■ ADVERTISING AGENCIES. ’feesMß-N 8. M. PETTEGIM, A CO. No. 37 Park Row. New York city, and No. 6 State street. L.' P. FONTAINE tc Co., No. 63 Nassau street, New York city, are au thorized to take Advertisements and Subsorip tioQß fot us at lowest rates. 4®-We will furnish the Dally Post, to agents at the rate of $2,00 per hundred copies. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. >AY MORNING, MARCH 7, 1664. Death of Alderman Mcßride The funeral of AldeTman Michael Mc- Bride, whose death we announced in Saturday’s paper, took place yesterday, He was a native of this county, having been born in the village of Lawrence" viile. In 1842 Mr. Mcßride entered Judge Shaler’s law office; after a course of reading he passed a most creditable ex amination, and was admitted to the bar. Shortly alter ffiia health began to fail, and from that period until his death he was never in anything like robust health. In early I'llc young Mcßride conceived a passion for the mimic stage, which he never lost. In 1851 he resum ed it, in this eity, under the management of Mr. Charles Porter. He opened in Julien St. Piere, in Knowles' play of “The Wife, or a Tale of Mantua," and sustained tin* < haracter with discrimina tion and effc i. His engagement con cluded with Hamlet, the performance of which was marked with great study and careful reading. Mr. Mcßride's physi cal condition unfitted him for the heav ier role of the drama; but in eharaeteKr like lago, Master Walter, orCapt. Hawks ley—in “Still Waters Run Deep”—parts requiring more judgment than action, be was always acceptable and effective, For the past lew years of bis life Mr. Mcßride acted as Alderman, and was an honest, faithful and conscientious pub lic servant. No scrutiny, however searching, can trace improper conduct to his administration. In every relation of life, indeed, lie was a most exemplary person; a good son, a taitliful friend, a genial companion and an honest man, and he died regretted by a very large circle of friends and acquaintances. Peace to his ashes. A Page of History.—-There is no passage in history which is more deeply interesting, none on which the pen of the historian will dwell with more elo quence, than that which relates to the condition of the 1 nited States, its army and its capital, on the lastdayof August, ; fi'fty cents is charged. Villi the 1862. The report of General McClellan ci/we believe this to be simply imposi now for the first time collects and makes t ; ul , or extortion of the worst kind, and clear the various incidents which are to p ow our butchers, with beet e- selling at fill this important page in our national f rom isyrffl to $7,50 per ml , can liav. record. We regret that" the C’ongressionl . (he cheek to demand such prices, is mots edition, the Rebellion Record edition, we can understand. There i- to. and other cheap editions of tlie-report r ,. n3on a t all for an advance like lib-, are incomplete and inaccurate, omitting j an ,j ,he stalls of those butchers engage, i entirely some portions which present the n , this outrageous extortion should re most interesting and important view of ceivc a wide berth from all win. do net the relations of General McClellan In the desire these enormous prices for mi at i, Cabinet, the army ami the country. But become the exception rather than th. the edition published under General ru i t j n tHe community. McClellan’s authority is accurate. The . omission was doubtless unintentional, The Whisky "Bill. —I he whisky l ili, some pages of i opy lia\ing lallen from a ag j ( j las uovv passed both Houses <■! compositor’s desk, or l*ocn nuMttiu, in the 1 , .. i>_ - t-,..