POST. .JU i PITTSBURGH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1863 Democratic City Ticket. FOB MAYOR, JOSEPH B. HUNTER FOR OOKTfIOLI.BR, WIUUH M. EIJUAR FOR TRRASCBER, FKASCIS FELIX. DEMOCRATIC STATECENTRA L COM HITIEE. The'Democratic State Central Committee are r« quested to meet at tbe MERCHANTS' HO TEL. in the Clt7 of Philadelphia, on WjEDNES DAY, the 13th day of JANUARY NEXT- at 4 o'clock y. m. CHARLES J. BIDDLE. Chairman. ITEMS. Gen. Fleury has left Paris for Copen hagen. Another rebel representative, Super veille, has reached France v'a Mexico. Ad rices from the Array of the Pqfcomac state that all is quiet along tfepdines. The President went down tffe Potomac river on Sanday. The Richmond papers are gloomy over the effects of Ayerill’s rai.»r one inch thicker than in vessels of the Warrior class, and her backing is compos ed ot 1 inch teak limber. The armor of the Warrior extends only over a length of 212 feet, the entire length of that vea r-el beii'g Jr'> feet; but the Minotaur will D° compiru-ly irt'U-ciad from stem to aieru, leaving no part of the vessel unpro tected. About one-third of her armor nus already been bolted to her sides. Her armament will consist of 6*> gnus of large calibre, the descnpMon of which has not yet beeu determined on, the Admiralty now being engaged in carrying out exper iments on board the Excellent gunnery ship, 'n order to ascertain the efficiency cf 300 pounder rilled, 15“ pounder round shot, aud other guns for arming meoof fror, o,oA ala© «n imnroved anDaratns which has been invented for the purpose ot working these large guns with ease and efficiency in the naval service. Tbe M’ooaur has been fitted for the reception, when necessary, for a powerful ram at her eteci. Th,- Smaalilni; Power* of the Arm strong «oo Pounder From the London Timon "I he - mashing powers of Sir William Armstrong's 600-pounder shnnt-gnn were tested on Friday (Dec. 11,) at Shoebnry Dess against the Warrior boating target. The target is an exact counterpart of a section of the Warrior’s side, and meas ures 13 feet long by 10 feet in bight, It is constructed of iron plates of the best homogenous metal, 4i inches thick, bolt ed to a backing of teak 13 inches in depth. Behind this come two sets of jj inch plates, rivited to massive ribs of f iron—the whole being shored np by slanting beams of fir ol immense thick ness. The target was moored at 1,000 yards distance from the firing poinls of the GOO BDd 300 pounder Armstrongs, and wooden tarkets for ascertaining the cor rect elevation for this range floated close by, a little clear of the iron one. The first shot from “Big Will” was a dummy oast-iron shell, weighing 600 pounds, and was leveled with each uner ring aim ot the wooden target as to smash it literally to powder. The elevation of the piece in this instance was 2= 6 , and the charge of .0 pounds. The next shot waß a steel shell, wilh a cast iron-bead, weighing 610 pounds, and containing 24 pounds ol powder, which is only four fifths of its normal charge. Before firing this shot a consultation’took place among the artillerists present ae to the elevation to be given, it having been discovered that the woodeu target demolished by the first, shot had been moored at 1,020 yards instead of 1,000, as had been origi nally intended. After some discussion, the gun was fired at 29= 10' elevatiop, the shell passing just over the top of the target a little to tho right of the central iine. The next two shots—live steel shells similar in all respects to No. 2—demon strated in a most surprising way the won derful accuracy of the gun in obeying tbe Brightest change in elevation. For shot No. 3 the piece was depressed to 2= 3', the shell passing through the exact center of the top of the target, and carrying