ADVEETISING BATES, For etandin* mi * * Two Insertions Wffi':: Five Insertions.... One week Two Three One square ohangeal DAIL - • Single «iib«criptiona' .'•i DiHverediin the WEEK Single subscriptions. Five copia, *aflh. 4 . Ten copjed| ejteb...., Twenty copi4s,'ea6h; Thirty " “ JAS. p. BASE, - - :• • ’ Editor and Proprietor jg&i&FtA OE rilfafe. Hernia or Rupture cured* Hernia or Rupture cured* Hernia or Rupture cured .7 V Hernia or Rupture d» Hernia or Rupture cu£&d^- Hemia or Rnpture cured* Hernia or Rupture cured! Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured. Rtipinrc or Hernia cujr-SA. Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured Uanh’s Radical Cure Truss. Ritter’s Patent Truss. Supporter Truss. Self-Adjusting 1 Truss. Dr* Banning's JLace or Body Brace, for the cure of Prolapsus Uteri, Piles, Abdominal and Spinal 'Weaknesses. Dr. S. S. Fitcli’s Silver Plated Sap- Ptles Drops, for the support &nd cure of Stockings, for wesk and varicose Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee joints. Ankle Supporters, for weak knee joints. Suspensory Bondages Self-Injecting Syringes $ also every kind ol Syringes. Dy. KEYSER has also a Truss which will adically cure Hernia or Rupture, aS’Kjfflce at his Drug Store, No. 140 WOOD STREET.} sign of the Golden Mortar. Persons writing for Trusses should send the number of nches around the body Immediately over the DR. KEYSER wlli give his personal attention t o theapilcation of Trusses in adults and children’ and he is satisfied that, with an experience o f twenty years, he will be enabled to give satisfac" Selfdnjecting Syringes. Self-Injecting Syringes. Self-Injecting Syringes. Self-Injec t lug Syringes. Sold at DR. K.E\SfcIR ! S, 140 Wood street. Suspensory Bandages, Suipiuuory Bandages, Suspensory Bandages, Suspensory Bandages, A dozen different kinds, A dozeh different kinds, A dozen different kinds, A dozen different kinds, At DR. KEYSF.R’S, 1 10 Wood street. nolO-lyd&w piLBS OF TWENTY YEARS STANDING CUR E D . Below wiU be found a certificate from out at' the host respectable citizens of Wilkins township ,n regard to Dr. Keyset's Lindsay' Blood Sean her. The Doctor's certificate* arc inthir. reach, und no one need be deceived in regard to his preparations. Dr. O-eo. H. Keyses I became afficted with Piles about twenty years ago, and every year they were growing worse, bo as to trouble me very much, so much 60 at timea as to unlit me for work. Sometimes I was so bad that I could sot do anything on account of them, they came out on me as large ae a hickory nut. I liAd tried a great deal of medicine for them. I used to buy and take whatever I could hear of or read of in cire-liars and pamphlets that fell in my way,-but I oould not get cured, sometimes they woulddo me some good for a little while, but afterward* they would return iur°!u as bad as ever. I also applied to two Doctors who visited mo at my house and gave me som* medicine but it would not do, I could not get well. Over a year ago I got an advertisement r-i Searcher, made l>y v when you sold it to me you told me ou-j lx;ttie would not cure me, tad that my whole system would have to be re- newed by the medicine before I got well. I bought one bottle and took it home with me and used it according to your dlrectiona. I then call. ed to see you again, when you said I could no expect much benefit from one bottle. I bought it on, one bottle at a time, until 1 had used five bottles. • After this quantity had been used, I was entirely well of the Piles, which had tortur- ed me for twenty years. In other respects my health is' improved, and I am as well as could be expected for one of my age, being sixty years past. I have been well now for six months, and there is noappearance of a return of the disease. 