The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, February 13, 1864, Image 3

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    ~hepuil g Vag,
Messrs,N S. M. PETTEGSLL &CO. No. 37
Park Row, New York city, and No. 6 Stale
street, Boston; and L. P. FONTAINE &
No. 63 Nassau street, New York city, are au
thorized to take Advertisements and Subscrip
tions for us at lowest rates.
New Rolling Mills of 1883
The in,rease of Rolling Mills at Pitts
burgh, during 1863, is very striking.
While two has been the greatest number
previously constructed in any one year,
- there have been six constructed in 1863.
To a brief recital of .the size, character,
capacity and aggregate cost of this heavy
addition, not only to the general magni
tude of the iron trade, but also to the
number of Pittsburgh manufactories, we
give a few paragraphs.
Messrs. Lyon, Shorf & Co., of the
well known Sligo works, have erected a
new and powerful plate mill for the roll
ing of armour plates for iron-clad war
vessels. The power of this mill will be
best shown by the fact that its rolls are
of a sufficient size to turn out plates of
eight feet wide, and from one to two
feet in thickness, and of such lengths as
may be desired. The mill building is
two hundred feet in length, b 3- one hun
dred and four feet in width. They have
also erected a sheet mill ninety feet long
by eighty-four feet wide, with ability to
roll sheets of eight and a half feet wide.
The capacity of these two is about forty
inns a week.
Messrs. McKnight, of the Birmingham
Works, hay, erected a new sheet iron
and armor plate mill, the buildings of
which are sixty by eighty feet. The
plate mill has a capacity of fifty tons per
week, and is constructed with a view to
the rolling of sheet iron, for the proilu- , -
tin n of which it ha, a capacity of one
thousand tuna a year
The Mes:rs. Jones Laughlins, of the
American Works, have erected a build
ing two humired by one hundred and
twenty-five fret, within which is con
structed two sheet mills, and a twelve
inch train for bar, and three eight inch
trains for small iron, and lops ; three
heating furnaces aml two annealing fur
naces. The rapacity of these mills is
thirty tons per lay,
Messrs lieecw, f4rafT and Dull lay'
built a forge ; a plate mill and a sheet
mill, necupying a building two hundred
and live by one hundred and five feet
The plate milli fonstrueted for rolling
armor plates for naval nse, ten feet
long and from one to one and a half
inches thick, weighing from one thou
sand six hundred pounds to a ton each;
the plate mill has a capacity of one hun
dred tons; the sheet mill a capacity of
fifteen tons, and the forge of two hun
dred and ten tons a week They have
also erected a limp mill of two trains
with a capacity of eighty tons per week,
the mill building of which is one hun
dred and twenty by seventy-five feet -
It is, perhaps, pr-per to say that the ca
parity of the is the gross capacity
of the work, tit: same iron tieing bein: ,
rolled into sheet, I.t.r and In ops in the
mills.mills. The firm is also about erecting an
additional mill l'or manufacturing guide
and bar iron, Wtli a rapacity of one hun
dred tons a neck, and occupying a build
ing one hundre4l and twenty by Ho it y
five feet; also a machine shop for the
planing and finishing of armor plates.
Messrs. Everson, Preston & Co. have
put up a very powerful mill of one bun
Bred a week capacity, expressly for the
production (f armor plates. The mill
buildings are two hundred and fifty by
one hundred and thirty feet, and the rolls
weigh from eiviit to ten tons reels.
Messrs. Klmnan & Phipps have als,)
constructed a rolling mill, lint of its di
mensions, capacity and character iv o•
have at present no data.
Messrs. Wharton Brothers & Co. have
also built a new mill for rolling small
iron, but °fits size ml , l capacity we have
no reliable figures
Arrival of the 77th Regiment
The Seventy-seventh regiment, under
command of Captain Lawson, arrived
rather unexpectedly in the city to-day.
They were met at the depot by the May
or, accompanied by several citizens, and
were formrly welcomed by Mr. Lowry
in a neat and appropriate speech. From
the depot the regiment was escorted to
the City Hall, where a substantial meal
was providdd for them by the Subsistence
Committee. The regular reception ad
dress was delivered by .Tolnt :sr. Kirkpat
rick, esq. who appeared in his happiest
vein and made, one of the most eloquent,
soul-stirrin.c7, and patriotic speeches to
whigh we have ever listened. Captain
Lai*on,responded briefly after which
th :":vent was formed into line, and,
pby a brass land, paraded some
Of' he prinHpal streets, bringing up at
~!tte Girard House, win re their arms were
sta cked and l ' a gg a g t. The reg
hut one hundre ninety
five men ;. iment LI"- -ft of the- , i , •10 hundred and
tiftv'who passs . throttgu here iten ypar:
ago, and of these, uI V bdie've,all have
re-enlisted for the war. There are three
companies from All, _hen_ onnt:v
the regiment, of w
low 'ver, but
very few now remain. con:°a r l y
which went out with Captain, now•-. 1• ,
Rose, has but nine men It ft. and the
others are also badly us. d np* Col. Rose
is a prisoner in Richmond. and Captain
Lawson of East Liberty, is now in cam.
mand. The .r , -,Minent n many a
bloody fight, but it always acquitted
itself nobly, and comes back with a re , - t
cord of which it note well feel proud.
We bespeak for the men during their ;
stay among us the warmest hospitality.
Railroad Difficulty.—The commit
tees appointed respectively by councils
and the Pennsylvania Railroad Compa
ny, to consider the difficulty in relation
to the right of way for the st e uh e n v in e
Railroad from the river to the Liberty
street depot. b, ld their tlr-i meetint
Thursday. The repreAented by
Messrs. Heed, McCandless col'
fin White and Mr. White, city solichor ;
and the railroad company by Mesrs
A. Scott, W. 11. lloward and John 11.
Hampton. We need not go into a report
of what transpired. It is enough to say
that the conference was marked by a
spirit of frankness and conciliation, and
with such a desire to settle the matter
amicably, that wt reo satisfied the whole
thing will now 1 r arrati[N-d without the
interference of the court.
Church Opening.—The church of
St. Mary, Kittanning, was opened for
divine service on Sunday last. Solemn
High Mass was celebrated by Rev. F. L.
Tobin, Rev. James Keogh, D. D., Dea
con. and Rev. J. Schmidt, Subdeacon.
After the Gospel Rev. Dr. Keogh preach
ed on Sacrifice, the true way of worship
p;ng God. In the evening solemn Ves
pers were sung, after which Rev. F. L.
