Amusements. BURGH THEATRE. Lessee and Manager Wx, Elkinognsoir. Treasurer—H. Ouhrseprox. NEW DRAMA AND P ANTOMIME. TIM BVXNINti, the great drama of tha Irish Rebellion; or St. Patrick's Eve. Madeline Arnie Eberlio o'o , sok Mr Chippendale Major O'N ell C. Loreilay 80gg5....._ J. O. Sefton Postman's Donkey Goliah To oonolude with Little Goody Two Shoes: or Who Kill ed Cock Robin. Little Goody . Annie Hyatt Clown Mr. Nand Pantaloon. f Ogden Harlequin, by a bientleman engag ea for the oe (lesion. . . Wecineeday, Benefit of Mies Annie Hyatt PITUSBIIIIGH THEATRE.—MR. CHAS. LOVEDAY begs to announce to the Publics that his BENEFIT LS fixed for FRIDAY NEXT. Jan.. Bth. Taree splendid pieces—THE FAST MEN OF THE OLDEN TIME. Screen Scene from the SCItOOL FOR SCANDAL and the EATON BOY. jan6 td Garibaldi Panorama. TS CELEBRATED WORK OF art contains 40 VIEWF9. It will be exhibited for a few days only AT LAFAYETTE HALL, Commencing on MONDAY EVENING, JAN, 4TH, 1864 A lecture will be given contravening by Mr. A Prim, of admis3ion 25 cents. Doors oven at 6% o'clock; IfshiOition to commence at S., before 8 o'clock, Janl-1w THE GREAT PICTURE Jaseo Williams' Celebrated PANORA.MA of the BIBLE ATMA-SONICII For a short time only, oommencing MONDAY. January 4th, 1861. Exhibition each evening at 73{ o'clock. Ale 'n Wednesday and BainrdaY, at p. m. Tickets a - , cents, Children tinder ten yoars old 15 cents. de29-tf n o .i or ©7, - ‘; Z I) 'C ~7 0i4.- . 0 a> -7„ . 1 11 W4 or :.7.) 7 - ‘7: 0 ;4 ~ ;,- tc :-; - .._, C -z. D• :4 ~,,,. .4 liillo I:I 5 . 7.; o 3 a Z 0 . . '-- z .- 2. . -, - .. cr ,4 ❑._--:.t.°l E. :.: d Elt 4el ...-- 1:: 0 .2..,_ a 4- o iii • L ''''' c — ' ,4 14' a. -2 6 , 1 ,; al Eli cmii 5.,c-) . - - 3-c' ''' 41 = ~, o 6 9, co Z 72 ''' t ~ :z. - .° s .7, ~---) ... Z 2 Z 01 ,, .2 it• : .2 -2 o 4d <4 <1 •'C =1 1 ° 0 ,7 4 . 1 U i 2 FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS All Descriptions Now Opening Me MENTZER'S, 04 MARKET STREET, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, FRENCH MERINOS, REPP MERINOS, SCOTCH PLAIDS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, FLANNELS, COUNTRY BLANKETS, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS M. MENTZI' oci2B-3m-eod LUPTON, OLDDEN & CO.. GRAVEL ROOFERS , Or itcrir, Cor. Wood dc Fifth Itts.. Second Story. Manufactory, BEAVER ST., Mn. che3,er. jan4 WALTER 11. LOWRIE, ffNTENDS RESUMING THE PRAC- A. TICE OF TUE LA W,in the same L.use, formerly occupied by him on roarth street, above Emithfiebi, C i retelf HioAseSwooVtoEctS .E ve NT.—A 111A13- CONCERT GRAND PIANO, Richly oat ved, made by HN A.Ji ar. 12 . , Just received. CHARLOTTE BLUME, de3o 43 Fifth street, HAPPY NEW YEAR.—THE BEST gelation of Fancy Goods &Toys For NEW YEARS' GIFTS, can be found at FOERSTER SCH WARZ'S, de29 164 Smithfield street. SMITH, PARK & CO Ward Ninth Warehouse, No. 140 First and 120 Second sta. Manufacturers .of all sizes ani descriptions of Coal Oil Retorts and Stalls, Gas and Water pipes, Bad Irons. Dog irons, Wagon Boxes. Seel Monde Puihes Hangers and Couplings. Also Jobbing and Machinery of every descrip tion made to order. Having a complete machine shop attached to the foundry, all necessary fitting will be carefully attended to. o2l:lydkw HOUSE FOE SALE.— No. /X 4 Elm St., 6th Ward. ' Mt! PioPest, le one of the most convenient and desirable residenoes in the city. The lot extends tram Elm to Congress street. The house is a two story brick. containing six rooms, besides bath room, wash house, bake house and light dry cel lar and pantry. There is a nicely paved large yard. and a brick stable fronting on Congress st. /he house supplied with gas, hot and cold water; hal. painted and grained; parlor nicely finished with warble mantles; property all in good con• dition. Price, $4,000. Terms—sY,ooo in hand and the balance in two years. For further par tiodarB inquire at the premises. delB dtf HIOHLY IMPORTANT TO VOLIIN• TRH/g.—After the 6th of January next, the only bounty provided by law is the $lOO au thorised by the act of July 22, 1862 All who de sire to scene the present bounties et $.302 paid to new recruits, or s4a2 paid to veterans must en list b fore Jenuary Sib, lt•61. Recruits will be received for the 62d Rey inient Pennsylvania Vol unteers, or any other Penn L. Regiment, at the CF:rard House, Smithfield treet. All bountie.e gua anteed and recruits credited to the sub-dis trict to which they belong. EDWA EtD 9. WRIGHT, CapL 62d Pa., Vets , Recruiting Officer. Pilaff NATIONAL II•NR OP PITTSBURGH, LATE PITTSBURGH TRUST COMPANY, lly Pitt , burgh, Doe. 22 . 186 3. A N ELECTioN FOR NINE DIREO Ada. torn of this Bank will be bold on the BitC .oNp TNIZSDAY. 12th of JANUARY next, be tween the hears all ;km., ar. ,4 2 p us. dolga JOHN D. SCULLY, ClLlkkien- 450 BaBIIKETS, 6. purr s Quarts." for alp tdOer. cl uun AND 30 Ossalapar m onth ,. Diane. .7,11 don snAi 11,108:3113011 DAILY POST. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1864 No. 37 Park Row, New York, and 6 State street, Wigton, are our agents for the Daily and Weekly Poet in those cities, and are author- Ind to take Advertisements and Subscriptions for us at our Lowest Rates. 47i-ON AND AFTER, THE lea OF NO• VE MBER, 1863, all subscriptions to the Daily Post must be paid in advance. Those knowing themseves to be hi arrears will please call and settle without further delay. THE DAILY AND WEEKLY POST can hereafter be procured at the News Depots of T. W. Pittock and Frank Case, Fifth street. with or without wrappers. Daily 3 cents Weekly 5 cents. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE The Election Yesterday. The election yesterday passed off very quietly, resulting in the election of Mr. Lowry, the Republican candidate for Mayor, by a large majority. The oppo sition are also successful in all the wards with the exception of the Third, in which they elect only two councilmen—Mackey and O'Harra. The vote was very light— so light, indeed, that at half past twelve o'clock some of the wards had only com menced to count the vote fo'r Mayor. We shall give a full report of the vote to— morrow. BRADSTREET'S MERCANTILE AGENCY.