1 can do any kind of farming work now without the Piles coming down and hurting me. I can pitch hay, chop wood, lift, or do any kind of work which before used to hurt me. When I found outyour Blood-Searcher I kept on taking it until I got entirely well, l consider it my du ty to make my case known to the country fur the benefit of others who may be suffering hs I w-s anddo not knowthevalueof yourmedicme You may publish this if live in HVUns TWnihlp, knd will be pleased to satisfy any one of the truth of this they wish to gall on me. EL LTOTT'D A V IS. Decembtr 2ithviB63, the name of DR. QEORQE H. KEY SEE on the cover of the bottle and polled over tkeeork/ aleo for hit Hampon the United Stales staap on tiptop gfthe bottle to prevent being, impm edaponj# %m*Ofu arttdevMch it in the market. d»*Wydfcw . ... h©o'*? For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Weak StoA&a and G-enerai Debility. For Weak Stomachs and (General Debility For Weak Stomachs and General Debility! tor Weak Stomachs and General liehllm Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, And Cannot do Harm, And Cannot do Harm, Anti Cannot do Harm, And Cannot do Harm, Uttle an Of this Valuable Tonic. Of thiß Valuable Tonic, Of this Valuable Tonic. Of this Valuable Tome, Only 76 (Jts. and One Dollar per Bottle. Only 76 (Jts. and One Dollar per Bottle. Only 76 (Jts. and (>ne Dollar per liottlc. Only 76 (Jts. and (me D- llir per Bottle' Manufactured solely bv S. KiNKED BKO. General Depot, 118 Market street Hr risburg, Pa. For sale in PITTMIt'KOII t y ail respectable dealere. For sale in Pittsburgh by K. 1 (JO., and B. L. FAHNESTOCK * i : . janl4-sra IMPORTANT TO LADIES “Great American FUimMty.” Harvey’s Chrono Thermal FEMALE PIU> Have never yet pai i,e di u h f. n the directions have been strictly f.-i:<.u-nl , in removing difficulties arimng from oBSTRu.iTiciNs k o_R E sTori-Aoi v.f Domestic Qoods Or in restoring theßystem toperf.ctfcMKh when AT FEET LOW PRTPVq snflering from Spinal Affections, J'rol vsus. VRiUhb Uteri, the Whiter, or other ■w’e.Hkr.Oßscs oi ;‘ie AT Uterine Organs. fltePills are per iccily harmless l, fi nnum „ rS'iMffiGARDNER & SCHLEITER'S at the same time _ _ * * THEY ACT AS A CIiAKSi. ft *i By strengthening, invigorating, and restoring the r , _ _ system to a healthy condition, and *by bringing Vi A Ul. 'I/'T W I'l3 T? T/ r l' on the monthly period with ri T i:l«rit vf k”2 AL Ait ALI O X JL . ter from what cause the obstruction' may arise ' nrrij They should, however. NOT l-e t -.ken the firat mn'Tßr.'Ao »>••• .’ - three or four months of pregnancy, though safe I^ IIIRD ARUiwtl. OK at any other time, as nuacarnagr would be the A result. Each box contains 60 Ptii*. PKm 1 ?’ f'NF DOLLAR. Dll. HARVEY'S TKKATISfa. v > on Diseases oi Kf males. Pregnancy, ."Siih^Arr 1 Barrenness. Sterility, tfeproduetion. and Ahu*os -r-•* s of Nature, and omphatimHy the i‘KI- N [ \1 \| H ]-? VATE MKlill’Ali ADVISfeB, a , amphlet of :o ° L XU xU pages, sent tree to any address. Six cents repin ed to pay pOßtAge. ■*®“The pills and Book trill U sent by m-d> confidentially, when desired. *e.tmiey r;.m y, and prs-paid on receipt oj money \ y J. BK YA_N, id. I>., Geacrol Agent, Wo. 76 Cedar street, New Yoik AS~Joseph Fleming, Drucriet. corner oi the Diamond and Market street,'areat for Pitts burgh. Of every kind. PRIVATE DiHRABEK DR. BROWN’S OFFICE CIITIZKNS ASFJ STK\M,KitS i > j need ol medical adviceahouM n -M.oi, him a call. Dr. Brown’s remeukr nevt-i i.u . i,. • | rities, scrofulous and venereal *tt\.v.tioua. hereditary taint, such as tetter. | ( gorr»at- -vr-d other skin diseases, the origin i.i w.r ;j ? , ... tient is irnorant. Dr. B'b remedies for this affliction. brouc;.: on by solitary habits, are the only medicines known in tMscountrr which arosat" and vrliJ =needilv restore to health. 1 Dr. Brown’s remedies cure In a i*w d<>\ painful affliction. He also treats Piles, Uleet, Gonnorrhoe. iTe thal Discharges, Female Diseases, Pains in the Hack and Sidney«j. Irritation oi (he 81 Add-, i ■ Strictures, etc, : ! A letter Iff be answered must uor.t-ii:, it 1,111 ] ONE DOLLAR. Medicines sent to any uddreos sil. iy jih..kv, 1 Office and private rooms No &o ' Smitnnud I STRJOT, Pittsburgh, Pa. nmutew. lr— X™ Among a certain ciass ot seif-importaut po.> { pie there ls‘n peculiar feeling of contempt attact • I ed to all physicians that advertise ami treat t;. e j diseaseshamed in this card, (Pbivat..Do-k j why this should he. nor m> 0:,.. ,• j«c c.,n w-/,. j Are they not aware that all phj M,n ,v- :; di-- «?ases ot every denomination, 1:1 i 1.-! sohci* ju-.r ] the very diseases that are so obnoxious to these very refined paTtles. I suppose thov would noi 1: let one oi their family go to a party'that Ims de voted yeare for their benefit, because he adverti- 11 ses the fact, and their family physician says he is a humbug so he can get thecase. Often he h’s almost deprived the party of his life. He comes at last to the physician that advertises—how else are they to know ? Are they not awnre that Sir Lidi.V vwi u n%n . in Atrtley Cooper, Sir Benjamin Brodio, Sir Oh i.-lcs * naLS and DO'hhetS Ball and M. Paul Ricord devoted 1 ears 'in Da treatment of these diseases ? 'lhcr-e ;.,cn arc livid up as shining lights its the medical world : I dor. - : assert that all men are worthy iimt publish. Rt ill there are agreat number oi them that arc. I V*ve 1: ‘- rrerr v-.», *•, devoted myself tothe study and'treatment of Peiy ate Diseases upwards of i(> years, and r ' ui - / 1,! - Al*n without egotism can say I have saved hundreds from years of misery and untimely death My trtatmartsiß confined t«ttff\regetßble altogether, • as I fhlAkht is4he bestrendmcrjrrcertaiii. Td is ih QpwiKif-ik-1 omm™. my power to bring hundreds of certificates if 1 .viMmER RAIfoORAL SKIRT* thought it necessary recertify to my genera; su . cess : but my long residence in this - ity o hoifi cient proofwithout addiogjujore. bpermst-.» rhea and ail it'-'nrr r UTe ,i f r - ft Er , . much shorter time than heretofore, it behooves ’ 1 - =locii 01 rJ?IIva and SILK every young map and .woman to be careful In bo- ' 1 A 1 M'EKGAKM ENT.s for pentte lecting a physician. The different advertisements h ear. \v e hove as of pricy that A,re seen in our papers are of no worth, and Tj: \\ i li\., miiit- , no benefit-will arise from answers than only lrm- bUIKI -’ a* can be found any of health and money. Hundreds are cured a»nn- 1 " ‘ Als ° L, '*'-* ;os ' '••advents’ Linen Collars ally by my new remedies. Address!* »x t«0(). s <-n;is. (Doves and Hosiery. Pooketbooks Jttn4yd P.iM,i..i: K l, r»Btoll,ce. , r..r, elegant Bte.