gaiig Vast. ADVERTISING AGENCIES • aeon: S. New ETTE & CO. State Park w York city, and No. e Street, Bos ton; and L. P. FONTAINE & Co., No. a Nassau strett, New York city are au thorized to take Advertisements and Subscrip tions for us at lowest rates. ilirWe will furnish the Deux POBT, to agents at the rate of 32,00 per hundred copies. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 13, 1884 LOtAl INTEILIGENCE. The State Capital The Harrisburg Telegraph, in speaking of the proposition before the Legislature for the re moval of the State Capital from Harrisburg to Philadelphia, says that there are those in that toxin who boastingly declare that the State Gov catmint is of no benefit to the local trade of the city—no profit to its mechanical industry—no advantage to its growth and influence. These persona, it says, compose the class who have no real interest in or appreciation of the prosperi ty in store for the place. It admits, however, that they have a rich territory about them—a capital that is ready to compete largely in man ufacturing, agriculture and mining. Still It be lieves the city would receive a check by the re =oval, anti leave them an inland borough strand ed upon the shores of the Susquehanna. It then requests the people of Harrisburg to ponder its facts, asserting that all are interested in retaining the Capital. But, very arbitrarily, and In a style too much in vogue with Republi cans, who no doubt have received their prompt trigs from the National Administration, it de dares that "any man or woman who, by word or deed, seeks to stir up a feud between the city, and the Legislature" "deserves no better fate than to be placed on a raft and thus floated to tide water as a compulsory exile from a locali ty whose welfare he or she had not the wit or the discretion to appreciate or defend." This is very severe punishment, indeed, for the simple crime . of speaking in favor of the removal of what many believe to be one of the great causes of moral and politwal corruption, and the nucleus from which expands the great social evil under whit list place has fur so long suf fered. It goes on to say that "there is too much hitter invective even now being hurled at individual members of the Legislature, denying to them the common accomplishments of decency and decorum, and charging on them habits and practices which those aho thus gossip would do well to correct in themselves." let it does not attempt to deny what those persons say; it simply seeks to defend the accused by debas ing the accusers into the same practices, and screening the disrepui able under the purity of the few. It says: "As a body, there are as re pectable men in the Legislature as can befound in any circle claiming to be refined and intelli gent, in Harrisburg; and then follows this sig nificant sentence: /Ns not well to attribute Me vice, which now curies llarrtsbur y , to oath as thus." The Telegraph makes no attempt to exculpate all the members from the charges brough against them, nor even a majority of them. It merely, In conducting the defence, says "there are re spectable men in the Legislature"—of which fact no doubt the persona it censures are fully aware. It would be strange indeed, and lament able enough, were there hot to be found in so large a body at least a few - relined and Intelli gent" men. If the Telegraph sincerely desires to retain the Capital in tint city, and believes that flattery of members and denunciation of the censors of Leglilatit e corporation is the true method of succeeding in its wishes, why not make a wholesale job of It. So small a modi cum of almost negative compliment as it has already prepared will not go far in the aggre gate; in fact, unless it becomes more positive in fts praise, there Is a likelihood that the editor himself will become a candidate for the ••raft • he has prepared for the male and female cen sors of the State's public functionaries. !Linde from all other questions about the re- ' moval of the :Ante t 'apical, there is another of vast both the people and the Leg islature. IL by a removal the Legislature, could- be wit hdrawn from contact with and the Influence of the proprietor and editor of the Telegraph the change would be is ell worth million dollars. A fruitful source of corrup tion would thereby be removed and, the horri ble spectacle would no longer be presented of the devil attempting to whitewash the saints. (}rest excitement and much discussion took place yesterday among the members of the House, reboil e to the removal of the Capital. and a public meeting took place last night to more fully discuss the matter. Five councilmen of Philadelphia were there urging the removal. By a vote of Councils. Philadelphia has agreed to donate our million dollars for the purpose of erecting the necessary buildings In that City. United Staten Court An important case carne ..ft in the I'. S. Dia triet Court..ludge Mt( 'endless presiding. yester day morning. I 'or renders will remember that on the 20th of January, 1864, Lewis Powelson, Martin Van Buren Baker, Jno. Illabson and James L. Robinson. residents 01 Cross ('reek township, Washington county, were charged with obstructing the draft. '1 he parties were afterwards arrested, and a true bill found against them. The Intlietnsent charged that an officer named Edmond Duake. acting under direction of the Pro, oaf:Q[l,o4lM. 0 as interfered with by the defendants al hen he attempted to serve a notice 1111011 a drafted man. (in a lormisr trial tlao of the defendants, James L. Robinson and Lewis Puw elson, were found guilty, and have since been in prison. The art unit at ye,terday was for an ar rest of judgement and :1 new trial, The defend ants were represented by Hon. William M,,nt vinery ond Col. Ii 1b.,,,,. of Washington, and the Government by I S. District Attorney Carnahan. Mr. Montgomery mode an able legal argument going to show that Doake was not an officer, and had no legal right to serve the notice; hence the defendants were not guilty of the charge preferred against them. The argu ment of the learned and eloquent gentlemen was very ingenious,' and fully sustained hi, high reputation for legal aunen Mr. Carnahan replied on the part of the Gov ernment in one of his usual clear. terse and pointed speeches, replying to the points raised ; by the. counsil .for the defence. lie contended that 'Make was an officer, acting under legal au thority, and hence the defendants were clearly guilty of the offence charged. and that the pen alty of the law should be inflicted upon the of fending parties. -Mr. Montgomery repined in a brief argument, at the conclusion of whbil, the Court announced that it would hold the case tinder advisement until next Monday. arid ordered that in the , meantime the defendants be ternar..7col to prison. Lawrence's - inc.