Xaaee - tilp.wi njpfe®aei>jrJJl&.diip«aweka engage m^tof ..i.-.-j ■ - '-■ A^iifeJKiU Bve charftctet-e. '’fffis E^Sfji^Q- wiU,be Presentedi lj ‘ 'kaUn ttt Paris. _ - ,4 ’ EttiAE&nderßon'in five' Characters . EttieYtendersoatiLflte characters. ffq. conclude with Irclaod Arlt Wm* 4 , , WH»W*e*6elUjnt<»««-* '* . " jWmr, QBeenßtgwn amd Liyerpoo) ■ „ , ,tfr iVSBFinST-CMSB POW i .~ianOr O4SID0N": - K3SDAB, mSMSC&m SHKCLA, OLYMPUS. will' flail feonifrlLivetpdblde*wy- alternate WEDNE3- PAY<-'and; t trbttE.'stew> Y6rk every alternate ,'>Zirl& c...| -*.«•? •'. - SatlomU Steam Hktlcaiion Company. Tißsttf&roKn&ta#, f enn- ftoift £Ltv«rpool and a weekly line,) apu famrJ&WvYork everyAUernat3:SATU.k - Passage from. ftew York, $36 ©tiifcc&fijy.'' Y6’*?few York, sss : Oold kn* eqatvA * lentixL&nireiidyv:-Passengers forwarded is rates. myag^lyd,j -guaoeanpr Ihoa. Rattagnn. STIaaiEBS direettaim LIJEE -sS^^°»yoS^°pTtt^oS^°pTtt^ BUBGH* ' . . . < FA^XOWER than any cither agent here. Call . and gel the rates and bo convinced. Steamers anil every week, and passcngers-ere found in everythlne. Parlies brought out' by TAPSCOTTb LiNE first class CLIPPFB SAILINO veajeda at very low-rates. Sight Drafts on the NATION* at, BAKE payable at any of its branches in England or Ireland for sale. For particulars as to rates, A*., »rmU? »o .■J D. O’hrkLL, Chronicle Office. N 0.70 Fifth at., anu bei h ten. 6 or 10/p.jin. aidASmlthfleld st., Pittsburgh. janSineod; Passage from England and Ireland, S S 5 , O O . EUROPEAN AGENCY THOMAS H. BATTIGAH, KtmOFKAN -AQ4SNT, No. m Honongahela House, Pittsburgh, jMyMfa Pa*, is prepared to bring out or Bend hack paaaengora from or to any paryof old country, either by steam or saii tOß SALE, payable in any tSb'lndlanapoiis and Cincinnati Rail roau Also, Agent for the old Black-Star-Line for the lines of Steam era sailing between Hew "York, Liverpool, Glas gow and fralway. _ jan6-iyd. > ; THOS.3L RATTIGAN. '‘‘Qia Chmosity Shop.” THE AID AlfD COOPERATION OP the patriotic people of Westim. Pennsyl vania and Eastern Ohio, is hereby requested, in making above department of the coming Pittsburgh Sinltaiy~FAlr equally a credit and a success. Nutoeroua relics And trophies of the present war, of the Mexican war, war of 1812, InQian and Revolutionary war, curiositieß con nected with the early settlement of our legion, or with events anß intn prominent In our histo- .p£ every description are stored away in private receptacles, and may if brought together, render the “OLD CURIOSITY SHOP” not the least of the-attractiona of the Fair. The committee, that allwhq fre jtrilUug tobjelpildug thi gc^ddeauadj In such articles of the above description as they may have, eimprofrure firomothew* Ob notify the committee where they can be found. Articles donated wll£be disposed of as tile donors may °F upder the. direction of, the Executive Committee. But articles merely placed on ex- inbltiony recelplefl for by any member of the committee, id\U be care fully pruerved and return • ed. A letter should accompany each article, glvteig’ itßOrlgn; I 'history, etc—and if donated, its value. Give everything:you can and lend us the rest. Os'behalf of the^ommlttee, . . , JQS. S, hIQBRISOCf, Chairman. Geo. H. Christy, Secretary. All articlw ; exhibi tion, can fc&elt witk,*FwWreBaed to-hlther ol the following mem.bers'orthe committee: W. D. M’GOWAN, 96 Water st., Pittsburgh.' HON. JAS- YEEOHi comer-Ath-and Grant streets. ‘ DR. JOHN DIOKSON, r - ■comer v Pqak ; and Hand stiteets. ‘ S. ‘ -c" Postofflce, Allegheny. D, X*EBT SHIELDS, . ... r f -1 r^ t • Setflclfley villey ? aßsowmos hiiopos jflL ING CEHTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION, ,Bt it.mdvei by the Senatetb&Holue of kkprtSiutaUvetof the ’Common wealth of PenvnlnaniainAGtnf rat Jatembly met, 'That the following 1 amendments be* proposed to the CoAstltpth3Q,of the.Commcm>?ealth, in ac 'borflafiee WitlithfeprQTflfioja# ofthe tenth article thereof: There,shall bfl an, gMjgpjxhi ifgction to the third article of the Coiisutuflbn, to be designa- ted as section four, aatfolldwa: “Section 4< : W henever. any of the qualified electors-of -ahhllw-iir-hny -* actual • undpr v the requisition from the President of fhe United States, or by fileaujaoritiol this Gommonwealth, suchelec tors exerqlße the j-ight in ajl elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are, by la*; as fully as if thej g'er^.pr^ejit f juuqljpUcft oLeleo to be designated as sections eight and. nine, as the^je^ ptt£' WiaTl'. tf parsed ! tfce .prfvjjfegea, oTfhU Sommoa- Speaker oj UU'Bqusc of lUprttentctfivcs. '( ■-- 1 ■ ,Hi■ a ; > * ymmmM . *>'4 .ir-'ts'-V-' ‘ '■ ' V . • I! •fttBCointOTTWXALTU, > . , ■;■ -,i» -joTHaairtUrß; April2sth* 1864.