-lend jet NEW CASTLE AND FMNELIN. J ™ "* IV A n, ROAD ■ur Lindsay f a Blood- Books op subscription to the Capital .Stock of the NEW CaSTLE and FRANKLIN RAILROAD COMPANY will be opened on WEDNESDAY. the 27th oniprll proximo, In the City ofiPittsburgh, at the Rooma of the Board of Trade In New Castle. Lawrence county, at the Of fice of the New, Castle and Beaver Valley Rail road Company, In Mercer county, at the Office of William Stewart,.esq. In Franklin, Yenango county, at the Office of First National Bank. BY O&DBK OP COMMISSIONERS : A. L. Crawford, Samuel M. Kier, S. Q.. Brown, .T. Zeigler, Wm. Dilworti>,jr., 1 Oli Al. Si , i m dj ksii<' n \ » u.\ hanp. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. r jT' IIK ATTENTION OK THE LADIES m -» .ilh;: Ur'i* nn.l Sioek of Now Goods " flI: 1 ‘ y J 31} IC., .71 As Cl, cup as the Cheapest Wholes*:* up stairs and la basement. MACEUM & GLIDE, New Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods New Goods Butter— -4 bbls fresh Roll Butter, ■T-. 4 bXB M *« - « 6 flrklns Fresh 801 l Mutter, 1 Jugt ieceiTed:and for sole by F'ETZEB & , T oomar Market aud ntifrt# rmSBURGH, Tm tIM.AY. MAY V, “iy«4 2 S o « '* s M 03 6 u o?S : ' > O js3” * B « | 3 JS ■5 o 5 £ C © s - c Z c 3 « -3 •*i £ si? a - 5 c r w Q. aj ill SPRING GOODS DRESS GOODS GOODS Dcsignarecl Depository and Fi- hy authority of the Treasury Department, this Bank will receive Subscriptions lur the Ten- Forty 6 per cent. Gold-bearing Bonds. A commission will bo allowed to Banks, Bank ers and Brokers. JAMES LA t*G HLIX, < inters are solicited. President. •u 'Alt Exchange for City Property. That LARGE DWELLING with grounds at tached. un CAUSUN STREET, formerly occu , p’icd by t’hristian Ihmsen, late of Birming ham. tha; ■ ''W ’j.-ac- JUST WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS, A POCKET ALBUM! United States for Twenty Gts Market street New Goods New Goods New Gcm AT PITTOCK’S, ■ New Goods KROEGER & SCHMIDT, MABlU facturers of Grand, Square arid Upright PIANO FORTES, New. Goods New Goods Wnrerooms, No. G Leroy' Place, N. T. We offer to dealers and the public a very su perior article. Our Mr. KROEGER was of the late firm of Callenberg &. Go., and the manufac turing partner. Descriptive circulars free. •fiafr-Agentß wanted mhl't-smi New Goods _ Orncs o* the i PjTTSBtraSH, Ft.WayHE ACHICAGOBT CO ! Pittsburgh, AprO‘Btb, 18» '' V I 'tdejtd baZnii of Directors have this davdeoiared-aJlivu aena of Two AND ONE-HAEP (rav-fee? on the Capital stock of the Oornna™ tout of the net earning for the quarter ending March a £t after ?hI & general G& agency of the Company, (Messrs. Winslow New Goods New Goods New Goods kfNwS?BkBi29E2 a. m. on the *sjr • ffyß)fi ‘* < *&<■’ of the Board of pirectora. .«*, *P iB - t i OPiriosoK.WTnofilßO.'TireODßHrao'r. ! I' j Na’t®ALß Amt OF pWt“- I BURGH, In the OounMof Allegheny andStaul of PennmJvanU haBh% duly oiyanlieil undS : and. according to the rt&ftrements of the Act of I Congress, entitled “an Ot to provide a National 1 UfTt” Cy ’ «- oure d by _a‘|lodge of United Statra provide * the circulation and ro v ■ thereof v ~a P sa ' ed February 26th ! '®*?