Tobin delivered a discourse on private
judgment and church authority. The
ceremonies closed with the benediction
of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Lecture.—Rev. Dr. Keogh will de
liver a lecture for the benefit of the Mer
cy Hospital on Sunday evening, Februa
ry 21st, in the basement of the Cathe
draL Subject : "Modern Infidelity."
Tickets 25 cents. Lecture to commence
-at half past seven o'clock.
The War Commenced
The Philadelphia ledger of Thursday
" It is understood that the •New York State
banks have appointed a committee to attend at
Washington to watch the movements directed
against their existence by the Secretary of the
I reasury in his manifest determination to build
up a new and what he esteems a better system
of bank ing. His power to do this, by the increase
of his official patronage against the one and in
favor of the other, is, great, and will ultimately,
if continued, clew. the held of banking of all State
banks. Should the Stale banks make common
cause and oppose to it all their influence, the
struggle may be prolonged, but I he issue, it seems
to us, can have but one end, the winding up of
all State banks of issue. We see it stated the
Secretary has ordered that the revenue officers
refuse to receive for taxes, licenses or other
United States dues, any bills of the State banks.
The Secretary's object is to drive out of circula
tion the bills of these bank,,, and to discredit
them. Congress has not responded to his propo
siiion to tax the Issue of the State banks two
and two-filtha per cent.; but the discrediting of
their bills has the same effect. Must he not suc
ceed, even if he does not secure the co-operat on
of Congress I"
Echo answers, will the Secr etary
Our Book Table
CHICKAMAUGA. The Pricey ('hettonougn. A de
ecription of the stragetic plans, marches and
battles of the campaign of Chattanooga, with
illustative maps. By the author of the An
nals of the Army of the Cumberland " Phila
delphia : .T. B. Lippencott & co
Here is a very interesting work, which
should be in the hands of all who wish
to keep themselves thoroughly posted in
the current events of the war as con
ducted by the Army of the Cumberland.
Twenty-First Volume.—On the
27111 inst. the Pittsburgh Cat/whit will
commence its twenty-first volume The
editor in r,..ferring to the matter say ,,
The recurrence of the annivvrsary of the
first appearance of our pap,•r naturally
brings xkith it thoughts about its su i T, s ..
in the past, and hopes not unruinglial
anxiety for the future. As the or
gan of this Diocese and that of Erie,
THE CATHOLIC has the first claim for
support on the faithful Western Penn
sylvania. Yet, we regret to say, th,
support actually given is not at all coin
mensurate with the numbers anti flit
means of the Catholic,: of loth Diocc , „
The persevering, merge ~f our worth
publisher has carried th,• paper o-imgj i
all difficulties, IA lie apathy of Ito)
who should have come forward to alit
would have been enough to dis , our
many all 11l r 111111 111.1 A- it
We reiterate 111,, la-t
, 11 , .11 La Vt• Icrgt an.l rt inuncrctiv,
circulation in Wcstt.rn
7 hr tricc of the • •
of any Catholic lveckly in the country ,
and while m of its c. , temporaries have
lately made an advance in their subscrip
tion terms, it is not the intention of Mr
Porter, its publisher, to follow their ex
ample*, for most who profe , s to he cant
olics aid, to the extent of their intluenee
anti individual supp,,rt, to extend the
circulation of the acknowledi7eil nr,an ‘ , l
the church in this region. It k a duty
they owe themselves t 11111 , 111..
Whirh they below!.
Uhe Bounty Board Question.-- It
that the
cater reconom ailed Ise the late "fax
era' Convention. In other
decline taking any acti- n Moever
ing towards an issue of l4ird, until the
Legislature has first uivcn them amino
ity to execute the same. The action of
the Cimind-isioners iv ill hale a tendeni v
retavd hot ,•:in hard
ly be remedied now. They hare the
matter altogether in their own land
and if they see fit t refuse to 1 4 SU.• the
certificates, there i. no Lower that
know Otto compel them to adopt a difli r
ent course.
Death of a Young Offieer.—Cap.
lain William Swain Small, of the i2eith
Regiment Pennsylvania Volumeer-i, son
of Col. Willimn F. Small, di e d in Phila
delphia on Tuesday. Captain S enter
ed the ranks of his father's regiment as
private, and rose to the post ~f a captain
step by , tep. lie participated in all tit
iictions in which the 'aith reuiment tic ,
engaged with the Army of the Poton,a,.
Many of the old Mexi. in i-oldier: re
member the brave and intrepid Captain
Small, of the First Pennsylvania volun
teers. If the son inherit, d his father's
brave and chivalrous spirit, the army of
the Union has lost an efficient officer.
Monongahela Water, Company.
—Mr. Bingham has read a Lill in the
House in relation to the Monongahela
Water Company, the first section of
which provides for an increa ,, of thy•
capital stock to an amount not exceedintr
$l OO ,OOO additional to the prt,ent capi
tal, to lie divided iota show, 4 of
each. Section two confer , power, to bor
row front time to time, au amount not
.ctxceeding $50,000, and to make and exe
cute a mortgage or mortgages upon the
property and income of the corporation
for security of the amount borrowed,
The Fenian Brotherhood —The
Fenian Motherhood Philadelphia
have pi esented throrigh a puhlic meeting
a recent attack of Bishop Wood on their
organization. They dery that the
Brotherhood is a secret society, adding
that the society have no naths , sign, or
nips. - The constitution and by-law
are free to inspection. Fifty 1 low , and
Wen ha\ e subscribed their name_
in the. United States, anal in
ylsit - provinces and Treland one
". 1
litly thousand men are
hundred h.
Death of a Pries.`.-
As:liwander, for many y.'ur' Pa 'tot of
Trinity ridireh, Genrronwn...'ll,l: , ltm .
nately Professor of Theology,
Phil u
lthp, Scripture and Hebrew, in George
town College, died there Wednesday af
ternoon, aired 40 years. Lie is said to
have been one of the 1110 , 1 erudite hiyitie
Greek and Hebrew scholar,,.
A meeting of the citizens of the Fir-a
Ward wa- held at the School Hon: u ot,
Friday evening, at which James Ih.-e-
was appointed chairman and W. V
Diehl secretary. On motion it was ad
journed to meet at the sante place this
SatUrally ) CYC/1111V, at 7 o'clock. Punc
tual attendance requested
Dead.—Lieut.A. E Alcorn, onr of the
four hundred 'chid prisoners NI ho pa , sed
through this this city Thursday on their
way to Annapolis, w 1 u jumped from the
train at Swissvale station while the cars
were in rapid motior, thereby sustaining
serious injuries, died yesterday at the
military hospital in this city.
