The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, May 30, 1864, Image 3

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Treasurer's List—Sanitary Pair.
A PitltfhtJtnowt
edges receipt of the following additional oontrl
butlom: :*,. t V:W y. , * f
Jrom N. Q. BlgicyS Ooal,Jt'iorl4.,\ _ '
/OuX -Duffej-V:.;.. 3
John Smith 3 oo KTjrehnkn ...:. jm
Wm Bradley.... , ;O■OO J'i’ierCHle...' ' « ...
John Hodman.. a 3 wII Ufiffirt?.... ' ? $
X Mcllouirolly. 1 . 300 S Walker. A.. aOO
OTLckman 3 uo SI JUtakuer 3 ou
J blinker 3 00 A Veruer 300
S'““dle> »«o,Wßaver.,.:: awl,
S i, OJa h °" 300 L* Hustleftarth. ; s do'
r 1 e M 3 «« A..K°aenßaker. 3do
JLeitz 3 00 W Eobkay.... am
U Huetleliarth., tOO s Shepiar ~... s S
M ( 00n0Uy.... 3 oob Wahl ;■ ; 3 S
X Kennedy .... .3 uoUl JdugsUer 35?
•l $. ,v . e ;’ u 's 3 00 T DotTna 3 £
3 00 J Shatter 3 ,0
3 uoy- Wruer a oo
Sanitary Fair. 3 poJ Stoddard 3 00
ass “i=7 li»H? is'
o"u ?nL\°J''v: 1 i uoVmrt.:::::: !£?s&* 300
• \ now Arriving P K Sweancv -l 300
« e visited the busy scene of operations on I'' Keck 5 f * f, 1 ,-* u t’atler 300
Saturdny lor the purpose ol sketching the addi. A Snyuei I owa *°»
tioQHi irupnuvementß made but mT.nt aam b'Vl.«- Wilson 4no
*SBS2sF‘ 1 51
.le;fa r r,nu e n?",rtl a ‘ZISf J 3 I Z
contain a description of the whole uv & n»«.* ’ V 300 .r >oolener 200
cfe b rfL/°thP b d lrien n Wm * U esq M v f f£ r)^ t f r * W ° Jl * ' 4 . 00 1
clerk of the Bazaar Deimriineut lor «nA il, J Dnd**. ®''* ‘ * .<PP I) Nicely ;
i“S„°u! W&&>■ : 3 J uoian.;;;;.;; f<g
!§m& II
and pill*# ,&| benutifuHereatha'o^eternM o** 0 ** E Drifte” * 00, J Utme^!!' f{J
S.W «v«T pM Buspfnded P JSS;: JSi :3 “
°rr ey T ls '
fty^a l ts u * louaaen:
ins Jinle uuilding is not more than ten feet ** Ratnsden... . 2 50O^rfint 8 y 1 0°
«M* 'srAKr'i-irS iStt&r- sf?f~■ “
SSaaaasißStfes JtfMfcSH ;1?8SF ::;: -
2 y - 600
leticd'^s^r io “»• ij J si|
Al the uesteud of the Bazaar Isa 1.e.,.«r i V rail<- ’ esi l-, Kingswood. tV.Ta
ways and ia flnisbed in W? i' Wtt, ‘ <11 ’ Bro/navilie::;:.'
with Straw ln,ru<!tu kndthaiehed MrShallenberger, -
& J p°o“n^ U^! ;
half . ,hJ nov^K t - 3 « Z
g^v : :::--& : .v'
diittee are displayed Innun,erablj digs whh“s ' '' 350 w Allegheny.''
