AUISUfI: jggppiTT9BUH,t;tt r.eBßte-ft'nd Bjinager^*..4^MtvHSHlfflßSoH. Treasurer . .H. Ov'EniNGTOH. Fifteenth thejjoppar actress, ... i •- ' , AVlio.wlU apnegr for the third time in- the new expressly for her, by the celebrated fttithwesfl, Mad. luarguerlttes, or the Christmas Tree, which .will be presejitefftrith ndw feenery. dresses ami appointments, from the designs and sketches 01 the; authoress. || TtfltfEVjENlNtt wiU be presented, * . or the Clirlstmaa Tree. Ttosel 1.. .Kttie Henderson l'rederi'cte’-i v..i ' : ;' Xx .; 'At each entertainment a gßanb array op novelty brought forward, introducing THEOREM MAB TROUPE OF MALE AMD FEMALE Jugglers, |;OontortioniHts, &c, : , . Also, thd entire troupe of EUROPEAN AVIidIIICA > Mate and Female Artists, Loaded by MISS! ELIZA: GARDNER! |XhePromeire Equestrienne of America,' DAK GARDNER! ‘ ’ ; 1 The Popular Punster, and RibriAßD Lemmings, .of I the. World-renowned 15 XjO The Equestrian spoim will be .conducted in a manner that the management thinks willghr entire satisfaction to aijl Nothing will be per mitted that would tri any way mar the taste ol the niort fastidious observer, but the entire en tertainment will be at or ee found Chaste, Elegant and Attractive. Th-c Grand Procession, ' Headed by the magnificent golden chariot, Will paBB through tlfe principal streets of the city on MONDAY, the 23d tuat. Don’t eoriTountTthiß jiritb any other exhibi ■- tion, nor forget the ! MYS ATVp DATES, MONDAY, ~. J“ 7 --A TtTESDA ■■ ■ FW&KItESDAY, 4th and 25th- TO-. H. -GARDNER, H, Agent. I a.*] 2 u " .'"V -•OM Curiosity Shop.” 1 THJE . Alb ASD ITIQK OF ..peodSq-.of .WesU rn Pennsyl vania flart-Etetern Cfoidj,* to hereby requested, in faking the a bore idepartjheat of the ooming inttabyigiiSAaitajy I&r equally.a credit and » tjuoc&ffi-ltinnerbus i&ea 'and trophies of the the iMteicap war, tfar of 1812, Indian and WWicuriosities con nected with-the early aetttcjnent of pur region, or wiWevents.and men prominent- oqT-histo ry, tforip pities of every description a way An private receptacles; and may iTbroug&r render the! < O*iD , GURIOSIT Y SHOP’ * not the least of of Jhe Fair. The committee, therefore %ak that all who are wUling to helft eJong the.KOpd |ause,; would send in'such articles ofthe above description as they, may have, Or cob procure fl om others, or notify the committee where the; can be found. Articles donated: will be disposed of as the donors may direct, or the d rectton of the Executive Oommitjt?p»; leainerely placed on ex- rdoeipted 3bi by any member of the andretum eii. A letter should eoompany each article, givinfelliiffllgii.iHHfioi iLdonated, its value. Give everygii jyou can and lend us the rest. On behalf of the Con: mittee, . 7 0 trosl & MbßßlSGN,:Chairmaa. Geo. H. Cheistt, S scretary. either dc anted, of leftfor exhibi tion,, bag',be left \yith, or addressed to' either of the throwing members !of the committee;: . -?rr V-‘ 1 vr. ;i. M’GOWAN, “ J ’ 96 ’ fatervt., I Pittsburgh.. ... VJEEOH, . comer - th and Grant streets. ..“.i ; '; pj|:|rsitor nxcKfeoN, ,pef > .Huslj«r: Ms ea Wohsc. and: Keape^ also , ;llarsd and A%l'tust ufa* «nd I a kinds.. r»- r. u~f tit«aitWB -Baaj;roH cracker • llvß. ■'BAKERY?'I*-jL 1 *-jL j Bet«gaWFoaB-«naMn|tet. ; . 1e big nO-PAftO!SEKSHIP NOT ICE;—T HE ly mjUer&isnrdiiaviilprinedftJco-pajtfwrshtp at lUfUjnolug £nd«tr> Hie ns toe at Ot>-r £9* tha-jitacpoßT ofutoking IRON, MlNlNG ooiii&b. i *’-. S. XU JAMES Al. i .cOUTOHOUe i myio-Ssr- • '■• v ----ia * JWORTH, s kILEY,__ 1 & GO. jj jgoKBABJCCOI Idfeerty Street,rtttebaitigKf ,Jjn6 . .25 Cents. .50 Cents Cincinnati & Louisville Packets. POR CINCINNATI . OOLLINOWOOD. Agts Evan'lle, Cairo & St. Louis Packets. FOR KVAXSVILLE.t’AIRO.ST.LOI IS. UALKNA, DI BI UUE ST. PAI L. KKIDAY. MAY 27. AT 4 V. iW THE NEW STEAM EH U\ A. Lux, Uou.- wtli leave aa announced above. For freight, or passage.