fltarmatter every day : One Insertion.. Ahltlx-Inser" - ve in.-rani. Three weekc. one square et it s:. Onemonth. • $ e,on i . i ' • - ' 1' i ! - 1 < , ... ._ , , . k• l ii ie k ,( ) 1 4.41 ' . v. - • elo- -- . 1. „....---•-•... , .. till Or - - ' ,arligjav-Irrk „ fisitii - JA _ t g .. • . .# 0 .....-- ~, i • , , . . : . . ~ ) > . .A_9 l -- -1 0 i --....- 1 - - .. ~.0 0 - ~ . .. * , ''' L._ -41111 1 t7.-,..• ;..• -O. - ~ di.4 ‘. ( .. 1,. sbangeatronee a week 1 year.s3o,oo S:a%'' , ' 3- \... \i'3* 1; 7; ' ' . r. "" ° `; -. _471 40. 4411. 1 a ~e . -....,.. ~,r r • ... _ „ .• „1 • ._ , .__ _,_,, 5A".c..."- 7 - , ,'L: -s_.__,„_ _____ •_:_--._,,__ .1 / "nl. ':;./T I . . I. I.la - E' Ce S 'X' , . -,-- -- -:z". - _, --_. ~,- 1 _„ie,, ,,, 0r.:Ar - -, 45- - . - .:.,-. - w7-,:_-:,- • • . J C''l Alone by mail, $B,OO per year. • _ the ray at 10 mute per :week r.' -• - , --r WNi ti..l ". - •••=--,' ' : ' l, -- - ~ t i tt C k'zio4l , :4' , .l' 1 - _ . . . - ''----- - - -- - •`, .•.--.;.:.:,-.-----____......,... . - --- _____ .a ' S ' jr . ") 6 ii t !':'% ___,=:_ ,- - ; . _____-_- - -i--- s. -,---_--:---,•---------- - ,_--.:: • lirif,- . ---- _ wtz(oo3 i 1,60 . th 1,40 • , ' •S'7 , :I-I,r, la • 1.40. li. '' . . ....'. 1,30 , :....2 each, (and one to Ketter utr,) 1,20 . t ' 't." . . r: le : ; -, r'*:: - 4' ~ ' i. :laßifi • ' 1,10 —_________________ L _.. . MS. R _BARR, _ _ ________ -....._ _ _ ____ ___ _______ ~.... _..__ __ II A. Single subscript DellQetiq t NV3t Single subscriptic give copies, each. Ten copiesi eachi Twenty copies, Thirty HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, PIIM O A.RED BY 31' M. clf ACUSON PHILAMELPHI A, PA Tt is not a Bar Room Drink, 0 3 1 _7136'T'IT'U'rar. FOR RUM, AN INTOXICATING BEVERAGE, BT 1 ,1?, CONLENTRAtEp Altai] LE EXTRACT. A 3P1L111.. FREE FROIVI Alcoholic Stimulants or Injurious Drags, WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE k[VER COMPLAINT, Dyspepsia and Jaundice. HOOFLANWS GERMAN BITTERS WILL cI:RE EVERY CASE Chronic or Nei - VOUS Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a Disor dered Stomach. Observe the Following Symptoms RESULTING FROM LlA‘ordep, of the Digestive Cirrus* t Condi[pa than Inward Piles,Fullness or Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullr.ess or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructa Hot., Sink log dp„Fkittening at the Pit of the Stom ach, BWWmlng of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart Choking or Su ifoca ti ng Sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs be fore the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and I . ..yes,.Paln in in the Side, Hack, Chest, Llinbs Sudden riushesof Heat. Burn login the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and great Depres sion-of Spirits HOORAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL GIVE YOT A GOOD APPETITE. STRUNG NERVES, HEALTHY NEH VES. sTEADY NER VES RISE: FEELINGS, HEALTHY FEELINGS A GOOD CONSTITUTION, A STONG CONS A HEALTHY CONSTITUTION A SOUND CONSTITUTION. WILL MAKE THE WEAK - WILL MAKE THE STRONG DELICATE - - HEARTY WILL MAKE THE THE DEPRESSED - - LIVELY WILL MAKE THE LL4XWIC ()MIME XION WILL MAKE THE DULL EYE - CLEAR di "BRIGHT Will prove a blessing in - Nke x.:ZILV" Can be used with: perfect aatety by MALE OLD OR OR FEMALE • YOUNG P - P ;;P 9 ; ; ; ; PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the name of Bitters, put zip in quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest whisky or common rum, costing from 20 to 40, cents per gallon, this taste disguised try Anise, or Coriander Seed. This class of Billirs has caused and will continue to caus . ,e tong as they can be sold, hundreds to die the deagi4etti'llut drunilist. By thew use the system is contindalty under the Influence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire ./Or Liquor is created end k ept up, and the result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's fife and death. Be ware of them. tibi. ug. , dew . l4 will- have a .Liquor posers, sbe pkblisti the following reempt. Ga p One Bottle Hoolls.nd's German Bitters, and Mir with Three Quarts of Good Brandy or Whisky, and the result will be a preparation that will tat' excel in medical virtues and true excel ;et:p.(4y. 0f144 =wet ous. Liquor Bitters Mike mar ket, and will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of llootland's Bitters in connection with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price than these inferior .preparulgons Ica! cost you. DELICATE CHILDREN Than •icutfering . from MARASBIUS, wasting away, with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cured in .a Very short time; one bottle in such cases, Wnlicave a - most surprising effect. DEBILITY, Restating from fe :of HAN' kited—Thew Bitters renew your at tery short time. ,FT 6 VER AND AGUE, he chills will not return If these Bitters ane wayl . .. No person in a Fever and Ague Distridt shduldtetvithottt them. Frein Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D Editor of the Encyclopedia of lieligtows KnOrwtedye. Although not disposed to favor or recommena Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and ettecti; 1 yet know of.no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the be . tietits he believes lan:reel' to !have received fro any amPle preparation, in ttie hopeptat he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. -1 do this wore readily in regard to liooliand's 