- ; , government priming office, and the re- , Congress and awa.ts the l resident - printeis who have followed that edition I nature, imposes a tax nfbO rents porga. have produced imperfect copies. ion on all spirits which may be distilled . . and sold or distilled and removed lor A Prisoner.- -George Snv.lor, of this . consumption or sale previous to the first A rnbUUU n , .ilav of July next. Any tax alter this city, a moulder l>y occupation, and a j H . provided for by future leg ■ member of nm- ol the A cavalry jslation, and will doubtless be inserted regiment-s ni) \t a prisoner in Kirh- in the supplemental tax bill now under i t’ W( . qre consideration bv the Committee t.f N\ ;iy> “del ,V,l to a 'gentleman from Ohio, who and Means. The whisky bill imposes acquired hi- information from a rebel do- an amhnonal tax o. 4 cents per gal on aertcr who knew and promised ,°n imported spmm on ham . Th lid him to send word of Ins whrn-kbouls to , ing scale of dulles on both domes tc and PittsbmHi Vt the engagement at Warm • foreign spirits, and a tax on the stock on Spring-f Ya Snyder was thrown from hand of domestic spirits, have no plane UU hi-f'-e :tnd eeverolv injured. Hewn* in tin* bill. left behind by hi-, comrades, and being StUl Another —A new counterfeit too badlv hurt to ef the parts of the city, on Friday and ftuiur rebel soldier’s intention to do«“rt. he ( | av> It i* an imitation of the eenuin.' exacted a pledge from him th:it, in the ' tw * 0 dollar bills of the Fanners Bank of event of his reaching the Fnion lines, ; R nc k? county, located at Bristol, Penna. he would find mean -to let fiis in f T) )e vignette i-t a spread engb* pereh- d this city knpw where lie was, and that upon a limb of a tree; figure 2in a medal -he was getting along as well as could be j Oll on ( .acb side; a woman in a fancy expected under the circumstances. This ■ figure 2 on right end; medalion lemah will be good news to his friends, as he i antique head; iigurc 2 above and below was generally supposed to have been on left end. The general appearance of killed. the bill, with the exception ot the viirn Destructive Fire in Erie. —Avery roucrh. The wont "Bristol,’ destructive fire occurred in Erie on Fn on upper " a ‘'ho.ee selec ton of Inmate the fair one who was to make him happy , characters, supported by Mrs. Kate Ry shouhl he sent for. To this proposition , nor, and a strong combination company the son of Mars joyfully consented, and 1 engaged for tire season. This evening - •*» i'7 »kssfssz i a sssasass. ss?* made one flesh, ami the Union soldier j „ al’owed to depart on promising to re : Next Saturday.—“ General” Tom l T , „ port at camp to-day. Briefhoney-moon, and j,is w if accompanied l.y : a, M. X 9 * • „ Nutt and Miss Minnie i SllvS SPBA®^ Stock —A good, article of block Warren (the four smallest persons m the , &>. &aumfui,commander, wilt leave a ® anntounc Ale is a seasonable, wholesome Beverage wor - ld X^ 1 U J I ®’J ®®”* t le *®® j 'Vo'J’f&ght, or paasage, apply on board, or to .at all times, and can be procured at sonic Hall on Saturday next. See adver- * j6hn or 1 Brady’s Chatham and Wylie streets. tisement. 1 mbt j. d, collinG wood, Agt.. Yankee Hilfis Mtaßtrelrf.