— On the 11th inst., the fourteenth volume of "Bradstreet's Commercial Reports" will be issued. This work hae been care• fully revised, and no pains spared to ren• der it the best, most reliable, complete and convenient book of reference in ex istence. It contains a larger number of reports than any work of the kind hereto fore published, giving thirty thousand names additional to those heretofore given. Every name has been brought under ex amination, and the best judgment obtain ed which the circumstance of individual cases would admit. The reports are care fully revised and corrected twice a year, in the spring and fall, thus insuring accu racy not to be found in any other work. Notwithstanding the increased size of the work, caused by the additional number of names given, and the high prices of labor and material, the book is still furnished to subscribers at $lOO per annum, payable in advance, which entitles thi'm to a week ly sheet of corrections, and the privilege of making any inquiries, and receiving reports in writing. All that portion of these reports including the District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Kan sas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan. Min nesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, (not city,) Ohio, Pennsylvania, (not Phia delphia,) Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin. Canadas, New Brunswick and Nova Sco tia has been bound together in a separate volume. To thoseyhose trade does not generally extend beitond those sections, this will be found as useful as the full body of reports. This will be furnished to subscribers, including volume bound in like manner, for $5O per annum —entitling them to all the privileges cf the Agency in other respects—upon ap plication to, or by addressing J. M. Brad street, 67 Fourth street, Pitti.bargh, 11 f:0 C..) af Aa C MORPHIA AND TINCTURE OF lODINE FOR Nkusehou..--The follwoing method of suc cessfully treating that painful disease— neuralgia—is from the Dublin Medical Press: " As a corollary to his remarks on the efficacy of tincture of iodine in the treatment of neuralgia, M. Bouchut ad duced several cases from which it appeals that when the remedy in its pore state has proved unavailing. the pain ,Fomet men yields in a remarkable manner when a certain amount of morpnie has been added to the tincture. In this instance the ap plication is nut merely counter-irritant; indeed in this respect the fluid would seem to have lost some of its power; f itS efficacy is chiefly due to the presence of d the seda tive, the introduction of which beneath the epiderimis is facilitated by the tincture of iodine- Whatever explanation may he offered of the dints of this mode of treat ment, its beneficial operation is an un questionable fact, deserving of every at tention. A little girl, who, while re covering from typhoid, became affected with neuralgia of the forehead and temple; pure tincture of iodine failed in relieving the pain. M. Bronchut ordered the brow to be painted over three times a day with a solution of half a drahcm of sulphate of morphia in half an ounce of tincture of iodine, and a cure was effected in the course of three days. The professor adopted the same method of treatment in the case of a lady, aged torty-two, suffer ing from interscapular neuralgia, sympt omatic of chronic pulmonary disease. Moining and evening the sedative tincture was applied to these regions, and on the second day amendment set in, and the neuralgia was altogether removed on the fourth day." POPLINS, lIEMT! PRRSONAL.—Among the many distin guished visitors the meeting of the Legit lature has brought among us, we must not fail to notice the arrival of James 13. Ons• low, esq., the eminent editor, who holds such high rank as a distinguished essayist, polished biographer, versatile correspond• en', cutting satirist and brilliant poet. Among the most marvelous feats ever per formed by James was that of transforming himself from a Copperhead to a Union War Democrat on the eve of the election last fall, and the eloquent oration he de livered somewhere up the Monongahela [McKeesport] announcing his conversion, will last as an enduring monument to hie fame when ordinary tablets in iron, bronze and marble shall have crumbled to dust I We hear it intimated that some of his friends are working to secure him the po• sition of Assistant Doorkeeper for his emi• rent service, but we cannot believe that he would accept any such position.—llarris burg Patriot. There's " sarkasm " unadulterated. Did we not know that Maj. 0. is not in clined to rashness, we would entertain serious apprehensions for the personal safety of the versatile local of the Patriot. Foundry PITTSBURULL P., F. W. & C. RAILWAY. —An ex— change thus speaks of this great thorough fare: "This through route West from the East is one of the most important and well regulated roads in the country. We have frequently heard travelers who have passed over it, speak in terms of the highest praise of the good condition of this popular road. We learn that the travel over this road to the West is im mense, which speaks volumes of praise in favor of those who have the chief man agement. The officers of this road are men of practical experience, and thor oughly understand their position. Their conductors are cautious and careful, and take delight in making their passengers comfortable. THE INLAND TELEGRAPH COMPANY.