STEAMBOATS. Ho! for the' Gild Ilifirte, of Idaho, J(-) - m -;1 - 1 VIRGINIA CITY, ItANNOC.K CITY ATM CIALLATIN. St. Louts and Fort Benton TRA.NSPORTATIQN LINE, For Fort Benton mod the Great Fans of the klitliourt. TIFIENZWAND —4^ v t,valllll.ol.ataunch tight draught teautere, huittexpreaaly for the trs,ie, w 1 en, r :St. Louis for above-and intermediate !wad, , 1 dim . Steamer Benton, SATURDAY, March, 19th, at 12 m., or as 6,lrip thereafter ae the River 15 open to s m cil rt Steamer Welcome, tiA.TURDAY, April 2.1., at 12 u). steamer Florence, SATURDAY, April 16th, ftt 12 In. Persons going, by thin Line are certain t o get to - the Mines with their goods early and without delay, as the very light draught stern wheel steamer Benton, built expressly for low water, will veinal:it above Fort Unioni (the -mouth of the Yellow Stone) during the season, and take the freight of the Welcome and Florence should it be necessary on account of low water. E,ch boat will beodicered and manned by skillful and ex.perienced boatmen, some of whom hale ex .pitred. thei.LlPper Missouri In Mackinaw boats, and are thoroughly acquainted with its eign tlon.. For freight, or passage, or infornoit ill!! I n regard to the ]clines, apply to J. O. CoPELIS, .. at °Sloe of United I.a. ea liesurincr Om:nearly, sciathwest corner of Main and Onc e streets, or to JOHN J. ROE Ar. CO., Convent street. Louis, Mo. letnis Wheeling & Parkersbar , Packets, FOR W ILEX LTI.: agigS s t er TREB.EGULAR PA SSEN er Packet AIINERVA Capt. ;or al?, has resumed her old trade, making regular trips; Jenefair . :Pittaburg,h every T FES DA Y, TalrltSDAY and SATURDAY. Hating Lein thoroughly repaired, she well deserve; tie pa tronage of the public generally. JAS. COLLII\ h („3 , , ) Agte. Wharf-boat, below Monongahela bridge . teb1".; , C/L., 1.1 . 1)TE N 46;_ - .412( -J.:, 001- - " IN Araterial to sell with inatrth:tlous xiar- Office, cornet 6th and Wood streets, second Etory. feb9 CRACKERS & PILOT BREAD BOSTON CRACKER BAKERY, on Plants, Am. -- - -- WM. BRICE & CO. , IDA 7_713 Az: CA. P1'1._..„ Product. and Provision COMMISSION AMOY:UST ) MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 15 South Water st xsa SMITHFIELD STREET, • • 1 - UUNIN. , CITE RECEIVED A L eral PHILADEL 'i PH lA. largeiwel selected hnre qulre "rance6Ma"onc"gnmen t'w d CU,! /ZUI AM t ['NMIN,II AM I I C I A sEN ' SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, _ m y-I yd Consisting of C t i ' l l' i 6: 1 1 .? V c !I lli ; i 'L.: i 1 1 1 ' ho 'l l I S A ts ( 1 . t .4.- i ) ; — II IPiI.SI PIT r ' f ar S t- - - , e loth s, (' ass Imeres, V eating il Ace. LIME MANUFACTURERS. h... 119 Ll' Met at reel, And 156 First street, Also, a large stock of - - - , Pittsburgh, l'u , three th,orb beli,tv the Munot, i To Builders and Contractors. , v i i i , e u l i a m Mic a, ,. iiila,,c,iiiritanc:Lryi.s,,oL I ‘ 'c t, t r s e hu a r n g d h t, i , t , l , GENT'S FITILNISHING GOODS, ricqi.( . .,n‘ e• i iilst, for l'qrl,,r Windows, Church- ; Including Lockwood's Cloth Lined PA PER W E ARE NOW MA NU FACT! HIM: ea laud public building,. as u arricle °lapt ('I 'IAA ft s, NE( 'IC TIES and everything usually• _ .. _._ _ . • _ , f ..-- -- air --- or-,—, I kept by ti rbt,18.2.1 1- . kill/1411i ug Cores. (orderlS i WINES, LIQUORS, &C. promptly executed. _____ mh6-1 yil . . M .1t"1:7" Manufa,torer and wholesale dealer in all kinds of CRACKERS & PILOT BREAD, NO. 64 FOURTH STREET, between Wo,Alarl.l Market SY hi, we are prepared to deliver from our coA L I.IRD. :09 LIBERTY STREET 1311,1.4)..i5tt CHARLES L. CALDWELL, BE6T 4.4I:ALITY OV FA (Successors to .las Ilnltnes & 'o ,) 1-I.'Sr COAL, WINES, BRANDIES, & o.) POUR P A 1E: tv }eon hand as nsivil. PLANING MILLS - N - AMES; MILEINGAR, MONONGAHE cdp LA PLANINti MILL, would respectfully i ruiid-lpi PHILADELPHIA, PA. . .---,, Hiram the public that he has rebuilt since the , or A. 4 , L7 (>l3 Ti - FIEJA. , :aI , tire, and hawing enlarged his establishment, rind , . OYSTERS, GAME. &C. (I lied it with the movest and most approved ma- lmporter and wholesale dealer in eioncry. is 11(.1V prepared to furnish flooring and i blauing boards, smolt sawing and re-sawing, . FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS : -TA-NrEs 31.1 r--Auca - ITAN ,Mors. F . ,h and shutters, kiln dried frame s, i 160 SMITHFIELD STREET, i mouldings. box making. ,ke. SOUTH PITTSBVRMI, Sept. 7, 1 tis 7. , JaW ' Three doors above 6th at. - - ' - s .A('()II HEELER IVOULD INI'ITE OYSTERS 8{P1 1 1 1 1,13, GAME, ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, eil particular attention to his stock of , ;erman 3 9 WU - WS and French Brandies, whi,th has been Fe- POULTRY AND EGGS tinder Care of the Franciscan Brothers. 