The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, May 19, 1864, Image 3

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Memn. K. M. PEITENOILL A 00. No. 87
Pork Eos, New York city, and No. 6 State
•treet, Boston; and 1,, p. FONTAINE A Co.,
No. 68 Nassau Btreet, New York oity, are au
thorized to take Advertisements and Subsorir
tions for us at lowest rates.
e wUlfumista the Daily Post, to agents
at the rate of $2,00 per hundred copies.
eft ’
The Virginia Campaign—Friday Sat
urday ana Sunday.
From the N. Y. World.
Hbadquahtbes Aext of the Potoxac, >
/ StJSDAY, May 16—7 F. Jt. j
For the moment the two gigantic armies of
the Union and the rebellion, rest like gladiators
in the midst of their combat, to gather strength
and maneuver for fresh advantages. Such an
'interval, brief though it may be, is sorely
needed. Sinews of iron could not prevail long
against Buch unremitting 'fighting and march
lng as the troops of thiß army have had to un
dergo. It will have been perceived that the
eflbrts of our forces have been chiefly directed
'■, agalnßt the flahk of the enemy. Every shift of
the battle has been toward our left. We have
’ moved by the left flank continually.
At the close of Thursday, a day of such a bat
tle as General Grant himself said was never
fought on this continent, the army was In line
as follows : The Fifth corps on the right, the
Sixth corps next, the Second corps occupying
the left center, and the Fith corps forming the
left wing. This position continued on Friday
no battle taking place. Our men were engaged
burying the dead and caring for the wounded
during most of that day and evening. The! en
emy’s sharpshooters, watchful as ever, flred at
every head which showed itself too far above
the intrenchments, and an officer whoso name
,1 did not learn, was shot dead while riding
across the field. An occasional cannonade broke
In upon the quiet of the day; which was one of
rains and terrible weafher. spoiling the roads,
which have now got from bad to worse.
Notwithstanding the mud, another swift and
bold manouver was accomplished on Friday
night, again changing, toward the left, the po
sition of our whole line. The Fifth and Sixth
corps were march ed all night, and the army
yesterday m orning faced the enemy about two
miles above Spottsylvania Court House, along
the Ny river, between the Po and Mattapony,
and across the Fredericksburg and Spottsylva
nia Court House road—thus: the Second corps
• on the right conn eeting with the Ninth corps
on the left, and occupying the line held by the
Sixth corps last night; the Firt:. corps on the
left, connecting with Burnside on the right, and
the Sixth corps held mostly in reserve on the
left. The headquarters of the army, Including
those of General Grant, were established, as
also those of the Sixth corps, at the house of
a noted and wealthy secessionist named Gail
who, in company with a brother, held poscsalon
of an Immense estate, upon which that part of
ouf line of battle, held by the Fifth and the re
serve of the Sixth corpß, was disposed in sight.
it be understood that this doubling move
ment of our line did not turn the enemy’s flank,
as intended; but, nevertheless, it being in a
B<^t, heaSterly direc,lon ’ wa “ an advance move
m@l, and brought us so much further on our
way. The enemy was found in front; übiquit
ous as ever; and leisurely engaged in strength
ening his works, which are understood to be of
long standing and very formidable. Observa
tion of the field yesterday forenoon revealed a
curiouß sight. The advance forces of both
armies were quietly, digging within four hun
dred yards of each other; exposing their bodies I
in full view without firm? a shot. Batteries
were coolly - placed in position, and the aspect
showed that the .troops on both sides were too
worn out by hard fighting and marching to
waste their strength in the useless animosities
of the picket line.
Our batteries on the left, about Ba. m, lazily
felt of the eneHy’s position and t hen subsided.
A sharp and successful extemporaneous fight
did occur on the left, however, which resulted
in more serious fighting iu the afternoon. The
enemy had possession of a house across the Ny
river near the termination of our line of battle
—a commanding and dangerous position. Soon
after 9 o’clock Colonel Upton’B brigade ofßus
boil’s division of the Sixth corps, with a portion
of the New Jersey brigade of the same corps,
crossed the Ny, charged up the hill, and took
this house from them after a lively engagement.
The day was one of showers. About the middle
of the afternoon, when one of these showers was
at its height, Gen. Meade, accompanied by
General Wright, commanding the Sixth corps, I
rode up to this house, cn t ered It and sat down I
for a light conference. The grounds were
stiil held by Upton’s and the New Jersey
troops alluded to, which except the pickets
formed the extreme ,feft of our position.—
The two Generals had been conversing but a
few minutes, when a sudden rattle of musketry
from startled, both. The next instant
another volley nearer, and accompanied with
yell’s that could not be mistaken, was hoard
and a number of the bullets penetrated the
house. Generals Meade and Wright had just
time to rush out the rear doors and mount
their horses when the enemy came down upon'
the house and the troops around it like wolves
at the same time they brought out a battery
from behind a wood above, unllmbered it and
poured in a co-operative storm of grapeshot
upon our men. The latter, although .taken at
a sudden disadvantage, Jyught valiantly; but
were forced back through''an orchard and down
the face of the hill; yielding the position to
the enemy with a loss in killed and wounded
and prisoners of from fifty to Beventy-flvemen.
