The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, June 07, 1864, Image 3

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Messrs. M. r-KITENGILL a 00. No. n
V* Bon, New York olty, and No. 6 state
•neet, Boston; and 1,, p. FONTAINE A Co.,
No. e> Naoa&u street, New York dlty, are au
uorized to take Advertisements and Subacrij •
tlons for os at lowest rates.
the Daily Post, to agents
• the rate of $2,00 pet hundred copies.
Floral Hall.
In the southend of Floral Hall, at the Sani
tary Fair, la an apartment oalled the Garden of
Eden, upon which there is perhaps as much la
bor bestowed as upon any place In or about the
Fair Grounds. We cannot say whose work
manship It is, or who designed the garden, and if
we did know, It is not our place to puff every
one that bestowed labor upon the Beenes pre
sented at the Fair. Our purpose Is merely to
give a sketoh of the workmanship and lit the
workman pass, as perhaps he desires, unnoticed
and unpraised. The garden Is an elaborately
wrought specimem’of rustic scenery. There arc
trees and! rocks/ fruit and flowers, sticks and
moss, hills andyflales, groves and bowers, and
indeed everything that could make a place en
chantlngandlovely. There stands the forbid
den tree, around it is colled the serpent, and
near It stand Adam and Eve in matchless inno
cence. On the tree shines, In golden beauty,
“The fruit, whose mortal taste brought death
into the world and all our woe.” Near the feet
of Eve, sit upon the ground two parent pheas
ants, with a brood of young, ail the work of art,
to be sure, but so like nature as to equal na
ture’s self. The squirrel sits upon the limb of
a neighboring tree, upon the boughs of which,
hop from limb to limb, a hundred specimens of
the feathered choir, whose mirni. pantomime
is more eloquent than songs. At the root of an
old tree, surrounded by rocks, peer forth the nose '
and he&d of that identical ground-hog, which has
ruled the weather for many a century, other
animals, large and small, wild and tame—for all
animals are tame in Eden—intermingle in the
Joys and enjoyment of Paradise. Even butter
flies, in immeasurable hoßta, adorn the branches
of trees and the leaves of plants. Trees of va
rious kinds spread their branches together, and
weave a canopy of umbrageous foliage.
--—“Amid them stands the tree of life,
High eminent, crowned with ambrosial fruits
Of vegetable gold.”
This retreat is cool, grotesque and natural.
One could hardly suppose that it had been
formed by human hands. It must have taken
an Immense amount of labor to complete it.
The representation of animals alone is an ear
nest work of labor. Our first parents stand
near the centre, while,
Round them frisking, play
All beasts of earth, now wild, and of all chase
thelion rampld and in his paw
Dandling the kid} bears, ounces, tigers, uardp
Gamboling before them.” r 1
Thii Eden la worth more Than one sight or one
visit. Indeed one cannot begin to see the beau-
ty ofita shady recesses at one glance. Like an
exquisite landscape, it must be gated upon and
magnified till the connecting parts and links of
the design are all brought out and till the scene
beoomes one grand panorama of beauty and
perfection. Let the visitor gate and gate on,
till he sees, as in the original Eden.
‘The sapphiie fount and crisped brook
Boiling on orient pearls and sands of gold
In maty beamy, under pendant shades ’
V lsltlng eacn liagrant piaat and flower’
v> orthy of Paradise.” ’
Such la the garden of Eden, the artificial gar
den, gotten up at this Fair, by the hands of wo-"
men, to remind us of the first of all women, and
of the temptation, and the fall, which engulfed
us all in one cothmon ruin,
“Till one greater Man restore us
And regain the blissful scat.”
Paooda.— One of the specialities .! the Fair
is the Pagoda, in the centre of the Dining llall
Thu is an octagon building, with a dome roof,
boarded up at the sides about three feet, and
left open from that up to the dome or root.
This roof is adorned on the outside wlihva:;,-
E»ted paper, and the standsrd colors of
country, red, white an rlblue. The cornice Is paint
ed bine and frosted with glass. The posts are
covered with variegated paper, on which are
pasted leaves of silver and vines of gold. The
richest enbroklered curtains are suspended be
tween the posts n.Vi fall in flowing folds to the
counter. On the south side of this Pagoda 1s
Jacob’s well, whether the identical well Dial
was dry in the land of Canaan, or another well
we are not prepared to say. From this rustle
well, walled with rough stones and overgrown
with moss, oan be obtained a dulcet dra ught ui
ioewatoror lemonade, or even sodawater with
vanilla or raspberry (t j, like the juggler’s;
keg from which he can draw twenty kinds m
drink. Here, too, can be purchased all kinds ol
confections, Nectar and Ambrosia, to satiate
the appetite or quench the thirst of all way- |
/cr-in* men. Persons calling at the dining- i
room for aomahlng to caf, should not fall logo i
to the Pagoda and get something to drink, out !
of a well so old that the memory of man run-I
nethnotto the contrary. There you can find !
kind women to wait on you as of old they did !
upon the weary and thirsty traveller and as '
great attraction as was ever bestowed on the i
pilgrim in the land of promise. ,
Price of Admission-— The present price ol
admission into Uoral Hail and Dining Hnli, is
tiftj cents cacti, i'r.o admission fee into Lia
raar, Old Curiosity Shop, Monitor Hail, Artists :
Mali, anil .Mechanics' Hall, each twenty-ilvc
cants. The charge to see the collection of live
Itoclt is also twenty.tive cents. At the Skating
pond, ten cents is charged, and at some other
booths the fee is from ten to iiftcen cents. At
the Post office ten cents Is charged for a letter,
ice-cream, soda, ive-trater and other refresh
ments can be had In almost any hall at the usu
al prices. The fees charged at the
depend upon the character of the performances
Silver Hor.v ihe contest for the silver
Horn .gees on with „ great deni of real At
present the struggle us to who shall win, is he
tween the Hope and \ igllant Fire Companies.