‘apply on board, or to JOHN FLACK, or my2s J. I>. COLLING WOOD, Agts. FOR EVASSVILLK, CAIRO, GALENA, ST. LOUIS, DUBUQUE & ST. PAUL. THIS DA Y. MAY 25 AT 10 A. M. „ fc. TH IS NK \V AND SU B- Hteamer J. R. GILMORE, A. J. Jolly,- Commander, will leave as an nounced above. For freight, or passage, apply on board, or to JOHN FLACK, or my-Jo .J. i>. COLLINGWOOD, Agin. FOR EVAXS’LIjET CAIRO & ST. LOl'is" WEDNESDAY. WAY W, AT 4 P. M. « . THE FINE PASSENGER ARMENIA, A. C. Al’Cal lum, ar., Commander, will leave as announced above. For freight, or passage, apply on board, or to JOHN FLACK, or J. D. COLLING WOOD, Agts. Clarksville & Nashville Packets. FOR ('LARKSVILLE & NASIIVniLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, AT 4 1\ IU - fc. THE FISB PASSENGER AMERICA, Capt. Gold ing,will leave as announcefcdwfty. NEW YORK. W.H.BODBNHABIER, M. D„ Office, No. l-teThlfd street. Office heursfrom to 4p. m. I I^EVOTE 1 THEIR ATTENTION TO mJr the Medihal and Surgical-treatment of . CKrOuii? Difeeafie», : Especially those or theiipWEK BOWEL, such '-as Piles, Constipation, Fistula, Fissure, Falling of the Bowel, plceration of .the Bowel, Stricture of the Bowel, he. Also, tije various Chronic • Diseases of the “Womb, the [Kidneys, the Jiiad etc. mhinltf To Soiling Mills, Machinists and Other BabbitT metal-a good akti .cle, for-salc low hy - ’I : • ; I A. PirRVES A SON. ’’ myWm ; South BndPenn, Philadelphia; ; Ll«rar>.S PATEWT’gSuStE CHJAIJTKY Jtjf CLEARER—No more Chimney.;broken •in cleaning., It de4haA.oHin.ttey without waabr Jngttnd; 1b the onlyartlcleln the market that 'clehna A, ohimnny properly... For e%le at the principal Lump Stores, an 4 Atjfcf Lampaod Oil stsorer of '' . ‘ :S, i ’d>.ti y; WTEDON A KELLYc 'phaS'eu n! AgentßfhrtheMahufacturers. %S7rnkKXHSOirfl SHBEPSHEARS. WJMSijiteWS -IhShs-bownT I fayrfy * "■ •flSFwbod etreet. • ‘ m.«OCU>ERB’~AirDCARPEriTERS’ ixft Tools, for Bale by JAMES BOWN, my2l i jUC.WoodAtreot l ' , ...i. . i- ■ [a*. >ap«l i Allegheny Eiver Trade. Daily Freight Line. THE POST—PITTSBURGH, WEtas T gSjJAX nMQBWffIG, . IyAISf 25,, 18.64.! RAILROADS. 1864. £$ WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Pennsylvania Central Railroad NIPTE DAILY TRAINS. CONSTANT ADDITIONS ARE BE ing made to the equipment of this excellent double track and express route, and everypossi ble care will be exercised lor the comfort of pas* aengera and rapid movement of freight. Trains will leave the depot in Pittsburgh as follows:. THROUGH ACCOM MUDATION dally, (ex cept Sunday,) at (J 00 a. ni., stopping at all sta tions between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. FAST MAIL every morning, (except Sunday,) at a oo a. m., stopping only at principal Stations, and making direct connections at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington, and for New York via Philadelphia. THROUGH EXPRESS daily, at 436 p. m., stopping ouly at principal Stations, making di rect connections at Harrisburg fur Baltimore and Washington, and for New Yerk via Philadelphia. FAST LINK daily, (except Sunday,) at 545 p: m., stopping only at principal Stations, connect ing at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington, and for New York via Allentown, .without change of cars; also at Philadelphia for New York JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 3 10 p. in., stoj>- ping at all Stations, and running as far as Cone xnaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's Station, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 630 a. m. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's Station, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at •H 15 a. m. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall’s Statiom leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4 00 p. m. FOURTH ACCOMMODATION TRAIN fot Wall’s Station leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 6 10 p. m. THE CHURCH TRAIN leaves Wall’s Station every Sunday at 905 a. m.; returning leaves Pittsburgh at I 2 45p. ni. RKTIHNIA’U TRAINS ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH AS FOLIA)WS Baltimore Express VI 30 p. m* Philadelphia Express I 00 p. m Fast Line l oo $. m. Through Mall Train 12 30 a. m- Johnstown Accommodation 10 id a. m. Ist Wall’s Station Accommodation 6 25 a. m. 2d Wall’s Station Accommodation S 45 a. m.