The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, March 12, 1864, Image 1

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matter per >
every day :
One insertion $ 60 One
Two Insertions.... 1,00 Two
Five Insertions.... 1,75 Five months..
One weqk,. .>1 2,00 Six months..
I wo weeks. 3,50 One year
Three weeks. 6,001
One square changeable onec a week l year. $30,00
Single enbsorlptlone by mall, $B.OO per year
Delivered, In the city, at 18 cents per week.
Single subscriptions $1 60
Five copies, each ...140
Ten epp lea, each ... ’. i ,30
Twenty copies, each, (and one to getter up,) 1,20
Thirty <• “ “ V i,io
Editor and Prpprietor.
Hernia or Rupture cured
Hernia or Rupture cured
Hernia or Rnpture cured.
Hernia or Rapture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured
Hcruia or Rupture cured
Hernia or Rupture cured
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Rupture or Hcruia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured
Rupture or Hernia cured
Rupture or Hernia cured
Rupture or Hernia cared.
Rupture or Hernia cured
Marsh’s Radiol Cure Trues.
RUtcr’a Patent Truss.
Pitch’s Supporter Trass.
Self-Adjusting- Truss.
Dr. Banning’s f,n C c or Body Brace, for
the cure of Prolapsus T’tcri, Plica, Abdominal
and Spinal Weaknesses,
Dr. S. S. Pitch’s Silver Plated Sup-
Piles Drops, for the support and cure of
Elastic Stockings, lor weak and vaneose
ElasticlCuee Caps, lor weak kneejoints.
Ankle Supporters, for weak knee joints. |
Suspensory Ban<#nges
Self-Injecting Syringes') also every kind 1
ot Syringes.
Dr. KETBER has also a Truss whkh will
radically cure Hernia or Rupture.
at his Drug Store, No. 140 WOOD
STREET.; sign of the Golden Mortar. Persons
writing for Trusses should send the numlxrof
l.:hes around the body immediately over the
PF. IvRYsER will give his personal attention
to theaplication of Trusses in adults and children
and he is satisfied that, with an experience of
twenty year*, he will b#» enabled to give satisfy
Scif-lnjccting Syringe*.
Self-Injecting Syringes
Scir-lujecllug Syringes.
Self-Injccilng Syringes
Sold at DR. KEV.- hR-S. lu \V„~ I street
Suspensory Bandages.
Suspensory Dandagci
Suspensory Bandages,
Suspensory Bandages
A dozen dutcrent kinds,
A dozen different kinds,
A dazc-n different kinds,,7en different kinds,
At L»R. KKVSLH ''. Hu Wood street.
nolO-I yd&w
jpir.Es op
Below will be found a certificate from me of the
most respectable citizens oj KYLtma township tn
regard to Ur, Keyset '* L,n,t*ay' Blood Searcher.
The Doctor's certificates are within reach, and no
one need be deceived in regard to his preparations.
Dr. Geo. H. Ketsbr :—I became affleted with
Piles about twenty fears ago, and every year
they were growing worse, so as to trouble me
very much, so much so at times as to unfit me
for work. Sometimes I was so bad that I could
not do anything on account of them, they came
out on me as large as a hickory nut. I had tried
a great deal of medicine for them. I used to buy
and take whatever I could hear of or read of in
ciro tlars and pamphlets that fell in my way, but
I could not get cured, sometimes they would do
me some good for a little while, but afterwards
they would return again as bad as ever. I also
applied to two Doctors who visited meat my
house and gave me some medicine but it would
not do, I could not get well. Over a year ago 1
got an advertisement of your X.indsay’a Blood-
Searcher,“made by you sold it to
me you told me one Bottle would not cure me.
and that my whole system would have to be re-
newed by the medicine before I got well. 1
bought one bottle and took it home with me and
used it according to your directions. I then call-
ed to see you again, you said I could no
expect much benefit from one bottle. I bought
it on, one bottle at a time, until I had used five
bottles. After this quantity had been used. 1
entirely well of the Piles, which had tortur-
ed me for twenty years. In other respects my
health is improved, and I am as well as could be
expected for one of my age, being sixty years
past. I have been well now for six months, and
there is no appearance of a return of the disease.
I can do any kind of farming work now withoul
the Piles coming down and hurting me. lean
pitch hay, chop wood, lift, or do any kind ot
work which before used to hurt me. When I
found out your Blood-Archer I kept on taking
It until I got entirely well, l consider it my du
ty to make my case known to the country for the
benefit of others who may be suffering as I was
and do not know the value of your medicine. You
may publish this if you—l live in Wilkins
Township, and will be pleased to satisfy any one
of the truth of this certificate if they wish to call
December 24th, 1863.
out for the name of DR. GEORGE H.
KEYKER on the cover of the bottle and pasted over
fateork! also for hi, iiamp on the United Stotts
ttamp on the top of the bottle tc prevent being impet
ti upon by a tpuHmis artUU which it in the market.
Bitter Wine of Iron.
Bitter Wine of Iron,
Bitter Wine of Iron.
Bitter Wine of Iron,
For Dj-spepain ami Imlig.-stum
f, or I*ysp€pBia and Indigestion
tor Dyspepsia and Indigestion
tor Dyspepsia and lndiu, o tu,n.
For Weak Stomachs and General Debility
tor Weak Stomachs am) General Debiittv
tor Wealt StoniAohs and General Debility
» , * or Weak Stomachs and'Geueral Debility
Reliable and Sure to do Good,
Reliable and Sure to do Good,
Reliable and S u re to do G ood,
Reliable and Sure to doGood,
And Cannot do Harm
And Cannot do Harm
And Cannot do Harm.
t« v ... And Cannot do liarm
It Costs but little and Purities the lliood,
It Costs but little and Purities the Blood
It Costs but little and PuriJiea the Blood!