- This new company is now in full operation to all points Emit, South—east and North• east. Two new wirek have just been com pleted to Philadelphia and New York. Their connections with Baltimore and Washington are the only direct ones out of the city. The public will find it greatly to their advantage to patronize the Inland Company. They are an opposition Com pany, and have unsurpassed facilities for doing business promptly and at fair rates. Office, 6th street, Opposite the postoffice. Saukw].a at Mc Cielland'a Auction House, 66 Fifth street. THE PITTSBURGH POST: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1864, S. M. PETTENGILL & CO., Allegheny City Noimnations. The Democrats and Conservatives of Allegheny city met in convention yester• day to nominate candidates for city offices. The convention was organized by calling Samuel Smith to the chair, and electing J. H. Davis Secretary, The wards were represented as follows : First Ward.—Robert P. Getty James 0' Hanlon. Second Ward.—Not represented. Third Ward.—let precinct—Samuel K. Rodgere, Samuel Smith. Third Nard,-2d precinct--Jacob Hotchhef, William Miller. Fourth Ward.—let precinct—Adam Bepler W. H. Reed. Fourth Ward —2d precinct--Frank Leye, Christian Kernwig. After the organization of the convention, Charles P. Whieton and Charles W. Ham bright were placed in nomination for Mayor. Before a ballot was taken the name of Mr. Hambright was withdrawn, whereup• on Mr. Whieton wag nominated by ands. tion Col. George Geret was nominated by acclamation for Director of the Poor.S, The following resolution was offered and adopted : Resolved, That this convention will use all honorable means to ensure the election of the ticket this day nominated, and recommend it to all citizens. On motion the convention adjourned ICE FOR DIPTIIERIA.—A correspondent of the Providence J, iurnal vouches for the efficacy of ice as a cure for diptheria, croup and all ordinary in flamation of the throat. The manner of application is as follows : "Break up a small piece of ice in a towel, and put the pieces in a bowl. take a position slightly inclined backwards either in a chair or on a sofa. Proceed to feed yourself with small lumps of ice, letting them dissolve slowly in the back part of the throat. A single application will often break up a common sore throat, which otherwise would have a course of two or three days. In case of a bad sore throat, use the ice frequently and freely. In case of ulceration or diptheria, keep a small lump of ice constantly in the mouth." PITTSI3URGII AND CoNNELT,sviLi r, RAIL— ROAD.---lhe Directors cf the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad, consisting of the following named gentlemen, viz: Wm. S. Biasel, Joseph Pennock, William Bing ham, G. L. B. Fetterman, John Fleming, William Baldwin, Benjamin Deford, Wm. F. Murdock, Berj-tmin H. Latrobe, Cyrus Meyers, W. W. 'Taylor and Joseph Mars ton, held en elect ion at their office on Mon day, when the following officers were elect• ed : 13erjamin B. Latrobe, President ; Secretary and Tr,tasurer. W. 0. Hughart; Superintendent, W. B. Stout. Miss ANNIE HYATT'S BENEFIT.—We take pleasure in announcing that the accom tdiehed young actress Annie Hyatt takes her benefit at the Thertre this evening. It is our opinion that when an actress takes such evident pains, as Miss Hyatt does, to make the rendition of the drama acceptable to the audience, not only by cluee , tady to be perfect in the allottea parts, but also by taste and neatness in dress and costume, she should he encour aged. Now the most substantial atom ranco that can be given to this rising young actress is to tura out in large cum• here to her benefi MUSICAL IIOr•T is the name of a new and splendid musical work just published in New I iioutaining lit pages of choice and well selected music. It is sold at the rate of 2. - > cents per number, For tole by J W. Pitt'icti, opt cislte the Post office. lkillou's Dollar Monthly for Feb ruary has also been received and is an ex• cellent number. Mr. Pitiock has also a splendid assortment of Diaries for IN - A, turether with an ext.eilent assortment 01 stationery. Don't forget the place. noises AGENCY. —The attention ot those busing business to transact in Eur,pe is directed to the advertisement ot Mr. Thomas Rattigan, European agent, No. 1t22 Monongahela House. Mr. R. is prepared to bring out and send back pas sengers, to any part of the old country either by steam or sailing vessels at the most reasouabie rates. lie keeps on hand Sizht Drafts, payable in any part ot Eltrope. Those having any business to clit in the "o;td World" would do well to call on Mr. Rattigan, 1'.22 Water street. VERY STEEP.—Butter sold in our mar• ket on Saturday morning for forty cents a pound ! The butter was supposed to be fresh, bnt the price was certainly very salty. Hurrah for the glorious reign of the greenback dynasty ! Sound the trum pet t—beat the drum !—bring out the old Wide Awake transparency, with " Homes for the Homeless,'' " Land for the Land• less," " Freedom of Speech and of the Press emblazoned thereon. PITTSBURGH BRIDGE COMPAN Y. —The following are the officers of the new Pitts. burgh Bridge Company, and from the character of the men named, those inter ested in the prcject will feel confident that there is " no such word as fail." President, John F. Signer ; Secretary, Thomas S,cel ; Treasurer, William K. Nimick ; Directors, James Wood, .fames William Stevenson, Christopher Zug, Moses Chess and R. F. Smyth. GOTTSCHALK AND BRI NOLIA ,COMING.- The agent of Gottschalk and Brynolia, Mr. Diego de Vivo, dropped into our sane turn yesterday evening and informed us that during the coming week the above named popular singers, assist std by Mdlle Angiolina Cordier, Sig. Carlo TattiCand S. Behrnes, would give two grand concerts at Concert Hall. The evenings will be duly announced. This will be good news to the lovers of genuine music. Eon ALDERMAN.