The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, April 13, 1864, Image 2

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    • t NEWS ITEMS
ii . kt plum p Wit
4 A NEW Yonli penny-a-liner writes to
, a London paper that4here is not a negro
barber in ;New Yorkiiilio is not an aspir
ant for the Presidehey.
, , ...,..
TFIE English paper sneers o.and ildi
rules George Thompson an..ctspeiticAf
him as a played-OM politiciiii in :his
own country. -
Representative LONG, of Ohio, in a
speech in Congress, on Saturday last,
observed that he "would rather recog
nizethe independence of the Southern
Confederacy, than have the war carried
On until the Southern people are subju
gated." In giving expression to these
sentiments he remarked that he spoke
but for himself, and he alone was re
sponsible for them. No sooner, how
ever, had he concluded than a bowl of
treason was started by the Abolition side
of the House, and Mr. Speaker COLFAX
had the bail manners to descend from
the Speaker's chair, to offer a resolution
for LoNe's expulsion.
We do not know what were the pre
cise words, which Lora made use of on
the occasion referred to, but if he is re
ported correctly we cannot agree With
him_ We would not agree to a dissolu
tion of- the Union, under any circum
stances, and believe that it can be re
stored without the absolute subjugation
of the Southern people. But what at
tracts our attention most, in the proceed-
Jags of Congress referred to, is the bra
zen and hypocritical conduct of the Ab
olition leaders. They howl treason at
Lona, and threaten to expel him for giv
ing expression, in the heat of debate, to
sentiments which have been reiterated
by themselves tenthousand times. Last
session Mr. COIZWAY, of Kansas, in his
place in Congress, coolly and deliberate
ly offered a preamble and some resolu
tions recognizing the independence of
the South, and his propositions received
respectful attention. But now, after
three years of criminal blundering ,by
the Administration, in which hundreds
of thousands of lives have been sacrificed
in Abolition experimen ta, the majority
in Congress - are prepared to execute
every one who dares give expression to
opinions contrary to their present pro
gramme. How many times did HORACE
GREELY write down the precise time
when he would be prepared to let the
South depart? and yet our blustering Ab
olition Congressmen make as much
noise over Lonces repetition of GHEE
LY'S announcement, as if they had
never heard of it before.
But the object of the proceedings in
question are transparent to the dullest
comprehension. By bluster in Con
gress; and Its repetition through the Ab
olitioapress of the country, the Admin
istration expects to divert the people's
attention from rte dark proceedings.
Mr. LONG, of Ohio, should have under
stood this, and not given his opponents
an opportunity to improve their condi
tion, by his utterance of the speech im
• ptitedto him. Mr. Lone, and all others
like him, whco differ from Ate great bulk
of the Democratic party, in relation to
the rebellion, ought to know that ac
cording to the Abolition rule of action,
the subjugation of the Southern people
is rixed.on. His duty then, under such
circumstances, is clear; he should refrain
• from advocating any doctrine likely to
enable Abolitionism to prolong its pow
er. He,shonld labor, with the conserv
ative people of the country, to displace
the -party in power, that better counsels
might prevail in the Administration of
the Government and in order that our
Union might be restored, without the
annihilation of the whole Southern peo
ple. Lord's proposition is not half as
bad as a thousand similar ones offered by
his opponents, but stilt we see the use
Made of it for partisan purposes. He
shot4d Jontonth,frthitt the business of
the Abolitionists now is to shape things
'3O as to prolong their power; he should
not by any means assist them
NOtifilthstanding the unanimous vote
of-the House of Representatives the other
day reaffirming the "Monroe Doctrine,"
the Semite Committee on Foreign Rela
tions have concluded to postpone its
consideration until they ascertain from
the Administration whether such con
sideration would be expedient. This
means that the consideration in ques
tion is indefinitely postponed.
The Administration and its leading
champions in the United States Senate
seen 00 sntertein tt Most profound con
tempt for the intelligence of the people.
After Napoleon has invaded, subdued
and made himself master of the Mexican
people,.and after having announced his
to mount the new throne of Mexico, our
Viceroy, Maximillianculb is on his way
Administration is engaged in discussing
whetherthe consideration of the French
man's-Proceedings wank' be expedient !
What'll - naked mockery are such expe
dients to blind the people, to the ttue
condition of their' country ! The people
of Mexico are conquered by French bayo
nets; we know how and when it was
accomplished. Napoleon announced his
devign upon that country ; and he does
not conceal his intention of future oper
ations there. And yet our Adminis
tration cannot sufficiently see the open
and palpable usurpations of the daring
Frencitman. The people of the United
States may make up their minds that
monarchy in Mexico is a fixed fact, and
our Administration is responsible for it.
It had to wink at Napoleon's operations
there E lbilear of his acknowledging the
Sorithern Vourgftrticy. What he will
nest conspelViCiti to wink at is as yet
unknown. We trust, however, that the
fateOrMexico is not in store for us, and
that our Administration will prolong
h3stilities until Napoleon begins to con
template the idea of farniihing us with a
, , • I
Ofttymusar met apother in the street
who warLill.of oonstimptionould set on
e& hint4lras: • "Ah tor friend, you want
efeeedingly Slim," "Yea" replied the
B:ck matt; flat Pm going very fast !"
The Hostility of France.
The following is an extract from the.
Paris.pintiespondeace'• of the Cincinnati-
E nic** .