- 3d Wall’s Station Accommodation 2 05 p: m. 4th Wall’s Station Accommodation.... *6 06 p.m. Baltimore Express will arrive with Philadelphia Express at l (*o p. m. on Mondays. TRAINS FuK BLAIKsVILLE and INDI ANA connect at Blairsville Intersection with Through Accommodation, .1 ohnstown Accommo dation and Express Train East, and with Balti more Express and Johnstown Accommodation West. TRAINS FOR EBENsKT’KGconnect at Urea son with Express Trains ami Mail Train Weal, and with Through Accommodation and Express Train East. F ARK* TO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA.... BALTIMORE LANCASTER 11A R KJSJU'KG ALTOONA Baggage Checked to Ml Sutionn on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Balti more and New York. Passengers purchasing tickets in cars will charged an access according to distance traveled in addition to the m.mioii rates, except Irom Sta tions whne tlic Company has no Ageut. Ni /fit 'K.—ln c.ibi’ ui lothj the Company ivill hold themselves responsible ioi- personal baggage only, and lor an amount not exceeding *uw. N. I>.—An ihnniiniH 1 .me has Ix'on employ 0.l to convey Passengers and Baggage to ;uid iroai tlie Depot, at a charge not to exeeed 26 cents lor each passenger and baggage. J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. R. R. Passenger >ration, on Liberty and Grant streets. tujez 1864. THE PITTSBUEGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY, Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad; SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ON AND AFTER MAY 15lh, [MSI, trains run a? follnwß, viz: l,ra\ e PitlG.'g. For ( 'logo. For( b vM. FoiWhecl'g. Express I.Oda m. 1 i.H.i •!. ni. 1.0u.n. m. Express l.lup. iu. l.lup. m. l.lup. iu. Mail fi.3o u. m. 6.i0 a. in. Arrive* I’itfbluirgh, }*., F.W.&r. K’}\ ‘I X) h. m., 3 JO p. in., T OO jv m., rt. in. n p. ui. 3.v>' p. im. 4. top. ui. ft. 6o [•. ui. RETURNING Arrive Allegheny. P., P. W. fit C. ii’y 1.20 a. ui., S.'2J a. ui., 2.65 p m., 4.50 i). m. C. 6: P. K. H 9.30 a. m. \ GEO. PAUKIN, Agent. . Ui i Passenger Station, Pittsburgh*. l*a. A. L ASSKLHi KK Y, Agi-iP, Allegheny dry. my It F. R. MYEKS, Gen. 'licket Agcut, Pittsburgh & Connellsville R. R, Summer Arrangement ONjAAD AFTER MONDAY, MAY »D, 1863. Trains will leave the Depot, corner of Kosaand Water streets, as follows: Leaves Arrives at Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Mail to and from U’ntown. 766 a. m. 600 p. m. Express . “ kl 340 p. m. 980 a. m. Ist M’Keesport Acc’dn, 11 oo a. m. 6 60 a. m. 6 16 a. m. 2 06 p. in. 7 oo a. m. « 30 a. m. 4 16 p, m. 6 40 p. m. ißtFortPerry Brtuldock'B Sunday Church Train to and from Ai’keeaport, l 00 p. in. 10 oo a. ni. For tickets apply to OLO. BOULTON, Act, W. B. STOUT, Supt. apso SILVER PEARL SOAP. I * CIRI'MPTOS & CO., 367 LIBERTY J STREET, sole proprietors and manufacture era for Western Pennsylvania, (Jhio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri. Also manufacturers of a superior article of PALM. GERMAN, OLIVB and RUSIN EOAPE, and various Toilet and Fancy Soaps. Of our Silver Pearl Soap which weconfldently recommend as better for general use than any other before the public, should he borne in mind has neither Potash, Salt, Lime or Rosin, or any other substanoe In its manufac ture which can shrink or injure thettnest fabric. Flannels and Woolens can be washed with the rapidity of Cotton or Linen. Clothes washed with the Silver Pearl Soap do not require boil ing or half the rubbing, which of course saves the wear and tear. Silver Pearl Soap removes Greese,’ Dirt, Tobacco Stains, Printers’ Ink, Smoke and the worst Bilge WaterStainslnstant* ly, by applying it with a moist sponge, thus pro tecting windows, carpets and furniture from suds and slops. It imparts a brilliancy to Plate. Jewelry, Glassware, Enameled Paintings and Patent Leather immediately, and for cleaning Marble and Floor Tiles It has no equal. For the bath and particularly for shaiopooning, the Sil ver Pearl Soap Is a perfect luxury. In a word all who have tried its superior qualities ac knowledge it the greatest discovery of the age. This Company re&i>eotfully ask a trial from all who are interested, and in every case will refund the price of the same should it fall to-accomplish wha£ we