PITTsiIUIOHi WEDN ESD 'itOKilTN’O, 1 M*AJVBILE excoSlS¥es despot :■>. - ••••ism. f ; - ' We publish Ibis let tefof MantoFMako^l7™“^ oftlio Kew York itorli, |to Lracoj-s. Every one; jft whoso .hands this paper falls shoukfcgMfe it a careful reading; It shbWg.b6ti^itifttakabiy i tew r a6t; pHlr 'GotjepjSijgat; jipj going into tho defttruction of,;a;Oue,jnan, partisan despotism,: that: the ■ sincerely: patriotic and ipyalshpuld beCome-actlvely alartn- Wiii' “tSMbW 1 ‘ eiiqfoajehmerlts of iUegal.andjunj patififtble power. Let those read-,it-; also, who were: so- indignant and“jaabBut ’itiSfic in hurpau liesh,” it dloSeff'' in' the .following, rhapsody, gi it ! 'jiiQlijinijop , emphasis by the ' italics quptedi-, It ,says: ' , ''Mokt no lemtt uHthtrailore inarytu; crueA Oct the Mehtlljon. by dejecting iu arvtieeg end tiay not the ttrongentn of a natian'teoe nyeanee itntil the un holy £4 bloodehed it utterly dettroyed from the face\ef the earth.'' j We ■ dopy this avowal merely to prove whdt the AboHlionfsts have all along denied —that they'Wei’e for the war merely ifot the destruction of Southern . i slayeiy,...; Hpre, is svl»ere we take issue i with-these fierce fanatics, and for which ; we are cafifed' copperheads and traitors. - We the. i>H locution of JkostilUies to soge letting slavery andi«veiything-elf e in'Tebellion take its chances’ of sqrviVl ig of of being crush ed. "W,e policy, of the ■ President' s letter, , p gohACR Greedy, in which he Baid his principal desire was a restoration of theUnioh. ■' Abolitionism, howevjef, soon drove him ffbm that po sition,.Ohtil uow lie is calling upon the best blood of our- people to flow in the i cause of negro Emancipation. Here is the difference broadly marked be tween the policy -of the . Democratic and the Abolition parties. The first' is for the Union, no matter what suffers in J bringing about its restoration, the pther is merely ’for ne gro-emancipation; and to accomplish that, it is willing |o sacrifice all the lives ' * .excepting its 1 why the real can not endorse migration; this roittionisni con ’the.pbnqxious to ganization. then would the day jstar. of promise ~begin to shine through the gloom. If the party in power yould but honestly proclaim their de signs, to protract hostilities until slavery is utterly destroyed, at the sacri fice of the white mili|pHs ofthe land, there would be no trofjffle' S binjjfing them in a political from WgKelij there would be no they will not avow ;, and,! it may be that the’ people are!AO bound ill the shackles of fanaticism, jsitb sensible to the dangers which threaten their liberties, besides the very existence of the government, itself. We have faith left, however, in the Bober second thought, which, in the better days of the ■Republic, was always efficient to cor rect and reform abuses. [AY 25, 1864. The various reports from Butler's department of the battle of Monday, the 16th, during which Gen. Heckman was captured and the army fell back to the entrenchments, state that Gen. Brooks behaved most gallantly and rendered most effleent iervice. The division of Weitsei., on the right, having been forced hack, the rear and flank of Gen eral Brooks was exposed to charge after charge of the rebels, all of which were promptly met and. repulsed, until the ground lay thick with the rebfl slain. After the whole line fell back, a second was formed, tftid, in the words of a cor respondent, “Gen. BboOKS moved with calm deliberation amid the hottest of the fight and gave his orders. A barri er was thus formd to the further ad vance of the enemy in that direction.’’ Throughout the whole engagement he acquitted himself in a most creditable manner, and is thus again mentioned by a correspondent from the field : “Gen. Beooks added to his already enviable praise as anjofficer in the gallant manner In which he fought his division. Both he and his staff, though much exposed, escaped uninjured.” It is with pleas ure we chronicle the fact that our for mer fellow citizen is earning a reputa tion that shall make him deserve well of hi 9 country. We hope honors may mul tiply fast upon him. Adam caused our evil ways, and Me Adam mended them. The fashionable ladies of Paris have adopted the style of wearing dress coats, tails and .all, made of silk and satin. The schoolmaster's beat is less exten sivo than the watchman’s. It is