our^mn^'^r;, I ,^' l^ 3 '“k/or which ' W *
n. u !,? ' v< '‘ ' ,,r s, reani representing ai n ei,» ~i
s^rfv ofl,J ® u “^^
“ £SSrS!^ i
.mounto, thl. loan is Twu
ted here, ’i iien th? cana. ; in *lhi Pin l p l l Cßf '.“ the highest‘enoomiuma° M buln for undreJ Willion Doliara. iustructions to the
1 “ ,ed atot ” “*
sons i, iea;,-*xr-x„: ,ol i , h , erirers S ffiy;srs r »; u '“" r,, " io, “ wui •-« *»• «.e m.*,
« Urge space between tb. se seals and , t 0 det«l the excellences si "iSs L i ' TBh 1 -''lthu .States at Washington
uwent’ nu,! r'"7 '“I 1 *>«'* «P«clty lor a I “'V.-*- '■'''ononsty HekSoH®Ssl ‘‘ ! KnU «"» Ass„ T ak t TitkAarnEßs at CY„ k
oul-einl. eastward,‘is' a’kTnd rata°l I b 0“» has rise’n°frole H ol.«uri“v to “ f S, '' in ""y | i^ '" i ' o,l ~,‘ J Philadelphia, and t.y the"
jrs o, v;; iß L’d ,, rr, , h, , ‘-? r ‘p“ l of^h ; P a.,
plei‘ed rC ' , A 1“r I “ 1 B u j 1 L U L r com- I ■ndsu-al proglS ' Tl,ir ‘ l Bank Of Pittsburgh P,
,;ms. »n,T2!! p- ™ MD By national banns
.Ueclnnics- llal,. under the superintendence of ‘‘ n ° o rm T**"' ° r boudo ‘ r 'a-ttumenta‘ d Yet°‘[m,' Wl, ' C, ‘ ‘' c P o,flt a rie » »f Public money, and all
£“ r 4r>- r. r mrrA,,LK ba^b
m» j,l„L‘ arm machiiTeiy "tha^ii*av^Te''T “I iB "VrnV.’.'ualLje'To ,u“S, by , ' : -e-hair. It u Shoul the country, (acting Ra KKenu , hp
there tor exhibits,,. Vh«l wiVife IS het of th«, tn'ey’dS S l r o'r’ ,, ,7e nU, i“ ,T " Be,,o»itary Banksjwmturni.hfur
n'nTh “pL^ TuL° Sr, *‘ m "‘ •« “ plenty *ia I »PP‘*»Uou, and
;°A r r?»n?Slt\h. N-ew Ailegtieny City Ha.l I “d
«‘d Pi 1 ;‘“ : ' d t‘ d '“ o eni , S‘L. Real Estate Savings institution
I“ « i,T * “ have their hands full "“ft ? A* « 2 , Amount of Deposits *lBO 378 63
f> '• 'ZZV^sZ 5 ,',?; K»';re tt !.e J r7 ( ?ay"ss »X**Sr 3Vf 0«
devet , u l S oremen,a *“ d heconfe Amount Cont/ngenU uni „
! bu “ in, :?“' *Bci r zeal I?primoHng U in g Lien, on Real &Pte*fc 353 6 -
! r>‘ ‘.'-nn onert.e interest. Si the a« g certSnW H' S ‘ Bonds at par.. 61 sw 5)
I heaithr >n / rib lllrtli miich *°' rarJ the’rapid anfl V' l ' er * and^otea lO
\ t t l ou o[ “'«•*«! wiencc in 532 lutercBt no£ «*-
I the "“h-onTiid^ 6 ■
I 'heir sau's'Zi ’ft T t°' C
! «
lem imi!cei r or u,e g ,'!i' iCe, “ y* ri!h °™ »tand sl-
It m i youngest born of nations,
it is in contemplation with the iUensre
weeks, haa theif^'el 0 bU g muu°en , | ~ib 7com U e t a^T
uete^room'ofthe'oDy'^ 6
w^lfZrlrafrLeL^rro^rvfo' lo^-
wMl°stTfM' w here a tine assortmem’oT ihlS
price" ““ he found, and Pastern factory
nH; t : n; aod *- P - FONTAINE * Co.-,
s* r SubBorir -
lMrmuKheßA.Lv Eobt, toagente
the rath of 13,00 per hundred copies.
1 * C. iiriITELLI G E X C E.
M< IN DAY MORNING, MAY 30, 1864.
Public School*.
In glancing over the Bejiort of ihc State Su
perintendent of Common Schools, we notice'
■wine importer statistics, which may not read,
all those Interested, except through the papers
Hence the (ollowing abstract of the report has
been made:
The whole number of schools in Al-
Ivgheny county is
No Ol males altending’scliool m the
No. of females attending schooV in
liie county
Average number of pupils attending
Average salary ol male teachers, *
Average salary of female teachers
A "‘ uuat(,t Ux lorieaeiuugpurpos-
Amountot tax levied 'tor ‘ building
purposes • 6 ...
Total amount ef tax leVied."”".'.' ,»3 mo “
At«1 neiU,OU |' al^fca^ pfoi ' rutUajAl< 13,011 20
Aveiageuuniber of months school
Kept «
Of these schools ihe oity of Plttsbmgh main
talus the lollowing number :
Schools in the city of Pittsburgh
.school 01 m,tle PUpii< * atfen W
Number ol lernaio puim« ' aVtcmi
lug school
Average monthly salary 'of ,„aIW
teachers J,.
A “r?' onllll> Vcuiaie
A ““““ 1 «f" tax for' teaching 'p ur .
