The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, May 20, 1864, Image 2

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    ®fre |
"FRiDAIf MQfiNINCt, MAY ao,'lBm7
It is reported that the W&rld?f£n the
Journal of Commerce, publfsheil’m New
\ orfc city? have been suppressed by the
Administration,and their proprietors ar
rested, because of the
bogjw pxftpjnaiion.lf .this he.:so it ie
but another.'.and: the greatest outrage yet
perpetrated 8y w6ak, corrupt and degen.
As soon as the papers in
discovered the hoax they
weraiproropt inex posing it, and what,
more! could- they do? That it did not
originate iwitlreither of them is evident
from . the Statement of Mr, D. H.
Ca*io i; . General Agent for the New
York'asssoetated press, who Bays that—
“At kh early hour on Wednesday morning a
fraudulent proclamation, signed by the Preai
domv wae-OeHvered In manuscript to each of
the editors of the morolhg papers in this city ;
by d&ection'of the Executive Committee of the*
Associated F&ss, and with the approval of the
publisher# Of the Journal of Commerce, Tribune,
£xprai, World, Time* and Herald association
a rettardof $l,OOO for such evidence as
maydeAd to‘t&e«onvictton of the author of the
,abcfoe l b&tiied fraudulent document.
*■" ,0. . D. H. Ceajo.»’
Frbm’ttiis it will be seen that all of
the'lkdiliag New dailies w?re im
posed uppoyirat some of them detected
the’initiostore in time toprevent its pub
lication. The World and the Jour
nal, as. shop as they detected the
were ■ prompt in their exposure of it,
and' what more could they do? The
real atitho'r of the mischievous outrage
should lie hunted out .of his hole and
punished,, ,but to wreak revenge upon
thp innocent victims in question, looks
as if the" Administration desired but a
flimsy, pretext to suppress able but
courteous opponents of some of its lead
ing enactments. We trust, however,
for the sake of the Government, as well
as for the sake of the papers in question
that the report is not true. We also
hope that the forger may be ferreted
out, and not only pnmshed’but made to
divulge the secrets of tbe vile set for 1
■wfl/tn- he operated. If he hut tells the
truth, we will-see that the leading deal
ers in- gold in Washington and New
York, are the real culprits behind the
scene G and If half Glen. Frank Blaiß
says of . Secretary ; Chase be true, we
would not be surprised to hear of his
being the leading spirit of them all. We
aro have this business thor
dughlyjexposed, satisfied that it will
take'the starch ont of many panting pa
triots; whose stock in trade-Js denun
ciation of copperheads, and blatant pro
fessions of extensive loyally to the man
whose name they put to the bogus proc
;1 ! " " AHSIY.
Ajeneril; Ordef,' signed by Brig, Gen.
T. dated at iieadquarters oi
- . the Sd -Dir., 10th Pulaski,
Tenife,/(Dodge's department,) contains
the {ollewing Verjf explicit information
veteran private soldiers who
have shed their blood in their country’s
cause:' oi :ri; ■■':■}s
V trying the 'ibpa of the service &i
\ heart the perntclouji effhet of a
too ftee 'BOCtk'l interpourte between* officers wid
men. iffidfers Afe, Uftreflire,' Strictly forbid
den to associate on' tejfma ! of equAlity with en
listed men. This Apjjifei especially to officers
meaB f“^>»3ing' of any description,
or with their m^a, a® also permitting
them tp yiilt theif quartets, except on busi
ness j this is to be done' ih a ptpi»er manner. In
a general.'sense, tfcla order trtD make it the
or officers to require respectful and cour
teous treatment /from enlisted men on all oc
casioni. Whenever coippany efficers. or officers
connoted with regiments br batteries, are guUty
of vioUtlng thiß <Jrder ( it the duty of
regimental cornnumdera 'to place such officers
i° arrest, antbp refer the proper charges against
the same Without delay; any regimental
commAnder negledkagto do this : wffl be placed
in artest ijy Jhta domniander, anil the charge or
negtast of duty against him.”
AUhough.t his dA'dcr waa published aa
far back-hs April Bth, we have yet to
hear of 'Asinglfe<fol>jefetion being raised
potty. to the class dis-,.
tinctio*®which it makes. Had,it been
the negroes who were debarred from
social intercourse with their superiors;
there would have . been a grand pow
wow to toform the great.evil
and injustice. , But being only white
men-, ami soldiers; at that, the matter
goes entirely unnoticed—node willing
to enter aplea iff their behalf. Thus the
work'qf leveling goes on—lowering the'
standard ofthe white masses and bring
ing up, M'fhat'they 1 can unite
in thA topiil relation as brethren of a
common humanity ;,whiie over all tow
era the privileged class—the patricians—
the shoddy aristocrats—the- military sa
traps—who must not familiarize them
selves with the mnaile.