TAenews received weekly from our
, Mintiter to France; Mr. Dayton, leaves
!little ; doubt of the hostile feeling o f Na
-Poleon, and ergs intention to recognize
the Confederacy. Everything that could
be done to prevent the intermeddling of
THE members ofthe littion National any European power with our domestic
party" in Rhode Nand ate,-by the ears, affairs has been done by the Adminis
and accuse each other Or all _sorts of tration, even to the national humiliation,
arbitrary and juggling acts for selfish and and sacrifice of national power; but all
unpatriotic purposes. Jto no purpose. Finding that such is the
THE latest general order from General
determination or France, the Adminis
tration has filially determined to present
Grant indicates an intention„ to enter
upon an active campaign with the Army to the usurper of Republican liberty,a
of the Potomac immediately. Sutlers bold and defiant front. That is the
the army by the 16th.
and their employees are ordered to leave • cret of the resolution which i
the o m
mittee on Financial Affairs directed i ts
: chairman to present to the House of
FOURTEENTH STREET, Washington, is ;
said to contain throughout its whole by a unanimous vote, protesting against
Congress, and whi te passed that body
length, south of Willard's not ape house the establishment of a monarchy in
that is not a house of ill fame. A con- 1 34exico under European auspices. This
tract has just been made to build a house . resolution meets the approbation of the
of the same character,which is to cost 'Administration. It is however well un
sBo,ooo l derstood that but for the Fremont and
THE PHILADELPHIA Press expresses its German pressure, Seward would still
annoyance at the indorsetnent of the . have truckled and vascillated; but Mr.
doctrines of miscegenation by the Tri- Lincoln became alarmed that acquiesence
bui:e and other anti-slavery journals. ' in the Maximilian Monarchy would de-
Mr. Forney must keep step with the mu- feat his nomination, and so he put his
sic of miscegenation or else give up his : foot down against any more yielding to
lucrative position in the kitchen cabinet. European dictations.
When the den riiiination of the Ad-
THE NEW YORK Time!, in an article ,
on amalgamation says! "We shrink ministration and the recent vote of the
from putting on paper the stories which House of Representatives are known in
Europe, it trill intensify the hatred of
reach us as to the prevalence amongst Napoleon, and haste his hostile demon
young white ladies of preference for stratt, , o •
itorho„. M n r. Folk's Adminis.
colored men-pure black having the pre- l tratimi, Mr Thier, the present Conser
cedence in all cases where there is room ! vative member of the Legislative As
ter choice."
. sembly, declared that France would
THE. Sociar. Evrt..-The magnitude of ' fight to resist "the pretensions of the
the social evil that afflicts Washington Monroe doctrine." The story that Sli
in these times is indicated in part by the dell should have been snubbed by Maxi
fact that the new court there has in the milian is a mere Hind, gotten up for de
past few months, imposed an aggregate ception. No credit is given to it here.
of about $lO,OOO in fines upon keepers Of all Foreign Embasssdors at France
of houses of ill repute, and near about none are more intimate at the Court than ALL grzrDS
the whole of it has been duly paid. Slidell. It is well known to Mr. Seward Elastic stockings, Bandages, mac.
At the Pittsburgh Drug House,
FREEMASONS may be curious to know that Slidell did hold two longinteryiews
with Maximilian. Senator Sumner and
, r 0
their strength in the world's population.
Illt.t-t - iNC , Br. 1 1 •I'Gt.A_11.11.
inter Davis also know such to be the
From very accurate statistics we can IV
case. The fact that ex-Senator Gwynn, APOTHECARIES,
state that in the New and in the Old
co s t: 1 7 1 o; F_ s ourth and Market streets, Pittsburgh the of Science and
World there are 8,237 lodges, with 500,- of California, a secessionist and former
preparation ever
000 active members. The number of ly a Fort Lafayette prisoner, is to Sc.
. _ _ invented r.y art to rectify tee short comings of
non -active and those who have with- . company Maximilian to Mexico, shows
, A. t. la r r; I l i t -
jauctuisisredlcle,y, 1- I , o , : k `RDa.D t c y ,y/
a , i ii No.
g. g .
the manipulations of Slidell.
tracted without pain by the use of Dr.
drawn is nearly 300,000.
The next few months are big with Oudry's apparatus.
gists. Applie'd by oil Hair Dr - ossera.
AT an - election in Dover, Delaware, events of the future of the United States. J.F.11 0 F' 1- - ' NI AIS , ruhr-lydziwc
on Tuesday last, the Democratic candi- The greatest battle of modern times will DENTIST.
dates for Commissioners, Hon. Charles be fought on the soil of Virginia. The All work warranted
igg==.4 FA C T.
Brown and John Brown, were elected names of armed men, who will meet in 134 Smithfield Street,
by a majority of sixty-four votes. This deadly conflict, will produce n shock jus-Iyil PITTSBURGH. is it a aye. I
--=:: :a. _a a_
*** ndin
la theyear 1, - ',35 'Mr. Mathews neat prepared umce, No. 18 FIFTH STREET
result proves conclusively that when that will vibrate from the Lake to the ----
-- -
neither test oaths insult them nor sol- Gulf, and fronithe Atlantic totter Pacific. itif s. T H IL L ISMTO T I;E Ii THE SICK TO
must be purified ICC VEIN ET/AN HAIR DYE ; since that time'
It has been used by thousands, and in no instance
diers interfere with their right to vote, It will be decisive of the great struggle. and all medicines are us e ele ' es which do not poie
the freeman of that gallant little Stile The fitiAn k .lal bubble will also come to a 8e 6a the quality of Stimulating the blood to dig- )The failed to give entire satisfaction.