—Au t zupplrmentary to an act incorporating the town at Lawrenceville, is now in the hands of Mr Denniston for pre sentation to the Lep:Mitt/re. The first section provides that the branch of the Allegheny river, between Wainwright's Island and the borough, which has hitherto been deemed a navigable river and public highwa,y shall no longer be deemed a navigable stream, The second section provides that Covington street shall be contin ued across the sand bar to the Allegheny river. and that the water from Ewalt's spring, and the wash from the Arsenal and Oa, Works, shall continue to run as it now does. Section third declares that a street, alxty feet wide, call ed River street, shall be laid out by viewer; from the extension of Covington street to the toot crf . Wainwright's island, the centre whereof shall be the original channel—said street, with necessary bridges, etc.. to be under the charge of the borough authorities. Section fourth makes it the duty of the Street Commissioner to keep said street free from accumulation of drift wood and other debris ; to provide convenient drains, and keep the street properly levelled. Section fifth declares that the fragments of said channel, after the street shall have been proper ly laid, shall be vested in the adjoining proper ty holders and their heirs, provided that they pay their pro rata of the expenses incurred In laying out the street. Sections seventh and eighth relate to the manner of making the boun daries of River street, and the appointment of tom disinterested freeholders, by the Court of Quarter Sessions, to lay out said street, and report to Court, upon Confirmation of which the survey shall be recorded. Legal Tender--Important Decision.— an important decision has been rendered in the District Court of Philadelphia, in the case of Mervin vs. Sailor—being an action to recover damages for a breach of covenant. Defendant had covenanted to pay a yearly ground rent of WM "lawful silver money of the t'nited States, each dollar weighing seventeen pennyweights and six grains at least.' When the July rent became due, the defendai,t tendered the amount in U. S. treasury notes i which plaintiff refused to receive, demanding silver dollars. Suit was brought and the defendant pleaded tender as aforesaid. To thin plea the Plaintiff filed a re =lon avering that the defendant did not in silver dollars, &c., but in promissory notes or paper money of the United States, of the nominal value of ti0,,85 bpi of 4q per cent. less exchangeable value. To this the defendant filed a special demurrer, averring that the prom issory notes so tendered were lawful money of the United States and a legal tender in payment of all debts. This demt reer was before the ' court at Decemberterm, and was re-argued at the present term by U . 'hl. Wharton for plain tiff, and by Geo W. Harkins for defendant. Sat the opinion of the Court was delivered by Judge Hare rendering Judgment on the demur rer for the defendant, thus deciding that the trearury notes are a legal tender and should have been received in payment of the rent. Judge Sharewood delivered a dissenting opin ion. Abopsised.—The Department of the Monon gahelahas been abolished by being merged into that of the Susquehanna, by a late order of the War Department. Gen. Brooks has been re lieved from command of this department, and assigned to duty under Gen. Butler. In taking leave of Gen. Brooks, our late commandant, we cannot refrain from saying a word of him in friendly commendation. During his adminis tration in this city his official action has Uni formly been distinguished by the courtesy, hon or endjustice which belong to the true soldier; and while we know he leaves many warm friends behind to wish him well, he numbers as few enemies as any man In the same position could wish or expect. Gen. Brooks sereed with ability throughout the whole Peninsular campaign, under Gen. McClellan, and to. the niter's report he receives honorable mention as • brave and skillful officer. The Only e twe have is that the General has been a we d to the department of a commander so littlectlistin guished for calor, merit or even the ordinary amenities of mili tary life, as Gen. Butler. How ever, we hope hereafter to hear of the continued prosperity of Gen. Brooks, regardless of the law-of associations Great Haul of Stolen Goods,—The LATEST BY TELEGRAPH , Thief Insider Arrest—James W. Barker, dry goods merchant on Market street, having miss ed goods from his store forthe -past six months, FOR THE POST. but notwithstanding all, his watchfulness, could not detect the depredator. Some two • months since he employed the services of a de • tective, who took the matter in hand, but failed HARRISBURG NEWS. to detect the thief. The goods still continued to disappear, and each day to larger quantities. As a last resort Mr. Barker called to his aid the Independent Police, and committed the matter to their hands. After three days and nights XXXVIIIth CONGRESS. watching they yesterday morning succeeded in detecting and arresting the guilty party, who turned out the night watchman in the store, who Is a young man named Baker, a rest dent of Robinson's Hill, some four miles north Late From Cairo and Below of Allegheny City. The officers went to his house yesterday morn ing at six o'clock, before the young man arrived, and at seven made the arrest. At the house were found the following goods, among a large supply, which had been purloined from the Interesting store: plain black silks, black clothe, cassimeres, silk-ribbed cassimeres, pop li ns, delaines, table linen, Irish linen French chintz, lawns, nan keens, Holland*, kid gloves, half those, ticking,i LATEST FROM FORTRESS MONROE. canvass, drilling, corsets, colored silks, plain silks, handkerchiefs, shirt fronts, napkins, cloak cloth, cambric*, shirting, checks, fee., &c. The goods recovered amount in value to about Wu in - 5.1,000. Baker admitted the theft, and also Daring Attempt to Blow up that he had disposed of a considerable portion. ' so that the total amount stolen will probably reach *2,500. Much credit is due to Messrs. U. S. Frigate Union. Hague, Dougherty, Richardson & of the In dependent Police, for the prompt manner in which they accomplished the detection and ar rest of the offending party. Had we time and room we would give some interesting details of the manner in which the arrest was made. But we omit them. ' Sanitary Fair Balidinge —The Building Committee of the Sanitary f air met at the ot- HARRISBURG, April 12.. 13:NATF:.—Atternnon session.