What a oharm ing spectacle 1 ■’Officers,
toeh who a general thing are
ireahjtojjra toe ranks ofthe people—/rom
- the workshop, the farm, the desk not
to be allowed to associate with their fel
-■* low f;V' Does' holding a commission in
the nqilitkiy s|rvic,e inake them of bet
ter staff than'ordinary mortals, or doe s
carrying-a niusket and knapsack lower
men to the standard of brutes'' Wc arc
inforerfejjtShaJ /filfteeii oncers, who had
skedaddled from the battle-fields of last'
week;”were handcuffed and sent back
frouuJV'asWngbo^j;the otper. day, to
servcTout tßeiir.tftne'to the' ’rtflfKk f Are
ones /.whose shoulder-straps
our rbaw down ■V>!' Of
conuse, every t>he <if’thein.'lmui lie is
’ucefl, must receive ‘the homage of
j i qur gepnblic
( .** .« ’ tdatiujciithifags lead be and
O ecial wonder? >.
*«•. *
' # Sr‘^ Bri7J^SMSI?
; s f®«*s ‘day mmim
~.° a nZ&jr :->Hag-flteam
hteum re r.
.it:- i
KL *’£ U.I&
that when Humboldt was asked, “Why
the male ofthe human spcieß offered an
exception to the rule in general among
all other animals that the male is hand
somer than the female?'' he answered
after a moment’s reflection, “I deny the
j fact! It is our natural gallantry that
i makes us think women more beautiful
; than men. The women do not concur
i in the opinion.'’
Can't HE Done. —Wilkes’ Spirit as- firean.ii,i:,„„n'remi U i.-,,
i sens that “the nation cannot live with RU
• Abraham Lincoln and Seward at its ilm.i i.-'.vit.'tMti h,i fd
nead during the next terrible |Lur years.,.i Nm,.
. Even U honest, they are unequal to the »rEMKTiAKHnu nvf , r . '
I ' o\- E , L^ ENT ’“ Dd ™ iWkKn Un:V *'** * ,
! mtsefin Z Ty' ' ~ and cotnmt*
: have labored to destroy. ’ ft ' r M • «D;.„ 'MtrK« No. 12: BfeSeU’S BlOCk,
The payment of a million of hollars i'".'. ' jW " IT,«,aihotebiit,
received at the Sanitary Pair In New iii.'' ,:;"', 1 ' :u (...*» tt hare we huvUMt recetQfcftom the muuOe
; York city, has been made to the Treasurer “E. , . '• ; 7 ' 1 m . turer * oI
'ofthe rtanitary Commission. The ar ‘" l,Ket BRADBURY, New York,
l counts are not yet made up, and about a , w ;?*' ’ c, f, »*> AND
! ,3!md do ' l,lr9 mor * he ‘— - SOHOMAOEEB & 00., Philadelphia!
, - , w ~1 ' • r{“" ; a new lot,of their superior
1 dJI® Washington correspondent ofthe San jfc,:.',;,;:” ll ' 2 “ : ' J " .T> , T A '"VT A’ O I
i Boston Journal says: “Wc have lost w k havk learskd mit th J 37 1 “■ .< ?« ... -1 IJ. A. IN U' Q 1
, twel,e Generals: Sedgwick, Wuds. be tutonlahed »t soythitig. Years otTI- '’Xto I Also, a Somplete assortment of i*j
Lieutenant de Rnrhollo «... „„ i„. .I In w '* t *T en * on . **«*» ami Rico, kill- 1 J»ri«we»od .correspondence extending through- ° ffl f Celebrated '
Port‘«tnm*»e in H ° c “ c, * t WM °» Jnty at , ed, Bartlett, Gettv, Robinson, Morris' ou * **' autioireUtte. of the bnutnbln etobe *->• ••-..•i.; ... * j.„| 3 v U AblUlflftllllMC UFI nnrnuo
s^SJ?sXHSi3! s Ti ai,^-, ‘ i 1 ‘SPSiKSI 0115
”K..' . •^pmeevtaasaa
gyman wss askinn thp hriX if Jtf» < - r_ ,a n Oman in horth Georgia put to him k ,hl e persons and circumsunces. hence iA\ “ is Potfrth st ”? “4' r tnstmmcjnt has gained sorapidly in poh
=£“}„» !Lh7?, E 1 d)Blf 3he was i the following inlerrogatnrv “TV, 1 7 ;at llu ’ r ’> «> indorse thelr st.,te„,on.. ■ * tour ~r - 1 “i" V «“tved so many premiums within
ready, a shell fell upon the roof of the I'nna 1 'nna „n.i s -’ D:d von N .„ w » ‘ J - Ml -' nLixni.tT. i the space of two years, as the New Seale £wn
W t her l ! on cri «“ :-r i f.LLAKLEY. f
, wounded nine persons, aifamongthe ! yoUn * barr V "'' " '“ l '' ' h '
toide,Xho W lay Xotionfels ! « Wurt,
er h '* tlOtW ' kneeling and bend- ; W send Lincoln delegates to !ho ,*» 9 '■’« »'>rs I astonished to .tnd ««™".nt. fortheaaicot CrudeOfl. :
ing over her, was weeping bitterly and Baltimore c onvention. ne., and cramp, had entirely mr, mP , an, 11 coma fcb " No. iss. w„o.i. t r,et. Pi„.bu«h>a ~--
lTd S f^ Dg J° 8^ nch *c blood that wel- j The Alabama left Cape Town Cape • n ‘ Khl ,hr °oeh. which 1 had not done UfiLP rou the souvTph - U^i'?Jw e - I miU OoUHt«rfeitS II I
