1 ’’ ■' 'PIIpT.gBITSBHI MAY 28,1884. jpgiT' os its , KWEES. Jityhilelhe juJministrajUon is mosfc- in s :,trepid'.and vidient in arresting a politi cal opponent for publishing a forged ' i by a leading it, is humiliiting to behold ?i4hc cringing and abject position it occu- St ‘jßijsuh regWd'to' foreigti| powers. This a’ coinmuiilwtion from the , replyto a resolution of the - - House Jafßeprescntativca, calling upon 'infdrrijatitftfjn regard to the ' Sjejdgpl As soon o ftWW? iSw?,: pojaeweeSks since, passed ••■itstnilkj.iand., waiter resolution de- ifi+asion of Mdxi ffufk grave and important subject, heidirectsthat yon(Mr. Datton) inform '* the-government of Frantie that he does "hot aji ptesent contemplate any departure from the policy which this government has.(hitherto pursued in regnrd to the 1 War which exists between Prance, and which means that, notwith stahding the protest of. the House of ißeprescntatives, Napoleon is at liberty to-proftecd in his designs upon this con tinent. Our Minister's reply, to Secretary SeWabd shows the humiliating position : he; feels himself in at the French Conrt. He Writes that he visited the French Min ister at the department tof Foreign Af fairs. The first, words he addressed to me - says, our Minister, were;! “Do you bring us peace, or bring us war!” ] aakdU towhat ho referred, anil he said he teefewedmore immediately to those resolution! recently passed by Congress in 1 reference to the invasion of Mexico by the French, and the es tablishment of Maximilian upon the throne of tiiatfOontinent. ■' “I "aid to him, in reply, that 1 did not think ‘France had a right to infer that we were about to make war against heron account of any ■ thing contained in thoße resolutions; that they embodied nothing more than had been constant ly held Out to the French Government from the ■ beginning. That I had, always represented to thedbVernment here that any action upon their (part Interfering with the form of Government In Mexico woujji be looked upon with ilissatis fpCtidn in our country, and they oould not ex pect tls tb be' In haste to acknowledge a monnr clly built upon the foundation of a republic Sfhifch waß our next neighbor; that! had reason 'to bellevb you had held the same language to tyj* French Minister in the Unitid States. This Allegation he dld not seem to deny, but obvl jtote-in question as a seHOus'atepupon dnr pdri." BUTLER. ■ ' atUaamnfeplWiriarit thing' to speak un - J^t* 1 © ffeafl; tint the announcement of the death of JofiK '.JJpoikßi brother of the General, com monly called the beast, reminds ns of his praoeedlngs in Kew Means, by which .heandhitrljfotherbecame suddenly pos sessed-of colossal fortunes. In his case the sayinjpbf 'MAnk/AuTONY is illustrated; “the evil that men do liveS after them,” and Huilihßhasleft'dnirecord evidence J>rgtJ»er;s infamy in Uf O. The Telegraph announces that his will shows iiiin to have been worth two mi)lioA- r yf 'dollars' / the i half of which he betineath'ed to 1 his brother, the General. ■ Ttvtf Veafs ago neither of these men was •Jpossesion^,. nciw they di millions. But- soft 'ierinrnot judge; lie i£goneto ; 'give an account of how he accumulated his vast fortune. 