. w‘irl,l. ‘ *: 1
Ira p E r i i . e A i l'' .4 . only 'l*: F i ; ftthye ccelinet,al:etsatndlneat.chhe
will bear aloft the Democratic banner head and burst, either to the healthy charge lmpurities into the hovels. Hew, L
PILLS possess this quality in a high &-
permanent relief, or tiestructi. , ll of the g.ree. and should be in ei cry family They are quantity of dye In
THE official Navy Register for 18131
Milet.V.o ae u'sounatilyi contains
sold io t u o t r de + I the
has just been issued front the Government • body poli ti c patient. Napoleon's, pro. ~,,in,a,ltly:
sexes,u ul
And are
n n o n c d en aitul as ta t, ; „ %d , e i .p y t adapted
The 1 ENET IA N I/1 E is warranted not to in
gramme in reference to ourselves and ~, ' x
press. It reports the number of vessels ,
t in,l effective as a medicine. lure the hair or scalp in the slightest degree. apla-ltd
including those still building to b e 617; I the Confederacy will be made manifest.
r i tie Hon Jacob Bei;ers of Springville. Ind .
anTleelerSte%\;3ltlhAelLl,L,U i i voiks with rapidity . --------______
qu ring no preparation i A T 16 CENTS
among them 72 iron-clads and two Anis 'ln what intereots U, most, the next six ‘ l, Wee to lir. Brandrola under date of May rich, 1
whate, er. '
the Avenger and Vindicator. From
' i months will have pretty well developed ! ''',. l
I have used your Invaluable Vegetable t to- The 1, ENETIAN DYE produces any shade
Dec. 31, 1882, to March 8. 1884, the navy the future.
versa( Pills in my family since 15:18; they hate that may be desired-one that will not lade,erOelt
or w ashout-one
has lost 39 vessels by capture, destruc
of no avail. I have been the means of my neigh-
FreSiden tie] nialterB are by no means always cured, even when other medicines were
itself. Fos sale by all de ll ggiata. Price 60 cents. ease Prints, Fast Colors,
tion, snagging, wreck, tic., including . forgotten. It is pretty generally conced
, bora using hundreds of dollars' worth and I an; A: 1. MATHEW.
six iron-clads end three rams. ed even by the Peace Democrats t list satisfied they have received a thousand pee cent t ieneral Arent, 2 i (lold st. N. Y.
_so nianufacturerof M AMES'S' attiiit'a BAIR
In blessed health through their use. They are Al
Mk s-Han will be the
ULoac k the bent hair dressing in use. price 26
used in this region for Bilious and Liver Oil,
THE late massacre of negro soldier s the Chicago Convention lie is regard aaea, Fever and Ague, and in all rheumatic cases centlL Jants-lyil
near Vicksburg is now said not to have eel as already nominated. Lincoln has with the most perfect success. In fact they are _ _ _ -
been a rebel outrage, but quite other- the best chance for the nomination at the great reliance in Bicknell, and I trust your 1 ENETIAN HAIR OVE, VENETIAN ' Q nn
Prints Fast Colors,
wise. The negroes went to a hotel Baltimore, though, if the Convention elxenceelrlaebnitealinfe,edniicaiLitot.olintohgeisLarele Lo an prepa . re so 11, L [NI 31 Es r ~,,,, , . Hi , I . A 1 ,, 'Hi ),„ HA r . R c, ~..,..§es ,
I'll', sold at FL Elll 1 VG'S DRUG STORE,
where there were only whit, women end should be postponed, it is believed he Please send me your lowest price by the gross."
children with their servants, committed will be defeated. It was from fear that Sold by THOMAS REDPATH, Pitteburg'h,
Our of the Diamond and Market in
ein s, d i t , i l y .._ a i l y lk l / 4 est a bl e dealers In medicines, the grossest p , ssible outrages on the wo- . Fremont was making rapid headway
- . ____,_______,..-
men, and then burnt the house. An ,on till' Maur,.,' doctrine Platform, that --
_ r _ _
____...____, ______. , uet ~ r. or TUE
r - IT real:Reit. Ir WA VS' I: NI Coteau. Hy Co..
Indiana regiment heard of the affair and has brought Loicoln to take the same
Pit !-.l.,urgh, April Bth, 1884. 1
attacked and killed the dl' acre No reb- ' ground. But a inajoritY of the Tie pub
Ras of Dlreetor, have this day declared a Levi_ els were concerned in the shocking atfa:r r can Hi use and `-;( mite are opposed to
dent of I Wit AND 1 /NE-HALF (2 t„ ) per cent.
