J ANIVIS ; 1 3 . BARR, Editor and Proprietor nmwmsolt iIIIPTICEN LEy ; • ' Hernia or Rupture cured Henna or Rupture cured Hernia or Rupture cured, Hernia 9r,Ruppure oured Hernia or Rupture cured Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured Ri*turd or Hernia oured Rupture or Hernia oared Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured Rupture or Hernia cured Marsh's Radidal Cure Trues Ititter's Patent Truss Fitolt's Supporter Trues, Self , Adjusting Truss Lr. Bannings'a Lace or Body e, for the cure of Prolapsns Uteri, Piles, Abdominal and Spinal Weaknesses. Dr. 8. S. Fitch'a Silver Plated Supporter. Pile Drops, for the support and cure of Piles. Elastic Stockings, for weak and car loose veins. Llastie Knee Cape, for weak knee Ankle Supporters, for weak knee aims. Suspensory Bandages. Self Injecting Syringes; also every ind of Syringes, Dr. KEYEsER has also a Truss which wilt radically cure Hernia or Rupture, 41111 - office at his DRUG STORE N. 140 WOOD STREILT, sign of th•uolden Mortar. Pencils riches g f_r Trusses should send the number of inches around the body, linniettiately over the rupture. OKFYifigli. will give his personal attention t 6 the anilo•tion of Trauma in adults and children and he is satisfied that, with an experience of twenty ream he will be enabled to give satisfac tion, Self4irjeeriag Syringes. Self-Injecting Syringes. SelLlnleeting Syringes. Sell-Zirjeeting Syringes, Bald at DR. KEYSER'S, 140 Wood e Suspensory Bandages, Suspensory Bandages, SUBPenSurY Bandages, Suspensory Bandages, A dozen different kinds, A dozen different kinds, A dozen different kinds, A dozen different kinds, At DR. KEYSER'S, 140 Wood street noIG-lyditw p ILF-51 OF TWENTY YEARS STANOINI CURED. Below wiil,be found a certificate from one of the most respectable citizen, of Willane township ivi regard to Dr. Geyser's Underlie Blood-Searcher. The . .Ilagiorie eeretßeates are within: recicat and no . one need be cleiceined in regard to his pregara- Ds. Geo. H. KSYSEEt:—.I. became afflicted with Piles about twenty years ago, and every year they were growing worse, so a. to trouble me ve ry much, so much so at times as to unfit me for work. Someimes'l was so bad, that I could not do anything on account of them, they came out on me as large as a hickory nut. I had tried a great deal of medicine for thorn, I used to buy and take what ever I could hoar of or read of, in eiroulas a and yamehlee that fell in my way, but I could not get cured, sometimes they would do me some good fora little while, but afterwards they would return again as bad as ever. I also applied to two Doottrs, who visited me at my house and gave me some medicine but It would not do / I, could not _get well. Over a year ago, I got advertisement of sour Lindsey's Blood• Searcher, made by yourself—when you sold it to me you told me one bottle would mOt cure me. and that my . wifole eyetein would have to be re newed,by, the medidue before I got well. I bought one bottle and took it home with me and used it according to your directions. r then drill. ed to see you, mails. wheat you raid I could not expect Much benefit from one bottle, I bought it on. one bottle at a time, until I had used Ave hottieg. After this quantity had been used, I wayi,i4l.l4, well of the piles,wlloh had tortored me for: twenty Years In other respects my health is improved, and I am as well as could be expected for one of my age, being sixty years Past. I have been well now for six months, and t he's le no aPPearance of a return of the disease. I can do any kind of !angina Work now without tha Plies earning down and hurting me. I can Pitch bay, chop wood, lift, or de any kind of work which before _used to hurt me. When I found out yoarldood Searcher I kept on taking it un til Lea =drab well. I consider it my duty to make my case kn own to the country for the ben efit of others who may be suffering as I was, and do not know the vale° of your medicine. You may publish this if cu like—l live in Trifkins Tolonnari, and will be pleased to satisfy any one of the truth of this certificate 1 they wish to call on ma. ELLIOTT DAVIE. December UM, 1-0, r ZPOIc out fur the name of DE. GE(). B. EZSZB on the cover ;of the bottle and patted over? thir cork ; awns, an the United Stateiiiiiiitt - an the kV qt . a.1.0 . 4i1it0 prevent being i, npon d pp m ov a spurious .artide which it in the mcirka: de2B-1743w r • 4 i , . ----- . 1 ..:1. .1 4 -, k • 1 , _a —,7 • ...