A noses *° l *** ‘’alialug ' pur-
Tutal amount of school 'tax' YJviej k’l-1 uj
Amount received from State ap- 1 ,S UJ
propriatiou....... " 3
Average number of months school
Ke]>t open yi
The sStatlatlcs of the city of Allegheny are al
follows :
110018 * n **««)*<* Alle-
Number ol male teachers...’..!'”
No ol temple teachers..
Number of male pupils.
N umber of female pupils
S'r, a, “ M) ' ' of male
■*** “f’wii
A tof tax ' for" building' pur _
Total amount of tax’ levied
Amount received from State "an-
i-ropriation , 1
The entire number of pupils that have enter
ed school In the county, is 39,000, while the
average Is only. 22,000. In the city of Pittsburgh
the entire number that entered school is 9 Ist,
while the average number is only 4,610. ’ in
A egheny city the entire numberof pupils that
entered school is 6,467, while theaverage number
is on > 3,.143. Thus it will be seen that very few
more than one-half of. ,he pupils l n ehher the
rules or the country attend school regularly.
A Beautiful Pl c tur..-Whe n passing alun „
Market street, the other day, our attention was
attracted by a crowd looking into the window
or .1. B. McFadden’s Jewelry store. The
ject of attraction there Waa a beautiful half-size
photograph likeness of Kt. Rev. Bishop l)o ml
nec, Catholic Bishop of this Diocese. This pho
tograph is finished in oil, painted by J.
<»logpin, esq., of No. H. St. Clair street, and is
most admirably executed. It is intended as a j
present to the Sanitary Fait. It is a strikingly- i
correct And elaborately finished likeness of that 1
itatmguished Individual and witl be an object
of great attraction. .
JrTr" The Cl,J ’ Colulo Us meet to-night
for the purpose of taking action in regard to
.aatSrr/ih^t'orid severii other
the night of jSlWfcmfc “ “
ail® fast
Amomit previously reported
Elopement— A certain clerk of a large and
respectable hotel In this city, has been missing
! or several days. At first it was supposed X
. lie was on a visit to his friends ; then apprehen-
I sions were entertained that he had been foully
I dealt Uith ; and finally j, was feared that be ran
I !bo?t ft BUI fr °"‘ "‘ C ““ hotel was missed
about the Banin time, and on examining her
room, all her baggage was discovered to be
gone, F unfier investigation developed the fact.
J*a OUt llundred dollars of money
that had been placed In the landlord's hands for
safe keeping, WM uot t 0 be folm( ,. Th a t
eler staled that he bad seen the same clerk at a
■ town eastward of this place. Inconsequence of
I !“ p ~ul,ue °‘ Bo « or detective, was put
ou the'.cent and is now after the larks. Wheth
?h,‘. e er b a ° r n °' h ” J ' e ‘ t 0 ke d <*«nnined.
cnv f th, B t a . W U ' inU chUd ! m this
city. If this.statement be true; aa wo are ac
sured it is to be hoped that he.rnay be caught
this side of Ireland, where It is feared he lias
gone. The officer in pursuit has the reputation
of being one of the shrewdest detectives In this
city, and ha may yet succeed in bringing the de
faulter to justlee.
* n 78
i cu oo
23,698 00
Dedication—The new Church of St. Ste
t ens, Sewicklyville, was consecrated to the ser
vice of lUmlghty God, on last Saturday fore
rh° n ' v. fhlS edlflcc belongs to the Episcopal
HlshonX? th “ servlces " ,ere performed by
• i e air he r ' loCCBt - of Pennsylvania
r»^ b f Bishop Stevens.
m^: i ~id t r rromtiievi<>inityan<i
the church to ltB «m^
meat the raUs, matug *£ fit?' ‘
bead steel. This head ia th* g * and lhe
rail and when madiThard, »' *“
wears three times as long, without if" “
while the rail is still secured from ° ff ’
.the fiange, or under par.
Idaa, 11 successful will be a vast im»ro' v l 4“
oa the rail now in use. emenl
fr ":rr' )n there was a white
uTihl “ y i,art “ 0f the mounding country
■ tfrSST wSSflte «ow™ Stirrup,
*hlHt Jnrisof Ariietuia ;ll “ tt^
;11..e „i “hlch ? nrt Karnoa
iKSP !