11 Restitution is no w out of his power* and he has left .behind him quiet, to riot in their ill.got- the’langnage of Mr. Bev- Kuiy . the. surviving BctxiEb may well exclatm; t'Gh that memory as well aa hddy-l” , “Great efforts, I learn, are on foot to discourage a nomi he jJ^^ d and ttr nrauce tnatTiody to adjourn to spte the private who etepts bridges ovet Bwfft strjeams;:. anjd .'rears;. the- lofty, fortifications,” and iOsdheiiritfttißJwho, withuhehayoneteet, Pttarge's I dp ;thp dtradlyirifle pits and against the-sqaared colunuttsoOttte hbMfiWR ilom it anS ! j Sufferings of our Wounded— Shameful Short-comings of the Authorities. All accounts representing the sufferings of our iiHdiers,, in V irginia as frightmUlh the extiiine, Jin’d if we are to credit jj|g Btai|jitsns of inch men as Mr. darnuei! Wjikeson. of %e Tribune , the guilty M a criminal ; wan t.oftijfreparation which ought to consign tfiffSe ditOtrUy gespohsi-i ble to everlasting infamy. “Tn a long let ter from Fredericksburg to the Tribune , Mr. Wiikeson gives a barrowing descrip tion of the scenes and sufferings he had witnessed and says: In a guano warehouse a magnificent veteran leaning against the wall, with ' his blouse on (to protect Kim from the ■ cold of the brick,) whose whole left sleeve and shoulder were thrown back so as to relieve the stump of his ampu tated arm from their weight, beckoned me to him., “I have notate, Sir, for three days. When will rations be ser ved us?" I flew across the street to the Sanitary Commission rooms, and repeat ed the pitiable statement, and asked for food. ’ “Our supplies are wholly ex hausted,” said the attendant. “We have literally nothing here Bave empty boxes.” Where the wounded in that city got theij* food that night, God only knows. Where bandages were got to dress their 1 wounds I know not. Ifthere were any hos pital supplies here whatever, I do not know. I do know that in the great Baptist Chu-ch Hospital, under Frank H. Ham ilton’s care, there Was nothing—liter ally nothing. And if a surgeon as dis tinguished us he, with a title won by so many years 'of professional service in the field with the highest personal influ ence, with hisexperience in getting things as a Corps Medical Director—if he was destitute, it is fair to presume that every hospital here is destitute. I know that he was without bandages, lint, medi cine, and stimulants, and I saw one of his nurses, a young and beautiful girl from New Hampshire, go to more than one secesh house nnd beg in vain for old sheets and pillow, cases; and I heard her express a purpose to go to the Milita ry Governor of Fredericksburg, and beg him to order a raid upon the shelves and closets of the she dragons left here on guard by their fugitive rebel husbands. Of the destitution of utensils and conve nience for the care of the helpless sick in these hospitals, it is unnecssary to speak. Every imagination will supply lor itself the nameless horror and suffer ing that ensued on this want. What is all this? Shall it be baptized the inevitable accident of war, and let to slide into the unremembered? I have done more than my share of warfare upon official persons, and have grown weary. If I were not weary ol strife I would search lor one of those pens whose strokes drew blood and empty offices, and, so help me God! I would never let up upon the officials responsi ble for the criminal want of preparation at Fredrieksburg tor the wounded from Grant’s battle in the Wilderness, until they were out of place forever, and for ever under the feet of the vengeful friends and relatives of this army of ne glected sufferers One of War's Evils.