The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, April 16, 1864, Image 2

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    aite,g Rik t3rfst.
- ----
. Speaker COLFAX has succeeded,
afterneaxlra week's agitation,in getting
his , tresolution of censure of Mr. LONG
thitiugli"the House of Repfesentatives;
andinow we presume that that august
assemblage, as well as the country at
large, will breathe freer and deeper be
genie of that most extraordinary con -
greOlienal performance. Upon this res
olutibn of censure the Abolition mem
beraexhibitedpore anxiety and energy
then c :theY , 4tre in relation to any meas
ure of legitimate legislation which has
iiem4et proposed for the relief of the
country. The truth is that the party in
poWer luts no conception of its responsi
bilities. It is made up of mere trim
iners,imen without any fixed opinions;
who follow the lead of designing and
fanatical leaders, who appear to have
"eaten of the insane root, which takes
the rdason captive." While the country
is%ldeding at every pore and rocking in
the trery throes of dissolution—after
congress being in session for four
niontlis--while the people are apprehen
siveund discontented,and while the press
of the country is almost unanimous in
its demands for immediate legislation,
the Speaker of the House descends from
his'potition to offer a resolution expelling
a mentber for exercising the freedom of
debatii. The absurdity and tyranny of
this his alretipy been so well expnsed
that it requires no further discussion.
W 6 will venture to predict that Mr.
Speaker COLFAX will not again descend
to. such party partizan clap-trap, as long
as 'he occupies the Speakership of the
House. He has been handled so rough
ly, and by , some independent papers of
histrwn party, that he will not likely
covet a repetition of it for the balance
of his t congressional career. He made a
Moat Serious blunder, showing himself a
partyillespot, requiring only the power
,mke his will supreme. He, and
those 'who think as he does, now see
that the common understanding of the
people isnot satisfied with the suppres
sion o free speech, even if it does occa
sionally rush in to unnecessary extrava
gances This position the Democratic
ptess of the country have been laboring
to niai ' ntain ever since the plea of "neces
sity" was started by the Administration.
We rejoice to see some of the most intel
ligent of our political opponents, even at
this late day, coming to the Democratic
silit4 the question.
Mr. Speaker COLFAX in offering the
resoltition in question, showed himself
a petty tyrant and demagogue; in his
dos* speech, in favor of its passage,
he exhibited himself a fantastic and silly
egotist. In order to justify himself, he
sought for precedent, and where does
the reader suppose . he found it? Why in
the case of .Hmerrtv CLAY, while he was
Speaker of the House, leaving the chair,
during the war of 1812, to reply to the
anel.War speeches of the New England
Federalists. There is no analogy in the
two uses, any more than there is corn
parisOn between the men themselves.
Even While the 'Federalists were plot
ting tb defeat our arms and indulging in
the most violent denunciations of the ac
tion of our Government, Mr. CLAY did
not leave the chair t o move their expul
sion; he was content with exposing the
infamy of their proceedings. Had Mr
Com* acted sensibly by combating
Mi. ViWs' opinions, he would be ex-
cusable. That was not his purpose;
howei l er, he sank the statesman in the
demagogue, in"-order to manufacture
chesp r irriottem . staltient to insure his
re- . o &don for and re-election to the
next C4igress.
This Imovement of the German and
other 'Radicals in the West, is progress
ing with the velocity of a locoinotive,
but her l o in our county, where Radi
calism is so predominant, it does not sp.
peat to get on so fast as it might under
existing i circumstances. Some of FRE
morrr's fiends account for this because of
thebarnkeles who have put themselves
forward as his . especial champions. In
every coMmunity these barnacles abound.
Oid worn out, ragged and hungry politi
cians fatten themselves upon some pop
ular cattr, but instead of giving it
strength , and motion they invariably
succeed in, weakening both. This we
fear is the condition of things in this
county in regard to the Fronton' move
ment. But a few Months ago he was a tow
er et strength, but the barnacles alluded
have damtiged him to a serious extent.
This dilapidated condition of the path
prospects may be easily mend
ed. Let the real friends of his cause,
and of immediate emancipation, negro
stifffage and miscegenation, call a meet
ing and eXclude from it the.barnacles to
whom welhave alluded, and there can
beano doubt of its success. FREMONT is
the man f?r the Radicals; all that is'ne
celum,to shilvi It is to put,him • Leyond
th reitchlof persons whose - Champion
ship , crush the pti4tspects Of a
Gen. JACESON. Why, it is now well as
cern-tinedd that one of the speeches made
at the late PREE6IONT meeting in Wilkins
Er ,44.93,1 cause of the late rise in gold
InoNeVr- York, as well as the upward ten
dency' ofEffour-here among ourselves. If
th t affitenikleislmve any compassion for
tteeliociratit neettramong us,-they will
heraifter : ikrahr - ,firs: conduct which
will, if persisted ptietfie common ne
cesituries or beyond the. reach of the
Onder ' " - • .
10E,84d . re Sun notes as theeirsOk
otiike -"AP ,_
tendency" of gold on
Weaceo97;that Florpr advanced l2i tr.
wheat aat3e; per bushel;
convimver:liishel; pork $1 a •barrel,
, n ws. 7 4 l lV ii , 0 10 14 au .Other •stliCkgi
FORREST is said to be "living in clover"
at present, at Clover gEddge near Jack
•son Tennessee.