s2&s?!»eiii,aMw? m?f r ir 6 f B V , HI-!? tont ® f the-very ,In conieqvjenqte of the removal A f„ \ ,
i n innteHal. Iq the fufuidhliiir liuo family. my uwaHik nnri ntha. » nfp&rfc of my
I Jiarness-makera^iuH, 8 * thnt! carriage, saddle, 61 * private an l fflfiSy nature, *l wi«? d tn Rtl °? B °f
: rafcmpi v V* h *° All kijula of m y. aUaira and coniine nt v atiH»i U 1° contr,iot
ruo? laci Sa Ather ’ wooden *nd ironatir- f«flbUahed BroSlhj? &n/ q k tO , 111 y oIJ
’ laolcB ' “addle-trees and Wheeling, and fa accomplish this /^ Bil ! eBB in
“he? wwt to ,, glrthß “<* "WP*. tej )rl v **‘ : w! tSe! Ifc, !*}*
mediately! Th“ ®,oXd like “to* tSf l8 ”' ‘ f not •«““■«>“. »>J- Public a“oUo“ A ' ’
room in a convenient part of the cHy’with steam T,, « MnUulllccJul Eatale of ’
S2T« tfSSS*.^'»Hoo-rWIKM" wFddington*
T IT- H lB salubrious count"”?
WMlfliv n r 11 ln * neighborhood of
« Wltltj mid highly respeutablo people. it i. on
liirhpjke.rourmtle.‘from w!.“4l“
ins. Ihe mansion la in thorough repair, lariro
nod onmimuUoiiaJifM) font l,y 76 lent,) with every
modem eom enieiice, surrounded with
ildat**" 1 "> "e i,Mnofjml tenant house la h
ilent and imnilorlahic lwo-»tory brick The
!e.!i7e hnd fixtures are conven
iently arranged. There are also eight oottaeo.
( n! l ri'jitoil to old and good ten
anla,) lhe renta! of which paya more than the
o X . f. , A extensive barn, with stone basement
dl v ldud lido aUl'iing for 16 horses, and stalls tot
« catlle, will, eellara, bins, mows, and everv
thhui In ihe lilgheat uyigtujdtioii of a farm Mt
stanJ, in avarJ 170 feet » a „a re , aurrounSl’by
amlih-" '? " fo ' , 1 0 t tlk ' and taheep ; also black
*UL*,^l * a,JO P uiiil sl/tUKhter house.
1 no fnriii la well Known fObethc best lmnrov.
cd mid most iii K i,i y cultivated in thla part ofthe
cam . ! 1 “'““V 1 wllll '"’Purtedandother choice
cattle, sheep, horses, lmidemdnts, he, io The
growing crops consist or 31 acres of fall wheat 6
M «cw of fail barley; 27 acres at Spring barter •
36 acres ol blaok oats; 80 acres of corn j 12 acres’
ol potatoes j 66 scree of meadow, the balance ln
good pasture, all or which will Le'eold as above
■tateifon the 3IBTOF MAY, 1801 »« above
:, er in 80 t Purchase made known on day of Bale
'" d "‘ the following places, where plaLofthe
&? UCUl *" C “ ta «*"» Bf ‘-
pJ? iS i V At the office of Messrs Par-
n ß .n“ OU ,” ? 1 Wste r street; Mt.--John
ii'' 8lre li ; Mr - Wi| llam Hannah
Water street 1 ™’ itt ' Uromble & Child, li
thorn! LAI,fcLPHIA— Mes Br - Bull eM & Fair-
Bell AIjTIMOEE ~ !irea “ H - Stra us, Bro. 6l
B tr o eih rlNNATr_l ’- H - MltchBll & 00., Water
Lu E ' ttclnerickehofen.
myt A ' 016 Btewet J-
ssav- e £ r «S'p~
‘Wanted to Iteut.—Room with
Power. Call or aUdro*, ln°A Vl*v d#**"
■ W Wood *irupt.
1 • S-16-40 BONDS.
life A £® 'SSIKD BN.
I sH . l?!, 111 Honda issued under t)u«
Aft & h alh nU IjjnJEEMEX) IN (JOIN, at the
&,° f th ° ° ovcrnmenf . <*» any period' not
Z‘ZT- ".n m ° re »«»■* from their
’ n<l redemption FIVK >£ll
n bonds of not over one hundred dollars annu
y, and on all other bonds semi-annually. The
interest is payable on the drat days of March and
September in each year.
As these Hands, by Act of Congress, are
Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation,
Bheir value is increased'-ffom one 1 to three per
cent, per annum, according to the rate of tax lev
ies In various parts of the country. •
At the present rates of premium on gold they
pay J
Over Eight. Bar Gent, 'interest
In currency, and are of equal convenience as a
permanent or temporary investment.
10 00
10 Oo
20 00
•2 00
. 5 O 0
5 00
1 OO
1 00 I
lo oo !
5 00 !