11-ted and imported be Himself. Families and Churches could depen l on obtaining at his e&- ~. „ riilll'l INcTITUTION. SITUATED IN taolishment the best 'trod purest of Wines. Pure '' 4 ' s ' - 1 -i-lann'r -1.- 113.1- rt - F- 71- .11 1.. , ,,, , . 1 :n [. c.` , l' "'r , i) . 1. " 1-1 ' , . 1 ‘ a r''' , L"1"”eS (If rili kinds, equal to any in the city, al- , dd , e,t t -.I Intl.- , Irvin Cresson Stain/11, On the ti 4,:, s f,n hand A Pure Old Ri r Whisk} and '''''''r atria , iiette lern'er. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, , i , best het-dined m u , a r ,,,,,h,q,, 7 . oe - iii —7,-- i s I, o'.-~,1 ti., - ~,, d , .diegote Honors and Degrees The FIENTIV VV. BEAUMONT & CO., i...,,,,..,.. it., i„Lisle as one of the most nealthy iti:ALEitt- tN WALL PAPERS, OIL CLt/THIS, ii, Penns; It Ai.V.-- 1 / 1 1.t ligation of the Allegheny , , A. u, , ,,,nu,u, being prd;erbial for its pure water, t ()reign Branuies, Wines and Gins. WINDOW ADE': FANCY (iiii)l9 , , bracing air, and ;de: uresq ue scenery. Wall Papers from 90 to *3 - 'per roll t tiVind,-,..• Aliso, Shades from 10c to $45; WI Cloths from loe to 1 he azeholasti r year 0011/ menses on the FIRST 3., t , N I,.}', an, lee i:•11/ of AUGUST, and ends Blackberry, Raspberry, Wihl Cherry, and Cita- * 1 . 50 per Yard ; Fancy (}nod in an rarieties. at alrout the 2tith ~i .1 i• :‘,- i.; intiowieg, Lis divided ger Brandies. Ohl Monongahela, ' , lye. and the into tun t-essions. students cannot return home other Whialcies, Jamaica Rum, ke . New Wall Paper &Fancy Goods House between ibe : - ‘essions. All the Apparatus tweets , r, ;() . s 3 - E,ltity....nrr y ~...,-rrt 1.: 1,, ot FuEßSTilii, tc SCHWARZ, gar% to I,:tha : ,i,‘ \ Inc I ecineering Sc., Sic. will be iurnislied id ihe — lnstittitii.:n to the fetd.3 ” itiSmithfield street Opposite Fourth street, _ .. _. Students. PI PT:•Itll 808, FA. - - - -- - - Instrumenta , . - d ;00.1 Music forms no extra Asillotels, Taverns and Families supplied a 1410HEItiN FRUITS, NUTS, &I charge. :liitienl.9 will be admitted from eight • moderate profits for Cash. m}2l-Ild years to the age of manhood. . T Kum s—Board and 'Tuition, payable half yearly T OILE T SOAP— in advtlUee + 70. Sun t.) mg and 11, of Instruments, per an- 100 boxes Fancy. Toilet and ',e11,. sum 20 In store and for sale by Clisical and Aludern Languages, extra.... 10 Students spending V .1i EY3lERacation atthel'ollege.. So °'h{ 12f and at. EROS., 129 Wood at Reference can be made to the Rt. Rex. Bishop DOMIMCO. Bt.; Rev. Bishop Wood, Philadelphia; IR E FINED SUGARS— Rev. T. S. Reynolds, Lorretto ; Rev. Dr. O'Hara. Philadelphia; Rey. Henry NPLaughlin, Phila . . - - delphia ; Bor.-Pierce Mahar, Harrisburg. ~• N. B.—A hack runs daily to Lorretto from I ()ream. .es DRUGGISTS MILLIKEN, SUCCESFOR TO JAIKES P. PLEATING, 1712 - LT Or Cr S THOMAS N. MILLER, rvecial Partner. .IR, . WHEELINCI, PREP.% liLl) TO RE tt.t• 111,:e 1 ,, :11 el,. I IZIEII Are prepared to do short notice PITTSBUR(III, PA I. I M 1' , 1 , 1('1,: , ()N, I EWAI-21' Bev. E. A. BUSH, Superior. febg POST! , -- - PITTSBITit COMMISSION MERCHANTS. -77 JOHN AMORY:MAD, -- COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR THE. SALE OF PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WA TF.II ST., below Market, ITPI 4.I;I,TRGH-. IT'. TIA,I-1111-, (Late Cashier of the Merchantat Bank,) MMMIRMWITA NO. II SOI - TTI MAIN STREET, ST. LH I AS, MO. pA ItTICULAR ATTENTION PAID to tilling orders I ,r the purchase of Cotton, Hemp, Tobacco, Flour, Pork, Unroll, Lard, dice., tkr. REFEFIF. TO—Rinke, Bankers, and Mercha of St. Louis generally ; John U. Scully, c Cashier. Pittsburgh. Orders and consignments respectfully soli° and prompt returns made. yan2lil m R.. HUTCHINSON, (LATE OF LEECH & HUTCHINSON,) (,V .N 1 NI f-_4 11 fi N AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, MEE= WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, Flour. ilrain, 1 , ,0,1 Fruit, Pearl and Pot Ashi.s. and Protlio•otrorierrilly. Bee Itrande of l smtlp Flour Alivapi on Hand NO. 109 SECOND STREET, Bet wren Woo,! ru.d An.rket, 44 - 41 sn, ms,ie en Consignments lAM AMMON • PATTERSON s. AMAION, ir) rri nti isslott AI rehltht , Fbior and Cl:iiin and tienerni Produce Deal vra, Nn. 6 \% nod at, Pitteburgh, Pa. Wa take plean,,re In teterring to the following Pittsburgh Houses Chess. Smyth St , Zug fa Pallitcr, fir's se , E Eilaiuutleon k. Co., R Lot, is, J. P. Woodivell..loa ZifVully& t'o .1 :peneer, C. H. Love & t R. H. Jack Co Jati29- GROCERS WM. H. SMITH & CO., WHOLESA LE GROCERS, No IEI Second and 147 Piet Streets, PITTSBr P 4 Jri =ME =MEI I,lle M Wer RENNER & BROTHERS, 1- I - 4es nier A. A ntierkOn. X , d• i K Foreign Fruit., Nuts, Contortion Jar, Sngor., Fire 1.