> K tas oomphed wfh aU. the provisions „f said Act required to bmcomplied U'itfa before commencingthebuaineaAf Jiaikihg" tr^lia^?j? l f yoBE ' I. High. McCulloch, fJorap- conuncnce 0 the bl r^SJi or^ banting unctenLe Aot aforoSht in testimony whereof fiitnesas And seal of office, this 6th dav^MrAugnet, HtfSkMcCuLLOOH, 5 c ComptijyJfiroftheAhiiTency THE FUST Jttjlf OF PITTSBUI 3. Lato Pittsburgh f in Capital (400,000, wlti /j, crease to $2*WO, It itc d t : r m M Bi il m r ui The Pittsburgh Trust Gl ized under the act to nrovf 'J'j under the title of ;he “i'f'S OF I-ITTSKtnUJ'j Its services for the Drafts. Kills of Exchange, deposit ftud buy and sclJEji the country. The success which has attt, Trust Company since its o 4 will we believebe a suffleienti nc-as entrusted to the nmv # ceive the same prompt attei Haring a very extensive t Banks and Bankers, throui wc believe we can offer unu*' who do business with us. The business will be condt oCicers ar.d directors. DIRECTOR® ! WK. 1 AMuq FR4Jrj Alex, :: He: -A.UQI tahier. James L.Arc.nuN K-jbkrt S. Ha i*B, Thomas BSll, TIIOS. 'VTIOSXMAIf, JAMES Lj John D. SccLtr, Cat aiiffC-d&wtf gKCOWD NATIOWAIi BjIXK OF PITTSBURGH. TIJEASt'RT DEPARTMENT. ) Oi- FICE OF (RoMPTBOLLEB OF THE ODIIBENr'T > Washington City, Feb. 13th, 1864. ’ $ ?««*«,. satisfactory evidence presented %}r i f a^&? T 'Sk it J u » to®*®*”*® to aj*j»oar NATIONAL HANK*'UK tbe bounty oi Allegheny. , \ J ? t 8 of PeftMyiv&nia, haa&en duly organ ized under and according to theTequi rements oi . entitled‘-An Ac! to iiro J 1 .c a Nat 1,, cal currency Becureil by a pleitee oi 1 miPil cutes Stock*, anti to prqViJe f lorwarded by Express to all paits oi the made on all parts of the country. c«tii k ~ dirkctobh : * old hy all respectable druggists everywhere. Jacob Painter. j RoßT.liunias.ix, W* R. Merwin & 00,. ,A * E T ¥ ILI " I R- BoroBMAK, _ SOLE PJROPRIETORS. t. i. hLorrea; 1 W. M OoiwrtT. No. 69 Liberty street, New York VS m. Cooper. .V>ld by OEO. H. KEYSER, Wof 140 Wood lil rtGH. a nancial Agent of the United States. Pittsburgh, April 26th, 1964. STABLING AND OUT-BUILDINGS In the ratiT of the Dwelling House. FBED. L. IHMSEN, 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Ht.l.ling from 12 to 24 Picturec, FOB SOLDIEKS! FOB SOLDIEKS: Can be sent to all parte of the Albums for Centre Tables, Albums for Centre Tables. AT PRICES BELOW ATiL, AT PRICES BELOW AT,Tv, OPPOSITE THE EOSTOFFICE. feb36 €r tt" atk> vs vo * thk' i«vuu j JjJ Qjj j, TUK i.ON<» MOUOHT KOH I * ' UKj< KVKHEI) AT i ,AM’I ’ CHEROKEE REMEDY, CHEROKEE * INJECTION Compounded from Roots, Barks and Leaves C HEROKL'i; REMEDY. the great MianlXuret- \ C '™ r f e i al * ° J ,- lhe unnar v organs , such as nuVrfj?* 7 }™* tke * r, 2 c > of the ?,H ’ of the Kidneys , Stone- in the Bladder, Stricture , Gravel, Gleet, Gonorrkaa , and u especially recommended in those cases ofhuor Aldus (or H hitrsinfemclcs) where al! the old nous eous meriiffi nt?s have failed fn^**lA prepa, ; eU > a hi % hl y concentrated *v£. Re from one to two fcsS spoonfuls three times a day. is diuretic and alteratiroin its action pUTLlvljig and cleansing the blood, causing it to note in al. its original purity and vigor; thus ?“”*!* fr °. m a thc J s P t '“ «il perniclotu, causes i which have induced disease. 1 i is intended as 1° Cherokee Remedy, and should be used in conjunction with tha{ medicine in nil cases of Goiwrrhcca t Gleet, Fluor ajfZn f or rjli^cs - edicts are healing soothing, , and demulcent; removing nil scalding, heat, char dee and pain, instead of the burning and almost unendurable pain that is experienced with near 1} an the cheap quack Injections. ' £? t The c, *‘ crol< « ¥ c Remedy k V C the two medicines M ' C .4i! ie ~ ail ini !'T'»lHif discharges an removed, and the weakened organ* arc speedily restored to full vigor and strength. * * or f? 111 Particulars ge» our.pamphlet from i £5?