---- 4 ft• ' : • , I g '7c :1 ( 1 • .... • N..... . . ,ii tott r , 1 Kunkel's Celebrated Bitter Wine of bob- Bitter Wine of Iron, Bitter Wine of Iron, Bitter Wine of Iron, For Dispepsia and:lndication; For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspepsia and Indigestion, For Dyspei , :ia and Indigestion, For Weak Stoieaohe and General Debits For Weak Stomachs and General Debility For Weak Stomachs and General Debility For Weak Stomachs and General Debility, Reliable and Sore to do Good Reliable and Sure to do Uood Reliable and Sure to do Good Reliable and'Snre to do Good, It C. - Bbl but little and Purifies the Blood. It Costs but little and Purifies the Blood. It Costa bat little and Purities the Blood. It Coats bat little acclloutilles the. ILood. Of this 'Valuable Tonic, Of this Valuable Tonic, Of this Valuable Tonic, Of this Valuable Tonic, Only 7; CU. and Ono Dollar per Bottle, Only 7'. Cu. and fie Dollar per Bottle, Only Cti. and Otte Dollar per Bottle, Only :5 Cu. and One Do;lar per Bottle, Mannfactared solely by 8. A. K UNKEL BRO. General Depot, 118 Market street. Harris• burg, Pa. For sale in PITTSBURGH by all respectable dealers. janl4-6rn EDICAL CARD F. X. DaItOLETTE.X. D., From the Mediae] Faculty of Paria, _France, Ex Intern , Resident Physician) of Hotel Dieu, Charity Hospitals, acc. Mite of Diploma, 1828. Ladies Diseases. result of nervousness and de bility. so., neuralgia d sick, headache, them 'oracle) attended with otmplete success. OFFICE 57 GRANT STREET, Si. seB Nicholas klnt.contr. Ivo TICE TO ALL OOP CBE .11 fl,— 111 Among a certain class or sell-important people there is a pooriliar feering of contempt at tached to all phyaimans that advertise stick-treat the diseases naniedin this card, (Pair ..rejllis- EASES.) why this ehoeld he. they nor 00 one else can teal. Are they not aware mat all phydieiens treat diseased of every denomination, in tact no icx just the very diseases that are so obnoxious to these very refiner t artier+. 1 slispos, they would not let one rf the , r family solo a parry that has devoted years for the r benefit, because he advertises the faet, and their family physician says ho i. a humbug so he oan get the case. of tou tie has almost deprived the party of his life, Ile caucus at last to the physician that advertis es—how else are they to know. Are they not aware that bir As , ley Cooper, Sir Benjamin Bro die, sir Churrea Ball and M. Paul iticerd devoted years in the treatment of thee diseases. These men are hold up as shining lights in toe medical world : 1 don't want that ailtuenatiasiva"- coat rubliah. still Lb., area gveat number el them that are. 1 have devoted myself to the study and treatment of PRIVATE Ditur n sgEs upwards of 140) years, end without egotism can say I have saved hundreds from years of misery and untimely death. My treatment is confined to the vegetable altogether. as ! think it is the best and most cer tain. It is in my power to brmg hundred,. of certificates if I thought it necessary to cents , to my general success: but my long residence in this city is sufficient proof without adorns more. tipermatorrtma and all &Menses arising from it are cured in a much shorter time than hereto fore. It behooves every young man and w. man to be careful in tweeting Et physician. The differ ent advertisements that are seen in our papers are of no worth, and no benefit laid aline from answers than only loss of health and money. Hundreds are cared aartually with my now rem enies. Address BOX 800. _:tali-lyst Pittsburgh kostoffice. Of every kind 10,000,000 SAVED. • (4- A.SON'hi KEILOSENE CBATEB vvILL WARM FOOD FOR THE BA by, heatyater or steep herbs. &c., for the sick, makalrarm water for shaving or tody, cook a few oysters, boll or try eggs, make'tea and cof fee, toast brea4,lo. o ko , in leas time and expense than by any , Other Meant known. Used 04 any lamp without obscuring the light. Pride 25 eenta by mail kestagepe4M. 50 emits- Also a Patent Lighter, for lighting Minos with out removing the chimney. For sale wholesale and retail by WELDON dc RELLT. clan liB Wood E.., agents for the manufacturers LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MINES. -AND SHRLTREO WORKS. Park, M'Curdy At Co., Manufacturers of Sheath, !Brasiers' and Belt Copper. Pressed Copper Bottoms, Raised Still Bottoms. Bpelter Sodder, &a. Also tumor. tern and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron. Fire. &a. *a-Constantly on hand, Tinmens' Machines and Tools. Warehouse, No./49 FIRST and 12(1 SECOND STREETS, Pittsburgh Ps. 16.404a' orders of Conner-dello Any deS4ed pattern. feZl:lydatw BARGAINS CARPETS. JUST OPENED AT C 111. S 87FOURTH EjtREHR A large assortmee, which will be acid at a very great reduction from lea - prima ' anlo TO BUILD, WE ARE NOW MAN I FFACTITRW6I a enperionartiele of- LIME, Which we ere prepared to deliver from oar COAL YARD, 609 LIBERTY STREET, Best Qualify 01 F'A.MI.II.I?" COAL, Alwohaan haiKi rbittiraal. DICKSON. STEWART & 00, J. G. WgLDON WELDON & IiELLY, lLa NI7PAUPIIIIXREI O Lamps and Lamp Goods, CARBON OILS, BENZINE, deo ldt Wood street, near Sixth. 1.) ORLA ND'S PRICES— Men's. 2l .) Calf Double Sole and Double Upper Boots, $4; do do Dress Boots, $3; Men's Double Sale heavy Ba.'morale M . 90; Mia's Double liki24 . C gr ew Gaiters 51) 1 ; 2 15. 51 r ';;r 3 o m ß e ro nnc o r f .e... I, I Boom, 85:: W o omen's Double Sole-sped g ei Boons. $1 00: Woman's More** sewed heel I B orals. $l. 25' Women's custom mudeselled il 1 BOOta• Women's Congress 9100- A o a very large eesortment of Hiegel' and d ' Shoes at t o w . ri ag rior dAimpr er ent - par ' • . . I ns 2d door frozolsthetreeti- , go B 84 . 2241 , , w vz , ,d fr H A 7 . G.O. nut ' I " 7 ,, r ict -- i - .., , 411 !. 