It Costs but little and Purifies the Blood,
We only ask a Id iil.
We only ask a i rial.
We only ask a Tmi.
We only ask a I'rial.
Of thia Valuable Tonic
Of this Valuable Tonic,
Of this Valuable Tonic,
01 this Valuable Tom. .
Only 75 rts. and Une I).-liar i» i
Only 73 Ota Hiul On.- l».,i| :t r Hatil,..
Onlj 7o (_ ta. aud One per l-ioirl-.
Only 7o Ots. ami One Dollar per Pottle
Manufactured solely by s. A. Kl NKI I. .a
»HO. Oeneral Depot, lis Market *invt. }ltr
risburg, Pa. For sale in PIT l >lil K. ; h bv .. i
respectable dealers. }
rf. 0 * Ea , le „ in T Fitt-burgh by K. 1. :■ IICLKHS &
No. 60 Smithflfeld Street
need oI modi.' il n h icr.-hr.til.l n< >t i ti) u> lm ■ ,
him a call.
l>r. Brown’? remedies never tail to cur-' inr
riticH. Pcrolnlou? nnd venereal afleeriur- Ai
hcreditary taint. such as tetter, v
other akin diseases, the orifpn ol wliloh ti •> r
tient is ignorant.
I)r. B»b remedies for this affliction, brouci.t
by solitary habits, are the only medicines lc, ••• •
in this country which are safe and will sin . : \l
restore to health. ' 1
■ I>r. Brown’s remedies cure in a few t!r., l\j r .r r
! painful affliction. ■ LII ,N
. He also treats Piles, r,leer. Oonnorrh-.o 1r ■-
i thal Discharges, Female Diseases. Bains in tDr*
Hark and kidneys. Irritation o! the Bit!
Strictures, etc.
A letter to be answered must ennuia at ic
Medicines sent tn any address saiVK pa. k.
Oilier and private moms Ko '>ll
, •“'I i»k IST, Pittsburgh. Pi. noi '. \
“ Grcnt .Vniwlrnn R<i«t<*|}
Harvey’s Clirono Thermal N
T’l.^r.-vx.i: r«Ti,r,si
the dmvt ion? hi\ c !»vn .-t n •,» .■; u .
in return iujr tn-,:./ i >.
OHSTRI CTR.XS, i»R mi, jt \,;i .>\
NAT t Tv K
< >t t\ cl )• kin,
' J r in restoring the system t». ].,-ri»- M,r :|j wi..-
liurterinK from > A tlrct nm-. j i ii.-l.
I ten, the -Whites. or ofhrr th
Pt/trine Organs. ThePiUsnr.-rf. ttv hsrmlr
ou the constitution, an.l n, i\ l.e ’Aon i.y it.
most delicate leiusie* wjthou' rs-i=H:/ .listh---
at the same fitnc
THE V A( T A*4 \ t lIAIOI
By strcngtnening. in\ itrorat me. an 1 nMum:'-;
sjstemto a hoafthy condition, and h v - h'lmji
on the monthly period with reou-w> \ , ~,
ter trotn what rausethe , .U; j u . 1.. u.i\ lfl .
They tihoulil. however. NiM |.. t ,k,-n n;
three or tour months oi j. r. t -;ian.-\ : i
at any other time, as mi»curi.u'r vr„;,u he t;
Each box contains 60 Fills. ptfr, } u\i
I on Diseases ol Females, Preenaix-y. Miseaniv'c
Barrenness, Sterility. Reproductinn. and w>ul*
of Nature, an.l emj»haiio>»llv i },«• 1. \DU ■ |«i> ■
\ ATE MEIUCAL A l‘\' IM-.l;. a m.phl. r d \
pages, sent tree to any add;ers. S.\ ,vn' - rninr
ed to pay postage.
pills and Book uiil hr M -i.: h\ t lltll
confidentially, when desired, skit in: t;*, m, [.
and pre-pAid on receipt of money by
J. BKYAN, .M. 1 >., t renerfd Atr«*nt,
No. 76 < 'edar street. .\\u Vmk
Fleming, Druggi-t, :
the Diamond and .Market street. . v *<-m i,,r .'
burirh. <\ u '
Notice to all coxierxki).-
Among a certain class ol belf-importai.t p»*. -
pie there ia a t>eculiar feeling ol ..amu-mpt ai t:wh
edtoall physicians that aih’.-rt ise and treat the
diseases named in this eard. : f’i:i vai , | m-i ,
Why this should U\ the) n..r u<< one rN«* .. an ti ij
Are they not au are that all jdi\-;ei-in.-i rent
eases ol every denomination, *n mot onucit pul
the very diseases that are 5..»\hum ;, r tn,--,-
very refined parties. 1 suppose thr\ a,,
let one ol their faun!) im to H t\'• >. -,i /, i . .1.
voted years for their Deneiit. I
1 ses the fact, anil their iMmi\ a j,-j Ul >
« humbug so he can get Uiocasu. uiton 'he 'i. i„
almost deprived the party of hie life. He ,-<itne
at laat to the physician that advertmes- hnu- c-l-f
arc they to know i Are they nor v.\ ne f j, -vt mi
Astley Cooper, Sir Bred:,-. -.n (')i eie,
Ball and M. Paul hicord dcw?e.l jm-, , n :» K .