'German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. fit. Jackson, of this city, because 1 was prejudiced against them for many years, under the .impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to. my friend Hobert Slicilemaker, esq., forAite removal_af, this prejudice by proper tests, •andyor'enconragetrient to try them, when Butter ing from great and long mH innued debility. The use pi:three bottles of these riAters, at the begin ning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily sad mentskylgor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired'of regaining. I therefore thank tiod and my friend for directing me to L the E use of them. PHIUILPRIA, June 23, 1a62. J. NEWTON BROWN. ATTENTION SOLDIERS i AND TILE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS , Wiffaan the attention...of SR having relations or tr4ends in the army to the fact that "HOOF LAND'S:German Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases induced by exposures and priva tions incident to camp hie. In the lists, publish ed almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the Eck, tt will be notieed that n very large proportion are suffering from debility. Fvery ease of that kind can be readily cured by Hoof land's-German Bitters. We have no hesitation in stating that it these Bitters were freely used among our soldiers hundreds of lives might be saved, thatotherwi.e. would be lost. The proprietors are daily receiving thankful letters from sufferers in the army and hospitals, Nsboilie been restored to health by the use of those acts sent to thorn by their friends. ' 13.FW.4.1W rOUN7`EII4ITS. HeeilTat Sl tune of "C. .TACKSORV , 18 . on the PPER of Cash Bottle. PRICES. IsiZe 81,00 per Bottle, or Half Doz. !Roo . size 7b " " or Half Doz. 84 00 Ther/ie Size, on account of the quantity the BottlerkWddire much the cheaper. Should your nearest druggist not have the ar ticle, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating =Bona that be offered ltOtil place, but atutastutely packed by COCIVes VhinclpalGM:ft, and "Mantfactory No. eat OtpirSTREET, PHIZADEDM.A4 PA. . (SI: I 9MSSOB..S TO C. 111`..ffACKSON & C 0.,) . I . P acanurrolifh Sir FOR SALE byll du and..neskrs 11,44 4 0vAl v#ol 1 . 1114.444 W E=M! Editor and Proprietor KUNFLM.VS CELEBRATED Bitter Wine of Iron, Bitter Wine of Iron, Bitter Wine of Iron; Bitter Wine of Iron, The Great Tonic, The Great Tonic, The rent Tonic, The Great Tonic, For Dyspepaia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For flopepaia and indigestion, For spelisitt and Indignation ' For Weak Stomachs and Genera l Debility, For Weak Stomachs and General Debility, For Weak Stomachs and General Debility, For Weak Stottuichs and General Debility, Reliable and Sure to doGood, Reliable Amid Sure to do Good, Reliable Mid Sure to do Good, Reliable and Sure to do Good, And Cannot do Harm, And Cannot do Harm, , And Cannot do Harm, It Costa but li And Cannot do Harm, ttle and Purifies the Blood It Coate but little and Purifies the Blood, , It Costs but little and Purifies the Blood, It Costs btit little and Purifies the Blood, We only ask a Trial, j We only auk a Trial, ! We only ask a Trial, We only ask a Trial, Of this Valuable Tonic, Of this Valuable Tonic, Of this Valuable Tonic, Of this Valuable Tonic, Only 75 Cis. and One Dollar per Bottle, Only 75 Cis. and One Dollar per iiottle, Only 75 Cts. and One Dollar per Bottle, Only 75 Cts. and One Dollar per Bottle,. Manufactured solely by S. A. ELNKEL a, BRO. General Depot, 118 Market street, Har risburg, Pa. For male in PITTSBURGH by all respectable dealeta For sale in - Pittsburgh by R. E. SELLERS & CO., Mid IL L. FAHNESTOCK a CO. jattl4-6'm IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Harvey's Chrono Thermal prLa,s, "[WAVE NEVER YET FALLER( W HEN ..311. the directions have been strictly followed ' ) in removing difficulties arising from OBSTRUOTIONS, OR STOPPAGE (Jr NATURE Or in restoring the system to perfect heall h when sufterin.g from Spinal Affections, Prolapsua Uteri, the Whites, or other weaknesses of the Uterine Organs. The Pills are perfectly harmless on the constitution, and may be taken by the most delicate females without causing distress at the same time THEY ACT A$ A CII ftlll, BY strengthening,lnvigorating, and restoring the system to aheati condition, and by bring - uig on the mohthly peri od with regularity. No mat ter ftom What c use the obstruction may Arise. They should, however, NOT be taken the tire three or four months of pregnancy, though safe at any other time, as miscarriage would be the result. Each DOLLAR.box contains 60 PHIL PRICE, ONE DR. HARVEY'S TREATISE on Diseases of Females, Pregnancy, 2 , llscarriage, Barrenness, Sterility, Reproduction, and Abuses of Nature , and emphatically the LADIES' PR I VATE .S. I OICAL ADVISER, R pamphlet of ro pages sent free to any address. *Six cents requir ed to pay postage. air - The pub and Book will be sent by mail, confidentially, when desired, SECURE.riI" b""b • and pre-paid on receipt of money by SI, T. BRYAN, M. D., General Agent, No. 76 Cedar street, New York. Cheapest goods In the city 4t 'Joseph Fleming, Druggist, corner of BROKER PLAID FOITLARDS, the Diamond and Market street, agent for Pitts- D.C.A./ burgh. oc6-emdaw At St,l'e. 1-2 per Yard. Solid Colors & Double Face, Front Si,rdi to 2,00 per Yard. PRIV.A.7CE DJCSEAST. DR. BROWN'S OFFICE, EJECalll No. 60 Smithfield Street SPRING DRESS GOODS. CITIZCITIZENS lit S-le, 25, 31, 31.30, 62, 73, 81,00, ENS AND STRANGERS IN need of medical advice *Mould not fall to give i 'otopriainc some decided bargains, him a can. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure impu- GOOD SHIRTING MUSLINS, titles, scrofulous and venereal affections. Also, hereditary taint, such aa tetter, psoriasis and At le 3-4 itrid 25r per Yard. other skin diseases, then rigin of which the pa tient is ignorant. FAST COLORED PRINTS, SEMLNA L WEA EN ESS. At IGc per Turd, Pr. B's remedies for this affliction, bmtight on AT by solitary habits, are the only medicines known n ARDNER & s ana - mQ ry in this coont which are safe and will speedily ki 0 restore to health. 1 RHBIIMAT/SM. 9 2 Dr. Brown's remedies Cure In a few days this Da -41-1 1 PC ... ...r. iorri - 4,..mm.x.. painful affliction. He also treats Piles, Meet, Gotutorrhoe, tire- m h3l - OW Disalies, Female Diseases Pains in the N ew Goods Back and Kidneys, Irritation of ' the Bladder, Strictures, etc. A letter to be answered . ONE DOLLAR. must contain at least New Goods Medicines sent to any address safely packed. Office and private rooms No 60. Smithfiek! • _ STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. noladsw. •-, N 1 0170 E TO ALL CONCERNED.— • New Goods , A Amorrga certain Class of self-iMport ant per, ' 41W pie there is a ouliar feeling of contempt attach ed to all physicians that advertise and treat the diseases named hi this card, (PerVaTit DIS Haase, ) New Goods ill why this should be, , they nor no one else can tell. . .....b Are they not aware that pll physicians treat die, " 1 0 Ei eases of every denomination, In fact solicit Just the very diseases that are so obnoxious to these very refined parties. I suppose they would not New Goods . 0 let one of their family go to a part) that has le vdted years for their benefit, because he ativertf set the fact, and their family physician says he is 2 .„.. a humbug so he can get the case. Often he has pi e w Goods , ...,^ 9 New Goods almost deprived the party of his life. lie comes ' NV at last to the physician that advertises—how Mae Oil are they to /mew.% Are they not aware that Sir Astley (-) ooper, Sir Benjamin Brodie, Sir Charles New Goods ', g New FF Goods Ball and M. Paul Itioord devoted years in the treatment of these diseasesl These men are held up as shining lightens the medical world ; 1 don't ' 4 ~,, assert that all men are worthy that publish, still LW New Goods .' My D 5 New Gcndi there are liareat number of them that are. I have • devoted myself to the study and treatment of .Part - see DISZaBI3I; upwards of 40 years, and ._ , without egotism can say I have saved hundreds from years of misery and untimely death. : 11y New Goods r New GOO 4 treatment is confined to the vegetable altogether, 41 01 as I think It is the beet and most certain. It is in my power to bring hundreds of certificates if I thought it necessary to certify to my general sue Ne w Goods nese: but my long residence in this city is sum- cleaprooftvithotdaddluTmore. Spermatorrhea . and all diseases arising from it are cured in a I'L.t'iu much shorter time than heretofore. It behooves ikr OAVITASTANDING7IIEIIIGD every young man and woman to be careful in se- IN 1? ATE ?IF (SOLD, and the advance in all ieetingphyrdeias- The ditlMent advertisements kin is of goods, we xre still selling our very that are seen in our papers are of no worth, and .no benefit will arise ikons answers than only loss of health and money. :Hundreds arc cured annu ally by my new remedies. Address Box 800. Jan-lyd PittstirghPostottlee. - CLEAR NEW CASTLE .AND FRANKLIN Shawls, .A. I_,ll 0 A 14. Cloaks, HOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THE Capital Stock of the NEW CASTLE and FRANKLIN' RAILROAD COMPANY will be opened on WEIDNIDAY, the 27th of April, proxttno, in the City of Pittsburgh, at the Rooms of the Together with Board of Trade In New Castle Lawrence county., at the Of- Bleached and Unbleached Muslin 9 flee of the New Castle , and Bearer Valley Rail-' road Company. At lower prices than we could replace them to. In Mercer, Mercer county, at the Office of day. To wholesale and retail buyers we can of- William Stewart, esq. fer inducements In our line. In Franklin, Vennngo county, at the Office of First National Bank. We ORDER OF COMMISSIONERS : A. L. Crawford, Samuel M. 'Kier, S. Q. Brown, .1. Zeigler, Wm. Dilworth, jr., 11. W. Cass, Wm. Stewart, J. C. Murray J. C. Shaw, George C. Reis, Robert Ashworth, Josiah King, James Bleakley, Springer Harbaugh, J. H. Robinson, J. W. Blanchard. James K. Kerr, .1.. H. Smith,, David Courtney, .F. D. Kennear. Pittsburgh, March 31, 1864. mh3l-clid Wall Paper! Wall Paper! WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS. LATEST STYLES :DIRECT FROM pH A maokFtiowl!, for sale at the lowest eel 4-41 Foerster & Schwarz's, No. los t smaT - Eurrear_a) sT. I m um', MEDICAL Great 'American Remedy DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, &C CO On Cl) '7O - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ct 3 c:J m m ca r - c 3 C> 0 0 0 co 0 cL> F-• Z 23 =l:::irmlA "cowp,;zi a? =ld d A AACEI a a a cl cr3 c 3 ce cc c/2 i ea 02 02 ,24 cd — ai ~!-; at i/J i."/ e 3 rd 0 cs " E -- ) . 0 g • P. 4 —t ^ T'd p • 00 0 7'o „ Cr.) C.) C.D c 3 cd cd t z• ~,r I C/D C/2 .'..- c'S cd at .-O ..1:1 -4171 C/2 C/2 C/2 O PE:2I7IIG .1T BMUS & HACKE'S, Spring Cloaks Spring Shawla Spring &tinorals Spring Dti.F.LE '3. Sp:Lng Ctoo 01 the latest P Litt ' Litt ac i Dirk Pnraz Cor. sth and Market Sts PLAIN BLACK SILKS, .00, 1.1'41-2. 