The Hope hag 415 votes and the Yigialnt has49u
Some of the other companies are not f lr hr
Tsk Campps-i-a;.—\ jus are still being pol
ed for the Catnp Chair. On yentunUy at noon
fa. Brig. (JeD. Hays whj far ahead In the com
petitorsldp lor inis valuable and beautifui
piece of workman*!.!,
Amocpt of Ktjuii *s.- -The entire amount
of reoelpts taken In for the Sanitary Commis
sion, by subscriptions, donations, sale of goods
tuid ticket, up to yesterday at noon, are one
hundred and eighty-da thousand, seven hun
dred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty-six
eentMl»«,«mB,B6. 1
The Draft.—Provost Marshal Foster has re
celved instructions to commence the draft for
tha2Sd Dlatnot—which embraces the city of
iHttsbujgh—on to-morrow. In looking over
the Hat—whloh will be found elsewhere—we
find the exceedingly large number of 2,653 nec
essary to square off the acoount of the 22d dis
trict This will be one to every 6.2 enrolled-
In the third ward there Is the large number of
three, hundred and fourteen to be drafted, which
will require about one person out of every four.
The fifth, sixth, eighth and ninth wards will be
drawn upon nearly as heavily. The demand was
originally one to every three. The re-enlist.
ments of veterans may reduce the quotas of
many of the sub-districts somewhat, but still the
number to furnish by those that are so far be !
hind is pretty large. It would h*ve been much’ :
better for those distiictssofaf In an-ear, 10 tjsve
taken measures earlier to 411 up their
Taking the whole district, but little more than”
half oi the number required have been already
lurnl4hed—the number furnished being - l,7ai. !
Flanking a Storm.-As the Philadelphia
tpress train oi the Pennsylvania railroad,
wai coming west on Monday forenoon, the
beaten, appeared very dark to the westward
from Johnstown. At BlalravUle the heavy
cloud appeared a little north of west! At La
trobe It was further to the north, but verv near
the locality of the train. At Greensburg heavy
drops of ralu began to fall, and-JontlmSl until
the train passed Irvin's Station, when the clear
sunlight broke opt, affording the pleasing evt
tdence thatthe stote.’b.d been Hanked and that
Ik Itila w&s out of ds ugsr.
Sommer Resorts.
A short trip last week Into tlje cool shades
and fragrant solitudes of the Allegheny Moun
tains reminds ns that the season Is fast ap
proaohlng for the smoke and dust be-pestered
denizen of the city to other up his care, and
household gods ana flee Incontinently into the
country. Among the numerous quiet nook,
moreor leas noted In this city, no one spot seem,
to combine somanydealrableessentials to quiet
peaceful,and health-giving enjoyment as I'™!
son Springs, on the summit of the Alleghenies.
The place 1, easily reached by the Pennsylvania
rid! /* 1 ® Ud oali ' * boul four fours'
ride from Pittsburgh. At this summer paradise,
Her. L 7 7 Beoure 8 «w lease Of life.
Here the weary may drink of the purest of wa
ters, distilled in crystal drops from nature’s own
and of the
roll, U ocean, of purity over the lofty moun-
I tain top and oomos fragrant with the perfumes
OWerS throu S h man T a grove and
field and forest. Here, too, the seeker of health
an pleasure may lounge In cool bowers of shade
—natural or of nature charmed by the touch ol
art or wander through field or copse, over hills
or In deep, dark ravines ; angle for the speck
led trout in brooks that murmur over mossy
beds and carol down rooky catnracts; or hunt
the cunning squirrel and whirring pleasant in
wilds where the ax of civilization has never yet
struck Its vandal blow. Here, too, wild flowers
carpet the earth, and purple andcrimson berries
luscious with the morning dews, floating in
lakes of cream, woo the early riser to hi ß
feast. But all is not rude and wild upon this
mountain top. Nature has mingled the chemi
cal Ingredients or valuable elixirs, deep down In
her earthy labotatory, and from massive rocks
there gushes a stream of living waters which
manya suffering human creature haspanaken
of and lived. The medicinal virtues of these
watera, (to come from the poetry oi health to
the reality,) have been fully established both b
analyzation and by the practical experience of
scores. In addition to all these health-giving
andjoy-creating advantages which nature has
provided, Mr. Mullen, the cxccUent host of the
‘ Mountain House,” has not forgotten to add all
the appliances of art to enhance the beauties of
the place, and secure the comfort of his guests.
The House la very large, commands beautiful
views, is nicely surrounded by ornamental
grounds—within which are fanciful bowers and
arbors, and walks and drlves-and last of all
but oh, how Important to always an hungered'
humanity, his cuisine embraces ail the delica-les
uf town and country. This must sutlice as/tn
apology fora notice of this delightful summer
resort, but we know and feel that so charming a
place must be seen and enjoyed before It can be I
fully appreciated.
Our wanderings have also brought us to that
thriving little town on the Central Railroad
east of the mountains, called Altoona. Hefe is
the noted Hogan House, whloh belongs to the
central Company. If any one Is so dull as to
ecu.esc a railroad company cannot "keep a
h uel,” just let him try this one, and admit how
badly he could !.e mistaken. No better hotel
than the Logan can be foundoutslde city limits
being very large, well appointed In all its depart
ments, and provided with every essential and
comfort. A sqjourn at this hotel combines all
the luxuries of metropolitan life with all of the
delicious summer experiences ol country exis
tence. Roundabout Altoona there Is a beauti
ful country, possessing many attractions for the
slght-seer and ample scope and verge enough for
the disciple of Isaak Walton and the lover of |
pointers ami double barrels. Many congenial
spirits spend the heated term at the ■ ‘Ljgan
and between the recreations peculiar to country
life, the discussion of the current news of the
outside world—which is there received as easily
ashere-and the dally meeting with fainliia'r
faces as they gather round the festive board en
iru.isuu east and west, a Bummer residence at
the Logan House is rendered very agreeable and
by no means a mattrr of small account. But
we shall have to stop. Visl.m, of emerald
trees, silvery clouds, pearly, purling streamlet.-
—trickling in diamond drops—vcivety ], r ,-
flowers of scarlet satin, and golden lj ( „, .‘: c
too much for our imagination, and, with but a
glimpse at the wealth treasured up outside the
range of brick, mortar, and. smoke, we would
iwk—who is off for the country 1
Sanitary Fair —Treasurer's List. '
N. Holmes, Treasurer Sanitary Fair, acknuwl- :
edgea receipt of the following additional cuntri - t
CS Overholt, P. M., West Overton .
r •k°S an » do Paniabiiu.s, -jo (x.-’
J rtuttiiuin do Pieaaam I'nitj* nj (*j ;
r . . u . rBt 110 irwin station .. b i««
J smith Jo Latrobe i -i,, i
Ji Arters <lo Greeunbark'h .... j y, , •
" Jo Huntingdon o i«0
From Post Office 4 Pittsburgh .