away a piece of the wood framing of a semi circular shape. The fourth shot was fired at only 3 less elevation, and struck the target as near the center as possible, making daylight through it, and exploding at the very moment ot impact. A hole 2ft. by 20in. yawned in the 4*in. plate, level with and a few inches on the left of the bull a eye The teak backing was splintered into fragments from the size of the cccoanut to the merest fiber, and the 4 3, p.fttesacd onft ol the ribs were com pletely torn away like so much paper In front, below the hole, there lay a huge rnase of iron plate, weighing three or four hundred weight, and looking like a piece of crumpled b ack rag. The plate above the one which was pierced was started from its place and bulged outward, nearly the whole ot the Lolls hoiding it to the target being broken away. In tact, ail present allowed that sinoe ■he great, battle ol gun versns plate had began to be waged, there had never been such a complete triumph tor the former combatant, At first it had been intend ed to Iry the effects of the 600 pounder upon the Warrior target at 2,000 yards, bnt the first blow al 1,000 yards so disabled it as to render a new target necessary. On returning to the firiDg point the .300 jounder was next tried —lour shots being tired; bnt owipg to several causes only one of them took effect, striking the right top corner of the plate, and smashing but not penetrating it, owing to the target having seen slewed around to an angle of nearly 40 degrees with the line ot fire by the fourth shell from “Big Will.” This con cluded the firing for the day. Professor Samuel Chew, of the Mary land University, died at his residence In Baltimore on Friday last. hw residence, at Lloydtown. u w., Kev. Patrick EATTiOiir, aged 80 years. The remains are expected this day, due notice will be given for the funeral. If your Hair is taming Grey, If your Thin, If yoar Hair is beooming Harsh and Dry, Use the Rejuvenator, Tu'fk i8 u he “0* satisfactory HAIR REBTOR i vsi£ Ver fe rou *h t before the public. Price, One J* H r Btt, « b * SIMON JOHNSTON. dei2 Comer of Smithflold and Fourth sts. Q? IP YOU WISH A BEAUTIFUL aracle of STRAINED HONEY Yjra can procure it at Joseph Fleming’s Drag Store, Comer of tbe Diamond and Market at., a Prime articlo of 1 0I)A ASH and POTAfiH, that cannot t-e excell* ed in quality by any in the country. Pare lli ,|U b descriptions, for medioinal purposes -BRANDIES, WlflßS and UINe. A beautiful article of White Carbon Oil. a beautiful article of White Carbon Oil, A beautiful article of Whito Carbon Oil. Still selling at 50 cents per gallon Still selling at 50 cents per gallon Still selling at 50 oentt per gallon, At Joseph Fleming's Drug Store, Corner of the Diamond and Market street. tt£.9uperior Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, Patent Medjcines of all kinds, Bt the lowest prices, Bum ing braids. Camphcno, Turpentine, cto. de3l PURE ARTICLES Low Prices. PITTSBURGH DRUG HOUSE- TORRENCE & McGARR, APOTHKCABIKg Comer Fourth and Market tirtelt, PITTSBURGH. DRUGS'! DRUGS! DRUGS! MEDICINES ! MEDICINES 2 MEDICINES I MEDICINES 2 - CHEMICALS 2 CHEMICALS I CHEMICALS 2 CHEMICALL! DYES! DYES! DYES! PAINTS I PAINTS I PAINTS! PAINTS ! PAINTS ! PAINTS ! PAINTS! PAINTS! PAINTS I OILS! OILS! OILS'! SPICES I SPICES I SPICES! SPICES SPICES! SPICES I SPICES! SPICES SPUES I SPICES! SPICES! SPICEF Soda, Cream Tartar, Hng. Mustard, &o. French, English, and American Perfumery, and Toilot artiolea, Brushes, Trusses, Patent Medicines, and all Druggist articles, Strictly pure articles. Low prices. mB- Physicians Prescriptions accurately com pounded at all hours. - Pure Wines and Liqaorj for medicinal use only. ; juß.lyd of the Daily Post,— Dear Sir.