1.25. 1.37. 1.50. 1.75. 2,00 14A,11G-lE s-rc)c-iK Dress Goods AND C. Hanson Love & Co., 74 and 78 Market street J UST WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS, A POCKET VLBUMI Holding froml2 to 24 Pictures, rson soz,r•rr-rts: FOR S Can be Sent to all parts of the United States for Twenty Cts Albums for Centre Tables, Albums for Centre Tables, AT PRICES k1E.1,40W AT _PRICES llgra_A3W AT PITTOCK'S, feb3B OPPOSITE'T.E.E, POSTOFFICE. NATIONAL BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 6 r , sr 413.VolPrInreRMITTET,G144: EASURY DEPARTMENT.. %le , OFFICE Or TAMTROL LER OF THE 01711111rACT 7, Washington City; Aug. 6th, % 1863. ' Y ia Wakes B tistacto to the mictligne l d, it' has creg made to ldenc¢ presented g that the FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or P a rr'rs. BURGH, in the County of lillegheny and State rJ r, of PennlifiVallin. has Men 'duly organited under and according to the requArements of the Act of Congress, entitled "in" Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States 4 Stocks, and to providefor the circulatipp and re ," demotion thereof." iiittoded Febnoul 25th, 1863, and has compiled withal' the provisions of ••• said Act required to be eomplied with before commencing the business pf Banking, troller ofoTlgen'traglicktl: Alothre.lxce.F:lll7yhih°aM'e Bald FIRST NATIOAA/s. e r.r4 a. OF PITTS BURGH, county of Alhig eny and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony where& witneass my Head and seal of office, this 6th ll du of August 1863. G H MoCU LLOOH SS t Comptroller of the Currency. 1 4 1 TliE FIRST NZONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, PA., Late Pittsburgh Trust Company. Capital 15400,000, with privilege to in crease to 91,000,000. The Pittsburgh Trust Company having organ ized under the act to provide a National Curren cy, under . the title of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, would respectfully oder its services for the collection of Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, etc., receive money on deposit and buy and sell .Echange on all parts of the country. The success which has attended the Pittsburgh Trust Uompany since Its organization in 1852, will we believe he a sufficient guarantee that busi ness entrusted to the new organization will re ceive the same prompt attention. Having a very extensive correspondence with Banks and Bankers, throughout the country, we believe we can otter unusual facilities to those who do busineu with us. The neatness will- be conducted by the same officers and directors. DIRECTORS JAMES LAEOHL/N WK. K. NLX3CE, HoEKET S. HAYS, 41.LEMANDER SPEER. TEOMAs HELL, FnAsiont G. Bamirr, WIGHTMAN, ALEX. BRADLEY, SA/KRIM RIGA. -JAMES LA UGH LIN. President. .I:nx D. Scrti.v, ()*{bier. ugs-ritt.WH GLAD NEW* FOR TUE UNFOR TUNATE! THE - LONG SOUGHT FOR ISCOI7 13 CECEROW._nMDY, CHEROKEE INJECTION Compounded,from Roots, Barks and Leaves. lIEROK E E .- RENE - DV, the greet Ihdian Delmer. cures all diseases of the urinary organs, ruck as Incontinence of the Urine, lajaateiraat fin; of the Bladder, Inftemsnaslon of the kidnegs Stone in Me Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Glee!, Gonorrhea, and is especially iitntssended in Moss oases of Fluor d llats (or WS '/a females) tMere all the o(d ?SO ttlF eon medicines failed. SEII - It is prepared in a highly coneentrsted form, the dose only being from one to two tea spoortfubt three times a day, *alit is diuretic and alterative In Its soften; purify lug and cleansing thetlood- causing ft to mt.,. In all Its o ri ginal poetry - an d N. - weer Howl removing from the system all pernicious causes which have Induced disease. CIIRROKEE IX.TECT lON is Inteade4gui -1,3 ally or assistant to the Cherokee Remedy, and should be used In conjunction with th at medicine In all cases of Gonorrhea, Chet fluor ellbus or Whitti. It effects arc healing, soothing, and d,nulerni; removing all &gilding, brat, cbm dee smi pain, instead of the bierning and almost unendurable pain that is experienced with near. ly all the cheap quack inicetione. sty-By the use of the Cherokee Remedy and Cherokee Injection—Me two medicines at the same time—all improper discharges are removed, and the weakened organs are speedily restored to full vigor and strength. ad - For full particulars get our pamphlet from any drug store in the country, or write us and we will mall free to any address a full treatise. Oa - Price, Cherokee Remedy, t 2 per hot tle . or three pot ties for 44. ad - Price, Cherokee Injection, *2 per bot tle, or three bottles lot 25. New Goods MilMail= 4,0 - Sohl by all ~Iruggiets everywhere, Dr. W. E. Merwin & Co , New Goods SOLE PROPRIETt PILS, No. 59 Liberty street, New York. 5.,,b1 by Dr. CID H. KEYSER, No. 14i) Woo street. mhl6-eori-ilikw T Hfi. GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE, New Gc, New _ Goods C/2 „-\ CO .CX CO 3=ll. •,..'--k = :: \ k r tei k i ,:i ' ~ 1 , r ' rn ...-gt C f CD • ---. . 