The position was too valuable to be lost, The
enemy proceeded at once to p lant a battery in
the grounds about the house, which threatened
to enfilade our left wing completely, and the
Sixth corps was ordered to drive them back re
take and hold the hill. The order reached Gen.
eral Wright an hour before dark. At that time
the main body of the Sixth corps was stili in re
. serve this side of the Ny river; but it was imme
| dlately sent forward to the left, behind a piece
of woods, to cross that stream and form a col
umn of assault. The river was unbridged, end
was so swollen by the rains that the ford was
next to impassable. Before bridges could be
iponstruated it was datk, and the assault by the
iSixth corps had to be abandoned.
' Meanwhile a battery was placed on an emi
nence to the left, commanding the house
Another, also bearing upon the house, was*al>
ready in position near the house of Genera]
Warren, whose corps was encamped and in line
of battle to the right. These two bitteries
opened a fierce and rapid fire upon the L my
weakening and scattering their line to slch an
f COrp “’ ™miJsedby
S , Charsed up the UU from the
right and took the place without difficulty.
Some losses among our own troop, resulted
™ the ne el“‘ of the battery on the left to
"T “^i ntlme - ™* held posses
■lon of the houee and ground, the enemy be
haved toward our dead and wounded with re
markable barbarity, refusing the latter every
attention and robbing them of everything. The
s!!la x. LieU , tenant ' Colonel Wtebeeke, of the
6y reslment - found atrip
thf J y i“ e la “ or °hard. Thlß closed
. y a Shting, the enemy being driven
back Into his entrenchments. Some sharp
skirmishing occurred during the night
During last night the am y agam changed po.
sttlon toward the left. The SUth corps have
Ukea the position on the right, which they fail
ed to obtain last evening. To the splendid Ver
mont brigade attached to this corps was last
ffight added a. new regiment, the Fifteenth
Vermont, heavy artillery, fifteen hundred
strong. The Second corps, except Bicncyfs di-
Jdaion, which retained the works occupied by
thlß corps yesterday, moved upandiscowomss
ed toward the left in the rear'. Toothing but
■ lrnUaliing, and occasionally cannonading, >*■«
“rex' 1 t<Wlay ' The “ oea of the enemy are
teat h» In the forest, and Ills plain,
noTap C Tat!' _TlfP qf °^ ette
dESP' 'jxzszzs*
to®!telUn.ofthe toe until the Uenof B »» k ’* glorious victory.,
• U ->.t SKJ .J
slighter if continued ell the way to Richmond
would use up both armies completely. Active
preparation, for aome new movement are nev
ertheleaa being made, and they cannot be made
‘ br t ln « iDg on more acting. Everybody
tUhka that we will in .uch an event have more
advantage. inpoaitfon thanthoae we‘ now hold
The order for two days- additional rationa has
be “ b ‘‘ U6d ' “<> whatever movement la
made wiU be toward the front. The total num
ber of gun. captured in ' engagement
la now reducedtoelghteen, in. lead of the forty
two reported at headquarter.. The total num
aa B nd° f T?° ne "“ Ptttred by u * “ «W>‘ thou
aana. The number of colore twenty-two.
* n=e “P crowd in this or any other
° l ” Belfto dlB Pd the illusion
° f ,he De olaraUon of Indepen
eqUaJlty > whe “ “-rt
ed that all menwere equal. In anoient times
sneh an idea was entertained when the system
of Agrarianism was introduced, and the lands
divided out in equal portions among the people,
the eequal of that enterprise opened the
t y !L. ‘ advocate » °f perfect equaiity, and
ug them that human derice cannot restrain
“T 1 laws ' 'When our forefathers proclaim
ed the doctrine of equality they only intend
let *.° *“ oppor,uni 'y be equal and
tet skill, industry and fortune decide the rest.
The very day that declaration was made, there
was existing In society, side by side, the mil
ic beSqCr ' the todustrious mechan
'“dthe‘.? V ‘* grar,t - *■“ P‘ous seeker of re
gion and the open and profane infidel, the pro
fessor of science, and the man ;who .could not
aame - A etogle glance at society
dIt Te M ha l“ imilar ooatrMt “ exist in society 1 1
oeSec» e “ 7° f the Ba “ e BCKLety cann °t a " »e
u7om, 7 To “attain the doctrine*,
unphilosophlcal and to enforce the practice ab
temm(7 OW , mUCh morc '‘. b »urd, then, Is the at
bu7?o d^ PP 7 d ° Ctrln 8 °° l O,l ' J - ,0 oae race,
but to different races. Neither the Indian nor
the negro race can ever be theequal of white men
in anything except in the opportunity to become
so, and this opportunity should be regulated by
the fundamental law of the land. Brute force
can not and ought not to guaranfee this especial
eq “ al “/- Season and legislation, consistent
with the constitution, alone, riopld afford this
r a , r 7, nt J' 11 Caano ‘ be f“«rand successfully
denied, however, that a portion of the citizens
public , , Statt “ aa, ‘ weU a« some female
public lecturers, advocate a perfoct equality of
the races. Whether they mean what they
preach or not we do not pr etend to know. They
may use the word equality as a kind of pUUtl
eal catchword tor the purpose of creating excite
ment promulgation of a new dogma, but
whatever may be the motive, the fact remains
Th ‘® d!bc,riM of Perfect equality Is
preached and-proniaimed by men and women
that ought to have better sense. The candid,
honest portion of the communi
ty, however, will never fora moment entertain
ny such silly and unphilosophinal opinions.
lotv DOt ° n ‘ y b “ diff e>-enccs in races so
long as the world stands, bug Chere will be
clan, and grades in the sam%a C e, that no
human law can prevent or remove.
