The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, June 07, 1864, Image 2

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This convocation of office holders—
who wish to retain their places four
years longer —contractors under Gov
ernment -whose profits remind one of
Monto CHitlSTo’s fabulous discoveries,
and long nosed Abolitionists, of the less
sentimental type, who forego principles
ffif profits, all convene to-day in Bald
tq go through the farce of nomi
nating for another term the present jocose
tenant-of the White House. In the face
solemn declaration, in favor of
the one term principle, and in the face
of the Chicago platform, this village wag
V states to-fastenhimself four years longer
upbn the American people! But what
PrQtnises and in the esti
mation of men who spent the best por
tion of their lives in assailing the Con
stitution of their country?
Had President Polk, in 184 G, been ac
tuated by the accursed policy of this
Administratioh, he might, in the name
of necessity, have entailed himself or a
legitimate successor upon the country.
He'earried on no war of conquest and
subjugation, however, iiuMcxico. Hi?
officers, from Gen- down, concil
iated the Mexicanrespecting
their customs, theTr/I|g|>son and their
rights. Our . ‘Preslljljji^lfei 4 ' not then
issue “bull’s against tlie comet," calcu
lated to unite the Mexieancpeople in a
more desperate resistance to our Govern
ment. On'the contrary by
kindness yhat fanaticism? and folly
never could havq accomplished—we got
“indemnify for the past and security for
the future." The Government of the
United States then, in dealing with a
foreign foe, acted updn the principle ot
justice, tempered with mercy; our pres
ent rulers are possessed of but one idea,
which is a war of bloody.,extermination
of the Southern people.
Fearing that the strong Union senti
meht of the South might prove powerful
enough to cope with treason, this very
feeling was purposely crushed, by Lin
coln’s proclamation, backed by insane
legislation. Good Union men were
driven into the rebel ranks by thousands,
because of our edicts of confiscation and
emancipation, until the Southern people
befcame a unit in resisting our laws.
1 his had the effect of prolonging hostili
ties, the very thing our Administration
desired, in order that they uiiglit so
fashion things as to show a plausible
pretext for their continuing in power.
Since Gen McClellan was dismissed
from the service two years ago—because
the glory of his,achievements was eclip
sing tho mousing people in Washington,
what has been accomplished? These
two-years have been wasted in efforts
to show that McClellan’s plan of reach -
ing the rebel Capital was not the i true
one. Under Pope, Burnside, Hookkk
and Grant we have lost one hundred
thousandmen in reaching a point, which
was occupied two years ago by McClel
lan, and, that too, without loss of life.
To prolong hostilities, therefore, regard
less of human life, partisanisan purposes,
has been the 6f{he ’ Administra
’ tion. Its necessities now, designing as
it does a nomination.und,re-election, com
pels it to do all if can to strengthen Gen.
Grant. If they succeed in botfy, we
will have a protracted war, not for tlie
object of restoring the Union, buf for
the purpose of inaugurating a system
which will result, if successful, in- cor
rupting and weakening our people.
There ban be no mistaking the signs of
the times. The leading Abolitionists of
the Administration party in Congress are
for negro equality both socially and po
litically. Give them another lease c-f
power and they will sow the seedier a
mongrel population in our country, which
will in time become as degenerate and
decrepit as. the Mexicans themselvp.
There is hope yet, however; all our
people are not office holders and con
tractors, men who would barter their
country for places and profits. The in
‘ dependent, pnbougbt portion of our op
ponents have gallantly confronted the
infamies- tof the i Administration, land
undet the lead'of a than of dignity | and
character will second the Democracy in
' preserving oar co.untry from destruction.
Fkbmqnt’s and his followers ideas tipou
the naked questions of Abolition,! are
as objectionable as those of Lincois’h,
but upon the sacred rights of free speech
and a free preßs,and the enforcement of
thp SlourkdE doctrine, they are as wide
asunder as the poles. Hereis where they
separate, and where the friends of Fbe-
mont and the Democracy join hands for
the accomplishment of a compion pur-
We. hayint. heard -anything particu
larly “refreshing about the wife of the
Government" since the itinerant mkpi
ciajt.entertainod her and the Chevalier
Wtjsoff with Rome plaintive snatches
from the opera in New fork. Upon
that' occasion she was overcome with
ecstacy, and the Chevalier, partaking of
herfelicity, passionately exclaimed: “If
music be the food of love, plaj- on; give
me ;excpss:qf jt, that surfeiting 1 may
sicken and r so die.”
In the rfbßqh^ ) ,ojt‘ ( lihy ) tU3ng' gay i{nil
g?*}- «fJ»?r ,
" W* l culW* upoolu .<reeb£j a of
hei'anpa'— -
W 1
4 ! ->1 :ii; ii
concluded upon tin- motion of tlmt pro
found diplomatist, TaitJßLow Weed, to
send her fuel; to Springfield, Illinois.
If any one never BawiaiTnstriate!l per
son ..f the gentler aex^ f or skef-tfughfe
to have witnessed thief of
Madame Lincoln. in
refusing to have his rp|} JiffiA remov--
ed, at the bidding of ®e King, is note
more impressive than the high ground
assumed by the Matron of Springfield.