ed from a terrible wound under her left lof Good Hope, on the twenty seven h for )c -“ rs ' t«n,ke another bemg. .My -Z! H ''rr„ ol^ ' l LOOK OUTill M
) When the wounded girl recovered her'hraled b ovm y th h e ey rnT et ' mCS nee<l 10 bo • l K hM?hS ßY, t' Vl t’ Se|,t - “• ‘ Tr. V r ‘ ! '“‘ ~,n " r ' roA '- ?*f i & Y TiS; , sla “ T —my
TS. :f;irKs"3"ES
gR,^!““ redl "‘“ -7‘ ■“•“- SSI*"’:=•»ES;sISHISsaISSI
worthy of you." The young soldier’s ! 1s ■“<* to be misprisofaof treason t.> It?, ‘•from the Manager of the Fair - ftttntvurjjt. ’ ’ treasurer j one ofthe itneat stocks ever tt?sM^
tears were his answer, ahd Miss Anng, | aflk a soldier to take dinner and desert, teers? H lor the 1 tllildren of Yolun* i I";'" l!’ ' tuJ >' ackm,K - 1 HmSflgwuik IftSfiZSffitZA *
summoning all her strength, attempted I MAR „, gt> a. . 67TU St „ . Ae ot osr :
to smile. Nothing canid be more heart- 1 m ARHIED. New York, Au S 2. issj. j brother* and .lefenocrsttl.e memory oMhe°glSri 1 r n DIAMOND, Practical Optician
- k“ u‘ '."J* ‘W 1 k *° u l f °r No, Al, 51, 51 Fifth street. '
m tb e embrace of 1 I L th ’ b >' iicv - J- o. Harriuon, .Mr oh , l . l . (lren catering from weakneae and weak 1 unis . Mhj It into the fceartVi v\ t v t’hrla ! hnWeTWimMif Twi
pTt ws 'v l °T sinscloUB5 inscl0U8 - »toy «Vby Be" 0 ?. KMcu "i. r . RTjRfiT. ENGRAVINGS
Swim- VAMfab
one whbse y ® , &&'Z »«i who Ire h to»«««
• i Lieutenant de Roehelle wds the first _ m that U Denar^ ul ,' 1 " y Je * < -' rl i> t “' n - appropriate
LT^XtT 8 ’” be h CI l edS -“ IWil1 die r ' E - A - WILaON ’ S REMEDY : lev. the
soon, top, but*! would have yon to die ~, R*v. W. H. Waoooseb, Madrid, Nv ■’ !, •'•‘ansementa can be made lor therecen.
m Wife There is yet time to unite r nm , A ;im {:"oST mi '“ lliou . 0( every article th^
TLvtranetrhifd", , K C—.»P«iou, idhwa, Bv„„. b „ U , ,o. tov Plan,llZ'^S <1 i "guUr.v. on T«es
-Ihe ybung girl did not reply, she was Colds f . ~ _ greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, ’ until" heX * 1 “""“oons, al lo'ur o’clock,
too.weak - A Slight flush rose for an in- ’ ou K h “- aud “1> Throat Asa CrnniK, Philadelphia, i?a " ,\I. Cooler N-o"7 ,o lt" ce v’H,‘ 'l 11 ' "ffl o9 °t •!«»’
tU? hcr - pnl f che could be seen and bun, AffeotlouY "’‘ " 1 have been a great sufferer f.ont ' nr oTh,f«‘htivtogbulS
thatjay and pain were Struggling in her Together wltih a Uanintlel n * ; S?l B i’ e P‘ la : and had to abandon i'reachlng. * • Ih'lteil t" with the Oonimlftee.
spirit foi the mastery L vine'll non a g et “r wltih a pamphlet giving the presorlp- ; Plantation Bitters have cured me. r lAMEN M. t.’OOPEIi
sofa her bridal-dress ail stained with tlo “ • history of hi. ease, can be ob- , -'■S.CATHonn.ltochester.N.Y.'' . , &HX jfjENNrras
olqod, her hair disheveled, she had Ulnedol Fleming f ‘\* **, i ftaveffiven the plantation Hitters \villiam vvade *'
s n h\ T War e Lc I ,Znnf U ,f U, p n e !P leBB a , 9 _”^ 9 -nero, thedllantond and Markets,. U^«lL,°4°aJf.“ b, * d " U,m - I,h , ’
sne was . Lieutenant de Eochelle took —' -.-.. - | a W D Amdbkwb t ommmee on Mecltaules' Hall sknitoTv Fiir
her hand and requested the Rev. Mr. OP lEREBIILAHI Superintendent -Soldier’s Home" ctn„ f;.'. u >y">-tt S
Dickmson to proceed with the cere- dri^^^^^“ h f I * The P.anTTion Bitters have cured I E VKHWRK,Hi " REATHmom
When it was time for the dying girl to
say Yesj” her lips parted several times Tli 1°?. nijif’ tho , B,omilo h regain Us strength f H. b. kinoslbv, Cleveland, o.”
wold wT ,d T artiCU ] ate ' Atlastt he toXS. he sf m s ed“ C c!^fr S^a J ,t'u.eZn^ a r t < o * d * The Bitters have cured
word was spoken, and a slight foam i he BHANDKETH’S PiLlki^BEANDrSthS “® of a derangement of tfe Kidneys and I'rinary
rested upon her lips. The dyilg agony SK.S and ALf.t.'otjifS Skireha™. haB distressed me for years. It acts
:Z"Z r * Jo C „ miniSter 80bbed a 8 h « Slf *Brandreth’s ‘ “ No.