—With ISSr your permission 1 wish to ssy to the read ers of your paper that I will “end, by return maii to all who wish it (free,) a Recoirt. with full di rections for making and using a simple Vegetable Ba m. that will effeoiually remove, is ton days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan. Freckies, and all Irnpur itea of the Skin, leaving tho 6ame soft, clear, 6mootk and beautiful. I will also mail froe t» those having Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a lull growth oi Luxuriant H*ir, Whiskers, or a Moustache, i: less than thirty days. All applications answered by return mail with out charge. Respectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, 831 Broadway, New York. J. M. COENVSLL de KERR CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS, SILVER & BRASS PLATERS, And manufacturers of Saddlery «£ Carriage Hardware, No. 7 St. Clair strcot, and Duquesne Way, (near the Bridgoj PITT3BURyB. rra»DE»TISTRT.-TtETH EX JNy traoted without pain by the use of l » Oudry s apparatus. J. F. HOFFMAN, DENTIST. All work warranted. 134 Smlthfield Street, PiTIbBURGH, MILLFOBSALE. subscriber offers for sate the AL LKGIiifNY CITY MILLS, situated in the'Fonrth Ward, Allephony ffity. This well known Mill has been rebuilt lately, and contains four ran of French Butts, with all the latest improved ma chinery for manufacturing tho best brands of Flour. Enjoys a good local as woll as foreign custom._ This is a rare ot ancc for h-lsince men. and invito ary who wish to engage In a profitabe business to call at tho MilL where terms will be made known. oc2l-3mdXw J. VOEQTLY. GREAT Improvement in Eye Sight THE BUSSIAS PEBBLE SPECTACLES 1)0 TOE WANT YOUR EYE NIGHT M-W improved? Try the Bnssian Pebble*. They aro warranted to STRENGTHEN and IM PROVE THE SlGHT—this fact has proved al ready to handr«dfl of people what was suffering from dofeodve sight. They are Imported direct from Russia, Which can be Been at my office with satisfaction Purchasers are entitled to be supplied in future if the first should faiL free of charge, with those which will always GIVE SATISFACTION- J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, L _ _ 39 Fifth street. Bank Block. -wPßew&re of imposters and counterfeiter?, oc9rd 0> is GO ■»—< Ph LO ID c 3 C/2 03 O rP ent for the Ilolidars i* certainly a FINE PICTURE ,Wiih a frame to suit ovory tap e. RELIGIOUS PICTURES, PIOIUKES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PKTI SiK FRAMKN, PHOTOOiIAI’U FHAMEB, FQUARE arid OVAL Ic great variety. Call and see the larges: Etocko PICTURES H. D. BRECHT A CO.’S. 12$ Smithfield stTee*. between Fifth an 1 Sixth. Wholesale and He tail DRY GOODS C LOAMS. J. W. Barker & Co., 59 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH Goods by the piece or paokage, or in length to suit, at Eastern JN A - J S' r I 35 g j -- ■s g • 03 § s ■'sg I > 3 >53 4 £3 £ s 1 a J K « s E .- 6§l ; a■ '%lfe 5 ? 55 g Jr 1 £ °ai s ° 5 bM © ~ Q 3 t, ’ila = 9 ® £ ! i 3 5 11111 l I 1 J ij'iccS « »«■*** <<<<« | 2 g ti s 6 „.• a •» 32 U BUTTER— 4 BBLh CHOICE BULL BUTTER—Jost received and Jar sale by FETJRK A ARMSTRONG, deal corner Market jh>4 First treats 4 PPLES—4OO BARRELS OF CHOICE *“• RUdBRTS—Jnst received and for sale by FKTZER & ARMSTRONG* dc-51 ooraer Market and First sts. BEAJTS-ao BARRELS of white BRANS—Joat received and lor sale bv J 0 , FEEfsR A ARMSTRONG, deal oorner'Market and First its. $1 OaSwill purchase a mjP iwo story brick dwelling boose r mground, on Elm sL Apply to r a CUmBRRT A SONS, , de? :j. 61 Markets!, I'd Wood st., Pittsburgh, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Id town, at FIITSBURGB. prices, New Advertisements. ■SHOA mb a votumiß.