10 :2% 1 4 11 12 1 14411,' 3 , , The Great Tonic The Great Tonto The Great Tonto The Great Tonic And Cannot do Halm, And Cannot do Harm, And Cannot do Harm, And Cannot do Harm, We only ask a Triai We only ask a Trial. We On'Y ask a Trial, We only ask a Trial, & CON AND DIALERS LE PITTSBURGH, PA Medical IMPORTANT TO LADIES GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY.' HARVEY'S •MONO TEM FEMALE PILLS HAVE NEVER YET FAILED( WHEW the directions have boon strictly followed,) in removing difficulties &tieing from OBSTRUCTION, OR BTOPPAOH.OF NATURE Or in restoring the egstem to perfect health when suffering from Spinal Affections. Prole eims Uteri. the Whites, or other weakness of the Uterine Or gans. The Pills are perfectly harmless on the constitution, and may be taken d isc most del icate females without CMlBilig ress: at the game time THEY ACT AS A CHARM. By strengthening, invigorating, and restoring the erystem to a healthy condition, and by bring ing on the monttly period with regularity, no matter from what cause the obatruotion may arise. They should, however. NOT be taken the iretthree or four months of pregnancy, though safe' at any other time, as miscarriage would be the result. . - D OLLA Each R. box contains 6O Pills, PRICE, ONE DR, HARVEY'S TREATISE On Diseases of Females. Pregnancy, M iscarriage, Barrenness, Sterility, Reproduction, and'Abines of Nature, and emphatically the LAD ES' PRI. VATE MEDICAL ADVISER, a pamphlet of 70 pages, sent free to any address. Nix cents re quired to pay instep!, lli3..Tbe Pills and Book will be sent by mail. confidentially. when desired, SICPRELY SSA LID, and prepaid. on receipt of money by J. BRYAN. M. b., General Agent, N. 76 Cedar street. New York. lIM-Sold by all the principal Druggists. Joseph 'newton-, Druggist, rrri. er of the Diamond and Market st., rgont far Pittsburgh, 006- =dais, or i Mies. Roaches, Ants. Bocl Brigs, sfethe in Pura, oolens, eta, intents on Planta, Fowls, Animals, c. Put tip_ in 25c. 500 and $1 bow bottle; and flasks; Si and $ }leaks for Rotate. Publics Insti tntiona. ck - o. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Hu man Family." "Ita4 come oritof thetrhoio tndie." *a— Pold wholesale in all largo Slid by all Druggists and Dcalz,z - a over,- where. Air Beware of all wortleFs kir Soo that "Costar'B" h name cn eath bottle and flask before you buy. Addroal HENRY R. colivrAß, Principal Depot, 4 Broadway, N. Y. 'Sold by R. E. jELI.RKS.b CV..aod B. L. PAIINESTUCH A Cu., Irl'hol.s.a:a Agents. Iltnsi bum. - - we.. R. . 'A F L & C s i~~~ ~Pd6i~ ~~1!~~~t~i Lroza tic:3 MEM!. EfIJAM:::,I ::V , " OAKE:S seas the Pent. R., Paasanzea..l3ar,,,s &ELF, PEISiDIS 01 Stewl Eninee. raLltic.'z f): three to one hundred uud hem power. Sad Gutted for Ethzt Mille, tiaw Blurt Furnaces, Ire.‘,t-orite, 5176 particular attention to the aanctruction 01 jinx -Mee and Machinery for grist mina. and for gprishte. melt's, and circular saw Rave also on hand, ilniehed tad ready r:r ship lariat at short notice. Sta./ince r-el Boilers (.I.ver7 description. Al3o.fataish Ballets 6114 tan. L:1,11 aeperatedr, Wrought Iron Shafting, Dal:sore and Pulllea to fivers varlets , . and ocalinat thR manufacture o! Woolen Mac inert' and blachlr.e C'erda. Our prices are low, our Ltl.l4:lin try matinturtar K 1 of the beet condi tr td materiels, and w arra n tr; In all oases to tire satisfaction. 41111 - erders from all parts of the oonntr, solid El and Dramatis Mad. fell:dkw STEAM WAGON WORK ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. WAGONS, CARTS, WHEELBARROWS, STORE TRUCKS, HAY AND STRAW CUTTERS. C. COLEMAN, oa:11-1yd Marion Avenue, Mks , hen' City J. DUNLEVY, Grocer, NO. 4 DIAMOND, errrsLuikin, Zkl.rder. ANTIC CE TENT T. F. W ATS ON, 11141..5 . r1C' W0.11,11..E.1R, Ts prepared to Cement the exterior of buildbigs with improved Mastic Cement, cheaper and su perior to any done heretofore. This cement has ne equal: it forms a solid and durable adhesive ness to any surface, imperishable by water or f4ost, and equal to any quality of stone. The undersigned is the only reliable and rra6- 0741 workman in this cement in this city. !I have apphed this Com ent .for the f allowing Chtlomeh. whom Ihe Public are at . liberty to re to : Ji Bissell, residence Penn street, finished. 5 yrs Jas. McCandless, Al/eghony. do 5 yrs J . ; IL Bhoenberger i Lawrenceville, do 5 yrs Ji D, McCord, Penn street, do 4 yrs H e toeveler, Lawrenceville , do a yrs and Howie Pittsburgh, do 5 yrs El Charles ^ do do 5 yr" Address Washington Hotei Box Iles, Pittsburgh P.A. feb2o.lyd WALL PAYER, ~ FOR AUTUMN OF 1868, A complete assortment of beautiful PAPER HANGINGS Of all styles, at prices lower than can be again offered. For 11810 daring the 845848011 by W. P. NALREILILLL, J UST RECEIVED— --- Laird's Bloom of Youth for the complexion UVskin. rake's genuine Plantation Bitters. paer's Cherry. Pectoral and Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Alien's Hair Restorer and Zylobalimm. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. Makan's Magnolia Vain , * B..earling Amorosia for the Hair. hicillawors ,Ranaily-4edicines. LlzidgerkimprOvisdUrbod Searcher. All of Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines. Pure Glycerine and Honey Soaps. Giycerine Cream and Gold Cream, for chapped hands. face, Ba., at GEO. A. KELLY'S Wholesale and Retail Drag btore, 0 0 24 Nu. 69 Federal st., Allegheny CIAVE YOUR 0 4 411 BY USING GLRA.- /•7 eon's Anti—Flickering. American and limper ial Eles Burners. a sure saving of twenty-five per f en ce t, The Anti-Flickering is coat the thing for th Office. Call and see them burn at the Gag Fitting and Plumbing latabliehment of WELDON dr KELLY, 164 Wood street. W VERB—- ~ 3 bbls prints Roll Butter. 1 bbl Fteeh fackod Batter. 4 ks Jost receive ey d and for sale by BEMS A. 11.101300. ach9o earner et Market and Shit stmts. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 16, 1864. TRICOURY DEPARTMENT, OPIIOII 0? Cow! tnottga O 1 THE CIIBERNOY, Washington City, Aug. 6th, 1883. Wasassa, BrJratisfactory evidence presented t) the undersigned, it has been made to aRmY that the FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF PII7B - in the Ctitmty of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania has been dub' organized under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled'"an Act to provide a National Currency, securedliy a pledge of United States tocks, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof," approved February 25th, 1863, and has compliedVith all the provisions of said ..ct required to be complied with before commencing the business of Reusing. Now THERFFRIC, Uugh McCulloch, Comp troller o! tin Cu_rrency, do hereby certify that the said FIRST NATVINAL BANK OF PITTS BURCiII. county ofAlleghony and State of Penn sylvania. is autaorided to commence the business of Backing under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness soy hand and Baal of office, this sth ( lay of Au gum 1863. fllkiU hIoCULLOCIL Comptroller of the Currency, The First National Bank of Pitniburgh, Pa., Capital g.loo,ooo.vvith Privilege to in crease to $1,000,000. The Pittsburgh Trust Company having organ ized under the act to provide a National Cur• reney under the titic of the FIRST NATIONAL oBfArN k s O s F r P c L e T S o E r U th ZG e H co n w t o r u ti l o d n reofp eNcuelly Drafts, Bilis of Ex ,, harge, kn., receive money on deposit and buy and tell Exchange on all parte of t.hr country. The success wFch hay mended the Pittsburgh Truot Comp any ‘it.ce its ersanizat'on ;n 1822, will we belt Vt be a.sufficient ausirantee that h aa'hea s entrustedt: m row organization will receive the some prompt at t 'anti . Having a very CXIOIISIOO correspondence with arks and Bankorc, throng hmit the coup we believe we r .7 1 r r unusual facilities to thti7. ose who do business with no The business will be eon lueted by the game officers and dircctorc James Laughlin, Rebert 6 Hays, Thomas Bell, Thou tiriighiragn grant JAM r..,S I j AUu JOUN Angus: Korrrr KOUNTZ & MERTZ, nAw K ign,s, No, 114 Woof! bieeond doo above II EA LERN I N FOREIGN AND Domestic 31-1 1 Exchav, Ckin, Bank Notes. and Grovorn• tn3nt Col;cctrx.Ll promptly attended apll g °Li), SILVF.R, BI AND NOTES Ccrtiientos of Indobtodziess. Qusrterataa to7s CertiftcateL, 7 3-10 Bonds anciCoupons, snd all other _gtvc 0 711. Matt seanzi4elk bought-tar 3. L.LIA USA ("0.._ ni Y.:61: .1 VI 001 stroo t .t taien. of Third. _ --- - - ,k" wri-tzt-e I P LANTATiON COFFEE E BEST 110 TELS. It EST AIQ It b-Ilaving ah n ts ea , r 3 t;tealinv per orearnednii:rb.ycauteie aging are (Mlles' Old Plantation Coffee. tallies' Old Plantation Witten' Old Plantation Coffee, In plaoo of other imported Coffees, such as Java or Mettle. It has been fatly toured aide by side with the finest J‘va, and prmoourced fully equal In uniformity of r crength and richness o 1 flavor, eo that we can, with more than mual confiderna, recommend to our trienda and the pubno our fine flavored Old Plantation Coffee, Old Planta'tan ... o43; Old .1:e tattllitteer, As our late invoices era by far superior to former shipments. The bean or kernel is full, plump, and very much like the Mocha or Mountain Cof fee in shape, alai when manufactured by our new Process is doeidediy preferable to the beat grades of Mead Coffee; ants we would advise all who desire a really reliable and healthy beverage, to Drink Girlies' Old Plantation Coffee, Drink Old PisniatiOn Coffee, Drink (Mlles' Old Plantation Coffee. It is packet only in one pound tin foil pane' gel 36 and 60 pound s d u a eseb: each pack ag e having a fee-simi!o of our signature, The Old Plantation Coffee Is for salt by nearly all the leading grocers and country stores throughout the 'United /States, at 80 Cent. per Pound. Liberal diseoubt to the Jobbing Retailer Trade The old Plantation 6'offee should bo prepared the sense as any other pure coffee; good cream, with the addition of an egg, boiled with the coffee will add mnsh to the th.vor. Wright 01Illes & Brother, ONLY ILLNUFACTUSERS del t 238, 235, 337 Wassington st. N. Y Slr. FRANCIS OOLT.EGE. UNDER CAR OF THE FRANCISCAN BROTHERS ripEnta Ers SIIITA.TED J. IN LORETTO, Cambria manta , Pennsyl vania about tour relies from Cresson Station, on the direct route between Philadelphia and Pitts burgh, was