Admiral Porter said in a late report; • his renomination. No man can be nom
.in the Capital stock of the Company, out of the
"The negro troops near Vicksburg Bale ' inated that the New York T 1 ibune oppo. .
aet earning tor the corer ending... March 3181
been eommittine - ninny outrafrrs."
acs, as the best part of the Republican flit., pay able (free of Cu' inent taX,) on and
after the 10 I' is OF' ,ti A l pros., at the general
party take their politics from that sheet. I
office kif the COmpatt‘ in Pit tstoirgh to the stock-
TUE Chattanooga Gazette states, that
WE HAVE LEARNED NOT TO bider, whose stock;
Though Mr Chase has withdrawn from
„, iolaette rer.,tered there, and at
between the point of Lookout aiountain
:•••-• be astonished at an) thing. Years of ex
and Bridgeport, down the valley o f the the canvas, his friends yet believe he ,
perience and a correspondence eXtelidingthrOligh- I ...aniP.l 'e ' n k. ') Uo o .,) No , aTVl3e.t rest,(li';',if.elVl'lf% Winslow. Tennessee, lie twenty-five miles of dead . Win be nonifnated nt Baltimore. I-L
00 all the nationalitiea of the habitahle gl o b, the stockholder s w 1 - 1, - ,se stock is register:A there
mules, in one continuous string-the will be the peace , tie! ing of the party i.iiie
theor. taro and
ai r d as o l ,. ra o n ; l er book., of the I l onii.any will clOSe
I k p tn.. on the 2rl day of 51,1 5 p r ox .
head of the first carcass lying on the --......-
healed a basis front alit .li N, e need not err. We and is 111 remain cit..... 1 Id, fe ia.,,_14 a. in on the
"quarter deck' of the one beyond him, Republican Hypocrisy. are not surprised at ski h facts as the following- 17th of .day thereafter
and so on, throughout the entire diet- Ar. r ._• ~ • although the persons who write then; are. We I , 3) 3 ". r t d i el ' 1 the 11,..1 ', J ,, I, l 'll . 7l ° ':'
r.. ox
. s ,if,ffrous and telling expo.
{:\ Lb, sec's ,
ance. The Gazette says: "Just imagine sure of persons and circi,insranees, hence feel
Counterfeit , 1 ' -
oh the Inconsistency of the Repul, know
a con Yuls:on of nature of sufficient mag
to indorse their statements : Couuterfeits I I 1
licans was altogether the hest part of at libert y
uitoe rwr .: J.• ell, Qt
nitude to bury these remains as they
NEW BEDFORD. Mater., NO, . 24, 1863.
Saturday's debate. If the great hulls now lie, and phancy the pelinx of a fu- halloo about Mr Long is any - thin , more I) ,” R S'R '-I
"" L'"'l "t"'"" man "11
Hum bugers aro About!!!
tare Agassiz who in his geological re-
Wit. si, ere prostrating crimpi ln aky limbs. cold
than a dishonest elrf - tione . erin '' t
searches strikes either of the termini,
feet an I hands, and a general disordered system
why did not the Republicans rr g ois r e ti , )
and attempts to exhume the entire expel - Mr. Conway - , of Kansas . : when o( he Si .and U'ed"'''' tailed I' relicts me
ia e visiong Soilie II - 1.1. ls Now 1 urn who were Russjall spectacles
I stood up in his place and advised the
using Plantation Batt rstho prevailed kipOn Me
SUPPLIES FOR OUR ARldy.-5818, wri recoenition of Southern independence"
to try them 1 couirnrit:e.l with a small wiz:Le
hi:lg front the Army of the Potomac Mr. Conway is a Republican and Mr.
Feeling 1 ettr r by degrees, : p -- e I r, II r 4 P e R 0
n V e E w
says: "I don't know whether there was Long professes to he a Democrat, and g n ia : 8 , 1" “ 1 '` , l T: i t inner 1 YOU R , 111 ITT - 7 - II i T , i :(.. r E ,
any alcohol in store at Brandy Station, that makes all the different between boy- 1 "- ''
;-''' - '''''''''"l " .d
t '
k. e c,l business. m 4 ,1111 ,, received direg from
hut there was certainly a prodigious shy and treason. It strikes us that pu- ! ness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could Ic.:: , , L is iii a ,, l .., l i r ,t ie n , i tc. , l ,t !t i l , ost I..r.lliant eentline la.,
! ‘. res,erve. st rough hen ' a'n'ti ;',erso,',..atr!:aentsrgihtto
sleep the night through, which I had not done
I Teel like another being. My aide- I l ark.isaerb are entitte I to spectacles free of
quantity of beef. An army, a sage au- rification, like charity, should begin at ,
thority.has laid down, marches upon its home, and that the first member of the ; for
ite and strength have also greatly unf , f,l el t. ~.m.i(liocietiLtfii,....etaltot 61k.kal I tail Also• received
belly; and I have to compliment the House who committed this form of tree- ;
the use of the Plantation Bitters. stork , ever brought to this city
.ICUITH litnah:L. r.lirld'mhieinnbt°.s.Piiiivit'lliis.:lll,ll.ll.lae'illl:l,l.ltiain.,:iti :t,)hil:etti:ctiai,ul:ens,
Army of the Potomac upon at least the son should be the first to suffer for it.
solidity of that stomach on which, tor- The case of Mr. Conway was so per-
.r.i tesee,tiany inuresite
sli I:, :: .ir.t at thearticle
rotas-like, it progresses. Beef, in thou- fectlyllin point, so precisely similar, that
• • • t ßag hay D e sß be L e c n m 'i l ia V t l l l 6. e' SaeriMtil6iialst'tal Look out tor Na - ii, ,I, of pith street.
sands of casks and barrels, was heaped it is no wonder the hypocrites were stag. •-
all around Brandy Station; then came : gerecl • by Mr. Cox's effective home-thrust:.