claim for it: Sold at. five cents per pound In fifty pound boxes. Delivered to the cars, boats, In Aueghe» ny, Birmingham and city residences free of charge. Directions for use on ail packages. Liberal discount to the trade. Merchants from abroad will do well to-'give CRUMPTON A CO., a call, 367 Liberty street, opposite Penna. Railroad Passenger Depot. £tf~Beware of all Imitations. None genuine unless bearing our trade mark, Silver Xettrl Shell. as secured by the inventor by National copyright. mluMf MANUFACTURING SITE FOR SALE. 11l Ml vm Ingham. That desirable piece of PROPERTY near M’Knlght is. Duncan’s Rolling All'll, having a river front u flour hun dred and twenty-live G 26 It.j and extending back about two hundred feet (200 ft.) , * myS-lm FRED. L. IHMSEN,IO9 4th‘ st. JJICKLES, KBTCHI'P AND SA'"iE— 100 do? gallon aod quart Pickles,' 30 do pint Pickles, 20 do English Pickles, assorted, 2uu uu Tomftto Ketchup, quarts and pints, •200 do-Pepper Sauce, . 20 do Cnmberland Sauca, : 10 do Worcesteshire Sauce, fr-dn Walnut Ketchup; _A .do Mushroou Ketchup, ,-■;■■■ i 20",d0 Hhparthd FrenchAlusfahl, 60 dd. Imitation do- .do"' Just received and for saleby. feb29 126 and LgS^Wo^sfe o Raisins, prdsbSlAHD cur rants- V. » -I ii ooo pkgß. Bunch and LayErßaiaini, In whole hall and. quarter boxes, 60 mats Seedless Raisins, 25kegs do d&J i: 30 caakajrime Zsnte Currafite i < i,:: - V ' i - Mkeg* French Prunes and Plums, 25 boxes do do •fust received and lor sale by REYMER h. BROS., s mhB 126 and 128 Wood at. " STOCk feROKERS: J. n. casiday; NOTE, STOCK, DRAFT, BOND AND MORTGAGE, REAL ESTATE AND MERCHANDISE.BROKER, Officß In iYfO'thMrnai Kev enue rooms,” between M. & M. and Mechanics Banks, •- - - No. 67 FOURTH STREET, PAPER MANUFACTURERS, S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOK, CAP, I.ETTKR, And all kinds of Wrapping Paper, Have Rem6ved " FROM JJO. 87 WOOR STREET, TO No. 33 Smithfleld Street, , ~ PITTSBUKUU, PA. ; «-Caah paid for RAGS. nj>3 LAMPS, OIL* &C I.UCENT OIX. WOlilvH. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO„ MANUFACTURKRft O? PURE WHITE REPINED CAHBOHT OILS, Office, 391 LIBERTY STREET, mj-8-6m . 3 W NO. 100 SHITHFIELD ST., Near the corner of 6th, Money in large and small Quantities loaned cm Gold aud Silver, Dia monds, Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watehes, and all kinds of valuable articles. lor any length of time agreed on. The goons c.-innut be delivered without the Ticket. 4.»*- Office Hours from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M, ja3o engine' builders. WI. M. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, Irou i’oiimlers, General Machinists and Boiler Makere, NKAR TlU{ Penna. 1L It., Pusscnevr Station, PITTSBURGH, PA. Manufacturer all kinds of .steam Engines, ranging Irom three to one hundred and titty horse power, and suited for Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Funmet-s, Facto i iea, etc. i live particular attention to the construction of Engines ami .Machinery for grist mills. and foi uprights, mulay and circular sau nulls. Have also on hand, finished and ready for shij*- rm-nt at short notice. Engines and Boilers of every description. Also. I urmsli Boilers amlijhect Iron sepcratcly, Wrought Iron Miafting. Hangm- -md bullies m every \ ariety, and continue the maimlactuie ui Woolen Machinery and Machine (.hards. el >u r prices are low, our machinery manul wtur iti of the best Quality ul maieml*. ami w ai i anted u all cases to give satislaction. 4®-OrderB from all parts ol the country solici ted and promptly filled. ic2l-d&w CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C Piano Covers, Fine Embroidered Cloth, Embossed Cloth, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Just received at the New Carpet Store of M’Farland, Collins & Co. Venetian Blind Trimmings, An entirely new aod complete assortment / just received at the new; cakpet store MFAIILAND, COLLINS A CO. mh4 New House and New Goods No. 10 St. Clair Street JUST RECEIVED FROM THE eastern cities, a largo aiul well selected stock oi goods, designed for the Siu-lng and Summer trade, consisting in part of the following goods : FRENCH (JLOTHS and CASSIMERLS, FAN •CY ENGLISH, GERMAN and AMERICAN COATINGS and CASSIMERES of almost every shade, style and color, aif of which -1 will make up to order in the latest and most fashion able mauoer by experienced workmen at short notice and reasonable terms. _ ‘Also, a largestock of Gents’ Furnishing Goods,’suoli as are usually kept in first-class- furnishing stores; Orders so licited and promptly executed. 