S F Von lion* TJ Irwin f> >,
. b f rs *. FM. . *25 00 H a Briuker ... 6m> ;
* *■ Von Bon- JMKenna 6 IJO
UOOAUairtj- 6 00.
* T Dul f; 10 00 E O Oirtj 6 0.) I
«i x, „ 6 uo J O Stevenson. 5 oo 1
V 6 00 " r Ralston .fr j oo i
Jt.Sythe 6 oo J JVl’Lean 5 on 1
H Adams 6 00 O A Miller ; }
ii B . ton 6UL :VI h ‘ err (R A) 000
" Abel 5 00 K Adams 6
Sautter.... suu U Kvjuw. ... 5
A \\ Harrison .. 6 oxj
O <; Lighten}) .. 5 00
>r, Our cavalry entered ilccliuuii'.vi'lt
ij.a. lsl scouting about jh.-oM
biUIK- Held on tilt Clneka bomim
ai C.. 1, . rrtnt 81 1 11 pushes Ids left dank lucct!-'-
<■! ike lully, and Ills utrategy baffles ihe n„,
ii. Ji»uvers of the enemy, having oifert-.1-nijttle
nijttle on the Topotomay with’liis right
witig resting on the Virginia Central
' ‘‘ Itailrnad, and having compelled the erf.
‘s ' Jar Imy to withdraw across the Chick&hom
arm'' tny, and Ims thrown his left wing will,
special Ids usual activity, away to the east ot
Richmond, and is now threatening the
ur j lias crossing of the OLickahominy at Bot
-IC£U m" tom Bridge. This m now the point of
Uaitaisn-- interest.
The wih . Gca - Bald J' Smith arrived from the
U 'vi«iitMor?ow l oo e rn' ,r . l,| " lb “ ri!ll at llir « lllte House just in time to get into ac
sli iuksi.v l, 1 ” 11 ; , 10 ‘■•“•operate with our lcit
Col. titlißvgt. p.'h ron • | “auk, last night. All day there has
. , , "evil tiring in that direction, which in
- Rivk..-MS^ b K «d 'lieiites that a severe battle has been
Wheeler* Wllaun hewing .Machi&l" h.'ve’' Vf wttglng ' " nd to-nigbt wc are glad to «!,.
"-eof wT,rk° r^ h f lr !,es L machines,' besides 3u ' vt ‘ tliL * caßnonaditjg to be pcrccpiibly
ohi.JmnT-'»'' ec t ‘ l “ ,e L , . ,i °‘ mor “ di »‘mct. ‘for new base is now
They have ifa .he h,My**iVa° 0 ™ mP e ‘ ely established at the White
ti.l u tluest machine, a splendid mahogany fufi ' llouse
,?'. ,h s u '^pu^rTih ,h^ e s*2? close of the st Louis Fair -An
u j!h — i b *dT e “n t,ll: c, “ hl '' r ’ a llc Bk aujcUnesc Unfounded Report.
,Vv J' 1 ? 0 ' V ."uS'r,ti , r, o “ii! o a! , ’f h a St - Louis, June 0,9 a. u.-The Sani
, tiiu.Sml thVma?hlne I to°hVs o ‘home 1 ' !y V Ve l ,mC ‘l"? waa .Practically brought to a
Imolly remind our readers that it' (s umhny C ° SC ", n 9at u rduy night. The managers
biViafn ".55ms or I <'T 1 A“« e , nlou> propositioi. J, “nu others interested in it have reason
worth ...v’rV.,era! mm'Le'o.' dX,""^ ‘i?.V ‘° r c ' mi 9 , ' at " laU ' themselves that it has
OUI One army under Ucn. Banks, n’e?e curb P,™' 1 '' 1 “ magnffleent SUCCesS, exceeding
?*, , f {°. ni a lnost peiUous situation. ‘-xpectations of the most sanguine at
b r nnin s- “
' for continuation to the rank m L r t‘a dat< ? lrom all Bources of revenue, are
hv < T,™ e n n f ra /' Let ‘‘‘“nnoerous admirers show not less than five hundred and seventy
live thousand dollars, and the
people. 150 b x ‘he needs which will pass Into the hands of
• the Sanitary Commission will be at ler st
ptn.i'wtu'and’the — VlBlt °“ to Phiiadei- a million dollars. The building
$1,096,16 desirable whhsh to*tarry 11 !” e J a m , oat W 1 be open durin 8 the evenings of the
I &KS 4‘ r W- has ‘entirely • P™*”* the COmbinatfon sales
looks' as bright an^'c^erv 80 ’"V e , ver y‘«4 °f g °‘ d and 81,Ver bars . Snd “‘ber aril
,4 £ 1 HUer .arm radio was drawn
T Saturda y evening number 84,472
an,, of the most ea I ™rnl,7^^ t ,, a “ d i»‘g“ a : drawln 8 “le farm. Who U the lucky
ttf, n?f , iver J r „ w ?‘“ t» no lioltk ' r ia nr,t at P reßp nt ktiown. The
1450 '^wp.{L3 li «^“iuah“ 0 “ ,, . w ‘* he *; re ar “y 9 . word /' a3 awarded, amid much
10 00 ls peculiarly agreeable to those seikln/comfon ent '. us as “’*t o ® en -Hancock, he having
500 °r Pleaaure. We cannot render « mor* Sr received 2,403 votes; McClellan being
S 1 00 'ism c li we tWnk> ,o ' he ‘raveling pubhf second on the list. 8
Z S • A di8 P atcb headquarters from Rolla
Bou | -- . v " says: The-report of the burning of a
OO T>ay & Ifaydeu.— Farmers who have good kll ‘ ing ?l ' »«M 9a
-250 00 woullU , lk e‘ 0 have good carriages, ami ear- 1 °“ 1 ! Ar k., proves Unfounded, a portion
mr-fn mem 0 ' Th/ 0 wirhoiit “f the men sent out to look after the
«“9 t, S,y tmin haVing arriV6d thCre -
S Sea
>“» e^Le'^ffie'orre Atmer.can News Making a Senna
ti on p l l3 tl or “ssyned wooden materiAl ami the best- tlOn— Decline 111 Hebei Loan—
™“ ■ H'Jf ESSS 1 Death of the Duke of Maiakoff.