Distinguished Vm, m ._ We were hoa .
orcd yesterday by a visit from Robert L. John
»Dn esq., of Cambria county. Mr. Johnston It
well known throughout the State aa a moat
consistent, dlgnided' and able Democrat. At
the last Democratic State Convention at Phil
adelphla, he received the highest vote for Sena
torial Elector, and now occupies that dlstin
| Slashed position. No one that we know of i,
better entitled to the honors of the party, for
"I,*- I ’' b ° red 80 “ fflclent| y and faith
fully in the cause of our country and human
h . “ ' ltt ° racy Mr Johnston stand,
highland has achieved a wide reputation for
professional ability. Long may his ruddy
countenance and genial laugh enliven the deni
zens of the mountain county. [
We have also been honored by a visit from !
our sound Democratic friend, John F. Barnes
esq., of Johnstown, a lawyer of ability and a
vigorous and eloquent speaker. Mr, Barnes
during the last political campaign, did yeo-’
man., service in the cause of his party, and we
hop. that his fellow Democrats will not fail
When occasion suits, to reward him a. his merits
deserve. Our woe-stricken country needs
many more such self-sacrilicing patriots a.
Messrs Barnes and Johnston. I .
Sale of Stocks.— The following are the sale?
of stock that took placeToesday night at Davis'
Auction rooms :
Ejcohange Bank
Monongahela Savings Bank'.!’.! ’. !
o l n T #ur ance Company .... w 00
Pitlsbnrgh Insurance Company !!!' jjj £
Allegheny Insuranoe Company 23 00
Merchants’and Manufacturers’ Bank "" si it
Manchester Saving, Bank . '. '. ta ll
Pittsburgh and R.. . . Ys m
All^he o ny Valley R.R do “ “
do d ° d ° :::::::::: eSS
Still they Come.— About 3 o’clock on yes
terday, the 137th Regiment of the Union Na
tional Guards, emergency men, from Jefferson
County, Ohio, under command of Col. Geo. Mc-
Cook and Lieut Col. John MorrovV, arrived in
this eity and proceeded to thoOity Hall, where
a collation was prepared by the Subsistence
Committee, of which they very willingly par
took. They number one thousand men and are
truly the bone Bnd sinew of the country. They
are on their way to Washington City. 1 the
morning the 37tli Wisconsin Regiment, erner
gency men, passed through numbering tour
hundred and flftt men.
A Fight •—Two persons, hose ..ames u>
forbear to mention, were pi wing bagatelle st
a well known house In the Diamond, yester
day, when a quarrel took place about the
game. One said it was so. Another said It was
not so. Cne said something about 11 liar and
just with that the other said something about
a /fartoo. SO at It they went, and they bag
ged each other till they made it tell In good
earnest. Blood flowed freely till the maiket
police interfered and took them to the watch
house,; where they will learn to play b m -a-tetl
according to rule.
Telescopic Views—A gentleman named
\V. Grosser, has a telescope, that tnaguifles
about flee hundred times, located at the corner
of Fifth and Smlthfleld streets, where for ten
eenti. you can have a view of the sun, the moon
or the planets, provided 'always the sky is
clear, and you can look it the proper time To
men there can be nothing more Interest
ing }han a view of the heavenly bodies that roll
OV ’“ °“ r heads dalJ y. suspended upon nothing
andjeldom thought of or noticed by nine-tenths
of'toe human race.
Cburt of Oyer and Termtoer—Wednes
day o’clock, p. m., Court convened and the
jury brought in their verdict In the Sims oaee
which w«a, “guilty of murder In the second del
greej” The prisoner tvaa much affected upon
hearing (he verdict and wept bitterly. The
sentence was postponed. The prisoner was ably
defended by Messrs. Swartswelder and Marshal,
and the Commonwealth was sustained as ably
by John F- Kirkpatrick Esq., District Attorney,
who spoke for over two hours against the prls-I
oner, j
Valuable Farm at Auction.— The atten.
tioo of capitalist* and others Is called to the
saleoftheM-CasUn Farm, at HazWood Sta
tion, A. V. R. R., on next Saturday, on the
premises at 1 by order of the Orphans'
Court. Some thirty acres of which is underlaid
with coal. For particulars enquire of N. Nel-
Bon, Attorney at Law, and A. .M’Olelland, auc
tiooeer. £ *
Going to School.—lf you warn to see a
school the Uke of which you never saw. go to
Oapt Williams, and he will show you a rched
of whales. The Captain la drawing crowds at
Masonic Hall, all for the benefit of the Sanitary
Pointing and Letterlng.-Through the
eitbrta of owners and mechanics, our city is as
suming quite a new and clean aspect on many
streets. A little effort on the part of other owners
would give the city a decidedly elegant appear-
ul ® r '“‘ Excel, ior Circus —We call partlo
r attention to the advertisement of Brien's
King s Excelsior Circus, who exhibit on the
Lion Lot Thursday, Friday, and Saturday,
a 7 19th, 20th and 21st, commencing Thursday
evening at 7p. m. Among the members of this
Justly celebrated circus troupe is M’Ue Ldusls'e
Toarmain, a dashing French equestrian who
has no equal in her principal and mauagerie
acts in the world.
Every lady who desires to become a good eques
trienne should not fall to see her truly great
managerie aot. M'lle Virginia, a remarkably
fine artist,, is also a member ol this company.
The names of the rest of the company will be
found In the advertisement.
