i F Fi:',; ; T NATIONAL BANK -4 - olstein Quest aging indica all the entangle ,Aon. For both parties of the movement is accom and neither is in a position to ..rit on the second. The actual result is a pause in the action. Denmark has already conceded every point raised as to Holstein. ' If on advice she revokes the common constitution for Denmark and Schleswig, then we believe the Eng lish Government would he disposed to invite the co-operation of other powers in a combined effort to save the Danish monatchy from destruction and preserve the peace of Europe. The interference would then become almost a duty; but certainly England has no desire at p.es ent to involve herself in war on this ques tion. England will not. abandon its hopes or its efforts to maintain peace. Franco had addressed a circular note to the secondary German states, explain ing her position in reference to the pro posal of England for assembling a con ference on the Schleswig-Holstein ques tion. It is asserted that France states in this circular note that the London conference of 182 had only created an important work which had been condemned by events. A new conference must take as Its starting point the state of things now existing in Holstein, and must not be in opposition to the Federal Diet, as it would dismiss questions which might al ready have been resolved by events. Fiance would also wish the Diet to be represented at this conference, but must first know whether the Federal Diet which has hitherto objected to the interference of the foreign powers who signed the protocol of London in the quarrel with Denmark, has changed its views on the subject. The special correspondent of the Lon don Times, in Oriel, writing on the loth instant, save that there was no probabil ity of immediate action of any kind. The political question, according to German fashion, has no sooner been started than it has come to a stand-still. A, Vienna telegram gives a report that the 'Danish minister for foreign affairs had addressed a note to the Austrian cab inet, indirectly admitting that Denmark had not fulfilled her engagements, and requesting that the negotiations between Denmark and Germany might he eontin - ued from the point at which they ceased in 1851-52. Austria declined this offer. It was reported at Altona that the fami lies orsubaltern offieers,and other , in hab ing the Castle of Gollorp, had been dered to evacuate it within twenty-four hours, and that the government of Schles wig would he transferred thither. It was. said that the King and Queen of Den. mark might possibly take up their rec., idence in the castle. The German Diet had decidpl that the occupation of Schleswig should be speed lip taken into consideration. The Tribune on our Finances The N. Y. Tribvne speaking of the alaccess of the five-twenty loan,—which we thoroughly agree with it in styling the great financial event of American History, and which we consider a proof at once of our national wealth and the patriotic confidence of the people—con veys to those unfortunate loan holders who have thus erhibited the sincerity of their patriotism, the unpleasant informa tion that "this loan may be regarded as the beginning only of our funded debt.' It is a pity, that those in the confidence of the administration cannot reward loy alty in any better manner than by throw - ing gold water over its investments, and so damaging the chances of Mr. Chase when he makes his second attempt on its pockets. But what strikes us as won derful in the article, and we are serious ' the matter, not doubting that tb,e-Pri butts only speaks what it redly 'believes, is thitnt _ _ "If weitirstiddenly developed a European aptitude for creating debt, we are at the same time demonstrating our ability