IN 1859 the Wal*Walla, vcilley in
Washington Territotilpnit4Uy:
forty farmers. Now it,losa
THE Democratic victiti qfprillObslt
111., on Tuesday, waOtomplite,t.-eVeryi
man on the ticket.bei*leoto, by ma-:
jorities ranging froptlWl.W.
THE annual di4dena of 7 PWcent. on
the preference shares of the Terre Haute
and Alton Railroad has been declared
payable on the Ist of May.
13 Trectire --- Cambria Iron
Company have declared a dividend of
six per cent., payable on and after the
30th instant.- •
IT IS an established fact that sermon
factories exist fp England. Clergymen
who subscribe LS a year, are furnished
with a weekly supply of sermons.
DR. KIRKIIIIIDGE, in his report of the
Insane Asylums of Pennsylvania, notes
the enormous increrse of female patients
whose insanity is caused by the loss of
relatives in war.
ME tax on spirits is $1,23, tobacco,
30c. per pound, with graduating scales.
The committee estimate that the bill will
produce about $800,000,000 revenue. It
will be reported Tuesday. A small tax
is imposed on crude, and 25c. on manu
factured petroleum.
A FELLOW named Lee reported to bea
special provost marshal, got into a distur
bance with a saloon keeper, in New
York, Monday night, and accusing him
of harboring a deserter, drew a revolver
and discharged it at his opponent three
times. All the halls took effect, but
none fatally.
by transporting garden sauce from Stti
ten Island to New York City in a small
sailboat. Now he is reputed to be worth
about $20,000,000. The trouble of it is,
however, he, didn't make the twenty
millions out of sauce—he quit peddling
and went to doing something else.
man, named Jacob Peifer, resided at
Grapeville, Westmorland county, was
killed at Geore's Station, Pennsylvania
Railroad, on Friday last, by being caught
between the cars of the "wood train"
and the side of the cut—the train being
thrown off the track by a broken rail.
IT is rather a risky speculation to lease
the confiscated rebel plantations in Tex
as, Mississippi and Louisiana. Guerril
las hare a vary unpleasant way of hunt.
ing about these estates, and running
away with the lessee and all his stock.
Gen. Grant,s brother in-law was recent
ly- "gobbled" in . this way off a cutton
plantation below Memphis.
IT costs $2,66 to see the various de
partments of the New York Fair, which
includes "charge for viewing a lady's
hand, 23; charge for viewing a brick,
10." It should be explained, perhaps,
that the "view of a lady's hand" is an
inspection of the--soft, white hand of a
beautiful female through a microscope.
The brick, ditto.
As exchange says "A lady friend of
ours was in Chicago the other day, and
was asked by her cousin how she liked
the Balmoral stocking. "0, very well,"
was the reply. "Well, I don't" said the
cousin; "nor will I wear them either; I'll
be hanged if I'll make a barber's pole of
my leg for the sake of being fasihon
A MAN was convicted of blasphemy in
a town in Canada recently, and senten
ced to three months' imprisonment at
hard labor, and to pay a tine of five dol
lars. It is said that he was putting up
a stove pipe at the time the offence was
committed, which fact the Court was el
oquently implored to take into consider
THE NEW EnA.—The new Fremont
organ at Washington City has made its
appeartuace. The following is a brief
summory of its political faith.
• "Economy in the publis expenditures,
the accountability of all officials, the
speediest possible return to the legal
forms of peace and the Jacksonian prin
ciple of confining our President to a
single term of office, will all he steadily ,
maintained by The New Era."
THE money article of the Philadelphia
Ledger says:—There are contradictory
statements as to the success of the new
Ten-Forty 5 per cent. loan. One account
says it is in demand, and that on Mon
day of this week the Department at
Washington was notified of the sale of
over two millions of dollars. On the
other hand, the New York Commercial
Adverti ser says "the selling of gold cer.
tificates and the negotiation of a five per
cent. loan" are "palpable failures."
CROPS.-A writer at West Milton,
Miami county. Ohio, writes concerning
the crops: The wheat in this region was
considerably injured by the hard weather
in February and March, some fields al
most entirely destroyed, nearly all more
or less damaged, but where it is not en
tirely killed it. is improving rapidly un
der the influence of the present favorable
weather, and should it continue we will
have pretty fair crop. The fruit Is almost
entirely used up.
THE fable of the man who killed the
goose that daily laid him a golden egg is
exemplified by the attempt of the rad
icals in Congress to abolish slavery.
They are short sighted and do not seem
to know the fact that the blow.which kills
slavery will also give at the same time a
quietus to the abolition party. It lean
ill wind, etc., so that however much
wrong may be done by the abolishment
of slavery, there will remain the good
that the abolition party must go down
with slavery.
THE N. Y. Tribune says: "The Sen
ate Committee on Foreign Affairs have
had under consideration for some days
the question of raising the salaries of
our diplomatic agents. The pressure on
the committee for this increase is very
great. The committee are convinced
that in some cases there should be an In
crease, as the salaries of many of our
commercial agents are too small. No
conclusion was reached." Of course
there will be an increase, but soldiers'
wages will continue at the old $lB per
month. Republicanism, as well as Re
publics, is untgraeful
Taut Philadelphia Press (Republican)
says: "Congress should tax. Heavier
taxation is demanded by the country,
and every day we suffer from the failure
to impose it. The power to prevent the
evils which threaten is with Congress
alone; and unless this power is speedily
exercised the people will have the right
to accuse their representatives of posi
tive neglect of duty." . Yesthe people
will very - speedily demand extra taxa-
tion, when they are compel led every day
•to .resort to "strikes" to get wages
enough to buy bread:. What the people
demand is retrenchment and an over
_ - -
throw ,of the public plunderers who are
stealing and wasting the public funds.