—Act regarding nee of C. W. Batchelor Tuesday , 12th Hist , "3 _ The following persons and firms were repre- , the payment of the interest on the State debt; sented—W. F. Richardson, A. & S. Wilson, first section concurred in. Messrs. McCandless, Moon & Chambers, John Chambers, Wm. Mur- Wallace and Beardsley participated amid much dock, James Graham (representing the carpen ters - of East Liberty) White ifs Alexander, Alex- excitement. Messrs. Beardsley and Wallace's ander McLean, Slack & Sholes A. Patterson . speeches Ai, ere Rile.. and James 141111Ingaar each of w hom stated that Night Session.— The Apporiionnient bill was the carpenters in their respective shops has e agreed to furnish one day's labor, and that for taken up. A hot debate ensiled between Messrs every day's labor thus given, they, the master Clymer, Johnson and Lowry. Mr. Clymer's et builders, would furnish another. Th e amount of tort was lull or spirit and energy. labor thus tendered free of cost, equals 170 days. The representation was not large, but stall- Hot -ii —Afternoon Session.—Bills passed ciently large to warrant the assurance that the Bill to appoint commissioners to tun the boun buildings will be speedily erected by the carpep- dames of Somerset and Westmoreland counties tern of the city and vicinity free of cost. Bill imreasing the pay or I dnmussioner f of There were in attendance at the meeting set - eral retired master builders,—John Rinzet , Bedlord county . Richard Uewherat, James Chambers and A it tog i clic! to the lcuilies 01 the drafted Patterson, who proposed to give their serf ices Bill g during the entire time to superintend the erec- men of Armstrong county lion of the buildings. Bil to charter the Lawrene Railroad Com- The members of the Committe are eseciall„. requested to Can On the Carpen e terS in t h eir dis y - iiy trict, and ascertain of th em th e num b er of tar Bill to charter the Clarion and klfiniertcas labor they will give to the wo rk. Railroad Company On motion the committee adjourned to meet Bill to ~harter the itittr,, (GI I 'orriiiiiny. at the office of C. W. Batchelor, on Friday al leenoon at 3 o'clock. Hill to ct,trter the 1 euel,logheny - 11,aft Coin -- • ' That glass case of work makes a splendid parlor ornament. (.10 and get It. Night Sessions—Bill s easiest neatly —Bill rel- t -a...- PITTSBURGH PRODUCE MARKET. ant e to the appointment at Fire Marshals Me - -- Alleghent county c:=l t---1- I , PPl , •if 01 , THE DAUS P ,,, T, This In Sarcasm.--That very staid and AT McCALLUM'S. . 4014 Wnl , NEsrAy, April li. 1864. Bober journal, the Commercial, which rarely gets Supplement to drimata Ir,,n l o ii I sINESS—The market yesterday was peer off a joke intentionally, yesterday abandoned Hill for the relict CI Mr Robertson. Treasurer i . t. labia 14 1 5 s•eryy a__prices were unsettled and some deal- Its usual stolidity, and probably, under the 11,- of somerset county _ a fluence of a good dinner ,ausl aceebsories, gar ,era were uot otiennz their stocks, whilst others ' Bill to authorize one la, lunge to h.tlil Canna 4 D - a - PL-lene'r EVINC ) -1 9 1.--11a, vent to the following. a ere demanding extratagrint prices Am.dig "These greenbacks are part and parcel of the trt Into in Allegheny mronty NO. 87 FOURTH STREET. .. __ _ thereat°, tee nuts. the lotto,, ng Government and the people are the Govern- 8111 ro ipp,at.t arlditirmal notary prothe's fur ' went. What better argument can we offer tor - To Railroad Contractors. ".. ~ },_ Ihe r1:04,1 Irom sErre wra as tullowa. % enango and Mercer eoriuties Adjoromed Sales of true hbls Latta at Font 7t . an ;advance of their acceptance as a uniform and national me dium of circulations Are they not hoarded its I.:-,, . Extra }SS/11% ro 4-7t4'7,2j, an ad, anee La sed., it Ith series of 2ou hula at 4%767.75 gold formerly was hoarded' "co they not see, e 11 • -111 - or 1 •., April L^ Hose- —lke Hot,. Ira ROPOSALea ARE IN V ITED FOR • us for mortis - t Are they not a male, cons coheir gallerres Fla 1 . 0 Saturda , nail ) elrteirlrfir are JE the GRADATION. MASONRY. BRIDGE CilE aSE —.- ;"les 76 boned R 4 ffi/Hh [ 'airy `I? curreucy? What loyal men dare reline them` derraely ,testoted Ale stet ens, of Penns) Iv a- the BALLAST, CROSS E r' ll s''' • or who has ever thought of declining to receir e n l, nolo the ComffilUee "" " rf3 and } 7 cane, . i li A IN— N% heat- - hed at e1,30fii.3 - 2, Iflote them They are taken in exchange for all you reported it bill to prevent a depreciation:of the TICS, and TRACK LYING LW the Pittsburgh $1.38411,4.1. Corn—Sales of '.., car loads at 61.204 want to buy, they will pay all your debts, and .anew}.lt ',rot ides that et cry person, hank and Connellsville RR. between Connellst ale and , 1 , 22 Berle% --: - . l pring at , i1...10 they will not spoil by keeping. What more is as-ot ration or coramration 1-sit dig note, to cfr- H Al --Itifee re b loads to Ise scales at rirstal,j, le expected? oiat. as owner.. ,:,nil 1, ii a Jut} of one-fourth Cuutherl ' ad ' embr"'ng." distance of ei g ht r -Bet " ir ton, Haled was' held at edit. Speaking of hoarding greenbacks—that Is a of one pee cement tau 1 , .. , •,th on the andruert Is- en (47) miles. in sections of about one mile each. I t ; HUI 'EIS I a n—Puttee—,alit of 25 sacks rho good one, and Is only equalled by the inquiry •Irerl mord bit .tr lure- ,t d made alter one specificanous and profiles are now ready at '1440,, .itoliiscs—snlee 2.5 bbls rir aat nocidil. sa...lii 01.1 a, rah . sugars -sales la Ltis Orleans, as to "what loyal man dare refuse them! or who % ear II .liall 1 , .1.1,a , . i -sue vitell notes. the Company 's Office. in Pittsburgh. and pro-. ' ' • ever thought of declining to receive the re ! W e entraer authorised .y a. t.l , ...eras Ihe eon- rit 19(6,20e, Idu at Pse, (dished —salea•s tibia at suppose the editor has been reading about Hot.- stir-tale's' rib the •••id, • t ~, ,•t polled !kraals ,till be received to the 30th of April. 26e: Powdered 4ni Granul it ed— 20 do tro. son's choice lately. But the climax of "sae- H Lie _.(JIISq• reStlilled it.' ~., 1 1.,,lk•I It ion of the ISEN.I II LATROBE. _s it -Sales tu tierces liar,arn at Int, • CaSM" la the/tying that "they will not sp o il 1,, te , olir turn to expel Mr. Lor n g President Pr /1 AI tilos—sales 17r, tads 'ii lf-skisea keeping." Of course not, they will last out the ' ) /r CisinriKe. r?? ".. -art this re'"/"""" . Al' PLES--Salea Rio bids House ta at 4is-A4.2z. remainder of the century, no doubt, and keep as oas a rangy rill) brolight here - 1 lie only object r Iffice P. 6c. C. R.R. Co.. Pittsburgh Spll 11 11 . 