% arks, &r., NOS. 126 AND 123 WOOD STREET, 11 I I>•lil I, .11. C'A.llll' b u()., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Dlsllllerot :And Drolrrs In FIIIP Oi , llGamgahrla Rye WILSI:y, 7 I.II3EHTY STREET, NM PA l'i I 11 . I'l BRASS FOUNDERS Duquesne Brass Works. 6.1 l• 13111011' K Oftki AND IIEPAIR -0:7 11,0 prump!iy It: tr 13.1,1 o. A. 160 bole Agents q ' tr etiterli Ale ut )IAIC,II'S SI PHI 'N " ulprul cluent nttn,hril. feblo J. & M. M'STEEN, BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, ALL EI.YD, .11. A new and • • BRASS AND IRON COCKS MADE TO ORDER, SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Also, Brass Castings of all Kinds, Al.le at the atoiriebt nonce. J oat received at the New l'ariiet StorAd Partici' IA r ntlentlon pn Id t., titting up and re pairing Lit uIL REEINE-klLs. • IVlTarland Collins & Co, 31 Bs 34 Water Street, near Liberty. / THE MEMBERS OF' THIS PIRA!. Eth:- IL" ing practical ineelianw,, 01 many - yeas' ex ferience in the busoleab will enaure to give sat- • =raction in every reiii:eet lie are also agents , or Build, t iarrowin ai l u 'a, Steam Pumps (Sr water and nil. ae6-Iyd STEEL WORKS . JOHN L. Bull' 'CU. LODGE Pittsburgh Steel Works, JOIE :S, 130 f I_3 k C . , MANI - TACTUNERS lP Cast Steel; also, Spring, Plow and A B Steel Springs and Axles, Corner of Loss and First Streets P 1 rrstiußciu, PA. GLASS WORKS E. P. MIDDLETON, sole proprietor of the <3.1.1) WI I I , :A 'l' WI rislx I ealer in Ilacon. Lard, Sugar-lured Ii vms, ". Smoked B'eef, r CORNER MARKET AND FIRST STS., No. 5 North Front St 160 bble "A" and "Bu Coffee Sugars, 20 do Cruabed, Granulated and -Powdered Sugar—Now in store and for aaleby R} ER & BROS., 126 =1.128 Wood at. J. H. C.A-SMA. V , .= - NOTE, STOCK, DRAFT, BOND AND MORTGAGE, REAL ESTATE AND MERCHANDISE BROKER, THIRD' NATIONAL , BANK 1 Office in Jonee , Building, over •lioterro t i 'Rev- ; Having organized Mittel' the National Currency cane rooms," between M. er. M—and Mechanics "Act , la rime prepared a , , Ilanka L. General Banking Business. PAPER MANUFACTURERS. I Deposita recived, Exchange,. on the principal cities orthe Eaet 4.11.1 \Vest 1301 — C1ur IN II SOLID, A tut c , llections made in every accessible •' Manufacturers and Dealers in ' part 01 the country. BOOK , 4 C7 AIP , 1-, P- P 'FIE it I 'tiler lor the present, r until the completion of ' the Neve Kinking House ' corner of Wood street And all lraida of Wrapping Paper, xn.l i, in Illey,) in the filnking Room of the ITavo Removed ' DIME SAVINGS' INSTITUTION, . PROM NO. 27 WOOD STREET, TO za - ,: ). ixo, €633,:atiajae,l,a Asst., No. 33 Smithfield Street, I' pposite the Custon House. • PITTSBURGH, PA. .6...4 - Cash paid for RAGS. ap3 , ---- J. VVELDON W. —J. KOONTZ R. id ERTZ. 11 .11.11UPAOTIIEER13 on K O U N T Z & MERTZ, LAMB ~AND T. A MP GOODS, r • 11:3A-Xl - 1 4 114 , 118 Wood street, Seoend door above Fifth. DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DO inesto: Lxchmge, Cool, Bank Notes and Government Securities. Collections promptly PITTSBURGH, PA. attended apt! • HOLMES & SONS, B A N K E RS I...UCEN'r OIL WORK-*/- N • and Exchange Brokers and Dealers in DUNCA.N, DUNLAP& CO Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and (':AKRON OILS, BENZINE, az.c., PITTSDU U 11, PA ~, \Western Caleb constantly ftDor sale. Clecons made all e cities throughout PV W hit ed RE WHITE REFINED the White ti d :states. D in epositSreceired in par funds CO IV 0 41. FL or current paper, No. 6 , 7 Market street, between MR XTt Ed Thad andTuurth streets. Office, 291 LIBERTY STREET, A - 10LO, SILVER, DEMAND NOTES, myfernud PlTTSl3l:litill, PA. ‘,3if - l'ertiricates of Indebtedness, Quarterm fib. _ ________..........................-.......- tern Lei talcateu, House Carpenter and Jobber, Between Wont and Liberty streets Hi. PA. 4 - e'Utd,ra bolici tell and prutuptly nttellded t FRANK KELLY, Alderman and 'Attorney at Law, =IEIEI .oltectlon of accounts att.t .4.lllegAl htti hefts prompt!) Attendr,l to er-.?-17,1 .I,OA IN 014`1C HENRY W. CIMIOTTE, PRESIDENT. li El , RI, I. A I. B R E I. t, n eon •.NeNTS. i /Lien NI.,A ole) . J nines B. H. 3leeMt, Joha H. cMueutnsn.ter, N 111. I Jotarl.. Nen, the corner of Ni:, PlTT:nlit tic I H. ham, Hertlionn, IA/tile 31. Pennock, Pe.. r A. NI s.:e,ra, James NhiLlie. wil ONEV IN LAILLIF: AND , SMALL' Wu.. J. A .liMn H. Al'e'ruhlem .i.7_11, tinannt lea lualavd url Muhl In.1:-•11er. Ihn- A. 11. Pmi..