treatment of these diseases ’ I hrse men sir held
up as shining hgntr m the medical u oil i ; i d.m't
assert that all men are wurihi ti, it pi,M.«h. etill
there are agreat number ui them that are. i ha\ e
devoted myself to the study and treatment <■;
Private Djskasu- upward: oi m> u .. ra M ,l
without egotism can say 1 have Raved homlnd's'
from years of misery and untimely deatn ,\iv
treartnent is confined to th* \ egetanle 'ilt,.;-e |,n
as I think it Is the host and rnosi ••eri ain. '}• V ‘ui
my power to bring hundred-ot cenuic.ite-n ]
thought it necessary to certify tu my general e n -
cess: but my long residence inthiscitj -uin
cient proof without adding more. Sperm it,,, t t i( , k
and ail diseases arising from it aie cured in a
much shorter time than heretofore. It behoorr*
every young man and woman to he careful in se
lecting a physician. The different advertisement
thAt Are seen in our papers arc of no worth, ami
no benefit will arise irom answers than <mly Id--
of health and money. H undreds are cured ann
ally by my new remedies. Address K< >\ Jjoo
jftn-lyd Pittshuiirh I’nsK.tfice.
Holding from U t.> 2i lectures.
Can be sent to all parts of the
United States for Twenty Cts.
A I,S<),
Albums for Centre Tables.
Albums for Centre Tables.
nmx>w alt.,
Invented 1845,
R®!r E ! VKt> tribute prom all
»' <>** World’ffKmr.
‘“T’ hli ., tt "' linger Sewing Machine recoiled
“^‘i?Sr abl f mCDtlo » °n its merits ; ind tVhrcl
iK! f or iu device, c’anejNV
apremam^ e S‘Xh^r b \Z a ‘
BAM**! w purposes on exhibition Our
lightest Machine guaranteed to make nerf.w
and heaviest fabrics P
Sold and rented, Oor. Penn a St Oiair, streets
quart*,'’ Heidzlck’a Champ&frhe 300 boxes No. 1 Hetrine.
. “CMeaSparklingMoseUe. t,,.* 200 ,' 10 Scaled Hariri
Ih (ton auditor (ale bjr Just received nml for sale b>
| » /26 and EM Woods!*
' ' § f
The <?rcM Tonic,
l he < ntvit f 11fiic,
Perfected 1862
3,000 Dosi Spool Cotton,
1,000 Doz, Skirt Braid,
Dwelling hdise koh *,u.k_
1 he subscriber ottrrs for aalp the dwelling
nouse in which he now lives, situ, ted on sm i
Avenue, Klrst w*M, Allegheny, The lot is >7
feet front t,y ICO dee)>, running hack to s 50 feet
allley. It is a two stone,l brick, contains six
rooms and cellar. The out-houses are a waih
house, stable, coal house, &.«. There la * h ir ir<» '
yard surrounding the dwelling. rilled wfth shade 1
and (llOVe«l ■ a“«l p r ni , mellt , ,™ 8 There is gas and water in
all the rooms ol the dwelling:.
I also olfer for sale a desirable country resi
dence in Rochester toivnshim Beaver comity lV '
containing twenty acres of groiind. There is a
new two storied frame dwelling, containing six ,
FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS 1 orchard of all *kindflof fruit. is* a*" good
# l ' Ari >- out-hnusea, 4tc. It is about a mile tmeithe
hochester depot.
For terms, inquire ot K !M.iiuL.LS !
jan?7-tf south Avenue, Allegheny city. !
A ii n .r u ) , , nnwo hAHOB LOTS OP PROUU,
' u » J ‘Hy hi- lound many novelties ,n c hundred and tweDty teet front on Kob
tnson utreet. three hnndred and twenty-four feet i
on Wadsworth street, three hundred and four
leeton an alley twenty feet wide, containing -
Rillil Tii-nn»« ■ 1,0,11 f to three aures of land. Hint able fnr « '
r\r“ *- cltuu w&>z%
• -'I till, thus combining OM PORT A RLE THREE- STORY
--Lleaaantly situate on Second street, between
Market and Wood streets, well arranged with
Paris Trnil nnH Qltt A no u rtw „ ,L large parlor. seven chamber rooms, dining
Ul ° J-ifUl ana Oiy VailiakGr, r Kitchen. wash room and good cellar.gas ,»
■jnd water hxtures. etc.: lot ••‘Meet front h\ so ’ h . ftt t lh °n l*ast i»cen t wriii the silken tie
deep F «>r price and term*, apply to ’ •! hat binds manhood in brotherhood aod love
s (HTHHfcitT * s, «un Of youth, the guide of infancy
61 Market st. .}>. hOBP sr *P-< we follow to the worlds abo\e
the embodied dream of all we fancy there.
- leek, pure and lovely, like-something of air.
W .» YVJCMJI’rtO. I’.\.
1,200 J)oz, Shaker Hoods,
A fuli ime n/
Cotton Hosiery
And r»n extrusive Assortment of
And Small Wares,
A Sllpj.lj- ot
A’ | n ; ( i ]'hv as thr Hwc«r
M.VCIJT >1 .V CiL'N l)];,
TS Marker Street
New Goods
i-. . | Nl'W
r I
N. w Good? t 33 New Goods
" -N- w Goods
1 tQif tec gj’-KinriaM.‘tn-ren, l v Ati.
Ni vr-rr "’V. fftere Us sen ice> tor the trails irtb.ji of i < ieu.-r
-]\\\ T)u \ (l ()()T)S 5! iiUMnc. Oralis bought and *n|,i
- JiM I 'ill Moi,e> riven «■«! on Oepnsit. aml Collection,.