—A Nashville correspondent thus writes of the curse which war has brougt upon that city: “It may readily be imagined that the morals of Nashville in these days were not very exalted, nor do they seem to have been improved by the advent of our army. Months ago, when a laree garrison was retained here, it was found that the extent to which prostitEtion was carried on in the city was demoralizing tho men far more than would even a de feat on the field. To correct matters several hundred of the disordeily wo men were collected together and ship ped off on a steamer. They first at tempted to land them at Louisville, but the city authorities interfered. Cincin nati was then tried, but neither were the people of that city ambitous of an increase of population by such means. So after trying several places the miser able creatures had to be brought back again to Nashville. A new system was then entered upon, viz: thaf of licensing the evil, but hedging it, about with checks. An army surgeon was detailed for the purpose, and periodical investi gations are made into each case. Such women as ma f safely pursue their call tng, are furnished with certificates, and all others are sent to a hospital main tained under government auspices, by a charge of two dollars for each certificate issued. It is Btated that no fewer than four thousand certificates have been granted in this city alone. The unfor tunates many of them are daughters of soldiers in the rebel army, who being de serted by their natural protectors, and having in the turmoil of war no other means of support, have sacrificed their virtue for bread. Another considerable portion are women who have impru dently followed their husbands and lov ers into the aTmy. A march has been ordered, and they, left behind destitute have fallen.” ’ General Butler Hauled Over the Coals.—The New York Evening Past or yesterday publishes a summary of General Butler’s late operations, ‘-from an-authentic source,” from which it ap pears that ‘‘we lost, by ah error of But ler s, sqveral important advantages of such a nature that, in more skillful hands, they might have gained us deci sive results.” The substance of the principal charge thus brought forward m 'U leading republican journal against General Butler is, that when he had gain ed a good position for effective work against Fort Darling and itg appendages he was ‘ earnestly adVised by General Gilmore to make Mb position secure by entrenchments, “against sorties or any movements of the enemy to oust us from them,” but that General Butler an swered that as his movement was alto gether an offensive one, “he could not pause for defensive preparations.” It is ‘W in consequence of this un u ise decision, General Butler was.repul sed and that to recover the ground he tionm bi ° St WIU re< l uire '. a ' a rge addi tion to his p resen t force. ” Qen. Steele.— The Richmond Sen. tmel says: In reference to the sur render of Steele to Price, there has been much confusion and many contradic • tions, From a comparison of the sever al stones we are inclined to the opinion that Ins army has-been captured just as Milroy’B was at Winchester on the 4th of June, last year—that is to say Steele withm remnant, made his escape, while the body ofhjs forcesfell into our hands He probably lost six-to nine thousand men, besides his teams and artillery. Steele with about three thousand, had a race with Marmadnke which should en ter Little Rock the soonest. Steelecarry ln&ii£ht weight won, by-aneck.” A Society for the Abduction of , f youn 6 Females.—During the past srrowin« , ’-srftTrf n ™ interior rov- «*«•*V.uch h^.”r!h« £o^*l^! from rebel bullets; only fifty-tlmee" per » ttfFLrUZSTISi and Bone Ointment, —rstatmJta?