to create revenue to discharge both interest and principal." Now, not for political effect or in mockery, we, in all sincerity, ask the Tribune to explain to us how this is to be done. With the broad fact staring the writer of that article in the face, that even now the payment of the principal of the Seven-thirties in gold has been repudiat edrvrith the knowledge which he ought to have, that the only method ofassisting tile National;TreaahTy t 0 gold, viz., the Custom-house - , becomes every day less capable of so doing; with the plain fact that so long as we have a currency not of the precious metals, the greater are our importations, by the taxes on which the Treasury receives its gold, so much the ,greater will be our depletion Of the precious metals, and so much more diffi calt ;i4 will to pay the interest only; kaiilinethitt the importations at this day barely pay the interest on that portion of I our ftinded, debt which is payable in gold—to say nothing of the remaining f $800,000,000; with all these facts before him, how can he assert such a proposi tion? We give the Tribune, what it some times refrises id thoSe it differs from, the credit of good Intentions. We do not be lieveitwould willinglyseek to induce the poor and the ignorant to invest their hard earnings in a security which may be worthless or even precarious; and we would be glad to have it explain to us, how it figures it out that we are "demon strating our ability to create revenue to discharge both principal and interest." With it desire much stronger than our Republican friends (as we have shown by payment of the interest on our State debts in anything but coin) to viifitr . intt . finances in as solvent a eon ditionia possible, we have not got to that clarification cif vision which enables us to see them. in the Tribune light. Give us -tlielignres. —Age HOW 1; Woreeza a.re Treated - at Viekeburg. The following etrenlar has been issued at Vickshtits b, Geo. McPherson : lI,UEVENTEETH ARMY COR movosT MAREILSI.9 OFFICE, ViCIOX,t-trite; Miss., Dee. 27 1861 "The following named persona Miss Kato Barnett, Ella Barnett, .Miss Laura Latham, Miss Ella Martin and Mrs. Moore, having acted disrespectfully towards the President and Government 1 of the 'United States, and. having insult ed the officers., soldiers and loyal tiff,- tens °Aire trnited States, who had as sniffled hr the Episcopal Church: in Vickstairg, on Christmas clay for serilcv, s p k • Abruptly. leaving sada - church I at thht ptrint in the services, where the ofilelating minister' &*. eye the welfare of the Pretident of the United States and all- others in a-nthority, are hereby banished, and will leave the Federal lines withA tarty-eight hours tumiel pet si ! j of i=itat eMtnent. r all permute., male or ;I'e male,'whOhyT7orrkdeed or implicatir do intatitV ti,ttgftitfm k eet to the P res ident, ici.o gg e or A fbe ur_iited Stges, or V t oldier of the United 'Statesiipait peters of RAtlen4l charader, tatag'i!,t - fined, barki .. s heat or im P rig °, l 4, -.) Aecoidingle. tb* g ihmeas of egto: t e . “BLoyler oT Maj. Gen. McMoisorr°,',' Tien • Raieigt, i3tate aiernirtt says the starsauet stripes were toasted at a sup- per given on Christmas pre in that dtY, at vaid*Halcien of TM Standard, Pen, ning.PNA progrefts. and D o y en - pi: VtlifPlflTere present. The irsitetablitig' law ,„0„- - Register comments saw, • , such proceedings at the' • , *me fitatt. OF , pr-rrrf.4. T REASUR Y UEPVRTINIRNT, ()refer. OF ( 'OMPTROLLER OF I'll fi Cpt.RE;Ner, Washington City, A. sth, 9863. NV HER C.l z. By satisfactory evidende presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the Fl RST NATIONAL BANKOF PITTS BURGH, in the County of . Allegheny and State of Pennayli ania has been dilly