—Jacob Snyder is the Lominee of the Democrats and conserva tives of the Third Ward, Allegheny, for Alderman. Mr. Snyder mould make an excellent officer, if elected, an event which is not at all unlikely, as he is very popu lar in his ward. THE DRAFT POSTPONED.—Ordera have been issued by the War Deparment post poning the draft until the 15th of January. This will give ten days longer time to fill up qaotas with volunteers and to make needful preparations against the provost marshal's coming raid. LADIES', misses', gents', boys, youths' and children's boots, shoes, gaiterp, hal morale, slippers, &c., at McClelland's Auction House, No. il - k5 Fifth street. WOOLEN nouns, nubias, hosiery, shirts and drawers, suspenders, neckties,collars, &c.. at McClelland's .uction House, No• 56 Fifth street. BARGAINS in every thing at McClel land's, 55 Fifth street. UNDERSHIRTS and drawers at McClel land's, Auction House. HOODS and nnbias at Heelsßand's Auction House. TEN paper collars for twenty cents at McClelland's, 55 Fifth street. F&Nci wool shire at McClellaud's Auction House, 66 Fifth street. HOSIERY, wool and merino at Mc CleHand's Auction House. Boni; and Shoes at low prices, IP Mc Clelland's Auction House. LADIE'S and Misses' Morocco Balmors Boots, at McClelland's. Hoop Skirts, Latest Styles, at McCle land's Auction House. CHI LDREN's Shoes, Fancy and Palma, a McClelland's Auction House. Hoorn and Nubias, at McClelland's Auction House, 56 Fifth street. UNDER. Shirts and Drawers cheap, a McClelland's Auction House. MEN'e Sewed Brogans,.at McClelland's Auction, 66 Fifth etreet. WOOLEN Goods, at McClelland's JOBEPII lITYREL JOSEPH MEYER tt SON, PLAIN AN!) FANCY FURNITURE & CHAIRS WAREHOUSE. 135 SMITHFIELD ST Between 6th st , and Virgin alley nog PITTS R URGE. W [THOU"' EXCEPTION. Rankin's Extract of Buchu Is the best preparation for all diseasei of the Bladder and kidneys, Being made upon scientific principles from the best,diureties known. "/ o the toed cal profession it Ls confidently recomx,ended. PRICB, 76 ('ENTN AT RANKIN'A DRUG STORE, 63 7IARILET STREET, de3O Aid by Drugirist genorafly e - 16:7° // 4111 V / Corner of Penn and St. eralr streets Pittsburgh, Pa. ripHE LARGEST. CHEAPEST AND mo2t. rucoesstul BUSINESS ha Als b COL LEGE in the United States. iNeStudents tutor and review, at any time. C IRCt L.klts containing full information sent 1 , 1/66 of charge to any address, on application the Principals, J ENKINS & SMITH, ce7-lawdkw Pittsburgh, PL. DMINISTRATOR'S tore of Aditi;ni trati .n having been grvted to the undersigned upon the estate of Col. James 11. Childs, late of Allegheny county, Pa.., decee.- od, all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make payment to the unue-signed, and those having olaims against said - estate will pre sent them, I.roi erly authenticated, to sf CHARLES A. HOWE, Adrift At Orrice of Hussy. Wells at Co , corner of Harrison and Pike streets; Or to NIITCLIEL & PALMER. Attornoi s, do3-law:w No. t 7 Fifth st... Pittsburgh. ihe Howe Sewing Machine. invent.ti Ih4a. PertectevlDDita. RECEIVED TRIBUTE rROM ALL other Sewing the World's Fair, leri2 while the Singer Sewing Machine received az, honorable mention on its merits; and Wheel er S Wilson's a modal for its device, called "thr hi,ok." The Howe Sowing Machine, was awarded a prea.tim lto an English Exhibitor.) as the beat for all t arp,,see on exhibition. Our light est Machine guaranteed to make petlect work on the lightest and heaviest fabrics 601,1 and rented, Cor. Penn & St Clair, street.% M. McGREG OR. mrtakd3aw:l3 , Agent. / 2. F. BECKHAM HENRY B. LUNG BECKHAM AL LONG, Who'wale and Retail Dealer' , in AEricultnral and Farming Imi:dements, fired's, Fruit Treer., 6e A ciENTS FOR HENRY noucksTorirs rn-Nureery Elucacyo Mower and Rsaper, t u.+• Bell's Iron harvester, Wood's Move., Quaker Mower and Reaper, Coyußu Clt:oc, Jr. hewer, Bucxeye (train rater, Economy Whac,ed orae Hake, Cooke Sugar Evaporator. so. 127 Liberty Street, Next door to Hare's Hotel, PiTT.EITROH, PA. pASSAGE FROM THE "OLD COENTRV." LOWER 1111 N THE LOWEST? The undcre•gned now prepired to bring nut pass-tigers by FRIsT CLA'S MAIL STE AM- Icaltidirect from Li verpoWilatgow,Londonderry -.r Grdwiy to Now York e r Pittsburgh. SEVEN DOLLARS I..wer tor ac uther alter': hero. CO. and get tho rktre and he convinced. Our st•amers sad every went. and tarsengers are round in everything. Pattie: haring business with the undersigned will find him from 8 a. m.. t,ll ii p. 131.. dai'y at the r'h,nie?, Office, and Irma 710 the evening- t.. 1 ii at his ()Pk ICFC, No. AE. SMI r RE/S.T, between Liam nd st , and earth 1). O'NEIL. Agent kr the "Galway." the `Liverpool and Londonderry "and the'llla2gosv and New Yr Hi" liner+ of ttcame , a and " Washington Line" of Sailing Packeta. jans-eod "VI R. BRADBURY'S NEW MUSIC 13COK.—'"I 11 E KEY-NO CIS," a collection of church and Singing Music by W. B. BRAD BURY, is toady at last., and the publishers believe will well repay the many Singing Schools and Choirs which havo Seen wai•ing for IL Come in dication of Mr Bradbury's ',Totality as an au thor is afforded iu the lac: that the whole of the first edition of ton thousand c Ties of this new look were ordered .n advance of pub/secition. Other editions will follow immediately. one hun dred pages are devoted to the Elements of Music, with a great amount of new Singing Schcol Mu sic, and nearly three hundred pages are devoted to Sacred Masi-, as tune cf all metres. Anthems. Chants and other set 'duos, mostly, new the work is printed thr'sughout from large plain type. "no part on a staff. Priem, per dozen. $lO. A single copy to any teacher, for examination. by mail, postpaid, fur $l. Address MASON AL iiAll tie, 274 Washington B.ROIHE ..tret. Bosto ßS. Publishers or , tiolo-ltd62tw 5 di 7 Mercer sr., N. Y. MORGAN HOUSE DROVE YARDS The undersigned has opening the Horgan House for the accommodation cf drovers and stock dealers, at the the corner of Pasture Lane and Taylor Avenue. near the stock depot of the Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chiciage Rail way. He has extensive stock pens, well covered and commodious feed and sale yards, abutting upon the railroad platform. thus giving great con venience in loading and unloading. The pens have been enlarged so as to accommodate 3.000 to 4,000 head, and the yards no many more. Com fortable reeommodatione are provided in the house for owners of stock, and the sabacriber re spec fully solicits a share of their patronage.