^^ eighty-one? Hardship exnosure the A oertilln cnre for Diseases 01 Horses and Cattle. -\ «w Bi:ok,,rp. Mass.. Nor. S 4, I**« been aiiiictcd many years , of rheumatism, and all the tils of the lro “‘ “>M >inUl the openiu? of the with severe prostrating .-ramps it. my limbs, cold l empty box that stands wide open in the 1 W ? y over ,hl, principal routes. After the , a ‘‘' : ' luJ h'*'" lB . and -a general disordered B) stem, midst of camps, but at whose bottom is » “ c ™ l u *° of ““■f remedies in all the slahtes of 1 by«ctain. and med. e.u.-s failed to relieve me. j "Home the charmer, siill even as she n' m,l| ’* Dy ' ,ht, ) r ‘ uu >ual sales of condemned ' h.lcrmrrn.. seme tricndsNew York who were I lingered there in tile old time The °° were •Uaeontmued.a saving to the Comps- • nnn K Pbuitstion Hitters they pn-vailcd.upon me ’ battle ended, the surgeon’s dutv done *7' ' , * cl ' o■■■<■ 1 l-el lira- another being. Myapiw-: from : home—is the soldier's hone at i w ’ Wdc bound,inward strains, loss of appetite- “ e »nd strength have also greatly improved by 1 or all! Get Gonerals wse 1 W , l " kn< -'“ a ’ hca ™-- ™lds, and all disease. t’lautati.in J),lters, if you can, hut Oh l be sure that the nhv' !»■!'' luaß ‘> ‘ urfelt of scahbers, glanders, Pol- iiespeclfully, .iuimth RrssitL, ? 4n isequal ,0 WEftf U? & J T* Sept. ,s, tssa. tire North 1 „ '1 lue wom i; n o! ’ t'b, regulates the bowels, eorreets aU derane,. . 1 ’ v.l-, U.ej gave me a bottle uf Planta the North Jove and labor on. Their ment. or the Clauds stren.-D,en. 8 1 l ‘ " 'three hot.les restored^inv 1 2" kar s are , 3 in liis j lliae As J have : makes the skid smooth and glulsv “"’l « ’c. A. Fladtk." - hioss, > ° ~t b efore’ , rhe >S the red ken down hy hard labor or driving quickly re ,- The following la iron, ti.e .Manager of the O’ bitter run f lht u° tS da T k an’> using the powder once a day .Nothing ! teere" for the Yolun- 'S’ andTul'ins c "p” w°, U “",rf hSi" i T ,mmU e ‘‘ U “‘ *° “ in *>"« : ' -»*»-. 6 , TH , T „ . ' nitalo »n/l V..0l ,v wartlß ill n°s- : appearance, condition and strength. , ~ Nov York, Aug. 2, tSB3, j God dead - thc acre of the living j umps, tumore, sweUings. bruises, fouih : O ' | fcet » chillblaica, wind galla, contractions of “^ ICA| akill l>.'ulVen exhausted tl £? !3 ■ TltMiVflartrt Qireoi m. I tbe tendon *t j ono enlargements, fcc. f U u commenced with but a tea- 5 ; tSOOKB ana Slgel.—The senes Of dis- Blood I'owder Me uer lo ,« MAoir lt •'l’oonful of Ritters a day. Her appetite and B^ft.WBa4S!t.* , as ■» bMt n « S »nH? a J? dS h f BeTeral « Un - MoKc<; ‘ o '' Borblns, New York. llevc the PlamaTmHm I°“’ f ° r 1 vcril y be- S 2 fifty pieces of artillery better than any - - Pittaburvh nr. w ’ ft , * lM * Thou wilt send me two bottles more ;LU aataii j jg»..-r~*~' : ’ Ss SSSgsr i has evacuated the whole region of Loui- j miasma and fopi. vv ! u ., , ' Stana west Of the Mississippi. ’ln the 1 , Hr _ pore generated by the but.sun will I Dyspepsia aL h h'.lt be T 8 A trro o t * uller, ’ r from y|. whole history Of tbe war there has been i ia'yune,/ “T.'.'T i BfautaDon RttUrs ( . rc, ‘ cl “‘ nit - ' Bpsssi&SiS STJS !i l;!,‘;=rr- -•- •:, f tarsasi I SH=;! as^^wsws*. <)’ officer I Superintendent | g | =. ty as a military commander has now ! J*™*" 1 The Plankton Bitters have cured i * been so thoroughly demonstrated, ?haf: *»*• ! , he ,s not fit to be trusted at the head of i TTlrr =i : - |,roßtra,e . 