1 -:- O, = New Goods CHEROKEE CTIRE: An unfailing cure for Spermalorrhsa, Seminal itraSaicss, Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused by self-pollution; such as Loss of Memory, Us:rental Lassitude, Pains in the. Back, Dinuse j va Vision, Premature Old Age, Weak Nerves, DI - ty of Breathing, Trembling, Wake/a/nem, Eruptions on the Face Pale Countenance, Insanity, Consump tion, and al l the Direful complaints, caused by de parting from the path of nature. int-Tlda medicine is. a simple Vegetable ex tract, and one on which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not felled- inn sin gle instance. Its curative powers have been stanoteut to gain victory. over the most stubborn case. New Goods Allal - To those who have trifled with their con stitution, until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical aid, we would.say, Despair not I the tlyanoMts tjetkEmEU , Aseptiare you to health and - vigor, and aftetA.UNdnink doctors have 44-For full particulars get a circular from any drug store In the country, or write the Proprie tors, who will mail free to any one desiring-the same, a fail treatise in pamphlet form. Abe - Price, *2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by Express to all pasta of the world. Balm orals, Sold by all respects* druggists everywhere. Dr. W. R. Ittei-viin & 00,, SOLE PROPRIETORS, No. 69 Liberty street New York. Sold by GEO. U. KEYSE,'R j No. 140 Wood street. tnlll6-ecxl-d&w MEDICAL CARD. W. BODENHAMER, M. D.. 864 Broadway. NEW YORE. W. H. sonENELeatuut, M. D., Office, No. 146 Third street. Office hours from Otodp.m. DEVOTE THEIR ATTENTION TO the Medical and Surgical treatment of Chronic D-Lacasen, Especially those of the LOWER BOWEL, suck. as Files, Constipation, Fistula, Fissure, Falling of.theßowel, Ulceration of the Bowel, Stricture of the Bowel, mac. Also, the various Chronic Diseases of the Womb, the Kidneys, the Blad der, etc. tnhl-dtf lE IWO V-A KANE & DUFF Y. lir ANA & DUFFY W OULD INFORM MIL their friends end the public that they have removed their TeDorhAsEsdatdisliment from the old stardlto N 0.114. SY. CiLOllll STURM\ Bis sell's new block, near the St: Clair at Deny bride: • ?hose' desiring the latest pa atith l / l e . apzing and r lging Of the rarest and tient fa/Monate atlas, &rein rued to call and ex&ptime their extensive aka of CLOTHS' C.AV'lrwvl2)9§l y} /Nag &a. trATFE •& DUFFY ap9.lmd ' icio; 144 Mu,l, it DNES DAY, AP Compounded fr,,rn (Tilt glaill fast that my friends did, and I iiidii't 'execti, to see • him agidn; fled' i dfa r I' NV regret; for, gieithieVer he' needed ' tibelr he at l, all, it was in such a teasing 'witraltati had hard workieto• appear.. hidifferent. When•l•wasfresh anttini.good rapiritssi ached to say. , something 6 sharp) and !tin maidenly, and when I Wae tired outahe "Mrs. Crofton! Mrs. Crofton?" How tears would scarcely be, , kam „hacke , I odd it appears tome to be called Crof- think I really enjoyedide estial-et nini. ton, and Mrs. too! I can hardly believe behold late in the evening he reappeared, that lam married, although I am wilt- aceorapaeled by a YOurtg,:aister, whom ing in this splendid libraryond my nos- ,he called Angeli C al .an aies.s.fieetty band has just left his Morning kiss on tied good natured; and , 444.,A, mam my lips. It was really wonderful the servant, three saddle . 1:4‘ . 6,e9 end 'fern way it all came about. It would cer- dogs. . OddYy enough, every ticket was d it tainly never had happened but for nly changed for 'rue from that "Mordent. visit to Mrs. Renton. Angelleashe instated tipim• Calling 'her Last autumn I was invited with .my by her first nam . took turns with •me parents and my two sisters to spend a in playing the piano; and Was couple of weeks at Firgrove with the at the instrument .1 danced with-ler }leptons. Mamma refused at first brother. -She also occailicmally4took. to let me go, because she thou ht seat at the whist:table, allowed herself that four persons were enough for one be beaten at chess bye Blakeman,' , fi . r . i party, but Mrs. Renton would not listen aided me in thd nursery games.. ' • ' ny to her. She said that, apart from the One of the new saddleduarsesfentsgkgt pleasure of seeing me, she found rne for my sole use, and the two. splendid invaluable when the house was full, be- dogs were never so happy as when trot cause I did a thousand things for her ting by my side about the)aptinde or convenience and the pleasure of her curled up at my feet while Lett:tidied my guests, which a servant couldn't do, and dictionaries anti graminars. Mr. Crefton no other visitor would do; and that she wa4as teasing as . err when there were should like to keep me not only two listeners abort, but he defended me weeks but two years. My sisters had each a regular outfit for adroitly againt Amelia Monkton and t h e Aliens, who seemed to grudgente even the occasion, but mamma said that I ; A loo k at his face, and he eelchnntilled needed nothing. I suppose she was to share the library with me for'at least right, for I had a sprigged muslin for the a part of three hours' confinement. warm days, 'made out of a dress which Sometimes he Wrote letters, but more Josephine had worn the year before, frequ.ently he read with me Italian and and for cold weather I had green silk, German poets, instructing. me*.iespecting madd of one of Georgians's. They were the force and paint of the diction, quoting pierced a trifle, to be sure, for they had ' kindred passages from other writers and originally been low in the waist, and I I explaining Such imagery and•alitt'sions wore nothing which didn't button to the las I didn't fully understand. At Such throat, but I had a good supply of : moments there was in his manner a crimped runes to wear with them, and I I mingled deference and tenderness which , thought then, and think still, that they ' wholly won my confidence, and I some were very pretty. times