It is believed that no securities offer so great
inducements to lenders as the various descrip
tions of l . s. Bonds. In all other forms of iL
debteuness, the laith or ability of private pari
ties or Stock companies or separate communities
on j is pledged for payment, while f.. r the debts
Of the I nited Slates, the whole property of the
country la holden to secure the payment of both
principal and Interest ia coin.
These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums
from *«i up to. any magnitude, on the same
terms, and are thus made equally available to
the smadest lender anil largest capitalist They
can be converted into money at any moment
and the holder will have the benefit of the Inter-
The Funded Debt of the United States on
h payable in gold, on the 3d day
or Match, 1864, Was *768,965,000 The Interest
on this debt for the coming fiscal year will he
, u,.120, wlille the customs revenue in gold
nr the current fiscal year, ending June 30th,
1861, has been so far at the rate ol over .jnoo.oou .
per arm uni.
26 X 65») 00
$ 4,12 u uo
It will be Been that even the present eold rev
enue. 01 the uoremment are largely lo excess
" ,e " a ' l,s t! '“ Treasury for the pay n.enl of
Kol.l interest, while the recent Increase of the
tariff will doubtless raise the annual receipts
trom customs on the sanie amount of imports
lio.uoO.uoo per annum.
The undersigned Auditing Committee have
examined the hooka of the Institution, the
bonds and securities, and counted the cash, and
ha VO found the above etatenient to be correot.
Pittsburgh, May 2d, iml COI ' I;LAN »-
received DAILY and EVERY
eve NINQ, Interest paidat SIX
1 hli ( KNT, per annum.
ISAAC JUNKS, I’reßident,
W o m.'H h SmUh, H ° We ' 2°G H * M ° OThMd '
Kt4'Ch o uSi“ d ' JacobPaS,
ttarvey Childs, Nicholas Vocghtiy.
Office, 63 Fourth Street.
A. A. GABBIER, Treasurer.
lie Sale of Country Homes
range lrom 3to 15 acres «*,*», • rwT “it. ltte lotß
leave lY<l ea 1 ° mn lbuses will
and a good dinner will bXXhldX*’ ° f
M B mowTv' Liberty st„ or
my23-td B ’ BRoWN t Mansfield, Pa.
F - OUn ' r:H STHEET
Received THIS DAY.
Well seasoned
WED RatlSßßt,
v and' Dysentery.
' Druggist*;
Farm Stock and Implements,
OFour miles from Wheeling, OP Bethany Turnpike,
A Tl KSDAY, 31ST MAT iwr.i » V i\
Sheen ‘"Jtllf’ ije * u f stcr . 'otswqld ajid tirade
Hou.ehoid Fur g nitSe g Cr ° P ‘’ “ U<l part m >'
ehal'l’nn'th n N • Bre ' ver J’. °r to Mr. John Mar
(“Lt.T th p arm, for further particulars
and : ,f ,h< ’ pro 0 ' 1 " - lots of I.ive Stock
3«"h “ 1,6 hail ttt tho • Brewery
See advertisement also
Is I lie only: safe and sure cure. It con
tains no opium or deleterious drugs, no min
eral or other injurious c.impounds common
to remedies generally sold for this class of
t t slmo .Itis so eflicacmu:, that Physicians
very generally use it i n their practice in
all chronic and dangerous cases.
CSS'* L'sr 11,1 rindera mixtures or doubt
fol compositions, (many of which under
mine and ruin the constitution,) when you
•an obtain an unfailing remedy as simple
and safe as Pluck berries themselves.
Ask for buto.v s Bi.a UK unit it y Car min a
tivk, and see that the proprietor's name ii
written on tile outside wrapper of each bot
tld. Prepared only by
Soli Proprietor, CINOINNA PI.
Ttsr isle by all respectable druggists.
•1,689 67
: J6o ou
542,809 27 —*sl9o,sBl 67
Price, (old style, 35 cts.) 250., 800. and '
$l, per Bottle.
100 UAY s:
the east qhance
The last Company for thia Battalion, under
Major KNAP, will be railed and forwarded
Recruits will be received, clothed and equipped
At Wilkins Hall, 4th Street,
Late of 9th Reserves, Recruiting Officer,
my26-3t or W. TV. WARD, Chairman.
.! i ►
«, i ®
sa arjiivo
Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in
Illuminating and Lubricating Oils,
Oongnission Merchants forthe sale of Chide Oil.
feba No. las, Woodstrset. Pittsburgh Pa.
B- L. 11. DABBS,
photographic artist,
46 «u»d is’ St. Clair Street, ’ ;
■ *■ PITTSBURGH. ,11
ln Crayon, Gil?
farm eo r sale.