-^PfiW really excellent company enter upon the second week of Iheir engagement at Masonic Hall this evening. Tlrey havi) drawn crowded houses nightly since the season commenced, being compelled to turn many away each evening. Inde pendent of the fine singing, dancing, original jokes, connundrums, etc., the Zouave drill, as nightly given, is worth five times the price of admission. See advertisement. “MoCleUan’s Campaigns.’’—Shel don bound, took up the ; matter and the result was the expulsion of the * offender. Amoug the visiting clergy are Rev. Long of Pittsburgh Conference ami Rev. I. C. Pershing, President of the Pittsburgh Female College, Ro\. .1. .Mclv. Reilly was announced to preach in the Presbyterian church at Altoona on Sun day, Riahop Amc‘> occupying the pulpit of the Methodist-ehureh. where the ('onferenee holds its meetings. New Cars 1 The PciiiiM Uam i Railroad Company are ' bujlrluiY. at theirextensive shops in Altoona, a . numbci ol hr.-u class passenger and baggage cars. . which arc superior to any now upon the road. l'hey are lurnishetl with new iron trucks, im j pro; ed brakes and all the modern safeguards and improvements, and are painted in ln*aulilul »tj le. A number of the new ear* were run over 1 the mountain on Friday last on the occasion of . an excursion mentioned elsewhere. They were 1 universally conceded to be n«»t only the most ; comfortable hut the finest ears vet lilaced upon i this splendid lined railroad ike new ears will r>oon be placed upon the road for through travel. The officers ot the Pennsylvania Railroad are 1 unitnisr in their efforts to maintain the high ; reputation enjo) ed by the line and also provid ing for the com fort ol its patrons. Clerical Etcnrslou. 1 On last Friday afternoon the ministers of the 1 Fast Baltimore M F. Conference, In session at A Poona, took mi c.v, iiniuD over the mountain to (‘reason, arcnir.p inictl by a large delegation ol citizen?, including a nutnbei of ladies. _ The tnp u a? made in mi excursion train of entirely new cars, kindly provided by the officers of the Penn sylvania lTiilroaiM i.mpany. who thus afforded nil possible comfort to their guests. The train lilt Croons at two ndock, ran up the moun tain and thtouch the tunnel to Cresson. and af ter a brief ?ts\ at the Mountain House return id. icichiutr Altoona at five o'clock. 'I he day ! um dehghflul aud admirably suited totheeu- A tnrnt of the fine mountain scenery so fami liar to most of our readers, aud the company did not tail tn admire and appreciate it. The rule was a pleasant nuc ti,all. and despite the proverbial aervousues" of t clerjjy, mirth and srood humor prev ailed to an extent which could not bail to convince run one of the exhilerating propensities of the .atmosphere of the Alleghe nies. The excursion will long l*e remembered as a pleasant episode by all who joined in it. 45T*(«ROVEU & BAKER’S SEWING ran says; We are authorized to announce mai HINK'-h--, cobiMnc-ltijc highest premium . that the Government has received a dip- At t-.t ry S' tir t'nuQTy and Institute Fair heU . patch fri'Ui Gen. Butler covering another in i' •;■?. as i:..' i- t family Atiii the beat inanufAe- front General Kilpatrick to Major Gener turii.e mA. )»in. >. ajiA for the machine work. : al Pleasanton announcing that Kilpatrick A ) I UATuNKY, CenerM Agent, had succeeded in cutting the Railroad and i' Kuth st , Pittsburgh, I‘h. ' telegraphic communication of General Lee with Richmond, by tearing up the mils ANTHONY uKVLit nn t i lP Virginia Central railroad at van- | ons points, and destroying the canal and mills on the James river. He burned and otherwise destroyed much other pro perty belonging to the rebels, inflicting a severe blow upon the rebellion. He was met by tin* enemy