Music—We have received a music sheet
from Wamelink A Barr, and dedicated to Fa‘
t-ik B. Becxot, Esq., which is to be sold for the
benefit of the Sanitary Fair. It is called San
tfary Fair Grand March.. a
Mr. Brunot is the President oPTlie Pittsburg
rsanitary Commission, and its success so far is
mainly attributable to his energy and peraever
ence. This token of respect is justly due and
will, we doubt not, be duly appreciated by this
distinguished gentleman. The proceeds of the
sale of this music will all go directly to the
benefit of the Sanitary Fair
W York, May 17,-The Steamer
pulton from Port Royal, on the 13th
inst. has arrived here.
Gen. Gordon has been ordered to
iflonda to relieve Genera] Birney de
ndting that the court martial in his case
had resulted in Gordon’s favor.
A Mass State Convention is called to
meet at Beaufort, S. C., on the 17th of
May, to re-elect delegates to the Balti
more Convention, a similar movement
is reported on: foot in Florida.
An expedition up May river S C
saw some re bel pickets who skedaddlen
m a great hurry. Another expedition
to Pinckney Island found no rebels
Another expedition to Dawfuskie Island
captured 90 bales of cotton.
The enemy’s picket fires were still
burning when our men landed, showing
a hasty retreat.
rhe armed steamer transport Harriet
Weed was blown up by the explosion
Of two torpedoes at once, in St. John’s
nver, Florida,-the second engineer,
cabin-boy and one other of the crew
were lost. The vessel was a total wreck.
A large nunjber of persons on the vessel
were some of them severely
The steamer Plata got a-ground in the
Savannah river, when a large steamer
supposed to be a ram came down from
the direction- of the Savannah, but re
turned after reconnoitering. An expe
dition from Beaufort had returned from
a tnp up Bull river on a reconnoisance
he following is a com et list of killed
and wounded on the Harriet Weed by
torpedoes in St. John’s river, Florida:—
Killltd, C. T. Bel), first assistant engin
eer; Thos. Johnson and Abraham
Brown, firemen; W. Harding, waiter-
Stephen Wilkinson,coal heaver. Wound
ed— Capt. J. R. Swift, chief railroad en
gineer of the department, slightly; Capt.
t hos. Collins; leg broken; Fred, Hamil
ton, spine injured; Richard Whitaker
bead fractured; Henry
Jocob Xorcatt, slight; also some tvbenty
colored soldiers belonging to the 3d U.
s. regiment were-all more or lessinjured.
dreil dollars annually, and on all other Honda PaSSengCr9 h >’ ,he Fulton State that the
engagement off Charleston was of a ter-
The interest ~aj*uc „„ character. The batteries on Morris
March and September in each year The semi- . WerC dlreCted against Fort Sum
ter, also the fire of several monitors.
Sumter had been effectively repaired and
it was thought the strongest fire came
from it. The attack is believed to have
been made under orders from the Navy
I department.
Treasurer, and can be transferred only on the
Bacited .Out —A driver of a two-horse team,
in turning his wngon in Diamond Alison yes
terday, baoked up against a show window of a
milliner establishment on said Alley and broke
in the entire window. Twelve largcpanes of were broken and the sash dashed to pieces.
The lady who owns the establishment asked
one hundred dollars damages, which the mar
ket man agreed to pay. At this rate he had bet
ter quit attending market.
Another Run OfT—A horse belonging to
a batcher named Eckert ran;offln the Diamond,
festerday, and in turning the corner, he upset
an apple stand and scattered the content, all
h „‘ r ° Ur i n,or mant asserts that the
toT ?!„ , “ oPpe ' l Bince ' l,ut ’>•» *re Inclined
to doubt the gentleman’s veracity.
R.uklu-s Spiced Blackberry 1, l lißhly „
predated, for whilst (in Diarrhea and Dy« n £
t) I li acts gently as an astringent Its tonic
properties brace the system redoccd by the
disease; gradually, but mos, effectually remov!
q A , Sk for Kaukl "' s Sjiiccd Blackberry
bolrl by aH|DruggLste.
Auction Sale of furniture, new and second
hand 3 ply, Ingrain Carpets, Matting, Queens
warq, Kitchen utensils Ac., will, be , o id this
morning at 10 o’clock, at .McClelland’s ’auction
rooms So Fifth street. •
npHMK BO.N’DS ARE issi’ED rv
J. der the Act of Congress of March Btl, mi
Which provides that in lieu of,u much of the
loan authorized by the Act of March 3d, 1863, to
which this Is supplementary, the Secretary of
the Treasury is authorized to borrow from lime
to hue, on the credit Of the railed Status not
LAKS during the current a .cal year, and to pre
pare and issue therefor Coupon and Registered
Bondi of the lotted State. ; end ill Jjond. Is-
smil under thin Act shall be EXEMPT FROM
TAXATION by or under any Mate or municip
al authority. Subscription, to there Bond, are
received in United State, notes or notes of Na-
lonal Hanks. They nre TUBE REDEEMED
INfOIN, atlhe pleasure of the Government,
*' period not Un than ta. nor more than forty
lifer* from their date, and until their redemption
paid IX COIN, on Bond, of not over one hun-
annual Coupons are payable at those date., and
tl.o mmual I'mimn, on fhe M , nd 100 dolUr
Bonds are payable on the dist of -March.