-<•£ PENKSYLVAaHAySS.-**..,' :v n ;•■ ■ . n- v -,***>% 'Jdoieieby'certifythflitheforqgptnir t T < L». o. > offgiuaj Joint Hesolution of the Gen- era! Assembly, entitled “A ldti’oh- 'AmebdmeriTß* to jjtoe 4Johstttution, n -'ao the fcAtri* remain?'Oh'fim-» * " 1 ' f '"' : * iwsTeiTiitoirpwhereo&rnavehetttJAto set my- hand • afcd : call sod' thee«hl : 6f th 6 tSeeletary’B office# to-bo affixed 1 , ; thh^yAhd f y^abovO’writ- Wa. i i,.: ! ‘ f If t «; ■ Secritart &tiike VG&rtUintotalßv. *'urhe» ‘littft* ■KesolutWA having 1 beeh'Hgt'&Ja fo of the tneitibert'oTrOaffif'Hqtf?** at •t*o--Bireetißi^ee^f6h§6ftheGeii^alABse i iiibly of UdsUpnipipn wealth, the proposed' attiend mentaraft 'wVubihittea to #the people for their on the FIRST TUESDAY OF Al)tJ[ooTsp* thoyearoi our Lord one thouf amMllfhtblllWrtli on 4 Sixty-four, in accordance with tfte‘provisions Wthe tenth article of the entitled u An Act pre scfibfrtk'thb titnchad manner of submitting to thbirapproval and ratification or njfifetiOtlj'the proposed afaeOfftrtCntAto fheCon gmuflbu" Atthj&veU the* Twenty-third day oi StcreffiVircf the Commonwealth. , _ i j I BnwmiTtiriiTi'r j““r—i - : . uSeSSre&rm&ta&ntaptT, n*7uSii3ttJrfM«r«r-«DiU«»p*t smmwmwr, n » imi*n*M* *(pi' ’ ‘l‘Y\ V VV* M nr.ljrfMj rmH ifiri hlv* - l-. ■ v ( apr* ft IYER MATTERS. VAE9 AMO PKPAHXPKKB. t Gallatin, Clarke, Brownsville. Bayard, Peebles, Monongahela City. J • Gallatin, Clarke, Brownsville. Franklin, C&rmaefßrowhsville^ Jas. Reese, Irwin. Elizabeth. Peebles. Monong&hela City.' iVlinerVa, Oordon, 'Wheeling. Pittsburgh Sanitary .Fair.—The follow -tngxXL&d&d, fttßAanboita' have. 1 thb Steamboat'Fund of the„ Pittsburgh Sanitary Fair; all otfifirooats. subidribing jwfllhave their names added to the list: < Little Giant, . - Rover, Argonaut No. 2|‘ Armenia, iiiNfevada, - • ■ -• *• America, Westmoreland, Damsel, - Nevr York, Areola, Camelia, . Paragon. Vulcan, Kate Robinson, Starlight, » Friends, Lponidas, . Gilmore, Silver Cloud No. 2. Alpha, Minerva, Charmer, Mercury, Itenton, Lenio Leotl, Glide** M. S. Mepham, Reserve, Cherokee, Ontario, Roanoke, Ohio Valley, Lizzie Martin, Tewess, Silver Spray, Lotus, • Empire City, Golden Era, Citizen, MagglAHays, Bertha,. Gallatin, Franklin. Kate B. Porter, OliVe, IdA Reese, Echo No. 3, ' Clara Poe, . Delaware, Cant. Win. Dean, a new boat Look Out. •Capt. Anderson’s new boat, notyetlaunched. STEAMBOATS. Wheeling & PaTkersburgPackets. FOB. WHEE __ ■ the eegulak passen* Paoket INI INKRVA, Oapt. Oor- ner old trade, trips, leaving' Pittsburgh every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Having been thoroughly repaired, she well deserves the pa tron&ge <>o* 00 ., Wharf-boat, below Monongahela bridge. feb6 . . _ Cincinnati & Louisville Packets. FOR CINCINNATI & tOCISIILLE. THIS DAY MAY 28, AT 4 P. M. _ ,!P» k the NEW AND SFLEN passenger steamer. BOANOKE, m"' uue, Commander, will leave as announced above. , ' . . >*or freight, or passage, apply on board, or to JOHN FLACK, or m y2B J. -D. COLLING-WOOD, Agts POR CtMCINNATi A ' THIS DAY'. MAY 28, AT 4 P. M. j,|pi ■ THE SFLICS'DID FAB - steamer THISTLE, Joseph BatesTcommander, will leave as annonneed above. . . . Vor freight, or passage, apply on board, or to JOHN FLAUtt. or my2s J. I). COLLING WOOD, Agts Evan’lle, Cairo &St. Louis Packets. PO’R*KVANSVftiIBI*£A¥Ro, ST. LOUIS, GALENA, DUBVftI ? E aily Freight Line. CONSIGNMENTS TOEITHEH Agent forwarded to any paint East or West free ot commission and with dispatch. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 S. Efeliware avenue; ' , : Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, N 6: IIT Wall street, / New York. WILMON WHILLDiN* President. mhU-amd . • . Mice, Ko'aches, Ants, Mothsin Earp* Bed Bogs, Woolens, Ac., Insects on Plants, Anl mal*,-Fowl4, Ao.' • i <■. < Put uu : in fioc, 50c, and $l,OO Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks,. saandf& sizes for Hotels, Public Itrettttitrone, Ac. - “Only infallible Tediedies known.” ■ “Free Irofli Poisons.” , “Not dangerous to*the Human Family.” “Bats come out of their helps to die.” 49*Sold 'Wholesale In all large cities. < . 49rSold by all Druggists and Retailers every where. 49H ÜBewAsie! Ft of all worthless 1 Unitations. 45-See that “B” naoidla otfeachßox, Bottle and Flask before you buy. 49-Address hMbY k. COSTAB. 49-Principal DepototS2 Broadway* N. Y. 4»-Solds B. OO., K. E. SELLERS A CO.,wholesale andretaiLageats, Pittsburgh, Pa., and egheny city,. Pa., .; ; > l nr; .«.i • nihl4isiiidifcw’ I ''' STEEL i TOGTH HAY ■ ■ ANi> OEAOTBAB3ES,' '• ' - : CITABBIiCTED) THE BEST SOW 1 Tv ia.iiae, Alao>-!*sTOitJi}! 'TIiUOKS* And and for safe By - ■ “ fil/JOLKMAN, 1 * -! Near.tne Penitentiary, ;; 4Jleghcny City, Pa. MEDICAL CAjIIJX W. BODfiNHANER, M. D(, 554 Broadway.JsiEW YORK. \Y\ H. M, Dm j Office, too. 146 TMrtHfreet. Offloe hours from ; ,to4p. m*. •. T •.; V L -.-. . , THEmATTEATJOtN TOr Medical ana Surgioil tteatmpnt of r : Especially ihOß* Of KOW-EL, suet [ o ffii o BoV Ik ,U fee r theiJpw^StriQture lof'ttieSortW, 1 'tfcc. •’aJim; fte Chiomc ! itos&ttfeaidttlie'iW&B&t theEidrvey*,Hhe ; Bifid-' Idgti-ftteo ; jqT ~ •»:■•' ! Ptd-dtf ' ITo ;Efti lihff Maoiaiiista and Qthft ■' i iSfßmJUr A. won. ak^s- : 61 ‘ r “* A, f J>CE7«»'3 SOW, - 1 my6-lm South-aiufcP«nn, Philadelphia. oaIMK. j aU wfh‘> nrD dcaiione 16 eoinrtbßife j i orjnanufuctunti of any degcriotiqfl j£ftp*opriate;{ to'that Department, to report,aa eatly.aa nbs-j aible to elfnet of the ; Undersigned,' sb’ttiat'Mlte ] pfOper-arrangenpents cfm.be made furlbferecep- i tion and accommodation ( of -ovtvry a may be oflbred. , „ j dne Comihitteo will meet repufAHy, qn TU*b* 1 day and Tprtday,. nfterUooar/ up Jour o’elbbir, •' until iUftcny ihc announced,;at UU* f ,otlUmiif fla#.'j 31. ConjHM*, Stf: —, .UfocY, Wtl\ iftfwll. ; where contributors‘Or-ottier® himttg bitslnfeas ! arc invited to confer wiih*»he (Committee. * > 3raj.»styrAVMr' , i ..vttrO&ff.’MU®.'*-” > i'i,' .'taV fJWnWrifATSiOKj.': ,iui * Wliu TT-TFj POST PITOSBURG'Hy , ~7 : BA‘l^ftj 18641 1 | |'l NXNJE3 DAIX.y .TBAINB. • -t: —~ jfltrtjiM'rsjfTADDlTlOllS ABB B»- and^&Sr^P ofi^- hie care will be exercised for the comfort of pas sengers and rapid movement of freight. Trains cept Sunday.) at 600 a* m., stopping at all sta tions between Pittsbnrgtnind Philadelphia. FAST MAIL every morning, (except Sunday,) at ssoo a. m.i stoppingqnly ftfi pjJpidpfU Stations, and mating direct connections at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington, and for New "Fork via Philadelphia. THROUGH express daihr, at 4i86 p; m., stbpping'only at principal Stations, making di rect connections atHwTiaburgJor Baltimore and Washington, and for New York via Philadelphia. FAST LINE daily., .(except Sunday,) at 8 46 p. m., stopping only at principal Stations, connect ingat. Harrlsburg.for Baltimore and W ashington, ana’'for New' York “via Allentown, without change of cars; also at Philadelphia for New JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 3 10 p. m., stop ping at all Stations, and running as far as Oone *FrtfsT ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall’s Station, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 630 Am. SECOND AOCO M MOL) AT lON TRAIN for Wall’s Station, leaves daily, (except Sunday,)- at 11 16 a. m. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Toi Wall’s Station leaves; daily, (except Sunday,) at 4 00p. m. FOURTH, ACCOMMODATION TRAIN'for Wall’s Station leaves dally, (except Sunday,,) at 610 p.m. THE CHURCH TRAIN leaves Wall’s Station every Sunday at 905 a. m.; returning leaves Pittsburgh at 12 46 p. m. ‘ returning trains ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH AS FOLLOWS Baltimore Express..; ' .12 30p. m* Philadelphia Express ► l 00;p. m Fast Line I 00;a. nu- Through Mail Train 12 30ia. m- Johnstown Accommodation 10 16 a. m. lßt WalPa Station Accommodation.... 6 25 a. m. 2d Wall’s Station Accommodation*.... 846 a. m. 3d Wall’s Station Accommodation 2 05 p. m. 4th Wall’s Station Accommodation.... 