... m.tde «.»ti all yirt, ot the country
<aiu>\Kii & sihleiter’s, ■ I
t' t. K.lwkkk; , \Y M. < v
9 2
Rlack Silks
Mew Spring Chintzes
Balmoral Skirts, at $2,75,
Mew Spring Shawls
Dress Goods
Mew Spring Dress Goods.
Russia Crash, at 12 l-2c.
Best Kid Gloves, at $1,25
I'luans— j
< U.VGHA.MS, ' \
la. Uix&st 3H' M
H A I.MI )Ii A I,S at 42.50
Corner Fiftli and Market ste.
.4 iiew
l""'<-l .'mil p:.,e„.,.,1. Tim' "T
M.ltenl IVIIIIBJ uiil! uno nrinoi*-# 11“
L'77u." ,, ':r" l .': r r ,l '" nf '''-" r^ *Vr».
4*".Ow in *3.000 cm'll,,i'll «’i i r |l!"'” ,m^ " , • Fr< ""
, r ,rcCrjckrr., '
U» rases Mcilv M.-uncc,
•* do (’atabna L,< ->ri 'o
15 d».> Prime Pi",. ’ t
20 kees Making 5,.,u !
100 inatu Cassia, *
60 boxes Hock Candy.
30 do Citron,
10 bbls Garret’s Snuff
too sroas Fine Cut Tobacco, In -n„ f„n
:5.000 Havana Clears, ’
60,000 Havana Sixes Cigars, H aailTT ’
In store and for sale by ’ ]
126 111111 . 128 Wood at.
Three cottage hoi sks for
fjALt—lrontine on HiJivell street,
■eys Lane',) Second Ward, Allegheny on the
line of Manchester Passenger Ralheily nearly
opposite the residence of Hon. Lliaha Heath 5
o -m-tm ATT the aboye. situate on the corneTot
& RnTATT, AHegheny ayenueand Payettest.—ttyy h. iynr
Ub lU_lJ.ii_U_l, t deep, the location la one of the ntMt’dMiS
intheeitj. TerniS enn)‘. Apnjy to
W". CAHrSUN, No. 46 Ohio st
fei ite the M,yor-H nmee, Allegheny.
! ‘/TTltrt JhI >+ ment - There may be some‘gentlemen
! u P°n this floor who may think that I put
- —•• -O xjpf : ,be ca3e 100 strongly, when’’! say that
, my constituents have in all times past,
and under all circumstances, fully per
formed every obligation that they owed
.to the Government. I repeat, sir, with
i emphasis, that they have done so, and I
j challenge contradiction, come from what
quarter it may. There is a passive obe
dience to the Government which a citi
zen may give, and which is enough, in
ordinary circumstances, to entitle him
to protection in life, liberty and proper
ty. In other words, every .State is boflnd
to protect her citizens against all as-
f a * ts upon their rights, so long as they
hold allegiance to that Government, and
do no open hostility to it This
is the universal acknowledged obli-ra
tion of States to their citizens. But°it
may beargued that the relief provided by
this bill is unusual and extraordinary.
Sir, let it be so admitted, for the sake
of the argument, (but only for the sake
I of the argument,) and I still insist that
my constituents are-entitled to it, because
| their obedience to the Government has
oeen an extraordinary willing one—a
| service of the heurt, not of the lips. Their
i ’tvdens and their sruggles have
I been extraordinary in its behalf, and !
when compared with those of the other
citizens ol the State, may, in a certain
sense be termed Works of supererogation
Mr Speaker, my district sent one of the
first companies that arrived in this city
after the bombardment of Fort Sumter’ i
it furnished that glorious battery of ar- !
Ullcry, commanded by the gallant Capt
riaton, which covered itself with honor 1
at Dramscviile, and whoseheroic com
mender, rather than surrender his guns i
to the enemy, upon the first of the seven
ill-fated days before Richmond, calmly
ATTTn = ! bared Ins breast to tile storm of lend ex
ALLEGIANCEvs. PROTECTION | claiming, with his dying breath, '-This
W e make tlie following extract, from a ! battery never surrenders!” It furnished
~. TI'KAM ky lkimiitmext. / speech recently delivered in the House I tT° full com P anies to the Pennsylvania]
Wiii:r E^T Wo !? lath.’isai.' ‘ | o( H< presen tatives by McDowell Sharp, ] iTsentthefirat regiment olPennsvl j
maOe t ’ f * rank,in - county, upon a bill intro- | nis to gather laurels upon the batik- I
imVt'mii "In A *■ bAN’K "b ‘bleed by him to pay lor damages j n - 1 fiel(l °f Kenntcky and Tennessee- I refer
a A u«iV «*t ed by the rebels upon the citLns of 1? ™ b volunteers
£ a"?"? ' r >‘‘ns I" ti-e re-iUH-emcms „i ih, border durinv ,i,.. 1 11 3Lm a (u]l battery with that regiment
, ‘ °"7T ,s ' "An Act ro lire- ~ lplol r ' ,ul an 'l m- I now commanded by the gallant-Danism
' vb " lc I"*** " a 3 one of! M’Dowell. It l()*h P reg-I
.'uiatiuuaud ri-a,‘tnpti,,ntiun-,,i. u.prnvoi j,.‘i> Ull ' mosl eloquent and toueliing ever de- m ' ( ‘ nt ,0 the armv of the Potomac In I
,ivprpd before that body .1 August, 18C2, it sent the famous 12611,
Win, l-efnm h u 8|„o»« ,* |,U'- -“eh. Mr. Speaker, is a brief and cur- [hflUood ‘enrkheTlTel.ToY’ Fret,-'!’" '
therefore. 1. M .foc„. Comi- ",’7, "'"T’"!” - ori - in of these ' Imnr, the grass now grows over I
troll! rof Ihc i ttrrt-a, V. tin licri-lty orrtlly th it H' lllll '- 1-there atn gclitlc 111 till Upon "raves of m-inv nf I, 11. ' *l*
!',NATIov.uJ HANK- Hi this tloor. Whose heart i.romms i,;,„ ~, F ot b,-ili r.gtments. It,
IIII>IiIR<IH, Go i nt v of A lit'*’ h,«,>v -i ttii st«i. i * 1 1 11 n l to li.i •s I u misfit*d three (*;i \sil r v cniniviniou
nl I .imsyltaniH |-nutftori/f'-l fniintH.nt.f thf I,n 3 ° ll r f ‘ l ll l Uull t s tonic for the Wjir. It has filled un ils miotft '
I. imiii of Rankint; untier the Art .-if, , r ,-, .-,i Ih m fi-r relief-' 1 answer h,m i inwinv.i.o U P ls c l u O!a <
rn le.stimuav uhcriMji luin-l milu ir name. (for 1 aui onlv i nil ih it i ending draft, ai *d hc.-itl.’