— Terms for boarding and rent of yard moderate. mal2 D SHAVER. W XECUTOR'S NOTICIi.,—W IILEREAS 14 letters testamentar on the estate ef John McGee, deceased. late ofM'Candleas township, Alletheny county, Pa.., h ve been granted to the subsanbers. Ad persons indebted to said estate wiil make Immediate payment. and those having claims will present the same dilly authenticated for settlement to either of the undersigned. JAMES A. GIBSON, HENRY MoGEE, Executors. M'Candlees townahlp, N0v.23., 1263. n024-dlaw&w3ut FOR SALE--I NOW OFFER FOR sale until the first of March Mt. a small farm of 49 acres, 2 roods and 15 perches, strict measure. sitnated on the waters of Robison Run, and underlaid with stone coal and convenient to Railroad• Enquire of N. Barclay on the prom ises, or address N. BARCLAY, se4-ltd6mw Noblestown. Pa. W-OTICF..—RAN OFF FROM THE subscriber, in Scott township, Allegheny county, E U. 11A B.TON, who was my apprentice, 1 hereby notify the public not to h.rbor or trust him on my account. his cents reward and no charger! pool. JNO. SUTTON. r.019.10.¢3tw PRAY,—CAME TO THE PLANTA. S Lion of the subecriber. I vino in Indians town_ ship, on or about the 20th day of November last, a Large Dark Red Ball, With a small white spat under his belly, and wide horns. The owner is desired to come forward prove property, pay charges and take him away or be will be disposed of according to law. dels-ltd,43tw DANIEL SWAN-ET, IigESIRABLE CITY DWELLING FOR IL. SALK—No. 139 Robinson street. Allegheny. (between Federal and handusky streets,) being a two et tied brick hmse, ermtaming ten rooms, with all the modern conyeniences—marble gas, range with hot and cold water, bath room, Am., lot 72 by U 0 feet. For terms, la,. Invire of D. GREGO 41k CO.. 99 Wood et, Pittsburgh. CIDEB,,a BABRXLS! OP 6 OTD.ER—Just reeeiveirand for lode tir FETZER & ARMSTRO . 4.14 corm Marksi and Firststriss. BY TELEGRAPH TO THE DAILY POST. THE WAR. XXXVIIIth CONGRESS LATE ITEMS FROM CINCINNATI Pennsylvania Legislature. &c., &e.„ [Special Dispatch to the Post. I Johnston, of Crawford county, has been chosen Speaker of the House. In the Senate eight ballots for Speaker have been had without any election. The Rspublicans will nbt compromise. ANTHONY LISTIE WestilNoToN, January s.—Senate.,---A communication was received from the Sec retary of the Navy, giving the names of the officers who have left the service since the commencement of the rebellion. Mr. Powell of Kentucky, introduced a bill to prevent the officers of th. Army and Navy from interfering with the elections in the several States. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Sumter, of MassachuEWs, gave no ice of Mg intention to cifer an arnendmen the Enrollment bill. Mr. W5lBOll, of Mas2achusetts. introdu ced a bill increasing the bounty of volun tears. Also, a bill amending the enrolling act. A message was received from the Pres ident earnestly recommending that the law be so modified that the bounties recently suspended be continued, at least, till the first day of February next. The message was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. House —Mr. Smith, of Kentucky, intro duced a bill, which was ieferred,.provicling to pay bounties and pensions for soldiers celled out in the departments of Ohio and Kentucky. Mr. Ten Eyck, of New Jersey. moved that eo much cf the President's Message as refers to a reconstruction of the Union be referred to the Committee on the Judi ciary. He opposed the President's plan of reconstruction in a speech of some length. Mr. Ten Eyck inquired what right have we to 28V to Tennessee and other loyal States, "You are no longer a State, you are a territory. The people, and not the soil, constitute the State. The doctrine of the Constitution is, once a State always a State." At the conclusion of his speech, there being no quorum pre sent, the Senate adj.:urtied. The Speaker also laid before the House a message from the President, enclosing a report as to the result of the convention with Peru for the settlement of claims, and recommending an appropriation to meet the awards. ihe message was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. Mr. Morrill, et Vermont. asked leave to introduce a resolution instructing the corn mittee on buildings and grounds to exam— in- and report on the 13.11 setting apart the old hall of the Hoes- of Representatives, for a galllery of statuery. Mr. WaThburne objected. saying that he iiitended to Rite-Acme a bill at the earliest moment to removing the seat of Govern meat from this barren and desolate coun— try. [Laughter.] The roil of the House was then called. when it was found that there was not a quorum, oNly eighty six members anewerirg to their names, where upon the House aajourned. CINCINNATI, January o —The Ohio Legislature was organized yesterday. J. Hubbel was elected Speaker of the House, and W. E Davis, Clerk of the Senate. U )v. Tod's Message is very brief The financial affairs of the State were never in better condit,on. The public debt Las been reduced six hundred and seventy-a:x thousand dollars. The militia system adopted by the legislature last winter has proved a success. He recommends that banking corporations, now existing under State authority, be given all reasonable facilities for closing their business. He attributes the escape of John Mor• gap through negligence arising from a misundersiandit.g between the civil and military officers at the penitentiary of their respective duties. He calls atten• tion to the bravery and gallantry of our soldiers to the field and eays ; —Although the wicked rebellion still continues, we can Justly claim fur Ohio, her full per furmance et duty in the effort to crush t." The uumber of troops raised since he beginning of the war, is two hundred housaud six hundred and seventy•oce. SAN FRANCISCO, January s.