proceeded With the ceremony. An hour l^ s * a °f Universal Saive, aadaa Alicock’s *’* fcc-i ic.
afterwards all was over, and the bridal- SlS 11 f l^ eir knapsack free of ex
chamber was the chamber of death. Sbsenee of an£ofTHis Kliment"frem toe
de Rochelle ha 9 sworn to hospital. from the
perish in battle against theiYaukees, and nranih'.n„ Ul^ H Bh ,°^ l ? I,av " a box of
we are sure that he will keep his oath. KSSSpiif*' “'They- are’'4pr'e? c d S» p ! cce f f
He has now a double motive to hate ott ? D Ufe-saving. 5 are M, 'RE to bo usefni,
them and his own existence. 1 nnd°hi . b .J Hu^l^ s ., KEi ' PA T H ’ Pittsburgh,
j | myN,ydiwr b e aC&lerB medicines. 8 '
Then and Now.—The following stan ■
«as were very populnr in New England,
where they were extensively published
and admired in 1847, the year of the
Mexican War:
distances from saktoi n«5
JRicltlnondj will be foniid of interest at c °a*WBW,*KEBB,
*£B££>Rfc *.
'&jCarriage Hardware,
To£jraQhbo^...... w T».|fflSaU i3j juwya i prrrsBDBQH. ‘
We yesterday alluded'to the fact of
the Abolition majority vot
ing a resolution, offer&fp JoSh
L. Dawson, in favor ogijreßcautioiP of ;
| the Union ; the followi» tf ||e-iikaV
I P roccedm g s upon the |psject3’ 'lt ' will;
beaten that oUr repreStiitative voted
:;with the majcWtjt- Ij; after reading
these proceedings and the vote upon *hem
Miy one can claim the Abolition as a
Union party, he can only be excused be
cause of being wilfully blind and incur
able indeed :
Whereas, It was solemnly declared by this
House on the 22d day of J uly, igQi, sneaking in
the name of the people of the United States Ind
In face of the world, that the present civil war
P ur Pose of conquest or oppo
>hi Ut #?L ely t 0 ?* tOK th « Union, with all
the rights of the people and of the States unim
paired; and whereas, a civil warlike the pres
ent is the most grevlous of all national calami
ties, producing, as it does, bloodshed, spoliation,
and general demoralization; and whereas, the
American Government cannot rightfully wage
war upon any portion of its people, except for
the sole purpose of vindicating the Constitution
and laws, and restoring both to their just su
premacy; and whereas, a restoration bf peace is
essential to the perpetuation bf a system of re- ;
publiean government, it Is now eminently befit- i
ting a Christian and homogeneous people in the
triumph of our arms, and m the exultation of
victor}’, to tender the olive branch as a substi
tute lor the sword. Therefore,
1 Resolved, That the President be required to
make known, by public proclamation or other
wise to all the country, that whenever any
State nowin insurrection, shall submit herself
to the authority lateral Government as
defined in tfre Constitution, all hostilities
against her shall cease, and such State be pro
tected from all external Interference with her
ocal laws and institutions, and her people shall
be guaranteed in the full enjoyment of all those
rights, which the Federal Constitution gave
them: and in the exercise of a sound and patri
otic discretion he shall proclaim a general am
nesty to all those who, by false counsels, have
been induced to engage in the work of rebellion.
On motion to lay on the table, the vote
was as follows :
V eas —Messrs. AUlson, Ames, Arnold, Ash
■l?hn„lJ-, Baldwin, Beaman, Jacob
w U nT Cl ’ S°l d ' 'T a. brown,
Cl £?> oob b,Cole, oreswcn, Henri’
Winter Mavis, Thomas T. Davis,' Demi
r?fts«n ,‘l Uy ’ MS**)'' Eliot - IVnton, Prank,
Garfield, Gooch, Orlnnell, Griswold, Higbv,
Hotchkiss, A. W. Hubbard, .l! H. flufc
banl, Hulburd, Hutchins. Jenckes, Julian, Kas-
K K rb* y ' Fran »T ia Ti %V "'. KeUo ?ff- Orlando Kel
logg, Lbngyear, Mcßride, McOlurg, Mclndoe
AISSi a'nf-l I ‘m’ Moo i ho ' ld , Morrill, Daniel
Iyera ’ Norton, Odell. Charles
Patterson, Porliam, Pike, Price,
Hllliam N-Randall, Alexander H. Rice, John
11. Rice, Edward H Rollins, Shannon, Sloan, -
t'™ lth A Spalding, Stevenß, Thayer, Tracy.Up
lv?fn' fln w a w, e “e’i rßh ’ Uhu H. 'Vashburne, I
WilUarn B. Waßhburn, Wilder, Wllßon, ami
Navs—James O. Allen, Wm. J. Allen, An
const Augustus O. Baldwin, Bliss. Brooks, Jas.
