F ■ i „ APyja-yiflino Aoßartigß. c. ■ MMW.R M. PEl'mronjc.kTO No n 01ty > “ d No - 8 s “«® nTm Wtt? !?* H R KflrauNE fc Co., „■£"*' Ne * York oily,‘are au to lake idvertiaemeota and Subaorir- Mon. for ua at lowest rated. ‘ J ~^" W ' vmft,r 4 to agents at the rat j of popper hundred oopie.. IffTELLIfIEUffIK WEDWESItAY iBORMMQ, MAY 26, 1864, • Westerii Penitentiary. We hid occasion jyes tcrday to visltthe Wes t*rn Penitentiary, where we found matters more Pleasing and agreeable than had bedn expected Almost 1 everything; about thenhuildlmr.i, ati tractive, except the “solltary This of course Is a terrible thought to the man or woman, who Is dally accustomed to liberty. I tt«^r° er r ted *? '' Cellror 5-“". without thepr vilege of speaking to any person What , U certainly not a pleasant situation. This Oth«^ Mna .u tUte ' i We punMment of the convict otherwise the Penitentiary fs an attractive Place. The beautiful grass and .trees In front the clear-fomrtatn of water, In which gilden Ashes are playing, the cleanliness of the hall, the steam’cooking department, the “ OUP 'P re P ared for dinner, the mode Of obnveylngHt 7, we were inform-' ed of the growth and success of the InstituUon Since 1825,whenit was established, over .even have t ' een ““flaed within Its y oena.Wd though they are not all occupied at th6re l ” “° doubt ' thst an addition. ' T“° 0n wm to neeac t »‘>U dragjiaU. la his name as Bellman, whieh is supposed to be 1 lUU - by Mi H Ll “-> Bcriba, her 1 Prloe < (old ityle, 35 OtS.) 2fio. 800. m«A ae mon... This is a mostlnfamouaW, and the !wd others” S ° ri ' * K *' Buck urd ! »'• P« Bottle. ' 6 °” 60 °- "* «Uty party deserves,, be severely punished ] *” T""'„ i & “ i: 7" ” c ““™ to hold another tlmHar concert for 7^ 9nlX Fire IllSUranOS Oomnamj zz; ssr i *■ *■ a ™ Sur nAL $300,003 00 -5—5703,113 83 ?r“ terl ' e “-' rhe Wheeling Daily l T- Blys: A new o °unter- Wt BQ greenback has made It. appearance ‘J* no . t . the one described In the detectors' The 5, S °° d , “ a w ' eU e^ eul »dd to de m™viL. Sre “ ° f Hffhter and the engraving I. ooarser than the genuine. In the ' .enter of the MU the foot of the female figure not *e«n, while in the genuine it is quite Ttaible 1 MOW to tie H while .V ! “ Crosa Une ‘dthe letter H, while it is plain in the genuine. l There is also a shade of difference in the color of the seal « n °* n U LT Dy of,hcB ° D °tes _ will be offered ( !l“ ,lbe we “ for Person, to mark the dtf «»no* t between the genuine and counterfeit otosely to protect themselves from being vie-; Wamellnk & Barr have M'' lot ° f their “ s talrttrhnd March” dedicated to the>ohal> Exceptive Committee," Felir k eBq '> of wh °® an excellent Lithograph- - kkk?vTr a<1 °" B tte tlUe page - 11 KwLliLt 5 e3ti, f utloa - A >l »lould have a copy at onoe. For tale only at Wamellnk A Barr's n . w e^ I ,'I ni Friday evening May klthpat threat of - .M sSftg on ’ ““ 4 undsrt *”> auspices of the Committee wlll deUv'T t^ Crf ° rmaDceß - Col. J. B. Clark opeol “£ address, which, aside a crowded e £f >W ° n ' ,hou) d ! i “ ! ® Ihe uncertain public but goods, and the hair „ la Quantity of ! sur e]y she can not expect to elude’verv the varied etyief feTTi be toW 5™ “1 I L°" ff 1 *. e shrewd guessing of this y" khd amah Za Z aBhlanaWo ma »'-na, h ee uafon. So we exercise our privT