' ss /.nal S p,i Of office,this UthdM oli-thni- in *.„• ,k f,.r them , ollZul ~!1 that has supplied leeruHs to ol hi* i :
( > ar i i Ht.-OH u.cnlocH. I <■! 1 r n, J ; h * vlhr . v h « v< * » ' poitjons of the State. Unon p, -v \,V
Comptroller ol the Currency. n^lt u * first and highest duiv of ! tie-field of this rmnl nn \ r ’ 1
~pi ;
1, ...I "t- 1 A-itn- .nt tile Union was imperilled There
c.,n be i 'ib-moefat^sW ‘"/“-l 1 ’ ? e P nblican and 1
;cr and live, than e,n the --ul an.l body 1 'ought ffi ’liflf by -^ e ‘ Jl,stns ''ad i
It- -evt red and nauiral lift- remain. In if-meniber, Mr. Speaker, this is the '
rill . ' '••>' >"•••• »‘»ii bad an mali.nablc ‘ military record of a district tbst lies’
' ■ ' nn ' uU l ": '“k'kv. well are - within cannon shot of the enemy's coun I
and ,merest. l„s own way, and ,n i try. This is the military Sd of a I
obedience no restraints except his i people whose homes were daily threaten -i
tnin mi, haiut d t obtioiis. The result of 'ed with desolation, and which have in
tut was tbai might n,.„le right. The trnth. twice been ravaged Have I not
St long opprisse, the weak. Xo man reason, sir, to be proud of such aconnitu- I
was safe tn liis hie, liberty or property, eney- Have I not, sir, just cause to be i
>o long Hb tht;rc li\od a stronger than he,-: sensitive, when lam tokl bv gentlemen k
, Ide'ik si'iT Vr ineSli ! °r ,Ws , fl ? 0r - ,hat “>• people invited ami
A universafteelmg of msecurUy reign- U ‘l9 mTa9i ° n ° f thiS C ™ m ° n - '
ed ilirimgbuut the earth. Ihe want of Did I say one wordtoo much, sir when
a power that could restrain the strong , I declared that my constituents deseive i
.1 in O Tlie oppressor, shield the weak, . the relief of this bill? But, sir the one- 1
help the helpless and coerce the untutor- , half is scarcely told. We have paid our I
ed volitions of the natural man, was uni- i taxes promptly. We have invested our '
versally felt and acknowledged. It was j means liberally in Government' securi- 1
at once discovered hat this power could I ties. I make no merits of this sir be- '
onlv lie lound and lodged man aggrega- cause all good citizens have ’done the 1
ion o( individuals. Mankind was not same. But, sir, our country has twice 1
longin learning that an aggregation of 1 been overrun with the rebel hordes
individuals cannot exist without Govern- ; Twice have our citizens been robbed and
ment, and that as all could not be Gov- plundered by an insolent foe Twice
ernors there mu.t necessarily be a class have our people been drowned by the
whoso lot it was to be governed, and . deluge of militia men, who swarmed over
whose duty it was to obey. Starting our fields like locusts, and eat up our
w Itli these thing;- in view, men agreed to substance. Many of our tenants have
lorm a Government and to surrender to ] lost their entire stock, whick they had
their lulers a part of that unlicensed | gathered together bv 'the patient indus- 1
freedom which they had enjoyed in a try of a life time. ' j,
state ol nature, in consideration of the] They'are now penniless without the i
S,-curdy they expected to possess as the ; means of livelihood. Our mothers our’ the Govenuneni. Tins we be- j wives, our sisters and our daughters !