eharterede 18.23, wi th priviligeo to ()enter the usual ftlie Honors' and' Degrees. The location of the Liege is one of the most healthy in Pennsylvania—this portion of the Alio gt.eng Mountains being rroverbial for its pure water, bracing air. and pietaresque scenery, The Eaholastio year commences on the FIRST MONDAY after the I.th of AUGUST, awl ends about the 2Sth of JUNE foLlawing. It is divide I Into two Besnot,s. Students cannot return home Setween the Sonsionui. All the Apparatus awes eery for Land Surveying. &tin _benne. so. An., sill be furnished by the instltUtion to the andante. Instrumental and Vocal:Mneie farms no extra plume. Students will be admitted from eigL t years to the age of manhood. Tate—Board and Tuition. payable half yearly in advance Surveying arc use of instruments - , per an ...-. 23 Classical alai Modern Languages. extra-.... in Students spending Vacation at.the College... 20 Reference can be made to tho Rt. Rev. Blake; Domeneo, Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood Philadelphia Rev. T. B. Reynolds. Loretto. Rev Dr O'Hara, Philadelphia: Rev. Henry McLaughlin. Phila. delt,hia :Rev. Pierce Mahar, Harrisburg. N. lI.—A hack runs dally to Loreto from cre e eon. sepll AMERICAN HOUSE, BOsTON. WS THE LARGEST AND BEST AB— A ranged Hotel in the New England States; IS centrally located , and easy of access from all the routes of travel. It contains all the modern im provements, and every convenience for the com fort and accommodation of the traveling public,. Tho sleeping rooms are large and well ventilated; the suites of rooms are well arranged, and com pletely furnished for families and huge traveling Parties, and the house will continue to be kept as a first a first-class Hotel in every resPeot. .Proprietor, sell.6 Telegraph in the house to all parts of th e oonn. try. HENRYNRY RICE, Boston, Sept. 1363 S 7 Wood Street. - 1,A6 AND %TEAM TING.—THE VI - under igned is pro pared to execute all or dere for Gas and Steam Fitting, Also, for fitting up Lookami.ling and Bell Banging promptly t tended to. Mr. W.ll. CRAUMBit is foreman of the figs Fitting shop. FOLDING IRON BEDSTEADS For sale ; also, TWO LATFIES. W. D. fiETTENBOD.O, Looksmith wad Bell Danger, 43:1 Penn street, map ERILOVALL of LIVEIIY STABLE. The undersigned having removed his Itivo.' Ty Stable from the rear of the Scott House, to newt the curriel of First ond &Lath field street. W. C C onn -, of i su ttr i. to turtiob carriages buginte.arj norbta.' hpoo the -shortest no. ties, Alen hnri•ns Copt atltterY ) at. retwohabk mks. Undertaking and au attangementsior fu nerals will receivehi/EU! Lttabhon X Xii. Banking Houses. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH ATI{ PITTSBURGH TRUST COMPA 11cl:crow.' : 1 *.,"rie. K. Ninaiek, Alexander Speer, kr snais 0. Bailey, Alex. Bradley, aei Rea. itiLditi. President. I'LLY, Ca-shied. Firth Street, t-4 lE ' OIL REFINERIES. kIIFF'A MILLS, NEAR RILRII.OR., P BTATrON.—This well. known Grist Mill is offered for sal., together with two dwelling houses, The nul 2 h c us m is th osfh ohp eando 6ro es a , o res ame l w a it d h . stone basement. two run of frenoh burrs, smut maehine,&c., ail complete. For pride and terms apply to 5. c umn BERT & SONS, lanls 51 Market at. RLACKSINITH WA NTE D—TO RENT a dm, and dwelling house, with a large garden, at 'Balls Mills. Bent, $6O per year—a good sheer can make money. Apply to 8. CUTHBERT & SONS, 51 Market et W lIEELJEIt dc WILNUN•A Have won the highest Premiums at all the im norisint State and Meeks:Meal Faire where ex hibited this season. New improvements have rocently been added which , renders it the most desirable machine in the market. They are warranted for three years. Instructions given gratuitous's , . Call and set them in operation. WM. SUMNER it CO., Pittstairgh offieo No. 27 Fifth street, three doors below Bank Block. ians-cikw IRS AM) NEW YEA' PRESENTS. Albums • Bolding 50 Pictures, SE33:1111 Albums Holding 40 Pictures Albums folding 24 Pletarei, Albums Holding 12 Pictures, 4SO Cents. Cali find examine the CREARBST and BEST STOCK of ALBUMS in the TWO CITIES, Photograph Cards; in variety A large ageortment of Books. . Hub. JAMES T. SAMPLE'S Book and Periodical Depot. dsls-Itad 8.5 Federal et., Alleglicmy . City. AT THE NEW CARPE STORE, We shall eell d n tee nreeent month, a W HOLESALE gad Ii.ETAm. Without any Advance In A fed Lkle of IC A I p E T .FLO 04 OIL CLOTRS, In shoats Op 24 ft wide Wolen Druggets ants s Crumb Cloths, WINDOW SHADES. 'rabic. and Plano C 01701.13 Rugs, mats, Stair Rods. &e. These goods have advanced in first hands from TEN to TWENTY-FIVE PER ()ENT within thirty days. and are now selling at LEV THAN MANUFACTURERS' PRICE Our stock le LimGet entirely new, all having been Stwohneed within ninety days for oaeh. at the very lowest priced of the year. M'FARLAND COLLINS & CO Nos. 71 and 78 FIFTH ST., Between Postoffice and Dispatch Building noi6 HOUSE FOR SALE.