JOO w, | that is not of the-beet quality, They are wm I n _
46 75 a cl ° ie examination all the ; 9 AN pv HQOK, June 6.—The steamer
-d-, material in their establishment. Virginia from Liverpool on the 24th via
B ! SSS i S e f 9, pton tS easier^'prices
: ceiebratedptece‘«T| V | f J L th 4L.r a,t i l .™?, thst thia Tbe news from America created a
W« would direct tne attention of our readers sS»n»~ tl, ? reJor6—we SIf 3 fhe Sl ea - b sensatlort, and advices per City of
b » y Country ■ tM *£ lt! ? ln partloular ,o I ‘nyaU : ™ aßbln B ton increased the excitement.
- °f C. fe? ; t-emseive, of thl . )h . ,„ t The news is generally regarded as disas
those flaying Property-ttrSell or B R™t wUl'and ! A»l<BltFFinoooop- i s TO ?. B cauBe - Tbe rebel loan.
m. p hl f^ tly “ fe “ d reliable to eltwt it m ! '**’ U ‘ For “ le b v declined s@o per cent. Laird’s rams
hXai ‘- l myai were purchased by the Irtish Govern
U 6 Wood street. . me nt. The Duke of is dead
From Druggists.
B A Fankestocks Son k Co. &i 000
K E Sellers k Co * 5
'l' li Nevm k Uo
Woodslde k Wallace...
C-h.iS Coale
Juo P Scott
J Henderson tx. Pro
J J Bender k Co
Joseph Abele
Geo A Kelly k Co
Henry P Schwartz
A J Hankie
Geo W Weymau
Stereos k Co
J S McKelvy
J H Cheny ;
J S Brown
Dr S Brown
E Margold
I- S White k Co
Arnold Koch
J F Smith
J U Schwann
C Abel k Co
w a Ahi
A Mecklebuy
G W Zackarle
C - i‘ Cummins & Son
Penna Salt Manufactory Uo .
S W Fox
Jno Ua2iett Jr
Druit k Kreale
Part of the Employees ofß A
Fahnestock Sou k Co
t H Gerdea
Jol) Print er«, Booksellers a.. Station-
li S Haven,...
W ir Joliuaou at
A ii Hmj-lish ft
Davis Clarke a.
250 00 Mr* M Spratt,. 15 00
Mrs E 1; Coch
rane, ... 1
•I .1 Rust, 1
"syjJ MeAlilleu.... 1
, 'd 'V h’ittoch ]
T V> u, ~ , 7 ° 00 J Q liackofon it
J R Welden,. 100 00 50n,... in r ,o
•I P Hunt, 100 00 T P (jase " 500
W S Havens Methodist Book
Hands 83 70 Concern, suj
Barr & Myers,. 60 00 T E Wakeham, 5-00
H Miner, 60 001 kittens Bros &
W A CMldenfea- their Hands, 1 00
ney, 25 0 0
B Si- ' ‘
•Barr & Myers
T C Spencer on board Iron Clad Pas
saic i
Tow Boat Coal Bluff. ’ !!'!!!!!!!
Crew of Tow Boat, Coal 81uff....
Addition*) f'om J O Rtsher & Co.'s
works, Sami Braddock, *6; H Swlc-
I 2 oo* 6 ’ 1 Smith ' n “> A Ouieman
s ™ :; *•*
r Boie V.’.'.'V.**;;;;;;;
Ladles of Freeport
Ladies of Pine townshiu
L»r K D Gazzam
T White, Indiana, Pa....
Lipj)eooott & Co
E Yard & Co., Philla
C L Brennan
Ladies of St James’ Church' t -Unvo
After purchasing goods...
Employees Morning Post
Employees Gazette
Ladies Germain Luth Churob, Lt.-i
Emplojees Zug «. Painter.,' W ' Pitts
irlendg In CoitnellsvllJt, per Jaa
Previously reported.
° ; f “rs i t kt.e graphic
st, R. B. Carnahan, esq., announced the death i - -Q—
-of the fc£on. Gabriel Adams, late an Associate j
Judge of that court, and after remarking upon I - -
the eminent merits of the deceased, moved as ! Details nf tha Bottle > T
an expression of respect to his memory and ! ' Uetfl ' US 01 tUO Battle a * New Hope |
character, that the court adjourn. President Church. I
Judge Sterritt In adjourning the court, made New York Mavfi au- , i
mention of the hi*!, character and virtue, of the pondent with' Gerf Sw/"""' o™' 0 ™' !
deceased, and expressed his sorrow for the loss ! P„°i ~ , x't r T man i thus de- !
of the departed as a good citizen, and one who j he 2 8th Up 9 h “ rch on j
had faithfully discharged the duties conflded to , t •“ U * e ?. 1 8 P- m - the enemy !
him while a member of the court. The tZ Z* °J Bnd Soon moved !
court having adjourned, a meeting of the I hirP^xr’p!f *" from the Woods
bar was called, and on motion of'Thomas M ■ 7™ McP^ e ™n's army and Harrows'
Marsh all. John M. Kithpatric^i ft,? 3 ' 0 "' marched boldly up The
chosen Chairman, and John McClaren ' and J),I fF° ? d j 8 Se Y, er f art . llle ryttre, and ,
Thomas C. Lazear were made Secretaries air nnl h r. ached wilhin less than
Marshal! paid a high tribute to the i nnrinf r °‘ the br «-st-works,
the deceased Judge, and tn appro,,ruTL lUtk
touching remarks alluded to the noble d.Hr, . LIK ♦ 6 V ° lie 7: The column Stagger
-cr, the chrislian vtriues „ u d exc Uen, .9 9 ! madPef.