-k. NI I/. .limn ii. Backofen. !molds. Jewelr), I toll anti ` , ill er Wltchs, AL i TRUSTEES. all kunle of valuable artic;en. for an y lenrrth ..! i'...1, m A,lnme,, Item T. Lynch. time Agreed uu 'the g.otin ontimNt be tleii,ernnt .I.IA, C 1:.11.111• . .Ivl.n unr.thal. without the Tlcket 7 Hour,;,•rtzt ili.sck. Wnlter P. .Ylnrehal. 410 - 1 )thee Horn AIT to 111 P IT. Hill t.S...:gu In, .1:.ho Uri in3o Al::.;:, A I ',mu?, Hobert Robb, tMarle, A. (..01t,m.. Henry L. R(ngtealt, John Es MIA. VI in L >c hmert 7., lieu) L. }ahnento,k, A;er ',peer. WM. M. FABER 'oho .1. Gulenine, Atexathier 'lnrile, 8z - CO., ~% In. J. H.,‘ ell, P,•ter H. Himher, kl In. N ank.lrk, levie V. !littler, STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, ','.'1'.'':r.1,.",'",„';,. „,„ P Weymnn, I.'hr.nitr: 1 eager. 11'011 1.0 1/11.tiel-S, I.le If VTA EP AT Io i .:1-..,riteh General lilac hinius and Boiler Maki' rs., Pan UE Rev Stratlou, R Cli Nhl.t.:- .1 I 1,11,111 N. l'cn tin. It. 11.. eal Estato Savings institution, ru -- -`-' pirtrittritt,; it, i•A. ,_ ~...i TATEIIF NT OF TIIF CONDITION ANI.F"!'(..".II""I'L I " ND S t ''' Mot the nt. , ,, ::li:i - .11 on the 71 dn) IN Si r•tetri e.ItEDICA. PY ileThp IDIM D.:,• , ID Jl,e , ~,,,,,,, ~,,,., 1 ,,,,1,,, , , , ~. ,„.•,.r..,,,,,, 3 1, , ~,,,, tmcitlred nu I tin c h,r,e !mum. nl, I eluded lon ~.,,,,r , ,,r • i Met Ntine.,:nnte Yliii, Blaat } mrnaced,, ........... AI:W - 411J 01 I lepo,tt,. ... inc plrticul tr .0, n'. .1. '• the chnstrnetion Amount Cl. Inter. o ,:., I.; ~ I I . ..ngtnes and .11, 1..,.. ~I n t..r Krt.t Joins, On! h., , A ..,,,„, „ f ,•,,,.„,,,,,„,,,,, F , , , ,: . , i.rtglits, mll.a) !W.I ..: ,111 .a“. mil, ti.ti e 414141 ..I. h 1 h , ' :..,!' I .111.1:a . ,1) I, 1 , }.11. 11i•llt at short not., • i.ngines 411.,1 Boilers ..I A , • . -1 , 1• i .ery description g . h , :-. First Uses th. Hell I.,..tste 1..t.'...v.) 0, Also. I urnish Hollers on! Sheet Iron rperately, u n „,,,, i ~.,,,.,,,, 8 „„.,,, 1V rt.t.: 1r..., Hangers and Putties In Vs , If. . Debt t'ertir.zal..i .th I cry toasty. 4141 I • ..!1 , 11:1110 , he m anias:nom Ur Notes . (market v•t,ue: . • Woolen Al sehinery sac. .11 4 Thine I guts, slur prices , ite le , . , iota ❑LI.,•-..ner; Jl.Snuf a Interestearu...l not do.• .. ctor- .I Of I:. t.•,, , }salty . 1 ...Met - late, and warranted „ nib on head .. ()Mee Furn:ture 1:. Pill meretogi,e ttath.t, t I. n Shirtirdcret Iron all 1.1.,ts ~.1 the L ...,!r) snitch ted and promptly filled le2l-4tsw CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C. P if. Lln I'v RI Piano Covers, Pine Embroidered Cloth, Embossed Cloth, 70M,E Venetian Blind Trimmings, Jt: A. uti.llZ.l An entirely new and complete aaedrtutent just reeetred at the Importers 1,1 dealer. In N i=ii`l-1.1.E.Yr as-ion-El CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETTS, Vesttngs, Tailors' Trimming's, NO. 255 m t - Err EiT'Ff.E.:.E.T„ on2-if PHILADELPHIA 51 1 , ARLAND, COLLINS & cu 4.1eL11 13 1 WALL PAPER, &C. 200 boxes Oranges, prime, 100 do Lemons, 100 trails Tries Almonds. 10 bales Bor. ,klmonds. 60 bags rarrameamonds, 60 do 'Skill Almonds, 26 boxes Shelled Almonds, 30 bagfrEnglish Walnuts, 26 do Brazil Nuts, 30 do Flibette, 204.) do Pea Nuts, 5000 Cocoa Nuts, In store and landing, and for sale by REYNCER & BRO mbi 12t and 128 Wood et STOCK BROKERS No. G 7 FOURTH STREET. PITMBURGR S. B. & C. P. KARKT,E,-. LAMPS, OIL, &C. WELDON & KELLY, no. 164 Woon STusivr, near Sixth mAScPAOTUB.II/4$ 08 HOUSE CARPENTERS °MIMS O. STEINiiETZ Gar EtAr, SHOP, VIRGIN ALLRY, ALDERMEN NO. FIFI II MTH ERT LOAN OFFIcF.S. NO. 100 SMITIIVIE VD SIT ENGINE BUILDERS Victoria, TAILORS PORK PACKERS. PITTSBITR(iH, PA LEUILEI Down ptairs ,A7M)AN BALKS AND BANKERS. V,"ln. E. Schmertz A. S. Bel!. S. H. Hari man, A. Hartje, Alex. Holstein, Henry Crerwig, I B. (Joe. R E.I.NEMAN, Prest. H. C. Sc II 31 LuTz, Cash. pro tem. mh7-2mil MEESE 7 3-10 Bonds and Coupons, and alt other governthent Becuritk., bnught by W. H. WILLIAMS ‘1",,0d street ; corner of Third . 12119 M DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, 65 FOURTH STREET. C / lArc -r I - ) IN - 18:7.5, ° A I tul M!.9:.I,‘Ot.O'CLOCK, 1;0..1 I!.,ti IL/ to 1, 1.1 l et„ frmil - ;toytiziosrk 01•0111 i., dt to Al 1) - le, (row 6 li, I teposas Itcott it , I mans not less than Orin t: not/ tt ..letoot to: Hot - proton le kledrtre , t twice a tear. In .11.11,e and December. Interests has been declared serAt- nutually, In June and De •c:ts•r n 11.0 B.A. at thcrate r t.eht rtet, Int. et , IL rod oiraWil Out, is pissed to the ti etla to/ lie deintsitur as pllmapal. and bears the „m e :lamest f 0..,. the nt st days tit June and De .p.A.ndoh.t t A A yeti, without troubling the depositor to cell or even to present 10, pas, ht..,k. A t this rate money will double in lc., !trill tut Ice yens. enntnlntin: the (I.srler, 13y-Lan A. Rules at..! !Leg - Illations. turn shed gitstis. on appllostlon the Laft-e. Leave Allegheny For Alliance. For N. B. For N. C. For Stou'e. __._, ' 2.16 p. m. 1.15 a. in. 6,40 a.. tn. -. 