Tilb New York correspondgnt of the
Philadelphia Ledger says, on Wednes
day: "Things have an ugly 4 look in
Wall street and general business, Circles
to-day, and men appear to be laboring
under a presentiment of somenew crisis,
without being able to say exactly when
oiowhat. • Mr. Chase's tibw invention for
keeping down the price of gold, the cer
tificate system, has been n' dead failure.
LilEd Manqu.o's ghost. "It will not
dtkvertwat the bidding of the Secretary
or arty 4
b y else. Of course, e v erything
elie`ib.- pithy with gold, is up, flour,
wheat?mr l barley, coffee tea, pork,
b ee rivto-At i aild. Other articles, which
ackij:TO &light gilii . e, yeaterday, are
upatilthigheiltolda; -
,7 tftVZIE e ~.= ;1; ,19431". LiGt..: , .Ji,;
The Life of the Nation.
The following extra eloquent reamrks
are from a- , recerit4ilinech of the in
trepidk ar. '' .
CQX.-lef Ohio on the expulsion of
Mr. Long:
OWL Cox-I will answer the question.
'ii aii used to laughter from that side of
Ithe House. It does not distract me, for
laughter is not logic. -
~ What is the-ii&of the nation, sir, of
'which we hear so much? I know no
other life of the nation except that incar
nate in the written Constitution, which
protects property, person, home, con
science, liberty, and life. Take away
these and there is no nation. Society is
stagnant and dead. The gentleman re
gards liberty as the life of the nation-a
sort of ill-defined liberty for black and
- White, I suppose. I regard the Constitu- '
tion as the embodiment of constitutional
freedom in this country, the very body,
life, and the soul of the Union. That is
the Constitution of the United States.
When you strike that down you strike
down the life of the nation. Therefore
we, on this side, have determined, in
order to save the life of the Government,
to save the Constitution from destruction. I
Mr. Jullian-Will the gentleman al
low me to ask him another question ?
Mr. Cox-If the gentleman is not fully
answered I will say this, THAT UNDER •
[Cries of "that's it!""that's it!"from the
Democratic side of the House.) As
Judge Thomas has said, "I would cling
to it as the bond of unity in the past, as
the only practical bond of union in the
future; the only land lifted above the wa
ters, on which the ark of the Union men
be moored. From that ark alone will
go out the dove, blessed of the Spirit,
which shall return bringing in its mouth
the olive-branch of peace." To compass
its destruction as a probable or posible
necessity is the very "gospel of anarchy,
the philosophy nf dissolution. If there be
any man in this chamber who holds or
utters any other sentiment in reference
to the Constitution and his oath than this
which I have expressed, I say to him
that language has no term of reproach,
and the mind no idea of detestation, ad
equate to express the moral leprosy and
treason couched in his language and
clinging to his soul. I will not designate
such utterances by any harsher language
in a parliamentary body.
When interrupted by the member from
Indiana, I was about to go a little further
in answer to what the Speaker said in
reference to the Democracy of Ohio.
Mr. speaker, I took a part in the cam
paign of last year, as I said, not because '
I approved of the peculiar peace notions
of my former colleague. It was well i
known in Ohio that my votes did not al- ' -
hut' ir''i r iEN TIS TRF.-T HET H EX
when, by an arbitrary arrest, ways coincide with his altogether;
..p ac pa ted r... llthout pain by the use of Dr.
without raudry.
warrant, without li fair tr:al, i n defiance
.J . I , • X.I 0 F .F" M. .A. ZS .
of the Constitution, in defiance of a law DENTIST.
passed by ourseh es, in defiance of Eng- ' All work warranted
fish and American traditions, petitions 134 Smithfield Street,
and bills of right, he was arrested and ex- Juadyd PITTSBURGH.
fled, the Democracy of Ohio raised an
issue in favor of lair trial, free speech. TO RESTORE THE SICK To
the immunities of personal freedom, and HEALTH -The blood must be purified '
llmedicines are useless which do not poe. ,
an honest and lawful administration of ; sead all
the quality of Stimulating the to die- ,•
public affairs. That was our only issue. charge its Impurities Into the bowel blood s. Baur.
I took ground everywhere in favor ot" keel:l'B riaLhLoSuirbseern thisq
u'ttylin a high de- ;
the liberty of the citizen and the integ. g 4 e u e iil . yr ' useful for child= e lnd ,d tilts ; T lzprz 1
city of the Constitution. Disagreeing al- to tote sexes, and are as Innocent as bread, yet
ways with the peculiar tenets held by m . o i s i t ,,, eff;e i c o tive j as a b medicine.B Sp ringville, I
Ind. .
him in relation to coercion, I held that ' writes to It. Brandretrust ra d a er date of May lith,
he had the anon. right to speak for peace ttell ...
used your as the soldier to fight for it. But I will "I,,llagisured lnvaluable Vegetable t rni-
say this for him, that nowhere, here oral always curednniy family
wh o si t n h e e e r medicines i;n
home, did lie ever utter a sentiment or of no avail. I e ven
have been e the means of my neigh- i
tr t i . ti: t if & e hu b r i l a dred . s ci t_ f i tle t ; t ru th ' worth and I am i
do an act looking to the recognition of
the Southern Confederacy, He said in in messed h y ealO: through their ou ure. ci
per cent.