outside the defences of Richmond, but succeeded in loreing him inside the outer works, ■ where a sharp engagement en-ued, when darkness came on and the conflict ended. Gen. Kilpatrick finding the enemy and the works too strong to allow him to reach the city and accomplish the object of tlie expedition, w itlnlrew and reached the lines of Gen. Butler with a loss of about IAO men. Gen Kilpatrick states among the missing tire Colonels Ihihl gren. Cook and Litchfield. He thinks The two former are prisoners and Hie latter is either killed or wounded. The ' purpose, like that of (Jen. Butler's up ' the Peninsula some week** ago, wm- 3 an In,not one and receive" the sanction ol ' tin- Government. JOSEPH MEYER & SON, m \nrf ,rrri:i:i: '• <>? PLAI X AX D FA XC Y FURNITURE AND «H AIRS, ; snttlliAcld. «n»l 1 i * Pfiiu Sii Uetwircn bill ht . hTnl \ irtMU ;*IU?V STEAMBOATS. Ho! for the Gold Mines of Idaho, YIKUIMA CITY. BANNOCK CITY AM) O W.LAIIN. St. I.oulb nuil Fort Benton TRANSPORTATION LINE, For Fort Bruton mill ll»r (Jrent FdlW of » hr Mlmiourl. « THF..\KW\NI> licht Nlr imeih, t-ullt p spiOodl) lor the tr.uK-,will lent <• St 1 uuis 1.. r U‘tn »* .nii'l intct iiiuiliato ports, 10 iotlon- = Steamer Benton, •; -\ n'KDAY, M’ucli. 'it IJm.'.r at noon thn< itho mouth I'KLIN, at < ithcc of United States Insurance Company, southwest corner ot Main and Olive streets, or to J. HUE \ O'., t ouveut street. St. '■ L.nus, Mo. feb23 Wheeling & Portsmouth Packets. RUNNING BETWEEN WHEELING. 1» \RKE R S in Ra , GAI-.hlPol.lS, 1 RONTON, BIG SANDY AND PORTS MOUTH. -■fr**—*. tiienew and past earner CITIZEN, Oapt. Wash. Iverr, plyiug regularly between Wheeling and Pittsburgh, Gallipolis, Pomeroy. Parken-burg, Portsmouth, Ironton .anil Pig Samly, leaving Pittsburgh for Portsmouth every TUESDAY .at U a. m , anil leaves Portsmouth for Pittshuigh f v.-rj FRIDAY', at 9 a. in. Wide guaidß, large and comfortable state rooms. This tine boat lias recently been purchased expressly for this trade. Mie will leave punctually at the advertised time and will pay prompt attention to any business intrusted to her. l or freight, or passage, apply on board, or to tebio JOHN FLACK., Agent. FOR WHEELING . . THEBEGI' LAR PASSEN jgJssSBSWTV',*' PacketMlNEß VA,Capt.. COLLINGWOOD, Agta. Cincinnati & Louisville Packets. TELEGKAPHie. ' 5. V 1 i-S' S* ! FIRST EDITION, Kilpatrick’s Account of the Eaid. IMPORTANT FROM N. CAROLINA. General Sherman’s Operations, Further of Kilpatrick’s Raid. &0., &C., &c. New York, March 0. —The following letter has been received from Ncwbem: —Nkwbern, N. C., Februitrj’ 2b.—The body of Captain Weste' velt, of the gun boat Underwriter, lias been found in the river with a bullet through his _ head, which confirms the report that he'resist ed to the last. The firemen, together with all the citizens from eighteen to twenty years of age are under orders to be ready at a moment's notice to meet the enemy, who are said to be massing a large force for a final attempt to repos sess Newbern, Plymouth and Wilming ton. The attack will be of the most for midable character, and may take place at any moment. The report that a large fleet of gun boats were on the way here, accompa nied with reinforcements for our army,has encouraged all with the belief that with tliii aid,'we can resist sucessfully every effort the enemy may make to capture these important points. The Newbem Timet says: We are in formed that the rebel general in com mand at Kingston has hung several members of the 2d North Carolina regi ment, (white,) captured