—The ship Onward has arrived here with Kanagawa dates of the Ist of December, and Shan• ghai daies to Nov. 25th. Kanagawa was still guarded by men from the fleets. The French are fortifying the heights, and are daily expecting the arrival of two regi• Enema of infantry, from Hong Kong, There was a general belief that a peaceful solution wi,l be found far the troubles be tween the foreign Government and the Tycoon, although the civil war between the latter and Darniae is already progress Jug. The Tycoon's minister bad waited on the American minister, offering to pay the indemnity demanded for the attack on the steamer Pembroke in June last, daring her passage through Island Sea. The proposition was accepted, but aim Teter Prcyn will refer the terms of settle• merit for the subsequent attack on the steamer Myoming to the Home Govern• inept, under the increased prospect of uu broken peace. New YORK, January 3.—The Times' Washington correspondent says: Our Gov ernment will not permit Gen. Butler to be outlawed by Judah P. Benjamin. The exchange of prisoners is committed solely to him, and will be continued in his hands. Secretary Stanton determined to day to enlarge his powerkand confirm his agency by putting all the rebel prison ers in the United States under his care. There will be thirty thousand of them at Point Lookout within three weeks. The policy decided on is to insist that the ex change shall take place through General Butler, and that none shall take place except through him, as Commissioner Ould has already done. Benjamin, who wrote the proclamation outlawing Butler, effected a majority vote in the Cabinet against dealing with him on the ground, that he was an outlaw. Oa Monday Rear Admiral Farrnut sailed from New York, in the flagship Hartford, to assume command of the East Gulf squadron. PIIILADELPIIIA, January s.—The petrb leum merchants of the city held a meet• ing in reference to the Government tax upon the article. Josiah Allen presided. A circular stating that the meeting of the representatives of "trade from differ— ent sections of the country would be held in New York on the oth inst., was receiv ed. Henry S. Foster, Alex R. McHenry, and Benjamin Chew were appointed del egate/ to attend the convection. Wm. S. Russeeli, Bra Lightfoot, and John L. Rather were appointed a committee to make arrangements for the organize• tion of an association. CINCINNATI, January 5.—A specil le to the Commercial from Cairo says: A l egation of prominent citizens of Arkansas had arrived there en route for Washing ton, to arrange for Arkansas to resume her position in the Union. The river here is fall of floating ice and navigation is suspended. Headquarters of the department of Ohio will be removed to Lexington, Ky., to- Morrow. NEW YORK, January b.—The Herald says: Gregg's Cavalry division, under command of Col. Thylor l of the First Pennsylvania regiment, made a recon• noissance towards Front Royal, diming the past three days, but found no enemy. They traversed a distance of ninety miles and suffered terribly from the cold. An other expedition to Rectorstown succeed• ed in capturing three rebel officers and two hundred new uniforms, at that place. Col. Smith, of the Ist Maine, also made a encomia' scout to Luray and other points in the Shenandoah Valley, for which he was complimented by Gen. Pleasanton. The stories concerning the large force of the rebels, under General Early and Colonel Fitz Hugh Lae, near Winchester, are doubtless exaggerated. They have made no attack as yet on the railroad, ae they would have done ere now if they were so formidable as reports would make them. General Kelly, however, is quite prerared for emergencies. Our correspondence from Key West, by the steamship Blackstone, which arrived here yesterday, is of an intersting char acter. The naval operations on the coast of Florida are active and successful. An extensive salt work of the rebels was de stroyed in St. Andrew's B'ay, and St. An. drew'e city was leveled to the ground by the crews of the steamers Bloomer and Restlees. The salt works destroyed were valued in ail at nearly $300,000. WASHINGTON CITY, Jan. 5 —Nothing of interest is transpiring. The troops are endeavoring to make themselves as com• iortable as possible. The following air cnlar was published to•day: Provost Marshal's Department, Head quarters Army of the Potomac, Jan. 5. butlers will hereafter obtain the printed invoices frtim here and have them ap• proved by the Quartermaster General, the same 83 when they hauled the goods by teams. (Signed,) S. M. R. PATRICK. NEW Yeas., January 6.—The remains of the late Rev. Archbishop ~ Hughes, were placed in the Cathedral in the middle aisle in front of the Grand Altar, this morning, where they will remain-in state until Thursday morning; meanwhile the community will have an opportunity of viewing the corpse. On Thursday morning at ten o'clock, the funeral will take place. NEW YORE, January s.—The steamship Ocean Queen, from'Aspinwall on the 27th. arrived at this port this morning with $25,000 in treasuro. Our Panama letter of December 2Gth, contains the following item of intelligence : "The trouble in Chiriqui still continues, and Governor Obalda has fled to Panama." CINCINNATI, Jan. s.