I ,
his place in this House, again and again, used in this region for -1 3 1 1lous and Liver his. ;
, eases, tt t - e etzr a t rui A
peegue and in all rhefauma.t
they" are and quoteci„AMr. Calhoun's opinions on
the Mexican war in his justification, that •• ' the great re th liance in Meknes, e es
nd I trust 3 y .
he would not oppose the voting of men venerable life may be long spared to prepare so
excellent a d m m ed . ic o in u e r f l o o r w t e h s e t. ut i te tee of b nr..n it :,.
~ , ,
and money to carry on this war, the re
sponsibility for which he did not covet , Sold by THOMAS RIED.PATII, ) Pit e tib r urg u it, '
nor bear. But, sir, be never would con- and by
All respectable dealers In medicines. BANK 1100 KS,
(In manuscript, ) embracing all the best forint, In
sent to a peace based upon recognition.
He so said in the North, and he said the • . . . , use among private Bankers t 'fir new enlarged ;
edition of DUFF'S
same in his exile in the South. We were
now in press, pronounced by competent author- .
defeated In tihio on account of the issue
made on the peace sentiment. I bowed
lty "A perfect system for ouch books and a, of
Li eVitt t io; , i at. ot o l r h o Dio Lewis' t. new system I
, aseistsuce of Out Supetinteielent, Mr. THUS. B. •
to that decision. , counts." In this department students have the at CdIeC n ERT HALL, Y o in n I n T a l n i t U R S DAY" Efgr n - !
But. sir, while there are some in ~ u i
, SMITH, an eel - we - fenced Practical Mercantile ' - • )
• t o
inn we-
At - ril 21 t,
, ; time A series of feats with the Light Dumb
party opposed to coercion and in favor , I Accountant. and I, :mei I v Clerk ef a mississiPPl hells, exercisen with the Gymnastic Ring and
, 4testher
of a peace indiscriltdnately, without re-
Wand are to be performed, betides other highly
our full course of business practice include: entertaining exercises, all to be enlivened by a
gard to consequences, the great body of LYON'S KATHAIIIO:I,.-KAT H A about
musical enterteinment.
the Democratic people in our State and Iron is from the Greek word e Kathro.''
FIFTY 131's.INE`..s BooKs, Doorsopen at 7 o'clock; exercises to commence
in the North have never gone beyond
a ' a r d " r K e to
article i;
I . ) o c t i , e e a t use, rejuvenate
at 8 precisely Admission 25 cents; children un
book, 4 Caeh-Books, 4 Salee-bouke, 2 Invoice- der twelve ) ears, Ii cents. Tickets to be obtain
one conclusion; and that is, they are for flea. For presera ire, restoring and i"
beautifyingmeini- viz. 11 Ledgers, 7 Day-Looks, 6 Journals, 6 Bill:.
ever opposed to curtailing the limits of the human hair It is the most remarkeble MI at the principal music stores and also at the I
paranoia In the world. It is again owned and I books, 1 rilte(2„nr-b°°. k, 1 Check-register, I De- door- n914-1w
our empire by the recognition of a new
1 Hand's-register, t I, 2 Passaage-
I.utllt-regist,r, - Collection -registers, 1 ".tickler, .
and put up by the original preprietor, and is now
OP:198: OP THE
, made with the name care, skill and attention
nation carved out of OUT territory
made up of our State and people. Come a torn gnus It a sale of over one million bottles books, I Yuel-book '1 hese books practically re- Pit A ts T b N u E „h, e lp ic r ' r,B ° 9l l ,l . 00"
i cord about I , IX 11l N DRED 13CSINEe,,
war, come peace, come any thing, we ‘ per annum.
It is a most delightful Halt Dressing. cotuprehending DUlk 's Ai of DirectorsDivi- I
would bring about a restoration of the ' It eradicates scurf and dandru ff . original plan of business educatiou introduce .1 od f
T have than day declared a ,
en o
.. VO AND . oart.-RALF (23 , 0 per cent.
old Government, with the old order. 1 It keeps the head cool and clean. ; twenty-tive years ago. liow far others ha,:. the Capital Stock of the Uompany, out of the
Our determination is to follow the line of I it makes the hair rich, soft and glossy. succeeded In Imitating him will be best seen I , onon igfr the quarter ending March Stet
1 comparing the business papers and books of their offs, earn
for the prevents the hair from falling Drina
, e ( tree or government taxi) on and i
fluty laid clown - try the distinguished Go- turning gray pupils with those of the graduates of this inn ;
, 7 after the IS T OF MAY prox., at the general'
vernor of New York, Horatio Seymour, It restores hair upon bald heads. , tution.
ottice of the Company in Pittsburgh to the stock-
to superadd to force the policy of con- : b eillrolfalleLr"sir.aolledmunnse who ton v ,s aliz a s t li , beautiful o I HARPER'S ENLARGED EDITION fiy ' holders whose stock is registered there, and at 1
the agency of the Compauy, (Messrs. Winslow,
ciliation; not to withdeaw our forces is know n end used throughoUt the civilized wOrld. I DUFF'S ntiorc KF.EPING Larder .e. C 0.,) No. b 1 Wall street, New York, to 1
from the field and yield to the Soutlain- Sold by all respectable dealers.