From this date.
Lieut. Arthur Stuart,
hair preparation.
Oiling-, Dressing-
It soften, and .Us the Hair, and gives it a
permanent gloss which it retains for
days after using it.
Foil 4 Beautifying and Promoting
iLubin’s locoanut Cream
- Cannot be Surpassed.
f *
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp,
It Soothes the irritated Scalp
It Soothes the Irritated .Scalp.
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp,
it p;; ven ! a * n ! dn<: “ s “nd Loss of Hair,
It Prove”f 8 S“l‘ “'*■ '“ ld Lom of Hair,
It Prevents Baldness and Loas of Hair
It prevents Baldness and Loas of Hair)
Jt is an Elegant Perfume,
it Is an Elegant Perfume.
It Is an Elegant Perfume,
It 1b an Elegant Perlume.
Oocoanu 1 ©ream Removes Dandruff
Locoanut Cream Removes Dandruff’
Locoanut cream Removes Dandruff
Locoanut Cream Removes Dandruff;
It Produces the Richest Luster
It Produces the Richest Luster.
It Produces the Bickest Luster,
it Produces, the Richest Luster
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance,
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance
It fi‘v« ; S sir Rn f-!' 1 ! AppearanceJ
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance
For Oiling Whiskers it haß no Eaual
For Oiling Whiskers it has So SSi
ForntHr? 8 efß " h “
lor Oiling V, hiHkej-a it has no Equal,
And it retains all its Beautifying Effects
Alc it re l ain “ a j! itß Beautifying Eti'ecta
Am, it retains all its Beautifying Effects
And it retains all its Beautifying" Effeetß
For days after asing It,
For days alter using il,
ror days after using it,
r or daj s after using it,
L°E Bresstng and Oiling the Muatache
Fur Rnd "‘ling the Mustache!
fur Dressing and Oiling the Mustache
For Dressing and Oiling the Mustache
It Prevents Gray Hairs,
It Prevents Gray Hairs,
It Prevents Gray Hairs,
It Prevents Gray Hairs,
Tt p^ ven f ß frum Turning Gray
It Prevents Hair irom Turning Gray'
It Prevents Hair from Turninl H'
It Prevents Hair from Turning Gray!
No Hair preparation pos
scases the peculiar prop
ertieswhich so essentially
4c il ?, the b timan Hair as
the Cocoanut Cream.
It Promo K-s the Growth of the Hair
It Promotes the Growth of the Hali-’
Promotes the Growth of the Hair'
It Promotes the Growth of the Hair!
It is the Cheapest Hair Dressing In the World
the Sr"."* World;
It 1. the Ha!;
f £ sale by all
D l®E atch Buildin S> Fifth Street.
j &j3Ssexjz& Kxecutive
■.ioZ-SJZZi*., iXM.TCtt '
: Jj,“hu» r ßhSde\"‘ 7 ’ J 0,%h e j?win i
: S.fgl«mund I.o»w, llr
; ° r joining m the movement in
jof the “one term prluchml ” m»v ~u i i ~ ,avor
I ‘ he l ; “{eefor^l > o^iltlT n “ y
anrf^°> ° Bl “ u y on hand,’ Tinmen.’ Machine.
I \ S aT^T ASb^^ T 9nd ,2 °
pafter^ PeoiM orde Copper ouTto any de»lred
—. — febZl-lyd&w
SMITH, PARK & 00.,
ninth ward foundry, I
Warehouse, No. 143 Finland 120 Second ata.
M(“oamn U K r !7 ?! aU a , lz ?» «<» descridtiona'of
a? a P Hetorta, And stlljg. (log and Wato*
pipes, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wiuron Tinvo# *.^l
tion rnad(Tfo oMer.' msohlner y of every desorlp
th??' Ln, l a co “P lef e machine shop attached to
atterul'ed to"’ «tting wiKSdulft
—-—-— ~ oai-iydfciv
Black Diamond Steol Works
Best Quality of Heflned Cast Steel,
Square, Flat and Ootagon, of all aiiea. ’
tu«s ln“Maco q untU° ‘ mPOrted ° r m“Ufac
oratoi Aim wuEnoma,
149 ±. 151 First and lao dt iaa Second «t»,.
_feblß-lyd PITTSBURGH.
