu es, ('rnnments, L’urtasn irt6, leather ikds, .\iat trentfh i.i All kn «:.>: al.->o. the celebrated Patent Spring liede. vtx kiuda oj Shades, Blinds and I IKtliiCS. JH»*Pi.)m; t attention riven tn all order* lor nt tmg and lay me- dove (Hipeta. ( >i! Ciotha, fcc. octlT-iyd KOBLRTs * KuENIOK. CRACKERS &. PILOT BREAD. BOSTON CRACKER BAKERY.’ s . a . Bkl A. nST I 3XT , Manutncturer and wholesale dealer in all kinds of CRACKERS & PILOT BREAD NO. 04 FOITITH STREET, Between Wood and .Market, PITTSBURGH, PA LIME MANUFACTURERS To Builders and Contractors. WAS ARK. NOW AIANCF/ICTIRIKO a superior article of 1.1 >i s-: . Which we arc prepared to deliver from our COAI. YARD, 509 ÜBEUTV STREET, TJBST QUALITY OP family goal, Always on hand as usual. IUOKSON, STEWART &. CO. PLANING MILLS. JAMES MILLINGAR, AJONONGAIIE kA PLANING- MILL, would respectiully inlorm the public that he has rebuilt since the are, and having enlarged his establishment, and rilled it wi th the newest and most approved ma chinery, It now prepared to furnish flooring and planing • iards, scroll sawiug and re-sawing, doors, aaah and shutterß, kun dried frames, mouldings, box making, kc. SotiTirPiTTenrauH, Sept. 1, tS6?. ja2o ST. FRANCIS’ COLLEGE, Under Care of the franeiscan Brothers. TIHJ.S INSTITUTION, SITUATED IS LorretTQ, Cambria County Pennsylvania about i'our/izulcs troin (treason Station, on the direct routeViweenPbiladelpMaand Pittsburgh was chartered in lbdy, with privileges to confer the usual Collegiate Honors and Degrees. The location of the College is one.oi jbemnst nealtbv in Pennsylvania—this portion of the Allegheny mountains being .proverbial -tor its pure water bracingair, and picturesque scenery. 1 r.,f l i-r?, c ?- oiA , alio year commences on the FIRST MONDAY after the ttth&f AUGUST, and ends about ot J UNE4;©llowing. It is divided into two sessions. Students cannot return home between the Sessions. Ail the Apparatus nfeea a'\r.V l t° Sur\ eying, Engineering, >\c.. tec., will be furnished by the Institution to the Mud^liLg w -j ; *i , ochl Alublc forma no extra Charge. Students will be admitted Iroin eight yeard to live age 01 manhood. Thtues— Hoard and Tuition, payable half\ eariv in ail v ante ; $ Surveying ami use of instruments, per an- r.iiiii. ao t ’lfisicHl hiul Modern Languages, extra.... 10 Stiulentaßj-euiluig \ acHtionst the College 20 iteierenco chu la- marie to the Rt. Rev. Biahop llomenec. Kt. Rev. Hishop Wuoil, PWlaJeluhia: Kev. i.IS. Reynolds, I.orretto : Rev. Dr. O’Harn, Philadelphia j Rev. Henry M’Laughlln.'PhUi. rielphta; Rev. Fierce Ma)iar,Harriaburg. tores, and at thb Lamp asuf Oil Store of • WhILDON & KET.Ty Agents for the Manufacturers. OATS-600 Msh JRIMBOiTO- Just receivedaadfar sale bi N-asJi -(fi Si * fA.V. COMMISSION " MERCHANTS .: Sculiv, e - Chshler, Pittsburgh. . ' .. Orders reßpectfnTtVttnHrt and promptreturni made. • ' jan2Glm (LATE OP LEECH: A HTJTCHIJfSOTT,) COMM is BY O IST- - A N D FORW&RaiNG MERCHANT, WESTEBH BESEBVE CHEESE, Flotjr. Grain, Fish. Dried Fruit,. Pearl- and . Pot Ashes, Ami Produce gener-aUy.. Bert JBranda of Family Flour Always oh Hand. NO. 102 SECOND STREET, Between Wood ind Mafliet, ; - j PITTSBirRCJHupA. advance iriade on Consignments, apll-lyd [ W. D. .PATTERSON it" .....AJ}AX AXXON ■ PATTERSoi & AMMON, Commission! MercßAntb, Flour and Grain and General Produce Deal ers, No. a Wood tit.,Pittsburgh, JPa. "We take pleasure in referring to the following Pittsburgh Houses : Chess, Smyth & Co., Zug & Painter, A. Bradiey, 1L jEdmundaon A 00.. B. H. Davis, J. P. Wopdwell.jjAß. fil’Cully A 00., J. W. Spencer, 0. H. Lori A Co., B. H. Jack &. Co jan29-tf j \ P. EEYMKB H.D. BgYK&B J. 8. BKTSLEB ; Late at Uiiller AJUcketsonJs, • REYMER & BROTHERS, (Successors to iteymer a Anderson,} Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Confectionary, Sugars, Five Works, XT 3NT X. JE3 VY , royfl-iydAw Huquesne Brass Works. a. (.'ADMAN Crawford, Manufacture aud keep constantly on hand every j ivkj-dni«l variety ol FINISHED BRASS WORK. BK-ASiS CASTINGS of superior amooldi* I IK-.M i. . L AZEAR AND REPAIR. iug promptly aUend«jd to. Also, sole agents lor Western Pennsylvania, lor the sale oi iUAKSH’S SYPHON PI'.MP, with nandaeU'e Improvement attached.. feMO J. & M. M’STEEN, BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTEBSj ALL ALNDo OF BRASS ANu IRON COCKS MADE TO ORDER, Also, Brass Castings of all Kinds, Particular attention paid to fitting up and re painiiK oi uil. iiijPiNEKIP-. 31 & 34- Water Street, near Liberty. rßlriK MEMBERS OP THIS FIRM BJE JL ing practical meeitanics, of many years-* ex perience in the business will ensure to give ant isfactiUu in every respect. We are also agents lor (Guild, Garrison A Water street, and iot» Pirst street, Pittsburgh, Pa., three doors below the Monob gahela House, manufacturers of Pittsburgh City Window (Glass, Druggists’ Glass Ware and Ami rican Convex Glass, tor Parlor W indows, Church es and public buildings. a pl WINES, LIQUORS, &C. E. P. MIDDLETON, WINES, BRANDIES, &C., OT-4O wirEA/T wirrsTtY, “UWli PHILADELPHIA, PA. JACOB KKIA.K/i, ! Importer and wholesale dealer In j FOREIGN WINES: AND LIQUORS.! 160 SMITUFIBLD STREET, Three doors Abo re 6th at \fOTICE.-THE EXECUTIVE COM* , ,• J. w AITTTEK of the Pittsburgh SanitaWvEair • ; have resolved that all tire diflferent brine! hesTqf' I industry, profession and trades, be - * ! meetm separate convenlionaAt cmea»nH IAOOB KELLER WOULD LNVITK 1 Ff f^:'^. re€ - r S{\ n \ ore members as a Committee to- - •jP particular atiention-to hia stock of Ourman i A *d in-tne Pittsburgh‘Sanitary Fair.' It"iifiiss-~ _ \V inea and French Brandies, which has beense* requested that Ihe n»mea-of all’of lected and imported by himself. Famines and Ootumittees be handed, in-at-onee-to the Sccre (Jhurches could depend on obtaining at’hia "'to- {' the Association at jtheirßotOjMf.S&VkCAtoti.'A tablishiuent the best and purest of Wines. Pure I street, over Zug u Painter’s Warehouse. •r. .. Liquors ot ail kinds, equal to any-in the city, al-| By order, ' * F. K; ' \vays on hand. Also, Pure Old Kye Whisky and j • : I - tShalrman.