9 W. H. McGEE, No. 10 St. Ulalr street. apl& Pittsburgh, Pa. DALIS & CAPPEI., MERCHANT TAILORS, 185 BWITHKIBLD STREET, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A large and well selected stock of SPUING AND £UMMEE GOODS, Consisting of Cloths, Cassimorea, Vestings, 4c Also, a large stock of GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, Including Lockwood’s Cloth Lined PAPER COLORS, NECK TIES and everything usually kept by first-class Furnishing Stores. Orders promptly executed. mhs-lytl PORK PACKERS. " OHAELES L. CALDWELL, ' (Successors to Jas. Holmes & C 0.,) PORK PACJIEK, Dealer in Bacon, Lard, Sugar-Cured Hame,- Smoked Beef, £te. OORNER. MARKET AND PIItST STS., deoll-iyd PITTSBriiOH, PA. OYSTERS, GAME. &C. JAMES M’jLAUGkLIN DJUXStt EH OYSTERS, BUTTER, GAME, POUI.TBY AND EGOS, 060 LIBERTY STREET, deb*Uf |l)ownj»tM?fl.. .. WALL PAPER, &C. Wallpapers from 6ctx>i3-'pej‘/-fidJly' 7 Wihdow : Shadea from iOc to $6-; QU.olflthft T lroin 70c to ‘^^ o: vt- i ?ancy varieties,- at Of FOEBSTF3& SomVABZ;."" fel-ia ' 16*8mtthSeld 7t?eet' A GOOD NEW and valuable machine, capable of netting f 26 per dafcafiovA exp6bS&^has-|uBt' Afle oh favorable terms, ThlßiJftaMjrarej chancel iftrazn i feb24-tf u V £ HOMINY— 10 BBLB CSHbICE _ FI«INT HOMINY—Jub* received aMfor sale bv FETZER A ARMfTRONGk ap2B comer. Market and First ta. 'PITTSBURGH. . r"x, • sn -- -- ‘ - PITTSHURGH. Victoria, A new and TAILORS. ’ DRUGGISTS. j .josaEf'iV’ii. TweLAa ' . SUOCESSOA TO , ; JAMES P. FLEMING, D‘ItUGGi-S'4!, WHOLESALE AM) BETAIL DEALEE In Foreign AuQ Domcbiic Drugfl, Mddieines* Paints, Oils, f>ye-SturiB ami Perfumery, - NO. 77 FBDBRAL STjRJEKT, my22-lyd ALLWiHHNY CITY, PA> STEAMBOAT FORGING; &C. ANDIIBW KT.OMAS THOMAS.N. MILLER, ni£>'RY Phipps, jr., Special Partner. General Partne/B. IRON CITY FORGE, KLOMAN k PHIPPS, NINTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. Manufacture: bar iron, gen eral Railway and Steamboat Forginga, Passenger, Freight and Locomotive Axles, Kc. seio-tf GAS PLUMBERS & FITTERS. A I> I) Y '.fc i: XVE >• H , PLUMBERS MD GAS FITTERS, NO. ir>s WOOD STREETj* First Church, Pittsburgh, and NO. 47 OHIO STRftET, ALLEGHENY, NRAS THE JgATOR’fl OFFICE. PUftIPS. HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD, Luad.Phie, Pig and Bar Lead, and Plumb er’s Material in general. Gil Refineries fitted up in tire most approved manner. Tanks lined wltn Imhd t>r Copper. Houses fitted with Water and O-ae Fixtures. 4&“X. B.—All ordere i>roinpUy attended to. aj)3-lyd WATCHES AND JEWELRY JEWKLRT. ritHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUSTi JL ojiened a very large and desirable stock of ; EINE GOLD JEWELEY, 1 GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, For LAilies’ and Gentlemens’ wear ; fine ; Bronze Clocks, Fancy Goods, iagdß-plated ware,: Buch as Castors, (Jake and Fruit Baskets, Goblets, Card Cases, Tea Setts, etc. ; REINEMAN, MKYRAN k SEIDLF, iie2o 42 Fifth street. Sewers and malsters. AoiniacH^bl^fiub^ojni^ke-itour.alnhftfgive satiHfj^pjmbaßdfoubo«Btojnerer.)i'slr^ißc>bt^ w a u^bJmibertyrfltreetitwiUbay.e'tliejjlanagt'-' of our i SPENCEB Pheoriix Brewery, Pittsburgh, Pa. .TOS. SPENCER, ■PtMyd qt "12 T : M S 'i5 TK S?