- No. 114 Elm St., 6th Ward. This property is one of the most convenient and deeirab,e residences in the city. The lot extends I rem Elm to Congress street, The house pi a two story brick, containing six rooMs , besides bath room, wash house. bake house and light dry COI.. tar and pantry. There is a nicely paved large yard. and a brick stable fronting on Congress at. the house supplied with gas, hot and cold water hal. painted, and grained; parlor Weedy fittisaicti with marble mantles; property all in good eon. dition, Pride. $l,OOO, Terms—sl,o)(l in hand and the balance in two years. For further par tic Wars inquire at the premises. delBiitf pesvAl le DItISA6JI2I DR. BROWN'S OFFICE, 60 SMITHFIELD STREET, Citizens and strangers in need of medical ad vioe should not fail to give him a call. Dr. Brown's remedial never fall to cure intik; ridge. scrofuloun and venereal affections.— heritsuv taint, such as totter. psoriasis and Q - or skin.'iseases. the origin of which the patient is ignorant. SEMINAL wwants% Dr. B's remedies for this Motion. brought on by salter, habits, are the only medicine known in this s country _which are safe and will speedily rotorto ILb.. Dr, Brown's remedies once in a few dim this Lnfra affliction. He also treat Piles, Oleet. Gonnorrhoe, Urethal Discharges. Female Diseases, Pains in the Back and iiidnoyajrritation of the Bladder. strict- wok eta rodioot to bo simmered mast contain st but 0 DOW. AR inea semt to any address satak_p_sokeit, _ C_lblvap_d_private rooms. No. 59 StirrliFlKlLD STRW. P ittsburgh. Pa. nolfdlor A DattNitiTIIZATOR'S NOTICE.—LET-. care of Adm;ni.tration having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of CoL James H. Childs. late of Allegheny county. Pa, damm ed, all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make payment to the undersigned. and these having maims against said estate will pre sent them, properly _authenticated. to CHARLES A. HO Aduer. At Office of Homy, Wells dt.Co corner of Harrison and Pike streets; Or to MITCHEL d PALMER. Attorneys. de3-lawsw No. 87,PIfth at.. Pittsburgh. AUX=l7l'oB'lo IifOTICE.-.WIEBREAS lettere testamentary on the estate of John McGee, deceased. We of WCand letegrant ttierathiP. . Pa.. have been ,a 3 to the subscriber& Adjkarsons indebted to said estate whl make Immediate payment. and those haying oldlnis will present the same duk ai lifend for settlement to either of the an ed. lAMBS G BOON, HENRY loon. • Executors ISTandiesi township. w N0v.12. 192 .. .soiltwila For Sale, Pz, West ern Agents iis2 90. ss2 25. 81 25. Bat who was the 'Friend?' That was the question. We were all born Yankees, and did our best at 'guessing;' 'but it didn't help us. Wellat any rate, it was very nice all round. I hadn't to be routed. No, nor John, nor his dear old mother. And pussy pu rred round natui if she bad as much reason to be glad as any one of us; and the canary trilled so sharp a strain that we were obliged to muffle his cage and his enthusiasm with John's red silk pocket handkerchief. M i ra. Harris and I had not got our feminine tongues still, the next day, when Johu mime back, in the middle of the forenoon, ivitligirtoidier riddle to drive our womanly curiosity still more distract. ed. He was requested to call immediate. /y—so a note he had just received read— at it Co's, and accept'the bead clerkship, at a salary of $1,400 a year be ing highly recommended by a person, whose name his new employer declined giving. That was a greater mystery still. John and his mother had rich relations to be sure; but, though they had always been interfering in all their plans for making a living, they . never had been known to give them atryttang—except advice, or to call on them by daylight; and it wasn't at all lik e ly Chat 'the leopard would change his spots at that late day. No, it could not be John's rich relatives ,,, were always in. anch.ll panic lest the Uppatten, dom sbniild disocver thattheir the liar' rises, lived in unfasidonable part pf the dined ; at one •o'clock, and noticed imdespeople and mechanics. We were ;too sensible to believe in fairies, but,W*; the mischief was empty !dr the - 'kern of plenty' in that way at Or fest? I f e.,l9!oke the Mt mewling* We DAILY POST. DAILY POST-ADVANCED RATES One year. by Six months. " Throe " One One week. delivered in the 18 Single oopies... ...... .......... To agents per hundred.... What Came of an Omnibus Ride— One Pull to the Right. Some time ago, (no matter when, little folks shouldn't be curious,) I was riding in an omnibus with some half dozen well dressed ladies and white-kidded gentle- M en. At a signal from somebody on the aide walk, the driver reined up hie horses, and a very old man, with tremulous limbs and silvery lochs, presented himself at the door for admission. The driver shouted through the skylight 'Room for one more, there, inside ;' but the gentlemen looked at the old man and frowned, and the ladies spread out their ruffled skirts, for his hat was shabby, and hie coat very threadbare. He saw how it was, and why there was "no room," and meekly turned about to go down the steps, when a fine-looking young man, who sat next to me, sprang to the door, and seizing him by the arm said : I "Take my place, sir; you are quite wel- I come to it. I am young and hearty; it won't weary me to walk;" and kindly 'leading