6 05 p. m. Baltimore Express will arrive with Philadelphia Express at 1 *OO p. m. on Mondays. TRAINS FOR BLAIRS VILLE and INDI ANA connect at Blairsville Intersection with Through Accommodation, Johnstown Accommo dation and Express Train East, and with Balti more Express and Johnstown- Accommodation W est. TRAINS FOR EIJENSBURO connect at Ores son with Express Trains, and Mail Tram West, and with Through Accommodation and Express Train East. FARE: TO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE LANCASTER.. HARRISBURG ALTOONA Baggage Checked to all Stations on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Baiti more and New York. Passengers purchasing tickets in cats will be charged an access according to distance traveled in addition to the Station rates, except from Sta tions’where the Company has no Agent. NOTICE.—In case oi loss, the Company will hold themselves responsible lor personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding #lOO. N. B.—An OrimfbUß Erne has been employed to convey Passengers and Baggage to and from tlie Depot, at a charge not to exceed 26 cents for each passenger and baggage. J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. H. K. Passenger Station, on Liberty and Grant streets. _____ myjfct 1864. 1864. THE PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY, AND Cleveland and Pittsburgh Bailroad. % SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, ON AND AFTER.MAY 15th, 1864, traihs run as follows', \ iz Pittsb’g. ForUhi’go. ForClev'd. ForWheel’g. Express 1.00 a. m. 1.00 a.m. 1.00 a.m. Express l.iup. m. i.lop. m. l.iop. m. Mail 6.30 a. m. 6.10 a. in. Arrive Pittsburgh, P., F.W. is. C. K’y. .2.20 a. m., 3.20 p. m., 1.00 p. m., 1.60 u. nu C. A P. K. R.. .2.10 r. m., 3.50 p.m., 8.06 p.m. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. Leave Allegheny ForAlliAnce. rorN.R. KorN.O. ForSteu’e. 2.10 p.m. y. 16 a. m. A4O n. in. 12.00 in. 3.50 p.m. • 3.50 p. m. 4.40 I>. m. * 6.60 p. in. RETURNING, Arrive Allegheny, • P., F. W. k. (J. R'y .7.20 a. m., 8.20 a. m., 2.35 p. m., 4.50 p. m. O. & P. R. R 9.30 a. m. GEO. PARKIN, Agtmt. Union Passenger Station. Pittsburgh, Pa. A. Q..CASSELBERK Y, Agent. ; Allegheny City. F. R. MYERS, Gen. Ticket Ageut, Pittsburgh & Conneilsville R. R Summer A^fangemeiLt. aNJANt) AFTER MONDAY, HAY 2XK 'lB6s. Trains will leave tire Depot, corner or Kossanu Water streets, as follows: Leaves Arrives at Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Mall to and from U’ntown. 7 66 a. m, 6 oo p. m. Express “ w S-HO p. m. 9 80 a. m. lst MlKeesport Acc’dn. liooa.m. U6O p.. m. 2d ** ' “ u 616 a. m. 206 p. m. IstPortPerry “ 7 00 a. m. 8 30a. m. Braddock’a “ 4 16 p. m, 6 40 p, m. Sunday Uhuroh Train to. and from M’keeaport, 1 Q 0 p. m. 10 Op a. m. ■ Pot tickets apply to X>EO. BOULTON, Agt.* W. B. pupt. •. ap3o SILVER PMKL SOAP. CRUMPTON A, ©Os, 367 •STREET, stde proprietors and,manufactur ers Ibr western Pennsylvania, Ohio. lndipna, Illinois,and Missouri. Also manufacturers ora superior article of PALM, GERMAN, OLIVE and ROSIN feOAPS, and various 'Toilet and Soaps. Of our Silver Pearl Soap which wecontidefitly recommend as better for general use than any other before the public, should be borne in mind has neither Potash, Salt, Lime oriKosln, or any other substance in it& manufac ture which can shrink or injure ttnesVfabric,, Flannels 1 and Wdolena can be washed with the rapidity of . Cotton or Linen. iu»n. 20 do lmi>orted French Mdstard, 60 do Imitation .. ad ‘. do , jHunahaflßijayecß*mn«;(liHfhol« 2>J»ltata 5 -ird«|-58£lOito»0OW 11 r ° a jBSWw w^^ftateOtafcwrtojK'nitf 1 liOfU ’lo’ iftii'-' 1 -StHf i: • ! flHbbia *i** TM> i (>7pri bwukxl" I-*"'' oj I arsimt.. I intiilw lln buJicxjqi/* linx iolc!- ~| railroads: ,*l2 6o . 1U 60 . 10 uo . h fy> . 765 . 3 60 K KTURNINU 4>tjdr>E jIW i4ih . -; 4 a |!y l i iVi'■ f 8- /.C. v/Xj 1 *■ i t~~i ■ - * * STQC& bTrOKERs! DRUGGISTS. FiiJ^aaijcantSw. RrCCKBfiOU TO DRAFT* BQNDiANDii MORTGAGE. jambs p- fibuphg, , , . BEAL ESTATE ANQ.MERCHANDISE BROKER. 1/ . tm Vff&rifV'i |&^.^®^ < T>eJwee&a?.’ WHOLESALE ANT) RETAIL DEALER ******.'■ . . so . 75 FEDERAL S®RBKT, t mySa-lyri ALLEGHENY CITY..PA.