confln ed to his schoolhouse. In the great, glorious successes of Gen. Grant, how ; much is to be attributed to the 180,000 negro soldiers under the pay of Government. •A patriotic lady has offered to edit the Terre Haute Express, an Abolition sheet,- and let the editor go into the 100- days army, but the lnyal gentleman can’t see his duty in that light. . The Post-office Department use $BB,- 000 worth of wrapping paper, $16,000 of twine, $60,000 for new mail bags, and $lO,OOO for new locks and keys, in one year. It is estimated that in the recent bat tles we have expended nearly two mil lion rounds of infantry ammunition and about fifteen thousand rounds of artillery ammunition. The Mew Orleans Picayune charges the freed negroes of that city with tear ing up dead bodies from their graves and carrying off portions of the skele tons, and scattering the remainder around the grave-yard. Onk of the female school teachers in New York was complained of last week for ptinisliing a pupil hy wiping his tongue with a wet towel, on which a little castile soap had been rubbed. Her pay was suspended for two weeks. The Times' correspondent wllh But ler, says Butler.s compaign up to the close of Monday's severe engagement, ending with a withdrawal from our ad vanced position to our entrenchments at Bermuda, cannot be regarded as a defeat. The object aimed at was fully attained; and was decided upon by But ler even if his whole command had to be sacrificed. The secret Loyal Leagues have agreed to meet at Baltimore on the 6th prox., the day before the nomination of the Shoddy Convention 1 Coupled with the fact that the Fremont men have hired the Hall of the Maryland Institute and engaged most of the hotel room in ad vance, it looks as if Young America contemplated a coup d'etat against old Mr. Shoddy, old Abe and their old con vention. A Costly Trick. —A Canadian paper gives an account of a prosecution for pretended marriage. The prisoner had procured a colleague to play the role of clergyman, and in this way jdupetl a young woman. He was found Jjuilty and sentenced to three years’ imprison ment at hard labor in the penitentiary. A warrant ha 9 been issued for the ar rest of his accomplice, the pretended minister. A Rather Lame Deduction. Mr. J. C. Lewis, a weather savan in Wash ington, deduces that facts, the record of tvhich he has preserved during.the pres ent war, prove the truth of the theory Chat atmospheric concussion, caused by artillery, produces rain. This is sup posed to account for the fact that it Hag always rained “great guns” whenever the Army of the Potomac has been ready to advance—the rain in this case, however, usually preceding lihe concus sion! The Richmond papers, of the 19th inst., claim a great victory over Sigel al Newmarket, aud say they would have captured his army had it not been for our cavalry. According to other ac counts, Sigel ran 20 miles without Btop ping, abandoning his hospitals, burning trains a .great extent. As An offijet, the enemy has tuken but 100 or ‘lfio?}ifisoners, and byiflMdr precipitate retreat stimulated our troops to greater efforts when thev again meet Johnston and his horde .upon the field of battle. The Constitution an object of Derison.— Mr. Collamer, of Vermont, said in the Senate the other day: “I do not wish to occupy the time of the Sen ate by making any remarks about the Constitution of ths United States. I think it a subject’almost of {tension; 1. As it is so in a great measure, and a man is sneered at for mentioning the Constitu tion, aßd. if he hns a decent respect for it and for his own oath he is called a ‘timid’ man. I do not wish to take up much attention of a body where such a subject is treated in such a manner.” What a degenerate bod)- the Senate of the United States must be, when a lead ing and talented member of the Republi can party feels constrained to make such a confession! The Constitution an object of derision 1 Mo wonder men hate a document whose plain reading is a constant rebuke of their conduct. Arrest of Medary.