-3£ ./ juul ißOup, Jtt^lers,! U.ATJUI STREET, WllElSLf] 3ilccltFj*d IRON WORKS. omim m¥ zl mk SSflTUTtori- Brothers ■&> Co .,is. A RK NOW PREPARED TO RE uISI cen e: o; .Ets from the trade l\>r all si2es'of < Guide, Suvkej Baud feHosseSiioe Iron up riiE best wVality;. • ' ■' 1 FifTßbnrgh, Jan. 7, jSC: ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW.. ~ ’ J.xMVii Ml'ltol’KlSf! Tt'oplclusi .X , ATI,QOT E T S *i siTOl WTO FIFTH STHfiE*, I'® 1 '® ■«’ -lutl J3£'j :u,:v ;•,! ; O■. l l■ ■;'lli-iiit a:n! jitlu'r flt{«rulet\" to l;i (imsuL «*d'Tid- Stf&f; 6 W'iftd;' 0 ' mnr, srusnuitnits -ft'AT? rrp KV JL TIRE and keep constantly on hand every article in their line, viz: Cornieus, Ornaments, : Curtain Goods, (.’oiiiiorts, Feather Bods, Mat- ! tresses ot all kinds; also, the celebrated latent Spring Beds. All Kinds of Shades, Blinds and ! Fixtures. , attention given to all orderß tor fit* , tine and laying down Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c. I octn-lvd ROBERTS KOKNIOJC. i GRAVEL ROOFERS! Ltl'TON’i OI.DUJJN *’.CO;, Art* prepared to do QHAViX HOOFING (»n short notice. Material to sell with instructions. fl®“( ittlce. corner nth and Wood streets, seoond story- fet>9 CRACKERS & PILOT BREAD. BOSTON CRACKER BAKERY, S . S 3 . IVI 37i VIN, Manufacturer an.l wholesale dealer in all kinds of CRACKERS & PILOT BREAD, NO. 61 FOURTH STREET, Between Wood and Marker, de3 PITTSBURGH, PA. LIME MANUFACTURERS. To Builders and Contractors. WE ARE NOW M AN'.'F’ACTURING a superior article of LIME, Which we are prepared to deliver from our COAL YARD, 509 LIBERTY STREET. BEST QTTA.LITV OV Fa. 3VTI LX COAL, Always on hand ns usual. myl9. lUOKSUX, STEWART & qo. PLAN!) MG M ILLS. JAMES MILLINOAH, AU > SONG AH E LA I’L A N LNT> MILL, would respectfully inform the public flint he has rebuilt since the fire, and liai ing enlarged his establishment,' and tilled it wi th the newest and moat approved ma now prepared to furnish flooring and planing •, scroll sawing -and re-sawing doors, saali and shutters, kiln dried frames, mouldings, box making, Ac. • ST. FRANCIS’ COLLEGE, Under Care of the Franciscan Brothers. TWIS IKSTITI'TKW; SITI'ATEO IK Lurretlo, L'ntubria (,’ounty Pennsylvania, about lour miles from (Jresson Station, on the direct rou t c bet ween J'hil-i'lclpliin amf Pittsburgh, wascham-ied in itiWh wiib |>rnjiege» to coaler the iHtinl t-oHeginte Honors anil Lmgrers. The location o! the t'oMegi* it? oneoi j)u* most ne<hy id iVansjh u;i'i-iiii? portion of the Allegheny mountains !<• oil- prut tqbiaj -tor itn pure watef, bracing air, ami picturesque scenery. Thp. j&hoiaatic year commences on the FIRST •MUXItAY a!‘the 15th oi A Util) ST, and ends about the :28th of J I'NE following. It is divided into two Sessions. Studentscannobretura home between the .Sessions. Ail the Apparatusneces> B4ry to .Land Surveying. Engineering, Ac., .Jtc., ..will be - furnished by the Institdtion tothe Students. • d , doal Music forms noektra charge, students will “tfo admitted from eight years to the age.of manhood^. ,-| h Tkemp—Hoard ahd Tditfdfc, payable half yearly In advanee, „ fr .o— r i.J.*4.L,.,...*‘70. Surveying'-alwPuee-of num........... v." ■ •,*••• v »••*•#***>. 20 . Ulaeical and Modern Languages,■extra..’.;’ 10 . St u tipnta spej@Jijig_y acatlditfttoa bals ov PIG METAL! ANDr iLOfIMS f .v SO. 74 beiow JUajelMit, , , ; PJTTfeBUEGH. : : ; I-,..: !•-. ' k. f; jß^brY' (Late Cashier of the Merchants' Hank,) No. 11 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ' f - ; st.xbuis, MOi PARTICVLAA ATTENTION “PAID to ti Uiag qrders for the purchase-oF, Cotton, Herop, jfobaejco, Floor, PorK, Baetm, Lard, , . f Refers to —Banks, Bankers, and. Marcha of St. Louis generally :Johh 'D.'ScGUV, e “ Cashier, PittstrtiTehi r i.™-;•. , , Orders .o and prompt' returns made. , ;an2i-lm ■ r.~hutchinsoi*, • (LATE OF ■ LEE COMSUS FORWARQIHG MERCMINT, •- J '—•• '{Ji-****-- < WESTERN RESERVE ci&]3g&i. Flour, Grain, Fish. «id- 1 Pot Ashes, ana Produce generally. Best Brands of Family Flour -Hand.' 1 NO. 103 SECOND ftTRinEIT. 1 Between 'Wood and Market, ■ • : 1 * f | PITTSBURGH,? A. 1 advance made on OorurigriiiieiitB.- ' : apll-lyd ! | . .. -i W. D. PATTE8502f..............A'DAM AMMOIT : pATTKufeos &. ahuos, '• ■ Co'lirimisslin TVTerolin,n,tB, Floor and Grain and General,Produce Deal- ' ■ era, No. 6 Wopd st., Pittsburgh, Pa.' • • '<• ' We take referring to the following Pittsburgh Houses i Chess, Smyth Zugjfc- Painter, A» Bradley! E. Edmund son ic GOnE/Hi Davis: J. PI WoodweU, Jas. M v Cnlly & ; Co:’, T?' W. Spencer, ft H. Love &Gd.,B.H. Jack &. C# jan2S-tf I , i;., . • R P. RETAtRR, BJCTVS&.... ... 