1 m ij U^^ a fe'“>;, l >ußiness. I. an army, and we hope that he may be i l®“ , t , h EAI ? s that rebel AGi,NsT ' ‘ UeTel ““d,o.” | allowed to remain in retirement while or nthoionH o^^ I*lo 1 * 10 nt ? lt Weauty 1,1 the,r * The Plantation r ßitterß have cured the war lasts. Wmie f m afew momen 8 kvl ? WSfi b r e ®!i, ftn § ea ot? f n ! SifW? th f # idne >*» “ d UrtSS I Another general whom we can well • : afford to have shelved for the rest of the CRIBt adoro , s iuih dye. \ *„ . N 264 Broadway.” . 1 tvar is Slgel. Hehas had splendid oppor- pJ^eS 1 t d hl,?a r r it ! °'! er ’ lHon . i' e rf«t safety, ’ ic - ! tuntties afforded him in Missouri and Jupth and Ik-huref of fhf D ue“ <1 i f! 3tC f e-try or In Europe. | great restore. They are eompowMl of theccte-l AI A PA7 s nrTT T G 7 f f S ; His rdeent unfortunate and iU-managed a , ndoro * **“•«• Preservative, l>r»tcd Callimya Bark, Uintdrgrecn, Sassafras AL-A LtolK; encounter with Breckinridge, in the i’romo U tiug e th?B U rowth ii‘e Dye, in dressing and I lfool “’ herbs, &c.,ali preserved in perfectly pure i \ alley, is the one single serious disaster kjir, and*oi Ud M?ne *7'.'': ' h '; 1 Cr ° il[ Kun ’' ' lo our arms of the present campaign in J^rn^' 8 “J* «h™ffrem ‘ lrgmia. Thus far it does not appear to Aiannf#(.t under cHmes. much affected the general plans of A 8, °r ‘York* 11 p°' 6 the Commander-tn-Chief. But there is slBtB V h r 2l h£ DreSere? r “ I,mK ' no kno wing whether it may not interfere - 5 i —i so with the ultimate grand triumph for which we are all hoping. Fortunateiy General Grant is a man of large resour ces, and lie may be able to make up at other points for a discomfiture at one of those included in this grand plan of operations. But it will not do to trust any of Ins work to men of even doubt ful ability, much less to those whose in capacity ha 9 been often demonstrated as m the case of Banks and BigeL Per sonal considerationsand respect for good intentions should be of no weight, when the lives of our brave soldiers and the safety of the nation are at stake.— Phila ■aulletm said to bo to kidnap and send-fo News °J* girls. It is stated that after theirsbeing kidnapped a drug is admiriSc istered to them, and their action under its 1 influence will determine whether or -not they ate virtuous. If not, they are to be released. (We may say here, mi ?° '•^ eTe is no drug which will determine any such question.) ihe manuscript is signed by twen ty-lour members, of the Secret Circle. Appended is a list of nine young girls whoso abduction is considered feasible and advisable. This is one of the most damnable organizations ever conceived by wicked minds. —Albany Knicker bocker; - The Author of the Eorged Procla mation —Premature Explosion, j On Friday last the Gazette whs filled I with pious hate and holy malice against j the blasphemous liend who forged the | proclamation, for publishing which the World and Journal of Commerce were smjtressed. “It is simply damnable ” said our believing contemporary; “and if the Government does not hang the forger or forgers, it will fall far short of the performance of its duty to the pub lie” It called them “Copperhead" ” ‘miscreants,” “enemies of the court try,” “cowardly, sneaking traitors,” for whom “no pffnishment would be too se vere, or too summarily administered The author of the treasonable and blasphemous contrivance has been dis covered; and for the comfort of our de voted contemporary, we record it he turn? out to be one of the elect. Jli" name is Howard. He is of the extreme Republico-Abolition War Union party in his politics; a writer fnr newspapers by trade: being a contributor to the Times, Tribune and Independent; a pro fessor of the newest style of philanthropic Christianity; a great friend of llenrv Ward Beecher, and doubtleess a fer vent worshiperof Horace Greedy. We mention these facts because we have no doubt, being reminded of them; the Ga- ! sette will rejoice to take back what, in its ! ignorance, it said against him.