,Ilotr f r . n i r r n t s e , ec i ! ii mo r c h tt e l y , s- ga sLee m chl s isstnt e ne s7 i
1 ri Plants l - - "4 -- -
pork and flour, tea, sugar, coffee, beans. In our judgment, and we dare say also : non Bitters. * • • Three bottles restored my • : : ..
hard bread-or biscuit-in apparently in the jutbmient or every Republican ' Pe ''' 4 And cared fire •• C*A FL 4 tr ' r . "1,. „-"•44-!,:.---• -,.'r',"''''4-:.''':-i'r''-e--..--''--' 521
inexhaustible quantities. And yet 'I
member of the House, the expulsion of The folio ist Iron; the Manager of the n . "--- - '- -7.___
,-'•.-..,, --- 4 - Al.
was informed that I did not see before Mr. Conway for advocating recognition Futon Home School for the Children at Yoh:a- 25 .... .--,7--- ' 2.
-r- ,„ ,_• , : 42 an g
me the actual consumption of a single would have Leen conferring on his re- leers: = 'efr ; ' ' f
• I 01
, g' =
marks a preposterous importance, as
• ,5
HAviaszyka MANstozi, stit Sr.,). " a
...,, lafr x:;. ,
.... 7
THE public debt, as we see stated in a well as an infringement of the freedom , r
c)II. .OR..i.FIL : York,
''' '' 4 '' _ . :4.. ' ...4_.
speech of the Hon. Mr. Brooks, of New of debate.
Bitters have been given to some of our little n
York, who certainly did not diminish Mr. Cox also made an excellent use of children suffering from weakneas and weaklungs
4,',,iutli metl3l-ZI_DBITHY'S
the figure of the actual total; was on the Mr ;Greely's frequently reiterated argu-'ice'i
tihiaueirrneclt) no r I i b t o t s l
s e ti e ] i
I n ,
t or,
15th of March, 1834, $ 1 , 5 10,201,774-a tnents in favor of the right of secession. and da.ll witting cons e timption, on venom all
Cal alltt,t7ED
sum much less than has been generally Mr. Greely was not, indeed, at that Medical skill bad been exhausted, has bees en
t I I
, r e e e l Lr u e i s t
e o
f ret
it t We
r wi e th but ti t
e a t e e e a d - i ) 1 A i k r (,)
is i
supposed and represented. Of this there time, a member of the House; but his
had been issued up to March 16th in newspaper has always been the most in- strength rapidly increased, and she is 'P now well 1 - il_
_,..N1 :
treasury notes and fractional currency, fluential organ of the Republican party. Respectfully, hies. O. al. likvok ,
$8 , 15,385,922, making a total of govern- Mr. Greely went to much greater : " • • • I owe much to you, for I verily be
inept paper of $779,683,622. This volume lengths than Mr. Long, as may he seen • here the Plantation Bitters ha v'e sated my life.
of paper money must be reduced or its l in the following extract from the Tri- it Lv .W. H. WaOOONER, Madrid, N.Y."
in the C , lontry.
value will be reduced. That is the one Sung:
: " • • • Thou wilt send metwo bottles more Ca .E.'"VE:f.‘ FIRST" PRIZE.
tiling necessary, and all schemes for We have tepeatedly asked those who :of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been S
greatly benefited by their use. by friend,
remedying the state of the finances must dissent from our view of this matter, Receivel Withal a month at State Fairs and
AsACnRRIN, Philadelphia, Pa." i
accomplish that result in whole or in whether they do or do not assent to Mr. 1
Institutes. We are also agents for
part or be a failure. Jeffirson's statement in the Declaration 1 " • • • t hare been a great sufferer from ,
of independence that Governments de- ! Drspepsia, and had to abandon Preaching. • • choin.acker & Co.'s and Boardman &Gray's
P plantation Bitters have cured me.
rive their just powers from the consent I
Well-known excellent PIANOS, and
ty and state tax; pays revenue tax, of the Governed' and that whenever any REV. J. S. CATIIORN, Rochester, N. V."
pays bounties enlists, ~ fignts, supports form of Government becomes destrue- I "• •• I nave given the Plantation Bitters
the Constitution of the State and of the l •
to hundreds of our dlaabled soldiera with the ' Mill ERSONS DESIRING A PERFEGT
ofthoseends, it istheof
tive . right
. the
United States, behaves himself peac e- most astonishing elect. .. instrument are Invited to call and examine
people to alter or abolish it' and to insti
G. W. D. At,
Cm ; betore purchasing elsewhere. Anions' thoee who
ably and acts all the while as a good tote a new Government, &c., &c. We Superintendent Soldier's Home, Cin., O." : have purchased these instruments in this vicini
citizen, and yet he is denounced as a
ty we take pleasure in referring to Allen Kra
. - a. . The Plantation Bitters have cured mor n esq , Bateman Goe, esq., Alleghen • city'
reptile not fit to .1 -
rept ive. Why is this?' • it
mg intrinsically sound, beneficent, and me of Liver Complaint, of which I was laid up John McCurdy. (of Park. McCurd • ai - C4 hire.