1 / N The roa•liet oas nem an I li - da•s Un well In preset - % anon an other foasillanious earl- .oi.l ihe to stir tip strife and ill feeling. at a elm need. 0/Utley. lime u lien we might not unit to have good fel- INSURANCE AGENCY. al ESs Poll K —We note a sale of 35 His at . - Mush'', but a union of sentiment • Referring i2.;. an ad% anco M a i ineethj,,, afternoon at Ma,,,,,,, }roll. Al-, to the t 'onstitutional ire., isions. be denied the . HAVE BEEN DULA( COMMISSION- LA HU" '''''k'll "le. '‘i I'' 'ii mission only 16 cents. rizht and pots Cr of the 1i,,,,., m expel the gen. 1.11 TTEIi -foal, s 12 packages at 4c0 , 110 - 1. ed and licensed to act for the billowing .re „ ti, man truni I 'too under li,is resolution 1 he) ed ' 1-11 s 1,11— iltIe market Iv - r- ear fled lerldera in not expel hint for his %matron sake T 1 • Were ftekiii,f ll—, Died,---Col. John Sy mlngton , of the I env I '' n • ' ' r 'olisritidlon submitted no such question. A Stints Ordnance Department, totlled) cam- Fire, Marine and Life Insurance lllKll , otllii not be expelled tor his oplerron, hut tuanding at Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., died at lial- COMPANIES r 1,.d. seas.lie disagreed 14 ith the gentleman tlmore, Md.. on the 7th inst. Col s ,'as a man from Ohio. and also the gentleman from Mary of science, a gentleman, and an intelligent and PHITNIX of Brooklyn, N. Y. laii,t. tierßams He had not c o me to the cou- Capital most efficient officer. In his death the Govern- Viand( 00, Gun; •n that seerssiou is a fixed and unalterable ment he. lost one of its most honest and capable (let. and the &Heenan% es ment wiled I.y the gen- With a large surplus. officers. Many friends its this vicinity will la. , iii his hiss iiiiii deeply sympsithi, ii , iii, his t11•Iliirl IrOM I /hit/ 1,1,1' ILOI )• I t ,1• 1 . 11 la esented , WASHINGTON of' New York. , 11., ciaintr, 11 is 1 , ,,,,,,i.1e, boat, er r that amiable ali.l isereai ed family. they Ma) 1 , 4 . 111 . /0 - erred to the New York capital 1400.000 rat _ . ladle.'- re'a'r, whirl% SA), Speaker Colfax's zeal has Assets Feb. I, loot 5G115,104 46 Who gets the price Is- lay at the Inas.; outrun his discretion. and that Ma resolution Is l'neettled claims 2,325 uu Blow ers I , neither right nor r xpedtent. also to the Even - ,ay Post, w h irl, .ry s Ilia; I.i.lig's speech OHa 5 (..pital and Surplus 91,62,510 45 Theatre.—The much talked 01 drama, de- pert rely leertodate ratrdsseost If the war Thl s Coo,psmy is s o es Pscticiontiog Policies picting in glowing colors the horrors uf the old ..ii.lun on a ;doper 10,3 the %receded Its script dividend hat e been al per cent. per an- Frencllle glowing, entitled the "Dead Heart, ' states nutty L e d o[ o.rla Ire,k, tort carry it on tor num for three years past. it ill be pel formed tiro' e, ening. Edwin Adams o.l),.erat lon. and y.).. 1.0, er can aceoMullsh . will enact his celebrated character of "Hobert % oar purpose 10.., a :use the Ilenioerata of American Life & Trust of Phila. 1.,...try " Added to the company, Mr. C it II- ;yno.athenrie it Ith the rebels, but )uu do not 1.500,u0u. I.lnson will make his first appearance as "An- hem re It l ' he . ',Ear I, mad. for 8 wicked and Capital For further information annly to tome Toupet." Messrs. Haloes and Liireila) ap- , purl., Ile sa..i no- Republicans are a • ,-.•,..,-. BR y AN, Pear in the cast. The piece Is a ter) attractn e let rdr,tronan pat l it 111 , I Inlf , J , and practve, Broker and Insurance Agent, one. and abounds in glees, Choruses, dalons, N.k. for 1., os ertlii - owing tl,,- t 'or)-111:.11,10 the) railt2 69 Fourt? street. 'tiro x the 1 iron. me Spahileg -t Med said -onor men are willing to Is outs famous e a couseht mg to be infamous Wa ll Paper! Wall Paper! He had carefully read and considered the (Amok - lOUS speech of ths' member from Ohio, Mr. Long, Those of out readers during the summer and he !would not palliate in or about It. His manila' liable to a ftections lueident to the warm colleague had sommenced a will bar•ngue by' an it weather, such as Diarrhea, dysentery, me., will nounelng his Intention to express the convic t-Ind the most pleasant, nod at the sante nine moat innocent and effectual, remedy to be Hari- lira ' 01.12 "-j ud g m en i and n ` iltuu g '''' "" I with kin's Spiced Blackberry. Sold by all druggists. out premeditation lii Spalding quoted Iron Mr Long's speech. , , I% hi. 11 he eharn_tert7ed as criminal licentious " The Campbells are Coming."—By ref - seas.and II not restrained would do more to creole to our advertising columns it taill be stol. the foundation of our republic than the I seen that the original and only Campbell Min strels, will give three entertainments at Concert onto ti cohorts of the rebellion al r Smith( Ky.) said,he did not heat Mr. Long's Hall, commencing 011 'Monday evening. April 11l spee.h. but after a careful examination came See card in another column. to 11. e .oncluston that there was scarcely a sea -- lonent or a word that he could endorse, nor did Doors open at Masonic Hail to-day at iwo he 1 elleve such sentiments should be uttered in o'clock. the Manse Or 1,1, CO , loriell by any considers- ' L ATEST STYLES • DIRECT FROM the manufacturers, bar sale at the lowest • hie portion of the peolpe of the I , nited Steins ' Duprez and Green's Minstrela.—Last Mr. Pendleton (Whin) said be would not din- prices, at night oas the first performance of Dupree and cu.:. ;he soundness or unsoundness of the views Green', original New Orleans and Metropolitan 1 'i los colleague, Mr Long, nor indulge in any Minstrels, Burlesque Opera Troupe and Brass partpandisCUSsi-ns or allowins. Foerster & Schwarz 's, Band. em bracing twenty-four twenty-four renowned, pope- air. Myers (Pa ) said its Lis experience as a lan and brilliahtsl ars. The performances upon ! Do ler he had never before seen a Mali come en the occasion were exceedingly good, and war- 'to court and expreiii his guilt All the gentle- NCI. 164. F.3lvirrrit 'iii D t-47r. rant us In saying that the troupe are certainly nein from ()trio had to .lo to show' himself a full 0 ithout a rival in ministering to the tastes of rebel was to present hie revolver They had not mhl7-2m those who enjoy that clans lit entertainments 'to a sit for him to so into the rebel army before LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER M I N ES The reputation brought here with them insured ' the) excluded him Irom tire Hall. a lair turn-out upon the occasion, and we have , A conversation took place among several N no doubt that Concert Rail to-night will he men: ,ili larrs con rng the time at 0 loch the de- A II crowded in consequence of the sensation achiev- I I. tie atralt be closed ed last night. They will remain here only one Mr. Colfax said he was willing to clone the week, so that all who desire to hear them i debar% to-liight, and not to call the question on should avail themselves of the first opportune- the resolution till early Thursday morning. A ts to do so. Go to-night, therefore. and enjoy resolution WAS made at 6p m for a recess tilly ar3 , 'O & CO ., tire heartiest laugh you have had this man This was agreed to. PARK IIIURDY slay. El KZ, t,,,, sii,:isioN . ' , ANUFACTCREIIS OF SHEATH, Galleries crowded but very yew members lima- 1 in Brazier's and Belt Copper, Pressed Cop ent. It being understood no vote would be taken per Bottoms, Raised Still Bottoms. Spelter Sod radot e Thursday. The debate on the expultdou 'acler, .9.c. Also, importers and dealer-sin Metals, st Mt Long wan resumed Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Fire, !cc Mr Broomall (Pa ) ottere lan amendment Is, I .I/Q - Uonstantly on hand, 'rumens' Machines lard/E . _Mr . Long unworthy of being a member of . and Tools. Warehouse, No 149 FIRST and MI the House and directing the speaker to rend the :SECOND STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa resolution to huts to the House 11 - Broomall . 