And where he invokes the power of
the Church and hurls the curse of Rome
upon the conspiring head of Count De
Babada, it is not more terrible than her
defiance was to the entire Kitchen Cab
inet of her henpecked husband. The
result of this was that she carried her
point triumphantly. The report, how
ever, that she used a broomstick or some
other formidable weapon upon Titru
low Weed, is contradicted by a gentle
man of not only the highest respcctabil
it}', hut ef the most undoubted “loy
Suffering Refugees- Contrabands.
Below we print two extracts from
Cairo papers, to show to out people the
suffering to which Southern refugee-sore
subject, and further to solicit for these
people some of the aid so freely given bv
individuals and out of the Government
Treasury for the relief of so called con
trabands Purely suffering white wo-
men and children are as deserving ol
commiseration in distress as the negroes,
who, having been inured to the hard
ships anti self-denial of slavery, need
less care than the weak and delicate who
have been carefully nurtured and loving
ly cherished by kind husbands and indul
gent fathers. Below are the extracts:
Affecting.—Yesterday we saw a ref
ugee mother on tbc'wharf boat, bend
ing over the corpse of her infiuit son.
about two years of age, while to tier
breast she hugged a still younger child,
as though to shield it from the shaft of
death. The tears ran from her eyes like
rain; falling upon the eofiin as they nail
ed down the rough lid, and took her dar
ling from her sight to he buried
in a straDge land, without a stone to
mark its resting place. It seems too had
that these people should he thrown in
such large numbers among us without
some provision being made for theii sup.
port until they become aide to support
themselves. Hundreds arrive every
week, and when they are landed, many
of them are just ready to drop into their
graves, flo much suffering is daily seen
upon our levee, that people whose busi
ness calls them frequently to it, have
become so hardened to look upon misery,
that they heed it Hot. — Cairo Xtir.i.
The Poor Refugees.—The unfortu
nale of this class of people are of such
an everyday occurrence In our city that
people scarcely notice an item concern
ing them. Vet, even now there are in
cidents that must brings throb of com
passion to tin reader tor the miserable
s.tuation of these poor "wretches."
Night before last we noticed a weeping
mother, who was shedding teats ..vvr
tfie demise of one of her children, while
a little baby in her arms was ahum to
bn ullie its last. So used have the com
mercial portion of the world got to see
sights like this, that they pass them bv
without even knowing that life anil
death arc in the balance of a poor refu
gee. God only knows the trials these
unfortunate people have undeigone to
reach a Northern State- -He alone can
tell the suffering the)' have put up with
tor the love of the Old Government.
Some h ive walked hundreds and Inin
dreds of miles—proscribed on account
of their principles—yet when they reach
here among us, we pass them by as if
they were not human—and why? be
cause in our modern philanthropy we
forget our own color and rush for the
everlasting negro who seems to absorb
our every thought for the present. Li-i
hut a negro land on our levee, and the
Government gives him rations from tin
commissary stores; he is immediately
taken care of, and there js no danger
that night will find him with the earth
for a pillow and the canopy of Heavi n
for a covering. On the other hand, if a
poor white family reach here, lio mallei
what thtir trouble has been, they are
white and can stand it. "Oh’ consisten
cy what a jewel thou art'” It is but
last week we saw a man of God among
the poor and needy refugees, and to their
answer for some important want such
us food or medicine he would hand them
a tract , as though that was enough for
all intents and purposes. We do not
wish to he understood as being opposed
to a dessemination of religious knowl
edge, but assuredly affirm that some
needful articles, such as to keep soul
and body together, under the circum
stances, would have been more Christian -
like. We confess we maybe wrong, bul
we cannot understand why it is that the
Government supports a quantity of ne
groes, giving them food, clothes, medi
cines, and everything that they need,
while it leaves the poor unfortunate ref
ugee who has left home, fortune, friends,
and perhaps their worldly all, to starve
here in the midst of plenty. Is ii ihen
such a great crime to be horn whits? or
is it a freak of innovation that black
should be the fashionable rage Some
may say, why do not the people of
Cairo do something for the poor refugee’
They have, and have done nobly, ’hut
the number that arrive here daily is so
great, that it requires more than a popu-
Jation such as we have can do, therefore
cannot the Government Jo something
more for these poor "wretches” than
simply give them transportation to this
or that place and let them die like cattle
on the voyage to their destination? We
hope so, lor it is cruel to see such mis
ery 011 our Wee—to see the whole lan-1
ing crowded with these unfortunates,
who are unable to provide for them
selves. Here is then a place where the
Government may lend to tin- Lord by
giving to the poor, ami we trust it will
embrace the opportunity. —Cairo Demo
Uen. Fkemo-Nt. —We find the follow
ing among yesterday’s specials to the
Pittsburgh Ciazette :
It is understood that Gen. Fremont
on yesterday, tendered his resignation as
a Maj. General in the regular army, and
that it was promptly accepted. What
ever may-lie thought of the eager readi
ness thus displayeil to get the man out
>f service who had so much to do with
the organization of the party that put
the present administration in power,
there is one lesson this resignation should
not fail to teach. It is a very signifi
cant example for Major-General Genin'
B. McClellan. It remaius to be -een
whether that otlieer, alter receiving the
nomination at Chicago, will he equally
prompt to tender his resignation."