prices sw» u * unprecedented low 1c ’ an 4 venture the opinion tl, n r»i - ' different kinds Of »oi^f' the " aD ' M of '“lf the : = ceroiinly heard of very jvaii' ; «ruir ß itr n t „& « e -; eaToVwr tIeLT 0 V WEit hHefvisit. We " m <"•*'* Those who\sc°„n!y ohi m o thls Jnlenm; in and look around i notice is, that'they d e whichisatNo. « | y° u I n r a » J have done no harm k t e i jsfSSKBsaKSsr 1 >** *“ | Z \ Teet He haa Reeled the best . i'»n.l n.ore tlian ,|ia t VB ' y g °v° d; nODO workmen, Z, I “ rare mind, kee“y equaitly his pictures are true and well finishwi ■ sualh' reflective Ti i unu- Hiapicture (rallery affords r j with'ih«n JL , rjlou S h Dot familiar the ability of Mr. Dabbs nod u.: tl I a ” : ««l "'as much like-Mar employ, to take good photographs : q.lisitWv nl„, ! ‘?" e ,h ™ e ™re, ex .lory there must be over one hundred snPMm eal " I i iffs ’ a , lmost angelic be -the most Of them being thenmr.alkt W,,°V i c " *» ZZaTZ TZZtTZZZ'** 2 body of the vofe 0 He““e . sxrAKjtr tn v “ ! r *sr: f d £ u 5/,;:/ ,;:f °“T albums are of th« u. . . , 111 Photograph , n in'iunng arnunt .her that Iml r„„' well as the elegant accommodations and cotl i gam .•ni,,,,.'" j *"«>*>» Ofele tooms in thiß establishment. t erof rhetoric should'wrile we," fpS The Draft.—Through tho n n . „ . „ 111 ' niory of Fuch n sister * Cuthbertson.esq., Captain and Provost 1111 book fbr vonire Of the 2t ,h district Of Pennsylvania weT" ’ Y° uM recommend ii ss f f9Uowl ne letter, amtotlncing the j ( hri Moyasrt. IS6J." slona'l District or L '" u^ns - I KJ-araa^i^jtesrT: SSPSiBRtft-’ ' U hl “f ton . Lawrence and (ire. r,<-eo,lnge" Cant.' and Provost ' [ Theatre.— The beautiful m v j drama, entitled .. Boscl or the Chri, . !p“^b h ;ir^,r‘ a r^ dramatic sensation „„ r over ro" JC e!i t, renowned authoress Madame Marguet .uv'* . 6 “ f E,liC ver.a, abilities has been fully brought out in th<. «» rOR SsSSSS=?' ,DTm ™* profe.ioo.. WW-kVfor hir"U“ In this her new role wherever ahe goes. A Man Crushed to U«uh.-The Fair mont, Virginia, national says that on Wedencs ay morning a horrible accident oecured near ‘ IT*! 1 rel " jUln S I" the death of a man nsm e x Barker, who, In company with Mr p Whs gngagedt In roiling some heavy timber ato the Monongahela river, preparatory to forming a raft. In attempting , o r ,1 .7™ logs inu. the river, two of ZJZ°Z crushing him to pieces. ! 1 s' E - BrUM of K company K 102 d Regiment, were solemnized yesterday af wr°?L WeWSB - bUrted "«*-■»■ hon«. of war. The procession formed on, Fourth street and proceeded to MountTJnlon Cemetery, where his remains .were finally interred. 3 Oor read*?, «hoold bear in mind that «t McClelland Auction House, No $5 Fifth street ;a very laiga aijd complete aasorlinen fnr T) * ’ W ie constantly kept'on hand and ottered at private sale any time during the dav at vejy low prices., y Extract possesses all the fresh tthTchTt d . deUe “ y ° f flaTor ot the frult hich it is prepared, and all others 1“ m Btt^h Purity «old at Rankin’* Drug Store, 63 Market street w ourth * & t_whole sale and retail. asrs£= tSß^Maasae drowned. Thedeceaeedieavee a large family. Ho“” wh7>anra d XtgTi,h J.r”'o„ “t* I Penn’a. Railroad, this STo? iVct T" I atantiy killed by two train, meeting' ’ r'C I V as slightly injured too. 6 I on C p““?rw :S i'oR fo ß“ a i‘;“ Glfodale Station, J o'jfb’ ranging from time particular, enquire at the Heal W* Office °{ 10 Diamond, Ailfefcheny*Sty. '“"“jjgg ■■ ■...anTßOnv^ JOSEPH METES k SON, * *AJfUTAOTtritKnW1 ,f‘ owned bytne t •■T.p.iny.. „»n»' KI R-; 6 ; ni bJ\ mv e’hng houaes w-»r ( Ji in ,-teJi CHse from ?K ° A OO * ,er C( ' Dt - more I A* ”J the r ;imoUn? 