— I The Cincin nati correspondent of the Chicago Times writes: “The arrest of Col. Me dary created some excitement, until the facts in relation to it were shown. ■ Col. M. was arrested upon an indictment found by a Republican Grand Jury in the United. States District Court, in which it was alleged that he was a co conspirator with Sam Thomas and wife,/Cathcart, and the washerwoman Parmenter. Col. M. bad not the honor of even knowing by name his co-con spirators, much less their offence, until he heard of their arfesrsf The whole thing is a poor, pitiful attempt to make personal and political capital against Col. Medary, but, when understood, will react upon his opponents. As soon as the Colonel arrived in the city, the Messrs. McLean of the Enquirer, Washington and S. B. W., repaired to the court room and volunteered their names as Bundies lor the veteran Dem ocrat, and were accepted to the very moderately low mm of $11,060. Mo body supposes that the ease will ever be "tried, as the prosecution are no! desirous of showing their weakness." An Incident. —“A rebel prisoner asked for a clean shirt for his young comrade whose fresh but blood-stained bandages told of a rcicnt amputation just above the knee. One of the Sani tary Commission gave the shirt but said the boy must first be washed. ’Who will do that.’ 'Oh, any of those women yonder.’ A kind, looking woman from Philadelphia was asked if she wns willing to wash a rebel prisoner. ‘Cer tainly,’ was her prompt reply, 'I have a son in the Union army, and I won!'! like to have somebody wash him.’ With I a towel and water in a tin Insin, she i cheerfully walked through the mud to ! the tent. Care'll! not to disturb his am j putated leg, she gently removed the old shirt and began to wash Idm, but the ! tenderness of u meth- r's heart was at work, amLslie began to cry over him, saying that she imagined she was wash ing her own son. Tliia was more than ahe could bear. He, too. began to weep, and to aak God to bless ln-r for her kindness to him. The scene was too much for the bystanders, and they lef: the Northern mother and Southern Son to their sacred grief, wishing that tears could blot out the sin of tliis rebellion, anil the blood of this unnatural war.’’ TnK Female Clerk Ststem.—The Washington correspondent of the M. V. A'eu-s says- The adoption of the system of employing female clerks in tin: Treas ury Department was designed to g!\ e employment to the widows and daugh ters of rhosc men who served their coun try on the battle-field and fell in its V fence. It liegnn weli; it is ending t-.-ul, because its original plan has been dr feated, and thou who have gained em ployment in many instances, not gener ally, have been befriended by the claims I spoke ot for no good purpose. There are upward of eight hundred young wo men employed in the diffefrnt apartments They are frequently brought to their work in carriages driven or occupied by prominent mm, others are escorted by Congressmen and others. They go as 1 they ctae. An inspection of the rooms ( during working hours only goes to es tablish the opinion originated by exter nal movements. It is no uncommon ’ thing to see these female clerks, who are ' taken in out of semi-charity, wearing costly jewels—diamond breaßtpins, ear- 1 drops, and rings. Fancy for a moment 1 a female getting a salary of $5OO per an- ' num wearing $450 of jewels, as has been ' and is the fact in Mr. Chase’s depart- ! ment. EI. tracteO without jtaln by the uso*of Dr. Oudry’s apparatus. J . I" * HOFFMAN, UKHTIST. All work warrauted 134 gmithfleld Street, Jufr-lyd FITTSBUBaH. TOBIAS’ VENETIAN LIM MENT has given unifersal satlifaction during the fourteen years It has been Introduced Into toe United Et acs. Ait**r being tried by millions, It has been proclaimed the pain des troyer of the world. Pain cannot be where this liniment is applied. If used as directed it cannot and never has failed in a single instance. For ooughs, colds anil influenza, it can't be beat. One 26 cent bottle will cure all the above, be sides being useful in every family for sudden ac cidents, such as burns, outs, scalds, insect stings, &o. It is perfectly innocent to take internally and can be given to the oldest person or youngest child. Price 25 and 60 oents a bottle. Office, 66 .Cortlandt street, New York. Sold by THOS. REDPATH, Pittsburgh, and ail respectable Druggists. my7-!yd&Wo THAT REBEL AGAINST the rules of Taste and Beauty in their oolor or in the loss of their color, may be changed in a few moments to any BEAUTIFUL SHADE by a single application of CRISTADORO’S HAIR DYE. The rapidity of its operation, perfect Bafety, permanent healthful elfeot, and the exceeding depth and richness of the hues it imparts, dis tinguish this preparation from all other Dyes In use in this oouxtry or in Europe. Cristadoro’s Hair Preservative, A valuable adjunct to the Dye, in dressing and promoting the growth an ’ perfect health of the hair, and ot itself, when us<;J alone, a safeguard that protects the nbresrfrom decay under a AI cir cumstances and under all climes. Manufactured by J. UIUiaTADOEO, No. 