' Price eel 75. Postage 20 cents Sold by Book- the stockholders whosestock isregistered there. ,
dependence, but to superadd one other ,
sellers generally . The transfer books of the Company will close ,
New II
1 ork.
at 3 o'clock p. m., on the ad day of May prox , i
I element of Union-kindness and Chris- i _,_ The following testimoniels Indicate the charace and will remain closed till 10 o' 1 cif •
c o a. m. on the ,
--- e- 77 ---- --. ----I•seeseir.......--,, - • . ter of this work:
tianity. If gentlemen cannot under- '
"No other work upon Book-Keeping explains . 17 . 11 3 a ooffe:ilearyo the
thereafter. of
stand how two such ideas are compatible
, the subjects with so much clearness and simplle- se y is ei W. H. BARNES, See'y.
in the same mind with each other and
FW. EDMUNDS, ' '- -
with patriotism, I cannot teach them , Cashier Mechanics' Bank, Wall at., N. 'y yoriE PARTNERSHIP HIE-ItElre-
, "It glees a clear insight into all departments 1 fore existing between A. J. BARER, ,
While we have been ever ready to sus. '
lof this science." AS. EliAsElt THOS. WILSON, WM. WILSON, GEORG E
fain our gallant soldiers in the field by
HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM.- i Cashier of eeventh Ward Bank. N Y. ' FRANTZ and others, doing business under the
Our money and 011 r men, we have been tgir This is the most delightful and eictraordi- , "As an extensia e ellip owner, Acaeriean
and name of MONONGAHELA COAL CO., is here-'
aiso ready at every hour of triumph and 1 1., , , c , z , aLt c ic e le ,, e , t i te h t discovered. t chang
tin f e e s . the sun I European merchant, bank director, etc. he has t t d f i t e r s o ol w ve i ll b f y )e m so ulu e al gonsf t i lpi a t er buslne o es o o f f ,
the eo re t i .s iu " tation of the highest order of bu
at every opportunity for compromise to ravishing benauty ato a pear l y
impartingthen 6 i n arblepu t r?t re v oil bum.
e s
, having claims will prese y nt them inimediately;
those owing the said arm are expected to call and I
extend an honorable amnesty to the err- youth and the disttnerue appearance so inviting' JOHN W BURNHAM, Merchant
settle. A. J. BAKER,
ing; not the jugglery - of the Executive I I
i n the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, I No b South at., New Yor . k.
reckles 'pimples and roughness from the skin, I -Mr Dull is a man of rare uallecations for ;
amnesty, based upon a proclamation of leaving ' the complexion fresh, transparent and i business." CI WM. WILSON, , j
abolition which is a lie, but an amnesty smooth. it contains no material Injurious to the I JOHN M D TAYLOR, Merchant, GEO. FRANTZ ,
which shall bring back the great body of skin Patronized by Actresses and Opera Sin- . '
T_ U nion st, New Orleans. aplll-Iwd
_ ___ and others.
Sera. It Is what every lady should have. Sold e
the people South-if it be yet possible- I i e r , er erywhere Prepared by Mr Duff is a merchant of the first respects- rolliE leo% n.ST AND MOST SPT.E.N-
to their old allegiance. We desire to It'. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. ' Imlay. - J LAND'S, Merchant, New Orleans. ' .1. DID
Address all orders to
. _. - I graduated In Duffs College In half the time
make our victories consequential by the
1q....ine...5. b. BARNES Ft en., I expected. His admirable system includes uoth- STEEL ENGRAVINGS 1
rehabilitation of the States as they were,
New York. ing superfluous, nor leaves out anything ebbell
and to make out of them and not out of ,
.............,,,„,_„,...„,„,„_ ,
nal." J. R. COMPTON,
Cashier Niagara Bank, Lockport, N. Y. 01 the two lights of the Catholic Church of I •
illegitimate States-the offspring of a ,
"It contains much matter important to the America, the Most I ' W. BODENRAMER, N. D.,
corrupt Executive-the old Union, one
, merchont.” C. O. HALSTEA_D,
n 1 854 Broadway. NEW YORK.
and invisible - I President Manhattan Bank, N. Y . REVS JOHN HUGHES, D• u., i
This is the policy of the Northern De.
"The most complete work of the kind I have s
W. R. nonEnnsarzn, lit. D.,
mocracy. Upon that platform we intend . ever seen.- JAMES P. 3112 BRAY, I
President Exchange Bank , Pittsburgh. • First Archbishop of New York ; . Office, No. 146 Third street Office h o
front . r
to contend in the November election. 1 m REIMSTREET'S INIMITABLE i
' 9 to 4p.m.
I ... .
Whoever may be our candidate, that will , HAIR RESTORATIVE, NOT A DYE, ' l:The most cl ear and comprehensive that I
but restores gray hair to its original color, by fl•anois Patrick M'Kenriok D D •
be our doctrine, and you cannot, as the supplying the capillary tubes with natural sus- (:ashler Bank of Pittsburgh ,D. D. . MY the Medical and Surgical treatntept Of.
gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Wash- , tenanee, impaired by age or disease. All mates- "Yon have your own long experience as a Chronic. 131 nea.464 ''
burne) tried to do yesterday, give it a 1 rancour dyes are composed of lunar caueric. des- merchant to good use in this work " Archbishop of Baltimore, •
Especially those tattle LOWER .110 WE High
different interpretation because of the troLi c tig ot thg e v in itali v tLan no d beauty ; ess of the hair, and t
d ing. liellastreet's 1 RICHARD IR Yllv., Merchant,
No. et, Front street , N Y PRICE ON ir- - v - *fsi.oo. ;',I-Pues' c°naTtP l "°°' 'tub' Pi a"'reg.alitallr'''
the Bowel, aeration of the Bowel, eture
speech of my colleague, (Mr. Long,) or Inimitable Coloring got only restores hair to its I "The favorable opinions already ep ' ' by
of the Bowel, IM. . Also, the various Oho 'ad
because of the partisan attempt to expel nattiral color by any easy process, but gives the , gentlemen of competent authority a n re well de- Also, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS of the same, , Diseases of the Womb, the KklneYes U tz Ur...,,.
hair a
I served and very properly bestowed.-
him for the sentiments he has uttered.
der, etc.