19-i.‘»7j y, Uosr.d o.i Jumohiul. secur- ’ }'i ‘•'■li.irw-nU of ii triK Mnd I'nited State* • (-urirics, ihf* m.irkef of which la $201,• I 'iro and iniami Premiums uncollected, ami all cun si' iered Btllt Keceivnble lor Pre mmuisoa Inland Nad ga-ioultlsks.... ItiPrct: acci-ied but not 50.S.',areJ Bro'oklvnLu'lon >•"*- Mock. .Market s ' oooou vTue^ 0 * 08 ' - I! “ rltct *®y™ e 'ikxMoS,; 6 ’ 6Mt ” ■H? 1 , ■ 's r e M. 900 Or HH.JOU L. S. 6 p Cr cent B iud6 of 18(37. JUaiket iy o>o l ■*" < * V 23,400 oo » , L \> 6 P er c ent. Bonds ol JBus. .Market T.-lue.. +2O, >OO Tennessee Bond- 5 (l o*t) Sa n iram-i-tce Bond a! aW nrket vV'i ■ * 30,018 30 P vf si ‘^ nt ’. „£• s - BBVAK, mvli ittsburph Agent, ... WJ-ourth st, Rea! Estate Savings Institution S’o; V 7’hf M K Ea,T OF THE CONDITION 30tt:,i864 ; above institution, Saturday, April Amount of Deposits.... *180378 62 Amount interest due n^* 180 ’ 378 63 • positors May Ist. q fITI Amount JS „ I Sf B |? n ? eal ** Bt ’ te * DS,S23 67 ?i«s Accrued intereat not col- ’ O9 16 Vlfflce Furniture lr fS f 7 Qaah on hand 00 ■ -#,803 27—5190,681 67 U. CHILDS, K. VOEQHTLY, Pittsburgh, May 2d, 18tM.' B ' OOPELAND. AST-Deposlts reoeived DAILY and Fvrav TRUSTEES i „ TO. ISAAO JONES, President, Wm.' &7 h HOWC ’ Hon. J K. koorhead, Wm. B. Copeland, Jacob Harvey Ohßds, N>hol« Vo'i'htly. Office, 63 Fourth Street, OAREIEii, Treasurer, myWtfkat w 1 W 8 Wood street. —AJTD— Dl ’ nm PiU SI , PAR&, STCURDY &CO Tf * 1 J{ oI.J> » m - Celebrated Buobu * Barilla. - gS-SS N« York M ar • ,_* * M *" S2V2S 1 '““««■•« *n Torrence & M’Gaxr, ‘ back,’^wh! e r “ L l \miuTrvT ly ' ft d 1WI ; '■'™«»r.wnn,,„, ur . f MrHiwiiD FOUNDRY ana ami ligl,,''^.^^ 1 bionrt't'fo i ‘'’ ' *“ U ' 1 "*“*• < X>S»p 0 4^«^S^o/ ■•ar, anti the rebels were ! >a l»r« M , l . , !"V*ii l S"* *? ::::r -- -- - ; Z7^ m ,„ • p))].. Th»* gnnhoiun on tin* \i lMnino ~ ' i ’ tvT °*Myd&,w loxjoim.iin sheiiiug the w ,„j, ‘ v h n- 1 **,. No - 70: ''" rk^„ e ., cliruororK ,Black Diamond , the rebel reserves were stationed. " ~. S i-SPTSBxkiiuVL ? ° iKB » ,n . , | ■ > ie rt*bi*is finding our lone // I ✓'-x PAR*£ DpnTUCln d j*w- ’ i° to receive them. -with- « /T<7 /f)*ys Jy) AA I ' AK *’ BRO THE!R & QO., ; » •’ BMt Congressional. Cor “~ of S «. cu, r st k eoU , j h ? Ia - v 24 ‘T HoC8E '~ Mr - pittsbuhgh* pa. ] * «“«* i r^S^' corporate home' Sa ’ the T"os ■**' P°^S^~ ffitoSoZlTft wished to knoc 1 ARTIST^ fi 3£S ? f* : were XBW York ’ for if the newspapers DAttit styles poh • TtSS! se ves hZhe 3ed 6n 'y ‘heboys' them- 1 receivea * ta^ a ««*. -»^T want a home g ° nt,ema “ msdf _mr: w - *'•. *<*™t*J _ j «"«» c ; _.o™SSrdf::./ 4 i„ E^?.' Mr. Eldeidge (Wis.) wouldlike the To’tv.vsiiiPpiTopjdtVv i , S ° HMEETZ k iLEAKLITY. ■ ' bim Xu..!Ti fe " Yofkto inform B A Sut'STta U and 0, h iS " ? ' 1( - ,0m,,, ‘“- :c ' rMufa ? tu « r s and wholesale dealers la furnishings homes t°o’?dto“ ’“m Srt vJJTSS” : and 4 brioati ng Oils, papers in the fortsof the Xorth ”' W ( CKIDi ™troleuAoa, benzole Mr. Brooks replied that perhaps some ™uaty, mtjoiaing l.anlls 8 or"ni , !l lp ';' lll ’ Bh * my i ' I atul ' |=“^Siss^ Bsmm§ lapis mimm .