It might he interesting to hnow what
. the Guttle does think about ‘-the eager
readiness thus displayed to get the mail
out of service who had so much to do
with the organization of the party that
hput the present administration in’pow-
I er,” But of course it durst not tell what
it thinks, and has only the bitter recourse
ijeft Of scolding because Little Mack
don’t gp and do likewise. Howpleas
antittnust he to suffer with the' atßic -
tion' :
} iTmr ; iHapr ffnirr iftnn tgivto at*,
King Otho Sixty thousaadidfiteftlor thfc
furniture of the palace at Athens.
The Democracy, of Missouri.
Sevcral-sn£mber9' oCthe Democratic
State Oeittra Committee of Missouri
have united in a call for the Democracy
ol- that State to meet in Comvention at
the city Louis,.-on Wednesday, the
loth day of June next, for the purpose
of Organizing the Democratic party of
-the State for the approaching National
iandiState electipns. and that the people
of, the several counties immediately take
measures to be ropressnted in that Con
vention. All conservative Union men—
all who would maintain the blessings of
constitutional liberty, and rescue the
Government our fathers from the
wreck of revolution—are invited to co
In their address they say: “The pre
sent condition of the natioh leads to the
conviction that we can only hope to re
store the Union of States, as established
by the Constitution of our fathers, by
again placing the Administration of the
Government in the Democratic party,
at present the only party in the country
which truly accepts the Constitution as
its fundamental rule and law of action.
The Republican party has shown itself
powerless of good, capable only of evil.
By the very uature of its existence, it has
passed into the control of the radical
portion of its members, who have used
it, and must continue to use it, to carry
out their own lawless, )unconstitutional
measures of government, trampling on
all the liberties of the citizen, disregard
i □ g. the power and authority of the States,
and tehdfng, unless soon checked, to in
troduce a consolidated absolutism, to be
malinger! for a time by a faction, and
then to pass into a military despotism.
The history ofatbdrs in this State teaches
esthat Ra.ii. ali-i:i and Jacobinism is tin*
legitimate outi i'uj> uf the so-railed Re
publican;sm The tree is known by its
truits. There *an he but two great par
ties in this country, the Democratic and
the anti- Ih-mocrati .
Tin- Democratic p ; m> of Missouri,
whieii rust its vote at the last presiden
tial election lor the lamented Douglas,
ha-: maintained and still supports the
Constitution, and reverences the laws.
Although disorganized by tin* treachery
and treason of many of tln-se it trusted*,
it i* -dili ready to labor tor the welfare, of
the State, and the good of the nation.
For this purpose otgnnization i<* needed.
N kaui.y lil'ty thousand acres ot land
in Canada have been .-own with tlaxihi
ycai ten limes a- much ;i ? last vt ar.
A Bmi'W. veil worn the other dav at
a Paris \s edding. Bsdd to be woi th 4. -
Uoo pound*.
dwo lewd women in the* town of
Young-i. wn. Chic., tarred ami feathered
by other women, not lewd, have recover
ed damages in a’suitatlaw against
their virtuous assailant*
A so . a’i.i i o •\ig.n strain lop" is
budding -ui the Thame- i,,r Mr. Ainans,
ot Baltimore, and will he launched with
her steam up and ready for sea bv about
the iniddii ol Aug’M Is sheVor the
rebel- •
P\VM.\-n.K- 1- is Mated that there
lire Mow 1 .nr bundled and tiliv-six pay
masters ,n ’ln- army, mcluding fnm- j. .
e ntly a; pointed aggregati- an
nuil aalarie- amount t*. be about .fl.pOo
lii L New 1 )i U ail s J u-m oi. nt Wua .-ip
pressed l-v the Provo*! Marshal on the
day the ;a*i steamer sailed, lor publish
ing the boju- Ihoeianiation of the Pres
ident in an extra
Coi.i iiiud.n has, by anew process of
in-aiue nt, f.-undont h\ a photographer,
have made in'o tirsl-rate 1. atlicr. bv cc treaUmm. It becomes a
strong and durable as ori'.narv leather,
only impervious to air and water
An aiTival from P-.rt Roval upon
the unsuccess ot an txpediuon up ti.e
John's river, Florida, and the de
struction ot one ste.m transport and the
* aplure ot another These expeditions
up the St. John - ail seem to he blunder
mg a hair*
Tiie 1n,, -IMF. Tax—lt has be,-n do, :
drd in !,--<•>- the in, ,m, t:i \ i,,,w ,! ii,
under the id,! law— thal is. lhc ri, rut
additions mud,- will no: be pm in turn
yet. This is lie,-,,r,'line p. the institu
tions of C.'nmnii-si. n,T 1.,-ui, t,, tin i
si ssors -,\ J. Time*.
lllntfk is , ouiincin me
well in the Sigel department. Having
allowed L'uendlas to s,-t lire to one id
hi- v. up,n Iranis, lie ordered the houses
ol to ~ prominent se. i—i,mists to be
burin ti, whieh was,tone. We tin ref,u,
conclude that the e.unpaien in that set ■
t,oil will turn out tube brilliant.