by him in tin recent movement upon Nevbern. Tlie same paper sirysthat an army of 50,000 Union soldiers marching to the heart of North Carolina and giving ns surance of protectien from Confederate vengeance, would insure the political conquest of the State. Yiewed simply in a military light an army of 000 men here could effect all the Army of the Potomac has lven three years at tempted to accomplish. We could take : and hold both the grand lines of the I railroad and communication through 1 this State by which the rebel army in Virginia is replenished, and would cut ! off all the supplies from ttic South and i Southwest, and Lee must evacuate Y ir ginia or starve. ! Washington, March 4. —The Repubh I'lTT>nrK.}ll Washington, March V—The Repuh- ■■ 11 publishes the billowing: —We art- ; permitted to publish the following di 4 -j patch received this morning by the Pres- j blent from Major den Butler, covering j another from Gen. Kilpatrick:—lliad quarters Monroe, March 4th. To the President: —1 forward the annex ed account from Gen. Kilpatrick: T ottk town, March 4.—General: —( 01. Dahl gren was directed lo make a reconnois sance with . r >oo men on the James river. He attacked at 4 p. m. on Tuesday cvcn in-r Richmond. l>rmc the enemy in on Rh-hmond. The main attack linving failed, Col. Dahlgren attempted to rejoin me near the Meadow Bridge. He and Col. Cooke were with the advance guard, some ol) men, and became scattered front his main force, since which, nothing has been heard from him. The main force reached me with slight loss. I have hopes that he mar yet come in. [Signed,] d. Kii.patiuck, Brig. Gen. Commanding. In addition, a rebel deserter informed one of my aids tint a one-legged Colonel (I)ahlgren) and about one hundred men were taken prisoners. 1 shall hear In flag of truce on Sunday night, and will telegraph again. [Signed] Ben.i. F. Buti.er, ° Major General Commanding New Yoke, March n.—The Tribune's Washington correspondent says that Memphis advices of the Ist say tlmtrafter reaching Meridian Sherman waited to hear from Smith's cavalry, hut no news came tor three days. He had a short allowance of pro visions. By a rapid move lie turn ed to Aberdeen and Columbus, in the richest part of Eastern Mi sissippi, where his army was sure to find an abundance of provisions. By this he turned his back on Selma and Mobile, and marched to wards Logan who had advanced to meet him and by an audacious strobe of strut - egy placed himself at a distance of one hundred miles from Johnson's flank, I now menaced by his advance. '■ The rumor spread concerning the at tack on Mobile and Selma by Sherman was simply meant to divert public atten tion from the real object of the expedh tion which aims at an invasion of Georgia somewhere between Trenton and Lafayette Washington, March Yesterday af -crnooD, according to a city paper, ■ n Meade was in consultation tor an hour or two with the Secrerary oi' War, and now a morning print, announces that Col. Straight has left for Fortress Mon roe for a brief period. THE GREATEST NERVINE, TONIC and blood purifier. I>r. Cutter’s ENGLISH BITTERS. Dr. J. C.Ayers’ Family Medicines DR. D. JAYNES since daylight. The rebel ram Tennessee was offfort Morgan and is expected to attack our fleet. She is said to be more pOW erful than the Merimac was. Fort PoWell cannot hold out much longer against our bombardment. Admiral Farragut was on board the Calhoun near the Fort. Out regiments from the Teche are arriving' daily in New Origans and being sent in transports to cooperate