Substitute for, Eggs.—Eggs are now
retailing at forty to fifty cents per dozen,
and are not to be obtained at that. As
a matter of general interest, we will
state that corn starch is an excellent sub
stitute for eggs for culinary purposes,
one spoonful of corn starch being reck
oned as equal to a single egg.
The Fenian Brotherhood, will hold
a meeting in Lafayette Will on Saturday
evening at 9 o,clock. Capt. P. F.
Walsh, Organiztng Agent of the Broth
erhood, will be present, and deliver an
address. Subject : "The Mission of :the
Fenian Brotherhood and Irish Nation- j
ality." The public are invited to attend.
Admission free.
i i tA p ial (1 substitute, subject to such rules and rug-
The installation of the officers of 4 TE LE G
' RC
....). ulations as may be prescribed by the See- COIEN , E
retary of `Far; and if such substli PRODUCE atit
utt-, is PITTSBURGH PRoDucanEm.
Hastings' Chapter of Temperance and FOR THE POST.
liable to draft, the name of the person OeFiCit fir THE DAILY PosT, ?
Wisdom, No. 1, of the State of Pennsyl
furnishing him shall be liable to draft in SkirrtriAY, l'e,b 13, 1864. 4
vania, took place in their Hall, over the filling future quotas, and if any person
XXX VIII th CONGRESS. BT -`sINESS yesterday was more notice-the Savings Bank in Fourth street, on dale. a certain leading
drafted shall hereafter pay money for the
procuration ofd substitute under the pro- lon the pres lous ate} Among the sales we note
the evening of Thursday, February 12th
as follows
akooris of the net to whirh this 19 an
when the follriwing named officers wet,- LATER FROM CHARLESTON amendment, such 1. ment of money ::::7sur::: articles g lleff a
I s o
1 3 FLOUR-Extra at t6,llE4Der 3,40; Extra Family
rt gillarly ihstalled Ity 111( I) D G li , ' , -Mill operate onl to rclieve such person at ez@7, , tu.
E H.lleastmgq K, George G, Rod front draft during the time for which :0 1
dick;Q, Anna Boyd, M, Alexander Ni Ns- Arrival of the Steamer Fulton ',IT( 11 person wls drafted unless the
' Coffee
at 14 , 4@tat,, , ,e; 10 do ttrleans at 14" Bdr '
"A" at 17 ti'c, ; c o o. ~ „ ...-. 7 , o oc I
71 larger
S ers C l : a u
. 11 I ...,e Molases
Ion; 11, of Flon ,Emma Barr, W, John II ; names placed in the box be sooner ex- old at 70e, new at 71@80c (•oll'ee-30 sacks Silo
Miller; L.of 11., Maggie Leaiy, U, Mai Initiated, In which t_•asz• the names shall be at 35,@36e Rice at 9 , ,,d , 5 , .4,
shall Gatulnet , L M„Tudith Miller, VP, returned to Ili( NI heel Member, of re •
SALT-Sales at 82,50
Thomas B. Cluley, TT, Limienbrink. I. All Expedition to Florida. les at ttli sl'k - si,3
ii ;tolls den/ilium ,11011, IN lir) shall, by oath AP , PLEs 7‘. ;
, _ ab.AiN-m hent-lietiat $l,lO White at *4 .14 ,
R, blare Mi•( ann , T, Arthur Fit:: tat
___ or Ai rmition declare themselve- ciiii,^l- corn--,sow bush
new at 81,15; old at * 13. , d ' ''
.1,1 1... k,
p .tric kT. T, Amelia Dirks) , , Janus (-idiom-Iv oppnsed to the herring 01 trios, oats---sales 700 bush at 75079 Harley-`sprlng
at id s 5, Fall at , fi r bo
Buy,l, L S Emma Hunk, r Tlii.. t, in Gloomy Account of Rebel AffairE. , and who are pi oblbtte.l from lin so ti}" ' 0 --g --, BachNShottliters-sales of 9010 Ibt ttt 'Ps@
perance association is in a most flour isle" role-;.nd trio I,s of faith and pro to eof sk,e. tildea-6000 do at 11 , ;@113.:, Plain Hata.
mg anti pro.,pelOtt... condition, and sloniv: said is iig . m u , dciimumatiOn, shall,ss when at 12;4:413e tii, (1 Hams-4000 do .at 1.4t,0
good service in the cans,'they ha -, ,,. e-,- -17'N " • Carolina Speaking- Out d raft Intl , theliiilitary service, le eons l hliNKT-small sales at dates&
ports, I They havenot been in exit •-iileri 1 oun tonal itant , , and shall ill. 1- PITTSBURGH OIL TRADE.
once but a short period, and now numb(' . sis - ned I,y the • - •et falai)" of War to duty
t)pviee op Tan DAILY PO , r, ?
about two hundred mendkr--quite a Interesting from N C Papers. HI lio , pitals (it to the rare of ft iiedini n, , h...crr tin s i Feb 13 1884. i
large numb( i are now fighting the battles ' N. or shalt pa) the sure of $lllO to Ihe demand for the post two slays was larger
of their country on the battle-fields 1 sui•li pc r,on a•: the qecretar3 of than usual smite the Allegheny river has become
against ihr enema' of the Union quite as P , u .'i I - , D blot,
t. 114 ,au'a estiters to liti l i t be
War shall desi.that,.- to receive it to low for steamers. Crude-sales of 1.5 d bbis it
appliedlo the sick aria wound r I ... i_ • packages included: 250 do at ~ ., 5 , , ,. , sal,•.,
valiantly as against the enemy of our sr, ,
, illdiers Piol ided n i pet -in , liail 1,,• ~f a tea bits oft rade in bulk at 1.7. i., g Isc he vial rampart-caring full)' as well for the
I Waled to the iii netits of the pinvi-ions fined-13onded ringed from 3%7,10 , free at 4-Weso
'.‘ IIIONN and orphan ot the lrunkaD las Jett. Diu vl. 13uN In 1 -
g . -- " 114 il 'll lir Iltis at t• mili s- lii, deolar iti,oi or r..ri
for llo• safst \ of out politu al imditil _ .
lions al, ni•nn. =erupt° , 000 inst bearing arm- , New 1 ork Dry Goods Trade.