•subscribers will receiw either Restored or
Coupon Bond,, they , n ,y prefer. Registered
Bunds are recorded on the books of the U. s.'s order. Coupon Bond* are payable to
bearer, and are more com enient fur commercial
Registered Bonds will be issued of the dcnom-
inations of Fifty Dollars. ,*60.) One Hundred
Hollars, (*100,) Five Hundred Dollars, (*600,,
One thousand Dollars, (*1,000.) Five Thousand
Hollars, (16,000,) and Ten Thousand Dollars,
(*10,000;) and Coupon Bonds of the denomina-
tionsof Fifty Dollars, (*50,) One Hundred Dol-
lars, (*100,) Five Hundred Dollars, (W 00,) and
One Thousand Dollars, (si,ooo.j
Subscribers to this loan will have the option
of having their Bonds draw Interest from March
Ist, by paying accrued interest tn coin—(or
United Staten notes, or the notes of National
Banka, adding fifty per cent, for premium,) or
receive them dmwlngintere.t from the date of
subscription and deposit.
Ai these Bunds are exempt from municipal or
stale taxation, their value i, increaaed from one
to three per cent, per annum, according to the
rate of tax levies in various parts of the country.
At the present rate of premium on gold they
pay over eight per cent, interest in currency, and
are of equal convenience as a permanent or tem-
p.irary lnvertment,
It is believed that no securities oiler so front
inducements to ienders a. the various deserlp-
tiona of U. S. Bonds. In all other forms of in.
debtedness, the faith or ability of private pa,,
tie. or stock companies or separate communities
only is pledged for payment, while for the debts
of the United States the whole property of the
country Is holden to secure the payment of both
principal and interest In coin.
These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from
*6O up to any magnitude, on the aarne terms,
and are thus made equally available to the smal
eat lender end the largest capitalist. They oan
be converted into money at any moment, and
the holder will have the benctit of the Interest.
T' IC fact l,mt duties on imports are payable
in specie furnishes a fund for like payment ol
Interest on all Government Bonds largely In ex-
of the wants of the treasury for this pur-
Upon the receipt of subscriptions a certificate
of depbslt therefor, in duplicate, will be issued,
the original of which will be forwarded by the
subscriber to the Secretary of the Treasury, at
Washington, with a letter Btatlngthe kind) reg
istered or coupon) and the denomination of bonds
Upon the receipt of the original certificates at
le Treasury Department, the bonds subscribed
for will be transmitted to the subscriber, res-
Subscriptions will be received by the Treasur
er o/ the United State, at Washington, and the
duietant Treasurers at New York, Boston, Phil
adelphia and by the FIBST NATTONAL BA NK
BANK OF PITTSBURGH, PA. and all Nation
al Banks which are depositaries of public mon-
ey. All respectable banks and bankers through
out the country will furnish furtherlnformatlon
on application, and afford every facility to sub-
BMW’SPATEST lamp chimney
gleaner. —No more Chimneys broken
lt Cleans a chimney without waah
ri?a£vV"J?® only article in fi»e market that
properly. For sale at the
Stored L “ a P Stores, and at the Lamp and Oil
4|eati for the Manufacturers.
)*-* • > 4 bbls fresh 801 l Butter,
<k 4 bxa « w u *
“I* I TS?&aSSBH& I
Three Escaped Convict's Captured
lU ° T e , *- 1 ' oi-t .v to« n
Washington, May 17.-On the arri
val at Matanzas, on the 17th of last
month, the American bark Templer front
Tortupas was discovered by the master
and crew that there were three men
concealed in the hull, who gave their
names as John Wilson, Charles Mason
and James Mack, who proved to be es
caped convicts fro m the United States.
The men having been secured in Che
public jail at Matanzas by the United
States Consul. The application for
their rendition was made by the U. S
ice Consul who went to the General
at Havana, and to the superior authori
ties of the Island, on learning the facts of
the case; the Capt. General promptly
acceded to the Consul’s request, and
the convicts were accordingly placed
under a proper guard on board the U. S.
Q. M. Schooner Nonpariel, and sent to
Key West. This transaction taken in
connection with the 'iHfguael)’j case
shows to slave dealers whether, in the
United States or Havana htus*
impending fate. )
The subscriptions to tEeten forty loan
reported at the Treasury Department to
day, amount to nearly eight hundred
thousand dollars.
An Attack on the Rebel Forts
Blockade Runner Chased.
New York, May 17,— The steamer
Fulton reports that on the 14th inst.
when off Charleston bay a general en
gagement was going on between our
fleet under Admiral Dahlgren and the
rebel forts and batteries on James and
Sullivan’s Islands. All the monitors ap
peared to be engaged, as also the new
ironsides. Fort Putman on Gregg’s
point seemed to be directing her Are
principally on Sumter, which was re
plied to by Fort Moultrie on Sullivan’s
Island and battery Simpkin’s on James’
Island, the contest seemed spirited and
as general as has transpired since last
autumn. The Fulton chased a blockade
runner bound out from Wilmington for
five hours on the morning of the 15th
inst., but gave up the pursuit.
Skedaddlers to be Beturned.
Washington, May 17.—The Alexan.
Aria, Va., Journal Bays: “Yesterday
afternoon fifteen officers and three htfn
dred men and all of them skedaddlers
from Grant’s army, were forwarded to
Bell Plain to be returned to their regi
ments, the officers were inarched in the
rear of their men and a portion of them
handcuffed together. The Journal adds,
this is a sad but just example.
Arrival of the Steamer Fulton.
Mass Convention at Beaufort, S. C,
Expedition up May Ri ve r.