organized under and according to the reqnlrettlents•of the Act of Congr; , k, entitled "an Act to provide a National Currency, bee red by a pledge of United States Stocks, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof." approved February '2sth, 1863, and has complied with all the prof isions of said Act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Winking. Now T. enkrone, I, Hugh 3lctlulloch,ttoml troller of the Currenc its, hereby certify that the said FIRST NATI(t'SAI.HANK (IF PITTS BURGH, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of banking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof wit nests my hand and seal of °Mee, this 6th day of August, 1863. )SS t'oH H McC LLOCH, mptroller of the Currency. THE HMI' NATIONAL BANK Privsntinels, P A . Late Pittsburgh Trust Company. Capitol $400,000, with privilege to lu crease to $1,000,000. The Pittsburgh Trust Company has ing organ 'zest under the act to provide a National Curren cy, under the title of the FIRST NATION A I, BANK OF PITTSBURCiII. would respectfully . otter its sem Ices for the collection of Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, &c., receive money un deposit and buy and sell Exchange on all parts of the country. The success which has attended the Pittsburgh Trust Company since its organization in 18.5.2, will we belies ebe aisuttleientguartintee that busi ness entrusted to the new organization will re ceive the same Itrompt attention. Having a t cry extensive correspondence with Banks and Bankers, throughout the country. we believe isc•ean otter unusual facilities to those Who do business with us. The business will he conducted by the come officers and directors. DI It El W N. K. NIAt h.': CIEMENBEIM M3MI THUS. NViu /1 I i ALE'. littADLicy, =IVE=I auga-d&wti DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, 65 FOURTH STREET. CITATMETUF7T, TN 1,45:5 OPEN DAILY, FROM OTO 2 O'C' LOC also, on NV mlne6clay and Saturday el ening, flom Nay lot to Nos ember Ist. from 7 toy o'clock and from November lot to May lot, from 61u 9 o'clock. Deposits rei-eived of all sums nut less than ON g D01.i.A.11, and a dividend of the profita declared twice a tear. In lone and December. Interesß , has been declared semi-annually. in June and De cember since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent o year litterest, it not drown out, is to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of Jane and l tt eember, compounding I wice a tear, eithuut troubling - the depositor to call or et en to present his pass 'hook. At this rote money will iicaahle im leas than la I . lwo years. Books containing the I By-Ls s, Hhies and Regulations. furnished gratis. on ,ippli,...tntit to the ottlee. PRE:AIDE:VT. 01.:(;1?(ik.. rs. John 13. .:11 1 I'aJklen. Isaac M. Yenor,k, .john Holmes. John Marshal, Alexander Sywr. James H D. Mee.ls. ldenj. L. I , kkhnestock. A M. Polloek, M D James ..11nAule3 11111 linrewnk, .lames Herdmah Kin .1 A nklerson TEE-, Calvin Adamr,. JAMS'S (1. Kell). John ii. lia,licien. Peter A Aladeo, Ileorge 131a,i1c. Wm \ ankirk, John C. Bindles, James Shidle. Alonze A Carrier. Robert RetC, Uharleb A. Colton. Walter P M.trt,.,l. Wm. Dougla, ichu I Irr John Leant; Hem-, L. Rina - a , 11 Wm. P Wi..)"111:1D, .10h/I H. ShOel/berge WM. S. Hal en. \1 at. E. Schmertz, Peter H. Hunks}. , A lestander Tindit . Richard Ha . 1 4, 14 , 13.2 ‘c hittier. Wm. S. La, ely, C/O - 1A . 14D Yeager SECIIk:IAHV AND TREAct • HLR ('((A H LES A CULT( Real Estate Savings Institution, STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION of the above Initttlit WO on the .?..1 clay of S„- .ember. 