Da.UA,.Es KmiVKRED — All Old e, j, .
tleman named Thomas J Heed was cssl ,
in damages in the Circuit Court, at Al
bion. New York, lust week, to the tune '
ol SI,OOU for a breach ~| promise ol 1
marriage. The piaimill was Miss Fran- i
ees E. Benjamin, a young lady of 20 |
years. Mr. Heed is in the neighborlm.ul j
ol eighty years ~f aee. and wealthy.
Nbobo Si.cESsioNißTS.—The Herald
correspondent describing Kautz’s raid i
says: "A vety strange feature in the pres- ,
ent raid was the discovery of a pluntn- i
tion owned l,y Dr Huninngton, when- ;
the slaves ptoved to be genuine seces
sionists. They were druwn up in lront I
of their master's house, and expressed 1
unanimous sentiments of disgust to j
| The Fatal Collision at Sea.—AVe
I mentioned yesterday the sinking of the
! transport Pocahontas, off Cape May by T
collision with the steamer City of ft’ath, I here the
and the consequent drowning ot about * <tv ■ N. Waooo.nku Madrid. I\ v '■
forty discharged soldiers, returning from ... . . . k . J
Somhern service. The Pocahontas was i or. hv l-UManon tSS • «...
Irom >e\v Orleans, bound to New York : greatly benefited by their use. Yhy irieod neuniilc Will be ireived clothed.
She had 101 persons on hoard, and as it ; ABA Ouaau., M»iad.lplua,l*a.” i and turned ai WIT KTtfq TT AT T v !
uas aliotlt midnight when the collision ; , n alß been . great soberer Iron, , trH , HALL ’ F ° Urth I •
occured, nearly all on board were asleep. D > spej.mH, i lH .i t, ( »imn.i..;t preaching • . street, :
! The steamer sunk in about twenty.five Hitter* **** cuie<t me. ahthuk httart, ! _J_ _
minutes, and many persons jumped over- ' * ArHl>ht> ’ lt -' ( - htidler ' N - *"■ J(M *'' lnt “ I'eservea, Commanding | t||KDICAL ( AKD.-DR. BROWN Altu. a complete assortment of
hoard and were drowned. Among those *••••! nme given the Plantation Hitter a * ‘D R| <-K to THE FAIR. j consulted everyday and evening. fejm 1 t&»e Celebrated
lost wen* ('uptnin Baxter of the Poca mJi Uii ; lu,ll V' tou ' disabled soldiers with the • in KAsV? a l h^?M Wlth v? y to™ of delicate *«■ » riM Au ii liui o RA r*i nnrniiA
bon tag, and tL engineer,’ The body" ' u , p. a sdkew. : - Si fe, iB , lely : tf&S HARMONIUMS, MELODEONS
t aptain b rank Hnlleik, id Scott’s IK)0 Nupeiinendent Soldier’s Home, Gin., u. r ! ' ir ' cen t" to the Old Curiosity Shut? Ui health. From long experience and study, he And Musical Goods Generally.
Was on board, and war- also lost Tlie ' .• . „ j i- cents to the Mechanics’ flair. ' { ■*n 0B ?n , !i 0 A I>u * 'bemselveß under his ' .- - J
Pocahontas wn « sm-w atnAmi.r nf <wm n , I he Plantation Bitters have cured cents to the .\[..uitor Hall. all w ill be done for them which medi- The superiority of <*he BRADBURY PIANO
‘ • Cltrw .teanu rOf 800 me Ot i>U er Complaint, ot which I was Jaid up cent * t 0 the Bi« <-• Stock, or d\« « t th«? private rooms, No. 60 la already established. In the history Of Pianos
ions, anu had been employed on General ; I* roslrate < and had to abandon my business. abo\o tor 51 ou aMITHFIELD bTBEET. je7-lt no new instrument has gained so rapidly in pop*
Banks’s late expedition 1 u - H. KutosLEV. rievel&nd,(j.” i! 0 cents to Floral Hnii ,“ • - - - uianty or received so many premium* within
50 cents to Dining Hall, dinner \ K W C(\ XT / the space of two years, as the New Scale Full
KvtM>.. HMBRTAtNMhVTs AT ArDfTnmpv 11 li IT O \J \J . • Iron frame, Overstrung Bass and Grand Aotion
Mon.uv rtt,, , ! ' ArDiToarcxi. , . Piano Forte, mß.nnf&cUu&ibjWm.B.Br%ilbu
ihiMdVv’ - hl®. 'rand ueiman, 84 00. : ry. SCHOMAOKBR A C 0.4 PIANOS having
w“e“^o B > J»^■ h T.lK”s^,; , f '''u“i I ®S?^l C ? rt, 26L ' ,a - '* nDMUIUfi nr Ilnur n b fJ n »° long ami favorably known In UU.anl
50 cents. ' rf araellnk a Concert. DREAMING OF HOME other countries need no lurther commezit.
rhuisday, 9th —' iermania Society, 50 cents Guaranteed for Flva T«ara«
i .See .Avertlsement, ’ * ,»« TjiKAUTIFrL WORDS AND TAiCING ;-oie Agents Tor Plttahurzh and Weatara Pa.
J “ A* ilußtc Its populallty will be unbounded. No. 12 HlsselJ’s Block, St. Olatrat.