1 /W - Special order's of Copper cut to any desired said he Wan, Induced to offer this amendment, I pattern. feb2l-lychntv belie, ing it 'impossible to obtain a hod-third - t rate to carry the resolution at expulsion The debate continued at much length when the , Black Diamond Steel Works, House adjourned PITTSBURGH, PA. Senate —Mr. W ade. of Iffilu. Introduced in the House a blll enabling the people of Nebraska to PARK, BROTHER &CO form a State Gevernment. Mr. Foster, of Connecticut, objected to the bill solelt on the ground that the insignificant pop- UIYtIOEI of the territory had not clearly ex pressed a ii, lab to become a State. The propon ed illeaslire Una a dictation to them on the part of I ongress The Senate then proceeded to the considera tion of the Naval Appropriation Bill The amendment appropriating 1184,000 for the pur chase of lands rit I 'harleaton, Mafia Navy 14rd, was adopted. On motion 01 Mr. Collatner it was resolved to ~adjourn until Thursday in respect to the memo ry of John l'. Inv es W hat lade gets the bonnet tht, afternoon at 51ain.nie Hill I 1500 ladies wanted, at Masonic Hall this a( tetnoon to get that .rlaas bonnet Pliotog - rnphs.—Among the best spe„.imen s in thwart to be found in this city are those to be seen at the new establishment of Mr. Labbs. No. 46 St. Clair 'street. The establish ment embraces the whole of one large building and a putt of an adjoining one, and is fitted up with et cry appliance and convenience for pros ecuting Shia beautiful and interesting art. Vis itors are solicited to call and see and admire. There is little doubt that after a careful exam ination of the work there performed the er dict i.l an Impartial connoisseur will be most fa vorable to Mr. Dabbs' skill as an artist. A fair comparison is all that is desired by the propri etor, and it is probable that that is all which is necessary to establish for hint a patronage as large as could be wished. e him a call. The Maas liiluwerti given splendid ease of work every evening during thus week. Umbrellas.—Hrop In at McClelland's Auc tion House, nn Fifth street, for an umbrella at low prices. A large stock of Boots, Shoes and flatters at low prices at 1)1i.1:1ellantl's Auction House, ;if., Fifth etreet. Heine val.—We have removed our est a bli4h ment to Nos. 12 and 14 St. Clair street, on the second floor, front rooms of "Bissell's new block," where we shall continue to sell "the Howe Sewing Machine" and also the celebrated "Stied' Piano." The public will find Stier's Pianos, in richness and brilliancy of tone, in ferior to none, and in style and finish and price :lupe' for to all others in this market. 6t A M. Mcanzoon, Agt. Who gets it I That's the question. It will be given away this afternoon at Masonic Hall. .10 , 6EP H MEYER ANTHONY ` M EYRE JOSEPH MEYER & SON, MANUFACTURERS 07 PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE AND OHMS, WAREHOUSE, 133 Smithfield, and 424 Penn Sta., Between 6th rt., and 'Virgin alley, nog PITTSBURGH. MEDICAL CARD. W. BODENHAMER, H. D., 8.54 Broadway. NEW YORK. W. H. BODFNHILHER, M. D., Othee, No. 148 Third street. Office hours from 9 to 4 p. m. 11EVOTE TUE= 4TTEATTION TO the Medical and Surgical treatment of C'hronie Disetmes. Especially those of LOWER BOWEL, sucb as Files. Constipation, Fistula, Fissure, Falling of the Bowel, idon of the Bowel. Stricture of the Bowel, &c. Also, the various Chronic Mamma of the Womb, the Kidneys, the Blad der, etc. mhi-dtf etc C. , Wic C. . dr C ' , pedal to Thy Av YORK. April lx—A special Fortress Monroe dispatch reports a daring attempt on Saturday morning to blow up the United States steam frigate Union. An apparently floating spar approached her and getting near was as certained to be a boat with three men in it. The lookout warned them oft' hut they pushed boldly for the frigate and In a few moments an explosion similar to that of twenty cannon was heard. The vessel shook as If paralyzed. and the crew were tumbled eut of their bertha and hammocks. When the confusion subsided orders were given to pursue the daring rebels, but the Admiral's tug lying along aide had no steam up The commander of the tug has been put under arrest for not keeping steam up at all times as required by the regulations C.sino, April 11.—Last night the guerillas burned two houses. and stole several horses on the opposite side of the river from Cairo. A squad is reported to have been seen to-day on the Kentucky shore, between here and Colum bus, not more than ten miles from Cairo. since Forest's late operations a larger num ber 01 refugees are flocking into Memphis, awaiting transportation North, than at any previous period since the beginning of the war. A soldier shot a merchants of Jonesboro at Anna, Illinois, this afternoon, killing him in stantly. The affair caused a great excitement. The Provost Marshal received a telegram for as sistance to come immediately. The train had just started with a force to prevent further bloodshed. SANDY HOOK, April 12.—The steamer Virgin ia, from Liverpool on the 29th, has passed here. It was officially stated in London on the 30th that the Queen had announced her intention to hold a court at Buckingham Palace on the 6th of April., to receive members of the diplomatic corps, and a second court on the 13th, to which a limited number of distinguished persons will be invited. TRER-rox, April 12. —L. SRdilla, the democratic candidate for mayor was elected to-day by 250 majority. The whole democratic ticket is elected. NEW Yo April 12.—C1,31d re selling at lea; Florins is eacmo. -- - emu°, April 12.—The steamer Pauline Car- en M tullEguAL el - FEVAN rol from New Orleans on .the 6th has arrived. A _. - The French are marching on Matamoras. A.