R|*i oval of uivelry stahtTf '
'f nder ? 1 i? rleil iulrin S removed hla Ldvol
‘ > liable from the rear oftiie Scott House, to
W R C (!oSn' ner id° f ( Flr ? t , and Smlthfleld street
w. y. L-onn b old atand, la prepared to furnish
oarrlges, buggies, and saddle horses uprnfthe
s=ris i .'St,sa‘MS2
State of Pennsylvania with one or mora
h* 1 f ° r “f eon favorable teraa.
reb£?t?“ BOX 768,
febitrtf —_ JPlttaburgh, Pa.
toJSh evirin^/. 10 , ; of f hc best workmanship,
ed fflanv n, quallty of toae unourpj^
vears iSJ - Pla “° guaranteed for light
P/lvilege of exchange granted anv
ento««^“ oa '? 8 !! hou1 * 1 a Ptuno not give
ed A chol «»upply just re<Sv-
Fifth at., Sole Agent.
vioeable SHOES win fl nd ttmt they buy
them cheaper at No. 9S JIABKET STREET,
than any other place In the city. '
S . IS Si Y .A. ,
houra A;m. to ;_ - l
- i-- i NlUAtfit,
A T IJ.S X 33 Y
L,E GrU A P]
Late News from the Fronts
A Part of the Army Across
the North Anna.
General Lee Hold a Strong
The Situation of the Oppos-
ing Armies.
New } oiut, May 28.-A Tribune spe
cial dated near Hanover .function. Slay
2?, ba. m., says: There has been no
general engagement thus far, although
our advance, beyond the possession of
Ire south bank of the North Anna, has
been retarded by the presence of the en
emy. Skirmishing continued through
out the entinftay, and there was hard
ly an interval during it in which artil
lery was not engaged on either side.
General Hancock, before night, had
thrown his entire corps across the river
on the left, near the railroad, and our
position was taken a mile and a 'half in
advance of the river, along Bull’ Marsh
The Ninth Army Corps commenced
;o cross late in the day, and all were
over last night. Preparations were
made for an assault qu the enemy’s
works towards evening, but the sky rap
idly darkening, the clouds which had
gathered burst in a most furious storm
ot thunder, lightning and rain, and a
most sublime discharge of heavy artil
lery m the clouds superseded the attack
which was to have been made. This
morning the sky was clear and the
weather Warm.
Warren holds a position along the
Gordonsville road on the right We
have several lines of the enemy’s works
which they seem to have abandoned
without a very obstinate resistance, but
their present position is very strong It
is impossible to tell without a reconnois
sance m force, or a battle, how strong
he enemy is in front; but it is general
ly believed that after opposing us long
enough to gam time, they will fall back
&gam toward Richmond.
The enemy destroyed, by burning,
yesterday morning, a large railroad tres
tle bridge across tihe North Anna. Gen
Grant’s headquarters are beyond the
N orth Anna, near Jerico Mill. Sheridan
wit* his cavalry; has been heard from
and have made a most excellent report
of thejnselves. :lihey have been circuit,
mg around Richmond, destroyed a vast
amount of property, and rendered the
railroad useless; for some distance. The
enemy’s cavalry Were entirely unable to
offer them any res stance.
LATEii.—Our fight has not as yet been
able to communicate with the left on this
S’de of the river. : The enemy is not con
irontmg us in fotfee.
A Tribune correspondent, dating from
Headquarters, ll ia . m. on the 25th, savß-
At the same time that Gen. Birney’s divi
s.on carried the rebel rifle pits on the
-North Anna, a brigade of our right wing
under Gen. Warren, advanced, cutting
he Virginia Central road, establishing
himself in position at Noel Station
The line forms t*o sides of a triangle,
us apex being opposite Oxford, where
Burnside crossed .cjn the night of the 24th
From the apex of the rebel line, its right
line extends m a northeasterly direction
crossing the Fredericksburg Railroad at
an angle of forty fire degrees and cross
ing the Junction, : and the left wing ex
tends in a southwesterly direction, cut
ting the Central Railroad in facing north
westerly. j
General Hancock confronts the ene
my’s right wing on our left, and extends
his line parallel with that of the enemy
across the Richmond, Fredericksburg
and Potomac R. R. Gen. Burnside’s line
is in position opposite the apex of the
enemy's works and faces southward
The enemy’s works in front of Hancock
sail only be carried with a great loss.
From Newark, N. J
Newarx, N. J., May 28,-Yesterdav
evening a very lengthy, able and eau
neat paper in_ favor! of the entire and
speed) abolition ofislavery in our coun
ty the Assembly of the O 8
<>4 8 g
® r i Cutters’
A «ure oure tor Intemperance.
Dp. J. C. Ayers’Family Medicines.
family mfmicxn es.
Dr. Schenck’s Fnlmonio, Tonio and Pills,
.Celebrated Buchu & Saraaparilla,
And all other Family Medicines can be
found genuine at the
Torrence & STGarr.