Because he will not support the ne 2 "" one that, universally accepted, is calcu prostrate, and had to abandon my business. 51ctiutty, Oakland ;Dr Jonas R. PrlcUllatock
policy of Abe Lincoln. This is the sum- . ' - -I
H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, 0." A. Hoeveler, eq., Richard Bard, esq , East 1 ita
hated to prevent the shedding of seas of
erty ; .fohn Quinn esq. Dr 0 DI. Ro t it '
total of his offence. No matter how
human blood, and ir it justifies the seces- "• • • The Plantation Bitters have cured Si Book, esq., Pittsburg' h. * 8 e er ' D.
good a character he may possess, no mat- f n ' British me of a derangement of the Kidneya and Urinary
Sion . ro 1 the
.i stn ire of three
ter how bad a character his political op-
Organs that has distressed me for years It acts A Guarantee of 5 years With each In
millions of colonists in 17713, wa do not like a charm. co c o moo ' , ' strument.
ponent may bear , still the one that , goes see why it would not justify the seces- a
No. 254 Broadway." ,
in for theinevitable negro Is in sort with
ac., scc., ice kn.
sion of five millions of Southerners from a
loyalists, while the one who does not is 1 the Federal Luton' ; I'4ll If• dole Agents for Pittsburgh and Western pa.,
out of sorts. We can point to us good I •
, i i n ,_ . _ lye ale
The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, ' No. 12 Blasell's Block, Si. Clair et.
mistaken on IN Dint, why does not
men as this little green earth ever saw
the languid brilliant, and are exhaused nature's ' /WA general
assortment of Musical Goode
some one attempt to show wherein and
always on hand.
I that are called copperheads, because ' • great restorer. They are composed of the cele- '
why? For our own part, while we deny
I they think that a white man is as good
brated Oalisaya Bark, Wintergreen, Sassafras, . T i ffp FINEST AND MOST 444. BN-
the right of slaveholders to hold slaves
as a negro. Now this is extremely un-
Roots, Herbs, Ac , all preserved in perfectly pure
against the will of the latter, we cannot
just, but what is the use of prating
about justice now a days? Justice has
st. Croix Rum.
see how twenty millions of people can
: rightfully hold ten, or even i
plumed her wings and left this mundane i tested Fnion with them by n de
sphere for a more blessed clime. But force
she will not, cannot be thwarted in I W e w i s h t h e Ti..,,,,,,e, or some other
Rep, to us what
THE FRACTIONAL CURRENCY.-There I would beublican
the j dangerournal or harmtell
of leaving
is no more responsibility for printing the Mfr. Long to the same wholesome correc-
First Archbishop of New York
Fr actional . currency in Washington than l live Qf public opinion which was deemed
ie., and are warranted to produce an
there is for printing the Intelligeneer or l all - sufficient in the case of Mr. Conway r„,;,,,, - ;;;;; . bt ,'
ra 1 a ric
nedcial eft . F nc's P t ' k M'K
effect. They are exceeding la
any other newspaper. The same office ; and Mr. Greeley.
ly agreeable, perfectly pure and harmless,
prints both sides of the fifty cent pieces, !--------- - -- • ' - -- NOTICE. -An
DIED. y person pretending to sell Plan- Arehblithc"
and they are printed in sheets. In New
tattoo Bitters In bulk or by the gallon is a swind-
York one Bank Note Company prind ' CARDAt Washington City, on Thursday, ler and imposter. It is ut u oul in ourlog ' -P nic .-
one side and another the other, so an t ed i April 7th, suddenly, of congestion of the brain, cabin bottle. Beware of p bottt p les refilled with i Also.
make one watch the other. The Tress- I Mrs. H. C. Stiarsorr CARD, wife of Capt. B. C.
imitation deleteriousstuff, for w hich s eve r al er
! Card, U.S. Army. w
P -
ury reports over $ 19 ,000,000 of this cur
son, are already in prison. See that every tgo
rency4 there may be over s3oo,ooo,ooofrien ds of the lama are respect fully In-
The Y
tie has our United States stampover the
cited to attend the funeral, this (Wednesday) oi d ,
afloat; nobody knows,-nor nobody '
unmtat ate , and our aignature on stee r
Indeed it is a little remarkable ' morning,
10 o'clock, from the residence of i
label. Sold by respectable deal ,
that this great country can float name- I her brother, Edward Simpson, No. 62 Fourth
the habitable globe.
less millions of ' i ehange." At One time, gtreet "
the'calciilation was, that it would float 0,.,t).0TRY-Oj° Monday ,
0, the 11th inst., at 6 P. P
sixty Millions. Perhaps it is floating 1 His funeral w A l t" takeplag al e ' fios hie tate _ sixty - millions .now-nobody knows for I a
ellee on Quarry s Wut and
there is no signatnre to this money. I j O'Hara_, Firth w W ednesda y, April latil,
tamers sheet printer's work, Just as stet at 2.o'elock p. m., to proceed to Alleghen y Cetn
newspapeis, or bodits,lotikamphlets. 1 etery,
-- 7 — .,
11 1... ItiERIIAVE'llk ROL LA,RD BIT- J. sr . c °Rs s - Ei. L ..... ....