««V s *Vi l ]f n * the countt J’> or write us and I tO , aD 3* a full treatise. «rFriee, Cherokee Remedy, $2 per bottle or three bottles for $6. 1 . UIC | .. Cherokee InjecUon. $2 per bot- j three bottles tor fs. itvr i 43*-Sent by Express to any address on receftjt of price. K j by all druggists everywhere. Dr. W. B. Merwin&Co., ■MAI BAM m, pa., iBt Company. privilege to in 'll, 000. *faay haring organ a National (Jurren- OiST NATIONAL t* would respectfully Election of Notes, receive money on mge cc aii parts <■/ uU*d *he PittGhurcjh TftnizatiOD in 19A2. •vranlee that Inuri '.zation will re- with >ut the country, faculties to those by the same ►. NimcK, ,nder fcipEan, w G. Ballet, "?HaDLET, SOLK PRCIPRJEXOKS, No. 69 Liberty street,'New York. Sold by Hr OEO. H.JEiSySLR, No. 140 Woo atrMt - . mhl&«otMtw t p IHK GREAT INRiAS M KDICI XE. iIN’, President. CO is: cc •ss ca go e> o o= R- 1 - ■..UwW.IWJu.J fi tOCK STITCH J ING MACHINES QO TO THE AGENCY AND EX- gVERI la made happier thy machine. —<'krisiian Intclligen. IJIHEKE arc good, better nnd best, and safe in saying is “Wheeler & Wil- IJIHEY HATE NO RIYAL. gAYE received the Highest Premi- JJABILY MANAGED, not liable to gEFORE PURCHASING, examine the “Wheeler AWilson.’'— Daily Gaz. gXCEES in all the qualities that con- stitute a good machine.— lndependent. gURPASSES all others.— Uulirs' Re- rpHIS is unquestionably the best Sew ing Machine, and is the one which we cta unqualifiedly recommend. United Presbyterian. These Machines are Warranted for Three years. Prices from $5O upwards. PITTSBURGH OFFICE? a T NO. 27 FIFTH 1 , STREET, U WM. SUMNEB^^V^ v. . .d'.is?- J-i apMmeod Compounded from Amine, and you will then agree with us, that it ie an almost perfect in- strument.— Evening Post. by the introduction ofthistrustwor- the best machine, we feef entirely '—Western Advocate. Scientific American. ums wherever exhibited. Philadelphia Press. get out oi order, very beautiful and simple in construction. —N. Y. Evan Acrorri. leduie of Advertising eTXUDIKQ JLAXTBK. ' I 13 ttmea a Once a i Daily. week, week, ' 11 Sqr. l Sqr. . 1 Sqr.. Onetime ♦ 76 i Two times j 25 Three- times i 60 Four times l 90 i Five times 2 20 One week 1 260 \ l:o 85 Iwo weeks 435 j 290 i Three weeks 000 i 400 'j ii OQ One month 750 , 500 26Q Two months ' II 25 ' 760 1 375 Three months 18 75 * 916 4eg 5* x IQ onths . 20 76i 13 86 i 690 INine months 27 00 IS 00 900 One year 32 00 21 33 1 10 70 j C'iASOKABLE ADVESTISEAIEJfTS. I -,£25 on « changeable one time each week, confined to the immediate business ofthc | advertiser. Ail larger advertisements in exact i proportion* | 3 times 2 -times 11- time a week a week j a week moa . Js9 35 »6. 00* &T7QY~fc 3 00> months 37 20 11 46 BGO ( GOO months .... 24 00 19 00 15 76 10 $0 F ear I 40 00 £8 00-| 24 50 | 14 00' ‘ n ,? tli:os tie above rates. lienth notices, each insertion 50 cents Marriage notices, each insertion... 