74,.5. Laic at Miiler.fitßick£tson ? s,! : EEYMER :& BROTHERS, [.Successors toj Reymer A Andersoh,] wholesale dealeeh ar Foreign 1 Frultsl Nuts, Confectionary, 4 Sugars,' lyire Works, Ac., f• & NOS. 126 Ald)-128 WOOD BTEEET, ' y PnjTSBUEGH. ' , . • . WTf.T.TAM CARR & CO., ■> : WHOLESALE GROCERS, •WOES, BRANDIES, DINS, &€. Dutlliera .and Dealers In r Fine Old Monongahela Eye-Whisky, i 337 LIKE! RTF STREET, ' or. 13 XT hNf jj,.ISX7"'Tr., NO. 1 piAMONDi. PITTSBURGH, PA. —* my2£-lyd&w | BRASS) FOUNDERS. Duquesne Brass Works. : i!r. C ADXTAH .1 T. p. CRAWFOBR. Catlman j «Sc Crawlbrd,c -•Manufacture and keep constantly on hand eveVy ; < Variety of finishedlbrass work. • t BBASS'OASTiWgS of superior smooth .. ness made to order. • ; AJTEAMBOAt(wORK ANDEEPAIB ing promptly attended to. Also, soifiagents u>r VV estern PenJisylv&nia, for the aate of 'WARSiI’S SYPIiON PUMP, with L&ridselPs rAmprovemeut attached. ‘ febld; jail6-6md Ittiosias c. : T:#zr.\ii •M 1 J. & M. M’STEEN, , vBEASS ‘FOUNDERS, GAS AN D j STEAM PITTHES, Alt. EI2TDB OS' . i •, •• BRASS AND IRojl COCKS MADE TO ORDER.' i c Also, Brass Cjastings of all Kinds, atjthe shortest notice. Particular attention paid to fitting up and re pairing of OIL KEVINERIES. 31 ifc 3t Watej Street, Hear Libert} 1 . TtHB MBUBsjltS OF THIS FIRM *BT» . tag practical mechaalCß,.of maay.yeara’ex pericnce in the business will ensure to, give sat* ihTaction in every respect. We are 'aiso agents for Guild, Garrieoi &. Co.’s, steam Furripa-fer water and oil. | seS-lyd . __ STEtfL WORKS. IdAJtO JONES, iJO Ui rx. BOV D. ,WU. ‘SS’OuT LOtPBH. Pittsburgh Steel Works. JOiviqs, BOYD & oo.> MAjddPAOTrmßns o» ‘ / ' • ,n ‘ l Cast Steel; also, Spring, Flow .^in^ Steel Springs and Azleti, ci - v.i Corner of Boss and First Streets. , . . no2l-ly PITTSBUEdH^ 1 s*& : J W. OtFNNINGHAM. .b.OTrNNliftlHi.W'.iD. p. OUKM»- rican Convex Glass lor Parlor Windows. Church-. ea and public buildfogs. ~ * ' ApTY WINES, jLIQUORS, AO. i'y* E. P. ijUDDLETON. WINES, BRANDIES, &0 M Also, proprietor of the ' •' * OLD WH|GAT> WHISKy, ' n°. mhH-iyd L PmLAßl6Xl‘inA; vk: JACOB KI«ITJRjjWHy■ •<•> Inqibrtei-(hd tfhateaijj. --i foreign wps AiMßfifiiis,; . y» <| gMiy^B!|g.|r.p4g;^py >w ~, i Three dburs afajva 6tii at. : Jacob kebLer wouMKraWlte ■ particular attention to his.stoclLAf German. Wines and Preneblßrandies; widch hdr beeh‘fe lected and imported by himself. Churches icould defend. (Piu obtaining; pi bAp uhlishmedt the'best and purest of 'WTnes.. Liquors oHall kindi/equal'to afiVltf fee'cityj Al-' ways on hand. the best Rectified Monougahehu i} , HENBY F oreign Bramfiesj Wines; tajd' Blackberry, Ka«pbirry,'WiMl3»efry; r akd-!• ■-<] ' a f .. . . .-. f-rc_L_ ioopisßKS MERCHANT, JH * . HUTCKrNBOHj) A 3V. 1> lON GROCERS. and Import brs.&9 ! PITTSBURGH, FA. GROCER, GLASS WORKS. IMPOBTEB Ol * 1»«Is. BANKSANDBANKERS. uuin>UTM-r -r. £ 15fEl-crJJ .ori hits 4fi. / . -JLOi XM/H fimiwmiiamzs iHkvlDg’SltijnfeM tiJaei-IHe' WiAoiislOif «*|ipw& lAct, Ib now prepare^teutonj i ;:.:>A ip. ioi usblt ;; G^ieratoßanklngt'Buslnesftr-^ i pepoalU-jc^alvjwlj y«j | Attdcoließtiahß.miaoltt every* aorirauflWff TV/ I- part of the oouatry. - - - I - Office for th&prwoat.futltjl the.ooiopjetlon of i the New Backlog Wood etieat, r and t in Room • • Iffo.llQi Sm Ithfleldaifa. •Option to: thi tfuß t onHotuo, ■’ i * ■ -’-in’; ■. ’ ,: ' r -iiiffeßCToßB. vrth.'E: : SlAak^m, : - ' A. Hartje, ' ; AvS/3011. 'I AlesLlioirtetn, *4 <■**! ...... Beery . tl& < • - AEiNßMiif.pifert. B: O. fem.. tiih&jiiuiH* ’ ■w. j.'icotnfts. iu . .ptiiXi.;. ••';a*AwtedEaEfc@^ ;7fi! ; 9 «*»f* p Uss[ °Ps Sls^dflw jaWe Ti&iu IN '.FbjaEUJN AND, »Qr ,JtrTn'esttfc Cam, Bank" ifdWaia'-''' 9o«eri«(ieMt:SedUftt[a;- , C3oUecti6iu’ l tir!ttnp»iy' ,; ' latteAtottilk i.jijou .v.df -t/l hapltmoT -Wir •;: HOLMES I afcrSONSyJl AK,S JEttHi if, Xw.*-ahdfdxchaiiKelin>kera ami ifealertitn ~ N otCH, Dfaf£6, ' Adcepfarice(>, Ghld, SUVeV &nif " Baii Nofeß.” oD (be WestSroltltieacoßitantiy foCeale.’ .ta:s!!} or M J)ffai¥et‘ftreei, Between 34 ? Third and Fourth streets. $4« SO*t!BS,f ' a ' ! W®** 4 ®***®*** J <4uartcnna»-p f; 3 1 . .:■ rv/p.':., C •••. .i^iUxob.