* PAPER NIANUFA' S. B.;& C, P“'MABKLE, •STEAMBOAT FORGING, &C. i Manufacturers and Dealers in . . jjidbew kloman THoau&K..*iLU* R > * ' 1 mrcntT rnrrt*s, «m., Special Partner. CAP, IjETTER, (J-eneral Partners. • Andall kinds of Wrapping Paper, IKON CITY FOBGEj FHOSt wood" Street, to i KLOMAN & PHIPPS, No. 83 Smitbfleld Street, j ninth waed, Pittsburgh. „ PITTSBURGH, PA. T« MANUFACTURE BAR IRON, GEN -45 r ,0&8a paid for RAGS. a P 3 ; C ral Railway and Steamboat Forgings, " "" _ ‘ Passenger, Freight and Locomotive Axles, &o. seio-tf LAMPS, OIL, &C laTJGENT WORKS. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO., j XiiiS v«£j:T w e ns, MAimfAOTCEEM o* i PLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS, PURE WHITE REFINED CARBON OIIiS,i Office, (391 tIBERTy STREET, myB-6md PITTSBURGH, PA. HOUSE CARPENTERS, OlffiTlS 0, STEIN METZ, GEM REAL House Carpenter and Jobber,, —.- WATCHES AND JEWELRY Between. Wood and Liberty streets. PITTSBURGH, PA. 45?-Orderß solioitod and promptly attended to. mHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST rkrn .. r ». JL opened a very large and desirable stock of AL DE RMEN. ; mE GOLD PRANK KELLY, GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, AldsmiQiQ &nd Attorn6V Bit IjßpWj For Ladies’ and Oentlemens 1 wear; fine NO. 81 FIFTH STREET, of accounts and ail legal busi ness promptly attended to. se2-lyd LOAN OFFICES. LOAN OFFICE, HENRY W. CIMIOTTE, NO. 100 SMITH FIELD ST., Near the corner of sth, Money in lakue and small quantities loaned on li-oM ami Silver, Dia monds, Jewelry, »K»ld nrul Silver Watches, and all kinds oi valuable articles, lor any length of time agreed on. The goods cannot be delivered without the Ticket. ■jjynfttc* Hours from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. ja3o ENGINE BUILDERS. WI. M. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, lrou Foiuml^-b, General' MwiMniiliß and Boiler Halters, hHA.II THU Penna. R. R., Passenger Station, , I'lTT&BliKOli, PA. mfAKVmTVRER ALL KXSBS OF IT m Steam Engines, ranging Iroui three to one hundred and fifty horse power, and Buited tor Orist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces, Facto ries, etc. Give particular attention to 'the construction of Engines and Machinery for grist mills, and for uprights, mulay and circular saw mills. Have also on hand, finished and ready foi ship ment at short notice. Engines and Boilers of every' description. Also, furnish Boilers and Sheet Iron separately, Wrought Bon Shaltmg, Hangers and Bullies in every variety, and continue the manufacture of Woolen Machinery and Machine i ’iLv ticii-rr .tin- DBAi.gR IN OYSTERS,; EOTTEE,' GAME, POULTBY AND EGGS, 360 LIBERTY STREET, dei-dtf , ~ Down sfcajrs. £ WALL PAPER, &C WALL PAPERS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, FANCY GOODS .VVall Papers from 8c to $3 per roll; Window Shades from 10c to $5; Oil Cloths from 70c to 1 $1,60 per yard; Fancy Goodin all varieties, at thftj; ~ JJew Wall Paper & Fancy Goods House or" snJERSTi'it a schWarz, febl3 / ; i .■idt Smithflefd street TYELP FOR THE SOLDIERS. r,- the give the. wages of one day, or the *.um* set oppd- c HttH to our names, to the SMhltary Fair, lor the Si/qh«hd Wound ea Soldtern i iafifl Add the nafilt oj tfta vstablixh njflijJ, mine, profession or trade, and the locality. ] .. - -fset the proprietor, Manager, Boss, or any trmUc man, paste or copy the above on white paper; get it signed bv all the men of the mill, timu*, lurnace, shop, tv t yard, storey trade or occupation to which he belonga, transmit the amount to Natn HouMjJssjfcj 'Creasurer U, Z JffbAy^kaow. lodged by letter and the,newspaper a. The sound ol the battle the groans of our brothers and (JejSenttemf tbe glori ous dead, Hopes of success in the s trug gle, caUton. us toboprotmpi'*d*gehet / otis. r May jQod put it into the heart of every Chris tian andipatrlot to reittfmtl svitßTxls-mnoorkis %rfj^^wottvrdtaM&fe r ' lI “ li ‘ myl6-tf F. B. Chairman. NOTICE.—THE undersigned hSreTSrm&f a. compartnorshin at Mahoning Furnacb," Hafrolfihg*~countVV OhJo*7 under, Wia name of ALLEY ® , & a« ; (.hisi-ibciiii'-l .gd'j'l I>u« dlJJOf'. ; GAS PLUMBERS & FITTERS, NO. 165 WOOD STREET, I Opposite First Church, Pittsburgh, Mid i MO. 47 OHIO BTBBET, ALLEU^EIiy, I NKA.B THE UAYOB’B OFFICE. Pumps, hydrants, sheet head, Lead Pipe, Pig ami Par Lead, and Plumb* ' er’s Material In general. Oil liefinerieß fitted up t in the roost approved manner. Tanks lined with ■ Lead or Copper. Houses fitted with Water and i Ohs Fixtures. j 43?