Horner of Market street aad Fourth,
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Paints,
Oils, Lead, Varnishes, Brashes, Trasses,
2 Supporters, Shoulder Braces,
And all articleß usually found In Drug Stores of ■
drst quality, for sale low,
febJ No - 70 Market street, corner of Fourth.
The uwpEHsiGNEn havisg ta.
ken out letters of administration i, nni riA*
Mttte of Orin S. Palmer, late of j!w“° °rcD
dec d., hereby requests ul peraons havSlf?f»
or demand, upon the estate of ■u.lrt l?! 0 .!. 8 ,™ 8
make them known to her without M,, S to
persons Indebted to sald’ekthte
make immediate payment are : to
No. 89 Looust street,
apfr-l&wdftw, i* t
ISKS gaaa'aifeSfe
; '* MO »Br market.
mk««S D K ototl ’“2™/™™“ ro,>r < Br
As%u 1 %,ZT barl * g “ d »“««»*»
o* >< Eichaugc,
Sterling per pound
iftpics OP THB Daily Post:
Monday, l May 30;- ISS4 {-'
■■E4sSP" J wwSg^»r™-
low st , ao^aSSt hu p ftr—Sftles 20 bblsof c. Yel
-25 .Orl^i^ 8 ® e< t
18 eta. . »•*«• 10 hllds. lfl@2o s a dtf Cub*
"MksiUo ?o- 1 -
nl d f ß ’«s ,bbsU SOOO'lbS'. lbBj ' I ' t 13Ct#^',-„‘,
p** l ” «*» lbs - “ ne»s H*m»
2900 lbs. at IS£@lB. s - c. Hams,. Sales -, w
■ omra Igr 1 g r w» Daily pas* , ,
Tbe Oil Market “K V "’ '
dealers keemed. /undecide/al to w’ha'TT"
demand | Sales thatcame under Tur 1? ‘ * f '
amine, andyou wIU then agree with
| ns, that it is an almost perfect in-
strum eat. —JZvening Post,
J VERY FAMILY i. made happier
by the Introduction of this trhatwoni
thy machine. —Christian InteUfgm.
j fTIHERE are £ood, better and beet, and
the best machine, we feel entirely
safe in saying Is “Wheeler A WII-
sonfe,” —iVt jicm Advocate
'ATE recei'
! ff
j JjASILY MANAGED, not liable to 4
| , fer
K t »lmple In construction.— N. Y. Evan.
the Highest Premi
ums wherever exhibited.
get out of order, very beautiful and
thd “Wheeler & Wilson.
I JJ XC 'ELS In alMhe quabtisa that oon
; OURPASSES oth en—ladi*’ Be.
to I °
. fpHIS 1b unquestionably the beat Sew*
ing Machine, and Is the one which we
can unqualifiedly jeccmunend.
tfnl/etf PridtnjfaHan/'
tZZV'T 1 ™ "* *"™- *»
Pnoes from $5O upwards.
no. 27 fifth street,
W^nm^ AKM . PI ®*SBRB MS ur_
allr our ,rieads aad the public eeaer
°“UPr thB W«d «£££
No. 12 Bissell’s Block,
st. cua street,
Where we hare just received from the tnahufae
turers of “
w. B. BBADBUBY, New Ytiik,
and .■
SOHOMAOEEE ■;& GO;,. Phil^elplua,
A new lot of their superior
Also, a complete assortment .of’
And Mumetal Goods Generally,
The superiority or the BRADBURY PIANO
* , a i ea< jy established. Inthe history ofPlamS
Jf®* Instrument has gained so rapidly in pop.
■Rarity or received so many premiums within
or £*? “ the New Scale Full
ton ftamc, Overstrung Base and Grand Action
Fianolorte, manufactured by Win. B. Brad tin
been so long and favorably known in this ami'
other countnee need no forther comment
“ All Guaranteed for Five Years ">
legend Hepalrt^dto^^Sgg^^,,^-
'° ArjffitefcTs'^a'iEaJejg,
(** BuilderTSe
i B ion, Bald €Jt:ten ~
proposed extemiion S Surt<!S tte
?~ r «»£Ssss«s£Sss:" 1
ISAAC SLEEKER/ 131 -’ - -"
M»t 1A * '*
resen tlnj this . -
* »*js?S®»SgslShM;
vzssfawm * *
' j ' ite * s -f ISO Woodltreat.
% •.
& V.
Buytng Selling
• 1 UO
•• 1 ?v
- - „ 1 no
• TW)
1 17 1 ao
68 ,70-71
Scientific American,
Philadelphia Preet,
’ —Daily Gas.