-- __ _ _ — CLIL _ fight took place in which the French were vic- LOCAL STOCKS AND SECURITIES. torions. Cortina' has issued a proclamation ordering 1 REPORTED BY P. P. PRPAN, BROKER, 69 4TH CT all troops to concentrate on the Rio Grande, he- j low itletamoras to resist the occupation of that place. THE GREATEST NER VINE, TONIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER. ENGLISH BITTERS. A sure cure for Intemperance. Dr. J. C.Ayers' Family Medicines from Europe. roA_AI.EL - Y MFIDIC I N E:S. Dr. Schenck's Pnlmonio, Tonic and Pills Celebrated Beebe & Sarsaparilla, PITTSBURGH DRUG ROUSE, Torrence & Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Pulite, And all articles usually found in Drug - Stores of tlrst quality, for sale low, .V i CitYPtirMX SITI=LEM9P WINDOW SHADES, Received THIS DAY. 53 NEW SPRING STOCK 0 F ozi CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS. Best Quality of Refined Cast Steel, Square, Flat and Octagon, of all sizes. Warranted equal to any imported or manufac- tured in this country. 14U & 151 First and 120 & 122 Second its, fet,l6-iyd PITTSBURGH. FOR S A.I,F:. FIORE COAL UNDER 250 ODD ACRES near Monongahela City, with some lo acres SURFACE bordering on the Monongahela Hir er, having borne 400 feet front, where there is a superior landing, even in low water times. Present price $166 per acre. .T. H. CASIDAY, Real Estate Broker, spit No. 67 Fourth street._ JUST WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS, A POCKET LNI,BUM Holding from 12 to 24 Pictures, FOR SOLDIERS' FOR S D DrIERS Can be sent to all parts of the United States for Twenty Cth ALSO, Albums for Centre Tables, Albums for Centre Tables, AT PITTOCK'S, foh36 OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFIC E. CEILING PAPERS pOLYCHRONE, FRESCO AND Floral Decoration& For sale by W. P. MARSHAL!, ap9 87 Wood street. Dr. Cutters' DR. D. JAYNES & SON'S, 11 - E. I_, NI 13 0 .1.. 1) . s And all other Family Medicines can be found genuine at the Corner of Market street and Fourth Otis, Lead, Varnishes, Brushes, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, TORR ENCE & IVPG A RR, No. 70 Market street, corner of Fourth Well seasoned CLOTH, WINDOW SHADES, Smelt ina- I=arallMEl OBTICB AND WARRHOUSR, AT PRIC3iIS4 13F.T_.C1W ALL, AP PRICES BELOW Par Value. Last Sales. Bank of Pittsburgh $ 60 $ 66 Exchange Bank 60 47i , , Merchants' & Manufac. Bk 5U 663 Mechanics' Bank - ou 63 i.„ Allegheny 8ank......... :'':),.... 60 67 4 Citizens' Bank ,:... Ciu tit'„ . , Iron City Bank . 60 63 y4 lron City Trust Co 60 64% Manchester Savings Bank to 49%, Railroad, Gas and Insurance Stock. Birmingham gas Co 313; Citizens' Insurance CO 60 60 Western Insurance Co 42 63% Eureka Insurance Co 60 48 Along. Insurance Co 32 3 - 2 S ); Allegheny Valley R. R.... .... 51) 14 i, Pittsburgh& Conns. R. 11 6u y 4 do interest bearing 60 13 Monongahela Nay. Co 60 47;, Monongahela Bridge —.. 27 4. Allegheny Insurance Co 26 273. Peoples Insurance tio.rn 25 22% Pittsburgh (as Co 60 86 Western Penna. R. R 6u Pitts 8. Steubenville R. it.... 6 , 2 13s, Penna. Ins. Co 6u .. Copper Storks. Mass Mining Co Northwestern Mining Co 7 05 13 Ireat Western •• 100 Ohl Dacotah Pitts. and Boston National North Cliff Bay State Central lale Royal Minnesota AZte.: Aliegheny Co. Compro. Gs .... Pittsburgh ••515 Pitts. Municipal 68 Allegheny cu E i Kith back coupons .. . . ... Pittsburgh (to 11. R.) with ba..k coupons Pitts. s Conn, R. R. inort tin A. V. IL R. ist wort. 78 Allegheny cu. Bounty Rood. Allegheny city 4 Pitts. tc Steubenville MONEY MARKET. Invented 1845. Perfected 185,4. conancran DAILY Ft/Ft THIS MORNING POST, BY . 'DP ECEIVED TRIBUTE FROM ALL I.IK6SRS K.I - NT" t ittt.A.l2, FIF..)KLII.S, No. ilB , I.llother Sewing:Machines at the World's Fair, woon STFOSI.T 1563, while - the Singer Sewing Machine received The iolloiging are the buying and aching' rates I an honorable mention on its merits; and Wheel_ for ilohl, tlilver. its • er a Wilson's a medal for Its device, called "Cir- Iluyine. yelling. cuter Hook." The Howe Sewing Machine wet's' :' i 7;.; ! awarded a premium (to an English Exhibitor,) ... I ;,.! ,as the best for all purposes on exhibition. Our , . i 7.. f lightest Machine guaranteed to make perfect 1 1 ~.-, work on the lightest and heaviest fabrics. Sold and rented at NOS. 12 &di St. Clair street A. M. MoGREGOR. U-old ..... Der - nand Notet, ('aupona Ex , kxang, Sterling per pound ...... Prussian Florins PITTSBURGH OIL TRADE orvJ, aor THE Dail V PosT, ) WhOsv , DAV, April I 1 1 , 64. I hz. o, t I•o•incs• continue, to attra,:t a good -- deal attention-11okt,, u ere g , nerally firm in I/ or friends and the public at large will not. ,- mAsoNie HALL. their uiews and not dispo,rl to part with their "f‘r'W!etifi'rletlitehLtu7. atireQcrisenL?,dnikirr _ sto,rks unless the outside rates were obtsined. ti..• Mayor's Odle; Fourth street, where we NATO C:li , 1=11"•R 4:301j . *3Ev Ali 9 IS Ihe slues that came under our notice WAa hs -e on exhibition and for sale as line a .st uck of Old Original Bohemian Troupe of • t lit DE--tnales iiackages to be returned, 150 1.1,1 , at 23r, 3 - ai do at 23,, :hou do at 22 u 1 ,., lAA- PIANOS, GL A SS 'BLOWERS,' ages Ind tided, iso do at 2.n.,, ipso do nt lle“,: R EFINED—S,Ive too ills Free at 51,.: 150.10 HARMONIUMS MELODEONS, ETC., Will open their Grand Gift Promenade Enter at hi t„..., 500 dd nt 5,, lot it. at s; ' [aliment at the above Hall, on MONDAY II EN Zi /I.E—s,,lc, tau td ds ar 23c I , , EY ENING,. March2stb, itirdeshiblteevery - kken- As were ever brought to this city and at strict- log and WEDNESDAY andSATURDAY 'AP- I, EAoTERN FACTORY PRICES. TERNOONS. At each entertainment the celebrated Low - H, na:BER & BRO., , Pressure Glass .Stearn Engine lldonfryor, made_ I entirely of Glass, willbelnitill iiintion. inoth.,' lOR SALE OR rk-,Orar4- ~114 Wilkins H ill. Fourth street. ,er great feature, all the mattißieentWo manufactured by the company, will be gratult -L ously distributed to the ' , idiom mf On FRIDAY EVENING, April let, a beauti ful Case of work will be presented to the Author Exchange for City Pronerty, of the best °Benet Ckniumdruin on the Glass • ' steam Engine, . Admission to evening entertainments 2t , cents; - afternoons 15 centa. - Nob/illlift - cc lloora r oa That LARGE DWELLING with grounds at- I in the evening at 7, afternoons at Ao'cloCk. :3ft. '7. hibition cominetioet hnif an hoar lett , , I: , ` _. l tached, on CARSON STREET, formerly occu- • WM. W.OODROFPF., Manager: 4 pied by Christian Ihmsen, late of East Birming- IE. M. GARDICER, Gen. Agt. mh.45-ta27 ham, Ull Recriidd Per ..11:eglaen!, Riner-1 R. "Al'eun e $4 td.,l, .1 1.1,1•,.. 243 t. 1,/, 66 du: H os42n4tir,_i H. A slot "rth, 1,304 t10..1 Haughey, 20 .1"; • - •traekler a: Baxter, 63 do: N/. • ra.!..len 2v - .In Itrru, r. 11,rke 1711 Pehno..k. A Hall. 02 do. litchardzon t Hari,. 