^sTOsas, Ismupi m hmne emt t bU,,lling °' -wsboys order ***** 9UStained the P of I a^^tig® BB *' ' i Wim*-' violated. W ° 9e ng tS haVe boen myia CHA ?, L Sn E . B f' UME .' M SyTwF™ oll MechSnlc<, ’«^tsS?a^FUr. —i_i_ * ( >le Agecj. J _• - f 22U,€76 yO 49,W6 25—*7(J3,IKJ 88 It it IS not in order for him to exoress IS views on this grand inquest of the nation, he desired that an express sec tion be added to the bill, providing th at the press-shall not be suppressed by the aibitrary will of an executive Officer Mr Morrell again raised the Question tha the freedom of the press £ as not I pertinent to the bill. i 11 The Speaker again sustained the point He said the bill merely provided for an act of incorporation of a home for news hoys and such remarks were no more sd s P ion P Wlh 10 tlliS than 10 4 laD(1 or Mr. Keenan remarked that he simply desired to call the attention of the House to the importance of the subject in its to shoS-th^ 6 T ell of the country to show that whenever an executive of ficer should by mistake or from impulse do an act the tendency of which was to alienate the people, the Government was proportionally weakened. M - Mr _ r Stevens hoped the gentleman from New York would not be allowed set apart ?or | Prom Gen. Grant’s Army. BDotte^w y . n ?? !1 15 milea jbeMnd’ M U l telegraph; FOH THE POST. Grant’s Army Again Advancing, The Flanking Movement Successful Lee Falling Back to a New Position Kkw VoKK > M »y 24.—A special dis patch to the Times, dated Guinney’s Station, 7p. m. Saturday saya: The army of the Potomac is again on the march towards Richmond. During the mght Hancock’s corps, which had held t le left of our lines in (ront of Spottsvl vama Court House, took up the march moving on the roadparallel with the NV nver. Early this mornmg he reached Gumney s Station, on the Fredericks ! and Richmond Rai lroa d, twelve' mdes d ue souUl from Fredei .’ the Fred C ° ra hed f ° rn ' arHß ■ * IAO - Oorii iitnfftiS a*’??.** Club }ad ..intuireous position with re AND JU.oou r< ’ Vlc \ tihn r .Whiafcy, ito the enemy, at the same time per- , " , L ~ ly covers ourcommanlaations. which ', r - Outters’ the Fredericksburg and Acquia Creek L’Vp I r t ,„ ~T . .W ■ Iroad, will soon bo all right from : ! Bli I'EllS Uta Creek to Fredericksburg, and A „ure cure ,or 1-, tempers doubtmss he put in order south of Dp ,p . • ' °?' pomt as wc advance. , ur - o. Ayers Family Medicines ' M 'tt W S i so .v S , 1 : Lm SUPER COPPER Smelting Worlts, To-night finds.the head of Hancock’s :: u t r o r^ s south of Fredericksburg. The other corps have been to-day following the general line, and are now passing the point at which this despatch is dated °u will observe from these indica tions that the commanding General has a turning movement on the nght flank of Lee, who is now has," billing back to take up a new defensive position It 1S expected that his next » and will be on the South Anna river although he may endeavor I 0 hit us l iU mov ; ng b T flank, just as he did hen outflanked in his lines on the hapidan. .Heavy flri “ moment is heard across the .