looked up Suddenly from my book, Mrs. Kenton appeared delighted to i half doubting if indeed he wtsre the same see me, and although my sisters smiled person who shot so many sparkling st et my credulity in thinking her sincere, Irows:at me in the presence of the other my heart went out to meet her. Per- guests. haps she didn't mean it at all, but I im- My wardrobe began to look scanty, agined she did, and that put me at ease and although. Amelia Monkton and the at once. I still believe that I was right, three elllans sneered at my evening for she gave me a little room which had I dress, I should never have thought of belonged to her daughter Agnes, a love- asking mamma for anything. Mrs Ren ly child, who died when she was only ton must have hinted to her the propri ten years old. There was her portrait, -ety of sending me some more garments, exquisitely painted, and with a heart for soon after she had added a posteript full of love looking out from the meek to one of nay letters, I receiVed a hand blue eyes and voicing itself in the curves some silk, cherry and black, beautifelly of the delicately moulded lips. trimmed with lace; a maroon colored There, too, her bookcase --carved merino, with nice velvet ribbons, and a rosewood with glass doors—some of the !gout walking dress, with extravagatlGY most worn volumes, which were mature , heavy . boots. Amelia and her eompan enough for girls of eighteen. There, ions sneered again at my preparations also, were her writing desk and her ' for a winter campeign, but, Mr. Crofton, work basket with the needles in an en- who dropped into Mrs. Renton's' teriVate finished leaf, just as she left it. The sitting room While She weir locebag at chambermaid told me that I was the . the articles, s ae s ldupon seelitg" .. te first person who bad occupied the cham- boots, that they see& PIS: the' thii l l ber since Agnes died; and although I needed, iMd, thaehe . would' ask tee to fry was a little awed, and perhaps a little them in an excursion to , the Clati,-„a frightened, when I first went intolt, I high bluff which Commanded a lovely think its tranquil atmosphere, and the landscape. s memories of generosity and self-denial Accordingly, the next./notelet he which thronged about the beautiful pie- made up a party fbriirealthat,' btri' he ture, helped me to bear patiently the an- led us ...I..sely; I have B . , titleettatne noyances which I experiencedderine'eg gt a,, •. suds- ' ' a•and, my stay. ery over seen - wearisome bills, that' ev could not avoid, and which were at For there were annoyances which I body was full of complaints -exceptAii h I gelica and I, and after that"he politely times herd to endure, althoug ought ' set the rest aside. I enjoyed these walks not to complain, since they occurred in perfectly, because 'Mr. - Crofton wise at consequence of the favor in which I was once so gentle and so entertaining: •It held by those persons whom I admired was delightful to listen ,to fine . poetry and loved the most. The very first night ' and spier anecdotes .amid•lthe alarming , after my arrival at Firgrove, Mrs. Ren- ' scenery which werpasser*atnd although ton came and sat down by my bed. For ' I could add but little freer my , own a few moments she was s il ent and I , stores to the conversation, yet lam ' knew by her looks that' t made her sor- sure my face tnuat hayed expressed the 1 rowful to see me in Agnes's place. So I I pleasure which I received_ - •., put my arms around her neck, and my sky was notalwayscheerfni. The asked her to let me be, as far as I could, ! wee that Mr; Crofton could regard me a true daughter of the house, and do, as anything but a mere school-girl, had ' as far as I knew, all that Aeries would do , not occured to me. Mrs. Renton told If she were there there instead of me. ' rue,and °there thet her treother Wesi pleas- Mrs. Renton did not answ er 'immedi- i ed to find in the „house a:ed bitegent ately; she wept silently, but I don't I enough for a companion, yettoo young think there wee any bitterness in her , for fl irtation and.e.candal i and ULM,. were , tears. Bye and bye she kissed me with I older, he would not permit Memoir to ! out saying anything of Agnes. Inste ,c am e such marked attentions . ; "g o Am u ! of alluding to her, she told me that some monkton and heraetmatie me-teattneom of her guests were selfish and exacting, tenable by a series of !petty; antnayances and demanded more than their share of that I dreaded. to enter, the ..dristehig attention ; that others were feeble and metre end oace or twice rover' diped in had a claim upon her, while sir , : desired the-nursery with the twins te . elope to keeps little time for Mr. Renton, and their little malice. , look a little after the twins, Maggie and I could not accomplish this, do as I Annie. "One day," she continued, "one - would. I arms sftting,'*ith Maggie' tne day, my dear, you will know what these -twilight, - Inalciixt - g het - hand' while' she perplexities mean." went to sleep, whin Amelia and"Cofierad I laughed and answered that I should , stopped to talk.