Second-Hand Pianos for rant. Tun
ing and Repairing done promptly. apso
ii h: pßFtiii rTTPITE , „ * , lhe Plantation Bitters have oured
aj iSvvSiaT > t - OF jfoe ol a derangement of the Kidneys and Urinary
.Urt'J.NLSIA.-J have unhand a very » Organs that haa distressed me tor veara it »<m •
»u>,eri„r article of Ireal. Cll RATE OK MAG- UkS a charm. ulßtreBaea me £ r » Cl =
NbslA, in the liquid ami Ilry atate. For a i No
cooling, gentle purgative, thei < in no article now i Ac «... . H U “ 1
in use equal tn it. Also, fresh < '.mgresß, Empire | ' ’ .
;: f f : tl lhe **«*»-**«*.«
getting them at my establishment, corner of the l * l€ brilliant, and are exhaused nature*?
DIAAIt »Nli ami AIARKEI .STREET. j ?reat restorei. t hey are composed of the cele-
H ! one J .. har A 1 “ » u >' er “' r »«- ! Callaaya Ba.k, Wimergrecn, Saaaafraa,
Pure Tar and Turpefitlne, <'amphlne and i Woot8 ' Herbs. 61c., ail preserved in perfectly
Burning' Fluid. Soda Ash and Potash ! St. Croix Rum
Pond Lilly. Fairy Opening Flowers, and other
extracts lor the Handketcniet in the greatest
I'eriiuue Boxes and Sachet Powder. Paiiu
atiil Tf’iiet : jap, the largest assortment In the
eifv. Liyothj Nail and Hair Brushes of hll<Us
erii.t.ujis \ t*ry Pure Wines and Lnjuors hu
AledicaJ purpose*, Genuiue Havana <'igars.
AH the valuable Patent Aledictm'9 of the day at
the lowest prue> JOSEPH FLEMING,
jco ( .'orn*-r of the Diamond and Marktet
IILS A \ Uj BED. - T«-o much eating and
drinking, new habits aiul modes of life often
tu-oduce irregularities In the bowels and general
health of the -ysreni. But IJewadektu 'a
’will soon euro, the stomach regain its strength
and a healthy action of the system will be re
toied. No medicines are equal in usefulness to
POROUS PLASTERS. Every man of the
PIKE ZOUAVES had a box of Brandretli’s
Pills, a box of Universal Salve, and an Allcock’a
Porous Plaster put in their knapsack free of ex
pense. And to this fact maybe attributed the
absence of any of THIS REGIMENT from the
EVERY SOLDIER should haye a box of
Brahdreth>B Pills, & box of Salve, and a niece of
:PoFao* “Plaster- They are SURE to be useful
BoU by THOMAS Pittsburgh,
And bSrau respectable jnedictnea.
my7-lydhwc 1
AR *# KS |
Corner Fourth and Market Streets,
Drugs, Drugs,
Medicines, Medicines,
Chemicals, Chemicals,
Dyes, Dyes,
Paints, Paints,
Spices, Spices,
Oream Tartar, English Mustard, &c.
French. English and American Perfumery and
Toilet Articles, Brushes, Trusses, Patent Medi
cines and ail Druggists articles. Strictly pure
articles at low prices.
Prescriptions accurately com
pounded at all hours.
Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal use on
. . l« It a Dye.
» 1666 Mathews first prepared
u? Q \ k KTIAN HAIR DYE; since that time
tn a , U8e(1 thousands, and in no instance
h ™l vSSJ&S 1 ™ ent t« satisfaction.
DYE is the cheapest in the
world. Its price Is only Fifty cents, and . -ich
Udlle contains double the quantity ol • in
those usually sold for *j.
Ihe \ KNEI LAN HVK ig \cai ranted not !./ ii -
jure the hair or scalp in the slightest decree.
Ihe\KNhUA.\ I»Yh works with tap;,lily _
whhlevcr! n the hair requiting no preparation CONFESSIONS AND KX-
The VENETIAN hVF produces any shade , r 1 t ;, RI f ,Nt L E 0F *** VAJLID.-Pub
that may boae«reJ-..,.0 t'hft will uotlalo.crjk ym Jo Vl'i'v V # .t d «• “ ' : AI:TION To
nr wHsli out—one that is ih hs the iiHi; -v HT , ~, Aiul ot «ers, who suffer from
ItseU. lor sale by all•. Price:*) cents. °w U * p, «aature Dewr of Man-
A I .d A I'HKWs V:!°‘ l, 1 4ic -’ supplying at the same time Thb Means
General Agent. 13 Gold st NV. Ift one who has cured hlinseif
Also manufacturer ol Mathew*'Anxi, a Ham ‘lf, I? , e ° !njr conBide rable quackery.
IUo-sr, the beßt hair drf,.stn/ m use. Price ts ain-L ", , ' * iag H postpaid addressed cm dope,
cents. ianib-H'd suieie oopies may be had oi the author.
- - ...... .. J . l> ' llt . NATHANIEL MAYFAIK, eau..
IeUS-Amda-w Hediord, Kings co.,N. V.