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by aLI Drug gists. Applied by all Hair Dressers. my7-lydstwc FACT. • • • » •« Is It a Dye. • • • the year 1865 Mr. Mathews first prepared j lt*e \EN ETIAN HAIK DYE; since that time vT b®® ll used by thousands, and in no instance I failed to give entire satibiactfon. i ,? VENETIAN DYE is the cheapest in the i J ror l“« Its price is only Fifty cents, ami oai-Jj * pottle CfMitaina double the i.uantlty of dye in i those usually 90W for *l. [ . • * “p YENEI'LAN D V E ia w«u’rtuited. not to in- I the hair or scalp in the slightest degree. I* the \ENETIAN DYE wonts wfth rapidity the hair requiring no preparation .The VENETIAN DTE produces any shade that may -be desired-‘-one that will not fane,crock ?L that is aa pexmanent as the hair Itself. Tor sale by all druggists. Price 60 oents. X L MATHEWS. '' General Agent, 19 Gold st. N. Y. Also manufacturer pf JttATaatPs! AEjncUHAiit gloss, .the.beat hair dressing.in me. .Price 25 «ent.. ' J«h,6-tyd hair kVo CEISTADOKO’S HALR DYE, sold at , J °S.FLE3PNGPS DRtTG STORE, ; • - QOt, ofvtifarHmnnnri: ’Sllltiad|.:Oarbon Oil, Burning Fluid and Fleming’s Drug Store,, corner of Market st. For Lubin’a Flaring." preparation for for Buraett’aCocoaine, sterling Ambrosia, and every other gpod Hair Dressing, to Joßeph Fleming’s Drug Store, corner of the Diamond and Market .street. my23-3fc ra^HERNIAOR RXTPTURE CURED. " K ' —We are prepared to treat successfully »all cases of rupture in young persons, most cases m middle aged, and in some cases cf old persons having fitted up an extensive establishment for manufacturing Improved Trusses and Supporters. In peculiar cases or where persons de3lre any style of trues not on hand we wjll manufacture to order. Having the largest stock in the city all persons requiring trusses will find it to their ad vantage to call. Dr- M’GARR will attend personally to the ap plication of Trusses, Supporters, Ao., Ac. ‘ Besides our own manufacture we have a large stock of Ritter & Penfleld’s Celebrated Trusses, Dr, S« S. Fitch’s Celebrated Trusses, Marsh & Co.’s Celebrated Trusses, FRENCH, ENGLISH and GERMAN TRUSSES AMD SUPPORTERS, AI.I, KtNDf*; Elastic Stocking!, Baudagcfc,-4tr At the Pittsburgh Drug House, TORRENCE A M’tiAltli. APOTHECARIES, corner.of Fourth and Market streets, Pittsburgh aeri-lyd-c ra*BFFECTS OF IRREGt'LARI TIES AVOIDED.—Too much eating and drinking, new habits and modes ot life often produceirregularities in thebowels and gencrul health of the system. But Brandoh'ts's Pills will soon cure, the stomach regain Its strength nod a healthy action of the system will be rc toied. No medicines are equal in usefulness to the BUAN'DK ETH'S PILLb, BKANDKETH’.S UNIVERSAL SALVE AND ALI-COCK’S PuKOUiS PLASTERS. Every man of the PIKE 20UA\ Eh? had a box of Braodreth'n Fills, a box of Universal Salve, and an AUcock’e Forous Plaster put in their knapsack free ol ex pense. And to this fact maybe attributed the absence of any of THIS REGIMENT from the hospital. EVERY SOLDIER should have a lox of Hnimlreih's Fills, a box of Salve, and a piece ol Porous Plaster. They are SURE to be useful, olten Mr-saving. Sold bv Tii'J.MA> IiEDPATH, Pittsburgh, and by all respectable dealers in medicines. m> 7-lydAwc rST’THE MIASMA AM) FOUL. VA pore generated by the hot sun will be tar more deadly to our volunteers t!mn the * ro my‘fl bajopeu. In the Indian and (Timem; cHinnal-ns, HOLLJWaY’S FILLS were usa! jin enormous (piainties. If the reader of tin* ! ‘notice’ tnr.uut get a box of Pills or Ointment from ; the ilnii; store ui tua place, let liim write to ror, | {JO Maiden Lnr.p, enclosing the amount, and 1 will mail a box tree ot expense. Ma«\ deal* r ! will nut keep my medicines on hand Liv.iuce they i cannot make as much protit as on oilier peix-un | make. 36 cents, cents, and ‘■1.40 per u>\ nr pot. my23-lwc 1 I®"THK CONFESSIONS AN’I. EX. I •*’ PKKIEKCK OF AN INVALID.