1 de is not active, but nearly all goods are
Aliiill he , upported 11\ , Thsffirtnrc el i
1111111 ' ; held The demand for inintshas been
, lenee that ht. deport meat has been tin!-light, and or a day or two they became easier in
1, iroi I . consistent with sii , It di (- Ilr it ion J",1:,-;e: tut i the rn IN" t lull} r••. oiered its tone.
exempte(.l awl i, ,r3 Qu i p o ii supply of e lLe t •: good. is moderate.
m T o h m e
, In t -
I‘• epterl from enrollment and draft( il. lull Price, are, howeier steady Drills are in
I'l7:hut It tl • ate Irlf , toil plly=ically and light net su i lln e , be a d m a i n d d oll
c, : , tripe. and ticks are
mem ..‘ll, unfit for seri.icc all persons i g ned are very firmly held, r w .n
ttll' h a irl fa n r de''m"dansterotr
actitalls in tilt military or nasal .+ervice-
ill._ better and finer grades. There if a good in
f the United States at the time of flrlit quiry for delainea. and all desirable goods for the
they arrive,the market
and an pdr,r in , 711 , 1 have served in Ili, :;0,,,t,.0,„0,1.a:,: without beingl - ere active. as these is
miiirsrt or lta ylt—it paitment tor lir (p no ti
.ol 11 In caress.ln fancy casstmeres the
1 ear, during Ili, pre ~ •ill aat , and M, ! demand ha, abated. Country
havers think h . )
thev mat
, nima' obtain their goods lower, but
li(moral. , l3 .11, liar• ,, .1 ILI 1 limn, an, I. a
the market is against them, and the product-16n
no person-)hilt .-11 ,-' ll as are hem in , . a good, 1 i far from being profuse-the high cost
CeplP.l , hll.ll lie , script The two t - l in Itsothw the supply. the lower descriptions are
qr. her. t.ttore provided for enrollment '' ,. ' ,- ` y " Yir'.,,T,Pll:, l lj 'n,L , l ,:t i ft h s e a d r e ;V b t ie ur " Cle le m s a s n e d e
iii i onsolislaud In all cases where col i ,it with little s , camelation of stock Broad
,l, ,1 pt ii , el- It ~,. lit n , ieit t 'fore enlist- ,I. il l y :,
~, , , , : , ,i
~i ii ] , •,n„ -,, iie
,il in lb( Mill t iry serVir oOf the T - Ullt .1 : ' , l ; ~,,t Ftl, l , 'l- r ' , " •;: t r ' e ci t' L., 1 h jii7,X e n t r , ' ,l, e , ' i t
` , Litt•a all trio \ i•lon, of 0, •,. del, so far a- In I“rei, , ,rl 1,0,41, ih,r, 1- rather more &dog
Dix 111 , •111 t•I I I lit t il. 1 r (mittens:lllmi
, 'yt r t ,, " ,,, h t i l o r r. , ,t , e ,:h l t d lr r t e sa F , i, i lul are in r meuder tt•lr•
1,0 , r ,,,,,,1,. i. ~i,..1 1,, , e q uall y ii , pla , , q , kit ine neve ta - iitons " l,lll7 ' ,. ' "l :11: ' ,, "" t ' c '
, I Is It ,•I , I i 1111 , , t\ I,j 1,, ,‘ I. In I; the , it Illso I whi c h Ise,pe, te I is, _how itselt •n
due ..eason The • due or the dr. goods import
atiore, in last 1 , , eelc aror mite! to $.2. 003,779; ot
u hick it 811,6 - •• were of woolen, 1 , 331 41 7 ..1
silk., 1. ..,,,, , ,Lei of ~,tt,,n. bitt 91.3 at linens
Orphan's Houle.-
rve,l ilea nne 11(. Hu
Slack. micled a
ill tili' Len' lallli,' 10 inyclmorate "thyn WA , lttnyroN, Feb. 1 1 2—SENATJ
n motion of Mr. Lane, of ind , in,
- - )l,.lien- uri , hun'i , Homy — in this c ,, iintv
Committee on the , Tudiciary wyry in.
Thy yorporato , , , named ;i1 the act ar,
Cli.irles final\ P.cdmoitil J Grace, Joshua , tructett to inquir, into the expe.ilyn, 1
nhody , , Jame , ...\f G t ,l 1 3 ,1„ I. ( I ,.. ini , , Av , II , r) amending the pre , :ent bin r , ~ ti
Hi. ket , l, .lame. P. Bair, Gy , ,rge \V
lating thy Supreme Court t , , d, iiii, it •
Cs..:. NVilliain II My(:, , . Ti„-,,i) . „ A decision. to matters of law only On
1..i..1,,, 1) S(.ully, Ivii,., 11 Ii smith inot , on of Mr FyssendYn, of Al. . th,
:Intl .lanit , Niec,d, . :Acntite t ,,, k up till. IlotiAlk Dofi,icnk .
The Cabinet Organ.- \k,
f . rom Thr• 7",wrp-rip%
~ 11-111 ii)=ll-nnwnt
l' •I
vcr\ %FM
11 I , 'lir
ht ,•: 111(.1r
I , th, ur %11 , 1;11,:11 -
ior ,f
lt.l 1,r4 , 1'. I, en lop
I , , •11
I . i , l ( 1,•111,
In (•. , nn , . 11,11 tt itii Ilir IiU,I
mit n,' , 111.:• I 111. it
toil; t tilt rli ! • Mall r rnn
littli•ln••1 in , rurrionts I•or or•k
NI'••!!••r •••, II • ••• I,•r
--,10t.11 lit] LII , a !lIHI nine Io•
•11 -1
t - , t•tvt'rti , ctitt-ut rti
11. g; r TllO -r• \%1...
.1., • \ V. 71•• 4pri I,;_ri,
in-lrunocrin I
flint NVPI 111•1;1 I..\N
:in.! A ,:1 of from $l.) T. ,
n n to
-Al • , f 129
Wood, ,t , ton en
tire -otd-k - t , t - Fur- :it . - -41 Ladies wh
intend buying I'm, at-tin should
Vail t orty - dtunily,
the as.ort mem is the very best. eonsist
ing of the name fashionable varieties
Also, misse . and children!, silk and felt
hat., with a large and elegant slack
newe , t style• of hat , and for men
and boy,
New 111,,
Ur Motl,Pr. - I , y 11 , -1 , (11t I 1.%1-1.1
War wHi( )-orr , AVOrtiS by .1. K 11 .dm,
It, till up in Dixic, new ,:ing for the
Hine , All the price cent ,
each A latt:e and choice ,eleetion ;.r
.one eleu . ant
just received lintl for sale
at 1(cllor'-
liusic Store .1 woo , l ',Jr-cc!