S. Brown, Chandler, Coffroth, Cox, Cravens,
Dawson, Eden, Edgerton, Eldrldge, English
h Inch, Ganaen, Grider, dale, Harding, Harl
KeSsS- “ crrick T ' Hol “an, PhUlirJobnson
v£ W.’ n n^P^ LA2ear ' Lon S« Malory, Marcy
McDowell, McKinney, w. H. Miller, Jas. ft!
Morns, Mornsson, Nelson, Noble, Pendleton.
Robinson, .las. Rollins, Ross. Scott
John B. Steele, Stiles, Strout, Stuart, Voori
bees Joseph W. White, Wlnflehl, Fernando
\\ ood, and \eamen—63.
A Thrilling Incident of the War.
We find in the Courier de* Stats Unist
the following touching narrative of an
incident in the siege of Charleston, taken
from the Mercury of that city:
The Yankees from time to time throw
a shell into the city, and nobody seems
to mind it. But misfortune willed that
yesterday a shell should throw the en
tire community into mourning.
Miss-Anna Pickens, the daughter of
our loraier Governor, never consented
to leave the city. Despite the represen
tations of General Beauregard, she re
mained, braving shells and Greek fire
tending the wounded and cheering all
With her presence. Among the wound
ed Officers under her care was Mr.
Andrew da Rochelle, a descendant of
one of the noblest Huguenot families of
the city. This young man was full of
the liveliest gratitude for his fair nurse •
gratitude gave birth to a more tender
sentiment; his suit waß listened to. Gov
ernor Pickens gave his consent, and the i
marriage was fixed for yesterday the j
33d of April.
w As for war, I call it murder
There youhnve it plain and flat
don'n w,int to -go no furder my Testyment -for th it
«iod has said so plump-and fairly
It’s »*s !oag aa it is broad :
And you’ve got to get up airly,
* Ef you want to take ia<3iodf.*»
\. °fL Senate of
tne United'.;Sfaies Mr. Cowan moved to
insert the -wdrd “white” before “male
.cidzen,” mgdesignfttiingi those who are
the other .day. Air Sum-
B® r “I hope not, I hope not, Mr.
Preaßleht.” Of’- - coarse [Air. Sumner
“bopßß lot.” He has {much more ob
jection to the voting of white men who
hire Democrats, .than that of the dear ne
groetf'and mulattoes he and hfs party
have lately stolen from their homes on
purpose to make Abolition voters. Of
course Air. Sumner hopes not. —Daily
‘‘Bon,” now caMed Belmont Bob, is
the body servant-fcf Gen. McClernand,
and at the battle of Belmont it is said of
him thut when the retreat commenced he
started for the boats. Reaching the
banks he dismounted, anti slid rapidly
down, when an office? seeing the action,
called out, “Stop, you rascal, and bring
along the horse.” Merely looking up as
he waded to the plank through the mud,
the darkey replied, “Can’t ’bey, colonel
told me to save the most valuable pro
perty, and diß nigger’s worf mor’n a
horse. ’ ’
MrsFiTS ark Sometimes Lucky.—
The bandits in Mexico recently caught
a Colonel. He was in plain clothes and
denied his identity, In his trunk was a
splendid uniform, but he declared it be
longed to somebody else. He was made
to try it on, and, although it leally was
made for him, the tailor had s</blunder
ed that the coat was found to be much
too large, and the bandits accepted the
Colonel’s word and neglected to shoot
him as they had intended if he had been
proved to be of military persuasion.
The New Nation (Fremont) says “nev
er since the cieation of the world has
there been a war so loosely, so stupidly
and to shamefully conjucted as this.
We wish to believe in the stupidity rath
er than in the culpability of the Govern
ment: but even stupidity has its limits.
Last and West, North and South, every
where we have the same results, defeat
disgrace and ruin as the sole reward tor
so many sacrifices, so much energy and
self-denial on the part of th e people; and
it is tinhe that this were ended.”
What Our Soi.dier-i are Fighting
For.— Gen. Meade in ills address to the
Army of the Potomac, on the 4th instant
informs ins soldiers that tlu-y arc “fight
lng to preserve the government and in
stitutions as handed down to t /s by ovr
forefathers.'" That is the sentiment that
inspires brave men to deeds of valorand
victory. Not the cry of abolition, not
the desire for pillage, not a mere spirit
of hate, but a love of constitutional lib
erty, and a devotion to the cause of the
Lnion.— Albany Arqus.
Males and Females.—lt is related
ui every man's knaiwnck. Briiisk and k!..., a
, usc no other medicine. If the reade/of Uds
•notice' cinnotgct a box of Pills or Ointment from
st> asTiJF ah i ro tn Ms piece, lot him write to me!
80 tn^ n Uaue. enclosing the Amount and a
wUlmalj A bok free of expense. Many ’dealera
“t®** 1 *" oft han <* bebauslt®
cannot msjte aslnuch profit as on other persona* i
make. Mfcenta, 88. cents, and !
P « • , inyie-iwo j
Blank Book Manufacturers,
wO. 3 0
host buildings.
AU OnJera Promptly Attended in.
®^*’ I tr?ota7ii? k ' rRT -~ TKETH EI -
Oudry’a ° palD by the uac of J, r.