— Cin. Fnq. ' Tile Rear Guard. —The Indianapo lis Sentinel contains the following rich item : “We understandtlut a young lady ofthis city has written a note to Brigadier General Carrington, stating that if he will go to the Iront, she will take his place in the rear, for one hundred days or Jomrer—staying, in fact, until the re bellion is completely played out.'t Free Sheecti is the corner stone of free Government. Prevent free speech and the dark waters of despotism soon settle down upon the people. The first care of tyranny is to surpress freedom of speech and freedom of the Press. ®*Tm”h BIA , S ’ VKNKTIAN UNI. durine thifn!»if haB &lven univep s*l satisfaction mto lhe h t'n°S *1 !*“ b K een ‘t“«> l “ ca ‘ l ?‘» bc w, “= re thla and neVer has P fitih,d used as directed it cannot counttn. colds ;*l,. L" a Bin S lc lna 'ancc. l'or One 26 cent m *“ enz 'h it a«n’t be beat, aitles us?r„ C m Wll ‘ "T M 1 V l6 ttl, ove, be- Cidents such .. I e ' eTJ famil f lur ““‘Wen ac &G if’i BUC " r l,Urnfl i cats, scalds, insect Btinca and beLhlen'tothe n °l ,ak, ‘ lnt ‘- rna *V chili! to ,the oldest person or j uungest aU >0 r l e‘in b Zt T M 0! ?' «nI>PATH, Pittsburgh, and -J rea P«t»ble Drugpsts. mr-IyStewo FACT. • • • . .i . ( , . u .** a . **»■«• ! tIiVEN / L-TIAN S HAIR IV ??v h v WS - first t J )r ep. l re,' iiu.k Ll . HAIR L>> h; since that time br Thmi3fllldci » ftDd no instance ! Thivi.MiisS.?i\ e entire satisfaction. ■ world ' DVK is the cheapest in the ! bntUo * ? I,riCo , la °"!r YWty cema, and each Itho-e us U allv U B 0 w 0 1 U o^,. t,,e of | jure h fhi hi!r T IAIN i KlB warrant « l not to In- ThevtvmWP in the degree, and I,yE '"°* B wMMlapidity whatever*”* 1 ’ the hair requiring no preparation that h m*X^F I 'f A ? r DT E produces any shade or w abh r^'° ne timl Will not fade, crock Itself K that •» ns pent! anent as the hair rt>r sale by aU druggists. Price 60 cental A. I. MATHEWS. Alsomsni.r Agent, 12 Gold at. K. T Gloss beat K? r Mi THEWS'Anwrc a Haib cents 1116 iwst hair dresatng In use. Price 25 ' janl§-iyd . JL- 30SJ PbEMDIG’S DRUG STORE, Uor. of the Diamond and Market at. )H»IYERS, SCHOYER & CO., , . I Station eks_ . g jm M;. * /ST i;® 1 " pbihthls| v-fi{ § ‘ AND 1 - £= .M U Blank Book Manufacturers,' N O. 89 p TH STREET POST BUILDiNCJs. AU Orders Promptly Attended to. Hpls drinkiiit- nmu i , —Too much eating mat carisfesr-E the BEANhKFTWetm ? <|aal ln twefatoess to FIRE ZOI’AVF?, tver y nian of the Pin- - I rY, • had a ox of Brandreth’s pdroua l>in ° f f Salve, and an Adcock's i./sif 0 /^ 3 a la ? ? r I ,u * in their knapsack free of cx* jKnse. And to this fact maybe attributed the hosp«a C l° f “ y ° fTHLS me b\ FR'i SOLDIER should have a box of RrnuUreth’s Pills, a box of Salve, and a piece of Th " r are SL KE *° SoTd by THOMAS RHDPATH, Pittsbureh aD m» H t Pes^ctttWc dealers in medicines. ’ my t-lydiwc T AMD El. .. . , PPUIT.M.L OF AN INVALlD.—Puh voffj?,' ifK^ en ® H V a ? 1 a 3» ‘JAIITION TO IOI.NO Mb.N and others, who sußfer from InfoT a ll . 8 IJcb - l i lt >'’ Fiemature Decay of Man !