12.00 m. 3.00 p. is.. 3.00 p.m. m. p. 4.30 p. in. --- CUNARD .L.X.N... 6.40 —__ RETURNING. The undersigned. Audi:l,g Committee, have Steam to Queenstown and Liverpool, Arrive Allegheny, , eatimined the books of tt.c Institution, the bonds The First Class Powerful Steamships, ' iii i - '7 , P4:6ol`V*.tC. C. -IVY 7.20 a. m., 8 ." a- M.) 2 . 311 P.' and securities, counted the cash, &a , and hate SIDON, FLEDAR, hound the shon P statement to Le correct ' C. a. P . ft. R.. .10 00 a Wlt CUPLL iND MARTHON, TRIPOLI. i GEO. PARKIN, Ticket Age*, IN 1LH01...1S 1 , OEUTLY, RILL SAIL PH.015.1 NEW 'Union Passenger Station, Pithibuith Pa. \.::11 H (.(MITH. York et ery alternate Wednesday, A. Q. C'ASSELBEEtitY,Aontk, Deposits re.-elt ed liA ILY, and EVERY ' - ',.IT- .. - 40 1 51erse from Liverpool every alternate Alleh* a , URI/AY EVENING ~....- .z...:;.. - a Wednesday. anti from (4,UeeLIAEOWn H. R. PAYSON, Gen. Peak t. INTER E.%, I' PAID st 6 per cent per annum. every alternate P. ,_ . F. W. &0: MO. Tarsi:LE, steerage passage from Liverpool or Queens- F. R. MYERS, aen. Ticket Agedt, ISAA(' Jf,NL, 1,1,,,,,Dzy1. town, Sao in gold, or its equivalent in currency. f,,,b 6 0. ar, r.11.:13..'r }fns I 71, /EWA a„ il/./N .1 K MooksizaD, From New 7 ork to Liverpool, *35 in currency. Wm. H, SMITH. L i (i HI - B,F , DY, For Steerage Passage a . pply to w. B. COPE:LAND, ri( ~FL PAINTER. IiL:IC/N . , ./A) } ulton st., New York, o WILLIAMS & p r HAIIVAY Cl/HIP, NICIII)Laa \ OECNTLY. TIIOS. RArriciAN, Agt, Office, 03 Fourth Street. No 122 Almongahaia House, Water st., uo2B-17 d Successor to Thos. Rattigan .-.---,-• p a SRAGE FROM THE OLD °WINTRY, Lower than the Lowest. THE ErNDEItSIGNE.H IS - S.F. "?...--.--" ,'-' now prepared to bring out passen .ll4 gers by FIRST CLASS NT AIL POOL LON DONAE STEAM RY ERS direct from LIVER , pr GALWAY to YEW YORK, or PITTSBURGH, SEVEN DOLLARS lower than any other agent here. Call and get the rates and be convinced. Steamers sail every week, and passengers are found in everything. Parties brought out by first class CLIPPFR SAILING vessels at very low rates. Sight Drafts on the NATIONAL, BANK payable at a uy of its branches in England or Ireland for sale, For particulars as to rates, Sc., apply _to . LP ci „I chronicle Office, No. D '7o Fift N h st , yan2o-cod and 66 Smithfield st,Pittsbu'rgh. Passage from England and Ireland. 7.2 , o o . 77 A A t. h}!ER, Trea tlo mit.9er3 .01 PHILADELPHIA CARDS ivr GEOI-LC4II Manufacturer and WDOLESA I.F AND RETAIL DEALER In every description of GENT'S' FURNISHING GOODS, 610 CHESTNUT STREET, inyl-tyd PHILADELPHIA. C. A. VAN KIRK & CO., MA:11 VAC] of? GAS FIXTURES ANL) CHANDELIERS, P%tent -Improved E\IIEI.SIUII AND PATENT PARAGON - COAL OIL BURNERS, Hand Lamps, Columns, &c. LE , IIOO,IA, No. 517 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Manutactory, Frankiord, Phila. 40PAll goods warranted iI[ARTtY BRIAN, LONGCOPE & PEARCE, Manufacturers end Importers of HENS' FURNISHING GOODS, • AND TAILOR,: TRl.vpsiiNo...., No. 10 South Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA. IIkTOTICE.—THE EXECUTIVE COM MITTEL: of the Pittsburgh Sanitary Fair hatc resolved that all the different branches of industry, profession and trades, be requested to meet its separate conventions nt Ohre and at. point three or Blare members a. a t 'nfnmittee to aid in the Pittsburgh Sanitary lair. It to res pectfully requested that the names of alt of said 'mount tee, be handed in at once to the Secrt lacy of the Association at their Rooms, 96 Water I street. over Zug a Painter's Warehouse. liy order.BRUNOT. rnhlri Chairman. CiIiii O TOGRA.PII CARDS DOR GEN-1 TLE:IIEN, —Saw bles and t'aialogned sent for '25 reds. Lnclose un, elope With our own imme_,Jdrass.U. H ENMETTE, uth,dmd at., New York. AVE YOUR GAS BY USING GL.EA son,s Anti-Flielcering, American and Imper ial (}aB Btirners, a sure saving of twenty-fire per cent. The AtitlElickeringisjust the thing for the Office. CalF mid see them burn at the Gas Fitting and Plumbing Establishment of • " WELDON k KELLY, 164 Wood street. POTATOES— . 