-N. B.—All orders promptly attended to. j ap3-lyd •iir'E w xs l iiY . Bronze Clocks, Fancy Goods, SILVER-I'LATE O AVARE, Such as Castors, Cake and Fruit Baskets, Goblets, Card Cases, Tea Setts, etc. KEINEMAX, MEYKAN & SEIDLE, (j,>2o 42 Fifth street. BREWERS AND MALSTERS. SPENCER &c M’KAY, BREWERS & MALSTERS, PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY. PITTSBURGH «stK have always on hand a superior article of Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, And will continue to make it our aim to give satisfaction to ail of our customers. Mr. Kobt. Wntoun of Liberty street, will have the manage of our tmainosu. uith full control in the Brewery. Ailiirean all nnlers to SPKNOKH & IVI’KAY, Pheonix Brewery, Pittsburgh, Pa. .70S. SPENCER, JAB. M’KAY. 13uttei*Hel.i & Co., Malsters and Hop Dealers, Sdecl-lyil IRON WORKS. ORMSBY' IRON WORKS, Wharton Brothers & Co., AilE NOW PREPARED TO RE cei.ve orders from the trade for all sizes of Guide, Hoop, Stake, Band&HorseSlioe Iron Pittsburgh, Jan. 7, 1563. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. JAJMKB H. HIH'KIKS. Ilopltins* *SI La/.ear, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, NO. ID.-j FIFTH STREET, Victoria, Collections and other legal business attended to in Allr,'ho:.v, Washington, Croeuo, and ad joining counta-s. jan26-Jmd HOUSEFURNISHING. UPHOLSTERY. No, 85 Fourth Street, Near 'Wood. TIHE sniSCIiIIIERS MAN l! FAC TI KE amt keep constantly on hand every article in their line, viz: Cornices, Ornaments, Curtain C,o*>du, Comforts, leather Beds, Mat tresses ol' all kinds: also, the celebrated Patent Spring Beds. Ail Kinds ol Shades, Blinds and Fixtures. «a*“l'rompt attention given to all orders lor fit* ting and lay ing down Carpets, t >il Cloths, &c. oetn-lyd RcBEIiTS * UOKNICIL GRAVEL “ROOFER^ LUPTON, OL,I)I>EN &;CO., IiKAVEJL ROOFING Material to sell with Instructions. ■BSFtOtnce, corner sth and Wood streets, second story*. •- feb9 CRACKERS & PILOT BREAD, BOSTON CRACKER BAKEKY. ’ S . S . M ARVXN, Manufacturer and wholesale dealer In all kinds of • • CRACKERS & PILOT BREAD, NO. 6* FOURTH. STREET,, ‘ I Between Wood and Market, ' . , v LIME MANUFACTURERS. To Builders and Contractors. WE ARK WOW MANUFACTURING a superior article of 1 ■ LIME, Which we are prepared to deliver from our COAL, YARD, 509 LIBERTY STREET, IJKSf QUALITY 09 FA. MI LY OOA.Ij, Always on hand as usual. myl# DUIKs6n,'sTBWABX k OO.t JAMES MXI*LXMG.I&aiOSONGAHEw LA PljAKlK’G r 'lulL;l.pwouW respectfully' iufurra the public that he has rebuilt since lire, ami having enlarged his,‘establishment, and: tilled it wi Hi the newest and most approved ma> chinery,U now prepared to iippring and planing. fadfe, iecmll doors, sash-'and Gutters, kun dried frame*,'] mouldings, box making, ecc* .j 1 SOCTU PITTKBdaOH, Sept. 7, 1897' ST. FRANCIS’COLLEGE, Under Care of the Franciscan Brothers. This iss'BiTqjria.v/’siTifATii) is, Lorretttj, Cambria. (SoiHity PeQnsyfvama, about four miles from (-reason Station, on the direct route Itet ween Philaddirtrin and Pittsburgh was chartered in lSo», with privileges.to confer the usual Honors and UJegrees. The location of the College is one of *he most nealttiy.- in Pennsylvania^—ihis:pprtipa OX- thejAJleghany" moaotauis ’ttrt* its pure water, bracing air. and picturesque Scenery. The Scholastic year commences on MONDAY after the l&fh of A.UGU2SX, and,ends' the2sthjJf JBJft into two Sessions. - Studentscapnotreturn home between the Sessions.■ : All the Apparatus-neces sary to liaml'Surveying, Engineering, &c., &e., will be furnished oy the 'lnstitution to the Students. Instrumental ri Vocal Music fornfs no extra charge. Students will Be admmedrfrom eight years to the age ftfeTOahhnodul. Jtx JX T Tkemb—Board and Tuition, payable half yeately sarawws®: Clascal and SlodernLaqguages, extra.... 