with Farragut. Thirty-four prisoners had ; escaped from the New Orleans Customhouse, out 10 or 12 had been recaptured, and it was probable that the rest would be caught. A mutiny occurred on board the bark Garibaldi at the northwest pass on the 23d ult. The chief mate and one sea-i man are reported as having been killed hefore the mutiny was quelled. Gen. Weitzell was expected to return soon to New Orleans. An extensive fire occurred at Pensa cola on the 19th. The town is believed to have been destroyed by thercbels, un der the impression that our forces de signed to occupy it soon. The 18th New York cavalry had ar rived at New Orleans. Gen. Banks reviewed the artillery and cavalry at Carrollton on the 27th. Col. Chickering, of the 3d Massachu setts cavalry, has been appointed As sistant Provost Marshal General of Lou isiana. His duty is to superintend the labor system instituted by Gen. Banks. New Yobk, March 6 pa pers of the Ist and 2d inst. have been re ceived here. They admit that Kilpatrick penetrated within thTee miles of the city and relate how narrowly Lee escaped capture. Gen. Wiße also narrowly es caped, being at the residence of the rebel Secretary of War, from whence he reach ed the city. Four hundred more of our prisoners were shipped, on Feb. 29th, to Ameri cans, Georgia. Nearly 3,000 have thus far been sent there, and accommodations exist for 6,000, Forty-six miles of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad were destroyed by Gen. Sher man. The Southern road was also de stroyed from Meridian to Jackson, and 480 negroes were carried off. The rebel accounts of the battle of Olustee, in Florida, show that theirforce consisted of fourteen regiments of in fantry, four battalions of cavalry and three batteries of artillery. Their loss was 800 killed and wounded. St. Louis, March 6.—A statement from the Washington correspondent of the New York Commercial says that Sher man was at Yicksburg on the 24th ult. and that he will soon start another expe dition is a great mistake. None of Sher man’s forces had reached Jackson on the 24th, and Vicksburg advices of the 27th make no mention ofliis arrival there, or any conmplated new movement. Mc- Pherson’s corps which reached Jackson on the 24th, and will probably remain there for the present, but another ex pedition will not likely be made very soon. Parties from Gen. Grant’s front state that it is not probable any fighting will take place there for some time. Cairo, March 5. —The steamer Rock et, from Yicksburg on the 27th, arrived this afternoon with forty-seven guerrilla prisoners captured at various times by tbe Marine Brigade. They belonged to bands who had been firing into steam ers along the river. Among them were one captain and two lieutenants. Memphis papers of the"3d contain no news of importance. Cotton fiat; good middling at 67, strictly ditto 68. The river has risen four feet in three (lavs, and continues to rise. Knoxville, March 4. —Scouts report lhal Longstreet ha> shipped his wagons per train to Richmond and is mounting his men upon the burses and mules thus released, and is pressing all animals t hut, can be found. The rebel cavalry are still scouring the country to the east of us. Martin’s cavalry appeared yester day in the French broad near the meet ing of Big Pigeon. Some apprehension is felt of a raid by Morgan on our Rail road communication with Chattanooga. New York, March 6. —The steamer (>cean Queen has arrived from AspinwalU with $508,000 in specie. The Constitu tion, which arrived at Panama on the 26th, brought down $1,600,000 in treas ure, of which the above sum was for New York and the balance for England. The last British mail steamer for Southampton took over $.5,000,000 in treasure. Cairo, March 5.