- Three hundred dollars, Gaiiftl tion to Government Bounty of the tameatedun t) —1“ pa hi to a volunteer front tile FhfstWard. Allegheny, to go in the °° A. Apply to JAMES 0. SPROUlTlLtLße oniitmg Agent, opposite Provost MarttlFSOSci, Fourth street, between 13 asdl to>day. SfAt 8 thie evonlDg. He is wanted Us a ■oWtffnWtfov an exempt”from the same ward, whobSiirv ed in the Company. do3l-lt asswcia , Sedmuni* kihke, A nthOT of “ Among the Pines,” -My Southern Friends.” An, win deliver the Fifth Lecture of ]he Comae under the auspices of the Mercantile Library Association, at LAFAIETTB HALL, ' ON SATURDAY EVENING. JAN. 3d. Sobjuct—"THE SOUTHERNS?HITESt theli characteristic*. and their relations to the future Union.” •Doors open at 7; Leo tore to commence at 794. Admission to all parts of Use Ball 25 cents. Seats not reserve!. Tickets to be had at Kelly’s and Schwarti’i Drug Stores, and at Coohrane's, Allegheny; and at the Mnslc. Book and Drug blores, generally, in the city, and at the Library Room. W. H. KiKCAID,’ GkoBOE W. W*YMAJt, Samuil A. Lose, Thob. Bakkwkll, Jr., Willlam W. Wabd, Henhy M. Atwood. de3l-td Lecture Committee. fIIHER£ WELL BE AH EXHIBITION M. and CuNCKRT by the young folks of the Hobs street M. E. Church, in their Church, on the sth, 6th, 7th and Bth of January, 1884, to replen ish their Library. The entire pyooeeds or one night to be given to the Sanitary Commission for the benefit of the Soldiers, Doors open at 7 o dock ;to oommenoe at 7)4 p. m. Admission 10 oeata. deBl-2t NO. 11 BEED STREET FOR SALE - Two lots of ground, eaoh 20 feet front on lieed street, at the corner of Crawford street, a neat well built two story brlok dwelling house, of hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, three cham bers, poroh. etc. out oven, grape vines and shade trees. Price, $2 000. Apply to a S. CUTHBEET k SONS. de3l 61 Markefrat J. T. WAMBLDTK CBAB. B. BABB Wamelink & Barr, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PIANOS, HARMONIUMS MELODEONS AND MUSICAL GOODS GENERALLY. NO. 2 ST. CLAIR STREET, Near Suspension Bridge, A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK of PLANOS lust received from the cele brate! manufactories .of W« B, Bradbury New York., Sehomacker A Co., Philadelphia, Boar dm an A Gray, and Geo. Steek, New York, and others We are also agents for S. I>. A H. W. SKITH’S CKLSBKATBD Harmoniums & Melodeons. A complete assortment of Sheet Basic ah ways on band, Tuning and repairing of Pianos, Melodeons and Musical Instruments done at abort notice. deBo-tf CHBISTMAS PIANOS. An entire new stuck of the DK RIVALED KNABK PIANOS, Comprising 6)4. 69£ and 7 ootave Piano Fortes, with plain and elaborately carved oases; also. Haines Bros., N. Y. Pianos, Which hare been used in this city of fifteen years, and ar* acknowledged to be the best in the coun try at the price; also the GroTesteen Bosewood 7 octave Piano Forte, Warranted for fivo yaars—cheapest Piano made, PRINCE’S MELODEONS. The best in the world. An entire new stock of all the different styles jast received. Also Melodeons of other makers, CHARLOTTE BUUME. dd3o-tjl 43 Fifth street. CHRISTMAS PREsm.-A M&.Gh nificeat Rosewood 7 octavo CONCERT GRAND PIANO, Richly carved, mad « by K N A B E A CO., Just received. , „ CHARLOTTE BLtJME, deiO 48 Fifth street L. HIKSHFELD, No. 88 WOOD STREET, CONTINUES TO SELL Hl(i ENTIRE STOCK AT COST FOR ONE WEEK LONGER As we a7O determined to close oat by the FIRST OF JANUARY, 1884. MENS’FURNISHING GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, AND VESTINGS, By the yard, in large variety. de2S Notice to Coal Men. rTHIRE WIIX BE HELD JA.VWBI * f. 1861, at the BdARD OF TBADK BOOMS. an aojourned meeting of the Goal men. Adi in terested in the Coal Trade are earnestly urged to attend, as basine'B of vital important# will be brought before the meet’ng. defc-lwd A. P. BcGRBW, Seo’y. Happy hew yeab.