* the hall. ' The 'door never have a house of my own, for I was was partly emen, but' they did - gide - per- SQ small and dark and awkward that sews it; Midas my name was o f r e mamma despaired of seeing me married, first word' Spoken,. I could arof retrain and I was quite content to remain from quietly listening towbat camenext. papa'ai darling, for that was the title "Flow ridiculous Gilbert Crafton's which he always gave me. manner is toward that absurd - Child,' , „ , • . . - - Mrs. Renton replied pleasantly that suid Amelia. ' ' ' she knew very well from papa how nec- "Sheisn't absurd, and heisretridieu essary I was to him, bat that it was just torts," responded Conrad'. • "She 'is a possible that I might become as indis- bright little.thing,'. homely to besure, but pensable to another as I was to him. eartbetly unassuming; and:goethnirtured After she left me I lay awake' a long almost to a faultr and. he, Ilmegine, is time, wishing I could know the very glad to clime across oterof the sex Who words papa used when he spoke of me doesn't flatter him, and - who: -doesn't to her; for although I knew he loved me say 'yes' eternally to his, remarks and very dearly, he never told me so except propositions, however extravagant they by the tone ofehis voice and the warm may be." ' I .. glance of his eyes. "At any rate it isn't right ' for him to The principal topic of conversation be so exclusive , in his attentions. By I among a part of the guests at Firgrote I and bye she will think he wants to near_ was the anticipated arrival of Mr. Gil- ry her." - • bent Crofton, a brother of our hostess. "Perhaps be will Want to marry , her, Mies Amelia Monkton and her brother but I lose my guess if -she !snit as much Conrad, declared him to be by far the ' astonished as anybody when he tells - her beat match in the country. They spoke so,. if-sver, he does. • .Chne Alan& of him him as remarkably handsome, of good ever, is certsin*.#melirs,.yonlopty-alower family mansion, they said, with a ma g- youreelf by jpuertjg these Wobred e Allane nilleent lawn and garden„ a fine library in grubbing itirts Marion,, - 1 We've_ seen and endless quantities of silver and linen. Crofton's faci'atani :absolutely white . with I heard his name so o ft en that,' grew rage when Clara Allen. hod Kong her curious, and when a week passed by whit, her. mean, suspicious shafts." . without bringing him, I said that I hoped The speakers passed san g -keying me we shouldbave a peep at him'before we grieved, andanarry„-and oreshed c beneath should leave. I was sorry a minute theevagne sense of injustice Which 1 after, for Josephine laughed sneeringly, could no entirely naderenad. ~..half and Georgians replied that I expected to reeplyed not tOgo down to dinnera._ and make a conquest ofhim. then , : X- rentntolimred that .Angelica ; was Be did arrive the same evening, but I -gene, ondampne would be ,wIII4B to' saw very of him, for in the morn- ;play for-the: lancing, or to bear poet -Mr. , ing there was never any room in the Blaketnanle petdshnese; rio.. ineteatiof, carriage for me to drive, or a horse for indulging myself an unbappy l evenin me to ride, and if walking was proposed alone, I Madame Prettiest . teiß'eti,,dld my the twins were sure to want me to dress duty . thoronghly and cheerW andliras their • dolls or help on with a game. rewarded by a precious halrhodr with , Then, in the evening, I was always Mrs. Renton in her room before retiring . needed to play the piano -for the dancers, to mine. • or make a fourth at Whist or be beaten The Mocktons and Allan departed, at chess by old Me. Blakeman, who was and two other sets me and rr went; but so pettish snd quarrelsome over the 'My hOstesastill forind aoute„eacellenerea board that 'every one but me declined son why r - Shoorrpmain.,eakeliqly &t -his invitations. • ter Angelica 'hid Ult. rot twb weeks When thb fortnight was over my pa- we hid an old gentleOues who wanted rents and slaters returned home, . but somebody to read tti, hint a r ynry".diy, le Mrs.' Renton wouldn't listen to the pro- I gave iny"three licinre.of tmiuilatipn„ ai penal to take me with them. 'She said .FizlexercitiefOr aitts.„and4learfarit for that she had not been able to do any-, PIO I g r a ys -peleet i OdaM 'itOdirg thing . fai rev pleasure, and that I mint gely; if inati-Erialtiyaly donild n . eAt an' remain natal there were fewer guests , so nails" of Mrs. Mmteate'e m*4l; 4oagr. that I might haVe my share in the fee nearlyfelrid.' rsitallydurAtg/ere Idt, V an - - talking, of the ' louse. After a deal of Mrs. Banton was her Cortstant floMPoo -talking, mamma consented . to leave Me, ion. She walked; Ansi drciifis, iind sat he on sanditien that I would spend three side her, desmitog--iwerybpdy, -and lours I thelibtary . every day over my -everythintabon e.t,,as...e,aneritgrtellfenn• Italian and German. - witio4 in Q4oirtsii4r. 1...104--.WegVed Air-I CPI49A ieft, th e •, eael,h AlNTlthig bX.PP,ViIi.. 'B _,*l;,,i • & ---- •,,,, At ~ Vital CI; ".... : , . . ...^., ,:.,;•-4,. , ... , , , ,r.,.. . ~ • , • ' - OUR XARION'S MARRIAGE A Beatittral Stork. MORNING Pte , RuarAJUl2lo_, :,...-,, et- l`, -., " -- rp PLAIN ANDIANCYIOB- ....- •-- NW - muted la the best sity ~,,,,,,,-. , . SPE9dA,,,,O7SIrpAID-20 . RAILMAII(.; - '' ' - ' - -120Crilifilta .--, - t ..;-:..,....,-- a', .1.1,`"71C., z '''' l "-' ;- • • , - 4044 For 2`Klinkt!lltik :.:-.; ~.• .-,',1-11•1: g eat relit* Whet/lift& Mit *dal** to 1,9,?' estrisl......„4_,Y.titArifirrlln4l4P ass -,.• -ins -..--....t,,_ ~"thus.--gtite. •,. , time , innialKent.A. yl 1 Kiirimti" MEI ti 0 ' '; .451PairT1 1 -.l7;iza3 .h, 1.. ~. en, st _rirgrove wee { ;ninths When ' *rofe theft& ' - fitoliftfVo 'longst pare Ids-Wailing, ErMA4-4titbffon br outht.thetiftel - toirfe,l4 AliClibi*Y. ti ta Rithialt Napricti....ilydir iy . __ .rIPPIa-p-pe...