icvc to be the true origin of all human have stood upon the streets of our towns I
Governments, and from these premises, ■ and villages, and at our railroad stations* ]
we can with ease deduct the co-relative ! to feed the hungry and nurse the sick i
dunes ol the rulers and of the people. ! soldiers, who had come from afar to de
rhe one owes protection, and the oilier fend their homes. We have lived in a stale
allegiance. Different lorms of Govern- ]of constant suspense and dread In the
ment have appeared upon the earth. We j morning, our families were forced to ex
liave had and nowvhave f idespotisms, con- claim, “would to God it were evening ”
smutional monarchies and republics. and in the evening, “would to God’it
But no dillerence what shape the Gov- were morning.” Our business has been
eminent may assume it never can rid broken up. Our grass crop has been
itself of the original objoct of its mstutu- permitted to rot in the fields, and our
non—protection to its people in all their ] grain to perish for want of. the sickle, and
n 5iM S ' i , : our com has been trusted' to the dews,
1 here ne\er has boon a (lospoti3ni in j and rains of a beneficent Creator, unas
nil the annals of history that has ever 1 sißted by human labor. Our indnstry •
forgotten this high obligation which it I has been paralyzed, and our times put j
owed its subjects when their interests I out of joint. Vet all this we have borne
had been infringed upon by other nations. ] with scarcely a murmur. The cry of ;
Xo matter how cruel might be the heel of ] my constituents for help and protection t
domestic tyranny upon the necks of the ] went up and filled the ears of those in I
citizens, still the despot in dealing be- power, at Washington, and yet no feed I
tw-cen his subjects and foreign states, was given to their call. j
stood true as the needle to the pole, in his ! Despairing of assistance from beyond
discharge of this holy and sacred trust. ! their own border, they at.last only im- I
Even now the Emperor of France has plored for permission to keep their own ]
upon this continent a powerful army citiz-ens, which had entered the service i
whose eagles have overrun a neighbor- ofthe United States, at home as a.guard j
ing republic, in a crusade for the restore- to protect themselves from sudden caval
tion of the violated rights of his citizens, ry rains. The necessities'of the nation
Pan it he that this great State, the theory • demanded that this prayer should also re- ‘
of whose government is founded upon main unanswered. Thus were we com I
the broad and eternal principle that the pelled to send from our midst those who
people arc the source ol all powers—that otherwise could and would have defend
tiiey indeed arc the sovereigns, and tlie ed our property, at least from the rebel
rulers, tor the urn.'being. Hie servants? raid of Stuart. We did not slumbefcnpon
t'an ,i he,.sir. Hist ibis great Common- the brink of ruin, nor blindly shut
•wealth. ■sMth sncli a political conception our eyes against the dangers that environ,
as that, can swerve the tithe ot a hair ed us. We made known our apprehen
from her high mission r (an it be tliai siunstothe Government, and we fully
the people who m are the informed those in authority of the eonse
goveminent, shall fall below ytc stand- quenc-es of neglecting our demands,
ard ol society which despotism lias set But they were as those who heard not
up lor the rights ol its subjects ? though having ears. ’
(an it lie that this people, through Under such depressing eircumstan. I
their representatives on this floor, will ces, and treated with, such stoi- I
-o stultify themselves as to deny protcc cal indifference, did my eonsfitii I
lion to themselves. I mil it is shown j ents falter in their loyalty? No not
that those whom I represent here have they. They had hearts large enough I
throw nofftheiralluglancotothcirGovern- to comprehend that their Government I
ment. and forfeited the right of prniec- ] was not indifferent to their f-tc only I
non, until it is proved that they are de - too impotent, at the time to help them '
relict in their duty; until it is shown that in their sore straits. They InwMntelli I
they have struck, with paricidal hand, gence enough to understand that the
a blow at the heart of that government kind mother that had nursed them into ’
that nursed them m safety during in- prosperity, failed only to come to their '
fancy, and protected their property in rescue, because she was herself stray 1
manhood; sir, until these things are gling in the exnirimr iiJJXT- z t ? n §
shown here upon this floor, I ns! this fug 'TX
relief for my constituents not jis a matter anguish of n Ji cou y pity the
of grace—l demand it as a matter of right the sernent 10 d ® ath b ?
fs there still some gentlemen in ?h s ngratkude Thev e^nTd chl ’ d - r ? n 9
House who asks, why do your con slim Seif' T “ e J conld sympathize as:
ents come here and ask for this roliofv r We ' 4B b ame > aad when they, cast their
answer they eyeB , o,rer a *<J across the troubled sea of
The WgScivil dntv of me rf« serv ? ll - rer °lntiozi, and beheld the ship of state
disohftrra allhis duties to 18 t 0 amid the boisterous waves with
W PMB. his duties to his Gover- night and the tempest closing around her;
New Goods
New Goods
New Ge“G
New Goods
New Goods
New Goods
New Goods
New Gcrdi
rapltal. *300,000, with privilepot.i hwr.-ase 1
j New Goods
3N»i h PA FTKRSI , ( HehitT
t* • L.v:i—i; ii»l
per Yard
( (truer of Penn and SI ( lair Sireeti,
rjHIK i/argest. cheapest, and
A most successful BUSINESS MAN’S COL
LEGE In the Called States.
4#*Mudentg can enter and review at any time.
CIRCULARS containing full information bent
PKrt: of charge to an> address on application to
the Principal*. JENKINS it SMITH,
de’Mawd&y Pittsburgh. Pa*
and 37 l-2c
t Trimming House for Tailors.
Beg leave to announce to the Merchant Tailors
and < Tohlers of Baltimore and Washington that
they hate opened a TRIMMING IIuUSE, at
Southwest Corner of Baltimore aud
Charles Streets,
Over the Jewelry Store of Canfield. Bro. &. Co.,
• where the trade will find a full assortment, in
' Piece Goods, Buttons, Braids, etc.,
Adapted to that line ot business, not surpassed
,Ny any house in the country.
Having established a house in Cincinnati in
co tjjneetion with the Baltimore House, ami con
sequently having to buy largely, we feel assured
thair vre can Oder such inducements to the trade
as rtMgords prices as will make it to their.interest
to give us a share of their patronage. Just re
ceived, the
Spring and Sommer Report of Fashions,
We are also the Agents for the American and
European Monthly Reports of Fashion, and
Heniach to. Co.’s Patent shears.