Steamer Harriet Webb Blown Up,
lat is their
xtxa 1, iy r
The Union State Convention.
7! ‘.-V ■■ \
Burlington, Vermont, ‘ May. 17.
The Union State Convention metiers
to-day. Every county in the Stated was
represented. Nominations for State offi
cers were made and for delegates to the
National Convention at Baltimore. A
resolution was unanimously adopted de
claring an abiding faith in the sagacity,
patriotism, common sense, integrity and
statesmanship of President Lincoln/and
ec aring hjm the choice of the people
p e ™ ont as a candidate for the next
Presidential term.
Prom Washington.
Washington, May 17.—Your news
papers have erroneously stated that the
House yesterday passed a bill granting
lands to the People’s Pacific R. R. Co.,
to the construction by northern route.'
It was rejected by ten majority.
Convention in Hollidaysburg
Altoona, May 17,-Thc Union Con
vc-ntion of Biair county met to day at
Hollidaysburg and instructed conferees
m favor of non Lewis W. Hall for Con
General Sherman in Pursuit
/“ y 17 ~ A dispatch
received at headquarters here dated
fhatYo If’/™™ General Sherman states
lished h?s 1 r, tered Resaca ’ f estal,
lished his headquarters there. He caD
tured eight guns and 1,000 prisoners—
ston tr °Tffp are , ’? 1 ? ot pursuit of John
ston. The rebels burned the railroad
bridges over Resaca, but the road 'o
there was in running order.
Assault on Port Darling Defences.
- New I ouk, May 17.—A World'! cm
respondent writing from near Oh ste '
> l [ , a - v , 14lh ’ 9a '-s our infantry are
gradually forcing tbe first line of breast
works ot R ort Darling Tho tir “ taat d
second line of defences had already been
carried by assault.. 3
Pittsburgh produck market
Ovvica Or thb Daily Post, i
Thubsday. May 19, 1864. |
wit^!r ON TT he mftrket continues very firm
PUiSu 0 ’ canvaj! *ed Uo, 1,200 tts, at 2Oo2ifi
i a SR ( ’ n r~ saleti » bbls Xo. i at *1,15
10 bbla at I4>;c. * •
to ‘ n 9 ,oat ls at the scales at
at l ivs@ R B~ K '“ eaofEstraa, E *tra Family
p Kn“"S“K?r"“'!'”lcB" S “ K ? r "“' ! '” lc8 10 bhda Ouba
a Ar-, RICO a * 10 du Orleans
at uf-ASc! - Molaa “<-' B prices unchanged; Ootiev.
(ill aTy *0”, ° f bMs at V bbl.
b'T’ "
OrnoxoT thb Daily Post, i
Thursday, May 19, is 64. {
The market yesterday was active. The re
ceipts was not large, but exceeded-those of the
prel loua day. -The stock in the market for sale
is not large. Parties who have visited Oil Creek
say that most of the Oil In that vicinity has been
disposed oi. The sale, that came under our no
tlce were as follows :
- “4^o
a*“o\.‘ S&* 8 - ‘ ncll,ded ' ' iz ’ 312 d° at 28>ic°
tab’V **— 100 bbls at *1,62.
v'a “G 00 bbil ' st W- 34 -
12,1 bt>ls at Sil do at 2Sc
60 do fcU —;? RleB "Otdils Kconomy Oil At
60 do .straw free at 67c; 600 do City Brand’
l?rS ateid: ,<w du Brllliant & «.Tu«
Smelting Works.
Ser &i U °AUr, H r lBed ? ,1U Bo^oms . Spelter So£
T!n'M»te A Sh« 1 , m iZ! C ”ire a , n i' lealerB lD
ni^T-nnir^w ls, I.°“ h4ud * Tinmen.’ Machine.
and 120
pa^rn lC<:ia onlers °* Copper cat to any deal red
• ... feb2l-lyd&w
In Blnnlngliam.
T*PKOPFR-?v 1 n PIECE of
RoMne , M K J J e ht * Duncan’s
*’. h riverfront offourhun
aS,‘ , t f,„I“, eQt r flv ? (4 “ «•) and extending b“k
about two hundred feet (200 ft ) 6 *
myfr-lm FRED. L. IHMSEN, 109 4th ,t
A CHOICE 'SUPPLY OF 6 1-2. 6 7-8
and 7 octave Piano Forte., from the ecltv
orated factory of Knabe A 00., has iustblenr?
celled, some in richly carved cases. These in-
I strumeuta are fully warranted for eieht rears
A^jcfTTi.^ the Bt i ud ff M pronounced unrivaled’
A aHTnvreßpectfully solicited befni^n7i^k«»i
ei8 m cw , i : ere - i’ffion E sar e
y U 43 Tirth street, Sole Agent.
Invented 1845. Perfected 1869.
Received tribute from a Tat.
Machines, at the World’s Fair!
blnger dewing Machine received
!f a mention on its merits; and Wheel
er h. tV ilson’s a medal for Its device called «n?i
' u ‘af Hook.” The Howe Scw?ng sachine ™
T Id" “ *“ tat
Sold and rented at Nos, 12 A w St, Clair street
_ myoo-dataw-iy MoOHE^,
stitutioa will commence on MONDAY.
1864. A limited number of youne ladles
will be received as boarders in the family 1 of the
Principal. Iniormation io detail furnished on
the premises, at Evergreen Hamlet, or on WTttl
ten application to R. HUME, Principal
ap23-lm afe ° f W “' ShlnB ’ es< i-i Pittsburgh.