J * r. Hoffman,
All work warranted
134 Smithfleld Street,
during thTtoA” gtTen UDl ' eraal sutlafaSion
“ has becn InttWioed
Simona It ,5? K stat “- After being tfimi by
tm S L proclaimed the palTdca
iin»^ifln 0 /i t * Xe '' W i < ? r * <1 ' cannot be wheJe this
and^ever 8 h« PP f °n’ If UBed aß directed ithannot
oniieha f “ 1011l 011 in a ain S le lnataifie. For
One S 2s’ ln *| lellza > lf ° a n’t l>e beat.
Bldea hel°n?n b 0 wUL cure «U the'above, be-
tßef u *ln every family for sudden ac
oldenta Buch aa burna, cuta, scalda, lnaect Brings,
Mil ein b. 2? . f “V y f“ nocent >° lake internally
chlbf PrtiS to , tbeoWcßt Peraonoryoungea.
(V,r,t»p if* 0 , 2i . a 1 1 . dd centa a bottle, (mice, 50
L ° r, , l “ n ‘ lt street, New York.
all rlanlJn IJ ¥; RE HFATH, Pittsburgh, and ,
all respectable Druggiata. myMyd&wo
, the rulea of Taate and Ileauty In their
fnS r fei 'mo* 16 l0 . B “ ot thelr color , be chanced
In a few momenta to any UFA l! TIFUL SHADF
bj a single application of
The rapidity of lta operation, perfect safetv
permanent heelthful effect, and the exceeS
depth and richneaa of the huea It imparta dli£
ttngulah thla preparation from all other Dvea in
uae In thla country or In Europe; 5 ln
Crlatadoro’s Hair PrrwrvaUve,
A valuable adjunct to the Dye, ln dresHinr- and
promoting the growth an I perfect health of t e
hair, and of itaelf when usid alone, a aafreVard
that protecta the iibree from decay under cir
oumßtancea and under all climes
aill?' ,u i‘""™‘. b r UKKSTADORO, No. 6
Aator Home, hew York. Sold by all Druc
giats. Applied by all Hair Ilreasera. g
FAc'JiNjY .
wont ' f, NE ■ A , N DY Ela the cheapeat tn the
lutin' Ita l.' rlce 1» only-Fifty centa, and each
Iwttie containa double the quantity of dvr ln
thoae usually Bold for ,1. 11 OI a l pln
i„w h t e i ' F‘, TIAI I DYE tB warranted not tn in-
ThJVEWTltxVivv' aligtiteat degree.
•ine > hiNtj lAN I>A K works u ith rftnfiliiv
wha^?er Uty ' thc hair requiring no pre,mJarinjl
t , T ? a DYE prodncea any ahade
that may be desired—one that will not fade crock
UaeTf Mh F 0 o U r t^, e n hv th 'l! a aB I’ <, ” n aa the hair
Itaelf. For aale bj all druggiata. Price 50 centa
_ , A. 1. MATHEWS.
. , , General Agent, 12 (fold at. N. Y
Also m&nufaoturerof Math kwh* A rnioa Hair '
llntT 8 ’ th€ bßBt halr dreaBtn & in use. Price 2&
*• janl6-lyd
I The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong,
j the languid brilliant, and are exhaused nature’s
j great restoret. Ttey are composed of thecele-
I brated Oallsaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras,
j Roots, Herbs, fee., all preserved In perfectly pure
j M. Ofoix R urn,
S. T.-^lB6O—X,
Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with
* eaknoss, lassitude, palpitation of the heart,
laok-of appetite, distress after eating, torpid liv
er, constipation, &c., deserve to suffer If they
will not try them.
, They are recommended by tim highest medi
, cal authorities, and are warranted to produce 4 an
l beuefldaJ effect. They are exceeding
: *& r ? e able, perfectly pure and harmless.
: Ncmoa.—j£hy person pretending to sell, Plan-
I tation Bitters in bulk or by the gallon is a styihd-
I ler and imposter. It is putjip only in our log
| cabin bottle. Beware of Wtttl’es refilled wffh'
Imitation deleterious stuff, for which several per-
Bone are already in prison. See that eyery bot
tle has our United States stamp oveirthe.cork
unmutOoied, and our signature outteebplnte side
Sold by respectable dealers throughout
the habitable globe. ;
P. H. DRAKK dt CO.,
202 Broadway, N. T,
JL^—The genuine articJe soid by ' J ‘ • >
■ ' v . • SiatON TOTOSTON,
■* ' ' ’ and 4th sW'
At 31, 37 1-2, 50 &
Striped and Figured ChiitzeA
- At 620 per Yard;.- J§
$2,50 to $16 : 00;
Kid Gloves, $1,50 per Pair;
a large assortment,
For sale hj
VVHi'j'T., ORR & COt
No. S 5 Fifth Street.