Luxuriant Beauty, CHARLES Itl. LEUPP, ON ~,245 CENTS, ______________________.
We accept as cur platform the integrity
4 Az i
New House
Cl New 13004
of the Union. Upon that platform we eradicates dandruff, tn 1 tan.rid prevent.
Impartseth f and p g le o a f i f t: ' ROBERT KELLY, Just received at
will never, in any emergency of this Re- antness to the head. It has stood the test of (Specialmere C4mltnittee of the Chamber of Com-
No. 10 Bt. Clair Street.
public, yield up this country and its Con- ' time, being Lye original Hair Col and an i d x . , l i s , 1 l ' Etract from the Minutes.) I H, D. BRECHT &CO 'S
. ,
..,.. "..,,...,
stitution to secession, and to its baleful I Lo en n t sl o a ni nt e l . T . Li t r i e t lsi e r t ,:g it t I:v .0 ot, uaea 1 ,
hi by all respect t a- PROSPER M. WETMORE, Secretary i Sole agenta for Pittsburgh and Allegheny
counterpart, abolition. "Amid all the Le dealers, or can be procured by them of the ' "Your Committee unanimously one
men the I County, -.UST RECEIVED rit oaf
darkness, the thick darkness around us, I commercial egenta, 1). S. BARNES & 00., an I opinion of the utility of the improved n hod I el eastern cities, a large and well selected stock
' Broadway, New York. Two sizes, 50c. and et. o f Mr. Duff," GURDON J. LEEDS , NO. LYS SMITHFIELD STREET, of goods, designed for the Spring and Suninter )
we will cling to the single sinapl e, sublime
trade, consisting in part of the following goods; ,
, Recording Secretary of the American Institute, ' ' Between sth and Rh second door from Viriirin FRENCH CLOTHS and cassimirsEs rAtitl ' '
issue-the Constitution, and the Union ; -
alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. CY ENGLISH, GERMAN and - , -4.astittai4s-, ,
of which it is the bond; the old Union. ,
arr. L. PETERSON la our traveling agent. COATINGS and CASSIITERES of lartiollff
God bless the old Union, and the wrath ,
ON Xl*M. 11. DUFF'S PENMANSHIP.. spa every shade, style and color, allot which/ : will - r
of the Lamb of Gott shrivel in their very I
TIVELVE FIRST PREMIUMS PRIM( STOCK OP - make up to order in the latest '
and moid fashion..
able manner by experienced workmen at . - didit '
sockets the arms lifted to destroy it; not
for the best Business and Urnam,ental Penman
notice and reaameable terms. Ala o , ll / 1 1 41111S0eir.
in vengeance, but in mercy to them and ship, awarded our and
Yeoman, by the 1 Gents' Furnishing Goode, such Mare unlein7
I farmxxicA3l MUSTANG PIN 1" united States Fair at Cincinna ti in n,
' 1. 1 1. _A_ N 0 S
to all mankind." MENT.-The parties in St. Louis and „, ~..,„,_ State Fair 1860 , kept In tirstelass furniehtng Rom. Ordinairs.
licited and promptly:executed.
-e-__--;-__----. Cincinnati who have been counterfeiting the I
Western i
at Mu-lug ....... 1860 I Now received by the subscriber tram the
W. H. MeC.F.F.,
, mustang Liniment underpretence et proprietor- Western Virginia Fai r hl Fair
Vit .
at .. eelltg
Pittsburgh... .MO i factorit i l
No. 10 St. Olahr
_ ' ship have been thoroughly estopedathe Uourts.
. 1 • 840 i cHICK.E.RING & SONS, apls PittsburV ill n, a.
And Ohio '
An t h e State Fair at Cleveland
To guard against the -fltrther fin lion, I have,ll3a2 !
procured ftomthelaratectStates ary aH- All Or which are erthildted at our 'office. FIAZELTON BROS., F11:14A.I. •NOTTerV...---.
vale steel-plate revenue stamp,. which. is pla c ed "Perfect gems of the Penman ' s art."-Pitts- i
- .
over the tap of each bottle. E ach stamp mat bus - oh Post.
the fac-stssite of my signature and Without which "These performances en only beW. P. EMERSON,
excelled by ,: I NTERNAL RE VENVIL-BN. IN.
11. strnetions received from the Coturdssimmir
the artielels a counterfeit, d angerous and worth- the author. "- Pittsburgh Gazettr
MULLER., 011341 N & CO.,
less imitation. Examineeveryhottle;ThisLin All his ornamental de .
i; -
! of Internal Revenue, It fa imperative thatqrs. -
imeat has been in use anti growing in favor for markable performances."-
t itt are s ne? and re
&C., &C. comes should be returned before the FIRST
many' years. There hardly exists a harslet on "The late Western Pennsylva n ia ng G a z e tte.