"William Allair —lltmt. F:ith sin et,
.cmis "William
Away t.) Seq. — n wive) Mr. Tim ir ,
•I lir r, n. 4 , i II
licatinn in Eiltop. :‘l l Hunt for
woh e h„.
Thy nijr We 1101.11
lar !111 l nrt I c 111 , hilt
101tt. qi•
Harper's \\ eekly.
In ,p, n 1-n , 1 - r
(;o v ;111 i
Late Bo oks It] iry, Prir.
ti.t.ntli•mii.t, Litt!, Ditrrit, t•loth.
tttwellis Titx TA W, It., Lk:C., tit Pit.
Pit tock. .•,
a kn,...-t• eloglint ah,ok Allmi
, ;nito , lt• in t.vely a
e'tl 1111.1 ,•(' Tll,lll
Card Photograph s - rn lu.l rr
•11 oph pit th,
per Ile
Card 1'1101,21111,1.
ITughes, ;it
Life it I'll
tock'ri, th,
Ballou, for Iftr, li, , t FiitQtl:,
MACHINES have obtained the highest premium
at every State. County and Institute Fair held
jn 1 , 932. as the Kest family and the beat manufac
turing v.:limes. an.! for the best machine work.
A. F. t•liAlttNEY. t;eneral Agent,
lB Fifth at., Pittsburgh, Pa.
135 Smithfield, and 424 Penn Ste.,
Between Oth gt„ and Virgin alley,
Celebrated for the cureof
Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Mor
bid irritation of the Urethra., Re
tention or Incontinence of
And all diseases of the
Bladder and Kidneys
Prepared 0019 by
A. J. RANEIN & Co.,
No. 63 Market Street, Pittsburgh.
Sold by all Druggists. Price, 75 cents
Bi!1 reported by tile y in3l ,
(' , lirrnlittee nitlt ainelidnients.
The ~ .inraittees' anielicilarnis with tea
\eeptiona agreed to ' - cn ,
ainendinent, ,u( •di
f-r an increase I
tnre Deparinienzq, and antlionie
ibk appointment in s - arna - ,. Bureau s , b;
I tern' MO \ aft
Ind 1,1 v3riollq
114 ., r <ar in pay ! - ;:i
inploye.. 1., :Oa imp, 1 4 (14, ml,l
to ii
', , 1 1 111.111. 1. 1111 , 111111T,1 . 1111]
:1 4 :1111(111.kt' nt• lirr 11 Ind.
nn 1111 . Slak tilt .
((Hilo) qui:L.ri.)itiorl that thi• hill -hall lir
i•r till in orilt-r 1 ,, z:\i fur
thi•r litiii• fi)r antruil
mr)tit... !with!, nitti-11 iainfu•-i-•l Ni l
k ) that
tore • that ly•
zi V(' an lir:
.1 41 Unill1V,11,111 1111 ill
anlimilincto. aI l -11h-litilr,
ut apiwal it , the frii•niki
rt•c1.11I. this g. 1 %.1 - 11111 ,
t K
. % 1 tit—tirc•ti t.. !,I,lrt
T Ito tholl.,
prop. , ,,d that th, g.•nth
should, by Vt . 11 , 1 - ..1
t•,.11SI•111. :in hour Is r the t
I , tir 11 dun i ~I,(•(•(.. I. () I ,
position to further proc,,,ling s ,$n
bill was Inattift-Ateci
Itogert: N tOO% e 1 to ..t.
r the vote which. in t b,
since of the proveclinzs, the nom... 1,„tl
screed to adjourn till Nfon.lity The 01.
tion wa, laid on thr table, ) - eae. 100,
• Nit - Hardin; rliv . tnovi il that the
House adjourn .No quorum, voting thi•
question wits taken Inc yeas and nay...,
and ii)termiued in thi negative. It It aa
now 4t
Mr - Clay t Iry i ~k edLac,- ~f E,‘
St•rlC , till \I , II la , . hilt after'.; With
drew hi, fel
hry j nuzccd that the
hill atrl tin nllmell t Le 'ail on the la
was determine,' in
the neinlity, Ti' Flout then proceed
to rot,' on the atm ndinents lu the ' , en
ate I ill.
The I intise then del•tited nn the follow.
ing amendment adopted by the Commit
tee of the IVhole on the State of the Na
lion t All able-bodied male person.
African descent ht tween the ages of 211
and 40 years,whother eitizen or non-rea
Ment in the 'United States, shall he rrl_
rolled eecordingt to the provi , lon, ..f th e
t to which this is a suppleinent, and
shall form a part of the naibmal force
and when a -lave of a loyal mt.-ter shall
he drafted and mustered into the
or the United State= his tntt, r •-liall
ceive a certificate thereof for the bounty
of one hundred drillers now payaldo hi.
law for each drafted man, and shall he
paid In the person to who -imhdrefted
person roves sett rrr.Ytr latior at the time
t Its muster into the qerviee of the
United States on freelng the person Tli..
secrotai y of Wwr -hell appoint a ••otii
-ion in en, It of the slave Stele- I:l'.'e rep,. rti:livd in I ',•ngres+ , eharged to aw n , , , ,1
just compensation, not etaeedinz throe
hundred dollar,. 1,. e„( I, loyal per , eln t. ,
11.111 the colored volunteer met - oee
nets volunteer into ,hr
vice 4 The United States, payable Out of
ootnut.,tion money Intern the ma=ter
tr..eimt the slave. The above we-
t,i I v ,+! 0 `-z-
T fir! House ha vitiL:. ag.reed he Com
in:lt. •tmendim lit to•iii bill.
nek () 1 sutrmiticd a s , tll) , lit tit. ,
N%liicli it is agreed to and the
Him , amend, d 11,1—, 1 in 0 . , I.