Plumbers ami Brass Founders,
IIU WOpD STHEET. near Sixth,
AarF.impa mid ai.d repaired. Proprietor.and
m.-.uiiucuuera ol Dakin's Patent Water Drawer
and Alu,K«ve-s 1 •••>tent t H, Cooking and Ileat-
►3 ol thL*
Phenix Fire Insurance Gompanv,
"I Ihooklyn, X. Y., April let, 1564 J
CAM! I Am Al, tjoo,(W'o 00
:,uryl ' l ’ 203,113 —£703,11* 88
. Ofiblj in Hank ami on hand 6d 151 -'l
. Kcnl h-tate c.wuod bytho
i Bonds ami .M orttraces,
I mostly dwelling housew,
u orth in each case from
to ltuj per cent, mnrn
than the amount loani-d K.-i P 73 yi
on Ih-m.-inu, iocur
e.l hy coiliteraio 01
Bunk and Cniteii State
. Securities the marker
v-aliu’ ot inch 15
C‘JO-675 9*
• ''v:r L.of
! J-.-uUch .and others in the surrounding countrv
; -V» pre],arlng u ' rentil iQff tor the Sanitary
I > lr Wutidings, are notified t hat the same should
VdituU", 1 ', 01 later than MONDAY. SM 2Lt
| If dtlHeretl by wagon, the packages will he rtZ
l <Jf**ved at the Auditorium Building Allpp-hone
j city, and if .hipped by railroad or^aVea^bof?
I the packages should be addressed F H
tier of the ( ': ln ® ntl by virtue of an air
. , , ul \: ollrl oi 1 nmmon Pleats or AlJerh’enr
SiVtrh . 1 d ' property ol said Thomas B 1
nn T u ’'f cble * township, Allegheny
k'i !, ioir u ;T l K ’’ nds ,,° r Jnd^
"hoi; ~;V, k"- heirs, ami
. ’ r ‘ ,H,IUfl l''‘bout 4) acres, and bavin-'
h rn aml'oM " ‘>"Tl!ln i! house, »labk°
nnrn and otht, out-liuildlngs. Then- are on ijit?
iliri’limmiJ!* S’ 0011 n‘ °‘ sv '® , f r > "evernl tine
-"lThreHei-.r orchard. The aboie
‘h" V? m 3 miies of 'be city line, and
<™k o to l. 3 milea of Cnughlin's Station, P.f&
• t<,r ter '” B »nd price apply to Robert
Patterson, neAr the premises, or to
my?^fvd r KQS > ‘ !d SefOlKl I
Mercurl-j Diseases, Seminal Weakness* ptSt
td- Core guaranteed-. ,v°’ ~7 T5SfSMfc%
.*.*l*'?/*’ ale.
W. F. MARSH XcE, infarggd at.
, i^Bohob'
,L q ±, neB Slis« ifevil Of part of my
TSSr’Jjt' considerations of
to contract
!S#.ii u d confine my attontion to my old
Whpnfw Jawing “SffiMaltlne business In
bvn>ir», g ! tt ‘M oflfer for «Me
iskf^„ a , t .r O n tr ? ot flll ttle SI6T DAY OF MAY,
ISS», and If not then sold, by Public Auction,
The. Magnificent Estate of
J l4 of beautiful and fertile roU
ing hill land, well watered with never falling
modern convenience, surrounded W“ihrub.
bery and trees. The principal tenant hotueis a"
neat and comfortable two-story briolr *TW
Ufeirr house is spacious and fixture* are convert
ient y arranged. There are also eight cottage*
oh the estate, (all rented to oldahd good bL%-
the rental of which pays more than the
*«?•. An extensive barn, with stone basement
divided into stabling for 16 horses, and stalls for
40 cattle, with cellars, bins, mows, and every
thing in the -highest requisition of a fara : it
Btjands in a yard 170 feet square, surrounded bv
bnck sheds for catUe and sheepalso blaek
•B*dth'd shop and slaughter house. • i
ci T L f&r j‘s .^v 11 Itnown to bethe bestimprov-
I *2? mo s t cultivated in this part of the
Pi«Klw, ak l , e<l with ‘ m P°«ed and other oholce
m'“ heep^horßeB ’ 'nplements, Ao., Ac. The
growing crops consist or 84 acres of fill Wheats f
a-; °{ ft* ? arle y * 27 «»■ rfJKg JSffirli
5? \ of bl *? oatß iBO acres of com? 13 acres I
pft£? t n«^ib? s^ cr f B o u fm «*dow. the balandfe Ini
gOodi pasture, all of which will be sold a* ahova
stated ©n theaiST OP MAY 1864 BOiaasabove
bAvf Y * OB i?TT At the offlce of Messrs Par
rl r ’ t£ roo K? S Co '» 1 Wa ter street; Mr. John•
Jiy Hannah, Pearl street; Mr. William Hannah,
street Messrs. M’Oromble & Child 1L
Wiatdr street. ’ - L
t J H|II(A.DELPHIA—Messrs. Bullett St Falr
H. Straua, Bro. &
f'lSvvTANTi—™*' J v rie 5 lln ?’ B Drag Store.
House!' ELA ' NI3 ~ Mr ' J ‘ B " Smltll,, Malt
..A™®-, H. Mitchell & 00., Water
T,nrrr?V7?r£; 5' Hetnertokuhofen.
WHEELING—At the Brewery.
Farlm Stjock and Implements,
Four iilles from Wheeling, onßethany Turnpike,
'IS» da y B > f will sell by imbUe
T? a v kve “look, comprising thirty
Harßeßj suitable foe any purpose. DurfLam r anrt
'”■«>« Cattle,, Leicester, UoTswok S,TQr“e
° r ° PB ’ aDd PSrt ° f “S’
Catalogues nf the precise lots of .Lire Stock
M.hotteSr“ he^adittheßreffer J r °^
See Wvertlaement also.
myls-ttl j
Ol the two light.; Of the OethoUo Church of
America) the Most
First ArchhlHhop of New York;
Francis Patrick M’Kenriok, D. D.,
ONLY 81,00.