—Pub i h&hed for the benefit, and as a CAITIO.V To j YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from i Nervous Debility, Premature Da*ay of Man* I hood, Ac., supplying at the same time Tiik .Mka s r - ! Sklv-Ourk. By one whXA!i Sik : —i have been afflicted many year* with severe proof rating cramp* in my timU, o! 1 feet and hands, and a general disyrdei i-d stem, i’hj wiclami mi l uietflcmcs failed to relieve 11, e While »if.i in:; t:>me J rienda New ' <*r k e l.u u e;t’ using plantation Bittersthcy me to try them. 1 cnmmenccJ wnn small wlne glaocin! after dinner. Fueling better by degrees, in a few days I was astonished to find Ihe cold ness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which 1 had not done ior years. 1 feel like another being. My appe tite anu strength have also greatly Improved by the use of the Plantation Bitter*. Respectfully, jcmth Kt ssfi . Rkudouukv, Wis., Sept. 16. 1863. " • • • 1 have been in ihe army hospital for lour teen months—speechless and uearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Planta tion Bitters. • • Three bottles restored my speech and edred me. * • (J. A. Flautk " ' The following la from the Manager of the Union Home School for the Children of \ ulun teora: HAVEAiBYKn Mansion, 67th St., ( New York, Aug. 2, 1863. \ Dr. Drake “Your wouderlul Plantation Sittern have been given to some of our little children Buttering from weakness and weaklungs with most happy effect. One little girl m par ticular, with pains tn her head, loss ol appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom ail medical skill had been exhausted, has been en tirely restored. We commenced with but a tea spoonful of Bitten a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly increased, and site is now well. Respectfully, Maa. O. M. Dkvok.’’ “ • • • I owe much to you, for I verily be lieve the Plantation-Bittera have saved my life. Kkv. W. H. Waggoner, Madrid, N.Y.” “* • -• Thou wilt send mo two bottles more Of thv Plantation Bitters. .Uy wile has been greatly benefited by thoir use. ihy friend, AsAOUitniN, Philadelphia, Fa."’ • I have been a great sufferer trom Dyspepsia, and had to abandon Preaching. • • Plantation Bitters havo cured me. Krv. J. S. Cathohn, Rochester, N. Y.” “ * * • I have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most astonishing ettbet. G. W. D. Andrews. Superintendent Soldier’s Home, Cin., O.” “ * * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of Liver Complaint, ol which I was laid up prostrate, and had to abandon my business. H. B. Kingsley, Cleveland, u.” “ * • • The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs that has distressed me for years. It acre like a charm. 0. O. Moons, No. 264 Broadway.” Ac. | Ac., Ac., Ao. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and are exhaußed nature’s great restorei. They are composed of the cele brated Caiisaya Bark, Wintorgreen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, Ac., all preserved in perfectly pure St. Oroftc Bum. S. T —lB6O—X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, distress after eating, torpid liv er, constipation, Ao., deserve to Buffer if they will not try them. They are by the highest medi cal authorities, and ar&jvarranlod to produce nn beneficial effect. They are exceeding ly agreeable, perfectly pure and harmless. , Notice.- Any person pretending lo sell Plan tation Bitters In bulk orbj the gallon Is a awind* ; ler and imposter. It Is put up ouly jn our log cabin bottle. Beware o£ bottties refilled with Imitation deleterious stuff, for which several per- ARJE SOLD AT sons are already In prison,, See that every bot- . ~ _ _ . _ tie ha. our United State, .tamp over the cork FOERSTER & SCHWARZ’S, unmutilated, and our signature on steel-plate aide 71 label. Sold by respeotabie' d'ealeh throughout ♦ i 104 Smith£eld Street, the habitable globe. P ' H - i PIC-NIC CKACKERS; ■ ■■ ■ 1... | MADE AT THE BOSTON OSAOm BMEBT, .. cor. Sadthfleid *nd 4th at*. SO. 64 FOURTH STREET, Xfcb3?emdfcw*o4 , mytt S. S. MAE YIN. STATIOItBBS, PBINTBBS Blank Book Mauulactttrers^ JST O . US fifth street I‘ij.sr BUILDUPS. Ail Outers Promptly A.tlemlc.l to. apt 6 J. Itf. OOr.NVBLL «fc KERR, ; CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS Silver and. Brass Haters And manufacturers of Saddlery & Carriage Hardware, No. 7 St. Olalr street, and l>oqueene Way, (near the Ifriilge,) IiKMOYAL. jiA • , iyv-.j £5 1 f% E i¥ s %f | WJS TAIiE IN IN forming our Iriemi* ;u»d ihu public gener nlly, tint «e now occupy the large and commo UiOUriO llOUfie, No. 12 Bissell’s Block, ST. CLAIR STREET, Whore we harte j'uet receiv«d,lrom the raaimfao turers of W, B. BRADBURY, New York, AND SCHUMACHER &-CO., Philadelphia, A new lot of their superior NOS! P I A Also, a -.