76 “ bteamboat advertisements, per trip.s2 00 Executors and Administrator's no- Nr" 9 TK Crusade Against the State Banks. We Mijpuld be sorry to do any act, dr take anf position, which would look as if we were the self-proffered champions of any class of wealthy corporations. As an organ of the Democratic party faitbfot t.» its cherished traditions, we regard such corporations with distrust. They not only wield the great power which naturally belongs to wealth, bitt by their organization and connections’ they are able to exert an influence brt legislation whieh favors the tendency of power to silently Bteal from the many to the few. Of course, nobody can drs pute the great benefits which result to , ‘he country from its railroad arid' mg corporations; bnt it is eqnaiiy indis putable that behind these, advantages there lurk tendencies hostile-to republi can equality, tendencies to make the . richer, and the poor poorer. These tendencies would become resist ess, and would ultimately destroy the liberties of the people, if such corpora tions, in addition to their other' advan tages; were clothed with the repressive power of monopolies. The Democratic party tigs always heidmonopoliesiniust and the long struggle by which ' >t battered down the old Tlnited States Bank was waged against the “monster” i mainly on the ground that it was adan ; gerous monopoly. The natural antidote t t 0 monopolies is competition; andit.isa I cardinal maxim of Democratic equality I to encourage rival interests, and, aB far i as possible* to make .great -corporationsa* i check upon each-other.- Silica we must. I have railroads, and railroads can be built only by associated capital, the liberty of establishing rival lines is the only cftfect ive safegard against impofrerisbing the community to enrich great corporations, - winch when they become powerful enough to control legislation, are likeiv .' to become, first the rulers, and then thtr tyrants, of the people. Banks We must also have; and their stability and credit are best established by associated wealth; ; but unless a free field is left open to com petition and rival interests,'the danger Is sail greater that the banking interest will I become our tyrant and override our liberties. m XB> m GO 1 Looking at the banking bill now pend i j ing before Congress In the Light of these I simple principles, we cannot but regard i it as the most dangerous measure'ever . proposed in this country. Its purpose; is not merely to annul that divorce of i the government and banks to accom j plish which was the most signal achieve, i ment of the Democratic party in the high and palmy days of its influence, but to' ! concentrate and consolidate the entire i money-power of the conntrv, and marry j lt > all m a body, to the federal goyern i ment. If this purpose is accomplished I ten years will not elapse before the money-power will be the government, ' and the legislation of Congress be aS completely controlled by the consolidß ted banking interest, as the Legislature |ot JNew Jersey is sometimes said to be iby the Camden and Amboy Railroad! ' | Even the old United States Bank with l I its capitol of only thirty -five millions,’ and subject to the rivalry of the State in’ stbuttons, came near proving an over match for the Government. With a* , President less courageous and indotni(a- : |ble than Andrew Jackßon, the people Jcould nothave triumphed over themon j fyed monster even with the State banks m existence as their nature! allies. : j ,Y h w’ v* 8 -?’ \ wlb be lll e case when ali i tuo b ? Ss «>Pt away.and. the whble bankmg capital of the, cotm try ccmsAlidated into' cbfiiplete' unity 6f tnterest? What bill will fail to become a law if the banking interest desires its passage? What measure oCWisM&on designed for the protection of the people , can be carried if it militates against the, interest of the banks? ' 6 The nbw system starts -with a glaring and most unrighteous discrimination against the productive industry of the country and in favor of wealthy stock holders and capitalists. The cardinal principle of all just Government is the equality of all classes and interests be fore the law. The crying abuse in France which broke down the monarchy and cotmrlsed‘Europe with the might iest revolution 1 the world has ever seen, was equality of taxation. K was niain- Jy became the peasants were taxed and the noblqs it was because the burden of supporting the Govern ment was shifted off from the shoulders of the rich on to the shoulders of the comparatively poor, that the watch word of “EquaUtyilaiuMir such terrible and destructive potency. Jf ibis unrighr teous bank bill passes, our Government will have entered upop the same career. The wan whose money is invested in land and/arming utensils is taxed upon* all his property; but the wealthy banker is to have the greater part of bis prop erty exempt from taxation. The pro ductive classes and the great capitalists are no longer to stand upon the same footing; tve are to have a privileged class and privileged interests; and these privileged classes and interestaare to be so associated and consolidated by unity of organisation that their control over .(Jongress will enable them to keep not m'myfji,"bHt;>J3t,-®ift motei plete exwpuonTrodv ajl taxatiqn;what .« , Tfe banksgnd Tn^ance; com sixty-six thousand doUatsiibut whEßThe State banks are national banka, a, ' ' 'ekpitatiß y^^^: property. < ' ' ' ' r^.i OoHseilitteiforttoiiig-—— - fosters ~ & 0 -- " ii»K£3saBBao& aa a bounierpofae. jffie tj wa oMbr^^f ) States; aiid I ri val riB3 ttiatattfen7HVaaa.^3a^”- i % a .ciiecksjnpon eaahfttto^fia^^ .J^awsagaSK f operation' oP-tfi'e 'WpiSjll against ;tb® riearocfiQj^isapggjlj^Sf fbatitT^’J^S^^ States' ahautiecomgio^tfe^ijfna^^^ri^ the independence! of;«ffld|fe rfiS&Slle uew, ionaidahle^tiidc towards tUe substffution of a pTonsfocfacy for to sa y ; of tf gov eminent pf tltfo fofofoii wfiS“' 111 the Senate ofthe T3afte&>SiiB»&» the sth mat:,von .njolioa ofi MriTSjvfhr : the,bill to t aoifio^ •tinne altei-and 'attend' stfn«®«a ■■' the aßdse or registration ofelectorhsypr'tlt^.®.jrt?saa{tsbeilrms'^ffit, it TV'aS'impOrtaiirPtfe't ? tli^W?fiSSiaTs# acted on at otjee; ' * tforfww; tssnoas tJegistration or any one or mole of,them, shall neglect o? l, i-efnse' dunes required ol' thetif, w t2e S&bfMW Courtof.the Bistfiotiian bbSagiintaßiusSf of the fact,. shalh appoint, somelotbe^ wmtim sets and thipgd'Boi ddnaOißlTßqfe fSM«P 1 n-v 8 a ® i.fcdiSiefby aaidißoanfciii-teO'? : Mr. Corran moved, to ipitftheword ignathigthosolivtfo BW^teß^frg&mtfto Mr^-Bojfi®R—i/hflpo-jiofefjdintejjjutej \ MOiteTteTlte ■ making: an experiment, HvMttrniw trSS? 5 ' teed in Uie -bahuicei inibebaif a* aofaiaiJ nor Kjpe. ( . It,wiaft-great mistakeioenoia pose Uie right to vote waitflnrntnS»te right; as mknvyefdfeffwW^Agl^ra ll , tnere dohxssntianali’SigMe s t^?>e , JtLl “Ayiiirhete agte^nponeti- P®gs cif, wjtute-nioiMhatTftreTCTMaMrtmv^v^ IolS?Ef " 1 z }f cla3l^ed ftefcrddS^ state of servitQi^i^^^§ ,^^e^^^j^'< f largernumber hiatiiiroity?! pable of exercising! that ‘SEotetftSi HfiflpH the intelligent -Whitdidolajoif" there arer minors; twenty -one -years-df tainly imoKrgehddallJt itSteinteteioSjdSi-- 1 pable ofdrerciaiiigithe’ cihise, than these negroes Whd'gHgnsfi& lo lowed to. exenaattipolitijad to Vote"as power 0 ’ .towfeOi-'-rf 75c*gHufroir , Mf. Bunwer!saiddha6the?caJof£jii»%tii«