* Join Mircl Ji ran re'W•ilkrtistithiairde:'"'-'-c -;o4ratatdoeitnitpargolterviheaskedilas irb , f 9- ---..,..4Ct5:r it prr_its, pßtifr.ntxt.4',Ao kii4.,di rect -' or 'he call ~!)-3 9 0.ra. .3.P.! cit-iir ally 16061-2" . ' - :•• . , • -! r th. in th"°' • ' Thud - Mt.-13toftoni stlitigatwely-and tenderly,;' ". Wordier' NW ••;. Kegs , inviter -!'- •- . , 7' r fie 441..figlie "IldWaist4ndi4g So' o, I ***tit -he - Wilie Ms lititiirtike My cheeks crimsoned stand eni3to *se cdsaltedif au fliAgOil t hWh9l).. 711 teased me ,hetepfote; ..tniftst,-.4 'Peen ''on'"differtliA eria•'' e sport of' me iitiViiniiiinTa to.itittliStfle' ' "I am antmaltifigzpart-nrKynktMai- jell," A@ tAtinffeTed s Sarl feTIU1:1•:!11 bare loo i sj y?p, pod, alone _mows how much, 'ever smee the ' first, iyeer kir-tior acquaintance', 'Whini•yott: 7 - nieited - •_rio quietly abotiti , sendihropease•-and min : shine ,througit-tho:Aispordtratilelinnents of. my sister's. ouse l ,f ) (mot p? lave spent - this, fitittMni, at 4spriltdk-Iftiel could not leave'yotiC- 'rentiriOf-Patt*Wlth you now, 'Marlon:: • Let nick - by Aoliiithe you loye , ma." ...• - .;t .. ;_e; '''• ' Re took . T . y hand as he• spolte,;ititi looked fall into tny_t:xes. 1 fifth he saw there an answermeWriror, forthfit moment I became conscious of my-ant - .tion for him,--an affection thatr r had ;been strengthening hour 6)9A0gtj,Pi.401.9:10Y days, Ile It have isedn'if, - i dm suit, for he snatehed me tin in hbrairtis,' ,s and carrying Me straight to Mrs.illtentnals sittinglooni, he exclaimed, " Mary, : 1' have -won her. ,, ' • I expected that' Mpi'teiifine,rititiim ' overintehned'- with' -and perhaps 7,anget, harahe 7embracedrane tltdetllYi rani: wAtitsdXria4ol- ' :Mace months ago,, dear marion, I" en'Alfat yen "wink! one 'day: Pe' 'Off i s' and mine-''- . Lf - 1 , 'J.: Ir, .icrt.).l-_ , ,. , ,, Mrs. Renton accompanied Gilbert and Pa o me to MY, 4 01 0 0. - ig!t.PIR. a4,44 0 t4 1 happy 4 0 , lee Htf••• 0 /44 0 1. fr -Et , W.,„itWat - the il'ougni that' e,batt b in ne Hint in my Itestt ; Inft'l.' canifeeiretidribe-Ihe receptions mamma and ;thercgirlsCga-ve, ,us; , Tlwre was a reffaelziAgerPft-An. their manner toward my;.AoMPItn,l% which! never saw then* ex.hih li - heti:we, and to tan they weieidfor,thetaistilhite, heartily affectionate. ;Theapetiodnfinet-• ti - 9•• ußeJecta *Ala 400 14 , 4 0 ?-10a 1 M0Eas over, attalsoxas that,4l - . 4e felit,, , ~a_ lc, -I dikreairid titi'mbiti '' , 14 1 Sled, **Warts: Reirwtt•tittlilf e o lloneeoie- ' z. , fore Mamie r idlittad for. - tlitedityLto4nota- P4e_PFP Ftrw‘ril tifigu!.4o.fta;Bll4oltrftik (Imo. • • . -k- , i.''-' ' I elor'tifiliAillif6lt'titituftle , ' - ' 1 f •thattitit . wait'sixilitenthit-agii,l4: - , la am really writingttat;th*geNe'z'AbOas TrAki la Y d iirgA i iki tii . - 44 .T 1 = n tT . ' ' ceilefii - e- Wa-• - •-tits.r„. ..?,..-11*-n,-*l - : ;A-T,o7X4roP 2 OdlakOgtigefosii 2 . • , .1 ''' ' ii 1 ,- -• 11. --, '''', 1 . . . ' ' ..' ' ' -r • '-' 7.7 - ;.: -7— ; - ---- ,:, ~ , 1 ra railtiaar ,1t0i . 447,1P7: , ._,..... 49 _-.Mrolkir' WE Witt= e pub 'lite abbte itri- / , Vll§ t ittf WlidO = /iiiillit "Tit, - 1 1411 RE ORME 'THAN - ANY MEN 411.4W4914; i mr-ae PMN...IIILAIde. '"ggirtienyVintrlrdp4alitk-OVek-alt alien 1 as to strength, tc.e.:., 2"/171:111frl 11 . troll , ,rtr r •A . i , 800 tIW Azglic 4 4 ger 'AT- , , r• - - - •., 1 , - iimi,ovva t or fit :,, 5 , 9.L . : ~ ._ ••••:.;_i.h klbtlittilidikibecenfieiiii in , -7. . , ,'_. • •,. P. .. A 'gratittlikettexam r. Altmann.% -,:" ~ • titanr y W - • •1:1 ,cona~, their nat e roirt :! • r'' ' edie,l,lllL.'itiosincb4j' "--,, ' tiallsnoksnadet V et, iTbesritit •. o9rduirAkilliiry*"tiair.idthmthi.hlioo. " I WIS - Ht. to break way. By 4 'me . likeli - Tsep.. - ;04 Thancluitt WfAI - OPOY - W. 0 _ 1 so that there no maw waste_ ,_ _ _ygi. upon e tea ser., thetooe - andrttua' Meta reausurpeThein- • 1171=111144Zg1. AlqeWar -= midi .1 MU ." 7 :s6eaAl.ir th6C ' . lady 0E4,104 al t NM, Aran ' hytittpw ~ i „taus 4r, Qo„ hiladehtdata„ ... , . ~ , , , , ,I In lhikpktent b[adT kiirfiViittanbetEto I I a .13144iMM M ,, -ib L i tg.. . sepluVe of own, tiat to berttt , 'sill extent , wittioulcittakzeref -4 th ' e-sl ' l4l iginia s Ing rercati v r °n dame te 4 tie i tip r O i 'LOP 1 4 4 1 . tr g el lloWY3l2s.ltuitagllLinkti 1 navedone Service in ......... 5 s ,, ..... an imprairenten 'an aittelelnartikdetoeui , _ - e) theetirger)et il,oe !TT alhunt.rnadl.ylth Pitart Alft4. 1 . .; ALTER:I4I,4a N. E. oar. Fourth andliaeio it it.rp a'r ~ .. mb2k-inukeoli. 1 , i't Oi ,- ;.ti .- : : .m,. it ,'1 [S., i i PlUS Hl Det i r i tinai F tL i t ") ) P. .1 3 + 4 t APO U7-WOOir t:4 ..•••••••• 11 TEISPaIr 1111110ALV'in' IFLAR •3711 - Itgair-twiEb • IT-4 .. ...„; rOur.triewill eed ReP4l4o4e* we . tr 3 eut thet we Fe skt nt ead'ior : bet-. ••• lbwoner mbiztaw:i f ; 1 2=elitl. HARMONIUMSi - JODEONSiIit. H.i-KLI33I3IIki'BRO4- &p 4 VilldnsgiellfsotOWStromitil To UMW foifintthipk: • • :f.:/ xrs su - )1: as : Ria.4l:#;: 00" V Ativi tvriqa di theFhb . ibtirgb enthAirdidtrilileimietwiseitkintleniviami 2 d ttablatlinA PlabPcbg • 4aUtaareateureor. I Ismiock*,«..maus arat!outAnelengt,th• I, A11404140;29 1,3 0 Wen atirtiolretlat pd.ai ditqatritaiisVofik 4 On fittecii* 4 «ffbilliaindtethii*MitorAW, EUSTI.444-141TNAM of - tliztEx&it r 11111 P M 11,11 4 1f", ,4 11 , ,1l 11) rilrel _ ' aift ifk -,,)-:. i h miil 11.1 "it strazsilf,gi t-1 4. 4.zN- , -;-71' , ;' fr , ,,fie. , '. , ...,%1 a!....i, qi . Dit, ~ r , !, E:o. •: •AT:i4 ,-: q -a it* • F?Tr kr-