the old man to the vacant seat, he leaped from the steps and walked briskly down the street, while I looked admiring ly after him, saying to myself, "That yo Weg un man has had a ood mother." drove on, and the more-Hooked at the old man's silver hairs, and fine, honest face, the more indignant I felt at the way he had been treated. Whether he read my thoughts in my countenance, or not, I can't say; but, atter most of the passen• gers had got out, he moved up to me and said, "Good boy—good boy, wasn't he ?" My dear (and here his voice sunk to a confidential whisper) I have got money enough to buy out all the upstart people that filled this omnibus twenty times over, but I like this old.coat and - hat. They are as goodas a crucible—help me to find out the true metal. Good morning, my dear. Thank you for your pity, just as much ae if I needed it'—and this old man pulled the strap, got out of. the omnibus, and hobbled off down the next street. Sometime after, I advertised for lodg ings, and was answered by a widow lady. I liked the air of the house, it was so neat and quiet, and the flowering plants in the window were a letter of recommendation to me. Your coldhearted, icicle people never care for flowers; (you may write that . in the fly-leaf of your primer.) Bat what particularly Fleased me at Mrs. Harris' was the devotion of her eon to his mother. I expected no lees, because, the minute I opened the door, I saw that he was the same young man who gave up his seat in the omnibus to the old gentleman. John did - all tt___ltlLArken ri-- of r. He sAier,;(l hifiMother's- arm chair to the pleasantest corner; handed her the footstool, and newspaper and spectacles, offered her his arm upstairs and down, instead of joining other young men in racing over the city to find ways to kill time. It was a bsantifal sight in these days, when beardless boys come stamping and whistling, into their mother's presence, wish their hats on, and calling her the 'old woman.' I spent a pleasant autumn under Mrs. Harris' quiet roof. And now, winter had set in with its nice long evenings. John came into tea one night with his bright face overclouded. His mother was at hie side in an instant. John's master had failed, and John was thrown out of em ployment, Then I learned that it was only by the strictest economy, and hoarding of every cent of Jonn's salary that the house rent was paid, and the table provided. And now, so the widow said, the house must be given up, for John might be a long time getting another place, clerkships were so difficult to obtain; and they must not think of running in debt. It was such a pity. We were all so comfortable and happy there in that cozy little parlor, with its sunny bow window fall of flowers, and its blight Lehigh fire, and cozy cushioned chairs; that cozy par. lor, where the little round table, with its snowy cloth, had been so often spread; and the fragrant coffee, and delicate tea biscuit, and racy newspapers, had been so often discussed; where John in hie slippers and dressing gown, with his dark hair brushed off his broad forehead, read to us page after page of some favorite author, while the wind was welcome to whistle itself dumb outside the threshold, and aid Winter to pile up the snow at the door till he got tired of it. It was hard! John walked up and down the floor, with his hands crossed behind, and Mrs. Harris went round the room hunting after her spentacles, when they were comfort— ably reposing on the bridge of her fine Roman nose. A knock attire doorl A note for Johnl 'Enclosed find $6OO to pay for Mr. John Harris' house rent for the coming year. A Faser:D.' John rubbed his eyes, and looked at his mother; his mother looked at me, and I looked at both of them; and then we laughed and cried till we nearly had bye. term. ESTABLISHED 1842. found in the_bank yard,.a.barrel of tippiai, a barrel ofillogva'kelli9f-btltter. and a bag of buckwheat flour, labelled "For Mr. John Ramie, street.'"- John declared (after pinching himself, to see if he really was John) that ; balsa tened the gate inside, the very last , thing before he put his night-cap on. Mts. Harris said somebody must haireclithbed over and unfastened it; and I tcroped right up and down and I bright thoUght had just struck me, and I was determined to hold on to it, for I didn't have a bright thought every day. "What now ?" said John, as I capered round the room. "Oh nothing," said I, "only it takes a woman, after all, to find out a secret—and to keep it, too," I added, Snapping lay fingers at him. That day I thought it- woold'dotne good to ride about in an omnibus. I tried-sev eral. It didn't make much difference to me whether they went up street or doWn, or where they finally stopped; I - was looking more at the passengers. By an y d b'l hispert saw he sitting down beside him, "House rent-jalerkshiii-4ourbet• ter—buckwheat, all for giving you a seat in an omnibus !" Didn't I know "the fairy" watt the nice e ,old man with silver looks ? Didn't h ;bribe me to hold my tongue by telling me `that he might get a peep at John and hie mother Didn't he come ? and didn't look as much astonished when he call ied as if it hadn't all been settled two days i'previous Row was John to - know, when he felt such an irresistible impulse to be kind to the old man, that his hair had 4grown white loving his mother ? /low ;was the old man to know why he loved [John so well, and thought him one 'ad) lfineet young men head ever seen? Row ?was I to know that I was to turn ,oul to )::,e what I always so mortally'hilted—a ifeminine match-maker ?