U«*s which f , , : ‘ ■ iorts to approach closer. !
of the departed. At th n - aduion , “ti ( ? u . r troops now became hotly engaged i
tleraan s rents,it, , o ■'
Thomas M Marshall it „ i 6 <ed m, they were held at bay. Our artil
Thomaa Ewing, es<) s,'w„ s .ppoln™ dr “" j h^apPPPaud' 1 o9 l 'lol1 ’ Wilb
resolutions expressive of res,,eel to the drees- O SOOn Rent ,‘lm rebel
Ew,ng a,,d " I “oTds r n S ear n b g y f,)r Pr ° teCtl °" of tb *
excellencies In^"nd' 77, Z 7,7 “*<* ™ Boon made upon
Jeceased.thefonojingreloiuiiP we ‘ r c e M 'P*“"On-. C
ed by tin: Committee, which beiug adopted Phe Tho® h ™ \ GC “ eral O^rhaus.
meetiug Atijouruet): though made with even more impetuosi-
Reaoltcd, Thftt we have heard nf thr> ,i OO .- ; ’ l } met ’ w *th tile same fate. Alullen
oabri* iJ H justice of \£* I s l ued ’ hut the rebels were brought un for
fcigiie(i°sor rovv 1 °i I,ir^' 3 this - JGnr y, with un- tlie attack, still against McPherson
a*.... pssrsvsszss
*" «
o.edm;,i l ici t tt a of 1 -MMi“ ia V‘'' u t purpose, unitn£ , Prom prisoners taken, we learned that
■■■•« ft the discharge ofTuty ‘ ‘ u: ' bcnJine ,lrm ' tbe a rebe!s fonsisted of five divisions and
kuu\°tn7»H b ?} w t“ l:Jt vv 'c mourn the h... „i ~ ' tue flowerot JohDSton’B army, command,
loss is ours. l A gond'man—rnienM-eli I )' U , W llt t" 9 beat , b ' lm Clebourne ailfl
afltlw furniture otprcpar,u l o , nihi'b«’o , ‘ l d l id ! i ' ,Ve bundrc,J will rover our
t, ’., 1 ‘ 13 , 1v3t ,., leU I t,n al losses of tbe day. The rebels
five divi9ions asainst "
of these resolutions be ' !
The Dram In the Dl«ltlcl.-\V C
uclmv u Ul.le showing the whole number of me.,
croile.l, the quotas assigned uu.ler the
call. togeth T with the credits and detkieu-ies v
the several sub-distrleta u,, to April I6th ' - Nt V °* K . June 0-—. V long letter
•aieo tue credits allowed cn the quota- since fat ' ,lOW . trt ' n<;rdl T remont, accepting l,i ,
J.u-: i nomination lor the Presidency,
- - _i ; Vi u A e “ as *°^. ovrs: It the Conventional
jf? :15 ; Lultimore will nominate any man whose
r?] ' P ast life justifies a well-grounded confi
KI. • ■ dence in Ilia fidelity to our cardinal nrin
j : g oiples, there is no reason why there
>- 3 should be any division among the really
-r ■ >! patriotic men of the country. To anV
z 1 such, I shall be must happy to give a
3 , , i oni i al J and act ‘Te support. Hr own
• , decided preference is to aid in this way
; and not to he myself a candidate, hut ii
: Atr Lincoln be nominated, as I believe
t j lie will be, it would be fatal to the cun.
, try to endorse his policy and renew
s power which has cost us the lives oi
thousands of men, and has neeillesslv
put the country on the road to bankrupt
~ I ■ ■ ! fy. There will remain no alternative
tJ , Put to organize againßt them every eie
,1 ii 0 ! to, 1 ! ment of conscientious opposition with
.. ■ 1 -l\ ?It view to prevent the misfortune of his
‘;’l «' «! ; i I .In this contingency, 1 accept the notn
-1 oi,| 17j 1 T matiqn 111 Cleveland, and ns a prelimin
-tp tv- f,! M 2.. « r -V step 1 have resigned my commission
t' l , «i i-i - 111 the army. This was a sacrifice given
PI -.*| - tie' to take, but 1 had for a long time
1 iruitlessly endeavored to obtain service
, I make the sacrifice now, only to regain
liberty ol speech, and to leave nothin,,
ill the way of discharging to my utmost
ahdny the task you have set before me
" ith the earnest and sincere thanks |nr ■
your expressions oi confidence and .te
gard, and tor the munv honorable
2 term.-in which sou acquaint im with
o the action of the Convention, I am
gentlemen, very respcrttully and truly
vours. J
! s\ : = h I
I u a - v.',,.!
• vv . 1 I
i -;i J W
I -v- 1 ~A' ;
r 1 -Jtl • , w ,
j l«t . 4>l . ■I ,
- . I i*-»4 i ;
- ■•
- :! !S S'
leiuj»erancevU.e . 2nt : t , . ,
Hear Pltuterrel. . h„ ! -; J
•ll'irroufMheU . . .. \ i a - | r j , £
Birmingham. 0 | sli j i-u i j.'IV
hi»[ Jiiimiu-ham . , b4i ’ M ,
.*i ive-fbj»or’. ; j o-j ' 4 ‘|
,V U * :li ! '"ru.. • 12) I wl ' 4 '{
•' KJJ-z.ij.eth .. .»,
Krtt t U W’llaii Jji .. , i £ ,-J-y | i
' f u- ■ ?,
'ini' ' : l; ' ; r c '‘
,• •• • i| pn j
. l! tti' /.h h
Patton j , * ' i
'""V 11 ". ' M ;:/■ 1%
M l Wm , ' n ‘ u, ‘ v ‘ jaMi, i i-- ; : 6! . ’ iU
h arj
IT n i
: '2r,i ; !
I W*-j -j;» | ] ;t,, [
Lh if jy.'.-
I U 4; J;• [
-N‘ V tj c ::e
I I ]J
ii/ujj j 6My | v7<j ; j
<"1 >V. H. at > 11l v
s • 1 Ml)r 'i. ~'i , .