60 bushela choice Neahannock 200 dodo Peach Blow 3 700 do do Pink Eyes, pat received and for sale by FETZES ta_ARIISTRUNG, mhl9 corner Market a /mixt ate. EIZIEGMI I I 11' I 1 , 1 , 0 .. 1.107 1.,4 91 'Z.1.:3 31 4h s:, Ul • • (..114:3. O. AW01.71. O Ell4l.'lO'l 9 A. M HOVI9M, NO. 330 LIBERTY STREET, Next to Pennsylvania Passenger Depot, JOHN SAVAGE, • PROPRIETOR. fIAVINB TAKEN AND PITTED UP. withal! the modern improvement this pop ular resort, the subscriber Is prepared to accom modate his old customers and the public gener ally, with the best the market affords. Oysters will be served up in every variety of style during the season. His Wines, Liquors and Ales he feels confident in recommending them to the pub lic lur thew excellence. Ituacet and Shell Oysters received daily, an.l sold whoiesale and rei,tn. y2O-!yd I.IOUS , . NO. 22 DIAMOND ALLEY, pirrSBURGE. riftriE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES to the peblic that he Is in daily receipt or ELL anti CAN 01 SeEHS,I,AM E, sc.. and is prepared to accommodate the patrons r.t this old and well known „house with every. thing in the eating and drinking line at the short est notice. JOHN SHAL};R, Proprietor. YOUNG'S EATING SALOON, Corner of Virgin Alley and smith. flel4 Streets, J t , - . , Where i .1 r•T ER:, and all the delicacies of the seasou will be serf ed up i n the most palatable styles.' -MI YOUNG-, oc I i cornet 'Virgin Alley and Smithfield et. APOLLO) iLitLx.iumaita.o.s4l4poN. cHATILEs GARIARR woUld remind his old friends and customers that he is still to be found at his old stand, APOLLO HALL, en trance on Fourth street. lie has always on hand the beat qtalityof-Lager.Biter atitt In connection with the hall, a well appollited-billieird saloon, with good tahles,Andllisindnues, Remember the place, Apollo gall, Fourth at near Wood, entrancefromFourth.- 13404 y . . OLL DARREL NEW OIL BAR ,RFtr v.—Just recelvektand for sale try FETZER .Ir. ARBISTROJ, dthle corner Market and First ate. INSURANCE S' i*WI -, • ICY:it'll LOSS ~,1 'gum FILANK.I4/31 VIM INSIUILANCE VOIII2A.NY OF PHILAMET3PHr4, OF FICE No 438 and 437 CEIESSM,rI7Ts ST., near STAi ENT of ASSETS, , JAN. let, 1863. Published Agreeably to an-Act of Asaembly, be ing Fuet Mortgage, amply seemed $1,893,399 M . Real Estate (present value $103,313 61,) c05t.... .......... -...... .... 102,996 2 1 Temporary. Loans on ample uOilat teral Securities 89,135 St c ocks, o (present value 8 89 , 6 67 72,) . - 89,788 et 3 Note a s and Bills Receivable 1,821 32Cash 27,919 33 -82,1 The only profits from premiums whic2 oBh,Rs this6B company can divide by law, are from-risks which have been determined. ... • • Insurances made on every description of Prop ert,y, in Town and Country, at rates as towns are consistent4tth security.. Since their incorporation, a period of thirty yeark t.hey havekaid losses by Fire, to an amount exceedthg beur Millions of Dollars, thereby af fording evidence. of theadvanteue of- Insurance, as watts the abilitrend dtsposCttontomeet with promptness all, Liabilites. Losses paid during the year 1839,8864,188 38. DIRECTOAS. CruLates W, Rairomun, Motu:moat IL Lou Tomas Waesistt, Davit, 8. Bitowir, SAMUEL GRAB?, b3d..4.0 LEA, JACOB . R. SMITH, EDWARD C. DALE, CIEOEOE W. ILICRARDS, GEORGE FALSJ3, ÜbLA.S. C. BANOICER, President EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President. Wm. Q. Steei, Secretary pro tern: J. ARDEN - Fa COFFIN, Agent.avid Northeut cor. Third and 'Wood eta. YL _JBLPHIA FpLEAMY ;UT, INSURANCE COMPANY, 1.19 CHESTNUT ST,ItEkE, Opposite the Custom House. Capital-$249,106. Asseta..l/304.943. wILL MAKE ALL lONDIT OP IN SURANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of premtnm. ROET. P. PMVO President. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President., DIRECTORS. C EARL ES HAYES, F. R. COPE, E. R. Esousa, GEORGE W. Bitown, P. B. SAVEEY, JOSEPH S. PAZ; U. SHEERAN, JCPJEPIi cL.&YTON, S. J. 111A0A HOE, E. Wir.ra., F. BLACEIG7 Rs, Secretary, L U-. COFFIN, Agent. Corner Third and Wood streets. ALLEGHENY 'MI:MANCE CO,, 40. - E` G PI Office, No. 37 Fifth Street, Bank Block. NSURES4 AGAINST ALL KINDS OF FIRE AND MARINE RISKS. I: , A.AU JONES President • NA - IN D. Mc..- D, Vice Presi dent; D. M. BOOK, Secretary; lisp!. WM.. DEAN, General Agent. hx . Tos.