. OF MAY, 1864. Therefore notice la hereby-I:lc
the habitable globe that does not contain evi, ed Ulm eta First Premiums in fair award- '
alt branches of the , Prices From 8 22 tr. Itcs O . len that all persons who fatl to make vetoer price. ~.,
dence of its wonderful effect& 'lt 15 the best arte_Ohio State Aro purchasers are solicited to eon and examine date will have a ret
f to the above mentioned UM
emollent. In the world. With iteiresent ite-
I made out for them by the • •
,th...... t ..itineunnel
---- before purchasing elsewh ere. from from the best information
proved in,grechents, its e ff ects upon -man and
"AS' 0 MELLOR, , 1 PENALTY OF 50 PER omm lit ' '
beast are perfectly remarkable. Bores are bees
mhltl .
Wo°(1 It ' , ADDED. .
ed, painsrelteved, li ves saved, valuable animal,
made useful-, and untold illssaspaged. -Formai,
-wmilatig dre.I.ONR,:/27 LIBE RTY. ; , HENRY A. WEAVER, Assessor
bruises, sprains, rheumatism , irisenigg, tdtes, is 8
, Pzrrsinntwit, Agents for:i Office 106 Fourth street
caked batiste, strained horses, Sc., It Is a Silver.
Russell Rower. itfd Reaper, Buckeye.Nower I apls-2td&ltw .Pittabingials,e
that should never be dispensed
andifewel.Quaker Mower and Sea T _ 1
IIaWELLiNGI aor.szs wasTED-At
M. re nou.l4 be An every family -Satd.it7
pi _Mower and Reaper, Farmer _Mower, , SlZood i - Ay good loeations in the `My or' rubinta at'
all aru,ggists.- '
- o -,,
nor, sad HOMO Rake Ray Ebfirstore i fro m /AIX* to 65, 0 M Airl a tk i
D. 8. BARRES, New York.
ru_iikeult, and Fanning Ltriplementazgal I IL
SIN I 'R — OnThursday evening, April 14th,
1864, lire. E,LIZA BETH 3-INPER, wife of George
Singer. sr., in the sixty-seventh year of her age.
The funeral will take place from the residence
of her son-in-law, Jno. S. Lee, Oakland, an Sun
day, nt two o'clock p. m. The friends of the
family are respectfully invited to attend. Car.
riages will leave Mr. Fairman's, corner Smith
field and Seventh streets, at half-past one o'clock
, Ryan:EproE MAN INVALID.—Pub.
listed Tor thibenefit, and as a CAUTION TO
YOUNG MEN and others"whti suffer from
Nervous Debility, Premature ISecay of. !dam
hood, &c., supplying at the same time LEE MEANS
Sarr•Oirfae. By one who_ has owed -himself
after undergoing constderAttl=F. .
By Inolosing poidpfal
single copies luny be Bid ortl4.att or.
NAT be
feb6-amdkw Bedford, Kings co., Pf.,Y.
TO co,ltipumeTrvios.
Coruntruptlon, Asthma, Brone hitts,
Colds, Coughs, and all Throat
and Lung Affections.
Together with a pamphlet giving the prescrip
tion and a short history of his case, can be oh-
tamed of
apls corner of the Diamond and Markitt et
Corner Fourth and Market Streets,
Drugs, Drugs,
Medicines, Medicines,
Chemicals, Chemicals,
Paints, Paints,
Spices, Spices,
Cream Tartar, English Mustard, &
French. English and American Perfumery and
Toilet Articles, Brushes, Trusses, Patent Medi
cines rind all Druggists articles. Strictly pure
articles at low prices.
Joiir - Physicians Prescriptions accurately com
pounded at all hours.
Pure Wines sad Liquors for razdlcinal use on
ggg-conArwELL & KERR,
Silver and Brass Platers,
And manufacturers of
Saddlery & Carriage Hardware
No. ISt. Clair street, and Duquesne Way,
inear the Bridge,)
oor. how and Fourth rye .
bne.dnutog Nood
Incorporated by Legislative Charter
Dyes, Dyes,
of the kind IN THE 1, NION. conducted by a
practical HUSEN ESS .HAN. Our highest com
mercial authoritles, East and West, pronounce
his systems ofiliouk-keeping unaqualed—eompre
hending every department of business, and yet
skilfully condeneed that the attentive stu
dent [Rasters the whole in six or eight weeks. It
wnsmts of
Oils, Oils,
Soda, Soda,
closed once with and twice with a gala—
hibittug by three , interent methoda, the trans
fel ai oil to new t.,s•Ls.
COBda:ted by three different methods, exhibit
ing the transfer of old to new books. with the
introduction of a new partner. And practically
illustrating the
be t..eans of the results of the business
are kept out 01 the eiteral books. for the use of
the partners only. l'he book Is not even named
elsewhere. rite net iietnent of Partnership Books
by •
fix practical illustrations, exhibiting the
books re-opened Double-Entry. A concise
rule for rettil)ing
with six specifications The gain or loss found,
and the books correctly re-opened The learner
ii also exervideal in
from eight spesitications, including special con
ditions not often met with In business. Also, a
series of exercises in
from ❑em azfi peculiar apeclelcations 11,e
karfier also writeb about eighty
Prurnissory Notes, Judgment Notes, Drafts,
Urd,[s, Bllie of Exchange, Accounts, invoices,
Sc. Also, a series of
- - •
tt inch. with the business forma, are all eounecl
t•l with his (NMI.: of Book-Keeping, making It
a regular Course of laisineas practice, with a
course of twentydit e.
b ) the Senior Principal, explaining all the busi
ness matters recorded in the text, Also, twelve
How every one may get rich. How to get rich
by trading The causes of commercial failures.