A full line of MILITARY TRIMMINGS, suit
able for Merchant Tailors and Clothiers,
j iteb2-3tawtal JOSEPH H. MAGUIRE.
1 OPQ,t-A-
R Sessions of Allegheny county. Pcnn
-1 sylvania, No. March Term. A. I). \S(U.
In the matter of the petition of sundry free
holders of the City of Allegheny, for the vhch*
tion of obtain alleys and a street, in the Secoml
. Ward, of said city.
All parties interested arc hereby notified, that
on SATURDAY, February 13th, IS6J, * petition
was presented to said Court, signed by twelve
freeholders of said Ward, praying the Court, to
grant & rule to show cause why so much of an
! alley lying in said Ward, parallel with Hiduell
| and Fremont streets, should not be vacated and
! closed up, from the northern line of the right of
j way of tne Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago
Railway Company, where the said line crosses
! said alley to Island Lane.'hecause the said por
j tion of said alley has become useless to theput*-
j lie and those having lands abounding thereon
, And. also, why so much of the alley that Ur?,
in said Ward, parallel w ith, and betwe* n
Lane and Juniata street, should not be \ neared
and closed up from Bidwoll street to the street
I Jcnown as Allegheny avenue, lor the reason that
tV» same has become useless tolhe public and
those having lands boundingthereon.
And. also, why so much of Juniata street, in
said Ward, as extends from the eastern line of
1 the right of way of the said Railway < ’onipany.
where the said line crosses said street, to the
street known as Allegheny avenue, should tint
l*e vacated and closed up, lor the reason that the
same has become useless to the public and tho-e
having lands abounding thereon.
That said (‘ourt granted the rule
and ordered that notice t>e given of the filling of
said petition, and of the granting of Mini rule ;i«
required by law
. Hfl\ IDS,
Pittßlmrch, J ’h..
Removal of litert stable.—
The undersigned having removed hia Live
ry Stable from the rear of tne Scott House, to
near the corner of First and Smithtield street.
W. Conn’s old stand, is prepared to furnish
carrigea, buggies, and saddle horses upon the
shortest notice. Also horses k « pt at livery at
reasonable rates. Undertake and all arrange
ments for funerals will receive is special atten
tto, a- NEAL -B RICEL A Nl>.
-1,000 pkgs. Bunch and Layerßaisins. in whole,
half and quarter boxes.
50 mats Seedless llaiaixu,
*l5 kegs do do
30 casks prime Zante Currants,
50 kegs French Prunes and Plums,
j 25 boxes do do
' J ust received and ior sale by
| mhB 126 and 128 Wood «t.
l-illi . T ' - K
if L. VS AU.NLK. {'resilient
Att’y of Petitioners.
yrooi thr IVayncsbvrg Re/mbtican.
To the Ladies of the Literary Societies of
S ol, * s<! ' ln '‘ckDowlodyment o
hating been elected an Honorary of 1
both , this little Poem dedicated '
ftiv ELIZA H. HA R K'E It. J
Pelng ol grace ' how beautiful art thou t
Vienne 01 P oct ’ e (iii y—Jream and hia lyre
- leekness and love are throned upon thy brow,’
And eyes but see thee only to admire
WhoTfi 1 ! a " ,ong a,cn ’ the eat » the free,
thee b DOn ° ° U efirth ’ low iy 111110
A tosc“ 8f wl ‘° sc,jrn " ,ee - ,he y but the
H-f borne thy v.ston in ibetf hear!° io^.
u ?, n h a , h K Un3 , ‘-'‘’“c l ' °f sickness, 'tis for thee
loH ' “urauring voice, and nolseles^
To Watch the dim eyes close more trannuiltv
And shade the bright light from the Bufferer’i
Thou should st la? seen, as I see the now
uij tool soft hand upon thy burning brow.
N lXr° f ra,Dkin ' 1 ' even ,rom onr breathing
To the calm rest of the mysterious grave
hou hast a fmrlifu! and fervent power
in > outh to guard us. and in manhood save ;
ways Ur J i;UIJS from the thousand
°stray > H ' in ‘ l ° r Wron? ’ therein our manhood
y swront,
BABE & ICIBBS, Proprietors.
■V I i I !|v
Executed In the be7t
for doing
Posters. &e..
For Exhlbmons and Concert, dmot
.utpaMed In the city. -
when peetep
ky afmosphei-e (jf tbediattle,-field, and -
cea thel W ‘ th ngin 8 anxibu^Kn.
th ® starry/ bairnejT 'jifrtheirj country
through the varied and checraered, fot
tunes of each bloody day,' thcxrdnla nf
“?“»* h° mpla!nt chragea upon Heir
lips Into shouts of honest sdmiratinndbr
the sublimity of the struggle and the yH
vinity ofthe lortitnde
Therefore, Mr. Speaker, my
ents stand to day, as they’ hBve shadin'
all time, firm as a hock, against which
the mad wares of rebellionand ciyll
“W- dash; but still the. receding
I (1 w ± ll leave them oted and 'Smmdr.
able. They hare bom long and nfitfent
fy, even for three long, weary/yefirs.
They now .stand in this orseenca.,aiid
though me, as one of their, representa
tives, demand that tardy justice sMlTat
last he done to them. Did I Mr; 1 Shea
ker, go beyond the: bounds of mpifeal <
tion and prudence, when I declared these
people deserve this relief?. ’' " '
The VeryDooumentThoy Waited.