CO TlO. hill AS passed provide , the Inota
of ~,,•11 iv:a.l of city, toivn , t lt -Ll',
precinct or election district 01 a county
here the ,ante is ,]ivided into town
townihipi, tFc., shall be as nearly ni poi.
ill in proportion to the number of men
rt sident therein subject to draft, taking
into arrnunt as far as practicable the mini
ber with, h 16,s IWell previously furni.ll
and in ascertaining and tilling Auld
quota, there shall be taken into acccunt
the number of men who have heretofore
mere(' the naval Scrl'ire tchn.e m oue :
are upon the enrollment list re. already
returned to the oftiee of thi , Prncnst
Marshal General Any person
under the provisions of•tl,ls art who nay
hereafter be so enrolled, may furnish at
auy time previous to the draft an accepta
ble substitute who is not liable to the
i draft, nor at the time in the military or
naval service. Such person furni , him2:
a substitute shall be exempt front draft
during the time for which , illistittite
shall be exempt front draft, not. how e , -
i.r, xeeerling:th, time for which -itch
iiilNtitute shall hut Licit ae , r1,t,.1, 1 , 16
no private soldier, musician or non
conunissioned effirer being actually in
the military - .ervice shall be procured or
accepted as a substitute The boards of
enrollment to enroll all persons liable to
draft under the provisions of this act and
the enrollment act whose names may
hand beep emitted by the proper enroll
ing officer. All persons wht, arrive at I
the age of 20 years before the draft ; all '
aliens who shall declare their intentions
charged from military or naval ser
vicelo become citizens • all persons
who have not been'in service two
years during the present war and all
persons who have been exempted tinder
the provisions of the 2d section to which
the act is a sqpplemept, but who are not
exempted by the provisions fif this act,
and the boards of enrollment shall re
lieve and discharge from draft all persons
WU between the time of enrollment and
draft shall have arrive 4 at the age of 45.
Anv person drafted may before the time
fixed for his appearance for duty at
the draft rendezvous furnish an accepted
r Tr.
intiland Flower-. Mignonette,
A tnttryiliP. .Ifeadow Flower,.
Bouquet de Califortue, Like,
Bouquet d'Arabie. Lilly of the V.tlley.
Bouquet de Caroliu,,,New-mown liar. Berganld )range Flowers,
Came, I Batehouly,
Cloniatite. I Poppinak,
Cedrat, (Portugal, a
Citronelle Roast. Prairie Flowers,
' CryBtal Palace, (hose,
I icraniuM. (Rough and Ready.
( ;,, , : , pring Flower,
, iarden Flowers. IS weet Briar,
Heliotrope, • ;Sweet Pea.
Honey, Sweet Lavender.
Honey '-ztirli le. ,'Sweet. Lettuce,
H a r, thorn. Sweet Clover,
Hyacinth, I Tuberos,
.1 amain. Tea Rose,
lockey Club. • V lolette.
.it nny Lind. Verbena.
imiquille. Vetivert.
M 0 usselinc, 1 Vanilla,
Millebeurs,, West End,
Magnolia. I White Lily,
Mar.sehale, ' Winter Biossoni.
13 4.ZIN's HELYOSMIA, a highly concentra
ted Persian Essence, the most elegant pertum
for imparting to the handkerchief a very agree
able and lasting odor.
TRACT UPPER TEN. A large assortment of
Toilet Soaps, Shaving Creams, Preparations fog
the Hair, Cosmetiea Toilet Waters, 'Dentifrices
and Perfumery of all kinds, constantly on hand.
For sale by CHAS. H. SUPER,
dec2o Corner Penn and St. Clair etc.
WALTER H. LOTi r ßigl
I. TICE OF THE LAW, in the same house
formerly occupied by him on
ADlGlllllllo l ll.kifinit'S Ilifer2lllll--ALL
persons having claims itgainst the estate of
Archibald Boyd, deceased, of Ohio township, Al
legheny co., Pa., will please present them di
authenticated, and those owing said estate
please pap over said claims to the linderats
wlthotit nkrtAcT
11 . 1. r
Ili• hill ,11. , r , Co111;ii11-
111 • :111
ft .1. Adi , 11111 t 1
till ilnnr9;n•
yoRK. Fvl,.
which left n thi• 9th 'he Lft
bur iilnrning of thr.loth
h r7th )hi. rcgimont nn
1,11. I, .111!.: 1 , 1 11021,1,3,
t annc er , rud ,l durn4_ , H
the 7th, and mi.; ci,atrort.d by our
ti I and tin Latß-rze.-, in Charlo , tnn liar-
An expodition left Port Royal nn d i e
sth, under General Seymour, consistin4
of three Itrigtides and one light batlvrv,
an I landed at Jacksonville, Ha., on the
morning or the , th iu t. without any
IT ;4 reported the expednin n
pti,h on to Tallahas , tee G,nertl
Ow Nthtoj in
Th.. Briii , ll 1V . 11" -t• rrl, with
.1.• 1,1. lit , I„r t.tit thr tellrl
trlttr\ of NV :Ir, ttrrivttri rttf Fliarlestotli
',ir ttti ilir sth, uud (-quested itttrmis.timi
to ettuthiunii tit, with the British ('turisul
to Nit:nun:lh. whit Ii Admiral I)ahlt_treit
Ittt.littril It. •ind thr Petri.' put to
TII V n 118 II Rep , vPsa eloo
mv amount of tlr rubel affairs awl
, ta! es snly on u months' supply of subsb--
ell fs,• V:11 , in p• , c , o.ion of the comrni•
..cdniirn! Ihdikren with the Pawn -c.
Water Witch and Warlinqetts hay sailed
for 'it. John's, Fla.
Ply, deserters froht tht. 57th Pennt-yl.
vania rt•girnent were to he shot on the
NEV," YORK, Fel, 12 —The following
Intercuing are t ii, from at,
op esof the North Carolina papers re
ceived here. The Ilaleigh Pro! i resx, sap. -
The present Congress is bent on fasten
ing o military dcspotism on the people or
these confederate states, and the people
must either submit quietly to receive the
yoke or resist the tyranny Resistanci ,
to tyrant- , is obedience to God. and tlii ,
people of North Carolina, trill not hesi
tate :1St() the course they should pursuit!.
North t arolina. will not submit have
every able bo,lied man conscripted, and
the It hole State turned into a military
camp W e an! t.. achieve an in
flepruilemee rer the cotDpon enemy.
Mu we are not willing to become the vas
sals of usurpers at home, to achieve that
i.or any other fihject We speak the words
fif truth and soberness, hi cans; , we know
the sentiments of the great mass of the
pe , fple in North Carolina. This State
trill never R illin lv submit to despot
ism xxith Jefferson Davie, or any one else
at its head. The Sal( m N. C. Po.oisars
The that u t tar !!istant, when all
must agree !hat this war must be brought
to lose by other means than the ,wear
„ .
Doors open Evenings at 7 o'clock. Exhibition
cdmmentes at 7', o'diak prtteiseli
A ETERNIULN.,—Iioors open at 2 o'clock.
For full particulars see Mils.
A. 13. moßß.fsoN.
febn-iii'd Proprietor and Manager.
E 11 liilli.AA 7--
:•'-s.' ..rt .E.