On speculations. The moral Influence of integri
ty I,et tires upon]llkt I Al. LAW,
on Partnerehilia. Ciintreei,
(...Arriet Z. the : , :at u:, ut Lout I tititins, rent,
!kid ILIBIrUCtiI.II2I Itl;let'ering
by n full net of genuine vignettes and counters.
and a large colli,t ton of counterfeit notes.
(In inanuscript,) exhibits the construction and
equipment, the operating receipts and expendi
tures, the books closed and a dividend recorded.
These books are advertised by others, but nor
taught elsewhere in the cit y Our new 93 stein
For the Graduating Course, time un
limited ssc co
Blanks and Stationery (costing g 7 else,
where 2 50
The' enlarged edition of Duff's Book-keeping 1,75
Our blanks are made of line extra etre paper,
ruled complete, with full sets of auxiliaries.
sir- For flill.partienlars, send for our elegant
new cirmslar; rpp. A, with samples of otir Fen.
meal "Dullness and Ornamental WOUngs 4koloa,
ing ad_eastoor postai* to -
p DUFF & 80N, Prinetpais,
sple.ltdasw- - Fittstmulh, Fen n a,
, % %iv ,
Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
11), 'IC BOOKS
Ninnow4filyriffityjvaiwwwi l i n
oittiirtA i lf_ TsTREs,
. - :.: f PLATICI*„.. -- :% w
Still:P4l, ,
4f, 4 - 4-1 k
:, - 1 , -,- , ,=:.,1 •
• uttafifit ior . :
Promenade and Traveling Diesses,
For Bale by
No. 25 Fifth Street.
Just received - M the TRIMMING STORE of
78 Market Street,
Can now be found the best and most carefully
selected stock of FANCY GOODS ever opened
in the city, comprising
Embroideries of all kinds; Rich Lace
and Embroidered Collars and Embroidered
Sets; Lace and Embroidered Handker
chiefs; Ladies' and Gents' Hemstitched
do; Black Crape Collars and Sets, very
cheap; Linen Collars and Cuffs. Our
Hosiery Department will be found very ,
complete in Ladies' and Gents' Kids in
all colors; Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves,
comprising new styles; Cotton Hosiery of
all makes, in White, Brown, Slate, Mixed
and Black; also, Silk Wrap Hose. Fan
cy Goods, Notions and Niok-Nax in end
less variety and the best assortment in the
city, all at the
1/ .. Wholeaale Rooms Up Steal' and in the
Basement. s P /6 ALL MANKIND
RATE OF GOLD, and the advance In all
winds of goods, we are still selling our very
Dress Goods
Together tvith
Bleached and Unbleached Mullins
At lower prices than we could replace them to
da). To wholesale and retail buyers we can of
fer Inducements in our line ,
C. Hanson Love & Co.,
apl6 71 and 76 Market street.
ER'S of the Ladies' Branch will be held at the
Hall of the Allegheny Fire Company, Irwin at.,
on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, at 7 o'clock.
Business of great importance to all men work
ing at the trade will come up for action. A lull
attendance is requested.
K , latest styled of Ladles', Misses' and Chil
Boots, Gaiters and Balmorals,
Ladies' Steel Shank Gaiters and Balmorals.
Call and examine the extensive stock at
98 Market at., 2d door from sth.
91121949 e m apl6 '
rIOLTI9 REVO_LVB:I3II A 11:4'74 L L 100firtitAirglIklitaZm D
i• other appr.orisaystr v 134
61 Madhotjamm :
mhl9 '
- • - .. 4141 0 1 ;:, aP"
iltarm i•itindr Aigfirs9l4ll.2m
• ff:AlVi4
OLD PRiCiit7iimi=niii)-
Chea,per than the Cheapeai;
UNHEARD or mites'
A thousand empty Shoe Cues for sale.
Blank Book llianufaehirers,
Firrya- sprtipE'r,
All Orders Promptly Attended to. ,
M'Olell • nd's Auction Howe,
55 Fifth Street,
And examine the largeand well &elected ntottkot
N. B.—The public will please °bane die
name and number on the wtn4ow. No stigma
rion with any other Rouse
ounte eits ! I Counterfeits 1 - I1
Humbugers are Abi3utll!
Russian ;e k tfsteik Speetaeleo
YOUR SlGHT.—Having opened my new
place of business', and have received direaktrom
Russia, a fine and moat brilliant genuine Dia
mond Russian Pebble Spectacles, WanS44l:OH4l
i t 4 r se ct r z r :t tu. ren e g i ta t li tle tTd to itaprOg e ll i 4 , l4 4 le c t
charge if the first should fail: disg.reesalved
one of the finest stocks ever brought iv city
of Philosophical, Mathematical act Optical this
struments 'Which 1 will to suit the times,
and respectfully Invite all in want of the article.
J. DIAMOND, Practical Opbician.
Look out for No, 51, 51, 51 Fifth Street..
Spring Cloaks,
Spring Shawls,
Spring Balmoral',
Spring Delakes,
Spring Dreas Gonda,
Light Chintzes,
Light and Dark Prints,
Cor. sth and Market Sta.
Argi-Next Door to Express office.
are invited to call at
Slippers, &e.;
Also, a choke variety of
of the latest styles
-- a SONS,
61NLeaket Area