■k i M
1: .11 ,T. A
f; ‘I I i’f A|- a flci
u n:i trip
•'|! ia'111 if y v
VVltJl hi* rrinth
Another dl«|>»tcl. u»,
' I k-r. stating: I'm- i' ipi. >\ p. s. i.„ s ,
1 K'-ZilKMIt. I.|,J ~,.c a ’.V u.,
li cicrvn. 1] (. lutll , IUJ li[;j
‘'""•"'■Klu k.v.c:
’ i ‘‘ a city, and it n p.-ohsUc !h',t"th-y
hm.o Uuu- this morni:i r , t :r V *t !j!cj!v ir. >i
Sl,lC '' 11,0 »•••. in type J.,.
rc.-ivcJ u,u u-u-gmm.'datcj
Fremont and Coohrane Accept—
Fremont Bullies the Baltimore
■oo.oou; Convention.
j J. Fkkmont
John Cochrane aHo bus written u let
ter aeceptinp the nomination of Vie-
: '' lW Vork, May 6.—A Trihu:; sp e
,: a i ini. dated Headquarters Army of the
Potomac, Thursday June-2d, says: The
. successful operations of the Kittl, corps
™ il‘>nduy, were followed up by an all
vunoe ol the Second corps on Tucsdai
•U'vnnint;, which compelled the enemy
■ls 1,1 withdraw Horn tin ir line on the Tod.
■ O . " to ”'ay They have retreated to Hi,
.c south side ot the Cliickuln.minv, \\ itli
■lt- ,hu exception of a thin line toward i.ur
ml vance.
h ■• '.i
Late from the Front
Giant’s Fourth Grand Flanker.
Aew Yoke, June IJ.—A. ’’’ribane cor
respondent near Cold Harbol writing on
the-2d, says; The fourth irand flank
movement is now in pr igress, and
judging from the reports the move
ment, will prove a success. The battle
yesterday was severe, and it resulted in
our taking 650 prisoners and I he enemy's
principal works. At 6 o'cbck a. m.,
the whole line moved forward by a nar
row belt of woods, passed th :m and on
reaching the open pio Wed fiejd, the en
emy's position was in full view. Gen.
Picket’s division immediately opened
with a heavy tire of artillery] and mus
ketry, but our men nobly advanced
tkiuugk/he deadly storm and through
the swamp, antj with tl.eil bayonets
drove the enemy pell-mell (rum their
earthworks, which thev held Inuring the
night against repeated assaulth
The feat elicited from Gen. [Meade his
thanks. Smith’s junction with Wright
this correspondent says, so Opportune
was it, that it reveals the fact that the
Army of the T’otomacis undef the guid
ance of minds possessed of masterlylibil
’tY-, Beauregard's force, widli part of
tiill s and Longstreets, were engaged in
the battle yesterday. Our [total loss
amounted to 1,800. |
Three Repulses by Butler
- N f wl o.K=- June li. - A Herald ,-orrcs
pondent with Gen. Butler, writing of the
battle at Ilatcher.-, on Thursday; June 2d
says: Just at 3 a. m. the rebels opened
with artillery, and, massing in a bodv
dashed on our picket line and < aptured'a
number. The 3d .Yew Hampshire then
drove the rcb.-.s buck, capturing twenty,
flic. wo other similar attacks Were
made, but none of them succeeded j„
their object in getting through our lines
Our losses \\ ere homy, but those of the
rebels were much heavier. We took be
tween sixty and seventy prisoners
JojKrn meter
a R t. ii 0 i'SL,
Between oth ot., and Virgin alley*
lie. hnSSixft. M " chi "‘ No M «“" oom -
' A rul greatly facilitates the work. Pri.'e *1 60 directions. Donated to, and lor sale at the
jj p " HU Machines, and at the drover &.
Pi:t rgh, JA. Seat by letter fre
Is tl,e only sate and sura cure. It oon
tains no opium or deleterious drugs, no min
eral or other injurious compounds oommon
to remedies generally sold for this class of
disease. It is so efficaoious that Physicians
very generally use it in their praotioe in
t.l chronic nnd dangerous cases.
Use no Cholera mixtures or doubt
ed compositions, (many of whioh under
tntno and ruin tho constitution,) when yon
«nn obtain an unfailing remedy as simple
n.d safe as Blaokberries themselves.
Ask for Dixon's Blackbiret Caajtoia
ti ya, and see that the proprietor's name is
wrillen on the outside wrapper of each bot
tle. Prepared only by
For sale by all respectable druggists.
Price, (old style, 35 cts.) 250., 800. and
51. per Bottle.
D«"- Cutters’
A sure cure lur Intemperance.
L>r J. C.Ayers’ Family Medicines,
Di, Schenck’a Pulmonic, Tonic and Pills,
Celebrated Buohu & Sarsaparilla,
And all other Family Medicines can be
found genuine at the
Torrence & M’Garr,
Corner of Market street and Fourth.
iJi ugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Paints,
1 ' lla * I-ead, Varnlßhes, Brushes, Trusses,
Supporters, Shoulder Braces,
And all Articles usually found InDrutr Stores of
ttut quality, ror'sale^ow,
iSo. 70 Market street, corner of Fourth,
Monongahela Water Company.
COMPANY to increase their Capital stock to
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, the tint Hun
dred Thousand having been taken, the books arc
now open at the Banking House 01 Ira B.M-Yay
fit Co., corner of Smlthrfeld and Fourth streets
iorthe purpose of receiving additional subscript
lions to the stock of said Company.
By order of Board of Managers.
“I'W lw_ EDWARD MAYO, Sec’y.
our Piano and Muaio W&reroomi to our
new Building, No. 122 Wood atreet, four doors
above Fifth street, and nearly- opposite the First
National Bank, where we>lf be happy to wait
on our friends and the public in general
Sign of the Golden Harp
“l' 2 - 1 ” 122 Wood street.
f Al * a ,£ l f cted “ took of aS
Balmorals, Misses and OhUdrens
Boys and Youths Boots, oSts B^n?^
Balmorals, which wIU besold at
Je4 . _ 98Market st.
stock for sale by JAMES BOWN, *
1M Wood Street.
OflScial from Secretary Stanton
Very Latest from the Fron
Everything; Going is on Well
An Inspection by the Chief Quar
termaster at White House.