10 StudentsapendingVaiattdnattheCoUege.. j so Reference can be made to the Rt, Rev. Bishop Henry delphla; Rev. Pierce Msbar, Harrisburg. ieaj_ _BsvJE.A..BES^_Si*Saoi WATER STREET, WHEELING, VA. OF THE BEST C|UAI*ITT, jaddsamd THOMAS C. LA2KAB PITTSBI'KOH, PA. Arc prepared to do On short notice. PITTSBURGH,; PA. PLANING MILLS. COMM ISSjON MEJtG) > JOHN MOOBHHAIX; ! ddisomsioWMfiliJT, 1 ;VVO&T j« Sjii^-OS B ‘ °* PIG METAL ANrpmQMSt IffO.H WATER STV&SIow. Market, PITTSBOBIdH. ; DR. F. BAIIBT, ' , ILate Cashier of the Merchants' Bank,) GowtiwmmwtM, 150, JU SOCTHMAIS STREET, : 4 ; : 4 STV LOUIS, BIO. j: PAB.TICUJG.AR. ATTENTION PAID for the purchase of Cotton, Heinjp, Tobacco, Flour, Pork, E Bacon, Lard, Ae.' Repess to —Banks, '’Bankers,' andMercha of St. Louis generally; John D. Soully, e Cashier, . Orders And consignments respectfully eolio and prompt returns made. ; ’ jAC2I-tin V HUXCHINSOM, (T.ATg. op -fcBHeH * irtpreHineoir,) COMMISSION AIfJD FORWARDING MERCHANT, DEALER Of. WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, Flour, Grain, Flßh. Dried Fruit) Penil and Pot Ashes* ana Produce, geoerally.. .. Best Brands of Family Flour Always on Hand. NO. 103 SECOND STREET, Between 'Wood and Market, PITTSBURGH, PA» ♦♦“ Liberal advance made Qn Consignments, apli-lyd W. D. PATTERSOS... ADAM AMMON PATTERSON &> AMMON, Commission MerobiantH, Flour and Grain and General Produce Deal ers, .No. £ Wood at., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wa take pleasure in referring to. the .following Pittsburgh Houses Chess, Smythfc Co., Zug A Painter, A. Bradley, E. Edmuridsoh & Co.'.lt. H. DaviSj J. P. Wood well, Jas. rtUOully & Co., .T. W. Spencer, O. H. Xjove bt Oo.jßy U. Jack A. Oo GROCERS. P. KHTMER HVD. RHYMER....• .3'. S. RHYMER Latent Miller & Ricketk>n*a, ' JEtEYMER & BROTHERS, [Successors to Reymer & Anderson,] WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign Ernlts, Nats, Confectionary, Sagan*, Fire Works, Ac., NOS. 126 AND 128 WOOD STEEET, PITTSBUEGH. WILLIAM CARR &CO., WHOLESALE GEOGEES, ' AKD IMTOBTKKS 0» WINES, BRMJPMim &C. AMO, Distillers auct Dealers, in Pine Old Monongahela Rye Whisky, ■ SS7 LIBERTY STREET, no7-lyd i PITTSBURGH, PA. ff, XiTTKTXiE VY, GROCER, TV O . 4 DIAMOND, PITTSBURGH, PA. my22-lyd&w BRASS FOUNDERS. Duquesne Brass Works. S. CADMAN Cadman & Crawiord, Manufacture and keep constantly on hand every variety of FINISHED BRASS WORK. BRASS CASTINGS of superior smooth* ness made to order. CtTE AM BOAT WORK AND REPAIR ing promptly attended to. LAlao,sole-agents lor Western Pennsylvania, for the sale of MARSH’S SiYPHON PUAIP, withilaaodßeU’s improvement attached. feblO J. & M. M’STEEN, BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS Ain) STEAM FTTTEBS, ALL KLSDS OV BRASS AND IRON COCKS MADE TO ORDER, Alflo, Biass Castingß pf All Kinds, Made-at the shortest notice. Particular attention paid to fitting up and pairing of OIL,'REFINERIES. 31 A Street, near Liberty, npRE AIiISIUBERS OP THI3 > .: no2l-ly : PirMßTrEttll, T>A. GLASS WORKS: w. CCMNINGHjLU. WHEJIT WHISKY, . No. 5 North' Front St., mhu-lyd PHXgSXIELFHIA, PA. JACOB kkt r.v.i Importer and wholesale dealer in FOREI6N WINESLiAKD LIQUORS, ; SSPJfcEB'E.u ■ i, ; T-hree doorslabov»6th 1 - i ■ i . • : ir -. •• '• ' ’* .'■‘ACOJ9 KELLER WOPI/B limTE rparticular attention tofhU steck ? of Gertnaif Wines and I'rench Brahdies, which hM beentrev Idcted and imported byj himself. Families and Churches .could depend! on obtaining at his . es tablishment the best and purest of Wineff." Pure Liquors of all kinds,'eqhal to any in the city, al ways on ,‘Also, Pure Old Ry a Whisky and the heat Rectified Mqnongahela- :oc3o HEETHV w. BhiullOin? & co., IVO. Qppoi J&-H* mod era? T m ‘ 100 boxes Fancv, ' Soap, In store and for safe toi . KfcTHEB at BEOS. mb4 7; t26_andl^B/qf£Qd - 160 bbla “A” and «B”[ Cofftes v . ; 20-dtt iOrurfiedj <3ram|laie4^‘ Suear—Now in srarcittQ'? fi£Y^ lfebg l , : \i 1 ' got to ttommaAUt jstaUm ® •« > i■ f ‘ ! -ds/."! - -i; iwlttD-*Hpgpi # " _ <^’^^oa r ‘Nu , ts/ , “" J V. list reoelved&nd foraiie by - '■= „ ,26'j 13* boo if ci- BANKS AND BANKERS* Havlagorgunlsedii ruler the JHtionsi Cu eney , ..mam Deposits ■ received/- Exchange, writhe ptiarfpsl ; .oJties.Qf .tb«:Sastond West •>s UOUttHT iAPTO SOI!©, Apd mwNW* Office for'*Kß^^ait, : wB?tte , cbnipfijHoff of the Newß«iflangHouBK : Oiomtfar'W«Sd r efreet vQypmtptyQ *? 