—We have news of three killed and thirtyfive wounded in a railroad accident near Dayton to day, all of Ohio. Twenty others are reported ery slightly wen ided. save 'Thyself. DR. S. CUTTER'S ENGLISH BIT I'ER S. THE GREATEST NERVINE EVER DISCO ERE D-THE GREATEN' . M 1 O• SIC EVER DISCOVERED-THE GREATEST ALTERATIVE EVER DISCOVERED. A CURE FOR INTEMPERANCE - - A S A NERVINII, 1T ALLAYS THE .at - S. chronic inflammation of the stomach. in all persona addicted to the use of stimulants and narcotics. such as Alcoholic and Malt Liquors, opium, Morphia, Arsenio Tobacco, etc., otc. It removes the morbid appetite or craving of the stomach Tor stimulants. lc. In Headache, Neu r, IKia, and all nervous diseases, it has no equal as a Nervine. At, A TONIC, it gives a healthy tone to the stomach, improves the appetite. corrects liver derangetiaents, regulates the bowels, removes Lan guor and drowsiness, and brings perfect health to the Dyspeptic. AS Ais ALTERATIVE. The blood, the life of the body, is derived iron the food we digest. How important. then, that the duties o(the stom ach are perfectly performed. If its 'Unties are imperfectly executed, disease instead of health is scattered through the system. When our food is properly digested, pure blood is supplied the body, and Plotches, Pimples, Tatter, Erysipelas, Old Sores. Mercurial and Venerial Taints, and other diseases arising from impure blood, disap pear. Upe Dr. Cutrer's Eng.ish Bittern and you will have perfect digestion and pure blood. For particulars of this celebrated Medicine, Procure Dr. Cutter's circular from any of our Agents. N. VAN BIE'L, 118 N. Second street, (American Manufacturing Agent) Phil &eta, . TOiRENCE &:M~GAJLR, e, ent Corner of Fourth and Market sta. f'iusburgh. For sale by all respectable Druggists. octls-ly ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE .-11 Y s into fan order of the Orphans' Court for the County of Allegheny, dated, Deo. 26th, 1863, the subscriber will ea po , e to public sale, and sell to the highest and best bidjer, on FRIDAY, the 22d day of Januar7,lB64., between the hours of 2 and 4 n. tm. on the pr mises. tall that c=rtain piece of ground, embracing parts of lots number ed 68. 69 and 70 in John Brown's plan of lots in ;he Borough of Ita•t Birmingham, County of Al legheny, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning on the westernly line of Wash ington street at the corner of an alley, 24 ft. wide; thence along Washington street eonthwardly 40 ft , thence to a line parallel with the aforesaid alley 73 tt. 6 inJhet to the line of lot No, 67„ not lb wardly 40 ft to the af , res Lid alley; thence along said alley eastwardly 73 ft. 6 inches to the hoe of beginning beingtho mine piece ol ground which was 00E71550i to Henry Brockmeier, by John Prown and wife, by deed dated Oot. 21st. 1.;53. Terms of sale—cash, lIAGRMANN, Administrator of the estate of de3l-ltd,43tw henry Brockmeier. deceased, WI%X. PENN I-10'1'EL (FORMLEY EILOOCIf 14 JI418) NO, 422 PENN STREET, Pittabargh THOS. KELLY, • - Norairrou HAVING ENTIRELY REFITTED the house, I am prepared to offor every ac commodation to Quests at a very moderate price. There ie a itood Livery stable adjoining the hens. Jas:4lwdsily - w. W I LLIA 21 "MIRING, FASHIONABLE HATTER, fine r•.moved from the corner Wood and:Sixth eta NO. 189 WOOD STREET, Fourth door below Virgin Alley, Pittsburgh. A large and complete stock of Haas Caps and Straw Goods always on hang at the lowest prices, wholesale and re tail opt{-lvw MOUNT OF CAPITAL STOCK OF THIS PENNA. S.,LT MANUFACTUR ING CC., subsoribed wad paid m upon November 30th, 1E63, was $191.050 00 Amount of ................... . 232 147 21 THOS. SPAAKS, President, SAYU et F. Plum, Seo'v.. and Treas. Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1563. de24•ltdd3tw CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS' FRESH N TB.— DRESS GOODS of the latest styles. CLOAKS. SACQUES, SHAWLS, FURS of every kind and a variety of other goods. All will be offered cheap, to afford all to purchase, at 11. J NCH'S. N 0.96 Market street. deli between 6th and the Diamond.' WILL PURCHASE A $192 00 two story brick dwelling noose and lot of ground. co Elm et. AnnlY to S. COSBERT k 801.18. de3l 51 Market at. BEANS -20 BARRELS OF WHITE BEANS—Jnet T2 meeived arid for Bale by I ,. .e.tat h ARMSTROM. de3l corner Market and fret ate. B EELS CHOICE ROLL BUTLER—Jost received and for sale by FETZER & ARMSTRONG. corner Market and Firgt streets ROLL BUTTER -3 b. la fresh 801 l Butter , 2 tuba " " Just received a.nd for Bale by FETZER & ARMSTRONG. corner Market and runt Meet!. ALL PAPERS CHEAP—BOUGHT before the teat tidvance in p ijoe. For sale by W. P. 003 APFLFS-400 BARBELS OF CHOICE 111168ETS—Jost received and for sale by FE17.101 do ARbLnTitOkie, deal corner Marked and Find eta IVEW FRENCH PAPER HANGINGS' from the celebrated rosiardisetaries of Deli- , court k Deforms, in Paris. mat received and for try 18r, P. f si4nALL 81 Wood Arad, c 0 a 41 i„ - .)1 ~.:0..„1:.,.: j.,; 'PITTISBVII.6IIII GENZBAL /11.11.1131111. Oria as or I'HODAILT Pon., Besnes W s-t n n r d e ay d tevensde. partmonts.- The weather continues cold and see •eto be getting colder. Our harbors remain ice bound and boats will havetogas:sahib Stek psae:aton* least for - • 11 .