—A private letter re ceived at Memphis from Ylcksburg, dated 27th ult. says: The 17th Army Corps, General McPherson commanding, is back at Jackson, where it is expected to remain for the present. SheTman, with the remainder of his force, is also en rovie for the same place. All the rail roads on Sherman’s route are utterly de stroyed. v Louisville, March 5. —Judge Pirtle, of the Chancery Court, yesterday decid ed on an assignment from disloyal firms for secur ty of their credits-to be valid. Gen. Grant arrived this evening en route for Washington. Cave CiTY,Marcho. —The noted guer rilla Captain alias Colonel Richardson, en route northward as a prisoner, while attempting to escape was shot dead by Capt. Stone of the 37th Kentucky. New Y t obk, March 6. —Counterfeit s’s on the Valley Bank of Hillsborough, N. H., and the Bank of Patterson, N. J., are in circulation. The latter are altered from ones. Washington, March s.—Dp to noon to-day the Government has not received any recent official information in relation to General Sherman. MEDICAL CARD. AY. BODESUAMER, M. D., Office, 864 Broadway, New A' ork. W. H. BODENHAMER, M. D., Monoogahela House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Devote their attention tc the Medical and Surgical treatment of Chronic* Diseases, Especially those of the LOWER BOWEL, such as Piles. Constipation, Fistula, Fissure, Falling of the Bowel, Ulceration of the Bowel, Stricture of the Bowel, Ac. Also, the various Chronic Diseases of the Womb, the Kidneys, the Blad der, etc. mhl-dtf jgANKIN’S EXTRACT BUCHTJ, Celebrated for the cure of Ctironle Catarrh of the Bladder, 1 Btor> bid Irritation of the Urethra, Re* tention or Incontinence *}? Urine* And all diseases of the Bladdear and Kidney s, Prepared only by A. J- EAISTKEK & CO., BBWKHSTS; So. G 3 Market Street, Pittsburgh, ’ Price, Ticcuti. >feMs »v -aa ay t -i ts as ?s» Itl ever offered in thta market. fetes I ssSuketU. Mohdat, Marcbo, ISM. sales majewaspnljt ipa wants ol thelocal trade—ipf^-grpCTawybpipgv for out door the ✓ week betnggenerafay a ’ we noticed a Mtge’ Anilsiint’Pf' the sales we note the folldWfng :’ K > Jf '“3 ‘ rJ FLOTTR—Ektra, j EafwCEatnßjf fit ton. BalcdwaßUKchingM. , 4 , -,; WHISKY —Thfe market remains In a vCryon-' settled state,TThpngy of which tellers dcathe mafclnBTU™gv _V . * Of OObhlsat ♦3215@a,80:0; ; supply. The • . Til- t* jw among-the. sales were, the sales st J do tOrieiMai at 15@16#c jaoilffils“A?i.Qotne*t jSc;ll4d6- “B” Coffee atjlftjggmfc frt 19c,. CoSfee lirm-T-saies r of 28>Ack8 JBtt &t;AH3@37c: Molasses K^OiatW;' 20 do new at 78@80c. Syrura--jndea:6£!?3 do at ; prices ranging from 65@90„ T£lco—sales. of 2&do at ,ir s'■*£"■*&-> v -j •, a > viz: Shoulders* io.oW:As, at io@IOKC ( r do atiaaUMf/ Plain -ibe pJITrrSBBRGH Oil. 3 " '■ OjTBIOB OF '&..* ■ 1 The Market on Saturday was'inkcUve-^e^eVk v manifesting no> iUspositlDirfo possible that the unfkvoraijl^ ;v tve , atliE^lrw^fli^ i effector checking sales, The the operiing of "the river urdayevening-wast)ut-2,ff7fbbla, hbdufftp&ti&ifi of this was consigned' to St 'Lpulslsna' wcddd’ not beoffered Torsalelh drittlttt;?