KS?*HEAD.S that rebel against
the rules of Taste ami Keauty In thei:
color or In the lobb of their color, maj be change I
in a lew momenta to any lit A l Tl KIT. MiAlll.
by a single application ol
1 he rapidity of its operation, perfect safety
permanent healthful effect. and the exceeding
depth and richness of the hues it imparts, dis
tinguish this preparation from all other I') es m
use In> or in Kurope.
Crist iuloro'» Halr Prefer vatli e,
A valuable adjunct to the Dye, in dressing an!
promoting the growth an : perfect health of the
nmr, and ul itself, when used alone, a saiepuard
that protects the fibres from decay under ah eit
cumstanccfl and under all climes.
.Manufactured by t'HJsTAlHihn, n„ b
Astor House, NVw York. Sold by all Dnis
gista. Applieil by all Hair Itreaeere,
oILNT has given universal SAtiatHcDun
during the fouiteen years ft has beer, Introduced
into the l i.ited States Alter being tr.e.l to
millions. 11 has been proclaim.-d the pain .Jet
troyti of the world. Pain cannot he where thi
nmnwnt la applied, ll used as directed It cannot
and never hAB (ailed in a single instance. For
coughs, cold* md influenza, it can t l»e beat
"tie » cent bottle Will cure all the abo\ c u
s‘dea being naelul In even family lor sudden w
<•l lents. such as (turns cuts. nn..!-. insect etinr,-
; It ih perfectly innocent t.. take lm, ruda
and can i.e giv eu to the oldest person or vuj,v r M
child. Price 25 and ho cents c botth- i i
‘‘oitlaiidt street, New i
Sold l.y i in is. Kt.i-PAih, i ittshurgh an
ail reaper [able Jm»gg|*ts. u.) 7-1 >.j
\J Y L,
Bold Ht .It »M. I'LK.MIX- 1 i'ji ( i> .s'l uK k
*'or. ol' Ui t i -;ii., : • , j , i
* ts? aiiti.iaslicd At uuytlur.e. Years >.lt s
penuit-e and ici■rrefipnnilenv' extemlinv Tl,rniiE:li
cut All the uAtii'iinlltiej c,f the hill,!' ,Uo plot*
have turned thrir theorica tnui tacts ami entnb
llßheil a tvsaia finin w hlcn we need not err. \V(
are not aurpriacj at sac), facta aa the ndlou-ini;-
althouftli tile persons wlm w rite Ihem are. UY
know- Hie pen.iiu mi.l i'c l.crice feci
it lits-rtr n, in,tome theii atateuiwils :
New Rkj'poup, Mao« Nov -2i, I^3
I*ka u Sir
I hn\e U-ca aliiictiJ jeu,
Vfitft hv Vore prostrating cramp- in t ., v linihs. c<> ! t
feet and hande. am! a general du.-rdered system.
Phycieians and me-Jlcii;e D failed to relieve mo.
WluJe visiting some lileiuls New York uhnwerc
usitiiT J-Maiitation Utttersthcy pr. viulrtupon me
toti> them. I commencM with a small wine
gl-tssn;! Hitei dinner. Reeling tieuer hy degrees,
in n lew nays I whs astonished to find the edd
in-Hfi ami ci-imps had entlrel> left mo, >u..| 1 could
sleep the idght through, which 1 had n.ddom
tor years. ] tcel like another being. My appe
tite and strength have also greatly Improved
tt.r use ui tiie Plantation Ultlets.
Respectfully, IVi ,., „ .
HiiKDKBrRY, V\ IS.. Jo. 1
“ * * * 1 have been in tin* «nn) •-,
lor lourtecn months—speechless ami nenrh dead
At Alton, 111.,they gave me a bottle of Plante
tioQ Bitters. * • 1 hree bottles restored m\
sj»eech and cured me. « * i* A. Raftl:.' -
The toilovlng is lroiu the Manager of the
Union Home School lor the Children of Volun
teers •
Ha V&MKVKU MaNHIoN, St . /
New York, Aug. 2. 1863. \ ft }> 4 \ <i' * •, k
I»k. I ) rakk : —*• Y our womleriul PiaotMi.'n .Ull A .1 1 .-1 |f
Hitters have been given to some ol our little
children suffering from weakness ami weakluiurs
with most happy effect. One little girl m p«r- ;
titular, with pains in her head, loss ol' appetite 1
< and daily wasting consumption, on whom all ' irvAp-s n irrT.. .....
medical skill hadWii exhausted, has ».een 'en-‘ §4 y, *. f „ I ? l^ T r A w l r V , / ?, r ** WEAKLY
tirely restored. \V e commenced with but a tea- ' the LA.''l h, tu go in
fipoonlut ol Bittern » J»j. Her .mwtlte an,t ' * Blttet,ur S h ..riranlzation u n
strength rapidly increased, and she is now u ell
Respectfully, Mm. «• M. H«vok.
8. T.—lBBo—X.
Persons 01 sedentary habits, troubled with
weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart.
Wck of appetite, dlstreas alter eating, torptd liv
er. constipation, Ac., deserve to suffer if they
will not try them.
1 hey are recommended by tl.e highest medi
cal authorities, and are warranted to produce an
ira.’udi.Ue beneficial eliect. They areexeeeding
ly agrri iiblc perfectly pure and harmless.