1663. publc,hot u. , onfortnit) to U,c charter 13=I Amount of Depvis%tri No, 2(1,1863 . tiu.3.5 1 94 15 Amount of Intense our Depositors 1,96.4 91 Amount 'ontingent Fund 2 42.1 91 AS.ETS First Liens on Real Estate t.. 35,200 ei 'United States Bonds 60,000 I) S. Debt Gertilicate and Notes, (market value) Interest earned not due °thee Furniture. Cash on hand A. A CARRIER, Trensurer The undersigned, Auditing Committee, hai examined the books of the Institution, the bonds and securities., counted the eßett, ha. . and have found the above statement to be correct. W. 11 ('i iPELAND. NICHOLAS VOWILY, WM. H. SMITH. Deposits received DAILY, and EVERY SAT CHDAI EVENINO. INTEREST k.dJl) at 6 pet sent. per annul" TRUiTEE.S ISAAC JONES. PRESIDENT Hos. T. M. HowE. 1 HON 3. K. Moc.p.uz..,r, W. H. SMITH', I (3- G. Hrssm - , W. B. CoPiu.AN D. JACOB PAINTER. . HARVEY (,HILD, T I .. ICROLAK \ 01:1:I Li Office, E 3 Fourth Street NMOLARS; & SONS. BANKERS a and Exchange Brokers and Denlel, to Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No 67 Market street, between Third and "'outfit streets. PHILADELPHIA CARDS cites. MAO J RODMAN II lOKS 1-urclis, Importers and dealers In CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETT S, : Ye:stings, Tailors' Trimmings, Pi Q. 265 MAItKTT 5.-v - r Ft - I: PHILADELPH lA. WM. BRICE & CO., Produce and Provision COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 15 South Water st., PHILADELPHIA. xd%wine, msdreon9ign Ine nu IV he a required. u.)-lyd E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., r la-ppRTER.,, 111 WINES, BRANDIES, &C., A N ThEALERR IN Fine tfld 'Whiskies, No. 5 North Frotrt Street, - myi-lyd PHILADELPHIA, GEORGE GR ANT , • KairOaqt - tirer anti WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, In every description of GENTS' FUENISELING GOODS, 610 CHESTNUT STREET, at - pi -13 - 1 PHILADELPHIA V. A. VAN MK dt 00,, .11.1NUFACTrittiltti OF • GASiFIXTURES AND CHANDELIERS, Patent Improved EXCELSIOR AND PATENT PARAGON COAL OIL RIJRNERS, Hand Lamps, dolumns, &e. stti-.13,4v.; 9 5 . No. 517 Arch Street, Vffilaaelphia, Polftnuiletory, Frankford s .047`A71 goods warranted '1502-Iyd C. 73ARRF BRIAN. WIT it LONGCOPE & PEARCE, Manufacturers and Importers of HENS' FURNISHING GOODS, pa) 44.012.5 TELLAMINGS, . No. 10 South Fourth Street, my 1.44. DISOLUTION.—THE COlikßTNEß ship heretofore walking between the under 'signed in the Clothing business, at No. 143 Fed .r.ral street, Allegheny City under the gm PMcGee & Co-, will dissolvre on March the 16th. e_ -lic=itheiiiselypsdndetited ; iv firth - WM.OI preriods to Mar time and settle. W. IL IIicGEE, - Jan. 12, 1864. b. VI:DOSCH. jani6-lha. . . .T i II SA)OK BROKERS, II: M.41 - 110A V-, 1, - . G. WELDON JNO.K.gus I NOTE, STOCK, DRAFT, BOND AND MORTGAGE, REAL ESTATE AND MERCHANDISE BROKER, WELDON & KELLY, OFFICF. MASTFACTVELERS OF ROOM,URKE'S BUILDING, 'Am p s An FUL'FLTII STtIEET, Pll - I'S,BURGIL FA. ! LAMP GOODS, ..,„-Desirothle mill property and other Real !. Eittitr to the amount of *moth) for ode too. ' JOSEPH SNOWDEN, ItiTCZPVAL3tXIr triErrix NO. N 9 DIAMOND GTREET, .70E-4T-: - PIF I it JAMES P. FLEA' IN . G, I? 11: 'l' , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in Fiireign and Dnmeitie Drugs, Medicines, Oa,. 1)1•-Studio and Pertunier. NO. 77 FEDERAL STREET. my29.-lyd ALL El } 11.ENY ('ITV, P A. PAPER MANUFACTURERS S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, ana!aettirers and Dealers In 13 311 . 