* •* 7 ’3-XO 3orula and Coupons,- and ill’offief government Betaititief/ 'bbt&*t £ fcjp > “ •■*'•'• - AXTo., •Hilfx’i/ ■ o >; ‘ ' “BS ‘ L ‘ 41 Xiom IVliiy let'tOlVovomber tog o’clock : and ftoittiWovsmbor -let: to May: lit, from:Sitd-S: r. O’clock. .. Deposits received of All sums hot less, than "Oks" Adfvidead of the profit* dec&r&r tU’ice a yeac. Jft J une and December." interests? i;d has been declared semi-aimuaUy, in Jane and D& _. . cember J Blrice the Bank- was organized, at therate" of Bix i t>erhenfe.'S^eai i . . , ; Interest, it not ; drawn out. is placed-'to-ther:- creditor the depositor -as principal, apfl bears-the ' game Interest from the first‘days of June and‘Do* : ‘ compounding twlee a year, troubling the depositor to .-call or evenvto present: l his pass oook. ‘At thiarate money will doubiein. , less than twelve years.- Books containing the By-Laws, Bales and-Regatatiahs, furnished gratis, on application ’ iotheolßce. . : pnssEDszrr. »EORfIIS alb See. 0 - . tUCnYBBSTDKKT*; ' ' -V* Jams&MnAaley, Jamee.l*.D. Meeds, • JohnH. Shoeuberger, -win;Dounl&s, JaM^HerSlL,-- ’ Isaac M.Tennoai, ■ I’etcr Ai James Shidlo, ; : r W I Si?.sAS < ?S rB SB' 4. iota J)t .JUßfaSdeoii rw .. ■ : Kf. D. John Q, Backofen, ~n 'TBrUSTEBB. ' Calvin Adams, ' Henry!J. Lyndh; ' T ' John.C,. Binfiley, - John Marshal, - • Walter P. Marshal, . ’ * BiUfiurgwln, John Oit Alohzo A. Carrier, - Robert Bobb, Obarleß A. Colton. aeory s L.:BAogiec(rtt, ?tiol4M John tvana. .. , Wni £. Schmert?, * ~ , Ben}. L. Fahnestock, Alexander Speer, ’ u - John J. (Jihespie, ~- r 'Alexahdei‘Tifidl& • . .r •Wm. JS..HaAtott, , . •-. i 3 .-: • [•Peter H. Kuhker,. , .Isaac Whittier. . ’ ' “ .. Richard Hkysi " Wm. P. Weymarr, ' •\Tamealh.K6Uy, ; . Yeager. . BhcnikTAßy AJa> T&ttAfiumtmf . CHARLES ,A. .COLTON. . c PHitAPEt-PtflA CARDS ; VI; OH ASMAGEK.'.V.. -.V J. BODUAX ntL-KQ. MAGEE .St TIIOKS, Xmporfeira.and dealersin : -.1 .* /. SLOTHS. DASSIMEHES. SATINETTS. VtaUugti TaUon’ Trlmmliiyi, ; , ivo* am M A RTr-pFraTnm 0C39-K PHJX.ADEL.PiIIA. WM. BBICE"& C 0.,.: * ProUnce aJid Prorvlalon COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wo- 16 South- Water at., - -PHILADELPHIA, s u «dvanae« made on consignments • whenrenuired.'. my-lyd ; GEORGE CHiAJNX, • Maimfootprerand l -- a* WHOLESALE AUTD RETAIL DEALER ‘' la every description of-• - = GEN.TS’ FJIENIBHOTI . jßip GHBaTW.UTvS.TJaEBiij myMyd-,,. *, ,•. ,1,5 .MS ori'i *i, GASJFIXTCiVE&ASp, CHISDBUp^,^ ' Minn-.l , :i j&qia>iyo£ anj> PATENT; PAILUiOfi(MLOII,BLRNEkS, ; .PSwi tainpa,,Coluxiyiß, <_• h ' : ;, : ,:.;''l_. t „,,i»,: Ml.- No. 517 Arob Street, Philadelphia. v: itU/ :l hat. j *»?Aligooda • • “cFharp" -irsr WIXH. LON<€K>QFE & PEAftOE** •'-’ .'.is.*:! lo ;•:■ .’-sin L-avidOirr * e». Cijt»r .*• cvc« -..-• ~£T£-•.*s!£> , ?3 , feao ., , r„ .. A ;- PHILAJjEIip-HrA. . . BEMOyAU 4 MUiica . :■.' .- f r. ; Out 'fAen'da and'the ipubllc atfliuOT^wSlnotf we trust, forgef-that we are fl few weeks to be found at Wilkins Hall, over jthe J3oayot4jri,)iace»iFourth fltreetf..wh6«j£JWß i> exhibition And for sale as finera. Btwteofllfv ■K.p . :..,;3p’jl eAi'JRf.-.-tO. S: Sps^-i JL boairfmoO 4 ; :i -AXut'J .U -L ■ foD yitio.'ij no aMa f fl» tvfeHKtt; ! ißfiO| jj^J L ■ inqu>tpr,.i>tofeaßliMi/>pd;trAd^|thft-yCTft I gßtffll t^ fctfav? [meet in separate conyeatipna-ai once, and n&% point three ot'matfr Ineiftti£ra~ AaV (Tn ntmjfrfixT o Aid in the Pittsburgh S 5 ~ ; pectfully requested that-the* nsnreirpf all of said Uommltteertti9&*ifdediin > a^no#f4 for -tiicaii. 00 ' " 'Mj i'i'KMJEJi.t-rtiAiflplt.'* and CBitalb&aesnie&frrd forM.pwta. enyelqpeirtttoouMfwji - name and address. ■'" ‘ , D. 3 .^mßwabM-' ■ ■ 68JJ Eifi&ty af’“nSw'ySJS® m * li T* -isl .Gas Burners, a sure saving of twetitw)CNrejo& fio^ u &§musu t %s&& o , l »tt^a^ l t*i* ‘{efrsj rfi fl m . >?£i>s-Wg»BßPS*Brt , neeiA ,; ° '‘itf&aUi 11 ■ ; :/-10 balesißof.-aiUm * :: ; - ■ ~,r> • ed§9 begt.lartagoaa i .:■} V: 4 .> :.*dj 76 bi°es J: “ ' 1 J " ■ uiatMasOUßtfUL 3®el<« *oel.**n*£ | rJUO.dfe-i’MHßtfc,: 2i« •w .li' .iooio^c . s’> isdlo.T :ir> ’?ES3?Sra® s 4-‘J(MSs3rK;stio4. Ji*h4 I 2« and IS8”-- * HOTATOKB- ' Jp»s?l««felfiaoio»Jßai^l6&fct B , :..:V..tisiAH%6SKr ' * CHAS. O. rfWrtl-E. " 3veii L' *T ..ultilflS w*>a