'FILE ' I.II.3HARY • :1... , ",,t , 'l.llt'it;
I-Et 'T'R ES. I .'
Prot. RICHARDS, of Providence. R. 1., will
1,11,,r a course uh -ix Lectures, at CONVERT
ILA EL, ' , tithe "Phifosophs and Chnnistry of the
!s:t".',‘” Y ,IRK. F. 1.. 12. —The 7 . 1 P11,1,1$
r,t, y l l , , , , , se ibi l p ee t t o n[J i s ci ar s e se sinipl t l,
l i e n their st y le.
I,i,Lid'ili let Ler saVa that a fleet of I , iX cent illustilLlODe. and c lasses,
Itt-hil e l':fnnai.lii-le.
Fteamers hllll in :En , lan.l and taken to ~,, . ,ale rendering them visible to all. Every
i ening will be crowded with curious facts and
China, have her sold to .Tell. Davis' 'henoinina with experiments, illustrating the
agents, an .1 will IA Wade, hilt) rebel pliva A t ri.c.spheric Fires, Barometer, Air thin, loon
leer,. The loner lent. that an attack 1,111.-, lidlloons, Winds. all the Chemical by them Wo
nders df the Atmosphere, Lightning and Aurora
will he liulik , 1.11 San Plan isro. .. Itorealis. Evenings of Lecture, MUNDAY,
' ^ l'eb 0; TILESDA 1, Feb. 9; THEIRSD,A.T, Feb.
IV ‘slllS'''To x, February 1•2 —The II; FRIDAY Feb. 12, MONDAY, Feb. Id;
open at 7 o'clock.
Doors T 1 'F.SDA V. Fel . o'clock.patent bat body casc is before tile Supreme 10f:2111,1erif,,;.;.:::,(.1.riicecc..c.,ar!,..,-,.,31.P. ri,....le4o.jetilc€l:4ti.isr:.,f(r.:,;•
Court to-day, and will probably la. con.
tinned through all of next week. it ex .:, tits. Fur sale at the Music, Book and Drilg
Maroc mod at the door.
cites nitwit interest, in consequence or
the he V. 11 RlNl:ado OEORGE W. WET It aN,
heave pecuniary inzerest in
s uolvc(1. \\ 11
A. L0..4i, Tisoa. BAKEWELL, Jr.,
febs-td Lecture Coinntittee.
Nrw Yunt:. Fehruray P.—The Brit.
ti , l, teported 1,, 1, :t ,,•
be u burned by the Alabama, was turmer
ic the "F e\ian Hit% and was sold at Maul
main. te g. 1.111.1, r tile British flag It i'
lutibtrul. it i ai 1 . whether the British
llezi-ter ti ill 11 , 1.1 _,),)
Fourth Street, above Smithfield,
not 8-3 m
jtuil/-ltdec6tw Admizintratorg,
Cluctscuntl hiaky Market.
ic ti —There wa, n good detnnait to-day,
croctly speculative, and notwithstanding the un
favorable felt - ices from New York, an advance cf
e wes established. with sales of 1,2u0 bhls at 713ra,
7-t. o c, the lattet rate for wagon, the market clos
ste.s,lt .
111 Pnrt R a cal,
Chicago tlighwlrtes 31arket. IN market rattled. and we note
an adl ante ir, /1'1..f.i of d 1 .3 gta.ll. - tn—m.lth
of ' , ..brl n t 1.10. 1.1 , 1,0 :, . the market cloaing
-tel.', at
New York Market.
Nrw YORE, Feb. 12.—Cotton has a declining
tendency•, sales of 350 bales at til . sc. Flour firm;;
sales of 11;000 bbla at $6,25tigt6,45 tor State: #7.'25
2..15 for 0. ; +5'7,65 03,10 for Southern. Whest ;
- ant hash at 41,55W,60 for 1 1 11111 - atikie Cit,t,
he clre the arht selltn; rates
silver. In •
Buying. SH o, li ) ng
told IF6 tither...l 50 00
Deman.l Note.: I 63 00
Eastern Exchange.
New York par I
Baltimore.. . par 1 ., ,
Philadelphia .... par 4,
Pennsylvania Currency . par
Western Exchange, t,
I.louionati par ki .
Louisville par k,
t'leveland par '.l
St. Lou 6 par k.„
Le.sea and Manager Wri. HENDFH?OW.
Lae night of Miss HELEN WESTERN,
the young and beautiful actress, who will re
peat her wonderful personation of the French
spy and La Thisbe.
IS EVENING, will be presented the great !
Actress of Padua.
La Thtahe... Helen Western i -
liodolfo ... ....... C. Loveday , Dr. J. C.Ayers' - Family 11 1 1 . edibirfeS.
Favorite Dance
... Miss Jannle ;
overture Overture -
To conclude with
Thr French Spy; or the Fall of Algiers.
Renri :-,t. Alme
1 F' _--t.3111,`4' AFT
ii,met . . Helen Western ' DICIMS.
Mathible )
With a complete cast. Dr. Schenck's Pulmonic, Tonic and Via
__ ---. __
L.V.-iv.tASONIC HALL. I -I F.. T., Mrtoll, D' S
OP E;: , %i - 1, -. 7- viartv NIGHT I Celebrated Buchu & Sarsaprilitt,
And,al.l otherrvkik. Mectiebarf cip.ibA
EVERY AFTERNOON THIS WEFT, - found genuine titAtte
The most extraordinary exhibition in the
world, the
Torrence & ll'Gd±f,
Great Miltoniau Tableau
Car nfint 71.1atinctes
Al t o'clot:k, when Chillycn iH I.c I•ltnitted for
Silver Medals received within a month at
State Fairs, and Fair of American Institute,
New York, in 1563, by Wm. B. Bradbury, for the
& CO., Philadelphia, received
the Crystal Palace Prize Medal at London, be
ha-ve numerous Medals, Diplomas and spe
,al reports from state Fairs and Institutes.
_ •.
Both have a number of letters of reeonumenda
tion from the highest musical talent, embracing
Straekosch, Wm. Mason, (}robe and
others. 13atter and cheaper than any other
Pianos made, and
Warranted for Five Years.
Sole Agents for Pittsburgh and Western Pa.,
No.: St. Clair at., near Suspension Bridge
N Tina -Pra — sir DAY or Arial, i
WM name my place of business to
r i gth Street ci . ppoBite the Theatre,
glire.-the public general
94 , 41 1 an, wit a well selected stock of Opti.