-*'- »• the beutjiectlfled Monongahela. _ oo3Q J OHOTOURApiI i AKDS FOR : • HENEY W. BEAUMONT & CO.; i ' mb a T.gmt nr •. .. t. name and Address. ‘ D. HEMBUffTET •n • tj i- nr-* -i /s. •' i Mh7-3md. Liberty-«t. v ’ oreign Brandies, Wines and Gins, j yocr uas by csixGi Gi.ES., ALB0 > j son's Antl-Pilokering,. Americas Blackberry, Raspberry, %Vfld Cherry, and Oln* fal Gas Burners, a;sure saving of twenty-lively-- ger Brandies, old Monongahela, Jlye, and | cent - The Anti-Flickering is just the, thine fat' other Whiskies, JamMea Bum,'*c„' | the office. Call and see'ftiem .Dura a't tne JS?“lieteis, lavpfAfl anil i-aimliee supplied & f -F moderate prud Eh tur (Jabll .. my2i-Kyd • 2 J^etaaaa, 100 traiia ivia* Almumis, r. - : ' 10 A'iSocds, 60 tag-3 Tarntgraa^Almbads,' 60 do fcietly A Imonda, • • •*•• “6 boxes Shelled Aimoiidi, 30 bags EngKafi Walnuts, 26 do Braziffauta',' • * _ 30. do Filberts, ioo bblfl “A M and “B” Coffee Sugaira. j do Pea Nut*, *■ - - 20 do Crushed, Granulated and* Powdered , 6°oo CocoftMu'**». -Sdear*—Now in store and for sale bv ; 1 11 atoreand landing, 8 5r for sale by HEYMEJii. BEOS. - ' ' ' HEYBJS iBBOS., ' 128 and t2B-Wnb3lt ' 1 \ _■_ . 128 and IjHlWQodat SOAP— 100 boxes Vancj , Toilet .«-», ~ . And DIM&BAVI»eS*UISTITUTIOSf Uo.llO SikitlLflelV(»t., House. Wm.,E~Schmtttif . A, i a. i ßelLf i . S. H. Hartman, L. Morghhsfhrn, v * • : J, - - : ADAJV ji.o. Qaal . Henry .Gcrwig, , "'B.GoK ' ' REINEMSW, Ptosfc- Epro tern.. mh7-2md yr r K 0 U N T Z: A, M E R T Z J BAMKE3SS, ■ 118 'Wood street, Seodni door aboTe fiM. TTbEAtEKS IS FOREIGS ANi» DO- M-W me«ttc Exibrngei Coin,- Bank'NoS, TlSa Government isecuritles. ; Coll«it4ons pthmptly attended to . . - ;.<»aptt; V , . «PNB, BA £fj£ XNI • and Exchange Brokers, and, Jdeamm,in Notes,- Draft#, • Acceptances, GtfldJSUve^ah'd Bank : Notes..' • Exchange on the Western .Cities constantly foreale. . ' i. _ Coliectxbhs made in-all the cities throughout theUnitedStater. Depositsreceivedlhpirnihda or current paper, JV cx-St .Market BtreOt,' between Third and Foyth atreeta. . J • • DEMAHO SOtTES, of Indebtedness, Quartermaa teni Oertlfleatea;' • j? 3-10 Bonds and Coupons, and «n other government ecoatftiea, bOTteht bv W ood otJVhi&i mhS-Bnul DOLLAR SAYINGS BANK.,; 65 FOTRTII STREET. ‘ " w froroJtlsy Ist toPtovember Ist from 7 to 9 b’clock and from. Navexfiber-ist- to Alay iit, @ o’clock. .. Dcpoßitß received of all suais not le&s tfoy? Oka" Dollar, and -a dividend of the profits declared twico a year, in June and -December.