224 .1,1, Wtlt . I , ollBh-1,.. N. Co. 10 .1, 7n0;1. 2.973 tAbls Front John 1.. Bowes 4 Bro.'s Wool ( . irCitla.r. Per Persia. LIVERPOOL. March 26. The principal Row markets in Europe have been strong this month, consumption being large ever} where and stocks moderate. Full-bodied tilling kinks are rather learer, but not short dirty parcels. Worsted Wools. particularly t. right-haired English, and such foreign descrile tine as can be substituted, are held higher, and as stipplies (hiring the next two months will be at their minimum, there s, some excitement amongst consumers to corer themselves: but dealers shuts' no disposition to speculate, at the present high value of these qualities.' Purchases (or the United States have agate been very Limited . The London sales ended on the aid Inst. The fine Wools comprised 15,034 bales Australian anti 18,959 Cape. There sa at a firm tune through out, and prices close- I in favor of sellers, ex cepting for greasy Cape. which, owing to the ab sence of orders for America. declined to Id lb. Staple kinds of A nstraloto advanded Id on November, but will be soverely tested at the auctions to ,J1511111,1,' It h n hen there will he offered over 11/0,1)00 hales There were also 458 hags inferior brook wa-ht'd Ilessa. partly sold at 11 , , to 13+,17 •.!' , 76 ttcourtti iidessit Me rino, which sold tit. rune AAAA: IliedlUal to fibs As In 'id' lid to 26 t.A, locks and low trk, tt,i tat , not wanted--a tew soil at tad. The coarse Woo,. „tan:l ,ed siert ales. nearly ail of which sold teadd; at id ij,s advance, ex. cepting punkt'', tultt,it in.tot I tined pro- Viol.; rates: 996 I ales 1.. t -I in des Included washed Kurrachee. uhtch realifed ~ .;a1 told, and 6.5 Persian Lid to 11l- 165 bales at oroced sold at ,s ,d unwashed Maraca', .3‘..d to 9d Rabat, 13 ylclean .Rogadoro. 13b greasy .114 - eft4n, toe titi; 15 bales Shabghae sold at 11l for clean rolled Into small balls, 1914 hales llouekoi, sec and hand• sold without . hange, at 12‘,1 to 125„,1 good, 11 , ,d to 15.1 middling to average short, lid to 11 ',,l Intenur, scutari Land's' 1.31 private cootra.t sales have been madt , 01 the new clip of Mestizo at NI .130 and 7 d tit for short. dirty parcels. COI-du% is er} scarce. nod has realized 11,0 Jur middling short up 13 , 0 fur supeilor lung. White Donskoi hence has sold for arrival in August at II t s d, and 12t1 is now asked for cargoes. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 7 ali rE OFFER FOR SALE THREE V AND ...A-QUARTER ACE Es Op LAN II IN 13A LDW IN TOWNSHIP, three miles from the Pittsburgh Market House, on the old Brownsville }toad, on which are a good Tv, o- Story Brick Dwelling, containing eight rooms and kitchen ; a Stable and Carriage Shed; a fine Well of water close to the house ; an Orchard of 100 trees of choice fruit, and a gond Garden. A thick vein of Coal underlies It all. The Land is all cultivated, is in tine order add fronts well on the road. Price $O,OOO. Payments to suit pur chasers. Immediate possession given. Also, the THR EE-STOR Bll.lCli HOl:sE and LOT, No. 34 Anderson street, Allegheny. Front 22 feet 9 inches ; depth of Lot, 140 feet to an alley. The House was built four years since in best style, has thirteen rooms and bath room, a dry warm cellar under all ; gas In all the rooms and is complete throughout and In excelleht or der. Price *7,000. Payments to Butt purchasers. Also, the RUBERTSON FARM., on the Monon gahela River, adjoining West Elizabeth Borough, distant sixteen miles direct from Pittsburgh, con taining 187 acres and 4 perches, of which about 3o acres is excellent Coal. There are a Double Two-Story Brick Mansion House, Frame Barn, a bearing Orchard, three Tenant Houses, Stables and other buildings thereon. Front on the Riv er 108 perches; fine wharf and deep water. The Land Is of excellent quality, and has plenty of Timber thereon. Early possession given. Titles indisputable to all the above. KEENAN & HANCOCK, Attorneys -at-Law, apB-10td 81 Diamond street. STEEL. 'TOOTH HAY AND GRAIN RAKES, WARRANTED THE BEST NOW in use. Also, STORE TRUCKS and WHEELBARROWS. Manufactured and (or sale by C. COLEMAN, Near the Penitentiary, Allegheny city, Pa Noiseles Patent Sewing Machines. i These Sewing Machines are .k 11047; Eta the very SMITH, PARK & CO., 1 best la the United Stateir.•They are WARRANT ED. and sold at the LOWEST PRICES. Call NINTH WARD FOUNDRY pad examine them before buying elsewhere. Re- airing of Sewing Machines of every kind I promptly attended to. . 1 ERNEST AX niEL_st, Agent, No. 103 Third street, Pittsburgh, Pa. PITTS EIVRCH3 Warehouse, No. 14.3 First and i2O Second sta. mhl6l yd Manufacturers of all sizes aid descridtions of D LIMPS PATIONT.LAIN.P isyniyiNE y Coal Oil Retorts and Stills, Gas and Water .t7 CLEANER ..—rirttAttore Chimneys broken pipes. Sad Irons, Dog Irons , Wagon Roses, Seal in cleaning. It cleans a chimney without wash- Moulds. Pullies, Hangers and Couplings lag and is the only article in the market that Also, 'Jobbing and machinery of every descrip- clean a chimeey properly. For sale at the tint made to order. principal Lamp Stores, and at the Lamp and Oil Having a complete machine shop attached. to Store of the foundry, all necessary fitting will be carefully attended to. 021-lyclasw _ RIVER MATTERS. om splen steamer Leni Itt Ca S nerlierd,is - ahnutiera did l for Cincinnati and , ville 'Thursday. . . I 4 Ql` The tine steamer Sallie List, Capt. Neal, IS announced for Clarksville and Nashville on 1 Thursday. - The fine steamer • Armenia, Capt. WCal lum, to announced for St. Paul. She will have dispatch. - • - ba?-The favorite passenger steamer Kate Rob , insult, Capt. Robinson. to announced for Cincin nati this day. 4W - The fine packet Argonaut No Porter, tat canting for St. Paul. ARRIVALS AND DEPAR'II RES ARRIVED. Gallatin, Clarke, Brownsville. Franklin, Carmitc, Brownsville. Jas. Rees, Irwin. Elizabeth. Minerva, Gordon, Wheeling. Arcola McCallum, tlood}Wriends, 'Thomas, St. Louie DEPA_RTED. Gallatin, Clarke. Brownsville. Franklin. Carmac, Brownsville. Jas. Reese, Irwin, Elizabeth. Emma Graham, Ayers. Zanesville. :Et A 33.. X INT ' IEI Spiced Syrup Blackberry, o ;765 100 660 31 300 1 75 25,4 6 00 71 16 10 3 60 66S For Summer Complaints, Diarrhoea PREFERABLE TO HOST PRE parations for the above affections from this tact. It does not check the disease suddenly, (thereby rendering Inflammation of the bowels liable v ) but changes the character of and effectu ally and permanently removes the disease, and helm , : purely vegetable, it can be given to the in fant with perfect safety. ti OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS VIE HOWE SEWING MACHINE W 9 25 2;) r-V-d.,3taW-ly IEN A.13.1E dz. - CO. ' #74 Gold Medal Premium Pianos A" NOW BEYOND A DOUBT THE BEST PIANOS MADE—Warranted tor eight years. M A H 13 I- F 2. S ? NILE ('LEOPATRA AND OTHER Marble Panels for Walls. For sale by al 9 W. P. MARSHALL, 87 Wood st. H F.: M 0 VAL. KANE & DUFFY. ANE dr. DUFFS' WOULD INFORM IX. their friends and the public that they have removed their Tailoring Establishment from the -land to No. 14 ST. CLAIR STREET. Bit, new block, near the St. I st Allegheny t, Age. Those desiring the latest patterns of Sp lug and 2ummel Clothaig- (1 the rarest and most fashionable stllcs, are in , ited to call and examine their extensive stork of ( • 'ASSIM ER ES. V F-STINtIS, &e. KANE k DUFFY, np9-liud No. 14 St. Clair et. r WPOR A WV REMOVAL. - vcrxi...l-E.xlv - *at STABLING AND OUT-BUILDINGS In the rear of the Dwellng House. Soldiers Buy your Boots Citizens Buy your Boots AT 55 FIFTH STREET, Strangers Buy your Boots Everybody Buy your Boots Where every des,riptfon of Boots, Shoes, Balmorals and .Gaiters Can be touud. Also, a la e• and extensive ariety of CHILDREN'S SHOES Q I PRING STOCK OF PIANOS Now being received by the subscriber from the factories of CEIICKERING & SONS, HAZELTON BROS., . P. EMERSON, MILLER, GIBSON Bs CO Prices From $225 to $B5O Purchasers are solicited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. C MELLOR, 81 Wood at. FOR SA LE.—THE UNDERSIGNED hare been appointed a committee by the stockholders to make sale of the OAKLAND AND PITTSBURGH AND MINERSVILLE RAILWAYS, or either of them—with equip ments, stodk, &c., and will receive bids therefore until MAY IST proximo. If not sold. .by that time, proposals will be received for the iron and wood of the respective railways. Notice of the disposal of the equipments, &c., will be given after May, Ist, aforesaid. For particulars refer to either of the under signed. WM. A. HERRON t JOSHUA RHODES SAMUEL MORROW, CHARLES MEYRAN, A. S. BELL, p9-tda Committee. B OOT AND SHOE STORE OF .J. I-1. BOR.L.A..NID'S, 98 MARKET STREET Where the largest, best selected and cheapest stock of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Baimorals Is to be found is the city. Country Merchants sup plied at New York and Boston prices. Be sure and call and examine my extensive stock before purchasing elsewhere. At BORLAND'S 98 Market at., 2d door from Fifth. ap9 PLANER & KAYSER'S WELAgents forDLNMtnitZLnfaaturersLY' Dysentery, & c CRARLOTTE BLUME, 43 Fifth et., Sole Agent FRED. L. IIIiVISEN, 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. AT 55 FIFTH STREET, AT t 5 FIFTH STREET AT 55 FIFTH STREET, JARDINE et SON RC., &C CESE2 t :1,7:141 PITPSBifn f! Lessee and Manager. W•Maktionnow • Treasurer.. - • •;.'t . I rollittitcyron. Last week, of ,the -, ettpiMitentipfj_thef. gnishedloung tragedimizuW/M AHAMS. First nightof the grestßevohilbharY Pliy of the DVS D First. a Rearm:mean itttsburgh,opllttLeMAS• W _ Apart (rim the nmieptiteriiry of the drama and. the brilliant eartmrwmpirtddli Mr. Adams invests the ehareater OrLandry, Its played by him for , sixty, pi:me:Wave distil In Philadelphia andHoston• •- • • THIS EVENING bapresented, The Dead ffeart, Robert , Edwin Adams IN poiicrEtztver; spitz' AVE (JAIN. The Old Original ana 1%4 CAMPBELL'S MINSTROSI Will give three of their retitled and Ethiopian Entertainments • • CONC•ERT Comtcrdacitig. on Monday Evening, April 18, I% and 20 18 Accomplished and Established-Peter3, In New Soitgai Witticisms and. Ilitifealues. See bulletin boaiilii.fuldiiingrainin6. Cards of Ailmiasion..,-- :Cants M. O. C.A.RIPBELL, Manager. A. W. WOODS, Buatness Agent. , apl3-Iwd ONCERT HALL. Our Favorites are again New The Model Troive - of the World. DUPREZ & 'GREF 4 N'S Original New Orleans and klefeelegltaill -. MINSTRELS; BITRLESQITE OPERA TROITPE AND BRASS BAND, 24 RENOWN-ED; - Popular and Brilliant Stan, Positively for Five Nights Only, Tuesday, Wednesday,, , 'l l llfuribyil day and Sainnatt!ir, APULIA 12th4 13tb, /4thilsth and .I.Bfh. • This Mammoth Organization of the present age has been greatly, enlarged and improved for the present season 0f.1.883-'64.atui Is composed of a far more talented corps of Ethiopian Artists than were ever before concentrated into one company. it is universally admitted to be the oldest, best largest,' most coniplete.and most ex% extensiveland traveling; and on each occasion of their appearance here, the latest features of minstrelsy will be Introduced. For full particulars, see Programnies4Of the day, and the largest illuminated billsenrpritried, in the world, the first hundred of the which cost $1,600. Admission Reserved Seats Doors open at_T ; Concert to commence at F. Manager, CHAS. Er.t/UPTIt2. SAM'L. PONri, j Advertising D. g. GARDNER, ' Age**. WH.EELER & WILSON'S 'HIGHEST EILEIVIL =At_ , QC ae • WaratCrler-'?' ~E~i~T~MA~HIiS THE OHEAPEST, 3IZEPIEf3T, Principal Office and Wholesale Emporium, o. 27 FIFTH ST., Three doors below Bankßlock, WM. SUrtiNtil & wEsTERN AGENTL;I. ap4-eol-d&w . Et R A.1%7 NOTARY PUBLIC, 59 Fourth St., (Burke, Bultdpag.) Office hours from Da. ta., to 5 o'clock p. m. apt DWELLING 1.1(01313E VOR HA M— The subscriber offers for sale the diVellltt house in which he now lives, situated on South Avenue, First ward, Allegh • The lot is 27 feet front by 160 deep, back to a 20feet allley. is a two storiedbrick, contains JIM rooms aril cellar. • The outhouses are a wash house, stable, coal house, hc. There is yard surrou.nding the d-illied with shade and ornamental trees. ' ' Vero s &s end water In all the rooms of the d I also offer for sale a dcotin resi donee in Rochester township,Beaver county . , containing twenty acres ofgrotmd. There is Ps a. new two storied frame dwelling, ccnitaininir aim rooms, on the property. There is also a ynting orchard of all kinds of fruit. There -ii barn, out-houses, be. It is about a mile from - the Rochester de For terms,quire of jan27-tf truth Avenue; . Allegheny di . . . . VIP EC LiIIt4ILAM & Loso 127 LLBEILTY .M-Ja STREW, Pri s Tssifitox Agents for Russell MaVrer and Reaper, Buckeye Mower and Reaper, Quaker Mower and Reaper, Oayu ga Mower and Reaper, Farmer Mower, Wood Mower, and also, Horse Rakes, Hay Elevators and Agricultural and Farming Impteme.nta of al kinds. . . BECKHAM & LONG, N 0,197 LINER JO ERTY SRTEET, PITTSBURGH, to I for the Quaker Mower and Reap er .M, .'l . ; Mower and Reaper, Riumel'elNOSser . , '-i Farmer's Mower, Oay_uge 1 :7141g; lirgnier_,L _ Reaper, and Wood's mower. auto, tlit=er. an Agricultural and Fanning Ymtilsmoola of a; kind& gri uLTIVATOZOL PLOWS; FODDER vll_,/ Cutter* pod ditlia l hay elevators, dog Km* era, churns, war o. for t rr eb . 'LONG, 127 Liberty street. .t 5 Cents 50 Cents And BEST,