\ Notich.—Any person pretending to sell Plan- * ‘ inches In height, dark keen eyes
i tHtion Bitters In bulk or by the gallon is a iwlnd- j PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST,! “/ a small man’ young Me leg i
ler and Imposter. It 1b put up only In our log 4fl Ht f : tween the linee and ankle. George Carpenter 1b :
oabtn bottle. Beware of botttlea refilled with “ *“ ?*• V . . S?**', ( about 25 years olil, about 6 feet nine inches high 1
imitation deleterious stuff, for which several per- PITTSBURGH. “ ‘ ! „„ n„,,„ /
sons are already in prison. See that every hot- ’'YmV them or eitSerof them 7 of
2as SRisss: anj» i m _ a mwsress^-ss;
°~r*\ 58M!W(Wss«feas" ; nomc crackers; H«SSS&i5£r«
Broadway, A V & tf A \T)K\ , BOSTON CEACXEE BAEEEY. «%V^ e ca C u h .Xr4°«^ lr “ , “ ent -
PLANTATION BITTERS, Silcceasora to J. B. Day * Co. ’ i, SO. 64 FOURTH STREET, feb24-rf
iP-The genuine irticle aoU by ' I%€~ lmpoQeraagd. Real If - J<H ! B. S. MARTIN. SPORTING EaUIP^ST.
““““““' “’av&s"
lifter Paper,
Oils, Oils,
Soda, Soda,
Manilla paper
And a tuii assortruont oi Counting House Sta
tionery cnrelopes, Inks. kc. t &c.
No 30 Filth street.
1 fciLKS SICK IN OAMP.—Yo uni;
inen he warned in time, supply yourself with
I hey are guaranteed to cure the worst cases
of Sores. P leers. Scurvy, Fevers, ADd Bowel
Lomplatntfi. It the reader of this ‘notice*
cannotget a box of Pl])g or Ointment from
tin* >inu stor<_ in hu let him write to me,
*<i JUauteu Lane, enclosing the amount, and I
u-l n.-u >i box tree ot expense. Many dealers
wjllnoi keep iny medicines on hand because they
cannot make as much profit as on other persons'
make, .in cents, ns cents, and $1.40 per I>ox or
I* 31 ; jeS-lwc
Silver and Brass Platers,
Saddlery & Carriage Hardware,
f’ i». ; m. i.lair n-t, and Duquesne "Way.
(near the bridge,)
oj i hr 'ioiJcii Stirru)'
I |.L> liKSPEnuxu CAI.I.
T ¥ »• h* ol .'j.ußUerb, Couch Makers
i‘v.\lera m in their
Largo and Well Selected Stock
< d n iauc >1 an u I'aei ui*«=2>..
Pnltut un.t Etiftimlut Venturis, Kuam
l'l,n Plolhsi, Damaski, Broad < lolkg,
I.a< < .*. BnniH, Springs,
Axles, iiolu, I-'ellovS, SjKiktS,
i -j ’ imli the u . -i i] i u i in k. wnicr. will
Be-.: iit J-, Well Seasoned nod Dry
•fiddlers' and Harunis Makeis,
i•» lull -ir.d ;ir.i:j c;. it.> v p.
Hu lilies 1., a* hers. Saddle Trees. Hame*
V\ da, full Measure Straining Webs,
of all .\umbers. Bus, Buckles,
Si li t ups, Spurs, TlntntU.
etc , «•((•., <{,
f'.i-h nil; t).f> inweal I‘ASH
p U> ,i-> not »U-nl m -H.Mir,; «n«1 HrMies,
1* i\<•’J.• ■ •• ■ »« XJlis U'r <mr -URtninerr to
nI '* p< ! 1 s Ihvy iT'ip-Mi;, t-» thnt
H >R ll Hi DAYS!
O>lJ> A XV V D,
THE STEAMER BATABD I CoP ‘*" mSlle4 ° U reCel P< ° f P rtce -
excursion tick ets
-J- c , i mjiasdiw 81 WOOD STREET.
I o sanitary Fair at Pittsburgh, i Seward is opprhedpor
Anil return, at I. ail tue utu. 1 t»nr. Faia o.rn
rr..':.rPß WcJncscrtj. June Ist
luySliltjllu it
B- L. 11. DABBS
NOTE FAPER. jd- ~_f
BILL t&PER,'?;
And manufacturers of
•‘I an u 1 .a >. tureid and Dealers in
Conßiflting ui j-nrt \-,t
Huli'j, SUatls, itr., tic
Aii ;
be foun.i ~i the
,t ; u oati.-»Hctir»n guar.-intei-il
1) V , * HAYDF.N
•i H %.
i *
; V f"'- :< H| • ' ** NEWS, and of auoh a nature that we ere
>F*;' led to believe this will be tho most
Oampalgne to the i ebeU of the present war. The
• same dispatches give full particulars of the
DRESS GOO I> S.y 111 Boiton, this throwing thouaauJa of pair* of
I Boots and Shoes In the market, at forced sales,
' the grater portion were brought to Pittsburgh,
and a great retail sale Is
Double Width Wool Dleaine,
Shaker Hoods,
Misses’ Hats,
! Flowers.
| Ribbons,
Sun Umbrellas,
Lace Mitts,
Shirt Fronts, &c., &c
Wholesale and Retail, a’t
180 and 182 federal Street,
Wegro Band of Minstrels,
Will perform
On rt.f . th, btl» ami yth of .1 uce, their nrst p*,
tormsnoe In Pittsburgh.