To Rolling Mills, Machinists and Other
Babbitt met «ood arti,
cle, for sale low by
South and Penn, Philadelphia.
Gr ebroted CRUCIBLES (toreT
for 'ale by their Agents at lOc yer NV WOEK .
Southend Penn, Philadelphia.
Wrought iron twtehs,
Foi sale by
c *v a sow,
South and Penn, Philadelphia.
The subscriber offers for n*le the dwelltn
i nouse in which he now lives, situated on South
ieet front by 160 deep, running back to a cm t***
"■“’ey. It is a two storied brick?coStLS S
rooms and cellar. The out-houses are
house, stable, coal house, &o. There Is a lam
yard surrounding the dwelling, filled with
andgrnamentalfree.. There ii gaaand wati?fr
all tlte rooms of the dwelling. “
I alrfo offer for sale a desirable country resi
conSl?t?<J >C * heSt T toWMhl P> Beaver county Pa.,
containing twenty acres of ground. There Isa
new two storied frame dweUlng, containing six
rooms, on the property. There Is also aroung
orchard of all kinds of fruit. There is
BoohMterd" 1 ** 8 ’ **" 11 i 8 about a mile from thr
Ferterms, Inquire of H. M. BOLES,
jan27-tf South Avenue,- Allegheny
Bask of Pittsburgh, )
Stock out of the profits of the last six mrnfthT
which will be paid to Stockholders oFthS^ISS
a'sssssa'sr wth
_my*.lwdMtw_ JOHN HAEPEE, Oeshler, ’
Jyi DATES, jußtreoelTed and toti 9 ggff B r%
EE W?«S U 8 Wood it. J
I. A T EST Bt Y ■
. i the POST. '
Dispatch from Secretary Stanton-
Bad News from General Sige
Gen. Grant on the Advance Again
n? y \ 7 ° ck p - M—Major General
Dipt—Dispatches from General Butler
jnst received report the success of his
expe^inon under General Kautz, to cut
the Danville Railroad and destroy the
i )ndge aer , oss the Appomattax. On
Alqnday morning, the enemy in force
under cover of a thick fog, made an nt
i, P i° n . Gen ® ral Smith and 1 forded
him back In some confusion and with
considerable loss, but as soon as the fog
lifted, General Smith re-established his
ii n » B if’i alld -i lle , enemy were driven back
to their original lines.
o „ At , th f e Sft m® time the enemy made an
attapk froni Petersburg on Gen. Butler’s
forces guarding the rear, but were hand
somely repulsed. The troops having
been on incessant duty. for five day B
three of which were in a rain storm
“ en: Boiler retired leisurely within liis
otyi: lines. We hold the railroad be- I
tween Petersburg and Richmond. Pris
oners state that Gens. Bragg and Davis
were present on the field. ;
Dispatches from Gen. Sigel report this
on Sunday & ‘the
under R Qe 2- 8 ' H cUols and Imboden,
n? n Hl,e B ” n i ge ’ at New Marker
that the enemy’s forces were superiorin
number, and that he gradually withdrew
foom ithe battle field and recrossed the
Shenandoah, having lost five pieces of
’ i ' out, ® o ° kllled and - ''rounded 1 ,
an.rl 'ipO prisoners, but bringing all his
train end ail the wounded that could be
transported from the battle field.
He states that in consequence of his
ong line and the trains which had to
be guarded, he eo.uld not bring more
s ‘* rc ’g’ruenta into the fight, besides
and cavalry, and that the enemy
h ari about seven thousand infantry bel
sides other arms, and that his retrograde
movement to Strasburg was effected in
perfect order, without any loss of ma
terial or men. ’ '
Mo report of any. operations of the I
Army of the Potomac received to-day
A dispatch from General Sherman re
ports his advance-upon Johnson pro- 1
grossing to his satisfaction. His supplies
are abundant. Our animals are improv
ing on the grass and grain fields, which
now afford good pasture. ■
(Signed) E.M. -Stanton.
Secretary of War.
Washington, May 18.—Maj. Gen.
of York; We h “ ve no reports
ofoperations since my last dispatch.
Ihe latest information from Gen. Grant
was that the roads had greatly improved
Reinforcements had reached him, and he
rtStlap 0 " agaiDSt U,e enemy
It is the design of the Government to
keep up thafflational forces until the re
bellion is overthrown, and in order to
provide against any inopportune reduc
tion when the service of the hundred
day smen go out a draft to fiU up their
place and ail other reduction, will be
ordered to take place on the first of July
by which time the new enrollment will
be completed. Mo order is yet issued
E. M. 'Stanton,
Secretary of War
Important from Mexico and New
of 17 ;~ New Orleans dates
i w have- been received. Gener
als Herron Bentop-and Hamilton and a
inTu Umber , of officers, both American
• and Mexican, have arrived. The Mexi
■ i a „" Mln £? ter of finances at Matamoras
’ ™r a t h m ? arrangements for the sup
i P P f the Janraz Government. 1
1 a nnn D 'J Jrag ? is reported to have defeated'
French at Altenqueque. The
French are reported to be organizing an
of ?h» U f ° n f at Sa “ Louis for the invafion
of the frontier. Gen. Yidaurri, and a
tn n ? a b n er A° f , hlS - offi^ r9 ’ fled frnm Monterey
I°® “ Ant ° nl °. Texas, and joined the
Southern Confederacy.