• Flour--wee 0010 salsa of 150 bbls of Erre at 25 ; Ert'u Family at $7 375 i ; sales of WOO do $7 3707 50 la bbl. 31:911Y-Sales at sl3B•for inferior-6n* for we* sand hay- 15 loads Were dbrpoted • f Whisky-Sales of 20 bble at 13:5086co some of our large dealers refuse to sell below 99e. Cheese-The current rates were 14016afor W and Goshen. The receipts have of. Butter-t•mall sales of fresh rot was made from store at 26e. in al at Enne-Are becoming scarot-p. ices were nom -240250 haeon-eales of S. O. Hams at 130: Shoulders range from 848 aas !A Lard-Price] were nominal at 1.33i0 with sales to the extent of 20 tierces. Mesa Pork - Holders have adyithey) the rates and refuse to sell below $2llO bet. , Grain-Holders were firm and demand The on , side rate& Ba , by-Spring oomm •el Sit; Fall 51 50011 62. Corn-sales 1400 bush at - from store at $1 30. Oats steady at 8114820, 11.70 at $1 85. Wheat-the carrairt rates for fia be tog $1 88: White at $1 40(011 48. Groceries-Coffee was inquired for and Rio s Id readily at 301 (4380. Molasses-sales of 20 bbls at 650. byrups ranged ir0n:165086 according to quality. Satt-We have no change le.uotleoi sale loam store at $2 50002 60 bbi-the 8 tO6k on ISM if not large. prrreinnum Of WIDNESDIT. JUL 6. 18E4. Crude —We could learn of, no_ ch erge Sony o the prey - lone day's pricer; 14 E 1 ' ‘ . IEL -atrsgAßE sc. The former witnout and the latter with the packages, The stock offering is not large. Re fined—Lb o m rker was unchaneed—holder were asking 400 fpr bonded and 500. fat refinsak:'We do not look Tor any large transactions 20r some time to conic. The Eastern mtritets do not al low a sufficient margin, hence the tales will be necessarily restricted. - Cincinnati Whisky Market. WHlAT—There was an active demand for Whisky early in the day, and holders succeeded id estsblishi,g an advance of la, with sales of 1.100 bbls at 79@79 1 A0, the latter rate for wagon: the market dosing steady at the alirtuttr, " • Chicago ilighwlnee Market. HieHwittr.e were held firmly at 800, at which price we note light. spies. There was some de. , mend but buyers were below the views of sellers. COR.R.IIO.IIID DAILY POE THE MOWING POST BY MOM& ZOOM% & WPM& ammo: CO, 118 WOOD irraarT. The following are the baying_ and 81 10 Dir mice for Gold. lEdver. -------- 1 00 Silver. 142 00 Demand Noted — . -140 -00 Easaria;aau4N‘ New York per Par ...----. PDT 80at0n..... . ....... per Pennarlvanlanrrenoy Per Western Exchange. ...... par 4 - Cleveland Par St. Louis_ par . p ILES OF . TWENTY YEARS STANDING CURED.. Below trill be found a certsfwate from one of the moat respectable citizens of Manz, township in regard to Dr, Krvser's Lindscies Blood-Searcher. The Doctor's cert'ficates are within reach, and no one need be deceived in regard to his prepara tions: Da. GEO. IL KSISER:-I became afflicted with Piles about twenty years ago, and eery' year hey were growing worse. go Et.. , to trouble me ye- ry much. so much so at times as to unfit me for work. home hues I was so bad, that I could not do anything on account of them,-they came out on me as large as a hickory nut. I had tried a great deal of medicine for thorn. I used to buy and tako what ever I could hear of or read of. in circulars and pamphlen that fell in my way, hut could not get cured. sometimes they woul d ao me some good fora little while, but afterwards they would return again as bad as ever. I also applied to two Doctors, who vtited me at my house and gave me someinedicine but it would not do, I could not get we 1. Over a year ago. I got an advertisement of roar Lindsey lajasod tiparcher, made by yourself—when you sold it to me you told me ono bottle would not cure me. and that my whole system would have to be re. mewed by the medicine before I got wail. I bought one bottle and took it home With nie and used it according to your directions. I then call. cd to see yon again, when ion raid I couhinot expect much benefit fiom one bottle. I bought it on, ono bottle at a time:lmill I had used 'five bottles. After this quantity had been used, I was entirely well of the pilect.42 lob had tortored me for; twenty years. In :other respects my health is improved, and I am as well as could be expected for one of my age, being six.y years past. I have been well now for six months, and the - e is no appearance' of a return of thiefibtaasts. I CEO do any kind of farming work now without the piles coming down and hurting me. I can Di to h hay, chop wood, lift, or de an kind of walk which bef. re used to hurt me. When I found out your blood &stollen kkept oa tak,ingvitipzi- til I got entirely well. I consider it my duty to • make my case known to the country for the ben efit of others who may be traffertniedl w do not know the value of your medicine. You may publish this if you like—l live in Wifkina Ibtanehip, and will be 'pleased to satisfy any one of the truth of this certificate if they wish to sell December 24th. 18'3 air Look out for the name e DR. GBO. H. KEYSE.R on the cover of the battle and pasted over the cork; also for kis stamp on ,the, United States stamp on the top of the bottle to rd* : At toiltiiig imposed u p o n by a rpurione article which ia in the market. - 4 g6.7 !F ELEBBATED BarnumTs FOR rex HANDKERCHIEF. Ashland Flowers' anitte' v : ma Mign Moak ...Quay aim Meadow Mown Bouquet de Califon& '' ' ' Bouquet d'Arable LeloftheVali eY Bouquet de Carolina Now-mown Flay Bezgainotte. Oran Flowers Cam& ... Camelia Pink ..., Clomati t te P P ... .....,oYrdaack Cedra Citronella Rout P• .i e flowers Crystal Palace Rose Geranium Rough and Ready Gilliflower iSpin Plower Garden /Flowers Bweet - Briar Heliotrope Sweet Pea. Honey Sweet Lavender Honey suckle • • Simi Lettuce Hawthorn :west Clover Ilyac#o3. Tuberroir J aamm MS Hose Jockey Club. Mr/Jetta Jenny Lind ,Verbena J onooille. hionaseline Ipti: an v in u Milledeura !West End Maeaolia - IWhite Lll7 IWinter Bloaom BM H r V I ANDYOBMIA. a .blehlr Oonoentea ted Persian Benue: the inner coolant peritmerke. Imparting to o re handkerchief a very agree a bl e an EßßE lasl itAffllnia•S/CTRAcT UPPREt —A ' t Of Toilet Soaps, shaving Creams. Preparations for ths Hair. Cosmetic& Toilet Waters. a Diatirom and perfum of all . cci nor Mb .ii COati. ( *ik .. deaf) - Venn Wail. : 87 Wood .t ID tadsW v Oran. and Ctrushed, foot received and for &M inot. At MOS.. nob VA sad LT Wood EL ;.~: Y0m,,.,. ._ ~:<.2,