•omplete l- •ortment of hinii h'ls. ColebratCMl HARMONIUIViS, MELQDEONS jud-. G'-!.:ra.l]y Aai Jfc.-k T:-.v -A t:s- J*ll .vI»3JV H V PIAJS’O H .ill r'.l'.y !i.* h • h: “ r-Jf V f<( J’l.'inon 1.0 v. . • r.' J. t ; j -/■ r.i| : ulv in !'■< |>- \.\m r iir i• •*.: :.;nn> pri'ti»:u[r:** ut’hin t .I'* \ I h■> I hi* .N i-vv .''•'•tli? 1 ul! k;; I'nia.i*, < '• ‘*r>• i : i:.g L*as nad Grand Action I'itim H.rte UtA!i«f.'ic. ur*.d hy v\ :a. JJ. Llradbu rv. M'! I. /■. ■ h. I.K .v ( '< ‘ PI ANUS h.tving 1 mi fttui it'o-ftM} kuintu in Uui and otii*. r ',-ouiii mps* so I'd Ho n:rth?*r comment. All Cuanuitcul for I-la* Years WAHBLINK & JBABB, >r,le Agt-nis lor r.rsluin.h nml WesU-rn V&. Hiflbeii'a m. Clair at, Jtjr\ si-.on.‘-Hand t':nn»for rent ing.-uJ Kej*n:r;n£ Co::t Counterfeits I! Tuu ily. .'i j i3j Uounte/feits!!! l« mik mi i •: j .■ »v»iv nr;v :• j Hum buyers lire About!!! i bb.Vl I.VK I'KBBLIi Russian Spectacles 1M I'OR'l ANT NOTK'K.-I.M PROYK K : KT •!! ••• * vr-eac-: my new r.i:l t;;' I)in »• : ■ >i - • ir. u m i.tnieit to unj*rt.*\ e trie sight. :v ’A.'U'H f:oo of tnui..i )u, , . i.i ]•( : :>.c ' 'e !>rt->crvf, t:r* k..g J'lir.-h.-tv: 8 H.{‘ Vi! 'it Ir'*‘ ti one <'l r ::••• . •. e 1 ' 'lo ’.'us city ot 1 .pi)ic.ii. ..t'lth--.:- iticai uni Optical Jj> b;i iii .ciitj, n ...di iwtf.-eii *;» ?.uir ?i;u KBids, Look \t fi r .No. 51, M, 01 clrii BUi-Ct. ,l})4 UIfiCKEItOJG.'' T nESKW NEW AND BEAUTIFUL t UIOKKHIAt. Et SriOIN'W IMA XUS .ibt vt«'. by CUAS C. iUILLOii, • tor l Public Sh!o of Country Homos, \]V TO 'H.’i'F.U AT »T I'ub.w 1 Ai vy Stfth, !HO4, ttt IIT/rU-ftt li i:. , <>ur p. Oi'«v?Y on Oliar f.tTsf i 'r nil t :i;iii< ihc low :i ■ <: nve ir.nn toe iLi! .-it the jUt'l*:;< m of the ;:!<• ii;(i C hartier* railroad. The lota r.'iQi'p lro:u «tn ij,n;in e-»e).. ' >:-»nH«u#e* will Hare's Hotel, ;it 9 a. iu. on liie flay of &ale t and a j;ood dinner will be furnished Tree. We aic Ku’J.ori/ed ti.-t-iy ;hnt the Steuben ville railroad will t-e In operation this fall. Terms to suit. For funner particular®, ace i'. M’L A l.\ x ( «. . lev -l'h K 1.. XAIMIAI.U. uy Li M. H )>K* >W .\, .U*i.-»hei To Architects and Builders. By Till: A(TftF .UA i A.\ vp -m ! in;, 1 i: « Dollars was in nut- for tl.»- «'X - ene.H'ii <•: tin- i' 1 -ii lluildingh at Uamsburg. Architect.- ,-ui t Builders are hereby rn; u< s i c-l to pir:cu' j.I-w.h Jur s*»iU e\tcu (>lon, .'in i i.suiH lor loiUolMfrthe same, to :no undersign**-!. i.y the FMT 1. i :.\ 1 U DAY OF Jr.M'J. ’it.-.- :nhin 'd'jee: tv altatueJ hy the }>r jpoeCi! extension 1b to in rut n i.:,!: tonal Cum. mittee R-wm t.-r ‘he LeeOi u .ire. mo: theextoa aion U to conlorn; hs lar a* povsinlu to tne archi- i teoture of the present t-ulMiiit;. v.’rKTIN", ‘ i ovrrnor, i-'TVAC M.vxk HR, Audi lor Gt-uerai, JAMES p. BARR, surveyor General, IiKNKX L>. MODKK, Treasurer. Hiiiis'-uig, .Jay l?, 1864. mj23-3w rjpHK FINEST AXILT>IOST SPLEKL JS_ did STEEL ENGRAVINGS' OI the two lights ol the Catholic Church of America, the Mo*t REVS. JOHN HUGHES, D. D., First Archbishop of Non- York; Francis Patrick M’Kenrick, D. D., Arohblahop of Baltimore, PKICE OIVX'Y >Bl,OO Also, CARD FHUTOUHAPHS of the same, omjuy aa oxer fa's-;, Just reoeived ai H. D. BRECHT & CO.’S, Sole agents for i’l tts'.urjh am! Allegheny f'OUUI), MO. liiS SMITIIFIELD STREET, Between 6tli null tith second door trom Vircln nUcv, Pittsburgh, Pn. 6 -llr- 1 EK.hOX ia on: traveling agent. rjTUE UREATEST V.UriETT Of' ELEGMT (AEF CHEAP WALL PAPER, OIL CLOTHS WINDOW SHADES /fneremlfeal w«p&r» . „ faqsfly, my own age, a pdotherponai aerations or a ptiyate an i fHmOy.JiAtarej I wish to contract Tny afikira and to my old ’eataolißned BreWiihij business In Wheeling, and offer for sale bytovatcoontraStSllthtfBliliDAY OF MAY, 18&«&ndtr not theft sold, byFhblic Auction, iTlke « of ■ WApi>i^roN, dning 414- acres ofhbkutifui and fertile roil* ing hill with never failing springs, in one ofi the most BAlubrious countries in the world, and situated in a