\y, c one 01- otm columns is moving a mi south by west. ’mney’.s Station is the point of con of lljl! Po " nd Nv rivers, and at innt the stream is crossed by the ys bridge, which is in our posses. Prom Gen. Butler’s Army ',, A . rTr m y' !FAS«LY5 «LY MKDXCIKKy A Midnight Assault by the Eebels, They arc Bepulsed with Great Slaughter, i “'SJsx £ ..4 aa^wMf lTw^ WK«oa“d 1 • •JssSbENsKa?- ; fe^.. saars* -&»,*••$ fegsi Wg ed a l ainSt at *. d l| UjiTsllcd by thlt' Tt^^^^ao^uTam •Tempo?^^-’ Oiitai'rlo ,*«H ny . actio “l against thorn «UTTER^!S»?/« 10 rHo lB Ht 2i &&c. * ’j® l - 30 - terst'sSiiftif Tlio n e S a i proceedings is critninitT ! ® !I: )&EATsEE?C ll i l6ra “ tai< 8 3 >e' I S length° Ve and ra c r f Ue f t i lematl:eratSolI > e 8 ' 2 ’ 50 - gg-iiaSL *s£'#> •lie sheriff of th 1000 .Oo’aVaSflS teSS . oJZW^B&gm^ *, . Kif=lDLtM_ SalesBflbblaa , TowSn^afe*««. &2E&. UTTER— 6 ~- -*-» 4 bbi« fresh Rou Butter, 4 bxa ‘< u ' . Juetrece^^M/utter, ==£ j 500 S B F^ IILTFI ' ot7Il ’~1 I S' *» £ed Potatoes, 4>Aa ; Romanite Apples, In store snTf„ P , k i E^ I b " ckcr* * * boxeaOhia Leaf, store and for «aie by ’ * - SSffl, watMtatit MiUIKETS BY I sraxke*. 1 wAlif Wheat I <--0.-u a; l ' 7a - u * xo * *• freights m*- i jog At S3.V * 4 ‘ Gold closed this even- estate of Calvin dr ?i atratloß ol > the burgh ftee’d., haw ? City of Pit™ ber. All persona lndehtld to^.^M the s, » bscr t ■nake Immediate *hnH I*l 68t4te w fU claims against; the same £lll h ?!t having authenticated for Bettit™.7 1 J , .. !r nt tbem duly PAL.tIER, Atlornew i to MITCHEL & Pittsburgh, vvltho ut delay,' ’ *l°' 87 Fift h street, _&p2^law9wd ffll .00(1 »*"'AjHD._, SI Ac . nriaardit V , cordance 'pith a Resolution held u, J da\ e fh» g “ f £ he , l)ei ' er ' ln Petroleum myVlw - W - U - BYKAM, •• : t Waairmap, « The undersigned ken out letters of' admini estate of Orin a. Palmer, ™ e dec or demands upon the ehtate trfhSUrJf c “ 1 ®« make them known to her wltht ntrtli dec6aBeil *« persons indebted to eaid festa-S. Those make immedla te payment ttte re requeatedto JIABY ANN PAiMKR. Adm aps-lflwd6w Mlbdj cant I. Bro*je*u . illhe*3fiF |.oan assure !gal ttidcftr smj'thf amlßUmf is ‘i'l .■ ,|j; Itock Market. i May 24, 1664 Galena & Chic.... 133 I Jpch. Central —m Harlem o&l iGleve. & ’ iVi cv * & T01ed0.... t-ii. & a..™ Wabash [\ 70 a, 1 year certificates ,98k Gold 000 1 Qu& e ?” a - :;: ‘» i line PrefereiL..... 109 j ( C tr jy a » r> V y ' f T 'S' St T **s,^®^^£22S!t. ll - fki&fbr - ZUto'lub. raoalL “ No. 122 M o no^kSf'K l ®% Agt,- » assa^^®®®ooSS® JSUKOH, wja« wj JOftKj vorfliyjjj.,., the rates *ij get'"" ••• Eng landor, Ireland-for sale *“,■**• *»ajiche»in ■- iorpartlpuJati .;.«- 'SS^S"; PasaagefrSln|laDd^Sd3Ji EUROPEANDAGEIiddV; bring out «5t!S „i; payable In nay TH^iH.RATTT^AV i ■ m tt'fciis BOLOIEHS. paper:getjt P “rogt . - occupation .tO'whicK ’ fi6 x amount to VATttSn, ,V?g!?lt "tte % oftabFair•< leaped by leUer* brothers but - ou» deed, tad dkKbV*lirs.»^ ae ? I ' ,t T °f MieeiorU I gle, call on us tmh ' i - fttes;*’..,: ■ : . 4mgffigny|ggag3pp f| iS&Si - i Ci l^S B ’ h» ‘ j' l jtjrcw, Robt. Hsbgyjt.': "^ ejul » “d liberality. to to u Charter Oafe fire and. Marine I -‘ H ■ Jan. Ist, 1804,. .... A-isto United States li6ndal’. V r*'“*** v^‘^-Pi l M.p6 .. Railroad Bonds., -.30,00'00 £3 22 Kills Receivable and * *' 00 in ® A. a. CABHEIFfr SBO.- [ - , , • Pltt«h n >rf. ...,;• SYEAlVlsffii ygr: ? 0f? ' z ':4.