*£3ji9gft* amount erf 61l on sktaitaysitftgbtkadt Sund»y;-wb£n probably take ft! sfeqfatarfc rtgiwd fire at the authority for statin&that.tbe p|lfs&atj;waa’(Jtea*' troyed, 10,0001*18 tiy Xd^ firm and not t>y ;tto :rhe nominal rate&wetfij as absence of sales tve can fPnly-gtye , the, nmni nni rates, yiz : Xn bnlktit waejhefa at i with the packages included 26@28c was aemaiidtek. Refined—Bonded was2i£&tit39@4De v-wenturts,* sale of 800 bbls, a favorite-byand, ;at:4ocf Rf fined Free Oil was steady at 50c.l Benzolewa^dUlT— , sales of 140 bbls at Bes&nctfm—Wpi | held firmly, at -Asm) j•? ,£T OH Receipts per £s?.?» * cViTi.vtt; Seetiiji & Fulkeson, Cincinnati Wbllky MnW' r > ?: Wsibkv—-The And dull, but holders-were' unWfulnk'to' make iippor tant concessions. and 460 bbla at 78c. and Ufr do. afr77c>pi Whlfikydropped >fc, and ws* dull.at aren as much dismayed at the tttoiighf bfthe possibility of no amendment b^i^hiaae'^the'iawind fear ing the rate of taxattomns they .baveihitheito been at the prospect of .a tax qf the stockaon hand. ThelrsltuatiOb Is-hot enviable, norone that PTPltfm fht» *hniw who are not in* r.i u&toa Boat otiKioc k'Marfcet. • > Boston,- ■ Match steady.. Philadelphia^Wilmington .aud more ciosed.at‘.72l£; BocsJanCX*?; XfflefHoyhie 25f 4 "; TYaQklinrfc%;’ Cfcirfrai Minnesota 86; chus ettfl 39&* Meanard Water, Jfo^-ar tions to-day haveliie£Sarfibllidi^:f' l ' > 9ii, t6i«; nvirn*; ii» jjujft taxtfi, 161 ,. r , . . The Liverpool steamerClty OfXbndon takes out in ppeclcfitly-'64ot‘l - ' '■ r f' i •'*- PhiladelphialtiuihiHMhtlUiv •, March Sf-jAt stocks were cOuponkcras- J ed afJ 101 i Cairfden ftp F&atnsylVAfcla ‘ 7i; Long Island *6>ft ahgIgorria Canal■ -A New York Petyolcnm,Mexjfcct*,!..., New York, March 6.~-Pe€r6leunfat nie'Mer chants’ Exchange, Pineßtr^t^?X#lh’ kSin3tedidr mand. Crude H oltiAt S9@3oc;fehned-iutond at 47@4flc:free64@57.' ReceiptsL23Bßtiia. ■*' t- H i q h w in hemarke tto-4ay> was allhpßOfc tled, and we did ! no£ heardfh singly sate,'' *At tne opening sellers fotete ! the ctose there wete 7^^tb§jiy>uy era.. 1/ ..-■(! .-i_i !.■ vc.- v Thk ttFVT3Ri-—CBste veiling fltiwfiigti Where were eleven.feet sly nel and rising.., weather durlhgjhe day pleasant.' ' -V;- \' 1 **'*'*j *3r TBe . /avqrite Spray, Cap*. Shuman, leaves fopCincJnjnMi ho d Louisville on Tuesday. 1 ' ' - •• ft; 4#menia,CMt. M’Calluni.' is announced fbrXlilrenpaSiFlkmls on Tuesday. ’ ; ‘ ’ , " • »•? .-• iCsetro-'* «*The fine '; Mason, is arinouncedior S&Ebtxls andlnißtHiue on Wednesday/ - '■'■ ‘-i • "firw •' j JSrThe 'vHjE^ing^ .the . steamer Min&r^O&pfc'Odisdi£* ShfejwfUiSive ! fr.j t ■•({J . { i•■ A&£rasDqn^^bb-hh*SSSSBS^ Minerva UQoi.. .:..jClagfcgk. ' 1 Franklin. ,Oamao;.,. Broiton&le. Jag. LPeefclMi . t / Julia. Obiildbri...... :-.Z£i&gfflle. Paragon ..i. -Don nelly i. » .Clneiftnatl. Jennie Hubbs. Deytaney .^-...yashyilje^ , MoMnrMJiBdBCOT! 1 ; ' (t ' CORRECTED' DAILY" 90&-THfe VOBHIS 8Y RESBKS. KOtTIfTZ3!* 11E8T29-JBJaOpBBB, r HO. U 6 %OOD STREET. • *i'-■ jL±« -r - ■) The fdllowiug are the buylng.ima aeHi&rate* . for Gold, SOyer, &c.: ' ExchuiffO* New'York; ...J - p&hi ?* * a # Baltimore., pat} , rojf j -S i Bepnsylvanin Ouriemy.:... pta *i ■if "-jV* Ctev*lahd.3.‘,iJi:^.........■' par. ..-U St, • #.,«. M Gold Sllret Notes Demand....;'. Coupons lessee and Mpnafer* . -kTOlCtfisaSEKsos. reengaged (w Amfcric an -Trayedlafty'MfcTrTft a . cuarnctera, supported andaetroiig eombmatiQtf sea son* . • •;• »’_<* £.*?■, ■-K»y THIS EV ENING, s w%,sp, l ddikn drama of r~-- ■» 1 *' *# KETAHOBA, 6* Wkm- T • BS ' POTT LIVERY STABLE ' Wednesday, JMnrch 9, at to O’c7ock,a± the rtaWe of K.-H. R«HBteSOK,;-gJto ncaa, S theenttre «iocfccaiaptirftn - -P a-l.:#*”-v teist ' •* ‘ i^S^itiodi.-'at^k-'-v • ■ g|>uo,