BiP.rhare's Holhind Bitters, ~, i., CORNWELL & KERR,o•
Basrhave , s Holland Bitters, ,
Bcerbave's Holland Bftters, 4:CARRIAGE MAISTUFACTURERk.;
Bwrhare's Holland Bitters,
lkerlarvg Holland Bitters, Silver and Brass Platers, •i,
iicerbtties Holland Bitters,
acerhave's Holland Bitters, And mann [sewers of
Bizethavws Holland Bitters,
Saddlery & Carriage'4lardw -. are; ,
NO. 7 St. Clair street. and Dtultietne Way,
(near the Brldge,Y. : *,
should not Ica t e t P he city until supplied
MENT. For Sores, Scuts 3 - , Wounds, Small-
Pox, Fevers, mid Bowel Lfumpainta, these medi
cines are the best In the world. Every French
soldier uses them. It the reader of this •'notice"
cannot get a box of Pills or ointment from the
drug store in his place, let him write to me, 80
Maiden Lane, enclosing the amount, and I
will mail a x free of expense. Many dealers
will not keep my medicines on hand . because they
cannot make as much profit anon other persons'
_.7-- make. 5 cents, St cents, and per box or
_ -.,..:-..1 ..._—=---_. = _
—We are prepared to treat successfully __
an cases of rupture in young persons, most cases lifr'.l l ,l. l..lilENl_'E. OF AN IN VALID.—Pub
m middle aged, and In some cases ct old persons lisped fc, the benefit, and as a
who TO
YOUNCt MEN and others, who suffer from
having fitted up an extensive establishment for
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Man
hood, &c., supplying at the fair* time "I'n I,: MEANS
eI , SELr-Cult E. liy one who has cured himself
Imp roved T ruases and Supporters. after undergoing considerable quackery.
By inclosing- a postpaid addressed envelope,
In peculiar cases or where persons desire any single copics ay} be had of the author.
style of truss not on hand we will manufacture NATHANIEL. MAYFAIR, ego.,
to order. Having the largest stock In the city all _______ feba-timiti.w Bedford. Kings co., N. Y.
persons requiring trusses will find it to their ad 1:. -- -
vantage to call. .9
LINIMENT.—In pint bottles at fifty
Dr. hVGARR will attend personally to the a cents, cures lameness, cuts, galls, colic,&c. Read
plieation of Trusses, Supporters, .k.c , &c. p- the following .
For sale by the dozen at low rates,
For sale by the dozen at low rates,
For sale by the dozen at low rates.
For sale by the dozen at low rates,
At Jos. Fleming's Drug Store,
At Jos. Fleming's I>rug Store.
At Jos. Fleming's Drug Store,
Corner of the Diamond and Market street
aplCorner of the Diamond and Market street
ooms, t
Dr. Tobias .—We have ß used for Jul- 7h
the p
Betides our own manufacture we hare a larze your Horse Liniment for lameness, kicks, cuts,
stock of
-.: bruises and colic, and in every Instance found It
the best article I ever tried in this 'circus compa
ny Please send me six dozen, as it is the only
Ritter & Penfield's Oelebrated Trussgt, liniment we use now We have 103 horses, some
l try valuable. and we do not want to leave
Dr. S. S. Fitch's Celebratrci Trusties, 'town without it. HYATT FROST,
Manager Van Amburgh H.
Co 'a Menagerie.
Marsh & Co.'s Celebrated TFllB26cl :;,-,1,1 by THI is. REDPATH. Pittsburgh. and
'-I ail respectable Drug,7,is:s. Orlice, &I Cortlandt
FRENCH, ENGLISH and GERMAN street. New Ynrk. ulhl7-Iyd&we
S. T -1860-X
Persons of sedentary habits ' troubled with the two lights of the Catholic Church of weakness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, America, the Most
lack of appetite, distress after eating, torpid liv
er, constipation, &c., deserve to suffer if they
will not try them.
They are recommended by the highest medi
cal authorities, and are warranted to produce an
immediate beneficial effect. They are exceeding Francis Patrick M'Kenrick, D. D.,
ly agreeable, perfectly pure and harmless.
NOTICE.—Any person pretending to sell Plan-
tation Bitters In bulk or by the gallon is a swind
ler and imposter. It is put up only in our log
cabin bottle. Beware of botttles refilled with ' Also, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS of the same.
imitation deleterious stuff, for which several per
sons are already in prison. See that every bot
tle has our United States stamp over the cork '
unman /Wed, and our signature on steel-plate tide
label. Sold by respectable dealers throughout ; g
the habitable globe.
202 Broadway, N. Y.
...a.E911 PLANTA.TioN BecTERs.
i„;;,:-The genuine article sold hy....._._ I Between 6th.and 6th second doorlroin . -Virgin
41cy, Pittsburgh, pa. z
cot. Smithfield and 4th sta. ' Mr. L. PETERSON is our traveling agent.
Two Hundred. Dozen,
Two Hundred Dozen,
Two Handrdd Dozen ,
Two Hundred Dozen,
Two Hundred Dozen,
Two Hundred Dozen,
C)iNi 1.. X' 25 CENT'.
Sole agents for Pittsburgh and Allegheny
In its effect—instantaneous.
In its coloring: povrer—matchless.
in ail its ingredients—vegetable.
In its operation—natural.
In Its beautifying results—enclurins
In its tendency—preserratlye.
In its popularity—unequalled.