- Interests has been declared .semi-annually, in JuneandiDe ccn*ber since the Bank was organized, at thexatc ol eix per cent, ayear. • n * ./..w-. Interest if not drawn oat, is placctf-to-the crediYofjhe depositor &b principal and bear*the same interest from the first days .of Jane andDe* ceiaber, compounding twice, a year, without trouhllne the depoßitorto Call or even V present •hia pasa-boofc at th»ratemoney wfiJdoiiWe4n lesa . . ; Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, fiulaa and Regulations; furnished gratis, on application to tfaenofflee. - . •• xji'.. •>' pmsamEKT. • - G'BOEGE ALBBEE.' vice rneHiDKNTa. James MeAuley, dames B. D. Meeds,' —~ John H. Siioennerger, Wm, Douglas, James Herdman, Isaac ALJPennock, Peter A- -Madeira, James Sihidle, ; k . Wni. J. Anderson. - John B. M*Eadden, -r A. AI. Pollock, M. D. John G-. Baokofan, I'RU&tises. v Oalyin Adams, Henry J. Lynch, John O. Bindley, John Marshal, George Rlack, Walter P. Marshak ’ Hill Burgwin, John Orr Alonzo A. Carrier, Robert Robb, i Charles A. Colton. Henry L>. Ringwait. > John brans, Wm. £. Schmertz. ' Beiy. L. Fahnestock, Alexandef-&peer,‘ John J. Gillespie, Almtnnriffr l3nrfto r . Wm. S. Haven, Wm. Vankirk, Peter H. Hunker, fßaac'Whltfie?,' ' Richard Hays, Wm. P_Weyman, James D. Kelly.. Chris tianY-eager. £RORE rARY AJ»’D TRRASCRSR. . CHA BLISS A. 001/TON. PHILADELPHIA CARDS. OH AS. MAQK2. . . J. EODMAJT HL~KS. MAGEE &, HICKS, Importers and dealers in CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, SATIMETJS. Vestings, Tailors’ Trimmings,. IN O. «5S MARKET STREET, 0c29-tf PHILADELPHIA. WML. BRICE & CO., Produoe and Provision COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 15 South Water at., ; PHILADELPHIA. ' 4®" Liberal advances made on consignments when required. my-lyd GEORGE GRANT; Manufacturer and WHOLESALE AA’D RETAIL nw in every description of SEATS’ F'UfiMSHING GOODS, 810 CHESTNUT STREET, “J'Plr'l PHILADELPHIA. 0. A. 7AN man*ufacturjers op °AB FIXTURES ASD CHASDELIEHB, Patent Implored EXCELSIOR AND PATENT , - PAEAGON COALOIL BIRAEBS, Hand Ramps, Columns, &c. BAXSBSOOM*, No, 517 Arch Street-, Philadelphia Manufactory, JFr&nkford, Phila. 4®“All gooda warranted. C. HAKRY BRIAN, ...with LONGCOPE & PEARCE, Manufacturers anti Importers of mm FIiRMSIM ftOODS, AND TATLCFRS TKI.MMIN&S, No. 10 South Fourth Street, . mr'-w I'HIL.A lIKDPILLA. rjTKAIPO rtAS r EBMOVAE7~ TTtL wnxteasr® ttat.t, Oar friends sad the public nt large Will tfot, we trust, lorget tit at Wo are at present ami for * lcw weeks to be found at Wilkins Halt overc the Mayor** Office,' Fourth street, where we, have on exhibition and for sale as fi nonstock‘if p i \ os HARMONIUMS, MELGDEQNS, £T£, r As were ever brought to this city, and at strict ly- EASTERN FACTORY PRICES. - - ' H. KLEBER & BRQ., &P* Wilkin* Hail, Fourth street. • IfIIAH HJCS4, .OHAB. O. BWOPR, -K & CO.,