1 , A. 1" , 1, r:ml-1'..: , And all kinds of Wrapping Paper, Ea N - t. nen - loved FROM NO. 27 WOOD STREET, TO No. 33 Smithfield Street, PITTSBVIMH, PA. 4ii-Cash ' intiti for R Ai is. ap3 HOUSEFURNISHING. UPHOLSTERY. No. 85 Fourth Street, Near Wood. THE SUBSCRIBERS MA N F' AC TURE and keep constantly on hand every article in their line, cti • Cornice, ()mar/lents, Curtain tfate. Comforts, Feather Beds. Mat treas.., of all kinds: slap, the celebrated Patent Spring Biala .111 kinds of Shades. Blinds and Final urea. tkir - Priinipt attention gut en to all orders or fit ting null lay rag down ilarpeta. t di Cloth.. taie HOENII.:E. STEAMBOAT FORGING, &C NDR LW KU.NI N ft EN 111 I'H [PIS, .112 , i euend P tartrler, K 1.4 01.1 N & PHIPPS, NINTH WARD, I'IIISBVR,iII. 11111.ANU,pACTI . RE. BAR IRON, 6E:V IVI eral 11111wR3 allli PASSI•Illeer. •And I..womolhe Axle, N..,• COPPER WORKS. LAKE SUPERIOR. COPPER MINES, SMELTING WORKS 31'C1 - 12131( '4) k • I It 1t 111.11- „ e sheath. fir, i. Vs . And HO! ' „ peer. Pren.e,l ',,pper Bottoms. H01i..11 ST 111 H. ~ ,p elter Sadder . , .N.,• 111.11,11 . - t•I all,l kit . .tler, 11l M 013 i, nri Here, r„„, Vire. ,instantly on head, - 1 lateen... .11, - 1.1n( 'lt- , 1 AI ellou,,e, N., 149 Yllt . sl at..! l tit Sl-I • r)Ni, S: 4 Special order± to nn7 pattern 1721-Iyde.w HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, &C 03. 6 1.17 AL Gr 350 LIBERTY STREET, Next to Pennsylvania Passenger Depot, JOHN SAVAGE, - PROPRIETOR. HA viNG TAKEN AND FITTED UP, tuitl, nli the Modern improvement. this pit. ular r,,01 t, 111.4 . 1 . .4 pi elinrc,l In Acom, tfludAte la. "O. pullte getter any, x ith the heat the tri.trltel i Wont, Oyiters will he sere] In tecri t arie'ystyle the seßson. Hi, Vi ice,. Liquor., ‘ll.l Alec he feels ii•nfhlent iv.. ro Lem t../ the lie for their e‘ei•lll rice t . 1. 1{116:0 Old rhrlltiVstcre re rein , N 1 ii/11}3 JlLti wh01e..,1: *l.l ret art. 1:1;%!0-1),1 c)7 - 11 NO. 22 DIAMOND ALLEY rffillE SUBS( RIBER ANNOUNC ES pul,ll- thlt I. In I , lllv re.cipt I:Ski ti II ELL And CAN ( i and is prvittirett to necomint,,tste the pBll,ll, 1 tLie nit nll , l , VVii Icr.oe II 1.0n0(' ,klth e, Cr) • thing in the rain; an't thlnking. iine est notice. SHALEIi, 111122E1 jaull 1) I YOUNG'S EATING SALOON Corner of Virgin Alley and Mmith tleld Streets, UYSI EH S and all the deh:acies oi the season will Le served up In the most pals t ihie styles ELI \Ail N‘i. Lals cornet Virgin Atte) and 61111.thneld 81. APOLL() II ALL HILL' A RD Si A LOON.— CHARLES CIAIIDICLIf would remind hi. , old friends and customers that he is still to be found at his old stand, .11'01AM ILLLL, en trance on Fourth street. lie has always on hand the best quality of 1 Beet. and in ,Dunci,titai with the hall, is well appointed billiard saloon:. with good tables, balia and Liles Remember the place. Apo Hall. h . near Wood. entrance from Fourth H OUSEKEEPERS FURNISHING STORE Tin Ware i Broshe. Wooden Ware Basket, Spice Boxes Jelly Mould, Cup Tubs It ash Basins Straw Cutters i. up Mops Hair Sieves Il ire Stet:, Mince Knives Coal Scuttle Sliver Soap Stove Polish Chamois skin, j Knife Washers Skewers Basting Sooi.s clridlrons t oifee Mill, Lemon Spueersrs l Wash Boards Stew Pans Sauce Pans Wisfle Irons Bird Roasters Fish Kettles Fry Pans Ham Boilers Farina Boilers Orators Egg Beaters Larding Needlers Flour Pails Pudding Pans j Water Filterers Bread Pans j Pie Plates Butter Ladles Clothes Wringers Iron Hohieri N oaten Spoons Step Ladders Butter Prints Keelers Wash Tull, Clothes Lines Soap l'ups Scales Toast Forks Cook's Knives Sad Irons Bread Boxes Meat Presses Scoops take Boxes. N... ,x Volal MIT .1-7. 'DINING , 110,01V1 ISIAH HICK?. OHII.B. 0. .WoPit. , +I.I.VER PL VTIVD. Castors Call Bells Syrup , Sugs • Nut Picks Cake Knit es i -. . 1/ Knit ~ ' Crumb Knives Ice Cream Knives Salt Stands Napkin Rings Fruit Stands Cake Baskets Butter Knives Forks and Spoons Soup Ladles (is ster Ladles Gravy Ladles Sugar Spoons Children's Cups Mustard Spo,fis Round & Ira! Salverd Ice Pitchers Boupuet Stands I Goblets CUTLERY. Ivory Handled Knives Carvers Cocoa do do Forks Stag do do Spunre Waiters English Tea Trays Crumb Brushes For & Sp