Tickets 25 eecE. Reserved seats £>o cents ~i ,
be hah at the Office of the flail from 1 to 2 p. m
No. 25 Fifth Street.
summer dress goods,
‘•Wiich they Will *.di at very low prices
A grand concert for the
Benefit of the SANITARY FAiK FIND
'vili he pi ven *by the Pupils of the Public
of Allegheny city, on TUESDAY LYK
•MMr.J ujie 7th, in A I'DIKNCK HALL. All
the Public Schools of the city will be largely
r-f-prcHeui'Ml. lorminsr a friaiul (Chorus of about
JIKI 14 lasers, with instrumental accompaniment,
ami will be under the direction ot Prof W H
i he programme will consist of Sulos, Duetts,
lrms, Guartrtts and Choruses, many of them
new Patriotic Soups, s-ome of which have been
written expressly for the occasion.
1 ickeN cents to be had «i the .Music and
Drug Stores in Pittsburgh and «t the Book and
Drug Stores In Allegheny and at the door on the
evening of the Concert. ju7-lt.
method of returning their thanks to Manager
Henderson, of the Pittsburgh Theatre, for the
gratuitous use of the costumes used in tneir late
exhibition. Also, to Nr. Charles C. Aleilor, for
his kindness in loaning Melodeon.
j>ec : y
lust received find for sale by
je- _ corner Market and First streets.
-5 bbls fresh Roll Butter,
lp keffs Fresh Packed Butter,
Just i eceived and lor sale by
je~ corner Market and First sts
jo“ corner Market and First Streets, i
' SOHOMAOEEE & 00„ Philadelphia,
25 *’ “ Apples, A new lot of their superior
.1 U6t received and for sale by
oorner of Market and First sta X X XX X 1 \J 0 J
* the capture and return of James Miner alia* 1
, James Mln6r. John M’Cullem and George Car
■ pcoter, ors 26 for either ofthem. Having broke
jail at KlttanningjArmatrong county, Pa..on the
* niglst of the tii of May, WM. .tames Miner
{ alias James Mlmor la about 30 years of age'
At No- 62 FIFTH street, next door to the Ex
press Office, where you can buy SUPEBIOB
trOODS much below the regular prices. Call
and see tho great bargains, but greater rush
great, greater, ■ greatest. j^T
( rpHE NEW
Oiling-, Dressing
It softens and oils the Hair, and gives it a
i permanent gloss which It retains for
days after using it.
for Beautifying and Promoting
Lubin’s (ocoauut Cream
Cannot be Surpassed.
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp,
t It Soothes the Irritated Scalp,
i it Soothes the Irritated Scalp,
!It the Irritated Scalp, e
It Prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair,
it Prevents Baldness and Lou of Hair,
It Prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair,
It prevents Baldness add Loss of Hair
It is an Elegant Perfume,
It is an Elegant Perfume,
It 13 an Elegant Perfume,
It is an Elegant Perfume,
Coccanut Cream Removes Dandruff,
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff,
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff,
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandniff,
ft Produces the Richest Lußter,
It Produces the Richest Luster,
It Pioduces the Richest Luster,
It Produces the Richest Luster.
it gives the Hair aa Oily Appearance
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance’
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance’
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance’
For Oiling Whiskers it haa no Equal,
For Oiling Whiskers it hAs no Equal,
For Oiling Whiskers it has no Equal,
For Oiling Whiskers it has no Equal,
And it retains all its Beautifying Effects
And it retains all its Beautifying Effects
And it retains all its Beautifying Etteots
And it retains all its Beautifying Effects
For days after using it,
For (lays after using it,
Fur dAys after using it,
For days after using it,
For Dressing and Oiling the Mustache,
For Dressing and Oiling the Mustache,
For Dressing and Oiling the Mustache,
For Dressing and Oiling the Mustache.
Prevents Gray Hairs,
Prevents Gray Hairs,
Prevents Gray Hairs,
Prevents Gr j .y Hairs,
It Prevents Hair from Turning Gray,
it prevents Hair from Turning Gray,
It Prevents HMr trorn Turning Gray,
it Prevents Hair from-Turnlng Gray,
No Hair preparation pos
sesses the i>eculiar prop
crtieewhlch so essentially
suits the humAn Hair as
the (Jocoanut Cream.
It I’roiiioiea the Giu« fh of the Hair,
It Promotes the Growth of the Hair,
It Promotes the Growth of the Hair,
It Promotes the Growth of thevHair!
It is the Cheapest Hair Dressing in the World,
It is the Cheapest Hair Dressing in the World,
It is the Cheapest Hair Dressing in the World,
It is the Cheapest Hair Dressing in the World.
Dispatch Building, Fifth Street.
my 18
torming our frienaa and the publlo genera
ally, that we now occupy the large and commo
diouae house.
No. 12 Bissell’s Block,
* Where we have Just received from the mamifao
turers of
,W. B. BKADBUEY, New Yorki
Diarrhoea and Dysentery.
SoW by all respectable Druggists.
my 23
Pittsburgh* Pa.