GIG and a large supply Gl' RUSSIAN
LEriy. starAmEs. They are warranted
rengthen andlawore the SIGHT. nide and
sold only ay
J. DIAMOND, Praetteal
fe9-tf No. as Fifth greet.
L &
Corner OF . Pot arket streetlindFayirth.
Drnr:s. Mediein'es, Chemicals, Perfumery, Paints,
Ails, Lead, Varnishes, Brushes, Truises,
2.5 Cents
15 Ceara s ,, pporters, Shoulder Braces,
And all articles usually found in Drug Stores of
tlrst quality, -
No 70 Market street, corner of Fourth.
e Cheapest,"
_c.v a _.,._.,.. mc.., a~
..„1 . '
THE RI V Int.—Last eyening at twilight there
were six feet water in the channel and falling.
The Iveat her was pleasant.
4a— The splendid passenger steamer Paragot
captain Donnelly' *0! leave for Cincinnati on
' Saturday.
O-AF-The tine pa3senger steamer New York,
.Captain Lightner, If ages t0..4y. Oti:Orinstl
and Lciniivllle. '
Ali• The new steamer Interpid, has been sold
to a St. Louis Company, sod her name changed
to 13enton. She-will be commanded by Capt.
Thos. W. Rea, an experienced and clever officer.
Sl.i. will 1%1.1 for St. Louis.
Clarke.. • • • Brownsville.
. i3rownaville
Ca mite
I orlon
( TalllllLl . .
Prqnku n .
Golden r‘
J s Rees
Wheeling & Portsmouth Packets.
BETWEEN wrirozra G,
_steamer CITIZEN, Oapt. Wash.
Keg, plying .regulaily between Wheenerand
Pitfsburgh,lipolis, Poniertiy, Parlfdrablirg,
Portsmouth, Ironton and 131 g Sandy, leaving
Pittsburgh for Portsmouth every TULSDAY,at
11 a. m., and leaves Portsmouth for Pittsburgh
every..lliLDAY, at 9 ,a. m. lA/Ide guarda, large
and comfortable state rooms. This find boat has
recently been purchased expressly for title trade.
She will leave punctually at the advertised time
and will pay prompt attention to any business
intrusted to her. •
For freight, or passage, apply. on waver ,
(0)10 JOHN PLACE, Agent
r,er Packet MINERVA, Capt. Gor
don, haa resumed her old trade, making regular
trips, leaving Pitts - burgh every_ Tugs.D.NT,
thorifilzhly repnired, =he well deserves the pa
tronage of the public generally.
JAs. (:(ILLINS & CO., Agts.
Wharf-boat, below Monongahela bridge.
P tt2b ut .)-11 & Cincinnati -PaCket4
Leas e*Fittatturgh every !VEDNESDAY.
Lea vet (2'1116M - raft every SATFILDAT.
~..,„.T .I c•___•= 4 . l4 , THE NEW ANIIIMAGNIIPI
ottki-'4"=eent sale-wheel passenger steam
vr it).s.hUti PIERCE, S. R. Crencti,
mander, will fun an a weekly Packets betwdett
the above points. Leaves Pitt.,nurgh every
WEDNESDAY, at 11 a. m,, and Cincinnati
every SATURDA Yat Il a m. For freight or
passage apply (.n hoard. or to
`‘,l.T 1 "HDAY FEB. la AT 10 A.. M.
- steamer PARAGON, Capt. Don
nelly, mill leave as announced above.
Fur freight, or passage, apply on board, or to
.1. D, 00.14LLNG WOOD, Agts.
Cincinnati & Louisville Packets.
;VP , NDAY. FEB. 15. AT I P. M.
cL_ I- 7 7511- stertmer 00.1,1)EN ERA AS SENGE
', W. 11.
,iininander, will leave as announced
r t reight. or poaaaira, apply on board, or to
.i( )1i N FLA(ii( z or
J. D. CULLIN(..- WOOD, Ag-ts.
Tills DA Y. FEB. 13, AT 4 P. M.
..gEgtaystc anierNEWNO.RE,FL,
... S. Light
ner. ConnriandAr, Won reannounned
For freight, or pagsage, apply on board, or to
3. D. coL.r.rxd-wrion,
Mo. River & Fort Butler httliete.
THE NEW AND dillpasSenger - ateamer BENTON,
- Tnoe. W. Rea, will leave as announced
k'or freight, or jissage apply on board, or to
febt3 JAS: ciataalsrs &Fp.i
_ •
A sure cure for Intemperance
(Late Cashier of the Merchants' Ba ' flk,)
to filling orders for the purchase of
Cotton, Hemp, Tobacco,Mottr Ponta :
Bacon, Bud, Ake;,',ucv
IZEFERS To—Banka, Bankers, and Merchants
of St. Louis generally ; John D. Scully, eMI.I
Cashier, Pittsburgh.
Orders and consignments respectfully collated
and prompt returns made. jan2l-Irl
WTattrtoic - lirotheis 8;.6
L l %lre orders from the trade for all eizea or
Guide, Hoop, Stake, Band &Horse Shoe Iron
Pittsburgh, Jan. 7, 1863. jad&Ornd
riutterfield .!!L- Co.,
Holsters and Hop Dealers,
declS-IN d
Trimming Rouse for Tailors,
JOBP - I_4IIEFT.I.Tu. & Co
Be g leave•to announcelo the Merchant Tallors
and Clohien3 of Baltimore and Washingtonthat
they have cipened' a !MIMI:LNG HOUSE; at
Southwest Corner of Baltimore mad
Charles Streets,
Over the Jewelry Store of Canfield, Bro. Pt Co.,
where the trede will find a full assortmentiliw
Piece Goods, Buttons, Braids, ate.,
Adapted to that line of buainess, not surpassed
by any house in the country.
Having established a house in Cincinnati in
connection with4he..Saltilbstrylionse, and tOtt•
sequently havingUS - buy a
t y, we feel assured
than we can offer such Inducements to the_trade
as re‘ , irtprprteek4. equal tankeit to these in
to give us a share Of their patronage. Just re
ceived, the
Spring and Summer Report of Fashions.
We are also the agents'for the American and
European Monthly Reports of Fashion, and
Rented, Sr. Co.'s Patent Shears.
A full line of MILITAR YaUtirdariNGS,-Initt
able for Merchant Tailors and • Clothiers.
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Take notice thatletters of Administration
having been granted by the Register ofAllegheny
county onee estate of Arthur earnenito,the
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to be Indebted to the estate are requested to make
Immediate payment; imAthose having. claims, to
present theta without delay duly a uthenticste&
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.W heeling.