Also, OARD PHONOGRAPHS of the .ame,
Sole qgents for Pittsburgh and Allegheny
Between sth and 6th tecond door from Virgin
j GRAVEI, roofing.
I Have removed thetr office to
| No. |9B Market Street,
i One Door from Corner of sth.
j -es-OrderaVompUy attended to atprlcaa that
defy competition. I
Maten|j for Sale with InstrnctioM.
all tiiooartw 1? ®° 1 ? r « !^*n utu a 5 consent of
"™ are “
* HEXfHEN Mir.r.CT j R
i l ono*^
PETER H. Mll.T.fcp,
! WUMKjN MHJMatJofto
' At J
' 64. '
- bv =■ •, -
m J 6 j 1 Loonrfr Biriatind
Archbishop of Baltimore,
Just reoeived at
yt, »
!' - - #lOO,OOO
j «wj Jrtu ,££
.« . " •i'S-.H ‘ •
lT&e* U tbe Shoem.ker,^^.^
;and customer* Say always jSvuSS J 2? '
,£?°£‘?* the ExpwaaOfflcefthi^
«fcliw® money, upon all occastona. w«
1.000 p
'J art received at
/ it -
my 3 gi
hajlb preparation.
Oiling-, Dressing
It softens. and oils tho Hair, and gives it a
permanent gloss which It retains for
days after using it,
For Beautifying and Promoting
Lubln’s I’ocoamit Cream
Cannot be Surpassed,
It Soothes the Irritated Soalp.
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp
It Soothes the Irritated Scalp,
II Soothes the Irritated Scalp
It Prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair,
It Prevents Baldnejpnand Loss of Hair!
It Prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair,
It prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair
It lx an Elegant -Perfume;
It la an-Elegant Perfume,
It la an Elegant Fferfnme,
It la an Elegant Perfume.
Cocoantft Cream Removes Dandruff,
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff!
Cocoanut Cream Removes Dandruff.
Cocoanut Cream Remove# Dandruff;
I* Produces the Richest Luster
g Produces the Richest Luster
It Produces the Rlckest Luster
It Produces the Elcheat Luster!
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance.
It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance,
rt ft So ttf e Appearance,
it ghes the Oily Appearance,
For Oiling Whiskers It has no Equal.
For Oiling Whiskers It has no Equal,
xv? r ,?,W Dg ,s!? lBlcers 11 haa no EquS
For Oiling Whiskers It has no Equal
!? rot'tjM all Its Beautifying Effects
if re f a * ns a}} lta Beautifying Effeota
A u ? It retains all its Beautifying Effects
x . Aru ** retains all its Beautifying Effects
For days after using it,
For days after uelng it.
For days after W 1
For days after ueiag it, .
/~\ Is R&'pZ OUlos the Mustache,
\ If Dreadng and Oiling the Mustache!
For Dressing and Oiling the Mustache,
For Ilreaslng and Oiling thoiMustache!
It Prevents Gray Hairs,
It Prevents Gray Hairs,
It Prevents Gray Hairs,
It Prevents Gray Hairs,
It g a . lr ftom Totatng Gray,
f! g»lr Irom Turning Gray,’
ft Iff, ™? 8 S alr Irom Turning Gray
. Preventß Hair from Turning Gray.
NVfialV.preparatton pos
•dsses the peculiar prep
ertles which bo essentially •
human Hair as 1 r •
the Oocoannt Cream.
if pfoSf» teS . t if : Qfow'th of the Hair,
It Promotes the Growth of-ihe fuir
ft £l? m °* ea *s® Growth of the Hair’
It Promotes the Growth of the Hair’
IRp SH'i all druggists
Dispatch Building, Fifth Street.
Real Estate Savings Institution
Amount of Deposits $180,378 63
Amount interest due de-
positora May. Ist,. . a«7i no
Amount Contingent Fund tlje2B 96—5190,681 67
FiratLiensonßeaiEst'te* 09,223 67
n/f*‘^r^ s^a 5* pA*-- «,*«> 00
LKS. DeßFLer. and Notes 15,409 16
Aeorued interest notcoi- '
OfflceFurniture’.'.! i
Cash on h*qd
1,689 67 , . ,
160 00 ' "
",W9 67 :
The undersigned Auditing' Committee have
examined the books of the Institution, {he
bonds and securities, and counted ihp cash, and
have found the above be correct, *■
H. OhSds'l
Pittsburgh, May 2d, lZ' B '
'••'Deposit* received DAILY and EVERY
SATURDAY EVJbNlNQSaslnterest paid at SI
; PEE CENT, per annum. “
ISAAC JONES, President, I
Hon- Tiipa. M. Howe, Hon. J. X. Hboriwatf. .
'Wm. a Smitli,' 0.0. Hnssev,. ’
Wm. B: Copeland, -Jacob Painter,
Harvey Cbllds, - Nicholas VoeghUy. l ,
Office, 83 Pourth Street. /■
A. A. Treasurer, >•
•ft l*‘« f-.'-' u