To correct abuses on the Missisinoi
nver, Gen Washbume has ordered that
ih > o b^f tS ifc la r ™ nd between Cairo and
the mouth of White river, except at
garrisoned ports, and not be allowed to
load even at such ports without special
permit from headquarters.
i The ram Monarch has been sent down
the riVer and ordered, to arrest every
trad ‘?B. f* oB . l fonnd between Memphis
a Hl d T h , U l, n : el ;-. P erson fotmdon
board shall be liable to capture, as they
are presumed to belong to the rebel armv
and will be brought as prisoners of war
to Memphis and the boats to be taken
rrom the place and put under guard.
Latest from Gen. Grant’s Front.
□S'? 18 -—A special to the
Herald, dated headquarters Army of the
rotomac, says: Yesterday the 3d divis
ion of the 6th corps, commanded by Gen
eral Bimey, was ordered to fall back
fromitsposition on the right flank Our
line had scarcely left its position, when
the enemy took advantage of the occur
rence and moved with the apparent in
tention of occupying the advantageous
position which our men had vacated
Gen. Bimey was ordered back to his for
mer position, which he regained after a
short encounte**Our loss was 145. men
killed and wounded. About three
m - to-day; the batteries on our
nght threw a few shells into the woods
m front of them. us
Lee Further Entrenching Himself
fJL5 nd }S tnr % d silence reigns in the
ofYbe €e - has taken advantage
® bort respite given him, to en
trench himseif still more strongly in an
other strong positjpn.
• orde r was read to the troops stat
ing that reinforcements had reached us.
Unr baggage and supply trains, which
have been lying on the plank road near
Chancellors ville for several days, have
beeen sent tfFFredericksburg.
Latest Washington Items.
New YoEK,<May m-igpecials to the
New York papers says' there is noth
ing important? from the: front. Both
armies appear to be getting ready for
further operations. Gen. McDowell
leaves to-dajnfoij&n Francisco.
The Associated Prqss have received a
dispatch from the Secretary of State sav
ing the paper purportii&to be the Pres
ideitf 8 proclamation re an absolute for
orl?’no a “ cb a paper has been issued
or » s P ro P ose fi Jo be .issued.
rett™ to . Qe^al Dj* from Sec
retary Stantoh sayd: “We have no re
port;ot operations since my last.”
???? to *he snbScd
estate will .
Lee will Contest 'Eve^
ments amount ;to 90. non , 'mvv* o*™' 0 *™'
tioware thl^he
Spottsylvania bv i' at
SmSHfeS 1 :'
momingjirect from CbS? 4 ‘Si
liaDds mortally - t ®°?
. ° nr 1088 is 400 killed knd wounded
A largeralfroad -bridged over the Hew'
nrer at Newbera, withjaeveral mileadf
track, was ..completely destroyed. Gen 7
Crooks Was at-Newberd on the 18th'
Blookaofe oir lied Mirer. ’ 1
of tbs 15th sawthat the blockade ofStea
Rtyer below Alexandria! Is confirmed,
® ls f reported tKat a ipartial &ldck
has 1ei rfc = ri r r
beinirmndl'WrM' jAre
but it is
soon attend'to Uiese matters., i
The “World” Hoaxed, -w
auction sales.
• 55 FIFTH U B>
spi^Ath jst^JSS
S"*?S£SSI,SSSfA , ■
pertaining to an Oil Heflnerpf-*^ lll7 ° r .
‘ '• i “rT-f-'/.-.'i
MAinryA<mna*Ba*cw »-/- »r •
plain asd pAifjc t
136 SmltlifleM, «i»d *34 Venn St*., .•%
Between 6th st, - i*'*
■l3 * G n kit e rid *! t.,
English Bmma
A .lire care,fOT __ *-■
DK. D. JAYNES At Soii>s f '
Dr. Sohenok'* Pnlmonic, jEonfe: and; pfllg.
Celebrated Buchn Sc Sarsaparilla,
Toiience & •
Comer of Market afreet andlpourtb.
Dmga, Medlolnei Chemical* Perfomery. Paint,,
OUb. Lead, famlk4fßrUe* ( fori
Supporter* Shoulder Braces,
And all article, naually found In Dru«Stowibf
drat Quality, for skleiowV »
H\ TOBBEWCEac M’rtApP, 1
febl No - 70 Market atreet, comer of PourtE..,
16 A 'IV K'X
For Cholera. Infantum m». o„ %
Complaint, DUrrhcea, ;
The Best Bemedy before the .Bob-:
lie, Safe, Pleasant, Kfflmont
D R F fit T. ■'
p l **®* * KATgBE'g \ \.f’'. '
Soiseles Patent Sewing ,
EU and Bold at
and examine them before 'Raw
““ j 9SSSMB4‘^
\J undersigned have formed aeo*partnej£tn
at MahoningFurnace, Mahoairur eonnH/rufitf
under the name of M’CBfiEEY pjSW*S*?»
ooii'“ epurposcof “Sktog '
myl(t2 w * 00.
(Internal Revenue paid) this d*vKz5 a J e|
dared from the piofoofthe last *ix Ss?is
WMhlngtoo, D. •5P™T e 4 r ,i»t
— y * -2w " Jo y-"o>Bo^Sg.Q M ii l «i.l
touch, evenness and quality of tone un«?iWv*Lv
ed by any. Each Piano guaranteed in*?EttX?Z
™ '*> Wood Unit.