neighborhood of wealthy and highly respectable people. It is on ' the Bethany tufhplke, four miles from Wheel ing. The mansion is in thorough repair, large and commodious,' (60 feet by 16 feet,) with every modern convenience, surrounded with shrub bery and. trees. The principal tenant house is a ! neat an# comfortable two-story’ , bj , iok.' j '-The dairy house is spacious and fixtures are conven iently arranged, i There ate ali&elght cottages on the estate, (all rented to old and good ten ants,) the rental; of which pays more than the takes. An extensive barn, with stbne bksemenfc divided into stabling for 16 horses, and stalls for 40 cattle, with cellars, bins, mows, and every thing in the highest requisition of a farm ; ft stands in a yard 170 feet square, BurroOhtfed by brick sheds for cattle and sheep; also blaok stmth’H shop and daughter house. The farm is well known to be the best improv- : ed and most highly cultivated in this part of the ! country, stocked withiimported and other choice ; cattle, sheep, horses, Implements, Ac., Ac. The : growing crops consist of 34 acres of faG wheai i 20 acres of fail 27 acresofsprlbjpb&rley ; 36 acres of black oats j< 80 acres of coritj .12‘acres of potatoes ; 66 acres of meadow. the balance In good pasture, all of which will be told as above stated on thesie-r OF MAY, 1864. Terms of purchase niade known on day of B&le, and at the following places, where plans of the place And further particulars can be given after the 15th ot May, 1864: ; ' i NEW YORK—At the office of Messrs. Par i ker, Brooks A 00., 1 .Water street; Mr. John | Jay Hannah, Pearl street; Mr. William Hannah, ! Pearl street; Messrs., M’Crombie A Child, 11 i Water Btreet. .SAMUEL EBBS PITTSBURGH. PHILADELPHIA—Messrs. Bullett A Falr thome. BALTIMORE—Messrs. H. Straus, Bro. A Bell. PITTSBURGH—ML J. Fleming's Drug Store. CLEVELAND—Mr. J. B. Smith’s Malt House. CINCINNATI—D. H. MitoheU & Co., Water street. ST. LOUIS—W. A. R. Heinerlckahofea. LOUISVILLE—C. C. Eufer. WHEELING—rAt the Brewery, my l a-d&wtd ] [ LABGSSALE Farm Stock and Implements, AT WADDINGTON i'AEM, Tour miles from Wheeling, on Bethany Turnpike, ON TUESDAY, 31ST MAY, 1864, AND following four days, I will sell by r public auction all my Uve stock, eomjfrising thirty Horses, suitable for any purpose, Durham and Grade Cattle, Leicester, Cotawold and Grade .-'beep. Also, growing crops, and part ol' f my Household Furniture! - i- - / “ Apply at my Bpewerf, or to Mr. John Mar shall, on the Farm, for furtherparticulars. Catalogues-of the precise lota of Livestock and Implementscanbehadat the Brewery on the: isuth of May, 18tH. See advertisement also. mylS-rd WAITERS. fjMj j H M’CLELLAND'S I 2 P* AUCTION, 1 55 FIFTH STREET, i r. ■' & S 3 : ‘ ' . n - v:ri vo»i saaiiva HAIR PREPARATION, i LUBINS’ CREAM,; < •.» : Tirr.u BEAUTIFYING THE -HAIR! ft soitiena and £ils the Hair, and gives it a permanent glos3-which it retains for c ; dayjs after using it. . For' Beautifying and Promoting THE GRojwTH OF THE HAIR Lubin’s i'ocoanut Cream 1 •iy b \.. or It Soothes the Irritated Seal]*, It .Soothes the Irritated Scalp, It Soothes the Irritated Scalp. It Soothes the Irritated Scalp, It is an Elegant Perfume, it is an Elegant Perfume, It is an Elegant Perfume, It U an Elegant Perfume. It Produces the Richest Luster, It Produces the Bichest Luster, It produces the Sickest Luster, It Produces.the Bichest Luster. 3 For Oiling Whiskers it has no Equal, For Oiling ‘Whiskers It has no Equal For Oiling Whiskers it has no Equal, For Oiling Whiskers it has no Equal, And it rethins all its Beautifying Effects And it retrains all its Beautifying Efffeots And it retains all its Beautifying Ettects And it retina all its Beautifying Efffeet* For days after using It, For days after using it, For days after using it, For days after using it, For Dressing and Oiling theMustashe, For Dressing and OiUng the Mustache, For Drebplng'and Oiling the Mustache, For Dre and Oiling the Mustache. It Prevents Gray Hairs, It Prevents GrayiHairs, It Prevents Gray Hairs, It Prevents Gray jJaira, It Prevents Hair from Turning Gray, It Prevents Hair from Turning Gray, Jt Prevents Hair from Turning Gray, It Prevents Hair from Turning Gray. J No Hair preparation pos * ’ sesses/the peculiar prop erties which ao eisentt&Uy suits the human Hair as the Cqcjjanut Cream. It Promotes tjhc Growth of the Hair It Promotes the Growth of the Hair* It Promotes the Growth of the Hair* It Promotesrtihe Growth of the Hair! it isithe Cheapest-Hair Dressing in the World, It tsjthe Cheapest Hair Dressing in the Worm it la the Cheapest Hair Dressing in the World! it isitne Cheapest Hair Dressing in the World. :for sale By all druggists,- !for sale By all druggist® IFOK SALE §Y ALL DRUGGISTS FOR SALE'SVALL DRUGGISTS, i. ■ i ■ ■ iAND AT' ■■ 1 : j. at. 3Pxjx.roTV’®, Dispatch Building, fifth Street. • mjlB- - j j ‘ J !