—Fanny Fern. A Singular Adventure. Once upon a time a traveler gtepped into a stage coach. He was &young man iltarting in life, at, found six passengers 'about him all grey headed and extremely itged men. The youngest appeared to have seen at least eighty winters. Our youngest traveler, struck with the singu lar mild and happy aspeet which dis innguished all his fellow passengera,sdeter ined to ascertain the secret of a long life pnd art of making old age comfortable; . be :ddressed the one apparently the elest, bo told him that he had always led a egular and abstemious life, eating vege bles and drinking water. The young an was ratbeir daunted at this; iriaseinch .6 he liked the- good things of this life. e addressed the second. :who attenish :d him saying he had always eaten r out, .eef, and gone to bed regularfi fuddled - or the last seventy-years,- addin epended on it .. T t - : .!. .. ._ . • •":" 9 "".• - 77i1173; • a Thoth zetiolately . kb, staining from all political or, ralliume Sontroversiee; and the fifth by - going - to bed at sunset and rising at dawn. =The Sixth was apparently much younger then the other eve—his hair was less grey and there was more of it—a placid smile de toting a perfectly easy conscience mantled his face, and his voice was jocund and introng. They were all surprised to learn hat he was by ten years the oldest man the coach. allow is it yon have thus preserved the - ehnesa of life?' exclaimed our young raveler. The old gen tleman immediately an swered the young traveler by tutymg: 'I have drank water and : wizte-14 - have eaten meat and vegetables—l. have 'dab hled in politics and written, religious pamphlets—l have sometimes gone to bed st midnight, and got up at sunrise and at Loon;' he then, fixing his eyes-in - tinsel* fpon the young man, concluded with the ingular remark: "But I always pay frompay for my newvapers.' It's What Yon Spend. . . 'lt's what thee'll spend my Son,' tiddYf ' Sage old Quaker, 'not what thee'll =he; Which will decide whether thee's to , be Ooh or not.' The advice-was trite, for it - LareLas Fsanklin'ti in another shape: 'Take ' e of the pence, and the pence Will take -of themselves.' But it csnilat i &it:i' often be repeated. Men are `66iitintitillfri, hidulging to small expenses, saying- to themselves that it is only .30, trite, yet , forgetting that the aggregittils serious, that even thelea shore' is matte np.of i p.ett, grains of sand. Telr'aints 11 : ailrfii eviiii' thirty-six dollars a• :year, wnit thatfitt-the' 'niterest of the capital of -ftve hundred ; dollars. The man that saves ten ; ceßta a day only is so much richer then lie who does not, as if he owned a life estate in a house worth five hundred dollars; and if tovestedsquartarly*ute not -talos . talf that time. But ten ceata a day is:cbild's-PlaY, some will exclaim. Well, then, 'Join/ 2 Jacob Astor, used to say, that than a; Man Who wishes to be rich, taiii-eaVecl'' ten thousand dollars, he has won half the beiti-f tle, Not that Astor theugitt teA 4 AQVAINOL: much. But he knew that in making& enek a sum, a man acquired habits - o! pit ~A it" imonomy, which wouldheepltiin lidiint" , nig in *ealth Bow many,.:; however,. spend teu thousand expenses,, ted agSWlt ' on looking back, cannot tell; as-thopy. Say. *here the Milner- went to.' - TotaVii is to get rich. To squander, even in-email sums, is the first step towards the poor. house. . Jthw:l3r When Gen. Jackson was President, jimmy O'Neil, thi porter; was a marked' character.? He tidd his foibles, which Were offensive to the fitstidioiamives of Colonel Donelson, and caused his 'nip mist I on an average of about once- week. Bat on appeal to the - Might:! court; the verdict•was invariably reverted by the good native of the old General. Once,' however. Jimmy, wait- guilty of some fla grant offence, an d was samovoned before the highest triliOnalat oam ..Theonjtersd, after' fttior Mitaeo4 observed: 'Jimmy, have beintfivftli You . for lons, in spite of-all ComOlebits; but in this _ act you have gone -Wyout.. my, - powers mtt/ranee.' g one do you be-, .lieve the atorynteked,liminy—teertainly;' answered the%Oarali- - 1 133avajust heard it from two Benstors:".‘EFailf,' Jimmy, 'if 'I bendy° -thatlifetr Bert atom say about you, you are fit to tie , Prosident.brPobiort • Jimmy,' concluded the General, teleaklut, • and go on duty' but be morigaralatiere. after.' Jimmy remained with;-his lritidA4'. hearted patron uotonly to the cloaeothis: f'reaidential term, lint, accomMurgiog-bit to the-aeredt4ge, Was with luta4attle day 04 Mil aelth: • ' y. critm,„. „ GUAM) Th jiotk:4 ow. Wood it ` , !! , Wink tligli ".1" 0611 0 SW*. a s mite eta 46111-410144/ e , _