I . Tu 6 Enquirer hi aiiuiflhg
! to the chaTge of York TriHne
I that Lincoln’s Amnesty Proclamation
! was not published in the south, says
■ As to the suppression, of .‘Pjeakbmt
lan coin s Proclamation of Ajimest'K’’lt
is utter y tee ■ The
it m full—so did every -daily 'paper. >-It
was exactly the kind ofAotJamatipn
;we wanted Mr. Lincoln to make, It
I w . a3 n tbc full and complete cohfirmaSon
of all we had charged upon Lfacoltrf it
I demonstrated, by confession, that-!-We
were correct when we told the ; .people
i of the Confederate States that the subju
! gallon of their liberties wag to be’affected
by their degradationto a levelwltiftbeir
; slaves. It shocked the sensibilitles of
every class.of the people, and was, s4tis
j factory evidence that not social fffißMjnt
I the outrage qfrnothers, iyii-e4‘ !
| by brutalized negroes, were tho.terms’
i on b T terms, of anmesfy hFefed’
I nave;suppressed
would have been an .act of atupendons
tolly. Ibe
ical capital in party slang. This -’proc
lumation supplied that capital; it could
not be denied ; it could not be explianed.
Its meaning was palpable; iE dbjects
too plain to need explanation df'eideiaa
tion We spread it before our readers;
called their attention to it; we invited
lliem to read. They did read it; the sol
diers read, and while wo.dopot attribute
jo the proclamation the enlMmenWthat
have recently taken plncepwedobeltve
that it checks desertion.’,'..
The Siege of Charleston!
Correspondence of The World.' ’’
ilri/roK Head, S. C., March 3.
■ Ihe night the wounded reached Beau
fort, from Florida, the 22d of February
; there was a great bail going on, but, the
presence of the maimed and sacrificed
heroes fell like a pall on thefcskvltSs of
the evening The ball was c® Shiftt,
was the next thing to dancing,, on,, the
graves of the patriotic dead. Thu ad
miral has gone north, perhaps not fb.Tre
tum. Let him go into the"Ordlfince
Bureau, where he is » credit and honor
| to the service, and send some one, else
| here who is better adapted to sea fight
ing. There ate no obstructions’ of tmy
kind between Sumter and Moultfle; s and
the ironclads ought to go inanddrive
' the. enemy from Sumter in twenty-fonr
horn s. Commodores Bo wan or Craven
will do this, but I fear Dahlgreninever
will. You have heard the 'particulars
of the destruction,,of, the JSpusatonic.
Jfo doubt the officers and criiwqfd all
they could to protect themselves 1 fro® the
infernal machine. How much better to
have lost this vessel in attempting to <ro
into Charleston. • b
Payment of the Militia-—Why is
it that the patriotic militia whoadiprompt
ly resppnded to the cal] of the Governor
during the first rebel raid.into'-this State,
haye never been paid t ' Tfipusanda of
citizens made great pecuhiary sScrifiees
on that occasion, suspendethattfbfitiness
operations, and it is right.tbatrtjbey
should be remunerated.. If we, mistake
not the Legislature passed 4 lhV'niiwug
provision for the payment of the iriiiitia
and thousands of dollars were exjfehded
in having the necessary blanks, pointed
In pursuance of oidgre from tte , Adju
tant General the various
were properly made out aDd fuMShed
to his department last summer^afid -the
militia given to understand that ,their
pay would be forthcoming in - a.jyery
short time. The election passed by,
the “soldiers’ friend’’ was successful’
and the militia have not yet beerLpaid I
The question is, what decamp joj .the'
money specially for this
purpose? ' ■■■!"■-*
C XJ IN A R D . Queenstown.and luvorppoli
Th smo!lf Cl ‘ u ‘* Powcri
every alternate Wednesday!
Steerage passage from Liverpool or Queens
town, tee Sir fold, or lt» equlvafedt toeon-Incy!
1 I S m S? w * or fe to Liverpool, tag in currency.
For Steerage Passage apply to WILLIAMS &
guioNj 4o?uiton»L
„ THOS. RATTIgIn.' Aefc
*- No: m M ondQgaliala HQasO, Water*L
no2S-iyd Siieceasor, to Thog. Batttran
Lower than tile Lotrert, ‘
the tnsTiEnsrtoifkir is
now prepttredto:Megr»iyt
Vo'R^,or o^S^^^W^
lower thad get
the rates Steam®* *HO*reiT
week, and passengers arefooiwUn everrthW
o ftr v^, brou Sbt out’ by dmpPFR
Braft s on the*
any of ftabranebes lir&iglaind orl*6bu£fro*«ale.
For particulars as torates,itCM.aflptr to. v
Chronicle Offlcfc,JSo» -
jan2o-eod _and 66 SmJthflel£at;Fi^^^^
S . & y O O
J, THOMAS ]£, aATTtQAar,
PTTPMPt> *** AQENT. No. 123
*• prepared to bring’ttmt or
bring out or aend back t6*,any
part ot thje ofd Country, either bfe steyn or tair
sicHraioNßg FOB SALE, pdyaWe ln ugr
part-of Europe. ~ . i
Agent for toe Indianapolis and Cincinnati Bait
road. Also, Agent for the old Black Star Line >.
of- SaWqtfracSbtfc ai&for
crs sailing between Netf YorltjlLitLOrpooirulaa»
gow and Galway. ’V_ v
janft-lyd * THO&tl&BaSdzaiN.
KW mwius
i-4 phla netr Btyle of Stoapetf'OoM 'JPtyer
with Satin *<>*
sale by W.
mho ' ' Iff Woc<* *?,