*"'’ 1 *“••> ' u PP ,y inE at the saute time ThkJLkjlns k . h.Lv-<. i ii«. lfy one who has cured himself alter undergoing considerable quackery. Rj inclosing a postpaid addressed envelope single copies may be badof the author * >e ’ ~ . , , NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, esq., feb6-3tnukw Bedford, Kings co K V J. M. CORNWALL & KERR, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS, Silver and Brass Platers. And manufacturers of Saddlery & Carriage Hardware, No. t St. Clair street, and Duquesne Way, (irear the Fridge,) EI. fractal without pnin hy the uae ot l)r. (»uury’a rtjiparatua. •J . - HOFFMAN, dkntut All work warranted 134 Smlthfield Street, PITTSJJUBG'H. S. T.—lB6o—X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart lack of appetite, distress after eating, torpid llv er, constipation, 6tc., deserve i to suffer ifthev will not try them. w They are recommended by (he highest medl caUuthorities, and air warranted to produce an immediate beneficial eliect. They are exceeding ly agreeable, perfectly pure and harmless. I NoTlCk—Any person pretei.ling to sell tatinn Bitters in bulk orby thegallon is a ewind- I ler and imposter. It is put up only hoop,. lo j cabin bottle. Beware of bofttles romied with! inutalion deleterious stud, for which several per- ' sons are already in prison. See that every L- : Un " Kl over the cork urmirtilefn/, and our-signatnrdlh steel-,date side alel. Sold by lespectabie dealers throughout ' the habitable globe. V»EjM7TEFOi. WORDS AJVD TAKISTCi P. 11. DRAKE 4. CO-, ’ jHu * ic * Itß POpulallty will be unbounded. 202 Broadway, N. Y. __. ’ D r A ke s PLANTATION bitters. 1 Lp penuine article boM l*y fcUiON JOHNSTON I ~ cor. Southfield and 4tli ah I Hum buyers are ‘ Aboiithi , GEICWE PKBBIB ”*| A W *OSWHB ÜBABB Off A SMALL Russian • Nneriarlpfi 1 in'pitffi ® i s i ‘ e ,? r 3 H ° bm ‘ pjStanntsi"- : ■ (FBMJA e Regular Lectures for adby Sanlfairy Fair, will be deliver ®BNWOOD, j A - T *- “ üb'r E ' °' Coehr “ e s and Y ,H. KINCAID, SAMUEL A. m»2B-td THOS - BAKEWEIL, Ja, myB»-t. ITISEMEMS. Manufacturers and Dealers In PITTSBURGH, PA., -be found of the DAY A HA' NEW GOODS, Silks, Shawls, And a very large 6tock of MISSES’ HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS; RUCHES, COTTON AND SILK SUN UMBRELLAS, LACE MITTS, HOSIERY; SHIRT FRONTS, &&, ISO and ISSS Suitable for 81' WOOD' STREET- OW I*4, -r Aily [P-DAt^AftVERTTSEWEHTS gen; hancoge 8 OWE OP THE LIVE MEN OP THIS ipaign. He, Uke hiji superior^ tiRY. URAYT, derstande what he is about j and we may addin does •ncert 'Hall Shoe Store, 62 FIFTH STREET. 1 his place never falls to have on hand, for the selection of their friends, the largest assortment Of . * BpOTS AND SHOES. W 1 ich all are Invited to call and teat, which are Bold lower thbn nny other | HOUSE IN THE WEST. jig y 26 • * nr p iTTSTiun6 H bawitinT A opens June; Ist, 1864, and there wui ?Si?S bt^ e 8 Kreat ma ®y peraona»visiting tho £JS ofnttending tho Fab-/and S .5 1 H me wait Something liand sone In the DRY GOODS LINE. totSoabin jgj * lmost aa y article to this line, they can C. HANSON LOVE &■ CO.’S, 8®! n ft^ e lar S«* heat assorted stocks of Dn Goods ever brought to this city. O ir stock of Clo Aka, Sacks, Mid Circulars. in Clo h of all shades, and: Plain BJaok all 6f the very latest New York fashion? V afegaaftsafia ggffls&sis&t S»/r SSI deBotlption ' wa *S«K: IJtei ses* and bacques. Also Sun TTmmatii ?Si'“raoM 1 ui ble .S? OT^t8 ’ T “Mc JJheSs, Ncpktos, rowels, Ginghams anil of otller goods which have been £•*' 81 'ed With great care, to which anexamina” *?? bel , ore “Alng your purchases, Luwtodlt wail re to your interest to give usa calL m, TO C ' HANSON LOVE A 00- ™ 73 and 70 Market street. J Cl'l'lZKNS OP pITWg-. BURGH, ALLEGHENY AND -Klrp v G H BOROUaHS »taS f f h? not named In the •the Committee appointed, who de&in» »«■» ibute to the Sanitatyi'aW, allTOCli ispeotfuljy requested not to watt for a oer application to be made to them, but will lhelr 6ubB criptlons at oned to N. ies V o 6aBUrer » a * the Banking House of N es A Sons, Market street, Plttabureh. w - D- M’OO WAN, seo y. Ron vidu list c conti are r sona picas Hole Hole MCES OF Admission to the Fare.