5N B f 3P D sPf*9 ww' DIME SAVINGS.’ HVOTIMTI^Sr, KTo. HO Efxul-tSaLaetZ^st*., ~ Oiipo«tte'tlie,ou«ton IJouw, J ' ;..i DIKBCTbaS. E ®-s xwa qb p P-meatieiExcMnxfe. Ooin t Bank Nofcarahd Government* Securities. Colieotions j promptly attj6Dde4-ta», , •. ,u.,v ■Mtj HOLMES • ana Exchange Brokers, anq.,Peftlera..lP Notes, Drafts, Acceptance*, Gold, e?. ahd Bank- Notes.- Exchange on- tbe*'ESaterh'an&. Western,Cities constantly fprtsale, ;... a ../ Collections made in all the citfca throughout the united Stated. *• Deposits received uipar funds or current paper. No. 6T. Market Third sfid Fouxthj.Btreeta, s OLD. DEMAND -NOTES, %JT Certificates of Indebtedness, Quartennas* ten Certificates, 7 3tlo Bonds and Coupons, «nd all other government securities, .bought by W. H. WXL. LIAMS & Co., Wood street, oorner of Third. mh6:6md DOLLAR SAYINGS BANS, 65 FOURTa STREETi 2i “" CHARTERED.I3^IBS^ OPES DAIL¥, PROM 9 TO 3 O>CIiO6K., also, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to November Ist. from 7 to and from November Ist to May Ist, frOnftiTo 8 o’clock. - -vf/.j- Deposits received of all sums not less than Onb Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, da June and December. Interests has been declared semi-annually, In June and De cember since the Hank was organized,' afcthflrate of six per oent. a year. • - interest, if not drawn put, is placed.the credit or uie depositor as principal, the same interest from ’the ’first days of June and De cember, compounding twice a year, without troubling the depositor to call or even to present hiepass book. A t this rate money will double in less than twelve years. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws* Rules and ’fnrblßhed gratis, ■‘ on application to the office. .. • * r VIO-PRESIDENTS. ''i*b James McAuley, . . Jamga B. D. John TL Slroenberger, "Wm. Doyglaa, James Herdman, Isaac.MVPennock. ‘ Peter A. Madeira* . • Ja&efShidle, Win. J. Andersou. John B.‘ ItPFaddeh,? A. M. Pollock, HI. D. John Ci. Backof^np' TRUSTEES. • 1 .* Galvin Adamdj Hepry J; Lynch,' ‘ John O. Bindley, Joan Marshal,. George Black,’ ... Walter Pi Marshal,. \ HHi Burgwlnj John Orr ‘ : Alonzo A. Carrier, Robert Robb, '.'' ■ Charles A-. Colton. • Henry L. Ittngwalt, John Evans. - Wm. B. Snhinejrtz, ', J ; ‘ Benj. L. Fahnestock,' Alexandersueer.! John J. Gillespie, Alexander Timile* -!, Win. S. Haven, Wm. Vankirk, v Peter H. Huhkef, ’ ’lsaac Whittier, Richard Hays, Wm. P.Weymaa, James L>. Kelly, Christian "Y eager. RKCIU.TAKT AKU TItKASUTUSE. CHARLES A.CUlvijON: PHILADELPHIA CARDS; ,F. B. OEAW7ORD, CHAB. maoek: J. RODMAK HtCKS, MAGEE .& .Importers and dealers in ’' •; CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. SATIDjEjIs. Taliors’JTrlmwUttgf f ,, ; NO. £233 M-AJaiCET STREET, 0c29-tf . PHIXtADBLPHLX. - Tl . l WI. BBICE & GQI, r Prtdncc and Provision No. Id■ South Water-fltii'y-Y £ 43-Llberal advances made on eoxurigxC&eiits when required. 'myHyd- GEOBOCS Manufacturer attd ' ? ‘ i" ’ - ! - ':! WHOLESALE ANpfiETAH, DEAIiEK In every deaeriptiojn of; GEM’S’ FURNISHING G0OD& ; 610 CHESTNUT STEEN®;". myl-lyd PHLUiDEtpp^..;. 0. A. VAN KIEK' & GQf, ; ~ . UAtfUftXbTU&SR&-OP ->•' ; GAS FIXTURES AND CHANDEtdb^^ PARAGONCOAIOILBUMERS, ; Hand 1 . BAXXBBOOUS|: • -• > rn'JOi.i No. 517 Arch. Street, Phfladdpfiars Manufactory, Phila^- 1 - goods warranted. •■ ' . ‘ G. HARRY BRIAN) =A LONGCOPE& PEAR£I!, and TAILOKS TRIMMINGS, *i£Ui i ; , No. 10 South Fourth Street^ mylrtyd, • PHILADEIiPKIA*.! Temporary removal. ' .i.\ i*. »hl • i Ourfrienda Targ q (wiil3iot{ we trust, forget that tve are a(. present 4mC.4h| arfew i weeka ! 'tve’i»Zne fit Pa in tor’s- Warehb use; 10 41 >J Dyj order, . F. tiR. RRBJlOflyob A mhlsj >Vt; , r . f - t r ~ r pteaas tor'2s center Enclose-an erivCFdpe witJrvototrwir name ftodrnddressr .• ■> toy. n RftfNU&PffiE? •si L , 68j^liberty Sayb voor gas uMs oisaX . son’s^ ti-llickenng, Aqie&oßtt.apd iai Gab Burners. & sure saving eedtJ • The ’ Ann-Fhc.kerLnkia just' fog thmgTbr therOffice.. rtiall and GBflt lS ‘ . 16 lAimontis, 6D Coffee Sogaefc- ~ , .., U ftTOKERTgOS : *; PRESIDENT. 080 ROE ALBHE-E. TtfIA&.HtCSS. -cisab. Patent linprpved , ba-l T. £XOELSIOR AND PATENT L -dy^ii tt. 'l . .i v! *•: Aur> i STS SIAIiIj. •n'-'- naoT. ,pj!o;