The most POWER ;'L acd ELE4ANT
tv;,,el mi.truments manui&ztured
Archbishop of Baltimore,
.Tuat teeefVed at
Excels for Beauty of Btitoh
Excels for Elasticity of Stitch,
It is Noiseless
The Seam will not Havel
Every Machine Warranted
Instruction Free
We take pleasure in Showing our
Oall and see them Running
AT 1B 3-4 CENTS;
HA 1% LY
( L 1 L.l KS,
.!•K IHT
Ho(}p ,Klku
ii Pali HOODS
I Dili() \ -
FLf , wER:3 ANn
LACE aims AND ciLoyEs,
Wii.o.l4aisia.l.oz• cats Retail,
180 and 182 Federal Street,
Spring cloaks,
Spring Shawls,
Spring Balmorals,
Spring Delainea,
Spring Dreae Goods,
Of the latest styles
Light Ohintzes,
Light and Dark Prints,
Cor. sth and Market Sts.
ripwo ST smog DISTSiIaA: p it Ti
M HOUSE FOE SALE—situate on the cor
ner of Grantruld
First streeticliali; par l or; Mir ,
lag rooln, kitchen, cellar, Mtn' era
yard. Price aa,ooo. A elpent and
1 to • •
_EST- Ai 8 0 , 3, ,
via • 51 blatiitatovet.
LARG- - --_- - --
E ........ - vo - aaxisr ----- t -- ; --- mihoA
corner ofFifth
_Add Slithhtlekt streets.
S. uoximET le SONS, •
al Market rt.
Excels for Durability of Stitch
The Ends Needs no Fastening
General Agent
i Ate prepared from the active principle of his cel
ebrated Vermihage. They are put up in a nice
and .palatable form, to suit the taste of those ,
who cannot conveniently take the
i Children will take them without
.1 ' are an effective worm destroyer, and may be sty- -
en to the moat delicate child.
Sold by Druggists and Medicine DealeragOet
New styles for Spring and Sumner, soma of
For sale by
waif At a meeting called at the suggestion of
the Chairman of the Executive Committee Of .
the Pittsbiuth Sanitary Fair, Dlr. Brewer Scott. -
was ca ll ed topreside and F. G. Siebert was chno•
en secretary , The following preamble and remit_
Intim; offered by Mr. Edward Coates Wan .
unanimously adopted
Wazasss, In the contest nowraging between
the defenders of slavery and Its . consequent
evils, and the champions of the nights of roam
many of our friends, neighbors, brotherepalitL
sons—heroic defenders of our rights sod liber.
ties, are subjected to the chances ot war suffer"
Mg, untold_ privation and misery, sickness and
wounds, while we are enjoying all:the comforts,
rights and privileges they so gallantyy defend at
the hazard of their lives, therefore be It
Resolved, That we as citizens of thfegloridtis
Union, "the land of Rope and promise, the home
for the oppressed of all nations," feel it nut only
a duty but a privilege to contribute our
t h e this blessed effort of human sympathy on the
part of the Sanitary Commission, and
_livith the.
offering now made tender our grateful tnank• .
the sell-sacrificing men who have left "home,
friends, brothers, sisters, rather and mother
childrei: and wires, and have olfered up every;
thing :to maintain those sacred and cherished
rights bequeathed to us by our fathers, end
earnestly hope that the day is fast approaching
when this rebellion with oppression of every
kind shall be overthrown, and the gallant bands
of Union soldier heroes return In welcome to en
joy the well earned fruits of their labors In a
Union. more consolidated, loved and chi:sow
Resolved, That in the suppression of this In
glorious rebellion, we see -ttilitinatinsimp:
tion of the world from tyranny 'MCopptepi o
when the bonds shall be broken and lllibbeerty pro
claimed to all natkumocolorluid creed&
On motion it was resolved that wo,each.and.
every one present, hereby donate th e product or .
one dare work th the Sanitary Llomorisidon„f
to be held at Pittsburg* June lit,
On motion, adjourned.
F. Cf. Suwan, Semetaß. SCOTT, Preal4akt,
tT .
Grirtrs Rupril MR, third, saniveluare
of the bom tr aMmerrt of Tort Sumter. ap1.1.30„
too 360 MU fhttra T s pixoun •
Just recelsTditud fot fAu
U v3,
oortuteltarket and VIM it
Art 111-4111trailltr
CA-RITJtli blEtiM—For sits
. JAMB DOwd'a
tas Wood,
Unparallaed AM***
ournapractslittrupw !
- • .
Cheaper than the Cheapest
UIIIIW3,D I OF, Matil 1
1 0 C NT S .
CONCERT` Lt.& - th,-
Sll 0 E ST 0-1/IE.
aii‘Next Door to Express . offi '4- 4
A thousand empty Shoe Cases for sale.
DP. B. A. W4sonss Pills
And if suffering from Headache, go
at once and buy a box.
One Pill le a Dose
And Slanarartarers of White Lead, Re 4 heal,;
Labarge. Putt), - •
7G 78 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Crut:gists and Patent Medicine Dealers
B. L. Fahnestook's
D EAR SLR :—WE T A EL,E M v yam
pleasure In Assuring you that there Who
Vermifuge now in use that we think equals
yours as a WORM DESTROYER. We here
sold it largely at retail, and with uniform suc
cess. We are Druggists and Physicians, and
have prescribed it for our patients, apd "halt*
been well satisfied with its erects.
Ithica, N. Y
78 and 78 Wood and 01 Fourth Ste,
oth Circulars,
Cloth Bacques,
Silk Circulars,
Silk &toques,
very handsome
No. 25 Fifth Street