«—lsaac Jones, C. G. Hussey, Har vey Childs, Capt. R. C. Gray, John A. Wilson, D. L. Fahnestock, John D. McCord, Capt. Adam Jacobs, 11. P. Sterling Capt. W. Dean, Robert L. Ai'Grevr, Robt. li Davis. no2B Western Eacice Company ofPittsburgh. GEORGE DARSIE, President F. NI. Gonoox, Secretary. Capt. R. D. Coon Ram, Gen'l Agent. No. S•!, Water street, (Spang (Jo's Warehouse, np stairs,) Pittsburgh. WILL INSURE, AGAINST ALL kinds of FIRE and MARINE A Home Institution managed by Directors who are well known in the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to those who de sire to be Insured. Dinscrona—H. Miller, jr., James M'Auley Nathaniel Holmes, Alexander Nimick, George Dame, Wm. H. Smith, Chas. W. Hicketson, An. drew Ackley, Alexander Speer, David M. Long Hess J. Thomas, Benj. Bakewell, John M'Cune' Lz . TATE - 31E31T OF THE. CONDITION of the Charter Oak Fire and Marine IN URANC E COMPANY, Jan. let, 16434 A~S~:Tf3. Lank :,tockt, 09,199 00 l;nited Stares Honda 30,400'00 103,180 00 Lo toed on Mortgage on h'eal Estate 49,3 - 33 00 011 t t•:I'l I cral 34,035 00 I an.l other property . 6,913 09 ; .sa In !tank .sun hat:kis ol Agents 300543; 63 $3•3,503 I 1-1-1__13.11-IFI'.IF:S. La.ssea $ 13,366 69 I A, A, CARRTER di BRO., Agents, 63 FOURTH STREET, tel.; 3-2md Pittsburgh, Pa. STEAMSHIPS EUROPEAN AGENCY THOMAS H. RATTIGAN, EUROPEAN AGENT No. 122 ••rdair4.l2..,':•. Monongahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa., is prepared to bring out or bring out or send back passengers from or to any part of the old country, either by steam or sail ing packets. sIUIIT BONDS FOR SALE, payable in any part of Europe. Agent for the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Rail road. Also, Agent for the old Black Star Line of Sailing Packets, and for the lines of Steam ers sailing between New York, Liverpool, Glas gow and Galway. jans-Ird THOS. H. RATTIGAN. HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, &C RAILRO iget• " WINTER Alraiimmliming. jjam~ .. :, s , ...i 4, -,,, Z.s.ik 41.41,-,t1'.1-53'41,1./- 2 1_,. L. ,..,_' _'. ".k, i . 1-7:-..i--i..4. : aoil+Gil. venia ', . 4 )l.4.M.r!...o.4lLia..orrwrrlTELAllligt4 4 l -,..,,,, ~ a.., ~..,..v.v -r-r,..t. Ig4 ka hattahlt Art ONSTANT ADDITION'S f 41 ..iii1V4 1 8,- IL, Mg made to theseutdpment of this excellent . , 5 1 -94 1 4.0 traekanti , fariPreSa - ayrito; And e 916eariisill bqoxixolaed fordke,oot== aengera-atudiapid_movament-o: W s Al a Wheiddkoa - inhibtirghAs ~t . GU A.COMMODATIDN: : ex. cept SundaY,) at a GO, 0. ms atop bi lacnig betiyusgit Mid r 'sFTAS , 7:. H,! , ove•t/hOrnbt. C P ,) at 260 a. m., re shaping onlyalprincipal Stations, a tly and aking'dlider etublactrobif at Hargs e rf for Baltimore and WitaliThicton„ , :and'r9Fgr ' ork via Philadelphia. - - - -- , :,.. , -"'V , THILOUGH'EXPRESS daily,' At. 4 Pa- r: , stopping ottly-415 principal : Statio n - reot-conneetionil et llurrialbtug foe latiraff 1 Waaahmt_aln, and tir-New York vhalndlatkdolty,,. BAST-LENEsially, i preept Suatilift, *AV p. - m. : , , a t o= ta t l a gy at cipal •Statta 'ft-fi.. t... ingest' for altimoretmd and for New , ork via' Allard° ' '''''' ' i . change' of ears; also at• Philadelpplanift Mttv YreW . • JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATIOVRAIN leaves daily, (except Sunday!') at a ulna ' ilitop .ping:aa all Stationa, and running awff.ttlpivoi le , m r 121 " . . - ACCOM24O - DrIpNTRAIKT4 I - i l inli . Stardmteisteithdly.,lexcept Sunday= ad , A 'AnNir • ACOOIIIMODATIQN • • -- or Wall's Station, leaves dallyi (exceptstilW)at 11 SA a. ni4 - • THIRD ACCOMMODATION 'Thit./N—tht Wall's Station leaves daily', (except'Stindelp' at a 00 p. m. FOURTH ACCOMMODATION TRAIN:I'o t 8 WT. Wall's Staldonleave9 daily, (except Suislikryat M. THE CHURCH- TRAIN leaves WAIN statt4 every Sunday at 905 a. nt.; returning *tikes Pittsburgh - at la 45 p. m. . • „ • ~ : - 4EITIT,RNINPF TRIP*, Aiatryt IN PITTSBURGH A:s YOlthwa: Baltimore Express. Idle In. ,Philadelphia press:- t Fast Line.-- • I' Val Through Mall Train I own.lin. Johnstown Ascommodation.... ...... MOS 4i. tn. Ist Wall's Station Accommodation.... SWUM. 2d. Wail 's Station Accommodation.....-13453.2in. 34 Wall's Station Accommodation....l7l6_6llln. Walka Station Accommodation....4 , o6 . Baltimoro.Expresswill arrive with Ez,gessat I 20 p. an. on Mondays. I _WHAMS. FOR BLAutsviLtas-,saturitroc ANA connect. at Blairsville Intersmititikwith Through Accommodation, Johnstown Ageonlailo dation and Express Train East,and more .Express and Johnstown- ActonitioldMiThn West. TEAMS FOR EBENSBlTRGeotintiotat, son with Express Trains and Mail: Waldgt and with Through Accommodation andrfitcpres., Train East. P TO NEW YORKARE: PRILADELPHIA.... BALTIMORE •110 00 LANCAsTER HARRISBURG "0130•1"‘ A LTOONA • " Baggage Checked to all Stationti on - the r / elll2 sylvania Railroad, and to Philadeip4)3o.l more and New York: • Pamiengord purchasing tickets in ears V.PlAle •chan, An access according to distance ttskeld-d In addition to the Station rates, except Rem St i- Mons where the Company has no'Agent. NOTICE.