*~ BARRELS—IOO SEW OIL BAB. :ELS in Store and for sale by . FETjREK A •chest; ST Tools. GEO. W. SMITH. | FOR OUinjj, Dressing' i AND Caixndt be Surpassed. It Prevents Baldness And Loss of Hair, 1 1 Prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair, It Prevents Baldness and LoßB.of Hair, It prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair, Cocodnut Cream Removes Dandruff Coooqnut Cream Removes Dandruff, Cocoffnut Cream Removes Dandruff, Oooo4nut Cream Removes Dandruff, It give| the Hair an Oily 'Appearance, It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance, It gived the Hair an OUy Appearance, It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance i! JAMES BOWN, | IM Wood itiMt. . Hviijwrfijirapettor, UK.V. GHASfTf, - ft 'i -f Understands whittle U about ; and »»m«f ; i l l-' < > a SS : * : * "- v Conceit- > Hdl: Shoe ; JVdAK M .VAI ' 62 FIMJTEEET. _ , -J^OfGPtW This plaoo never have on. h»nd f for the [selection of their friends, the largest ass6r4me2^f3 T!( m >TS ATT) SHOES. Which ail lnvltetito 5 ctftr&ncTleaY,* wiiioh are soTd lowet Yfiai'aHV bther * '' l; HOUSE IK TSE WEST. my2s wiiisos’s PEEMitJM 'l*o© K S TIT C H SIEVING MACHINES THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, Principal Oifioe and Wholesale Emporium, NO. 27 FIFTH ST."., below Bank Block, WM. SUMNER & CO., W £ST ERN' AGENTS. ap4-eod-d&.w RANKIN’S SPICED BLACKBERRY, FOR. Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Sold by ail respectable Drugirißta. my 23 FOURTH STi NEW STYLES j§ WINDOW SHADES, ! Received THIS DAY. ' §: NEW SPRING STOCK 'S. OF w CARPETS! •8 Well, seasoned OIV CLOTH, AT McCALLTJM’S. rahlb OAH£*ET 'STORE, _ _HO.J7 rOUETE STEEEL... „, .... “PEOPLE’H W i The undersigned have been selected as the “ Executive Committee* for Allegheny county: J. W. Barker, Wm. M, Faber, John M. Roberts, .Alfred.-G. Loyd Hon. Fred E. Volz, 'Geo, Seigrist? ? Joshua Rhodes, * Joseph Swint, Sigiamund Loew, Dr. O. Bayer, Geo. F. Rudislll, Xavier Walz, John Seiferth, | The Committee will meet EVERY THURS DAY EVENING, at Alderman Humbert* office, No. 77 Third street Pittsburgh. All per sons desirous of attending the “Cleveland Con vention.” or joining In the movemsnt in favor of the “one term principal,” may call upon any member of the Committee for Information _myl2-tf GIRARD t HOUSE, > CHESTNUT, EE LOW NINTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. H. W. Kanaga, WBLDOH. WELDON & KELLY, , GAS AND STEAM FITTERS; Plumbers and Brass Founders, 1«4 WOOD STREET, neat Sixth; \ PITTSBURGH, PA. 49-Pumps sold nod repaired. Proprietor* anil manufacturer* of Rakin', Patent Water Drawer and Gas Cooking and Heat ing Stoves. : GKAViUL. HOOFUNG. LIIPTON, OLDDEN i CO., Have removed their office to No. 98 Market Street, One Door from Corner of 6th* 4aK)rder* promptly” attended to at pricekthat * 5 J defy competition. - Material for Sale with. Instructions. . myl2 "* CRU CXBI.ESI fi autior>s (jnaw jersktj /■ . ; r : Ad PUifyjßS &jsoN*;i myS-lm Sooth and Penn, Philadelphia. THE HOWE Invented 1845. ‘ Perfected 1862, v Received tribute prom Aur * other Sewing Machines, at the WorldHtf'jdra-i. i ; 1862, whOe the Singer Sewing Machine received an honorable mention on Its merits $ and /Wheel* - er A Wilson’s a medal for Its device.called “Gif* cnlar Hook.’* • The Howe -Sewing MWrMp* awarded a premium (to an English Exhibitor \ as the beet for all purposes on exhibition. Our' - lightest Machine, guaranteed, to make perfect ' work on the lightest and heaviest fabrics. Sold and St. pat ' TO BLAST FURNACES. ’ WROUGHT IROX TWYJEBJI, For uleby * .A. PUBVES A SDN. ayMffi South and Penn. PMlad.lp^ AEARGB EOT OF Congress 5*9 Tobacco, Sraia Tobacco, KaVy Founds ** Bright « . « gasiSy^S***™?-* V, WOOmsTER tn»mw t. -i i. > iMWooi^v..- . *&t'k 'iiji -rii \ And BEST, PROPRIETOR. •JKO. nur. ... , nU . VU3