A; Dispatch from General Sherman
June o—lo P. M.-
Dix: : Dispatches have beenreceiv
0(1 from Grant’s Headquarters to-day.
They reported only certain changes in
the disposition of corps and contempla
ted operations. Thcj state that every
thing is going on well.
Hie chief Quartermaster of the army
reports from a persona] inspection of the
department at the White House that il
is in a most efficient state, and that all
needful supplies are on hand and wagons
easily transport them to the army.
< >ur wounded are being brought in and
transports are not delayed a moment.
A dispatch from Sherman, dated 12
11 clock, noon, to-day, at Aek worth says:
I am on the railroad at Ackworth staiion
and have full possession forward to
within six miles of Marietta. All is w'cll.
There is no other military intelligence to
list . [Signed] E: M. Stanton.
Our Cavalry Attack Hamp-
W ashington, June fi.—Headquarter?
Amry of the Potomac,|June 4th,Bo'clock
p. m.., our Cavalry was engaged all day
yesterday in the vicinity of Howe’s
Store. The first attack was made on
Hampton’s command, which was badlv
defeated with loss. We afterwards at
tacked Hill’s left on the Potapntomy river
and drove one brigade out of tlieir’works
and held the place an hour, we then
withdrew. We now hold Howe’s Store
Gen. Wilson bivouaeed histx night be
tween Bethleham church Wd the Pa
munk)-river, he has a strong position.
Our loss was not heavy.
! The loss in yesterday's engagement
was more severe than at first reported.
To-day the army has rested and noth
ing but artillery duelling has occurred.
In the fight yesterday Breekenridgc oc
cupied the right, Beauregard the left.
Lor,gstreel's corps the center and Ewell
on the left, while Hill’s corps was held
in reseive. Their artillery fire wasgood
at some points. Two of our caissons
Wi re exploded by their shells and a num
ber of nu n and horses killedand wound
ed. The wounded ire being /sent off as
rapidly as possible.
Late Sews from Vicksburg,
The Steamer Arthur Fired Into,
Gen. Canby Re-organizing
Memphis, June 3.—By arrival of tho
steamer Authur we have Vicksburg ad
vices to the Ist Inst. The Authur was
fired into at Columbia, Arkansas, by a
. battery of 9 guns, G and Id-pounders.
17 shots took effect, raking her fore and
alt. Sho was also riddled with musket
halls two miles below the baltery. Two
men were killed and one severely
wounded. The gunboat Lawrenccville
came up and engaged the battery but
they took uo notice of her, directing
their fire wholly upon the Authur until
she was out of range. Three of Mason’s
brigade boat 9 ware lying on the opposite
shore just below the battery. Steamers
Henry Arms and James Watson passed
down immediately after the Authur
passed and’.received the full fire of the
battery, but got past without being dis
abled. It is reported several thousand
infantry are supporting thia battery.
Gen. Canby is still at Vicksburg en
gaged in re-organizing his forces.
Brigadier Gen. McCarthur and staff
came up on the Arthur en route to re
port to McPherson.
Bobbery of Uj. S. 10-40 Bonds.
New York, 6. — One of our
prominent moneyed institutions has
been robbed of 20|U. S. 10-40 bonds for
11000 each, numbered 31573, 81574,
81375 and numbers' 81600 to 84522 inclu
sive. Payment olf the bonds and cou
pons annexed hasjbeen stopped. A re
ward of $2OOO is offered for their re
co very-
Fftdific Railroad in Running Order.
San Francisco,, June 4.—The Califor
nia end of the Palciflc railroad is now
completed and in running order for 31
miles from Sacramento. Workmen are
engaged on the next section of 20 mile-
Foreign News.
Halifax, June! 6—2 r. m.— A dis
patch sent out by tjhe steamer Damascus
and duplicated pertthe China, notes: the
redaction of the rate of discount by the
Bayk of England from 8 to 7 per cent.
viceable SHOES wltT find that they can buy
them cheaper at No. 98 MARKET STREET,
thftD ahy other place Id the city.
foh the post.
ton’s Brigade.
His Forces.
o»*iob o* THB i
BUSlNESS—Yesterdav w
the sales made were In a
purposes. Our-river* are down a u locaJ
stage. The dull season on the river
full operation. , """now in
the .scales at**^*,
1- LOUR—Sales fromr store as follows • t- L i_
* amlly, i(» bbls, at *8,25 ;69d0 at os
at Ex.tra, 70 bLu.’at^^**
•i-i —Sales 10 bxa new W 4 R. »% iiLr *
15c ; Wdoat Is3tfc; 12 do, Hani&£*£
'* bbla at 20@aie. "' ' '
i<i S^ ™ °£ re wa * ““ at ***
@lB#e. =>aleS2ooo lbs canvassedatig
bafrf? S PoHK^ale b f» •* *»,«#« «
tn,s^i^Lake*i r Mt*ilbhS n '° t r | a
S g* „
(JOFFfiE—Sales 20 saclts Eftrkt itfu* ; ' • >
S L GAR —Sales 10 hids Cul\a at iasr ’**/* j
Orleans, at ; • *®#P} dOO do,
v MOI-ASShitr-iaies a) bbls si,io
\’, A .f J w7v ai< 2 °, f 600 bbla NO. 1 at *2 *0 •
gallon. K “° r C ’ lly *l,jo
PITI'gBVJUMX join ivtuand. r-iiT
Urncsor the I) a ,lt Host, i
XCESDATi June 7, 186 f. j;
B USINESS-Y esterdayexhlbltednotmproVe
ment. We have but lew sales to record. The
principle attraction was the Sanitary Fair
Navigation to Oil Oity has been suspended. The
little steamer Sewiokly started on Saturday for
Oil City, but only got as far as Freeoort and
had to return for wont of water.
at to^ I | ) , Ybfs M-SilleB 80 1)1,18 dcU '-«edon care
ded; 100 bbl- for export atSfc
efk bm ’
it ffTyf!? -^' B 100 bbls at aat
ir ek * * es ° [ Bondod « msoi Ffee
New York stock market.