—In case of loss, the CornioWliV hold themselves responsible for personal Loom e only, and for an amount not exceetting.s4lo.,..., B.—An Omnibus Line hairbitetientpidir tp convey Passengers and Baggage to and fro Depot, at a charge notto exceed ofi cents fbt passenger and baggage. T. STEWART, 1464 i At the P. R. R. Passenger Station, on .12berty and Grant streets. 1864. Wdsta THE PITTSBURGH, FT, WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY, AND Oleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEXE NT. CiN AND AFTER JANCTA_DY 11,y trains run as follows, viz : Leave ForOhl , go. For Olev'd: ''orWheel•g Express 1.45 a. 16. 1.45 a. m. 1.45 a. m. Express 1.45 p. m`... 1.45 p. in. 1.45 p. m. 6.30 3. 4a. 6.15 a.m. R ETIT 1? 1k,.'11,TC3 Arrive Pittsburgh, P. F. W. & c. ft 'y..2.20 a. m., 3.30 p. m, 7.00 . p. In, 7.60 p. m. b. P. .H. a. m. 7 3./50 p. m., &GS p. m"; _ _ _ ACCOMMODATION TRAINS ittsburgh & Connelisville 'NIT'UVIM)Et A_FLILA_N"Gi: jrlos/ AND AFTER. WEDNEJillbit- CMSBER 24, 1863, Trains wittleaveth•Dei, pot, corner of Ross and water !streets, asitaloitsis Leaves ArstiveVat: Pittsburgh. Plttubtairtaz Mail to and from T.Pritown. 7 66 - a. in. 600 p. 1/1 Express " 300 p. ist 2 2 , ReelportAcc'dn. 11 OD a. m. 700 31.--.= 2d 6 16 a. .1111. 2 06;4.11ri , lstPort.Perry " 700 a. in. 1 1-3011.124 ,, Braddmk's 4 16 a. m. 6 40 , 0;Ismi Sunday Chunk Train to and from Allseesport, 1 00 p. m. 10 00 For tickets apply to C EO. 8uULT0N,..24t.; ; W. B. STOL'I, Supt. SILVER PEARL SOAP.„ einv-ArpTosr CO., 367 Liezirrie glkl I STREET, sole proprietors and inaindsetue„ • era for Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, I I stritSiia;, Illinois and MI - 40nd. Mee laanufacturesisata:, superior article of PALM, GERMAN, GUMP.. and ROSIN SOAPS, and various Toilet Ind. Fa confid e nt ly 'Of our Silver Pearl Sasprwhinh.. we recommend as better forgeneeeti• Use than any other before the public, alitinkt.tara borne in mind has neither Potash, Salty Adana, or Rosin; or any other substance in tie ntanutso... Lure which can shrink or Injure the lineatirahriw. Flannels and Woolens can be washed Wittelbs • rapidity of Cotton or Linen. Clothes w.ashert . with•the Silver Pearl Soap do not require . tog or halt the rulabln,g, which of ; course, tares r the wear and tear. Silver Pearl Soap reartwei Greese, Dirt, Tobacco Staina, P,rituftit 164.. Smoke and the woratEllge Water Stalaslnalientr.. ly, by applying it with a moist sponge,:thusjanne tecting windows., carpets and furnitureLtrom suds and slops. It impartsa ~ *late, Jewelry, Glassware,l , eled Paintings : Patent Leather immediately, and for ..cleariing Marble and Floor Tiles it has no equal. the bath and particularly for ahampookim., tpe 1 , ver Pearl Soap is a perfect luxury. In- l ekord all who ha - re tried its superior quilitle2 . s. knowledge it the greatest discovery of tiskage,, This Company respectfully ask a trial froas.all. , who are interested, and in every cane will tell And, ' the price of the same should rt tail to aciniMplhih;;., what we claim for It. Sold at fire cents per pound in fifty bokes. Delivered to the care,. boats, in eglie.4 ny, Birmingham_nnd city residences tree er r; charge. Directions for use on all paeloggs, . Liberal discount to the trade. Merchants from abroawill d CR do wellixi Itayet 6 UMPTON a . ~ CO., a call, 367 Li r berty opposite Penna Railro da PanSente.: ARP - Beware of all imitations. None unlearbearing our trade mark, silver Peals r as aefiured by the inventor lq N fluila intr2-tf KETCLIUP AND , SAMI4IIt-azt '' • t 100 doe i‘i gallon and quart Pick . - 30 do pint tickles. 20 do English Pickles, assorted, •- 2to do Tomato Ketchup, quartaandlpintal ak) do p.epper.Sauce l 20 do Cumberland Sauce, 10 do. Worcesteshlre Sauce, 6 do Walnut Ketchup; 5 do bivahroon Ketchup, 20 do imported French Mustard, 60 do Imitation do do Jed received and for sale by REIMER & 8R094. ,1 and 128. Wood RAISINS, POUNEN A.lljp cTrc. RANTS— • 1,000 pkgs. Bunch and Layer Ratans, in vitae; half - and-quarter boxes, 50 mats Seedless Raisins, • 45 kegs do do 30 casks prime Zante Currants, 50 kegs trench Prunes and Plums, 26 boxes do do .lust received and tor sale M, - IfEYld tai h Baus:'.' • M 6 and 128 Tocidal.. 121NOIKGA/11 4 LONG, Liberty Street, Pittsburg b. , A GIONTEr roa - Envoi Xenia. and Reaper, Bnekeye Mower and Raver. Molter and Reaper 'Fanner =lt M Mowet and Ream ower, - Wooda' MOwer. pßmanta. • ' Also, deateitin Agrtotifturai and Ls- -- 4 , 4.3 Lie At 111 Mi