—The Ev saa5 aa flxcd the following sche . Tii £n for admission to the Fair: To L^ 1 f° t CtB -.’ v t To T l>fnin ? Hall Wots., in «to Lad ies’ Bazaar, Monitor , Mechanics Galleryyor Old tef i o *' Bin & leT *<*ct 8 25 cents, or°pack of 6 tickets for one dollar v the Ist day of J une, it is in- Jw^*4 oi>en tbe ft * r immediately after tho cerbmoaiea Auditorium, Xo . Emission to each hall on that evening two t above mentioned tickets will beAequir- Osgoods will be sold on that dts-admutlng children under I2yeaw ofage A f l Jlf buillllB ga ? except the Dining Hail the Auditorium, will he soldat lodtaTendl once of tickets to the Auditorium will be lated according to the nature of the enter aentand will be announced from time to 4 . my2fr« ecuti dule Flow cludi Hall, Curb ages On tend* lnau| gain-i of thi Tickc to ea( and t] Then regul: tainxo time. r r > 2 ITARY » AIR.—PERSONS HAV ng machinery or manufacturea forMechsn laH, are notified that l from and after thtn »me one or more merabera of the Obinihjf- SUbeic attendance at the Hall to receive BS of Hair, Baffin ne,* ' *■ u-jT* Perfume, - Perfume, •>,: ; . - '■* Perfume. / " • , Oocoanut Gream Bern ores Dandruff. , ■ i /Oocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff, Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff Oocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff, It Produces the Richest Luster, It Produces the "Richest Luster, It Produces the Rickest Luster. It Produces the Richest Luster! tt gives the Half am OHy Appearanoe, It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance, It gives the Hair an Oily Appearanoe, It gives the Hair an Oily Appearanoe-' For Oiling Whiskers it-has no Equal, For Oiling. Whiskers it has no Equal, For Omugi Whiskers it lias no Equal, For Oiling Whiskers it has no Equal, ; stains all its Beautifying Effects: Anil it retains ail its Beautifying Effect* An 4 It retains all its Beautifying Effects And it retains ail its Beautifying Effects For da/8 after using it, .For days after using it, For days a/ter using it, For days afterusing it, Fdr greasing and OUlng the Mostaohe, Jor pressing and Oiling the Mustache. pressing and Oiling the Mustache, lrqr Dressing and Oiling the Mustache, It Prevents [Gray Hairs, It Prevents Gray Hair-, It PreventslGray Hairs, It Prevents |Gray Hain, i It? Prevents Hair from Turning Gray’ . It Prevents Hair from Turning Gray It{ Prevents Hair from Turning Gray Itj Prevents Hair from Turning Gray tfo Hair preparation pos sesses the peculiar prop erties which so essentially suits the human Hair as the Coeoanut Cream. imotea the Growth of the Hair >rtjotea the Growth of the Hair, unotes the Growth of the Hair jmotes the Growth of the Hair' Ii is the Che? It is the CE3 It is the Ghej It is the Chq ipest Hair Dressing in the Worhk, ipest Hair Dressing in the World*" ipest Hair Dreasiug in the World* Ipest Hair Dressing in the World* BY ALL DRUGGISTS FOR SALE JBY ALL PRUGGISTs! FOR BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS! FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST? | AND AT J. ajt. FULXON^S, Dispatch) Building, Fifth Strata my!B | SIEGE OPyiCKSBUBe: STWoodatr my2B ! ' j*'; 3 *V/?;v,,L- .v7|3