'&E. 1 m^ c 'l : i Y , OEJL ’ J “ nB *> IBM
Viic^L^ 11 '-• ■■ ■ : '”X fBfi£T tL -jg*
Hudsoifiitver:::;: pTA I L Wo *'-• &*«
&i o fc::v.: £. f , l^ rceVtlilik ' t “ 8“
O. hi! Cent*."."
P. iVfUi. - 'Sl' UiiiclttUjeroo
234 krie Prefered 199
»t , New York Miirket
aD ncw I,rlmei * 3 ‘.«° *>*
‘ • ■-!. ‘i «<* ; t ■ .= „> ..
Cincianatl market* )
A : ri -’ 8-— Plotf'r ■firm at $Q 65£7 '
Vt heat-IJed »1,40@1,00; White $1,70@1,5!
in demand at Oats atB2u Whisky
advanced to, ty*. Aiess Pork firm at
Lani firmer at 13>$e Groceries firm and in
stade hrmer 91 ® 92i 78 U “^L«
Sit. Louis Market.
® T - dune o.—Flour quiet at 56,25Qa
«ia«iSi m <r“.V ITO ? 1 ’ 75 - Corn droopi’ngai
Oats leas iUan at 96@»fid. Gtcu^Hcb
uui; sugar l&@22c; cotfee 4®WcVMolS^?
quiet ; sales of middlings at &
• eipts, 269 bates. Whisky steady at $1,23^
Buffalo Market.
BrFrAr.°, June in good demand
rtrm ln f »h^ m and unchanged. Wheat higher
»W«-Buifle Club' V
♦ I.’"' Frights flrn, °ate ^ BSc. WSlskf
.. New York Gold Market.
Juae t, - oold ‘ ;l ‘«ed-tM.ev«.
Pennsylvania Central.
•’d Jo 3:60 p m 3d do ~
Mi do 6.-00 pm' 4ti l i° ' '
Ihe Churuh train leaves Wall’s Station <■
*uatH Y) at 9:05 am; refurns at 12:45 pm. ( °“
Pttt»bui- B h : , Ft. WayAi 3S ;
Depart*. « Arrive*
r asfc Lioe.. .. a m I t
r f:10 Pid }
-Mail Train 6-50am|C® » 7*o pm
Tke New Brighton
red F'' 00 "t. ».
Returning, leaves New Brighton station at
5.60 a in,-?:00 am, 12:30 p m aad 2:60 pm.
Allianoe Acoomodatloh leavee-AUegheny Sti-P
tlon at 2.10 a m. .
Pittsburgh at OoUhefUTlUv. 1,1
a m l Mall.^r;..A-00 i ,ta
Ist Ai’KeesportUiOO a m Ist M'Kcesp’rt&EOpS:
dL, u” «’lSpm 2d ' » 22)6 pin
u >r , 7 : W a m Port Perry,...aaiim
•• • P ra Bnuidock‘s. . ; .5:40 p rfl
The Sunday Train to ■ and rfros* Jl*&6esßort
leavea at l :00 pm, and Srtlyca at IUrOO am. -
Allegheny, Valley.
%r , Departs. - Arrives.
Alail .7:00 a m |Mall 7ioo p m
Lxpreas 4:30 a m I Express .9:35 a m
Accommodate. 3:09 p m J Accommodat»n7*« a m
Cleveland and Pittsburgh.
Depart! Arrives.
Mull 6:loam I Mall. 3:6opm
Cincinnati 1:46 am | Cin. Express. .8:06 p m
.. l:4fipmi>:do. do 2:loam
heeling 620 a m Steulienvllle
Steubenville Ac- i: Aocommo
eoinmodation . I datlon
leave* Alle’gy3:6op m i '
Cleveland I:46am I
do 1:46 pm'| .
~ -dv'l'he hbccelalor Omnibus Company have
Omnibuses and Carriages in watting lor pas-
We!? rS arrlvins 1,1 ,ra m/*W both ijast Ind,
Movement* of European Steamer*.
Asia June 6. .80it0n....... .Liverpool.
Teutonia....June 11. .New fork. Southampton
Australasian June id.. New York... ..Liverpool
Bremen Juneld..New York. Southampton
Saxonla June 2d. .New York-Southampton
Hanaa July 2. .New Yora. southern»tpp- •
Boruaaia July 9.. New York-Southampton
America J uiy 26.' . New Y ork. Southampton
Oermania July 23. .New York. Southampton
New York..... July 30..NewXwk.Southampton
:.AugU..NewXork.SoUthaSjgS .
ttansa Aug27..New York-Southampton*'
America. SepiQ. .NewYork.Southtmpton
New York....*s*p24..NeWYork.Southamfcton
Bremen Oct O^NewYoWciSouthampton
America. . Nov 6. .New Y ork. Southampton
New ork,.. .Nov 19.- NewYork.Southampton
Bremen Itec 3?.Nelfr York.Sduthaniptonf
anaa l>«c 17..N$w York. Southampton ’
s non ko&bpk.
May 25..Southampton..New York,
Buropa May 2d..Liverpool..... Boatoh ' £
Saxuuia May 31. .Southampton.. New York
June 4..Liverp001.. ....New York
Hanaa June B..soutnampton..New York '
Borussia... .J une 14. .Southampton. .New York
America J une 21.. Southamp ton.. Ne w York
CJermaala... June2B..Southampton. /New York.
New York... July 6..Southampton..New York- -
Bremen July 20.. Southampton. .New York
Ha us a Aug 3.. Southampton. .New Ybrk
America Aug 17. .Southampton.. New York
New York... Aug3l..Southampton..New York
Bremen Sept 14. .Southampton. .New York
Hansa.... ; .. Sept 28. .Southampton. .New York
.,o?t 12.-S©uthpmpton..New York., -
New York. ...OutSt&. .Southampton.. New York* f
(Bremen .Nor 9..Southampton..New York ’
-Hansa Nov 23.. Southampton. .NewYor*
America Lec2t. -Southampton. ;New York
T. A i2TSfsS^iii^ggp»
Qummwait!, otoSu, BUnds/Feu
den. Cupboards, OarpOtaf Fsithar ila.a.
Matrasaett Bedding, Beads,
.10:00 m