-the best selection of Fancy Goods AToys For NEW YEARS" GIFTS, can be found at FOEBSTEB a SCHWARZ’S, de2y 164 Smithfield street. pBIVATE ” X>xr, De Hannlo, Formerly First Assistant Surgeon of the Charity Hospitals. New Orleans, has opened an office at No. 61 HIAMONO STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Postoffice box 1399. de2P-lw JJOUBE FOB SALE.— No. 114 Elm St., 6th Ward. deSfh?I o|>tl 3y u oneofthßmort^twmlsntsod ir.miimSr enc “ in Ul ® “ity Th. lot extends BtoS brick e0„,5“ ! * Etr ? et - 110 hon » »• ktwo room, nib S 1 roomB - besides bath yard. and a brick .table frontimi nn I ri T * d “ rße the house supplied with gas h°t aud^of^ 48 “• hall painted and grained: pa?lo r „iETv lri a i er J with uarble mantles; property all dition. Price. $4.00(1. ft o *,.'™- and the balanoe in two years, for further nee! Ueoiars inquire at the premises. dels dtf IIOTICE —1© THE SIOCKHOLD. J* BBS OF THE PHTBBBBGH. PORT WAYHB A CHICAGO EAILROAIi S PAHY/-A meeting of the Stockholder* o?th« S- F- Company, will bfiSwJ Ho. ffi Fifth street, Pittsburgh, at 11 a. m, of the 81st of Deeember, proximo. Forth* purpose of considering yi aeresiiuntfir The Bale of tine He, To be » corporation of thais;: Httsbttrgh,; ( H? Ap . OOSB-td I SfiEfUfcort i s e m e n ts S^SBSbNEBm witi ieglnoiug on th a f® togton etreet at the thence along Washington ft, thence to alln.naroUai alley 73 ft. 6 I£s* to * along saidalleyeaitwarfiy73ftT«|bV£Lt,??v£ eleoe of rM ot « w “ eehvayel tOjHemy BrookuuS». U Ev mw T lown ¥ Hi 1 w ' fe ' deed S&LOot ayf 1853. Terms of aale-OMh. w - ajL , WM.HAGHMANH. deai-ud^w^^m,^^ Offici Hodsi Rxjtjo, WigTlxs Pehn'a.) 6f Fourth Areaf, }• T®S annual Wra h| sjsaß wsassfisrS doSl3t JQS.*K fItKPATBIOK. Sec’y. 200 PIECES PRINTS, PBINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, PBINTB, PBINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, PBINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, PBINTS, PBINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, . PBINTS, NEW STYLE, OPENED THIS DAT AT HUGHS & HAdLK’S, de3o ornero * cn d Market streets. A HAPPY NEW YEAH. jyeciprocaie those who re at 78 Market street, Where they will find a suitable ariioie for a handsonfe Nfew Y ears 9 Present Wo ounmerate only a few artioles, vie Ladies’ and Gents’ Dressing Cases, Fancy Jewelry Cases, Rosewood Work Boxes, set with Shells, Jet and Steel Breastpins and Ear rings, Splendid Photograph Albums, Ladies’ Traveling Satchels, Pearl Portemonnaies, Parses, Lace and Embroidered Collars and Sleeves, dead -Dresses, Skating Caps, ■Wholesale and Retail, 9EACBUM A GLIDE’S, 78 MARKET STREET, - BetweenJFourth andLiamoL i For 1/adies’. . j For For Children, For Everybody Chrisftnas & New Tears’ PKESENT8 TV® HOLIOaTS ABE FAST A* a ,?, d «Torybody will be on t loOibut for somethina good and serviceable 1 a ° n THOTOGEAPH ALBUM? We have oyer 3CO different stales atprioea,' da£raU. We .hare the great Philadelphia J bum with guards, which is considered the B& ALBUM M AI)K, Holding 6 Cards to_3oo. „ Wo have also a luge variety of Pbrtemonna' Pocket Boofca. Wallets, Pocket Knives, Lldi Puwea, Toy Socks, Uud Photographs, Pm Bibles for Centre Tables, Portfolios, Oheo Bouds, Chsokers, ChesTblaries. Bmm! t KUOS, Holiday Books Of aU Ladies’ Work Cases. Cases, 60 different hinds of Games, and ot&er a tides too numerous to mention. What la Nicer few’s Subscription to a Hi W a furnish them at Publish JOUST W. PIXTv album depot. deli) KfUl 6tr ** t ' oPPo3ite ( he Portoffia*. WTUtS HID SEW YF PREttENK Albums Holding SO Pie $2 90. Albums Holding 40]^! #2 25. Albums .Holding 24 ' ! $1 25. Albums Holding 12 50 Cent' „ Call »nd examine the CHJ STOCK oi ALBUMS In the TWO CI r Photograph Car Books, Bmmub none. , -3" P6rfnmery Cases, Nabias, Hoods, etc., etc.,